^•'f 5 S .^«ssa^^ ^R^fe^v^fltf?1f*«s f'fclt 4'- fc--.a-.**,,=}, l'..>d) "tv.<v! i£3g£gd - ; ^ | « ^ j ^ * *'r^gy?^;j •r.-s- ,# v ^^^^^^^^^^^^^F^S^rtlfw^v^w^w^w^w^w^w^BwaBsww, ^H^'WilSlL iii new-- Corner Kate and Catherine Stwtli [Twelve solid tines of Nonpartei, or 1 8(p«e one je^fj^^.^gi^^^Jpi mm, SlatSt?,.??. Y. %$%„...$» 85 inscriptions .e it>ci> In tne col- fin *Very »itU!lt<m»I liMWcwts^erpiiif. »*kcue r 1Soirtc^ftfeai% l B«»rtfcie« »nft ihaths, willbe charged *T^i>t-Serff. above rt^iililr rstvk llcsisESs XOTICCJ, imtrted in thefiews columns, and all noitbes ae^ueSlla pi&lote1aalWhuar1n£J«K, w'ft| »jR^bar t gg«L*|J*e.riU«.of fi*Ii' iC^sil for thefirstBui" aWI(fs^ijpit/for eaSi succeeding >i|r. oriHnarjr anaouaccluems of.mai ,noijees,j>m8-or. poetfj,11ve cfec ;. All accountsfar»d5»a*&Ii|g .-ulesJttk at UufetUue-vt Hie \*¥'»rjt^Bjtrtton of itieiiilrertlseiacni AdTcrtisemeuts' *' aho«W We aiartpUfce length ur Unve |o be iiistrtej, ofli «»he Utejt riit fes-coutiuucitill furt|'), or *t the option ofifc-gl.ubfehyra,•jmatliarged accur|liogly. •••?•' B^ifffimf^fftectory. iages ami Jeallia^ ons, anil ohlluary Bu,|i«»ess Directory. v AECAaK SilOOS, Uraler f«j»a Barndj.V t»I^P»##«»er3ri#a|0Wi»isY. Warm .Meabatalllionrs. Tec Cream furnished Tor 'TOHel^DM^rTe,!! at the Saloon. Oyiter* SeifVe^nseWr^S^ISi- OhoTeestk-Brand* of Alea and Cigars constantly on hand. Baltimore and Falrhaven Oysters for sale, by the Quart or Gallon. [AprSjl H3DENS]BtJE(\H, S. T,, Having,purchased the large and commodtons hul.aih'g corner of Water and DWUIon Streets, the'subscrlber has opened a public boose, . knotmM theTALlMAN UOtSKand respectlullj io- r. B4»*Bo^oi^TW>bHciBMronage. Hel»«lendea»iDr falnttr JgiS-UMt class HBtise; antfwllh «»• wie^naUed ttcllH!r-*'a1id Tils own personal'scperTlslon, feela he can «Ke satisfaction to all who Via; favor him with a trial. The citizens nf Northern New York are par- ticularly invited to call. Oedensbntgh.JufySO, JS80. ~ " J.E|W.*PAW.MAN. ' 't»>'&»c C'»"-r VMJ-MI'—r?*$%~rr~~~?itr"_ lutf* Iniurance Office, alal9nt v N.|V. - inciteprouSptly attendedK'. ] H. G. IcTLBcfRN, irnJffit^.V*i» , C^b3Jgtft,OBtS'I«|AW. Fort Coving; EUGENE Wit-'B E R G. W. LEWIS, iTfORSEY ASBCOCSSRtOB AT? UW, of the sef . anl CotirU or thfrStaSei; and Proctor, Attorney, So-- Hdtor. Counjdnr.anil Adirocateofithe Courts of th»* rifiStft Safes, fertCbvIhjton, Frsnklln Co., N. V. DONIHEE & SAUNDERS, iTIOlfJESS A!U» COUSSKrXlRS Jt 1AW, «m %eet Opposite old Banking Honse, Majnhe.N. V. gpectal aUention given to ; chlm»;for4'«n4tonsjBonotIe3, tie. Wj B. DO.SIBEE. | J . 0 . SAOSDKRil. TAYt.Qa*HJOBBS, A-BfOESESS AN© COUNSELOR^ AT W W , }«o' 2 tnton Block—over t\ T. Heath's O&g Storey Ualone. <K A. "tiTtoa.' A'. Hoaas. « . F . 8 ATI PHrsiClAJf XNO l |Si;K6KON, Helidence, 6«t house East of the MelHcldlit Church, Majone,N.Y. PBTSICtAS .VNpgtfRGKON, WnolfoitaeriypracUced Oiedlctne at Fort Covington, anil foe the past uree years People of Slaloheatid vicinity thatjie has permanently located In this place, anrfsriliete ajsUare of pnb'Jqpat, njrt^eiS jatesIdeniK: itiDenntoniWIBard's, two doors' aSRh-'6f iBSISricl: 'Cnffrelir^WS^'Ko. 1, Phteoit b Rooms eve* the Ba«kV»Ul«a«7N.Y. "ds«4y tohlsold at he"h»s rorm- Wsr. EC Ciuuft ^bn!»iC»Heienr cpntique the. Dental G. M. SURGEON D Tajfmirs'Ni LENT roendajmapawoi ed i coiiarthersnlp with nis brot •hffhjuijostiradaatedatfteP' SAtiiaiijjBT^iis^ftafeiilteysrj b.mineis Injaillis branches, at his old Kopm ov«r the rSrSera'National Bank. They a're prepared to per- -fira» ail Dental«peralioMlnasurjerior,nianneraj3d i at ••st-reasoaaWe.-pfcft. SplendH Teeth Inserted dn alltheBsiieanQwinase- , I. _, ,^ '. da street, Malone> ;«&sVl&ract*ry-lniBMr; -T^ "S«»ffii^ m^P'^.-. - ..... J*. :^- -A ' - OR H ww «y patreoi wttttna ine at my ro -' t6ntroi»*«tstt«sflie«Hliofei . of«a«A«»potWd«i;ote tootherl St. lawreW? i,WJ "jffifcrortjWvtet •ajamtk.-the last Hfc«eai*U6«nd ^fetieaijl one •^Hlt«sr«-«»^.'i aij»-*ie»t-J*-TMtWerVln^ .Company, or ftortdence, JCI.. »mce*»a!onrjN. Y. , . X i l F BI Ov?r i9,O06,sJ66 Represieutea I t i r e I.nimrattiCBCompany t Mutual Beuciii life lusurauce Company, -- Ineprporoted In 1845. Assets January 1st, 1SC0, 99,040,C3Q 00 '.Persons Intending to Insure will do well to call and examine tho merits of this Uompany before taking Poli- cies Tn any other. WHOtfieLU-E ASD RETAIL DEALER In Brandies, hand. West end of the larljlge, H»in street, Ualone. RMiY,"^ H AND ULINOS.IQ 'HadonevSTX: -"•* -•-•" UoP- rth.'a Hiinlng .alietiIae*iht» ; -B*en*dded to tlie maelfinerjr. it tnlsSliop, and the proprietor iinow ready to plane alt kinds of tantor on short ootKe, and at the: most KisMnHento; Also, a Toagielug—«"—•*— ilachinefor matching floor boards;, Ac, i*. UiSUPACIfHEK OS DOORS. Balldlng near WhrtieliejV Foai §wmM& OMMMt IS OfATOHES, CliOCBS A!&» JBWflHiy, Sifve'r, and Sliver Plated Ware,, Fancy Goods, *c Watches, Clock* aud Jewelry- ReSvalreO, Not a Hdr- - -,toi*a»w«,lWte»»Jit:Y, .,::v- -4, :JV*;< "'• OSilbEKS IS DttCUS, 31EDV aiffti JJerfttaaeCT,*t^t?er7jw. So. 8, Colon Block, Malone, N. Paint*, Oil..' Dye-' I fancy t!ood*,*c.. .-^..•ikaiawas,; ItGKt EOE^K FL^IISO. MMABQM. O M I M HJIY0EN8, I1UORIER3 ASiB .«0aBEffiM*«PCTife"8 a »*¥Y« llt « , S4tf0S»«*e.,Hp.i3S5 Broadwajr, Se# Yorfc^-^ •- |»^t«»i'W. OivH,-v - ~-i|a«»i.g^*>ow'- J mi0lV3ALE^^ «8fMH5Si S^and-afReanle Street fl>««: dtiOTaeiatof Bro»dsray,SewYbrk. . , r--- :8«stt W. B«t«a»]»,.-;•"•' ; v,W«? 6 ¥ Oips«a?o*. JOHNO. l^Bopt*, Shoes. Leather, * c . So, »X*m B * t , « « I S . W s p i * . * CttiSJOnlefsde Beaters " ot*i Bhoes. Leather, *c, So4?& * » * ffowvjppo- sl * tieisttr Iionse, fotmerrfocaapn of thffFart^Thcf- «»fcSewf«or»; H.-II. BiinwiS, IIESXT Oix. n* -&J* w^#e««A# " £S3Ei> ABCTI0»l*R» foptltfjConntjo r-PianMln. 4 «Uan Sales attended to and Bills furniihed when re- BWWaiRt* 1 ** - «r**# Wtark) at the new Stsile, Hill St., Mafone. : C*O»CWWW|NGS, fct«$*y«tt*l* Pearlite«et v Malone,»: V:, U 3 useKartsJ4#»f«»« «*«l F ' t. U\r*ERY«*r »I-E. BtliWfcT. CLA**l^jaWfc»»5f l«^*^y*«^ •riittaiile, !• wa» at B-aMssawW.wlee*,^!sldeof .tirltw,«»<r«h*wmcwatio»«UU»«st»<«». t JI«wU] »&es.tt«'he*«f «wo«Mstt,a4 |ea*««a»l» frtces, and «^ss > s*frla'a^««e«i<ej(ltWtaY(tati<awA(e.^X*> ; Mie,fa»l,M." •,.-•." DRESS ACLOAK^ «Ti«wi.allw«*«»«MBW*»I;tXOAK MAaSo., «*• raats aU wis wwsk, |MMH ISM BwriT north W 41* StaftlstCwarch, OB Webst«*re«i •• !»5oV» t .Aaf.!f«,I»t-*l- '-'- C. A. MVP North Bangor, 5. T;, •eater Iw tM : *ai taumiUl Trtk SJuiVt, 4t.. Jrtaai Khraarrr * Barry's Namrwav BocwSwtsr, if. t. SB-YMOUR «HOliSE, P. J. T*l1.SrlN;'Proprietor-: (formerlyBt. Lawrence Ho- ! tel,) Ogdensburgh, N. V. This House is eligibly situa- ted on the corner of.4"pid,anil Slate streets. It has recently been wfltte^nu refurnished., and tn all Its - •appoiotoventsisafiiat class hotel. Chai-ges reasonable. *ZZT- ^PA«k'. HOT EL, : « EORtiB WKIGUT; Proprietor. Corner of Bet kman and ^assattStteets, N. Y. One of the most convenient Motels In the city to Business, Car and Stage Routes and Places of Amusement. Board $2.50 per day. .3 * f!tf -""•? >'.* ; 13j . -. I5B9yl en-'jyr^r o(ffl^t> ^pif^BBas^Byff^m^ ?••*: \' lr ,foJeolwe,np^atQp|*3rJW^ll!ias, Winter ccwin 'ajTfcfen»}«*iii J Fe*eX and ifcoiitTASaxT" rwioinv as SMCIU PO»."- CharUa S.Xing r M^I> n $fa ft^efc, ^ ' j £ - t W r t S 3 t » e | * •-.;-;- . I . f RED PMES€KIPTION, ^»**|«8c^iti|^is« iMiac-'itiso,, J>., i&!-l*c6nfldtin««1ir>»iMtiSKIo ft«f public 'xevjtntionandCure,of '••?;'.-.•- l?Cf kos* AIXYAHCEfr SrTAtHM,} 'fcrtJ <7«f« of ASTHMA, iMOSOHlTIS, 0A- • — „ u , »ad all affections of the THROAT^and AIR PAS 8A6E8; for GentralMaSSpecial Detangementt ottoe N&V0D88Y8TJtlI,; ^ndforaJJ Apf/o^<j? W«- It hnttMiattJg Increasestnas tttengthtnOi dttpene. the coloy%rtht:paUlilM<l. It snbdnts.theOTfttland *•<•»«•, and diminishes the Rrjitctoratioit,,,, ft ciW"!* The (tpfiiiite Is at once, toiidotatifc antt the patient rapfflmailtitMw; th*feo^7laaatMjaIfJtei»»8«(?tt- toff are{:8peedilj.fe|I?ved; thesleep become* calm and refresnhfk; the viaiuStfvntjttgi^af %rA Uniform.— ATXTIlle GENEKAt SYUPTOM8-DI8APPEXS WITH. A RKAJLlA- A3TONI8BING RAPIDIT1-. L ,•• The PRraCRIPTION should.bet used lu .every case the Physician coirmonly prescribe! "To.Njca Iuos, AC1D3, B i » c ; QtiSuiB/Con-tiTaaOlt, WHI«KL : fertile-^ TARRH where the Physician coirmonly prescribe! "Tosirej' 1 ma, Bi»c;,Qti!tuiB/Co».tiTa«Olt, WHISKLI, 4c, and tn every cue, by Kjtitsvs* suiiK xaows, In AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINE. '- Palladium Buildings, MsJone, N< Y. ? t5 •Sgft l l S U ' R A l C E AGENCY Established in ISSO. Rcprjsemlng.a-Ttfe Insurance Cap! talof And a Surplus of Making a total amount of security J ;-«;<hinsi losses by fire of L F-IR $8,««|0,000 00 4;363,22»' 84 raa^sso »4 Etna Insurance rompniiMjClfttJford. lptt'al apaiurrilas NS i fi$iJB*,455 89 apltal a{id Surplus Uartfordliiauruiit'c Coiiipu CapHatand Surplus, Ph«eai* Iusurancc f ompiri Capital ^Swpl^ Capital and Surplus $tp$Wford. _^, ^*™^ (ford. ffome InsnTonff fompnny. JCaiHtalandSurpiu»,f:«! Security Insurancei'ompniiy -ILiLt- ,,of s Hart ford. , v * " l |5H!8,0G7 47 of \rw York. -4!),6»S,G74 14 , of New York. ,, *l,p*LjM4 «B ] Colnjnbia Iusuniiifp Compauy, N't\v,Yort, Capital and Surplus, »J.15S,183 86 ! ••aar«s «s«inat. Arcldent* of alXJclnair Capital and Surplus,. l&SS.CBo OS Weekly «rouii»e«*atlou 10 flic In- StireiT from #5 to §50. -ThemidersignedwoHia respectfully call the:attention of the cltiwns of Franklin County to Hie roregolng ehor- mous exhibit of Capital and'Surfflus,, its', Bechritvag"" "' th*p^owpeness with whldtheavy losses n paid by Uiose Companlerdnrln? tlie past year* in this vicinity and elsewhere. Is a suDiclent guaranty for the futar?, and,demonstrates the advantage of Insuring fhsbtrnd aia rtlisWe.Carbjjanles. ..,, ' The:followingTrOm'* Well-known underwriter of this State Inrelatloato cnsiljInsnrancB U worthy of perusal: 'aifltf/rflfeJiai banirnptty 16 the. unuerwrfter.'fnd ps to the Insured also. When an bfflee offers tola-' fnWei perhaps •are at- toe- low » rate, disappointment and failure are Jost as certain a» peisonal'estr'avagance—beyond ono's ^cOrfeMTnekf'dbiir fo poverty and want " An Insnr- ance Company has no power to produce money bytnaglo; thetHls noms»Sery W. their traiaa*tloijs; the^sanwlatr la aa essentialtoprosperity as to their indlvldnals. Tntaa rtfc6«^t'ariixc«ja>TinnR cxt>KSnrn.iri; or they will have an'grfylnsolveney.andbecottjlgncTltothe tcmb of the Capuleij," c - ' - •" , - . - . } .•> ."--,-" '--•'; --, .- "' •*"''' Parties desiring aKUanta IKSCBA NOB at equitable ratCJi will And it to their advantage tp apply at this office be- fore InsnrinR of renewing their Policies elsewhere. 4 For the convenience of parties residing la Fort Coving- . ... ...... ,.__^ ?i ..,_-_._ . —,^—,^.~^. , T.;t.,;M0iflGAit:|«1^, .._, ^^^^ caUJitSSldS WWeilAStS^GrfeBpn^lJroTWont,; ^gj*$|gS ^H V S^^^^* t! ^^^W'n^.L.iikM^ the former, ahfEdwln O^Roherfs of ti*latterp!aee, OfllceoverKsABP, DumctBt Co.'u Store, Malone, N.Y .•'.'•• ."l>«:»..HCNTtt<«!TOpT, Agent, ,d Chateaugay, application for. InsuraSteete Mfjrof J. J . & J. K. SEAVER, k S T O R K A N J » A H A L F O W K L a M H O A. Houi.e,-and Village Lot, for sale.sltuate on sTrst street, Maloue, near the reslfleace. of U. n. Thompson. Terms reasonable. ' /Plroe win: bo given fof part of tjte t*-^ *?=." Atianil, Office, on-Khn-Streeu f^ »-, i . To those whd burn Browii^ Fatent Lamp^^Ghimney v" At a saving ufJuOper cent. Jialone, April t>, liOt. HKATH * Btt££D. t I A.it Mow Jtoavf-roft *NO AtrmpA^ *d to furnish the best and most darable WLTaad CKMKNT ROOBNQ now la a»c,7.«| cents per foot, far Steep tad Matitoofs, Au Improvement »n the Gravel Root for particulars?, A ddre**- v J. W . W r T , American Hotel; tUreJtftJnSr .'Watertorn.N..»...-.• CLOAK & DRESS MAKING. I iwta sUawl COIIC«STRtT«0 LYE) « • » « • » » it WiJ aisi* 15 a*lloosl>s»tS<)»lli< mm .WWMft rjawfcaV.A-r. ••«*»*. irhlch there la exhibited any one or more pfthefollonlng Dtficttlt wJrremlartewW*8t.Ms» of Hreath, (totigK,\Wattfa<g oftF/tfAi $M&UWJro%itte,&uxgi t Lmaof\StrengtA/lktoo^fAppmb;&«n&aVi>ebita!f t Night Sustati^tyt*g Paint <hraugk Hit SharUtitrt, Chest, fact or Limbs, XcrtoUi JUadackt, Xtrrovs Prostration, Gid(Jiitttsor ///wi'iies*, J&c&Mirtfa'*- new, l»H Throat, DMcslrteit. SUiptcuiun, Sour tilomatft, Ihitrt-Burn, Opprtulon or Siaiing o/Ols iStamach, before.vr,after eating, £<witUntJ?tcciyS:c. d)o., aa& tt»iicuu,T «*» olt Ftma{el>Uiort?er» or H«* 4ne Ier\tgalarUte«, tuck fl« DiMcult, Ptitiifitt, Sup- pressed. Scanty, JKr«<ssf«, 1>eld!fe<t, j'r-eimutuv or too FretpteiitMenUruatioiu ' *-... SUtcmeiitti fi-oai i>«(Ient«} *c " Vow Freuriatlon iav.-tl.roy danilticrV life, and bus saved ipe hundrctls of dollar*,"—Rev. E.. ttt/MPtnifV', Reiusen,, N. Y. " Wa Mess God for tlie beneBf we have recelvetl' fri.m your Prepared Prescription "—Rev. P. PKHKOSIXK, Bloss- bnrg, Penn. -' ' "ICtery one to whom I have recommended it has been benefitted roucli by Its use."—Rev. C,.», Joxrs, Racine, Wisconsin. ~* *' UIBLB Urn *L, A.-roi: 1'L*CK,JJ. V.—In the early partof Kebmaily, iSCs, 1 was sutferlng from a violent cough, for sliiih 1 hail tieen treated during six months prcTl- ou9b iwiln.iil benefit. I had .Viy/,/-.S«-,;af« which com- plciei^ prostrated me. In the evening,hoarseness) would t"nne on, ililtli woUtd prevent me from sp>aklng , ubov« a wliUpri I bad tbe» had two attacks of .hemorrhage Irmn ilie lur>i;>. My family Physlclan_«jsure4 me lhat he could >la no more for me.yetl waserowlpi rapidly worse, in J had been compelled to leave business feK nearly two months. All my symptom* Indicated, unmis- takably, the pretence of CONSt'JlPJION. Jn.theh^ ginning of February, Mr. Hsaav FISBKK, Trsaturer e/ the Amtricaa Bible Society* presented me with a bottle or the PREPARED PRESCRIPTION: In » few days, my appetite, (which I hadentlrely/aJf,).retnfned; with: tn a weijk, my congh had almost let * than two weeks, Theneeferward l regaineo sirengw rapidly, now regularly attendlngto my duties aa^Ierlc to (he AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, in whose employment 1 have been nine years. I am now enjoyIngtoadTiealih. Your PRESCRIPTION effected*CTJRE,when sayfriends despaired of my recovery. THOfl. J; CONGER, " I havehadNKavoirsoaBriSXODieAsnotsforeleven years. During the, last sis years L have never had an uninterrupted night's rest. It orten seemed tome that t would die before I could get air .into soy long*. 