VCUG Preparation Book (Voiding Cystourethrogram) BC Children’s Hospital

VCUG Preparation Book (Voiding Cystourethrogram) prep...What is a VCUG? VCUG is an shorter way to say Voiding Cystourethrogram. It is a way for doctors to see pictures of inside of

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VCUG Preparation Book (Voiding Cystourethrogram)

BC Children’s Hospital

What is a VCUG?

VCUG is an shorter way to say

Voiding Cystourethrogram.

It is a way for doctors to see

pictures of inside of your body

when you pee.

Body parts that make pee

kidneys: two bean-shaped organs that

filter waste from the blood and produce


ureters: two thin tubes that take pee

from the kidney to the bladder

bladder: a sac that holds pee until it's

time to go to the bathroom

urethra: the tube that carries urine from

the bladder out of the body when you


KidsHealth. (2018). Your Urinary System.

Retrieved from: https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/pee.html?ref=search&WT.ac=msh-k-dtop-


Why am I getting a VCUG?

Pee is made in your kidneys and

travels down the ureters towards your

bladder. When your bladder is full you

pee out your urethra.

Reflux is when pee goes backwards

from your bladder into the ureters

towards the kidneys. The doctor is

looking to see if this is happening

when you pee.

When I arrive at the


When you come to the

hospital you can bring a toy

or a stuffy from home.

When you arrive you can

play in the waiting area.

When it is your turn a staff

member will come get you

and your caregiver.

Hospital clothes

You will change into

hospital pajamas for your


The caregiver staying with

you will wear a hospital

outfit too.

The fluoroscopy room

This is the room you come

into to have your VCUG.

The fluoroscopy camera

takes the pictures of inside

your body.

Can you see where the

camera is in this room?

The camera

Katie is pointing to the


The camera will move over

top of you when it is time to

take the pictures.

The technologist

This is one of the


The technologist will help

you get ready for the

pictures and also help you

keep your body in the

correct position during the


The camera bed

Before the pictures are

taken you will sit on the

bed. While you are waiting

you can play with some toys

or read a book.

The contrast

Contrast is a medicine that

makes the inside of your

body show up in the

pictures. Contrast is clear

like water but you can not

drink it.

For your pictures the doctor

will fill your bladder with

contrast through a small


The tube /catheter

The tube/catheter is soft and

bendy. It looks and feels like

a soft spaghetti noodle.

The tube will go into the

hole where your pee comes


Getting ready for the


When it is time for the tube

to go into your penis or

vagina you will lie down.

It is important to keep your

hands away from the tube

and stay still. Your caregiver

may hold your hands.

Leg position

Girls will make frog legs or

butterfly wings with their legs.

You do this by bending your

knees, keeping your feet

together, and relaxing your

legs down to the sides.

Boys keep their legs out

straight and together like a

toy soldier.

Leg Position

You will feel a technologists

hands on your legs helping

them stay in the right


Deep breaths

Your job will be to relax

your legs and focus on

taking deep breaths.

Some children like to play

on an Ipad others like to

blow bubbles.

What do you think you

would like to do?

Cleaning with soap

The nurse will wash your

private area with soap and

water on cotton balls. The

soap and water will feel wet

and cold.

Some children think the

nurse’s soap is a funny


When the tube goes in

While you are focusing on

relaxing and taking deep

breaths, the nurse will slip

the tube into the hole where

your pee comes out.

When the tube goes in

You will feel the tube going

into your penis or vagina.

Some kids say it feels like a

pinch at first. When the tube

is inside your body you will

notice it in there but most

kids say they do not feel the

pinch any more.

The nurse will use a small

piece of tape on your leg to

keep the tube in place

Time for the Pictures

The doctor will move

camera over you to take

pictures while your bladder

fills and empties.

The camera will come close

but will not touch you. It

makes some clicking and

humming noises.


Look for stickers under the


Which one is your favorite?

I have to pee

After a few minutes, you

will feel like you really have

to go pee. When you have

this feeling, tell someone.

The doctor will tell you

when to push out the water

from your bladder.

Towels will catch all the


When you pee

When you push out the

contrast the catheter/ tube

will come out. Most children

say they do not feel this.

You will feel the

technologist will take the

tape off your leg.

All done

Once all the photos are done

you get to pick something

from the prize box and get

changed back into your


All finished

You are finished the test.

It’s time to go.

Good bye!