Visa Interview Questions and Answers Do you need interpreter ? No Thanks Are you ready for interview ? Yes Off course Why did you choose this institute and how did you find about it ? The institute is providing one of the best courses in US and its fee is reasonable, complete study atmosphere and specially its staff that is highly qualified. After surfing the net and consult with different consultants I chose this college for my studies. Why did you select this course ? Is it relevant to your previous studies ? This course will lead me towards the best opportunities of my life I mean to achieve my goals in life. Yes this course is exactly related to my previous studies. Can you tell me the location of the university/college ? Yes.. Why did you select US for higher studies ? Isn’t this course offered by any University or college in India ? US education system is one of the best across the globe. US education system has high influence in our education system. We are far behind in research and advancement in any field of life especially in education. Second we find complete study atmosphere in US, which is not available in India. What if you get a US degree here, would you like to go to US again for higher Studies ? Even then I will go to US because of standard of education and complete study atmosphere. What course are you going for ? ------ What is the scope of your course ? The course I chose will open new horizons for me and there are high job prospects in multinational firms at local and international level. Why are you taking this course ? Because this course is exactly related to my previous studies/Experience What is the course structure ? What are the course contents ?

Visa Inrteview Qs

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Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Do you need interpreter ?

No Thanks

Are you ready for interview ?

Yes Off course

Why did you choose this institute and how did you find about it ?

The institute is providing one of the best courses in US and its fee is reasonable, complete

study atmosphere and specially its staff that is highly qualified. After surfing the net and

consult with different consultants I chose this college for my studies.

Why did you select this course ? Is it relevant to your previous studies ?

This course will lead me towards the best opportunities of my life I mean to achieve my goals

in life. Yes this course is exactly related to my previous studies.

Can you tell me the location of the university/college ?


Why did you select US for higher studies ? Isn’t this course offered by any University or

college in India ?

US education system is one of the best across the globe. US education system has high

influence in our education system. We are far behind in research and advancement in any field

of life especially in education. Second we find complete study atmosphere in US, which is not

available in India.

What if you get a US degree here, would you like to go to US again for higher Studies ?

Even then I will go to US because of standard of education and complete study atmosphere.

What course are you going for ?


What is the scope of your course ?

The course I chose will open new horizons for me and there are high job prospects in

multinational firms at local and international level.

Why are you taking this course ?

Because this course is exactly related to my previous studies/Experience

What is the course structure ?

What are the course contents ?

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Do you intend to work in US after completion of your studies ?

Not at all

What do you intend to you after completion of your studies ?

I will come back and will join any multinational firm or start my own business.

What is you future plans ?

To join any multinational firm or start my own business

What benefit will bring this course to you ?

After completion of this course, I will come back and join any reputed firm, which offer

attractive packages. I will be leading in big job market, I am sure I will get an excellent job in

any reputed firm otherwise I will start my own business.

How much money can you earn after your completion of studies ?

30000-35000 per month approximately.

Where will you stay in US ?

Who is your sponsor ?

What proof do you have that your sponsor can support your studies ?

Source of income of your sponsor ?

How are you related to him ?

How many people are his/her dependents ?

Why is he sponsoring you ? (if not father)

Do you have any relative or friend in US ?

The answers to this vary from person to person. The two basic replies being: Either "YES" or


But I believe that you be truthful at this instance. I have seen many people who have been

true and werent affected by that.

In fact at an USEFI seminar, addressed by the Consulate Officer. it was said by the officer

himself that,

" We know that most of the student will end up staying there after completing their

studies, but atleast we can do our part of skimming them. We can atleast play the

part of sieving across the deserving people and not every pedestrian."

This means that they evaluate you on the basis of your merits and not by what the person

staying abroad is going to do for you. And the financial part is because they want to be

assured that you can at least go through your studies fully.

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It just happens that many a times, they check your file based on details provided in your

passport, and if they do apprehend you lying, that might spell trouble. So, I think telling the

truth is the best thing.

If your uncle or cousin or distant aunt stays there, you dont have to say "YES" coz that doesnt

matter. All that matters is your immediate relatives ..i.e own brother, sister , father or


What does your father do ?

