Vibes Up Transcripts Group 1 This program is a part of The Sentelligent Solution for Your Spir- itual Evolution Created by Stacey Mayo http://sentelligentsolution.com Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All rights reserved http://BalancedLiving.com

Vibes Up Transcripts Group 1 - balancedliving.com · Vibes Up Transcripts Group 1 ... Day #21 More On Your Own Power 47 ... so you are going to tap on the side of your hand where

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Vibes Up Transcripts

Group 1

This program is a part of

The Sentelligent Solution for Your Spir -itual Evolution


by Stacey Mayo

http: / /sentelligentsolution.com

Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


Day #9 Moving Up The Vibrational Scale Beyond Acceptance 5

Day #10 Self Worth 11

Day #11 Releasing Stress 15

Day #12 Fear of Power 19

Day #13 Owning Your Power 22

Day #14 Creating & Receiving 25

Day #15 Gratitude & Music 29

Day #16 Catch Up Day 32

Day #17 Need to Impress Others 33

Day #18 Releasing Fatigue 35

Day #19 Control Over Others 38

Day #20 Overwhelm 41

Day #21 More On Your Own Power 47

Day #22 Love 50

Day #23 Breaking Through the Impossible 54

Day #24 Catch Up Day 60

Day #25 Collecting Evidence for Your Success 61

Day #26 Worthiness 67

Day #27 Worthiness Part 2 73

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Day #28 Releasing the Pressure to Perform 79

Day #29 Clearing Past Disappointments 85

Day #30 Releasing I’m Not Good Enough To ________ 90

Day #31 Releasing Doubts That I Can Have It 95

Day #32 Catch Up Day 100

Day #33 Releasing 3 Generations of I’m Not Good Enough 101

Day #34 Celebration & Gratitude 105

Day #35 Resistance 109

Day #36 Trusting Your Intuition 114

Day #37 Uncertainty 117

Day #38 Grounding and More Releasing of Fear of Future 121

Day #39 Fear of Making Mistakes 126

Day #40 Catch Up Day 130

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About Stacey Mayo

A well-known intuitive coach and healer with a wide following, Stacey Mayo, is known as "The Sentelligent Coach". Sentelligent is a word Stacey coined that represents our highly in-telligent and sensitive sensory systems. She established the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 as a vehicle to carry out her life's work.

Stacey was profiled on television in the CBS Evening News segment, "Confident Women." She has appeared in Forbes, Newsday, the Wall St. Journal, Atlanta Sports & Fitness, Atlanta Woman and Woman's Day. She has been featured a number of times in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, including the piece, 'Midlife,' which engages women in considering how they can stop deferring their dreams.

She is a popular public speaker and author of "I Can't Believe I Get Paid To Do This" She was named Georgia Author of the Year, Best Self-Help Book, and this book was also named Best Book by USA Book News.

Stacey offers Intuitive Career Reading and Healing Sessions to reveal the purpose you came to fulfill in this lifetime. These readings are based on the intuitive guidance that she receives for you from her guides and Source energy prior to your session. She then works with you to explore and gain clarity on the best ways for you to carry out that purpose in this life-time. She also helps to identify and heal the beliefs in the way of you succeeding in carrying out that mission.

Stacey created a powerful healing modality that she calls Dominion Over Self™. She has been called to be a healer of healers. Those with latent healing, intuitive and spiritual gifts are often drawn to her to hear their purpose and/or clear what is in the way of being who they came to be or taking their practice to the next level. She also trains healers in her methodologies and/or helps them uncover their own healing gifts. Additionally she works with those on any helping path to create a successful business.

Health is another area of specialization. Stacey works with people to quickly release the be-liefs and patterns underneath their physical and emotional health challenges. When these be-liefs are healed on a multitude of levels, you naturally heal physically and also evolve to higher levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness. You are also able to act in alignment with who you really are. Blocks to living in alignment with your true self are often connected with any physical ailments you may have. Blocks may also take other forms that Stacey can help you identify.

Stacey publishes a popular e-zine entitled Living Out Your Dreams and a blog entitle The Sentelligent Solution. She is a Master Coach, a Certified Career Intuitive and a Creative Healer. She received a B.S. in Business from Tulane University.

Stacey lives with her husband, Mike and golden retriever LB (Lover Boy) and works with cli-ents all over the globe via telephone and Skype.

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Day #9Moving Up The Vibrational Scale Beyond Acceptance

Hello everybody. This is Stacey Mayo. Welcome to another vibration raising session. I’m once again excited to be here with you this morning.

Some of you are just joining us this week and some of you have been with us for a week. Those of you who have been with us for awhile, you may be starting to notice that it’s easier to raise your vibration now. In other words, even if you get off track during the day and something comes up that is disappointing or frustrating, it’s easier to go from there to a higher vibration level once you’ve been raising your vibration every day. And also you may notice your body is less tolerant, or that you are less tolerant of being at a lower level. Also, I want to say to remember to use these exercises as stuff comes up during the day to bring yourself back to a high vibration place as things come up. I’m going to talk about that a little bit in a minute.

Also, notice what you are putting in your body. What you are putting in your body also af-fects your vibration level. You need to be drinking lots and lots of water. I know everybody says this but it’s absolutely true. If you are dehydrated, there’s no way to feel very good or energetic. So you want to be drinking lots of water. Also, clean water. Preferably either filtered or spring water, or even Artisan water, which is Figi water, it’s claimed to be the best. But make sure you’re not drinking regular tap water that’s unfiltered.

Also, what you eat, if you eat junk food, that actually can lower your vibration. Different foods actually have different vibrations and when we...that’s part of the reason why, when we’re frustrated or angry we want to go get some junk food, at least I do, because it matches where our vibration is. So notice also what you are putting in your body and try to make some healthier choices that will also make it easier for you to raise your vibration and stay at a higher vibration. All right, those are some tips for today.

Today I’m going to do the EFT tapping raising vibration exercise again. I got inspired by one of the people who is taking the vibration raising class who told me that she is using that ex-ercise daily in the shower to check in at where she is and what she’s feeling and raise her vibration. I just totally love that idea. And it’s taking her into a place of possibility and ex-citement and new ideas. So again, I want to encourage you to use these tools in ways that work for you. Not only when you are listening to these recordings or when you are attend-ing these sessions live. All right, so we’re going to take this EFT raising vibration and do it again, play with it and take it to new levels as well.

So the first thing I want you to do is check in with how you are feeling. Notice how you are feeling in general and then rate that on a scale of one to ten, with one being depressed and ten being in bliss and joyful. Then write that number down. I also want you to notice how you are feeling as it regards to any particular projects or things you are working on. It could be anything from your health, to relationships, to a business project. Just check in and notice how you are feeling.

Are you excited?

Are you in despair?

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Are you worried?

Are you hopeful?

Where are you on the scale?

Are you in acceptance?

The energy scale goes from kind of in despair or sad or depressed, to grumpy or frustrated or mad, to stressed, worried, fearful, anxious, nervous, up to disappointed, up to accepting what is, up to hopeful, up to grateful, and then up to happy or joyful.

And another way to go deeper to check in to how your subconscious is feeling is to think about something that you are wanting to be different in your life. And notice where things are around that.

Are things happening differently around that specific area?

Or are you getting the same ‘old’ of what you used to get?

Are you frustrated that it’s not where you want it to be, or are you hopeful because you are seeing signs that it’s getting there?

Another way to check in with your subconscious to see how you’re subconscious is feeling about things is by checking in on the actual what’s showing up in your life. Because if it’s not showing up in your life yet, there’s a good likelihood that there’s still some lower energy vibrations around it. So just check in with that and then give that a number on a scale of one to ten.


So we’re going to go ahead now and start with where you are, and we’re going to raise it. We’re going to play with it and raise it even further. So the first time we did this, we started with where you were and raised it to a level of acceptance. Today we are going to raise to a level of acceptance and then take it further.

So what you are going to do, first of all, you are going to tap on the side of your hand, and so you are going to tap on the side of your hand where your pinky is, that fleshy part under-neath your pinky, and you are going to take the fingers from your other hand, all four fin-gers from your other hand, and you are going to tap on that fleshy part of your hand below your pinky. And you are going to say, while you are tapping:

Even though I am feeling ________ (you fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and ac-cept myself.

Keep tapping.

Even though I am feeling ________, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I am feeling ________, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Next you are going to tap using one to two fingers on the side of the fingernail bed of each

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of your five fingers. So again, you are going to tap on the side of the fingernail bed starting with your thumb then going to your index finger, then your middle finger, then your ring fin-ger, and then your pinky.

So we start with accepting that you feel this way because you can’t move up the scale until you accept where you are.

So tapping on your thumb.

I accept this and it’s okay to feel this way.

Your index finger.

I accept this and it’s okay to feel this way.

Middle finger.

I accept that I feel this way and it’s okay to feel this way.

Your ring finger.

I accept that I feel this way and it’s okay to feel this way.

Your pinky.

I accept that I feel this way and it’s okay to feel this way.

So you are going to do this until you feel a shift, which could take the form of a sigh, a deep breath, an energy release, however you experience it. It’s very subtle.

We’re going to do another round.

I accept that I feel this and it’s okay to feel this way.

I accept that I feel this and it’s okay to feel this way.

I accept that I feel ______, and it’s okay to feel this way. (You fill in the blank)

I accept that I feel ______, and it’s okay to feel this way.

I accept that I feel ______, and it’s okay to feel this way.

Now your next round.

I choose to learn from this and move on.

Each finger.

I choose to learn from this and move on.

I choose to learn from this and move on.

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I choose to learn from this and move on.

I choose to learn from this and move on.

Next round is about letting go.

I choose to let go of this feeling and move on.

I choose to let go of this feeling and move on.

I choose to let go of this feeling of _______, and move on.

I choose to let go of this feeling of _______, and move on.

I choose to let go of this feeling of _______, and move on.

Next round.

I intend for great things to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

I intend for GREAT things to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

I want you all to be saying this aloud and put some emphasis on GREAT THINGS.

I intend for GREAT THINGS to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

I intend for GREAT THINGS to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

I intend for WONDERFUL things to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

Let’s do that again.

I intend for AWESOME things to happen in ways that are better than I can imagine.

I intend for MAGNIFICENT things to happen in ways that are BETTER than I could possibly ima-gine.

I intend for things to happen that are BETTER for me than I could imagine myself.

I intend for things to happen in ways that are WONDERFUL and beyond my imagination.

I intend for AWESOME things to happen for me in ways that I could not even BEGIN to imagine.

Now continue tapping from this place.

I wonder what else is possible.

Tap on the next finger.

Anything is possible.

Next finger.

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Everything is possible.

I am open to miracles happening in my life.

Everything is possible.

Next round.

I wonder what else is possible.

Everything is possible.

Anything is possible.

Lots of things are possible. So by now you should be at least at a place of acceptance. If not, you are going to want to just simply repeat some of the previous rounds.

So I’m going to keep going with it. We’re in a hopeful place so,

I am EXCITED about what’s possible.

I am REALLY EXCITED about what’s possible next in my life.

I am LOVING thinking about what’s possible in my life and being open to miracles.

I am REALLY EXCITED about what could happen next that I can’t even imagine at this moment.

I am LOVING this place of possibility in my life.

It feels so good to be here.

So now check in and just notice how you are feeling now. From this place of hopeful possib-ility, I want to start to imagine having whatever it is that you want in your life. Whether that’s better health. What would that look like? What would that feel like?

So now we’re going to go back to using our senses. I want you to actually imagine having whatever it is that you want in your life to be different as if it already is. From this wonder-ful place of possibility.

So get back in touch with your senses and imagine what it smells like.

Touch something and notice the texture of it.

Notice what sounds you are hearing when whatever it is that you want is here. It might be the sound of applause. It might be the sound of someone saying WooHoo Yippee WooHoo. It might be the sound of your internet saying you have a sale. It might be the sound of

your body walking, walking an extra mile. It might be the sound of a sigh of relief. Notice what the sounds are.

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And then notice how it feels to actually have what it is that you are wanting and allow your-self to claim it as if it already is. To claim it from a place of excitement, from gratitude, be-ing grateful. Yippee!

Now, if you can’t quite get to what’s here yet, don’t fake it. But you might be “yippee” that it’s coming. WooHoo, it’s coming! I’m so excited I can smell it, I can taste it. I love my life being this way. It’s getting closer and closer. I’m feeling it. I know it’s possible, and I know it’s coming and I am excited and I’m joyful.

Breathe it in and allow yourself to be with it and be with the possibility. And be with the joy of what is right now.

And so now check in again and notice where your energy is on a scale of one to ten.

Just keep being in this wonderful feeling place. This is a place that you can carry with you throughout your day.

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Day #10Self Worth

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of vibration raising and en-ergy clearing.

So today we are going to take it even higher and deeper, higher and deeper. Now I just want to quickly remind everybody how important it is to drink water when you are doing this process. The normal amount of water that we’re supposed to drink is half of our weight. Take your weight, divided by two, and the number of ounces is how much water per day that we need to drink. And when you are doing this process you want to drink even more than that. Because when we are releasing, we are releasing toxins into the body as we release old beliefs and we need to flush those out or it could make us tired or feel sick. So very important. Okay.

So today we are going to continue releasing self doubt and we’re also going to start to work on unworthiness which often exists at the subconscious level. And then from there we are going to a deeper and quieter place.

Now you may wonder why it is we are releasing things if this is about vibration raising. And it’s very simple. Because if these thoughts and beliefs are in your subconscious, then they are affecting your vibration and therefore affecting your mood and your energy level, and affecting your ability to attract what you desire. And they are in your vibration even if they are not in your consciousness, if they are in your subconscious.

Today we are going to use the Dominion Over Self technique that we used before. First let’s get centered.

Bring yourself back to the present, close your eyes with your feet on the ground, sitting up straight but with your shoulders relaxed.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And imagine the dot to the left.

Go back to the dot to the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

From this place in your body, focus on your breath for a count of three breaths. Great.

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Now, that we’ve got you all relaxed, I want you to check in and think about what it is that you most want to either get out of this program or what you most want to create at this point in your life. Something that you want that perhaps hasn’t come yet and your don’t know why, you’ve been working on it for awhile or you have some anxiety about it. It could be anything from health and well-being to money, or clients, or relationships. Anything at all. So as you think about it, pick one thing that it is you really want that you don’t have yet, and then check in and see if there is some doubt about your ability to have it. It may be self doubt that you can’t have it, or it may be the belief that you can have it, or that you could have it as soon as you want it.

So we’re going to go ahead and release and we’re going to use the command technique.

So I want you to repeat after me and I want you to do this aloud. It will be more effective for you if you do this aloud.

I’ll say the sentence in parts so repeat each part after me:

I command my body

to release all doubts

that I can have what I desire right now.

And blow that out.

Say that with the power of a king or a queen, and just visualize releasing that energy. See it leaving your body.

Repeat after me.

I command my body

to release all remaining doubts,

both conscious and subconscious,

that I can have those things that I desire

which are in my highest and best interest right now.

And blow that out.

Again, one more time. Let’s make it a little simpler and say it aloud.

I command my body to release all hidden doubts that I can have what I desire right now.

Just feel your body releasing.

One more time.

I command my body to release all remaining hidden doubts that I can have what I desire right now.

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So next we are going to move on to unworthiness. And unworthiness is one of those things that tends to exist more at the subconscious level. We don’t go around thinking we’re un-worthy, but often times there are subconscious parts of us that believe that.

So again, I want you to think about that same thing that you desire that you don’t have yet and I want you to say:

I command my body to release all subconscious and conscious beliefs that I am not worthy to have what I desire right now.

And repeat after me:

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious thoughts and beliefs that I am not worthy to have that which is in my highest and best interest right now.

And repeat after me:

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious thoughts and beliefs that I am not worthy to have that which is in my highest and best interest right.

And blow that out.

And just notice how you are feeling right now. Just take a breath. See if you are feeling a little bit more peaceful. And if there still seems to be some doubts or feelings of unworthi-ness, you can go back and replay this and get more layers of it and know that we are also going to be going even deeper and releasing more issues related to unworthiness in future sessions.

But I am going to go ahead and move on for now.

After we release we want to do is fill you up.

So I want you to imagine a big sun above you, or just gold light above you, or even gold li-quid. We re going to allow that golden energy to come in through the top of your head. This energy is the highest, purest essence, the truth of who you really are and allow that gold energy to go all the way down to the bottom of your feet, filling every crack and crevice where you released old beliefs and filling it in with this beautiful, beautiful gold en-ergy that is your highest vibration, your pure essence, the truth of who you are. Confident, strong, capable, powerful. That is your truth. Allow this gold energy to continue to fill you up, all the way to the top. Imagine it like water level filling in your body but filling with beautiful golden energy, all the way to the top until you are overflowing with this beautiful golden energy.


Now just take another breath in.

Now we are going to ask your body to move your vibration to an even quieter place to a really still and beautiful place that is for your highest and best.

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So repeat after me:

I command my body to lift my vibration to the most quiet and still place I have ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Just take a deep breath and allow yourself to feel that energy moving.

And one more time.

I command my body to take my mind and my body to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Again, just let your body do its thing.

Continue to breathe and feel that energy moving.

From this still place where you are filled with all this beautiful, quiet golden energy, I want you to bring that golden energy out from your body, allowing it to connect out in the uni-verse, connecting to everything that is a match for who you are, for what you have to provide and for what you desire. See that energy easily attracting and connecting with the perfect opportunities and resources, they just appear as small specks out in the universe. See you connecting easily, with these perfect opportunities and resources. Notice that your energy acts like a magnet, drawing in that which is a match for your needs and desires, and for what you have to provide. As it comes into your body, allow it to stick. Say thank you, for it is done. It is done. It is done.

As you go about your day, notice when these opportunities show up, notice ideas that pop into your head that are in alignment with what you desire and with this vibration. And take action on those ideas and opportunities as they arise.