1 was haggard and spiritless, and suffered so greatly from shortness of breath,' that I was compelled to take fre- quent rfsts In walking frommy residence to my place or business. >' " ' " The night before I obtained the * PREPARED PRE- SCRIPTION,' was the worst I ever passed. Oa obtain- ing tneirenwdy, i took*jtes*noonfjq at: n.oqnJmd, again at night and slept all night without waking.' I have got Hia> A BHOtlS StasTt'8i«««at»CB. * « J no longer look 'haggard,' have gained In strength and spirits, and am not at all afflicted with 'shortness of breath.' I shall be glad to have any oae afflleted with. Asthma call and see me. /• ia!RA C.LANGDON,.. No. IKM^ciurtlt street, N. t ? " The "PRKPARBD PRESCRIPTION" taput op In a |1 bottle, and la sold by Druggists generally, or orders may be addressed to the Solo Proprietors, OSCAR G. M03F4tCO.,C7CoanJ»DTSTantr,H.Y. Corunltatlon free., Clrculara oontainin t - PASTICOUBS' oy turn* CASES snccessfuily treated, will be sent trite by mail; E. n, Wilcoi * Co., Agents for Malone and vicinity. THE OKEAT CTCLlSHRBWKPy. PttDfEOtTGBUT ROTAt CKTtERS ^ATKNT. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S firff.BRRATOD FBMAL£mXX& Preparcd/rom a praerlptton of Sir J. ttarlct, 'It. A, Physician Extraordinary to tht Queen. This Invaluablo medicine Is unfailing In th« cura or all thoae painful and dangerous disease* to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates-all eicess and removes all obstructions, from,whatever cause, and a speedy cure may b^Wlitd on. ,, TQHAB^IEp tADI£fl It Is patticularly suited. It will. In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. -Eafch bottle^ price One Dollar, bears the Qdrernntent Stamp of 0 real Britain, to prix«nt counterfeits. CAUTION. rhespPillfhbtad.iiotietattti.bj; female*during the FntSTTUDJCS3fOSTm<iferigna»oTi',a»Otiu are 4ufe to XiHng on Miscarriage^ tut at any otXtr time ttey are lofe.' * " f •••" ;• T , , In all cases of Nervous and Spinal AffecUocs, Pains, In tot[ Jte«fc t M«4»tl)»^atIgn*^n; ; slight. MtrltoB,^!- -ja of the Heart, Hystarics, and Wiltes.theje Pfils effect a cure when all other mearj have failed j and loojh a'po'werfal rem«dy do notcontaln Iron, calomel, Umony.oranythlnf ttrtfaltft. the constltatjon. Full directions In the/pamphlet.around each package, whli* should be Carerull^rpraaerTad. 8oU> st AixDacaaiSTS. Fajca,,Ot(x JDoixaa rga Bomxi ...-;'...!, sPEQiALm^m liiathefatee^mt^valm^Mtdi letters "Ti'S U. n ifrJh%m i$tKtoomi,'iti® mat eac7> wrapper oeart the tt.o §nuta of the signature* of I, G. %UJ>WW*CO. t oM -JO^MPSE^.-- f^jmwtwMcMomat^einuita.e,, ».,,.. * ,., N.B.-*1,W and C three cent postasritamps enclosed to any natborttid Agent, or t o the Bole General Agent for the rolted Stales and British Dominions, : win ensr.re a bottle coatainlnj CO Pills, by/return mall, securely sealedftoaall obiervatlon. jfofisCooa Utee'tAat iht rtle.'and that &..-! ILCOX A CO. Agents, Maloue, I IJFE--HEALTH»STEENGrTH. LIFE- -HEALTH--STRENGTH. HuudreuVand tbousaaila anuually die prematureVy, whenlf ihey,would give the Great French Remedy, ; OBl^BRATBP 8 P B O I P I O g g J i S , " ;l^rop^fW»'.«^.Qa^*«i«it^ihPr»& baii.Parb,frato*epracxlpUitnofl>.Juan.Delamarre, Chief Physician to thallQSpItaldaNQrd oil LarlboWere, a fatf W % tKeyWnritooflnjMdlatrreUefc^ short tinfe.i be fully reaterM'tci BtalUi anil" 'SltatfJl., ItlsnkdlathoprMUcoofmabycmliient.Ff'cncbpDysJ- r, recoaunende J •enndji, lot ill peri r ..,,...jjffrom GenBraTor Besraal ITeWIItjr,aU fle* rangtnisnts efttw NerTons Isrees, Uelancltoly, iS)<r«- atprt-ma-Q?&^ql^$Mmf**Wi^^ alii. Jns;frqin.8eai«U»aEces»eS of Yon.ififi|IInai«cretroni, Lois of MiucuWr Energy.Physlcal Pro»tratloh#,Nervontae»», Weak 8r>lne, Lbwncss of Spirits,TOainiesi.oTAVTsIon, Hysterics, Palha In the Rack and Limbs, Impotency.Ac. : No tangnage can convey ah adequate Idea of theim^ mediateandaimoatwilracaloiiuiehwgf It proilnces In the debilitated and shatteredfystem.. In fact. It stands uorlvallfd §34n unfaDiflj care of the maladies above utenlluMa.'- * •'" * ' ' v •*'.-'-•'>•'.. t Buffer no more, but Use The Great French Bemiily; It simelteilAcnra whjtjiaJliDajet^.faU.afl^rtrtonglist S owerfu! remedy, contains nothing hurtful tn the molt ellcate constitution. ;• . . . : -, j Pamphlets, containing full particulars «nd direction* " - '\ French, Sranish and; fJerman.RC' forutlni,In - . , .... . . -. . . . ... Company each bo*, and arc also sent free to any ad'. dresswiien requested, :'-:'-^!s^;•:•:: k'K- "* * PrtoOnc^U^rperbox^or. Wbpsei for Flye^Datt ' Bold by all DrunUulhrouglwulUir world i-pr will be sent by mall, securely sealed from* all obicrvallon, by .^._ J .*.... .........,.*. - 1 '" " = *.'*"" r at:, .'.u...' OSCijR s-ffOi Authorized agents for MsJoae I JnryIOy-1 " ja.'*i*ijiitT,: e»i WVl^tf8A^H«ANBJ , ACTrjrS-Jld« i . PATENT BREE0HL0ADIH8 FIRE ARM Double and Single Barrel Rifles ,MABE TO ORMR. CoJUiosfltta; VToa)r«,«n(l'^•>*xv for S*ai*afrate Rirtti*. G.fl.Ca»«. ^Rx^kt, IIicc* A <Jctix»ci«iTa*8 C irs for B» iars, if i rsisn and th* Sruiio- vtsib BirtK.% Teats 4nd Coat*. Urn B>aixc*,«« •HAjciiaa«.S*»»*.aita Tc»»ia«*.lWW»ssi TtiiMt*, Cokp Wltaactiu, CVWrsswa^Bao* and LIAO, GKS¥A» ajtvat, BasiJ »nd Brtis. Gty Tajumsia*, the best (juallty « RirLs P.iwps^edBJ'-iStiy.oolUii.oV R«*iliHw> t***^ IT'S Hit iA-,rHr^/- , . , f - 1 •:: Shop *jts Dnaas •*«Wft*'' - M»tBBc,-Nov.'2J,^Sfi5-- J- ,• -;' ,- r Coffins and Cabinet Work H.-H. CVI-RCtT W _ Cacw4 «f au slaas, assj. staaUyost hasjU »r aUste or<sr. Parllealtr sttsa A BOY'S PRAYER. " Hattle I sister! I want a drum— ' I.arjre, and pretty, aud round, and.red, So, If I pray, do yon think 'twill come ? . *«•¥anil receive,* the |Lprd hath said." ''' But the sister, musing, shook her head. f: :'p, i: t I " How should I know, dear brother t Try; Toil can but fall," was Use «5ft reply: And so t» his darkened room he went. - Qtlll oh his simple thought lnl en t, " To ask the Lord for the precious boon. •"• And please, dear Father, send It soon— - ' Large, and pretty, and r^und, and red, Send me a drum, dear l/>rl," he an 1.1. So answer still, and he dime one day. And bid his head on Ids 'sister's brra»>. "HatUe.I think I will not pray, * Give me a drum, dear pather,' lest My prayers should wronj Uim—II, innm !•• - , So back to hbilmple toll and ploy, i Calm aud content he went that day ; ' Bnt God, who garners the smallest senl Of faith and patience, to, dower wltli mreil Of bud and blossom In Ills good time, Owned and answered the faith sublime - For other ears than the sister's bear .1, Unknown to the child, his simple word , And when Uie glad New Year was come. With Its festive mirth and Us nserry Irani Of housebold-greellngB,,a bran new dtum Gladdened the slght'oniie wondering l»>y , lie could not speak for the smldrn jo> ' At length he lifted his tallies, dim Willi happy tears i " It is just like llin - Just like the Lord," ho murmerod low, " And just the drum I wanted so. Though for a smaller one I praj ed . For, sister Hattle, I felt afraid Lest th» dear Lord I might ask aiubs, To pray for a drum so big as this !" t ""••" ••• > -• • ?.•(!'•• «. t'J»- it tftjnV rstftj/ ft. A ' with,: Mr. Joba iW. BrcttjiM'.adiflwSir) I Charte. Bright* and Pr. , WhkeJiouge K organ I ized U»&Atlnnlic^clsgEfiBli«Qn»pai}iy-,;,Sci j encc had beguiv lo ctintRi»j%u > irip-nccsssiiy ,Uw) ougtrie roams', ileclf belowllert?: tTirj boats oti the water, nfRtt l|ie:otl; while rocl; ~ sea. Then f •6; : M'f»M^^Vi»ifiV'hc died, leaving iiaught brit Ibis llertjhljBjrbteBsiris for the widow maT.ber flonk pi nye ofsuch an enterprise;,and. Ae greaii l?ttr.i our faces , , ., tit. •-!- i-r... —.i..™„„.v. W J„ esi} lofiiiie gaUv*»s*I"sat 'in '{h£eice{Uti$<?;r$m support brrself, m'uehiess provittefwafam- day.cheercd ; us with his lol>>- «nilmsiasjn.— J wiud ro"" 1 . «t"«l for ihirtysis hours we were „.' „ .. ^ -.-., ...<..._! .i._ ' esuoseil to all lite flansers of ajstornt on the AjlanUc. Vet in the verv hc)^;tb.,tin(l.niry tTh'en for the-first ttmo w«s wt1i«lijii.Uie sjip iport of iKuglish.capiinlisis; stutj ^ligjf„*liq i British Goserniiienl begani that .generous, i course which it has cuiv.iuuciJiever.^AOW—: , offering us sliips to c^imiilc^tispyn^uJSa across I the Atranlic, iind loasstst laying tJnecatli', 1 and an annual subsidy for tbu ARiustmssIoa ;-of megsageev The expedition ut 1837 nm the two expeditions of^1858 wciejoini utiteri>iis i ea, in which ilic Atagam and the.«&<w/<«!««/«.- i na took pan nith the .Igauteunnw, ikvlic»)> , ard, the Uiirgou autl the Vitfoioue, Jtod llu lOHicers oi liolh imvu-a wuiketl «iih aviicnjtt* rivairy lor the same gri-ai obji-ct^ Thtx-ip ;il;il—cxci-pt one quttttrr «>C, which, .Ujymt have siitl, was taken by iMye«il>».i|Ssitli i scribed wholly iu Great .Britain. rTucDir.x j tors ivereuluioat all Kiiglish baykeis au<l, ,.. i merchants, though among th,«»n wasoiiBgeu- i tlenian whom «c ate ppuuiiMowllaii^mtr' i U-uu—v3Ir. George lW>udy* a uame honored I in'iwo ouulries, siuco liu haa oUiMVerctl his I princely brnuluuliuns upwu bi)}l>-^stho, ih'» a resident lui nearly furty,yeare i n ^ w d o n , whin he lias gamed iibuutlteAt: ^Tcjtltti and ! honoi-, suit itui^B iu tin laijd,<4". Iliabiilh, idechuiuu l.'uilcil kui"kltim to ana she occasionally gets copying trtdo; but it is hard work fofa female in thcsB timca to IViSsiiofiisiit came up front life lieokHviUcii, ilyj A .. ,- Ti ., - ..... «: ., i_.A,_ >Mo\wshIcould'lietpthQp.oortli»ng,— Wouldn't Mills give her some, writing i?a?m ;h.iying crossed to Ireland, came back' to me in midocean, telling me tlytt thosb so aqar lo :mc t wlitrtn I bad left on. the btwlts oftbo ., „.. »- u • * rTti.No!), were well, aud IbllQWirjg tiswitbfit is a delicate thliig to uiRoas«,forBheB!|oo ihsif »i»h<..s au.l prajcrs. .This w a i m c a proud^to accerrtanyttingmthe.shane^)fftJa ; -..•--.. ...... . »„•>..? . v ,-js ; vor fron j him j ^ink jje likes her, don*|.yo«i?" the office—you knpw he is aiawyerf flat whiiiiier ol God Trotn" lUc »ea, bidding mo lecp lieafl and hope. The Qrctft ptstern, Jivre hctstir proudly tlirniiglt jthc 1 storm as if alic kiit-H ihal the viial curd,,which was lo jniii tun h^tuiapluTc.-i, htuig at Ti<r stern and *n, «.n SjUurilay, the Illf/if 'September, j I say, Miriam, - . , *,_ l.ltt.r. ... ii.j.j, | • r-mcltt,lfl nith the ioli»»win:f ' Yes, I see him otten watching Uer when she is talking, with a, pleased expression on his face, for she is really a sensible girl, bnt i Mrs. Marabean's twattle drowns oat others. It was a wcieral mistake tak- «e biiiiisltl "in !>':ri>nd cable sifVIy lo shore. | ing her into the,house co'ju'ries. I/«t wb'i will spealj iig-.titist Eng i... i...»f.rnt -i 6aroucu» ot"Vh'Jil :lll d -words of t-n-urc most come from oth ,can tilizui. .-••>.„,»•. .* " \\ iih thoinstwry o» Utts^spcdilion ut X8bl i -3B yon are. loiniliai. i i>»,lhe thud-tiki we gained m. brief*uccea* Tlie cttbui:vv*sjaid, I see it, and am heartily sick of her har- angues. I belieYa ere this every one.in the house is thoroughly disgusted with heit,— Why, itr was only yesterday that site corncr- ed Mrs. Anderson mthe ball, and wUUe Jier ue eftcct only do I refer ;as ihe^ carnage was waiting for hetfit the door, said, eirt-fbtt.as li'briii^tjlipto. «Don^yon,pity me Mtd. .Andei-son? Hjere »= ,.»«. vmjMi V nw M L luwelgofc.to journey down.town in tUos« horrid cars, crowded as they are with all Mi. field -tsuulimeut: i " Of ihc re 0 ult3 of this eilterprise—"ct»m. mcrciallr jud politically—*U is for others to. speak T>i oue eftcct nifh of my Tie- closer'relations «ith EnglanVJi'it'may pro- duct a "better nnder*tindingbetween (he two pisiccUiuui. HISTORY OF THEATLANTIG GABLE. ' •aMupttotyrasH. Fielt. To Cynts W. Meld, rather than limny ulli- cr^rhiinjbelopgii i^iecredlt of havingfir«tr.»n cetveilthe practicability «l nn«Ailantit Trie- graph. Hiashurr in the cost of the niter- prise, or his prominence In it* execution, in>iv TiaV6"been rinrpaasnl Iry snnte; lint «n<> thing nnojn.estionably is*/* alone- original au.l ul> Bollite faith iri final Riieeess, a Ciiih wliioli no difflcnllii* could overenme, and the paiieni e of which was equal in any labor aud any cost. Xo injustice enn tie done lo an> man by the declaration thaj, hut for Cyrus W. Field, there would now •*• no telegraphic commnnicatinn between America and Eu rope,, And of no other man can this be said. It was proper, then, that Ids own, city shn'd do him honor, and show her pride not only l^hls Biicccss, but In the heroic faith which accomplished It, This was the object ol the banquet gi?en to Mr. Field on tlie evening "f November 15, at the Metropolitan Hotel The uecbratiohs of the banqnet lmi; are thus, described in the Nq'w York Times ; " Prom the center of the dome fell ilutiJs of pnrti-colored silkj canopying all below.— From these hung crystal chnndaliers, flood- ing the hall wilh silver light, toned down by the soft, refraction of the silken ceiling over- head; Suspended from the dome, at its eas- tern end, Jiung in mid-air the Earth in minia- ture, girt by an iron band, emblematic of the telegraphic girdle. Above this globe were tbeSun f tho Moon, and the stars, and from each of thesoVell delicate cords ol' silk, like cobweb threads in the sunlight, uniting the mysterious worlds whence they came to the iron-bound, imprisoned Earth below. These lines, gathered together ut the meridian of the globe, did no„l end there, but, spreading out «gain, descended and were caught np by the grappling arms of-delicate telegraphic poles of silyer, planted on the tables under- neath, ant], held up by these poles, tlie entire lull; was girt by these silken Hoes, Up among the congregated solai system hung the ethereal messages, "Greeting from all the; stars;" •••' The lordly Sun sends greeting down;" The Moon her; peaceful radiance lends," and hanging from tho globe a prosa- ic sign-board, announcing the whereabout of th*f.r Qeneml-TdegwpbTc Office." On the i and for lour weeks it" worked—though Ofsvei \cry brilliantly—ucvei giving4<>itl%tucUjiip- id nft4,UlBtmat.ll*8Bt*a%jb^bii 3S A,f.jt. day, " Artec the jiulute o&4«58.c»me«ujN?Jlark,. j est days. -When « M'i<« ISrfJead; iUsihard to gulvanlno it into life; JtJsrtp^fotlttllcujito revive an old cuierprise. ibjig-io BlaUtanoty one. ThefreshnessRud-uoYclly/ »W gvnej and the feeling ofi,disapi)ointtneaV dipcour r agesltarlhcfcaorij/v, . •-. ,r ..,-. ,,- " Other causes delayed ajaew atumipl.