Carinya News is published quarterly by: Carinya Home for the Aged 1 Mazlin Street Atherton Qld 4883 Telephone: (07) 40912177 Fax: (07) 40912840 Email: [email protected] Editor: Heather Marino Australia Day was great fun but quickly became hilarious when surprise guest, Ozzie Icon, Chad Morgan (AKA Kym Edgerton) arrived to up the anti in the comedy stakes. Pictured here with Chad is Chris and Volunteers Pat and Gwen. 2 Volunteers Report Join our Happy Team! Residents’ Meetings Diversional Therapy Jim Chapman, Enid Collins & Kevin Wadley Lodges 4 The Residents’ Page 5 Changes in Residency Aromatherapy Mandarin Dr David Simonds Dengue Fever and Mosquitoes 6 Paro “Seals” the Deal Education Report 7 Our CEO’s Report Service Excellence Notice Easter Message Inside this Issue 8 Donation Slip Wow it’s March 2017 and only a couple of weeks to Easter. I am sure everybody enjoyed the Christmas break. It doesn’t seem that long ago. The Board has been monitoring the influenza outbreak occurring within the community and Carinya Home as part of its clinical governance responsibilities. It has certainly highlighted the absolute necessity for all of us to practice good hygiene in our everyday lives to maintain good health and thereby reduce the risk of infecting others, especially if we are feeling ill. As we are all aware the Flu Season has started early this year so please take care of you and your family’s health. One thing I’ve been strongly reminded of by my association with Carinya is the importance of constantly washing or sanitising your hands as the simplest hygiene precaution! Congratulation to Staff for your vigilance in supporting Residents, Visitors and others during this demanding and challenging time. It is very obvious the threat these viruses pose to health and the speed with which they can spread. We continue our community engagement and promotion of Carinya Home in 2017 with our invitation to the Rotary Club to conduct their March meeting on site. We will be offering short tours to showcase what Carinya Home offers elderly citizens of the Tablelands and how our success depends on the communities continued support, financially and by Volunteers. This will give us another opportunity to demystify what an aged care home has to offer. In the words of Father Newman (recently departed) “It’s like living in a million dollar resort but with a care focus”. This observation is echoed by visiting Consultants and new Board members who are amazed at the atmosphere and lifestyle that is being offered. The Board recently reviewed our ‘Strategic Plan’ and it is reassuring to evidence that Carinya is on track with its aims for the future. This of course depends on Government policy not being continually revised to reduce aged care funding. Hoping that 2017 is a prosperous and happy year. Max Slade E-Version 12 March 2017 VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2

VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)

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Page 1: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)

8 Donation Slip

Carinya News is published quarterly by: Carinya Home for the Aged 1 Mazlin Street Atherton Qld 4883 Telephone: (07) 40912177 Fax: (07) 40912840 Email: [email protected] Editor: Heather Marino

Australia Day was great fun but quickly became hilarious when surprise guest,

Ozzie Icon, Chad Morgan (AKA Kym Edgerton) arrived to up the anti in the

comedy stakes. Pictured here with Chad is Chris and Volunteers Pat and Gwen.

2 Volunteers Report

Join our Happy Team!

Residents’ Meetings

Diversional Therapy

Jim Chapman, Enid

Collins & Kevin

Wadley Lodges

4 The Residents’ Page

5 Changes in Residency



Dr David Simonds

Dengue Fever and


6 Paro “Seals” the Deal

Education Report

7 Our CEO’s Report

Service Excellence


Easter Message

Inside this Issue

8 Donation Slip

Wow it’s March 2017 and only a couple of weeks to Easter. I am sure everybody enjoyed the Christmas break. It doesn’t seem

