·. Beat Yea! Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Ja1i'uary 16, 1959 No 15 Youth To A.nnuafTom· Connell BecQmes Home Ee Club. Visits · School· Of Missions Studies New Spec Editor R. ·E. Mohler Home T W hin t . N y k The Home Economi cs Cl ub "Midd} E t" Thi M th 0 as . g on, ew 01' Harold Connell . sophomore, meeling was held Wednesday e as S 0:Q · Brooklyn, Iowa. will conli nuo scrv· cl'ening, Jan . 14. The members The Brethren Youlh Seminar lo eign embassies. lhe National Ser· ing the- Macollego student body of the club went to Mrs. R. E. "Middle East" is tho theme ing under the direction of Dr. Washinglon and the United No' vice lloard for Religious Objee· as editor-in-chief of The Spectator Moliler's home for their meeting. for the Church of the Brethren Wesley DeCoursey, Mrs. Homer lions is FebruarY 1-6, 1959. The lors, the Library of Congress, next semester. Mrs. Moh ler showed the girls January School of Missions st udy Brunk, and Dr. Raymond Flory. · Seminar is open lo all youth four· •nd the Archives. . Harold, a business major, has some of her collections. one of which started Jan . 8. The school The meals on Thur&day ev<>- leen years and over. The cost "'.ill The group will hear a number been a or U1e Spec s.tarr the coll ections she. showed the will continue. on a n d 51'!"'ed by varM?us or- be approximately $90 for the trip. or speakers and •will hold inter- three 1 .ull semesters and enioys girl• was a group ol thimbles. until Feb" 1. gamzallons. The . Jan. 22 .meal will The $90 covers tho travel ex· views with legislators and other iournalism as n hobby. He has The Mohlers · have decorated Special sessions ore planned for be served by the AltruJSl Class, pense, room, and lood. The meals officials. held several positions on the starr. one of their rooms with Indian each Thursday evening. Al 6:30 lhc Jan. 29 meal by the MCA, on the way lo the• Seminar '."'ill The 1959 Brethren Youth Scm· the last being managing editor of designs. The room was orie or supper Is served: n_ nd following a nd I by lhe Church Social be extra. At the present tune . h . . r The Spectator. the attractions of the club meet· a short worship period, the con· Committee. Each meal will C06t people are going, but il is hop- '.'"". os the '" a "'.'"es 0 Experience in . .Joumnlism J:e- ing. gregation mcctg in various age approximately 40 cents. ed to gel 29. A bus will be clw.rt· ;cmmars held annually . sm"". gan for Harold m Brooklyn High group study, sessions. This Sunday evening Prof. Da.red lor transportation. 1950 · They _are Sl'O"S()rcd JO)ntl> School where he served as sports Adult lasses nrc learning more Ion Rothrock will direct a one- Thc or )he Seminar is by the Social Education Dep3:£1· editor on the scbool paper. He is Scroll. an international honorary about the countries "most in the act r drama. "The Khannum and for young people to have an oi>- ment _or. the Brethren Scrvic'C also a member of the Quill and society or high school jourr.nlists. news" today and how they arc Her Treasures." The cast will con· portunity to study the United · changing hi story. -o.r lhc Junior and Sen· States its source. Cation Commission of the Gener- E• h M s d R .A.dulls. and college youths are 1or High youth. . _The VISlt to the Natio_ns al Brotherhood Board. and 1 h 0 UJ' t ac . tu entS · etUl'll d1 v1ded into three groups, study· Dr. and MI'S_· Kaufman gives a CIOS<>-Up VlCW of the m- Ch I r th B th or Moundmlge Will present a ternalional relations and the pr<>- urc 1 0 e re rcn. 1 progrJ'ffi on his work among tho sent world organization. From LaVerne Conference Three Pinn To Attend Arab refugees in the Jerusalem There will be visits lo N_cw Hayes Is Admitted .,.,. Bre thr en Colleges Meet .rea 00 Jan. 25 : ' York to the United Notions build· Eight McPherson College slu· lions for Uie future : ' Dr D W Jlitt'n D Ra . The School . will conclude w1U1 ing, .its unc il a nd . conunittce To Medical School dents returned home from BS· 1) ln general, il was suggest· mond Fiory.' a nd a . dinner at 6:30 _p.m., Feb. 1. meetings, and to various foreign Larry Hayes, son of Prof and CM conference on Sunday. Jan . ed a study be made or the crea· scrl will attend 0 meeting 01 the '.v' 1 \ the delegations: . Guy Hayes: has been ad- 4, 1959. Among the uproximotc live use or leisure time and 2> Church or the Brethren Colleges ,pe?, e w. re ate ex· Washington U1c grou1> will moiled to the of Kon· atlcnding tho meet· Encouragement was .offered to in Chicago Jan . :iz. 24 . of ht s EUroP,Can lour ns1l the U1c . House of sos School of Medicine. · . mg. all six of U1e Bretliren col· !'°°pie lo lake recreation courses This mc'Ctlng l• held once ev- n of l958Do Good· commollCQ hear· Lurry is a senior biology maior legcs were represented. m college. ' 0 lou a . 3 id Involves the an ay evening n ings, the Supreme Court. the at Mucollege and was· assistant Two princlpol activiti es or lhc Dr. C. Ernest Davis, one of lhc rt ycd rs 1 d oth r lcllow presented a program on While House. and the Slate De- to Dr. John Burkholder in the conrercncc were stated as high· outstandini:' lcaders of the churcl1, Prt 1 en s._ er He served alternative scpartmenl. , Biology Department r or two li ghts by lw.o of _\he conferees defined World Action as ·:what· '" Iraq and now !arms near They will oJ.so \•isil vnrious for- year --1 from here. 1hcsc were the wor· ever we do as a church in the Sc . yons, Kas. . . ship service on New Year's eve world." while Le Ro r Doty, any rnmary. Students are mv1led to th c _.:.._ _________ .:.._ ___________ iwhich was the closing meeting or Macollege graduate. referred to Paul Sargent. chnlnnon or ThW:sday meals and dis· ·E - iXaID hedules_ A. -•1t:; the conference. and the Wcdncs- it as "what we can do for lhe Macollege Bonni or Trustees wo[ ::usstons sessions as well as lo P . - ftI"' day workshoPS. - · - world lo create-biouer-lile. "- - "!!so attend lhc.-meeUng. --- aervR· Slides or the three · areas or Recommendations made by this1 - -------- -- ----- ----, - -- Posted For First Semester thc conference _ Arts. lleerca· group on World Action were: ll M JI } s tion. and World 'Action - were The Brelhren are most active aCO eO'e S UCCessful projected on a screen as a chal· picking up the pieces alter the Final exams arc scheduled roro-=---------1 1cngc was gi\'en to the Brethren damage is done. and 2> The } KC c T next week . E r l c youth lo the c llcct, "Cut out U1e church ne<tds to grow into a plan n A ournament All arc rescheduled with ug IS I ourse dabbling. and get to digging!" of prel'entivc and cura til'C world a two-hour period a ll owed for To Be Change(I · This was followed by 8 mc'<li· action. McPherson Coll ege Bulldog• Bade, also from Mc!'hprson, and each exam. Periods set for exams talion which led into lhc firsi The U1ird group on Aris. were the j 9511 KCAC Tournnmenl V . 1 . . arc 10, 10·12, l:ZG-3:20, a nd 3:20· The American Literature course words of the New Year - the presented with a resume of the over the Christmas holidays bi Puetz from Friends Um· 5 '20. being changed mider pr 0 r. " Lord 'S' Prnyor." . . Brethren work.s'm the such beating llcthony 68 _ 59 . ll wos lhr vers1ty each scored . 