Nederlandse i i.:. .::::. ..: ::::i:: : ::.. ,..i;.;:i ..: ..:;. ,: :.::j. ., : ::: :.’ ..>...i , ..::.::, j::,:j.: : :,. :..::: ::. : ” ,...... . . .. .::::.. ::. i ij >.: : : ::‘:’ j::,. :: , :-. :. :i::.:. :::::., .:.::: ,,,, ::, : ,:::::: :.:;z: ,,,:: C,’ :;:, i.;; . . . . . . . . . . . : :; ..::“:: ~::::. i: .: <: ..: .::j Xx;;:,:” ,,,,, Ontwerp NEN-EN 806-2 prEN 806-2 Eisen voor drinkwaterinstallaties in gebouwen. Deel 2: Ontwerp Publicatie uitsluitend voor commentaar Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption. Part 2: Design maart 1996 ICS 13.060.10; 13.060.20;91.140.60 Commentaar voor 1 augustus 1996 Zal NEN 1006:1981 en NEN 3048:1967 gedeeltelijk vervangen De European Committee for Standardization (CEN), waarin de nationale normalisatie-instituten van 18 Europese landen samenwerken, heeft gepubliceerd het Europese normontwerp: prEN 806-2 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption. Part 2: Design Definitief vastgestelde Europese normen zullen als Nederlandse norm gelden. Daarom wordt dit normontwerp in Nederland voor commentaar gepubliceerd, Op het ontwerp ingebracht commentaar zal aan de bevoegde normcom- missie worden voorgelegd die hiermee rekening zal houden bij de bepaling van de Nederlandse stem. Indien er geen bezwaar bij het NNI wordt ingebracht, kan dat leiden tot ongewijzigd definitieve vaststelling van het ontwerp als norm. Van Europese normen bestaan drie officiële versies: Engels, Frans, Duits. Voor Nederland zal de Engelse versie gelden, tenzij voor een geautoriseerde versie in het Nederlands wordt gekozen. Normcommissie 349 099 “Drinkwatervoorziening” Behoudens uitzondering door de wet gesteld mag zonder schriftelijke toestemming van het Neder- lands Normalisatie-instituut niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van fotokopie, microfilm, opslag in computer- bestanden of anderszins, hetgeen ook van toepassing is op gehele of gedeeltelijke bewerking. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut is met uitsluiting van ieder ander gerechtigd de door derden verschuldig- de vergoedingen voor verveelvoudiging te innen en/of daartoe in en buiten rechte op te treden, voor zover deze bevoegdheid niet is overgedragen c.q. rechtens toekomt aan de Stichting Reprorecht. Hoewel bij deze uitgave de uiterste zorg is nagestreefd, kunnen fouten en onvolledigheden niet geheel worden uitgesloten. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut en/of de leden van de commissies aanvaarden derhalve geen enkele aansprakelijkheid, ook niet voor directe of indi- recte schade, ontstaan door of verband houdende met toepassing van door het Nederlands Normalisatie-insti- tuut gepubliceerde uitgaven. Prijsklasse 48 :, :.,j .: Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut 0 1996 Nederlands Kalfjeslaan 2, Postbus Normalisatie-instituut 5059,X00 GB Delft, Takfoon (015) 2 690 390, Fax (015) 2 690 190 Voorbeeld Preview Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN Dit document mag slechts op een stand-alone PC worden geinstalleerd. Gebruik op een netwerk is alleen. toestaan als een aanvullende licentieovereenkomst voor netwerkgebruik met NEN is afgesloten. This document may only be used on a stand-alone PC. Use in a network is only permitted when a supplementary license agreement for us in a network with NEN has been concluded.

