Velos eTools Version 6.1 User Manual Velos, Inc. 2201 Walnut Ave., Fremont, CA 94538, P (510)739-4010 F (510)739-4018 www.velos.com Proprietary and Confidential material for the exclusive use of employees of Velos, Inc. and authorized recipients only

Velos eTools Version 6.1 User Manual

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Velos eTools Version 6.1 User Manual

Velos, Inc. 2201 Walnut Ave., Fremont, CA 94538,

P (510)739-4010 F (510)739-4018 www.velos.com

Proprietary and Confidential material for the exclusive use of employees of Velos, Inc. and authorized recipients only

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 2 | P a g e

TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteenntt

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................................... 2

ABOUT THIS MANUAL ....................................................................................................................... 6

OUTLINE ......................................................................................................................................... 6

PRODUCT CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................... 6

Documentation Conventions ................................................................................................................. 6

Velos eResearch Customizations ........................................................................................................... 7

SECTION 1: GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................8

VELOS ETOOLS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 8

ACCESSING YOUR NEW ACCOUNT ....................................................................................................... 8

Accessing your Active Account .............................................................................................................. 8

Navigating to your New Account .......................................................................................................... 9

HOW TO IDENTIFY REQUIRED FIELDS ..................................................................................................10

SECTION 2: DATASOURCE SELECTION .................................................................................... 11

SELECTING A DATASOURCE ...............................................................................................................11

Selecting a Datasource for your Database Instance ........................................................................... 11

SECTION 3: MANAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................................................ 13

MANAGING VELOS ETOOLS GROUPS ..................................................................................................13

Creating a New Velos eTools Group .................................................................................................... 14

Editing a Velos eTools Group .............................................................................................................. 16

Using the Admin Group ....................................................................................................................... 16

MANAGING USERS .........................................................................................................................16

Creating a New Velos eTools User ...................................................................................................... 16

Editing a Velos eTools User ................................................................................................................. 17

SECTION 4: DATABASE MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 19

IDENTIFYING LOGGED IN USERS.........................................................................................................19

VELOS ETOOLS SYSTEM SETTINGS ......................................................................................................20

Editing Database System Settings ....................................................................................................... 20

Editing Autogeneration System Settings ............................................................................................. 21

MODIFYING CODE LISTS ...................................................................................................................21

Adding a New Value to Database Code List Options........................................................................... 22

Editing a Code List Value ..................................................................................................................... 23

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 3 | P a g e

Editing Code List Flags......................................................................................................................... 24

Configuring Study Team Role -Based Access of Statuses .................................................................... 26

Configuring System-wide Status Access .............................................................................................. 28

Configuring Study Team Role Based Access for Coverage Analysis .................................................... 30

Configuring an Organization as Site of Service through the Code List Module ................................... 31

Adding a New Study Team Role through the Code List Module .......................................................... 32

Editing a New Study Team Role .......................................................................................................... 32

Using Sequence Code List .................................................................................................................... 34

WORKING WITH LOOKUPS................................................................................................................34

Adding a Lookup ................................................................................................................................. 34

Import a Static Lookup from a File ............................................................................................................. 34

Create a Dynamic Lookup from a Table/View ................................................................................................. 37

Updating an Existing Lookup .............................................................................................................. 39

USING CONTROL KEY ......................................................................................................................39

Editing Modules, Menus, and Tabs ..................................................................................................... 40

EXECUTING A QUERY IN VELOS ETOOLS ..............................................................................................41

Executing a Query ............................................................................................................................... 41

SECTION 5: REPORT DESIGNER ............................................................................................. 43

USING THE REPORT DESIGNER QUERY MANAGER ................................................................................43

Creating a New Query ......................................................................................................................... 44

Modifying an Existing Query ............................................................................................................... 45

Publishing a Query .............................................................................................................................. 46

Exporting Query Data to CSV .............................................................................................................. 48

WORKING WITH PUBLISHED REPORTS ................................................................................................48

Publishing a New Report ..................................................................................................................... 49

Editing a Published Report .............................................................................................................................. 49

Edit Report SQL ............................................................................................................................................... 49

Edit Report XSL ................................................................................................................................................ 51

USING CREATE FORM VIEW TO VIEW USER-DEFINED FORMS ................................................................51

Creating a New Form View ................................................................................................................. 52

PUBLISHING DATABASE VIEWS TO AD HOC QUERY ...............................................................................53

Publishing a New View to AHQ ........................................................................................................... 53

SECTION 6: DATA MIGRATION .............................................................................................. 55

IMPORTING A NEW DELIMITED FILE ...................................................................................................56

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 4 | P a g e

IMPORT ODBC DB .........................................................................................................................57

Importing a New ODBC DB .................................................................................................................. 57

MIGRATE DATA ..............................................................................................................................57

Creating a New Migration Category ................................................................................................... 58

Using Standard Migration ................................................................................................................... 59

Map Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 60

Staging Area .................................................................................................................................................... 61

Standard Migration Map Responses ............................................................................................................... 62

Validation ........................................................................................................................................................ 63

Import into Application ................................................................................................................................... 64

Re-migrate on Error ........................................................................................................................................ 65

Using Form Migration ......................................................................................................................... 66

Define Migration ............................................................................................................................................. 66

Map Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 67

Form Migration Map Responses ..................................................................................................................... 67

Validation ........................................................................................................................................................ 68

Staging Area .................................................................................................................................................... 68

Import into Application ................................................................................................................................... 69

SECTION 7: MANAGE FORMS ................................................................................................ 70

WORKING WITH FORM FROM FILE .....................................................................................................70

Preparing the Form ............................................................................................................................. 71

Importing a New Form ........................................................................................................................ 72

TRANSFERRING A FORM ...................................................................................................................73

Using Form Transfer ............................................................................................................................ 73

USING FORM CUSTOMIZATION .........................................................................................................73

Editing Form XSL ................................................................................................................................. 74

Editing Print XSL .................................................................................................................................. 75

Viewing Form XML .............................................................................................................................. 76

USING CADSR INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................76

Importing a New Form from caDSR .................................................................................................... 77

Download Form XML ....................................................................................................................................... 77

Upload File ...................................................................................................................................................... 78

Import ............................................................................................................................................................. 78

SECTION 8: MANAGE CALENDARS ......................................................................................... 80

WORKING WITH CALENDAR FROM FILE ..............................................................................................80

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 5 | P a g e

Preparing the Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 81

Modifying the Template ...................................................................................................................... 82

Importing a New Calendar .................................................................................................................. 83

USING CALENDAR TRANSFER ............................................................................................................84

Transferring a Calendar ...................................................................................................................... 85

Transferring Patient/Subject Cost Items with Calendar Copy ............................................................. 86

USING IMPORT CDM ......................................................................................................................87

Preparing Charge Description Master ................................................................................................. 87

Importing a CDM ................................................................................................................................. 88

SECTION 9: MANAGE BUDGETS ............................................................................................ 91

IMPORTING A BUDGET FROM FILE .....................................................................................................91

Preparing the Budget .......................................................................................................................... 92

Importing a New Budget ..................................................................................................................... 93

SECTION 10: AUDIT REPORTS................................................................................................ 94

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 6 | P a g e

AAbboouutt tthhiiss MMaannuuaall


Velos eTools provides System Administrators with a user interface to perform

database functions such as data maintenance and data migration; forms,

calendar, and budget management; and report design. When you start Velos

eTools, you connect to a database instance that is associated with an instance of

Velos eResearch. Edits you make in Velos eTools are then reflected in the

integrated version of Velos eResearch.

The Velos eTools User Manual is designed to help new and experienced Users

maximize the use of this system. This manual includes conceptual information

and step-by-step instructions for each function.

PPrroodduucctt CCoonnvveennttiioonnss

The following topic identifies the conventions used in this manual and in the

Velos eResearch and Velos eTools products.

DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn CCoonnvveennttiioonnss

This manual uses the following document conventions.

The Velos icon appears throughout the manual. It points out helpful hints

on the functionality of certain options and describes how to best use the

options to get the most out of the application.

Italicized text used to identify the full name of other document referenced in

this manual and in some cases for emphasis.

Bold text is used for table column names, field names, buttons, and the path

to specific screens, such as, Velos eResearch>>Homepage.

Velos eTools User Manual About this Manual

Version 6.1 7 | P a g e

Text such as Add New indicates links displayed in the user interface.

VVeellooss eeRReesseeaarrcchh CCuussttoommiizzaattiioonnss

Depending on whether your account is Velos Hosted or Customer Hosted, your

organization may be able to make customizations to certain areas of the product.

To find out which features can be customized and whether those options are

available to your organization, contact [email protected].

Velos eTools User Manual Section 1: Getting Started

Version 6.1 8 | P a g e

Section 1: Getting Started

This section describes how to access your Velos eTools account and to navigate

the user interface.

VVeellooss eeTToooollss RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss

Velos eTools is a Web-based application. The following platforms/Internet

browsers are supported:

• Internet Explorer 11

• Mozilla Firefox 39 and above

• Velos eResearch v10.0 and above

AAcccceessssiinngg YYoouurr NNeeww AAccccoouunntt

The following diagram shows a typical login process:

AAcccceessssiinngg yyoouurr AAccttiivvee Account

• Go to the Velos eTools Login screen.

• Enter your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ information, and click on the

Login button. If you encounter problems logging in, click the Forgot your

login? link to contact customer support.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 1: Getting Started

Version 6.1 9 | P a g e

NNaavviiggaattiinngg ttoo yyoouurr NNeeww AAccccoouunntt

Now that you have successfully logged in to your account, you can begin using

your application. Some tips for navigating around your account have been

provided in the following screenshot and list:

Figure 1: Navigating the Velos eTools user interface

• Click the Help icon to access the Velos eTools User Manual.