20.3 points Friday, Jan. 23', is reserved for Slump, associate professo r or workshops were also dl\' as hymnwrit1_ 11?. music. first for the Hull per game and Robm.son Crom the enrollment or new students. English. The course was di"ided dcd into, t.he ureas. In these and play writing. El'cn . though dogs in six years. although the) 3clhnny av eraged 20. Dclk scor· into two sections known as Amer- groups. d1scu1?81 ons were held nnd has done m tins fie ld , bud l x."l! n in t he Cinuls three !d 28 1>0int.s agalnsL Baker to Monday. January 19 icnn Fiction and Drama and were made for 1l was said_ that. tho_. Brcllll'cn times. . ., , . 8-10 a.m .• all 7: 45 'f .. W. F. American Poetry and Essay. future reference nnd action. /\ have ollcn 1gnor<..'O this part or . lh c s rngtc t;n.mc high classes except Freshman English. IL was felt th at lhcrc was not co 1 1y of these rccoi;nmendahons the program. . The 1 cagers lnm.mc'<l Kan· poml Iot a! lor th e _ tournament. 10-12 am., all Freshman Eng. 0 sufficient number comprehend· be posted on the hull bullc· .. . Outstanding m some or these sm; .\\ cslc}. un m their hrst. game hsh classes. fng !he material under the old Im board as soon as they urc se nt loelds are Welch who wrote the 81 ·52 Delk scored 23 pomls le . . . . to the McPherson delegation. " ell-known poem. "The Touch or lead ond Bru nner D1·an1a Prese11 l8 1.2(1.3.20 p.m., all United Stnle6 system . o lhe DC\\ method "111 · . d' ! h t . H d" d D Id 22 Bmle and McPherson scorCG It l 1 5 be to study the material m com- Bob Tully. rccrcollon 1rcctor o I l e as er s an an onn · ' . . H H IS Ory C assc . '" cl . . t' f t one of the state schools of lndi· Frederick. director of music on 14 and 13 P<llnts rcspeeUvCly. 3SlV eat•t 20-5: 20 p.m., alt 10:30 M. \V. pr tensl\c see ions 0 .:rm. led the Rccrcnlion group.,cnmpus, "ho has written and ar· In their second tourrwmcnl bat· J .. classes. The llrst period _st udied "' 11 be '!'he beginning or recreation in ra nged many hymns. anthems, li e the M!l c tcnm outscored Bak "The Hasty Heart," a comedy. TUCld a,i· , Jan. 20 the one or .A. mer , •CaJI Literature the church was in 19:!1 when " lotc. er.' !J6.7S. This gumc also lcatur· lrama by John Patrick, has been 8 . 10 " m all l0·30 T Th F up to the Cl\'ll \\ ar and " d·oll !>c group or youth met and decided Two rccommcnciations w c re ed high on lanced scoring. Delk u. " · numbered 117. The 'CC<ln see· ad - h' - I Th : . - ielcctcd by Mr. Peter Coulson . classes except Old Testament Life r .ll ti c · . 1 \\' on emphases lor the next t c n m c m t is group a so. ey and llailc combined !or 52 pomU; , assislanl professor r liter t und . ion 1"" ;• th1 v120t ar up years or Youth Wori;. iarc: 11 Workshops should be held Delk hitting !or 28 and Baile net and drama lo be oth a":;:; . • to t tc mi . c 0 c 1 l."Cn· These were peace and in creative arts to establish a ting 24 to top the snmcs scor - . ' . c scco 10.12. a.m .. all u . 25 M. T. lury and will he 118. Jion. Since that lime il has fellowship in lhis licld. and 2> ing. llidwrd lleidchrc-cht hud IC product100 .or the year !or classes cxc'Cpt Frc .,.hmun Eng ·n.csc courses will he offered grown. Because recreation is hoth Art is a very crcati\'c means or and llrunner bogged 15 points McPherson College. hsh. . olternalely m the sprms terms crcat i\'C and joyful, the group ,;ct expr':'-'5ion and :..n_ altcmpt should totaling U3 iioinl s lictween the fout Scheduled to be 1:2(1.3:20 11.m .. all 2: 10 .M. W. so thal they will not mterfcrc u1> the following reconunc ndu· be made to use ot. pl oycrs. March I . 14 on the McPherson F. classes except Old Testame nt with the bl0<·k system for stu· ,. . Chapel stage, the play is the Lite and Lite rature. dent. teachers. II fell Uwl l h C same story of a wounded Scotch sol· Wednesday, ·Jan . 21 this would he an ea sier ;ind more M }} Pl Host A tJ'aI·n .led Mc- dier whose last !cw weeks or continuous sludy. aCO ege ays . .w.o th ,23 11 ,''.d Delk lilc, s1icnt in u convales<.'Cnl ward t0 u.m., a ll 9::15 M. W. Th. -- ·--- T R • } Y 1 . M h 5 8 16. fhc held ol a hospital in the Orient, urc classes excepl Frcshmun I::nglish. ' . . . 0 etJ'IOlla out 1 arc . . below their lournnmcnl uvcrag?· changed by the attitude taken tn-. 10.12 a .m .. a ll 1:15 M. w. F. College Cale1ula1· " . . o. . . Bethony below their war<! him and uUimatcly him classes. Plans arc marching ahead for Se1•cral other leaders will be en· e ge. lo hos fellow-patoents. 1:20 • 3: 20 p.m .. all 8:40 M. .Tonig ht. basketball game here Western Regional Youlh Confer- gaged later. · Th e Bulldog.• averaged over 81 'Th tr ·Mk: W. F. classes excc1 >t Freshman with Bethel. . cncc whic, will be held March A meeting of Ihc Executive points per game In their three encc c English. Next week, Mond ny U1rough 5-8. !959. on Mllcollego campus, Coml)litlce of the Rc: gion call· victories in the tournament. Mean- good intentions or :;,!;..wrwho 3:20 • 5:20, p.m .. a ll 7:45 M. Thursday. final exams. according Io Reglonul Youth Di· ed !or lasl Friday. These eight whi le, they held their opponents tomake him happy bu1 al last and 8: 40 T.· Th. classes except Friday. J an. 23, enrollment for rector. Ken Holderrcad. people have set up the schedule to 62 points per game, giving a 19 _ particularly he falls in Freshman. English, • new sludenls. • The theme, "Count Well the for the conference and have plan- point winning advantage. love wilh the _ he learns TboandA)', J u. 22 Slllurday, Jan. ZI, basketball Cost ." taken lrom the hymn or ned the activities for the week. College of Emporia took lhird the great love for bis 8 10 a.m. -Old Testament Lire game with Qtlawa there. the same name will be in the Those on tl1c ColTUl).itlcc are place in the tournament by trim- neighbor. -and Utcraturc. · area or Churchmanshlp. Irvin Wagner. chairman;• Paul ming Baker Unlvcnity, 73-56. . . I Earle w . Fike, Jr .. o! the First Wagoner. cabinet advisor: Mar· Bethel College JlCal Friends Uni· Tryouls for lhc production wi _ ll 10.12 a.m. ,all T. Th. c ns- (..μe t-Chance Enrol!menl; Church of the Brethren In Chi· lene Klotz. Citizenship chairman: versity. 74-ti9. lor fifth place and be January a;, Z7, !1l 7 p.m. in pm. n11· 1:15 T. Th. Deadline ls Today cago will be the main speaker of Valerie Miller. Fellowship chair- sterling escaped Kansas Wesley· the cl · · · · ' · . Toda)' is the deadline (or regithe week. A); ' !coder of tbe Bible man: Carl Horris. Witness chair- an. 67-63. for SC\'enth place. Se\'eral weeks ago, Don Mur- oll' S· 05 classes and un· trntion. All students must be en· Hour, Warren W. Hoover, minis- rrian: Richard ·Landl'J'"'. 0 u t· Ed Delk or McPherson College we!J..lwown Brethrs actor. ox :ind oJipoinUnrnt rolled br- 4 p.m. today pny ter of the l'rcsto.n. Minn .. Oiurch reach choirnllln: nnd Roh Dell. led all scorers in tho tourtllll11"!'t oppcarcd in '"nlC ffas\y l:(eart." n late enrollment fee . or f!O. of the · Brethren, wlU ' be heard. Fal 1 chalmonn. / with 22.3 point• llC'r came. Clil! on TV'• Plflyhouso 90.

Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v43-15r.pdf · Brethren Youth Scm· th e last being managing edi tor

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Page 1: Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v43-15r.pdf · Brethren Youth Scm· th e last being managing edi tor


Beat Yea!

Bethel Bulldogs

Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Ja1i'uary 16, 1959 No 15

Youth To M~ke A.nnuafTom· Connell BecQmes Home Ee Club. Visits · School · Of Missions Studies ~ New Spec Editor R. ·E. Mohler Home •

T W hin t . N y k The Home Economics Club "Midd} E t" Thi M th 0 as . g on, ew 01' Harold Connell . sophomore, meeling was held ~n Wednesday e as S 0:Q

· Brooklyn, Iowa. will conlinuo scrv· cl'ening, Jan. 14. The members ~

The Brethren Youlh Seminar lo eign embassies. lhe National Ser· ing the- Macollego student body of the club went to Mrs. R . E. "Middle East" is tho theme ing under the direction of Dr.

Washinglon and the United No' vice lloard for Religious Objee· as editor-in-chief of The Spectator Moliler's home for their meeting. for the Church of the Brethren Wesley DeCoursey, Mrs. Homer

lions is FebruarY 1-6, 1959. The lors, the Library of Congress, next semester. Mrs. Mohler showed the girls January School of Missions study Brunk, and Dr. Raymond Flory. ·

Seminar is open lo all youth four· •nd the Archives. . Harold, a business major, has some of her collections. one of which started Jan. 8. The school The meals on Thur&day ev<>­

leen years and over. The cost "'.ill The group will hear a number been a mcm~r or U1e Spec s.tarr the collections she. showed the will continue. on Th~rsdoy a n d nin~s ~re 51'!"'ed by varM?us or­

be approximately $90 for the trip. or speakers and • will hold inter- three 1.ull semesters and enioys girl• was a group ol thimbles. Sunda~ evcm~gs until Feb" 1. gamzallons. The .Jan. 22 .meal will

The $90 covers tho travel ex· views with legislators and other iournalism as n hobby. He has ,· The Mohlers · have decorated Special sessions ore planned for be served by the AltruJSl Class,

pense, room, and lood. The meals officials. held several positions on the starr. one of their rooms with Indian each Thursday evening. Al 6:30 lhc Jan. 29 meal by the MCA,

on the way lo the• Seminar '."'ill The 1959

Brethren Youth Scm· the last being managing editor of designs. The room was orie or supper Is served : n_nd following a nd F~t1. I by lhe Church Social

be extra. At the present t une . h . . r The Spectator. the att ractions of the club meet· a short worship period, the con· Committee. Each meal will C06t

~ people are going, but il is hop- '.'"". os the t~nt '" a "'.'"es 0 Experience in . .Joumnlism J:e- ing. gregation mcctg in various age approximately 40 cents. •

ed to gel 29. A bus will be clw.rt· ;cmmars held annually . sm"". gan for Harold m Brooklyn High group study, sessions. This Sunday evening Prof. Day·

.red lor transportation. 1950· They _are Sl'O"S()rcd JO)ntl> School where he served as sports Adult lasses nrc learning more Ion Rothrock will direct a one-

Thc pu~ or )he Seminar is by the Social Education Dep3:£1· editor on the scbool paper. He is Scroll. an international honorary about the countries "most in the act rdrama. "The Khannum and

for young people to have an oi>- ment _or. the Brethren Scrvic'C also a member of the Quill and society or high school jourr.nlists. news" today and how they arc Her Treasures." The cast will con·

portunity to s tudy the United ~=o~r "::,~ ~ris';:'nlh ~ · changing history. ~ist -o.r lhc Junior ~ and Sen·

States ~.vernmenl a~ its source. Cation Commission of the Gener- E• h M s d R .A.dulls. and college youths are 1or High youth. .

_The VISlt to the ~ruled Natio_ns al Brotherhood Board. and 1 h 0 UJ' t ac . tu entS · etUl'll d1 v1ded into three groups, study· Dr. and MI'S_· Wt~lard Kaufman

gives a CIOS<>-Up VlCW of the m- Ch I r th B th ~ or Moundmlge Will present a

ternalional relations and the pr<>- urc 1 0 e re rcn. 1 progrJ'ffi on his work among tho

sent world organization. From La Verne Conference Three Pinn To Attend Arab refugees in the Jerusalem

There will be visits lo N_cw Hayes Is Admitted • .,.,. Brethren Colleges Meet .rea 00 Jan. 25: ' •

York to the United Notions build· • Eight McPherson College slu· lions for Uie future : ' Dr D W Jlitt'n D Ra . The School . will conclude w1U1

ing, .its uncil a nd. conunittce To Medical School dents returned home from BS· 1) ln general, il was suggest· mond Fiory.' a nd 'D~~rwa:~e G~· a . dinner at 6:30 _p.m., Feb. 1.

meetings, and to various foreign Larry Hayes, son of Prof and CM conference on Sunday. Jan. ed a study be made or the crea· scrl will a ttend 0 meeting 01 the '.v'1\ D~. ~- W.il~•tl~ger,~ the

delegations: . M~s. Guy Hayes: has been ad- 4, 1959. Among the uproximotc live use or leisure time and 2> Church or the Brethren Colleges ,pe?, 0~ • e w. re ate ex·

. 1~ Washington U1c grou1> will moiled to the Uno~eri•fY of Kon· ~30 stude~ts a tlcnding tho meet· Encouragement was .offered to in Chicago Jan. :iz.24. rir~nees of hts EUroP,Can lour

ns1l the ~?Date , U1c . House of sos School of Medicine. · . mg. all six of U1e Bretliren col· !'°°pie lo lake recreation courses This mc'Ctlng l• held once ev- n Lu~ ~umdmer of l958Do Good·

Rcpr~ntalivcs. commollCQ hear· Lurry is a senior biology maior legcs were represented. m college. ' 0 lou a . 3 id Involves the an ay evening n

ings, the Supreme Court. the at Mucollege and was · assistant Two princlpol activi ties or lhc Dr. C. Ernest Davis, one of lhc ~·d rt ycd rs 1 d oth r lcllow presented a program on

While House. and the Slate De- to Dr. John Burkholder in the conrercncc were stated as high· outstandini:'lcaders of the churcl1, Prt 1

en s._ ~";j· 8~ er ha~ I~•~-. He served alternative scr·

partmenl. , Biology Department r or two lights by lw.o of _\he conferees defined World Action as ·:what· ~: ~~~:~ acorl~~o~nc:'a~ ~iec '" Iraq and now !arms near

They will oJ.so \•isil vnrious for- year --1 from here. 1hcsc were the wor· ever we do as a church in the Sc . yons, Kas. . . ship service on New Year's eve world." while Le Ro r Doty, any rnmary. Students are mv1led to th c

_.:.._ _________ .:.._ ___________ i which was the closing meeting or Macollege graduate. referred to Paul Sargent. chnlnnon or l~c ThW:sday cve~ing meals and dis·

~l·:Q.a} ·E- iXaID ~. ~ hedules_ A. -•1t:; the conference. and the Wcdncs- it as "what we can do for lhe Macollege Bonni or Trustees wo[ ::usstons sessions as well as lo

P . ~ - ftI"' day workshoPS. - · - world lo create-biouer-lile."- - "!!so attend lhc.-meeUng. --- the-~~cv~lllf> aervR· Slides or the three · areas or Recommendations made by this1 - -------------------,- --

Posted For First Semester thc conference _ Arts. lleerca· group on World Action were: ll M JI } s tion. and World 'Action - were The Brelhren are most active aCO eO'e S UCCessful projected on a screen as a chal· picking up the pieces alter the ~

Final exams arc scheduled roro-=----------·11cngc was gi\'en to the Brethren damage is done. and 2> The } KC c T next week . E r l c youth lo the cllcct, "Cut out U1e church ne<tds to grow into a plan n A ournament

All cl~s arc rescheduled with ug IS I ourse dabbling. and get to digging!" of prel'entivc and curatil'C world

a two-hour period allowed for To Be Change(I · This was followed by 8 mc'<li· act ion. McPherson College Bulldog• Bade, also from Mc!'hprson, and

each exam. Periods set for exams talion which led into lhc firsi The U1ird group on Aris. were ~·on the j9511 KCAC Tournnmenl V .1

. .

arc 8·10, 10·12, l:ZG-3:20, and 3:20· The American Literature course words of the New Year - the presented with a resume of the over the Christmas holidays bi i rg~ Puetz from Friends Um·

5 '20. i~ being changed mider pr 0 r. " Lord 'S' Prnyor." . . Brethren work.s'm the ~rts , such beating llcthony 68_59. ll wos lhr vers1ty each scored . 20.3 points

Friday, Jan. 23', is reserved for Slump, associate professor or 'l'h~ workshops were a lso dl\'I· as hymnwrit1_11? . ~lQ . music. firs t churnpion.~hip for the Hull per game and Robm.son Crom

the enrollment or new students. English. The course was di"ided dcd into, t.he th~cc ureas. In these and play writing. El'cn . though dogs in six years. although the) 3clhnny averaged 20. Dclk scor·

into two sections known as Amer- groups. d1scu1?81ons were held nnd ~ome has ~>en done m tins fie ld, bud lx."l!n in the Cinuls three !d 28 1>0int.s agalnsL Baker to Monday. January 19 icnn Fiction and Drama and rc~ommcndaltons were made for 1l was said_ that. tho_. Brcllll'cn times. . .· ., , .

8-10 a.m .• all 7:45 'f . . W. F. American Poetry and Essay. future reference nnd action. /\ have ollcn 1gnor<..'O this part or . • rc~ord lhc s rngtc t;n.mc high

classes except Freshman English. IL was felt that lhcrc was not co11y of these rccoi;nmendahons the program. . The1 M"~. cagers lnm.mc'<l Kan· poml Iota ! lor the _ tournament.

