VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1936 NUMBER 12 Band To He s. 0. I(. s__. ... Chon .. Part• ·" Ensemble Group Medll•tlon Ald"'1 bt Qu.lot •••• •• Alumni Gather In Full Dres Next On Lyceo1u .. H -- ••• : Six Artiata from Chicago Civic At oinecoming Uniforms of Crimaon Red and room. Date1 tor the were Symphony to Present l111t: nc. tho mtd-• ·cok ve11per wrvlcc McPbenon ° Mecca" for De· Trimmed in White Preaenl ch<HM)n at raDdom. · f Concert which ••• held J ut Thursd1t.1 '!•t>n- vout Bulldo1 Supportera Colorful Appearance After an ennlng'a en\trt.atnment .'"•"u:.' ,,7 o'deck In 1be Collcie A. Crowda Su.r1e In or g&mea and 1 tunt.t rorrc•hmtmta lA Pellt. ltntcmble. 11b. dltulncllvo , .. Conce rt Is Plam1ed wore H M'Od to tlf1y-one. ftt lflU or Ui a Chicago <'Mc Sym- Plun t.u a tt end lhO YOIJJftra thlA H .• s. Band To Play phony, wlll l)ro1e11L the (11url)1 uum- eek on Thnnday fi ning 11 S: i5 1",rop-m To .. u. 1 kslAnlDC Park Beck Submits :e .=;;:r on tbe lo tbe College church .• Ooronatlon of Qu«.n To Olm-..: K\ ·f:'.nh.la 01 Secoad s.......,,. Report On Rights •• •. Karl von Hoffman For the flrat thnu 111 the bl11ory b1 thlgroup. Each ml•tnh<>r ot tht Te.Ila Of Africa of McPbtrtOD College, a •ell-organ- Natioaal Student Auoc:iation companr I• an artlat 'Q bl$ o•n __ le&e are conlfaually comhsg ror lbe Adopta Utt of Privile1ea Explaina Life and Cuatonu of Homecoming, tho ttrat alumni event full · drc:•• bu.nd unlrorm1 at thu J'lel Park Beck, prefi'dent of the Stu- "' He nri Ho1u. Ramon illrvln , 1- ::1. Batala Tribe in Rbodeaj ". arteruuon a. od rially lo Grcaitcr :and Karl von Hoffman, ritb\ , t".X· or th " rounding or lho ln•ll· The unltorma are or crl m1on red which had been drawn up br tbe A popular r61tutt or • tht flro- worker, a nd 1 ec:t ur- tutfon. ona trimmed lo wnlt c watetbaudCommittee on Student'1 n t111:ht1. Thi• of tho En1ti'mble fa tho er, Pr6Cuted tho t hird In the Por l ludcnlt or thti ('olltJl'l/ind and ahoulder 8tnp1. A. wlllto l)'re report .,., ado1 1ted by lho C11blnet• Strlug Quort oue, or l"'o 9r lyceum number• n1 the M P11.,r· o1bor locttl •u11port11r11 vt tll t'! Sch·oa with a rad " M" bea.n the In· and t :nc:utlYe Committee ur the Na- vloltna. viola o.nd ceHo. A KNiii• or 1011 conununil)· bulldln« on Thur»- &rtdmeu, 1Jreperallon1 rnr Thank., 1 tgaa. of tbe organlutlon. These t lonal Student A.Moclatlon. nu mben 8Pttl•11Y wr lll .•·n or or- do.r 6 nnlnc. November 19. sh·lnc I,_,. battle wltb Wl..tt rao wlll colorful Jacket.a •·hh ., ·bllO duck The cornmlttoe ... con, ·lntf'd that ranaed ror thl• comlJlnntl on or In· lJr. \'Oii lf(lftm1rn hi rcec•r<' h begi n thl dtt!rnoon at four-thi rty trousari Present n. dliltlucth 'O 1rnd rh::b tt are llOl Inherent 111 the na· t1lrumeilt8 dt1ll1Jhtt1 "' Ith 111,. he11utr worker tor t.hti f'leld i\luiMum 111 Chi · "'' ht •n 1-'IO)'d ltnr rl•' Cnllcafl Pi'io colorrul un lt Orm. ture ot thing•. but are acquired of the rull 1trlntc hllrmcmlc11. yuar, tlurln,; our tnam• b11nd wlll load a nolt>' ?th'l ln Stroot Tblt a ft ernoon Olroctor murls' throuab tbe itruule of tho.e who Tho repe:r1olre or \ht! ••nat•mble 11 mer. on an uploratlon t rip l••rado. lo order th11.t lt · •dll he coCollege band "" 'Ill tu d a Miln atreet feel lbe need tor auch rlghte. Cer· moat comprtben1h·e, lnt"ludlnll dat· lo t he lnttr U of t hat lo1tltutlou. ortul u we.II H nol•r. • Collcco Pep parade rollo • •ed by u agg:rc,atloo t•lo...rtghta tor "' 'hlcb etude. uta Ola)" 11lc1I and 1cmt-c:Lueltal ('Cllll 11m ltlon1 Hit work lake. him Into prartlcallr c)uh comfi1htee ha• madti pl•n• 10 of IHlP duh memb r 1 , 1tude n1•. 1rnd ad\'Antageou•lt •lrugg:le At, tho pres- H -· ell u m1111lc or a, lh t hl c•r ''NII. c n·r)' 1 uir1 or tho globe. cle<:or•tt} 1111 ll\ 'Ollullto c.ttt wtth ottier ' IQCal Dnlldoit • uppor1 ert. In eut time are: The out1tA11dlng 11rll1tt to 111,1w1tr :\I r. ,. 0 n ll utrman'• lum,i 'atruatnlln ot rc.:t rind whlto.' the evening the biand wllt appear ( 1 ) The rlsbt or •tiadeat.. to dt.. on the LePt"tlle En nmhl•· rirugrAm wall about Atrh. ... morti apecUl(a11y, Tonhthl at M!t'.,.n-lhlriy tho llarrr. a1alo u the lnitlal feature of the agree wltb tbetr teache.n concern- I• &tt.b e.r Arneson. 111.. nbJ. Sh Rhode.la. He rcta1 d fote.rutlng band •JU ln\rot.IUCf" 1h• eYulna'• pro. program of the J teP rally. 101 thft coocluilou be di-awn .iudled at t11e Am,.rk • n r onsery•· f1lrptlrif .>nC\.'• or hit Te•n gram 111 the t'.ha1 H'tl. Member• or thle orgnnl1atlo11 hl\'e tory ot 1\lu1lc In C'hl " "" 111)e11t with the J uuith.• 110.th·e1' or th•t 11 1'111 •ttYuntl fll)tl>Clal uumtHt,._ spent m1my IL.Oun or arduou• work rroftl •uth • et'lde11ce u la 1 1reaented which period #h o wun sehOI• reglti n. 1111 enllf'I• f!Utech glowvd h1 11 6'IUI ballet dantfntc, trio num- aad aacrlflce In 1 or der that 11 band arablpt. At the ago of 18. )!In An- with talt'I or Jungle bHtt• bera. and "ocaJ t0loa, Urk'f or blJ caliber o uld be realbed. meot : d ertan r eclved lhe dea "" " lb che lor 1htre. lie showed thtt 11 lchn'M tum· 11tvit.a • ·Ill be beftlt'd from Coatb Lei· At proHnl plan• u.nd preparations (!) tlie rlitht of itudent• to pre- or Mualc. ShC! ""•• wl1111er or the cd or tho ll<lCroe•. •'hld1 depict In t er Selvf.'r.-tril aa1h1t1nt. J ohnaon. 11ind are being made to gl"e a clHtlcal ·1ent i uch evident• u they m• r co.re eommenceoumt of lllf· Aruerl· dct1\ll tho lire or u 111•11 trom bir th ty CHRJJto.ln• \· ouulla 1111d Uau11. proi;ram 10 be prcse.ntcd tn tho aoe- to prffeut In cl&H with 11 ihnllar u n Conserv11ory pinyin• " t.lut 10 death. c:ipl11l11\ld u1me of the l'arnl 81tracnt, am Ua·llcl'l\cr110n a r id ond aemc1ter tor the a ppr o ul of the meuure of Impunity: conef!rt? al tho Okk111n Sy':phonr tcran.ge c:u• tOm• by th& 11ar will tbe aluwnl wbllt public. ' U) the rtsht of itudesitt 10 part l· Ort.he1un. ll t>r d ebut , In U . S. Dalal• trlbf". The-., plnuree tho• Air. S.n ltOmanl, or Tht. band bu addt-d an outetnnd- clpate treely 111 clat• dl.c::uHloni; under lht1 manaKe n1011l ot Jc 81 O. the nath·('j thl'Y Jh•c, tor the lucol hlgo eebool IJ1u1d r(.!JJttllftnl4 Ing mu1lcal ort;1tnl1t ulon t o Mc Pher· (4) the ?IJ ht of tt udent" to a Ul\ ll . 1 11 the Ynnug 1trt l11t Mr. \'on tt uri"mou 111>v1•r ;c1wt1 11N•r" the 1uw11 1\1c:Pht.tnon, Finally the 100 Collt10. Dtu1h11 upon U1e Kreat ,.olce In the de termination or the eorlet&. In thf• 11ro«rAm J1h1wUI 11r...,. ml1J1:fo11 RlUtlon; hl1t 1h11y u a tu· 11rOg'tllU1 wlll r ind Ill dim•• whe n prosreaa of tbts b.nd, currlcilum: · tolo nun1bers from 'be old lle9 rc.h workfl r H .et forth br tilt! Miu Vera lleckmao rectJve. tb& Collese ca.n loot ron•ard to a lara:er ($J the rlcbl or 1tudenl.• to re· mutort. )."feld l\lu1.;un1 11 t ci find lhe pt•o1 H"1 or local rootbaH quetmthlp and 1reater McPhoraon Colleae prottulallon at fac ulty meetlus• a( Thi• EMetnhle wa1 or1tanhted b>' "' ho htt \'tl tUH'er hocn b)' rrom U1" hand• or Ctnyton Hock. vft t- 6e1llned through Lhe coop- l!_deiall In .. •u"t. 0 l "llY turm bt ch'lllutlo1'. "l"or any eran IJulldog oonl vr and lhu pretl· era tlon o 1 udeur. 6Tal are under coutde.ratlon: ... .. ami.11 ... 111' M . on Hurtmaa, dent of the Stucf<1n't C.oundt. Jfonor- tr. to rl .,•1 a nr c:o11tf:e band ... · nhtn (I) the rliht or ttude.nta to a Jn toncerlS and mut'ltalt throuahout " a oallt'e will •Inc all t he h1mns eel with lbo queen •Ill /be ber attend- · the clut or Mc Phc.non h e.arlnfl: betoro lh• admlnlltratlon : Tl1l1 11 Ural Orne he ltno• ·llf bu1 ... hen a mlaalonny'•llll, MIH AJa.rgartn. Fry and )inn In tbl i 1• ·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of tn dlt· companr hu malie aval1able hal"k 1111 lor11ed. ht' "''Ill hack t() CladY• t;hanle. rour corneu. horn1, t wo cuH thb laatltqtlon and It• penon- far weet. Yto ' ltc:hcrart ." That IM lhe r euon Urn All(! r tho 11 rocnun thi: riuiuu 1 "°" barftonea. a.nd t rombone•. She · Del wltbout peoaltt · Museum d et lr ea hlrn IO avoid rul1- clal conimlltt."C wm .e.ne cooltt• members plar u:a:opbonea. ot11Y one (IJ th rl•bt o f ' a 1 (u nt , 0 be Panel Di CU iou lont. and c:otrt..-o lu th Student aton playa a clartnet. and tbtre aro 1• ·0 by a Jurr or 1tud'enta, Th•• 1• i.1 b ttum nutnl>tr wlll he J<uom. drummon. In cue or dl•clpttnan· chur1te• b)' G, 1ven J It C. on l k.'<'.emht1r I hr " 1Jfflt1r 1 "1'1';urt1clu) 1 thtt Hullduga •·Ill meet Jlarrlt1. Wi nton SM1trl'l r, the raeuttr or admlnlnrallon : I or m1111M•t1K •·ho ""II themffhoat lb" (.' uyorn11 In 11 di.-c.lll T& arldfron (9) the rl1ht or 1tudeut1 to or· P eraonal and Family Relation"j,r l'etlt dub. ff.an Jto"'anl and bla Mc. - Mohlor a nd Stephen S toYc.r play tho ga( 1 1':,: tnhde u In- Croup Prosram I borne; tho linrltoneil t1Nl t 1 h1>'od by dlvldual1, to uaoclalo 1hom1al "ea / "C•n 11 wo1111\n l hn '4J A ll arnf• 1.11111 Jn Friday Mornin1 Chapel k• 1110 .. h11d pluy al \bu lntroducllon of Tony Vo1hell " nd Jltchard Horn: itnd with minority or ot bo gr our: Continue He r Cairee r . at. \lie Hamn --- the l"outb. 11 Qua'Cn prior to 1ho klck- Coppock and narmond ••torr ( 11) tbe right or who Time!" ., ... the qu<""tlon dlai:bucd I X I •• c·o11Poek or Hoelt.J t"ord, off and lilt;.•lo ktween the bah· e.1. -..ffla. nage the ttoNbonea. Ma:a: Wllbor, aro or lecal as e to Jtt.-,1\elr llYea , 1 a panel "roup 1 11 tho rerc:ul11r 8 Cal 9r <1do, "Poke to thn aiuclt nt• In l'"olluYto•lug tb,u g 11 n1u a ha11quet ta H1r old Schubert. J oelle Lc1ke nu111. out.alllo of the 1Chool rrl?c fr om ra. M. meetln,: 0 11 \\'1 dll'·•drty 1110 r 11 .. r h&illll Prld11r ruorr1l11• · Ito\'. lhfl C'1Jll01tti dtnltlA 111111 wUI coucl ude J ohn Schmidt, .Ju1l11 1' 'rleJt. aua PhH ulty uvervl1fon, ro1trlctod only b:r nr. . 11 1:l1tor ''' tho Un•thron Ghurch •L Uiu •v,fvlllca. Arter 011vl1 eCLch ploy av:oJ'lli>nea; Oona such r eaulatlona H are l m1>01ed UP- The proi:r•m wo: b> thu Jtoclty Portl . C()IO, b .. h1..o.cn lhc JCUUtlt tho preildemhal we lcou10 by Or. v . Pray 11 t.he onlr c.l arln Oat; Fran on •II cltl&ea• by the c:.hil •utborl· Perten•l a ad P'amll> It litloni cnt11· putor o.r the prcacblnc in Io n ror t '. Hc'bwalm, • or former root• Campboll playo tho an•re druut . · wtulon. ThOM who c:omfH)ll'a thti tbe Pl•t wook. hall 1tart1 and olhcr re Otho Clark bcata baaa drum. ' pan 1 wore Volmu \V111k1t1s. "'' ho otil· I rt••v Co11Pot>k' 11 11dtJr••lf.JJ eu 111- rt'1u:11tln .i "Brlout 1tlumnl c<wtera wn1 " ' , · S. C . M . Sporuora Box Sctcial ed "' chaJrmin, t- :dllCil' JK1JH,1r l'lh•r·1 q11try wholh1Jr' youth WK• fur the •Ko 00 At111la1ant (.;uy II . Preac inc Mis.lion Clo.ea; ' To Be Given Friday, _.Dec. 4 llO'tll Mc-.amu. Ol ton MC( Jonlslo. 01· or If th" • lfl wu tor youth, Th i• tiara or t::ll•worlb lll&;b & I, all Coppock D elivera Addre.aa -r=-- or Andre•• and Oe<1r ce Tot1nd. .. .. t>Qlnlt·d out to be an Hfl of ronf"n11<4J soard durtnc ll ll dl..f• at \ A box aoelt l for•ll tall ge 9Ui dente Pointe conaldered br tho ,;rou11 tliln,::a. Ydlllh - · ho hl\1' not UM'd tho Md'lw1 arm. •• 111 bu the main after Tho tlnv.1 of the c!ghL day la being by ttic 8. C. M. were thllt 1 wOuld •ery mu 11 f ,.J(l l a rc In wa.-• ., .Mak· t11JM.11t.ker. Thu Collcae 11111 prcaclllnl mful on .. wblcb -. \1 bold In tile Stude nt Union a ._ nd t. W. rooma on the kind of carPtl l" tor Jnt yo uth 10,lt ue waa cited M• Quart11t wlll '1r41 111tlt.'f'llU., durtnx J he Pllft week at 1be Collece Friday ntsht . Doe. 4. at I o'clock. whll.aa woman inlsht i,.. .U1e to H ·'• great c•W"' of youthful durlnt th41 c: oune or church, WH dt. llnred by ReT. X.. L. .All •tudentt are ln,.lted u act ti.ad ga•e • books. In 11rt. ht t!nvtronm.tt, nt bt11J11)0 ma ke oue alno Tbe t'Ollf' i;t. St ortnlna; a t'Omhin• · Coppock S unday eYe nlng at G: SO and thlatfalr. Each "frl I• to i 1 ocJal ..... ork• 11 "'41 11r1t('tle:t!h 'I lh .. a,,.,., hf which hu lh1•11. tlmi. ga11 l11tnquet ttrkt:l at ont! dol- waa rollowcd hr the commuulon nd bri ne 1' boi wllh ,lood lo 1uat1.,,ry the ' 1tuvo11tltllo fur hd'r to •ntur tho 1 :'1••V1Cf lfe 111 ulloned 1i11· al O,l(tt 111 tm· l11r. 'f't1(' tlck'll l for 1h1 hMHllHl\ i.11, nfl lov11-tca11t 10rvlces. . a1 1pe tltc• of two, wh lle e b boy '- f nr tontl nuc 11cr r uv•r It It mi du II 011 ,, or •rl'"t 1 , 1 ," 11rul\iltlet, hut •·ltl bo rorl.r ce11ta nd t or tbtt s•me The pr eaft!tng million besan · l••l expected 10 brhi,; a pocket full or nott&Ut7 tor her to tea•o hf'r h mf' nnt tb<' ki nd 10 which o: hue be4llt a tonl\, rnl• . TttllU for Sa11d•r moqilng. NOY. 1$. Service• ao that ¥ ml .. ht buy lhe moai tor loriC" JHU 'hX1• <>f tlm.,, The 11 roli· '" ac.cuatottwd· ''* \ Pertmuillty fa on the ltl'noutil- nht1L ba rt f6n•M •l the hue boon lietd oach Oftbh S ot t.he bClautHul hos or t11n bonn!Mt Kiri durn 'li ' ft.I dliwulla<rd from the vlu"" who tt uo 111 11 itrid kno"''' 1 11 111 tiu kHO•'• . Oflllulto Uu1ln utfk u h6for<1 ionior· J)IUtl w<1ok Ue v. Xury L.. 001)· pre1cmt. · polo1 or the h111Jht111d. lhO wife. 111111 ! Jlert r. nalhy 1 11 111 ·h• l ynu, you row. P•tof of the Urolbren ch, urch Thoe WhO pl•n to Uten tre to i;:o the chlld.ren, hOl h In relation to th tnd Jn6. me. Perav4•lllT d pend• 14pon . - •t >"ord. CoJo., °"' the apeaker. drt rd •• farruer ladt orld at a '!"hOlf' add In tlat.fr rel•· pbllfaoi1hr ut Iii\, l' hll<MOPhY d fr' S. C. M. Commiasion Spoaaon Special :P1M.b1r1 of mutie were p r&- C wlll aervo • · auc- t1on1h lps to tlit lr 1 1111.enu. ll lf!lldupou whe ther one I• fbr th ff;icni c On Sunday Afte rnoon l!Qllted, Ar each aen•lco. f t10 rne1r, ind Wii i, no doubt , ororfl The arlJi)\1 the conch1•lo11 a ge, ur If Uw ui:te 1 8 rur him," '11p· - , IJ. [4a)ll' or the auhJuet1 ot. iJ'-"'· ov· tron htexoerlencefl In thla c•v•clt7 thal a womao uot ll av to IJ<• 1 ,ock tUfll·d. · s .. n ol lhfl Wor ld pqc:k'• me,ta u • ere .. The Mead lHt tear. e nti rely deto fld 1u tb.. after Coo11ora.tlc>n Comml 1011 or lb'! 8. C. of the Your UorMmt:ni" "The :Wlttlo Ad'dlllon\( fbt nrmaifon a. to how marrl•K•. bal. &b.&t l!be cou?d•Jollqw fre.ahman Cfua Ha.a P icnic JI . blk-.t to And.-n't aroY- Son· or tho Holy Spi rit," afld "The Tnn•· boxe. are to be pre pare ,t.ql any , Other lJ'PH of rart " tr •hb AO _ r_ da1 art rnt)On. 11w •'1.:nwnn wu formlnPower or thd Or011." queatlon1 concernln tll e 1 'l.ua1 mtr •lrl.ld, Jiowt'v,,r, u Is very Last "' rid• )' t lrn f.'rt 1l11i\1n rou tfug: wefllt"fll a11d pla1lu1 Thq,.c 1erYftet1 - ·ere Oil quite well be obtained t.rom either Vora Heck· that there- bf' • mutuiaJILy or recllna ..-ent t.o •)ror1 •1lc 1 IJe lght• ror tall. attended and It ta bello•ed that tbey man or Lola Mat Harbo $b. bet•Hn the wUe and thtt bu1band I• we loer t Oll.i. Thate P"*M!t'lt W f'te : lluby Wtl· have done mueb to rcoe the tplrllu· con(frnln i th eontl•uatlo .n of the A ... boul thtrtY r th" • lUdtalt tert mer, t.oullM! Kei rn. A•I• lltt leman, al llte of the people or tfila cll. y. Pl"f 1•"°'°"'111 Ortnp l.Af'll(e Crowd woman'In order 10 obta in trom thA 1:.'llllPl•I hi t'(hat,. <:•r• at Etther Kimmel, Thrl'eu ff t {Om. \Hl:lt6r hOua6hold hRrntony. tJinie o'tlo<: k, Th1> 1t.loittht• 1 .roved Margatfi t l..otJl•tt '( 11-ccarlf' (;, To11hlro C Hruo•DfORTff£WU" PbT eh ,..•nPl eo a",,.• 1 {°" ,",'.' .. ' •. •,..e.!a,'"h, .. ---- ·- tll ht' ll Yf rt nlrti 1 )1f uh' Tnbok1wa. Genrau Tvland. 1 ........ """"' II.A " .... l ll!iorwtC n .-..tau raul tll f" \Ht ffi 11\a} d li.asa.e hall , &b• ntnce tlayiff', Wllltur t:StNn, Galen ----...-------- lact plara IHt Moadar eve.lug In the .\ t Womrtt''- Counrtl ..>. IN-th•Jt J:lrJll fl"l•l nt Nt tot kY JU&tl•• and 6tts.rn. Addlton 8MiUHlff. lfo• ·n d 6 P·:U· '" .. ,:•suo· The women';-;;.:11hehl1rnothM Thurtd•Y. NoY. 21- Vacatlon 1tart1. preuecl Dealrea." anti "The Drink or IHl nlch1 for tht rru h m1tn one. lta\ ' h14 had • cooc:I tlmt', ••• Da.11. ' Kanta• Wnle.van t: ao p, m.. Siience" we.re Jh'en t or the .approval The l aplr Ul"f'd •U tttta\raut rf'at1Y tb .-01 1• bal'k •lid .cet rt•adr Alumnt.l;t uac.111 Banquet. l : JO or a J•r,;e aadle11cie. "tlQUtitte. >;mma fk' fimldl 16d tho di•· fo;. o pen h1111ae au .Arnold Jlall . Olef' Oou.:hnour, Ut>rdou \'od.,r p, at. I .. eu111IOD, iu1d nllttlllititl CJf tho Ct:IUDt II --- -- ai:d EYel)'ll ll t'rr \' l81l00 Mr. •nd 1.loadar. No•. ao- Vacatloa end•. neat lb.• 'Y"'et•u Oot ol .. I 1 aettd out· thl correct rorm. ueiu' Uu 1 Wu1l ey111 C'C"1'J1•t NI I W"• · T'' 1 "' Herr •I :.-111' ' 111 \11.1 1.1d•y.

VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v20-12r.pdfIn tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt·

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Page 1: VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v20-12r.pdfIn tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt·


Band To He s. 0. I(. s__. ... Chon .. Part•·" Ensemble Group Medll•tlon Ald"'1 bt Qu.lot •••• •• Alumni Gather In Full Dres 11~n1,:-':1na~,,~:!;~~0N::~mm': Next On Lyceo1u .. :e:='::e:n:;nai.!,~~:n•~:::,'~ H

-- ~::.:~.~·:.~~ ~. ~~. :,~::::·~ ••• : Six Artiata from Chicago Civic ~:·.~::«; ::.~· .,.~~=~:~. !~~::;.~"~.:.:: At oinecoming Uniforms of Crimaon Red and room. Date1 tor the ~Ycmln1 were Symphony to Present l111t: nc. tho mtd-•·cok ve11per wrvlcc McPbenon ° Mecca" for De·

Trimmed in White Preaenl ch<HM)n at raDdom. ~ · f Concert which ••• held Jut Thursd1t.1 '!•t>n- vout Bulldo1 Supportera Colorful Appearance After an ennlng'a en\trt.atnment .'"•"u:.',·,,7 o'deck In 1be Collcie A. Crowda Su.r1e In

or g&mea and 1tunt.t rorrc•hmtmta lA Pellt. ltntcmble. 11b. dltulncllvo , ..