that long ago. The Board has been monitoring the influenza outbreak occurring within the community and Carinya Home as part of its clinical governance responsibilities. It has certainly highlighted the absolute necessity for all of us to practice good hygiene in our everyday lives to maintain good health and thereby reduce the risk of infecting others, especially if we are feeling ill. As we are all aware the Flu Season has started early this year so please take care of you and your family’s health. One thing I’ve been strongly reminded of by my association with Carinya is the importance of constantly washing or sanitising your hands as the simplest hygiene precaution! Congratulation to Staff for your vigilance in supporting Residents, Visitors and others during this demanding and challenging time. It is very obvious

the threat these viruses pose to health and the speed with which they can spread. We continue our community engagement and promotion of Carinya Home in 2017 with our invitation to the Rotary Club to conduct their March meeting on site. We will be offering short tours to showcase what Carinya Home offers elderly citizens of the Tablelands and how our success depends on the communities continued support, financially and by Volunteers. This will give us another opportunity to demystify what an aged care home has to offer. In the words of Father Newman (recently departed) “It’s like living in a million dollar resort but with a care focus”. This observation is echoed by visiting Consultants and new Board members who are amazed at the atmosphere and lifestyle that is being offered. The Board recently reviewed our ‘Strategic Plan’ and it is reassuring to evidence that Carinya is on track with its aims for the future. This of course depends on Government policy not being continually revised to reduce aged care funding. Hoping that 2017 is a prosperous and happy year.

Max Slade

E-Version 12 March 2017 VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2

Page 2: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)


While every effort has been made to ensure that all information in this Newsletter is accurate, no responsibility can be accepted by the Publishers for entries or photographs supplied by organisations, firms or individuals, including copyright restrictions and/or typographical errors. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part thereof without permission is strictly prohibited.

Coordinators of Volunteers Sharon Newport

& Chris Bourke

help with morning teas, assist with activities and outings or simply chat with Residents. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer in any area, please contact us. This year we are particularly looking for a Volunteer who loves to do simple craft. Once a week or month would be fantastic. If craft is your skill please give us a ring. If you would like to be part of our successful team of Volunteers we’d love to welcome you. You could be having fun with us while giving back to the community with volunteer hours. All you need is time and commitment. Carinya is a fabulous option if you are required to complete 15 hours of volunteering for Centrelink retirement benefits. We encourage all new Volunteers to participate in a full day of training. This is run in conjunction with our Mandatory Staff Training — usually once a month, on a Thursday. The training allows Volunteers to gain an understanding of policies and procedures in place at Carinya. It is also an opportunity to ask any questions or address concerns they may have.

Become a Volunteer & Join

our Happy Team!

Call Sharon or Chris on

40 912177

Resident & Relatives Meetings

To keep Residents informed of upcoming activities; news about Carinya itself; fundraising; or for Residents’ ideas and suggestions to be heard, there are the Residents’ Meetings:- JIM CHAPMAN LODGE:- Meetings are held - 10am - on the 1st Tuesday every month at the Combined Birthday Morning Tea. ENID COLLINS LODGE:- Meetings are held - 9.30am - on the 3rd Tuesday of every 2nd month.

Relatives are very welcome to participate. Remember when visiting, please sign the Visitors’ book then check the notice board to see if there are any activities you would like to take your relative to. Feel free to join us in all areas.

Mar 21 May 16 Jul 18 Sep 19 Nov 21

Feb 28 Mar 28 *Anzac Day May 30 Jun 27

KEVIN WADLEY LODGE:- Meetings are held - 10.30am on the last Tuesday of every month with the exception of *Anzac Day, April 25 & the December Christmas public holiday.

Happy New Year! May this be the year you decide to volunteer. We would love to welcome you to our Carinya family. A Volunteer gives their time, skills and energies in service to Carinya for no monetary reward. They represent a significant resource and extend and reinforce the work of paid Staff. Volunteers at Carinya assist with many, varied jobs. They may help in the kitchen and laundry, freshen flowers for rooms,

Naturally people and life circumstances continue to change and we are always looking for new Volunteers. If you feel you have the time and would like to contribute by volunteering please feel free to contact Sharon Newport or Christine Bourke to discuss your options. You will enjoy the personal rewards and satisfaction that comes with volunteering. Call in and see our friendly Reception girls to pick up the Volunteer forms.