Voorbeeld - nen.nl · Zal NEN 1006:1981 en 3048:1967 gedeeltelijk vervangen De European Committee for Standardization (CEN), waarin de nationale normalisatie-instituten van 18 Europese

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Nederlandse i i.:. .::::. ..: ::::i:: : ::.. ,..i;.;:i ..: ..:;. ,: :.::j. ., : ::: :.’ ..>...i , ..::.::, j::,:j.: : : ,. :..::: ::. : ” ,...... . . . . .::::.. ::. ” i ij >.: : : ::‘:’ j ::,. :: , :-. :. :i::.:. :::::., .:.::: ,,,, ::, : ,:::::: :.:;z: ,,,:: C,’ :;:, i. ;; . . . . . . . . . . . : :; ..::“:: ~::::. i: .: <: ..: .::j Xx;;:,:” ,,,,,


NEN-EN 806-2 prEN 806-2

Eisen voor drinkwaterinstallaties in gebouwen. Deel 2: Ontwerp

Publicatie uitsluitend voor commentaar

Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption. Part 2: Design

maart 1996 ICS 13.060.10; 13.060.20;91.140.60

Commentaar voor 1 augustus 1996 Zal NEN 1006:1981 en NEN 3048:1967 gedeeltelijk vervangen

De European Committee for Standardization (CEN), waarin de nationale normalisatie-instituten van 18 Europese landen

samenwerken, heeft gepubliceerd het Europese normontwerp:

prEN 806-2 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption. Part 2: Design

Definitief vastgestelde Europese normen zullen als Nederlandse norm gelden. Daarom wordt dit normontwerp in

Nederland voor commentaar gepubliceerd, Op het ontwerp ingebracht commentaar zal aan de bevoegde normcom-

missie worden voorgelegd die hiermee rekening zal houden bij de bepaling van de Nederlandse stem. Indien er geen bezwaar bij het NNI wordt ingebracht, kan dat leiden tot ongewijzigd definitieve vaststelling van het ontwerp als norm.

Van Europese normen bestaan drie officiële versies: Engels, Frans, Duits. Voor Nederland zal de Engelse versie gelden, tenzij voor een geautoriseerde versie in het Nederlands wordt gekozen.

Normcommissie 349 099 “Drinkwatervoorziening”

Behoudens uitzondering door de wet gesteld mag zonder schriftelijke toestemming van het Neder- lands Normalisatie-instituut niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van fotokopie, microfilm, opslag in computer- bestanden of anderszins, hetgeen ook van toepassing is op gehele of gedeeltelijke bewerking.

Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut is met uitsluiting van ieder ander gerechtigd de door derden verschuldig- de vergoedingen voor verveelvoudiging te innen en/of daartoe in en buiten rechte op te treden, voor zover deze bevoegdheid niet is overgedragen c.q. rechtens toekomt aan de Stichting Reprorecht.

Hoewel bij deze uitgave de uiterste zorg is nagestreefd, kunnen fouten en onvolledigheden niet geheel worden uitgesloten. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut en/of de leden van de commissies aanvaarden derhalve geen enkele aansprakelijkheid, ook niet voor directe of indi- recte schade, ontstaan door of verband houdende met toepassing van door het Nederlands Normalisatie-insti- tuut gepubliceerde uitgaven.

Prijsklasse 48

:, :., j .: Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut

0 1996 Nederlands Kalfjeslaan 2, Postbus Normalisatie-instituut 5059,X00 GB Delft, Takfoon (015) 2 690 390, Fax (015) 2 690 190



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Descriptors :

English version

Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 2: Design

Spécifications techniques relatives aux Technische Regeln für Installationen installations de distributions d'eaux innerhalb von Gebäuden für destinées à la consommation humaine à Trinkwasser für den menschlichen l'intérieur des immeubles - Partie 2: Gebrauch - Teil 2: Planung Conception

This draft European Standard is submitted to the CEN members for CEN enquiry. It has been drawn up by Technical Committee CEN/TC 164 .

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German) . A version in any other language made by translation

under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Centra1 Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxetnbourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.


