Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand- ► Stock Market Closes-► Aldric-Vreeland Act-British Blockade-► Germany sinks British ship- ► Federal Aid Road Act of 1916► 1916 1914 1915

melissaluttrell.weebly.com · Web viewWith the outbreak of World War 1, the US was in a financial panic. Banks were under enormous pressure from people trying to exchange money for

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Citation preview

Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand- ►

Stock Market Closes-►

Aldric-Vreeland Act-►

British Blockade-►

Germany sinks British ship- ►

Federal Aid Road Act of 1916► 1916 --

1914 --

1915 --

The 1916 Minnesota Miner’s strike against US Steel-►

Federal Farm Loan Act-►

Woodrow Wilson elected President-►

US Declares War-► 1917 --

US Draft-►

War Revenue Act-►

18th Amendment proposed- ►

Espionage Act of 1917-►

Year of Strikes- ►

Wartime Prohibition Act- ►

1918 --

Farm Mortgages in Foreclosure- ►

Sedition Act of 1918-►

18th Amendment ratified- ►

Treaty of Versailles- ►

1919 --

The Wartime Prohibition Act took effect- ►

Volstead Act- ►

1919 Flapper- ►

Ponzi Scheme- ►

Recession- ►

Government Balances the Budget-►

1st Commercial Radio Broadcast- ►

1920's consumer credit-►

Warren G. Harding elected President- ►

1920 --

Enforcement of Prohibition- ►

Al Capone- ►

Jack "Legs" Diamond-►

Harlem Renaissance-►

High school movement- ►

Economic Distress in Agriculture- ►

War Finance Corporation-►

Rich getting richer, Poor getting poorer- ►

Ponzi scheme shut down- ►

Nineteenth Amendment ratified- ►

The Automobile Industry Boom-► 1921 --

Railroads were returned to private ownership- ►

Federal Highway Act of 1921-►

Emergency Immigration Act of 1921-►

Herbert Hoover appointed Secretary of Commerce-►

Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry created-►

National Agricultural Conference-► 1922 --

Capper-Volstead law-►

Unemployment rates were good-►

Federal Intermediate Credit Act-►

France & Belgium occupy Germany-►

Florida Land Boom-►

1923 --

President Harding dies-►

Dawes Plan-►

Calvin Coolidge elected president- ►

1924 --

Decline in construction- ►

Ford Model T discontinued-►

Revenue Act of 1926-►

1926 --

1925 --

Bank closure peak-►

The Great Miami Hurricane- ►

McNary–Haugen Farm Relief Act► 1927 --

Herbert Hoover elected President-►

McNary–Haugen Farm Relief Act-►

Revenue Act of 1928-►

The Great Bull Market-►

1928 --

Construction begins on the Chrysler Building-►

Power Shift- ►

Crashing Worry-►

Stock Market Crash- ►

The paycheck rises-►

Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929-►

1929 --

Federal Reserve raises its discount rate-►

Young plan-►

Construction begins on the Empire State Building-►

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act-► 1930 --

Start of Unprecedented Depression

Mechanical refrigeration steps in- ►

New York's Bank of United States collapses-► 1931 --

Government Bonds-►

More Bank Failures-►

Federal Home Loan Bank Act-►

Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President-►

1932 --

Glass-Steagall Act of 1932-►

Reconstruction Finance Corporation-►

Fed Notes-►

First New Deal- ►

President Roosevelt announces bank holiday-►

1933 --

Emergency Banking Act-►

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is established-►

Federal Emergency Relief Administration-►

Agricultural Adjustment Act- ►

National Industrial Recovery Act-►

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was established-►

Works Progress Administration-► 1935 --

The Second New Deal-►

Social Security Act- ►

Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President-►


High Hopes-►

1936 --

1937 --

Increase in industrial production- ►

US declares War- ►

Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President-► 1940 --

1939 --

National Defense Advisory Committee- ►

Labor Force Changes- ►

Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply-►

Lend-Lease act- ►

Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor- ►

1941 --

U.S. meets its goal of excess firearms- ►

Japanese Americans placed in inturnment camps- ►

Employees injured on the job increase- ►

1942 --

1943 --

Taxes pay for war- ►

Smith–Connally Act- ►

Federal government increased spending-►

Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944- ►

GDP reaches its maximum peak

Taft–Hartley Act- ►

Women in the workforce-►

1944 --

1947 --

1950 --