Well this does have a specific reply, but then you can put it as "Sir, My father is working with a

So and So company for the past 25 years as a Manager in XYZ department. The long reply

helps over here. If your father has taken a voluntary retirement, dont mention that he has


Well there are two approaches to this. One, say that your father worked with this company for

the last 30 years and now has his own consultancy dealing with ( insert some financial or

technical terms ).

Two, Say that your father worked as Asst Mgr./Mgr./GM with some company for the past 25

years, took a VR and now has a consultancy of his own. Never show him to be idle, coz that

means your income has drastically reduced and works as a negative point. Stating about the

VR often helps coz then you can assure him that most of the money you have shown is yours

coz usually people get huge amounts on taking a VR. So that does help on the financial


How many brothers and sisters do you have ?

What is the course commencement date ?

What will be the total cost of per year ?

What will you do during the off period / semester ?

I will come back to see my family and friends.

How much money is available for your stay in US ?

Have you researched your career prospects ?

Off course. I have planned to choose any reputed multinational firm where I could learn more

and more. Second at that time possibly there will be competition in jobs, if I fail to get any

good job then I have plan to start my own business.

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Visa Interview Preparation

Despite having all the documents and meeting all the criteria people often get the refusal. A lot of its depends on the Interview, whether you successfully get the Visa or not. Here are few tips based on the people's experience and facts.

Now don't get nervous with the word interview. This is not like a job interview, however this is an important process (for visa seeker) so take it easy with confidence and follow the following tips.

The first essential step toward a successful interview is preparation.

The most important thing that you can carry with you is your self-confidence. Applicants who are well prepared and confident in their responses to the visa officer, are almost always successful in getting the US visa.

General Preparation

Get some information/ general knowledge on what the Visa is all about? What is the process etc.?

Prepare for most commonly asked questions .

Generally asked questions:

o Why do you want to travel to the USA? o Who is sponsoring you ? o What do you do? o When did you retired ? o How much pension do you get? o What is your annual income? o Have you ever visited any other country? o Do you have leave granted application? (If you are job holder) o Can I see you Business/visiting card? o Who will look after your business in your absence (if you are a business man). o Do you have a credit card? o How many children do you have ? And where are they? What do they do? o Who is there in USA? o How long will you be staying in USA? o Will you work there? o Will you come back? o How can you assure me that you will come back? o What does your daughter/son/son- in- law do? o How long has your son/daughter been living in USA?

Be there a little earlier.

Ask for a interpreter if you are not conversant or confident with English.

Document Preparation:

Fill all the forms/applications neatly and completely.

Know what you have filled in the form. Many times it happens (specially in parent's case) where children or the sponsor fill out the application and the applicant him/her self don't know what information is provided.

Provide correct and authentic information.

If getting copies for documents make sure the copies are of good quality and readable.

Verify that the Names, Date of Birth, etc. should match with the information in your passport.

Organize your documents in proper logical order: A well organized and orderly arranged documents can make it easy for you to find the right documents quickly during interview.

Physical Preparation:

Your physical presentation is often an important point. What you look like and how you say something are just as

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important as what you say. So dress up nicely and keep smiling.

Attitude Preparation:

Provide to the point and concise answers. Do not add any thing which is not relevant or not being asked. (In most the cases, this is where people make a mistake by giving unnecessary and unasked details). Other tips for the interview are:

Do not argue.

Do not ask unnecessary questions.

Be polite.

What the officer is looking for?

The primary goal for the interview is to verify al l information presented in the application and to make sure that, you (applicant) has enough ties back in your home country and will come back after your visit to the United States.

Documents and interview/questions are a few ways through which the consulate officer tries to determine the eligibility for the visa grant.

What do "ties" mean?

"Ties" are the aspects of your life that bind you to your place of residence, including family relationships, employment and possessions. In the case of younger applicants who may not have had an opportunity to establish such ties, interviewing officers may look at educational status, grades, the situation of parents, and an applicant's long -range plans and prospects in your home country. As each person's situation is different, there is no set answer as to what constitutes adequate ties.

During the interview:

Greet the Interviewer when you see him/her at the beginning.

