VOL. L ., DECEMBE 1918 No. 16 A D • M cMECHAN' LECTU E. . : •• , • , ••••• J-•. , •. , , • , • , , , .J. . LL T LAW 001 TY. A AN TUD NT CON NO

VOL. L ., DECEMBE 1918

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VOL. L ., DECEMBE 1918 No. 16


. : •• , • , ••••• J-•. , •. , , • , • , , , .J. . LL

T LAW 001 TY.



Page 2: VOL. L ., DECEMBE 1918


PERSONALS, (Additional). Alli t r G. MacKinnon, who has b en at

th Royal Milit ry Coll g , ha r turn d to D lhou i .

Mi . L i1 Ch e h tempor rily, t 1 t, ab ndoncd h r medical mbition ,

Chari . , Mitchell is now in Franc . C pt in and Mrs, Hu h B 11 have r •

turn d to C n d . Mr. nd Mr . Simon ·Holmes, parents of

Mr . Murr y MacN il, who have b n itt California for th pa t f w y r , wlll ap nd th winter in H lifax.

ominutfv J an , who WI. one of th f w girl who pr rv d th own tradi· tion{ i t ohing chool in th wild of the woo yw t.

enn th Clark, who fHtt d brieflv throu­h Dalhou ie last y ar, is a m mb "r of tho taft of th Mornin Chronicl ,

Li ut. Charl s Mitch 11, '19, i taking JL Machine Gun· coura n r London, ·

Wilfr d Knaut, '1 0, who went overs as two year iO with an Ammunition Col-umn, w recently admitted to Hospital, ltfferin from burna from shell-fire.

K. A. Baird, buain sa mana r of this t.urbul nt ah t, ap nt th summer as ecretary of th Y. M. C. A. rooma at the

R conatruotion Barracks, Windaor St. . Mary oaa, on of our ideas of f minin

beauty, who has been doing R llef Work in alifax, ha ,on to n land to act a

a or tary for ady promin nt'in war work. Chriatin MoKJnnon ia instilling mathe·

matics into th tud nt at H. L. C. Lt.-Colonol Willits, commandant of th . C, R., on-in-law of Prof asor Mac-

M chan, w a Ali htly wound d ahout month ag~.

Mrs. Hugh St ir ill oon r turn from En l d.

M! Marjori Mac cn:ic, th Pr i· nt a . ~tPr h on to ryn Mawr

..___.7.~;"'- compl t h r cour th r . dith M eM chan has d s rted Dalhou­

.,e, nd i now c~ing cr tary to Mrs. Al xand r raham B 11, who is t pr nt resident in Badd ck. Sh p nt last w k· tld in H lif x. J i Campb 11, ln addition to cl aning .

up h r Arts Cours , ia a r porter on th Daily Echo.

Th G 1 tt w loom to Dalhou i , Mr. 0 A'H arn, who h almoet recon­cU d u to a p r for whom f t IC nt ft ctlon. Nu Dl 1ter M r t Me nai , Iii· r ol r la and melyn of Dalbo

fam , h h o for tb ~DUC1U!}r V y front, I Dt a



"How grand i an Alpine stream" she sang, 11Through a granite gorge cascading "With cu~e ' littlo goats on every crag

And Tyrole ns erenading."

~·If you long for n Alpine strenm," he aid, . -He wa bitt r nd ov r oomplalnlng-11Don't go to wit1 rland, let mo auggeat.

A Halifa.K hill when its raining!''



NA-DRU-CO Line of

Perfumei Toilet Artlolea

and Family Remecllta

Every man '1 Education lho~tld contriblltt to hl1 welfare, comfort and en· Joyment and hence NO MAN'S 1EDUCATION II complete without a prac· tical knowledae of the Nodrvoo Line, u above.

National Perfume• are exquiaite, novel and lutlnc. Art made from the moat rare and pure lnJredlent•, by men of many yean ex~rience. TheY are by any othtr ma1c • wh her ~cor lm~.

National Tell• Mtlalea are lcdw, p.llchtfal and T ully Drelitd. N acl rueo Famll~ Remecllu are manu· factured by-~ CIMMM~t from formulae that have been tilted for ye ,,. and wUl tivt you ~atilfaoUOil or fOW tROMW f"f/WMW. All anlcl• requtrtd tn "'• Un• a!lt_U far · u ~bltbBOVGHT IN CANA A. The nodi art WAD IN CARADA, &Dd art a Credit • C>ll'la

Mnuta Watahmaken allcl ,......,.



···II) Gru.Uie t., Haltfu, N. oa ....


Royal Bank of tanada. IRCOilP\lllATID 1 ..