10-12 am., all Freshman Eng. 0 sufficient number comprehend· \~Ill be posted on the hull bullc· .. . Outstanding m some or these sm; .\\ cs lc}.un m their hrst. game

hsh classes. fng !he material under the old Im board as soon as they urc sent loelds are Welch who wrote the 81·52 Delk scored 23 pomls le

. . • . . to the McPherson delegation. " ell-known poem. "The Touch or lead ~rcrs ond Brunner san~ D1·an1a Prese11 l8 1.2(1.3.20 p.m. , all United Stnle6 system . o lhe DC\\ method "111 · . d ' ! h ~I t . H d" d D Id 22 Bmle and McPherson scorCG

It l 1 5 be to study the material m com- Bob Tully. rccrcollon 1rcctor o I l e ~ as er s an an onn · ' . . H H IS Ory C assc . '" cl . . t' f t one of the state schools of lndi· Frederick. director of music on 14 and 13 P<llnts rcspeeUvCly. 3SlV eat•t 3·20-5:20 p.m., alt 10:30 M. \V. pr tensl\c see ions

0 im~. .:rm. led the Rccrcnlion group. , cnmpus, "ho has written and ar· In thei r second tourrwmcnl bat· J ..

classes. The llrst period _st udied "'11 be '!'he beginning or recreation in ranged many hymns. anthems, lie the M!lc tcnm outscored Bak "The Hasty Heart," a comedy.

TUClda,i·, Jan. 20 the one or .A.mer,•CaJI Literature the church was in 19:!1 when " lotc. er.' !J6.7S. This gumc also lcatur· lrama by J ohn Patrick, has been

8.10 " m all l0·30 T Th F up to the Cl\'ll \\ ar and "d·oll !>c group or youth met and decided Two rccommcnciations w c re ed high on lanced scoring. Delk u . " · • • • numbered 117. The 'CC<ln see· ad - h' - I Th : . - ielcctcd by Mr. Peter Coulson.

classes except Old Testament Life r .ll ti c · .1 \\' on emphases lor the next t c n m c m t is group a so. ey and lla ilc combined !or 52 pomU;, assislanl professor r liter t

und Litc~ature. . ion 1"" C::~~r ;• th1 v120tl·ar up years or Youth Wori;. iarc: 11 Workshops should be held Delk hitting !or 28 and Baile net and drama lo be oth a":;:;

• . • to t tc mi . c 0 c 1 l."Cn· These were peace and r~rc.:i- in creative arts to establish a ting 24 to top the snmcs scor- . ' . c scco

• 10.12. a.m .. all u .25 M. T. _Th ~ lury and will he n~mbcred 118. Jion. Since that lime il has fellowship in lhis licld . and 2> ing. llidwrd lleidchrc-cht hud IC m~ior product100 .or the year !or

classes cxc'Cpt Frc.,.hmun Eng ·n.csc courses will he offered grown. Because recreation is hoth Art is a very crcati\'c means or and llrunner bogged 15 points McPherson College.

hsh. • . olternalely m the sprms terms crcati\'C and joyful, the group ,;ct expr':'-'5ion and :..n_ altcmpt should totaling U3 iioinls lictween the fout Scheduled to be presented~ 1:2(1.3:20 11.m .. all 2: 10 .M. W. so thal they will not mterfcrc u1> the following reconuncndu· be made to use ot. ploycrs. March I . 14 on the McPherson

F. classes except Old Testament with the bl0<·k system for s tu· ,. . Chapel stage, the play is the

Lite and Literature. dent. teachers. II \\U ~ fell Uwl Ir~ l h C chomr>ior~'tlup same story of a wounded Scotch sol·

Wednesday, ·Jan. 21 this would he an easier ;ind more M }} Pl Host A tJ'aI·n agam~t. n~Uiuny. llml~ . led Mc- dier whose last !cw weeks or

continuous sludy. aCO ege ays . ~ P~ierson .w.oth ,23 1>0m~ 11,''.d Delk lilc, s1icnt in u convales<.'Cnl ward

8· t0 u.m., a ll 9::15 M. W. Th. --·--- T R • } Y 1. M h 5 8 sco~etl 16. fhc Bnlldoi;s~cre held ol a hospital in the Orient, urc

classes excepl Frcshmun I::nglish. ' . . . 0 etJ'IOlla out 1 arc . . below their lournnmcnl uvcrag?· changed by the attitude taken tn-.

10.12 a .m .. all 1:15 M. w. F. College Cale1ula1· " . . o . . . ~::\~'~held Bethony below their war<! him and uUimatcly ~Y him

classes. Plans a rc marching ahead for Se1•cral other leaders will be en· e ge. lo hos fellow-patoents. •

1:20 • 3:20 p.m .. all 8:40 M. .Tonight. basketball game here Western Regional Youlh Confer- gaged later. · The Bulldog.• averaged over 81 'Th • tr ·Mk:

W. F. classes excc1>t Freshman with Bethel. . cncc whic, will be held March A meeting of Ihc Executive points per game In their three encc c 01"':;;~1 ~::1me. •:.:~· English. Next week, Mondny U1rough 5-8. !959. on Mllcollego campus, Coml)litlce of the Rc:gion '!a~ call· victories in the tournament. Mean- good intentions or :;,!;..wrwho wan~

3:20 • 5:20, p.m .. a ll 7:45 M. Thursday. final exams. according Io Reglonul Youth Di· ed !or lasl Friday. These eight whi le, they held their opponents to-·make him happy bu1 al last

and 8:40 T.· Th. classes except Friday. J an. 23, enrollment for rector. Ken Holderrcad. people have set up the schedule to 62 points per game, giving a 19 _ particularly alte~ he falls in

Freshman. English, • new sludenls. • The theme, "Count Well the for the conference and have plan- point winning advantage. love wilh the _ he learns

TboandA)', J u. 22 Slllurday, J an. ZI, basketball Cost ." taken lrom the hymn or ned the activities for the week. College of Emporia took lhird the great lesso~ love for bis

8•10 a.m . -Old Testament Lire game with Qtlawa there. the same name will be in the Those on tl1c ColTUl).itlcc are place in the tournament by trim- neighbor.

-and Utcraturc. · area or Churchmanshlp. Irvin Wagner. chairman;• Paul ming Baker Unlvcnity, 73-56. . .

I • Earle w. Fike, Jr .. o! the First Wagoner. cabinet advisor: Mar· Bethel College JlCal Friends Uni· Tryouls for lhc production wi_ll

10.12 a.m. ,all 2 : ~0 T. Th. c ns- (..µe t-Chance Enrol!menl; Church of the Brethren In Chi· lene Klotz. Citizenship chairman: versity. 74-ti9. lor fifth place and be January a;, Z7, !1l 7 p.m . in

~:~3'20 pm. n11· 1:15 T. Th. Deadline ls Today cago will be the main speaker of Valerie Miller. Fellowship chair- sterling escaped Kansas Wesley· the ~-cl · · · · ' · . Toda)' is the deadline (or regis· the week. A);' !coder of tbe Bible man: Carl Horris. Witness chair- an. 67-63. for SC\'enth place. Se\'eral weeks ago, Don Mur-

~S·20 oll' S·05 classes and un· trntion. All students must be en· Hour, Warren W. Hoover, minis- rrian: Richard ·Landl'J'"'. 0 u t· Ed Delk or McPherson College r~, we!J..lwown Brethrs actor.

,;c~ul~ ox am~ :ind oJipoinUnrnt rolled br- 4 p.m. today ~r pny ter of the l'rcsto.n. Minn .. Oiurch reach choirnllln: nnd Roh Dell. led all scorers in tho tourtllll11"!'t oppcarcd in '"nlC ffas\y l:(eart."

~Jassei;. n late enrollment fee . or f!O. of the· Brethren, wlU 'be heard. Fal 1 chalmonn. / with 22.3 point• llC'r came. Clil! on TV'• Plflyhouso 90.

Page 2: Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v43-15r.pdf · Brethren Youth Scm· th e last being managing edi tor

The Spectator, Page. 2 J11nuary ~ 16, 1959.

~ · Editor~s · Lasi' Will ¥d Testament

Old Editors never die- t hey j ust fade away. · A nother semester b 11s come and gone. Another • editor is ready to ~l1de out of the pictu,-e. And 1 so ed jtprS coi'ne .. a ncl go but tlle Spec lives on. •

' It lias ·been a privilege, n pleasure and a cha!- - · Ieng~ ):6 . h-ave 's 1'yed 11s eqitor of your · p11per fo r : ' the pnst'15 i~s. But it takes more than an editor to' put·out a paper .

· Without the reporters, Chaff and DY. Ritti nger I wou-lp ,have_ ifeen .like ,a s/liP without.a sail~r -;- n, l Spec without a !'eader.

' .