— This conutry hail become involved in aare- menduons w.ai;?. .ttnd wjnle the uayou. >> us strugglingJbflifo.il hml no tinje ig.spend in Ibieign*nlej5prlaes.- , fc + L . --. $ 7 •:, " Bnt in EnglnnditheittojeetwAfsiili kepi alive. The-AilqriUo Tclesraph Company kept up its orguoi?ation, it hud a noble body ol Directors, who iiad faith In ithe en,- lerprise, and looked, Jiejond, ai» c pft>"Mi>'» cstimatotouliimate,finccess.„ , t>J . , .» 'Aiiei»ailhBtai^tc^Ke^etoni-madep»in.pro; ruling suii^p.rif)rTo^/nnff r rt^peirt1Ty ! 10 tho magnincent ristliy 3]fr» 8'rassey and Mr. Ben- der of £60,00u each, Mc: Fieldjgaid "Th* action flfthfise^two gentlemen was a ttifning^'polnf-In the history flfonr enterprisu j for it ledshnrtly "auerwartf to a union of tite well known Arm nf <J1SM, Elliot «fc <'O. with Ihe (liiiia PerchW'eompnnjs, making of the two one grandConcerff knownas " / l!hp Tel- graph ConBrriiMlfirr and Malnterfance Com- pany," wjiich included not only Mr.iBrasspy and Mr. Bender, butr othpr men of great wealth, <«lPh as Mr. George Elliot, and Sir. Barclay, of London, and Mr. Henry Bewiey, oJEjDubllo, and which, thus reinforced with immense capital, took up thB whdlft.«nter« prise in Us stronjj arn«. We needed,! have .telegraphic po.es along the tables were sym- >61s 0? the glad communion of all nations with tlie spirit animating the festivities or the, nighi.< .There^veret grceilngs from Rus : flla;;FrancOyPlyhiotilh Ttooki Spajn", New Jersej.Portugnl, Denmark, New Hanquhire, China, Tinibucloo, und uil Iht pluCe* tvllh names {ainilinr or unfamiliar to the ear, aear and reinotf, rcadinj" tis. you iiiissedalong ivfllv Ui^inrprisiug oddiiy <»f mcdfcj b> He quentuud queer wero the iiuuniiloiif.." Mr. Kield'a speech after rt«iner"coittaiacd a full nud interesting history ol tlm Atlantic CaJMer'" Jf . •'"*"-"' i '"- ,: " ' c v •••"•' •' . itn. FIELD 6 SPiUiCU. -^'Ifbwiearly.thirteen ycaraugoi'' heisaid,; '-' since hslfa dozen genllemeu of otitis icily:, met at^m^,bf|u^'4b^'iloll^Buccebjvei^wJiruing^ »hd, aroond"«;tSbie covered}, syiiri-mapa and charu, and plans', und csiimatea, considered ffe^roject-toicstendfv llnoiof telegraph jrbm. '•]^ifva-'8co^>.td:SL-..Jobiis,.,]n,-Kjow£>)init:tlaad,. ih*nCe to:Wcarried across the ocean.; ili t \vas >t vcrV^prelfy?*-plaii on: paper;. .There 'was Ncwi york;.nna;. there, was-'St. Johns'-only /nbqiit/iaDO^aiileS updrt •." U w is easyfold raw., 'oilrtb;fr6rri and ptJintr lo iihe .iitlier-jBialiinfi. no account 5 of^for^sls'• nud- tuounlaius, and* swalmpsand rivers, and unUs; lltat lay;in; our f -wdy*.~'SoCbnoof nsbadfeveiieeeiji'iuccotm^ tryvBr^ad-ndy .ideaof thes;obst«cl,es to be rivettsrtnfe- * "Wo thought wecbnld bnild the tin* in «few.rlionth!': Ifc.iook;two years and fenalf.^Yet^e never asked,fotbeipomsidB our own littlecircle'i. Indeedj,Iiifeor-w.o «ho'd not ba|o gqt it if we had, for few bad. nny' faith in onr .fcheme:, Tel.I .-'am. proiid in toy .titxmap; .tlrcw back. :No,mar\ prove-i o dcBtTler- T^^ ^hf>.CTr4#:flr8,tintO liirjr work havcgtoiij.! by it lo the'ehd. Of those Bix"itttn.ftnr. afp here to-night—Mr. feier- Godpejr^Meies Tftylor t Marehalt O. RoWrtn, todiJnyselir <My broker, nndlcy ia.Jn E«- ^^•i^lMjr.^aA9)ct'<-witno'Qtej-tn r vlSi<)i< andhfepllc ' ~ ' nnnt,' wJtp-. .iirwher was o,tir6ftcrctaryv T'> ljie^bit-nilif-- umen, as myflr?t.associates, ii isliut just that; ami his. plftcs; was^nppliettW Mr.Wiljiih'G!; fchp-, is^UiO!:.h5j«k Mr. "Rol^rt; ^r J;sl)onIil pay rny %ataDknnvvjedgenieiits.', V Fnjin thhstatcmerityou perceive.jhatj Inntjoliegipnlng,Uu*was wboily nitvVint?r*. ip5!rt,ebterpr.lse. •. .ft xvip \ begnnvrqifl -for. tw<J years»ndiaball' was carried ontgolciy by 1 Anacrican.'£»pj(a'l>' QurJbreUifco ucrosj. the Sea did not evep Kqow what wp wCj-edoiiig away in the forcsis of J>Icwf»tindland. Qtfr tittle company ralscil «hd expended; over, a mlllioBRud aqtta^tej; of dollaw before, tin EngllshiDRn paid a siiigte pound slcrliog Our Oflly tappQrt oOJslde wai, MV lite liberal character«ndsteadyfrltfuMiipof tin- Gov ernmeitt vf Kewfojiodlund, lor vtvlttrH we were greatly indebted 10 Mr. tiM. Archi- bald, then Attorney General of llut< colony, anil now British t'onsnl in TfcflrYot It. And, prfparing for an oceiui v,tble t tli«,"fir^t}>ouad- tn|i across tlttf Atlinilic- wirematleby Amtr icait iiftlcff» ill AhieriVAW shii»«. Otir scieu- rttic tnen*-M6r»iej«,lienry, B;tcUu and Maury i*-bad ttdicn great interest in tb« subject— The United stales ship IMp74n dfskavered the telegraphic plateau aftcaWy asiSMj And the United tJtatea ship Awtic*u\taa*\ tteetm frtHtt iiewfotiudUuiU lo lrwlasvd la 1630—a year Mora Iter AUitou'a skip 0f**»*, >"'<ler •asMtMwi syf .Oaptfii Vwmutt weal OT«I»I»> tsMMoiMtwa. Thli I aisle not to uke attght •ftya* the Juai prate* of Wsgtand, l»it simply «r> Ttwllettt ttk trntk of kMory w HwMiMttMI I860—ten ye«n.aiio-~llmt tb« enterprlae bad any txiUeoc« In tugland. In that turomer 1 went to London,andther« klut'ness from^Engliahmentoloiiiiu thislan- buagc I have eaten of their bread und drank of their cup, and f bavf received from, jlifcm, in the dlrKest bouis ofthisenterprlso, words of ebcer which 1 ucvei' shsl! forgei; "^nd if any words of miue^an'teud to peace, ttnd gdod-wtil, they shall tfot betvantiuw, { Seg.ffly couatrymen to tcnfeilnbor tlliBi"ti<!8 of feilldred. Blood Is thicker 'thatt' wate/'.— ^Arnerica, tvttli all Tier greatnep.lias eomeout bfthelbinsof England;rfrfd;tliough there cars, sorts of people! Ideelarei.«aascarcelyjen darolhc thought; but you have your .car- riage, and know nothing of these troubles. Mrs. Anderson did not .take, the-hint so broadly conveyed. and. ask her to ride With Jier ; witha half apology she'left the defeat- ed Marabeati. standing on the «taira, looking indignantly at Jier as she was driven awiay. Then, coming into the drawingroom where ,|I wassitting^sho exclamed, * What» stnek- ' ap wdmau 1, 4s If ao oac owned a carriage but herselt I think I never saw a person soibnd ofjshow; an old thing, like her, oast, fifty; putting Jier liair in crimpers and sport. THE WOMAN OF INFLUENCE. 1 5ometbing musube done, j • ' Rpecnlation In oil "docks liad ton riot with tay once handsome income, audi I was bro't, Unwillingly, at last to consent to my wife's project of taking a few select boarders. ' And Miriam, dear, good Utile wife that slip was, took all the disagreeables—suck aa bouse-hnnting and bantering'with *'agents" —upon herself, leaving me Nothing to do but loaf la onr elegant, aparjtmenta.jind whistle melancu'oly^ines'to th>Walli?" r 1 At last the " hated thing " Was accomplish, ed, and leaving our expensive boarding-place, Where for two years we had enjoyed ev«ry ltixory that the city afforded, we took pos- session ol a pretty brown-stone house in a fashionable locality, and advertised our rboma. , - .^ nnnnnnn - . , . . , « , How Miriam expected tr> pay the enor- sald, £«00,000, and with all ou*«ff««9 in. monsrent and supply the tableloi, what she England and America w*»T8bted*onlJri3285,- 000. This new company nowcameiorwara, and offered to take tho whole remaining I'aiO.OOO, besides £100,000 of the bonds, aud to make its own profit contingent on success. Mr. Richard A. 91aai was made Managing Director, and gave energy ^nd vigor >toajt its departmems, being admirably seconded' by the Secretary, Mr. Shtuer. Mr. Glass has iavc been sometimes family juaTfels—bitter, ing diamonds. I don't see how yon can on as tUtatly quarrels aVe apt loDe 1 -^till1n'6ar * "• " ... jieartB there is ycatning'fof the<>ld home, ^hetandDiFour*fathers; amflie is an enemy of his country and of the Mitriau MCe'who wonld afip up'Strife between two nations that ttTfi one'lnjl'acp, in langnage, arid in religion. I close wifiitbls sentiment: (EKacAW Asr> AArtettrt*\—CEASPtNe H ANDS A^ttoDS TIIE BRV ; M\Y THK PlttU (»rt%«r BE' A PLTBKOK ftp FnrKSnftrrrp TO ALLt^NERiTiotes?" 1865: " We returned iu E.igland deficaied, yet full of resnluilon lo btgin the battle anew.— Measures were at once-taken ,to make a sec- ond cable, and fit out a new expedition; and with that assurance I came home last ati tnmB - " In December 1 went back again, wbenl^,*iSJ£|th lo, all our hopes had sunk to nothing. Tlie Attorney-Qenernt of England had given 1% written opinion that wo had no legal righL without a special Act of'Parliament (which could not be obtained tinder a^car 1 ,} to issue the new 15 per cent, shares,-on which we re lied to raise our capital. This -was a terrible blow. The works were at once stopped; &nd the money which brid be*u paid in returned lo ibe stibscrlluisi. Snch tras the stale of things 'otiTy ten* months ago. I reached Lon- don oil the ; 24il» of December, and the next day wa* notft* merry' Christinas* t* mc.fr But it wh*an iriexryrrSMWecomfoi't hajo the counsel of such nicnl M SteDanicLGboeU would receive from the few boarders a three glory boose would contain, Icould not imag- ine ; however, aii'^ny own folly Ttad nwept away a princely fortune. I " " resolving that she should pursue hex " pel sciieme" without Interference on.my pari. A .weefe^of renov«tion—sncli sweeping, auch-dusllngj such: scouring and scrubbing and «.ashing and rinsing I had never witness Et& arwtrnyt wnnts.lreated,-with the utmostlndif- fewnw j umibthe.hou»e*4ike i !iie'4epe'i;o?old —was-proaounced clean.. Board, at this sea- son,' waslngood demand.and our house wa3 speedily filled." ., -,.,, : Lregretted that Miriam had let the-two best robow in. tlie Iionse tp.^ fontily by lite name ofMarabeao, whom wo had wra.erty-board* ed-witb. Mrs. Marabeati ^vaa a woman past forty, had been good-looking in her day, and was exceedingly vain. , She, had* huBband, atiUiet, sonsihle kindiof, .maBjfflnji^augh. tef-oi eighteen,! plain, nud; slupid in her man- ner. She had made it iipjiearto MtriaiUlhat hey*"infutenCe " alone couht ,fllt,the- house wit h ihe most desirable boarders.-, •$ S)te:h.itl always been called T»^, exclttsiye « herevcr she had boarded, and thousand* would jump at the chance ofgcuing board where«he did." Beguiled -by talk of thi3-kind,:Jlirl)im-.let her. have the rooms at a frightfully low price. ** I'desfreyouitohe very, particular about references," gho said to Ji'ttiau»,:"fm!-Mn Marabeau, is^ihe-'juost fastidioiispcrain in ?" d SJ S icl n lJ ^ % 4i ah^i>W»tonb., ^ W orid,about hisassociatra^tuidTtt will hearted Mr. Brnssey tell us U> go ahead, and "" ~ if need were, he wouftf put down £00,00 mofc* ft tvitf; nhalry'conrliidctT'that the b.esl colli sc viiii o orj/airia « tine'coiiijiaifj/,. ivhicb sluudd'assmne the work,and«s6 J origi* bated the Anglo'American^«le|trapi> Com- pany: ? 'lf w^; ; loVtei^0r^^rc&e^ ; wTii(> met aiouut( ii tabic"TuLonfjoa^ffdjiQtvJowo, JrtO,Q00.apierie;l J iiupC' , fbb excellent ejeerc- tary of this €bmp*ar&j^ 3if>Ueane) ( whf> camo with us iicro5sHfet»bceatf,Ny|ll wht*itsliistor ry^imd ,teli #j; r iydrr* , *«at r Iiiij4na'vi g ox flit; g'reat ^elegropTi e^tyfictiojiraad-Main 'tenanc^'.Company'fet^datmteffwtHc df laatVfaK'ariSttered- utf -'wittr* suBscriptibn and went on,witli. BP^VJ] '^Ne^lfjrwiM"great*, er^enerav '^Alrifii«rt'Vtritbtr'-'^''*'-"* il::i --'-- "*' dure her; calling for meals in her own room and scarcely speaking at table." .'.She shows good taste in .that, I replied tior if* thereJs. any thing I detest, it ia a woman whose tongue is never still. -A* to private meals, they had a carte Uandtehs that when they came.' 'Well, I think X shall take exception to It. I shall let her know I nptice it, at all events,'.she said, as she sallied pnt to take her derated ride in the city cars.. "And tbi3,ja the'woman of influence,' who was to rpndpr yon so much assistance, .my .dear?" « , " Yes, I acknowledge J was Badly taken In ; for instead a£, influence I have seen nothing hut lmpndenco since she has been in the house. My chief study now Is to get her oat of it before there is an open rupture " "That yon will And impossible, I fear; for she has got first-rate quarters, and, instead of leaving herself, ii determined to root those ..oat who fail to do her homage." ," " We shall soon see who rules'," replied Miriam, with a determined look; and we did M l sooner than we had expected. The Andersons had been invited lo a iwJ ding out of town, and had just returned — When ati were s'eated at the dinner-table Mrs. Marabean, followed hy her husband and daughter, sailed in with more than her awns- tomed pomposity of manner. Having seated herself and spread her skirts to her satisfaction, she began " I, too, have been out of town to-day, Mrs. Anderson, and I happened to fall in with some of the party returning from that wed- j . ding—snch a noisy set I have spldom seen held-my peace,I and i wa8Tl ot sorry when they left tlie ens at the np.townsatattohi' ^Everybody in good society here knows that they are very rough, low people, I once had the misfortune to board witu'them", and T must say T consider- ed them very vulgar. 1 I-eould not but won- •flfflfwhat bind of-people JOB-met." Mm Anderson gsv* her- a hard, searching took; bnt silent contempt, plainly expressed inthe countenance, was the only reply. Determined not to be thus foiled, she ad- dressed'herself to Miriam: You remember Mm Rnow, who nsed lo ; f board with us?'* Miriam remembered tier. "Well, I met Tier to-day, and—what do yon *hink ?—that old woman of fifty had been'puttinj* her hair in crimper*; as. they did not work well, She had the impudence to ask me What kind 1 used. T toldber very plainly that my crimps were natural,, I'd beaskamod at my ago tonse such thiugs,"" " Yon do look rather old for that, MadSmf'*' said Burnet, wilh a merry twinkle in his eye. Mrs. Anderson, at whom Mrs. Marabeau'a insult bad been leveled, bowed him her thanks, Finding sho cotild make nothing iii lhat direction slto turned to Miss W<t>\U: "What are vour terms for music,MU« WcUs^" ' ,..*•-..• " Twenty dollars a quarter, ma'am:" " Ami who hsve ydti studied nutter V * I have had several teachers." " I thiuk some of haviBj? Emma take les, sons this winter; but I shall not give her to. any one unless sure oPtheir ability and-good, c/iaracteiv.' I trliafc- ttaf'etttrcatt't'be*i^ffl}«-: *»{*?' I - v » l l a a ^ c ^ 5 cages ^ome trader' my owtfobservatidn- where the morals of youug ladies havobecn injured by their be- ing placed under the infltienco -of. teachers whowsBtaadldg In society was not what it uenvcll ibryoutosay to the Atitlcraoiis that we've been called exclusive, ihough they are pcbjilc, if 1-re.id'fliqir- clmntdters truihfhlly, that one ueed •tfoi-beiufraiist.ofi' Also Mr. Mills. ,Ue is a young lawyer«f much prom- ise, aud Mr. Marabcau says ht> fathcrisquite aiycaltby iulpprtcr. f Mr> jBUract keeps lri& aMraisof eotlreiyvip biniBdfclhat'flnocao _. hardly itcll jwiiit to think t and as for JlifisJ-ought toiie.