MHW? "mtyr, II? r ;iv'; . .'. . V s.Y.," 7 v . - WfrH9WI-M$- I Best MivrtisitigMcctimiC' '"" 7 ? Tv T T 77w 2te Eight Tage If you Don't Read the DullcLn ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published I fc--- V t. IN I IN U you Dorit Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75c. a month. frwwo'$mm' " ?' vwemo '43 Vol. II. No. 41G. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1896. PmoK 5 Cents. 4 A a V f" THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory day excopt Sunday nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. ' SUUSCmi'TION 11ATES. I Per Month, nnywhero in the Ha- waiian Islanda 1 "5 Per Year. ' ' Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 UU , Per Year, postpaid, wt'aor Foreign j uountnos i;i uu Pnynblo Invnrlnblv lu Ailvnnoo. Tolephono 260. P. O. Box 8J. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. AT ftfiftRft irf w a Ha H&BBBS 1 si) k a n OflUUP&PU r w a AT- - No. 10, Fort Btnot. FOR THIS WEEK THE SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ARE: Beautiful Cabinets, Etageres, Inlaid Desks, Hand Carved Ivory, Tortoise Shell Combs AND KNICK KNACKS I KNIOK KNACKS 1 In Tiifiriito Variety ! Just Heceived A now lurgo consignment ot Ladies'DryGoods AT JORDAN'S CO S3 O o CO est o CO CO CD C D a O 3 u o o &. en -J O O B o u a o -3 o CJ o CO H he X Notice. We Winn to glo notice that C. D. Chaso no longer nets (or the Gerumniu Lifo InsuriiiiCH Company of New York. Wo take )lHiimiro in iinuouiicing that C. It. Cintis-i- , a perfectly leliublo gontlcumuly unn, remain in Honolulu lor tho present to attend to tho afl'iUrn of tho Oompiiny. TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17, 181)0. 41l-l- w Notice. ' Notioe ia hereby t'lven that I, tho niuler-pigner- t, linn thltf dny iven n full power uf attorney to Mr. Au Olieo.of Knpaa, Island of Kaunl, who will act for me dnring my nbaemo from tho Islands. Datod at Haualei, Kauai, AnR 3 1st, 1890. 3C0.ini TAM SEE S12D WO. Notice. Duriufj Hoardmnn's absence, Ewinp will havo charge of my books attend to all collections. Ho cau be found i either nt Iloardmau's ollico at Ugura tc Co.'b or at my office. 333-- tf Dlt. HEItBERT. 4." .i A - '' ,i ...... 'Mmhmmi'H, ' mm&iw mtuu0 INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Will relievo tho most dis- tressing cough, sootlio tho inflampd membrane, loosen phlegm, nnd induco refreslilng sleep. Por euro of Croup, Whooping Cough, Sore i Throat, nnd nil pul- monary troubles to which tho young arc so liable, there is no other remedy so effect- ive as AVER'S Cherry Pectora8 AM of mitt 60 years Gc!d Medals at Ihe Vo:!d's Expositions. Avi-r'- Cliorry IVctnrnl, I prominent nu tlm wriinpci tinl Ji liloun In tliefl.isi nt t.uli Loire. T.iku mi cheap linltittfiiu. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for tho Republic ot Ilnwaii. LEWERS & OOOKE A GREAT INVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Moves iUclf abont yonrLawn. Travcla in a straight lino or a circlo Stops autom- atically. for any length of hose. No buoIi Spilnklcr has ever liccn placed on the market before. Come and See it! LEWERS & COOKE, 473 Fort Street, Tolephono 20. LOTS AT WA1KIKI FOR SALE. Thoro nro G Lots at Waiki-k- i, lying on the "Wnikiki side of Kalia Road for salo, about 11 G feet makai of Waikiki Road. Tiioso lots will bo sold for cash or on installment plan. EE5T For further particulars apply WILLIAM C. ACHI, Real Estate Broker, 1 0 West, King street. Aug. 18. 189G. 384-lr- u French Claret ! ANTONE FERNANDEZ Kort Stroot, Has rocoived a large consignment of Frenoh . Clarot "Wine ffiT Ex "Miowera." Ucht Wine in tho Market. 303-l- IN THE OIIIOUIT COURT OF THE First Circuit, Hawaiian Inland. In the Matter ot tho Bankruptcy of Walter A. Wright of Waimeo, Kauai. CrcditorH of tho said Dnukrupt aro hereby notified to como iu prove their debts before- tho Clerk of tho Cirenit Court of the First Cir- cuit, ut tho Court House iu Honolulu, on MONDAY, tho 28th day of September, 1800, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon noon of tho said day, elect an ABsigtue, or Asaignees, of the said Bankiupt'H Estate the Court. P.I). KELLETT.Jn., m-G- t civile. HE HIT THE WRONG MAN it, K. t'OSHPUUEA II I) HUSTAKK WITH J' ITIIEll ciiohi,i:v. And Soiiinlly TliriiHlioil JIu Mtritch 'llirviilcnvil to tlm i'lfruj iiiiiii. Tlio following i'b from tho 8tin Francisco Report of September 17. 13. Fous taught in tho Bump school with his wife on Knutii baforo being Hurroiulurnd to tho California authorities. Upon returning hero after being pnrdonod ncteil us delivery and collecting agent for tho Standard Dictionary: R-- v. Father B. Orowby, Secretary and Manager of tho Youths' Directory, soundly thrashed B. Fosh, an Superintendent of Plumas coun- ty, yestorday afternoon in dofonbo of tho lattor's six year-ol- d Percy, whom Foss forcibly taking from tho Marshal Primary School, on Mission, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. To a "D. It." reporter Father Crowley gave tho following ao- - count of tho affair: "IV weeks ago Mrs. li. R. Fo3s came to tho Youths' Directory with throe beautiful children. She said alio had been to different institutions and thoy would not take them. We said we would tako them, of course. Wo never ask questions about the religion of tho children who ore brought to up. No matter itlin- - tltiiii vnlioiiifi in t itnit ' trv to chancre it. The mother iu this case is u very strong Protest- - auk She taught school iu IIo no lulu to make a living for tlio.so three children. She hnd to leavo Honolulu about four months ago in order to escape her husband, who a drinking mau aud of- ten abused her. "The husband a Superin- tendent of Schools iu Plumas couuty iu 189-1- . Being short in liia fiii-wl- Iia (In1 tliita fltnfn nrwl wont to Honolulu, from where ' , ,v..,i;.-r- i 0...1 Di,,t.,,,i W tt(? LALl IIUllUU ltllV4 oumu&jwu4 kW two years' impr sonmont for em bezzlement. bix months after ward pardoned out and re-- 1 turned to Honolulu, where his wifo teaching school. i "The mother is tho guardian of tho children, and they were re ceived into tho Diroctory. It is a rule of tho Diroctory that tho pa- rent leaving tho children shall bo considered their guardian until tho court decided otherwise. At nny time Mrs. Foss should como for her children wo should deliver thorn to her as their guardian. "Tho fathor, B. Foeh, called at tho Marshall Primary School, which little Porcy attending. Tho school is on Mission street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, aud attempted to take tho child away by force. "1 was notified, and I met Foss and ondeavorcd to release tho child, who crying and strug gliug to get away fiom tho father, and did not want to go with him. Fobs abused mo vory strongly and Btruck me. Forgetting my cloth, I chastised him. After the beat-tin- g 1 gavo him ho war dazed and could hardly stand up. 1 sup- ported him, howovor, and took him aud tho child to tho nearest polico station. On tho wuy wo mot officer Folsom. "I should say when Foss first abused mo threatened to draw a six shooter on me, and, having heard that had threatened to kill his wifo, I had to bo vory careful. At tho station Foss searched by Lioutonant Burko, who found on him, not a pistol, but a copy of an P. A. magaz- ine, together with P. circu- lars. "At tho Marshall Primary told tho principal, Mrs. Walker, that had boen trying to locate his children for somo time and could not havo succooded without tho assistance of tho P. A., and bping a membor of that society did not wish to havo his children in charge" Mri Ahiai.rfflte iimili r.Triyjpgaaa Father Crowloy iu conclusion said regretted having had to nan force. At tho Btation Fathor Crowley assisted tho officers in cleaning Foss' clothing and othor-wi- st removing the traces of liis injury. It is not gonomlly known that Father Crowloy, who is one of tho most modest of n n and who is uni-vorsul- beloved for his noble work for tho assistance of poor and abandoned childrt'ii, once a miner upon the Camstock lodo. IIo worked ns a commou minor in tho Opliir and other mines, and is nuturally of a stalwart 'build and well able to take his own part in a rtrngglo if uecossary. itniu:ur i.ouis sii.v:so.v. Lord ltoNckrry Slurfo it i!lo rmciit for it ITIciimrlnl. Cleghorn has fav- ored tho Bulletin with cutting from tho Edinburgh Scotsmnn of August i!5, containing tho follow- ing lottor from Lord Rosebory and au editorial article seconding its proposition: "Dalmony Park, Ediuburgh,Au-gus- t 23, 1890. "Snt, Now that Parliament has for tho moment subsided, I veu-lur- o to ask through your columns a question that has long beon on my mind. Is nothing being done to commemorate Robert Louis Stevenson ? "It may that some, iu this age of indiBcriminating testimo- nial aud tributo, may think that tho samo distinction which attach- ed to the undocoratod Castloreagh at tho Congress belougs to a genius who has no memorial but his work. TIiib may for the man, but it is a slur on hi? conn- - tr'. How will this generation fitimil with nostontv lE it neulect: to show appreciation of a con- summate and delightful artist, whoso originality and imagination have enriched litoraturo as well as time ? Hence in our own iuterest, not for tho sake of a nnmo which noods no such service, I ask my question. 1 remain, your obedient sorvnnt, RasEBintY." Iu its editorial the Scotsman says: "Whatover postority may bavo to think and say or him ami that enn now bo only a mat ter of opinion thoro is no doubt at that Stevenson's contempo- - "u fe n (lc0P 'lob ou joymeut. was, as Lord Roso- - bury says, 'a consummate and de- lightful artist whoso originality and imagination havo enriched our literature as well as timo.' He was a groat contributor to tho delight and happiness of his con- temporaries. His stylo had an to charm. Ho of most fascinating essayists. Ho was a true, if not a great, poet, and was a prince among romantic story tollers. Purity, sweetness, and liaht wore characteristic of all he wrote. He has loft uothiug that unyono could wish unwritten. Nothing olfonsivo to tho moral judgment, and vory littlo unsatis- fying to the critical taste, over foil from his pen. His books aro a fouutain of enjoyment. For this his countrymen and contem- poraries his memory a dobt of gratitude which they have now nn opportunity of showing that they feel by responding to Lord Rosubory's suggestion. ISeitiillliil Hulit at the Anchor. Anyone entering tho Anchor saloon during businesH hour?, or in the evening, is iinmi'diatoly charmed by tho handsome array of gauio biid- B- teal duck, mallard, quail, grouse, otc, which decor- ates the bar. They aro all stuffed as you will lie, with rich, nourish- ing beer, cold and clear, and with tho palatablo viands of tho liiueh couutor. Tho Seattle beer, Fred- ericksburg beer, fine wiuos and liquors aro of tho best quality aud always fresh. Evory Australia brings a largo consignment and Mr. Cunniugham uses ovory idoa which his massive brain suggests, to please his patrons. The Anohor is now tho most popular saloon in town. 1 and 3 King street. ThoUniversalStoves and Itimgos aro going liko hot cakes at the Pacific Hardwnro Co. WAIKIKI HOTEL MATTERS HOW ADJOINIMl IIKAI, F.ST TK wii.i. ii r. Arri:oiKi. Property Owner. In tlio Vicinity Al- - n Unit In I'avnr of Mir l'rojrctti! Improvement. a recent intorviow with Sen- ator Waterhonso ou tho Waikiki Hotel inatter that gontleman ad- vanced tho proposition thnt tho granting of a liquor license to tho proposed hotel would result in tho depreciation of tho value of property in tho neighborhood aud gave that as of his argu- ments why he, as a property own- er, opposed tho granting of a and, as would naturally fol- low, tho building of ahotol. These views of tho Senator wero bo much at varianco with thoBO expressed by othors who wero interviewed ou the subject that tho Bulletin has deemed them worthy of fur- ther attention. far as ascertained not a singlo proporty owuor in tho vicinity lms made any objection whatevor to the proposed hotel and liquor license. Senator Water-I10118- 0 stands alone, and it should mentioned that his block of proporty is a good milo from tho proposed location of tho hotel. Tho principal proporty owners who would bo af- fected by tho building of tho hotel aro W. W. Dimond, Frank Hus-tac- o, J. MeOheBuoy, J. Stoiuor, Tom Wright, 11. Holt, U. S. Cunha, Frank Brown, W. Irwin, J.Nolto, Fred Harrison and Juduo Hart. With tho Sans Souci and Spreckels proprty and tho Bishop and Kapiolaui estutcs tho above list is about cotnploto. All of these properties aro as near to tho hotel site as Senator Wntor-housf'- s, and most of them in the direct vicinity, and yet not ono of them has opposed tho hotel propo- sition but ou tho contrary nearly all of them havo signed the peti- tion iu favor. Would thoy havo done so if thoy believed tho grant- ing of a liquor liconso tothojiotel would cause a doterioratiou in tho value of their homes and hold- ings ? An intorviow was obtained for tho Bulletin this morning with a gentloman who has much to with tho control of of tho largest of tho properties mention- ed above, but ho consented to express his views on tho question only on tho condition that his name should not print- ed. He said: "I havo been much amused at somo of tho arguments advanced in tho various interviews the Bul- letin has horetoforo published. Personally I doolined to sign tho petitions eithor or agaiust tho license. 'I declino to sign any kind of petition because I am getting along in years and desire to keep out ot controversies ot all kindB. With regard to tho effect tho proposed hotel would havo on adjoining proporty thoro cau bo but 0110 opinion. It could novor result in lowering roal osfato val- ues, t ven if tho saloon attachment should becomo ns bad as somo pi'oplo seem to hopo it may ho. That would bo unpleasant to tho neighbors, I will admit, but thoy have it in thoir power to stop it whonovor it bocomos a nuisance. But there is no reason why it should bo and tho owners of tho proporty could not afford to lot it become so. Mr. Desky seems to havo the right views of tho mattor, and 1 can endorse thorn from my own oxporionco in this city. Let mo ask what has built the neighborhood of Alakea street? Was it not tho removal of tho Custom House and othor pub- lic buildings from thoir old loca- tion on Merchant stroot to their present quarters? Of courso it was. And tho Bamo would bo truo if tho public buildings wero moved to Nuuanu Valley or Wai- kiki. Tho some reasoning applies to hotels, sanitariums and similar enterprises which attraot people to a particular spot; tho nrrnnnd-in- g proporty invariably becomes moro and more, valuable. Why do people donalo town lots in tho States for tho building of 11 rail-ra- ul depot? Why, because a do-p- ot is alwaysthe nucleus of in- creased building operations and consequent increaso in tho value of surrounding real property. I havo road Senator Waterhouso's argument and would liko to see i ho would not accept a goxl round monthly rental for his property at Waikiki if tho projocted hotol was to bo built there instead of on the Peacock premises. "As to tho advisability of locat- ing tho now hotel at Waikiki, that is a mattor which concerns tho projectors. If it wore locnted at Nuuanu valley it would resnlt in an improvement of values in that vicinity. As to tho granting of n liquor liconso to tho proposed hotol I prefer not to bo quoted. I havo my own opinion on tho mat- ter but prefer not to make it pub- lic. Anything else I hnvo enul you may use if you think it worth while." tho list of property owners-give- above tho Long Biancb pro- perty not moiitioncd. Tho writer asked by of thoso whom has iuterviowed why tho projectors of tho hotel did not so-eu- ro this property as woll ns their own. The nnswor is that tho forms of Mr. Sherwood's lease from Mr. Judd forbid tho salo of liquors ou his premises. This is, doubtless, tho reason why ho can- not hold n liquor liconso and does not allow any liquor sold there. Jniimipiin l!iiikor In KiifClniid. Tho Foreign and Colonial Im- porter and British Trade Review, Loudon, for September has tho following item: Tho presidont of tho Yokohama Specie Batik, Mr. Sonoda, with n rotiuuo of four gentlemen con- nected with the bank, Mr. Huya-kaw- a, of tho Bank of Japan, and Messrs. Fuwa, Honda, and Mino-be- , of tho Mikado's Financial De- partment, arrived in this country early iu August. Tho Secretary of 1 10 JapanoBo Consulato stated to a representative that tho visit of these gentlemon of finance is not altogether unconnected with tho payment of the Chinese war indemnity, collected by tho Bank of England, eighteen million ster- ling of which has already beon transferred to Japan's bank account. But thoy nro not horo to deal with that mnttor alone. 3IIlii7 Ynlo Crow Cniitnln. Mrs. Judd this morning show- ed a Bulletin reporter tho photo- graph of Ralph B. Tread way, captain of the Yalo crew that wont to England this summer, who reported in foreign uows suinmnry ns having disap- peared. Ho a frioud of tho I Judd boyB at Yale, of whom I went as a substitute with tho j Honloy regatta crow. His pictnro , shows an exceedingly liandaonio and stalwart young man. Tho news of his disappearance caino I a3 briefly as this paper gavo it, in I a dispatch to tho Chronicle from Sioux City, Iowa. Tho Judd brothers aro back to their studios nt Yalo, and thoir photographs also seen indicate that they aro in 11110 condition. Wiih liiiuvrii In K0110I11I11. An itom inserted in tho shipping column yestorday, an- nouncing tho drowning of ono Captain Holland from tho schoon- er Ivy, which ho commanded. It thought possiblo that it might tho samo mau that commanded tho brig Hazard, when sho ro- - cruitiug laborers in tho South sous, who woii-khow- u in .Ho- nolulu. Ho later left tho San Francisco baikoutino Douglass on a reef iu the South Seas. A priv-ot-o lottor from San Francisco in- dicates that this is tho man who drowned. Dr. Woddick left on thoH:ill this moruiug for Maui, whoro his mnrriogo to Miss Baldwin will tako placo. 'A 1. A4m.i;. ikjttfc'i. .."' !: !.'. ,fV.vS.iawaRaiiSiLtet': riUVss. 'i.' t,isL..zJi ..,.'. .MMm.btfA .AtJ....,' ,u. 4.ii. . M , ... . . ? ., . . . , .; ' . ,., .. 'I - ' " , - , .. . , . .1 li. J..JHJBU s --1 V T7 It Mr. anil wil. Con Mr. Mr. and Mr. ''hi tho tho tho Hot T' to aud and and Ily VTnn una Kill It. ho O. R. son was was was ho he was was R. was was ho ho was A. A. A. ho ho A. ho our ho was bo do its our our all nod our was ono our all owo oil' inoMl In ho ono So cau be bo M. M. von G. H. its do ono bo for so, up In was was ono ho was our was one was was bo was was was u :i-.- .. rl