.Capitt.l Aurhorized .. .. $ 25,000,000 Capirt.l Paid Up, .. " " 14.000.000 ReHrve Funds, .. .. .. • 15,000,000 Tott.l Aneta, " .. .. .. 365,000,000

Rta4 oaoet IIOKT .AL

D!UCTOII. IR H11a1aaT • HoLT, E. L. P.IA 1,

Pfteld n Vloe-Prtlld ' nd Maoa,in1 Dlreut.or

' F. B. JORNITON, K. ' 0. E. NIIL!ot_ :md Vloe--Preald nt Otntral Man.

JJ. . RIIDMOND· A. E. DYIIIMT 0. R. Oaoo 0. E. atLL D. K. ELLIOTT IR M. B. DA VI HoN. W. H. TRoaNII 0, H. DUGGA Hv01 4 w 0. 0. lk.Aou•n

J .

321 Branoh ln Canada, Newfoundland, Cu.ba, Porto Rioo, Dominican Republlo, Coeta Rial, Brhllh W t lndlel, 8pain,



lo , C n~ral and uth Am ri ,

N W YOU. U.S. A. Comer WlWam and



.ATHLETIC· GOODS lncludin1 Spaldin1•• Famou• Good•

SKATES, PUCKS, STICKS, Etc. Here you will find men, of your own ap and intereata to aer'\'e you with thina• you want at pricea you can pay.

S1ckYIII1 Sl ~

Your Education. . la aot complete If co•· lat4 to prlattd book• aad lecturea. : Vtlltlal thtlattnatlq aad popu­lar pluta Ia tYti'J' cltJ llelpt a lot. : : :: u


IMPORTANT SOCIAL EVENT. Th' moat import nt ncial v nt in

Halifax for the past fiv yoar i tho .. Car­nival de 1' Armi tic , " which i to b h ld at Gov rnment HouR on J nuary 7th und r the auspio of the Prine s Louis Chapt r of th I. 0. D. E. To m mb r of 1 • mentary Fr nch th title m y sound for­midable, but tr n 1 ted, it m an iust plain dance. All dancinJt D lhous{an should k p the ev ning op n, v n though th r may bo a chemistry quia next day. The Prince Loui function r lways the orne of success, nd a good time i asaur d to all who o. Tick t ar two doll ra ach, and may b obtained from ny m m­

ber of th ch pt r of which Mra. Harold Oxl y ia ReR nt. Th proc da r for patriotic purpos s.

Madam Yoraka, the p udo-Pari ian ac· trea", who is long on ability but rath r 1hort on the qualitie1 that mad Hel n notorious, ha ju1t had thr inch 11 removed from h r noa , in an effort to thwart nature.


501 Barrlnaton t.

llty ·

We handle only the hiah t , gradea of .

nd Co I •



Page 3: VOL. L ., DECEMBE 1918


It ia with much pl ure th t we announc that rofe or Stew rt wa able to le ve the

· ho pital and r turn to hi' hom more than two w k ago. H will not b in con .. dition to r urn hi dnti t the Univer­ity for om time, but hi inany friend will

r joi th t hi compl t r covery i now certain.


· Dalhou i Art l~ib., Nov. 17th, 191 , H lifax, N. S.

. i



A sugge tion for the ultimate disposition of Mr. William Hohen1ollern is that he mi ht be made to recite the Latin alpha­b t to Profe or Murray seven time each mornin before breakfast, then b lulled to leep by reading from certain portions of

Word worth; go on a daily rock·t pping xpedition with To by; be oblig d to brew veral g llon of fr grant H2S in the Che­

mi try laboratory without gas rna k; hav Prof ssor McNeil make him im gine him elf within revolving tetrahedron; writ thirteen theme a day on .. How I love h litti ti h s," nd oth r imilar subj ct

allott d to Engli h 1.; li ten to the prolong-d argum nts in the Law Library for everal

hour ; nd finally pend his evening in the di s ction room with the tiffs there

emblcd. Such treatment, though per­hap. a trifle inhuman, might olve the pro­bl m now confronting the Allie . As for Willi , we would sug e t that he b demned to witne ing movin pictur er­ial fourte n hour day.



rrhere w re two churches in a town: Each had a perfect paaaion

To do the other crisply brown In haVing guest of fashion. ·

Somehow it eemed to one who watch .d­Minus all churchly leaven,-

The social calendar meant more Than God' r gister in Heaven.


Nowadays the que tion seems to be, not; -Are they marrying for lo,,e ?" but, .. Ar th y marrying for k p ?''


The millenium has b en dcfin d by my friend, Aloysius, as seven days of con ecu­tive sunshine in thi benighted city.

Some students regard the library s a · sco.ndal ex~hange nd the book s merely mural decoration .