Victoria Langridge Portfolio 2015

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Page 2: Victoria Langridge Portfolio 2015

About Me

I am a graphic designer with a passion for social design. My design style is simple and to the point, but I like to use it to tackle more complex issues such as how to increase charity donations, improve people’s well-being or find a way to reduce the generation gap.

I also like to challenge myself with typographical briefs or by using different media to convey a message.

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Separate Worlds - Connecting GenerationsLumi - D&AD nPowerBiokit - RSA Human by NatureLearning to Change - DissertationDaily Specials - Lunch Break OffersShare Street - Skills for Well-BeingEdible Type - Representing WordsThaumatrope - ISTD About One ThingChange - Increasing Charity Donations

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Separate Worlds

>>> Brief >>>Research has shown that the young and old generations no longer interact with each other as they used to. Consequently a generation gap has formed. Find a way to improve intergenerational relationships in a way that is accessible to both groups.

>>> Solution >>>‘Yoke’ is a brand that brings together two charities, Age UK and UK Youth. The aim of Yoke, and it’s campaign, is to create connections between the generations.

This connection is achieved via installations, placed at bus stops which have been pinpointed as mutual meeting points for the target audience. The installations use language from both the younger and older generations in order to create pieces that speak to both, but also encourage them to ask questions of the each other.

The word ‘yoke’ means to join, connect, create a bond or a link, all of which Yoke aspires to do, in order to help narrow the generation gap.

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yoke yoke

yoke yoke


The logo uses a speech mark to symbolise that

the brand is about creating conversation.

Bright colours and a characterful typeface

give an impression of the fun nature of the

brand. The colour of the logo will vary

according to its application.



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Stage One: Introduction

Installations will appear at bus stops to create sparks of conversation.

Stage Two: Explanation

An interactive bus stop

display allows people to

play a game together, as

well as giving information

about the Yoke brand.

Stage Three: Legacy

A monthly news-shot will

be available for free from

bus stops, featuring ‘how-

to’ guides and features with

local people. This will form

the lasting legacy of the Yoke

brand and continue to push

the message.

Timeline of the Yoke Campaign

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- Emoticrochet Installation

Using the craft of crochet, modern emoticons

have been made which will hang from the

ceiling of the bus stop.

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- Road Signage Installation

The ‘elderly people’ road sign has been

reworked, to show that elderly people no long

fit the ‘old and frail’ stereotype. The figure

is now using the walking stick in various ways

- running, jumping and doing the limbo.

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- Technology Cross Stitch Installation

Traditional cross stitch samplers have been

used as the method to define terms that the

younger generation use without thinking,

which the older generation may be confused by.

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Window stickers have been produced, that will

be applied to bus stop windows in a layout

you would expect on a living room wall.

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Scan here to view the animated bus stop


- Interactive Bus Stop Installation

An interactive bus stop display will

explain what Yoke is and refers to previous

installations as well as the newspaper that

is to follow.

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1. Animation begins by getting people’s attention.

2. Invitation to play Pong. By tapping the ‘play’

button, the game will begin.

3. If someone wants to play, simple instructions

then follow.

1. 2. 3.

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5. A short countdown prepares people to play.

6. The game lasts for a minute, keeping it short

enough so people can play whilst waiting for

their bus. Players simply swipe the paddles up

and down to hit the yoke logo in order

to score.



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- News-shot

The final part of the Yoke campaign

introduces a free news-shot that will be

distributed at bus stops. The paper can

be flipped, depending on what generation

you’re in (although this isn’t specifically

labelled, allowing people to make their

own choice). There are how-to features, a

meet the locals section as well as a wall

planner of local events for the month.

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Introduction Page

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‘Grow’ how-to feature, ‘In your Area’ centre

spread and ‘Meet the Locals’ feature

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nPowerD&AD New Blood Competition

>>> Brief >>>Create a new digital experience to help demystify the many household energy options available home owners.

The amount of energy saving options are often overwhelming and confusing. Create something to help simplify this information.

>>> Solution >>>Using augmented reality, ‘Lumi’ allows home owners to look through their smartphone or tablet screen and see the different energy saving options or offers available to them.

Information is overlaid directly onto the familiar surroundings of the home, encouraging home owners to think about the energy they use and how they can help reduce their energy bills.


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The app begins by asking questions about

the home and energy usage, in order to

personalise the user experience. The app

then automatically picks up different objects

within the home and provides information

about energy saving tips or offers available.

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1. Initial setup questions.

2. Home screen with + to select that object.

3. Money saving tips along with potential

savings are shown when the + is selected.

4. Tips can also be accessed from the

main menu.

5. Saving Pouch compiles all potential

energy savings made through the app.