Communicate clearly and in a comprehensive way. Do not hesitate to politely ask to repeat or rephrase the question, if you don't understand any questions.

Q: Why are you going to the US?

Ans: "I am going to visit my son/daughter and for tourism purposes."

Q: Have you been to the U.S. before?

Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No.

Note: The consulate can check to confirm this answ er.

Q: Do you have relatives in the US? If yes, who?

Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No. "My son/daughter lives there." If you have other relatives in the U.S. mention them.

Note: Do not give details of other relatives unless they ask f irst.

Q: Who is going to sponsor your visit?

Ans: "My son/daughter is going to sponsor my visit."

Q: Where will you stay in the US?

Ans: "We will stay at XYZ Street, ABC City, PQ State, 1234 Zip code."

Note: Memorize the address. It should correspond to the one on your visa application.

Q: What is your son/daughter you doing? What does he/she do for living?

Ans: "My son/daughter is a designation for name of company."

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Note: Memorize the designation and name of company. Show proof of employment and other employment-related papers at

this point, ONLY if asked.

Q: How much does your son/daughter earn?

Ans: Give the true answer. "My son/daughter earns $ ___ annually."

Note: Carry f inancial documents to support your answ ers. Your answ er must correspond w ith the amount given in the visa


Q: Where does your son/daughter work?

Ans: "My son/daughter works for name of company."

Note: Memorize the name of the company.

Q: What does your son/daughter-in-law do?

Ans: Give the true answer. "My son/daughter-in-law works for ____ company or is a home maker or studies at ___ University."

Note: Mention that they study only if they are on F1 or student visa. If they are on H4 dependant visa, then don't say that

they are studying.

Q: Who is paying for your son/daughter-in-law's studies?

Ans: "My son/daughter is paying for his/her studies. He is able to pay for all our expenses over and above the expenses of his/her wife/husband's studies."

Note: Make sure your documents show clearly that it is possible for your son/daughter to pay for the studies as w ell as your


Q: How long has your son/daughter been in the US?

Ans: "My son/daughter has lived in the US for number of years."

Q: Which visa is your son/daughter and son/daughter-in-law on?

Ans: "My son/daughter is on name/number of visa (for example H1) visa. My son/daughter-in-law is on name/number of visa, for example H4/dependant visa."

Note: Memorize name and number of visa.

Q: Did your son/daughter study in the US? Where?

Ans: Give the true answer, Yes or No. If yes, give details of university etc.

Note: Be prepared w ith details about university, w hat degree they studied etc.

Q: What visa did your son/daughter enter the U.S. on?

Ans: Give the true answer. For example, if they came on a student visa and later changed to work visa, say so.

Note: The consulate can check to confirm this answ er, so alw ays tell the truth.

Q: Is your son/daughter married?

Ans: Give the true answer, Yes or No

Q: Does your son/daughter have any children?

Ans: Give the correct answer

Q: Is your daughter/daughter-in-law pregnant?

Ans: "No, she is not."

Note: I guess Not

Q: Will your wife/husband accompany you on your trip?

Ans: Give the true answer. "Yes, my wife/husband will accompany me."

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Q: If only one person is traveling to the U.S. then they may ask: Why are you traveling alone? OR Why isn't your husband/wife accompanying you?

Ans: If you are a widower/widow, say so. Otherwise give the reason for your solo visit. "My husband is unable to get leave to go to the U.S."

Q: When do you plan to travel?

Ans: "We plan to travel in name of month."

Q: Why do you want to travel at that time?

Ans: "My son/daughter has arranged for leave from work during that period. They will be able to show us around then." If the trip is in spring/summer, you can say "We want to visit during summer as the weather will be suitable for us and we have heard that everything is beautiful at that time of the year" If visiting in fall/winter, say "We want to visit at that time because we want to see the fall colors and snow."

Note: Make sure you are aw are of w hat is good to see at the time of your visit.

Q: What are you going to do in the US?

Ans: "We are going to travel/visit the interesting places there like: (give some names of famous tourist spots) Disneyland, Niagara Falls, Washington D.C, Las Vegas and spend time with our son/daughter and son/daughter -in-law."

