Research Article Vitamin D Deficiency Predicts Poor Clinical Outcomes in Heart Failure Patients Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy P. Perge, A. M. Boros, L. Gellér, I. Osztheimer, Sz Szilágyi, T. Tahin, A. Apor, K. V. Nagy, E. Zima , L. Molnár, B. Merkely , and G. Széplaki Heart and Vascular Center, Semmelweis University, Városmajor utca 68, Budapest 1122, Hungary Correspondence should be addressed to B. Merkely; [email protected] Received 1 February 2019; Accepted 6 May 2019; Published 13 October 2019 Guest Editor: Agata Bielecka-Dabrowa Copyright © 2019 P. Perge et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background and Aims. Resynchronization therapy (CRT) improves mortality and induces reverse remodeling in heart failure (HF) patients with reduced ejection fraction and wide QRS. Nonetheless, some patients do not improve despite the optimal medical therapy and right indications for device implantation. Therefore, nding biomarkers suitable for identication of those patients is crucial. Vitamin D plays a classic hormonal role in the regulation of bone metabolism and also has physiological functions in wide range of nonskeletal tissues. Based on recent studies, low levels of vitamin D seem to directly contribute to pathogenesis and worsening of HF. We planned to assess the role of vitamin D levels on clinical outcomes of HF patients undergoing CRT. Methods and Results. We enrolled 136 HF patients undergoing CRT. Total plasma vitamin D levels were measured at baseline and 6 months later. Primary endpoint was 5-year all-cause mortality; secondary endpoint was lack of good clinical response, dened as less than 15% increase of left ventricular ejection fraction after six months. During follow-up, 58 patients reached the primary, and 45 patients reached the secondary endpoint. Vitamin D levels less than 24.13 ng/mL predicted 5-year mortality (p =0:045) and poor clinical response (p =0:03) after adjusting to all signicant baseline predictors. Conclusion. Our study showed that vitamin D deciency has a signicant impact in heart failure patients; it is an independent predictor of lack of midterm clinical response and long-term mortality in patients undergoing CRT. Therefore, monitoring vitamin D status of heart failure patients could be of clinical signicance. 1. Introduction Heart failure (HF) bears a major public health impact with constantly growing incidence, despite continuous improve- ments in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy [1]. Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an eective therapeutic option for symptomatic HF patients with severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and wide QRS. In most patients, mortality and morbidity are reduced, while functional capacity and HF symptoms are improved [2, 3]. Despite the repeated renements in the guidelines for optimal patient selection, poor clinical response to CRT is still prevalent [4], thus recognizing further predictors of out- come is crucial. Vitamin D, initially known as a key hormone of bone metabolism, has several extraskeletal physiologic functions. Based upon recent studies, vitamin D is an important regula- tor of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), inammatory cytokines, and extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover. Moreover, vitamin D deciency directly contrib- utes to pathogenesis of HF by the loss of above modulating mechanisms, causing remodeling of the heart [5]. Numerous cross-sectional and longitudinal studies showed that vitamin D deciency is associated with increased risk of HF; in addition, worse prognosis of already diagnosed HF was also demonstrated [6]. Interestingly, vitamin D supplementation in primary or secondary prevention of HF is controversial; there is no denitive evidence supporting a favorable role of vitamin D supplementation [7]. There is limited data in the literature assessing the role of vitamin D deciency in predicting clinical response to CRT. The results of previous small-scale studies suggest that patients with low levels of vitamin D show inadequate six-month clinical response to CRT [8, 9]; however, no Hindawi Disease Markers Volume 2019, Article ID 4145821, 7 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4145821

Vitamin D Deficiency Predicts Poor Clinical Outcomes in Heart … · 2019. 10. 11. · (Cat. No.: 05894913190, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany. Reference value is >30ng/mLin

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  • HindawiDisease MarkersVolume 2019, Article ID 4145821, 7 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4145821

    Research ArticleVitamin D Deficiency Predicts Poor Clinical Outcomes in HeartFailure Patients Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

    P. Perge, A. M. Boros, L. Gellér, I. Osztheimer, Sz Szilágyi, T. Tahin, A. Apor, K. V. Nagy,E. Zima , L. Molnár, B. Merkely , and G. Széplaki

    Heart and Vascular Center, Semmelweis University, Városmajor utca 68, Budapest 1122, Hungary

    Correspondence should be addressed to B. Merkely; [email protected]