And have a wonderful and glorious day from this beautiful place.

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Day #11Releasing Stress

Good Morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to Vibrations Up. I’m excited to be here for another day of vibration raising.

Today I want to talk about stress. Stress and the affect that has on our vibration and we’ll work on releasing that today. I also just want to comment formally that we’re beginning to see really miraculous results for people who are doing this vibration raising activity daily. And so I want to encourage people, if you’ve been kind of off and on with your practice to make it a habit, whether it’s first thing in the morning or later in the day, whenever it is for you, but to make it a habit to do it at least once a day. Also notice what is going on with you during the day and use these tools to release and bring you back to a better feeling place.

Let’s talk about stress. Stress, there’s good stress and there’s bad stress, but either way, stress has an affect on our body. I experienced that firsthand yesterday. It’s a great exper-ience to share because it is actually good stress. An opportunity popped up for me around 5 o’clock my time yesterday that was just a no brainer for me to say yes to. But it also caused an impact on what I needed to get done yesterday. I was already in the middle of stuff, it was already 5 o’clock, and it added to my plate quite a bit without the help of assist-ants who had gone home for the day. Before you know it, I was feel---and then there was a lot of other good stuff happening. Before you know it, I was feeling tension in the back of my head, and it was my body’s immediate way of telling me to relax.

I’ve come to look at my body as my best spiritual teacher because my body tells me when I’m stressed, when I’m focused on something negative. It tells me a lot of things that help me to be on my spiritual path and learn my spiritual lessons of being more in the moment, dealing with things more in ease, trusting that things will all work out. So it’s really import-ant to learn to listen to our body and what it’s telling us. We can’t avoid stress entirely be-cause things happen in life all the time. It’s learning, of course, how to deal with it differ-ently. And when we don’t and when the stress builds up in our body, is what causes us to get sick, it causes us to over-eat, it causes addictions, causes anxiety, causes a lot of things. You know, if go back to the word dis-ease, disease is lack of ease in the body. What we want to do is notice when we are feeling stressed, notice when our body’s tense and re-lease it. So that is what we are going to do today.

The first thing I want you to do is check in with yourself and just ask yourself, what am I feeling stressed about?

Is it my health?

Is it relationship?

Is it my career or business?What things are feeling particularly stressful right now?

Remember, we tend to push things down so just check in with yourself, you know, what am I a little bit stressed about? So now we’re going to release that stress.

Close your eyes. And again, first we’re going to get centered.

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Focus on the dot to the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale. Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.


Now we’re going to use Dominion Over Self again to release stress. We’re going to do it and have you fill in the blank regarding whatever it is you are feeling stressed about.

I command my body to release all stressful thoughts and tension about _________ (you fill in the blank).

Again, say this aloud.

I command my body to release all tension and stress about __________.

Just see that stress and tension leaving your body.


I command my body to release all stress and tension about __________.

And if you are feeling stressed about more than one thing, add in that next thing now.

I command my body to release all stress and tension about __________.

I command my body to release all subconscious stress about __________.

Now I want you to check in with your body.

Where do you hold that stress in your body.

Is it in your gut?

Is it in your shoulder?

Perhaps your back?

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It may be more than one place.

So we’re actually going to release that tension from wherever you are holding it.

I command my body to release all tension from _________ (name wherever in your body you are holding that tension).

I command my body to release all tension from _________.

I command my body to release all remaining tension from __________.

Where else are you holding tension? Let’s release it from there as well.

I command my body to release all tension from _________.

I command my body to release all remaining tension from ________.

Now just check in with your body and see what you notice. What’s different from when we started and from now? Check and see if there’s any remaining tension in your body. And if there is, do one more time.

I command my body to release all remaining tension from ________.

And just take a deep breath.

Now you want to fill yourself back up with the good stuff, so imagine that big sun overhead. We’re going to fill the sun today with a sense of calm, with peace, with a sense of knowing and trust. Feel each of those things in your body and then put them in the sun: calm, peace, knowing and trust. And then open up the bottom of the sun and let those rays come in and fill you up with these wonderful attributes. Letting the gold rays or liquid come in filling you up all the way down to your feet, filling up every muscle, cell, tissue, organ in your body. Letting that water mark rise as the gold fills up, filling up your body, seeing the level fill up all the way to the top, filling you up completely with this wonderful energy, such that it overflows, filling the area around you with this beautiful gold energy filled with calm and peace.


And now:

I command my body to bring me to a level of peace and stillness beyond where it has been be-fore in a way that is for my highest and best.

I’ll say that again:

I command my body to bring me to a level of peace and stillness beyond where it has been be-fore in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath in and just be still and allow your body to do its thing. Feel the energy moving. Good. Just a few more seconds. Great.

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Now once again, we’re going to expand this beautiful energy out into the Universe, allowing it to connect with the perfect resources, people and opportunities that are a match for who you are and what you have to offer in the world, and what you need at this point in time. See your energy connecting with these dots in the Universe that represent the perfect people, resources and opportunities for you. Allow your energy to just draw these resources in, into your energy field. See them stick, see them sticking to your energy field. These are yours. It is done. You can let go of worrying about it and know that these perfect things are coming to you and are here for you. As you go about your day, be aware of the ideas, opportunities, and people and resources that show up for you, and act on them. Don’t just notice them. Act on them. Including the ideas that show up in your mind.

That is it for today.

Have a wonderful day.

Expect miracles and please share your miracles with me. Feel free to email me and let me know what is showing up for you.

I will talk to you tomorrow.

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Day #12Fear of Power

Good Morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another Vibes Up session.

I wanted to take a minute today to comment on what you may be noticing at this place in the process. Especially for those who have been doing this for a couple two or three weeks now. You may notice that you feel really good and you may also notice that when some-thing shows up that doesn’t feel good that you actually notice it more. It may seem more jarring, it may seem to...seem like it is affecting you more. It’s not that it’s affecting you more, it’s that the contrast is more apparent because you’ve gotten used to this really good feeling place. When something isn’t that, you are quicker to notice that and quicker to no-tice the contrast. Use that contrast to propel you forward and take a moment when that happens, when you can, to do the tapping exercise to accept where you are and what’s go-ing on with you, then to move yourself back up the scale. Just depending on what’s going on may depend on how quickly you’re ready to move through that. And sometimes we need to stay in a place a little bit longer, or want to stay in a place a little bit longer to pro-cess, and that’s okay. But know that you have those tools.

Okay. Today we are going to do a couple of things. We’re going to start looking at what is showing up in our life and what is not showing up in our life. So I want you to do that right now. I want you to take a moment and notice what has been showing up in your life that you’ve been wanting, what miracles have been showing up, what has been showing up un-expectedly. And then I also want you to notice what is it you want which is not here yet. That might be, for some of you that’s health, for some of you that’s clarity, for some of you that’s business or clients, peace of mind. What is it you want that’s not here yet? So just notice that.

Today we’re going.....whenever there is something that’s here yet that we’re wanting, there’s generally some underlying belief that we can’t have it yet.

Using Dominion Over Self, I want you to go ahead and first of all just close your eyes.....we’re going to clear that in just a moment, but let’s get you centered.

Focus on the dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

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To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

From this centered place in your body just take a couple of breaths.

Now I want you to command your body with the power of a king or a queen to release all beliefs that you can’t have this.

I want you to say aloud:

I command my body to release any and all beliefs that I cannot have this thing which I desire. You can name that thing - focus on one thing.


I command my body to release any and all beliefs and contrasting thoughts that I cannot have this in the way that I want it.

And just see the energies leaving your body as you are releasing them.

I command my body to release all remaining beliefs that I cannot have this thing which I desire.

Say it aloud and really command these beliefs to leave. Not true!

Just take a deep breath in and just notice how that feels.

One more time now:

I command my body to release all subconscious beliefs that I cannot have what I desire.

And see it releasing. A lot of times these beliefs are at the subconscious level.

And now we’re going to step into anything that is in the way of you owning your power, to go out and create what you want in the world.

I command my body to release all fear of owning my power.

Again, say that with the power of a king or queen. Say it aloud. See the energy releasing.

I command my body to release all fear of my power, all fear of my power.

I command my body to release all remaining fear of owning and expressing my power in the world.

Just see that energy leaving.

One more time:

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious fear of owning my power in the world.

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I command my body to release all subconscious fears of my power.

Good. Now take a deep breath and notice how you feel. Notice the difference. Now we’re going to fill you up with higher energies. Imagine this big sun above your head and fill it with confidence, dominion over self, your true essence, your power, abundance, certainty. Open up the bottom of the sun and let those rays fill you up with all those beauti-ful attributes, filling you up all the way down to your feet, and then rising up like a water line rising in your body, filling you with this gold energy, gold liquid, gold rays, whatever works for you, filling you all the way up, every cell, every muscle, every tissue in your body. All the way up to the top of your head until it is overflowing around your body. Just take a deep breath in and feel that. Good.

Now I want you to command your body to take you to the quietest level of stillness ever in a way that is for your highest and best.

I’ll say that again.

I command my body to take me to the quietest level of stillness ever in a way that is for my highest and best.

And then just be quiet and allow your body to do its thing. Just notice what you are noti-cing. Feel the energy moving.

Take a deep breath in. Again, notice what you are noticing. Notice how that feels.

Now we are going to reach out to the Universe again. We are going to send this beautiful energy out to the Universe to connect with the resources, things and people who are a match for what you desire and for what you have to give in the world. So just see that en-ergy going out into the Universe connecting with these dots out in the Universe which rep-resent the resources, people and things that are a match for your vibration for what you want and for what you have to give in the Universe. See it connecting with these resources, people and things. You don’t have to know what they are. Allow your energy to draw those in to you, in to your energy field. Allowing them to stick and they are yours. Nothing left to do except as the day progresses, notice the thoughts, ideas and opportunities that come up and to act on them.

Just take a deep breath in and let this go. It is done.

And that’s your Vibes Up lesson for today.

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Day #13Owning Your Power

Good Morning, everyone, and welcome to Vibes Up for another day of fun vibration raising.

Now we are going to go ahead and get started with the actual vibration raising. Go ahead and close your eyes and get centered.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the dot to the left.

And to the right.

And to the left.

And to the right.

And to the left.

And to the right.

And to the left.

To the right.

And to the left.

Take a deep breath in and release. Okay.

One thing we haven’t released before is EMF. EMF is electromagnetic frequencies. And, you know, almost everything is electrical. Our phones, our computers. We’re around a lot of electricity these days, tv’s, of course, electrical pianos, you name it, and so it’s easy to pick up, especially if you are sensitive, to electromagnetic vibrations, or frequencies. So, I re-lease those--one of the ways to release those is the same way we release everything else.

So we’re going to start today by saying:

I command my body to release any and all EMF immediately.

I command my body to release all EMF immediately.

I command my body to release other people’s energy immediately.

I command my body to release all remaining other people’s energy immediately.

I command my body to release all doubts in my abilities to do what I desire immediately.

I’ll say that slower.

I command my body to release all doubts in my abilities to do what I desire immediately.

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I command my body to release all remaining doubts in my abilities immediately.

I command my body to release all subconscious doubts in my abilities immediately.

I command my body to release all fear of owning my power immediately.

I command my body to release all remaining fear of owning my power immediately.

I command my body to release all subconscious fear of owning my power immediately.

I command my body to release any beliefs that I cannot have what I want immediately.

I command my body to release any remaining beliefs that I cannot have what I want immedi-ately.

Take a deep breath.

One more release.

I command my body to release all subconscious beliefs that I cannot have what I want immedi-ately.

I ask that my body be filled with the knowing that I can have everything I desire and more.

I ask that my body be filled with the knowing that I can have everything I desire and more.

I request that my body be filled with love immediately.

Just allow yourself to feel the feeling of love filling up in your body.

I request that my body bring me to the quietest place of stillness ever in a way that is for my highest and best.

I’ll repeat that:

I request that my body bring me to the quietest place of stillness ever in a way that is for my highest and best.

Allow your body to do its thing. Take a deep breath. Just feel how that feels and notice how you feel.

Now, I want you to think about what it is that you specifically desire to bring into your life at this time.

Now extend that love that you filled up your body with, extend that love out into the Uni-verse, extend your vibration out, allowing it to connect with that which you most desire to bring into your life right now. Just one thing. And see your energy connecting with that dot out in the Universe, that you desire, be it people, opportunities, resources, be very specific, and ask that you connect with that or something even better for your highest good. See your energy connecting with it. Then drawing it into your energy field, easily, surrounding it with the energy of love, allowing it to stick, knowing that this is yours and it

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is done, releasing any attachment. As you go about your day, be open to the ideas and op-portunities that show up and act on those.

And, just notice what’s happening in your life as you continue to do this vibration raising.

Notice how you are feeling.

Notice what is showing up.

Notice your mood.

All right. Okay, that concludes for today. I will see you at the vibration raising tomorrow and in the class tomorrow.

Have a great day.

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Day #14Creating & Receiving

Good morning, everybody and welcome to another session of Vibes Up. Today we are going to do a different technique than we did yesterday. Some of you have done this before and for some of you it will be the first time.

I wanted to comment some of the results people are getting and what seems to be having those results be really miraculous. It is actually is in regards to the technique yesterday, the tapping technique that we did. There are some people who are having huge shifts in terms of what they attract in their life as a result of having now done this vibration raising for a couple of weeks, two or three weeks. It doesn’t have to even take that long. But what I find is that it does build.

And one particular person that I’m thinking of has had a huge increase in her business, ac-tual people waiting in line to do business with her and get her services. Plus opportunities showing up all over the place for her.

What she is doing, what I want to comment on, is she’s not just doing the vibration raising in the morning, but she is using it throughout the day. And she’s choosing to use the tap-ping technique in particular, whenever doubts or anxiety or negative thoughts comes up about her abilities to do something or to have what she wants. She taps on it right then and there. The result has been just a remarking influx of business.

Now you may not be in business for yourself. But remember it’s about, you want to focus here on whatever it is that you do want to create or attract in your business. So I wanted to give that to you that this daily raising is good and even better is again starting to use your sentelligence and notice throughout the day when you need to shift, when doubts or anxieties or fears come up or whatever triggers you. And use these techniques through out the day to get yourself back into a better feeling, more positive place.

Other people have also been having very nice shifts and increases in their business, in their life, in their health. All kinds of places as a result of doing this continuously and by monitor-ing and noticing their energy throughout the day. So I wanted to give that to you as a tip as you go forward in this program as a way to get the best results.

Today we’re going to be doing what I call Dominion Over Self. What I mean by that is, we actually have a lot more dominion or mastery over what we create, what we attract, our health, our relationships, than we give ourselves credit for.

Simply by requesting or commanding our body to do certain things, we have a lot more dominion or mastery over what happens with our body, with our life.

That’s what you’re going to learn how to do using this technique. It’s really about owning your power by claiming your power back.

We’ll start with releasing any concerns that you might have about owning your power. This technique is really very simple. First let’s get you centered. So close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the dot to the left.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


To the right.









And left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

And as you do imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop a grounding cord down to get you grounded and centered.


Now, I want you to say out loud:

I command my body to release all fear of owning my power.

And then just feel the energy leaving your body.


I command my body to release all fear, conscious or subconscious, of my power.


I command my body to release all remaining fear of owning my power.

You just want to notice the energy, see it leaving. Imagine it leaving if you can’t sense it leaving.

Everything is energy, remember that.

Now I want you to think about what it is that you want. What is that you want from this program? What is it that you want to create in your life?

And repeat after me:

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I command my body to release all doubts in my abilities to create_______(you fill in the blank).

I command my body to release all remaining doubts in my abilities to create ______.

I command my body to release all subconscious doubts in my ability to create______.

I command my body to release all doubts in my abilities to attract ______.

I command my body to release all subconscious doubts or beliefs that I can attract______.

I command my body to release all doubts in my ability to receive______.

So we worked on doubts and we worked on owning your power. Receiving is another place that people seem to have subconscious blocks very often in receiving what they want. So we’ll work on that next.

I command my body to release all blocks to my receiving______ (you fill in the blank).

Say that again.

I command my body to release all blocks to my receiving______.

I command my body to release all remaining blocks to my receiving______.

I command my body to release all subconscious blocks to my receiving______.

Just take a deep breath, and notice how you are feeling.

Now you can use either command or request.

I request my body to fill with the essence of love.

I command my body to fill up with love.

Take a deep breath and feel your body filling with love.

Now stillness and quiet is a very, very peaceful and yet high level vibration.

So I’m going to say this one in parts because it’s a long sentence and repeat each part after me.

I command my body

to take me to the quietest place of stillness

that I have ever been

in a way that is for my highest and best.

Just feel the energy moving in your body. Remember to breathe.

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Notice how you’re feeling. Notice the stillness, the peace and the quiet.

If it ever feels too much for you, you can release excess energy down the base of your spine, down the grounding cord into the center of the earth.

Now we’re going to take this love that we filled up your body with and we’re going to project it outward, again focusing on what is it that you want to attract or create in your life. You’re going to send that love out into the universe. And that love is going to connect with the perfect opportunities, people and resources that are in alignment with what you want and with what you have to provide in the world.

You’ll see these resources and people and opportunities as dots out there in the universe. See that you’re loving energy connecting with the perfect opportunities, resources and people. You need not know what they are or who they are.

Since you’re now able to receive just see yourself receiving these opportunities, people and resources and attracting them easily into your energy field.

And as they come into your energy field, the perfect matches stick, embrace them and wel-come them with love.

Let go of any attachment to them having to be here for you knowing that the ones that are perfect will stay. And others will be released if they are not perfect for you.

Know that this is done. And as you go about your day notice the ideas that come into your mind as well as the opportunities, resources and people that show up. And take action in alignment with these things.