Note: Make sure this answ er corresponds w ith the answ er for the previous question.

Q: What is the purpose of your trip?

Ans: "We are going for pleasure and tourism, to see some of the interesting places in the US and to spend time with our son/daughter (and son/daughter-in-law)."

Q: Have you blocked your tickets?

Ans: "Yes, we have."

Q: Do you have return air tickets, medical insurance etc.

Ans: "Our son/daughter will arrange for that after our visa is approved."

Q: How much expense do you expect from this trip?

Ans: "My son/daughter will be sponsoring this visit."

Note: Never say that you can put up some/part/all of the money.

Q: Have you been outside India before?

Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No.

Note: If you have been outside India before, be prepared to answ er questions about your previous visit/s.

Q: Is this your first visit to US?

Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No.

Note: The consulate can check to confirm your answ er, tell the truth. If you have visited U.S. before, be prepared to answ er

questions about your previous visit/s.

Q: What places do you want to visit?

Ans: "We want to visit give names of interesting and famous U.S. tourist attractions like Disneyland, Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, Washington D.C etc."

Note: "We w ant to visit give names of interesting and famous U.S. tourist attractions like Disneyland, Las Vegas, Niagara

Falls, Washington D.C etc."

Q: How long will you stay in the US?

Ans: "We want to stay for number of months, for example six in the U.S."

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Q: Can't you finish your visit earlier? Why do you want to stay for so long?

Ans: "There is a lot to see in the US and at our age we cannot do it all in a hurry. We would also like to see fall foliage towards the end of our visit (if going in summer). If we stay for six months, we will be able to do sight seeing and spend time with our son/daughter (and son/daughter-in-law). But a shorter visa will be acceptable if you think it is appropriate."

Note: Say the last sentence about the shorter visit only if you think that they might refuse.

Q: What is the guarantee that you will come back?

Ans: "I have family and property here in India, so I will definitely come back." Give all the reasons. If you have other children and grandchildren in India definitely mention that. If you have a job or run a business, mention it. Definitely mention if there is someone who is dependant on you in India (like younger child or old parents etc.)

Note: Be prepared for this question. Have papers (property; f inancial) to prove it. Carry photographs of grandkids (ONLY if

they are in India).

Q: When did you last see your son/daughter?

Ans: "We met out son/daughter when he/she/they last visited us in month and year."

Note: Consulate can check to confirm this answ er.

Q: When did your son/daughter last visit India?

Ans: "My son/daughter last visited India in month and year."

Note: Consulate can check to confirm this answ er.

Q: When does your son/daughter plan to visit India next?

Ans: "My son/daughter may visit late next year or maybe even later than that. They have no fixed plan right now."

Note: Don't say that they w ill visit in the same year otherw ise the Visa Officer might say that you can meet them then.

Q: Where do you stay in India?

Ans: "We stay at your address in India."

Q: When did your son/daughter go to US?

Ans: "My son/daughter went to US in month and year."

Q: What work do you do and where?

Ans: Give the correct answer. If you are retired, say so.

Q: What is your job profile?

Ans: Give job details, responsibilities etc.

Q: How much do you earn/ What is your annual income?

Ans: Give true answer and details.

Note: Carry f inancial documents to support your answ ers

Q: If you are working, you may be asked: Did you take leave?

Ans: "Yes, I have accumulated six months? leave over the past years."

Note: Show leave certif icate.

Q: Your income is not enough to support international travel. What do you plan to do?

Ans: "My son/daughter is sponsoring my visit. He/she will take care of all my expenses for this trip."

Note: Carry appropriate documents. Refer to the checklist on Path2usa.com at:

http://w w w.path2usa.com/immigration/vis itorvisa/inter_preparation.htm

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Q: If you run a business, you may be asked: Who will look after your business in your absence?

Ans: "I have arranged for ____person to take care of my business in my absence" OR "My partner will take care of it."

Q: When did you retire?

Ans: Give the true answer. "I retired in month and year."

Q: How much pension do you get?

Ans: Give the true answer. "I get Rs.. ___ pension annually."

