Variable Polytropic gas cosmology M. Salti , 1 E. E. Kangal , 2 and O. Aydogdu 1 1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University, Mersin, TR 33343, Turkey 2 Computer Technology and Information Systems, School of Applied Technology and Management of Erdemli, Mersin University, Mersin, TR 33740, Turkey Abstract We mainly study a cosmological scenario defining by the variable Polytropic gas (VPG) unified energy density proposal. To reach this aim, we start with reconstructing a generalized form of the original Polyrtropic gas (OPG) definition. Later, we fit the auxiliary parameters given in the model and discuss essential cosmological features of the VPG proposal. Besides, we compare the VPG with the OPG by focusing on recent observational dataset given in literature including Planck 2018 results. We see that the VPG model yields better results than the OPG description and it fits very well with the recent experimental data. Moreover, we discuss some thermodynamical features of the VPG and conclude that the model describes a thermodynamically stable system. PACS numbers: 04.50.+h, 95.35.+d, 98.80.-k Keywords: Cosmology, dark energy, variable, Polytropic gas, Chaplygin gas. * [email protected] (Corresponding author) [email protected] [email protected] 1

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Page 1: Variable Polytropic gas cosmology - vixra.org · Constraining the auxiliary parameters given a theoretical model is one of the significant tasks in contemporary theoretical cosmology

Variable Polytropic gas cosmology

M. Salti∗,1 E. E. Kangal†,2 and O. Aydogdu‡1

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science,

Mersin University, Mersin, TR 33343, Turkey

2Computer Technology and Information Systems,

School of Applied Technology and Management of Erdemli,

Mersin University, Mersin, TR 33740, Turkey


We mainly study a cosmological scenario defining by the variable Polytropic gas (VPG) unified

energy density proposal. To reach this aim, we start with reconstructing a generalized form of the

original Polyrtropic gas (OPG) definition. Later, we fit the auxiliary parameters given in the model

and discuss essential cosmological features of the VPG proposal. Besides, we compare the VPG

with the OPG by focusing on recent observational dataset given in literature including Planck 2018

results. We see that the VPG model yields better results than the OPG description and it fits very

well with the recent experimental data. Moreover, we discuss some thermodynamical features of

the VPG and conclude that the model describes a thermodynamically stable system.

PACS numbers: 04.50.+h, 95.35.+d, 98.80.-k

Keywords: Cosmology, dark energy, variable, Polytropic gas, Chaplygin gas.

[email protected] (Corresponding author)† [email protected][email protected]


Page 2: Variable Polytropic gas cosmology - vixra.org · Constraining the auxiliary parameters given a theoretical model is one of the significant tasks in contemporary theoretical cosmology


There are plenty of astrophysical data that signal us to a universe entered in a speedy

expansion phase[1–10]. In order to understand the accelerated expansion phase of our uni-

verse, a mysterious type of energy yclept dark energy is to be needed. The dark energy

dominates approximately 68.3% of the space-time tissue. Assumption of a dominant com-

ponent which resembles familiar forms of matter or energy has not been justified yet, because

the exotic dark content cannot be detected directly. Diverse proposals have been introduced

in literature to express the speedy expansion behavior of our universe. The earliest and

simplest description for the mysterious type of energy mentioned above is the cosmological

constant[11], but it includes both the fine-tuning and the cosmic coincidence problems. To

remove these issues, different ideas to identify the dark energy were also introduced such as

braneworld models[12, 13], scalar fields[14–18], modified gravity theories[19, 20], assuming

extra dimensions[21–23] and so on. For a convenient brief about theoretical dark energy

models, one can read Ref.[24] and references therein.

An energy-momentum tensor must be defined on the right-hand side of a gravitational

field equation when the compactification is due to matter fields. In order to add dark con-

tent’s contributions to the field equation, various new descriptions, like ghost dark energy[25–

28], holographic energy density[29, 30], Hobbit model[31], new agegraphic dark energy[32],

Chaplygin gas[33, 34], Polytropic gas[35, 36], etc., have been introduced in literature. Among

these formulations, Hobbit[31], Chaplygin gas[33, 34] and Polytropic gas[35, 36] models have

a significant future which leads interesting cosmological conclusions. These three proposals

unify different fluids of the standard cosmological model and can express both dark matter

and dark energy with a single fluid (consequently automatically removing the coincidence


Constraining the auxiliary parameters given a theoretical model is one of the significant

tasks in contemporary theoretical cosmology. The most often considered technique is ana-

lyzing the luminosity distance measurements for a specific family of objects[37–40]. In some

recent research papers, a new way including observational values of the Hubble parameter

(OHV) has been considered to check some cosmological tests[41–46].