V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,

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Page 1: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,




;iv'; . .'.. V s.Y.,"7 v

. - WfrH9WI-M$-I Best MivrtisitigMcctimiC' '"" 7 ? Tv T T 77w 2te Eight Tage

Ifyou Don't Read the DullcLn ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published Ifc---V t. IN I IN Uyou Dorit Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.

Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription 75c. a month.

frwwo'$mm' " ?' vwemo '43

Vol. II. No. 41G. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1896. PmoK 5 Cents.





Published ovory day excopt Sunday nt210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. '


Per Month, nnywhero in the Ha-waiian Islanda 1 "5

Per Year. ' 'Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 UU ,

Per Year, postpaid, wt'aor Foreign j

uountnos i;i uu

Pnynblo Invnrlnblv lu Ailvnnoo.Tolephono 260. P. O. Box 8J.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

AT ftfiftRftirf w a Ha H&BBBS 1si) k a n OflUUP&PUr w a

AT- -

No. 10, Fort Btnot.



Beautiful Cabinets,Etageres, Inlaid Desks,Hand Carved Ivory,Tortoise Shell Combs




In Tiifiriito Variety !

Just HeceivedA now lurgo consignment ot



O oCO est



D a O3uoo &.

en-J O



-3o CJoCO




We Winn to glo notice that C. D. Chasono longer nets (or the Gerumniu LifoInsuriiiiCH Company of New York. Wotake )lHiimiro in iinuouiicing thatC. It. Cintis-i- , a perfectly leliublogontlcumuly unn, remain in Honolululor tho present to attend to tho afl'iUrn oftho Oompiiny.TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE

O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltICBy it.s Attorney,

J. ALFItED MAaOON;Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17, 181)0.

41l-l- w

Notice. '

Notioe ia hereby t'lven that I, tho niuler-pigner- t,

linn thltf dny iven n full power ufattorney to Mr. Au Olieo.of Knpaa,Island of Kaunl, who will act for mednring my nbaemo from tho Islands.

Datod at Haualei, Kauai, AnR 3 1st, 1890.3C0.ini TAM SEE S12D WO.


Duriufj Hoardmnn's absence,Ewinp will havo charge of my booksattend to all collections. Ho cau be found

i either nt Iloardmau's ollico at Ugura tcCo.'b or at my office.

333-- tf Dlt. HEItBERT.

4." .i A - '' ,i ......'Mmhmmi'H,

' mm&iw mtuu0


Ayer's Cherry PectoralWill relievo tho most dis-

tressing cough, sootliotho inflampd membrane,loosen phlegm, nndinduco refreslilng sleep.Por euro of Croup,Whooping Cough, Sorei Throat, nnd nil pul-

monary troubles to whichtho young arc so liable,

there is no other remedy so effect-ive as

AVER'SCherry Pectora8

AM of mitt 60 years

Gc!d Medals at Ihe Vo:!d's Expositions.

Avi-r'- Cliorry IVctnrnl,I prominent nu tlm wriinpci tinl Ji lilounIn tliefl.isi nt t.uli Loire. T.iku mi cheaplinltittfiiu.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for tho Republic ot Ilnwaii.



The TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Moves iUclf abont yonrLawn. Travclain a straight lino or a circlo Stops autom-atically. for any length of hose.

No buoIi Spilnklcr has ever liccnplaced on the market before.

Come and See it!

LEWERS & COOKE,473 Fort Street, Tolephono 20.


Thoro nro G Lots at Waiki-k- i,

lying on the "Wnikiki sideof Kalia Road for salo, about11 G feet makai of WaikikiRoad.

Tiioso lots will bo sold forcash or on installment plan.

EE5T For further particularsapply

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Real Estate Broker, 1 0 West,

King street.Aug. 18. 189G. 384-lr- u

French Claret !


Kort Stroot,

Has rocoived a large consignment of

Frenoh . Clarot "Wine

ffiT Ex "Miowera." Ucht Wine in thoMarket. 303-l-

IN THE OIIIOUIT COURT OF THEFirst Circuit, Hawaiian Inland. In theMatter ot tho Bankruptcy of Walter A.Wright of Waimeo, Kauai. CrcditorH oftho said Dnukrupt aro hereby notified tocomo iu prove their debts before- thoClerk of tho Cirenit Court of the First Cir-cuit, ut tho Court House iu Honolulu, onMONDAY, tho 28th day of September,1800, between the hours of ten o'clock inthe forenoon noon of tho said day,elect an ABsigtue, or Asaignees, of the saidBankiupt'H Estate

the Court.P.I). KELLETT.Jn.,

m-G- t civile.



WITH J' ITIIEll ciiohi,i:v.

And Soiiinlly TliriiHlioil JIuMtritch 'llirviilcnvil to

tlm i'lfruj iiiiiii.

Tlio following i'b from tho 8tinFrancisco Report of September17. 13. Fous taught in thoBump school with his wife onKnutii baforo being Hurroiulurndto tho California authorities.Upon returning hero after beingpnrdonod ncteil us delivery andcollecting agent for tho StandardDictionary:

R-- v. Father B. Orowby,Secretary and Manager of thoYouths' Directory, soundlythrashed B. Fosh, anSuperintendent of Plumas coun-ty, yestorday afternoon in dofonboof tho lattor's six year-ol- d

Percy, whom Foss forciblytaking from tho Marshal PrimarySchool, on Mission, betweenFourteenth and Fifteenth.

To a "D. It." reporter FatherCrowley gave tho following ao- -

count of tho affair: "IV weeksago Mrs. li. R. Fo3s came to thoYouths' Directory with throebeautiful children. She said aliohad been to different institutionsand thoy would not take them.We said we would tako them, ofcourse. Wo never ask questionsabout the religion of tho childrenwho ore brought to up. No matteritlin- - tltiiii vnlioiiifi in t itnit


trv to chancre it. The mother iuthis case is u very strong Protest- -

auk She taught school iu IIo nolulu to make a living for tlio.sothree children. She hnd to leavoHonolulu about four months agoin order to escape her husband,who a drinking mau aud of-

ten abused her."The husband a Superin-

tendent of Schools iu Plumascouuty iu 189-1- . Being short inliia fiii-wl- Iia (In1 tliita fltnfn nrwl

wont to Honolulu, from where '

, ,v..,i;.-r-i 0...1 Di,,t.,,,iW tt(? LALl IIUllUU ltllV4 oumu&jwu4 kW

two years' impr sonmont for embezzlement. bix months afterward pardoned out and re-- 1

turned to Honolulu, where hiswifo teaching school. i

"The mother is tho guardian oftho children, and they were received into tho Diroctory. It is arule of tho Diroctory that tho pa-

rent leaving tho children shall boconsidered their guardian untiltho court decided otherwise. Atnny time Mrs. Foss should comofor her children wo should deliverthorn to her as their guardian.

"Tho fathor, B. Foeh, calledat tho Marshall Primary School,which little Porcy attending.Tho school is on Mission street,between Fourteenth and Fifteenth,aud attempted to take tho childaway by force.

"1 was notified, and I met Fossand ondeavorcd to release thochild, who crying and struggliug to get away fiom tho father,and did not want to go with him.Fobs abused mo vory strongly andBtruck me. Forgetting my cloth,I chastised him. After the beat-tin- g

1 gavo him ho war dazed andcould hardly stand up. 1 sup-ported him, howovor, and tookhim aud tho child to tho nearestpolico station. On tho wuy womot officer Folsom.

"I should say when Foss firstabused mo threatened to drawa six shooter on me, and, havingheard that had threatened tokill his wifo, I had to bo vorycareful. At tho station Fosssearched by Lioutonant Burko,who found on him, not a pistol,but a copy of an P. A. magaz-ine, together with P. circu-lars.

"At tho Marshall Primarytold tho principal, Mrs. Walker,that had boen trying to locatehis children for somo time andcould not havo succooded withouttho assistance of tho P. A., andbping a membor of that societydid not wish to havo his childrenin charge"

Mri Ahiai.rfflte iimili r.Triyjpgaaa

Father Crowloy iu conclusionsaid regretted having had tonan force. At tho Btation FathorCrowley assisted tho officers incleaning Foss' clothing and othor-wi- st

removing the traces of liisinjury.

It is not gonomlly known thatFather Crowloy, who is one of thomost modest of n n and who is uni-vorsul-

beloved for his noble workfor tho assistance of poor andabandoned childrt'ii, once aminer upon the Camstock lodo.IIo worked ns a commou minor intho Opliir and other mines, and isnuturally of a stalwart 'build andwell able to take his own part ina rtrngglo if uecossary.

itniu:ur i.ouis sii.v:so.v.

Lord ltoNckrry Slurfo it i!lo rmciit forit ITIciimrlnl.

Cleghorn has fav-

ored tho Bulletin with cuttingfrom tho Edinburgh Scotsmnn ofAugust i!5, containing tho follow-ing lottor from Lord Roseboryand au editorial article secondingits proposition:

"Dalmony Park, Ediuburgh,Au-gus- t23, 1890.

"Snt, Now that Parliament hasfor tho moment subsided, I veu-lur- o

to ask through your columnsa question that has long beon onmy mind. Is nothing being doneto commemorate Robert LouisStevenson ?