Thank You For Your Precious Gift In our world where we come and go,

At a lightning pace and cannot go slow;

Time is such a rare commodity,

And care can seem like such an oddity!

The simple act of a loving touch,

And words of care can do so much;

To ease the soul of those who need;

A listening ear or a hand to feed.

While some minds may seem to wander so;

Though they do not have too far to go;

Every one of our residents say;

They love the folks who make their day:

Just a little bit lighter,

And a little bit brighter;

Blessed with hope and joy to live;

Thanks to the love a volunteer gives.

There is nothing on this Earth to compare,

To the selfless gift of time and care,

That volunteers give to all folk here,

Day after day, and year after year!

Original poem by Daria Skibington-Roffel

Activities Staff at Carinya put on a

great show for Pink Ribbon day last year with the help of wonderful

Volunteers, Lynne, Carol and Pat, 2nd 4th and 5th from Left.

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3 3

Our Activities Coordinators

News from our Activities Coordinators, Sharon

Newport & Chris Bourke of Jim Chapman Lodge,

Leesa Hart of Kevin Wadley Lodge & Rebecca

Howell of Enid Collins Lodge.

There was no shortage of folks wanting to get into the act for the Christmas & New Year festivities and celebrations. St Teresa’s School Choir; St Joseph’s Primary; The Ukulele Group who extended our Happy Hour to a whole afternoon of fun; The Presbyterian Church Group and the children with their beautiful enactment of the Nativity; The Joey Scouts who sang and surprized Residents with little gifts; Vocal duo

Joe and Wendy Paronella at the Christmas party and to end a fabulous season Wally Massaso who entertained Residents at the New Year’s Eve celebration. Thank you to each and everyone and to our Volunteers who always help to make things go with a zing! To mark the New Year, Residents gathered at a specially dedicated Morning tea, with bubbly for Toasts and the traditional countdown to a rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

On to 2017. In addition to mainstay activities on Wednesday afternoons we now take Residents for a scenic drive; gardening is a regular item and swimming is on again. While in the lead up to Australia Day, Leesa, read a chapter of ‘A Fortunate Life’ to Residents before exercise. For the ‘Day’ Mark Both performed Bush Poetry and Songs, ‘Chad Morgan’ ran amuck, while Residents enjoyed an antipodean repast of pies and lamingtons!

Our Activities Coordinators

Page 4: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)


Combined Birthday Morning Teas


by Maybanke Anderson

Australia fair, I love thee,

Thou dear land of my birth;

To me thou art the brightest,

The sweetest spot on earth.

I love thy golden sunshine,

Thy sky of peerless hue,

The soft greys of the distance,

The hills’ faint tint of blue.

I love thy yellow beaches,

The clear waves tipped with foam,

The capes that stand like bulwarks,

To guard my native home.

I love thy leafy gullies,

Where palm and tree-fern hide,

The tall grey gums that clamber

On every steep hillside.

I love the ferny pathways

Where wattle blossoms fall,

While, in the leafy distance,

The bell-bird rings his call.

I love the old slab homestead,

Each peach and lemon tree,

The paddocks and the sliprails,

They speak of home to me.

Dear Southern Land, Australia,

Where ever I may roam,

My heart will turn for ever

To thee, my native home.








Found Treasures from the Past

Recently Muriel Kilpatrick came across her old School Magazines from 1936 and 1938. We are delighted to excerpt them here.