^ er,enerj " M 9Pfn a'coni^ the vigor an,d criiy-Mieistasyorflii f>dny wnkt<)rm?fl, arid m|fahyHhe"-ues£t'day.;» waS re^tslefed oe iantt^bt futilf wais dispaich "^naf irf-Wtfiftrjntbs tle.^nd -watwffio%^i cages-lltesnlly.nsawift as lightning, fr^m.CQn- .tm^ntitdcrtntirifn ^ , f *;%;'«^£. ^ ^ "very puUc^uar. gard Id yonrtiiWe; do yon think it;giteSeat- tsCujtioD,;?". _r.,. ..,*.-.,;-' •--. „?,,. •%,' •; '-,"-.•"•'£ , r,eped^MirUwfc..V : rv.'r-^ 1 ** 2 -^-. 4 -^*- f^:. ; •' Don't ydu llilnk it 'would; be heller fbr- yori. to 'Change• R0jir-sqa>to the end of the ta-; blej?i ^ b t ^ ^ ^ c ^ ^ q l f ^ b ^ ^ t c ' l r . het*. steel; eons to beai" a strainof th]rty tons. * -it took about two hours for the grapnel to reach the bottom, biirwe could-teiFwhen.it atrucki i-$mtmm:tinwf^mtA'MMm--th&-Tot^,. ~oniTcbmU".f€elliyll^^^ was dragcing oh Tlfehottomlwomile3nnder. tti 0 "Bat ft >'*S1B fiery'Slow business. ,'We hftd.ator;m3ji,itd .cslras^rjd. ^ ^ t n d iqualls, Btjll- we worked, on day after tiny: Once.lJn: tnp;4-tar*rA%fa9t.we^ hatWa7nn'ftl|hYTe^ ^ •mbbsteri ireSIivMrtt* 'thb^#yfe<sf ^ oreanV'n*Hl,'T»tit fifir- n'ipfl" hegib terAeerVso/ ^iraTviliaf if SeeirfcV! t(t pt>'lfIghte»l«l,«Md fms ft'eclflerft: fct»pt „_ weeks longer, hut, i|nalfyv.6n--ih^uisrn|ght: in Aughst \vd«angbl ]»/ JJrYu ¥Ad;«asithe grarihei rtilrty tlmea IT « « s a!' tilths^bte'fore mlanlgbt'fln "Friday ntghr-Ttrat; we hooked tb> cable,and, U w»<» * nttr^ctfter tttidntght Bn'nJny.nmhnpg -wlicn w o l B t ' i f e n ttoarcL. Whit van iW a»«ietv offtlln-Sj ferity-six; boural "TtiaMraln oa <;vety alap"* life was like the •siriludu the^eaWe^iWflf.-- Wheh flnallyit appeared It wasraldnight; th« lighut of the ship, and In Uto hoa,t9-aroupd thohont«. asthev nsshetl in ihcr«ce»nf tliBmen, sbo#- etHhem eaterly watcTiIfle for-tltjS *|bl«to appear *.n\ the water! AtlWigUt ltw*» bfo'f to the Jtttrf«ce. All wllo'yf«»e#lfftwidto%n< prOActi crowded fortranl i«se»iK Yet not a Word wa* srtf^<.a, »wly the tuktuolllie of- fice r< in command were heard giving orders. All Mi as,if Jifc ami tteatu hungontheisswa. It w.iHotdy «rlien' It waa brought over the bbiramlon lo the deck iw»t-mea dared to l^rcaUie. £vto tlien Uiey hardly beiieted their eyo.. Some enpf towards It to feel of it, fo l>e sure i t n i i I Mere. Then we carried K aJonf to a»eelerwdilajgAmm toaee tfoar .- «_.«sw ^--^.--.-..-- -*<*4ma.-* A WW p|a*-w»«** |wMiM|MHa#w)4]al||. KM. dW the sone tnmd 'Wells, I thiuk she feeb her irmwrtanceijaitts too miKh for, a-;goverircsB.»j^hetB>li\>TOdI» -.'•> I do uot igrefe wilUyou^ mere^aaplieti Miriam. **%Ve Were sneaklngof her foolra <thfj»6thcr. ;day r ; and >J: b61U#^tuni*jiid in fjailiflfg^hef' 'tjites^J^^^i^^KitroiiOtV go*3 tho inmates of thffhoaad haVefumish- net !"she exclaimed. '«Well, and what of it?" asked Miriam, e*t pwasing no surprise. ; < , ' • ,. " isnTt Mr, Burnet a married man, and is not Miss Wells a lone woman, one whosho a avoid the Very appearance of evil ?*• " So far a* T can see, aha lias," replied Mi riant;' - ' " I think Iter; conduct shocking t and you to uphold her: hut T can see it's tiX'tSkey with ybtt" * t t-' r eifttit'^i«i%rMr«'Mar^ieao/' - <" I never had much of an opinion ol her, and after this I shall keep Emma from her influence ; though T must say Tthintt it your duty to set her trunks on the sidewalk, and let'her find lodgings in haunts where such women usually live." : . ". " Mrs. J Marabeaa,",3aid Miriam, warmly. " I am sorry to find you such a foetoyour sex. For my partr,f have hope and faith to believetliat^Miss Wells ia Ju8tiflable,evenin tho Btrictesb sense of propriety, for what she has dQ»%»nd|,ha|re,,charitjr^fojaU." "Shehasg!?ne to.the »ea^''snapped Mis. Maraheatt; "IguessnffJeftBfeWf.Mill- will seeheHtt her true light." "I presume they have.^ona to see thai play of Beucicault's % heard Mr; Mills desc'ribing'last eyening. He fhtnka it very fine," saiffflUbftt 7 ••«*«''•' *• She'li see & difference inmy treatment ot her ifshe remains in the honie," was Mrs ^arabeaa'atbreateninereipinderaasheleftus. Xext morning Misiwells was tn the din ing-roonf looking "tifrt the morning paper when we entered. " Do you know," she said, " I had such a treat last night. Mr. Mills had asked me to onsly ill, anffSurfoVlilttPftrcome and draw up a will; so, as there was no time to be lost, he transferred mo to Mr. Burnet/ who was kind enough to bore himself- with my company to a play he bad seen three tim<« before."' Mrs. Marubeau came in, cold as an Icicle, saying good morning'fd every orieaeparate- ly but Miss Wells, who seemed not to notice the omission, keeping up during breakfast a conversation, with Mr. Mills, who sat at her right. After all had left the table but Mrs. Mara beau, ivhb.it seemed, pnrpoeely lingered, she said," Mr. Marabeau (Jeairea me to ask if that woman ia going to M allowed to remain in the house alter IMnightfs noid adventorfff" Miriam was about to replyybut was stop ped by the appearance of M&,Well9, follow ed by Mr. Burnet and MiQa,, They had heard her inthe hall. "By 'that woman' yott' doubtless mean me, Mrs; Marabeau," said Mis3 Wells, look - ing her steadily in the face. "If Mrs. Sim mons wishes me to leave, I have now to hear it from her own lips." "1 ddnot," cried Miriam, 'it have alwaysre- spected yon, and never more than atpresent." Tears stood iff the darkeyes of Miss Wells as she murmured," Thank yon, Madam, for not listening to evil machinations; I trust I have explained my going out last evening to yonr satisfaction," . . * "'Tt-neai^a'nfi^irijrana^on riia¥e f never asked one,''said* Miriaml •.: -•: "And permit me to thank yon, too, Mrs. SimmonB," said Mills, steppings$enerously forward, fontrust me, I am notadisinterest ed party. Were it not for her foolish reso Union of teaching a year—from which my earnest entreaties have tailed to win her—I would this day give her my protection and name, as I have, before given her my heart. Inyour care I leave her?' and before any of us were aware what he was doinghe caught the weeping tjoverness in his arms, pressed a kias.on her brow,.and passed- her over to mvwife.^ ,.,. Vv hen jye. looked for Mrs. Marabean she was gone; how she had made her exit no one observed. Art hour later, and she was served wit h a notice that her rooms would be wanted at the end ofthe month; and thus we were rid at last of the'' Woman of Infln ence," ] tjr BMelf « MH*!'rJiP!of %hP|»lly in town, took their rooms, «and danced ahorn- pipe to the music of Mfffi. wnoB»«ngera swept the piano k(By*«imbiy when, the Mar- abeaus, bag and baggage, went down the sipp<t ( nnd out of the house. -1 -..• *er^ofeefxter:Jhe , iw ,, Af ,„-,.., ,, ,jnejgc>^wl^f^ngth, nt^tht dinfejoom wUenever.,8h>.wi»$s8lo ?IH!ajk Jtoale,? v J S o , j tWnfc wore of lavish) i5*c1h«a*ffeclin'thl9^^VtHan^"UfOT '^&Btn&m Mr*Mj^b«&^-:.,jJa;tt_ 'l^fcvonldji'lmittrj.ta^ -: ? $m not in 4he .haWf of (copsuianB m^ aervantain regardto<iuc* mat^r«,*ftflheg -tbiityow^ciil «mtlth^i '-tm^^ fal»&iifa< Jatito.i»tte.ftiitoe; ,, :T,- •> -,>, J ^:'-'H'?-.i ! ':'- 3ed.i Kowl^toktoiiEoftiMooJrJiaachiheit^ l o j i i t s Ihetcaandl soffe*ron|a»• to $Wio Mwattabfc.iMd'Whettple ir^e^awirtdf thedci«rt,aliAaei»wder^i^ L -^ i - ;5 -'- ,iJ * feouel will show^ y , • T JejWwd«^JW^*wmWe^ UVCTjt imiroyesjthjrlirjBtei wojawfidiy^ * rMftrcuhtrly Withthfe ladies, and •^Ttte itlcatof MM»bflOr-» |SS'!: 6Ud,fipply%ofe' a>>ayj|m4-•>*"«• A( n;lntidIvMo3^'ltog|iabie; twK#h?i?riiegiow8. tliesr/a. /fbitsft'eclflerftritpt.as»r#dte*wa mt Mopfc ;ti>^.^ir^ii^.fl^mt^Xii^&'a^ni.. Hone tnmd islsij thw» twH'iMia HIIJL-. ; ttr of a** Ottten tmkw.Mtvi <1bm*»rt-1*^*Fr)k*lciai,cf<x htm BtivyMt, .ad «••• muHk i o n t f H ) wfTwii aneitftthgfjjonj,. ,, . ; " Oa&yFojild thiflk..t3K?ia fUgjereapjof arif- tocracy tprheajr*;" hW-taikj bj^t »fJtnt do yon tnow-of thf#aateced^tsf, 1 adtadrny wire. t - "When Anderson' Cameto aeeabont board 1 BSChanged reference and' %$ fery natur- < ally asked nlwnt UUe MBrabwirm after finding they were to nwkapaHof our famUy. So 1 matte JPeterspa * caty; von know; he kno*s everyhodyf-can trace familre* back to Sfoahy apdtheitrl^,j5v"cl),i»esiay5 Old Marabeau ^-jhefktlier to-Uie pitawt^ oner-was a me- eUanle,'and John wu-Votubt. «» tonhe trade; it is only a few yearsaiaoaiMiraban- doned it. Hi*, wiftvao pretty, so daiioate, so nniky, waaa iailoressj ami worked Hj John Oilman's shop mitil Maraliecn, capMticd by her beauty: married her and twkhjgiWjor;' " Well, {declare! and thetotw|Miab6ut high family and society and all tittfe? naplfctl MirtBipf. "1. premme^ if Uta troth were knoWB^MiM WelU" family are far atiperjr* tohNown," ';.;' . " its, il Uirih werw a txiuoldeiwirtw, but you4*0 ' * WW JN wort* o«r Wells showed-noriis|K)siiiont»> reply trad she corilinuod: .-•- ' ^ » t^u^hivffloma/axsqaaiataiice to the city totefer toy have-yoatnbr?* : - ~ *-Why^Madam^ aslt^ Miss. WeHa; rals- inff her very large dark eyes from her-plate ^alpokiBg Ii^q^e^btter^all^tt'thaface,- «Befortt|^acing^ aty;4atfghteftttadee the influem^ of any one I ahoulid require the inrjwS^^acJWyteBtimoniala» . -••>•'•' - .^••tlfafe no desireto «eaclf«yottr daughter;,, Madabtj when I do, M Idfcyot^ KnowV' re? TiUedMito Welk i ^ i '.:]-rj*.^,«.:;. i ^ 8huttrp;a,t testjP said 1 to-Mfrlam; when alt buthoaraclve8 hadleft the dir4n«.rooin.: -i -.'-«';YeB, and! could hav*cia#erf iny hand^ and cried ftmwr' I was «r*-delighted; but did:yan evei^seilffeuch.rudeness aasheshow- cdihc-Andcraofjs? Though they treat her titltLMltecoateaipt8he4-mc^te,^i^ nn^g'tfrrint ap with aacbpetiy __ itheri ahetitaistIcaveor Ihey^wili. 2?Jnad coiaieith 4hsit j conclasion -myself; nothing camo «p that she did not•> root be* 4BD» Vto^e v ^dttohrof it, aC Burnet ^wlseta r«M«rJced3^'•:-.r.-t>.^ 1 .^.-:.;,.,, . ? ,i„.. ,. ; ..-. "'- ~^h^aid^otpay her risusl Visit l»qs in onr sluin^roont that evening. Miriam, said iehe frlaltJ Dr6liei<y, ;- ,\n aumsing story is tpid of Dajnea Bar* rtrjgtQn.Recorder.ofBristoljDy pne of tha English' pi*ess. Having to appear for a plaintiff, in acase at t31oumeL he let into the defendant in unmeasured terms. Thelndi only heard of the mvectlvea. AI«r Barring- ton however, got back to Dublin./tha'defBnd- ant, aTippeiary man -named Foggerty, lost 3$o limeTtepayingshhswmpliments .Wf.thc eonnsel. He rode, all t day and night, and, covered with sleeCarfi^ed before Barring- ton;a,re^enj»in..St>Koort atl^feiOnblin.r- T^hrowmgfhje rjefjis of|tis amoigrikliofae over IheWUihg bf thet*eaVheaanouacedhi3ar ma V a tniiBtftrmg inoofc at tie door.— Barrington's.valet answered the summons, and openipgthjj street r d,opr, hpheld the ap parition of the rough coated Tipnerary fire eatet; with a Iargr^cif:nflaiBi^fiul^& tho9leetwu;kingt0hisba9hy-whuikor».i " la yOOT mtmer upF^^mandedittae Tislt- the object ot his journey. - ' *W r i ^ v l n S ^ y l ^ n M l h i l f and say ®ie i?alefewentnpgtail«'andtbia-ai»1a«- ihe purport of hlavUit, ••IVFoStSW ta,for your tei, who :waa iri' j'Theodpn^lt*.] Me,"tal^ B^rrina riorabracebr^tici ma-wfthi'* j-'"-. - 'flip man wasleavlng tha bedroqmt when Ihlc^yofqe said, £ M your We,^indaith« sametlm*, Mr; Prigfeerty' erteel^r m bed- *f06nS:.--f-•;'.-.;-v.'-:.-.-. •.i'.'. , .,.-t--....- J '. rf - t j, i,-.^., "iYouknaTCmy businea^slr/'aaldne to body,"at the same time hachta^gllre) of eight witn hisflhiflalaUbefore the glaaa. ^'^r<P&f^P^j^'to.mvifni;WQatd-inai-': ffrf^l^f^^#!Sg*^^aad 83tauch^m«r J ftaeooi*oTira«ft :s J " >*•- <• j f p , » — " - j *••- ---— ««.— $m .. for It is noli a hare J ho la coma; to preaent >--,-—.----—=- -...—«.,»..«..»„,« —-, repliedtho other, *Hiat get op a* FPdflnbUe^^ftiriga^.tft^ s r 6n,pp«>Mii9,\VeH0;., .'Vv^-V.". -\-. %-J- ""-""-* • - - - - • ------- *'I fancy she'll leave Miss' Wells to herself after$£$% fdrahe ls!gettainiy j no match 1 for aer,-!'lienliea r ' Bi» 1 wa> rfli3taken;;as the lills, the yonng JawycT before referred to, i h»AK m « is^.,.^-«aj.- i _,i^ . m tn^hpusA, . , .and I had sev- eral times fancied that he showed a partial tyfet .thejaoqietF of Miss Welia. If she,was fewiag,. J»e, would aeat himseif beside her and btuy-himsetf' With mSngr«r!Bt*8 era- dlesf«f hftrithread. Jf reading', h«. ^ouUi beg of her to read aloud, pleadlnf that "he had a nervous affectioit ot the eyes, which prevented Rloi from using them by gas light-," yet I uotierd that they iliowed no sighs Of weakness, thotfgh be .would sit for hours studying her ever-thsnglng countenance while «ha read, in those clear, daentoues that I never heard equated, to a crawd ofea- ger listeners, myself and Miriam always In- clnded. - ~ *- ' •, . J - **? ^ TAin ^** Mrl Marabeau wot tip her hwla^acieiablea'* lo hopes of drawing the yonog lawyer into tier daughter's «ocle- ty. If aha proposed wh»t, he was " a poor ^ayer »'• mtchre t lie >' tiewued' ii.' Mm •nchre _raheau would not extend her in vitation'tn Miss Wells, aud Mtllt-wnnhi not fro without, that was evident 1: . * . , Atdinheron the foil6wiog tlarMrl Mill* *a« absent.-Dtulng ihe meal Sir. Burri»fc, wb^MtbealdeM|w\Vejlad^ on tM ba-k*»rti» <«#tls^a»; rr^araM ft m mt Is did not ^wtrsJMMi. Abootaallaahwr rushing fito felimethe moment I put mys^fout oTtoe blankets." / - - •• • * " --s~' ;-:t-t.xt, ^ No^repUW -the- offler, •*! *ts)r|^y OQ rny word not to touch yno. until yoo gti out .(?|--peu«- -[' . r -. ~...'J* .'*'-',-.- ./, 3 ''"WjponyburhMoK" ' ; - 1 " Upon my honor." .r "™*5.'Jw> enpugb,'* aald Dalne3, tornlnk oser and makfijg Mmae» c o ^ r t o . a i r ! v&J2HI*& ' t f * ^tfibngh | werannder c tdagttard cf the-ciistle." Thft^poerary wOsinimo^rltwkedBurvel- ouslynstonlsheidrat the pretended sleeper, but soonPdinea began toenore. ^EKaviS^w*- ***** ••«*« an Irish gentleman thathawillnottttikame in bed. and I am sue I am not going to Mt up aad have my bones broken. Iwltl br law- $gffi&L&**a*^™to' should want, yonr breskfast, ring the bell; be« In Uwuoass WsTyonr service. The morning paper w4H be here f P**«»y. but>ate andiS K ttfmS j«l p.»•« unohvrvetl by U«fc disawr slia«w|wf my r.Tom, her race tit s^av. tha