"It may that some, iu thisage of indiBcriminating testimo-nial aud tributo, may think thattho samo distinction which attach-ed to the undocoratod Castloreaghat tho Congress belougs to agenius who has no memorial buthis work. TIiib may for theman, but it is a slur on hi? conn- -

tr'. How will this generationfitimil with nostontv lE it neulect:to show appreciation of a con-summate and delightful artist,whoso originality and imaginationhave enriched litoraturo aswell as time ? Hence in ourown iuterest, not for tho sake of annmo which noods no such service,I ask my question. 1 remain, yourobedient sorvnnt, RasEBintY."

Iu its editorial the Scotsmansays: "Whatover postority maybavo to think and say or himami that enn now bo only a matter of opinion thoro is no doubtat that Stevenson's contempo- -

"u fe n (lc0P 'lob oujoymeut. was, as Lord Roso--

bury says, 'a consummate and de-

lightful artist whoso originalityand imagination havo enrichedour literature as well as timo.'He was a groat contributor to thodelight and happiness of his con-temporaries. His stylo had an to

charm. Ho ofmost fascinating essayists. Ho

was a true, if not a great, poet,and was a prince among romanticstory tollers. Purity, sweetness,and liaht wore characteristic ofall he wrote. He has loft uothiugthat unyono could wish unwritten.Nothing olfonsivo to tho moraljudgment, and vory littlo unsatis-fying to the critical taste, over foilfrom his pen. His books aro afouutain of enjoyment. Forthis his countrymen and contem-poraries his memory a dobtof gratitude which they have nownn opportunity of showing thatthey feel by responding to LordRosubory's suggestion.

ISeitiillliil Hulit at the Anchor.

Anyone entering tho Anchorsaloon during businesH hour?, orin the evening, is iinmi'diatolycharmed by tho handsome arrayof gauio biid- B- teal duck, mallard,quail, grouse, otc, which decor-ates the bar. They aro all stuffedas you will lie, with rich, nourish-ing beer, cold and clear, and withtho palatablo viands of tho liiuehcouutor. Tho Seattle beer, Fred-ericksburg beer, fine wiuos andliquors aro of tho best quality audalways fresh. Evory Australiabrings a largo consignment andMr. Cunniugham uses ovory idoawhich his massive brain suggests,to please his patrons. The Anohoris now tho most popular saloon intown. 1 and 3 King street.

ThoUniversalStoves and Itimgosaro going liko hot cakes at thePacific Hardwnro Co.



wii.i. ii r. Arri:oiKi.

Property Owner. In tlio Vicinity Al- -n Unit In I'avnr of Mir

l'rojrctti! Improvement.

a recent intorviow with Sen-

ator Waterhonso ou tho WaikikiHotel inatter that gontleman ad-

vanced tho proposition thnt thogranting of a liquor license to thoproposed hotel would result intho depreciation of tho value ofproperty in tho neighborhood aud

gave that as of his argu-ments why he, as a property own-

er, opposed tho granting of aand, as would naturally fol-

low, tho building of ahotol. Theseviews of tho Senator wero bo muchat varianco with thoBO expressedby othors who wero interviewedou the subject that tho Bulletinhas deemed them worthy of fur-ther attention.

far as ascertained nota singlo proporty owuor in thovicinity lms made any objectionwhatevor to the proposed hoteland liquor license. Senator Water-I10118- 0

stands alone, and it shouldmentioned that his block of

proporty is a good milo fromtho proposed location of thohotel. Tho principal proportyowners who would bo af-

fected by tho building of tho hotelaro W. W. Dimond, Frank Hus-tac- o,

J. MeOheBuoy, J. Stoiuor,Tom Wright, 11. Holt, U.S. Cunha, Frank Brown, W.Irwin, J.Nolto, Fred Harrisonand Juduo Hart. With tho SansSouci and Spreckels proprty andtho Bishop and Kapiolaui estutcstho above list is about cotnploto.All of these properties aro as nearto tho hotel site as Senator Wntor-housf'- s,

and most of them in thedirect vicinity, and yet not ono ofthem has opposed tho hotel propo-sition but ou tho contrary nearlyall of them havo signed the peti-tion iu favor. Would thoy havodone so if thoy believed tho grant-ing of a liquor liconso tothojiotelwould cause a doterioratiou in thovalue of their homes and hold-ings ?

An intorviow was obtained fortho Bulletin this morning with agentloman who has much towith tho control of of tholargest of tho properties mention-ed above, but ho consentedto express his views on thoquestion only on tho conditionthat his name should not print-ed. He said:

"I havo been much amused atsomo of tho arguments advancedin tho various interviews the Bul-letin has horetoforo published.Personally I doolined to sign thopetitions eithor or agaiust tholicense. 'I declino to sign anykind of petition because I amgetting along in years and desireto keep out ot controversies ot allkindB. With regard to tho effecttho proposed hotel would havo onadjoining proporty thoro cau bobut 0110 opinion. It could novorresult in lowering roal osfato val-ues, t ven if tho saloon attachmentshould becomo ns bad as somopi'oplo seem to hopo it may ho.That would bo unpleasant to thoneighbors, I will admit, but thoyhave it in thoir power to stop itwhonovor it bocomos a nuisance.But there is no reason why itshould bo and tho owners oftho proporty could not afford tolot it become so.

Mr. Desky seems to havo theright views of tho mattor, and 1

can endorse thorn from my ownoxporionco in this city. Let moask what has builtthe neighborhood of Alakeastreet? Was it not tho removal oftho Custom House and othor pub-

lic buildings from thoir old loca-

tion on Merchant stroot to theirpresent quarters? Of courso itwas. And tho Bamo would botruo if tho public buildings weromoved to Nuuanu Valley or Wai-

kiki. Tho some reasoning appliesto hotels, sanitariums and similar

enterprises which attraot peopleto a particular spot; tho nrrnnnd-in- g

proporty invariably becomesmoro and more, valuable. Whydo people donalo town lots in thoStates for tho building of 11 rail-ra- ul

depot? Why, because a do-p- ot

is alwaysthe nucleus of in-

creased building operations andconsequent increaso in tho valueof surrounding real property. Ihavo road Senator Waterhouso'sargument and would liko to see iho would not accept a goxl roundmonthly rental for his propertyat Waikiki if tho projocted hotolwas to bo built there instead of onthe Peacock premises.

"As to tho advisability of locat-ing tho now hotel at Waikiki, thatis a mattor which concerns thoprojectors. If it wore locnted atNuuanu valley it would resnlt inan improvement of values in thatvicinity. As to tho granting of nliquor liconso to tho proposedhotol I prefer not to bo quoted. Ihavo my own opinion on tho mat-ter but prefer not to make it pub-lic. Anything else I hnvo enul youmay use if you think it worthwhile."

tho list of property owners-give-

above tho Long Biancb pro-perty not moiitioncd. Thowriter asked by of thosowhom has iuterviowed why thoprojectors of tho hotel did not so-eu- ro

this property as woll ns theirown. The nnswor is that thoforms of Mr. Sherwood's leasefrom Mr. Judd forbid tho salo ofliquors ou his premises. This is,doubtless, tho reason why ho can-not hold n liquor liconso and doesnot allow any liquor sold there.

Jniimipiin l!iiikor In KiifClniid.

Tho Foreign and Colonial Im-porter and British Trade Review,Loudon, for September has thofollowing item:

Tho presidont of tho YokohamaSpecie Batik, Mr. Sonoda, with nrotiuuo of four gentlemen con-nected with the bank, Mr. Huya-kaw- a,

of tho Bank of Japan, andMessrs. Fuwa, Honda, and Mino-be- ,

of tho Mikado's Financial De-partment, arrived in this countryearly iu August. Tho Secretaryof 1 10 JapanoBo Consulato statedto a representative that tho visitof these gentlemon of finance isnot altogether unconnected withtho payment of the Chinese warindemnity, collected by tho Bankof England, eighteen million ster-ling of which has already beontransferred to Japan's bankaccount. But thoy nro not horoto deal with that mnttor alone.

3IIlii7 Ynlo Crow Cniitnln.

Mrs. Judd this morning show-ed a Bulletin reporter tho photo-graph of Ralph B. Tread way,captain of the Yalo crew thatwont to England this summer,who reported in foreignuows suinmnry ns having disap-peared. Ho a frioud of tho

I Judd boyB at Yale, of whomI went as a substitute with thoj Honloy regatta crow. His pictnro, shows an exceedingly liandaonioand stalwart young man. Thonews of his disappearance caino

I a3 briefly as this paper gavo it, inI a dispatch to tho Chronicle fromSioux City, Iowa. Tho Juddbrothers aro back to their studiosnt Yalo, and thoir photographsalso seen indicate that they aro in11110 condition.

Wiih liiiuvrii In K0110I11I11.

An itom inserted in thoshipping column yestorday, an-

nouncing tho drowning of onoCaptain Holland from tho schoon-er Ivy, which ho commanded. It

thought possiblo that it mighttho samo mau that commanded

tho brig Hazard, when sho ro- -cruitiug laborers in tho Southsous, who woii-khow- u in .Ho-nolulu. Ho later left tho SanFrancisco baikoutino Douglass ona reef iu the South Seas. A priv-ot-o

lottor from San Francisco in-

dicates that this is tho man whodrowned.

Dr. Woddick left on thoH:illthis moruiug for Maui, whoro hismnrriogo to Miss Baldwin willtako placo.


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Page 2: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,

iHBIHHIWHHBBBnPjPWPw HH " ' rVJIUfJjnWf?f Stw yr - .,'. IW''1 WMTiy'' '

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,,- -. . .- --


Tun' Trnr of I, I Co , mons the Cubniiluitirireiil.

Omaha, September 13. Arthur' jSIoPhorson, n ntitivo of Scot-

land, 1ms returned to Omtilia afterhaving Bpont a moat eventful twoyoara of Iub lifo among tho Cu-

bans. Ho wns sont to Cuba toput up Bomo ronchinory by aGlasgow iron firm and was takenprisonor by tho insurgents. Hoand his companions woro chargedwith being Spanish spies. Ihoamis'itiou hud a toucli of thoridiculous about it, us not ono oftho mon could speak a word ofSpanish. Tho party was given aburt of court-martia- l and giventho option of doath or Borviug intho Cuban army. Tlioy could donothiug but accept tho situation.Por the next oigliteen mouthsMoPherson saw a wholo lot ofHie Cuban!. lio says: "TheyBay tliat every onco in awhilo theSpanish take nut a batch of inburgpnt prisoners and shoot thoindown in their tracks. This is un-

doubtedly truo But I have wit-nessed deeds of cruelty on thepart of tho insurgents that fullyequaled that. J liavo scou thornfrequently turn over tho womou,and particularly tho young girls,found in tho houses that wororaided, to tho negro soldiers. Thowholo island is wrecked and ruin-ed. Thoro aro no plantations andno ranches. Everything has beendestroyed."

Piually an opportunity for es-en-

olTored, and ho seized it. HowaB unsuccessful. Being re-

captured, ho was placed in thostocks and kept in thorn for sixlong weeks. It ho asked for adrink of water, a pnilful wasthrown over his head. At lasttho prifonor was brought beforetho famous Autouio Mnceo. Hothrow prido to tho winds. Hotold tho General ho had re-

nounced any further attempt toescape, and would continue in thoservice of tho army. Maceo,whom MePhcrson said was muchless cruel than his brother, Jose,released him.

"There is little ih this talk thatthe rebellion is inspired by patrio-tism," said MoPherson. "Tholeiulei'6 are, almost without ex-

ception, inspired by interestedand personal motives, and so arethe Boldiers. Mnceo, himself, isrot urged on by any patrioticfeolinge. Ho is fighting forrovengo. He said as much whenIju toiu mo his history. Ho saidthat he was the son of a wealthybpaniard by a negro mother.When his father diod ho and hisbrothers woro euchored out oftheir property by their Spanishrelatives. Tho sons were angerednt tho insult and conspired to Beton the rebellion. Antonio's do-si- ro

for revengo has been furtherinflamed by tho fact that everyono pf his six brothers have beenkilled in the war."

MoPherson und his companionseventually escaped by seizing anaphtha launch which hnd laudedsome Spanish officers from a warship, and were picked up by thosteamer Vera Cruz and landed inMexico. "Tho Cubans will win,"sii id MuPherson. "They mustwin. Tho Spaniards liavo not thorovonuo to carry on tho war.Thoir armies must carry every-thing with them on expeditions.Thoro aro no provisions to bo ob- -

' tninod in the interior. All lmsbeen destroyed.Spain cannot stand

"'tho expense of such a warfare." Thoy cannot change the mothod

of fighting, for tho insurgents willnot ontor into a battle."

lli'ipeiipl.D. Ilowanl llitchcock has ro-tnr-

from his vacation on Ha-waii ami has reopened bis classesin Drawing and Fainting. Friratopupils pivon instruction in speciallines. Class Days: Tuesdays and

"TuurednyB. Studio, 115 Hotelstreet.

".y,..King Bros, latest consignment

of picture frames has taken thetown by storm. The designs aroeleyunt, and of thohandsomest.

Tbeio is a handsome piece ofproperty, 70x100 feet, on the cor-ner Prospect and Hacld'old streets.It is all fenced ready for buildingand wator pipes aro laid on. En-quir- o

of H. M. Dow.If 'you want to frame anything

in tho very best manner; if youwant your frame to harmonizowith your picture; if you want thoVost and most tasteful frame intho market, go to King Bros., 110Hotel stroot.

Law Books.

Do You Read Them ?

Do You Want One ?.

We Wave theLatest Catalogues

of THE

Publications ofCallighan & Co.,

Little, Bfown & Co.,

Lawyers CoopefativiPublishing Co.

We mako u specialty ofthese pul)licntions,andBlmllbo ploised to havo thoLegal Fraternity of theIslmids cull on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. We are also

Weadquartefs forLaw Office Supplies:

Document Files. LegalPnpcrs, Typewriter Pa-

pers, Ribbons for allmakes of Machines.

In fact, we can show you thegreatest variety of Labor sav-in- r

devices of anv House inTown. If you want to save

I money, come our way, we arethe JMoney avers tor you.