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Day #15Gratitude & Music

Good Morning and welcome to another morning of vibration raising. I hope you are all do-ing fabulous today regardless of what time you are listening to this recording, or if you are on live.

Today we are going to do something different. And, you know, that on a previous session I combined two very high vibration types of qualities, which are love and laughter. Well, today we are going to combine two other qualities that raise your vibration. One of those is gratitude. Now, gratitude is not anything new. Most everyone knows that if you focus on what you are grateful for, it will shift your energy and shift you into a better feeling place, or a higher vibration. That is not new news. The other thing, though, that you may or may not know is that music also has the ability to raise your vibration. Particularly, of course, if it is uplifting music. So today we are going to combine gratitude with music. Now, The Sound of Music is a very, very popular movie. Probably one of the longest running in terms of popularity. And I think it was popular for a lot of reasons, including the music. There are several songs from The Sound of Music that really had some things going for them besides the fact that it was a great song. One of those was Doe Ray Me, and I actually learned re-cently that Doe Ray Me, that when you sing Doe Ray Me, it actually clears the different chakras and balances your chakras. I don’t think it clears them. I think it actually balances your chakras. Your chakras are your energy centers in your body. I’m not sure if you have to sing on key for them to actually balance it. That might be an important piece. So that’s Doe Ray Me. But that’s not the one we’re going to focus on today. The one we’re going to focus on today is “My Favorite Things.” So think about that song. Julie Andrews sang that song to the children to help shift their mood and get them to focus on their favorite things. So it was a gratitude song of focusing on what’s good in life. Interesting when you put it in that perspective.

Today I’m going to try something with you. First we are going to sing and I brought some help along to help us because I will tell you that singing is definitely not my talent, I have lots of strengths, and singing is not one of them. So we’re just going to be really playful with this and get that it really doesn’t matter if you can carry a tune or not, because I certainly can’t. One of the things I really love to do is sing playfully and sing.....just a minute, my voice is going away as I’m talking about this.....is sing playfully. And my hus-band and I will sing playfully together, totally off key, but just having a good time. So that’s the third thing to bring into this. In addition to having gratitude and music, we want to bring in play, playfulness.

So what we’re going to do is, we’re going to sing “My Favorite Things” and raise your vibra-tion doing that while being playful with it, and then afterwards I’m going to ask you to focus on your favorite things.

I’m helping you out here. If you look at the webcast, on the webcast page, there’s a link that says “Lyrics to My Favorite Things”, since I know we don’t all know the lyrics. And if you click on that, it should take you to another tab where you will see the lyrics for “My Fa-vorite Things.” Now underneath that there is a link that says “Video To Play After.” Don’t click that yet because what I figured out is if we were all playing the video, we’d all be play-ing it at slightly different times and we wouldn’t be together on this. So save that for later. Right now, just click on the link that says “lyrics” and open that up so that you can play along. If you have any difficulty with that just let me know, but it should open in

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another tab and you should still be able to hear me. Now what I’m going to do, is I am go-ing to bring in some help from Julie Andrews recording of this song and play that for you and we can all sing along. You are muted or on the webcast. I think most people are on the webcast today so even if I wanted to bring in some help, I don’t think I could. I’m going to check on that and see if that’s still accurate. Yeah. So, what we’re going to do is, I’m going to ask that you sing along and just be really playful with this. My voice will be in the background, it won’t be the main voice, and you’ll see what I mean about my ability to sing. We’re just going to be playful, is my point. All right, so hopefully you have the lyrics in front of you now. And I’m going to go ahead and move this phone over to the music so that you can hear it, and hopefully this will all work.

Song playing.................

Okay, are you guys still there? I personally think that you cannot listen to this song and sing along and not feel good and feel happy. It’s just a happy song, having you focused on your favorite things. So I’m hoping that that worked for all of you and that you were able to play along.

What I would like you to do from this place, first of all, is just check in and notice how you are feeling. Now if you just listened to the song and you didn’t sing along, you might feel one way. And even just listening to the song, I think can raise your vibration. I think singing along and adding the playfulness to it will add to your vibration even more. Bringing in other people to play with you as they sing with you playfully will raise your vibration even more. And, you know, I really want to say something about that because it’s actually the degree of playfulness that you have and not seriousness about it. A degree of playfulness will raise your vibration around most anything, if you allow yourself to play and not be so serious about it.

So now from this higher feeling place, what I’d like you to do is think about what it is that you’re grateful for. What is it in your life that is so great right now? And you notice the things from the song were not major things. I mean, she was talking about kittens and mit-tens and, you know, feel good kinds of things. So you might be grateful for heat in your house, or the sun shining, or a beautiful flower outside, or a comfortable chair you are sit-ting in, or certain people in your life. And when you focus on these things, really focus on them, again, bring in another quality, is focus on them from a place of love. You know, what I LOVE about my life right now. What I LOVE about the place I’m sitting right now. What I LOVE about the opportunities that are in front of me right now. So just allow your-self to expand on these things. And I actually recommend not just thinking them, you can think them and like say them aloud from that really loving space from a higher energy space, and you can also write them down. And just notice that the more things that you think about that are good right now, that the more that attracts to your mind other things that are good right now. All you have to do is look around and see things that you can be grateful for. I mean, being grateful for a roof over your head is something to be grateful for. So I encourage you to go to that place of gratitude. Be playful with it. Sing if you want to sing. Just really enjoy the exercise and enjoy focusing on what is good and combine all of these characteristics of gratitude, song, playfulness, and love and see what that does to your vibration.

Ok, so that’s it for today. If you like, when you hang up the phone today, or when you are listening to this recording later, you can also click on the video link on your webcast and that will actually take you to a video of My Favorite Things. I didn’t create the this, someone else created it and added along some fun pictures with it. So that is another way to enjoy

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this. And I encourage you to, throughout your day, allow yourself to break into song, to be playful with it and to focus on what you are grateful for.

All right, that’s it for another vibration raising activity. Have a wonderful, wonderful day.

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Day #16Catch Up Day

Use this page to journal about what positive changes you are noticing since doing this round of Vibes Up sessions. Changes are often very subtle. Be an observer of how you are being in your life.

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Day #17Need to Impress Others

Good Morning, everyone, and welcome to another day of Vibes Up.

We’re just going to get right to it today. First, let’s get centered.

Close your eyes.

And imagine the dot to your right.

And to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

And to the left.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Now, repeat after me:

I command my body to release all fatigue from the cells of my body.

I command my body to release all remaining fatigue from every cell in my body.

I command my body to energize me so that I have all the energy that I need to do what I want to do today.

I command my body to energize me to a level that is for my highest and best today.

Just feel the energy moving in your body.

I command my body to hydrate every cell in my body.

Feel those cells just plumping up.

I command my body to release all insecurities and fears of what others think of me.

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I command my body to release all remaining insecurities about what others may think.

I request my body release my need to impress others.

I command my body to release all resistance to letting go of this need to impress others.

I command my body to release all remaining need to impress others.

I allow myself to be me.

I allow my divine brilliance to flow.

I allow me to be perfect in my imperfection.

I ask my body to fill with love.

Once again, feel that energy moving in your body as you fill with love.

I request that my body be filled with love.

I command my body to bring me to the quietest place of stillness ever that is in my highest and best.

I’ll repeat that one more time.

I command my body to bring me to the quietest place of stillness ever that is in my highest and best.

Again, feel the energy moving.

Feel the stillness.

I command my body to allow for clarity and focus even in this place of stillness.

And now from this place we move to the manifesting part. So I want you to think about what it is that you desire. And you are going to send that love that you filled up with out into the Universe, meeting up with the perfect people, resources and opportunities that are a match for what you desire and for what they need. See that beautiful loving energy con-necting with these dots in the Universe that are a vibrational match, drawing them into your energy field, easily, they desire to come because they are a match. As they arrive in your field, embrace them with more love, connect. Know it is done and just let go, knowing that you will attract this or something better. And as the ideas and opportunities show up in your mind and in your life today, take action.

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Day #18Releasing Fatigue

Good Morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another morning of Vibes Up.

Today we are going to try working on some different things based on some of the feedback I’ve been getting, and based on what I’ve been seeing in your participant forms. So just know that all the information you give me really helps contribute to what I do on these calls. Speaking of which, yesterday someone asked me, regarding the process that we’ve been using, whether to use the word command or use the word request. As long as you feel that you have dominion over self, you can use any word you want. I use the command word to get your in the place of realizing that you have dominion over self. Once you feel you have that, you can also use request or ask, as long as you say it with an expectation of getting what you desire of, you know, having your body do what you desire, as long as it’s in your highest and best interest. So I’m just going to start alternating using the words.

The other thing I wanted to mention today is that many of you, on your participant forms, indicated that fatigue is an issue. Either because of not being able to sleep or because of not taking breaks and resting and going at it real hard. So I decided to play with fatigue today. In the full Sentelligent Solution program, we are going to work on that at a deeper level in terms of causes of fatigue and causes of insomnia, but I thought we might as well use this technique to help release some of the fatigue right now.

That’s what we’re going to work on today, so regardless of whether you are feeling fatigued at the moment when you are listening to this, walk through this now and then when you are fatigued, play this back again. Or just remember what we did and use the exercise again. Again, we are going to use Dominion Over Self.

Let’s get centered. Close your eyes, take a breath.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

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Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.


Now, I did this fatigue release on myself this morning as I actually didn’t sleep great last night, which is unusual for me these days, and found it very interesting and quite effective. So, let’s do this together.

Repeat after me:

I request that my body release all fatigue from my body right now.

I release all fatigue from my body right now.

Now, if you are fatigued, you may actually notice yourself starting to yawn now. That’s not a sign that you are getting more tired. It’s actually a sign that your body is shifting the en-ergy and moving away that fatigued energy. When I did it this morning, I yawned a lot. You may have different signs that you are releasing, but just notice what you notice.

I command my body to release all fatigue in all cells of my body immediately.

I request that my body release all toxins contributing to this fatigue now.

I request that my body release all remaining fatigue from my body immediately.

I request that my body release endorphins into my body in the perfect amount for me.

I request that my body release the perfect amount of endorphins for me.

I request that my body release the perfect amount of endorphins for my highest and best at this time.

I request that my body raise my energy level to do what I need and desire to do today.

I request that my body raise to the highest energy level that is in my highest and best at this time.


Now just notice how you are feeling right now.

And now again, imagine that big gold sun above you and you are going to bring in the at-tributes that you most desire. Confidence, energy, your pure essence, your power to create what you desire. Open up the bottom of that sun and fill yourself up with those attributes coming down with through the gold rays or gold liquid, filling you up all the way down to your toes, these beautiful attributes of confidence, energy, your pure essence, your creativ-ity, your power. Filling you up, every cell and muscle and tissue in your body with this beautiful energy, rising all the way up, filling you all the way up to your head until you are overflowing.

Then just take a deep breath.

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Now that we have more energy, I want you to again check in with what it is that you are de-siring to create or attract. Anything that’s not here yet that you want. And we’re going to again release doubts that you can have it.

I request that my body release all doubts that I can have _______ (fill in the blank).

I request that my body release all remaining doubts that I can have ________.

I command my body to release all subconscious beliefs and doubts that I can have ______.

I request that my body bring me to the quietest most still level that I’ve ever been at in a way that is for my highest and best.

I’ll say that one more time.

I request that my body take me to the most still quiet level that I’ve ever been at in a way that is for my highest and best.

Now bring that energy out, out into the Universe, extending outward easily meeting up with the opportunities, people and resources that are a match for what you desire and for what you provide in the world. See it easily connecting, drawing those resources into your body, into your energy field, all the way in, sticking, connecting. They are yours. And letting go and knowing that it is done. As you go about your day, notice the ideas, the thoughts, the inspiration and the opportunities that arise, and act on those as they arise, from this higher energy place. Also, notice, once your body gets more settled in, notice what your energy is like as you go about your day. If you have more energy from releasing fatigue.

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Day #19Control Over Others

Good morning, everybody. Welcome to another session of Vibes Up.

Today we are going to focus on a couple of things. We are going to focus on releasing con-trol and responsibility over other people. Because, really, we are talking about Dominion Over Self, but we cannot be in control of what other people do, or take responsibility for other people as much as we would sometimes like to. For instance, I’d like to be in control of everyone of the people who signed up for this program, listening to this program at least once a day and shifting in between. But the truth is, I’m not in control, and I’m not re-sponsible. That responsibility lies with each of us. And when we try to be in control and be responsible for others, it tightens up our energy. It tightens up the flow. So we are going to release that today.

The other thing I’m going to add into our releasing is EMF, which is electromagnetic frequen-cies. We are surrounded with computers, phones, electronics of every type these days and as sensitive people, it’s easy to take on that energy as well which can affect us strongly. So we are going to release that today as well.

Let’s get centered. Close your eyes

Focus on the dot to the right.

And to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

One more time.

To the right.

And to the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale, going into your body.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop your grounding cord down commanding your body to ground.

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Deep breath in.

And using Dominion Over Self, just repeat after me:

I command my body to release all fatigue from the cells of my body.

I command my body to release all remaining fatigue from the cells of my body.

I command my body to release all tension from my body immediately.

I command my body to release all stress and anxiety now.

I command my body to release all negative energy and other people’s energy now.

I command my body to release all electromagnetic frequencies now.

I command my body to release all remaining or residual EMF now.

And I’m going to do that one more time.

I command my body to release all residual EMF now.

All right. And now we are going to move into control, into letting go of control. Often times, there’s resistance to letting go of control because we think we need to be in control. But the truth is, we are not in control anyway.

I command my body to release resistance to letting go of control of other people and of the out-come.

I’m going to do that again slowly.

I command my body to release resistance to letting go of control of other people and of the out-come.

I command my body to release any remaining resistance to letting go of control.

I command my body to release any remaining resistance to letting go of the need to be in con-trol.

I command my body to release my need to be in control of other people.

I command my body to release my tendency to try to control other people.

I release my responsibility for what other people do.

I release my responsibility for how other people act.

I release my need to be in control of the outcome.

I release all remaining need to be in control of the outcome.

I release all remaining resistance to letting go of control.

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I trust that everything will work out in a way that is better than I can imagine.

I choose to trust that things will work out better than if I were in control.

Take a deep breath.

And we are going to imagine a big sun above your head and you are going to fill that sun with qualities to fill yourself up with self love, with love for all your imperfections and those of others knowing we are all one, with trust, compassion and your pure essence. Open up the sun and allow the rays, the golden rays, liquid or energy to come in through your body, in through the top of your head filling you up with that beautiful golden energy, filled with all these attributes of love, trust, compassion and your pure essence. Then ask your body to fill up with love, and then send that love out to all the people in your life, having compas-sion and love for all of us and all of our beautiful qualities and all of our imperfections.

And then repeat after me:

I command my body to take me to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been, in a way that is for my highest and best.

And allow your body to do its thing.

And now again we’re going to extend your energy out. So focus on what it is that you are wanting to create and extend your energy out into the Universe connecting with those people, opportunities and resources that are a match for what you desire and what you provide in the world. See your energy connecting with these dots in the Universe that are a perfect match for you. And allow yourself to receive, receiving their connection, receiving their desire to be with you, drawing their energy in easily as you receive that connection. Drawing it into your energy field, feeling the connection, surrounding it with love. And knowing that this is done, letting go of any attachment to any particular person, opportunity or thing to be the right one, trusting that the perfect ones will stick and the others will drop away. As you go about your day, notice the ideas, opportunities, people and resources that show up and act on those.

And someone shared a wonderful quote yesterday that I’d like to share with you. Be pa-tient. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.

So we are extending our energy out, we are planting the seeds, and be patient because the day we plant the seeds is not necessarily the day we eat the fruit. But trust in know that everything you want is coming to you.

Have a wonderful, wonderful day!

If you are listening to this recording on a Friday, I would suggest that you might want to pull out recordings over the weekend and raise your energy on the weekend as well.

Have a great day.

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Day #20Overwhelm

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another session of vibration raising of Vibes UP and the way we are raising vibrations is by letting go of what doesn’t work for us anymore, and then from that more open peaceful place, raising our vibration even further.

Today’s topic is overwhelm. Overwhelm is a very common place for people to be these days, so whether you are highly sensitive or not, we just have an influx of information com-ing at us from, it feels like everywhere. From the internet, from the media, from people in our lives, from the projects we take on. It is a new challenge to learn how to stay centered and focused and keep shifting out of that overwhelm place.

Today we are going to do a little bit of work on that. We are going to first start by getting centered. So again, if you are in front of your computer, turn away from your computer, if you’ve got papers on your desk turn them over, put your pen down and just be in the here and the now.

Go ahead and close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

and the dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

One more time.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop the grounding cord. Release any excess energy down that cord.

No what we just did is a one minute exercise that you can do throughout the day when you feel overwhelmed to bring you back to center and back to the present moment.

But next we are going to take it to another level and we’re just going to work on the pattern

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of overwhelm. We are going to do that... again today we are going to do some tapping us-ing the 5 finger tapping method. Again, if you are sensitive to tapping, if the tapping both-ers you, just touch the points rather than tapping on them. Adjust these techniques to work with your own sensitivity and what works best for you.

Okay. So go ahead and, using four fingers tap on the karate chop point on your other hand below your pinky and repeat after me:

Even though I get overwhelmed, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may be overwhelmed, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I get overwhelmed from time to time, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Tap on the side of your finger, on your nail bed of your thumb.

I get overwhelmed and that’s okay.

On your index finger nail bed, on the side of it.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed and it’s okay.

Next finger.

I accept that I get in overwhelm and it’s okay.

Next finger.

It’s okay that I get overwhelmed sometimes.

Next finger.

I accept that I have this pattern of going into overwhelm at times.

Back to your thumb.

I accept it and it’s okay.

Next finger.

I accept it and it’s okay.

Next finger.

I can’t do everything but I can do one thing at a time.

Next finger.

I can’t do everything all at once.