The layout of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we give some preliminary

relations and definitions. Next, in the third section, we introduce the VPG model. In


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the fourth section of the paper, we fit the free parameters of the model by considering the

recent astrophysical observations. In the fifth section, we test the VPG model and compare

it with the OPG proposal. In the sixth section, we investigate thermodynamical features

and discuss the stability of the VPG model. The final section is devoted to the closing

remarks. All numerical calculations and analyzes are performed by using MATHEMATICA



Here, as a first step, we assume the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe is filled

with the VPG and the baryonic matter and its line-element is written as

ds2 = dt2 − a2(t)


1− kr2+ r2(dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2)

], (1)

where the time-dependent function a(t) indicates the cosmic scale factor while k implies the

curvature parameter for the flat (k = 0), closed (k = −1) and open (k = +1) universe types.

We also suppose that the FRW universe is filled with perfect fluid which is defined by

Tµν = (ρ+ p)uµuν − gµνp. (2)

Here, ρ = ρvpg + ρbm and p = pvpg + pbm are total energy density and pressure, respectively.

The subscripts vpg and bm denote the VPG and the baryonic matter, respectively. It is

important to mention here that the VPG is a unification of the dark matter and dark

energy. Thus, we can write ρvpg = ρdm + ρde and pvpg = pde. Note that, now, the subscripts

dm and de mean the dark matter and the dark energy, respectively. Moreover, uµ is the

four-velocity vector and we have uµuµ = 1.

The Einstein field equations can be written in the following form

Rµν −1

2gµνR = 8πG [(ρ+ p)uµuν − gµνp] (3)

where Rµν , gµν , R and G show the Ricci tensor, metric tensor, Ricci scalar and the gravita-

tional constant, respectively.

The recent observational data obtained by SNe-Ia[1], WMAP[4–6], SDSS[7], X-ray[48]

and Planck-results[8–10] have strongly suggested that the geometry of the universe is spa-

tially flat. From this point of view, we take k = 0 in the further calculations. Hence, making


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use of equations (1) and (3), it follows that

H2 =(a




3ρ, (4)

where H is the Hubble expansion parameter.

Next, the continuity equation, i.e. T µν;ν = 0, yields

ρbm + 3Hρbm = 0, (5)

ρvpg + 3H(ρvpg + pvpg) = 0. (6)

Additionally, we can also write

ρdm + 3Hρdm = 0, (7)

ρde + 3H(ρde + pde) = 0, (8)

with the fact that equation-of-state (EoS) parameters of the baryonic matter and the dark

matter are taken as ωbm = ωdm = 0. From equations (5) and (7), one can easliy obtain that

ρbm = ρb0a−3, (9)

ρdm = ρm0 a−3, (10)

where ρb0 and ρm0 show present values of the baryonic matter and the dark matter, respec-


In addition to the above calculations, introducing dimensionless density parameters helps

us to rewrite the Friedmann equation (4) in a very useful and elegant form. On this purpose,

first, we define

Ωbm =8πG

3H2ρbm, Ωvpg =


3H2ρvpg, (11)

Ωdm =8πG

3H2ρdm, Ωde =


3H2ρde. (12)

Subsequently, in the second step, it can be concluded that∑i=bm,dm,de

Ωi ≡ 1, (13)

where Ωi ≡ (Ωbm,Ωdm,Ωde) and Ωvpg = Ωdm + Ωde.

It is known that we can fix the free parameters given in the model according to the current

cosmological measurements by using the red shift parameter in corresponding calculations.