Wall, Nichols Go,113 KING STREET.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

I I I I Hut I nm aUlluc nil of my

III I I I I Mock of l'ooiib vert clictii).

Mill for tillsMy specialties1111 week aro , . . .

Silk Crepes --

- CurtainsAND


IWAKAMI.Hoblnson lllnck 10 Hotel Btrect.


Baseball SeasonHonolulus

vs- -


Saturday, Sept. 26, 1896Game Called at 3:30 r. m.

--A.dmission, iOc.412-3- t

Dissolution of Copartner-ship

Tho partnership heretofore existing be-

tween l'.iug Chun, Chung Leo, Chrvng MeoHow and Loong Nnm, under tho firm uauioof Hay Homo Itestnumut, is this day dis-

solved by mutual consent. Tho undersigned havo bought out tho bnsincsa of tholate firm and will continue it nt tho oldBtnnd on Hotel street under tho samanuinc,collect ull ouUtuudiug accounts imd payullbillHduo by tho Into tlrm. Thoy willnlso ihguo now meal tickets in exchange fortho old onen from data until Satunlny next,September 20th.


Honolulu, Sept. 21, 180U. li:i-2- v


'" WVJ "!'p 'f'i" (



108 KING STREET.O. J. WAtiticn - - - MANAOun.



Wavr Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry



Metopolito HeM Co.

Telephone 45.

Central Market21-- Nuuanu Stueet.

The Vow Finest-- OF-

eMgenatBd .--. Me&fcg

Tender xZL7te

Sweet andWholesome.

Como and seo our


Wesfbrook & Gares,Proprlcton.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City MarketEsTAm.iiiiEK 1883.

JosBph Tinker, - - Prop.

Beef, &&& mutton,&j&38&

Pork, ftJwJUU veal,Of tho rmest Vivrietios.

Sinkers or tho I'olcbratctl Pork Sausngo.

310 Nuunnu strcot, opp. Chaplain lane.

Telc plione 289.TCMil'IlONE U31. P. O. Box 301.

City Peed StoreOld Armory, Boretania &ts.


Best Litvcrmoro Vulley Hay, larRO audsmall roped; A 1 Ilonniiza SurprlRii Oats,mlvcd heat nnd cricked corn for lien millChickens. Lnrso uhlpniiiit or Flour per 3 9"Miowcra," Caecadla, Novelty A, and nt.

Thcio brands always on hand.Next month largo eulpmcut ol Orceon l'"ta-lo- ca

to lie Kept always on hand. Chop freedfor Cows and WorKlin; Htnek Is hand'ed byus only Family trade solicited. Ooods de-

livered free.

LUXURIES aggaeg-ifl"- '

Por tho Eqniuo Table in thoway o all kinds First Glass


Aro on salo by tho


138 Fort St Tol. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Groceries are moro palatable as wellas healthier than the other Idnd.

VOELLER & CO.(Waring Block, 20 Boretaula Street).

Handlo nothing hut the best. Llhhy &McNeill's Canned Meat. KliiK-Mur- su

Table Fruits, Ghlnirdelll's Chocolate,Milkmaid llraud Milk, l'atagou l'ure Lardund

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'BJ31 Telephone G80 "tBU


Cash. -:- - Grocers


510 Fort Htreot, corner Chaplain lane.

H. pY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Grocories.

515 ,fc 517 Fort St., HonoluluTelephonor 2a P.O. Box 470

Henry Gehringk Compnny,

Wamno Block, 24 Beiietania St.

i I , ll I k'v

Plumbing ond Gas-li- tting

Sanitary Work a Specialty

f3S7 JohliinB promptly attended to.Tolcphono 7!J.) 285-t- f

John Mot-t- ,

Importers nud Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE

DIMOND BLOCK.121 it 12.1 King Htrett.


WHAT?Sly S10.00 Hath Tnbs, lined with beat

quulity, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. Pipe, Chain uudl'lUR, with wood lim all complete. Otheldealers aro dnmfotiudcd, und resort to allmanner of Tricks aud Excuses.

lie not deceived, theso llatu Tubs haveboon sold for $14 until I reduced tho price.

I am prepared to do ull work in my Hueand guarautto satisfaction! Estimates

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephono 844, and I am yoniman

JAS.HOTTJB,Tinsmith ft Plnmbflr

GOALFor Family Use!

Just Keceivcd, ox "C. O. Punk," a cargo of


Which is offered iu quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FEEE.

& CO., L'D.HOI it SOU Port sheet.



WOOD AND COAL.11 Quoou Strcot.

Also White and Black Sandat tho vory lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

flawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is propared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo ordor for 1890.

In Quantities to Suit;Orders solicited for a future de--

tiverjV. COOKE, Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr lino nud on A

KOAD uonr FertilizingPlnnt,

Those Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aero Traots near tho city nndothor Properties for enlo.

BRUCE, WAItINO & CO.,Dealers iu Lots nnd Lauds,

.'tl'J Fort Street, nenr King.Telephone C07. P. O. Uox 821.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after tho Original

Recipo from the Purest Ingredients.

vs-- TEY IT ONO Ji: --m

' '

527 Fort Street,

Bicycles to BurDComo and Lave

Barnes Whiteflyer


The lending wheal of tho world. I nm ngeut for thonbovo bicyolo nnd also for tho

A. Xei'fecfc Arheol. My 3Jricos Suit theTimes and I am Selling

So nB to fit your pocket book.

Solo Agent.

21 Kaahiminnu Street.

ED. A. WILLIAMST(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

cornnr Htitel.


n look nt tho

and For Sale

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Pent

Undertaker and Emklmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

Residence and Nijjht Tel. 815. 510 & 520 Fort Street. Tol. 179

H. HACKFELD & CO.rmportora and Dealoia in


Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO,201 to 215 Fort Street.

Just HeceivedAt the New Stand, King Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, etc., etc.

Chas. Husface' 212 King Street.



Page 3: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,





Manngfinent of tlio Left Ilninl rinylnj?In TafJC In Ilciraril to Strings.

After a reasonably good bowing hnsbeen acquired, Bays a writer iu Tlio La-flie- s'

Home Jonrnnl, tbo study of tlioleft hand should bo taken up. JTho neckof tho violin must bo held between thothumb and tho first finger whero it joinstho hand. Tho entire length of tho fin-

ger mtiflt bo hold nboro tho edgo of thofinger board, nnd tho fingers must falldoublo jointed and liko tho hammers ofa pinuo on tliostrings tho very ends oftho fingers touching tho strings. In or-

der to produce a clear tono tho fingersmust bo pressed very hard on tho string1)."Strong with tho fingers, light with tliobow" is tho constant refrain of ono oftho nicwt celebrated teachers.

Tho first difficulty encountered iithatof playing in tnne. At tho violin ii notsupplied with frets liko tho guitar ormandolin tho cor is tho only guide.Important as tho practico of tho scale ison other instruments, it is doubly im-

portant on tho violin, as it is by ucnlostudy principally that tho ability toplay in tuno is acquired. Tho playingof familiar melodies is also of verygreat ndvantngo to tho beginner, as hocan tell when ho is playing out of tuno,whero in tho caso of nn excrclso withwhich ho is unacquainted ho cannot poeasily distinguish this fault. In playingecnlti pa.sB.igps tho Btudcnt must con-

stantly ask himself whether tho nestnote is a wholo step or n half step dis-tant beforo ho plays it If ho will gothrough tho cxerciso beforehand midmark tho whole steps and half steps, howill execute it in much better tunoWhen ho comes to play it.

In regard to string1", the best aro thocheapest, as they last longer and givo nbetter tone. Tho O should bo of gutwrapped with puro silver wire. Tho Annd D should bo of Ituliun gut, nnd thoE can bo of cither gut or silk. Silk Bstrings givo a poor, dull tone, very dif-ferent from tlio singing brilliiun.o ofgood Italian gut E's. They nro good forwarm weather playing or for personswhoso fingers perspiro very freely. Thohair of tho bow should bo renewed ev-

ery two months in tho caso of playerswho practico very much, at it weansmooth and will not tuko hold of thostring. Tho violin should always bokept strung up in pitch. Do not letdown tho strings of tho instrument withtho mistaken idea that you will savosomo of them thereby. Nover neglect anopportunity to hear good violinistSomothing can bo learned fiom each. Astudent learns as much fiom hearingothers play as from privato lessons withn teacher. If you cuu only tnko n fowlessons, lot it bo from tho best teacheryou can find.

On tlio I.Htchluiy Vlvol


I'aligt In ItH Nome.

Climtito of every vnrioty exertsi a different iulluouco on tho do- -

Bires o mankind for a stimulant.In colder zones beverages of groatalcoholic strength aro used to avery much larger degree than inthe tropics. Boor is best suitedto our cliinuto and homo fouud inthe mnikflt is bettor than thatbearing tlio brand of "Pabst,Milwaukee.11 It is browod fromtho best of malt and hops and isa groat thiist qumu'liur and iuvi-gornt-

and stimulates tho nervesand muscles. At the Royal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo found, cold and puro. In-

terchangeable checks aro issuedvhich may bo used at any of tho

three resorts.

City Uiirrwigo C0..J.S. And.rado, muntigrr. It you want a

buck with good horso and caro-f- ul

drivor ring up l'oloihono 113,oorunr of Fmt and Merchnntstreets Maok ut all hours.

"Whon you aro down on yourluck and feel as if tho world wascold, hard and (hoary, just stopinto the Criterion saloon and put aroso-coloro- d tint on ovorything byimbibing a glass of Seattlebeer.

Kroeger Pianos, sweetest in tono,Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cash

J or installments. AVarorooms atG. West's, Masonio Templo. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. US" Tele-phon- o



Kc & fJ li -- s I

n era.

ll lfaP Rpfa par.I" FAJ r75.f

2,wm a

Perry Davis

Pain Killer.

is tho Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aches nndPains. Dj not acceptany but tho Genuine. Ifyoui dealer does not haveit, call on or address tho

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Solo Agents for tho Islands.

To Citizensof Hawaii m

I tako pleasuro in announc-ing to you that I have remov-ed to my now quarters at NO.41G FORT STREET and amprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my business.Jewelry Repairing, "WatchBopairing, Pino Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomestock of Watches and Jewel-ry to show you including alargo variety of valuablo Isl-and Ourioa. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.


To My Patrons:

It gives me much pleasureto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the mostSKilled wutclim.ikers ever intheso Islands, is now mnnagingmy repairing department. Nowatoh is so complex in itsmechanism but we can givo por-

ted satisfaction in correctingtlio ovils to which watches arehoir. Watches aro didicatothings to handle Wo guaranteethat they will roceivo no injuryat our hands and will leavoour store in perfect repair.


E. A. JACOBSON,607 Fort Stroot.


OF JEWELRYr.is a tine art. Costly jewelry when(larunged neods careful intention,

nud care. To get this, sandyour work to

A, fl. R. Vieira,AT IIKOWX V KUllKY'.N.

Unique De3igna in Jevelry.Tllepho.ne 705. 211 Hotol Streot.

H. G. JBIA.RT.101 Fort Street.

a m.0)Saaa G-ula-

O na Puna MakanaKa Hiwahiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Makamno.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu in na "Watt poino a mo kahaki o ko A--u.

Alanui Papu, kokoko alnnui Moi.


Telephone 250, No. 210 King Bt.




Don't IS-Iis-s Tliia Clmnco !

35x0220- - Sept-- 25ti, DEr1rid.a37",to OctoToez Qxd., Sa;t"U.rcLa,3r

T. MURATA, Straw Hat Manufacturer,118 JNunnnu Street, near Hotol.

new eoeosMUEATA & CO.

Are about to roceivo a bin stock of . . .

NEW - Qms.... Tho very fitiMl of fino lines.fjmilr. Out For JL'n ! Our Present Mllc Will SSe Sold

To inako room. Como in nnd imoHtlgnto. IT WII.li PAY YOU.Pujomns,Butnboo wnre.uron?.o,


MUR&TA & CO., 301

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alftken & Ilalekanniln Sts.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Electrical phi 11 Is.

Mnrino Wiring a opooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- rt Manager.

Commissioner of DeedsFOIt THE

Stats of California.Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner of Deeds for tlio Statu of1 am prepared

To administer and cirtlli oitlis.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take ami certify the acknowledgment or

proof oi pouern of atloriiu, iiiortt;nf,'ts,transfers, gruLts, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAll,Telephone 250. 210 Kln Street


next to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmitliing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building



T. B. MURRAY,19 to 231. West, King Street.

Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blackcmithing and Horse Shoeing.


Telep3a.op.e 572HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory013 to C21 Toit Street.

Carriage XSiaildszAND BErAir.BH.

Bhcsmithing in All Its Branches.

W. Vf. "WllKTilT, Proprietor.(Successor to Q. West)


Contractor and Builder,

Ofllcts and Stores fitted up andEstimates given on


KfT Olllco nnd Shop: No. CM Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

Sllkn,Laoquor ware,copper,OF DRY GOODS!

Nuunrm & 2 Uot-- l streets.

TJe Yokohama ppecie MLIMITKD.

Snbioribcil Capital Yen 1 2,000,000I'uicl Up i opitul Ycii 4.500,000ItesorvoFund Ven 4,130,000


BRAKCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, LjonH, Now York,

San I'muciBiu, SlianRhai,Boinboy, Hong Kong.

Tranuacts n General Hanking nnd Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spesio BankKew HejeMlc BnlMlng, 111 King St., Ilonolulo.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.

103 Keknnnaoa Street. Tetephouo "03.

H GOODSArrlred per S. 8. "Auntrnlln."



American Goods,

F.norlkli finnik

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods.

jleitf Qoodsl jlzitf (oods!I Come early and j;ct jonr iliolcc.

SING LOY,8 King Street, nenr Castle A Cooke.

335-3i- n

L. AIILO,No. 337 Nmifinn stroot.

Uas jtmt received a new line ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND OENTS


DISK.Agent for ths following rlco planlations- :-

Waiplo, Wuinwii, Wiumnla, WaialuaKnncolieund Kapalntun.

gjST My rice from Knneoho is markedL A and in guaranteed Al.P. O. liox 114. .... Telephone lflu.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Horeo Saloon

103 Hotel Street!.

SrLCIAL LATINO house:Private Itooins for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Open from G ti, m. to 1 in morning.Prico of Tiekets, $4.C0. Siuglo Meal, 25o.