European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Centra1 Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

c CEN 1996 Copyright reserved to al1 CEN members

Ref. No. prEN 806-2:1996 E



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Page 2 prEN 806-2:1996


Foreword * . l . l , . . , l l . . . l . . . l I l l . , . .




3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9 5.10

6 6.1 6.2


8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4

Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Normative raferences ............ 3

General reqyirements ............ 6 Water supplies ................. 6 Basic concepts ................ Underground pipework ...........


External Pipework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Liaison and consultation .......... 7 Requir ements f of matefiats, components and appliancss ................. 7 Water ffow ratee ............... 8 Hot water supply systems ........ D8posits .....................


Conservation of water and enery .... 9 Avoidanca of contamination ....... 9 Temperature influences .......... 9 Pressum ..................... 9 Temperature , .................. 9 Water sampling ................ 10

Initiaîprocedure8 ............... 10 Preliminaty investigations ......... 10 Extensions ................... 10 Waterrnains .................. 10 Private water supplies ........... 10 Contamination of ths git8 ......... 10

AcCeptti materi~r ............ 1 f Choiceofmatefial .............. 11 copper ...................... 12 Copper alloys ................. 12 Ferrous materials ............... 12 Ductilecastiron ............... 13 Plastics ...................... 13 Non metallic components for retfurbish- mentofsystems ............... 14 Pipsjoints .................... 15 Materials used in pips joint assernblies 16 Durability of components ......... 16

Compomnts .................. 16 Storage cisterns ................ 16 Fittings ...................... 20

Underground piping ............. 21.

Fipework inside buildingr ......... 21 Isolation ..................... 21 Positioning ................... 21 Resttictions of us8 .............. 21 Chasing ..................... 21 Surface mounting .............. 21 Prefabricated unitro .............. 21

Cold drinking water service.8 ....... 22 General ...................... 22 Supply system ................. 22 Pipework ..................... 22 Flooding ..................... 23


10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12

10.13 10.14


11.1 11.2 11.3

12 12.1


Efectrical isolators . . . . . . . . a , , ,

Hot water l uviu8 . . . . . a , . , , , l

Hot water systems . . . . . . . = , . . , USar rsquirt3rWMs . . . . . . . . . , . , Haater flow ratst . . . . . . . . , , . . , W8tSr heaters * . . 1 , . , , . , , , , . , Methods of heat SOUfC8 . , , . . , , . Storagstyps hot wat- systems , . Unvemd stofag8 systms (class Al Vented storag8 syste4ns ktass 8) . Components . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Taps and mixing vahs . . . . . . . , Surfacs t8mperature . . . . . . . . . . . Conn8ctions batw8en cold and hot pipeS . . . . . + . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , Water saving . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . Safety and functional control d8vices

Guidelha8 for water matw instaNa drinkhg water cmnect/Bns to th8 USI General ,................... Spscification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional requirements for instalIa* water meter assamblias . . . . . . . .

tnstallation of water Morage . . . . . Installation of prsssurized watar StOfi

(installation class A) . . . . . . . . . . . Installetion of unpressurized water : [installation ctass 8) . 0 . , . . . . . . l

13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7

13.8 13.9 13.10

~8vmtion of bu&ng . . . . . . . . . Genera1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenanca of water leve1 . . . . . . Unvented hot water systems . . . . Ensrgy conttol - unv8nted systems Pressure control - unvented systems Expansion water - unvented systems Vented hot water systems (for inst class B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ensrgy control - vented systems . . Pressure control - vented systems . Expansion water - ventsd systems .

14 Wete conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . I 14.1 SCop8 , . , . . , . . . . . . . . 4 l l l . . .

14.2 Aspmm for water conditioning . . . 14.3 General requiremants . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 Water conditioning processes . . . I

15 15.1 15.2 15.3


16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4

Acoustics . , . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . c

Genera1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l

Components . . . . . . . . . g l . . . l

Frotection of symams atminst tefw extemd to pipee, fittlngr and applial Generat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lce formation in pipework and fitting Heating of cold drinking water pipes COnd8nsNiOn + . . . . . l . l . . . . .