v o(ffl^t> ^pif^BBas^Byff^m^ - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1866-12-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ^•'f 5 S .^«ssa^^ ^R^fe^v^fltf?1f*«s f'fclt 4'-

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. ^ « s s a ^ ^ ^R^fe^v^fltf?1f*«s

f ' f c l t

4 ' - fc--.a-.**,,=},

l ' . .>d) "tv.<v!


- ; ^ | « ^ j ^ *


•r.-s- , # v

^^^^^^^^^^^^^F^S^rtlfw^v^w^w^w^w^w^w^BwaBsww, H^'WilSlL i i i


Corner Kate and Catherine Stwtli

[Twelve solid tines of Nonpartei, or

1 8 ( p « e one j e^f j^^ .^g i^^^Jpi


SlatSt?,.??. Y.

%$%„...$» 85 inscriptions

.e it>ci> In tne col-

fin *Very »itU!lt<m»I l iMWcwts^erpii if . »*kcuer1Soirtc^ftfeai% lB«»rtfcie« »nft ihaths,

willbe charged *T^i>t-Serff. above rt^iililr rstvk llcsisESs XOTICCJ, imtrted in thefiews columns, and

all noitbes ae^ueSlla pi&lote1aalWhuar1n£J«K, w'ft| »jR^bartgg«L*|J*e.riU«.of f i*Ii' iC^sil for the first Bui" aWI(fs^ijpit/for eaSi succeeding >i|r.

oriHnarjr anaouaccluems of.mai

,noijees,j>m8-or. poetfj,11ve cfec • • ;. All accounts far »d5»a*&Ii|g .-ulesJttk at UufetUue-vt Hie \*¥'»rjt^Bjtrtton of itieiiilrertlseiacni AdTcrtisemeuts'

*' aho«W We aiartpUfce length ur Unve | o be iiistrtej, ofli « » h e Utejt riit fes-coutiuucitill furt|'), or *t the option ofifc-gl.ubfehyra,•jmatliarged accur|liogly. •••?•'

B^ifffimf^ff tecto ry.

iages ami Jeallia^ ons, anil ohlluary

Bu,|i«»ess Directory.

vAECAaK S i l O O S , Uraler f«j»a Barndj.V t»I^P»##«»er3r i#a |0Wi»isY. Warm .Meabatalllionrs. Tec Cream furnished Tor 'TOHel^DM^rTe,!! at the Saloon. Oyiter*

SeifVe^nseWr^S^ISi- OhoTeestk-Brand* of Alea and Cigars constantly on hand. Baltimore and Falrhaven Oysters for sale, by the Quart or Gallon. [AprSjl

H3DENS]BtJE(\H, S. T , , Having,purchased the large and commodtons hul.aih'g corner of Water and DWUIon Streets, the'subscrlber has opened a public boose,

. knotmM theTALlMAN UOtSKand respectlullj io-r. B4»*Bo^oi^TW>bHciBMronage. Hel»«lendea»iDr

falnttr JgiS-UMt class HBtise; antfwllh «»• wie^naUed ttcllH!r-*'a1id Tils own personal'scperTlslon, feela he can «Ke satisfaction to all who Via; favor him with a trial. The citizens nf Northern New York are par­ticularly invited to call. Oedensbntgh.JufySO, JS80.

~ " J.E|W.*PAW.MAN. ' ' t »> '&»c C'»"-r V M J - M I ' — r ? * $ % ~ r r ~ ~ ~ ? i t r " _

lutf* Iniurance Office, alal9ntvN.|V. -inciteprouSptly attendedK'. ]

H. G. IcTLBcfRN, irnJffit^.V*i» ,C^b3Jgtft,OBtS'I«|AW. Fort Coving;


G. W . LEWIS, iTfORSEY ASBCOCSSRtOB AT? U W , of the sef . a n l CotirU or thfrStaSei; and Proctor, Attorney, So--Hdtor. Counjdnr.anil Adirocateofithe Courts of th»* rifiStft Safes, fertCbvIhjton, Frsnklln Co., N. V.


Opposite old Banking Honse, Majnhe.N. V. gpectal aUention given to;chlm»;for4'«n4tonsjBonotIe3, tie. W j B . DO.SIBEE. | J . 0 . SAOSDKRil.

T A Y t . Q a * H J O B B S , A-BfOESESS AN© COUNSELOR^ AT WW, }«o' 2

tnton Block—over t \ T. Heath's O&g Storey Ualone. <K A. "tiTtoa.' A'. Hoaas.

« .F . 8 ATI PHrsiClAJf XNOl|Si;K6KON, Helidence, 6 « t house

East of the MelHcldlit Church, Majone,N.Y.

PBTSICtAS .VNpgtfRGKON, WnolfoitaeriypracUced Oiedlctne at Fort Covington, anil foe the past uree years

People of Slaloheatid vicinity that jie has permanently located In this place, anrfsriliete ajsUare of pnb'Jqpat, njrt^eiS jatesIdeniK: itiDenntoniWIBard's, two doors' aSRh-'6f iBSISricl: 'Cnffrelir^WS^'Ko. 1, Phteoit

b Rooms eve* the Ba«kV»Ul«a«7N.Y.

"ds«4y tohlsold at he"h»s rorm-Wsr. EC Ciuuft

^bn!»iC»Heienr cpntique the. Dental



L E N T roendajmapawoi ed i coiiarthersnlp with nis brot •hffhjuijost iradaatedatfteP' SAtiiaiijjBT^iis^ftafeiilteysrj b.mineis Injaillis branches, at his old Kopm ov«r the rSrSera'National Bank. They a're prepared to per-

-fira» ail Dental«peralioMlnasurjerior,nianneraj3diat ••st-reasoaaWe.-pfcft. SplendH Teeth Inserted dn alltheBsiieanQwinase- , I. _, ,^ '.

da street, Malone>

;«&sVl&ract*ry-lniBMr; -T^

• "S«»f f i i^ m^P'^ . - . - .....J*. : ^ - -A ' -

O R H ww

«y patreoi wttttna ine at my ro -' t 6ntro i»*«t s t t«s f l i e«Hl io fe i

. of«a«A«»potWd«i;ote tootherl St. lawreW? C£i,WJ

"jffifcrortjWvtet •ajamtk.-the last

Hfc«eai*U6«nd „ ^fetieaijl

o n e

• •^Hlt«sr«-«»^.'i aij»-*ie»t-J*-TMtWerVln^ .Company, or ftortdence, JCI.. »mce*»a!onrjN. Y.

, . X i l F B I Ov?r i9,O06,sJ66 Represieutea I

t i re I.nimrattiCBCompany t Mutual Beuciii life lusurauce Company,

-- • I n e p r p o r o t e d I n 1 8 4 5 . Assets January 1st, 1SC0, 9 9 , 0 4 0 , C 3 Q 0 0 '.Persons Intending to Insure will do well to call and examine tho merits of this Uompany before taking Poli­cies Tn any other.


hand. West end of the larljlge, H»in street, Ualone.


'HadonevSTX: -"•* -•-•" U o P -

rth.'a Hiinlng .alietiIae*iht»;-B*en*dded to tlie maelfinerjr. i t tnlsSliop, and the proprietor iinow ready to plane alt kinds of tantor on short ootKe, and at the: most K i s M n H e n t o ; Also, a T o a g i e l u g — « " — • * —

• ilachinefor matching floor boards;, Ac,


UiSUPACIfHEK OS DOORS. Balldlng near WhrtieliejV Foai

§wmM& OMMMt IS OfATOHES, CliOCBS A!&» JBWflHiy, Sifve'r, and Sliver Plated Ware,, Fancy Goods, * c

• Watches, Clock* aud Jewelry- ReSvalreO, Not a Hdr-- - , toi*a»w«,lWte»»Jit:Y, .,::v- -4, : J V * ; < "'•

OSilbEKS IS DttCUS, 31EDV aiffti JJerfttaaeCT,*t^t?er7jw. So. 8, Colon Block, Malone, N.

Paint*, Oil..' Dye-' I fancy t!ood*,*c..

.- ..•ikaiawas,; ItGKt EOE^K FL^IISO.

MMABQM. O M I M HJIY0EN8, I1UORIER3 ASiB .«0aBEffiM*«PCTife"8a»*¥Y«llt« , S4tf0S»«*e.,Hp.i3S5 Broadwajr, S e # Yorfc^-^

•- |»^t«»i'W. OivH,-v - ~-i|a«»i.g^*>ow'-J

mi0lV3ALE^^ «8fMH5Si S^and-afReanle Street fl>««: dtiOTaeiatof Bro»dsray,SewYbrk. . , r---:8«st t W. B«t«a»]»,.-;•"•' ; v,W«? 6¥Oips«a?o*.

J O H N O . l^Bopt*, Shoes. Leather, * c . So,

»X*m B * t , « « I S . W s p i * . * CttiSJOnlefsde Beaters " ot*i Bhoes. Leather, * c , So4?& * » * ffowvjppo-

sl * t i e i s t t r Iionse, fotmerrfocaapn of thffFart^Thcf-«»fcSewf«or»; H.-II. BiinwiS, IIESXT Oix.

n* -&J* w^#e««A# " M« £S3Ei> ABCTI0»l*R» foptltfjConntjo r-PianMln.

4 «Uan Sales attended to and Bills furniihed when re-

B W W a i R t * 1 * * - «r**# Wtark) at the new Stsile, Hill St., Mafone.

: C*O»CWWW|NGS, fct«$*y«tt*l* o» Pearlite«etv Malone,»: V:,

U3useKartsJ4#»f«»« « * « l F ' t.

U\r*ERY«*r »I-E. Btl iWfcT. CLA**l^jaWfc»»5f l « ^ * ^ y * « ^

•riittaiile, ! • wa»a t B-aMssawW.wlee*,^!sldeof .tirltw,«»<r«h*wmcwatio»«UU»«st»<«». t JI«wU] »&es.tt«'he*«f «wo«Mstt,a4 |ea*««a»l» frtces, and «^ss>s*frla'a^««e«i<ej(ltWtaY(tati<awA(e.^X*>

; M i e , f a » l , M . " • , . - • . "


« T i « w i . a l l w « * « » « M B W * » I ; t X O A K M A a S o . ,

«*• raats aU wis wwsk, | M M H ISM BwriT north W 41* StaftlstCwarch, OB Webst«*re«i ••

!»5oV»t.Aaf.!f«,I»t-*l- '-'-

• C . A . MVP North Bangor, 5. T;,

•eater Iw

tM:*ai taumiUl Trtk SJuiVt, 4t.. Jrtaai Khraarrr * Barry's Namrwav BocwSwtsr, if. t.

SB-YMOUR «HOliSE, P. J. T*l1.SrlN;'Proprietor-: (formerlyBt. Lawrence Ho-!

tel,) Ogdensburgh, N. V. This House is eligibly situa­ted on the corner of.4"pid,anil Slate streets. It has recently been wf l t t e^nu refurnished., and tn all Its

- •appoiotoventsisafiiat class hotel. Chai-ges reasonable.

*ZZT- ^PA«k'. H O T EL, :

« EORtiB WKIGUT; Proprietor. Corner of Bet kman and ^assattStteets, N. Y. One of the most convenient Motels In the city to Business, Car and Stage Routes and Places of Amusement. Board $2.50 per day.

.3 * f ! t f -""•? >'.* ; 13j . -. I 5 B 9 y l

e n - ' j y r ^ r o(ffl^t> ^pif^BBas^Byff^m^

?••*: \'

lr , foJeolwe,np^atQp|*3rJW^ll ! ias , Winter ccwin 'ajTfcfen»}«*iii JFe*eX and ifcoiitTASaxT" rwioinv as SMCIU PO»."-CharUa S.XingrM^I>n $fa ft^efc,

^ ' j £ - t W r t S 3 t » e | * •-.;-;- . I . f RED PMES€KIPTION,

^ » * * | « 8 c ^ i t i | ^ i s « iMiac-'itiso,, J>., i&!-l*c6nfldtin««1ir>»iMtiSKIo ft«f public 'xevjtntionandCure,of ' • • ? ; ' . - . • -

l?Cf k o s * AIXYAHCEfr SrTAtHM,} 'fcrtJ <7«f« of ASTHMA, iMOSOHlTIS, 0A-

• — „ u , »ad all affections of the THROAT^and AIR PAS 8A6E8; for GentralMaSSpecial Detangementt ottoe N&V0D88Y8TJtlI,; ^ndforaJJ Apf/o^<j? W«-

It hnttMiattJg Increasestnas tttengthtnOi dttpene. the coloy%rtht:paUlilM<l. It snbdnts.the OTfttl and *•<•»«•, and diminishes the Rrjitctoratioit,,,, ft ciW"!*

The (tpfiiiite Is at once, toiidotatifc antt the patient rapfflmailtitMw; th*feo^7laaatMjaIfJtei»»8«(?tt-toff are{:8peedilj.fe|I?ved; thesleep become* calm and refresnhfk; the viaiuStfvntjttgi^af %rA Uniform.— ATXTIlle GENEKAt SYUPTOM8-DI8APPEXS WITH. A RKAJLlA- A3TONI8BING RAPIDIT1-. L ,••

The PRraCRIPTION should.bet used lu .every case the Physician coirmonly prescribe! "To.Njca

Iuos, AC1D3, Bi»c; QtiSuiB/Con-tiTaaOlt, WHI«KL:

fertile-^ TARRH

where the Physician coirmonly prescribe! "Tosirej'1

ma, Bi»c;,Qti!tuiB/Co».tiTa«Olt, WHISKLI, 4 c , and tn every c u e , by Kjtitsvs* suiiK xaows, In


SEWING MACHINE. '- Palladium Buildings, MsJone, N< Y.

?t5 •Sgft

llSU'RAlCE AGENCY • E s t a b l i s h e d i n ISSO.

Rcprjsemlng.a-Ttfe Insurance Cap! talof

And a Surplus of Making a total amount of security J ;-«;<hinsi losses by fire of L


$ 8 , « « | 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 4 ; 3 6 3 , 2 2 » ' 8 4

raa^sso »4

Etna Insurance rompniiMjClfttJford. lptt'al apaiurrilas NS if i$iJB*,455 89 apltal a{id Surplus

Uartfordliiauruiit'c Coiiipu CapHatand Surplus,

Ph«eai* Iusurancc f ompiri

Capital ^ S w p l ^

Capital and Surplus


_^, *™^ (ford.

ffome InsnTonff fompnny. JCaiHtalandSurpiu»,f:«! •

Security Insurancei'ompniiy


,,ofs Hart ford. ,v* "l|5H!8,0G7 47

of \rw York. -4!),6»S,G74 14

, of New York. ,, *l,p*LjM4 «B]

Colnjnbia Iusuniiifp Compauy, N't\v,Yort, Capital and Surplus, »J.15S,183 86


••aar«s «s«inat. Arcldent* of alXJclnair Capital and Surplus,. l&SS.CBo OS

Weekly «rouii»e«*atlou 10 flic In-StireiT from #5 t o §50.

-ThemidersignedwoHia respectfully call the:attention of the cltiwns of Franklin County to Hie roregolng ehor-mous exhibit of Capital and'Surfflus,, its', Bechritvag"" "'

th*p owpeness with whldtheavy losses n paid by Uiose Companlerdnrln? tlie past year*

in this vicinity and elsewhere. Is a suDiclent guaranty for the futar?, and,demonstrates the advantage of Insuring fhsbtrnd a i a rtlisWe.Carbjjanles. • . . , , ' The:followingTrOm'* Well-known underwriter of this State Inrelatloato cnsiljInsnrancB U worthy of perusal:

'aifltf/ rflfeJiai banirnptty 16 the. unuerwrfter.'fnd ps to the Insured also. When an bfflee offers tola-'

fnWei perhaps •are at- toe- low » rate, disappointment and failure are Jost as certain a» peisonal'estr'avagance—beyond ono's

^cOrfeMTnekf'dbiir fo poverty and want" An Insnr-ance Company has no power to produce money bytnaglo; thetHls noms»Sery W. their traiaa*tloijs; the^sanwlatr la aa essentialtoprosperity as to their indlvldnals. Tntaa rtfc6«^t'ariixc«ja>TinnR cxt>KSnrn.iri; or they will have an'grfylnsolveney.andbecottjlgncTltothe tcmb of the C a p u l e i j , " c - ' • - • •", • • - . - . } .•> . " - - , - " • '--•'; - « --, .- "' •*"'''

Parties desiring aKUanta IKSCBA NOB at equitable ratCJi will And it to their advantage tp apply at this office be­fore InsnrinR of renewing their Policies elsewhere.4

For the convenience of parties residing la Fort Coving-. ... ...... ,.__^?i..,_-_._ .— ,^—,^.~^. , T . ; t . , ;M0 i f lGAi t : |«1^ , .._, ^ ^ ^ caUJitSSldS WWeilAStS^GrfeBpn^lJroTWont,; ^ g j * $ | g S

^HVS^^^^*t!^^^W'n^.L.iikM^ the former, ahfEdwln O^Roherfs of ti*latterp!aee, OfllceoverKsABP, DumctBt Co.'u Store, Malone, N.Y

.•'.'•• ." l>«:» . .HCNTtt<«!TOpT, A g e n t ,

,d Chateaugay, application for. InsuraSteete Mfjrof

J. J . & J. K. SEAVER,

k S T O R K ANJ» A H A L F O W K L a M H O A . Houi.e,-and Village Lot, for sale.sltuate on sTrst street, Maloue, near the reslfleace. of U. n. Thompson. Terms reasonable. ' /Plroe win: bo given fof part of tjte

t * - ^ *?=." Atianil, Office, on-Khn-Streeu

f ^ »- , i . To those whd burn

Browii^ Fatent Lamp^^Ghimney v" At a saving ufJuOper cent.

Jialone, April t>, liOt. HKATH * Btt££D.


I A.it Mow Jtoavf-roft *NO AtrmpA^ *d to furnish the best and most darable WLTaad

CKMKNT ROOBNQ now la a»c,7.«| cents per foot, far Steep t a d Matitoofs, Au Improvement »n the Gravel Root f o r particulars?, A ddre**-

v J. W . W r T , American Hotel; tUreJtftJnSr .'Watertorn.N..»...-.•


I iwta sUawl COIIC«STRtT«0 LYE) « • » « • » » it WiJ aisi* 15 a*lloosl>s»tS<)»lli< mm .WWMft

rjawfcaV.A-r . • • « * » * .

irhlch there la exhibited any one or more pfthefollonlng

Dtficttlt wJrremlartewW*8t.Ms» of Hreath, (totigK,\Wattfa<g oftF/tfAi $M&UWJro%itte,&uxgit Lmaof\StrengtA/lktoo^fAppmb;&«n&aVi>ebita!ft Night Sustati^tyt*g Paint <hraugk Hit SharUtitrt, Chest, fact or Limbs, XcrtoUi JUadackt, Xtrrovs Prostration, Gid(Jiitttsor ///wi'iies*, J&c&Mirtfa'*-new, l»H Throat, DMcslrteit. SUiptcuiun, Sour tilomatft, Ihitrt-Burn, Opprtulon or Siaiing o/Ols

iStamach, before.vr,after eating, £<witUntJ?tcciyS:c. d)o., aa& tt»iicuu,T «*» olt Ftma{el>Uiort?er» or H « * 4ne Ier\tgalarUte«, tuck fl« DiMcult, Ptitiifitt, Sup-pressed. Scanty, JKr«<ssf«, 1>eld!fe<t, j'r-eimutuv or too FretpteiitMenUruatioiu ' *-...