6. Relevant deals are accessible in one place.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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A tri-fold leaflet will advertise Lumi

to all households and takes on the form of a

digital tablet. It gives homeowners an idea

of how the app works. A clear panel promotes

the idea that Lumi helps you ‘look through’

the digital device to see the energy saving

options available.

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Mirroring the idea of the app, interactive

digital advertising will be placed in high

footfall areas, promoting the app to its

intended target audience. People are

encouraged to play with the app, through

the touch screen display.

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Human by NatureRSA Design Competition

>>> Brief >>>Encourage people to look after their internal microbiome, the population of micro-organisms that live inside our bodies.

>>> Solution >>>Based on the idea of a survival tin, ‘Biokit’ is a kit that provides four items to give your microbiome a boost.

The product is aimed at men who are at opposite ends of the scale. Those who may not take care of themselves as well as they should (eating poorly, not exercising regularly), but also those who regularly use supplement products to improve their health.

The logo represents the idea of the human body being a world and the linking of the microbiomes within this world.

Each product has a close up of an image to represent the product on a microscopic scale.

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The products supply the body’s daily

requirement of specific microbes to add to

the diet, or food stuffs to help replenish

and grow the micro-organisms already within

the body. All products will be supplied in a

special tin, which creates a survival kit for

the human microbiome.

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Store in a cool, dry place.

Total weight: 300G

Batch number: 201A

Best before: 01/2017

1. Net design for the survival tin.

The tin wrap introduces the brand and

explains what the product contains

and is to be used for.


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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE/ Dispense 1 measure/ Add 500 ml water/ Wait 2 minutes/ Drink

GINGER BEERIncrease the healthy micro-organisms in your stomach.


Store in a cool, dry place.

Total weight: 75GBatch number: 201ABest before: 01/2017

Store in a cool, dry place.

Total weight: 75GBatch number: 201ABest before: 01/2017


INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE/ Dispense 1 measure/ Add 500 ml water/ Wait 2 minutes/ Drink

KEFIR GRAINIncrease the healthy micro-organisms in your stomach.


2. Net design for ‘Brew’. Naturally

fermented ginger beer provides the

body with additional healthy microbes.

This powdered form allows a drink

to be made for easy consumption.

3. Net design for ‘Grain’. Kefir grain

can be added to milk to create a

healthy drink for your microbiome.

2. 3.

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE/ Break off one block/ Chew

100% FIBRE Feed your microbiome.Each piece contains100% of your daily requirement of fibre.


BLOKStore in a cool, dry place.

Total weight: 100GBatch number: 201ABest before: 01/2017




it in

. In


se th

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/ Bre


O2 S



4. Net design for ‘Blok’. Pure dietary fibre

is supplied in block format, to help

maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

5. Net design for ‘Shot’. This spray helps

to improve the microbes in the air

around you. Simply spray and breathe.

4. 5.

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Dissertation Design

>>> Brief >>>Turn your 8,000 word dissertation into a designed piece of print.

>>> Solution >>>My dissertation is about how graphic design can be used as a tool for positive human behaviour change. I investigated methods of behaviour change and how designers can use these tools, effectively, to benefit our society and the world.

The design took on a newspaper format and, via this medium, hoped to instil an immediate behaviour change in the reader through their expectations of a tabloid newspaper. The large format allowed me to explore a less typical layout style, again hoping to challenge the readers’ preconceptions.

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Lunch Break

>>> Brief >>>Create a multimedia campaign that encourages office workers to take their lunch break.

>>> Solution >>>‘Daily Specials’ encourages workers to take their allocated lunch break by offering time critical food deals. Offers are available for a two hour period each day and a voucher can be used directly from the app, to claim an offer from a participating food outlet.

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The app uses the idea of a daily special chalk

board to highlight the time sensitive nature

of the app. Users can view a variety of offers

in their local area, either in list or map

format. A permanent countdown within the app

encourages workers to make use of the offers.

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1. Loading page with sayings reiterating

time sensitive nature of the app.

2. Home screen with a timer countdown

and a location field.

3. List view of all local special offers.

1. 2. 3.

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4. 5. 6.

4. Map view of all local special offers.

5. Clicking on an offer within the map view.

6. Voucher for selected offer. This remains on

the app screen until the offer is used or

time runs out.

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Advertising for the app will appear on and

around public transport, and uses language

and icons that embed the idea of getting away

from the desk as fast as you can in order to

take your lunch break.

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daily specials


daily specials


Participating eateries will display a window

sticker to both advertise their involvement

with Daily Specials, as well as helping to

further advertise the app.

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Everyday Well-BeingRSA Design Competition

>>> Brief >>>Design a way for people to increase everyday behaviours that build mental well-being.

>>> Solution >>>The solution for this brief was to create an iPad app called Share Street. It is a social app that encourages people to come together to learn or improve at different skills.