• View the version and build numbers in the top panel of each page.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 1: Getting Started

Version 6.1 10 | P a g e

• View the current datasource (the database environment that you are

logged into) for this session.

• View the version of Velos eResearch that you are updating through Velos


• View the Velos eTools navigation menu bar on the left side of the page to

access the Velos eTools modules.

HHooww ttoo IIddeennttiiffyy RReeqquuiirreedd FFiieellddss

Required fields may be found within any given function that is being completed. If

an input in a field is required it will be shaded blue and/or marked with a red

asterisk *. See the following image:

Figure 2: Identifying required fields

Velos eTools User Manual Section 2: Datasource Selection

Version 6.1 11 | P a g e

Section 2: Datasource Selection

This section provides you with directions on selecting the appropriate database

instance. The datasource is the name given to the connection set up to a

database from your server.

SSeelleeccttiinngg aa DDaattaassoouurrccee

On logging into Velos eTools, you will see the following screen where you will be

asked to select a datasource from a list of options in a dropdown menu. You will

be connected to the datasource you choose from the dropdown menu for the

duration of your session. Any changes made during your session are saved to

this datasource.

Figure 3: Selecting datasource

SSeelleeccttiinngg aa DDaattaassoouurrccee ffoorr yyoouurr DDaattaabbaassee IInnssttaannccee

• From the Datasource dropdown, select the desired Database Instance.

• The available Datasources are dependent on the Velos eTools user’s

Group access rights. See the next section, Account Management, for a

description of access rights.

• Click the Submit button to accept the Datasource selection.

• The selected Datasource will display prominently at the top of all

subsequent screens. To change the Datasource at any time, click the

Velos eTools User Manual Section 2: Datasource Selection

Version 6.1 12 | P a g e

Select Datasource module in the left navigation menu bar and repeat the

previous steps to select a new Datasource.

Note that the list of available Datasources, typically Test and

Production Velos eResearch environments, are configured by Velos

at the time of the Velos eTools installation. If new Datasources are

needed or existing Datasources have changed, contact Velos

Customer Support to request an update of the Datasource


Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 13 | P a g e

Section 3: Manage Account

This section provides you with instructions on managing the Velos eTools

account. This feature allows you to set up groups and users; assign access rights

to them for Velos eTools modules including: Database Maintenance, Data

Migration, and Forms and Calendars, and Budgets management; and assign

access to specific datasources. The following table lists the Velos eTools

Manage Account options. You can use these options to add and edit the groups

and users.

MMaannaaggiinngg VVeellooss eeTToooollss GGrroouuppss

To work with groups, select the Groups option from Manage Account, keep in

mind that your ability to edit groups is based on your access rights. Non-admin

user will only be able to edit their group or other groups created by users in their


Figure 4: Selecting Manage Account >> Groups displays a list of all current Groups

Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 14 | P a g e

CCrreeaattiinngg aa NNeeww VVeellooss eeTToooollss GGrroouupp

To create a new group:

• Click the New Group link.

• Enter the Name and Description of the Group.

• Select the Modules that Users of this Group should be allowed to access.

• Select the Datasources Users of this Group should be allowed to access.

• Click the Submit button to create your Group.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 15 | P a g e

Figure 5: Specify or edit the available group options

Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 16 | P a g e

EEddiittiinngg aa VVeellooss eeTToooollss GGrroouupp

Users only have edit ability to groups they have access to. Admin and admin

group users will have edit all group capabilities. For non-admin users it will

depend on their group access rights.

To edit a group:

• Select Groups under Manage Account.

• Click the Edit link next to the Group requiring changes.

o If required, change the Name and Description of the Group

o If required, check or uncheck Modules from the list.

o If required, check or uncheck Datasources from the list.

•• Click the Submit button and your Group settings will be saved.

UUssiinngg tthhee AAddmmiinn GGrroouupp

An Admin Group is provided with each installation of Velos eTools and is not

editable. The Admin Group has full access to all Modules and all Datasources in

Velos eTools.

MMaannaaggiinngg UUsseerrss

To work with users, select the Users option from Manage Account.

CCrreeaattiinngg aa NNeeww VVeellooss eeTToooollss UUsseerr

To create a new user:

• Select Users from Account Management.

• Click the New User link.

o Enter details such as First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

o Select the Group that this User should belong to.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 17 | P a g e

o Define a Login Name and Password for the User.

• Click the Submit button and to create your User.

Figure 6: Selecting Manage Account >> Users displays a list of all currently added Users.

Figure 7: Add or edit the User options for the user.

EEddiittiinngg aa VVeellooss eeTToooollss UUsseerr

Users from the Admin group can edit all users. Any user that does not belong to

the admin group will be limited to edit users within its own group.

To edit a user:

• Select Users from Account Management.

• Click the Edit link for the User requiring modification.

• Edit User details as needed and click the Submit button to save changes.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 3: Manage Account

Version 6.1 18 | P a g e

Note that the Admin User – Velos Administrator – account comes

with each installation of Velos eTools and is not an editable User.

The Admin User belongs to the Admin Group.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 19 | P a g e

Section 4: Database Maintenance

This section provides you with instructions on maintaining the Velos eTools

database. The Database Maintenance collection of modules allows the User to

view and edit various settings of the database; view logged in users of Velos

eResearch; view and edit the Velos eResearch Code List table; upload and view

Lookups; and execute basic PL/SQL statements on the database.

IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg LLooggggeedd IInn UUsseerrss

Velos eTools includes a page that provides information about the Users logged

into the corresponding Velos eResearch application at a specific time. This

information is helpful for the Administrator in case there is a need to have all

users logged out to perform a specific action.

Information displayed on this page is:

o User Name

o Organization

o Login Name

o Group

o Email

o Phone

o Login Time

Figure 8: List of logged Users in Velos eResearch.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 20 | P a g e

VVeellooss eeTToooollss SSyysstteemm SSeettttiinnggss

The System Settings page displays the current definition of several configurable

settings in the database, for example: Application URL, SMTP Server, and

System Time zone.

EEddiittiinngg DDaattaabbaassee SSyysstteemm SSeettttiinnggss

Use the following steps to edit the Database system settings:

• Select System Settings under DB Maintenance.

• Click Edit corresponding to the setting that you want to modify.

• Specify desired Name and/or Value and click the Submit button.

Figure 9: List of editable system settings.

Note the following points on the preceding System Setup screen:

• The Velos eResearch Application Version setting is for informational

purposes only and cannot be edited.

• The IRB Status setting is tied to application logic that enables various

behaviors in Velos eResearch related to the IRB Approval Status defined

in the code list at the time of implementation.

• Users can configure the system setting (Control Table) to use either

Display Value or Data Value in the Interfield Action setting. This

indicates whether for multiple choice fields, you use the displayed value or

the data value to calculate inter actions (forms).

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 21 | P a g e

• Study Summary for selected users by clicking the corresponding Edit


EEddiittiinngg AAuuttooggeenneerraattiioonn SSyysstteemm SSeettttiinnggss

Use the following steps to edit the Autogeneration System Settings:

▪ Select System Settings under DB Maintenance.

▪ Select applicable user from the Select Users dropdown.

▪ Click Edit for the corresponding autogeneration setting you want

to modify.

▪ On the Edit popup, enable or disable autogeneration setting for

the following:

o Patient ID in Patient Demographics.

o Study ID in Study Summary.

o Provide an SQL Prefix for the respective IDs. For example,

‘Velos’, which then becomes the prefix for autogenerated


▪ Specify desired Name and/or Value and click the Submit button.

Figure 10: Edit the Select Users – Autogeneration System Settings Values.

MMooddiiffyyiinngg CCooddee LLiissttss

This section of Velos eTools allows Users to modify the database code list

options. These options are available in Velos eResearch as dropdown fields

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 22 | P a g e

throughout the application. Certain Code Lists also have Flags applied to them

which enable additional application behavior. Some Flags can be edited in Velos

eTools and apply to the More…Screens such as More Study Details and to the

Patient and Study Status screens.

AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww VVaalluuee ttoo DDaattaabbaassee CCooddee LLiisstt OOppttiioonnss

• Select Code List from the DB Maintenance menu.

• Select desired Module/Field from the dropdown. For example, to add a

new value to the Event type field on the Event Library screen in Velos

eResearch, select Event Library-Type from the available Code Lists.

• A list of values for the field will be displayed.

• Click Add New Code List to add a new response for the selected


• Enter in the following attributes for the new value:

o Description: mandatory, name of new value, 200 characters max.

o Sequence: mandatory, defaulted, integer, 3 characters max.

o Sub Type: mandatory, defaulted, should be unique within

Module/Field selected, 15 characters max.

Figure 11: List of values for Sponsor.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 23 | P a g e

Figure 12: Attributes for adding a new value

EEddiittiinngg aa CCooddee LLiisstt VVaalluuee

Editing a Code List value enables additional attributes such as the option to hide

the value from the drop down field or in the case of the More…Screens such as

More Study Details, define the type of field such as checkbox or dropdown.

• Select Code List from the DB Maintenance menu.

• Select desired Module/Field from the dropdown. For example, to add a

new value to the Event type field on the Event Library screen in Velos

eResearch, select Event Library-Type from the available Code Lists.

• To modify a value, click the Edit link corresponding to any value in the list

for a specific Module/ Field.