Goodwill Message from the Boys and Girls of New South Wales—May 1, 1938

Dear Boys and Girls Everywhere:- The messages of goodwill that have come to us from other parts of the world make us feel that the world should really be the home of one great family. We are happy to know that children in other places have kindly thoughts of us. To all the Children of the world we send our message of good will in this year, the 150th anniversary of the founding of Australia. We pledge ourselves to live at peace, to think of all the peoples of the world in a friendly spirit, to work for the happiness of the sisters and brothers of the world family. With best wishes to the boys and girls of the world, in all sincerity,


many happy returns of the day to all Residents on their Birthday

Page 5: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)


Dr David Simonds Dengue Fever and mosquitoes

Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes

aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland). The dengue virus is not endemic in Australia,

which means the virus is not normally present in Queensland unless someone brings it in to the country.

Dengue fever outbreaks begin in Queensland when

someone is infected with dengue overseas and arrives with the virus in their blood. This is called an imported case. A

local Aedes aegypti mosquito bites this person, becomes infected with the virus, and then passes it on to other

people by biting them. These are known as locally acquired cases.

The dengue virus does not spread directly from person

to person. Dengue virus

There are 4 types of the dengue virus that cause dengue fever – Dengue Type 1, 2, 3 and 4. People become

immune to a particular type of dengue virus once they've

had it, but can still get sick from the other types of dengue if exposed.

Catching different types of dengue, even years apart, increases the risk of developing severe dengue. Severe

dengue causes bleeding and shock, and can be life threatening. There have been deaths in Queensland from

severe dengue.

Dengue fever worldwide Dengue fever is found in Africa, the Americas, the

Mediterranean region, South-East Asia and the Western Pacific region. It is endemic in around 100 countries, which

means the virus is always there, ready to be spread by

dengue mosquitoes. Although Dengue fever is not endemic in Australia, we

do have mosquitoes that can spread the virus, the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

There are large outbreaks of dengue fever every year in

many South-East Asian and Pacific countries. This is where many people catch dengue and bring it in to Australia.

Increased holiday and business travel to dengue endemic countries has meant that dengue fever is able to

spread from country to country easily, making outbreaks more common. Every year, the number of dengue cases

around the world is increasing resulting in an increase in

imported cases entering Australia. Mosquitoes that can transmit dengue

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main type of mosquito that transmits dengue fever and is found in

many tropical countries around the world including north

Queensland and parts of central and southern Queensland.

About Aedes Mosquitos

Both types of the mosquitos that we have here, own the distinctive white banding. Unfortunately you cannot hear them buzzing, they land gently and neither can you feel them bite!

Aedes aegypti

Aedes albopictus

Mandarin is native to China

and Indo-China. From there it spread to other countries

in the Far East and was

introduced to Europe in the 18th Century. It was commercially cultivated in Southern

Europe and South Africa, and from there was introduced to the Americas, Southern Africa and Australia.

Mandarin oil is an orange-brown to dark-yellowish

brown and it’s odour is sweet and fruity. The oil is expressed form the rind of the fruit and is used in

massage as a compress, in the bath, in skincare and in inhalations.

In the fragrance and flavour industry mandarin oil is used as a flavouring for soft drinks, candies and liqueurs.

Therapeutically mandarin oil is a good children’s remedy

and can be used to treat tummy upsets of babies and children. It is good for restlessness and is a soothing oil

for hyperactive children. Mandarin has a tonic effect on the digestive system and helps to regulate the metabolic

processes. It is beneficial for calming the intestines and

relieving flatulence. During pregnancy mandarin can be used in a massage

oil over the abdomen to help prevent stretch marks. It can be blended with lavender, neroli, wheatgerm and

apricot kernel oil. For best results this blend is used daily

from the 5th month onwards. For skincare it is recommended for acne, congested and

oily skin. Emotionally mandarin is uplifting and soothing.

SAFETY DATA: Mandarin oil is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing.

Reference Books: The complete Guide to aromatherapy by Salvatore Battaglia.

Karen Murray Aromatherapist


Mandarin Essential Oil

Changes in Residency

Carinya welcomed: Grace Power; Denise & Ronald Whittingham and Dulcie Riesen to KWL

Margaret McKinnon; Grace Pope and John Cowan to JCL Rosa Serra; William Morris; Robert

Dreghorn; Eilleen Williams and Keith Aldridge to ECL and Val Murphy to CCU.