SUtcmeiitti fi-oai i>«(Ient«} * c " Vow Freuriatlon iav.-tl.roy danilticrV life, and bus

saved ipe hundrctls of dollar*,"—Rev. E.. ttt/MPtnifV', Reiusen,, N. Y.

" Wa Mess God for tlie beneBf we have recelvetl' fri.m your Prepared Prescription "—Rev. P. PKHKOSIXK, Bloss-bnrg, Penn. -' '

"ICtery one to whom I have recommended it has been benefitted roucli by Its use."— Rev. C,.», Joxrs, Racine, Wisconsin. ~* *'

UIBLB Urn *L, A.-roi: 1'L*CK,JJ. V.—In the early partof Kebmaily, iSCs, 1 was sutferlng from a violent cough, for sliiih 1 hail tieen treated during six months prcTl-ou9b iwiln.iil benefit. I had .Viy/,/-.S«-,;af« which com-plciei^ prostrated me. In the evening,hoarseness) would t"nne on, ililtli woUtd prevent me from sp>aklng,ubov« a wliUpri I bad tbe» had two attacks of .hemorrhage Irmn ilie lur>i;>. My family Physlclan_«jsure4 me lhat he could >la no more for me.yet l waserowlpi rapidly worse, in J had been compelled to leave business feK nearly two months. All my symptom* Indicated, unmis­takably, the pretence of CONSt'JlPJION. Jn.theh^ ginning of February, Mr. Hsaav FISBKK, Trsaturer e/ the Amtricaa Bible Society* presented me with a bottle or the PREPARED PRESCRIPTION: In » few days, my appetite, (which I hadentlrely/aJf,).retnfned; with: tn a weijk, my congh had almost l e t * than two weeks, Theneeferward l regaineo sirengw rapidly, • now regularly attendlngto my duties aa^Ierlc to (he AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, in whose employment 1 have been nine years. I am now enjoyIngtoadTiealih. Your PRESCRIPTION effected*CTJRE,when sayfriends despaired of my recovery. THOfl. J; CONGER,

" I havehadNKavoirsoaBriSXODieAsnotsforeleven years. During the, last s is years L have never had an uninterrupted night's rest. It orten seemed tome that t would die before I could get air .into soy long*. 1 was haggard and spiritless, and suffered so greatly from • shortness of breath,' that I was compelled to take fre­quent rfsts In walking frommy residence to my place or business. >' " '

" The night before I obtained the * PREPARED PRE­SCRIPTION,' was the worst I ever passed. Oa obtain­ing tneirenwdy, i took*jtes*noonfjq at: n.oqn Jmd, again at night and slept all night without waking.' I have got Hia> A B H O t l S S t a s T t ' 8 i « « « a t » C B . • * « • • J no longer look 'haggard,' have gained In strength and spirits, and am not at all afflicted with 'shortness of breath.' I shall be glad to have any oae afflleted with. Asthma call and see me. / • ia!RA C.LANGDON,..

No. IKM^ciurtlt street, N. t?" The "PRKPARBD PRESCRIPTION" taput op In a

|1 bottle, and la sold by Druggists generally, or orders may be addressed to the Solo Proprietors, OSCAR G. M03F4tCO.,C7CoanJ»DTSTantr,H.Y. Corunltatlon free., Clrculara oontainint- PASTICOUBS' oy turn* CASES snccessfuily treated, will be sent trite by mail;

E. n , Wilcoi * Co., Agents for Malone and vicinity.



SIR JAMES CLARKE'S f i r f f . B R R A T O D F B M A L £ m X X &

Preparcd/rom a praerlptton of Sir J. ttarlct, 'It. A , Physician Extraordinary to tht Queen.

This Invaluablo medicine Is unfailing In th« cura or all thoae painful and dangerous disease* to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates-all eicess and removes all obstructions, from,whatever cause, and a speedy cure may b^Wlitd on. ,,

T Q H A B ^ I E p t A D I £ f l It Is patticularly suited. It will. In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity.

-Eafch bottle^ price One Dollar, bears the Qdrernntent Stamp of 0 real Britain, to prix«nt counterfeits.

CAUTION. rhespPillfhbtad.iiotietattti.bj; female*during

the FntSTTUDJCS3fOSTm<iferigna»oTi',a»Otiu are 4ufe to XiHng on Miscarriage^ tut at any otXtr time ttey are lofe.' * " f • • •" ;• T , ,

In all cases of Nervous and Spinal AffecUocs, Pains, In tot[ Jte«fctM«4»tl)»^atIgn*^n;; slight. M t r l t o B , ^ ! -

-ja of the Heart, Hystarics, and Wiltes.theje Pfils effect a cure when all other mearj have failed j and

loojh a'po'werfal rem«dy do notcontaln Iron, calomel, Umony.oranythlnf ttrtfaltft. the constltatjon. Full directions In the/pamphlet.around each package,

whli* should be Carerull^rpraaerTad. 8oU> s t AixDacaaiSTS. Fajca,,Ot(x JDoixaa rga Bomxi . . . - ; ' . . . ! , sPEQiALm^m


letters "Ti'S U.n ifrJh%m i$tKtoomi,'iti® mat eac7> wrapper oeart the tt.o §nuta of the signature* of I, G. %UJ>WW*CO.t oM -JO^MPSE^.--f^jmwtwMcMomat^einuita.e,, » . , , . . * ,.,

N.B.-*1,W and C three cent postasritamps enclosed to any natborttid Agent, or to the Bole General Agent for the rolted Stales and British Dominions, :

win ensr.re a bottle coatainlnj CO Pills, by/return mall, securely sealedftoaall obiervatlon.

jfofisCooa Utee'tAat iht rtle.'and that

&..-! ILCOX A CO. Agents, Maloue, I


HuudreuVand tbousaaila • anuually die prematureVy, whenlf ihey,would give the Great French Remedy, ;

O B l ^ B R A T B P 8 P B O I P I O g g J i S , " ;l^rop^fW»'.«^.Qa^*«i«it^ihPr»& baii.Parb,frato*epracxlpUitnofl>.Juan.Delamarre, Chief Physician to thallQSpItaldaNQrd oil LarlboWere, a fatf W% tKeyWnritooflnjMdlatrreUefc^ short tinfe.i be fully reaterM'tci BtalUi anil" 'SltatfJl., ItlsnkdlathoprMUcoofmabycmliient.Ff'cncbpDysJ-

r, recoaunende J •enndji, lot ill peri

r..,,...jjffrom GenBraTor Besraal ITeWIItjr,aU fle* rangtnisnts efttw NerTons Isrees, Uelancltoly, iS)<r«-atprt-ma-Q?&^ql^$Mmf**Wi^^ alii. Jns;frqin.8eai«U»aEces»eS of Yon.ififi|IInai«cretroni, Lois of MiucuWr Energy.Physlcal Pro»tratloh#,Nervontae»», Weak 8r>lne, Lbwncss of Spirits, TOainiesi. oTAVTsIon, Hysterics, Palha In the Rack and Limbs, Impotency.Ac. : No tangnage can convey ah adequate Idea of theim^ mediateandaimoatwilracaloiiuiehwgf It proilnces In the debilitated and shatteredfystem.. In fact. It stands uorlvallfd §34n unfaDiflj care of the maladies above utenlluMa.'- * •'" * ' ' v •*'.-'-•'>•'.. t

Buffer no more, but Use The Great French Bemiily; It simelteilAcnra whjtjiaJliDajet^.faU.afl^rtrtonglist

Sowerfu! remedy, contains nothing hurtful tn the molt ellcate constitution. ;• . . . • : -, j Pamphlets, containing full particulars «nd direction*

" - ' \ French, Sranish and; fJerman.RC' forutlni,In - . , . . . . . . -. . . . ... Company each bo*, and arc also sent free to any ad'. dresswiien requested, :'-:'-^!s^;•:•:: k'K- "* *

PrtoOnc^U^rperbox^or. Wbpsei for Flye^Datt ' Bold by all DrunUulhrouglwulUir world i-pr will be

sent by mall, securely sealed from* all obicrvallon, by .^._J.*.... .........,.*. -1'" " = *.'*"" rat:, .'.u...'

OSCijR s-ffOi

Authorized agents for MsJoae I JnryIOy-1 "

ja.'*i*ijiitT,: e»i

WVl^tf8A^H«ANBJ ,ACTrjrS-Jld« i .


Double and Single Barrel Rifles ,MABE TO ORMR. CoJUiosfltta; VToa)r«,«n(l'^•>*xv

for S*ai*af rate Rirtti*. G. fl. Ca»«. ^Rx^kt, IIicc* A <Jctix»ci«iTa*8 C irs for B» iars, if i r s i s n and th* Sruiio-vtsib BirtK.% Teats 4nd Coat*. Urn B > a i x c * , « « •HAjciiaa«.S*»»*.aita Tc»»ia«*.lWW»ssi TtiiMt*, Cokp Wltaactiu, CVWrsswa^Bao* and LIAO, GKS¥A» ajtvat, BasiJ »nd Brtis. Gty Tajumsia*, the best (juallty « RirLs P.iwps^edBJ'-iStiy.oolUii.oV R«*iliHw> t***^ IT'S Hit iA-,rHr^/- , . ,f

-1 •:: Shop *jts Dnaas •*«Wft*'' - M»tBBc,-Nov.'2J, Sfi5-- J- ,• -;' ,- r

Coffins and Cabinet Work H. -H. CVI -RCtT

W _ Cacw4 «f au slaas, assj.

staaUyost hasjU »r aUste or<sr. Parllealtr sttsa

A B O Y ' S P R A Y E R .

" Hattle I sister! I want a drum— ' I.arjre, and pretty, aud round, and.red,

So, If I pray, do yon think 'twill come ? . *«•¥anil receive,* the |Lprd hath said."

''' But the sister, musing, shook her head. f: :'p, i: t • I

" How should I know, dear brother t Try; Toil can but fall," was Use «5ft reply: And so t» his darkened room he went.

- Qtlll oh his simple thought lnl en t, " To ask the Lord for the precious boon. •"• And please, dear Father, send It soon— -

' Large, and pretty, and r^und, and red, Send me a drum, dear l/>rl," he an 1.1.

So answer still, and he dime one day. And bid his head on Ids 'sister's brra»>.

"HatUe.I think I will not pray, * Give me a drum, dear pather,' lest My prayers should wronj Uim—II, innm !••

- , So back to hbilmple toll and ploy, i Calm aud content he went that day ;

' Bnt God, who garners the smallest senl • Of faith and patience, to, dower wltli mreil

Of bud and blossom In Ills good time, Owned and answered the faith sublime

- For other ears than the sister's bear .1, Unknown to the child, his simple word , And when Uie glad New Year was come. With Its festive mirth and Us nserry Irani Of housebold-greellngB,,a bran new dtum Gladdened the slght'oniie wondering l»>y , lie could not speak for the smldrn jo> ' At length he lifted his tallies, dim Willi happy tears i " It is just like llin -Just like the Lord," ho murmerod low,

" And just the drum I wanted so. Though for a smaller one I praj ed . For, sister Hattle, I felt afraid Lest th» dear Lord I might ask aiubs, To pray for a drum so big as this !"

t ""••" ••• > -• • ?.•(!'•• « . t 'J»- it tftjnV r s t f t j / ft. A

' with,: Mr. Joba iW. BrcttjiM'.adiflwSir) I Charte. Bright* and Pr. , WhkeJiougeKorgan I ized U»&Atlnnlic^clsgEfiBli«Qn»pai}iy-,;,Sci j encc had beguiv lo ctintRi» j%u> irip-nccsssiiy

,Uw) ougtrie roams', ileclf belowllert?: tTirj boats oti the water, nfRtt l|ie:otl; while rocl; ~ sea. Then

f •6; :M'f»M^^Vi»ifiV'hc died, leaving iiaught brit Ibis

llertjhljBjrbteBsiris for the widow maT.ber flonk pi nye

ofsuch an enterprise;,and. Ae greaii l?ttr.i our faces , , ., tit. • - ! - i - r . . . — . i . . ™ „ „ . v . W J „

es i }

lofiiiie gaUv*»s*I"sat 'in '{h£eice{Uti$<?;r$m support brrself, m'uehiess provittefwafam-

day.cheercd;us with his lol>>- «nilmsiasjn.— J wiud ro""1. «t"«l for ihirtysis hours we were „ . ' „ .. ^ -.-., ...<..._! .i._ ' esuoseil to all lite flansers of ajstornt on the

AjlanUc. Vet in the verv hc)^;tb.,tin(l.niry tTh'en for the-first ttmo w«s wt1i«lijii.Uie sjip iport of iKuglish.capiinlisis; stutj ^ligjf„*liq i British Goserniiienl begani that .generous, i course which it has cuiv.iuuciJiever. AOW—: , offering us sliips to c imiilc tispyn^uJSa across I the Atranlic, iind loasstst i« laying tJnecatli', 1 and an annual subsidy for tbu ARiustmssIoa ;-of megsageev The expedition ut 1837 nm the • two expeditions of 1858 wciejoini utiteri>iis i ea, in which ilic Atagam and the.«&<w/<«!««/«.-i na took pan nith the .Igauteunnw, ikvlic»)> , ard, the Uiirgou autl the Vitfoioue, Jtod llu lOHicers oi liolh imvu-a wuiketl «iih aviicnjtt* rivairy lor the same gri-ai obji-ct^ Thtx-ip

;il;il—cxci-pt one quttttrr «>C, which, .Ujymt have siitl, was taken by iMye«il>».i|Ssitli

i scribed wholly iu Great .Britain. rTucDir.x j tors ivereuluioat all Kiiglish baykeis au<l,

,.. i merchants, though among th,«»n wasoiiBgeu-i tlenian whom « c ate ppuuiiMowllaii^mtr' i U-uu—v3Ir. George lW>udy* a uame honored I in'iwo ouulries, siuco liu haa oUiMVerctl his I princely brnuluuliuns upwu bi)}l>-^stho, ih'» a resident lui nearly furty,yeare in^wdon,

• whin he lias gamed iibuutlteAt: Tcjtltti and ! honoi-, suit itui^B iu tin laijd,<4". Iliabiilh, idechuiuu l.'uilcil kui"kltim to

ana she occasionally gets copying trtdo; but it is hard work fofa female in thcsB timca to

IViSsiiofiisiit came up front life lieokHviUcii, ilyj A .. ,- T i ., • - „ . . . . .« : . , i _ . A , _ >Mo\wshIcould'lietpthQp.oortli»ng,—

Wouldn't Mills give her some, writing i?a?m ;h.iying crossed to Ireland, came back' to me in midocean, telling me tlytt thosb so aqar lo :mctwlitrtn I bad left on. the btwlts oftbo ., „.. » - u • * rTti.No!), were well, aud IbllQWirjg tiswitbfit is a delicate thliig to uiRoas«,forBheB!|oo ihsif »i»h<..s au.l prajcrs. .This w a i m c a proud^to accerrtanyttingmthe.shane^)fftJa; -..•--.. . . . . . . . » „ • > . . ? . v ,-js; v o r f r o n j h i m j ^ink jje likes her, don*|.yo«i?"

the office—you knpw he is aiawyerf flat

whiiiiier ol God Trotn" lUc »ea, bidding mo lecp lieafl and hope. The Qrctft ptstern, Jivre hctstir proudly tlirniiglt jthc1 storm as if alic kiit-H ihal the viial curd,,which was lo jniii tun h tuiapluTc.-i, htuig at Ti<r stern and *n, «.n SjUurilay, the Illf/if 'September, j I say, Miriam,

- . , * , _ l . l t t . r . . . . i i . j . j , | •

r-mcltt,lfl nith the ioli»»win:f

' Yes, I see him otten watching Uer when she is talking, with a, pleased expression on his face, for she is really a sensible girl, bnt

i Mrs. Marabean's twattle drowns oat others. It was a wcieral mistake tak-«e biiiiisltl "in !>':ri>nd cable sifVIy lo shore. | ing her into the,house

co'ju'ries. I/«t wb'i will spealj iig-.titist Eng • i... i...»f.rnt -i 6aroucu» ot"Vh'Jil:llld -words of t-n-urc most come from oth

,can tilizui. .-••>.„,»•. • .* • " \\ iih thoinstwry o» Utts^spcdilion ut X8bl i -3B yon are. loiniliai. i i>»,lhe thud-tiki we gained m. brief*uccea* Tlie cttbui:vv*sjaid,

I see it, and am heartily sick of her har­angues. I belieYa ere this every one.in the house is thoroughly disgusted with heit,— Why, itr was only yesterday that site corncr-ed Mrs. Anderson mthe ball, and wUUe Jier

ue eftcct only do I refer ;as ihe^ carnage was waiting for hetfit the door, said, eirt-fbtt.as li'briii^tjlipto. «Don^yon,pity me Mtd. .Andei-son? Hjere »= ,.»«. v m j M i V n w M L luwelgofc.to journey down.town in tUos«

horrid cars, crowded as they are with all

Mi. field -tsuulimeut: i

" Of ihc re0ult3 of this eilterprise—"ct»m. mcrciallr jud politically—*U is for others to. speak T>i oue eftcct nifh of my Tie-closer'relations «ith EnglanVJi'it'may pro­duct a "better nnder*tindingbetween (he two



' • aMupt to tyrasH. Fielt.

T o C y n t s W . M e l d , rather than l i m n y ulli-cr^rhiinjbelopgii i^iecredlt of having fir«t r.»n cetveilthe practicability «l nn«Ailantit Trie-graph. Hiashurr in the cost of the niter-prise, or his prominence In it* execution, in>iv TiaV6"been rinrpaasnl Iry snnte; lint «n<> thing nnojn.estionably is*/* alone- original au.l ul> Bollite faith iri final Riieeess, a Ciiih wliioli no difflcnllii* could overenme, and the paiieni e of which was equal in any labor aud any cost. Xo injustice enn tie done lo an> man by the declaration thaj, hut for Cyrus W. Field, there would now •*• no telegraphic commnnicatinn between America and Eu rope,, And of no other man can this be said.