• The following attributes can be edited for a given field value.

o Sub Type: mandatory, should be unique within ‘Type’, 15 characters


o Description: mandatory, 200 characters max.

o Sequence: mandatory, must be integer value

o Hide Code List: hides the value from the code list.

• Click the Submit button to save the changes.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 24 | P a g e

Figure 13: Attributes for editing a value.

Hiding a value from the Code List means that the value will no longer

appear for prospective data entry. If the values had been historically used

by users of Velos eResearch, then the value will still appear in the

application when the field loads for that given study.

EEddiittiinngg CCooddee LLiisstt FFllaaggss

Certain Code Lists have flags associated with their values. These flags enable

additional behavior in the application and are accessed by editing a value. Here

are the Flag options:

• Browser: indicates that this option should be available for display in a

search browser, for example, study and patient status. Any status code

that has this flag can appear in different Study and Patient search


• Field Type: This field type is available in More Details fields. In this option

users can select the field type associated with the additional field

• Text: Creates a text field

• Dropdown: Creates a dropdown field; values for the dropdown fields

need to be specified in the ‘HTML Code’ box.

• Checkbox: Creates a checkbox field in More Details fields

• Date: Creates a date field in More Details fields

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 25 | P a g e

• Text Area: Creates a text area field

• Checkbox group: Creates a checkbox with multiple options in More

Details fields; values for the dropdown fields need to be specified in the

‘HTML Code’ box.

• Read only: Creates a text field in read only state

• Lookup: Creates a lookup field that can be linked to an already

existing lookup in eResearch or any lookup created through eTools;

values for the dropdown fields need to be specified in the ‘HTML Code’


Figure 14: Field Type is a Flag used for fields on the More…Screens

When setting the field type to Dropdown, Checkbox group or Lookup for

any field on the More…Screens, the values of these fields must be pasted into

the text area reading ‘HTML Code’.

Check the box at the bottom of the page for examples regarding HTML Code

for Dropdown, Checkbox group and Lookup fields.

The OPTION VALUE is what is stored in the database, not the display value

for the OPTION tag. Please take this into account for reporting purposes.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 26 | P a g e

CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSttuuddyy TTeeaamm RRoollee --BBaasseedd AAcccceessss ooff SSttaattuusseess

You can configure access to Velos eResearch dropdown menus for study team

roles by predefining the statuses for each study team role type. When users with

one of these study team roles logs into Velos eResearch, they will be able to see

the predefined statuses, configured for their role in the selected dropdown menu.

The following is a list of fields which support the study team role configuration:

Field Name

Form Response Status (form responses)

Study Status Type

Study Status

Form Query Status

Milestone Status

Budget Status

Calendar Study Status

Event Cost Type

Event Coverage Type

For example, you can configure the role of the study coordinator to have access

to the Work in Progress and Freeze statuses for Budget Status. Any user,

logging in as a Study Coordinator will see those two statuses in the Budget

Status dropdown menu in Velos eResearch.

To define the role based access to study statuses:

• From DB Maintenance module select Code List and select the Study

Team – Study Team Role from the dropdown

• For one of the roles, select the Define Code Access link

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 27 | P a g e

• From the Code List Edit page for the selected study team role, define the

statuses that you want to make available to that study team role.

• Click the Submit button.

Figure 15: For this example, choose Study Team Role code list.

Figure 16: For this example, choose Study Coordinator.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 28 | P a g e

Figure 17: For this example, for Form Response Status, check boxes as shown above.

CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSyysstteemm--wwiiddee SSttaattuuss AAcccceessss

In addition to study team role, statuses can also be configured on the system-

level setting. Each study status has a flag which designates if a status is

available for addition by all users or not. This flag, used in tandem with the role-

based access configuration, can be used to control the statuses available to all


When this flag is selected, the status appears for all users, unless separate

settings are selected for the user role.

To enable or disable the availability of a study status on the system level:

• From DB Maintenance module select Code List and select the desired

module status type from the dropdown

• Click on the Edit link for the desired status

• In the status, select the checkbox to enable the viewing of the status for all users

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 29 | P a g e

Figure 18: List of values for Form Response Status.

Figure 19: Code List Edit Page.

As shown in the following screenshot, in Velos eResearch, all users will see the

selected status (in this example, Incomplete) in the Forms Response Status

dropdown menu unless there is a role based status control.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 30 | P a g e

Figure 20: Form Response Status dropdown menu.

CCoonnffiigguurriinngg SSttuuddyy TTeeaamm RRoollee BBaasseedd AAcccceessss ffoorr CCoovveerraaggee


You can configure the Event Coverage Type field based on the role assigned to

the user. By default, all event coverage types will be visible for all users. The

dropdown list displaying available coverage types is configurable and is based on

the role assigned to the team and the individual.

Once configured, in Velos eResearch users can:

• Choose a coverage type from a dropdown list of all the applicable

coverage types

• Change the coverage type from a dropdown list of all the applicable

coverage types

For more information on allowing role-based coverage types, please refer to the

Configuring Study Team Role-Based Access of Statuses section.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 31 | P a g e

CCoonnffiigguurriinngg aann OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn aass SSiittee ooff SSeerrvviiccee tthhrroouugghh tthhee CCooddee

LLiisstt MMoodduullee

You can configure an organization type as site of service using the code list

module. Site of Service is an attribute of Organization and Calendar Event. It is

used to designate a facility as the location for a patient event. A list of these sites

is available in the Event Library for use with calendar events.

Once configured, in Velos eResearch users can:

• Configure organization type as site of service when adding a new

organization or modifying an existing one.

• Choose from a dropdown list of organizations configured as site of


To configure an organization as Site of Service:

• Select Code List from the DB Maintenance menu.

• Click the Edit link next to the organization type that you want to configure.

• From the Code List - Edit page, check the This is a ‘Site of Service’ box.

• Click the Submit button.

Figure 21: List of fields for Organization.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 32 | P a g e

Figure 22: Configuring Organization type.

AAddddiinngg aa NNeeww SSttuuddyy TTeeaamm RRoollee tthhrroouugghh tthhee CCooddee LLiisstt MMoodduullee

Adding new roles to the Study Team list of potential roles can also be

accomplished through the Code List module.

• Select Code List from the DB Maintenance menu.

• Select Study Team – Study Team Role from the Select Module / Field


• Click the link Add New Code List.

• Enter the name of the new Team Role in the Description field and click the

Submit button.

• To define the access rights for the new Study Team Role, click the Edit

link next to the newly added entry. See the next section on editing the

access rights.

EEddiittiinngg aa NNeeww SSttuuddyy TTeeaamm RRoollee

Defining new Study Team Role access rights or modifying previously defined

Study Team Role access rights is completed by editing the Code List entry for

the role.

• Select Code List from the DB Maintenance menu.

• Select Study Team – Study Team Role from the Select Module / Field


Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 33 | P a g e

• Select the Edit link next to the role for which you need to edit access


• Select or deselect the checkboxes next to each Study Team Role access


• If this is a newly defined role, then there is no need to check the very last

checkbox on the screen ‘Apply study team role access rights changes

to existing users in study team?’, but if rights are being modified for

previously defined roles, then this option will update the rights for all

historical data for that particular role as opposed to just making it a

prospective change.

Figure 23: Altering Study Team Role access rights.

Note that when selecting the option to ‘Apply study team role

access rights changes to existing users in study team?’ while

editing access rights, this will replace all customized access rights

previously defined for the role being edited.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 34 | P a g e

UUssiinngg SSeeqquueennccee CCooddee LLiisstt

To auto-sequence a list of values for a given field, the Sequence Code List

feature can be used. This will sort the values alphabetically and also sequence

the list of values with an interval of 5 between values.

• To auto-sequence a code list, click the Sequence Code List button.

WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh LLooookkuuppss

This functionality is used to import external lookup data, create dynamic lookups

based on tables or views, update existing lookups, or view the lookup data. Data

can be imported from a file into the Velos eResearch lookup table ‘ER_LKPLIB’

and then made available for linking to form fields in Library > Form Library > Add

Fields > Lookup.

Figure 24: List of lookups, both static and dynamic.

AAddddiinngg aa LLooookkuupp

Use the following two methods to add a lookup to Velos eTools:

• Import Static Lookup from a File

• Create a Dynamic Lookup from a Table/View

IImmppoorrtt aa SSttaattiicc LLooookkuupp ffrroomm aa FFiillee

• Select Lookup from the DB Maintenance module.

• To import external data from a file, select the Import Static Lookup from

File link.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 4: Database Maintenance

Version 6.1 35 | P a g e

• Specify the following attributes:

o Lookup Name: mandatory, should be unique. This is the name that is

used to identify the lookup within Velos eResearch

o Delimited File name

o Delimiter: mandatory

o Version: optional

o Description: optional, brief description to identify the lookup

o Type: optional, can be used for categorization of lookups

Figure 25: Attributes for adding a static lookup.

