Viruses Reality and Myth

Viruses Reality and Myth. Virus – True or False Computer viruses happen naturally. FALSE

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Reality and Myth

Virus – True or False

• Computer viruses happen naturally.


Virus – True or False

• My new computer has an antivirus program. I’m covered.


Virus – True or False

• I still use dial up for Internet access. I won’t get a virus


Virus – True or False

• I have a firewall, I don’t need virus protection


Virus – True or False

• I only use web based email, I can’t get a virus.


Virus – True or False

• I don’t use email, I can’t get a virus.


Virus – True or False

• My ISP virus scans my email for me. I don’t need an anti-virus program.


Virus – True or False

• I only read email from people I know. I won’t get a virus.


Virus – True or False

• Emailed viruses can only be “released” by opening an attachment.


Virus – True or False

• If your PC if infected, your computer cannot email viruses unless you open your email program.


Virus – True or False

• Including a fake e-mail address in your address book will prevent your PC from spreading computer viruses.


Virus – True or False

• My company filters viruses at the gateway/router/firewall. We don’t need virus protection on workstations.


Virus – True or False

• My company has virus protection on the server(s). We don’t need virus protection on the workstations.


Virus – True or False

• I got an email from xyz.mailserver.com telling me infected! Oh no! I’m infected!


Virus – True or False

A VIRUS could be in your computer files now, dormant but will become active on June 1. Try not to USE your Computer on June 1st. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS BELOW TO CHECK IF YOU HAVE IT AND TO REMOVE IT NOW. No Virus software can detect it. It will become active on June 1, 20xx. It might be too late by then. It wipes out all files and folders on the hard drive. This virus travels thru E-mail and migrates to the 'C:\windows\command' folder. To find it and get rid of it off of your computer, do the following. Go to the "START" button.

• Go to "FIND" or "SEARCH“• Go to "FILES & FOLDERS“• Make sure the find box is searching the "C:" drive.• Type in: SULFNBK.EXE• Begin search.


Virus – True or False

• A free immunity tool will protect your PC from the Klez.E virus.


Virus – True or False

• Companies that write anti-virus programs hire virus authors.


Virus – True or False

• My _________ is pretty computer savvy and says…

Who cares. Do youtake stock tips

from them, too?