    Received 1 February 2019; Accepted 6 May 2019; Published 13 October 2019

    Guest Editor: Agata Bielecka-Dabrowa

    Copyright © 2019 P. Perge et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Background and Aims. Resynchronization therapy (CRT) improves mortality and induces reverse remodeling in heart failure (HF)patients with reduced ejection fraction and wide QRS. Nonetheless, some patients do not improve despite the optimal medicaltherapy and right indications for device implantation. Therefore, finding biomarkers suitable for identification of those patientsis crucial. Vitamin D plays a classic hormonal role in the regulation of bone metabolism and also has physiological functions inwide range of nonskeletal tissues. Based on recent studies, low levels of vitamin D seem to directly contribute to pathogenesisand worsening of HF. We planned to assess the role of vitamin D levels on clinical outcomes of HF patients undergoing CRT.Methods and Results. We enrolled 136 HF patients undergoing CRT. Total plasma vitamin D levels were measured at baselineand 6 months later. Primary endpoint was 5-year all-cause mortality; secondary endpoint was lack of good clinical response,defined as less than 15% increase of left ventricular ejection fraction after six months. During follow-up, 58 patients reached theprimary, and 45 patients reached the secondary endpoint. Vitamin D levels less than 24.13 ng/mL predicted 5-year mortality(p = 0:045) and poor clinical response (p = 0:03) after adjusting to all significant baseline predictors. Conclusion. Our studyshowed that vitamin D deficiency has a significant impact in heart failure patients; it is an independent predictor of lack ofmidterm clinical response and long-term mortality in patients undergoing CRT. Therefore, monitoring vitamin D status of heartfailure patients could be of clinical significance.

    1. Introduction

    Heart failure (HF) bears a major public health impact withconstantly growing incidence, despite continuous improve-ments in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy [1]. Cardiacresynchronization therapy (CRT) is an effective therapeuticoption for symptomatic HF patients with severely reducedleft ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and wide QRS. Inmost patients, mortality and morbidity are reduced, whilefunctional capacity and HF symptoms are improved [2, 3].Despite the repeated refinements in the guidelines foroptimal patient selection, poor clinical response to CRT isstill prevalent [4], thus recognizing further predictors of out-come is crucial.

    Vitamin D, initially known as a key hormone of bonemetabolism, has several extraskeletal physiologic functions.Based upon recent studies, vitamin D is an important regula-

    tor of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS),inflammatory cytokines, and extracellular matrix (ECM)turnover. Moreover, vitamin D deficiency directly contrib-utes to pathogenesis of HF by the loss of above modulatingmechanisms, causing remodeling of the heart [5]. Numerouscross-sectional and longitudinal studies showed that vitaminD deficiency is associated with increased risk of HF; inaddition, worse prognosis of already diagnosed HF was alsodemonstrated [6]. Interestingly, vitamin D supplementationin primary or secondary prevention of HF is controversial;there is no definitive evidence supporting a favorable role ofvitamin D supplementation [7].

    There is limited data in the literature assessing the role ofvitamin D deficiency in predicting clinical response to CRT.The results of previous small-scale studies suggest thatpatients with low levels of vitamin D show inadequatesix-month clinical response to CRT [8, 9]; however, no


  • 2 Disease Markers

    data exists regarding hard endpoints. The aim of our studywas to determine the predictive value of vitamin D defi-ciency on the long-term mortality after CRT and confirmthe association with poor midterm clinical response.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Study Population. 141 consecutive HF patients wereenrolled to our prospective, single-center, observationalstudy. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the prog-nostic value of various biomarkers in a cohort of HFpatients previously described in details, including routinelaboratory markers, uric acid, complement components,and novel HF biomarkers [10–14]. This present studyfocused on the role of vitamin D levels in the prognosisafter CRT implantation.

    We enrolled chronic heart failure patients with optimalmedical therapy, symptomatic HF (New York HeartAssociation functional class II-IVa), left ventricular ejectionfraction (LVEF) below 35%, and wide QRS complex(>120msec) in the baseline electrocardiogram (ECG). Vita-min D supplementation was not included in the medicaltherapy before enrolment and during the follow-up. Thepatients underwent CRT implantation according to thecurrent guidelines [15] in the Heart and Vascular Centerof Semmelweis University, Budapest, between September2009 and December 2010. Severe systemic inflammatoryand hematologic diseases and active malignancies wereconsidered as exclusion criteria; we excluded 4 patientsbased on these conditions; furthermore, we did not havecomplete dataset of one patient.