It's Robbery

.. '

. ~at ls Love?

l belie-ve Gd'd is love. All love-is of God wh lh r 't lie love .of. parents, kin. fri ends, husband , wife or :hildren' He Who loves lets God r it)e in his henrt. God'. love Is perfected in us when ''fC love one an­~ther. In perfect love there is no fear. Fear is n hy­product of hate;

· Without the pelp a ncl guidance of the facu lty • . ~ God is love and as he ci·eated yo u and me. T adviaor ?if.rs. B1'unk , I would have been like •I sail ·• '>e lieve 'he le ft a pa rt of His love in each of us. '!'his bo!lt WJth no ,\·ind - juRt driftfng. ·s the part Of OUI: SOUis which is capable Of lovi ng.

Without the efficient management of th,e busi~l---'-~~--.,;-----·..:_-----'------ IJ'his is t he pait we love in others. Eve1·y011 is ne!is st.aff.- I would have been in a ship wi thou t. a Poutlering 1flit11 Tlie Presitlent !rented by Cod and hns some lovable qualities.

botto;i;-o:~~~:g at:::~~ant- editors who often spent Wh- -- ~a- t ·D·_ o You P. - }~n- For 1959'1~ 'ova~;~l~u~~f~~ ";~o 0~~;r~v~::~o il~r~v!-e~1::1 1:~t l ~i'~1~: ~ rho. e wilh God 's love in the ir heart : find deep

their noon )lours helping prepare copy to meet the '. mtisfaction in looking fnr e11 ough to find . omelhin.rr deA~ l frie, J would hnve b'een a sunke11 ship, 60 feet · By Ur. n . w. 111" 11' JS0• .. 1.0 lQvc in lhose whom oth er~ wou ld condemn i1s unl!er. '( .£I• T~e - story is to ld of t wo ,childre11, one five and ·m lovable. fle i•e, where love i. most needed it is

· 'east often found because often we are too little and Without you, the student . body, there would one three , who al t he end of a delightful Moi1day. too selfi sh to love .

h11,•eibeen no ship, no Sp·ec, no edit or. knelt by t he bedside to say their prnyers. The As· my last .. will and tes tament I h~ve le ft only ~other. ove1·he1u:d th e fi ve yen r old pray · t hese

~ i:leep!!st appreciation to leave to lhe unrewarded .nterestrng words : servilnt11 'of the Spec staff ,i- hose names you fi nd on "Thank you, God, fo r today. W e hnve had 11

Agree oc disagree with what 1 have sn id h~n• - il is not only your privilege bu t your duty as 11 Christain to j;hink for yo urself. Only love in your ~wn way which su its you the best. t he wa~· in which you may love deepest a nd f!illest.

l hl! masth!ll\d below. lovely time nil da~-. Now, whnt do yoi1 -plan fo r To the succeeding editor l bequeath 15 more Tuesday"! Amen." } huv~. often heard a person condemn cl · f o'i·

. . · . . . . . . . not pi-acltcrng what he preaches" yet perhaps not issues oft/le Spec to be put out by the end of May, T his revea led a remarkable 1ns1ght on the on.e of us really Ih·es up to his ideal se lf. Each of us 45 nlore deadlin.es to meet and the satisfaction Of. 9a rt of a child . lts home must ha ve been a good Clln ~ee his fool ish se lf that fa lls SO short of wha t he seeing you reading t he' Sp·ec each Friday noon. m e. The pl ensure~ and delights of -the day had been might have been hiid he let his inner conviclions

With 1-he Spec Heav~ its e11ger beaver reporter~ 'e lt between chil dren ·i111d between t hem and t heir rul e. a brand.new editor with br.nnd new ide11s, and Cha(f ~arents. . Yet so long as I love ~'O U and you love me, e,·en

. . though it is an imperfect love we will grO \V in love with mor~slanis and s lurs. But over: hadowing ,it all was God. It was ;nat- ~nd it will becom e more like God's perfect love.

To yoµ, .m>' -fellow classmates- .and fri ends, T ·iral to look forwa rd to another. good cl ay and fo - J E N Jeave my thanks for overlooking so~.e of_ the errors lSK God upon retir ing what He planned fo1' Tues- · · · you foun·d, -for your m11ny c'omplimenl~ and for your day. Rend an_d hero the Spec ads. - -crilici$ms. tC?O- , '-" -

It hns been ha rd work 'but foi1 ! .

-- - Ci vt• Blood Ori A11ril 20 . \.V e a re very bus~. here al the coll ege_. Som'e- A bloodmobile -wili be in Mc- I:""..., __________ _ ~mes we ·forget to en:ioy our day by day fe llow- Pherson on April Ille 20th. 11 wi ll 1hip with ench other. Because of t he \"C l'~' r ush of be al the Church of the Breth· The Reti ring E\li tor

---------------- --- ---1:hings which seem important to us al the ·moment rcn from 1o o.m. 10 3 , 15 p.m. Calendar For Sr .. miner ChullengPs we may eve n forgel lo fell owshi p wi th God. _ Ifl.----------'-:........·_ll

1959-60 Listed 1'fn:Y ~~!~ei:::1~t~;1 ·~~:~Y 30. '~:l ~~:~ :.e~~:;1ing of a n: w .venr it ce rtai nly !~ MALM The college calendar for the Do you want a chance 111 a in place lo ~ll~' · . Automotive

school year t!J5!H960 1s published lifetime? If so. you will wan1 to "Thank vou Goel. fo r last year. Wha t do .vo•.1 Service below. >LLe~d 1his Y'."'r's Brclhrcn You1h plan fOi· 195!,.1,,'

September 7: 9· Enrollment ~:'"~~r~ ::s;~~~to1~fi .D . C .. ;111d 210 E. Euclid Pho. 983

September JO, Classes Con\'cnc ( ' was ne\ler more aw3re of a November 25: Thanksgiving Re- Christian 's rcs1>0nsibility to his

cess Bc~ins t iv1 l go\ crnment than I was :.iflcrl November 30. Thanksgi\'ing Re- •llendmg our 1953 Bre1hren Youth

cess Ends Polilical Seminar 1h1s pnst f'chni-~mber 18. Christmas Recess 9ry

8jt~:Uar;• 'IJ. Chrislma.• Rceess M Ph (' b I F.nd.< - c erson ,a

Daisy's .Beauty


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PobU•bed eveey Frtaay clur- Junk I s . D Ct 416 N. Cberr" Pl1011e 282 Jq the 8Cbool 1,,... by the • •-o· ----------...!_· -----,----'~'-p_e_r_io_r __ 'Y __ - _e_a_n_e_rs _____ .,__1 1:....------~---~----------2 ~t ~L. s11"""r!pUon -~~ -· Leai:· · '----------~-r--:-------:-------------,1,---------"-_:_----------~


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~~~~;u.:.u:=. · .. ~~""'~:;:: .._ The Wall-Rogalsky Milli~ Co. ~y;::,...-:-~a::-~l'-~~~-~~~-,~..1p"-~~~~~~~~-~---.:.~~.;....-:._~~...1IL....;:~·~...:-...=::::-:;::._·~-~'~~-=-~~~~_:"_· _~_J

' .

Page 3: Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v43-15r.pdf · Brethren Youth Scm· th e last being managing edi tor

The Spect~tot , P111te 3 · Januu"r 161 l96l'

Caaers Play Beihel Tonight; Ottawa ~ads Mac Cagers ·win A1~d .Lo~,e Worue~ ~or.in. ~ ~ . . . Couf e~euce R~ce · . • . . · • Cag~. Tea.ms:·

Ottawa And Wesleyan Next Ottawa. 111• 19;;8 champions. l~pe1ung Conference Tilts 'fhl'e<> t,cam• have been ronn-

• leads ibe Kansas Co'nrcrcncc with . . ed ror .,\,men's intramural bas·

'l'he McPherson College Bull- Bra\•es at Ottawa .on ~an. 24 to a 3--0 record. _ ~' Win 011eucr . Prcsbies 82·73. Friday; . kc{ball by the Women's Athletic

dogs will be entertaining the Beth- continue their bo ttle in confer- C:onferenee Standings W L '!'he . ' hcrson Bulldogs open· 8011.1 tcwns were hit .'"Ill h·om Association. . . " . : •

cl Greyrrniroons tonight in the once piny. Ottawa .. ••. , .. . . .. .... . 3 o ed the Kansa• Conference Jnn. 7 the field . :is ~lcPher. on hll 51 Shir)ey Turner's team won ~on·

high. school gym. The prelimin- The foj lowing Tuesday. Jan. McPherson . ... . ........ 2 I by defeati ng Baker Uni\'crsity 11G- per cent and the Pres bies hit 50 day night's gume 41'35 over Al·

ury game wllf commence nt 6 : 15 Z7. the)' will be back on t, he Boker .. .. .......... ... 2 1 72. • per cent. Tnc llulldog'! were out- renftccn Brown's. Hii:h seor~r ror

a nd will be fo llowed by the A home co1ft't racing lhe Wesleyan C of E ........ . . .. .. -. . 2 I 'J'he victory over Baluir gnve sco~ed from the ~harpy Une. the winner w11s Doris Cpp_pock

i:ome al 8 p.m. · Coyotes. Bethel .... .. .. . .. - .. ·.. 2 lhc Bulldogs :i 11-2 record and •~d De~ a~d. Clutorl Baile were witlt !JI) and for the losers. Mar-