The app creates a neighbourhood feel, in which different groups for activities are accessed via front doors. The groups are created based on location and will grow organically as more people sign up to the app.

The app ticks many of the activities that can help to build resilience and promote good mental health, such as helping others, being active and socialising to name a few.

The app is free to download, however through in-app sponsorship the app also has a commercial benefit.

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Each front door on the home screen leads to

one of the activities selected. The front door

mats provide an icon to depict the activity.

The menu is accessed via the brickwork, and

additional activities can be added by tapping

on the blank front door.

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1. Welcome & Login / Sign Up Screen.

2. Home Screen shows the activities added as

doors. Blank doors invite the user to add

more activities.

3. Add a new door by selecting an activity

from a list to share or improve at.

4. Personalise the door by style and colour.

5. Once a door has been added, tap on it to

access the activity.

6. Colour coded rooms show all of the people

within that group.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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7. View group member’s profiles and message

them to arrange a meeting.

8. Create group chats to share information

and arrange group meetings.

9. Leave messages for people on the noteboard.

10. Edit public profile.

11. Invite others to Share Street in order to

grow the group numbers.

12. Change personal settings.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

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Edible Type

>>> Brief >>>Represent a word through typography, which reflects its definition.

>>> Solution >>>After considering the feel and meaning that the selected word has, a suitable medium was chosen to carve the word from.

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The word ‘hello’ was carved out of a Victoria

Sponge cake, for a self promotion project.

Helvetica was used as it has an open and

accessible style, and cake was used as the

medium as it is often something I will

make to welcome people into my home.

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The word ‘exquisite’ was carved out of cheese.

A script typeface was chosen to reflect the

refined feel the word has, and the medium

conveys the idea of fine dining. Lighting

was dimmed for the photography to provide an

ambience suitable for the word.

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Everything About One Thing ISTD Competition

>>> Brief >>>Gather a complete knowledge about one single thing and make it accessible for the public.

>>> Solution >>>A printed book has been created that looks at the thaumatrope. A printed book was selected for the medium as it has a physical link with the printed nature of original thaumatropes. The book has been designed to provide a feeling of movement, such as you would get from physically spinning the thaumatrope.

The book is presented in sections that are a logical way of describing what a thaumatrope is to someone i.e. what is the object, how does it work, the history and the applications of the thaumatrope today.

Imagery has been used which has a feeling of movement within it, such as spinning objects and the over-laying of offset patterns. The text and lines have been arranged to create an additional feeling of movement and give variations of speed within the layout.

The colour palette has been kept simple, in contrasting monochrome tones, to reflect the contrast of the two sides on a thaumatrope.

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The cover looks closely at the letters of the

word ‘thaumatrope’, focusing on the joins

between the letters.

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Shapes, lines and patterns have been used to

create movement within the design.

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Charity Donations

>>> Brief >>>Use design to help increase the frequency of charitable donations made within the UK.

>>> Solution >>>Through research into the subject of charitable donations it was found that there has been a drop in charity donations. A ‘civic core’ of 9% accounted for 66% of regular donations (CAF report, 2013).

The solution brings charity donations into the digital age, allowing people to effectively ‘forget’ about their donations - taking the hassle out of it.

‘Change’ allows people to set up small, regular donations, which will be taken from their preferred card account every time they use it.

A number of charities can be chosen to receive a donation and all money will be divided equally between them.

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The logo has been created in different

variations, connoting the idea of change.

Five logo groups have been created which

can be added to over time.

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typeface = Dockk11 Heavycolour = 100% black

Final Logo Design

Solid white background behind textTriangle changes colour from application to application

Stage One: Introduction

Triangles will appear on landmarks via coverings and projections, as well as appearing in more local areas such as shopping centres and telephone boxes.

Stage Two: Explanation

More elements will be

branded with the triangle,

such as vehicle wraps,

supermarkets and hoardings.

More patterns will now

be introduced to vary the

branding. The logo will

also appear so that people

connect the brand with the

triangle and this will be

accompanied by the hash tag

#changeiscoming to generate

social media interest.

Stage Three: Branding

The final stage sees all

remaining elements launched.

Wall boxes will appear, card

reader branding will be placed

on every card reader in every

shop, a poster campaign will

be launched to explain the

brand and direct people to

the website, the website

will go live and internet

advertising will begin.

To accompany the teaser

campaign, a digital campaign

document has been produced

for the iPad. This will be

available to all businesses

involved in the campaign.

A brief explanation of how the brand launch

will happen, along with the main elements.

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‘Change’ branding applied to locations around

the United Kingdom.

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The poster campaign sees the introduction

of inspirational quotes. Quotes have been

selected which all relate to ideas of change

and are meant to inspire people to begin to

make a change through charity donations.