Note the delimited file types supported are:

• Comma

• Semicolon

• Pipe

Note the first row of the file should contain Column Name, no special

characters other than ‘_’ (underscore), be one continuous string of

characters (no space) and delimited with same delimiter as the actual data


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• On clicking the Submit button the file data is uploaded and the following

configuration options become available:

o Column Name: This is for display only and refers to the Column

headers in the File.

o Display Name: This field defaults to the ‘File Column Name’ but

should be edited to reflect the name that you would like to see as the

Column Headers in the Velos eResearch application once the Lookup

is created.

o Keyword: As above, this field defaults to the ‘File Column Name’. This

must be unique and can be left as is if all values are unique.

o Sequence: This is a Number field that indicates the sequence in which

you would like your column to be displayed in the Velos eResearch

application once the Lookup is created. The default option is a copy of

the sequence of columns in the uploaded file.

o Show: This is a ‘Yes/No’ option that allows Users a choice at this time

to elect to show or hide a specific column (in the Velos eResearch

application once the Lookup is created). The default option is ‘Yes’.

o Searchable: This is a ‘Yes/No’ option that allows Users a choice at

this time to elect to include this specific column as a ‘Search’ option (in

the Velos eResearch application once the Lookup is created). The

default option is ‘Yes’.

o Width (%): This field stores the width of each column. It defaults to an

equal distribution for all columns but can be varied, if required.

• Once you have configured the above options, as required, click the

Submit button to save the lookup.

Figure 26: Options for configuring the lookup.

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Version 6.1 37 | P a g e

CCrreeaattee aa DDyynnaammiicc LLooookkuupp ffrroomm aa TTaabbllee//VViieeww

• Select Lookup from the DB Maintenance module.

• Click the Create Dynamic Lookup from Table/View link.

• Begin typing in the name of the table or view. This field is linked to an

AJAX call that will pull up the entire list of tables and views in the database

for easy completion.

• Double-click the name from the table of available tables/views to accept

the table or view.

• Specify the remaining attributes:

o Lookup Name: mandatory, should be unique. This is the name that is

used to identify the lookup within Velos eResearch

o Version: optional

o Description: optional, brief description to identify the lookup

o Type: optional, can be used for categorization of lookups

Figure 27: Attributes for adding a dynamic lookup.

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Figure 28: Auto-display of available tables and views.

• On clicking the Submit button, the file data is uploaded and the following

configuration options become available:

o Column Name: This field is for display only and refers to the Column

names in the table.

o Display Name: This field defaults to the ‘Table Column Name’ but

should be edited to reflect the name that you would like to see as the

Column Headers in the Velos eResearch application once the Lookup

is created.

o Keyword: As above, this field defaults to the ‘Table Column Name’.

This must be unique and can be left as is if all values are unique.

o Sequence: This is a Number field that indicates the sequence in which

you would like your column displayed in the Velos eResearch

application once the Lookup is created. The default option is a copy of

the sequence of columns in the table.

o Show: This field is a ‘Yes/No’ option that allows Users a choice at this

time to elect to show or hide a specific column (in the Velos eResearch

application once the Lookup is created). The default option is ‘Yes’.

o Searchable: This field is a ‘Yes/No’ option that allows Users a choice

at this time to elect to include this specific column as a ‘Search’ option

(in the Velos eResearch application once the Lookup is created). The

default option is ‘Yes’.

o Width (%): This field stores the width of each column. It defaults to an

equal distribution for all columns but can be varied, if required.

• Once you have configured the preceding options, as required, click the

Submit button at the bottom of the page and your lookup is ready to use.

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UUppddaattiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg LLooookkuupp

• Select Lookup from the DB Maintenance module.

• Click on the Update Lookup link corresponding to the Static Lookup that

needs to be updated.

• The selected option will be displayed in the Lookup Name field.

• Select the relevant Delimited File for uploading from your computer by

clicking the Browse button.

• Specify the delimiter and click the Submit button.

Note that the above step for ‘Update Lookup’ replaces all data in the

existing lookup.

Note that a Dynamic Lookup never needs to be updated.

UUssiinngg CCoonnttrrooll KKeeyy

The Control Key function allows system administrators to configure Navigation

Menu and tabs for all modules in Velos eResearch. This includes editing the

name, visibility status, or sequence associated with the option. Use this function

to rename or reorder the menu or sub link options in the Velos eResearch Main

Menu or to hide any options you do not want to make available to users.

For example, in the Manage Patient module you can:

• Change the order of Manage Patient in the Manage tab

• Rename it from Manage Patient to Manage Subjects

• Rename or reorganize the sequence of the sub links in Manage Patient

• Hide the module/menu/tab from certain users

To have view changes made from Control Key appear in Velos eResearch:

• Restart the application server

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Version 6.1 40 | P a g e

• With Admin access rights, from Manage Account >> Users, click the

Refresh Menus/Tabs link to refresh the settings and log out of the


EEddiittiinngg MMoodduulleess,, MMeennuuss,, aanndd TTaabbss

• Select Control Key from the DB Maintenance module.

• Select the user authorized to make these changes. If you have access to

more than one account within the same environment, this user will be

linked to the account that you are modifying.

• Select the desired module from the Select Module field.

Figure 29: Module and the associated menus and tabs.

• Select the Edit link next to the option that you want to configure.

• Specify the following attributes:

o Module/Menu: mandatory, should be unique. This is the name of the

module, menu, or tab that is used in Velos eResearch Top Navigation

Menu Bar

o Sequence: mandatory, this is the order in which the module, menu

item, or tab appears in Velos eResearch

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o Visible: Indicates if the module, menu or tab should be visible or

hidden in Velos eResearch

Figure 30: Attributes for editing modules, menus, and tabs.

Once you have configured the preceding options, as required, click the Submit

button at the bottom of the page and your changes will display in Velos


If users are logged in to the system while the changes that are made, they

may need to log out before they view the changes.

EExxeeccuuttiinngg aa QQuueerryy iinn VVeellooss eeTToooollss

The Execute Query function allows system administrators to write SQL queries

directly on the database instance. Only SELECT statements are processed by

the Execute Query function. The results of the query are displayed below the

query window in a paginated view.

EExxeeccuuttiinngg aa QQuueerryy

• Select Execute Query from the DB Maintenance module.

• Type or paste an SQL SELECT statement in the query window and then

click the Execute Query button.

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Version 6.1 42 | P a g e

Figure 31: Execute query window with results.

Note that only SELECT statements can be run in Velos eTools DB

Maintenance >> Execute Query and Report Designer >> Query

Manager modules.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 43 | P a g e

Section 5: Report Designer

This section provides you with instructions on how to use the Report Designer.

The Report Designer provides the functionality to create and publish custom

reports to Velos eResearch. It also enables the administrator to share

customized database views to the Ad Hoc Query module so that Velos

eResearch users can create their own reports on custom created views.

UUssiinngg tthhee RReeppoorrtt DDeessiiggnneerr QQuueerryy MMaannaaggeerr

The Query Manager function displays all previously created queries. New queries

can be created by typing in SQL code directly, pasting in external SQL code, or

by using the Clipboard. Once a query is created and saved in the Query

Manager, it can be published as a report in Velos eResearch. Each query can

be used to generate multiple reports, if required.

Figure 32: List of previously created queries.

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CCrreeaattiinngg aa NNeeww QQuueerryy

To create a new query at any time, use the following steps;

• Select Query Manager from the Report Designer module.

• Click the New Query link at the top of the page.

• Type your SQL into the box provided and use the Execute Query button

to view the results of your query.

• The SQL Clipboard can also be used to quickly identify the

views/tables/columns needed for the query.

o Use the search box to find the view/table OR scroll down the list of


o Double-click the view/table from the viewer to see the available


o Double-click each column needed in the query in order to copy it to the

Clipboard OR just click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy all

columns to the Clipboard.

o Drag all contents of the Clipboard to the Query Window and execute

the query.

• Once you have the desired results of your query, click the Save Query

button to save your query.

Figure 33: Query Manager window with table/view/column Clipboard.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 45 | P a g e

MMooddiiffyyiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg QQuueerryy

To modify a query at any time, use the following steps:

• Select Query Manager from the Report Designer module.

• Select the appropriate query and click on the corresponding Edit link.

• Modify the displayed query, as desired and click Execute Query button to

view the results at the bottom of the page.

• When you are done, click the Save Query button to save the changes

Figure 34: Editing a query in Query Manager with results displayed at the bottom.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 46 | P a g e

PPuubblliisshhiinngg aa QQuueerryy

To publish a query, use the following steps;

• Select the Query Manager from the Report Designer module.

• To publish a previously saved query to Report Central, click the Publish


• Specify a Report Name. This will be the name displayed to Velos

eResearch users.

• Provide a Description of the report.

• Edit the Report Column Name as needed. These are the column

headers displayed in Velos eResearch to the user. The Column Name is


• Adjust the Width of each column as needed. The default numbers are a

calculated equal distribution for all columns.

• Check Summarize next to each column requiring summary charts at the

top of the report.

• Check Sum Total for each column of the integer type that requires a total

at the end of each grouping or report.

o Additional Exclude: This checkbox provides Users with the option of

excluding a certain field, or column, in the final report to be displayed

o Group By: All Report Columns are available in the three dropdowns in

the ‘Group By’ section. Users should select the field/column that they

would like to group their data by. The ‘Group By’ action works to first

group by the first selection, then second and so on.

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Version 6.1 47 | P a g e

Figure 35: Publish report options.

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EExxppoorrttiinngg QQuueerryy DDaattaa ttoo CCSSVV

Administrators may need to create queries that do not need to be published as

reports in Velos eResearch but need to be run occasionally. In such cases, the

query can be created and saved. To view this data, the query can be executed.

To export the data to CSV, follow these steps:

• Select Query Manager from the Report Designer module.

• Select the appropriate query and click on the corresponding CSV link

• This will cause the query to be executed and data exported into a CSV file

which can be opened by MS Excel or any text editor.

Figure 36: Dialog box to save CSV file.

WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh PPuubblliisshheedd RReeppoorrttss

When a query is published, a copy of the query is created in Query Manager

and made available for editing in Published Reports. Publishing also produces

the XSL necessary to display the report in the browser.