The Bulldogs enter tonight's The 1958 <Mending chomps. ot- KnrlSaJl_ Wesleyan ·. . .. . . • 2 Doker 4·5. This is t.h c sccondl lhe hl!Jh. ~ndrvrduals ,r?r McPhcr- iann ' ll'nssmiller with JS. •

game with a 2-1 reeoid as to tawa. ttavc scored 17 straight con- Bethany .... ...... . • ...• 2 lime this season these two te,ams 8?11 wuh -~ ond 20 PJrnts respcc- Shcrlnnd Ng's team 'won over

Bethel's 1-2 record of wins and fercnec victories. They current- Friends . .... ... ... .. ... 3 ho\'c met. however. this IS the h vely. . . . Brown's lost \\'l?ek 26-24. Mar-

losses. ly !cod lhc conference with • first conference game for eoch.' Ken!ieth Mrller led Emporio with Jene Hicks wos high scorer for

'l'hc two lcnms have met once 3·0· record. .J'oday Bou'rd Picks The Bulldogs defeated Boker "in 27 pornls: . the · winning team wilh 14' paints

before in the Moundridge Tour- The Bulldogs have defeated N Ed. . "I the KCAC tourrmmcnt du ring the Emporia took or. cal'ly lead tr while Wassmiller \vos high for

nament with Bethel winning by Wesley on 1irior to this rorthcom- cw it or' ,. anoger holiday . the game. and slriwl)' the . Bull· U1e losers- wilh I! .

a slim morgin. In the two con- ing till 81·52 during the Kansas The Board of Publicat ions will . Clifton Boile lt<I the Bulldogs in ~ogs •;:me r:-0~ b "'11nd to lie th~ 9orncs ar~ ploxed, on Monday

tests held losl year both tea11,1s Conference Tournament. rn. ccl today .to select a oow Crun. •coring with :!2 J>Oinls. Dennislgnmc 28·all. McPl~.rson led SlJ.Sl: nighls a t G:45•

each scored a victory. Tuesday's win by KWU over PlL< E<!1tor for the Stieetotor and Brunner 18 a nd the usually high at fM hair. . ll!cmbers of the . three lc:ims

The Macollegc eagers will seek C of E go\'e them a 1·2 confer- A."'5istruu Business Manager for pointer F.cl Delk with 14. ,The Bulldogs kf4lt the lend ear· are ns follows: .

nction next with tho Ottawa encc record. . lhe Spectator. . . Ii '" the ~nd half. but E m Air rd B • . .

'rhe Board of Publications con· ·t~1gh sc:orcr for Dak('r ~' i1s ~lll l porfa cut the lead down m1d ~ieC c t~ . r o ~ lJ. c~pt.am . · r SI rl d N h · White wllh t8 also with ,Jrm the gurne "5·oll From then on it Uoycc Berry, Barbara J,rckspn.

B lid B ffl Swe.des ~~~m: ·w~~ki~. - Ll~dac ~~~~'. Kenn and Jim. Lee each with 16. wos Empo0

ria's · ~ome. . "h.oron S,,hroek,. Mar';inn Wass-

U ogs a e Mrs. "Homer Brunk. Gordon Yo- The prelimina ry game was al-1 'f'\lis game I.Ult• Emporia a 2-< m iller, .rorwo~. JoNelle Thor-

dcr, Howard _ Duncan, Glenna so won by McPherson. defeating record in conference and McPhcr- ~·· ~l\erda ike. ~lend.a Wine.

In A Hl•gh-Foul Ti•} llawbakcr Wampler. Corl Hm:ris, tire Boker seconds 51-46. son o _1-1. ~lcl'herson 's sensor. 1~~~e~e Klotz, gun ~· . . p

Harold <lonnell ond JoAnn Neg· John Heidebrecht of McPher· record IS 11 ·3. ' re" ~y ·~urner. c;'Pl.a rn , nl~y

le . son led with 20 pointers . Grubb The Emporin t; team also wor Bo en. . Diane · Brollltlrng, Doris

The BulWogs won their second l rccord and on 8-4 seasonal. Y >nd Spear wllied each 10 points the preliminary game 53-46. Ba ily Coppock, Delores Lahm:in J o-

conference gnme or the season Ed Delk put through 29 and S · N W k ror Baker. was high point man for the Pres A11n Kerr. Mory. Lou Klnge~,

lost Tuesday night at Lindsborg. Clifton Baile 23 point s ·· ror the No pee . ext ee The Bulldogs lost · their fir&. bies mid Grossnickle hod IO' ror lo~ords: . C:"rolyn !""ad i, Voler1e

defcoting the Swedes 7G-58. high indi vidual scorers for Mc- One To Fmal Exams conference gorne to 111e Emporia the Bulldogs: Miller, Marilyn Hanley: guords ._

It was o hord go"'!! most of Pherson. There will be no Spee publish- !'bcrland Ng, captain ; G_ a 1 ! the way and n total of 54 fouls lligh point man ror Bethany ed ne.\1. week during final exam , . • • Ftll~rc. ~"?r• &:"'fk, 1'errt

were recorded, with each team wns .Jim Ostlind with 14 poi.nls._ week . 'fhe next Spectator will Ix s1·xty Teams Partlc1pate Gn~tboy, ~IXI~. Whit~!. Morlene

losing three teammotcs on fouls. 'fhe !Julldogs · ~ere defenl"'! m published Fridoy, J an. 30, ac· • • Utcks, fornords . Virgtma Llckty,

This win gove Mcl'herson o 12· the 1>reliminory g a m e 76-67. cording to next semester's editor- Connie Ibsen. Elma Holm~s .

3 seas'!!E.!, record and • 2·1 ror High m_an for the. Bulldogs " B" in·chicf. • 111 Mac Economy Tom·ney guards.

conrercnct- ploy. Bethany W3S was lfc1debrcc:ht with JS. and ror ------

pushed down to a t·2 conference llclhany, Pills with 14 . Cold Barks Al 1 •-w d 1

lh Men are led by trifles. . · . Sixty debate teams from a awnruc:..'U an w 1erc ere ~e no

_ _ _____ ....._ ___ .,:._ ___________ 1Cauine 'Backers! lorge portion of the midwesl registration fees for the entrants. Ir------..,.--..,.. ......

Cl • ' R F t • · res1>0nded lo McPherson College·, The only expense to the !IChools But Quolity •• L-Ht Price

. 1r1stmas ecess es Ive. Well known is the facl that a invitation to 1mrticipate in tjte is ror their trip a nd for thei r •

winning, tcnm is backed by an !lnnual economy tournament here "!lcnls.

Fi 01· M' aco'Ile2e F1.lte1·.: enthusiastic d1ccring section! I J on. 9 according to Guy Haye• Ench school must provide n

.._, 0 belle\'C that McPherson College ;>rofessor or 1iccch and debate. judge for each or their teams.

. is lacking in this respect. "The large numbers. t11e •larg- however. the judges do not work

The McPherson Co11cgc Bull· ~he second meet mg or the two Do you as students realize that ~st in a number o~ years~ showf with th!?ir. o~vn teams during th~

dogs completed a successful round cams this_ year. _McPherson con· our MaC cagers had a seven the coopcrati c altitude of the dcbotes. ,,.... ________ .....,.__,,

of Christmas holiday grunes, win- inucd (herr domuwnl'C ~\'Cr the straight win series gging jnlo. lhe ;chools - and is a complimenl Ip Debate is one of lhc methods I Wh:-... rwa' R 'la"ie' .. t .::"' r

ning seven a nd losing none: On >tcrling team. \\'l~mng th lS ·game College of Emporia game? Did ~lcPherson College." Professor used by high schools and insµ. HG • \i Dec. 19 and 20., ~hey t"?k two iy a 96 lo 30 :core. Delk agam you also notice how the C. or E . Ho)•es said. tutions of lrig!1er educa.~ion to Im·

~amcs from Plullrps . University lernorrstrn tccl hi< val u~ by sc.or- backers kept their · team going M 1 . of lhe schools entered prove spcokrng lcchnrquos and Specialty

11 t Enicl . Okluhoma. 63.00. and 61· ·ns :W pomts nnd Bm lc nddmg even when they wer~ behind'! iovi~~Y debates and they eame logic. ~

59. The 8-.squad won the sec· 22. Did you also. notrcc how the from as fa r as Siou' Falls. s .D. ------ Cliicke11 Baaket

ond game ~12 .. l~t lost the h~ Mac pepsters let their l~t. down Seven teams won :.ill four Time is the chrysalis of ctcrnitf.