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17 17:i 17.2 17.3

:.i , .

\ c

Water and energy conservation , . . . . 54 Genera1 . . . . . l . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Water economv . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 55 Energy conservation . . . . . . . . . w . . . 55

18 Boosting . . . . . . . . . . . 0 , . . . . . . . . 55 18.1 Genera1 l . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . 55 18.2 Terms, abbreviations, units and

18.3 18.4

dsfinitions . l . . , , , , . . , . . . . . . . . . 56 Design principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Pf8SSW8 boosters . . . , , . . , , , . . . . 58

19 19.1 19.2 19.3 20

21 21.1 21.2 21*3 21.4


Page 3 4 prEN 806-23996

Pressure reducing valvea . l . . . . + 0 , 69 Field of application I . . . . . . . . . . . , . 69 Determination of th8 nomina] sir8 . . . 70 Installation , . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . 70

Safeguarding against electric shock . l 71

Firefighting . ..m......m.......~ 71 Genera1 . . . . . . l . . . . . . . .,..I..I 71 Terms . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . l . . . . . 71 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 79

A(normative1 .*.... . . . . . . . . ...* 81


This European Standard has been preparad under the direction of CENRC 164 and is intsnded for th8 us8 of 8ngin88rs, architects, sun/8yofs, contractors, installars, consumersand inspection authotiti8s (e.g. water works) and should also be of general interest.

NOTE: This standard has been written in the form of a practice specification. It is the second part of an European Standatd consisting of five parts as fellows:

Part 1: General Part 2: Design Part 3: Pipa sizing Part 4: Installation

’ Part 5: Oparation and maintenance

1 scope

This European Standard specifies requirements for and gives recommandations on the design, installation, alteration, testing, maintenance and operation of drinking water installations within buildings and for certain purposes pipework outside buildings but within the prerrMses (SW EN 806-1).

!t covers the system of pipes, fittings and connected appliances installed for supplying drinking water.

2 Normative references

This Eutopean Standard incorporates by dated or undated tefsrence provisions form ether publications. These norrmative references are cited at tha appropriate places in the text and th8 publications ar8 listed hereafteL For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of th8 publication referred to applies,

prEN 805 Water supply - Requirements for external systems and components

prEN 806-1 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 1: Genera!

prEN 806-3 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Paft 3: Pip8 sizing

prEN 806-4 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 4: lnstallation

pr EN 1452- 1 Plastics piping systems for water supply - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: General

prEN 1452-2 Plastics piping systems for water supply - Unplasticired poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Pipes

prEN 1452-3 Plastics piping systems for water supply - Unplasticited poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 3: Fittings

prEN 1452-4 Plastics piping systems for water supply - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 4: Valves and ancil tary equipment



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Page 4 prEN 806-23996

prEN 1623 . Specification for copper hot water storage combination units for domestic purposes

prEN 1675 Spscification for coid water storage cisterns open to atmosphere for use within dwellings

EN 26 Gas burning appliances for instantaneous production of hot water for domestic use

EN 671-2 Fixed firefighting systems - Hos8 SySt8mS - Part 2: Hos43 systems with lay-flat hose

EN 896 Sodium hydroxide used for water intended fut human consumption

EN 897 Sodium carbonate used for water intended for human consumption

EN 898 Sodium hydrogen carbonata used for water intended for human consumption

EN 899 Suifuric acid used for water intended for human COnsumptiOn

EN 900 Calcium hypochlorite used for water intended for human consumption

EN 901 Sodium hypochlorite used for water intended for human consumption

EN 902 Hydrogen peroxide used for water intended for human consumption

EN 936 Carbon dioxide used for water intended for human consumption

EN 938 Sodium chlorita used for water intended for hurnan consumption

EN 939 Hydrochloric acid used for water treatment intsnded for human consumption

EN 974 Phosphoric acid used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1017 Half-burnt dolomits usad for tr8atment of water intendsd for human consumption