Figure 37: Schematic showing a new instance of the query added to Published Reports from the

Query Manager.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 49 | P a g e

PPuubblliisshhiinngg aa NNeeww RReeppoorrtt

To publish a report to Velos eResearch, start by creating a query in the Query

Manager module. See the preceding topic; Create a New Query, for the steps.

EEddiittiinngg aa PPuubblliisshheedd RReeppoorrtt

Editing a published report is generally entails the following two step process:

• Modification of the report SQL or data layer

• Modification to the report XSL or presentation layer

Figure 38: List of published reports.

EEddiitt RReeppoorrtt SSQQLL

• Select Published Reports under Report Designer.

• Click Edit SQL for the appropriate report.

• The following options are available for editing a published report:

o Report Name: This is the name of the report displayed in Velos


o Hide Report: This checkbox, if checked, will hide the report from

Report Central in Velos eResearch.

o Filters: Apply any of the 10 filters, plus date filters, which users of

Report Central have access to when running reports.

▪ First check the filter in the list of the available 10 filters.

▪ Second, apply the filter code directly to the SQL statement, for

example to apply the studyId filter, the WHERE clause would look


Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 50 | P a g e

• WHERE fk_study IN (:studyId)

▪ Third, if a date filter is needed, use the following convention on the

date field to be filtered:

• BETWEEN (:fromDate) AND (:toDate)

Figure 39: List of available filters for a published report.

• Save the edited report by clicking the Submit button.

• These changes will be reflected in your report in Velos eResearch.

Figure 40: Editing a published report.

For filter usage use the keyword after the hyphen - in your SQL prefixed by

a colon sign. Keyword is case sensitive.

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Version 6.1 51 | P a g e

Example: If you want to use study filter in a report find the keyword from the

applicable filter list, in this case the string is "Study - studyId". The keyword

is studyId, use this keyword in your SQL as shown below:



EEddiitt RReeppoorrtt XXSSLL

• To modify the presentation layer of the report, click Edit XSL for the

corresponding report.

• Edit the XSL in the Report XSL window and click the Submit button to

save the changes.

Figure 41: Editing the report XSL.

UUssiinngg CCrreeaattee FFoorrmm VViieeww ttoo VViieeww UUsseerr--DDeeffiinneedd FFoorrmmss

The Create Form View module is a quick and easy way to create a view of a

User-defined form created in Velos eResearch. Making the User-defined form a

view permits more complicated reporting; for example joining multiple form views

and publishing as a report (See the previous two topics, Query Manager and

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

Version 6.1 52 | P a g e

Published Reports for more details). Form Views are the only views that can

be created from within the Velos eTools interface. All other non-form views must

be created directly in the database.

CCrreeaattiinngg aa NNeeww FFoorrmm VViieeww

To create a new form view, use the following steps;

• Select Create Form View under Report Designer.

• Enter a partial or full form name to search for the Velos eResearch Form.

Use the Status and Linked To criteria to further refine the search. Click

the Search button. If the name is not available, just click the Search

button to return all forms.

• From the list of matching Forms that are displayed, select the appropriate

one by clicking the corresponding Select link in the far right column.

• The next page will prompt you to enter a View Name.

• Click the Search button to create the view.

Figure 42: Searching for a form in Create Form View.

Figure 43: Creating a Form View.

Note that a saved Form View is available in Query Manager for further

development of queries and reports.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 5: Report Designer

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Note that User-defined form data is already available in the Ad Hoc

Query module, so there is no need to publish a Form View created in

the previous steps to the Ad Hoc Query module as described in the next


PPuubblliisshhiinngg DDaattaabbaassee VViieewwss ttoo AAdd HHoocc QQuueerryy

Once a database view is available (as a default Velos-provided view or one that

the Database Programmer may have created specific to the site), these views

can be published into the Ad Hoc Query (AHQ) module in Velos eResearch. To

do this, follow the steps below:

PPuubblliisshhiinngg aa NNeeww VViieeww ttoo AAHHQQ

To publish a new view to AHQ, use the following steps;

• Select Publish View to AHQ from Report Designer.

• Select the appropriate database view from the View Name dropdown.

• Enter a name for identifying this view in the Ad Hoc Query module and

click the Submit button.

• The subsequent page will display the following, non-editable items for


o View Name: Source.

o Ad Hoc Query Lookup Name: View name displayed in Velos

eResearch AHQ.

o Column Name: Source column name.

o Type: Source column data type.

• The Display Name can be edited and this is the name of the field as it

appears in the published Ad Hoc Query view in Velos eResearch.

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Figure 44: Selecting a view to publish.

Figure 45: Display of columns to be published.

The view must include the appropriate columns for it to be published to

the Ad Hoc Query.

FK_ACCOUNT Mandatory

FK_PER Required for patient related ad hoc query

FK_STUDY Required for study related ad hoc query

Views being published to the Ad Hoc Query module must first be created

directly in the database by a Database Programmer.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 55 | P a g e

Section 6: Data Migration

This section provides you with instructions on migrating data. The Data Migration

collection of modules facilitates the movement of data from an external source to

the Velos eResearch table structure. Data migrations can be performed to the

standard set of Velos eResearch tables as well as to User-defined forms. The

migration components in Velos eTools handle many of the difficult tasks such as

column mapping, response level mapping, and data validation.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 56 | P a g e

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww DDeelliimmiitteedd FFiillee

To import data from a Delimited File into Velos eResearch Temporary Table in

preparation for a data migration, follow these steps:

• Select Import Delimited File from the Data Migration menu.

• Select the Delimited File from your computer for uploading by clicking the

Browse button.

• Specify the Delimiter in your file.

• Enter Table Name (should be unique) and click the Submit button.

Common delimited file types are comma, semicolon, and pipe. Tab

delimited file types are not supported.

The first row of the file should contain the Column Name, have no

special characters other than ‘_’ (underscore), be one continuous string of

characters (no space) and delimited with same delimiter as the actual data


While creating tables for importing files, use a naming convention specific

to your institution. Velos highly encourages Administrators to NOT use

Velos table naming conventions so that there is an easy distinction in case

issues arise.

The maximum file name length (minus extension) is 15 characters.

Anything beyond that will be truncated to only 15 characters.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 57 | P a g e


To import data directly from an Open Database Connectivity database (ODBC

DB) such as Microsoft Access, you will need to create an ODBC DB Connection

Profile. ODBC is a standard software interface for accessing database

management systems using SQL queries. This Profile uses a datasource name

(DSN) entry that is created on the server where Velos eTools is installed.

Note: Search Microsoft Help for instructions on creating a DSN entry.

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww OODDBBCC DDBB

To import a new ODBC DB, use the following steps;

- Select Import ODBC DB from the Data Migration menu.

- Click the Add ODBC DB Connection Profile link.

- Supply the following parameters:

o Name: The ODBC DB Connection Profile name.

o ODBC DSN: The DSN name created directly on the server that

houses Velos eTools.

o User: Username for the database if needed.

o Password: Password for the database if needed.

MMiiggrraattee DDaattaa

Data migration into Velos eResearch can be done for the standard Velos screens

and for User-defined forms. Both are described in this section.

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CCrreeaattiinngg aa NNeeww MMiiggrraattiioonn CCaatteeggoorryy

Prior to starting a migration, a Category must first be defined. The Category is a

collection of migrations that may occur at a given time and categories help keep

migration activity organized. For example, if you have a migration of some patient

data for the first quarter, you could create a category called ‘Patient Migration

Q1’. Use the following steps to create a new migration category:

- Select Migrate Data from the Data Migration menu.

- To create a new category, click the New Migration Category link.

- Provide the following attributes for the category:

o Name: required, a name for the category.

o Description: optional, a short description of the kind of migration


o Audit Trail User: required, the Velos eResearch user that will be

associated to all records migrated, usually the CREATOR field in

the Velos eResearch tables.

- Save the migration category by clicking the Submit button.

Figure 46: Defining a new migration category.

Figure 47: List of defined migration categories.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 59 | P a g e

UUssiinngg SSttaannddaarrdd MMiiggrraattiioonn

A Standard Migration is a migration of data into the core Velos eResearch


Define Migration

- Select Migrate Data from the Data Migration menu.

- Find the Migration Category, by Name, for which the Standard Migration

will occur and click the Standard link. See previous topic titled Create a

Migration Category to create a migration category, if no migration

category exists.

- Within the Migration Data - Standard window, click the New migration link

to define the data source and target for the migration as defined below:

o Migration Name: required, the name of current migration within

the migration category previously defined.

o Module Name: required, the standard Velos eResearch module or

target for the migrated data, such as Patient Demographics.

o Table Name: required, the name of the temporary table created

when importing data either through the Import Delimited File or

Import ODBC DB modules described earlier in this section. A list of

matching tables will appear as you begin typing the name of the

temporary table. Double click on an option from the list to copy the

table name into the field.

- Click the Submit button to save the definition of the migration into the

Migration Category.

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Version 6.1 60 | P a g e

Figure 48: Defining a migration – identifying the source (Table Name) and target (Module Name).

- On successfully submitting the previous step, the system will bring you

back to the main Standard Migration page and you will see your newly

selected Module Name/ Description and Table Name listed in the browser

list with steps needed to complete the migration.

Figure 49: Migration defined and ready to proceed through the steps.

- Click the Table Name (imported source data) in green to verify that the

correct source data was defined for the migration. The number of records

is given in parenthesis to the right of the Table Name.