~ame to the ·Phtllrps B-squad. ,o. \1er rificl<I R PJll'CS<'lll S ns they fell forther bclnnd• m the rounds of lhc dcbalc. 'l11i rl ecn Open Monday•

l'1 . 'IC\ y M 1• last mrnutcs or the game . 1 boOE!cd three out or rour Closed Sahirda.71

Then l h c Bulldogs romped " . ' a t . . i ee mg . Si11dents. lhc players feel the cnn:s cl of the third round.

through the KCAC Toumornent. at . . lrm illcr:1hcld. Macolle~e JUll· enthusiasm ond ~hey nlso feel the 8\~!ino: tournament is the From 6:00 To 10:()0

~1cPhcrson . benti;n~ Knnsas Wes~ ior from Urh:ma. II~ · : re~r~enl· Jack of i~! 1-A?t .s nC>l le~ them .. ,en iied l<1 C\'Cnls or this na-1 McPheraon, Kanaaa

ll!yan 81.52. turnmg down Baker, cd q1c MCA ~1t the Sixth Nat ional down agam. Let s be behind om nnn PP . l o>h'csl · HG-75 :. :ind ' outscoring Belhany Student Assembly of lhc Yi\ICA· tctim all the. way. We're. proud lure whe_:c lhe._rc arc no r I ',..

in the ctrnmpiOfL.c:.hi1> game. 68·59. YWCA .011 Dc-c. 28.· 1958 - J an. of them!! L<:t's prov<' it :: . t 3 1959 The conrercnce wos held


Swanson The Mocollege cagers \\Cn on · · . . f 111• 0- cam 1 cannot give you the rormula ·

to t.incoln, Nebr.. for a ~urt ?11 the Un.":crStty 0 111

is . for success. but I can "t.:ive you · I hotttc with Nebraska Wesleyan •"'~at Urbana. . . Elecl.ric

. . Dcre 1 29 I The ~ICA i< on affil iated mem- the formu la for ro1lur e - Try l nr vers1ty on ~.t _~..f m63icr~ Tahn<c " - r of \1ic Y.MC/\-\'WC, lo p(eose everybody. I I

c:irnc out on 01>. • ~- "" · Phone 42 '

grune wos very close, being tied . I m l Alm ".\" \ ' 11'.Ull1' " 0"

It times ond the scor~ chang· Headquarters We spociolizo in . . . MILK" . ing hands even more t rmes. ,i::d YOU NC'S For · Motor Tu'ne-ups, ·

Delk or McPherson Cllll'rged from Stole Fann Speedomete• BY YOUR DOOR-

thc battle as high s<'Orcr ; he Your Home Bakery ond oil Automoli•• I OR AT YOUR STOkf

b•""C<I 25 points. lnsurouce Companies flcc1ric Work

1 00 Ph 82 ALWAYS INSIS_T ON And 011 J nn. J, the llirlldogs one Atthur Rot .. der - 109 S. Moin

310 N. Maple

traveled to Sterling College for S J D •


htundry 110 E. Euclid ·


122 N. Moin 'Phone 130

Follow the Bul~dogs

· in ·the·

McPherson nail ·· -- y


Crahh's Town and Country Musical Instruments

Sporting Coods Phonograph Records

Elton Lohhan .Motors, Inc. Yonr Ford Denler

519 No. Main McPher1on

Before You Buy, Give ~A Try

Student Accounts Are

Welcome At


Deposits I?~ured Up To $10,000.90

GIFTS Fine Selection

Hallmark Gree ting Cardo and Stationery

Picture Fra)Tling

• We Gift Wrop ond Wrap for Moiling

· Marcia's Gift Center 108 No. Moin Phone 92

e eel . airy

Milk and

Ice Cream

Call 943



211 S. Main

United Dairies ; •

McPherson's Finest

MUk • Ice Cream

Page 4: Bethel Bulldogs Volume XLIIl McPherson College, McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v43-15r.pdf · Brethren Youth Scm· th e last being managing edi tor

The Spectator, P!!ge 4 January 16, 1959

Changes Made In Chall Wriaea Home •••

Swnmer Sch~ol · . · ~zy Man~s Letter Wal · K l Hmobakpr, Wampler . The .schedule !or summer •

Winter Brings Warm H~arts Grotli, Ka.per ten, ee e • . school)las been released. Several By P&111, Fole7, and Banll Ina ~ <Mad. Cr8!Y· A botooy I i Mr. and Mrs. John B Groth. Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. W~ Unite In Matrimony changes ha\te been made. Clas· According to volllrnlnous re- major at a nower Show, A llu· Independence-, Kas .. ~ce the ters, Pueblo, Colo .• '.'°"""°"" Miss Glenna Hawbaker, dauah· ses will be tauahl till summer search, aiarr bas discovered that man· BlolosY mlllor et n burles­engagement o( Utcir daughter, engagement of their ,daughter, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra J . Instead ol Just !or two months. many ol you freohmen liave writ· que show) and beca111e of that Shirley, to Mr. LruTy K-.. son Joan. to Mr. Go~on Keele, son Hawbaker, Dallas Center, Iowa, Students wUI be pennilled to ten home only once this semester. I am (frustrated, poophed, eut of J\fr. and ~!rs. Ralph KpsPcr. of Mrs. Bculllh Keele, Payette, and Garland J . Wampler. son of toke only one course at n time Shame on you! We'll bet that down to five dates a week, fill· CDnton, Kas. . i Idaho. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Wamp- and that class will meet once mos\ busy seniors have written Ina air wiUt dir!Y .language.> Shirley is a senior Engl~l ma- Joan, an Elighsh m~o~ IS ~ ier, Wexers Cave. Vo., were unit· every day. All classes at'e sehed· home at . least a limes In their I have just finl.obed enroillng ;or at Macolleee. Larry IS pre- sen!~ al Mncollege. 0, on . ed in'marrioge al the Church of ·uled to begin at 8 a.m. college clll'eers. Incidentally, Ibey for next semester and am tok· senUy employed by McPherson stationed wlUt the _N~,a~ Air the Brethren, Dallas Center, Dec. The s~r session is sched· have had to make a tuition pay· Ina <as little as possible, o!f, The Concrete Company. f Force at Corpus Ouisti, exos. rt. 1958. uled as follows : ments so far. Lile and Teachings of Benedict

They plan to be ""'"1ed June i:iev. Wailers. faUter 01 the The bride wore a floor-length June 1 • July s - Driver Edu· Now at th; end of the semester Arnold, Underwater BrethbJg, In· 14 in Ute Independence Church bride and P8S!0r: ~c Chu~ch ot gown or while silk. The gown cation lnslrucfor's Course, <five is ari importanl time to wrlte troduetion to Borffology./ \ or Ute Brethren. They will be Ute Brethren in ue 0

• wi per· was princess style and sllgbtly hours>. home However ou arc obvious- As far as extracurricular ac­·married by Shirley·~ broUter. _Rev. fonn Ute wedding c;ercmony in bustled. in Ute back. fler bouquet June J • June 7 - Naturnl 1y quite busy .;.;ti semester rm: tivities arc concerned, l am John F. Groth of Bieber, ~f. McPherson on May :io. was a colonial cascade of while Science work shop. <one ~rl als, term papers, outside read (flirting, datina, ~~ frus-• . _ carnations and roses.' June_ 8 · July s - Chemistry I . ing, late papers, etc. <Have you ~aled, watching t<:1ev1Sion, wolch· Goranson, II/orris A.lbm, Kr111cl1101LM Mrs. Dale Shenefell, a former <four hours> ever et cetera'> mg moon, walchmg other, col-

Mr d M H b Goranson The Reverend and Mrs. Charles college roonunate: of the bride, June l - June 14 - Principles Th . ret CHAFF' the lecting soil, wann, cuddly stuf· McPhe:n. a~~un~~ the engage'. A. Albin, Grundy Center. •low~, was th_e matron or honor. Eddy or Speech. nwo_ hours) • publi~ S:~ice has de::10;:: 1~ fed an~ for companionship.>

1 r th . d •hi Shirley a'!nounce Ute engagement of their Longmire, Macollege sophomore. June 15 - ,July ~ U. S. His· . 1 • hondy i leu I Utmk that T.F.M.S.L. stands me~I 0 R 0~1 a~g er. of Mr' daughter, Lavonne. to Forrest sang "O Perfect .Love" before tory. Child Grol'1h Oe••elopment i:ur.!: s~p .:..i d i::, er for <Three Fatheaded McPher-to r. ~r:u;~t :"'n McPhcr: Kruschwitz. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Ute ceremony and "A Wedding and Psychology. Recryational lead- 00. sen . · soil Student Liars, The Faeulous ::; Mrs. · OrrlS, • Alfred Kruschwilz, Grundy Cen· Prayer" during the ceremony. ership or Shakespeare. (t h re e Just cl~p it out, encir.clc Ute McPherson Social ·Life: The J'.irsl