EN 1018 Calcium carbonate us8d for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1197 Monorinc phOSphat8 solution used for treatmant of water intended for human consumption

EN 1198 Monosodium orthophosphate used for treatment of wat8r intended for human consumption

EN 1199 Disodium orthophosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1200 Trisodium orthophosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1201 Monopotassium orthophosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1202 Dipotassium orthophosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1203 Tripotassium orthophosphate used for tretatment of w8t8r intended far human consumption

EN 1204 Monocalcium phosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption



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Page 5 pxEN 806-2:1996 1

Sodium acid pyrophosphate usad for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1206 Tetrasodiurtl pyrophosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1207 Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate used for tteatment of water intended fot human consumption

EN 1208 Sodium calcium polyphosphate used for treatment of water intanded for human consumption

EN 1209 Sodium silicate used fot treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1210 Sodium tripolyphosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1211 Potassium tripolyphosphata used fot tteatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1212 Sodium polyphosphate used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

EN 1717 Protection against pollution of potable water in drinking water installations and general requitements of devices to ptevant pollution by backflow

EN 60335-2-21 Safety of household and similar electtical appliances - Paft 2: Particular requifements for stofage water heaters

EN 60335-2-35 Safety of housahold and similar electtical appliances - Paft 2: Particutar fequirements fof instantaneous water heaters

EN ô0534-8-4 Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considarations - Section 4: Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow

EN 60730- 1 Automatie electrical controls for household and simaar use - Part 1: Genetal requirements

EN 60730-2-8 Automatie electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Pafticular requirements for electrically opefated water valves, including mechanica1 requirements

HD 282 Sl Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Instantaneous water heatets

IEC 61 (Sec)694 Safety of household and similat electtical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations

IEC 64bcI633 Erection of power installations with nomina1 voltages up to 1ooOV - selection and erection of equipment - earthing arrangements, protective conductors, equipotential bonding conductors

ISO 7-1 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads - Part 1: Designation, dimensions and tolerances

ISO 7-2 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the thteads - Part 2: Verification by means of limit gauges

ISO 228-1 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the thteads - Part 1: Designation, dimensions and tolerances



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Page 6 prEN 806-2:1996

ISq 228-2 Pipa threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads - Part 2: Verification by means of limi; gauges

ISO 6509 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of dezincification resistance of brass

75/33/EEC Council Directive of 17 December 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cold-water meters

76/767/EEC Council Directive of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to common provisions for pressura vessels and methods for inspecting thsm

80/778/EEC Council Directive of 15 July 1980 relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption

89/336/EEC Council Directive of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of ths laws of the Member States relating to the electra-magnetic compatibility [EMCD)

3 General requirements 3.1 Water supplies

3.2 Basic concept3 For design and construction of a drinking water installation thera are two possibilities according to the national or local regulations:

- installation class A: The pressurixed drinking water installations, sec EN 8064, figure 2.

- installation class B: The vented drinking water instaliation, sec EN 8064, figure 3,

Combinations of the installation classes A and 8 are possible.

The drinking water installation shall ba dasigned to avoid waste, undus consumption, miswss and contamination and to ensure its safe and useful life with minimum rnaintenance costs. The drinking water installation shall be sired for its intended purpose to avoid iow flow rates and stagnant conditions.

The drinking water installation shall ba sized and installed in such a way that a satisfactory water supply is ensured at the individual water outlets, with due recognition of the conditions of mains supply e.g. pressure, flow rate, temperature and the use of tha building and the supply installations.

The drinking water installation shall be designed to avoid the trapping of air during filling and the formation of air locks during operation.

Water suppiy systems shaH be designed to ensure that they cannot cause danger or inconvenience to persons and domestic animals nor endanger buildings or their contents. Systems shall be designed to avoid their being darnaged and to prevent the water quaiity being affected by the local environment.