MMaapp FFiieellddss

- If the source data is correct, then you can begin mapping the fields by

clicking the Edit link under Map Fields, otherwise if the source data is not

correct, click the New migration link to redefine the migration with the

correct source data.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 61 | P a g e

- Mapping fields is a matter of matching the source columns with the target

columns. All required target fields (shown with an asterisk) should be

mapped by picking the corresponding field in the Map To column.

Additional fields can be mapped as needed.

Figure 50: Mapping fields with target on the left and source data

columns on the right in a dropdown.

- Click the Submit button to save the mapping and return to the migration


- If not all mandatory fields are mapped, then a warning will appear next

to the Edit link under Map Fields (see the Legend for a listing of all the

signals), otherwise a check will appear.

SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa

- The next step is to bring all of the source data into a Staging Area which

is used to compare all the responses in the source data to possible values

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 62 | P a g e

that the Velos eResearch database can accept. To do this, click the Import


- Once data is successfully imported a check will appear next to the

Import link.

- The imported data can be viewed again, if needed, by clicking on the View


Note the Empty link is used to clear the records from the staging area if

there was an error or if the migration needs to be ran again, but there is

no need to empty the Staging Area at this step of the migration.

SSttaannddaarrdd MMiiggrraattiioonn MMaapp RReessppoonnsseess

- The next step is to map values in the source data fields that do not have

corresponding matches in the target fields. Click the Edit link under Map


- By default, only a list of unmapped responses will be displayed with

unmapped source values listed on the left and all available target values

listed in a dropdown on the right. Click the radio button ‘Mapped’ to see a

list of mapped responses. These responses are automatically matched by

Velos eTools, so no further editing is required.

- Click the radio button ‘All’ to see a list of all responses, both mapped and


- Return to the ‘Not Mapped’ radio button to complete the mapping of


- Choose values from Velos eResearch that should be used for the

unmapped Source Values.

- Click the Submit button when all unmapped values are mapped.

- If all values are mapped, then the list of Not Mapped items will be empty.

Click the Back to Migration Page link to continue to the next step.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 63 | P a g e

Figure 51: Mapping responses.


- At any time during the migration process, you can validate the progress by

clicking the Validate link.

- This will show the current status of the migration and whether or not each

step is being completed successfully. Validation will display PASS if all

items pass validation or it will list items that could not pass validation.

Figure 52: Examples of validation outcomes on migration steps completed.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 64 | P a g e

Figure 53: Date and number validation with edit ability on source data.

- Click the Edit link next to any item to edit the source data directly in order

to get the source data to validate.

Figure 54: Editing source data directly.

IImmppoorrtt iinnttoo AApppplliiccaattiioonn

- To complete the migration process, click the Import link.

- Importing data into the application could take a few minutes or a few hours

depending on the quantity of data and the module used as the target.

When the import process is complete, the migration browser will reload.

- Click the View Log link to see the result of the migration. The following

data is displayed in the log:

o Total rows in staging area: Data from the source.

o Total rows migrated: Data migrated into the application


o Total rows pending migration: Data from the source not yet


Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 65 | P a g e

o Total rows with errors: List number of rows with a link to view

data that did not successfully migrate into the application.

o Total duplicate rows: Number of rows with a link to view data that

already exists in the application and therefore was not migrated.

Duplication occurs if the primary or foreign keys already exist in the

target tables.

o Oracle errors: List of any errors returned by Oracle on migration.

RRee--mmiiggrraattee oonn EErrrroorr

- If some or all of the data did not migrate successfully either because

validation was not completed or there were Oracle errors on importing the

application, you can re-run the migration by first clearing the Staging

Area. Click the Empty link under Staging Area to clear out the source

data from the Staging Area. This does not delete the source table, but

rather it removes the data from the intermediary table or Staging Area.

- Check ‘Delete data from intermediary table’ on the next screen.

- Checking ‘Delete response mapping’ will remove the response level

mapping if needed.

- Click the Submit button to clear the Staging Area.

Figure 55: Options on clearing out the

Staging Area.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 66 | P a g e

UUssiinngg FFoorrmm MMiiggrraattiioonn

The steps needed to complete a form migration nearly mirror those of a standard

migration. Differences in the methodology for a form migration are listed here, but

please see the Using Standard Migration topic for a full review of the

fundamental migration steps.

DDeeffiinnee MMiiggrraattiioonn

- Select Migrate Data from the Data Migration menu.

- Create a new migration category (see previous topic titled Create a New

Migration Category) or choose a previously created migration category

used for a Standard migration.

- Select the Forms link to begin defining the Form migration.

- Click the New migration link and search for the form (target) to be used in

the migration.

- Add the required attributes for defining the migration:

o Migration Name: Name to be displayed in the migration browser

o Table Name: Imported data source table name.

- Click the Submit button to save the Form migration definition.

Figure 56: Searching for a form used for the Form migration.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 67 | P a g e

Figure 57: Migration browser showing Form migration definition and migration steps.

MMaapp FFiieellddss

- To map the source data fields to the target form fields, click the Edit link

under Map Fields.

- Under Table Column Name, select the source column that maps to the

form field. Required form fields are marked with an asterisk.

- The Data Entry Date is a date field on every User-defined form that must

be mapped in the migration. If no date exists in the source data, then use

the {Migration Date} in Table Column Name to populate the form with the

migration date.

- Click the Submit button to save the mapping.

Figure 58: Mapping fields for a form migration.

FFoorrmm MMiiggrraattiioonn MMaapp RReessppoonnsseess

- The next step is to map values in the source data fields that do not have

corresponding matches in the target fields. Click the Edit link under Map


Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 68 | P a g e

- By default, only a list of unmapped responses will be displayed with

unmapped source values listed on the right and all available target values

listed in a dropdown on the left. Click the radio button ‘Mapped’ to see a

list of mapped responses. These responses are automatically matched by

Velos eTools, so no further editing is required.

- Click the radio button ‘All’ to see a list of all responses, both mapped and


- Return to the ‘Not Mapped’ radio button to complete the mapping of


- Choose the values from Velos eResearch that should be used for the

unmapped Source Values.

- Click the Submit button when all unmapped values are mapped.

- If all values are mapped, then the list of Not Mapped items will be empty.

Click the Back to Migration Page link to continue to the next step.


- At any point during the migration steps, you can validate the current

progress of the migration. Click the Validate link to get a summary of

issues, if any, related to the migration.

Figure 59: Validation showing study numbers not present in the database.

SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa

- Import the data to the Staging Area by clicking the Import link. A check

mark indicates a successful import of the data. An exclamation point

indicates there was an issue with the import and an Error link will appear

Velos eTools User Manual Section 6: Data Migration

Version 6.1 69 | P a g e

for review of the errors. Errors can also be viewed by clicking the Validate


- The result of the import can be viewed by clicking the View link. The

number of records imported into staging is given in parenthesis.

- The Staging Area has the option to be emptied by clicking on the Empty

link, but this is only used if there are issues with validating the data or the

migration had errors. See the topic titled Re-migrate on Error for steps on

how to empty the Staging Area.

IImmppoorrtt iinnttoo AApppplliiccaattiioonn

- To import validated data into the application click the Import link.

- To view the outcome of the imported data click the View Log link.

Figure 60: Display showing a successful migration.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 70 | P a g e

Section 7: Manage Forms

This section provides you with the instructions required to use the Manage

Forms collection of modules. These modules are intended to help the system

administrator complete many common requests from users such as: transferring

forms from one environment to another; customizing form XML and XSL;

importing form metadata from a delimited file template; and downloading

Common Data Elements (CDE) based forms from the National Cancer Institute

(NCI) through Cancer Data Standards Registry ad Repository (caDSR)


WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh FFoorrmm ffrroomm FFiillee

Importing a form and its fields from a delimited file can decreases the amount of

time required to develop a form in Velos eResearch. The import process is a

quick way to get the section names, field names, field types, and response

values into Velos eResearch. Further edits to the form can then be made in

Velos eResearch such as formatting the presentation layer or adding more

advanced field types such as lookups and form links.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 71 | P a g e

PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee FFoorrmm

To prepare a form, use the following steps:

- Click the Form from File link in the Manage Forms menu.

- Click the form_template.csv link located beneath the Browse button to

see the form import sample template.

- Use the form sample template in to help build your form file so that it is


- Save the file to your computer.

Figure 61: Downloading the form import template.

Figure 62: Form import sample template.

Note the file can be opened in Excel for easy editing, but after making

changes continue to save the file as a delimited file type.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 72 | P a g e

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww FFoorrmm

To import a new form, use the following steps:

- Select Form from File under the Manage Forms menu.

- Select Form Type from the dropdown menu. The form will be added

under this type in Velos eResearch.

- Provide a unique Form Name for the form.

- Find the form to import by clicking on the Browse button next to

Delimited File name.

- Enter in the Delimiter used for the imported file.

- Click the Submit button to import the form to a staging area.

- The next screen will display all the imported data as editable. If no

changes are needed, click the Submit button to proceed with importing

the form into Velos eResearch.

- Once the form is imported, you can preview the form by clicking on the

Preview link.

Figure 63: Edit form metadata prior to finalizing import.

Figure 64: Preview the new form from Velos eTools.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 73 | P a g e

TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa FFoorrmm

UUssiinngg FFoorrmm TTrraannssffeerr

Transferring forms from one environment to another is easily accomplished with

this module. Velos eResearch users should be able to use their test environment

to build and test forms before activating them in a production environment. This

module provides the system administrator a way to move forms between such


To transfer a form, use the following steps:

- Select Form Transfer under the Manage Forms menu.