Concert Is Plam1ed wore H M'Od to tlf1y-one. fttlflU or Uia Chicago <'Mc Sym- Plun t.u a ttend lhO YOIJJftra thlA H .• s. Band To Play phony, wlll l)ro1e11L the (11url)1 uum- - ·eek on Thnnday • fi ning 11 S: i5

1",rop-m To ~ .. u. 1kslAnlDC Park Beck Submits !:;nl~~ :e .=;;:r c~ar'4) on tbe lo tbe College church .• Ooronatlon of Qu«.n To Olm-..: •K\·f:'.nh.la l'"'~Ak'tl

01 Secoad s.......,,. Report On Rights •• :~~~.~:':~~·~~rk ·::~:;~~~ •. ~.:~ Karl von Hoffman For the flrat thnu 111 the bl11ory b1 thl• group. Each ml•tnh<>r ot tht Te.Ila Of Africa rue~'~,":d~:~0~1~! ~~::;:t~~·~::· ~~~:

of McPbtrtOD College, a •ell-organ- Natioaal Student Auoc:iation companr I• an artlat 'Q bl$ o•n __ le&e are conlfaually comhsg ror lbe

~;dba~l~r~l~de;111tb:J'l~~~1t!°nnc°..! Adopta Utt of Privile1ea ;~:Yl h:~.e-:tl~d~~ ;!~h 11~~:c :~.~~~ Explaina Life and Cuatonu of Homecoming, tho ttrat alumni event

- ~ full·drc:•• bu.nd unlrorm1 at thu J'lell Park Beck, prefi'dent of the Stu- "' He nri Ho1u. Ramon illrvln , 1-::1. Batala Tribe in Rbodeaj ~:,::,:n~::~~~=~• :,~:G~!:.::th~1~::1~ " . ~::-::.,!~~:. arteruuon a.od rially lo ~:~1~1~~u::~·m~lft~o1=~~:n"!'~:=~ ~=r:::a~~~~~.n~~l~11trltl Grcaitcr :and Karl von Hoffman, ritb\, t".X· ve~ry or th" rounding or lho ln•ll·

• The unltorma are or crlm1on red which had been drawn up br tbe A popular r61tutt or • tht flro- plo~r. l"(!ata~Jt worker, a nd 1ec:tur- tutfon. ona trimmed lo wnltc watetbaud• Committee on Student'1 n t111:ht1. Thi• ~r11.m1 of tho ~elite En1ti'mble fa tho er, Pr6Cuted tho third In the tllrl~• Por l ludcnlt or thti ('olltJl'l/ind and ahoulder 8tnp1. A. wlllto l)'re r eport .,., ado11ted by lho C11blnet• Strlug Quortoue, con1h1t111~ or l"''o 9r lyceum numbe r• n1 the M P11.,r· o1bor locttl •u11port11r11 vt tll t'! Sch·oa with a rad lc~ter " M" bea.n the In· and t :nc:utlYe Committee ur the Na- vloltna. viola o.nd ceHo. A KNiii• or 1011 conununil)· bulldln« on Thur»- &rtdmeu, 1Jreperallon1 rnr th~ Thank.,

1tgaa. of tbe organlutlon. These t lonal Student A.Moclatlon. numben 8Pttl•11Y wrlll.•·n or or- do.r 6nnlnc. November 19. sh·lnc I,_,. battle wltb Wl..tt rao wlll

colorful Jacket.a • ·hh .,·bllO duck The cornmlttoe ... con,·lntf'd that ranaed ror thl• comlJlnntlon or In· lJr. \'Oii lf(lftm1rn hi • rcec•r<'h begin thl• dtt!rnoon at four-thirty trousari Present n. d liltlucth'O 1rnd rh::btt are llOl Inherent 111 the na· t1lrumeilt8 dt1ll1Jhtt1 "'' Ith 111,. he11utr worker tor t.hti f'leld i\luiMum 111 Chi· "''ht•n 1-'IO)'d ltnrrl•' Cnllcafl Pi'io colorrul unltOrm. ture ot thing• . but are acquired of the rull 1trlntc hllrmcmlc11. ca~o. ~h·fJr)' yuar, tlurln,; our tnam• b11nd wlll load a nolt>' ?th'lln Stroot

Tblt a fternoon Olroctor murls' throuab tbe itruule of tho.e who Tho repe:r1olre or \ht! ••nat•mble 11 mer. he-~ on an uploratlon trip l••rado. lo order th11.t lt ·•dll he col· College band ""' Ill tu d a Miln atreet feel lbe need tor auch rlghte. Cer· moat comprtben1h·e, lnt"ludlnll dat· lo t he lnttr U of that lo1tltutlou. ortul u we.II H nol•r. • Collcco Pep parade rollo• •ed by u agg:rc,atloo t•lo...rtghta tor "'' hlcb etude.uta Ola)" 11lc1I and 1cmt-c:Lueltal ('Cllll 11m ltlon1 Hit work lake. him Into prartlcallr c)uh comfi1htee ha• madti pl•n• 10 of IHlP duh memb r1, 1tude n1•. 1rnd ad\'Antageou•lt •lrugg:le At, tho pres- H - ·ell u m1111lc or a , lht hlc•r ' 'NII. cn·r)' 1uir1 or tho g lobe. cle<:or•tt} 1111 ll\'Ollullto c.ttt wtth ottier' IQCal Dnlldoit • uppor1ert. In eut time are: The out1tA11dlng 11rll1tt to 111,1w1tr :\I r. ,.0n ll utrman'• l~·tur~ lum,i 'atruatnlln ot rc.:t rind whlto.'

the evening the biand wllt appear ( 1 ) The rlsbt or •tiadeat.. to dt.. on the LePt"tlle Ennmhl•· rirugrAm wall about Atrh. ... morti apecUl(a11y, Tonhthl at M!t'.,.n-lhlriy tho llarrr. a1alo u the lnitlal feature of the agree wltb tbetr teache.n concern- I• &tt.be.r Arneson. 111..nbJ . Sh Rhode.la. He rcta1 d fote.rutlng band •JU ln\rot.IUCf" 1h• eYulna'• pro.

program of the JteP rally. 101

thft coocluilou be di-awn .iudled at t11e Am,.rk • n r onsery•· f1lrptlrif.>nC\.'• or hit t1l~hteen Te•n gram 111 the c-nlle~o t'.ha1H'tl. Studen~ Membe r• or thle orgnnl1atlo11 hl\'e to ry ot 1\lu1lc In C'hl " "" durln~ 111)e11t with the Juuith.• 110.th·e1' or th•t 111'111 ~h·n •ttYuntl fll)tl>Clal uumtHt,._

spent m1my IL.Oun or arduou• work rroftl •uth• et'lde11ce u la 11reaented which period #ho wun *'' ''('~RI sehOI• regltin. 1111 enllf'I• f!Utech glowvd h1 11 6'IUI ballet dantfntc, trio num­

aad aacrlflce In 1order that 11 band ~:c t~~e;:n~°.,;'a;:; :~~hbou;b•ausf:: arablpt. At the ago of 18. )!In An- with lbrlllln~ talt'I or Jungle bHtt• bera. and "ocaJ t0loa, Urk'f atat~

or blJ caliber ould be realbed. meot : dertan r eclved lhe dea""" lb che lor 1ht re. lie showed thtt 11lchn'M tum· 11tvit.a • ·Ill be beftlt'd from Coatb Lei· At proHnl plan• u.nd preparations (!) tlie rlitht of itudent• to pre- o r Mualc. ShC! ""•• wl1111e r o r the cd or tho ll<lCroe•. • 'hld1 depict In ter Selvf.'r.-tril aa1h1t1nt. Johnaon. 11ind are being made to gl"e a clHtlcal ·1ent i uch evident• u they m•r co.re eommenceoumt tnnte~t of lllf· Aruerl· dct1\ll tho lire or u 111•11 trom birth ty CHRJJto.ln• \·ouulla 1111d Uau11. proi;ram 10 be prcse.ntcd tn tho aoe- to prffeut In cl&H with 11 ihnllar u n Conserv11ory pinyin• " t.lut 10 death. JI~ c:ipl11l11\ld u1me of the l'arnl 81tracnt, am Ua·llcl'l\cr110n a rid ond aemc1ter tor the a pproul of the meuure of Impunity: conef!rt? al tho Okk111n Sy':phonr tcran.ge c:u• tOm• ob~ned by th& 11ar will ""P~~"'' tbe aluwnl wbllt public. ' U) the rtsht of itudesitt 10 partl· Ort.he1un. llt>r debut, In U . S. ·~ Dalal• trlbf". The-., plnuree tho• Air. Au~ull S.n ltOmanl, dfr~tor or

Tht. band bu addt-d a n outetnnd- clpate treely 111 clat• dl.c::uHloni; under lht1 manaKe n1011l ot J c 81 O. the nath·('j tu~ thl'Y r~ulfr Jh•c, tor the lucol hlgo eebool IJ1u1d r(.!JJttllftnl4 Ing mu1lcal ort;1tnl1tulon to Mc Pher· (4) the ?IJ ht of ttudent" to a Ul\ll . 111 the Ynnug Am••rl~nu 1trt l11t Mr. \'on tt uri"mou 111>v1•r ;c1wt1 11N•r" the 1uw11 1\1c:Pht.tnon, Finally the

100 Collt10. Dtu1h11 upon U1e Kreat ,.olce In the de termination o r the eorlet&. In thf• 11ro«rAm J1h1• wUI 11r...,. ml1J1:fo11 RlUtlon ; hl1t 1h11y u a tu· 11rOg'tllU1 wlll rind Ill dim•• when prosreaa of tbts b.nd, ~ePhortoa currlcilum: · ~nt tolo nun1bers from 'be old lle9 rc.h workflr H .et forth br tilt! Miu Vera lleckmao rectJve. tb& Collese ca.n loot ron•ard to a lara:er ($J the rlcbl or 1tudenl.• to re· mutort . )."feld l\lu1.;un1 11 t ci find lhe pt•o1H"1 ~row11 o r local rootbaH quetmthlp and 1reater McPhoraon Colleae b~nd, prottulallon at fac ulty meetlus• a( Thi• EMetnhle wa1 or1tanhted b>' "'' ho htt \'tl tUH'er hocn re•ch~d b)' rrom U1" hand• or Ctnyton Hock. vftt-

~l 6e1llned through Lhe coop- •laJ~.J.._~•t•. ol l!_deiall In .I.~°" 91~ue ~ .. •u"t.0l r:u11rhr!!r,•r:e~ =~~~ "llY turm bt ch'lllutlo1'. "l"or any eran IJulldog oonlvr and lhu pretl·

e ra tlon o 1 udeur. b'r-11\'tillS':Pi~ 6Tal are under coutde.ratlon : ... .. ami.11 prt1~ . .. 111' M . on Hurtmaa, dent of the Stucf<1n't C.oundt. Jfonor­tr. to rl.,•1 anr c:o11tf:e band ... ·nhtn (I) the rliht or ttude.nta to a Jn toncerlS and mut'ltalt throuahout " a oallt'e will •Inc all t he h1mns eel with lbo queen •Ill/be ber attend-· the clut or McPhc.non Cotle~e. he.arlnfl: betoro l h• admlnlltratlon: ~hlcago. Tl1l1 11 th~ Ural Orne th~ he ltno•·llf bu1 ... he n a mlaalonny'• •llll, MIH AJa.rgartn. Fry and )inn

In tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1

(?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt· companr hu b~n malie aval1able U1I~ hal"k 1111 lor11ed. ht' "'' Ill ~o hack t() CladY• t;hanle.