The design of the system may incfude provision where reasonable, practicable and economie to do so, for additionat appliances that are likely to be installed in the future but care should be exercised to maintain compliance with the specifiied design requirements.

Whenever extensions are made to existing systems care should be exercised to avoid stagnation conditions in the new and previously existing system.

To facilitate repair and maintanance as much of the system as possible should be accessible. A system may be constructed of a variety of materials and consideration of their interaction should be made.

3.3 Underground pipework

Requirements for underground pipework below and within the envelop0 of the building shall be in accordance with those taid down in EN 805.



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5 5 I

Page 7 i . prEN 806-2:1996 1 .

3.1) Extemal pipework

Buried extern& pipework shalt be installed accarding to EN 805 such that it is unlikely to be damaged by freezing conditions oi traffic loads and vibration and adequately protected against heat gain. Pipework shall be Iocated above ground only in exceptional circumstances and be adequately protected from freezing conditions, heat gain and accidental damage.

The following recommendations should be carried out where practicable:

a) NO pipework should be inaccessibie under surfaced footpath or drives.

b) The underground service pipe should ba laid at right angles to the main.

c) Th8 underground service pips should bs laid in approximately straight lines to facilitate location for repairs but with slight deviations to aliow for minor ground movements.

d) Where access for repair or replacement may be difficult, consideration should be given to the provision of som8 farm Of duet or Sh8V8.

3.5 liaison and consultation

From an early stag8 in the design procass of the drinking water installation, the necessary liaisons and consulta- tions shall take place with all parties concerned e.g. th8 designer of the building, the building owner or his agent, the water supplier and all othars involved.

Proper completion and timely submission of notices and appkations shall be made to avoid delays.

The following documentation shall b8 provided to the installer and owner or agent:

a) a final and binding plan fat the property;

b) plans for the cellar and each floor showing pipework and sectional drawings;

c) a determination of the pipe diameter in accordance with EN 806-3;

d) A diagrammatic representation of th8 pipework showing for example system control and safety devices, lengths of runs, location of isolating valves, nomina1 pip8 sizes, internal diameters, respectively outside diameters and wall-thicknesses or pip8 sizes, material types, the draw-off points by type, number and use and the minimum flow pressure required and whers necessary the fittings group in accordahce with the relevant European Standard.

Th8 graphicai symbols Specifi8d in EN 806-1 shall be used in the diagrammatic representation.

The instalIer should be provided with werking drawings of ths water services showing clearly the precise location of all pipe runs, indicating the method of ducting to be employed where appropriate, the location and full description of all appliances, valves and all othar fittings, methods of fixing, protection and all other information which may bs required to enable him to construct the work satisfactorily.

The drawings or accompanying specification should set out clearly any precautions to be taken against freezing conditions, heat gain, cocrosion, bursting, expansion and contraction, contamination, noise, damage due to earth movement or any ather darMge, any consultation required with ether public utilities or subcontractors and any notice to be served befOr8 or during the execution of th8 werk,

The routeing and laying of all services should be co-ordinated to ensure that they are laid in an orderly sequence, to the required line and leve1 and at the appropriata tima. A programme should be agreed that takes into consideration th8 method of construction to be employed, the sequence of hand-over of the buildings, th8 water supplier’s method of working, the si28 of the services and th8 position of th8 incoming services to the site relative to th8 area to be developed.

3,6 Requirements for materials, components and appliances

Alt materials, components and appliances used in the construction of drinking water systems shall comply with appropriate CEN product standards or European Technical Approval guidelines if applicabte. Special regard shall be paid to teaching of substances and bacterial properties of all materials,

Only materials, components and appliances marked in accordance witti the relevant product standards or European Tecnnical Approval guideiines, if appkable, shall be used. A certification mark granted by a recogni- sed certification authority (notified body) shall be taken as proof that the conditions of th8 relevant product standard ar8 satisf ied.