Next finger.

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But I can do one thing at a time.

Back to your thumb.

Multi-tasking is not what it’s cracked up to be.

Next finger.

I choose to let go of the need to multi-task.

I can’t do everything at once, but I can do one thing at a time.

Next finger.

I can’t do everything at once, but I can do one thing at a time.

Next finger.

I choose to do one thing at a time.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to claim my priorities.

I choose to claim MY priorities.

I choose to focus on my priorities.

I choose to focus on my priorities.

I choose to focus on my priorities.

Next round, back to your thumb.

I choose to make ME a priority.

I choose to make ME a priority.

I choose to take care of ME first.

I choose to focus on ME first.

Next finger.

I am worth it.

Back to your thumb.

I am worth it.

It’s not selfish to take care of me first.

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Next finger.

It’s smart to take care of me first.

Next finger.

When I take care of me first, I have more to give others.

I choose to put me first.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to say no to those things that are not in alignment with my priorities.

Next finger.

I choose to say no to those things that are not in alignment with my priorities.

Next finger.

I choose to say not now to those things that are not in alignment with my scheduled priorities.

I choose to put me first.

I choose to put my priorities first.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to avoid distractions.

Next finger.

I choose to avoid my most common distractions.

I choose to stay focused on my priorities.

I choose to avoid distractions.

I choose to focus on one priority at a time.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to focus on one priority at a time.

Next finger.

Within that, I choose to focus on one step at a time.

Next finger.

I easily focus on one thing at a time.

Next finger.

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I easily focus on one step at a time.

Next finger.

I put all other priorities in my calendar.

Next finger.

I know these things have a place on my calendar and I let them go.

And I easily focus on my first priority now.

Next finger.

I easily focus on my next priority in the now.

Next finger.

All there is is now.

I focus on one step at a time in alignment with my priorities at a time.

Back to your thumb.

I celebrate each small step I complete.

I acknowledge each small step I complete.

I celebrate and acknowledge each small step as I complete it.

I celebrate and acknowledge each small step as I complete it.

I focus on the here and the now.

I choose to keep moving forward with calm confidence.

I take each step with calm confidence.

I take each step one at a time with calm confidence.

I take each step one at a time with calm confidence.

I choose to be calm and confident.

Take a deep breath in and just notice how you are feeling.

Now we are going to fill you up with gold. So close your eyes and imagine the bright sun above your head. In that sun you are going to put calm confidence, peace, certainty, decis-iveness, and your pure essence, your power. Open up the bottom of the sun and let those gold rays fill you up all the way down to the bottom of your feet, filling you up with

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that pure golden energy, filling you up all the way to the top with gold energy, light or liquid, whatever works best for you. Certainty, calm confidence, peace, decisiveness and with your power your beautiful power.

Take a breath and just feel how that feels in your body. Allowing it to completely fill you up until it’s overflowing.

And now we are going to move into a quieter place of stillness so repeat after me:

I request that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness than I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath and release.

Let your body do its thing.

And then request that your body---just say:

I command my body to fill with the essence of love, to be totally filled with love.

Just fill the love filling you up, allowing it to bring a smile to your face. Allow it to overflow, seeping out into the area around you and extend that love out, out to the Universe, con-necting with the perfect resources to support you in moving forward in your life from a place of calm confidence. See your energy connecting with the perfect resources, opportunities and people, drawing those into your body easily. Your body is like a magnet for these per-fect opportunities perfect resources, allowing them to stick, letting go of those that are not a fit and knowing this is done.

And as you go about your day from this place of calm confidence, be open to the ideas, op-portunities and resources that show up, and take action in alignment.

Have a wonderful day.

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Day #21More On Your Own Power

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another session of Vibes Up where we clear what’s in the way of raising your vibration and then raise it on up.

Okay. So today we are going to talk about our own power again. We’ve done a little of this in the past and I felt like it was time for some more. So we are going to do Dominion Over Self and that’s where there is a little bit of lack of confidence or maybe a little bit of lack of confidence in your power that you do have Dominion Over Self, that you are the creator of your life and that you are not at the mercy of other things. So that’s what we are going to work on today.

Let’s start by getting centered. Go ahead and turn away from the computer, put all papers and pens down. Know that everything will still be there when you come back. Let it go for now.

Close your eyes. Let’s get centered.

Focus on the dot to your right.

Dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the center of the earth, drop your grounding cord. Allow any excess energy to go down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. Make sure that cord is anchored firmly into the earth. Take a deep breath in.

Dominion Over Self is simply asking your body, asking your higher self, commanding, re-questing, whatever it is that you want to happen. And we have that ability. We have dominion over self, much more than we give yourselves credit for.

I’m going to say a statement and then I want you to repeat after me.

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I command my body to release any and all fear of owning my power.

I command my body to release all fear of my power.

I command my body to release all disbelief or lack of belief in my power.

I command my body to release all remaining lack of belief in my power.

I command my body to release any disbelief in my power to create what I desire.

I command my body to release all subconscious beliefs that I cannot create what I desire.

Feel that energy move in your body. Just visualize it.

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious beliefs that I cannot create what I de-sire.

I command my body to release all confusion around what I want to create.

I command my body to release all doubts in my ability to create what I desire.

I want you to stop and think about what it is that you desire. Pick one thing. Maybe it’s your health, maybe it’s clients, maybe it’s a partner, maybe it’s joy, maybe it’s clarity.

I command my body to release all doubts that I can create this thing which I desire.

I command my body to release all remaining doubts that I can have this in my life.

I command my body to release any thought that I am not worthy of this.

I command my body to release any subconscious thoughts that I am not worthy of this.

I command my body to release all thoughts that I do not deserve this.

I command my body to release all subconscious thoughts that I may not deserve this.

I command my body to release all thoughts that this is not possible.

I command my body to release all subconscious beliefs that this is not possible.

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious beliefs that this is not possible.

I request that my body remember who I am.

I request that my body remember that I am the creator of my life.

I request that my body instill the belief I AM THE CREATOR OF MY LIFE.

Now I want you to think about what it is that you desire. We are going to align you with the vibration of what you desire. The highest vibrations: love, joy and peace.

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I command my body to fill me with the essence of love.

Feel yourself filling up with love.

And now take a deep breath and exhale.

I command my body to fill me with joy.

Feel yourself filling up with the lightness of joy.

Take a deep breath and exhale.

I command my body to fill with peace.

Take a deep breath and exhale.

I request that my body recognize that I am now aligned with what I desire; with the vibration of what I desire.

I command my body to release any thoughts or beliefs that are not in alignment with this now.

I command my body to release any remaining thoughts and beliefs that are not in alignment with this vibration now.

And I extend this vibration of love and peace and joy out into the Universe, and I allow it to con-nect with the perfect resources, people and opportunities in alignment with what I am creating in this moment, with what I desire to create in this moment.

See your energy connecting and out in front of you there’s one particular someone, being, that is jumping up and down saying here I am. Allow your light to connect. See the connec-tion being made. Allow your energy to easily draw that connection into your body, into your energy field, not into your body, but into your energy field, surrounding it with love, re-joicing in having found each other.

And then taking a deep breath, knowing that this is done.

As you go about your day, notice the ideas, resources and opportunities that show up and take action in alignment with these.

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Day #22Love

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of vibration raising with Vibes Up.

And today it’s all about love. We’re going to release just a little bit, just to get us in the place to receiving love, and then we’re going to do a couple of things around love.

Okay. So let’s get centered. Close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale, going into your body.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the center of the earth and drop the grounding cord, releasing any excess energy down the grounding cord. Good.

Make sure you turn away from your computer, put all paper aside and just be here in the moment.

Now we are going to use Dominion Over Self to start with.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to release all tension from the cells of my body.

Just allow that tension to slip away.

Open up your hands.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


Take a deep breath.

I command my body to release all remaining tension immediately.

I command my body to release all stress immediately.

I command my body to release other people’s energy now.

I command my body to release any EMF now.

I command my body to release all worries now, to let them go.

I command my body to let go of any thoughts or beliefs that are not serving me.

Keep breathing.

I command my body to let go of anything that no longer serves me.

I command my body to release any blocks in the way of receiving love.

I command my body to release any hurts that I have held on to.

I command my body to release any remaining blocks or hurts in the way of opening my heart.

I’ll say that one again.

I command my body to release any remaining blocks or hurts in the way of opening my heart.

I request my body to allow my heart to open.

I allow my heart to open to love.

Just feel your heart opening.

It is safe to feel love.

I connect to the love that is within me.

I request that my body fill with love.

Breathe it in.

I command or request that my body fill with even more love.

Just allow your body to feel that energy, filling you up.

Take a deep breath.

I request that my body fill with joy.

I request that my body remembers who I am.

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We are powerful, it is time to remember who you are.


I allow my body to remember who I am.

We are connecting with the essence of who you are. This is not a head job of figuring it out. It’s just allowing.

I remember who I really am.

I remember that I am the creator of my life.

I connect with the flow of abundance. Abundance of love. Abundance of health and well being. Abundance of wealth.

I connect with the flow of abundance.

I choose to go with the flow of abundance. The flow of love. The flow of my true essence.

I open up and connect with the flow.

I open up and connect with the flow.

And just take a deep breath and notice how you are feeling now.

Breathe it in.

Feel what this feels like in your body.

And from this more connected and loving place, I invite you to share love. I invite you to be playful with love.

I invite you to tell the people in your life everything that you love about them. Some of you have heard this exercise before. Some of you read it in my newsletter. I encourage you to do it. So choose a person, it may be a significant other, it may be a child, it may be a pet, it may be a friend, and verbally tell them everything you love about them. And do it from a place of authenticity and enthusiasm.

It looks something like this: What I love about you is your beautiful eyes. What I love about you is your commitment to your growth. What I love about you is your commitment to yourself. What I love about you is your willingness to try new things. What I love about you is your willingness to share with each other. What I love about you is your beautiful, sensitive nature. What I love about you is your willingness to connect with me and with others.

Just allow that in. This was for everyone of you on this call today, whether you are listening now or listening to the recording.

So I encourage you to do this with others in your life. To share what you love about them.

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It can be different things than what I just said to you. And to be playful with it, and then to allow them to share back to you what they love about you. It will not only raise your vibra-tion, it will also improve your relationships. So that is your assignment for today.

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Day #23Breaking Through the Impossible

Good Morning. This is Stacey Mayo, and welcome to another session of vibration raising with Vibes Up.

We’re going to start by getting centered. Go ahead and turn away from your computer, turn down the volume on it, put your pens and paper down, and close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right, and the dot to the left, both within your field of your peripher-al vision.

Focus on the dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth, drop your grounding cord, allowing any excess energy, anxiety, stress to drop down the cord into the center of the earth.

Today I’m going to get you back focused on what it is that you really want. And I actually, particularly want you to focus on something that you want, something that you wanted to get from this program that seems really difficult to have. It might be perfect health, it might be peace of mind, it might be success in some area of your career or your business, it might be a certain goal, and it might be something to do with a relationship. What is it that you want that seems just about impossible to have? Like, you just--you want it but you just don’t know how. And I know you think you don’t want to think impossible. I have a hard time going to impossible. But there’s a reason I want you to go there today and it’s because we want to clear what is subconsciously in the way. When there’s a part of you, if you’ve been wanting something for a long time, there’s probably a subconscious layer that doesn’t think it’s possible. So we just want to bring that up today.

So think about what is it that you want that seems impossible, and just notice---and I want

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you to actually say out loud it’s impossible for me to have that. And notice how that feels. Notice what emotions come up. If it feels true or false. Just make a note of what you are feeling. Now, I want you to double what you want. In other words, if what you wanted was to achieve a certain goal, a certain number of clients for your business, then double it. If what you wanted was perfect health, then half the time in which you could get it. In other words, if you wanted perfect health, put a time frame on it that seems impossible. I want perfect health now. I want perfect health this week. In other words, really up the ante on your---what you think is impossible. Let’s just bring it up. It’s not impossible for me to have this right now. It’s not possible for me to have double that. It’s not possible for me to have health in this area and in this area. So we’re just checking in with your subconscious, what’s under there. Don’t resist this. Go with it. It’s easy to resist going to the impossible because we focus on the positive so much, but we want to get at what’s underneath. And just make a note of that. And just say out loud, It’s impossible, whatever that second thing was. Just notice how that feels. Notice the emotions. Notice how it feels in your body.

Now we’re going to do some clearing. So know that we didn’t bring up anything that wasn’t already there, and if you are not in touch with these feelings, that’s okay. Because as you start tapping you are probably going to just feel some layers going away. And know that--remember, that when we shift, we can often feel it when we yawn, when we sigh, or take a deep breath. Those are all signs of shifting energy and releasing energy. And you may not feel like any of that for you.

Let’s go ahead and start.

Tap on the side of your hand, underneath your pinky and say:

Even though this feels impossible, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though this IS impossible, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I am quite certain this is not even possible, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Now we’re going to tap on the nail beds of each finger starting with your thumb, on the side of the nail bed.

It’s not possible.

Each thing I say, move to the next finger.

It’s impossible.

No way this is possible.

It can’t happen.

It’s not possible.

Back to your thumb:

Maybe for some people, but not for me.

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It’s not possible for me.

I can’t have it, I know.

It’s not possible.

It’s not possible.

Back to your thumb.

I don’t even know that I want that.

Next finger.

Not sure that I want that.

Not possible, and not sure I want it.

Maybe I don’t really want it.

Maybe I’m not ready for it.

Back to your thumb.

I don’t know how I would do it.

I have no idea how this could happen.

I don’t know how to make this happen.

I don’t even know where I would start.

I don’t know how.

I don’t know how, but I’m open to learning how.

I’m open to seeing how.

I’m open to one step of how.

I’m open to inspiration hitting.

I’m open to seeing how.

Back to your thumb.

Even if I did know how, it would be too overwhelming.

Just the thought of this overwhelms me.

It would be way too much to do too fast.

It’s way too overwhelming.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


I don’t like being overwhelmed.

Back to your thumb.

Too much, too fast.

Too overwhelming.

Feels like a lot.

Not sure if I could handle it.

Not sure if I could handle it.

Back to your thumb.

But I’m open to it being easier than I think it is.

I’d like it to be easier than I think it is.

What if it was easier than I think it is?

What if it was doable somehow?

What if it was easy and doable?

Back to your thumb.

I’m open.

I’m open to learning how.

I’m open to it being doable.

I’m open to it being easy.

I’m open to it being possible.

Back to your thumb.

Maybe it is possible.

I don’t know how still, but I’m open to seeing it.

I don’t have to know how.

I’m open to it being possible.

I’m open to being shown how.

I’m open to the perfect resources showing up.

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I’m open to it happening in the perfect time.

I’m open to it happening in the perfect way.

I’m open to having this or something even better.

I’m open to having this or something even better.

Take a deep breath.

And now just check in with yourself again and see how you are feeling about this thing that you want.

Are you more in a place of possibility?

Is your vibration higher?

Are you okay with not knowing how?

Remember, we don’t have to know how. The how’s will show up.

Now I want you to close your eyes. I want you to go back in time, go back in time to a time when you had this or something like it. So when you had total health, or when you had success in your life in a way that felt really good, or when you had a kind of relationship that felt really good. Go back in time and find a time in your life when you had the essence of what it is that you are wanting now. It may not be that exact thing, or it may be. And feel what it felt like to have that. Get back in touch with those emotions. It may have been just matter of fact at that point. If it was your health, it might have been, of course you had your health. But feel how it felt to move in that body. If it was success, feel how you felt about what’s possible from that place of success. If it was a great relationship, feel how you felt about being in relationship.

Now, ask your body:

I request my body take me back to that state when I had the essence of what I desire now.

I’ll say that again.

I request that my body take me back to that state when I had the essence of what I desire now.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Your body will remember that state. Let it bring you there. Notice how good that feels. Your body is remembering what it was like. And know that you had it before, the essence of this, you can have it again. And if there is any doubt that comes up, command your body to release that doubt. Your body is feeling that state right now, so there shouldn’t be too much doubt. If there is, just release it.

We can amp that up.


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I request that my body fill with joy right now.

Feel your body filling with joy.

Now from this joyful place, from this state of what it is that you want, the essence of it, ex-tend that energy out into the Universe and allow it to connect with the perfect resources, people and opportunities to have what you desire. See your energy connecting with all of these many resources. Allow your energy field to easily draw it in because it is a perfect match, drawing it into your energy field, encompassing it with love, knowing those that are a perfect match will stick and those that are not, allow them to release. There’s plenty. And it is done.

As you go about your day, go about your day from this new state, this state of possibility, this state where you body remembers what it is like to have what you want. And as inspira-tion, ideas and resources show up, be sure to act on those. You must take action in align-ment with the ideas and resources as they show up. That is your part in this. And share with us, what happens when you do.

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Day #24Catch Up Day

Use this page to journal about what positive changes you are noticing since doing this round of Vibes Up sessions. Changes are often very subtle. Be an observer of how you are being in your life.

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Day #25Collecting Evidence for Your Success

Good morning, everyone. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of vibration raising and with Vibes Up.

Today we’re going to talk for a couple of minutes about evidence. Because we all collect evidence. Evidence which supports what we currently have in our life. Now notice that I said what we currently have in our life. Not what we want in our life, but what we currently have in our life.

So the evidence that you currently have is based on your subconscious beliefs and it gets validated, these subconscious beliefs, get validated with evidence. Evidence about why you can’t have what you say you want. So if you think about it, you’ve probably accumulated a fair amount of evidence - oh, look at that over there, look at those people suffering over there, these people over there - call it the starving artist syndrome. And I’m just going to use that analogy for a minute. So if you think about why you can’t be an artist and make a living at it, you could probably point to a lot of people who are artists who aren’t making a good living at it. But you could also point to artists who are making a good living at it, even today, who are selling their art work even today, or doing something with their artistic tal-ents to make a living.