    2.2. Clinical Endpoints and Follow-Up. The primary endpointof the study was five-year all-cause mortality. Good clinicalresponse, defined as an at least 15% increase of LVEF aftersix months of CRT, was considered as the secondary end-point. All patients gave written informed consent beforeenrolment to the study. The investigation conformed to theDeclaration of Helsinki; the study protocol was approved bythe local Ethics Committee.

    The follow-up period lasted five years; we conductedvisits at six months, two years, and five years after CRTimplantation. Detailed physical examinations, laboratorytests, ECG, and echocardiography were performed in a totalof 136 patients at baseline. At follow-up visits, functionalstatus of the patients was evaluated by assessing the NYHAclassification; their medical therapy and relevant adversemedical events were documented. Laboratory blood analyses,echocardiography, and ECG were repeated at six months.

    2.3. Laboratory Measurements, Exposure to Sunlight, andEchocardiography. We obtained venous blood samples fromthe patients, afterwards processed the serum and ethylenedi-aminetetraacetic acid plasma aliquots within two hours aftersampling. Samples were stored at -80°C for later laboratorymeasurements. Total serum 25(OH)-vitamin D levels weremeasured with Roche Elecsys vitamin D total assay kits(Cat. No.: 05894913190, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim,Germany. Reference value is >30ng/mL in the Central Labo-ratory of Semmelweis University, respectively). N-terminal of

    the prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)levels was measured using Roche Elecsys NT-proBNP II kits(Cat. No.: 04842464190, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Ger-many) with a Cobas e 411 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics,Mannheim, Germany). Serum calcium levels were measuredCA2 kits (Cat. No.: 05061482190, Roche Diagnostics, Mann-heim, Germany) with a Cobas Integra 400 Plus analyzer(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).

    Exposure to sunlight was assessed by the cumulativehours of sunshine in the 30-day preceding enrolment, basedupon the public databases of the National MeteorologicalService [16].

    Echocardiography and offline measurements werecarried out by licensed echocardiographic experts using aPhillips iE 33 system, Philips Xcelera R3.1.L1, and PhilipsQlab 9.0 software. LVEF was calculated using Simpson’sbiplane method. The reproducibility of echocardiographicmeasurements was determined; interobserver and intraob-server variability was assessed with Lin’s concordance corre-lation coefficient using 12-12 pair of sample data; substantialcorrelation was proven, as described previously in this cohort(interobserver variability: ρc = 0:956 (0.89-0.98); intraobser-ver variability: ρc = 0:96 (0.89-0.97)).

    2.4. Statistical Analysis. As the majority of the variablesshowed nonparametric distributions, the data were expressedas the medians with interquartile ranges or as percentageswith the event numbers. Continuous variables werecompared with the Wilcoxon matched pair test and theMann-Whitney test, as appropriate. A chi-squared test wasapplied for categorical data comparisons. The Cox and uni-variate logistic regression analyses were applied to determinethe baseline predictors of 5-year mortality and the lack ofgood clinical response; the continuous variables were stan-dardized by one standard deviation increase for the regres-sion analyses. We used receiver operating characteristic(ROC) analysis, and the continuous variables were dichoto-mized and then the Kaplan-Meier curves were comparedusing the log-rank tests. In the multivariable Cox regressionand logistic regression models, the baseline model includedvariables with p < 0:1 value from the univariate analysis,and further adjusted models were built in a forward stepwisemanner.

    In the present study, a two-tailed p value of

  • Table 1: Baseline characteristics.

    Clinical variables All patients (n = 136) Surviving patients (n = 78) Deceased patients (n = 58) p valueAge (years) 67 (60-73) 67 (60-71) 70 (62-74) 0.067

    Gender (male) 81 (110) 76 (59) 88 (51) 0.078

    BMI (kg/m2) 27 (24-30) 27 (25-30) 27 (23-29) 0.196

    Ischemic HF 57 (78) 53 (41) 64 (37) 0.201

    LBBB 82 (112) 91 (71) 71 (41) 0.003

    CRT-D 16 (22) 18 (14) 14 (8) 0.533

    Opt. lead position 74 (100) 73 (57) 74 (43) 0.896

    QRS (msec) 163 (141-184) 164 (141-184) 163 (144-185) 0.691

    LVEF (%) 28 (23-33) 28 (23-32) 34 (25-40)