New Restaurant,7 Si n Bothol Streot.


Chicken on Tncbdnys, Thnrsdays andSaturdnys. Ico Cream on Sundays. FineSalads with diuuer ouch day.

llouls, 2.ro. 22 Tickets, $4 50.


Meals 25 Cents. JNN.D. .Privnto Itoom for Ladies,

Cornor Hotel efc Union Streets.

TOM C11UNG KEE,213 Nuunnn Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I ueo tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towear well. 14a- -

FOOK ON & CO.,103 Nuuann Street.

Just opoued now supply of First-clns- s Shoesjnst rctoivod.

Ladies' & Gonts1 Shoes Made to Ordor

From American nml Fiencb Lenthers.

x. .. u'Simllffft., jimnfff rtf.t iltt.i.. u$i,,j.iJrjkAM.L uiBj. Jttjm,

m GO.7 West, Hotol Streot.

ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andG-inge- r,

GROCERIES, -:- - RICE,All kind of dinned Frnlt, Cigars,and n largo nssurtmorit of goods toonumerous to mention nt tlio cry


KAM TAI'S111 Hotel Street.

NEW CIOARSTNEW CIGARS!!Finest In tho city.


....All at....KAM TAI S.


Sam "Wo ChanNtuanu street, near Kukui

NOW OIPJEIV !Bananas nnd V getab'es nlwnys on huud.

Chickens andDuobs a ivo or dress-ed, Eggs rtoliorod

to nil parts of the city.

ISLAND FRDIT 0? ALL KINDS.We prow our own bananasnnd vegot ibles


214 Nuttntm street.Importers nud Dealers in

General -:- - .1B rc!uuilKc.Kino Mnniln Cigars, Chiueso nnd Jnpa-net.- o

Croekerywnro, lluttiuga, Vnses of ullkinds, Cnmphorwood Tmnks, ItnttanChairs. A hno rtbsortmeut of Dress Silks.Choicest brands of Chiueso nud JnpanesoTeas of latest importation.

MT New Goods by evory steamer.Mntunl Tel. 200 V. O. Uox 158

Sirxg: X--e Co.,602 KING STREET,

FRESH :- -: FRUITSBy otory California steamer.

Importers of all kinds of 5roccrk, Fruits,Canned Goods, Cl'ir and Totiaicos,

at Lowest l'rlees.Fresh Vegetable". Uhiijs on Hnnd.

HOP IIING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chinese 811k, Tea, and Mnttlng,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American (Jroccrles.403 Hotel street. - - Telephone 147.


Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Cornor King and Mannnkca Sts.


Tinsmith,Dealers in Tinware, etc., I'iplnp; Laid

and repaired.

J37" Orders solicited; charges cry mo-der- att


o.80l) Xtiuaiiu St. ,4 e'oorsabovoKing St.373-l-

FOR . . .Best Imported Chiueso Ten,


Fino Chinese Tens freshly liuportod. Verylow prices do to

WING TAI LUNG14- 1- 331 Nuunuu street


Plmnberaand dealers In


Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing ueatl) executed.

143- - No 41, Nuuanu street


IPlumber &j TinsmithDeOcr in Tin and Agate Ware.

All kinds of Plumbing done In n SatisfactoryManner at Lou est Bates.

P. O. Box 274, 212 403 Hotol Bt.


All binds of tinwnre, crookory,to, nt lowest prices. . . .

141 Nuunnn and Hotel street!


W. W. AhanaSlakes Clothing to OKDEH of tho ." "

very best materials and lu the Vrjrlatest style, , , , . - -

A. l-'erle-ot FitGuaran teed.


Cleaning and Repairicg a Specialty

W. W. IBflNAr

To Whom !t

slay Concern,

Tina is to certify that C. Akinialina mndo sovornl snitH of clotlreBfor mo nud tho workmanship hatboon of tho best. I tnko pleasurein recommending him nud hwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Kino DockSuit, $5np; Fino Tweed Pants,'ino Muit, 18 up. Clothes cleaned nml ra'

inlV'X' 20 KIQ biTtiurr.P. O. Box H4l

Chock Chee & Co., Merchant Tailor,Clothes Cleaned nnd Itej-altcd- .

No. 322 Nuuann Street.21s'ly P. O. Box 233.


If yon want your ClothosDjed nnd madeto look new, cull uioitud nt

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor.

43 Nuuann street, P. O Box 15,'t.

C T. AKANA.No. 324, Nuuann street.

Y MERCHANT TAILOR, YFine Sultltus mndo to order ut lowest prices,141 Clothes elenue'd and repaired.

"W. .hiiT. & Co.,.320 Nuunuu Street.


Tino Suitings from Best American h


Clothes Cleaned nud Ilupairtxl.

Y. MA.3ST SING-,- ,

FasWoBaMc Dress Maier,131 I OUT STREET.

Dressos mndo to ordor, Sewing gnu.rantied. If tho stitches break I wilTrapair without oitrn thargo. 307-2-



Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Conlnotor and Builder.

No. 80 Nuunnn street,nns on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Malting, Wimlrol'os. Desks, MntresBes, oto,ifiT" Call iu nml liuiect goods.

VTVTC TMf2 TAT P.n-' KA.. JI J.J.i-- VX.t

Conlractoi's. IBuildorsi- -

Furnituro Denlei-- and Pninters.


Fort Street, opposito Club Stables.

Orient Planing Mill,-VIN-G


Furniture of nil kinds made and repaireduuuuing nouses ana ru&Miig rice miniclaity. 1'. U. uox ivi, corner Aing anu n elstreets, lit

Bubsoribo for tho Eveninq Boirletin, 75 oonts por month.




J ft


Page 4: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,








5I?? Euei)ii)$ Bulletin


FKIDAY, SEPT. 25, 189G.



it is not nuy nuuivorsary tlint isto bo cclobrnlod iu honor of QuoonViotoriti tonight. The event isouo marked by an hour or ovou aniiuuto, that poiut of timo nowpaBacd whan tho vouorablo sover-

eign has reigned longer than anyof her predecessors. Ilors hasindeed been a "glorious" roign.Trito ad the term here boi rowedfrom tho national anthem is, noother ninglo word is more oxpros-eiv- o

or true to history. Victoriais not merely a product of tho erato which glory is universally at-

tributed, but her own personalityhas created much of tho goldenquality. She has never beon amore figurehead although abso-

lutism has long since disappearedfrom tho British constitution,whore indeed it never had morethan temporary and usurping lodg-mo-

agaiiiBt protests moro or lesspronounced. Queen Victoria'swisdom and tact, with afine discrimination betweenright and wroug, has often savedher counsellors and executiveoilicors from disastrous blunders.Her firm supervision of statedocuments and dictation of theirrovision it is matter of historicalnoto even now in her lifetimehas saved tho nation from inter-

national broils that would haveloft a poisonous trail of bittoruessthat even hor loug reign wouldnot outlast. It is largely duo tothe Queen's activo inlluenco thatthe bad feeling between Americaand tho ?Jothor Country left bytho War of Independence, andwhoso einbciB were fapuod intollamo by tho war of 1812, seomBnow to be rapidly becoming re-

placed by the soutimeuta ofardent friendship of mutual rela-

tions. At this vory moment thoprobabilities are that the mightyempire of a great sovereign peo-p- lo

iB ready to withthe mighty empire of a groatpeople's sovereign, reigning withtheir most cordial will, in onoof tho mightiest services to op-p- i

cased and Buffering millions ofppoplo which man over renderedto man. Not merely in tho linoof that tactful suppression of lat-

ent national prejudices, whichmakes this community delightful-ly cosmopolitan, may residents ofother nationalities than Britishjilin in tho informal rejoicing overVictoria tho Good's attainment ofthe longest reign on tho throno ofhor ancestors. Many nations havobenefited in material progress,moral advancement and politicalliberty from tho benign influen-

ces omanatiug from tho whole-

some reign of tho venerable andvenerated Queen Victoria. Allfriends of enlightened and pro-

gressive government, all personswho feel tho thrill of nineteenth

life, rnay bo expected torejoico with those who do rejoicoon this remarkably meraorabiooccasion.


According to tho account repro- -

dnced elsewhere of a Scotch en-

gineer, who was impressed intotho rebel ranks, it is a staudoitbetween tho CubariB and theiroppressoia in tho matter of mar-

tial barbarity. Tho "Phairsou"w'io had a taste of durauco vile inCuban hands may bo prejudiced,bat his estimate of tho insurgontoiuso is not unsupported by thotestimony of other observers. Itis scarcely to be expeoted that theCubans will adorn their inde-

pendence when they havo won it.Thoro is no hopo of a brightfaturo for Cuba apart from itsannexation by the United States.

That nation's rulo would provonttho chronic revolution that is thonormal condition of countries inthoso latitudes, and givo tho in-

habitants of tho island timo audopportunity to train for tho exor-cis- o

of all tho functions of Ameri-

can citizenship.

His follow-countrym- on in Ho-

nolulu having contributed to asmall but durablo aud attractivomemorial to Robort Louis Stovon-bo- u,

sot up in San Francisco, willbo glad to notico Lord llosobory'sproposition to have erected a

and creditablo momorialto tho groat author iu his nativeland.

By the rush of recruits into theboat clubs since tho date, ltogattaDay's success was not bounded byits own pleasant hourB.

lll.VKill rs GIU.V1SK ITION.

Order of Daiicckiiiii l.lt of fommlttrrui

In Oil li I bo.

Tho celebration in houor ofQueen Victoria at Indepondoncopark tonight Mill commoncopromptly at 8 o'clook with thosinging of "God Save tho Queen,"followed by tho grand march.Tho ordor of dances is given bo-lo-

Lancors, "Waltz, Schottische,Polka (Deux Temps), Lancers,Polka, Waltz.


"Waltz, Lancers, Schottische,Polka (Deux Temps), Waltz, Lan-cor- s,

Waltz, Schottische, VirginiaReel.

Tho following Committees aroin chargo of tho affair:

Reception Committee. "W.

W. Wright, Geo. L. Dall, W. H.Pain, R. Lishman, J. 0. Cook, W.U. Baird, G. S. Harris.

Floou Committee. Efficientmanagement will attond carofullyto tho comfort of all guests.

Ladies' Committee on Re-freshments. Mrs. T. R. Walker,Mrs. Mackintosh, Mrs. "W. W.Wright, Mrs. S. 0. Allen, Mrs. G.S. Harris.

General Committee W. H.Pain, E. B. Thomas, J. E. Wost-broo- k,

W. W. Wright, T. R.Walker, G. S. Harris, Jr., W. H.Baird, J. 0. Cook, G. S. Harris,W. Lishman, Geo. L. Dall, R.Lishman and A. St. M. Mackin-tosh.

Decoration Committee Goo.L. Dall. W. H. Pain, F. Barwick,T. R. Walker, Mrs. Lishman, Mis.Boardraan, MrB. C. Lucas, Mrs.Victoria Ward, Chas. Lucas andW. F. Reynolds, Chairman andSecretary.

Tho reception committee willwear white ribbons, the floorcommitteo red, and tho gon-or- al

committee nd, white aud blue.Elaborato programs, bearing ahaudsomo portrait of Queen Vic-toria on the first page, havo beenpropared at tho printing office ofRobert Grievo and Mill doubtlessbo proorved as souvenirs of thooccasion.


Mr. 0. Bosso nlid Mr. II. A. Ixouberghavo 'been authorized by un to titan ourlinn name jointly by procuratiou.

H. UAQKFELD & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 04, 18U0. 410-l-

startling, But o I

Wc placed an import order

for five hundred dozen pairs ofchildren's fast black stockings,

'cause we thought them, cheap.

Should have been here for July selling.

Landed yesterday.Maker pays dearly for delay.

Meant for 25 cents a pair.Latenfss squeezes two pair intothe price of ONE.

startling, But o !

"The Kash,"I, LEVINGSTON, - - - Manager,

Waverloy Block, 0 Hotel street

ESf Shirts Made to Order. '

EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 25, 18J6.I km mtmim mmj mnm

Timely Jopiej j




A New England Congress-

man recently sent one of his

constituents a package of flow-

er seeds for the latter's wife,

and received a genuine Yankee

acknowledgment. The latterthanked the member for theflower seeds so kindly sent,"including sweet peas and

other varieties of long, unpro-

nounceable, unintelligible, ro-

mantic names. We have plant-

ed the seeds," the letter con-

tinued, "and if they grow we

will use the names to train thevines on."

In the same connection one

tells at the capitol of a visitorto a committee - room whofound a Congressman's clerks

busily directing seed packages.

"What are you doing?" thevisitor asked.

"Sending out garden seeds,"was the answer.

"Seeds?" said the other."This late in the season you

ought to be sending out vege-

tables."You may think it hard to

find the moral to the above

stories but we know better. Itis concealed in the oven of oneof our lately imported

Model St. Clair WoodStoves.

You buy the stove and wethrow in the moral. Thesemodel St. Clairs are truly"model," for they are perfect.They have every convenience,including spacious oven, andin addition a commodious hotwater tank situated at the backof the stove. A six-ho- le cook-

ing surface is sufficient to dothe cooking of a large familyand these stoves are built forthat purpose. They are solidand substantial, are tastefullyornamented and sell for $0.00.

Should you prefer a rangewe can recommend the "Gol-den Anvil" as the best made.These are built of steel through-out and burn either wood orcoal. We have them in twosizes, $$0 and $6$.

You may need a handy lan-

tern for the barn. We havethem with glass oil containersinstead of tin. They are muchneater, cleaner and nicer thanthe old style and your fingerswon't smell of Kerosene afterhandling them. They only costa dollar.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.

limited,Opposito Sprookels' Bank,




mthat wo aro propared at

nil times to do your CopperPlato Engraving and Printingon Caids, Wedding and SocietyStationery; Announcements,etc.

Also, Fino Monogram Em-

bossing, Address Dies andStamping in colors or plain.

Cards from your pinto 1.60

por hundred.