Carinya said farewell to: Ellen Maddox; Fr John Newman; George Bullpine; James Grigg; Rosaria

Delai; Alf Pavey; Maurice Hartshorn; Shirley Duncan; Elsie May Cifuentes; Jackie Donald and

Doris Mather.

Karen Murray is available for massage and Aromatherapy treatments at Carinya on Tuesdays. If interested please contact the

Activities Coordinator in you area.

Page 6: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)


Available when ever necessary, day or night, use of ’Paro’ helps address challenging and agitated behaviours that can arise in a person suffering dementia. These behaviours are stressful not only for the person but for those who care for them.

A program to Raise Funds Staff members at Carinya

have organized to raise funds to purchase our own ‘Paro’ for the Home and we invite you and the wider community to help us achieve this goal. Your contribution will greatly assist us in improving the quality of life for Residents living with dementia at Carinya Home with the purchase of this useful device.

How and Where? There are a couple of options. You can

place your contribution in the donation box located in Reception; or Direct Debit into:- The National Australia Bank: BSB: 084-512 Account: 150337821. Alternately on line you can go to our campaign address at:- https://chuffed.org/project/carinya-robot-seal-appeal or go to our Facebook Page:-

Carinya Home for the Aged Atherton

Designed to look like a baby seal ‘Paro’ is a therapeutic, interactive robot that has been in use in Europe and Japan since 2003. The convincingly lifelike litt le robot provides benefits to its users in times of emotional or psychological distress and has particularly proven its value for patients living

with dementia. Sadly apathy, loneliness and depression are a part of the dementia landscape. However interaction with ‘Paro’ provides relaxation, social contact and entertainment. ‘Paro’ is not a substitute for Pet Therapy - a favourite amongst Residents - but having the added advantage of easy sterilization with wipes and antibiotic fur, Paro ensures no risk of contamination between users. The risk of allergic reaction, bites or scratches is also eliminated. Another benefit of ‘Paro’ of equal importance is the significant and ready tool of assistance it provides for Staff and carers of patients with dementia.

*Watch the papers and Facebook for the start of our Crowdfunding and link to http://zestdementiacare.com.au

for more in-depth information and research on ‘Paro’.

Paro Seals the deal for Dementia Help us make a difference!


Sandi Nuku Education Coordinator

A collaboration between the Atherton Hospital and

Carinya Home brought together a Dementia Specialist and Allied Health Professionals to conduct a Dementia Care Education Workshop for Staff from both the Atherton Hospital and Carinya. It was staged in the Carinya Home Training Room. Feedback from Carinya Home Staff is very positive and ADH education personnel are keen to continue our alliance in 2017.

We also continue to offer Aged Care Rural placement to our JCU 2nd Year (MBBS) Medical students, with again very positive feedback around the experience and support they received while here at Carinya Home for the Aged. We wish the students the very best in their pursuits and hope to see them working in the Aged Care fraternity in the future. RAD Care Ravenshoe has also requested places in early 2017 for their student employees to attend Carinya Home for the practical component of their Certificate III in Individual Support. We have agreed to provide these places, and recognize the

L to R: Jack Petersen; Meghan Boon; Carinya’s Education

Coordinator Sandi Nuku RN; Sabastian Primrose; Kate Cook and

JCU Student Placement Coordinator - Rural Placements

Katie Dodds.

value and importance of fostering these valued alliances with Aged Care providers in the Far Northern Queensland region. On 27th, 28th, and 29th March 2017 the Alzheimer’s Australia (QLD) education unit will conduct a three (3) day workshop in Cairns. This workshop will be attended by a number of the Carinya Home Staff with a view to gaining contemporary skills and knowledge in the provision of dementia care for Residents living at the Home.