The red shift parameter z is related to the cosmic scale factor a(t) by z = 1a− 1. So, we get

ρbm = ρb0(1 + z)3, (14)

ρdm = ρm0 (1 + z)3. (15)


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The OPG model is described by the following EoS[35, 36]

ppg = βρ1+ 1

ξpg , (16)

where both β and the polytropic index ξ denote real constants. Here, we define another form

of the PG model in order to check whether we can get better conclusions. So, we assume

pvpg = βa−nρ1+ 1

ξvpg , (17)

where n is a constant, so, it can be seen that we have three free parameters. It is significant

to mention here that this new proposal can be reduced some of other unified dark matter-

energy models. In the case n = 0, the above relation recovers the OPG model[35, 36].

Assuming n = 0, β = −κ and ξ = −12reduces the above expression into the form of the

original Chaplygin (OCG)[33, 34] which is given by pocg = − κρocg

. Next, taking n = 0,

β = −κ and ξ = − 11+α

transforms the expression of VPG into the form of the generalized

Chaplygin (GCG)[50–52] model, i.e. pgcg = − κραgcg

. On the other hand, the case including

n = 0, ξ = − 11+α

and β = −κ yields the variable generalized Chaplygin gas (VGCG)[53, 54]

model, i.e. pvgcg = −κa−n


Now, we can focus on the equation (6) to find an exact expression for the corresponding

energy density. We can rewrite the equation (6) in a more convenient form as given below

d(ρvpga3) + pvpgd(a

3) = 0. (18)

Consequently, using the above equation, we can derive the energy density of the VPG model:

ρvpg = ρp0[∆(1 + z)n + (1−∆)(1 + z)−

]−ξ, (19)

where ρp0 indicates the present value of VPG energy density and ∆ is defined as

∆ = − β

1 + nξ3

ξ√ρp0. (20)

For an expanding spacetime model, it must be n > 0 and ξ < 0. Otherwise, a → ∞ yields

ρvpg → ∞ which cannot define an expanding spacetime. Now, in order to investigate the

evolution propensity of the dark matter and the dark energy and study cosmological features


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of the dark energy, one can consider the decomposition of the VPG fluid: ρvpg = ρdm + ρde

and pvpg = pde. Then, using equations (14), (15) and (19), we get

ρde = ρvpg − ρdm

= ρp0[∆(1 + z)n + (1−∆)(1 + z)−

]−ξ− ρm0 (1 + z)3. (21)

On the other hand, making use of equations (4), (11), (12), (14), (15) and (19), we obtain

the following result

H2 = H20



[∆(1 + z)n + (1−∆)(1 + z)−

]−ξ+ Ω0

bm(1 + z)3, (22)

where H0 denotes the present value of the Hubble parameter and

Ω0vpg + Ω0

bm = 1, (23)


Ω0vpg =



ρvpg, Ω0bm =



ρbm. (24)


In this section, on the basis of the result (19), we consider the recent observational

datasets such as the Supernova type Ia (SN Ia) sample, the OHV and the baryon acoustic

oscillations (BAO) data to constrain the VPG proposal and investigate the evolutionary

behavior of our universe.

A. Analysis methods

1. SN Ia data

Here, we consider the observational SN Ia dataset which consists information about the

luminosity distance. The Hubble-free definition of the luminosity parameter is written as

dL = (1 + z)∫ z



H(z′). (25)

Additionally, for the SN Ia dataset, χ2 function is given by[55]

χ2SN =


[µobs(zi)− µtheo(zi)]2


, (26)


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where the theoretical distance modulus is written as

µtheo = 5 log10 dL(zi) + µ0, (27)

with µ0 = 42.38−5 log10 h. Note that µobs(zi), σi and h = H0/100/[kmsec−1Mpc−1] show the

observed distance modulus, the uncertainty in the distance modulus and the then-favored

dimensionless Hubble parameter, respectively. For the minimization of χ2SN with respect to

µ0 for 580 data points of the SN Ia measurements[56], we get[57]

χ2SN = P − Q2

R, (28)


P =580∑i

[µobs(zi)− µtheo(zi;µ0 = 0)]2


, (29)

Q =580∑i

[µobs(zi)− µtheo(zi;µ0 = 0)]


, (30)

R =580∑i



. (31)

2. OHV

Considering some observed[58–71] H(z) values given in TABLE I, we can investigate the

validity of the constraints on the auxiliary parameters given in the VPG definition. One can

minimize χ2OHD which can be defined as given below

χ2OHV =





where Hobs and Htheo describe observational and theoretical values of the cosmic Hubble

parameter, respectively.