H. F. Wichman,TORT STREET.

Don't you need a watch?One jthnt you can dependupon. The kind wo sell.Wo nro selling Walthamsin a dust proof case for

and fully warrant them inevery respect.

Wo sell other makes,somo as low as 5.00,others as high as $200.00.

Our stock is so large, wowould take pleasure inhelping you to a watch atso low a price rour pocketwould not feel tho lift.

No pie plates sold, ut-

most reliability in everypiece.

TT IP "WirVhiwan




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Keceived ex

"Archer." . .

Evory piece of our

4 Ply Hose


Also, a supply of

3 Ply.

Castle & Cooke


i ;.,iJwjU .&- - A .?i4a&VfciM!4& i !&' . h ii & vi- .,Viia4A &t'W&

m J WM Knowledgft? v y$m Dniamrm a b ttmm a uvvgi

07 H Wi i M K YJWltu and our knowlod

( itf fv Mvm shoo makers and

i'1 Mm ll V Jiucts gives us

t: is: I'M vS" maue, wicn rcn"& m fcsl r i i ..'.cj ja -- "- uu uu w can mi

the best shoemakers in tho world and pick what best suits ourtrade and wo know of anything too good for tho peopleof this town.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,Bier 31ioe Store.


Wm1T- - -- f MMwf"i" t"

S7S.OOIf you aro thinking of gotting a

Biovgli:, now is tho timo to getono whilo they last. This offer ofllAMDLElts at $75.00 is not a cut inprice, so don't wait oxpocting tosoo tho price come any lower. Woaro offering 18i)5 wheels at thisprice and thoro aro but a few loft,'this whool iu fitted with tho

Great Gr. & .T. Tirewhich has proven so satisfactoryin this land of tho

Kiawe ThornWe also have a stock of tho 189(5

wheels both ladies and gonts whichavo aro offering at a low figure audon easy terms. Come in and havoa look at our wheels and satisfyyourself that we aro in the BicycleBusiness.

A.n InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

and Dimes you might savohad you a wheel. A ride to Wai-ki- ki

is not only a pleasure but asure saving of health and strength.You will find new vigor by Uiouboof muscles never beforo broughtinto use.



E. 0. Hall & Son

Phoenix FoundryAND

Machine Shop.Oattok, Nikll & Co., : : : i Proprietors.John Nikll, i t : : i i : Superlntendeut.



General Repair Shop!

JOBBING A SPECIALTYQucon sttoot, beta eon Akkeuand ltichards streets.

e is



Igo of thotheir pro- -

tho powerbest that'sidy cash iuid do jjo to

f 1 0 IToi't S5tit.

W. DIMONDSNovelties in household

goods draw customers to theup - to - date stores; theirpresence on the shelves is anindication of push and energycombined with enterprise, thofoundation to ovcry successfulbusiness house. Wo findpleasure and profit in gettingout of the old rut and bringinga few sunshine novelties intothe store.

Ono of tho woes of thoaverage housekeeper lies intho con used to hold kero-sene for tho lamps. Fre-quently she finds tho floordiscolored by grease spotsand disgust follows, Oneof our now Globe oil canswill obviato this and forvery little money.

C rown frvers ara ns wnlliknown in the States us Crownbukers, nearly everyone whosestove has not a broiler attach-ment uses ono because the re-sult is practically tho same.They aro exclusive with us.

In tho warm weather (andthat meana nearly all thoyear round with us), nothingis so refreshing as an icecream or a sherbet. ThoLightning Freezer excels allothers in the making of thesedelicacies. Wo sell this inpreferenco to any other.

After your dessert a cup ofdelicious coffee is almostnecessary you know whatmuggy coffee is? By tho useof a Princess coffee pot thocoffee is absolutely clear andfree from grounds. Whenthe berries aro ground in anEnterprise mill such as wosell and cooked in a "Prin-cess" nothing can be bettor,

You'vo read about chafingdishes, possibly owned ono;those made of Aluminumsuch as wo offer are tho best,and in tho end the cheapest.

Von Holt Building.


Photograph : Gallery,Opposite Love's Bakory ou

Nuuanu -- : Street,Whore he will enter Immediately into thowork of Taking Victims, Miv fc'ovorin hashad yoare of exj orienco at this branch andhas ulwajs mot with success in it.

402- - lm



Office: 208 Merchant street, CampbellBlook rear of J. O. Carter's office, P. O.Box 330.



Page 5: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,







T. Murntu tho lmttor is holdinga cleanuico bhIg.

Startling' ussortionB nro mndoby The Knsk in this issuo.

0. A. Spreckols loft for SnuFrancisco on the China luBt night.

Quoen Victoria celebration atIndependence park tonight.

Tho "Warrimoo had nino pas-sengers from this port for Van-couver.

W. 0. Peacock and wife- havoreturned from a flying trip to thoVolcano.

Moro frogs for CommissionerMorsdon arrived on tho Chinayesterday.

H. Riomonachneider, formerlyof this city, died in Hamburg onAugust I52d lust.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ronton andthe Missos Stubbs left on thoChina last night.

L. 0. Ablea and G. T. McCand-les-s

returned from Hawaii onyestorday's steainor.

Tho now Iuter-Islau-d steamermay bo expected here ubout thomiddle of November.

Balloon asconsion at Independ-ence park tomorrow afternoon.No charge for admission.

Tho Alameda took two passeng-or- 8

trom this port for tho ColonieB:M. J. Flood and Miss E. Lamar.

Baseball at 3:30 tomorrow.Honolulus vs. Kamehamohas,lust game of tho Leuguo schedule.

J. T. Watorhouso calls attoutionto clioico articles for the table intho grocery department of thatfirm.

The band concert at tho hotellast niglit did not attract a verylarge audience and tho programtendered was a poor one.

Among tho China's passengersfor this port were 119 AmoyChiuodO contract laborers ship-ped out by Thomas Evans.

Captain F. G. Miller, master oftho brig Lurliue, who was wellknown in this port, died in SanFrancisco on September 7th.

The funeral of tho lato Charles"Williams took placo yesterday af-

ternoon and was largely attended.The floral tributes woro manyand beautiful.

The Union Iron Works of SanFraucisco havo been awarded acontract to build another bigbattle-shi- p for tho United States.Contract prico is $2,075,000.

Tho officers of tho HawaiianAthletic Association gavo a lunchat tho Hawaiian hotol to RubyDexter and Davo Crozior, formerprominent membersof the associa-tion.

H. H. Roujes left on tho ChinalaBt night on his way to Germany.Mrs. Ronjos is in Sau Franciscoand will accompany her husband.Thoy expect to bo absent about sixmonths.

Tho "New Ideal" Sowing Ma-chine sold by tho Pacific Hard-ware Co. is warranted for fiveyoars. It takes the same shuttlo,noedlo tako up.bobbin wiudor andhas tho samo feed ns the "NowHomo." Tho Pacific HardwareCo.

At a mooting of tho Board ofDirectors of the Myrtle Boat Clublast night, thirty-fiv- o new mem-bers wero elected. A number ofapplications will be acted upon attho next meeting. Taking every-thing into consideration, tho clubwas never in a better conditionthan at prosout.

Tho ladies of tho Coutral Unionchurch gavo another of theirploasant monthly socials at thochurch parlorB last night. Aftorlistening to songs by tho MissosAxtoll and Agnos Judd and areading by Dr. A. E. Niohols, re-

freshments woro served and anhour spent in social converse.

In consequence of tho increasedvolume of business with Hong-kong tho Yokohama Specie Bauk,who havo hitherto boon 'doingthoir Hongkong business throughtheir correspondents, tho Banquodo 1' Indo-Ohon- e, havo openedthoir own branch thoro on tho 1stinBt., the manager being Mr. N.Nabekura, lato of San Fiau- -



Makes Iktter Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Ask Your Orocer For It.

UNION FEED 00., Sole Agents.


EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 25, 1896.Mvmrmmwm,mimmM.TimTm

Attomoy-Genor- ol Smith anddaughter left on tho Hull thismorning.

Two drunks woro tho only nowarrivals at tho police station thismorning.

Dowagor Quoen Kapiolani hasdeeded a lot of land' at Waimoo,Kauai, to tho Bishop of Pauo-poli- s.

Mrs. L. T. Grant is in town togot furnituro for tho Hilo Hotol,of which alio is going to takecharge.

A duly qualified physician iswanted to tako chargo of a Hono-lulu branch of a San FranciscoInstitute

Captain John Rico, formorlymaster of tho tug Elou, is nownight watchman attho Beretaniastreet pumping station.

0 A. Bosse and II. A. Isonborghavo been authorized to sigu thefirm ntiino of H. Haokfold & Co.jointly by procuration.

F. J. Testa pleaded guilty of as-

saulting ono of his workmon amiJudgo do la Vt-rgn- o assessed him$5 and costs this morning.

Thoro woro twelvo momborsprosont at tho noon meeting oftho debating society whioh has itsheadquarters in Martin's tailorshop.

Miss Hake, an experienced andstylish trimmer from Sau Fran-cisco, arrived ou tho Alameda, fortho millinery department of N. S.Sachs.

Ah Cheong was given threemonths on the reef in tho PoliceCourt this morning for assistingin the maintenauco of a chefagamo.

Bob Scott's company will pro-duce "Olo Olson" a week from to-

morrow night. Very thoroughrehearsing is conducted by thomanager, ensuring a smooth andartistic performance.

Cut stono for a curbing abouttho Exccutivo building is beingbrought in from tho quarries ontho tramways lino. Curotakor R.J. Greono will plant flowers intho spaces to bo enclosed.

Tho case of Goorgo W. Clark,who is accused of being unlaw-fully on tho promisos of Bishop"Willis at night, wont over untiltomorrow. In the moantimo thoyoung man is out ou bail.

Thoro is a proposition on footlooking to tho enlargement of theHawaiian hotel by tho additionof a third story, and tho estab-lishment of a branch hotel andbathing resort at the Spreckelspremises on tho beach.

Purser Bockloy informs thoBulletin that tho earthquakeshook things up pretty lively intho Kilauoa crater and that a largoamount of debris fell into the bigpit, which for a time threatened toextinguish tho fires. "Wlu-- n tho Ki-na- u

left Hilo tho molten lava wasshowing brightly again with pros-pects for an increased flow.

m w - -


Another Decision l'llcd Vnrloun l'ro-htt- o

Matter..'Kahukuakoi alias Kahakuhaa-ko- i

vs. Hawaiian Government hasboon decided by tho SupremoCourt, declaring it similar to thopreviously decided case of T. R.Mossmau against tho Government.It is remanded to tho CircuitCourt. J. K. Kahookano forplaintiff; Attornoy-Gouor- al W. 0.Smith and A. S. Hartwoll for de-

fendant.J. A. Magoon's account as trus-

tee of estate of J. F. O. Banningshows receipts $15,155.13, pay-ments $13,900, balance $1255.13.

J. A. Magoon's account as guard-ian of Kalua Kapukini shows re-

ceipts $11-12.9- paymontB $344.52,balance $798.38.

H. P. Baldwin's account as trus-tee of tho Blaisdoll estate showsrocoipts of $8309.73, payments$3225.71, balauoo $5084.02.

A bond of $200 has boon filedby tho Hawaiiun Tramways Co.on its potition for a writ of errorin tho cause of O. V. Sturdovantvs. tho Hawaiian Tramways Co.

Judgo Carter has appointedMrs. Lilia N. Kanaia administra-tor of tho estate of her lato hus-band, S. N. P. Kanaia. Kane forpetitioner.

Sumnor vs. Crandoll was boforoJudgo Perry this morning onplaintiff's motion to sot tho casofor hoaring. Kinney fe Ballouond Magoon & Edings for plain-till- ';

"W. R. Castle for dofondant.Hearing was sot for Monday.

Highest of all in Leavening Powor. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

Eskl BatterK4 ik. U MEeaazzm

ABSOWtcur tore

(I'ritead written by Honolulu lady)

'$ flwHeel

and nil tho men and womenmerely cyclers is n truer adapt-ation of nn old familiar quota-tion than would appear at firstglnnco. "Wo are a triflo behindtho times in Honolulu as fur nscycling is concerned.

In "Washington, D. C, two

thousand men and womenformed in procession a fewweeks ago. If thoy rode sixabreast, a column ten mileslong would bo tho result; threoabreast would mean n linotwenty miles in length.

"Why dolay; bo in tho swim.You wnnt to bo nn te

girl. Then buy a

Waverley Belle,T. "W. IIOBUON, Agent.


In tho matter of tho ostato of J.Gomes, tho petition of A. G. Cor-re- a,

nttornoy in fact, to remove C.T. Gulick as administrator wasdonied. Creighton & Corroa forpetitioner; Castlo for respondent.Exceptions noted by plaintiff.

Geo. H. Robertson, ancillaryadministrator with will annexodof estato of Julius AlexauderAnthon, deceased, had his finalaccount approved by Judgo Carter.It balances at $1429.13 on eitherside, with real estato inventoried.The tostator was Danish Consulhere, and tho will was probatod inDenmark. Dickey for petitioner.

Mary Dickson sues for divorcefrom Thomas Dickson.

Charles Wllllntiia Hurled.

Tho funeral of CharlesAVilliams,son of Ed. A. Williams, waslargely- - attended yesterday byfriends of tho lamented youthand his boreaved parents. Thobody was interred in Mr."Williams' privato lot, Nuuanucemetery, tho following gontlo-me- n

acting as pall-boaror- s: J. J.Williams, David Dayton, Thco.Hoffman, Thomas R. Lucas, A.V. Gear and Thomas Krouso. A.O. Wood, formerly in tho employof O. E Williams, conducted thofuneral, which took placo at 4:30p. m. Tho floral offerings woremany and elaborate.

Arc You TiredAH tho time? Tills condition U a suro In-

dication lliat y.ur blood Is not rich Midnourishing as It ought to bo and as It maybu if Mm will take a few bottles of tliu urealblood purlUcr, Hood's 8arsaparllla. Thousands write that Hood's darsaparllla hascured them ot that tired feeling by givingthem rich, red blood.

Hoou'sPilm act easily and promptly onthe liver and bowels. Cure nick headache.