~ro rour corneu. ~ru<: horn1, t wo cuH thb laatltqtlon and It• penon- far weet. Yto' ltc:hcrart." Tha t IM lhe reuon Urn All(!r tho 11rocnun thi: riu iuu1 "°" barftonea. a.nd <twT~ t rombone•. She ·Del wltbout peoaltt· Museum detlrea hlrn IO avoid rul1- clal conimlltt."C wm .e.ne cooltt• members plar u:a:opbonea. ot11Y one (IJ th rl•bt of ' a 1(u nt , 0 be Panel Di CU iou lont. and c:otrt..-o lu th Student aton playa a clartnet . and tbtre aro 1•·0 tried~ by a Jurr or rell~ 1tud'enta, • Th•• 1••i.1 b ttum nutnl>tr wlll he J<uom. drummon. In cue o r dl•clpttnan· chur1te• b)' G,1ven J It • C. ~1. 1irt.!1J~111.-d on lk.'<'.emht1r I hr " 1Jfflt1r1 "1'1';urt1clu)1 thtt Hullduga • ·Ill meet

t~loyd Jlarrlt1. Winton SM1trl'lr, the raeuttr or admlnlnrallon: I or m1111M•t1K •·ho ""II themffhoat lb" (.'uyorn11 In 11 di.-c.lllT& arldfron

~hb:r:n:;;{·A~:~n V~=rl~l;,rr::a;:; (9) the rl1ht or 1tudeut1 to or· P eraonal and Family Relation• "j,r l'etlt ):;n~mblu." dub. ~r. ff.an Jto"'anl and bla Mc.-

Mohlor a nd Stephen S toYc.r play tho ga(11':,: tnhde ~~.~l~t:o:l~dent1, u In- Croup Pr~~ Prosram I Coppock~He1Studetnta :~·~:°:u~~= ~b~! ':;o~:c:: .~0:::

borne; tho linrltoneil t1Nl t1h1>'od by dlvldual1, to uaoclalo 1hom1al"ea / "C•n 11 wo1111\n lhn '4J A llarnf• 1.11111 Jn Friday Mornin1 Chape l k• 1110 .. h11d pluy al \bu lntroducllon of Tony Vo1hell " nd Jltchard Horn: itnd with minority or otbo grour: Continue He r Cairee r . at. \lie Hamn --- the l"outb.11 Qua'Cn prior to 1ho klck-D~lo Coppock and narmond ••torr ( 11) tbe right or ttudV'~ who Time!" ., ... t he qu<""tlon dlai:bucd I ll~\". X I •• c·o11Poek or Hoelt.J t"ord, off and lilt;.•lo ktween the bah·e.1.

-..ffla.nage the ttoNbonea. Ma:a: Wllbor, aro or lecal ase to Jtt.-,1\elr llYea ,1 a panel "roup 111 tho rerc:ul11r 8 Cal9r<1do, "Poke to thn aiuclt nt• In l'"olluYto•lug tb,u g11n1u a ha11quet ta H1rold Schubert. Joelle Lc1ke nu111. out.alllo o f the 1Chool rrl?c from rac· . M. meetln,: 0 11 \\'1 dll'·•drty 1110r11 .. r h&illll Prld11r ruorr1l11•· Ito\'. ~u111H)C.k lhfl C'1Jll01tti d tnltlA 111111 wUI couclude J ohn Schmidt, .Ju1l11 1''rleJt. aua PhH ulty uvervl1fon, ro1trlctod only b:r nr. . 111:l1tor ''' tho Un•thron Ghurch •L Uiu llom1tt:omf~ •v,fvll lca. Arte r 011vl1 eCLch ploy av:oJ'lli>nea; Oona such reaulatlona H are lm1>01ed UP- The proi:r•m wo: 11rtt~llr<.'d b> thu Jtoclty Portl. C()IO, b .. h1..o.cn lhc JCUUtlt t ho preildemhal we lcou10 by Or. v . Pray 11 t.he onlr c.larln Oat; Fran on •II cltl&ea• by the c:.hil •utborl· Perten•l a ad P'amll> It litloni cnt11· putor o.r the prcacblnc in Ion ror t '. Hc'bwalm, • nunl~r or forme r root•

Campboll playo tho an•re druut . · wtulon. ThOM who c:omfH)ll'a thti tbe Pl•t wook. hall 1tart1 and olhc r 'tMilduat~ rep·

Otho Clark bcata th~ baaa drum. ' pan 1 wore Volmu \V11 1k1t1s. "''ho otil· I rt••v Co11Pot>k '11 11dtJr••lf.JJ ~ fl• e u 111- rt'1u:11tln .i "Brlout 1tlumnl c<wtera wn1 " ' , · S. C . M . Sporuora Box Sctcial ed "' chaJrmin, t-:dllCil' JK1JH,1r l'lh•r· 1q11try whol h1Jr' youth WK• fur the •Ko 00 fu1rmh1t·<i.~ . At111la1ant (.;uy II.

Preac inc Mis.lion Clo.ea; ' To Be Given Friday,_.Dec. 4 llO'tll Mc-.amu. Olto n MC(Jonlslo. 01· or If th" • lfl wu tor youth, Th i• tiara o r t::ll•worlb lll&;b & I, all Coppock D elivera Addre.aa -r=-- h·or Andre•• and Oe<1rce Tot1nd. .... t>Qlnlt·d out to be an Hfl of ronf"n11<4J soard durtnc llll dl..f• at

\ """-~ A box aoeltl for•ll tall ge 9Uidente Pointe conaldered br tho ,;rou11 tliln,::a. Ydlllh - ·ho hl\1' not UM'd tho Md'lw1arm. • •111 bu the main a fter Tho tlnv.1 kdd~ of the c!ghL day la being 1~n1orod by ttic 8 . C. M. were thllt 1 wOuld d·~puud •ery mu 11 f ,.J(ll a rc tftu~tn In k "~r(••t wa.-• ., .Mak· dlr111~r t11 JM.11t.ker. Thu Collcae 11111

prcaclllnl mfulon .. wblcb -.\1 bold In tile Student Union a._nd t . W. rooma on the kind of carPtl l" cb~n. tor Jnt youth 10,lt th~ ue waa cited M• Quart11t wlll ~rut.,r •~ '1r41 111tlt.'f'llU., durtnx J he Pllft week a t 1be Collece Friday ntsht. Doe. 4. at I o'clock. whll• .aa woman inlsht i,.. .U1e to H·'• great c•W"' of youthful ~rlmln1la. durlnt th41 c:oune or th~aquet. church, WH dt.llnred by ReT. X.. L. .All •tudentt are ln,.lted u actti.ad ga•e • ,.-,.1tUt~· books. In 11rt. ~r ht t!nvtronm.tt,nt bt11J11)0 make oue alno Tbe t'Ollf'i;t. St ortnlna; a t'Omhin• ·

Coppock Sunday e Ye nlng at G: SO and thl• atfalr. Each "frl I• ua1u~c:ted to i1ocJal ..... ork• 11 ~'CHili.l "'41 11r1t('tle:t!h 'I '° lh .. a,,.,., hf which hu lh1•11. tlmi. ga11 l11tnquet ttrkt:l at ont! dol-waa rollowcd hr the commuulon • nd brine 1' boi wllh , lood lo 1uat1.,,ry the ' 1tuvo11tltllo fur hd'r to •ntur tho 1:'1••V1Cf lfe 111 ulloned thf~ 1i11·al O,l(tt 111 tm· l11r. 'f't1(' tlck'lll for 1h1 hMHllHl\ i.11,nfl

lov11-tca11t 10rvlces. . a 11pe tltc• of two, whlle e b boy '- fnr tontlnuc 11cr ruv•r It It mi du II ~rue 011,, or •rl'"t 1,1,"11rul\iltlet, hut • ·ltl bo rorl.r ce11ta • nd t or tbtt s•me The preaft!tng million besan ·l••l expected 10 brhi,; a pocket full or nott&Ut7 tor her to tea•o hf'r h mf' nnt tb<' kind 10 which •o: hue be4llt a tonl\, aev~nty-~,.... rnl• . TttllU for

Sa11d•r moqilng. NOY. 1$. Service• apl~• ao that ¥ ml .. ht buy lhe moai tor loriC" JHU'hX1• <>f tlm.,, The 11roli· '" ac.cuatottwd· ''*\ Pertmuillty fa on the ltl'noutil- nht1L ba rt f6n•M •l the hue boon lietd oach Oftbh S ot t.he bClautHul hos or t11n bonn!Mt Kiri durn 'li'ft.I dliwulla<rd from the vlu"" who ttuo111•11 itrid kno"''' 111111 tiu kHO•'• . Oflllulto Uu1ln • utfk u h6for<1 ionior· J)IUtl w<1ok ~·hb Ue v. Xury L.. 001)· pre1cmt. · polo1 or the h111Jht111d. lhO wife. 111111 ! Jlert r.nalhy 111 111·h• l 11~1tk''" ynu, you row. p~k, P•• tof of the Urolbren ch,urch Thoe WhO pl•n to Uten tre to i;:o t he chlld.ren, hOlh In relation to th tnd Jn6. me. Perav4•lllT d pend• 14pon . -•t ~oc:kr >"ord. CoJo., °"' the apeaker. drt rd •• farruer ladt ~ ~aa.Je.. orld at a '!"hOlf' add In tlat.fr rel•· pbllfaoi1hr ut Iii\, l'hll<MOPhY dfr' S. C. M. Commiasion Spoaaon

Special :P1M.b1r1 of mutie were pr&- C ~tit• Wag~i;.( wlll aervo • · auc- t1on1hlps to tlit lr 11111.enu. lllf!lld• upou whe ther one I• fbr th ff;icnic On Sunday Afte rnoon l!Qllted, Ar each aen•lco. f t10 rne1r, ind Wiii, no doubt, ororfl The arlJi)\1 r1•ath~d the conch1•lo11 age, ur If Uw ui:te 18 rur him," '11p· -

,IJ. [4a)ll' or the auhJuet1 ot. iJ'-"'· ov· tron ht• exoerlencefl In thla c•v•clt7 tha l a womao d~!f uot llav to IJ<• 1,ock tUfll·d . · s .. v~t n '°'"'~btnc ol lhfl World pqc:k'• me,ta u • ere .. The Mead lHt tear. e ntirely deto fld 1u tb.. bo~e after Coo11ora.tlc>n Comml 1011 or lb'! 8. C.

of the Your UorMmt:ni" "The :Wlttlo Ad'dlllon\( fbtnrmaifon a. to how marrl•K•. bal. &b.&t l!be cou?d•Jollqw fre.ahman Cfua Ha.a P icnic JI. blk-.t to And.-n't aroY- Son· o r tho Holy Spirit," afld "The Tnn•· boxe. are to be pre pare,t.ql any, Other ~riah• lJ'PH of rart " "· tr •hb AO dC'~ _ r_ da1 art rnt)On. 11w •'1.:nwnn wu formln• Power or thd Or011." queatlon1 concernln tlle 1'l.ua1 mtr •lrl.ld, Jiowt'v,,r, u Is very "'~~..t1i Last "' rid•)' nl~hl t lrn f.'rt 1l11i\1n ~JNin\ rou tfug: wefllt"fll a11d pla1lu1

Thq,.c 1erYftet1 - ·ere Oil quite well be obtained t.rom either Vora Heck· that there- bf' • mutuiaJILy or recllna ~lu,a ..-ent t.o •)ror1•1lc1 IJe lght• ror tall. attended and It ta bello•ed that tbey man or Lola Mat Harbo $b. bet•Hn the wUe a nd thtt bu1band I• weloe r t Oll.i. Thate P"*M!t'lt Wf'te: lluby Wtl· have done mueb to rcoe the tplrllu· con(frnlni th eontl•uatlo.n of the A ... boul thtrtY r th" • lUdtalt tert mer, t.oullM! Keirn. A•I• llttleman, al llte of the people or tfila cll.y. Pl"f 1•"°'°"'111 Ortnp l.Af'll(e Crowd woman'• car~r In order 10 obta in trom thA 1:.'llllPl•I hi t'(h•at,. <:•r• at Etther Kimmel, Thrl'eu fft{Om.