  • 0 500 1000 15000



    Time (days)




    24.13 ng/mL

    45 4313 45

    Died Survived

    SubjectsAt risk

    48 46 41 3788 69 60 51

    Log rank p = 0.008HR = 2.25 (1.21-4.17)

    0 50 1000



    100% − specificity (%)



    ty (%


    Cut-point: 24.13 ng/mL

    AUC = 0.62 (0.52-0.71)p = 0.018

    Sensitivity: 78% (65-87)Specificity: 45% (34-57)PPV: 51% (40-62)NPV: 73% (58-85)

    5-year survival ROC of vitamin D


    >24.13 ng/mL

  • 24.13 ng/mL0





    Vitamin D


    A cl


    NYHA baselinens.

    24.13 ng/mL

    p = 0.61, Mann-Whitney test24.13 ng/mL





    4NYHA 6 months

    Vitamin D


    A cl



    24.13 ng/mL

    p = 0.0013, Mann-Whitney test

    Figure 3: Severity of heart failure at baseline and after six months of CRT. We compared the baseline and six-month severity of heart failureusing NYHA classification in patient groups of baseline plasma vitamin D levels below and above 24.13 ng/mL using the Mann-Whitney test.CRT: cardiac resynchronization therapy; NYHA class: classification of heart failure according to the New York Heart Association.

    5Disease Markers

    of NT-proBNP (p = 0:22). The detailed results of univariatelogistic and Cox regression statistical analyses are showedin Supplementary Table 1.

    To determine the independent influence of decreasedvitamin D levels on mortality, we set up a basic multivariableCox regression model with the baseline clinical variablesshown to be relevant by the univariate analysis (p < 0:10).Thus, the baseline multivariable model included age, LBBB,use of beta blocker therapy, and baseline NT-proBNP. Inthe following step, we entered vitamin D levels into thebaseline model in a forward stepwise way. Vitamin D levelsunder 24.13 ng/mL predicted mortality in the multivariablemodel as well (HR = 1:92 (1.02-1.45), p = 0:045).

    We use the same method to investigate the clinicalresponse. We included the relevant factors to the basicmultivariable model: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mineral-ocorticoid receptor inhibitor therapy, and increasing levels ofNT-proBNP. We entered vitamin D levels into the baselinemodel in a forward stepwise way. Similar to mortality predic-tion, vitamin D was an independent predictor of lack of goodclinical response (OR = 2:62 (1.01-6.25), p = 0:03). Thedetailed results of multivariate logistic and Cox regressionstatistical analyses are showed in Supplementary Table 2.

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Synopsis of Key Findings. Vitamin D levels under24.13 ng/mL predicted long-term mortality and poor clinicalresponse in HF patients undergoing CRT independently ofall relevant baseline predictors including NT-proBNP.Furthermore, patients with vitamin D insufficiency hadsignificantly higher NT-proBNP levels and suffered frommore severe HF six months after CRT.

    4.2. Possible Mechanisms and Explanation. Chronic HF is anemerging disease in the high- and middle-income countries,affecting millions of people and requiring considerableamount of healthcare expenditure. HF development is con-sidered a compound pathophysiological process, involvingthe activation of neurohormonal and inflammatory path-ways, tissue remodeling. Wide range of pharmaceutical anddevice-based treatment is available, yet the overall outcomeof HF is still poor [17].

    Vitamin D has been considered the key regulator of cal-cium and phosphorus homeostasis and bone mineralization.Besides the regulation of bone metabolism, recent studiesshowed that vitamin D has numerous extraskeletal functions.It plays various regulatory roles in several mechanisms con-sidered fundamental in development of HF [18]. Vitamin Dsuppresses the expression of renin and RAAS activity [19]and modulates the turnover of the ECM by enhancing theproduction of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors [20], andexperimental studies showed that it promotes myocyte con-traction and relaxation by modulating the calcium influx[21]. In case of vitamin D deficiency, with the loss of the pre-vious regulating effects, hypertrophy, ECM deposition, andmyocardial fibrosis may arise.

    Clinical studies also confirmed that vitamin D has astrong impact in HF. The risk of developing HF wasincreased in longitudinal studies in case of low levels of vita-min D, while prevalent vitamin D deficiency was foundamong HF patients [6]. Furthermore, it was associated withsignificantly worse prognosis [22, 23].