A Physician who is duly Qualified topractice medicine in Honolulu, to takocharge of Branch Office at Honolulu, of nSan Francisco Institute. Must bo of goodmoral character, and n graduate of a fouryear college. Address "O.Q.," care of Even-ing Ilnlletm. 410-l- t

Y.M.CA. Evening SchoolWILL Ol'KN


Sept. 21st, and will continuofor Two lerras ot

13 WeokB Each.Classes will be organlml In Hook-kcepl-

Elementary und Advanced Shorthand, 'type-writing, Vocal and Instrumental Music, thoHawaiian Language, Heading, Writing, etc.All Classes are tree to mumbers; to others afee of f'i nil) bu charged.

PW For further Inlormatlon, read ourpamphlet or ring up 427. . o'J7-l- m



Tho foreign budget by thoInst tniil is of n character thatshould set politicians to gues-sing on tho result of thoNovember " election. Maineconies to tho front with a bigplurality for tho Republicancandidates. Tin u comesAikansas with a big Demo-cratic tniijnrit and a jubilee.Maine has six votes in theelectoral collogoand Arkansaseight, so that tho stand off isin favor of tho Democrats.Every one in tho HawaiianIslands is interested in tin re-

sult it means eithor tho risoor fall of tho Hawaiian Re-

public according as tho Tarifftuny be tinkered.

To counteract any evil re-

sults of the election whicheverway it may go the duty of thomerchants of Honolulu is toprpvido themselves with astock of goods that will be aguaranteo of low prices totheir customers.

Prices will never bo lowerthan we sell goods for today,but thoy may bo higher, par-ticularly in tho grocery line.Buying direct from the manu-facturers and saving middle-men's prices enable us to sellat low rates, our customersget the advantage of what wosave in our purchases.

Wo offer you today anotherlot of Oak Brand Asparagus,Sugar Peas, Sugar Corn. Afresh supply of Salt Salmon inbarrels and half"' barrels.Mackerel in kits. EvaporatedFruit in boxes, Acmo SmokedBeef, Salmon Steaks, RoastTurkey and Chicken in tins,Onions and Propers always onhand.


Quoon Street.


of St. Gkoiioe and British SubjectB and friends generally, inhonor of tho fact that Queon Vic-

toria has bo-- n so privileged, that,she has reigned ovor tho BritishEmpire longer than any of Herpredecessors.

BALL -- and -- SOCIALIndopondonco Hall, King


This Friday Evening,

Soptombor 25, 189G.

Grand March promptlyat 8 p. m.

Tickets to admit Gentleman andLadies, $1.00; to bo had at thoNews Stores and tho Goldon RuleBazaar.

B All cars will run on quar-ter hour service aftor 7 p. m. andBusses will remain to tho last.

Eflioiont Committees havoohargo of all arrangements in-

cluding refreshments.BY ORDER OP COMMITTEE.

40 Md


A Postal Savings Ilnnk Deposit llooU(No. 1355) lu favor of Mrs. Lncy Stovcns.Finder pleaso roturn to Bui.lktin Ottlco.

410-t- l

N. S. SACHS'- -

520 Fort Street.

Lace Striped Dress MullsIn dolicnto shades, silk lustre, just tho thing for evoningdrossos, only 20 cents a ynrd

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn solid colors, sulphur, pink, bluck and yellow.

Pure Linen Lawn for $2.50a piece, containing 16 yards and guaranteed to bo purolinou

Our White Goods Departmentis most comp'ot, Victoria and Persian liwn, dimitiosin stripos and nl.iida, natwookn, mulls, swiss musIiiiB,fancy plaid and stripta! whito goods

At Rock Bottom Prices!T


Fino Whito Muslin in open work. Bo.iuttful Patterns ,

A groat stock of-- -- ..... Valenciennes Laces .


B" Wo expect within ion dayB a gicat and now Btock of

& CORSETSOrdered Specialy by Us !

This is known to bo thofinest Corset made. . .


Brass Signs and Electro-Platin- g

J. T. LIJXK,Machinist. Nickel and Silycr Plating



Landlord's Sale.Public notice Is hereby given that tho un-

dersigned Kaplnlaul has distrained anil leviedupon the following goods and chaHcls, tlieproperty of O. UumUiu, for rent duo by theraid C. Hawkins to the said Kanlolunl, andIn nrrcar to the amount of four liundred andsorcnty-llv- e dollars (f 475.0(1), for rent nfier.tatu premises situate ou King street, Hono-lulu, Oabu, to wit:

Iloubcbold gjods, consisting of refrigera-tors, gasoline oil and wood stoves, bookcases, stained bedsteads, pine, Iron, walnutand kou bedsteads, tables, writing desks,olllce deski, rocking chairs, Japanese cabi-net, water coolers, koa sideboard, washstands, carpets, wire springs, wash bowls,cushions, ttraw mattresses, lamps, springmattresses, straw, wool and feather pillows,hair mattresses, portlcrs, hat racks, chairs,mirrors, bureaus. Also, carpenters' toolsconsisting of squares, wrenches, hammer,nipper, chisels, saws, augers, adzes. Also,blacksmiths, coopers and farriers' tools.Also, lot of Jewelry Lonnlstlng of clocks,watches, scarf pins, chains, earrings, cullbuttons, coins, silver creeps. Also, alot of musical Instruments, consistingof banjos, drums, violins, bows, etc; also lotof clothing, shoes, blankets, etc; also a lot ofmiscellaneous articles consisting of polpounders, wire dress springs,ice saws, sho els, books, piano stools, qua-drant, parlor rWe, reyolvers, canes, saddles,charts, bows and arrows, tin tubs,

shot pouches and powder flasks,brackets, curios, curtain poles.baby carriage,coral, hslr, dumbbells, Indian clubs, bllngs,bird cages, glassware, sewing machine, thowhole constituting the entire stock of sec-

ond hand goods lately In the store of tho saidHawkins at the corner of King and Alskcastreets. And notice Is further given that saidgoods and chattels will bo (old at publicunction at the auction room ofJ.isK Morgun. ou Queen street, Honolulu, 11 I, onTHUHSPAY. October 1st, 1898. at 10 o'clocka in, to satisfy the rent duo and In arrear usaforesaid on tho abovo described.

KAPIOLANI,Hy her attorneys, J Alfred Mugoon fi W S

Edliigs. 403-lS- t

Notice.I hereby Rivo notice, that I have re.

Hlgncrt tho General Agenoy of. the Gflr-man-

Lifo Immranco Co. of. Now Yoik fortho Hawaiian Islands, and shall not bo

for nny representations into its business beio made by others.

O. D. CHASE.Ilouoluht, Sopt 15, 1800. 412.01.


D 6






Signs of Every Description IGilding on Glasa a Specialty.

Take an Outing


Trains will leavo at 9:15 a.m.and 1:45 r, m., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 and 5:55 r. M.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:let Class 3d Class

Pearl City $ 75 $ CO

Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Waianoo 1 50 1 25

Puunui Tract !

SloO.OOA Lot 50 feet by 100 feet

On the Instalment Plan and 10 PercentDiscount for CaOi,

0tT Apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or W. C. ACUI, Ileal Estato Droker.Soptombor 21, 1890. 412-- tf


To Purchasers of KewaloLots:

All those parties having received numbersfor lots are requested to call at our olllce,w hero lots can now be selected and tho hrstpa) incut made,

1IIIUCK WAKING & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 10, IS'JO. 412-t- f

m, lt-fc----.. t,. : is ..jU jsiL ... fei Wf.A . .,















Page 6: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,

w m

ffe" An Enclt'li Invention. ,0fek I10 Tho new patent veiled nlicct is of m Jl Kfe.P Euglisli origin mid, if wo may believo mj9 If 11 1I&. nil wo rend, ImB mcli notable patrons na Wi y rHll V t







lt 'i








Lr 1


Mr. Glnilstono and the Duchess of York.Just wheroin it u hotter purposotlinn tho ordinary mosquito net thewriter does not perceive, but of courpotho invention would bo useful whenppaco does not permit of n fully ripRedmosquito netting. By fastening thoplain picco beyond tho veil behind thopillow or bed, tho pheet is held firm,and all apertures closed. In hospitalstho veil can bo disinfected, and inthroat, chest and cyo complaints willlessen tho danger of infection to nursesand watchers. Tho sheet is of linen ormuslin and tho veil of flno loco net.

Fruit Canning.Tho housewifo who docs her own

canning, jolly making and preservingmust tako advantage of tho July daysif sho would not ho Into in becuring herfruit. For jolly making tho best resultsnro obtained when tho fruit lias not toorecently received a shower of rain. Cur-rants full to brimming with their lastdrink will jelly slowly, if at nil, andwill need longer cooking than tho drierfruit. Tho fruits Ubcd for jelly aro cur-rants, npplcp, .crabapplcs and quinces.Theso give tho best results.

Thine Worth Knowing.Damp spoils tho tones of a piano and

turns tho keys yellow sooner than any-thing elfcc. Keep tho piano shut on dampdays, but n little suushiuo will help topreserve tho color of tho keys.

To prevent tablo salt from broominglumpy mix witli it a little corn flour bc-fo-

putting it into tho salt cellar; thoproportion utxmt n heaped dessertspoon-ful of corn flour to n tcacupf ul of salt.

Spirits of wine, diluted with n littlowater, may bo nsed for improving thonppcarauco of black satin. Apply itwith u sponge and rub it on gently thoright way of tho material. Tho satinshould then bo put between two piecesof satiu nud ironed on tho wrong side.

Tho most conservative persons nowadmit that Amctican cut glass is thofinest in the world.

Silver plato bearing tho trademarksof trustw ortliy maki rs possesses rcinark-nhl- y

enduring qualities and the urtistiocharacter of solid silver.

Milviitlon Army Trn,

iMroitTAvr: Thcne tun very fowthings nioro hurtful tlmu commontea. An eminent English doctoronce Bnid: "If tho public gnvo updrinking common ten, the occupa-tion of ono half of our professionwould bo gone." Good tea, how-ove- r,

ia refreshing and stimulat-ing, and in introducing this arti-cle to tho public,the oflicois of thoSalvation Army have taken greatpains to secure a tea, which canwith tho greatest confidence bo re-commended as being of the veryhighest staudard of excellence,and have decided to sell it at aprice within tho reach of every-body, and although it will leaveus a very small margin of profitindeed, wo aro satiblied, knowingthat what wo sell is Buro to givosatisfaction. Sold in Mb packets.Memorial Mitute,Englinh Break-fast, Young JIyson,.Tnpan, Oolong,Gunpowder, IHJc; Auxiliary, Hoc.Telophono 755. II. Cannon, Pa-la-

Cirocery, opposite llailwayDepot, solo agent for tho HawaiianIslands.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 151 Fort street,from $1.00 per week up.

M. A. P.-ixot- proprietor of tboUnion harbor shop, next to theArt Gallery, guarantees to givo ashave' that will make yoiir haircurl with joy.

Mechanics' Homo, ouriur Hoteland Nuuunu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 60 contn per night, ft, nnd$1.25 nor week.

Singers lend tho world. Over13,000,000 mndo and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,enso of motion, gient speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convonioiico of

U. Borgeraen, agont,lOl Bothol streets.

Blood is essential to health. Every nookand corner of tho system is reachedby, tho blood, and on its quality thocondition ot every organ depends. Goodblood means strong nerves, good dlges- -'

Hon, robust health. Impuro blood meansscrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism, catarrhor other diseases. Tho surest way tobavo good blood is to tako Hood's

BloodBarsaparllla. This mcdlcino purlflos, vi-

talizes, and enriches tho blood, and sendstho clemonts of health and strength toevery nerve, organ and tissue. It createsn good appctito, gives refreshing sleepand cures that tired feeling. It is becausoot its great power to purify tho blood that

FromHood's Barsaparllla has accomplished somany wonderful cures. It makes tboblood pure, drives out tho germs of dis-

ease. Thousands today enjoy good healthns the natural result of taking


The One True Wood I'uriner. All druggists. $1.

l' not jmrRC.ii.ilii orliOOd S PlllS gripe. All druggists. 25c

Hoforon Drug Co., Agents.

EtT My Hack does not tip in this man-ner, no mutter how weighty the loud.


Hack No. 14AST TELEPHONE 176 .a

Stand : llnthnl nncl K.nc s'reets.

J. J. Suixivan,Prcalileiit.

J. IlUCKLKY,Seo'v.

FasMon Staples Go.,L'fl.

Honolulu, II. I.Sullivan & IiuoKiiKT, Mnn'g'n,.


in tho City, with Competent and Cnro-f- ul


Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

Tolei'iione:Hnw'n Hotel Stnhles, 32.Pantheon Stables, 84,Fashion Stables, 148.


BAGGAGE delivered and cheok-e- d

to any Steamer. Furnitureand Pinnos carefully moved atPious' noble Ilutes.


Fort and Queen Sts.Day Tel 912, RcMtleiicr Tel. G48.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding. Stables

Coiner Jlercliniit unci lllelinrds St.LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.

p?,'" Can luges, Suirms mill llncks at nilhours. TELKl'lIONn 400.

BEi-A.3::x3Si"a- -TO

-- : A.3STDA specialty.



Just Received

A new Importation of

Fine Woolens .

.... AT




J. P. RODRIGUES,Fort Street, opposlto Uackfeld's.


Make You





A Now Lot of Nico Goods JustReceived. Cleaning and Re-pairing. 215-t-f

AppearancesMoro often than not determine n man's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will seo to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Medeiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

Wnvrr'ev Block, - Honolulu.

CENTRALKona Sanatorium.Situated on a Beautiful Hillside Overlook-iu- g

tho Occni), und 1300 feetabevo Sen Lovol.

Only 21 hourn' sail from Honolulu.Climi'to mild, o'or dry uttnouplieio, freofrom fogs and malaria, especinl provisionfor quiet and pst as veil as for amuse-mo- ut

and outdoor life.137 Ab'drcss

DIt. II. A. LINDLF.Y, Prop.,32-- 1 tf Kona, Hawaii.