- Search for the form to be transferred by typing in the name in the Search

Form Name field. Use the additional filters, Status and Linked to, to

further limit the results returned.

- Click the Search button to return all matching forms. Transfers can be

performed on all form types and all form statuses.

- Click the Select link next the form identified for transfer.

Figure 65: Search to identify a form for transfer.

UUssiinngg FFoorrmm CCuussttoommiizzaattiioonn

Form customization can be accomplished directly in Velos eTools. Customization

can be performed on the presentation layer, in other words, both the display and

print XSL can be altered. Customization of the XML is not a feature of Form

Customization, but the form XML can be viewed in Velos eTools.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 74 | P a g e

EEddiittiinngg FFoorrmm XXSSLL

To edit the Form XSL, use the following steps:

- Select Customize Form from the Manage Forms menu.

- Search for the form to be customized by typing in the name in the Search

Form Name field. Use the additional filters, Status and Linked to, to limit

the results returned.

- Click the Search button to return all matching forms. Forms matching the

search criteria will be displayed.

- To edit the Form XSL, the XSL used to display the form in a web browser,

click the Edit link under the Form XSL column.

- Save all modifications to the XSL and click the Submit button.

- A preview of the Form XSL can be seen by clicking the Preview link under

the Form XSL column.

Figure 66: Form customization options.

Figure 67: Modify Form XSL window.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 75 | P a g e

EEddiittiinngg PPrriinntt XXSSLL

To edit the Print XSL, use the following steps:

- Select Customize Form under the Manage Forms menu.

- Search for the form to be customized by typing in the name in the Search

Form Name field. Use the additional filters, Status and Linked to, to limit

the results returned.

- Click the Search button to return all matching forms. Forms matching the

search criteria will be displayed.

- To edit the Print XSL, the XSL used to prepare the form for printing, click

the Edit link under the Print XSL column.

- Save all modifications to the XSL and click the Submit button.

- A preview of the Print XSL can be seen by clicking the Preview link under

the Print XSL column.

Figure 68: Form customization options.

Figure 69: Modify Print XSL


Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 76 | P a g e

VViieewwiinngg FFoorrmm XXMMLL

To view the Form XML, use the following steps:

- Select Customize Form under the Manage Forms menu.

- Search for the form to be customized by typing in the name in the Search

Form Name field. Use the additional filters, Status and Linked to, to limit

the results returned.

- Click the Search button to return all matching forms. Forms matching the

search criteria will be displayed.

- To view the Form XML, click the View link under Form XML.

Figure 70: View Form XML


UUssiinngg ccaaDDSSRR IInntteeggrraattiioonn

The NCI and its’ partners in the research community have worked to standardize

common data elements or CDE’s for NCI-sponsored research to improve

aggregation and management of collected data. The Cancer Data Standards

Repository (caDSR) is a collection of CDE’s and protocol forms that can be

searched with Velos eTools. The caDSR forms can be downloaded into Velos

eResearch using the caDSR Integration module in Velos eTools.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 77 | P a g e

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww FFoorrmm ffrroomm ccaaDDSSRR

DDoowwnnllooaadd FFoorrmm XXMMLL

To download the Form, XML, use the following steps:

- Select caDSR from the Manage Forms menu.

- Download the form from the CDE Browser by clicking the link Get data

from CDE Browser.

- Once in the caDSR, search or browse for the form.

- Select the form and click Download Data Elements as XML from the

available options.

- This will download the form to your local drive.

Figure 71: caDSR Web site with

forms listed by context.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 78 | P a g e

Figure 72: Selected form is displayed and a link for downloading is available.

Figure 73: Download of XML in progress.

UUppllooaadd FFiillee

- Click the Browse button to find the saved XML file on your local drive.


- Choose the form category the imported form will be associated to.

- Leave the check box ‘Import to Form Library’ marked if the form

definition should also be included in the Form Library, otherwise, just the

fields will be imported into the field library.

- Leave the check box ‘Import to Field Library’ marked if the form fields

should be included in the Field Library, just the form will be imported into

the form library.

- Click the Submit button to complete the import.

- If the import is successful, then click on the Preview link to view the form.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 7: Manage Forms

Version 6.1 79 | P a g e

Figure 74: Form imported into Velos eResearch.

Note that the caDSR also has the option to download to Excel.

Velos eTools can only import the XML version of the form, not the

Excel version.

Note when importing the form, at least one check box for importing

into the library must be checked. Either Import to Form Library or

Import to Field Library.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 80 | P a g e

Section 8: Manage Calendars

This section provides you with the instructions required to use the Manage

Calendars collection of modules. These modules are intended to help the

system administrator complete many common requests from their user base

including: transferring calendars from one environment to another; importing

calendar metadata from a delimited calendar template; and importing a charge

master or CDM into the event library for use with calendar development.

WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh CCaalleennddaarr ffrroomm FFiillee

Importing events and visits from a delimited file is a quick way to generate a

calendar in Velos eResearch. Matching to the event library ensures that each

calendar event receives all of the data associated to the event already stored in

the event library. Further edits can be made to the calendar once the import is


Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 81 | P a g e

PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee CCaalleennddaarr

To Prepare the Calendar, use the following steps;

- Click the Calendar from File link in Manage Calendars menu.

- Click the calendar_template.csv link located beneath the Browse button.

- Use the provided sample calendar template in Velos eTools to help with

building your calendar so that it is importable.

- Save the file to your computer.

Figure 75: Downloading the calendar import template.

Figure 76: Calendar import sample template.

Note the file can be opened in Excel for easy editing. However, after

making changes, continue to save the file as a delimited file type.

The coverage analysis can be imported through the “Calendar from File”

functionality by adding the code values in the coverage legend next to the

“X” as displayed in Figure 76.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 82 | P a g e

MMooddiiffyyiinngg tthhee TTeemmppllaattee

When defining the calendar visits, eTools allows you to define the same time

point types available on eResearch. The following naming conventions should be

used depending on the time point type:

• Fixed Time Point: F|<visit name>|<time interval>

o “F” will always be used to denote Fixed Time Point

o <visit name> should be the name of the visit created

o <time interval> Represented using “M”, “W” or “D” for month, week

and day respectively. Can be used individually or combined

o Examples: F|V1|M1W2D2, F|Visit ABC|M2D4, F|Visit_One|D10

• Dependent Time Point: D|<visit name>|<time interval>|<visit dependency>

o “D” will always be used to denote Dependent Time Point

o <visit name> should be the name of the visit created

o <time interval> Represented using “M”, “W” or “D” for month, week

and day respectively. Can only be used individually

o Examples: D|V2|M1|V1, D|Visit CDE|D2|Visit ABC,


• No Time Point Defined: N|<visit name>

o “N” will always be used to denote No Time Point Defined

o <visit name> should be the name of the visit created

o Examples: N|V3, N|Visit FGH, N|Visit_Three

The coverage analysis can also be determined by adding the code values in the

coverage type legend next to the “X” that marks the intersection between events

and visits. For example, if the coverage option “Billable to Sponsor” has the value

in the coverage type legend “S”, the intersection would look like this: X|S.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 83 | P a g e

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww CCaalleennddaarr

To import a new calendar, use the following steps:

- Select Calendar from File under the Manage Calendars menu.

- Provide a unique Calendar Name.

- Select the Calendar Type from the Calendar Library that will contain the

new calendar.

- Provide the Calendar Duration (from the file) by typing in the value and

specifying the units from the drop down.

- Find the calendar for import by clicking on the Browse button next to

Delimited File name.

- Enter in the Delimiter used for the imported file.

- Click the Submit button to import the calendar to a staging area.

- The next screen will display the calendar and if an event name matches

that of an event name in the Event Library, then the line will be shaded

blue. At the bottom of the calendar is a checkbox that reads:

“Highlighted events exist in the event library. Do you want to transfer

event attributes (cost/messages/resources/documents) from library?”

Keep this checked to use attributes from the Event Library for all the

imported events that match those already in the Event Library.

- Click the Submit button to proceed with importing the calendar into Velos


Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 84 | P a g e

Figure 77: Calendar in staging area awaiting import.

UUssiinngg CCaalleennddaarr TTrraannssffeerr

Transferring calendars from one environment to another is easily accomplished

with this module. Velos eResearch users should be able to use their test

environment to build and test calendars before activating them in a production

environment. This module provides the system administrator with a way to move

forms between such environments.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 85 | P a g e

TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa CCaalleennddaarr

The Manage Calendars Calendar Transfer feature allows user to transfer

between databases. To transfer a calendar, use the following steps:

- Select Calendar Transfer under the Manage Calendars menu option.

- Search for the calendar to be transferred by typing in the name in the

Search Calendar field.

- Click the Search button to return all matching calendars.

- Click the Select link next the form identified for transfer to prepare it for

transfer or click the Preview link to preview the calendar.

- After clicking Select, the following attributes must be completed:

o Calendar Name: This is the name that the calendar will have in the

target environment. By default, the source name of the calendar is


o Transfer Calendar to: This is the target environment.

o Category: This is the calendar category on the target environment that

the form will reside under.

- Click the Submit button to proceed with transferring the calendar.

Figure 78: Search to identify a calendar for transfer.