· · · at Ute ler. , The newlyweds are students at hours> correct "ord or phrase m euc~ Moon Saleni'!> Launchmg.> Slurley is a secr~!"'1' Sch I LaVonne is a sophon1ore elc- McPherson College. They are re· July 6 • July 26 - GcolO!lY. set of parenUteses, nnd mall ii You loving <sun, doter, grand· McPherson Jnte~ .'"t~ oo. mcntary major. Forrest is a siding at the College Courts. History or Education, Trm1s· home. Do not put your. return muvverl '~· • Rex' IS a Macollcgc JUmor. teacher's ai<I in the Grundy Cen· ~ · Mississippi Wesl Life and Teach· address on II. or you w_iJ! have Now Utat our public service No . date has been set for the ter School system and a ·511 crad· CBYF Cab. i\I b . iJigs of JcsuS:' or Short Slor)'. the U. S. Postal authC!f>Ues af. is finished for Ute week, we must wedding. uate of Macollcgc. m e t em erb (three hours) ler you lo~ a "iola_li~ of the rush olf to write our first letter

I A summer wedding is planned. To Be Elected Suuduy July rt . August 14 - Cultural Un · America~ Activiti~ Act, home for Ute year. Tuition 11ay-Cook, Emmert Election of 3 new cabinet mcm· Anthropology. Principles of, Al'i· Volume X. Section XI, Article ~II, m~nts due next week, you know. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Cook, Blauser, iUummert bers will be held al Ute next thmelic. Music History and AP· Page ~111 • C~lumn xun.j ;~1~r •

Lyons, Kas.. u~ounce Ute ~- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blauser. C. B. Y. F: meeting at 6:30 precialion or Field Session Mexi· ~siiie~~u .!i1 al~ 'r;':~rish .~' • All swishine makes the desert . gagemenl ot the1r ~augbler, Lila. York. Pa .. announces Ute engage· p.m. Sunday .'n the Church of the can History. <three hours> . . g Y • to Mr. Edward Emmert, son of ment of Uteir daughter Judy to Brethren Social Rooms. Also, Dale Organ and piano lessons will Here IS the letter: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Emmert. Red· Mr. Donald Mummert, son' of Bro•m will speak on semihary. be ava~by appointment. Dear !Family. Sweetheart, Don's StudI•O field, Iowa. M d M R H Mummert Friends. rich Uncle, Fan-Club.> . Lila ;~ a ju~1ior home econom· y;~k~n rs. oy · . • ' Tiie Beutiltwles D"rumu Duncuns Arc Parents The end or the semester Is al-1cs maJOr at Macollegc. Ed, a Judy is a senior at Central . ' . Of A Buby Duugbter mos~ here and semester tests arc ·ss graduate of Macollege, 1s a High School, York. Donald is a Make Up Sumlar Servi~ · Lauralee Ann "Lauree" . daugh· coming up. ;rticrcfor l am study. chemist al Iowa Soya. freshman al Mat'Ollege ha\•ing The scl1edule for this Sunday s ler of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dim·

No Pl""." ha"e been made for completed two years or alterna· ser•·ices, Jan. !8· 1959. at the can. McPherson. was bem Jan. Carlson the wedding date. live service in Falfurrias. Texas. College_ Church is as follows: 5. 1959 in the Lindsborg Hospital. nh'. C

A summer wedding is being Morning- .. . . .. Her parents arc both students Pim 1ng O, • }<ickso11, Egbert planned. !he sermon. The Beatitudes at Macollege. Janice is a sopho· Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jack· ":111 be presented by Re•'. Harry more English major. Howard is Plumbing & Heating

son, McCune, Kas .. announce the Putterick, Seales " ·E:::!'i:;_Jr. . a senior ~usiness major and 11re- Off;ce Pl>ofle 14 engagement of their- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willian1 Putter- I\ pla; will be given by a s~l business manager of the Barbara'. lo_Mr. Vernon Egbert, ick. Sp!:!!'s\'ille. N. Y., _announce Junior ;nd Senior High cast di· Spectator. lr-----------.1 son or Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eg· the engagement or _their daugh· rcctc<rby Daylon .11othrock, as· Peel Is Acceiited Deli'cateSSeD bert. McCune. , tcr. Janel, lo Mr. Jimmy Scales, sistanl professor or c-ducalion.

Barbara. a Macollege fresh· son or Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Scales. For Med 1'cclmology

R ... 615

212 No. Main Phone ·1os


Complete ~.Stop Service mnn~ is a c~mmerce major. Ve~· Hemphill .. Texas. F h 'ct T Ea Mrs. Florence Peel. a Macol·

non is farming near McCune. No Janel is a graduate of Hough· renc USS 0 1 lcgc sophomore. has been admit· Contact SoUc;ton date is set for the wedding. ton College. N. Y .. while Jimmy A French Breukfus t ted to the School or Medical Tech· McPheraon, Kanaaa At Collete

Noon 'Meals

' is a junior al Macollege major. French class students will be nology in Hutchinson. ll-----------'I'-----------' Jortlo11 , lllelto11 ing in induslrial arts. the guests or their instructor, Mrs.l.-----------.:1 0 ----------.lr------------, Mr. ·and Mrs. Harold Jordon, The wedding is . Planned for D. W~ Bittinger. for a French Ueloit . announce the engagement Jan. 25. 1959. breakfast at her hbme next Tues· · America~ Shoe Shop or lhcir dau~hter. Linda . to Mr. day morning at JO. Darry Melton. son or "Ir. and The fewer wprds 1111' tter ~!rs. A. IV. ;-.1elton.' Asherville, prayer. Life is a long lesson in humilily. Kos.

Linda ls a first semester jun- · ior al Westmar College, LeMnrs. Vogt Shoe Service Iowa . Dar11'. is 3 firsl semester Junior al Macollcge.

The couple plan lo be married ofter completing college.

Fine Shoe Repair Shoe Supplies

fo3 E. EucHd

Goering Paint & Wall Paper Co.

Puinl.s • \\"ul1 P~ • Glas.5

112 W. Euclid McP,heraon, Kanaaa

LEONARD M. LOWE Phone 940, Mc'Pherson

322 No. Corrie

Green's ~Ill'liance Store

Televiaion Radioa

Record a Record Players

All Kinda Of Electrical • Appliance•.

A Sign Of Good Food

Jim & Mabels Steak• & Chicken

Our Sp~ialty

Cloaed On Sunday

110 S. Aah Phone 445

Skate · Skate

118 S. Mo;n ~uth of Poat Office "'L~n~~r!~!':'~a 11 ..... ..,....---.-------" 1'-----~·-..-~--· I ":~~~~

Regular Slate Sasions 7:30 t;JJ 9:30 P. M.

Tuesday, Tftvnday, Friday · and Saturday

Party Nlghh-Mondoy, Wednesday Cr Sunday Evenings

.,. ,,---M_A_c_·,i·

1 Now Thru Sat. I

The McPherson & Citizens St ate Bank

6acon's Auto 'Parts Automotive Acceaaoriea

aOT :S . i\Mh

Matching Gobs of Fun! ENBERC'S Sweaters & Skirts " Mardi Cras"

ROLLARENA From In Colo• 'LYONS, K1\S. Catalina & Bradley_ Sun. - Thru - Wed

'----------'"'1''-Do-y_P_h_on_•_l 4_. __ N_;g_h_t _9.;,.30-'1 Outstonding Mov;o!

Tlie Ba11k To CROW. Wit/1

Student Accounts Welcomed

. ' ;---~~--~--,1.----------~,.1,-~--~-~~~-111 "In Love And War" 11---~----------"~-~~---~ 'LY 'II L'k · Hotel Warr..en. Robert Wag• .. ou '- e The Family Jelle., Hunl«

, ~.nd 0 Sheree North ·. . McDonald'~

· Dept. Store Barber S~p Coffee _Shop MJ\tt01Jl For your achoo I partie1.

The Farmer;s Service

And Supply

SHOES. ,..



for the whole famity

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. e Haircuts

e Shampoos

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Three party rooms available.

No char1e for room when meal ia served • ..

Superior Po~tiac-Cadillac, . Inc. 318 No. Main Phone "\ or 27 . .

• CoMe in today •"' trode yout wer ~.

CRAiG: COLIURN~.ir soa.amtft rour frleAft PAU C'oo)lllt

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