So, what I want you to do is just notice where your beliefs are, strongest is where you will see more evidence. So kind of look to the evidence that you are collecting and know that that is a reflection of your beliefs.

So now I want you to think about what is it that you do want. What is it that you really, really, really, really want? Not like, oh, it would be nice to have. What is it that you really want? And what would evidence look like that supported that?

So the mind will find what it looks for. If you are looking for evidence to support what you want, you will find it. If you want to find evidence that your business will prosper, or your career will prosper, look for evidence of other businesses prospering or look for evidence within your own business, small little things that show that you are on the way to prosper-ing, whether it’s acknowledgment for someone or someone taking an interest in what you have to offer, and celebrate those. If you really want great health, then you can look for evidence either from people who have had diseases like cancer and fully recovered, or you can look for evidence in your own life of, ah, you know, this is better than it was a year ago, or, on this day, this part of my body felt better. Look for the evidence. If you want to go from worried to peaceful, look for evidence of people who have done that and then celebrate the times in your life when you were feeling more peaceful.

So it’s two steps. It’s being curious and looking for the evidence, and when I say looking for the evidence, I don’t mean doing tons of research. I mean being curious and open to see-ing the evidence that you can have and attract what you want. Evidence that you can at-tract the resources, the people, the opportunities. Evidence that it is happening. Evidence that changes are happening. Be open to see them.

And then the second part is celebrate them. Many people have done this with me in the past. I call it the YAHOO game where you see a penny on the ground and pick it up and celebrate it, that’s it’s like evidence that you are on your way to making a million dollars, or

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whatever it is you desire. So same concept. So we’re going to kind of institute a little bit of that game.

First, let’s do some tapping around evidence.

Take the palm---tap on the side of your hand, underneath your pinky, and repeat after me.

First of all, before you do this, I want you to think about what is the evidence that you’ve collected that says you can’t have what you want? Shouldn’t take you very long to see that. I mean, it’s like right there in front of you. All right.

So now let’s tap. Tapping on the side of your pinky.

Even though I have thoughts and evidence that _______ (insert your belief), I love and accept myself.

Even though I keep seeing evidence and thinking thoughts that _______, I totally love and accept myself.

And right now we’re looking at the negative evidence, The kind of evidence we don’t want is what we are bringing up right now.

Even though I look for evidence to confirm this and I find it, I totally love and accept myself.

Tap on the side of your finger.

I see evidence that’s contrary to what I want, and that’s okay.

I have accumulated evidence that’s contrary to what I want, and that’s okay.

I have a bunch of evidence that’s contrary to _______ (fill in the blank), and that’s okay.

I keep seeing evidence that ________, and that’s okay.

I saw some evidence recently that _________, and that’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I’ve been accumulating this evidence for awhile.

I can hold on to this evidence for as long as I want.

I can choose to believe that this evidence is just the way it is.

Next finger.

This is my truth.

The evidence proves it.

Back to your thumb.

And so I don’t believe there’s another way.

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And I won’t believe there’s another way, as long as I look at this evidence.

And I keep looking at it and looking at it.

Sometimes I’m not even aware that I’m looking at it but it’s right there. It’s in my subcon-scious.

I don’t mean to look at it.

Back to your thumb.

I just keep seeing it, it’s hard not to look at it.

I can’t seem to force myself not to look at it.

But I want to be open to something else.

And so I choose to let this evidence go.

I let it go.

Back to your thumb.

I let it go.

I release it and am open to something else.

I release this so that I can see something else.

I am open to seeing a different kind of evidence.

Back to your thumb.

I am open to seeing evidence in alignment with what I desire.

I am open to seeing evidence in alignment with what I desire.

I am open to seeing evidence in alignment with what I desire.

I am WIDE OPEN to seeing evidence that lines up with what I desire.

I am open to thinking thoughts and seeing evidence in alignment with what I desire.

Back to your thumb.

I know there is evidence and I am open to seeing it.

And every time I see evidence, even the smallest, tiniest bit of evidence, I choose to acknowledge it.

And I choose to celebrate it.

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Next finger.

Life will be more fun this way.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to make it a game.

I wonder how much evidence I can find that supports what I desire?

And what if I celebrate every time?

Not celebrate with alcohol or food.

But celebrate in exclamation.

Celebrate by jumping up and down and shouting WOOHOO!

Celebrate by laughing.

Celebrate with joy.

What if I start celebrating right now?

We’re on our middle finger.

What if I start celebrating right now, this shift in my outlook?

This shift that new evidence is going to show up.

Back to your thumb.

This shift of being open and celebrating.

The evidence that what I want is possible.

Next finger.

Everything is possible.

Anything is possible.

I am open to all that is possible beyond my wildest dreams.

Back to your thumb.

And I am open to seeing evidence, small bits of evidence that lead to bigger bits of evidence.

And I choose to celebrate with my peers every piece of evidence in alignment with what I desire.

I choose to celebrate their evidence for them and my evidence for me because we are all one, and when they win I win, and when I win they win.

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I am open. I am excited.

I’m looking forward to playing this game.

Take a deep breath.

Just notice how you are feeling now. Notice the level of place of possibility and your open-ness to playing a new game.

Now take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Remember the time in your life, a time in your life, where you had something similar to what you want now. Whether it was great health or a certain level of success, or a certain level of peace.

Repeat after me.

I request that my body take me back to the time when I felt this level of success, this level of what I want, the essence.

Let me repeat that.

I request that my body take me back to a time when I had the essence of what I want now, and I request that my body bring that feeling back up right now. Your body remembers that state. Allow your body to bring you back into that state of well-being. To remember what it feels like and to allow you to feel it right now.

Take a deep breath in. Now let’s amplify that.

I request that my body fill with the essence of joy right now.

I request that my heart and my mind open to the possibilities of having everything I want and more.

Now extend that energy out, focus on what it is that you want, from a light, vibrant, know-ing place. And focus on what it is that you have to give in the world, whether it’s compas-sion or love or certain talents. Allow your energy to extend out, connecting with the perfect resources, opportunities and people, and with the evidence in alignment with what you de-sire. Feel your energy connecting, easily, joyfully with that which is a match for what you desire and what you have to provide in the world. And allow that energy to easily draw

in, the evidence, the opportunities, the resources, the ideas and the people. And surround these with the aura of love, just extend your energy of love out to all. GIve them a vibra-tional hug. Knowing that those that are perfect, a perfect match, will stick and those that are not will easily let those go. There are plenty that are a good match, a perfect match. And so it is.

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So I encourage you to go about your day now, being open to these ideas and opportunities and evidence, and when you see the evidence, celebrate it with a big WOOHOO! Allow yourself to jump up and down, get on the forum and share it, encourage others, celebrate others‘ evidence, and also act on the ideas and opportunities and resources that show up in your life.

Have a wonderful day.

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Day #26Worthiness

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising session with Vibes Up.

Today we are going to start by getting centered. So go ahead and turn away from your computer if you can, put down your pens, your papers, close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Going into your body, imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth, drop the grounding cord. Release any excess energy into the center of the earth.

Allow yourself to sit up tall, grounded, centered in your body. Good.

Today we’re going to take a little peek at worthiness. In order to do that, what I want you to do is look, just for a minute, at where you are critical of yourself. Where do you tend to be critical of yourself? As sensitive people, we are sensitive to criticism, but we are also critical of ourselves. And at one time someone else may have been critical of us, it’s com-mon for us to have taken on that critical voice. So just notice the areas where you tend to be critical of yourself and then we are going to do some releasing. Then notice how that feels to be critical of yourself, in those areas.

Now let’s do some tapping. Again, if you happen to be sensitive to tapping, you can just touch. Start with the side of your hand that your pinky is on.

There is another part I wanted to go over with you. There is also self-criticism tied to self-worth. Okay. So it’s very common that we think, I’m not worthy because I don’t have this part of my life handled, or that part of my life handled. And often times this is just subcon-scious, it may not even be in your conscious mind. All right, I wanted to touch on that base.

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All right, now we’re going to tap.

Repeat after me:

Even though parts of me may think I am not worthy to have _______ (fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though parts of me may think I am not worthy to have _______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though parts of me may think I am not worthy to have _______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though there are these things that I criticize about myself, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may be my own worst critic about _______ (fill in the blank), I totally and com-pletely love and accept myself.

Even though I am tough on myself because _______(fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I think I have to become better before good things can come, I totally and com-pletely love and accept myself.

Tap on your fingers, starting with your thumb.

I’m my own worst critic.

I accept that I’m my own worst critic.

I am my own worst critic.

Next finger.

I am tough on myself.

I am really hard on myself, and it’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I accept that I am my own worst critic.

I accept that I am really tough on myself.

I accept that I may judge myself harshly at times.

I accept that I continue to be harsh on myself.

I can be my own worst critic and I know it.

Back to your thumb.

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I choose to approve of myself.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself just the way I am.

It’s hard sometimes to approve of myself, but I am open to it.

Next finger.

I am open to approving of myself.

I am opening to approving of myself.

Back to your thumb.

I approve of myself with all my strengths and weaknesses.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself even though I’m not perfect.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself even though _______ (fill in the blank).

I choose to approve of myself even though _______.

I choose to approve of myself even though _______.

Think about all the reasons you are critical.

I choose to approve of myself even though _______.

I choose to notice all the things I do that I feel good about.

I choose to start noticing all the little things I do that I can feel good about.

I choose to approve of, and acknowledge, all the small things I do that I can feel good about.

Next finger.

I choose to acknowledge and approve of all the small things I do today that I can feel good about.

Back to your thumb.

I’ve been focusing in the wrong place.

Next finger.

I’ve been focusing on all the things I do wrong, or not well enough, or don’t do.

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Next finger.

Rather than focusing on all the things I do.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself for all the things I do.

Next finger.

I choose to acknowledge all the things I do well.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to acknowledge all the things I do to take care of myself.

I choose to focus on what I’m doing well.

Next finger.

I choose to focus on what I’m doing well.

I choose to focus on what I’m doing well.

I choose to focus on what I’m doing well.

Back to your thumb.

Yes, there are always things I can improve on and I will.

Next finger.

And for today, I choose to acknowledge everything I do well.

I choose to acknowledge everything I do.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself for all the efforts I make.

I choose to approve of myself just for being me.

Back to your thumb.

I am worthy because I am me.

I am worthy because I am a child of God.

I am worthy because I am a child of this Universe.

I am worthy just because I am me.

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I am worthy simply because I am me.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to love me.

I choose to love me the way I am.

I am worthy of loving myself.

I am worthy of loving myself.

I am worthy of loving myself.

Back to your thumb.

I am worthy to have good things come into my life.

On each finger.

I am worthy to have good things come into my life.

I am worthy to have GREAT things come into my life.

I am worthy to have FABULOUS things come into my life.

I am worthy just because I am me.

Let’s do one more round.

I am OPEN to having GREAT things come into my life in ways beyond what I can imagine.

I am worthy and open to having WONDERFUL things come into my life.

I am worthy and open to having AWESOME things come into my life.

I am worthy and open to having LOVE come into my life.

I am worthy and open to loving myself.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Let’s just notice how you feel.

Let’s go ahead and fill with love.

I request that my body fill with love right now.

Notice how love feels in your body.

If you have a difficult time filling with love, you can send love. You can send love to someone that it’s totally easy for you to love. It could be a significant other, it could be a

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child, it could be a pet, it could be a friend. So try that right now. Try sending someone love that you unconditionally love and see how it feels to just totally love them uncondition-ally. And then let that love bounce back from them back to you as you open your heart and receive that love.

Just let it in.

Feel it.


I request that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that I have ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath.

Now think about what it is that you desire and send your love out to the Universe, allowing it to connect with the perfect ideas, opportunities and resources that are a match for what you need and what you have to provide in the world. Notice that they just easily come into your field, they’re drawn magnetically to you, to the love. And those that are a perfect match stick as you embrace them with love, allowing those that are not a match to fall away. As you go about your day, notice the ideas, the opportunities, the resources and people that show up and take action in alignment with these things.

I’d also love to see you start saying this mantra I am worthy to have good things come into my life throughout your day.

Send love to everyone you come in contact with throughout your day and start noticing the evidence that what you want is arriving, even if it’s in tiny ways.

Have just a fabulous, fabulous day.

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Day #27Worthiness Part 2

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of vibration raising and to Vibes Up.

We seemed to have touched on something which is very key for people around worthiness yesterday and so we’re going to continue in that vein today.

First let’s get centered. Close your eyes, turn away from the computer, put all your papers, pens down.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take deep breath in and release. Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the base of the earth and drop your ground-ing cord. Sit up straight.

We’re going to start with a little Dominion Over Self this morning and then we may go into some tapping, we’ll just see how much time we have.

So we’ve all made mistakes in our life and we make them every day. It’s easy to judge ourselves for those mistakes. Today we’re going to release that judgment.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to release all judgment for my past mistakes.

We’re going to do that again.

I command my body to release all remaining judgment for my mistakes.

I command my body to release all subconscious judgments of my mistakes.

I command my body to release all remaining subconscious judgment of my mistakes.

Just take a deep breath in.

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Notice how you are feeling.

And let’s just do one more.

Repeat after me:

It’s okay to make these mistakes.

We all make mistakes.

It’s human to make mistakes.

I command my body to release all remaining judgement, conscious and subconscious, of the mistakes I’ve made.

I command my body to release any resistance to letting go of this judgment.

Take a deep breath.

Now let’s do a little bit of tapping. Let’s tap on the side of your hand.

Repeat after me:

Even though I make mistakes sometimes, I am enough.

Even though I make mistakes sometimes, I am perfect and divine in who I am.

Even though I make mistakes sometimes, I am worthy of having good things happen.

Even though I may think I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or attractive enough or worthy enough, I am enough.

Even though I may think I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or attractive enough or worthy enough, I am enough.

Even though I may think I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or attractive enough, or worthy enough, I am enough.

Take a deep breath.

Now we’re going to tap on each finger starting with the nail bed of the thumb.

I am enough.

Do this on each finger.

I AM enough.



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Back to your thumb.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

Back to your thumb.

I am a child of this Universe.

As such, I am worthy of having good things happen.

I am worthy of having good things happen.

I AM worthy of having good things happen.

I am oh so worthy of having great things happen.

Back to your thumb.

Even though I judge myself for not doing enough, being enough, loving enough, I am enough.

Even though I judge myself for not doing enough,

Next finger.

Being enough,

Next finger.

Loving enough, I am enough.

Next finger.

I am perfect and divine in who I am.

Back to your thumb.

I am worthy of having good things happen.

I am worthy of having great things happen.

I am worthy of having fabulous things happen.

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I am worthy of having spectacular things happen.

I am worthy.

Back to your thumb.

Even though I tend to focus on what I didn’t do,

Next finger.

On what I did wrong,

Next finger.

There are also things I did do and things I did well.

Next finger.

I choose to acknowledge what I did do.

So I want you to stop for a minute and take a breath. Think about what you did do today or yesterday, no matter how small, from I got up in the morning and brushed my teeth, to I got one thing on my to-do-list done, to I made my bed, whatever it is. So focus on a couple of things that you did do.

Go back to your thumb.

I acknowledge and approve of myself for _______ (fill in something you did).

Next finger.

I acknowledge and approve of myself for _______.

I acknowledge and approve of myself for _______.

I acknowledge and approve of myself for _______.

I acknowledge and approve of myself for _______.

Tap on your thumb.

There can always be more.

Next finger.

And I choose to accept, acknowledge and approve of me right now.

Next finger.

I choose to accept, acknowledge and approve of me right now.

Next finger.

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I choose to accept, acknowledge and approve of me right now.

I am whole and complete in who I am.

Next round.

I am whole and complete in who I am.

I am a child of this Universe.

I am a child of God.

It is safe to let my light shine.

It is safe to let my light shine.

It is safe to let my light shine.

I can stand up and be visible and let my light shine.

I can stand up and be visible and let my light shine.

I choose to stand up and be visible and let my light shine.

I choose to stand up and be visible and let my light shine.

Back to your thumb.

I am worthy of doing GREAT things.

I am worthy of having GREAT things happen.

I am worthy of doing GREAT things.

I am worthy of having GREAT things happen.

I am worthy.

One more round.

I am worthy of having good things happen.

I am worthy of having great things happen.

I am worthy of having wonderful things happen.

I am worthy of having fabulous things happen.

I am worthy.

Take a deep breath in and release.

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Now fill up with the essence of love.

I command my body to fill with love.

Take a deep breath.

Think about those good things that you want to have happen and extend that love out into the Universe, connecting with the perfect resources, ideas, opportunities and people that are a match for what you want and what you have to provide in the world. See the connec-tions instantly happening. Notice that they easily are drawn into your energy field because they are a perfect match. Those that are not a perfect match drop off but those that are easily are drawn in, effortlessly. Give them a virtual hug, welcoming them, sharing your love with them, and knowing this is done.

As you go about your day, remember to take action in alignment with the ideas that show up, with the inspiration that shows up, as well as the opportunities. Continue to notice the evidence and celebrate every piece of evidence that shows up to say that these seeds that you are planting are starting to take root.

Keep saying the mantra: I am worthy of having good things happen.

If things come up to trigger you during the day, take five minutes to listen to a vibes up call or use the tapping to shift that energy, to put you back in this place so that you can proceed with your day from a good vibration. And you may have to do it several times during the day, and that’s okay. It’s all perfect.

So have a fabulous day.

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Day #28Releasing the Pressure to Perform

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of vibration raising with Vibes Up.

Today we are going to talk about and tap about and release the pressure that we put on ourselves, because when we put pressure on ourselves, things cannot flow. And it doesn’t feel good.

First let’s get centered. Turn away from your computer, put your papers and pens down. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in.

Focus on the dot to the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

And to the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imaging an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth, drop your grounding cord down, releasing any excess energy. Sit up straight, relax your hands, relax your shoulders. Good.