3. BAO data

It is known that our universe includes a fraction of baryon, so the acoustic oscillations

in the relativistic plasma may be stamped on the late-time power spectrum of the non-

relativistic matter[54, 72]. We can minimize the χ2BAO which is written as

χ2BAO =

[Γ(θ)− Γobs]2


, (33)


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TABLE I: The recent observable H(z) dataset.

z Hobs σ Ref. z Hobs σ Ref.

0.0708 69.00 ∓19.68 [59] 0.5700 92.40 ∓4.500 [67]

0.1200 68.60 ∓26.20 [59] 0.5930 104.0 ∓13.00 [61]

0.1700 83.00 ∓8.000 [60] 0.6800 92.00 ∓8.000 [61]

0.1990 75.00 ∓5.000 [61] 0.7300 97.30 ∓7.000 [68]

0.2400 79.69 ∓2.650 [62] 0.7810 105.0 ∓12.00 [61]

0.2800 88.80 ∓36.60 [59] 0.8750 125.0 ∓17.50 [61]

0.3500 84.40 ∓7.000 [63] 0.9000 117.0 ∓23.00 [60]

0.3802 83.00 ∓13.50 [61] 1.3000 168.0 ∓17.00 [69]

0.4000 95.00 ∓17.00 [60] 1.4300 177.0 ∓18.00 [69]

0.4247 87.10 ∓11.20 [64] 1.5300 140.0 ∓14.00 [60]

0.4300 86.45 ∓3.680 [62] 1.7500 202.0 ∓40.00 [70]

0.4497 92.80 ∓12.90 [64] 1.9650 186.5 ∓50.40 [61]

0.4783 80.90 ∓9.000 [64] 2.3400 222.0 ∓7.000 [71]

0.4800 97.00 ∓62.00 [65, 66]


Γ(θ) =







∫ z



E(z′; θ)


, (34)

where E(z) = H(z)H0

. Remember that Ω0dm is not explicitly included in the VPG proposal.

According to the Planck results[9, 10], here we take H0 = 67.4 ± 0.5kmsec−1Mpc−1 and

Ω0dm = 0.278. Next, in the 1σ confidence region, it was measured that Γobs = 0.469(0.98


0.017 from the SDSS observations at zBAO = 0.35. Here, ns = 0.96 indicates the scalar

spectral index[73].

B. Constraints on the free parameters

We focus on a combined constraint on the VPG model. So, we have χ2 = χ2SN +χ2


χ2BAO where χ2

SN , χ2OHV and χ2

BAO are defined by equations (28), (32) and (33). From this

point of view, making us of the observational datasets, one can calculate the best fit values


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of auxiliary parameters:

(β, n, ξ) = (−0.031,−1.869, 2.990) (35)

with χ2min = 324.691. In FIGs. 1 and 2, we depict confidence contours on β − n, ξ − n and

β − ξ parameter spaces for SN Ia+OHV+BAO datasets.

-0.045 -0.040 -0.035 -0.030 -0.025






2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3







FIG. 1: Plots of 1σ (pink), 2σ (light pink) and 3σ (white) confidence contours on β − n and ξ − n

parameter spaces for SN Ia+OHV+BAO datasets in the VPG dark energy description.

-0.040 -0.035 -0.030 -0.025 -0.020 -0.015 -0.010










FIG. 2: Plots of 1σ (pink), 2σ (light pink) and 3σ (white) confidence contours on β − ξ parameter

space for SN Ia+OHV+BAO datasets in the VPG dark energy description.


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FIGs. 3 and 4 illustrate the evolutionary nature of the cosmic Hubble parameter according

to the OPG and the VPG models in the 1σ confidence region, respectively. Note that, in

FIGs. 3 and 4, the circles show the recent observable values.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0





Red shift: z


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






FIG. 3: H ∼ z relation for SN Ia+OHV+BAO datasets in the OPG dark energy model.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0





Red shift: z


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







FIG. 4: H ∼ z relation for SN Ia+OHV+BAO datasets in the VPG proposal.