Wh8n designing and selecting materials for the drinking watsr installation due considefation shail be taken of the required service conditions and water composition.



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Page 8 prEN 806-2:1996

3.6.. 1 Marking

Components and appliances shall be permanently and legibly marked by the manufacturer’s name or trademark so as to ensure identification of the product, Where CEN or national standards exist, the marking shall comply with these specifications.

3.6.2 Pressure and temperature

To ensure adequate sttength, all components of the system shall be designed to meet the test pressure requirements of the local and national laws and regulations. The test pressure shall be at least 1.5 times tha maximum design pressure. For surgs pressure sec 3.63.

Materials, components and appiiancss for hot water systems shall be capable of withstanding water temperatu- res up to 95 l C (for IOOh) for fault conditions.

All pipework and pipe fittings of a domestic water system shall be designed for 8 service lifa of 50 years taking into account appropriate maintenance and specific operating conditions.

The minimum operating conditions for calculation purposes for pipes and pipe fittings shali be as given in table 1 and 2.

Table 1: Maximum design pressure classes

Maximum design pressure class Pressure MPa

A 1

0 OS

C 0,25 4

Table 2: Tempetature operating condhions

I Cold drinking water 1 Heated drinking water l

Temperature T for 50 Temperatur T for 49 years years

Temperature T,,, accu- Temperature ior fault mulated for 1 year condition accumulated

for 100 hours

OC OC “C 1 OC I up to 25 * I 70 I 80 I 95 I

3.6.3 Surge pWSSlJr8

In order to prevent darnaga to the installation and tha creation of axcessiva noisa duo to pressure surges (water hammer) ths following must be observad.

Surge pressures in installations, occur instantaneously. For this reason the sum of the surge pressure and operation pressufe must not exceed tha test prassure applied to the instatlation.

Surge prassures resulting from the operation of valves in fire extinguishing and fira protection systems which are operated no more than once a month tor test purposes and otherwise only in the event of a fire are excluded from this requirement.

3.7 Water flow rates

The installation shall be dimensioned for the lowest normal operating pressure in the supply piping and dssigned in such % way that it is reasonably certain that from an individual outlet or appliance a water flow wil1 be obtained equal to the design requirement for that outlet or appliance.

Design flow rates from outlets shail comply with EN 806-3.

If the lowest available operating pressure is insufficient to ensure a suitable water flow, then pressure boosting shall be considered. See clause 8 Boosting.

The installation should be dimensioned in such a way that simultaneous draw-off from more than one outlet when a reasonable number of outlets are in use does not result in an unacceptable reduction in the water flow of other outlets, in accordance with EN 806-3.



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i prEN 806-2:1996

3.8 liet water supply systems

Domestic hot water supply systems shall be designed and instalIed in such a way that hot water may be drawn at the specified flow ‘rate and temperature.

The specified water temperature shall be achieved without undue delay after opening the outlet. See clause 3. f 4 Temperature.

Water heaters shall have an output suitable for meeting the anticipated damand. Th8 installation designer must consider the likely changes in supply water temperature and shall mak8 provision to ensuce that the performan- ce specification is achievable under all normal conditions.

Th8 output of a water aw storags capacity.

heating system will depend not only on enww input but also on system efficiency and

3.9 Deposits

When designing and pip8 siting a water supply system ths possibility of deposits forming in the system shatl be taken into account and minimired.

3.10 Conservation of water and energy

Domestic water supply systems shall be designed and installed with due consideration to the conservation of water, materials and energy.

There may be cases where there is conflict betwwn conssn!ation of energy and provision of the expected water service. In such circumstances, system design and choics of components shall always provide for optimum operating efficiency.

3.11 Avoidance of contamination

Care must be taken to avoid any contamination of the water.

3.12 Temperature influences

Th8 system shall b8 so constructed to minimise the possibility of the wat8r freazing of gaining heat un- intentionally. Se8 claus8 3.14 Temperature.