Figure 79: Selecting the environment for calendar transfer.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 86 | P a g e

When you search for calendar transfers, in addition to the calendar name and

description, the Calendar Transfer Search Results Browser displays the calendar

status in the newly transferred calendar data as shown in the following

screenshot. The status values include:

• Work in Progress

• Active

• Offline for Editing

TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg PPaattiieenntt//SSuubbjjeecctt CCoosstt IItteemmss wwiitthh CCaalleennddaarr CCooppyy

When transferring a calendar in Velos eTools, you also transfer any patient costs

items linked to that calendar. Patient cost items are individual budget line items

that are outside of the patient’s treatment schedule such as costs for equipment,

personnel, supplies, or patient care. If these items have been linked to a calendar

at the design level in Velos eResearch (as shown in the following screenshot),

they will be included in the copy of the calendar that is transferred in Velos


Figure 80: Patient Cost Category dropdown menu in Patient Calendar.

For more details on linking patient cost items to a calendar, see the “Calendar,

Calendar Library, Creating a Calendar, Patient Cost Items topic in the Velos

eResearch User Manual.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 87 | P a g e

Figure 81: List of Calendar transfer status.

UUssiinngg IImmppoorrtt CCDDMM

The CDM or Charge Description Master is a list of procedures and other events

that the hospital maintains. It typically contains an event name, category or

department, CPT code, a cost, and a description. The CDM can be used to

populate the Event Library in Velos eResearch.

PPrreeppaarriinngg CChhaarrggee DDeessccrriippttiioonn MMaasstteerr

To prepare the Charge Description Master, use the following steps:

- Select Import CDM from the Manage Calendars menu.

- Click the chargemaster_template.csv link located beneath the Browse

button to view the sample charge master template. Velos recommends

that you import the template to ensure that if changes were made to this

template that you will have the latest version. You now load the data with

the new template only.

- Use the provided calendar sample template in Velos eTools to help build

your calendar so that it is importable.

- Save the file to your computer.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 88 | P a g e

Figure 82: Download chargemaster_template.csv to assist with formatting the CDM.

Figure 83: Charge description master import template.

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa CCDDMM

To import a CDM, use the following steps:

- Select Import CDM from the Manage Calendars menu.

- Find the form for import by clicking on the Browse button next to

Delimited CDM File name.

- Enter in the Delimiter used for the imported file.

- Specify the Audit Trail User to be associated with each imported data

item, in other words, the creator.

- Select the Currency used in the budget.

- Click the Sample Template: chargemaster_template.csv link located

beneath the Browse button to view the sample charge master template.

Note: Velos recommends that you import the template to ensure that if

changes were made to this template that you will have the latest

version with any new fields that have been added to the template.

You can now load the data with the new template only.

- Click the Submit button to import the form to a staging area.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 89 | P a g e

- The following screen will allow you to map the source columns to the

target columns.

o To support multiple charge masters, you can configure and link Event

Categories with their respective Event Library Types.

o To support event definition, you can import the names of any sites as

services along with information on facilities and any coverage notes.

o To link additional codes at the Event level with the event definition.

These codes will appear in browsers and searches along with the other

event attributes.

- Click the Submit button to complete mapping and import the CDM into

Velos eResearch.

- The import will either update matching events or it will insert new events if

no match is found. The log screen will indicate the number of records

updated and inserted.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 8: Manage Calendars

Version 6.1 90 | P a g e

Figure 84: Mapping the CDM source to target.

Figure 85: Import log.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 9: Manage Budgets

Version 6.1 91 | P a g e

Section 9: Manage Budgets

This section provides you with the instructions required to use the Manage

Budgets module. This module allows system administrators to import a budget

from a file, much like importing a calendar or form from a file.

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa BBuuddggeett ffrroomm FFiillee

Importing budget items from a comma delimited file is a quick way to generate a

budget in Velos eResearch. The import process accepts any comma delimited

file for import and creates the budget in Velos eResearch for the selected study.

The Manage Budgets module allows the Velos eTools Import Budget from File

process to support line item values for Patient Cost Items, from new budgets

imported into Velos eTools. Patient Cost Items are individual budget line items

that are outside of the patient’s treatment schedule such as costs for equipment,

personnel, supplies, or patient care. If Patient Cost Items have been added to the

imported budget file as budget line items, these budget line items will be included

as part of the newly created budget. These Patient Cost Items are associated

with specific visits on a Study Patient Calendar or Library Calendar.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 9: Manage Budgets

Version 6.1 92 | P a g e

PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee BBuuddggeett

To prepare a budget, use the following steps:

- Select the Budget from File link in the Manage Budgets menu.

- Click the budget_template.csv link located beneath the Browse button to

view a sample budget template.

- Use the provided budget sample template in Velos eTools to help build

your budget so that it is importable.

- Save the file to your computer.

Figure 86: Downloading the budget import sample template.

Figure 87: Budget import template.

Note: The file can be opened in Excel for easy editing, but after you

make changes, continue to save the file as a comma delimited file type.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 9: Manage Budgets

Version 6.1 93 | P a g e

IImmppoorrttiinngg aa NNeeww BBuuddggeett

To import a new budget, use the following steps:

- Select Budget from File under the Manage Budgets menu.

- Enter in the Budget Name.

- Select the Study Number to associate the budget. As you begin typing the

Study Number a list of matching studies will appear at the bottom of the

screen. Double-click the correct Study Number to auto-fill the field.

- Select the Delimited File name, by clicking the Browse button and finding

the saved budget on your local drive.

- Provide the Delimiter of the file.

- Select an Audit Trail User, or the creator of the budget.

- Click the Submit button to import the budget into Velos eResearch.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 10: Audit Reports

Version 6.1 94 | P a g e

Section 10: Audit Reports

This section provides you with instructions to generate all the Audit Reports

available in eTools. This module is intended to help any user with the appropriate

access rights to view records of all activities performed within the specified

module in Velos eTools during a particular time period

Figure 88: Audit Report module.


To generate a desired report, follow the following steps:

- Click on the Audit Report module on the menu in the left hand side.

- Click on the option Report.

- Select the desired report followed by the date range.

- Click the Search button in order to generate the desired report.

Figure 89: Generating Audit Reports.

Velos eTools User Manual Section 10: Audit Reports

Version 6.1 95 | P a g e

The following reports are available in the Audit Report module:

• Manage Account: This report tracks all changes (Insert, Update) that

have been made in the Manage Account module. The report displays the

following values:

▪ User Name: The user name of the person that made the


▪ Table Name: The table that was modified, either groups or


▪ Column Name: The field that was modified which belongs to

the previously modified table.

▪ Modified on: The date in which the modification was made.

▪ New Value: Shows the new value in the field that was


▪ Old Value: Shows the old value before the modification was


▪ Action: Displays either “U” (update) or “I” (insert) to describe

the action made by the user.

• Data Source: This report tracks all changes (insert, update, delete) that

have been made to the View Datasource module. The report displays the

following values:

▪ User Name: The user name of the person that made the


▪ Group Name: The group in which the user who made the

changes belongs to.

▪ Column Name: The field from View Datasource which was


▪ Modified on: the date in which the modification was made

▪ Old Value: Displays the old value before the modification

was made.

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▪ New Value: Shows the new value after the field was


▪ Action: For each modification, it shows either “I” (insert), “U”

(update) or “D” (delete).

• Session Tracking (Login Details): This report tracks the login activity of

each user on eTools. The report includes the following information:

▪ User Name: The name of the user that logged into eTools.

▪ Group Name: The group in which the user belongs.

▪ Login Time: The date and time in which the user logged into


▪ Logged out time: The date and time in which the user logged

out of eTools.

▪ Login count: The amount of times the user has logged in.

▪ Login duration: The total amount of time in which the user

was logged into eTools, displayed in days,

hours, minutes and seconds.

▪ Average login: The average time the user has been logged

in based on the total login duration and the

amount of times the user has logged in.

▪ Last logged in: The date and time in which the user logged in

for the last time.

• Session Tracking (Datasource Details): This report tracks the

datasource accessed by each user in a specified date range. The report

includes the following information:

▪ User Name: The name of the user that accessed the


▪ Group Name: The group in which the user belongs to.

▪ Datasource Name: The name of the datasource that was


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▪ Datasource Host: The server in which this datasource is

being hosted.

▪ Datasource Version: The version of the datasource that was


▪ Datasource accessed on: The date and time the datasource

was accessed by the user.

• Session Tracking (Page Accessed Details): This report tracks all of the

pages accessed by each user in a given date range. The report includes

the following information:

▪ User Name: The name of the user who accessed the pages

on eTools.

▪ Group Name: The group to which the user belongs to.

▪ Last Accessed: Shows a list of pages accessed by each

user on a determined date range.

▪ Last Accessed on: The date and time the pages were

accessed by the user.

• Executed Query: This report keeps track and displays all the queries that

are executed using eTools. The report includes the following information:

▪ User Name: The name of the user that executed the query.

▪ Group Name: The group to which the user belongs to.

▪ Query Executed: Displays the exact query that was executed

by the user.

▪ Query Executed on: The date and time the query was


• Report Designer: This report keeps track of all the changes in the Report

Designer module. The report includes the following information:

▪ User Name: The name of the user that made changes to the


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Version 6.1 98 | P a g e

▪ Group Name: The group in which the user belongs.

▪ Column Name: Displays the database field that is being


▪ Modified on: The date and time the field was


▪ New Value: The new value after the field was modified.

▪ Old Value: The existing value before the field was modified.

▪ New CLOB Value: The new CLOB value after the field was


▪ Old CLOB Value: the existing value before the CLOB field

was modified

▪ Executed Query: If applicable, will show the exact query that

was executed.

▪ Action: For each modification, it shows either “I” (insert), “U”

(update), “E” (execute) or “D” (delete).

▪ Remark: Displays the Report Designer sub-module that was

modified, possible values: “Form view” or “Query