In order to check correlation between Hobs and Htheo datasets, we can calculate the

corresponding correlation coefficient r which is used in statistics to measure how strong a

relationship is between two different variables. Thus, we focus on the following relations:

Sx =



)2n− 1

, (36)


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Sy =


(Htheo(zi)−H theo

)2n− 1

, (37)

where Hobs and H theo indicate mean values of observational and theoretical H(z) datasets,

respectively. Making use of the above relations, one can define the correlation coefficient as

given below

r =Σ27



) (Htheo(zi)−H theo

)(n− 1)SxSy

. (38)

Note that the correlation coefficient should always take values between −1 and +1. The case

r = +1 (r = −1) means the points are on a perfect straight line with positive (negative)

slope. The case of zero implies no relationship at all. Absolute value of the correlation

coefficient, i.e. |r|, indicates the relationship strength. It is known that the larger the

absolute value of correlation coefficient, the stronger the linear relationship. Considering

numerical values given in TABLE I, we find that r = 0.968769 which means there is a strong

positive relationship between Hobs and Htheo.


Here, we consider some thermodynamical relations in order to check thermodynamical

features of the model. We start with the energy density relation ρ = UV

where U indicates

the internal energy and V = 43πr3h with the dynamical apparent horizon rh = 1√


denotes the volume of the system. Remember that it should be taken k = 0 due to the recent

astrophysical observations[1, 4–10, 48]. For the flat FRW universe, we can write rh = 1H

yclept the dynamical Hubble horizon. In this section, we also focus on another important

relation defining the entropy, i.e. S = A4G

where A = 4πr2h is the surface area. Consequently,

making use of the equation (22) defining the theoretical Hubble parameter, we get

S =π




[∆(1 + z)n + (1−∆)(1 + z)−

]−ξ+ Ω0

bm(1 + z)3]−2





) 23

. (39)

It is clearly seen from the above result that the entropy is an incensing function of volume

which means it is also an increasing function of time. Therefore, the second thermodynamical

law is valid as it is expected.


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Next, we can also check the thermodynamical stability of the VPG model. In order to

reach this aim, one can check the validity of T ∂S∂T

> 0. As a matter of fact, this case leads

to the relation of heat capacity which can be rewritten in terms of volume[74]:

C = V∂ρ





. (40)

Hence, for the VPG proposal, one can calculate that

C =6πV

313 (8π)



2+ βa−n







)− 13ξ

V13− 2


. (41)

In FIG. 5, we plot S ∼ V (blue dashed line) and C ∼ V (red solid line) relations and

conclude that the VPG model is thermodynamically stable.

0 1 2 3 4 5






Volume: V


FIG. 5: S ∼ V (blue dashed line) and C ∼ V (red solid line) relations for SN Ia+OHD+BAO

datasets in the VPG proposal. Here, we take z = 0.35 and 8πG = 1.

On the other hand, according to the first thermodynamical law, the temperature is de-

scribed as

T = (ρ+ p)V

S. (42)

It is significant to write relations among ρ, S and T , because it leads very interesting

cosmological implications. Making use of our previous computations, one can find that

T (ρ) =(8πG)



(1 + βa−nρ

)√ρ. (43)

In FIG. 6, we depict the evolution temperature as a function of energy density according

to the best fit values of auxiliary parameters β, n and ξ. It is seen that temperature of


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the FRW universe dominated by the VPG increases by increasing energy density just as

expected. Thence, we may interpret this conclusion as the third law of thermodynamics is

satisfied for the VPG.

0 1 2 3 4 5









Energy density: ρ


FIG. 6: Graphical analyze of T ∼ ρ relation with the best fit values of the free parameters given

in the VPG model. Here, we assume that z = 0.35 and 8πG = 1.


We introduce the VPG model as a unification of the dark matter and the dark energy

and investigate its observational constraint by making use of a union case of the SN Ia

sample, the OHV and the BAO data. Based on the best fit values of auxiliary parameters

for the VPG proposal, it is concluded that our universe will not end up with big rip in the

future. It is shown that the VPG model indicates a thermodynamically stable system and

is consistent with the current astrophysical observations. We also discriminate the VPG

model with the other unified energy density descriptions by making use of numerical and

statistical analyzes. It is important to emphasize here that there is an obvious difference

between the VPG and the OPG models. Compatibility of the VPG model with the current

observations is better than the OPG proposal.

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