\Hl:lt6r hOua6hold hRrntony. tJinie o't lo<:k, Th1> 1t.loittht• 1.roved Margatfit l..otJl•tt '(11-ccarlf'(;, To11hlro

CHruo•DfORTff£WU" PbTeh,..•nPleoa",,.•1{°"• ,",'.' .. '•.•,..e.!a,'"h, .. •< 0•01~: ---- ·- tll ht' ll Yf rt nlrti 1)1fuh' ~ru1tnd. Tnbok1wa. Genrau Tvland. 1 ........

""""' II.A " ~ .... l ll!iorwtC n .-..tauraul •:t~w-llr \\'Ml~ tll f" \Htffi 11\a} d li.asa.e hall, &b• ntnce tlayiff', Wllltu r t:StNn, Galen ----...--------lact plara IHt Moadar eve.lug In the .\ t W omrtt''- Counrtl ..>.IN-th•Jt J:lrJll fl"l•lnt Nt u1~ totkY JU&tl•• and 6tts.rn. Addlton 8MiUHlff. lfo•·n d

w~'!:1Pe~~:[i/';"~.~:-P~rade, 6 P·:U· co~~~~: e~•,~:~· '" --E~oug.h ." .. ,:•suo· The women';-;;.:11hehl1rnothM ~:::11::~1e11~:1~"°~~rt1~\!\~ro~~·,.)~~~~ =~~::v~~14~,·:;• o:~~:;;:·n 1111~ 1~1:::~:

Thurtd•Y. NoY. 21-Vacatlon 1tart1. preuecl Dealrea." anti "The Drink or ~O(Jtlnt IHl nlch1 for tht rru hm1tn one. lta\' h14 had • cooc:I tlmt', ••• Da.11. ' Kanta• Wnle.van ~m~6, t : ao p,m.. Siience" we.re Jh'e n tor the .approval ~1rla. The laplr Ul"f'd •U tttta\raut rf'at1Y tb .-011• bal'k •lid .cet rt•adr • Alumnt.l;tuac.111 Banquet. l : JO or a J•r,;e aadle11cie. "tlQUtitte. >;mma fk' fimldl 16d tho di•· fo;. open h1111ae au .Arnold Jlall. Olef' Oou.:hnour, Ut>rdou \''od.,r p, at. I .. eu111IOD, iu1d nllttlllititl CJf tho Ct:IUDt II --- -- • ai:d EYel)'ll llt'rr \' l81l00 Mr. •nd

1.loadar. No•. ao- Vacatloa end•. neat lb.• 'Y"'et•u Oot ol .. I 1 aettd out· thl correct rorm. ueiu' Uu1 Wu1ley111 C'C"1'J1•tNI I W"• · T''1"' Herr •I :.-111''111 n · \1 1.1 1.1d•y.

Page 2: VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v20-12r.pdfIn tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt·

PAGE TWO Wl!m:NBllDA-Y, _NOV. 25, 1988

ortlclal Studcat Pabllcattoo ot M~P'benoD 'Coll..,e. Mdtbenoa, ~uu. ,..bU.lbed evtry. T11urt&t7 dW"la.- . tl~ echool JeM br the 8tll4t'Ot. Counctl, or Tl~ n~~o w:!~a~~~. 1:r n:~rid~;.u:( 1•m ;wonder.1,ac how many. equa.u ont 1bey uake the Coyol.Q otr their ft:M)l

DOKE OF 1nJf> M4.-mber 10)1 ~·soiioOL cl18a. Rather "It I• a tttull of IOac Dr. Her1be.7 bad to equallie be.fore: lOO. M'U"T>! DUJ.LDOGS . (:\ssocialed Coleeic:de:Press OF Q AJdTX and ardubua practice tn th& n~tle1 be came to lbe anouitdlti& ru ult : ,. _ M it or lite arounde<J In• a' lhorO know- ' _am drl'flng tho flimll, car, there~ Mlse Sheet.I' unftfgned· manner II

s..m-, = iJ =:;11= ~·~;,. ~bfr· m; 1 t , •l di. ~ •t MePtit~. ledtce ~r thb rule9 bY wtitcb lbctett for-e. Ar'dYs+riD•t. one or tbe ru4'ttl JeWell on thl• p..

;..==-"-'"----·~--=-~·-=~=--'-"--'-'----~·.-·1 • ~okvc':n~1/~1 r::i:~~ l=~~H~D~:; 'Mie lerftade-* df; odr ' \tlffh11n1t mid•, UI. detlre to m lnlo totletJ'• aea.r u a riffb"'t.in 10• F'alane9tOC:k wu· unlque .. ·well i;blhtlied COK Nnfer (ban ·to JD t.tie laoliow-.Ou"ndln~ l>en'"edlCtloll - ..... -.......... 'ftl9 ....,.,.ATOI < ............... ,. .. atand out a. 11 mott. lnconerrubue 1uci :ProrioUo"'c.~'if Hr Vertioii M1ehU l:

___ _.__,.."---- ---""'"--=="--=-'"="-''-"---I One. ot the run~tlons or a collece "Peac~ ~ Unto 1ou · • · •• for bel.ng .hffStlr: b1 dllplarfog. the

nm ft.u. ;!:!~!.~~:10 ;~.;~,.~';h•~d;,.;:~~~;~ Don't w~rry,-;:;;t, (·m 1upprcH1 ~~~~~~;:~ :~r~{.:':n°:~·::.:.::: !=::;:!,~~!;;=--_·-_· _-.:._----,.~ .!:::: of lite a nd um·b. Another td.nct'l'on . log tbote ou111 uow that. Or. Schwalm f•e. tet Uog: and by drawing- auen-... w,... Edl.- Wn ...._. t-Qulllly tmpnri..nt . tbo orU!n m!l(ftct· ando Mr. Darlt hue re turned. tlon to .f11ne·1 eyea lJ1 footHtc'fttr~m-~:c';•r:~~~~=-:~~~~~-~ ed, I• tho trnlntn« o r Ju1 mem~ra ..1--- phHI•. Uulliw. vaUm: v~ o: Jl1lltA1 In the am~nltl<!!I or lh& dtnntr .t.atfle: ' Jt tJte rc;d\ ibfclceo al char Thanh- - ·-~:i::: =~= ~:: ___ .... _.i.=r11:i:';° Mcrhenon Collego would be ftilll~~1 ·tlri• I ti.nquiet I• t. bit. prickly, we•n o~e petHTdn rni g-olhJ; to aneak In

,/ _ . · • \ atp:nCl11y In It• ntl4ttUPt. lo de\.1100 Ju8t UJQme the tooda-JabOra tory glrlt with my pratere or' ThAnk•&h'tac-----'----------~~-'-~""'-""-----l ll1dh•ldual1 It It did noL ofter oppo.-.. wbo did a pprO.eb tb~e plnreattieN or .. rleJM don•t let me tee.l aw ~loomr

OO~'TBIB~RI TO THis - Vil tunllfl!I r~r training In ttie .odal th e. bl~• tuber tfh~rly. u 1_ dtd 1D.3t. yoar whnn r *"' • ltUhg lllrrtle oarsr;,. Wlllllrd l't.-mlftl' OJNol Holt-n • Jil•rJorf• Ktn•l11 groCf':l!, on the dorm *'epa and Dr. Smltb In-~ no.;:.:: =ta~=r :~H"i':t,"' - ~ • :;;;.~wr::,,,,. This lr'Glnlng requlr'ea three York and lntler att.rte4 Metndar f)rmed u• hometlck. dorm-eondt'lnned PraMtt C.-"'\lt..ll LM Haun M•!Ytll'M tea~ Ku'"'iJ\ Wt:n•r thlnra: • manual of Ju1t wblit h1 • nd nlttbt to aet Uielr pulse• CitHclCened ~•la tbat We would Junre rules eon·

_ ... _._'"- " -'"-' ___ "*_v_'"_' _"_''-' ..... ~-"-"-"'_' •-••-k.• ---"-'"°" __ w_._••_•_,,;b:: ~::',~:1~=-~!~~~0n:::~t~~~ rbr !_be comrrtg tray. Here's h\>olnlt ceinlnfC 10.t.e hours:• , ...

good cxantfNe.. 1'he dlnl~~ ball I• the WHl• of e n~y Involved tr one t,or on the left. It ta deddedly con­tho l1t1'fofntorr. a nd mon)' ot tHe lake• t he troubl,,.:o bre4k tb·a.t tm- venlent tor the pet8cn1age In que.­

• SPlrtou.. th" nottd Dutch pbU6-- ridual Who bu thu• Mt uldc morol ~Inc~ or~ turrfclttn'~b well •ened~ mense •lice of- ~d Into 1maller lion, ror h1! la 1bas «!&bled to lean liopber and ma lier or 1en11C3. at oil.'\ rettralote' releri ter Prlnte Ufie tn a n :u ra.et "~ mune.~ , to air'tO u pieces!

· IS The State Bound By Moral Da:W?

tlnib inld, "The 1lntc1 la not bourid normal wa.1f Hletory aliOwtl tho i he moilel guide-•. Tho tlilrd roq,illl lte 3. ' Durlog iho oou rac or a meal fir ,forwa.rd JntQ b llJ plate, braelns bi mbral law.'' The tmpllcatton In cADnot. Not Only are the mora11 or .111 n.Yttltable in " mullJtude or &Ood oru~·• n'ngers are apt to beeonie mare blm•elt tor the ordeal or. thoYdl.nr; thli CHCI h1 that only lndlvldual bo· ran tndl't·Jdual a tfffted lo 1hls wa)' boolca Jn tbe lllir;\r;)", but alnce lhffle. or .1Me co&led with nihtutn blll of In the vlctunls. Thia h n.ccompll11h· lni• uro 1Jo1111d 0>' mor111 In•'. tiut ibO mora11 or the rr<>llP arc llkO- 0~0 10 0::~n :11 " ~led$" 1te;ie .. or groUe. toot\, el ·~ atf~lillly n one ed by o. rapid fire. automatic proceu

• wtae altl!Cted. Tho · ·pread or ttlntO 11 on o.r c ell n t e pee •r~ pro- II ~re.leu. Tbe-n , If on ~ ao- •hlch ttq:olrtt only a moootoriou. t? order to elarlf:r thl• statement •ni! tbe la1rl ty lb monll& tlnce 192 0 POM!d lo HPOB-e IJOme of fbe """re other1a •l•U~ wtlille grUplng ll gerll· 11 Quick nip ot the "'rlsl and dowri

le t 111 tako A prncttcal enmp1e. If can be lrlleed directly lO the World s lo.rlna: fault s w1tn11aa~d In our own. ·1y ard"udd Che llp wlttt oll th•o ting:· •oet i.ht;t food. It ~04!:1 without say• " 1tato 11 not b<>und by anr moral Wu. dl nfnK hnll, and sog~ell romtdl8 e r tlpa. It la •Pt to lea•e a beautiful Ing thH auch ••1ft contumptlon re· law It ha• a .. sttrrect r1111:ht to declare Thul One oa~nol •IMO wlt.h SJlln· In • 0 lmi>tnonal manner. "Mii• 1• •~n or nn1er prln tt wb1di would ae- qulret • prellt:nlnur hMvlnit or the war and direct Its e1ttaen1 to klll 0111 th•t' a tlalo 18 not bound by moral lhc first _or imrh " tuirlee. lt.rht tbe htut or atmon any ,;ood plate with a·torO mention · TlctullA. those or anothvr country. 111 order 'law. For f f It am without reetraJot PtH'llGp1 no one .. ·ould 11111)ff.t Poltce 1tauoa. Tb& txperlene~ oe In order that tbe Tontloa.t 111utton. to caMT lht• ld9 to ll.t