Page 7: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)


Influenza Outbreak – On behalf of all Staff at Carinya Home, I’d like to thank the Families and Visitors that supported us during our recent ‘Lockdown’ of Enid Collins Lodge

and Walsh Court due to an influenza outbreak. Your patience and understanding made a very challenging time so much easier to protect and care for Residents. When several Residents began displaying flu-like symptoms, the Clinical Nurses followed our Influenza Outbreak policy (as per the Department of Health guidelines). One of the first steps in good infection control practices is to isolate the area to minimise the risk of transmission. The samples tested were confirmed by the laboratory for human metapneumovirus (hMPV), confirming

Our CEO’s Report

that our precautionary actions were appropriate. We are very proud of the way our Staff seamlessly stepped up to the additional precautionary procedures required to reduce cross infection and for the outstanding teamwork and support they gave Residents and each other during this time. Congratulations to our Activity and Nursing Staff for enhancing our activity program in the areas that has restricted access. We recognise that Residents miss their Visitors and do everything within our power to help this time go by as happily and as stress-free as possible. Resident and Staff influenza vaccinations – Residents are encouraged and assisted with their annual influenza vaccinations. Carinya Home offers a free Annual Influenza Vaccination program for all Staff as part of our Infection Control program. As this newsletter goes to print we have lifted the restricted access to Barron Court. Unfortunately this virus is rampant throughout the local community and is impacting many people. Again, thank you to Family, Visitors and Staff for actively participating in our infection control measures by using the hand sanitisers located at all entrances and for not visiting (especially if feeling unwell).

Sue Nicholls

“Thanks for choosing E-Version ”

Thank-you to supporters of our quest to reduce postal costs, by choosing to receive the E-mail version of the Newsletter. If you

too would like to join the ranks of those helping us defray our costs this way it is

easy, just send us your name and

E-address to:- [email protected]

Alternately You can access the Newsletter

on the WEB at our Official Page Site-


Or you can find us on our Facebook Page:-

Carinya Home for the Aged Atherton

Grave Site Reservations - A Notice from Cairns Regional Council

Dear Resident,

If you hold a gravesite reservation, more than 10 years old, in any one of the 5

cemeteries in Cairns, the Cairns Regional Council would like to hear from you to find

out whether you still wish to retain or

surrender your sites. To respond to this notice please contact

Council’s Cemeteries Section on 4044 3231.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan Mills

(Supervisor Permit Compliance)

Jackie’s professional approach and attention to good infection control practices during the recent ‘Suspected Influenza Outbreak’ was exemplary. Highly professional in her manner, Jackie used her initiative during the ‘lockdown’ period to ensure best practices were being used at all times. Jackie’s attention to detail and monitoring of the situation were highlighted by her quality communication skills when coordinating Staff. Jackie Gallagher

Enrolled Nurse

For Christians, the Easter egg is symbolic of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The hard shell

of the egg represents the sealed Tomb of Christ, and cracking the shell represents Christ’s release from this mortal coil and resurrection from the dead. Central to Christian belief the Resurrection offers the promise of renewed and everlasting life for those who believe, value and enact Christ’s message of love, mercy, truth, and goodness.

Easter Message

Have a Happy Easter

Page 8: VOLUME 23 ISSUE 2 March 2017 · Dengue Fever and mosquitoes Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (know as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland)

Enclosed please find my donation for:

$5 $10 $20 $50 Other $ ...………………………….

Please make cheques payable to Carinya Home For The Aged

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………...


Email Address (optional)……………………………………………………………………….…

……….……………Postcode ………………Telephone…………………………………..

Carinya Home For The Aged, PO Box 522, Atherton 4883. (March 2017)

All donations

of $2 or more

are tax

deductible and

a receipt will

be sent to you.

Christmas Cheer, Pet Power, Green Fingers,

Happy Valentines and back to business in 2017

Green fingers Misha’s


Funny Valentines Coffee Perks

Advance Australia Fair

For Auld Lange Syne

Birthday High Tea