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As the ‘Change’ brand is mainly centred

around people making donations using their

payment cards, card reader branding has been

created to wrap around existing card readers.

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‘Change’ wall boxes located in prominent

areas around towns and cities allow

people to make a £1 donation by touching

their smartphone to the box.

The boxes feature digital displays detailing

the current charities supported (up to a

maximum or three) and these charities will

be picked at random on a monthly basis.

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A range of various sized animated adverts

have been made which can be placed on

websites that the target audience may

frequent. Fixed adverts have been created

rather than pop-ups so that the branding is

there permanently and the viewer is unable to

close the box and hide the advert.

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The website is the most important element as

it allows people to register to the brand in

order to begin making regular donations.

A single, scrolling page site has been

designed for ease of use.

We all like to donate to charity but have you ever held back from making regular charity donations as it felt like more hassle than it was worth? Was the thought of being tied to a single charity, with monthly payments and the fear of being chased to increase your donations enough to put you off altogether?

Well, we’re here to change all of that.

Change is the new way to make simple, daily donations without the hassle.

We all want to make a difference, right? Well now you can select an amount to be donated to your selected charity (or charities!) every time you make a purchase using your registered card. Whether it be 20p, 5% or your purchase cost or more, just select the amount you want and we’ll sort the fiddly bits.

Sounds simple? It is.

Oh, and to make it even easier, if y ou don’t want to register, we’ve also placed ‘bump boxes’ in highly visible locations which you can simply bump your smart phone against to make an automatic £1 donation to the charities listed on the box. Just look out for the triangles.

The jingle-jangle of charity tins has moved on!

Make the switch to simple, daily charity donations.


– Mahatma Gandhi



– Mahatma Gandhi



‘Single Page’ website design with simple scrolling feature between sections. Works via mouse scroll or by using the menu buttons

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See how your donations have been making changes.

Age UK Computer TrainingAge UK runs computer training

courses for older people: watch how

18-year-old has helped 81-year-old

Tina to use the internet.

Thank You From Oxfam!By supporting Oxfam you have helped

people get the food and water they

need. This video is a thank you from

those supported in Chad.

Virunga Campaign UpdateThe campaign to protect Virunga

national park steps up today. See

how your donations have helped the

WWF’s cause.





Want to view earlier periods? Spin the wheel to turn back time!

Select how you would like to view your history of Change.


















CHARITIESSelect either the sector you want to support, or

individual charities. you’d like to donate to.

SORT BY Sector Organisation



Armed & Ex-Services

Children & Youth


Culture & Heritage


Education & Training

Employment, Trades &




Want to donate to a specific charity?

Enter their registered number here:

registration number

DONATIONSelect the amount you would like to donate every

time you use your registered card.

SORT BY Pounds Percentage

1p / one penny

2p / two pence

5p / five pence

10p / ten pence

12p / twelve pence

15p / fifteen pence

20p / twenty pence

22p / tweny two pence



Want to donate a specific amount?

Enter the amount here:

pennies, pounds or percentage

DETAILSChange your registered details.

Simply type into the box to replace your

current information.

We will send an email confirming changes.



[email protected]


card number

card type


To get started with a ‘Change’ account, we need you to register some basic details.

Once you click ‘ok’ you will recieve a confirmation email. Click

the link contained in the email to complete the registration.

Once registered go to ‘account’ to select your preferences.

Sign-up to begin making simple, daily charity donations

[email protected]


enter card number

card type / visa / maestro




Noticed Anything Unusual?People up and down the country have

been wondering what’s been going on?

Famous landmarks and British towns.....


National Branding CampaignCard reader branding has been sent

to every vendor in the country, making

sure that you are all aware of the big.....


Bump Boxes are Hit!Have you spotted the ‘Change’ bump

boxes where you can donate digitally?

Lots of people have been bumping.......




Noticed Anything Unusual?

People up and down the country have been wondering what’s

been going on?

Famous landmarks and British towns have been given a new

look as Change has come to town!

To launch the new charitable brand, we have been quietly

adding bold patterns to create a buzz around what is set to be

the biggest shake-up in charity donations this century.

1. News Stories page about ‘Change’.

2. Example of open news story.

3. Registration page.

4. Account page where charities and donation

amounts can be selected.

5. Track page shows donations by week, month

or year.

6. Stories page shares videos about how money

raised is being used.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Noticed Anything Unusual?People up and down the country have

been wondering what’s been going on?

Famous landmarks and British towns.....


National Branding CampaignCard reader branding has been sent

to every vendor in the country, making

sure that you are all aware of the big.....


Bump Boxes are Hit!Have you spotted the ‘Change’ bump

boxes where you can donate digitally?

Lots of people have been bumping.......



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Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio.

If you are interested in getting in touch, I can be contacted at:

email: [email protected]

mobile: 07835 670 803