111011feal con .. lhe lndt'fldtiat· elUs4Sn wtll ba forced college lludents ot belntt «utllr ~ dr1nlc1hl rrom a glaq alter the )Ip need not •et ah~ad or hit nel•hbort

cl u•lo ~~l_ u• aay tllllt Uie atCLte 11 t!o sot atld~ bfa mora l con¥lctlon•. •omo of thn tnllowlnr mo.tpmcUee• bH tioen. iedtty tondled by others In point ot ttmo~ • terteetb'1"Ju1utlod In tb la caae. Be- It Js tblrerore obYlou.1 th•t ellhf!r - 11 owevor. lhey •11 acHu•ll.1 do ~J~t. ta pa.UIDs fa libOu t t.• plea.'l.'nt> U SO. thl• could drew on lndetlnlt .. eaute It boa thlt T1gbl the ttotfl can tf&te an'd· lddl•ldllal are ·both bound fn the college dining ball, and are uafa1 rour nert door neighbor'• ly. but cnor•e •111 c:omo n.ut "'eek. rnako Ha c1 111.,n11 k lll and plunder by moi-al Jt:w or lllet bo th nre not.; Obl!flr\'od every do.)'. tooth brutb! _ A clottns t.hougbt mlt=bt be t.o t'b6 for ft• own aake. , mon.l laW d.n'not •DPlJ to ontr one. 1. Ordinarily It I• a.uum4'd tb•t-a. 4.. One Of tbe Nrtt tb:lnp t.btldrea tffect that gOOd nu.oner. dictate tbat

Fron1 the 11.nndpolnl or (he lndl.. rlflt ut carry· t.ho argum«htt ft Rl~P tork and •POOn aNt •lbe only 'f tJn1 at'e u1u1l)y tktlti:ht In tbe war or (!lckle• and eheefHI. •re kno·wn H vtd\ia1: however. Lho qu ost11m'•1" riot rurtbor. It ·a 1l'a~· J• not bound by tlU!nMllt which cv"r touch th & li p~ ·ma'linere 1' the .ule of "Pl!ase" an\1 tinier foods and an baodled t!DUre-

.ct alrrtple. r~ order for him to tot- a 1aw tbat ~I-ad• tbe lnljtvldual then !::!07~ ~h:icu~ 1::1~~~~1 :~:: ;!!:~~ ~~:." 1~·.~~~1'0:r:::Sryt~e-: 11 wlt.h tbe rlnce,.. NOT th• tork. 1_ow Uie dfetatea ~r tbc •late tic Ood muat: op«1rat:e. thTo~gb two dlt· he or ehe porcelvee' bta nel1hbot' l oo· In co1\1"te17 baa not been Joun- VBRClVA L PRBf . •

must ,merge hf• ld~blltY with II . To rer~n~ aota dr 11~1. HO"Ai flVf)r, u.11 evl· •blandly Uck ln1t lho run lensth or .. , •. ed by 4ome bborllb• hid1Tid'li•ll ,.1·::==========: lhe UJ:bo htent that. h! dofa thll ht cfence lutUln to tbe contruy. U KNJf.•E arttr tprCAdlng •1 pl~ or alnpb ,..lrnent:d e,-ery dq fl\ t.h~ I. ' · - -I• telUhK aalde h~s p6rton?1 morala. ~ere I• ,on~ Cod _<b ~a ca_n M oalr bread. , dining hall. , I . . ~ ":Hat . wna formerly_ , out:elde ttia one set or ta"w1 or proceue• th rough 2. That lmmedlli(e.tr Wsrfttr' att- 1 5'. A..-in, a rew people 1-0 colleP PUMM bou'Dds or d~c~nel' and mor.t la• ~· wliiteh be •orb. ~ Ttiu• one can.not other point.. GOOd tute Glct•t• are . attlkted with -wea1' back• and . ~ now Ju1unoo : the. ln(HY1dual ~o a.-r.ee with !Jpla(\U tor a tlate 1\1 1 lhal nnc butler and eal Only !fm•u·'tiltct'a. • T'n ol'dar ('o .. p"-foteet (h'ete •• ... lor\ger J1 b,old nc~oun t able l°'t ht• well 11 an lndh'ldual mti.l ICl'ko L.110 plcce• Ot bre.d at a ume. Coad bukts. a'l:itt' D"~ ft 1¥ roul\d iliecu- .. _ acfloti• u loog H ho doe. the b:d~ eonaeQuenctt when It oventeps • ieate. t.ben. fa fl•craTI'll y Tlol'l'ed NfJ' 'by Reh people to tUPDOrt tlu~m- ~

d-h-fg-of_h .. _ •_•P_•_•I_••_•_· _c•_"_· .,.'"...:-'"_d_•·_m_o_ra._1_1_• .. _. ______ _;·;..' '1- l·whon somM n"e aatm11 rips -wbOle M•H wtijnr ea'tlnc tiy fest1n1 thb tllcet Of brud lnlo t wo pfe«t".•gratpla r'ett to-Yafai' Oa~ ~ ta"'tife. AltbO one piece firmly by lbe corncrr with lbl'I gfeatlJ dllOOmfo'rtr Ole. ne1g.b-

t"Jrnmb an'd foreflngter ,. n.ft'd pf'OoM'a f=====' ======::!:'ll 1 p nce had 1 blg:b tcbool teaeber wu aurprltted lo find out when r to 1prtad the e.nllre aurrace 11i'fth' • 1.---------'----.i1

What I Appreciate About McPperson College

' ";..~" dhe~dre:.::~1011~': o~c:yo:,~: c::: =~:.;:•:::n~:e~:ne t~~ :~~::; !~rl~~tc~e~:~~~n or la:uu:~u~:: D. M-. lfaJe wom•n In 11>111orlca a coll••• educa· were tlUd.71011' 10 go Into ho mini• · tul•. Ot course. one '111Ull coulder 'ffg£Wfll'l'DS tlOD, h lft contended; In thlt -..y all try. Al l, learned lo kno •OJtl or l:::====:::;;::~;::~=~1r 90U) ~ _ RENTED

~~o';:~P~:dw~J~m~:.4: :!'~::dw~:;, ! ~:':h::~•::-m::~~~ :, c.a:ut:tt ~ GI R: L $ =.!~ ctothiet. t:ood book• to read. f. radio oUera re•) opporlunltr tor M:l-Tlc~ A•k tor• Set~J;:!i1:1fll TTea \IH ll L_......;.h,;;r.:;m;i!'"ii.i-'-'ii:A.:.lll;;;a•:;.:. '~'..im;;;;;:a1~'....._...J ! f to enable them ,Heto1) to1 cood mu- an'tf ebaH~nP• t he ~et th ere 111 In ft

110, etc:. in tbl• ay ttl• marlcet wm pema. The: F anrily t>& e.nlarcad. enump\lon tncreated Sonmone baa u1d that college ~"'"'

0 1• N. ~1 .. 0auty Sho. l)p _ ,~

t.nd. the wbeo1a of lndu•try m9d& lo longt t1'& perlotl Or aaoto143ence.. Ile, • v . ,. . . Pho_. -.-.· .. turn. Rtgardl~u of tbo nu ,. or that u tt may, Colle'le doee onab1• a

t.bla •f1lume:nl there ta an ole.ment or peNOn to beo61tre betttr eqn1pped for I ~---....._ __ _...._._~.,.I l t rulh Jn tt, for COllego doea Clballge liter Ufe, Ml:nY, or m)' former . high a perton. ll certalhl.)' hu ma e a sebool cbume bne tor 44!1•e.r•1 1ear• Ma:vtaaW~

Nu-Way ~

dlf:.tt:'~!,tnbo~!n~r:~~\ho Ghureh or ~::in~~~~.':b';e~;~n~~=~ ~;~':!,,i: W. -A. Crd,r Hutl'Miff"~·. 1 1"',_...,,.....,._....,._ ........ _.._ ll lbe Bl'Cltbren, thereroro r h&Yt, Urtt when tbe1 craduau1d trom hti h Phone 54 11'' I. *Ila ~Iring Ji&l6ical or all, *~ .,!-blo 10 ele re:Uglon rrom tchool. A collese en"1ron_ment. by • tomewhatjdlfforent vlo•PolnL-Thi• ~ro1on1tug t.be oerlod ot· ado1e1«tnco. h-,.-..-..----.,.. -----'Ill M~~a MUiic Sfol'ei fi'llflout httlutinee. togother ·wuh t.b'e eta.b, .. one. ••HtUJi.ll1 to become a DrL V. N. It. A,, "fl.~

i:; lnteltectual at.mo•Phere on the camp.. m°" "'•b:a,._ ~u~ or th\ It belpt tie· 1,, ~ Pt.M MG u• bu wld~nod my bort1on1 and a peraon In ffY'loptng a lechntque In Optoiietrlif.I

:~.ou~e _:o~::::~-.!::'~t:!s' ~;; 1e:n ,!~~.:~l~,,':o~t;;.~:r~Jf :,1~ 1 ~-~~--~::d~lll<fs=· ~- _...J"'°9'::~-n.=Jtir-:====--====--==i II ' ~:a':r~t~~:e:: ab:t~:~.:,:!n ~•:;~ !::; !u'::v~~:nw~':'0:S~;: !~:i; 1 ,-----------....... 11~ CANDY .(HD

,At this_time

of ~e year

Pn.ct.ka01 eYeey 1tudenl »M.41 1om•tb1bS to mate t.betr J'OOJll more comtorta'ble or tam. «ulpmtDt to lD•k• at•4.JID.S eu1er and more eWcltul nib ••

--And Do.en~ or Other It~

JU.I lnliBrt a

REPUBUCAN mr ml.od ""'loll tho mlol1t1·1 u • m1 ~11•1• and methodt. Jn an ••· 1 CtJARANttlD Ott. ' ePEOALTY CO.

::·:1;':!~'..~:~ 1:';;~.·~;~ ':!~:.7. ~;::::~ ~~~· d:~:~0":••, · 0==~ Uk Quart II ~;;;;;;;;;~;;h;!iiob;;;e;;;l &;;;t'T;;;;;;;;;;;;g;;;;:;:;:;;Pboeo;;;;;;;: .. ;;eor;::;•;;;;;;~~ a 11u1e dlfterNl-lbat'1 whJ' thet t•rned "°" to work wttb lbeR P90· Mc.i;~mt~t>ftb. Co. ti. arft ~tnttt • Wjth tbla mind ,H t I pte.-wma~ Flamlntr.

' mE-McPheraon &: Clmeni

State Bladt or ar~ . ......

We are taankllll for niallf things, mclud inr the patron­

•re and ftlendshl p of oar co1to1ilel'll •

. ' .