As I was thinking about the topic today, I happened to hear this quote that I thought was very relevant, which is: I am who I think you think I am. I am who I think you think I am. In other words, our perception of ourselves is based on what we think others think of us, how we think others see us. And often times, we put pressure on ourself to be how we think we need to be for others. Which does not give the freedom just to be you.

So we are going to start with dominion and then we will move into some tapping.

Repeat after me:

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I command my body to release the pressure I put on myself for approval from others.

I command my body to release the pressure I put on myself to perform.

I command my body to release the pressure I put on myself to conform.

I command my body to release all remaining pressure I put on myself.

I command my body to release all subconscious pressure I put on myself.

And just take a deep breath.

Now let’s do some tapping.

Tap on the side of your hand.

Even though I may put pressure on myself, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may put pressure on myself to be accepted, to be approved of, to perform and to conform, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may put pressure on myself to fit in, I totally and completely love and accept my-self.

Starting with your thumb, tapping on the side of the finger including the side of the nail bed.

I put pressure on myself, and I accept that.

Next finger.

I accept that I have been putting pressure on myself.

I accept that I have been putting pressure on myself, and it’s okay.

I accept that I have been putting pressure on myself, and it’s okay.

I accept that I have been putting pressure on my in a variety of ways, and it’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I was taught to conform.

We all like to be accepted.

It’s okay that I want to be accepted.

It’s okay that I want to be approved of.

It’s okay that I want to perform well.

Back to your thumb.

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And I choose to accept myself as I am.

Next finger.

I choose to approve of myself as I am now.

I choose to approve of myself as I am now.

I choose to approve of myself as I am now.

I choose to approve of myself as I am right now.

Back to the karate chop point.

Even though I may have this fear of looking foolish, I choose to accept and love myself right now.

Even though I may have this fear of approval and embarrassment, I choose to love and accept myself right now.

Even though I may have this concern of what others think, I choose to love and accept myself right now.

Back to your thumb.

This fear of looking foolish.

This fear of being embarrassed.

This fear of making a mistake.

This fear of not being approved of.

This fear of not being accepted.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to let go of this need for acceptance by others.

Instead, I choose to accept myself.

Letting go of this need for approval.

Letting go of this need for acceptance.

Letting go of needing to please everyone but me.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to approve of myself as I am.

I choose to approve of myself as I am.

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I choose to approve of myself as I am.

I am a beautiful, unique expression of the Universe.

I am a beautiful, unique expression of the Universe.

I accept myself as I am.

I approve of myself as I am.

I am a beautiful, unique expression of the Universe.

I am a beautiful, unique expression of the Universe.

I accept and approve of myself as I am.

Back to the karate chop point.

Even though at times I may be afraid of being seen and of being visible, I choose to remember that I am beautiful as I am.

Even though at times I may be afraid of being seen and being visible, I choose to remember that I am beautiful, whole and complete as I am.

Even though at times I may be afraid of being seen and being visible, I choose to remember that I am beautiful, whole and complete as I am.

Back to the thumb.

Fear of being seen.

I accept that sometimes I have a fear of being visible.

I accept that sometimes I don’t want people to see the real me.

It’s okay that I have this fear.

It’s okay that I feel cautious and afraid at times of being seen.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to remember that I am a beautiful, unique expression of the Universe.

I choose to remember that I am beautiful as I am.

I am open to seeing my true beauty.

I am open to remembering that my beauty comes from the inside and shines out.

I choose to remember that true beauty comes from my soul, from the unique expression of who I really am.

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Back to your thumb.

It is safe to let my light shine.

It is safe to let my light shine.

It is safe to let my light shine.

It is safe to let my light shine.

I am so happy and grateful now that I see myself for the beautiful expression of who I really am.

I am so happy and grateful now that I see myself as the beautiful, unique expression of the Uni-verse.

It is safe to let my light shine.

I am open to allowing my light to shine.

I am open to being visible.

I release all pressure to be anything other than me.

And I don’t have to put any pressure on myself to be me, I can just be.

It is safe to be me.

It is easy to be me.

I allow my light to shine.

I allow my light to shine.

I am worthy of doing great things.

I am worthy of attracting great things.

I am worthy of attracting wonderful things.

I am worthy of attracting fabulous things.

I am open to receiving wonderful, fabulous things in my life.

I am so happy and grateful now that I see myself as a beautiful, unique expression of the Uni-verse.

Take a deep breath and release.

Take another deep breath and release.

And now:

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I request that my body fill me with love.

Allow yourself to feel the love, feel the love for the beautiful, unique expression of who you are.

Now from this place, take a second to think about what it is that you desire now. It may be different from when you first started this program. Extend that love out into the Universe, connecting with the perfect ideas, opportunities, resources and people that are a match for what you need, desire and what you have to provide. Notice that your light is so magnetic that it easily draws these ideas, and opportunities and people to you. Allowing those to fall away that are not a perfect match. There is an abundance of those that are a perfect match. Surround it with love and know that it is done.

And as you go about your day, notice the ideas and inspiration that pop up, as well as the opportunities, and be sure to act on them.

Continue to release any pressure you may find yourself putting on yourself to be anything other than who you are. There’s no need to put pressure on yourself to be who you are. It’s a natural flow. Take action from this place.

Have a wonderful day.

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Day #29Clearing Past Disappointments

Good morning, everyone. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising session with Vibes Up.

This morning I wanted to start with sharing something before we go into our session. This is about one of those Olympic lessons that I wanted to share and that I planned to write about, and so at the time of this recording is the time of the Winter Olympics. I saw Shawn White interviewed, and Shawn White is the two time, now, gold medal winner in snowboard-ing. In the interview, it showed where he had, previous to the Olympics, crashed and burned and really fell and missed his landing, cut up his cheek. It looked like quite a bad crash and burn. I actually saw the video of him snowboarding on the half pipe and missing his landing. There’s a lot of things he could have done in that moment. He could have giv-en himself time to think about, is this something I really want to do. He could have decided that this was too embarrassing and too shameful, that he couldn’t get back up there. He could have said that’s the end of my career. But he didn’t do any of those things. What he did was immediately get back up and go back up to the top and do it all over again. And that time he made his landing. The reason, he said, that he did that was that he knew if he waited, it would mess him up mentally. That he would be stuck with this mental image of him missing the landing and crashing and burning.

I thought that was really profound because so often, the tendency is, and this is what hap-pens is, we make mistakes, something doesn’t go the way we want it to, and we get stopped. Then we have this pathway in our brain that is connected to the disappointment, connected to the mistake, connected to the time we didn’t do it right. And that starts to run us. So rather than letting it run him, he immediately got back on the horse, so to speak, I mean, he didn’t wait at all. But for those of us who have, you know, had disappointments, then that has often times created a new pathway in our brain that is focused on what happened wrong. The mistakes we made. The disappointments we made. And it gets in our way mentally and vibrationally of us having what we want.

So today’s clearing is going to be about clearing out some of those past disappointments. So I want you to just stop for a minute and think about where you have had disappoint-ments. Where you’ve tried going for something and it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. Because we’ve all had those moments. And again, these moments aren’t to make you feel worse. These moments are already ingrained in our neuro-pathways, and what we want to do is bring them up to the surface and shift them and create a different pathway. So just think about that and then let’s do some tapping.

Tap on the side of your hand and repeat after me.

Even though I’ve had some disappointments in my life, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I’ve made some mistakes in my life, I totally and completely love and accept my-self.

Even though these disappointments and mistakes were upsetting, and didn’t go exactly the way I wanted it to go, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

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Tap on the side of your finger, starting with your thumb.

I’ve had disappointments and it’s okay.

I’ve been disappointed in life and it didn’t feel very good, and that’s okay.

Disappointments don’t feel very good, and we all have them, and that’s okay.

I’ve had my share of disappointments, and it’s okay.

I’ve been disappointed more than once in my life, and that’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I accept these disappointments.

It’s okay to be disappointed.

I accept the mistakes I’ve made.

It’s okay to make mistakes.

I accept the pain that I felt at the time I was disappointed, and it’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I accept that I may have been ashamed or embarrassed or angry with myself, and it’s okay.

I accept that I may have been disappointed or ashamed or angry with myself, and that’s okay.

I accept that I may have even been humiliated, and that’s okay.

I accept all of these feelings as okay.

It’s okay to be disappointed.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to learn from these times and move on.

I choose to learn from these disappointments and mistakes and move forward.

I choose to learn from these disappointments and mistakes and move forward.

I choose to learn what there is to learn from these mistakes and go forward.

I choose to let the disappointment, the embarrassment, the shame, the being hard on myself, I choose to let these go.

I choose to let the embarrassment go.

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I choose to let the feeling foolish go.

I choose to let being hard on myself go.

I choose to let berating myself go.

I choose to let it all go.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to get clear on what I do want from these experiences.

I choose to get clear on what I want different next time.

I use this contrast of what I didn’t want to get clear about what I do want.

I use these learnings to get stronger in what I do want.

I choose to let these learnings help me to get stronger and clearer in what I do want.

Back to your thumb.

I am open to something better than I even thought possible in the future.

I am open to something even better than what I originally had in mind.

I am open to things unfolding perfectly and better than I could have ever imagined.

As I learn from this, I am open to things happening in a better way than I could have possibly have imagined before.

I am stronger in who I am now than I was then.

Back to your thumb.

I am open to things happening in a new way.

I am open to creating something even better.

I am open to new possibilities.

I am open to things unfolding in a way that’s better than I could have imagined before.

I am open to creating something really wonderful.

I am open to good things happening in my life.

I am open and expect good things to happen in my life.

I am open and expect good things to happen in my life.

I am open and expect great things to happen in my life.

I am open and expect great opportunities to arise in my life.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


Back to your thumb.

I am open to creating great things in my life.

I am open to creating wonderful things in my life.

I am already creating good things in my life.

I am grateful for the good things that I have created in my life.

And I am open to creating more.

Take a deep breath in.

And just get quiet and just notice the thoughts that are coming up.

Notice how you are feeling.

We want to just clear any conflicting thoughts to you attracting, creating good things in your life. So we are going to use Dominion Over Self.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to release any contradictory thoughts to my creating wonderful things in my life.

I command my body to release any negative thoughts or belief in the way of me creating and at-tracting good things in my life.

I command my body to release any subconscious thoughts or beliefs in the way of me allowing great things in my life.

I am worthy of attracting and receiving great things in my life.

I release all contrary thoughts or negative thoughts to my being worthy of attracting great things.

I release all thoughts or beliefs that I am not worthy of creating and attracting good things.

I release all subconscious beliefs that I am not worthy of attracting and creatinggreat things.

I command my body to remember who I really am.

I command my body to remember that I am a divine child of the Universe.

I am divine love, and I am worthy of attracting and creating great things in my life.

And I request that my body fill with divine love.

If you are unable to feel the love, then think about someone that you do love uncondition-ally and send them love. Feel the love you have for them. Could be a person, could be a

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pet. Feel the love you have for this person or animal. Feel your heart open. Allow that love to come back to you and fill you up.

I command my body fill with love.

Just allow your body to receive and feel the energy of love. Remember that in this moment, all is well.

I request that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that is in my highest and best right now.

One more time.

I request that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that is in my highest and best right now.

Take a deep breath in. Feel the stillness.

And as you choose to go back out there today, extend that love out to everyone you meet, to all of those in your life. Extend that love out to the Universe right now with the intention of it connecting with the perfect people, and opportunities, and ideas and resources that are in alignment with what you desire and what you have to provide in the world. Then allow all of those to easily be drawn into your energy field.

And as you go about your day, have the intention to create from this new place, from this place of new possibilities, new clarity about what you desire, and take action in alignment.

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Day #30Releasing I’m Not Good Enough To _______

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising session where we shift your energy from a questioning or tight or not so great feeling place to a better feeling place where you can attract those things that you desire.

Today we are going to go back to the famous statement of I am not good enough. This is one of the most prevalent beliefs, one of the most prevalent disempowering beliefs, around. Most people have I’m not good enough, at some level. I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not pretty enough. There are many different flavors of it.

So today we’re going to do something a little bit different with regards to this topic. We’re going to use the tapping but we’re going to use it a little bit differently. So each day we’ve been tapping on the side of each finger. Today I want you to do that, but I want you to try something a little bit different with me. I want you to use your thumb as the tapping point to tap on each of your other fingers, starting with the index finger, the side of the finger where the nail bed is. The same place we’ve been tapping. But you use your thumb to tap on each finger in a row, and then you can also go backwards. So you start with the thumb tapping on the index finger side of it, next on the middle finger side of it, next on the ring finger side of it, next on the pinky, just that quickly. So just a couple taps and you move to the next finger. Then from the pinky, go back to the ring finger, back to the middle finger, back to the index finger. And then you can, to tap on the thumb, you can use your index finger to tap on the side of the thumb so we don’t miss the thumb. So it’s kind of like, al-most like an accordion, you’re just going through each finger quickly. This is something you can do throughout the day when you are on the phone, you can even have your hand down by the side and just using your fingers to tap on each other, and people won’t even know what you are doing.

Today we’re going to do it on I’m not good enough. So I’m just going to check in and make sure that that was clear, so if there are any questions about what I just said, you can press star (*) two on your phone, otherwise, we will continue.

Okay, so now what I want you to do--actually before we even start, I didn’t get you guys centered, so let’s get you centered. Close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

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To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the center of the earth, drop your grounding cord, allow any excess energy to go down the cord and into the center of the earth. Good.

Now I want you to say the statement or think the statement I’m not good enough, and as you say it, notice where you feel it in your body. So it may show up as this nervous energy in your stomach, it may be a fluttering in your heart area. Where do you feel it?

And now just paying attention to that, I want you to start tapping on your fingers, using your thumb, or if you prefer to use one hand to tap on your fingers, you can, or you can just use your thumb tapping on each finger, up and down, kind of like the scale of your fingers from one finger to the next. And as you do, just pay attention to that feeling in your body. If you don’t feel anything in your body, you can just focus on the sentence I’m not good enough. But you’re all sentelligent so see where this resides in your body and just tap.

Once you notice where it feels in your body, then look at--notice, what does it look like? Is it circular? Is it like a big box? Is it heavy? What color is it? What shape does it take in your body? Notice and keep tapping. And notice what happens to that feeling in your body as you continue to just notice and tap.

Keep breathing.

You can even tap with both hands if you want. Take your time.

You may now start noticing other thoughts come up. If you do, just notice them and tap.

Keep breathing.

Notice when you sigh, when you yawn, if you feel the feeling change in your body, notice the subtle shifts.

And just rest for a moment and take a deep breath.

Just notice how you are feeling. Notice that feeling in your body. How is it now? If it feels stronger, that’s not a bad thing, it actually means you are shifting. Whether it got stronger or whether it got lighter, either way, you are shifting. It might be bringing it up more in consciousness if it got stronger, and clearing some of it if it got lighter. But it’s all good.

Just notice--so say again to yourself I’m not good enough or whatever your particular flavor is. If it’s I’m not smart enough, or I’m not pretty enough, or I’m not competent enough, or whatever your flavor of the day is.

Notice how that is feeling in your body and start tapping again, just paying attention to the feeling, to the thoughts that go with the feeling, if there are any.

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Now we want to add a little bit to this. So there’s an I’m not good enough to _____ some-thing. I’m not good enough to learn this process. I’m not good enough to clear this. I’m not good enough to charge a certain rate to my clients. I’m not good enough to have the kind of relationship I want. What is the first two that comes up in your mind? You are not good enough to what? And say that statement to yourself. I’m not good enough to ______ and fill in the blank.

Notice how it feels in your body. Notice the feelings with it, in your body. Where do they reside? What does that feel like? What does it look like in your body? What shape is it?

And start tapping on your fingers and just notice. And notice--focus on the feeling and you can focus on the words. Or just notice the words. You don’t have to keep repeating them, and you can if you want. You particularly want to tune into the feeling and keep tapping.

If other thoughts come up, or beliefs, it’s all connected. Notice them. Focus on them. Tap. Notice any shifts in your thoughts. Notice any shifts in the feeling, in your body.

Stop tapping and take a deep breath.

Just notice how you are feeling. Notice if the feeling has gotten stronger or less, if you are more peaceful or less. Know that wherever you are is perfect. I’m not good enough has a multitude of layers and we won’t get it all in this fifteen minute session. But what you have is another tool to continue working with I’m not good enough.

So we’re going to do kind of a little bit of tapping to leave you in a good place here. Go ahead now and using the two fingers to tap on each finger, two fingers on one hand to tap on each finger, starting with your karate chop point.

Repeat after me.

Even though parts of me still feel like they’re not good enough, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though parts of me still feel inadequate, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though it feels like there’s a lot of this not good enough stuff, I totally and completely love and accept myself, just the way I am.

Tap on your finger.

Parts of me still feel not good enough, and that’s okay.

Next finger.

Parts of me know I’m good enough, and that’s okay.

Parts of me feel good enough about _______ (fill in the blank), and that’s okay.

Parts of me don’t feel good enough about _______, and that’s okay.

Parts of me are not sure if I’m good enough, and that’s okay.

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Back to your thumb.

There are days when I feel good enough, and I’m grateful for those.

Back to your next finger.

There are days when I don’t feel good enough, and I choose to learn and grow and heal from those.

There are moment when I feel good enough and I choose to be grateful for those.

There are moments when I don’t feel good enough, and I choose to learn and grow from those.

There are things about which I feel like I am good enough, and I am grateful for those.

There are things about which I don’t feel good enough, and I choose to accept and learn from and grow from those.

Next finger.

There are some things I am naturally gifted at, and I choose to be grateful for those.

Next finger.

There are some things I’ll never be great at, and I choose to accept those.

We all have things we’re great at and we all have things that we’re not so great at, and that’s perfect.