3.13 Pressure

The designer shall take account of available pressures,

The static pressure available for th8 system from the water supplier will normally bs betwe8n 0,l MPa and l,O MPa. Th8 designer must ensure that the system wil1 bs capable of giving the specified flow requirements at outlets and appliances.

The flow pressure within th8 system is expected to be between O,2 MPa and 0,5 MPa with no less than 0,05 MPa at th8 outlet furthest from th8 system inlet at periods of peak darnand and at tha normai lowest supply pressure.

If a system is cistern fed, th8 design shall take account of the pressure availabte to provide the specified flow rates.

3.14 Temperatufe

The cold water temperature at the draw-off points shall not exce8d 25 ‘C aftar tha water which has been static haS been drawn off.

Th8 hot water tsmperature in the pipework shall not drop below 50 'C. National and local laws and regulations may require higher minimum temperatures.

The required temperatures for hot and cold water should be achieved when the static water in the pipes has been run off and this should be within 30 Seconds of opening the terminal fitting to its maximum position.

Temperatures specified above 50 r C are aimed at minimizing microbial growth (e.g. 1egioneIla pneumophila) within the water system. In order to prevent scalding, consarva energy, pravant corrosion and excess scale formation, it is recommended that hot water should not permanently exceed 60 ‘C.



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Page 10 prEN 806-2:1996

3. t 5 Water sempling

A draw-off point shall-be provided upstream of any water treatment faciiity to enable water samples to be taken.

4 Initial ptocedures

4.1 Preliminary invwtigations

The following factors shall bs talcen into consideration:

al The water supplier’s nationat or local requirements

b) the estimated daily water consumption and ths maximum and average flows required, together with ths estimated time of peak flow,

cJ the location of the available water supply,

d) the quality, type, quantity and pressura of water and the available pressures at various times during ar typical day,

e) the cold water storage capacity if required,

f) the likelihood of ground subsidence due to minini activities or any other reason,

g) the likelihood of contamination of the site,

h) the type of fire fighting service required.

4.2 Extensions

Where a water system is to b8 extended, it shall be ascertained whethef the existing service pipe is adequate for the extensîon and whether any changes in regulatîons and othsr legal requiremants have been mad8 since the dat8 of the original înstailation. Should the extension requîre hotter water in the original buildîng pipework, the suitability of the material of that pipework at the higher temperature shall be checked and action taken accordingly ,

If the existing supply is part of a common supply pipe, i.e. the supply pips serves several properties, the water supplier may require a separate service pipe to be provided. Where properties are being supplied wîth a new service from a water supplier ‘s maîn, it is strongly advised that a separate service pipe should be provided.

4.3 Water mins

Where there is no water mains available to serve the premises or the existing min is inadequate to provide a satisfactory supply, ths water supplier shall be requested to lay new mins or extand an existing main, or afl alternativa water supply shatl be arranged.

Full information about proposals should be provîded as early as possible to the water supplief. Site plans should be supplied showing th8 layout of road, footpaths, buildings and boundarîas. Th8 work programme shoutd take into account tha fact that normaly the supplier will not lay a rnain until at least the line and leve1 of the kerb are permanently established on site.

4.4 Private water suppiies

Wh8r8 a private supply of water is to be us8d in addition to water supplied by a statutory water supplier, thr supplîer’s approval to the proposals shall be obtained befors work commences. There shall b8 no crosz connection of systems Carrying water from different water Suppiî8fS of Of different sources from one Supplier,

Avoidance of cross-connection is to prevent contaminatîon of one supplier’s system by another. Where differenr water sources from one supplier may ba encountered or desired the water supplier should be consulted.

4.5 Contamination of the site

I f there is any indication that contsmination of the ground has occurred, an investigation shall be made ts ascertain any residual contamination whîch may adverseiy affect buried pipes or fittings.



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