Page 3: VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v20-12r.pdfIn tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt·

....... -- * R. A. Males' Large COl.UCE ·IMZE • •• a •

11 t This Queer Glame F~kldt Feil- ~-- 'Fe : Arnold Half ©lilied. Footballl! For·()pen Hau1e--Good.lr,y Boya,, Come Aaain! · r..e-. lilliff Gftnts u u •H•• •Mun

-- r.unkfn ~dter, Nov. 16 FoollJtill 11 a QiUHtr came. 'l!h~ h llru 11mol.: ft com1n,t out or Al-n- «l'OW • bt'•t-d. Ono lnn~omo lov~r

't'... R. \1"iwilt~JJ lil-.e1t·- Ocnr Onu: eheer t~dera &rt' Qu,er : t hey rut h old Hall! Nope, you ttl1r1aed wrong- 80.)'ll h'ls atnbltlon IJoten't lfYll he r-0

...et' t.· ~ Sucsce.. Pfl~~~ : ·::• 1 1'd:a~:l ~.:3~1~°e '~.: ldl0Uca1"1 back and tortb tn front ttiH llmr. Tha l'• Juat the fffn lt or • nd anotht1r ecbOf"t "nrllber <Iott;

lilore lHan SN~OOO:Ol>O half' b~n read the 1_,1 ~ . 1 ra t 1 h rcll or the c.)\ee:rtni=: t"<ltlon1 lite three t~r glrla. • wlthlntt broonu around In mlntt." Soma 1u~ ttlll hunUnM ttielr

.idftn~ In lo«n• •lid ,rants by the know~ whlchp .;:~. Ian up~to ,:Ink>: blind mice or 1h,. he-itd1HI hl)rweman., lho co r ner1. behind t1u1 doon " "d ambitio n, oome J1Q\'O Iott t heir a m·

RMtttemenr A'dlnlntatrallon durlft.5 in the llllt three da.ys 1 baYe lel two 1houUng at the IOPI or their •olc~•· ntng:1n~ a du1t rag over th:\ window blttbn. but ~ ~now 1hw11 th J)e.nH>n

' I.tie JW'tt- ,._\' In Neti1'th, Kansu tho~nd i:tollan slip beit ween 'mf To lneUo the crowd to greater Toett.1 cuto-1• and tobl to rou ti:now. wboto ambition 11 " l"n1her Ufone"

llidd'. tb., Oallotaw. a rc~ort from the fln~f)rfJ, no\'H to retu rn again! Two ottarti, lh"Y rt.-nrc to wild !"ntHllC good old dirt ! . bu l•l~nl)'-to 101c.

orHCe of Riglonll' R'A' Director Cal tbou .. nd dolllns! Poued through maUon1 llllllmit uubf!.Jlontile . 'the Tb11t very t4mn nhthl , Frld1t)', :u. Al<mi; nhout tt'n o"rh~lc Yftflora

JU '"fiafd ren•led .. to«Say. mr hands and cone! Could I atood ptndemonlum 9('.t(ttt hH spectators : 30, ~~ Arnold ap~d \town the ~amt- rtowtor. and aome or Ute ralr

Ward aomment.,d he thoultit the it ! Yet1. 1 cAn , ror I n thnef' three Hh mJ"l('.lr tn _. eort or Jirorphcan ··wel~me" door mu eand hndt' her hOAt~lilliPI Cl'C'W wtu'y or rt't'f'h'in~ tO&~l· "reprfferitlJ a IJlg ln\•etttmo111 cluys I thre8tied a nd ••eked 16 500 duo. a.nd throup.h hnlt-cloMWl e r it vls h oN! to e ntl.'tr thc.rf'ln. The 1tlrllt gu1•1fltl und crA'Yt'd OJt'ftonrrrnt. A

ID lb'e tUture auettN and' Pl'Olperl· pou nd• of l ei!ped~z.a ( •• Ir In d~ubt Ille whble tt~ult 11 re.mindful r threw 01>en their doors. "''l the c1uuh· couple ot dc.-eka or cord• wert 1ecul'~d

lY or lbMe roar rarm atatff." about what It tt, ••k " ",a.-or For- the em.Uc PrGIV'"'100• or the fne•· an tht- cablH. put on th('lr ™'8t •mlle.1 and a pmo or ''Piii'" waa 1t1ne4 In

" 'tbll!I money comlrig In tbe rorm ney) . •• 1'' hlch 11 un"' eeHlnfl' for ltabJe lncbr-lat~ a rtf'r the pme. •nd lrwlted l1111lr 11:ue1nt1 to ·•J111tt t ry room 10. Thb hflnrhm1 lnutthhir ftom

ot i-eliatillltatlon lo&ns or emergenc>· tbltt t1en cent• a pound. r have been F'ootlllll 11 n tineer game. Tho to find •omo dll'I." II h llfl been heard tM• f(rOllP exellt'd n16eh lnt(lre"t and

irenUI hH btlJ)f!d m•nY' rarmt r 1 t u buay u.. the proTtrbl•I cranberry platen are que-er: ther ru•h a t euh that •couple Of •l1hon rrom ""'•hQ~ d rtow • crnwd or •P«lAtOrt.. A'nd e•t-n

atarted back on the ~d to lnde· merchant ou the d, .,. bf!Core Thanlct:· other IHre b•ttertnc nm• wllh a ll th • tock d id rind tome dirt on • pf~rnre •ft~r tboi(I wha' W('rt\ cnJo)'lnst eof· ·

t>ondenco." ho docl11rcO. "An.cl thl11 gh·hur. Lhrcstllnit e\'Cr)' day and go- roroelt:)" or ~he wr lMmo""h " :nuam, o.nd on 1011 or th1• door l'""'"f: In OllfJ rec 11nd t'l\k('tl do~·rt1tlalni In tho par·

)'t &l'. elnco the drouth. It ldls Milo h11( to church a t nl~hl. You would tho ROAl. T e lr ti0l~ ('lurpb#e, ictnh · room.(on •~ond . Jwt hnu«IM : 0

H\lW- lur werf' turnlJcl oul . 11te lUlt\t- con·

me:tnt pr01'eatlon or act,1at s(arra· thin k H lonK u I h,,.e been In col· 1111~1• 11 ~o cr·•ck thl" 1tlcull or th~ op.. fwer. tho r®tr" did loak 1nu~b ilnuM- unUI ~lrt. 1\rnold f'Aftte a nd

tlod for bundrodfl of fa~nlllf'1 who ·lerm t "''Ouldn't car o for ro1·1val !'::n~gb P ~~~~ot~rr 10 .. ::~=~c'~'~ t l€\1utr.r th1tn mrnul, .eo t11•• lleullh lu- l•rnk(l h 1111. rtch1c1tutt 10 lt'n1'e thG

wflre' lofL without ft cuh Income," mct llllU "">" more. h111 I ~ue11t I Quit~ o~ten >t'hey 1&n1:1:d . ftn·d lhe J!.llf!Ct_or ••hi. • b">'' l4'n1t11rttl nit O\'f'r th~ 11la.ce.

Tbe 1ummnrr report uld • tota l mul!l be khul o r o)cMuhloned. ~ plarer . l!Orneltmf'I; tnJurf'd for Ut e la About oae hundr~ rfny ~Jllf" Tbt"V want"d 10 plar bld,.·ll<H~k

of SU ,890,6!! had been advanced an eaul4' I went to one o f these m ttt- brought tb ihc ltt>nrh 1'•hfl,. the crnwd roamed In and out tho roani11 in lh(I.,,. but .Mrs. Arnold didn' t wan~ to, 119

·"5,41 0 reh_ftbllllatlon 101t111 fn the ln"' 0 11<'e :wtl (;nme nway a dltrtire nt howltJ h1tppf1)". Thry are 11tlnd to bu two nud n h'nl( l1011 n bcfortt t lrven \h0 r ~ttfd .. 1\11 l'l,;ht. I · )'IJ"l1 "'on·t

' four AUltClf. Ai1 nddlUonal S·7 ... 3G.e 11enon- ca me hack 10 collc.ce nft!!r rid or him. who t·hreatened their O'<'IOCk . h wn11i fo und ttnn 11onw or 1111\)' th~ wn)' w~ w11111 to, wt'IJ ~o

us 'llf"tnt out In the form of outrl•ht be.In@: out four >·can. hulnJ: ro l•c- «rfdlro'h R l're"tn•rr. these ~l\1" had nry '?IJ:h i.mhl· ha111e.:· And 1 bt)'~W••n1. YH. all or

t m er n ncr ~ranl*i to 38.353 famlllofl. e d d oubt and d lACouraii::em cnt vdth Football 18 n fl\U'i'r ••me. Tba l1on1t. l"or tn111nncc, on" of thf' nicm~ l11t•m ~-f0111" 111.tcr t ht111 Othf>f11.

By atnte11 tho.- rtgure1 ahowNI rn lt h .1rnd horir . . I kind of like 10 ipecuuors aro qurtr: they yell and hcni or tht S1wr wnn fll t(l 111' 111'~8h1MI 11 1i1.·11s tun 11eu 110111u_• n1 Arnol4

North DakollL with tbe larae&t belie ve In a Ood who core-s ror tn- about with Joy 1'hcii tber- are win· or tht W. C'. T. U. : an lnmato or Hall. Alld the~ Wal!! no "fOOf' cbaru

.mount of Joana. $--4 .0il ,16'4 buln! dlTldnal rolltl. and Who •Ill r,..cb nlnK. Th01' bO(I 11,11\ reft"ree. and Klfnl' dl"filru u:t he- a rttf"mtw-r ot the. d..lhtr~ And so. the lnh•blt""'" of

~n_ad\•nncod In tha~ 111ate In J ,. down nnd 11cl11 them U they wilt ltt 1tWMt nt hi m 011 <M'~·u itton, whe n tlUl)' filng Sina Chnr1utt our 1h•1u•o11111•1t# Arnt11fl onct'i nr;ttlu 111u 1.« mu tho

1•2'7 • t~nnsBctlon1 . 1'chrrtMktt lu11l Him .• I m111t IJe ohl•rrtt h loned , ror 0ire not wlnutnr-. Thuy tear down th"- wl,:hei Lo ht- R 11prendcr Qr tho ~011>01; 11u11,, "1trh'n1~. l\:('fllt iHU" (which

SS.'J. .. i . ... &O loone~ lo 8,007 cues. l cant quite. catch the e ntbutUum ioal posit when thtY win; iheJ atea1 ti0me illMppoltu~ toul want"'" tall N>fnt 10 on1t thC>M or tho apfW'Slte

South Dakota U •• H~O l 2. while ~an- o r those - ·ho • J~u• 11 a de.ad J e w Hno--markert whrn they don't. They out of 10,·e. Onio DOOr bo)• h u n '1 fll('JC} on lh~lt dooni u111ll ne•' )'eftr,

~; 7::n~=:~ 10"~~-h s • • SO,IDG In • .- ~~1~r';:~.~':,~'~:~~f:t~~~:;:-;'::.ri cheer when opo111tur players aro In· grown ul) .Y"t- hh1 amhhlon It to Como 111::nin!

Wa rd esplalned lhal the HKarU !l'outd att J tbonh! .....,,::;/' !:~=:.· :~~n 8 thd~::('~=~ ':i:';.. 1~: Mlta Atlc-ln on was In M"nhnt~n .,:.:,"°1•0,0::01~~lehN•:R;A1:~10:1,:0c:11~.~11;9h31~5~. ~~~t~ ru~~~:.11~!1~1~0 ':.~~t~? t1;~;1~'ff 0',:t 1h :;0;~~~8~:~~1~n:1:11~11~:i the ,;lory over the week ~nd.

the open ~·Ith no prorf'f1or to dlr~t South Dakot1t bad the lar.:ttt to· a nd no book to rouo..- aort or maku Rm .. l"lftn f'hl Dolni . ... ht)lt

tal nu'thhor or grnnta durlnl:: thnt ono dn eome IHJrloul' 1hl lnr:: tor J."lor L.ac~y Alld Olfver Andr('1''• at R dlnn,.r ~nrty Wtdn"l~llf, fh-1 .

time. A S3.%33,6U amo1,1nt was hlm11clf. Thln1:.11 a re Kel\lnit &e9'ou1 • ·trf) Sund~. inru1r g ueMU• Of Mr 18. at ht• hnm,. In Hoxburr. U"eky

distribu ted to 14,<4H ramlllff In that -t can't r;o hunt1n1 aar more. for ••d ·~tn. Ouy Har,.. :it Ell•wortb. ls1aotrer. J.._h• -"Iller, nnth ,..ylnr,

J onath•? .. Hamm rall!Y'• mother n1HI ~lflt~r ttre \• l1tl\l''IM1 nn th<• f'l\m pue thlf W1:0k.