Q: What assets/property do you have in India?

Ans: "I have whatever property/assets you have, for example a house or two shops, etc. in India."

Note: If you have property or immovable assets in India, do mention them during the interview - it w ill be seen as a reason

to return.

Q: Who will take care of your property in India while you are gone?

Ans: "We have made arrangements with relatives/friends to take care of our property for the duration of our visit to U.S."

Q: Can I see you Business/visiting card?

Ans: If you have a card, show it. If not, say you don?t have one.

Q: Do you have a credit card?

Ans: Give the true answer, Yes or No. If yes, show it.

Q: Will you work in the US?

Ans: "No, I am going for tourism and sightseeing. I have no intentions or reasons to work in the U.S."

Q: How many children do u have ? And where are they? What do they do? Are they married?

Ans: Give the true answer, "I have ___ children. My other son/daughter is married. He/she lives in India and they have a son/daughter."

Note: Definitely mention if your other child lives in India and has children.

Q: What is your son/daughter's birth date?

Ans: Give the correct answer.

Q: When is your son/daughter's wedding anniversary?

Ans: Give the correct answer.

Note: You might w ant to carry a few w edding pictures.

Q: Can you tell me your son/daughter's contact details?

Ans: Give phone number and e-mail address.

Note: Memorize these. Make sure your answ ers correspond w ith details given on visa documents.

Q: Show me your documents OR Has your son/daughter sent any documents?

Ans: Show documents.

Note: Refer to the checklist of documents at http://w w w .path2usa.com/immigration/vis itorvisa/inter_preparation.htm

Q: My passport is going to expire soon. I do have a valid US visa in this current passport If I apply for a new Passport do I need to get the new US visa in new passport?

Ans: No. A valid exisiting visa is good. You can carry the old passport which has this visa stamped.

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Top 10 Mistakes at Visa Interviews

Visa interview is most important part of the whole visa process. A successful interview can have greater positive impact in visa grant decision. Following are some of the most common mistakes people make during the interview.

1. Not Prepared Well for the Interview

Being prepared for interview can better equip you for the interview. A prior research and preparation for

commonly asked questions and their appropriate answer will be helpful during the interview.

2. Not Providing Complete and Truthful Information

It is very important that you provide complete and truthful information. Any incomplete/false information can lead

to unnecessary delay. False information can have severe impact on your future ability to apply for US visa. It

may also cause you lot of frustration and legal actions against you.

3. Providing Incomplete Documentation

Must carry all the required documentation with complete and authentic information. Read all the prerequisites

and prepare all the documents accordingly. Keeping your documentation well organized can also leave a

positive impression on the consulate officer.

4. Not Carrying Appropriate Fee

US consulate has strict methods of payments. Make sure you know the method and the exact amount of the

applicable fee. For example, most US consulates don't accept cash as the payment method and would prefer

separate bank drafts for visa application and visa issuance fee. Refer to an appropriate source for more detailed


5. Providing Unnecessary Extra Information

Do not give away any information voluntarily which is not being asked. In many cases, people trying to be over

confident and over smart give out more detailed answers than is required. This may trigger additional related

questions which may not work in your favor.

For example:

Question: Why do you want to go to the US?

Wrong Answer: I want to see how USA is and if I like it I want to stay back with my son.

Preferred Answer: For tourism purpose and/or to spend some quality time with my son/daughter.

6. Inconsistent Information

Inconsistency in the information about what you provide in the documentation and what you say during the

interview can go against your case.

7. Arguing with the Consulate Officer

Never ever make any arguments with the consulate officer. If you want some information ask in a polite manner.

8. Having Poor Communication

Poor communication is the number one reason reason that affect your case in a negative way. If you're not good

in English, you should request for a regional language interpreter.

9. Having too Much Communication (talking too much)

Remember, you are the one being interviewed and not the other way around. So, keep your communication brief

and to the point. Speak only when asked for an answer.

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10. Appearing to be Nervous

Being confident can bring positive results. Especially, incase of visa interview where a consulate officer has to

rely on limited information provided by you. Their judgment is highly influenced by the way you react to

questions, your body language, and the authenticity of you answers.