It was proper, then, that Ids own, city shn'd do him honor, and show her pride not only l^hls Biicccss, but In the heroic faith which accomplished It, This was the object ol the banquet gi?en to Mr. Field on tlie evening "f November 15, at the Metropolitan Hotel

The uecbratiohs of the banqnet lmi; are thus, described in the Nq'w York Times ;

" Prom the center of the dome fell ilutiJs of pnrti-colored silkj canopying all below.— From these hung crystal chnndaliers, flood­ing the hall wilh silver light, toned down by the soft, refraction of the silken ceiling over­head; Suspended from the dome, at its eas­tern end, Jiung in mid-air the Earth in minia­ture, girt by an iron band, emblematic of the telegraphic girdle. Above this globe were tbeSunftho Moon, and the stars, and from each of thesoVell delicate cords ol' silk, like cobweb threads in the sunlight, uniting the mysterious worlds whence they came to the iron-bound, imprisoned Earth below. These lines, gathered together ut the meridian of the globe, did no„l end there, but, spreading out «gain, descended and were caught np by the grappling arms of-delicate telegraphic poles of silyer, planted on the tables under­neath, ant], held up by these poles, tlie entire lull; was girt by these silken Hoes, Up among the congregated solai system hung the ethereal messages, "Greeting from all the; stars;" •••' The lordly Sun sends greeting down;" The Moon her; peaceful radiance lends," and hanging from tho globe a prosa­ic sign-board, announcing the whereabout of th*f.r Qeneml-TdegwpbTc Office." On the

i and for lour weeks it" worked—though Ofsvei \ c r y bri l l iant ly—ucvei giving4<>itl%tucUjiip-id nft4,UlBtmat.ll*8Bt*a%jb^bii3SA,f.jt. day,

" Artec the jiulute o&4«58.c»me«ujN?Jlark,. j est days. -When « M'i<« ISrfJead; iUsihard to gulvanlno it into life; JtJs rtp^fotlttllcuji to revive an old cuierprise. ibjig-io BlaUtanoty one. The freshness Rud-uoYclly/ »W gvnej and the feeling ofi,disapi)ointtneaV dipcourr agesltarlhcfcaorij/v, . •-. ,r ..,-. , , -

" Other causes delayed ajaew atumipl.— This conutry hail become involved in aare-menduons w.ai;?. .ttnd wjnle the uayou. >> us strugglingJbflifo.il hml no tinje ig.spend in Ibieign*nlej5prlaes.- , fc + L. --. $ 7 •:,

" Bnt in EnglnnditheittojeetwAfsiili kepi alive. The-AilqriUo Tclesraph Company kept up its orguoi?ation, it hud a noble body ol Directors, who iiad faith In ithe en,-lerprise, and looked, Jiejond, ai»cpft>"Mi>'» cstimatotouliimate,finccess.„ , t > J . , .» 'Aiiei»ailhBtai^tc^Ke^etoni-madep»in.pro;

ruling suii p.rif)rTo /nnffrrt^peirt1Ty! 10 tho

magnincent ristliy 3]fr» 8'rassey and Mr. Ben­der of £60,00u each, Mc: Fieldjgaid

"Th* action flfthfise^two gentlemen was a ttif ning 'polnf-In the history flfonr enterprisu j for it ledshnrtly "auerwartf to a union of tite well known Arm nf <J1SM, Elliot «fc <'O. with Ihe (liiiia PerchW'eompnnjs, making of the two one grandConcerff knownas "/l!hp Tel-graph ConBrriiMlfirr and Malnterfance Com­pany," wjiich included not only Mr.iBrasspy and Mr. Bender, butr othpr men of great wealth, <«lPh as Mr. George Elliot, and Sir. Barclay, of London, and Mr. Henry Bewiey, oJEjDubllo, and which, thus reinforced with immense capital, took up thB whdlft.«nter« prise in Us stronjj arn«. We needed,! have

.telegraphic po.es along the tables were sym->61s 0? the glad communion of all nations with tlie spirit animating the festivities or the, nighi.< .There^veret grceilngs from Rus:

flla;;FrancOyPlyhiotilh Ttooki Spajn", New Jersej.Portugnl, Denmark, New Hanquhire, China, Tinibucloo, und uil Iht pluCe* tvllh names {ainilinr or unfamiliar to the ear, aear and reinotf, rcadinj" tis. you iiiissedalong ivfllv Ui^inrprisiug oddiiy <»f mcdfcj b> He quentuud queer wero the iiuuniiloiif.."

Mr. Kield'a speech after rt«iner"coittaiacd a full nud interesting history ol tlm Atlantic CaJMer'"J f . •'"*"-"' i'"-,:" ' c v • • •"• ' •'

. i tn . FIELD 6 SPiUiCU. -^'Ifbwiearly.thirteen ycaraugoi'' heisaid,; '-' since hs l fa dozen genllemeu of otitis icily:, met at m ,bf|u '4b 'iloll Buccebjvei wJiruing^ »hd, aroond"«;tSbie covered}, syiiri-mapa and charu, and plans', und csiimatea, considered ffe^roject-toicstendfv llnoiof telegraph jrbm. '•] ifva-'8co^>.td:SL-..Jobiis,.,]n,-Kjow£>)init:tlaad,. ih*nCe to:Wcarried across the ocean.; ilit\vas >t vcrV^prelfy?*-plaii on: paper;. .There 'was Ncwi york;.nna;. there, was-'St. Johns'-only /nbqiit/iaDO^aiileS updrt •." U w is easyfold raw., 'oilrtb;fr6rri and ptJintr lo iihe .iitlier-jBialiinfi. no account 5 of^for^sls'• nud- tuounlaius, and* swalmpsand rivers, and unUs; lltat lay;in; our f-wdy*.~'SoCbnoof nsbadfeveiieeeiji'iuccotm^ tryvBr^ad-ndy .ideaof thes;obst«cl,es to be rivettsrtnfe- * "Wo thought wecbnld bnild the tin* in «few.rlionth!': Ifc.iook;two years and fenalf.^Yet^e never asked,fotbeipomsidB our own littlecircle'i. Indeedj,Iiifeor-w.o «ho'd not ba|o gqt it if we had, for few bad. nny' faith in onr .fcheme:, Tel.I .-'am. proiid in toy .titxmap; .tlrcw back. :No,mar\ prove-i o dcBtTler- T ^ ^ ^hf>.CTr4#:flr8,t intO liirjr

work havcgtoiij.! by it lo the'ehd. Of those Bix"itttn.ftnr. afp here to-night—Mr. feier-Godpejr^Meies Tftylort Marehalt O. RoWrtn, todiJnyselir <My broker, nndlcy ia.Jn E«-^^•i^lMjr.^aA9)ct'<-witno'Qtej-tnrvlSi<)i< andhfepllc ' ~ ' nnnt,' wJtp-. .iirwher was o,tir6ftcrctaryv T'> ljie^bit-nilif--umen, as my flr?t. associates, ii isliut just that;

ami his. plftcs; was^nppliettW Mr.Wiljiih'G!; fchp-, is^UiO!:.h5j«k Mr. "Rol^rt; ^ r

J;sl)onIil pay rny %ataDknnvvjedgenieiits.', V Fnjin thhstatcmerityou perceive.jhatj

Inntjoliegipnlng,Uu*was wboily nitvVint?r*. ip5!rt,ebterpr.lse. •. .ft xvip \ begnnvrqifl -for. tw<J years»ndiaball' was carried ontgolciy by1

Anacrican.'£»pj(a'l>' QurJbreUifco ucrosj. the Sea did not evep Kqow what wp wCj-edoiiig away in the forcsis of J>Icwf»tindland. Qtfr tittle company ralscil «hd expended; over, a mlllioBRud aqtta^tej; of dollaw before, tin EngllshiDRn paid a siiigte pound slcrliog — Our Oflly tappQrt oOJslde wai, MV lite liberal character«ndsteady frltfuMiip of tin- Gov ernmeitt vf Kewfojiodlund, lor vtvlttrH we were greatly indebted 10 Mr. t iM. Archi­bald, then Attorney General of llut< colony, anil now British t'onsnl in TfcflrYot It. And, prfparing for an oceiui v,tblettli«,"fir t}>ouad-tn | i across tlttf Atlinilic- wirematleby Amtr icait iiftlcff» ill AhieriVAW shii»«. Otir scieu-rttic tnen*-M6r»iej«,lienry, B;tcUu and Maury i*-bad ttdicn great interest in tb« subject— The United stales ship • IMp74n dfskavered the telegraphic plateau aftcaWy asiSMj And the United tJtatea ship Awtic*u\taa*\ tteetm frtHtt iiewfotiudUuiU lo lrwlasvd la 1630—a year Mora Iter AUitou'a skip 0f**»*, >"'<ler •asMtMwi syf .Oaptfii Vwmutt weal OT«I»I»> tsMMoiMtwa. Thli I aisle not to uke attght •ftya* the Juai prate* of Wsgtand, l»it simply «r> Ttwllettt ttk trntk of kMory

wHwMiMttMI I860—ten ye«n.aiio-~llmt tb« enterprlae bad any txiUeoc« In tugland. In that turomer 1 went to London,andther«

klut'ness from^Engliahmentoloiiiiu thislan-buagc I have eaten of their bread und drank of their cup, and f bavf received from, jlifcm, in the dlrKest bouis ofthisenterprlso, words of ebcer which 1 ucvei' shsl! forgei; " nd if any words of miue^an'teud to peace, ttnd gdod-wtil, they shall tfot betvantiuw, { Seg.ffly couatrymen to tcnfeilnbor tlliBi"ti<!8 of feilldred. Blood Is thicker 'thatt' wate/'.— ^Arnerica, tvttli all Tier greatnep.lias eomeout bfthelbinsof England; rfrfd; tliough there

cars, sorts of people! Ideelarei.«aascarcelyjen darolhc thought; but you have your .car­riage, and know nothing of these troubles. Mrs. Anderson did not .take, the-hint so broadly conveyed. and. ask her to ride With Jier ; witha half apology she'left the defeat­ed Marabeati. standing on the «taira, looking indignantly at Jier as she was driven awiay. Then, coming into the drawingroom where

,|I wassitting^sho exclamed, * What» stnek-' ap wdmau 1, 4 s If ao oac owned a carriage

but herselt I think I never saw a person soibnd ofjshow; an old thing, like her, oast, fifty; putting Jier liair in crimpers and sport.

THE WOMAN OF INFLUENCE. 1 5ometbing musube done, j • ' Rpecnlation In oil "docks liad ton riot with tay once handsome income, audi I was bro't, Unwillingly, at last to consent to my wife's project of taking a few select boarders. ' And Miriam, dear, good Utile wife that slip

was, took all the disagreeables—suck aa bouse-hnnting and bantering'with *'agents" —upon herself, leaving me Nothing to do but loaf la onr elegant, aparjtmenta.jind whistle melancu'oly^ines'to th>Walli?" r 1

At last the " hated thing " Was accomplish, ed, and leaving our expensive boarding-place, Where for two years we had enjoyed ev«ry ltixory that the city afforded, we took pos­session ol a pretty brown-stone house in a fashionable locality, and advertised our rboma. ,

- .^ n n n n n n n - . , . . , « , How Miriam expected tr> pay the enor-sald, £«00,000, and with all ou*«ff««9 in. monsrent and supply the tableloi, what she England and America w*»T8bted*onlJri3285,-000. This new company nowcameiorwara, and offered to take tho whole remaining I'aiO.OOO, besides £100,000 of the bonds, aud to make its own profit contingent on success. Mr. Richard A. 91aai was made Managing Director, and gave energy ^nd vigor >toajt its departmems, being admirably seconded' by the Secretary, Mr. Shtuer. Mr. Glass has

iavc been sometimes family juaTfels—bitter, ing diamonds. I don't see how yon can on as tUtatly quarrels aVe apt loDe1-^till1n'6ar * • "• " . . . jieartB there is ycatning'fof the<>ld home, ^hetandDiFour*fathers; amflie is an enemy of his country and of the Mitriau MCe'who wonld afip up'Strife between two nations that ttTfi one'lnjl'acp, in langnage, arid in religion. I close wifiitbls sentiment: (EKacAW Asr> AArtett rt*\ —CEASPtNe H ANDS A ttoDS TIIE BRV ; M\Y THK PlttU (»rt%«r BE' A PLTBKOK ftp FnrKSnftrrrp TO ALLt^NERiTiotes?"

1865: " We returned iu E.igland deficaied, yet

full of resnluilon lo btgin the battle anew.— Measures were at once-taken ,to make a sec­ond cable, and fit out a new expedition; and with that assurance I came home last ati t n m B -

" In December 1 went back again, wbenl ,*iSJ£|th lo, all our hopes had sunk to nothing. Tlie Attorney-Qenernt of England had given 1% written opinion that wo had no legal righL without a special Act of'Parliament (which could not be obtained tinder a^car1,} to issue the new 15 per cent, shares,-on which we re lied to raise our capital. This -was a terrible blow. The works were at once stopped; &nd the money which brid be*u paid in returned lo ibe stibscrlluisi. Snch tras the stale of things 'otiTy ten* months ago. I reached Lon­don oil the;24il» of December, and the next day wa* not ft * merry' Christinas* t* mc.fr But it wh*an iriexryrrSMWecomfoi't (£ hajo the counsel of such nicnl M SteDanicLGboeU

would receive from the few boarders a three glory boose would contain, Icould not imag­ine ; however, aii'^ny own folly Ttad nwept away a princely fortune. I " " resolving that she should pursue hex " pel sciieme" without Interference on.my pari.

A .weefe^of renov«tion—sncli sweeping, auch-dusllngj such: scouring and scrubbing and «.ashing and rinsing I had never witness


arwtrnyt wnnts.lreated,-with the utmostlndif-fewnwjumibthe.hou»e*4ikei!iie'4epe'i;o?old —was-proaounced clean.. Board, at this sea­son,' waslngood demand.and our house wa3 speedily filled." ., - , . , , :

Lregretted that Miriam had let the-two best robow in. tlie Iionse tp.^ fontily by lite name ofMarabeao, whom wo had wra.erty-board* ed-witb. Mrs. Marabeati ^vaa a woman past forty, had been good-looking in her day, and was exceedingly vain. , She, had* huBband, atiUiet, sonsihle kindiof, .maBjfflnji^augh. tef-oi eighteen,! plain, nud; slupid in her man­ner. She had made it iipjiearto MtriaiUlhat hey*"infutenCe " alone couht ,fllt,the- house wit h ihe most desirable boarders.-, •$ S)te:h.itl always been called T » ^ , exclttsiye « herevcr she had boarded, and thousand* would jump at the chance of gcuing board where«he did." Beguiled -by talk of thi3-kind,:Jlirl)im-.let her. have the rooms at a frightfully low price.

** I'desfreyouitohe very, particular about references," gho said to Ji'ttiau»,:"fm!-Mn Marabeau, is^ihe-'juost fastidioiispcrain in

?"d SJ S i c l n l J ^ % 4 i ah^i>W»tonb., ^ Worid,about hisassociatra^tuidTtt will hearted Mr. Brnssey tell us U> go ahead, and "" ~ if need were, he wouftf put down £00,00 mofc* ft tvitf; nhalry'conrliidctT'that the b.esl colli sc viiii o orj/airia « tine'coiiijiaifj/,. ivhicb sluudd'assmne the work,and«s6Jorigi* bated the Anglo'American^«le|trapi> Com­pany: ?'lf w^;;loVtei^0r^^rc&e^;wTii(> met aiouut( ii tabic"TuLonfjoa^ffdjiQtvJowo, JrtO,Q00.apierie;l J iiupC',fbb excellent ejeerc-tary of this €bmp*ar&j 3if>Ueane)(whf> camo with us iicro5sHfet»bceatf,Ny|ll wht*itsliistor ry imd ,teli #j;riydrr*,*«atrIiiij4na'vigox

flit; g'reat elegropTi e^tyfictiojiraad-Main 'tenanc^'.Company'fet^datmteffwtHc df laatVfaK'ariSttered- utf -'wittr* suBscriptibn

and went on,witli. BP^VJ] ' Ne lfjrwiM"great*, er^enerav ' Alrifii«rt'Vtritbtr'-' ''*'-"*il::i--'-- "*'

dure her; calling for meals in her own room and scarcely speaking at table." .'.She shows good taste in .that, I replied tior if* thereJs. any thing I detest, it ia a woman whose tongue is never still. -A* to private meals, they had a carte Uandtehs that when they came.' 'Well, I think X shall take exception to It. I shall let her know I nptice it, at all events,'.she said, as she sallied pnt to take her derated ride in the city cars..

"And tbi3,ja the'woman of influence,' who was to rpndpr yon so much assistance, .my .dear?" • « ,

" Yes, I acknowledge J was Badly taken In ; for instead a£, influence I have seen nothing hut lmpndenco since she has been in the house. My chief study now Is to get her oat of it before there is an open rupture "

"That yon will And impossible, I fear; for she has got first-rate quarters, and, instead of leaving herself, ii determined to root those ..oat who fail to do her homage." ,"

" We shall soon see who rules'," replied Miriam, with a determined look; and we did Ml sooner than we had expected.

The Andersons had been invited lo a iwJ • ding out of town, and had just returned — When ati were s'eated at the dinner-table Mrs. Marabean, followed hy her husband and daughter, sailed in with more than her awns-tomed pomposity of manner.

Having seated herself and spread her skirts to her satisfaction, she began •

" I, too, have been out of town to-day, Mrs. Anderson, and I happened to fall in with some of the party returning from that wed-

j . ding—snch a noisy set I have spldom seen — held-my peace,Iand i w a 8 T lot sorry when they left tlie e n s

at the np.townsatattohi' ^Everybody in good society here knows that they are very rough, low people, I once had the misfortune to board witu'them", and T must say T consider­ed them very vulgar.1 I-eould not but won-•flfflfwhat bind of-people JOB-met." • Mm Anderson gsv* her- a hard, searching took; bnt silent contempt, plainly expressed inthe countenance, was the only reply.