    Although vitamin D deficiency contributes to thedevelopment of HF by several described regulatory mech-anisms, the clear beneficial effect of vitamin D supplemen-tation in HF patients is still under debate, based uponrecent randomized studies [24, 25]. Further randomizedstudies with consistent enrolment criteria are needed tovalidate the benefit.

    Previous small studies also suggested that low levels ofvitamin D predict poor 6-month response after CRT implan-tation [8, 9], yet there was no data available regarding long-term mortality. In our study, we also confirmed the role ofvitamin D in the prediction of the lack of good clinicalresponse after CRT. Baseline vitamin D levels under24.13 ng/mL were significantly associated with poor clinicalresponse, independently of all relevant baseline predictors.Patients with lower baseline vitamin D levels had 2.5-foldrisk of lack of good clinical response after CRT.

    Furthermore, we demonstrated that reduced baselinevitamin D levels were significant predictors of 5-year mortal-ity after CRT; the mortality risk was independent of all rele-vant baseline predictors. Patients with vitamin D levelsunder 24.13 ng/mL had more than 2-fold mortality risk dur-ing the follow-up.

  • 6 Disease Markers

    We used the NYHA classification of HF and NT-proBNPlevels as surrogate markers to further assess the clinicalresponse of patients. Interestingly, at baseline there were nosignificant differences between groups of patients with vita-min D levels below and above 24.13 ng/mL. After six monthsof CRT, patients with reduced vitamin D levels had signifi-cantly higher NT-proBNP levels and NYHA classes, indicat-ing a more severe stage of HF, enhanced progression, andpoor clinical response.

    According to the 2011 classification by the Institute ofMedicine, 25(OH)-vitamin D levels below 20ng/mL are con-sidered inadequacy, while levels between 20 and 50ng/mLare considered adequacy [26]. Our statistically verified cut-point reaching almost the limit of vitamin D inadequacy alsosupports the previous findings regarding the close associationof low vitamin D levels and poor clinical outcomes in HF.

    4.3. Limitations. Remarkable limitations of our study are therelatively small sample size and the single-center design. All-cause mortality was considered as the primary endpoint;cause of death was not investigated separately in this analysisdue to the relatively low event numbers. The assessment ofthe sunlight exposure of patients can only credited as anapproximate, since the average cumulative hours of sunshinein Hungary were calculated. Our results can be representedas hypothesis-generating findings; this observation does notprove direct causality between vitamin D levels and progno-sis in HF patients undergoing CRT. Validation with prospec-tive, multicenter studies is necessary.

    5. Conclusion

    Our results further verify the previous findings concerningthe association of reduced vitamin D levels with the poorprognosis in various HF populations. Decreased baselinevitamin D levels predicted poor outcomes after CRT, func-tional status, and clinical response. Long-term survival ofthe patients was significantly worse compared with patientswith adequate baseline vitamin D levels. Therefore, assessingthe vitamin D homeostasis of HF patients before CRTimplantation might be helpful in identifying the high-riskpatients, among whom nonresponse should be anticipated.

    Data Availability

    The data used to support the findings of this study are avail-able from the corresponding author upon request.


    A previous version of the manuscript has been published asan abstract in the EP Europace Supplements following theCardiostim EHRA Europace 2016 Congress (poster presenta-tion no. 001986).

    Conflicts of Interest

    The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestregarding the publication of this article.

    Authors’ Contributions

    Merkely B. and Széplaki G. contributed equally to the workand both should be regarded as last authors of the article.


    Our observational study was supported in the form ofunrestricted research grants by the Hungarian FoundationPrograms “Semmelweis Egyetem Híd Projekt” (Grant:TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1/KMR-2008-0004), “Semmelweis Egye-tem Magiszter Program” (Grant: TÁMOP-4.2.2./B10/1.-210-0013), Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (Grant:OTKA K 105555), “Az orvos-, egészségtudományi- és gyó-gyszerészképzés tudományos műhelyeinek fejlesztése”(Grant: EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009), and JánosBolyai Research Scholarships of the Hungarian Academy ofSciences.

    Supplementary Materials

    Supplementary Tables 1 and 2: the detailed results oflogistic and Cox regression statistical analyses are pre-sented, including both univariate and multivariate models.(Supplementary Materials)


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