Venturi Flow Lab Ryan McCarthy Section #10 9/27/10 Abstract: In this lab we will be examining a venture using several manometers in succession at known distances from each other and know diameters at each manometer points. From the given data and the data we record we will find the pressure differentials between each point and the velocities from Bernoullis equation for ideal flow. By measuring at different fl ow rates we can calculate discharge coefficient performance for flow metering. Tasks Task 1: In task one we are asked to calculate manometer height differentials and convert to ideal inlet velocity for each manometer channel. Using Bernoullis equation for ideal flow to find the pressures at each venturi point where g c = 1 kg m/N sec 2 , =998 kg/m 3 , g=9.91 m/sec 2 and p= 101,325 N/m 2 v=0 at steady state in the manometer. So to ge t the pressure at the base of the manometer we use P T1 =p 1 +(rho)gz 1 . From there we can find the pressures of each manometer. Static Pressures(in pa)at the base of the manometers P1 242mm P2 234mm P3 158mm P4 4mm P5 51mm P6 115mm P7 154mm P8 174mm P9 191mm P10 202mm P11 207mm 2369.3 2290.9 1546.9 39.2 499.3 1125.9 1507.7 1703.5 1870.0 1977.7 2026.6 To find the inlet velocity at p1 we use the inlet static pressure is 2369.3pa. So we use modified equation of Bernoullis equation to find the inlet velocity. so we find the inlet velocity to be 14.08 m/s P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 14.08 m/s 14.08 m/s 14.14 m/s 14.24 m/s 14.21 m/s 14.17 m/s 14.14 m/s 14.13 m/s 14.11 m/s 14.11 m/s 14.10 m/s Task 2: In task two we are required to calculate the ideal mass flow rate and the ideal inlet Reynolds number. The equation for Reynolds number is where is the dynamic viscosity (waters -3) . D H = the hydraulic diameter, V is the mean fluid velocity and is the density (waters =998 kg/m 3 ). Substituting the velocities and diameters the Reynolds numbers for each selection of the pipe are as follows.

Venturi Flow

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Reynolds numbers for each section (w/ diameter of the section)






















.11e+4 2.02e+4 1.67e+4 1.58e+4 1.51e+4 1.13e+4 1.15e+3 1.02e+4 8.08e+3 7.98e+3 6.47e

The mass flow rates are calculated from the equation where 

. Usingour pervious information we can calculate the mass flow rates at each section like we did with

the Reynolds numbers.

Mass flow rates for each section (w/ areas of each section)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

530.9 mm2





















7.46 kg/s 5.94 3.78 2.86 3.14 3.79 4.50 5.28 6.12 7.05 7.47


.2042 .1822 .1445 .1257 .1319 .1451 .1583 .1715 .1848 .1982 .2042



0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002

Task 3:

The actual mass flow rates can be determined from our data. Using the amount of weight we

used to displace and the time recorded we can calculate the mass flow rate. However, there

was a lever involved so the weights used are not directly being displaced, rather a percentage

of it. The lever ratio is 3/1, so the weight is 1/3 the actual weight being displaced. All the casesuse 2000grams (6000grams of water displaced). Using the time it took from our stop watch we

can calculate the mass flow rate by taking the mass of the water displaced (weight*3)/time.

2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g

13.87s 14.5s 17.53s 18.6s 19.46s 26.03s 25.44s 28.63s 36.28s 45.31s 55.94s

.4325 .4138 .3423 .3226 .3083 .2305 .2358 .2096 .1654 .1324 .1073

This data was retrieved from us slowly turning the inlet throttle down, the first data point on

the right is our first reading.

Using the errors from the stop watch of etime = 0.5 seconds, lever ratio~0.0527 of and e mass

of 1 gram (0.001 kg) the e-massflow would be .001*.0527/.5 or e-massflow=0.0001054 kg/s

Task 4:

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In task four we are asked to calculate the coefficient curves versus axial position of the

manometer channels. In figure 2 below we can see this plot. The cases look very similar to each

other were as we turn the inlet throttle down the mass flow rates decrease along with the

discharge coefficient. To calculate the errors from the discharge coefficient we are to use the

formula mass flow ratios of actual/Ideal. Using data from pervious tasks we find that emass-

actual = 0.0001054 kg/s and the emass ideal = 0.002 so the eCD=0.0001054/0.002 eCD=0.0527.In this case all manometers have the same error.

Task 5:

In figure 3 there is a plot of Reynolds number vs CD. However, there must have been an error

with the data because the curve is sporadic and has little trend to it. When compared to a

known venture plot cited in a Fluid mechanics text there is almost no resemblance. I found a

similar plot on me.utexas.edu that I could use as a physical comparison on my report and is

represented in figure 4.


Figure 1:

This figure shows the relation of each section of the manometers to the venturi. The venture

graph shows the distance between two succeeding manometers in both x and y direction.

Figure 2:

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in this plot we have graphed distance through the venture (same x axis as figure 1) by the

discharge coefficient (CD) Each case gets its own color and stars where the manometer reads

occurred. The cases seem to have very similar trends with one another, however, with

lowering the mass flow rate the discharge coefficient seems to drop universally.

Figure 3:

In this figure we plot Reynolds number for each case by the discharge coefficient. The data is a

bit sporadic however; I believe the data is supposed to be of parabolic shape do to the venturis


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