There are some things that we can improve on and grow and excel at, and that’s perfect.

Where I am right now is perfect.

Where I am right now is perfect.

I accept where I am right now as 100% perfect even though I’m not perfect.

I accept where I am as perfect.

I choose to love myself exactly where I am right now.

I choose to love myself exactly where I am right now.

I choose to love and accept myself exactly where I am right now.

I love myself where I am and I intend to continue to grow.

I love myself where I am and I intend to continue to grow.

I love myself where I am and I intend to continue to grow.

Take a deep breath.

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Just notice how you are feeling.

And repeat after me:

I request that my body fill with love.

Breathe it in.

I request that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath.

Again, focus on what it is that you desire now. What is it that you desire at this point in the program? And send that loving energy that you filled yourself up with out into the Universe. Notice that it’s connecting with the perfect resources, support, opportunities and people that are in alignment with your desires and with what you have to provide in the world. And al-low your energy to easily draw in those that are a perfect match, bringing them into your energy field, embracing them with a hug, allowing those to fall away that aren’t a match, al-lowing those to embrace you back that are a match.

And as you go about your day, notice the ideas, and opportunities and resources that show up in alignment and take action.

And during the day, if you notice not good enough or lack of belief coming up about those things, just start tapping on your fingers as you focus on those thoughts and beliefs. You can’t do too much of that, but do be sure and drink a lot of water throughout the day.

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Day #31Releasing Doubts That I Can Have It

Good morning, everybody. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising session where we shift your energy and raise your vibe.

All right. So let’s get grounded. Turn away from your computer, put your paper and your pen down. Close your eyes.

Imagine a dot to the right.

And a dot to the left.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And dot to the left.

Dot to your right.

Dot to your left.

Dot to your right.

Dot to your left.

To your right.

To your left.

To your right.

To your left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Now let’s ground. Imagine an X at the base of your spine, X at the center of the earth. Imagine the grounding cord down between the two X’s. Allow it to attach firmly to the earth and allow any excess energy to drop down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. Sit up straight. Relax your shoulders.

Now repeat after me:

I command my body to release all tension from the cells of my body.

See the tension leaving. Open up your hands.

I command my body to release all remaining tension right now.

I command my body to release all stress from my body right now.

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See the stress leaving. Feel it leaving.

I command my body to release all remaining stress right now.

Take a deep breath.

Just notice how much better you are feeling already.

Now think about what it is that you want that has not arrived yet, that has not transformed yet.

Tap on the side of your hand and say:

Even though I may still have some doubts that I can have _______ (fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may still have some doubts that I can have _______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may still have some doubts and limiting beliefs about my ability to have _______ right now, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Tap on your fingers.

I may have some doubts, and it’s okay.

I still have some doubts, and it’s okay.

I still have my doubts about my ability to have _______, and it’s okay.

I accept that I have these doubts about my ability to have _______, and it’s okay.

I accept that I have these doubts about my ability to have _______, and it’s okay.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to release these doubts now.

I choose to let these doubts go.

I am ready to let go of these doubts about _______.

It feels good to let go of these doubts about _______.

I am releasing all remaining doubts about _______.

Back to your thumb.

I am open to receiving _______ (fill in the blank).

I am open to having _______.

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I am VERY OPEN to having _______.

I am ready to have _______.

I am open and ready to have _______.

I am worthy to have good things come into my life.

I am worthy to have _______ (fill in the blank).

I am worthy to have this or something better.

I am worthy to have this or something better.

I am open to hearing the truth that I am worthy.

I am open to hearing the truth that I am worthy.

I am open to hearing the truth.

I am open to hearing the truth about who I really am.

I am open to hearing the divine truth of who I am.

Free from my ego, which is not the truth.

I am open to hearing the truth of who I really am.

I am worthy.

I am worthy to have good things come into my life.

I am worthy to have great things come into my life.

I am worthy to have _______ (fill in the blank) come into my life.

I am worthy to have _______ or something even better to come into my life.

I am worthy to create good things in my life.

I am worthy to create great things in the world.

I am open to hearing the truth that I am worthy to create great things.

I am open to hearing the truth that I am worthy to create great things.

I am a creator.

We are all creators.

I am open to hearing the truth.

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I am worthy.

I am open to hearing the truth.

I am worthy.

I am opening.

I am opening.

I am opening to the truth of who I really am.

I am opening.

I am opening.

I am opening to the truth of who I really am.

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I am opening.

I am opening.

I am opening to the truth of who I am.

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

Breathe that in.

I am opening.

I am opening.

I am opening to the truth of who I am.

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

Take a deep breath in.

Notice how you are feeling right now.

Repeat after me:

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I request that my body fill with love right now.

Just allow your body to fill with love.

Take a couple of deep breaths and breathe it in.

And from this place filled with love, let’s say it one more time.

I request that my body fill with love right now.

Feel your body filling up.

Now from this full place of love, tap one more time and say:

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am

I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I accept that I am a beautiful being of love and light.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I receive that I am a beautiful being of love and light.

And I am perfect just the way I am.

Take a deep breath in.

Think about what you desire. Send that love and light out to the Universe to connect with the perfect people, resources, opportunities and ideas that are in alignment with what you desire and what you have to provide. See the connection being made and those beams of light being drawn into your energy field easily. Embrace them with love and a hug and know that it is done and that the perfect ones will stick.

And as you go about your day, take action in alignment with the ideas and opportunities that show up.

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Day #32Catch Up Day

Use this page to journal about what positive changes you are noticing since doing this round of Vibes Up sessions. Changes are often very subtle. Be an observer of how you are being in your life.

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Day #33Releasing 3 Generations of I’m Not Good Enough

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another session of vibration raising.

I’m starting to think about changing the name to the daily shift because we’re doing so much good work here. And we’re going to do some really good work today too.

First, let’s get centered. Go ahead and turn away from your computer, put down your pens and paper. Close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

To the left

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop your grounding cord, attach it firmly to the earth, allowing any excess energy to drop down. Sit up straight. Relax your shoulders. Open your palms. Good.

Today’s session is going to be a little bit different in that it actually came from a dream, a message I got in a dream last night of something that we needed to do. What we’re going to do today is release three generations of I’m not good enough. I had no intention of going here today, but that’s the message I got. I did this work on myself this morning. I always do things on myself before I bring them to you. It’s very powerful. And it’s also very simple.

We are going to use Dominion Over Self for doing the releasing this morning.

So simply say, repeat after me and do this aloud:

I command my body to release all aspects of my grandparents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

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I’ll repeat that.

I command my body to release all aspects of my grandparents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

Take a deep breath and allow it to release.

Repeat after me.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my grandparents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

And just allow it to leave. See it or sense it leaving your body. Letting it go. It’s not yours.

Take a breath.

Repeat after me.

I command my body to release all aspects of my parents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

I’ll repeat it.

I command my body to release all aspects of my parents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

Take a deep breath and release. Releasing that energy out into the Universe.

Repeat after me.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my parents’ belief of I’m not good enough.

Take a deep breath and release. Releasing outwards.

Just letting your body do its thing. Notice sighs are shifts, deep breaths are shifts.

Repeat after me.

I command my body to release all aspects of my belief that I’m not good enough.

Just breathe it out.

Repeat after me.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my belief that I’m not good enough.

And repeat after me.

I command my body to release all remaining and subconscious aspects of my belief that I’m not good enough.

Letting it go. Just relaxing into it.

Take a deep breath. Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


Now we’re going to fill you up. Imagine gold coming in from above your head, pouring in through the top of your head, gold energy or gold light, filling you up. If there is any re-maining aspects from your three generations of not good enough, allow that gold to dissolve all those remaining aspects and send them down the grounding cord into the center of the earth, allowing the gold to keep pouring in and filling you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Every cell, every muscle, every tissue filled with pure beautiful source energy, energy of I am enough. I am a divine being. A divine child of the Universe. Filling you all the way up until you are overflowing with this beautiful gold energy. Filled inside and out-side.

Take a deep breath.

Just continue to breathe.

Say the statement aloud and feel it in your body:

I am good enough.

Imagine a big sun above your head and put that belief of I am enough in the sun. I am good enough. I am plenty good enough. Allow that energy to pour down from the sun into your body, filling you up.

Now, just to reinforce, using the tapping on your sides of your fingers, using your thumb to tap on each of the sides of your fingers repeatedly saying:

I am enough.

I am good enough.

I am good enough.

I am way good enough.

I am absolutely more than good enough.

Just keep tapping. You can use both hands, just tapping it in. Allowing yourself to feel it to whatever degree you are able to, just noticing where you are is perfect.

And now stop tapping and say:

I request that my body fill with love.

Just feel the love. Feel how good it feels to be in the essence of love. Allow yourself to smile.

And now one more thing. Repeat after me.

I command that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

I’ll repeat that.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


I command that my body take me to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath in. Just allow yourself to feel this beautiful place.

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Day #34Celebration & Gratitude

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another session of vibration raising.

Today we are going to celebrate. We’ve been doing a lot of processing this week and my body and my intuition is telling me that it’s time to allow our bodies to rest, and to celebrate and to be grateful for where we are. So that’s some of what we are going to do today. There will still be clearing in the whole gratitude aspect because so often you hear, well, write a gratitude list and be grateful for where you are. And we try being that and it’s not actually in alignment with how we’re feeling. So we’re going to do some tapping along with the gratitude today. And it will be fun. FUN! Okay. I’m in a funny place.

Let’s get centered. Close your eyes, look away from the computer, put your books, your pa-per, everything down.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

Dot to the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop your grounding cord all the way down to the center of the earth. Okay.

And repeat after me:

I command my body to release all tension from my body.

I command my body to release all stress from the cells of my body.

I command my body to release any negative thoughts that have been occupying my mind.

And just take a deep breath.

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Now we are going to tap on the side of your hand.

Repeat after me:

Even though everything is not perfect, I choose to totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t have everything I desire, yet, I choose to totally and completely love and ac-cept myself.

Even though I’m still learning and have a lot to learn, I choose to totally and completely love and accept myself.

Tap on the side of your thumb.

I accept that everything is not perfect, and it’s okay.

I accept that I don’t have everything that I desire, and it’s okay.

I accept where I am right now as being okay.

I choose to be grateful for where I have come to so far.

I choose to be grateful for all I have learned so far.

I choose to be grateful for all I have yet to learn.

I choose to be grateful for the air that I breath.

I choose to be grateful for the air, even though it’s not perfect, and neither am I.

I choose to still be grateful for having air to breath.

I choose to be grateful for the roof over my head.

I choose to be grateful for the ground under my feet.

I choose to be grateful for the trees and for nature.

I choose to be grateful for an old friend.

I choose to be grateful for those that I love.

I choose to be grateful for those who trigger me and provide learning for me.

I choose to be grateful for all that I have.

I choose to be grateful for all that I’m yet to have, and all the learning that comes with that.

I choose to be grateful for all I’ve learned.

I choose to be grateful for all that I’ve yet to learn.

I choose to be grateful for all that I’ve released.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


I choose to be grateful for all that I’ve yet to release and all the learning that will come with that.

I choose to be grateful for all the teachers in my life.

I choose to be grateful for all of those who are coming to teach me.

I choose to be grateful for all that I have attracted that I desire.

I choose to be grateful for all that I’ve yet to attract and all that I get to learn from that.

I choose to be grateful for where I am.

I choose to be grateful for who I am.

I choose to be grateful for who I am becoming.

I choose to be grateful for who I have become.

I choose to be grateful for where I am right now.

I am a divine child of the Universe.

I am divine love.

I am grateful for this moment in time.

I am grateful for who I am.

I am grateful for who I am at this moment in time.

Take a deep breath in. Allow yourself to feel what you feel and notice what you notice.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to fill with gratitude.

Just keep breathing and letting in the feeling of gratitude. Allow a smile to come to your face.

Allow gold to pour in through the top of your head, filling you up with divine Source energy, filled with gratitude. Feel that gratitude filling you up inside and out, surrounding your en-ergy field, surrounding your body with gratitude, beautiful golden energy.

One more time.

I command my body to fill with gratitude.

Now allow that gratitude to extend out into the Universe, extending it out in gratitude for all that is, for all that is already in your life, for all the people, for all the opportunities, for all that you’ve created and co-created. And extend that gratitude for all that is already on its way to you, all the perfect opportunities, resources and people that are already on their

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way. Extend that gratitude and connect with those. Feel that gratitude in your body for all that is and all that is coming, knowing that it’s all perfect. Just breath that in.

As you go about your day, come from this place of gratitude for everything you have and for everything that shows up, whether it’s what you intended or not. And as you express grat-itude for it, even for the things that maybe don’t feel so good or look so good, trust that there is some benefit for you in it, some learning for you in it, something good for you in it, and that’s it’s all perfect.

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Day #35Resistance

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising session where we shift your energy, release what’s not needed and take you to a better feeling place.

Let’s get centered today. Turn away from your computer, if possible, put down your pen and paper, close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the center of the earth. Drop the grounding cord between the two X’s. Attach your grounding cord firmly to the earth, allow any excess energy to drop down the cord. Sit up straight, relax your shoulders, open your hands. Good.

Today we are going to look at resistance. Resistance is--can take many forms and today we are going to particularly look at what is it that you are resisting doing that you know would be helpful for you, but yet there is some resistance to doing it. When there’s resistance to doing it, generally it means you are not doing it. And we all have these things that we res-ist for whatever reason. I want you to just focus in on one. There may be several things that you are resisting doing. Just focus on one for the purpose of this exercise today. What is it that you are resisting doing that you know would benefit you if you did it? It could be exercise. It could be listening to these sessions every day. It could be grounding. It could be learning how to muscle test yourself. It could be contacting someone. Making a change. So pick one. It could be one of those or something else entirely.

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Repeat after me:

I command my body to let go of all resistance to _______ (fill in the blank).

I command my body to let go of all resistance to _______.

I command my body to release all subconscious resistance to _______.

I command my body to release all resistance to letting go of this resistance.

I command my body to release all resistance to letting go of this resistance to _______.

Now often, along with resistance, there’s this underlying guilt or shoulds, that I should be doing it, and what’s wrong with me that I’m not doing it, and those don’t serve us either. So we’ll do a little tapping on that.

Go ahead and tap on the side of your hand.

Even though I resist _______ (fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I resist _______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I resist ______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Tap on the side of your thumb.

I resist _______ (fill in the blank), and it’s okay.

I accept that I’ve been resisting _______.

I notice that I am resistant to _______.

I can see where I’ve been resisting _______.

I accept that I’ve been resisting _______, and it’s okay.

I release this resistance and let go.

I release the shoulds that I put on myself about this and let go.

Let’s go back to the side of your hand.

Even though I feel like I should be doing this and I’m not, I totally and completely love and ac-cept myself.

Even though I sometimes judge myself because I think I should be doing this and I’m not, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel guilty because I think I should be doing this and I’m not, I totally and com-pletely love and accept myself.

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Tap on each finger.

I should be doing this.

I could be doing this.

I feel guilty because I’m not doing this.

I make myself wrong because I think I should be doing _______ (fill in the blank).

I feel guilty because I should be doing _______.

Back to your thumb.

I choose to release the guilt because it does not serve me.

I choose to release the shoulds because they just tighten me up.

I choose to release all the beating myself up I’ve done because it just tightens me up.

I release the guilt about _______ (fill in the blank).

I release the shoulds about _______.

I release the beating myself up about _______.

I release the resistance to _______.

I release the resistance to _______.

I release the guilt for not _______.

I release the resistance to _______.

I’m not sure how to do this in a way that works for me.

I’m not sure if it will even work for me.

It seems futile at times so why bother.

Seems frustrating to not get results quickly.

There’s a million reasons why I don’t do this.

I am open to letting go of those reasons.

I am open to releasing those reasons.

I am open to seeing a way that works for me.

I am open to seeing a way that works for me, and is in my highest and best.

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I am open to seeing a way that works for me.

I am open to what’s possible from doing _______ (fill in the blank).

I am open to what’s possible from doing _______.

I am open to what’s possible from doing this in a way that works for me.

I am open to a way that is in my highest and best interest.

I am open to a way that is in my highest and best interest.

I am open to finding a consistent way that is in my highest and best interest.

I am open to seeing what’s possible from doing this consistently.

I am open to seeing what’s possible from doing this once.

I am open to seeing what’s possible from doing it again.

I am open to seeing what’s possible from doing it three times.

I am open to all the good that is in alignment with the energy of doing this.

I am open to all the good that is lining up for me.

I am open to what’s possible in my life.

I am open to doing things I’ve never done before with ease and grace.

I am open to seeing the way to do things that works for me.

I am open.

I am open to unlimited possibilities.

I am open to unlimited possibilities throughout my life.

Anything is possible.

Everything is possible.

I am open.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Close your eyes and repeat after me:

I request that my body fill with joy.

Keep breathing it in.

I request that my body fill with joy.Copyright © Center for Balanced Living, Inc. All r ights reserved http: / /BalancedLiving.com


Take a deep breath and exhale.

Now from this place, visualize yourself doing this thing that you’ve been resisting in a way that works for you. See it in your mind’s eye, in a way that works for you. If you don’t know what that looks like, just allow yourself to be shown that. If nothing shows up now, just get the feeling, get the sense of what it would feel like to do it in your body in a way that works for you. The feeling in your body of doing it in a way that works for you. And if you can’t feel it or see it, just means there may be more resistance, so just notice that and you can continue to let go throughout the day, or it just may be that there is something bet-ter for you and be open to what that is.

Before we close, just one more thing.


I command my body to fill with love.

Breath that in.

No matter where you are in this process, fill with love right now. And carry this love with you throughout the day for yourself and for others.

Whatever you notice about the resistance, about what’s possible for yourself, take action in alignment with that. If there’s more resistance, just keep letting go. Don’t should, don’t force, just be with where you are. Notice, release what’s ready to be released and then act in a way that is for your highest and best.