Determined not to be thus foiled, she ad­dressed'herself to Miriam:

You remember Mm Rnow, who nsed lo ;f board with us?'*

Miriam remembered tier. "Well, I met Tier to-day, and—what do

yon *hink ?—that old woman of fifty had been'puttinj* her hair in crimper*; as. they did not work well, She had the impudence to ask me What kind 1 used. T toldber very plainly that my crimps were natural,, I'd beaskamod at my ago tonse such thiugs,""

" Yon do look rather old for that, MadSmf'*' said Burnet, wilh a merry twinkle in his eye. Mrs. Anderson, at whom Mrs. Marabeau'a insult bad been leveled, bowed him her thanks,

Finding sho cotild make nothing iii lhat direction slto turned to Miss W<t>\U:

"What are vour terms for music,MU« WcUs^" ' , . . * • - . . •

" Twenty dollars a quarter, ma'am:" " Ami who hsve ydti studied nutter V * I have had several teachers." " I thiuk some of haviBj? Emma take les,

sons this winter; but I shall not give her to. any one unless sure oPtheir ability and-good, c/iaracteiv.' I trliafc- ttaf'etttrcatt't'be*i^ffl}«-: * » { * ? ' I - v » l l a a ^ c ^ 5 cages ^ome trader' my owtfobservatidn- where the morals of youug ladies havobecn injured by their be­ing placed under the infltienco -of. teachers whowsBtaadldg In society was not what it

uenvcll ibryoutosay to the Atitlcraoiis that we've been called exclusive, ihough they are pcbjilc, if 1-re.id'fliqir- clmntdters truihfhlly, that one ueed •tfoi-beiufraiist.ofi' Also Mr. Mills. , U e is a young lawyer«f much prom­ise, aud Mr. Marabcau says ht> fathcrisquite aiycaltby iulpprtcr. f Mr> jBUract keeps lri& aMraisof eotlreiyvip biniBdfclhat'flnocao „ _. hardly itcll jwiiit to think t and as for JlifisJ-ought toiie.^

er,enerj " M 9Pfn a'coni the vigor an,d

criiy-Mieistasyorflii f>dny wnkt<)rm?fl, arid m|fahyHhe"-ues£t'day.;»

waS re^tslefed oe iantt^bt futilf wais

dispaich "^naf irf-Wtfiftrjntbs

tle.^nd -watwffio%^i cages-lltesnlly.nsawift as lightning, fr^m.CQn-.tm^ntitdcrtntirifn ^ , f * ; % ; ' « ^ £ . ^ ^

"very puUc^uar. gard Id yonrtiiWe; do yon think it;giteSeat-t s C u j t i o D , ; ? " . _r. , . ..,*.-.,;-' •--. „ ? , , . •%,' •; '-,"-.•"•'£

,r,eped^MirUwfc..V:rv.'r-^1**2-^-.4-^*- f :.; •' Don't ydu llilnk it 'would; be heller fbr-

yori. to 'Change• R0jir-sqa>to the end of the ta-; blej?i ^ b t ^ ^ ^ c ^ ^ q l f ^ b ^ ^ t c ' l r . het*.

steel; eons to beai" a strainof th]rty tons. * - i t took about two hours for the grapnel to reach the bottom, biirwe could-teiFwhen.it atrucki

i-$mtmm:tinwf^mtA'MMm--th&-Tot^,. ~oniTcbmU".f€elliyll^^^ was dragcing oh Tlfehottomlwomile3nnder. tti 0 "Bat ft >'*S1B fiery'Slow business. ,'We hftd.ator;m3ji,itd .cslras^rjd. ^ ^ t n d iqualls, Btjll- we worked, on day after tiny: Once.lJn: tnp;4-tar*rA%fa9t.we^ hatWa7nn'ftl |hYTe^

^ •mbbsteri ireSIivMrtt* 'thb^#yfe<sf ^ oreanV'n*Hl,'T»tit fifir- n'ipfl" hegib terAeerVso/ ^iraTviliaf if SeeirfcV! t(t pt>'lfIghte»l«l,«Md

fms ft'eclflerft: fct»pt „_ weeks longer, hut, i|nalfyv.6n--ih^uisrn|ght: in Aughst \vd«angbl ]»/ JJrYu ¥Ad;«asithe grarihei rtilrty tlmea IT ««s a!' tilths bte'fore mlanlgbt'fln "Friday ntghr-Ttrat; we hooked tb> cable,and, U w»<» * nttr^ctfter tttidntght Bn'nJny.nmhnpg -wlicn wolBt' i fen ttoarcL. Whit van iW a»«ietv offtlln-Sj ferity-six; boural "TtiaMraln oa <;vety alap"* life was like the •siriludu the eaWe iWflf.-- Wheh flnallyit appeared It wasraldnight; th« lighut of the ship, and In Uto hoa,t9-aroupd thohont«. asthev nsshetl in ihcr«ce»nf tliBmen, sbo#-etHhem eaterly watcTiIfle for-tltjS *|bl«to appear *.n\ the water! AtlWigUt ltw*» bfo'f to the Jtttrf«ce. All wllo'yf«»e#lfftwidto%n< prOActi crowded fortranl i«se»iK Yet not a Word wa* srtf <.a, »wly the tuktuolllie of­fice r< in command were heard giving orders. All Mi as,if Jifc ami tteatu hungontheisswa. It w.iHotdy «rlien' It waa brought over the bbiramlon lo the deck iw»t-mea dared to l rcaUie. £vto tlien Uiey hardly beiieted their eyo.. Some enpf towards It to feel of it, fo l>e sure i t n i i I Mere. Then we carried K aJonf to a»eelerwdilajgAmm toaee tfoar .- « _ . « s w — ^--^.--.-..---*<*4ma.-* A WW p|a*-w»«** |wMiM|MHa#w)4]al||. KM. dW the sone tnmd

'Wells, I thiuk she feeb her irmwrtanceijaitts too miKh for, a-;goverircsB.»j hetB>li\>TOdI»

-.'•> I do uot igrefe wilUyou^ mere^aaplieti Miriam. **%Ve Were sneaklngof her foolra <thfj»6thcr. ;dayr; and >J: b61U#^tuni*jiid in fjailiflfg^hef' ' t j i tes^J^^^i^^Kitroi iOtV go*3 tho inmates of thffhoaad haVefumish-

net !"she exclaimed. '«Well, and what of it?" asked Miriam, e*t

pwasing no surprise. ; < , ' • , . " isnTt Mr, Burnet a married man, and is

not Miss Wells a lone woman, one whosho a avoid the Very appearance of evil ?*•

" So far a* T can see, aha lias," replied Mi riant;' - '

" I think Iter; conduct shocking t and you to uphold her: hut T can see it's tiX'tSkey with ybtt" • *tt-'reifttit'^i«i%rMr«'Mar^ieao/' -

<" I never had much of an opinion ol her, and after this I shall keep Emma from her influence ; though T must say Tthintt it your duty to set her trunks on the sidewalk, and let'her find lodgings in haunts where such women usually live." : . ".

" Mrs. JMarabeaa,",3aid Miriam, warmly. " I am sorry to find you such a foe to your sex. For my partr,f have hope and faith to believetliat^Miss Wells ia Ju8tiflable,evenin tho Btrictesb sense of propriety, for what she has dQ»%»nd|,ha|re,,charitjr^fojaU."

"Shehasg!?ne to.the »ea^' 'snapped Mis. Maraheatt; "IguessnffJeftBfeWf.Mill-will seeheHtt her true light."

"I presume they have.^ona to see thai play of Beucicault's % heard Mr; Mills desc'ribing'last eyening. He fhtnka it very fine," saiffflUbftt7 ••«*«''•' •

*• She'li see & difference inmy treatment ot her if she remains in the honie," was Mrs ^arabeaa'atbreateninereipinderaasheleftus.

Xext morning Misiwells was tn the din ing-roonf looking "tifrt the morning paper when we entered.

" Do you know," she said, " I had such a treat last night. Mr. Mills had asked me to

onsly ill, anffSurfoVlilttPftrcome and draw up a will; so, as there was no time to be lost, he transferred mo to Mr. Burnet/ who was kind enough to bore himself- with my company to a play he bad seen three tim<« before."'

Mrs. Marubeau came in, cold as an Icicle, saying good morning'fd every orieaeparate-ly but Miss Wells, who seemed not to notice the omission, keeping up during breakfast a conversation, with Mr. Mills, who sat at her right.

After all had left the table but Mrs. Mara beau, ivhb.it seemed, pnrpoeely lingered, she said," Mr. Marabeau (Jeairea me to ask if that woman ia going to M allowed to remain in the house alter IMnightfs noid adventorfff"

Miriam was about to replyybut was stop ped by the appearance of M&,Well9, follow ed by Mr. Burnet and MiQa,, They had heard her inthe hall.

"By 'that woman' yott' doubtless mean me, Mrs; Marabeau," said Mis3 Wells, look -ing her steadily in the face. "If Mrs. Sim mons wishes me to leave, I have now to hear it from her own lips."

"1 ddnot," cried Miriam, 'it have alwaysre-spected yon, and never more than atpresent."

Tears stood iff the darkeyes of Miss Wells as she murmured," Thank yon, Madam, for not listening to evil machinations; I trust I have explained my going out last evening to yonr satisfaction," . . * "'Tt-neai^a'nfi^irijrana^on riia¥efnever asked one,''said* Miriaml •.: -•:

"And permit me to thank yon, too, Mrs. SimmonB," said Mills, steppings$enerously forward, fontrust me, I am notadisinterest ed party. Were it not for her foolish reso Union of teaching a year—from which my earnest entreaties have tailed to win her—I would this day give her my protection and name, as I have, before given her my heart. Inyour care I leave her?' and before any of us were aware what he was doinghe caught the weeping tjoverness in his arms, pressed a kias.on her brow,.and passed- her over to mvwife.^ ,.,.

Vv hen jye. looked for Mrs. Marabean she was gone; how she had made her exit no one observed. Art hour later, and she was served wit h a notice that her rooms would be wanted at the end of the month; and thus we were rid at last of the'' Woman of Infln ence," ] t j rBMelf « MH*!'rJiP!of %hP|»lly in town, took their rooms, «and danced ahorn-pipe to the music of Mfffi. wnoB»«ngera swept the piano k(By*«imbiy when, the Mar-abeaus, bag and baggage, went down the sipp<t(nnd out of the house.

-1 -..•

*er^ofeefxter:Jhe ,iw,,Af , „ - , . . , ,, ,jnejgc>^wl^f^ngth,

nt^tht dinfejoom wUenever.,8h>.wi»$s8lo ?IH!ajk Jtoale,? vJSo,j tWnfc wore of lavish) i5*c1h«a*ffeclin'thl9^^VtHan^"UfOT '^&Btn&m Mr*Mj^b«&^-:.,jJa;tt_


- : ? $ m not in 4he .haWf of (copsuianB m^ aervantain regard to <iuc* mat^r«,*ftflheg -tbiityow^ciil «mtlth^i '-tm^^ fal»&iifa< Jatito.i»tte.ftiitoe;,,:T,- •> -,>, J ^:'-'H'?-.i!':'-

3ed.i Kowl^toktoiiEoftiMooJrJiaachiheit^ lojiits Ihetcaandl soffe*ron|a»• to$Wio Mwattabfc.iMd'Whettple ir^e^awirtdf thedci«rt,aliAaei»wder^i^L-^ i- ;5-'- , i J*

feouel will show^

y , • T JejWwd«^JW^*wmWe^ UVCTjt imiroyesjthjrlirjBtei wojawfidiy^ * rMftrcuhtrly Withthfe ladies, and

•^Ttte itlcatof MM»bflOr-» |SS'!: 6Ud,fipply%ofe' a>>ayj|m4-•>*"«• A(>¥n;lntidIvMo3^'ltog|iabie; twK#h?i?riiegiow8. tliesr/a. /fbits ft'eclflerftritpt. as»r#dte*wa mt Mopfc ;ti>^.^ir^ii^.fl^mt^Xii^&'a^ni..

Hone tnmd islsij thw» twH'iMia HIIJL-.; ttr of a** Ottten tmkw.Mtvi <1bm*»rt-1*^*Fr)k*lciai,cf<x htm B t i v y M t , .ad «••• muHk iontfH) wfTwii

aneitftthgfjjonj,. , , . ;" Oa&yFojild thiflk..t3K?ia fUgjereapjof arif-

tocracy tprheajr*;" hW-taikj bj t »fJtnt do yon tnow-of thf#aateced^tsf,1 adtadrny wire. t - "When Anderson' Cameto aeeabont board 1 BSChanged reference and' %$ fery natur- < ally asked nlwnt UUe MBrabwirm after finding they were to nwkapaHof our famUy. So 1 matte JPeterspa * caty; von know; he kno*s everyhodyf-can trace familre* back to Sfoahy apdtheitrl^,j5v"cl),i»esiay5 Old Marabeau ^-jhefktlier to-Uie pitawt^ oner-was a me-eUanle,'and John wu-Votubt. «» tonhe trade; it is only a few yearsaiaoaiMiraban­doned it. Hi*, wiftvao pretty, so daiioate, so nniky, waaa iailoressj ami worked Hj John Oilman's shop mitil Maraliecn, capMticd by her beauty: married her and twkhjgiWjor;'

" Well, {declare! and thetotw|Miab6ut high family and society and all tittfe? naplfctl MirtBipf. "1. premme^ if Uta troth were knoWB^MiM WelU" family are far atiperjr* tohNown," ' ; . ; ' . " i t s , il Uirih werw a txiuoldeiwirtw, but

you4*0 ' * W W JN wort* o«r

Wells showed-no riis|K)siiion t»> reply trad she corilinuod: • .-•- ' ^ » t^u^hivffloma/axsqaaiataiice to the city totefer toy have-yoatnbr?* : - ~

*-Why^Madam^ aslt^ Miss. WeHa; rals-inff her very large dark eyes from her-plate ^alpokiBg Ii^q^e^btter^all^tt'thaface,-

«Befortt|^acing^ aty;4atfghteftttadee the influem^ of any one I ahoulid require the inrjwS^^acJWyteBtimoniala» . -••>•'•' -.^••tlfafe no desireto «eaclf«yottr daughter;,, Madabtj when I do, M Idfcyot^ KnowV' re? TiUedMito Welk i i '.:]-rj*.^,«.:;. i ^ 8huttrp;a,t testjP said 1 to-Mfrlam; when alt buthoaraclve8 had left the dir4n«.rooin.: -i -.'-«';YeB, a n d ! could hav*cia#erf iny hand^ and cried ftmwr' I was «r*-delighted; but did:yan evei^seilffeuch.rudeness aasheshow-cdihc-Andcraofjs? Though they treat her titltLMltecoateaipt8he4-mc^te,^i^ nn^g'tfrrint ap with aacbpetiy __

itheri ahe titaist Icaveor Ihey^wili. 2?Jnad coiaieith 4hsit j conclasion -myself;

nothing camo «p that she did not•> root be* 4BD» Vto^ev^dttohrof it, aC Burnet ^wlseta r«M«rJced3^'•:-.r.-t>.^1.^.-:.;,.,, .?,i„.. ,.;..-. "'-~^h^aid^otpay her risusl Visit l»qs in onr sluin^roont that evening. Miriam, said iehe

frlaltJ Dr6l ie i<y,

;- ,\n aumsing story is tpid of Dajnea Bar* rtrjgtQn.Recorder.ofBristoljDy pne of tha English' pi*ess. Having to appear for a plaintiff, in acase at t31oumeL he let into the defendant in unmeasured terms. Thelndi

only heard of the mvectlvea. AI«r Barring-ton however, got back to Dublin./tha'defBnd-ant, aTippeiary man -named Foggerty, lost 3$o limeTtepayingshhswmpliments .Wf.thc eonnsel. He rode, all tday and night, and, covered with sleeCarfi^ed before Barring-ton;a,re^enj»in..St>Koort atl^feiOnblin.r-T^hrowmgfhje rjefjis of|tis amoigrikliofae over IheWUihg bf thet*eaVheaanouacedhi3ar ma V a tniiBtftrmg inoofc at t i e door.— Barrington's.valet answered the summons, and openipgthjj street rd,opr, hpheld the ap parition of the rough coated Tipnerary fire eatet; with a Iargr^cif:nflaiBi^fiul^& tho9leetwu;kingt0hisba9hy-whuikor».i

" la yOOT mtmer upF^^mandedittae Tislt-the object ot his journey. -' * W r i ^ v l n S ^ y l ^ n M l h i l f and say

®ie i?alefewentnpgtail«'andtbia-ai»1a«-ihe purport of hlavUit, ••IVFoStSW ta,for your

tei, who :waa iri' j'Theodpn^lt*.]

Me,"tal^ B^rrina riorabracebr^tici ma-wfthi'* j - ' " - . -

'flip man wasleavlng tha bedroqmt when

Ihlc^yofqe said,£ M your W e , ^ i n d a i t h « sametlm*, Mr; Prigfeerty' er tee l^rm bed-

*f06nS:.--f-•;'.-.;-v.'-:.-.-. •.i'.'.,.,.-t--....-J'.rf-tj, i,-.^.,

"iYouknaTCmy businea^slr/'aaldne to

body,"at the same time hachta^gllre) of eight witn his flhiflalaU before the glaaa. ^'^r<P&f^P^j^'to.mvifni;WQatd-inai-': ffrf^l^f^^#!Sg*^^aad 83tauch^m«rJftaeooi*oTira«ft:s J" >*•-

<• j f p , » — " - j *••- - - - — « « . —


.. for It is noli a hare J ho la coma; to preaent

> - - , - — . - - - - — = - -...—«.,»..«..»„,« —-, repliedtho other, *Hiat get op a* F P d f l n b U e ^ ^ f t i r i g a ^ . t f t ^ s


6n,pp«>Mii9,\VeH0;., . 'Vv^-V.".- \- . %-J- ""-""-* • - - - - • - - - - - - -*'I fancy she'll leave Miss' Wells to herself after$£$% fdrahe ls!gettainiyj no match1 for

aer,-!'lienliear' Bi» 1 wa> rfli3taken;;as the

lills, the yonng JawycT before referred to, i h»AKm« is^.,.^-«aj.-i_,i^ . m tn^hpusA,

. , .and I had sev­eral times fancied that he showed a partial tyfet .thejaoqietF of Miss Welia. If she,was fewiag,. J»e, would aeat himseif beside her and btuy-himsetf' With mSngr«r!Bt*8 era-dlesf«f hftrithread. Jf reading', h«. ^ouUi beg of her to read aloud, pleadlnf that "he had a nervous affectioit ot the eyes, which prevented Rloi from using them by gas light-," yet I uotierd that they iliowed no sighs Of weakness, thotfgh be .would sit for hours studying her ever-thsnglng countenance while «ha read, in those clear, daentoues that I never heard equated, to a crawd of ea­ger listeners, myself and Miriam always In-c lnded. - • ~ *- ' •,

. J - **? T A i n ^** Mrl Marabeau wot tip her hwla^acieiablea'* lo hopes of drawing the yonog lawyer into tier daughter's «ocle-ty. If aha proposed wh»t, he was " a poor ^ayer »'• mtchre t lie >' tiewued' ii.' Mm •nchre _raheau would not extend her in vitation'tn Miss Wells, aud Mtllt-wnnhi not fro without, that was evident 1: . * . ,

Atdinheron the foil6wiog tlarMrl Mill* *a« absent.-Dtulng ihe meal Sir. Burri»fc, wb^MtbealdeM|w\Vejlad^

on tM ba-k*»rti» <«#tls^a»; rr^araM ft m mt

Is did not ^wtrsJMMi.

Abootaallaahwr rushing fito

felimethe moment I put mys^fout oTtoe blankets." / - - •• • * " --s~' ;-:t-t.xt, ^ No^repUW -the- offler, •*! *ts)r|^yOQ rny word not to touch yno. until yoo gti out .(?|--peu«- -[' . • r -. ~...'J* .'*'-',-.- . / ,

3''"WjponyburhMoK" ' ; - 1 " Upon my honor." .r "™*5.'Jw> enpugb,'* aald Dalne3, tornlnk

oser and makfijg Mmae» c o ^ r t o . a i r !

v&J2HI*& ' t f * ^tfibngh | werannder ctdagttard cf the-ciistle." Thft^poerary wOsinimo^rltwkedBurvel-

ouslynstonlsheidrat the pretended sleeper, but soonPdinea began toenore.

EKaviS w*- ***** ••«*« an Irish gentleman thathawillnottttikame in bed. and I am s u e I am not going to Mt up aad have my bones broken. Iwltl br law-

$gffi&L&**a*^™to' should want, yonr breskfast, ring the bell; U« be« In Uwuoass WsTyonr service. The morning paper w4H be here

f P * * « » y . b u t > a t e a n d i S K t t f m S

j « l

p.»•« unohvrvetl by U«fc

• disawr slia«w|wf my r.Tom, her race tit s^av. tha