M1tri:rart•' MMOtnmtr, llnby Wf'lhler. Vil l"'n Plw>rcto. l..oUhll'I J\t'lln a nd Emn•• Sthmldt .... ,.. ~unda)' dllH!.tr ~u~• o r Mr. and Mr.. HeN and

11tate. • North i>tYoto w•• next 1''1th I can't It anythlnr: on the run and . -- !Alberta Keller. l..aVon1t 1'11t:ll. Mflr)'

9,087 famlll cA r cq't1ltln1: U .O 2.8GO a ucw r'bdcrn l rcgull\llo n torhld• Julln /'rl<'k nntl Ed il h Ht1J1:h<W TrOflth), AllN.•n Wine. RlllR l1 11hhattl. 1 ,•,,••,,,•~1..,,' .. "• .. "-"-'~-"...,· ....,....,. _____ .,...., In t1m11raency gr::auc ald .. whlle K"nlH ah'ootlns nt t llll u r geta for fen •P"nt 8'it urdll)I nhi:hl nnd .. S1,1ndtt)' 0.1 Miiton Motrlson. Earl MRthlot, ":ti· I..--------:.:.:.:.:.==:; came third whb Sl ,039 ,H O dlurlbu'- tomeont wlll h it a PWA or ~"\ .. A Julia's home In nurhllm. -..rd JonH, Jo~rwln t~nts.. Ollvtr

ed. to ; ,1'75 ramlllea. Jn Xebrn11ka worker . Andre1''a, M11rvh1 ntddrl nnd C"M.ltt'

SH9,3H • ·na advonced to i ,610' Yours, Ot"ot~c Tolund , 1' .. lor Ln<'ke)', 01· Toh1nd "'"re fh l\ ,.:ucn tt.

fuftlflea. ( L Crten. Iver Andre••· aftd f"rant:et C'ompMll

Jn addition to the loan and ~-rant • ·ere In Jl atchln•nn Silurd•r

' progra'm' Of (be rtA. n'o~lonnl DI· CJa• in CarQpcraft Beafn• hu"IUCfU!. GORDON YODER ru t.Of' Ward polnte<t out thol the Under Supenriaion of De.lf work of adJ111tln1t ri.rmen' debt• to n Id Mohl d A :\1111 CLEE GOUGlfNOlJJ?t the 11olnt where lh!'Y could pay them A n.,w cl•~ampcMl.tr-or<«artfa· left a;~e1dfty m~~n~1~11: to mk': 10. thft~~ M. C. A1entJJ for

We are Authorized Dealers

for Sheaffer and Wahl

Eversharp Pens and Pencils

.. ~ha 'been a'tt finporta.n\ 'pa1't of thfJ ::,•,.•,:• 01:."~~~e.nc;:,r~r.:~!":rta .. :'!0

° homes In LN1lon , MhuJourl. a nd Ok {' d •- A ..,. lletl\'ltlN' du'rlng he Pllt yellr. ' - - Wa terloo, Iowa. Antot wlll attend er m ex. apegren

Under tbl• pbaae $.9or; fa rmera :,~'~. ~11_"0~1 :':~:"~~'h"e';,1!,~60~: tho 11111lo1, Meet.In • •t w 111cr1M F·s1. ct.f':AS&n.' ~ Bixby, lindsay & (O. ~~~ t:~lrf:l~~~:;r"c~~f~t;:n:'~r :~:::~ Je,ic:e lndust rla l artl do11artme nt. dny, Suturdtt>' nnd Suud11.y. IL------------'l l" Phone 74 108 N. Mala

rHulted la a K&lfng down of m ot e The purpotie o f tho ti•U 11 to

than 30 per cent or the orlJ;lm\1 rirerare a manual and to work oufl A .&.I- W l!..au 0 D j " debtS, proJecta In ha ndicraft for 111mmer rUH9 •· UttlflS, • ~

Tbe rlgurtta showed total de bts " r campt. Another phue ot the work Opto~rUt.

SU .5'0,%16 be.fore adJu1tnient and • ·lll'hf' r~arch COYtrlnc 01hcr fields 1.ora1('(1 "' Dh:hr. Jol•dMr .t-. C•·

$1+ , 2J9.0fl7 nfler ndJm11mont- 11. or h"ndlcrart. , !<WI N. 1'1ath• Phone 1•

Edgell Eledrk Co. Electrical Appliance• ...

Croaley Radioa

rHuctlon of $8.3'4 1,118. ""a. r&- Clull prt>jNlltl wlll l11"111de work1._ ___________ ,

1 ________ .._ __

11.11t of the work, whn Ward ex· wllh ltathn, ahfft metal, rt:t:d, l ------------.i

{ ~~~ned 11 done bP. 1'01untary clll.zen1' •·cnlns;. wood••ork, aftd C"elluJold.

');;l~t:e~er;•~:ld :~0t~:~tl~~6 7~~ !~:~~":~ t~~f1r n~=~~o~:·l;•~o~:~~k to Mary Ann

OSS acres ope:ntcd b:r the tarmtn CamfW!ra.ft ht • non-credit coune )l 1e~wl1 .\Ulk

ln•ohcd. Oll(':n LO both hoy1 and 111:lrl11. It 11 ~·n· wit W"'1·no

" It eeem11 to me these fl'"""8• Rre o rre rcd ns a parl o f tho lndmnrlal ~

~u:~:m~r:,1:~ ·:~~·:e~cl:l ::C~u:~~ :~~· :;1~gr:~ :~ ~~~~~r:~ c.:~=~ 1 '------------"

Hnt <'hOf'Olare J

Ing," the Regiona l f?lroctor ob1ufr,·· which fi u an 19'lluat r1Al aru d eparl·

ed . "f"Armera and l)ualne11 num In mcnt. the t0Wn1 of. th e re i:lon lrnow the RMt'Uleme nt Admtnl1tnltlon'1 rirn- ~far\•ln ;\Hch nel, broth a t Ver-'

itr llm" has boon vnlutlblc to 'thlim/ ln•-1 11011 MJ~bocr: O( Wlch ltct Yf~lted

Walker Studio ~


True T t11e Radios aa low ~.

$1 Down $1 Per Week


' 303 N. M'a.in Next Door to Saf~way Cro.

toOllCAC:OenclLUr Tranl laftta F• Tra.11 81attt11 I• conn.nknu, comlon aM ·~·

:;=~~~=-~'° ... ~ hc•n of the Loop. Call ,our .... . for compl•I• infortn1llon on t rfpt 11.nrwh•r• ln America.

dlYldu111ty, but when the ent ire plcl frlendr on tht campu1 Monday • ., 'O ur--e la p rese.nted u In lblt r eport t -L ! !... _____ ...., ____ __, , ____________ ,

tblok ti ber,om ca ,clear that tht" pro· pr. f'I' ey r flturned Tuesda)' morn- I---"'---.,-.------: Ka·naaa City







11:ram bas been or fiwatlmablocbe ncm Ing fr<>'6V•U1rloo. Jowa. Sweeney's ,D...&..r Shop to the entire tour- atat es o f t he r e-- ----l.. ... UC

,;Ion: • Welcome, ._alumni and tOI V.. s. M•h•.

Welcome to Homecoming, Alumnl!

·thote~ ldtcheaettea aftd 10me not 10 dellcJout, tad t ay! ) . For (~ most pal't. 1t·ow8Y'tr, tbe J(llne Kit·

cbeaeen are rtndlna t.helr wort tn Joyable n4 1ucce11ful. Tho fu 0r­lte dllbH Hem to be combJnatlon• -all ,,1orta' a-a~ d8crtptfott.. TtwA theta ar• rttow 1'110 llSTe lite.Ir fl•· orlte dlahu and allct douedlr to them. The re'• Ltllr1, for example. who 11eTer tell• lo tane hr c boco-­lne paddlns. Marjorie and Lot• pre fer "minute'' atealll. Elm•


• .oupe. June and Opel •111 cbooa6 cood ' old b&U e•erT tJmef Enry al•lle "laaata ,or Kllae Hall baa be--

friends, t.o our Annual 'ff ·l-J lS< Homecoming ! nun

J . E. GUSTAFSON , , 'Dealer !n

Fine Watc~. a'\d .Jewelry

\Ve apprcciutc .)'Our palron· art· nnd try o merit your continued ICOOd _~n. J>Y iriv­ing y()u Beu r A}erchnndh~c, BeU:Cr Servict" and 'More for your moncy-e,·ery day in lhC )'CRr .1r"'


Phone 499

enver . f{lllr• \'our l 'artt'fol nu F.' l""f"l'I

Bui Depot rnr. " •1,u- II: IArlln

In Uotf'I JI"""")'

' Hawley H.W

Little Ka~tle LunCh Fa~ous For Go~ Food1

112 W . Marlin

Page 4: VOL. XX llcPHBBSON COLUWB, McPHERSON, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v20-12r.pdfIn tbli 1•·ontr·1•loce band there 1 (?) lh• rl.lbt of ttudeo~ tn dlt·

McPbeno_n Po. KW WL. UO Hor1L - - • l .. E .. - Wau1on J9:J I U Hall • • - J. T • • Glazl!lt 1$7 Ul Yark • - • J,Q • • T lbbel• 18-4 1 7.t Raek - - • O - - • Ola lr 183 174. Vaaquos • • n o . . . naur 182 UI B'1r0 Ycr - RT - \'u Clett ! ll J78 McOlll - • Jl"J • • Moru 11 167 1 n Keck • • • Qn • • " s .. ·m I GO 1 H Zubars - - 1. 11 - .. Murri• 160 lH Jb un - • • itH .... Warnor 180 J H lfapgood · · .... H · ··Shaw 166

W~l~ome. alumni and friends, to our Annual

· H omecoml1111 l ,

..... Hegutar •olloy ball practlcoa a.re

on Tue.d">' and Wednesday nl~ht:.t u1 7 o 'clock.

ForaG~ . Thankagiving

Dinner Dine a t


For a Good


with UI,

We a re Se.rvia1 Tu rkey, Ro,.11 Duck a nd Chicken, T-Bone St, a ka

Sunflower Barber Shop

We Solicit· Your Patronaae J()8 W , l<RAl!IQ

IUDD 11 11D111111111111111"

. Sport Skits

:.= \~~!1~;:n= ~:: !1~&~! 1b::n1!1t!!.t

to the ·n ulldo1• ID a ny ttPOr t. r or Ute Jut Uireo 1eara Co1ote 'f'lctor:le. In bd'1ketbal1 baYc knocked ~cPhe~on out Qf t ho champlon•blp rac..--Aod all tltree 1t•met ha ve been loll by ono point, Mored In tho l11at minute ot play.

A Complete Line of Foods

Rothrock'• Grocery P,booo U 7 IOt N. Main

U,~~~~YI , }' itlJ rll I ~,'



~hODO U O l US N. MAI•


f irtt Shehf 7:15

Wed. - nl\aN. Clark Oablu - Lore tta Young

Jaqk OllkJe "CAIJ. OF THE WI.µ>''

and "T he Unknown Ra nier"

.t'rt. - !Mt ... Hen Mttnard


"YELLOW CAii.CO" Hun ... ) I on . .. - 'CU~.

"CAPTAIN CALAMITY" Oeorgtt Rootton • M•r loo Nm>n

and ~

" The Home of llothachildtt Otoru .t.THN - Loreu.a, YO•lll

R ob r t - Young

Don Huff Women's Wear

Main and Marlin

Green Electric Company U~ South Main Strttt. Phone 111

E LEOXlllCAL WUU:'li.G Appllanceti RMtlO!li WMherw: t1C);tr1c. Be sci-at.on

Lake Superior Lumber Co. Lumber .•• Hardware • •. P~t .• • Coal

JOI N. Maple St. Phone40 ~ J ' '

I "'

' I $US - $2.00

e A sup«b s•l~;Oft of smort ,..... t tripes. chedtt. p lolds, ric dM~et. hnh'OUl ·whihtt ••• IMoutifully toltor~ by Shirt( roh In oll thtl lotMf collor styles.