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Day #36Trusting Your Intuition

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of shifting and vibration raising.

Let’s go ahead and get centered. Turn away from your computer, and put down your paper and pen, and close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, an X at the center of the earth. Drop your ground-ing cord between your spine and the center of the earth, attaching it firmly to the earth, embedded deep in those rocks. Allowing any excess energy or anxiety to drop down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. If you are in front of your computer, imagine a grounding cord at the base of your computer, all the way down to the center of the earth and release all excess energy, all negative energy, all static energy from your computer down into the center of the earth. Just see the energy dropping down. If you are on your phone, do the same thing with your phone. Imagine a grounding cord from the base of your phone down into the center of the earth, allowing all negative energy, all static energy, all energy from past conversations, letting it go down into the center of the earth.


Today we are going to do some more generational work around trusting intuition, guidance and ourselves in making decisions. And what I got the hit this morning was a lack of trust in our own guidance can be that which we are carrying forward from our parents and our grandparents. So we are going to do some Dominion Over Self. You are going to want to repeat after me. We are going to start with parents.

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Repeat this aloud. I’ll do it in segments.

I command my body to release all aspects of my parents’ belief that they could not trust their intuition, their guidance, a higher power, when making decisions.

Just breathe, breathe it out, letting that go.

I’m going to break it up into smaller pieces.

I command my body to release all aspects of my parents’ belief that they could not trust their intuition when making decisions.

I command my body to release all aspects of my parents’ belief that they could not trust in a higher power to guide them.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my parents’ belief that they could not trust their intuition, a higher power, or themselves when making a decision.

I command my body to release all aspects of my grandparents’ belief that they could not trust their intuition when making decisions.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my grandparents’ belief that they could not trust their intuition, themselves, or their guidance when making decisions.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my grandparents’ belief that they could not trust in a higher power for guidance.

Now, coming to yourself.

I command my body to release all aspects of the belief that I cannot trust myself when making decisions.

I command my body to release all aspects of the belief that I cannot trust my intuition when making decisions.

I command my body to release all aspects of the belief that I cannot trust a higher power for guidance.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of this belief that I cannot trust myself, my guidance, or a higher power to guide me safely in my life.

Take a deep breath in.

Just notice how you are feeling.

Now imagine a big sun above your head and we’re going to put in the sun trust, trust in yourself, trust in your guidance, trust that you are taken care of and protected. Feel that trust in your body. Feel what it feels like to trust and to know that all is okay, and all is un-folding perfectly. Put that feeling in the sun. Open up the bottom of the sun and let those golden rays pour in through the top of your head, filling you up with your highest essence, with the essence of trust, trust in yourself, trust in your guidance, trust in a higher power, whatever you refer to that as. Filling yourself up with this golden energy, all the way

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down to the bottom of your feet, coming up through all your cells, muscles and tissues, filling all the way up to the top of your head, this beautiful golden energy. Filling yourself with trust, and filling yourself with discernment, and the ability to discern your higher voice, your guidance, filling you up until you are overflowing.

Take a deep breath.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to fill with love.

Just feel the love filling you up. Extend that love out into the Universe, connecting with the perfect resources, opportunities and people. And easily drawing them in, allowing them to be drawn in magnetically to your energy field. As you go about your day today, share this love with those you come in contact with and start listening, start listening to your voice and take action in alignment with what feels right for you and trust that voice, trust the guid-ance, trust yourself.

And have a wonderful, wonderful day!

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Day #37Uncertainty

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another day of shifting your energy and raising your vibration.

Let’s go ahead and get centered. Turn away from your computer, put your pen and paper down. Close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

One more time.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine and an X at the center of the earth. Drop your grounding cord, releasing any excess energy down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. Sitting up straight. Shoulders relaxed. Palms open. Good.

Today’s subject is uncertainty. The world is filled with uncertainty and the more we learn to be comfortable with uncertainty, accept uncertainty and deal with uncertainty, the better the quality of our lives. As a matter of fact, I heard this quote, it went something like this: The quality of your life is in direct portion to the amount of uncertainty you deal with. So if you are always in your comfort zone, you don’t likely have much uncertainty, and it’s also results in how much success you have, how much is possible for you in your life when you allow your-self to stretch and be in the uncertainty. And uncertainty for most of us is very uncomfort-able. So that’s what we are going to tap on today.

I want you to think about, what is it right now that you feel uncertain about. Where is there uncertainty in your life that you might be a little bit uncomfortable with? Just pick one area, there may be more than one, but let’s pick one for this exercise. And then we are going to tap.

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Tap on the side of your hand and repeat after me:

Even though I feel uncertain about _______ (fill in the blank), I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I am uncomfortable with this uncertainty about _______, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I worry about what’s going to happen with regard to _______, I totally and com-pletely love and accept myself.

Tap on your finger.

I feel uncertainty about _______, and it’s okay.

I acknowledge that there is much uncertainty about _______, and it’s okay.

I am uncomfortable with the amount of uncertainty I feel about _______, and it’s okay.

I worry about _______, and it’s okay.

I sometimes have fear about _______, and it’s okay.

I accept that I’m uncomfortable with this uncertainty.

I choose to let go of this uncertainty a little bit at a time.

I choose to let go of my worries about this uncertainty regarding _______.

I choose to let go of my discomfort about this uncertainty regarding _______.

I choose to let go of all fears in conjunction with the uncertainty about _______.

Take a breath.

I choose to trust the flow of life.

I choose to trust the flow of life.

I choose to trust and go with the flow of life.

I choose to trust and go with the flow of life.

I choose to trust and go with the flow of life.

I am open to ideas about _______ (fill in whatever you felt uncertainty about).

I am open to inspiration about _______.

I am open to resources showing up in alignment with _______.

I am open to what’s possible.

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I choose to take action in alignment with the ideas that show up.

I choose to take action in alignment with the inspiration that comes up regarding _____.

I choose to act on the resources that appear in alignment with _______.

I choose to act on the resources I find in alignment with _______.

I choose to take small risks in alignment with _______ (whatever that thing is you were uncer-tain about).

I choose to take small risks in alignment with _______.

I choose to take small risks in alignment with _______.

It is safe to take small risks in alignment with _______.

I am open to taking small risks in alignment with _______.

I am safe.

I trust that this will unfold in ways that are perfect.

I trust that this will unfold in ways that are perfect.

I am open to what’s possible regarding _______.

I am open to things being even better than I thought possible regarding _______.

I am open to things being WAY BETTER than what I thought was possible regarding _______.

I am open to things showing up even better than what I initially wanted.

If everything was certain, there would be no room for new possibilities.

I accept and embrace uncertainty.

Uncertainty allows for things to be better than I had ever imagined.

I am open to what’s possible in ways that are better for me and for all concerned.

I am open and I am ready.

I am ready to step into my greatness.

I am ready to step forward in my life.

I am ready to have what I desire in ways that are better than I could have possibly imagined.

I am ready.

I am open.

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I move forward.Take a deep breath.

And just check in with yourself on how you now feel with the uncertainty that you were feel-ing in the beginning. Just notice how, and if that’s shifted, and in what ways, how you are thinking about it now. And know if there is more discomfort, you can continue to tap.

The uncertainty won’t go away. What we want to do is change how we respond and be with uncertainty. And understand that it allows for things to be even better than we thought, and show up in ways that are better than we thought.

Take a deep breath.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to fill with love.

Take a deep breath.

Send this love out, send this love out into the Universe. Send it out to everything you feel uncertainty about. Send love to it. And as you go about your day, send love to all the un-certainty that shows up, and be open to creative ideas and to acting on those ideas in align-ment. And be willing to take action, take risks, be an adventurer in your life, have fun with your life.

Before you go, let’s take you into that place of quiet.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to take me to the quietest place of stillness possible, the quietest place I’ve ever been, in a way that is for my highest and best.

From this quiet place, ask for anything that you want. Ask what it is that your soul wants and needs today. Be quiet and allow the answers to come. And they will either come now or they will come later.

Enjoy your day.

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Day #38Grounding and More Releasing of Fear of Future

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another vibration raising energy shift-ing session.

Let’s go ahead and get centered. Turn away from your computer, put down your pen and paper and close your eyes.

Focus on a dot to the left.

And a dot to the right.

Dot to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Okay. So I want to say a couple of things today and this is going to be most relevant to most people who are actually listening close to the time that I record this. You may have been noticing a greater level of discomfort; a greater level of fear; a greater level of un-ease in your body the last couple of days. I certainly have. And I think that many people have.

What I’ve come to understand about it is that there have been several earthquakes recently, the most recent large one being in Chile. And these earthquakes sent tremors through the earth’s surface and the earth’s surface is actually restructuring. These earthquakes are ac-tually shifting the earth.

There’s a good possibility that you have felt that in your body in some way. For me, yester-day, all of a sudden my hip, my right hip, started really hurting. And what happened is, my whole body got out of balance and I wasn’t--I was no longer grounded with the earth be-cause the earth has shifted and my body hadn’t shifted with it. It was like I was lopsided. You may not have experienced that same thing. I also was feeling a lot of emotion, a lot of

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fear, a lot of unrest, and I found that to be true for a lot of other people. The solution to this is very simple and it is about re-grounding to the earth again. And what I would like you to do today is stand up, if you can, while you are holding your phone, and we are going to ground.

I want you to get your feet solidly on the ground.

Standing up, just imagine the grounding cord going from your body, from your spine, from the base of your spine all the way down to the center of the earth. See that X all the way to the center of the earth. Send the grounding cord down, solid grounding cord between your body and the center of the earth, take the form of a tree trunk or of a funnel, whatever it looks like for you is perfect. Make sure it attaches to the earth. Then go ahead and also imagine grounding cords from the base of your feet, from both feet, all the way down into the center of the earth. They may go to that same X or to two separate X’s, it doesn’t mat-ter. Just imagine that grounding cord down, let all that excess energy go down the ground-ing cord, feeling yourself solidly grounded in this new structure of the earth. Now imagine that you are in kind of a--your whole body--from up above you, imagine two, like you are inside a cylinder. So coming from up above you, there’s this cylinder that goes all the way down the outside of your body, so it is like you are inside this cylinder, and bring that cylin-der all the way down your body, into the center of the earth, aligning your body, aligning your body with the earth’s energy, from the energy above you and the energy below you. Just intend for alignment. Take a deep breath in. Let yourself feel really solid and groun-ded. Then bring the energy of the earth up through that cylinder, up through your feet, into your body, filling up your body with the earth’s energy. And then bring energy in from above you, down that cylinder, into your body. Allowing those energies to mix, from the earth and from the heavens, filling you up, aligning you, aligning your body perfectly in a way that is for your highest and best.

Now this is something that is good to do anytime, not just when we’ve had an earthquake and a seismic shift. So whenever you are listening to this, this is a good way to get yourself grounded and aligned. Take another deep breath and when you are ready, you can sit down.

Just see how it feels to be in your body now.

Now, along with this shift with these earthquakes, came a lot of fear. Fear of the future--now a couple of days ago we did some tapping around fear of uncertainty, and it’s just real-izing right now what there is is a mass conscious fear of uncertainty, in the masses. And being the sensitive peeps that we are, it’s very easy to take that all on. So for our clearing today, we’re going to clear that.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to release the mass conscious fear of uncertainty.

I command my body to release the fear of the future from the mass consciousness.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of the mass consciousness fear of the fu-ture.

Letting it go.

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One more time.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of the mass consciousness fear of the fu-ture, fear of uncertainty.

Just take a deep breath. Notice how you are doing and how you are feeling now.

And while we are at it, let’s go ahead and release your own fear around it.

I command my body to release my fear of the future.

I command my body to release my fear of the unknown.

I command my body to release all aspects, all remaining aspects, of my fear of the unknown.

Take a deep breath. Notice how you are feeling now.

Let’s do just a little bit of quick tapping.

Tap on the side of your hand.

Even though I may have this fear of the future, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I may have remaining fear of the unknown, I totally and completely love and ac-cept myself.

Even though I may have some fear of what my future might or might not look like, I totally and completely love and accept myself.

Tap on the side of your finger, starting with your thumb.

Fear of the future.

Fear of the unknown.

Discomfort with uncertainty.

Not sure where I’m going.

Don’t know what I’m doing.

It’s scary.

It’s uncomfortable.

It feels different.

I choose to allow that to be okay.

I choose to allow it to be okay.

I choose to trust that all is unfolding perfectly.

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I choose to trust that all is unfolding perfectly.

I choose to look at what’s working and what’s not working.

I choose to be open to tweaking what’s not working until it does work for me.

It’s easy to tweak.

I can continue to tweak until I find the next step that feels right.

I continue to listen to my intuition.

I continue to check in with my intuition.

My intuition tells me that I am safe.

My higher knowing knows that I am safe.

I am safe.

I am safe.

Everything is unfolding perfectly.

I am open to what my future will look like.

I am open to it looking even better than I had imagined.

I am open to the perfect unfolding.

I trust the process.

I choose to trust the process of my unfolding.

I choose to trust the process of my higher evolution.

I am open to my life being more incredible than it’s ever been before.

I am open.

I am WIDE open.

I’m actually getting a little excited about it being better than ever before.

I am open to all possibilities.

Everything is possible.

Anything is possible.

I am open to what’s possible.

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I am open to hearing.

I am open to acting in alignment.

I am open to tweaking as I need to tweak, and tweaking is good.

I am open.

Take a deep breath and exhale. Notice how you feel now.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to fill with love.

Just allow yourself to fill up with love. Breath it in.


I command my body to fill with love.

Breath it in. Enjoy this feeling of love.

Let’s do one more thing.

Take a deep breath and say:

I command my body to take me to the quietest place of stillness I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

And from this quiet and loving place, send that love out into the world throughout your day and now, connecting, connecting with the new, from this new vibrational place, from this new grounded place, connecting now with the things that are in alignment. The things, the resources, the ideas and the people who are in alignment with where you are now. And al-low them to be naturally drawn into your field. And as you go about your day, take action in alignment. And be sure to listen to your intuition and act in alignment with that.

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Day 39Fear of Making Mistakes

Good morning. This is Stacey Mayo and welcome to another session of energy shifting and vibration raising.

Let’s get grounded. Turn away from your computer, put you pen and paper down and close your eyes.

Focus on the dot to the right.

And the do to the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

To the right.

To the left.

Take a deep breath in and release.

Focus on your breath for a count of three breaths.

Imagine an X at the base of your spine, X at the center of the earth, drop your grounding cord to the center of the earth, attach it firmly, widen it, allow excess energy to drop down it into the center of the earth. Good.

Today’s topic I think is one that many of you will relate to and it’s about the belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake. We get a lot of cultural feedback on this one. When we can release it, it makes it so much easier. This is one that also can be generational. I had an awareness of this one this weekend when I got triggered by someone’s comment on Face-book. Someone basically reamed me out on Facebook and it stuck with me. I couldn’t seem to let it go, even though it was somebody I didn’t even know. And what I got was that it was related to my belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake and it went back for three generations. There’s that three generation thing. So I figured if I have it, some of you might have it too so I thought we would release that today. It feels really good to re-lease it.

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We are going to use Dominion Over Self.

And before I start, I want to say, I’m going to use parents, grandparents, great grandpar-ents generically like that. If, when you think back at your own family, and one parent seemed to have more of this “not okay to make a mistake” belief, perfectionism type of thing, then you can do it with that parent specifically. Like you can do father, grandfather, great grandfather, or mother, grandmother, great grandmother. But since I don’t know who it is for you, I’m going to be generic and use parents and grandparents generically.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to release my parents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Take a deep breath and release.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my parents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Let it go.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my parents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Breathe it out.

I command my body to release all aspects of my grandparents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my grandparents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Take a deep breath and let it out.

I command my body to release all aspects of my great grandparents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Take a deep breath and release.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my great grandparents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Take a deep breath.

And now we go back to our own beliefs.

I command my body to release my belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

I command my body to release all remaining aspects of my belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

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I command my body to release all residual aspects of my, my parents’, my grandparents’, and my great grandparents’ belief that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

Let me rephrase that.

I command my body to release all residual aspects of three generations of beliefs that it’s not okay to make a mistake.

I command my body to release all residual aspects of my belief that it’s not okay to make a mis-take.

Just take a deep breath.

Check in and notice how you are feeling.

Now we’re going to fill up, so imagine gold coming in from way above your head, coming in through the top of your head, filling you with gold energy or gold liquid, whichever works best for you, filling you up with this source energy coming in from the top of your head. Filling your entire body, all the way down to the bottom of your feet, allowing the gold to dissolve any remaining aspects of this belief, dissolving it, sending it down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. Continuing to fill with gold energy, filling up all your cells, and muscles, and tissues with your purest essence, your highest essence, vibration of love, strength of who you really are, filling yourself up until you are overflowing with this beautiful gold source energy.

Take a deep breath.

Repeat after me:

I command my body to fill with love.

Just breathe it in.

One more time.

I command my body to fill with love.

Take a deep breath.

Just feel yourself filling with the essence of love.

Take a deep breath.

I command my body to take me to the quietest place of stillness that I’ve ever been in a way that is for my highest and best.

Take a deep breath.

It is from this quiet place that you can hear your answers. For now though, go ahead and send that love out into the Universe. Sending love to everyone. We are all part of the same. Then allowing that love to connect with the perfect resources for what you want. Think about what it is that you desire now. Send that love out to connect with the perfect

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resources, people and opportunities. See them connecting and easily coming into your en-ergy field. Embrace them with a hug and know that it is done. And as you go about your day, take action in alignment with the ideas that show up for you, and the resources that show up, and the opportunities that show up.

Have a great day!

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Day #40Catch Up Day

Use this page to journal about what positive changes you are noticing since doing this round of Vibes Up sessions. Changes are often very subtle. Be an observer of how you are being in your life.

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