Seaside Resort

Wright's Villa,A Short Distune from llio Bridge,


Tourists niul ntlnrh will find it to theirodvautoce to vi-.- t'o nhuvo rtsoit, asthey will twet with tveiy ticcomniodntionthat comfort rconircH.

liltS. TflOS. wmoiiT,325 tf 1'ioprietrehS.

CLUB STABLES,Fort Street, - - - - X1. Q7V

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- : AND -:- - LIVERY.







The best of attontlou ((iven tn nnim.ds lift with us. Cmuful dricr3, rospectfn.attendants, promptness. Hacks, Surrics, ihukcs. lhigcies.FlmeUms, Wugouettes.

Clacs SritncKr.Ls. Wm. G, Iuwin.



San Frandnco Agent Tin Nevada. Dank orBam Fuancisco.


San 'Francisco Tho Nevada Bank of SanFrnnclico.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Yoiik American Kxclmtio National

Bank,riittninn .Mnrnlinntf National Bank.l'Altts Comptolr National U'fcscorapt ue

rnris.IIriimk nrrailner Bank.HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA HOnfiKOtlg

Shanghai lianKInc Corporation.Bank of New

ZPAlftlKl.Vjctohiaakh Vancouver Bank of Mont


Transact a General Banking and Eicnange Business

Term and Ordinary Depolsts ltect'lved.Loans made on Approved Security. Commcrclnl and Travelers Credits Issued. BillsofExclianio bought and sold.Collections 1'komitlt Accounted Fon.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

A Fow Shares of

Pnla Sugar Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government and 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

tion Bonds.t35 For particulars apply to

Tho Hawaiian Snfo Deposit &Investmont Company,

40f Fort Btrnot

-- Established 1858- -



Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in all tho principal citiesot tho world.

TEjeoi "ti Diis. Co! -

Commission .. Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries." One of tho divincst benefits that hns come to tho

human race." Tliomas Carlylc.

i i y ri i

Corner nud Merchant Sts.

1171 'j- -. i . . -

REV. W. !.. WiLLIAMU.i




Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

import from Princi-

pal Factories of World.

1 Fine Cigars a Specialty


wj.vav.'-.- vj,?tt?:':v.

Wo tho


"Wholesale nnd Ectail.

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month


s t to LuremsmM$m&&ksk

i Pastor's Story.

Rev. Williams

Could Not Keep

House Without

F&iine's Celery


rm&m:: x smm Wife Rec- -

s&lMm(&: ommftncsmmmwtySick Headache.

'100 SrASOX AVKNUK,Caxox City, Col., Jan. 13, 1S9-1- . J

Wells, "RioiiATtDsox &; Co.,

Dkau Siiw: Wo uho Paine's Coiory Coiiipouiid in our fiunily and could

not keep hotiso without it. Mrs. "Williams thinks there is nothing' equalsPaine's Celery Compound to cure nervous headachesand the like. Success to you in every way.


Pastor of Presbyterian Church.




sO-- w

HOLLISTER DRUG Co.,Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

if ., jriu&- - my - 'i U&&&1&im



Page 7: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,


Iff wm -- mmsmmmmmtA vrnmm


figuratively BptAklng, Castle & Cooke - tys7 IT

TS.4(LlMITKtl) '

vccra ofnrr rr; !H .'jhvii?orx,e:rh, --mna? w ' LL

The Cleveland andHardware) i43

Commission Mm. ISSWELL SPECIALS ARE HONEST. Merchants, m


Mrs. Sanford Thon yon rfcally thinkthis hat too high?

Mr. S. Yos, by nbont $10, dear.Truth.

"I Don't Think."


In a Hurry.


Sho (waiting in tho hall) Did youeoo father, Gcorgo?

Ho (oxcitcdly) I did, but I must go.Good by I

Sho What's tho matter? Stop andtoll mo all. You oskod him for myhand. What did he Bay?

Ho (taking out his watch and glanc-ing at it) Ho gavo mo just two min-utes to got out of tho houso I Wonder.

nu Identity.

Lost Child (to policomnn) Ploaso,sir, havo you soon n man without n lit-ti- e

boy? 'Cause if you havo I'zo that lit-tl-o

boy. Collior's Wookly.m

ThoUuiversnlStoves and Ranges'are Roiuc off liko hot cakes nt thePacific Hardware Co.

A. J. Derby, D.D.S., Dentaloffice Cnttngo No. 100, Alakoastreet, telephone o. 615. OHioehours 9 A i. to 4 P M.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro-pare-d

to quota prices on roopainting. Ho uses a composition ofcoal tar and comont. Cheapestand bost roo preparation in Ho- -YirkliilnUU.Ul M

uoantuui, artistic, accurate,charming island viows at KingBros. Evory prpiniuont point ontho islands is photographed by usand painted by tho host o ourartists.

Seattle is fast becoming a greatcity. Ono thing whioh makes itiamouB is Seattle beer, which youfind ot tho Criterion A goodthing always makes its mark.This is ono of tho bost things onearth.

Iiovoro Gardon Hoso has estab-lished a lasting roputation forsuperiority. Tho ) ply grauitobrand will lost longer tlmn heavier1 ply hoso mado of inforiormaterials. Tho Pacific HardwareCo., L'd.

Tho Criterion Saloon is apleasant place to go to and itsgreatest attraction is tho pure,cold Seattle boor on draughtthere. It makos ono's inustuohecurly and puts now lifo into thofailing consumptive.


Wcro tho wins for thoClovcland nt thoPark on tho 12th.

More than any other


$75 and $100 nro tho prices.Tho Clovelnmla spin to win.

Hie v Cleveland v Agency

ZVIaaonlo Tomplo.

Dr. W. L. Moore3P2iL,s7'sicIa,ri.etn,d.

IIllo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of thocyo and car.

Omco hours ggfgg:Waianuonno Avo. near Court IIo-uB- e. lftMf

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:-- Surgeon

Rosidonoo neit to II. W. Schmidt,Esi., Berctanla Btreot

Specially: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat37Khn



Emma Street, near Beretania.I5T Hours: 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 n m.

I. MORI, M. D.,

Office: CornorFortaudKukuists.Residence, Arlington Hotol.

Hours: 7 to 8:30 u m; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-unla- y

and Bund ly, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. C30.

Dr. C. B. High.,DENTIST.

Graduato Philadelphia Dontal Collogo,1892.

jSCasortio Temple.A. O. WALL, D. D. SM

DENTIST.Hotol Street, Arlington Cottngo.



Honolulu, II. I.EST Ofllco : 111 Merchant street.




Gk R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner.

Can Furnish tho BastFactory Rafercnca.

Office, Fort street, opposito Cathollo School.Tolephono 234, 442 and 100.

ttST Orders promptly attended to.


Mercantile Agency210 King atroot.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


Collector & Real Estate Agent,

Next to the Wouinu'H Exchange.

Bring in yonr hills, they will bo promptlyattended to. Tilephono 059; P. O. Box 430.



Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President nnd MnnnfjorClans Spreckels, - - -W. M. Giflhrd, Secretary nnd TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THE




Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Compiny, Onomea SucarCompany, Hotiomu Sugar Compaii), WallukuSugar Company, Walhcc Sugar Cotnjiany, MakeeSugar Company, Ilalcaknla Ranch Company, Ka.napala Ranch. riantcra' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chas. nrcwer & Co.'s Urie of Bostonrackcts-.-Agcnt- s Ilotton Hoard of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Boanl of Underwriters.

LIST Of OtriCKIMtP O Jones, Preaidont; Goorgo II Itohertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Troasaror nnd Sec-retary; Col. V F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II Wntcrhouse, A W Carter, Directors.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon StableB.

1'aciikco fc Fernandez I'jtors.

A Delicate Touch !

Keen Rnzors !

Artistic Hair Cutting !

Comfortable Chnirs !

DtT" Wo employ nouo but tho most ex-perienced Tonsorisl Artists. Tho moatLuxuriously appointed Shop in tho Isl-ands,

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat all noons.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON nAND.

Eagle -:-- HouseMiiiiiitui Avenue,

CARL KLEMME, Proprietor,

New management. Commodious rooms.Tablo tiourd tho tlnost, tucluding manyx'uiatauie uermau insnuu.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 lo $7.50

TaMe Board, per week $5.00


CD. Kroixoo, - 3?rop.Per Day S 2.00Fer Week 12.00

Spaelaa Moatlily Xo.toalTho Bost of Attendanoo, tho Bost Situa-tion and tho Finest Monls in this City


Hotel street, near Fort.BREAD, PJES and CAKES

Of all kinds,fXf Tho Finest Imported and Home

made Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

From 0 A. m tn II i. st. you can cet a Cupof Heal Kona Content the "Kllte" iLeCriinmParlors,




No. 6, Drnmm Strcot, - 8an Francisco,FOIl BALE IN BULK.

AMEntcAN Bonnno.v Whiskies in Bond pebarrel coutainiiig about 40 gallons eachat various prices according to ago andqnnhty.

CALiroiiNiA Qrapk Chanut t'u Bond poibarrel of about 40 to CO callous.

OAHE 0001)8.A Ito the celebrated Cane mitkiei :

"Lxtm Pony" Bourbon Wnisky, 12 bottles'3 gallons per case.

"Bcarurass" liourbon Whisky, 12 bottles, 22-- 5 Lmllnun twr paua

"Old I ioneer" Uourbou Whiskv. 1Q lmtllfa.2 2-- 5 gallons per case.

'Tennessee White Ityo" Whisky, 12 bottles'2 2 C gallons per caso.


Send ordors by .mall. Satisfaction d,

Bratmsohweiger & Co.,No. C, Drnmm streot.

Empire SaloonA general stook of Liquors, Ales nnd




Aro of tho finest and come to nidirect from Europe . . . .

OUR MCBRAYER WHISKEYImported straight from Lonis-vill-



Cor. Niiiiniiu und IlrrclmiU St.T. KKVK.V, niunuccr.

COOL FRESH BEER !On Draught and tho Stnndard Brands of





Tho celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles

David Dayton,A3 fvloroliunt Street.

Lands For Sale situatedat Kaneohe, Oa.hu,.

Lot near Liaialilo Home-Lot- s

at Pearl City.Furnished Rooms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant streot.


Cuctom HQuaa Drokor,

ISTotary -- :- IPublic,General Business Agent.

, Collections carefully attended to.


W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttoud to Convoynncing in

nil its Brnnohes, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Businoss entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt and CarefulAttention. Offico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstraot Office.

As a result of 15 year's oxpori-onc- o

in tho Abstract Businoss, Iam prepared to mako Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, accurateand complete raauuor, and onshort notice.

F. AV. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 818

Fort Streot. 21G-t- f

As tho Hunting Season is now open, it behooves every

Sportsman to see that his Dogs are in proper condition. Wo

carry a full stock of all best Remedies for Diseases of Dogs,


Benbow's JVlixture,

Sergeant's Sure Shota$ Humphrey's Remedies




Telephone 240. Ill Fort




High Grade




CocoasStreet. P. O. Box 147.

VKbi siksirccm.;


WDLLIAMS, (Manager)Undortakor nnd Embalmor

o. nox





,--: AT THE -,

Gitv Furniture Store,ox rori ana

Tn nSta,1 T?v "Rlr Allinrf o


TKLKrltONK 02- -



--r. to




Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Rooolvod by Eyery Packet from the Eastern State and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEEJAll Orderu faithfully attended to and Qooda Delirered to any

Part of the City FBEE,Island OnDna BoMorrKP, Batirmotiok Qdaiuktib)


TELrrnoNE 53. jg 8 P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Hallway & Land Co.'a Depot.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors aad Builders.IMrOllTEIta AND DEALE118 IK

Doors, Sash., Blinds, Joints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.

i. Jfr.











' l ViN

4 n


Page 8: V II? t. If ' IN I IN U T ULLCTIN Evening Paper Published ...TUE GEU.MANIA LIPK 1NSUKANCE O iMl'ANY OF NUW YUltIC By it.s Attorney, J. ALFItED MAaOON; Dated Honolulu, Hoileinber 17,

$$ &

fe ,f -







8TKAMKK W. 41. 1IAI.L. r.l'AHTi;i


The WnUlenlr The UImu oii theMnrlne llnllnny Iolnn

AloniC the Ilnck.

The dredce lias returned to the mouth ofttie Nuuunu river.

Tbo P M S S Ar.tec will not get away untilnomcllmc next week.

The Kllkltnt lian hauled up to Fort streetwharf to inilond lumlier,

Tlio elilp Troop Is discharging ballast andloading sugar at Oi entile dock.

Tlio Yamaguelil Maru did not sail ycMcr-da-

She leave for Seattle this evci lug.

The steamer KIiimi Is on tlio Marine Hall-M- ay

to have her bottom cleaned and re-

painted.The UBS Adams nturnrd front a crulfe

this afternoon. Bhe has been out siveralda).

Tomorrow, high tldclarno 5: 8 am; hightide small i pin; low tide laigu lu:IX li in;low tide small ll.HO a m.

The steamer WnlaUalo will sail at 4 p mtomorrow tor Kitnuiu, Knllblnnl, llnnuleland oilier ports on Kauai.

Tlio S U Wilder went ovei to the ltallroadwharf yesterday to (Uncharge some heavymachinery and oilier inerehani!su.

Tho band was down on Klnnu wharf at thodeparture of the S S Warrlinoo yesterday.Iieforc pl.iylug, the band bojs were trealidto refreshments by tl e steward of the nhitliner. a

Tho schooler Lavlnla lauded another lou..of coal fiom tho birk (lalnsliorough today.A quantity f the coal taken from the wreckwan put Into the Alaiiiida jeslerda), to betried in the liner's furiincitt.

llefore the depnrtuiu of the Warrlmooyesterday atteruoon, a stowaway who wasioiind lu ihu enul bunkers ot the steamer wasbrought ashore t.j Cnptaln Kvans Ho hadforgotten to pay a bill lor hW board up-town.


Futnvr, Septus.

USB Adams, WatMHi, from a cruise.Btmr iVulalcale, Peterson, from Kauai.

ui:pautuhkb.FitiDAT, Sept 23.

Jnp stmr Yamiiguehl Maru, Allen, lorSeattle.

Stmr W O Hall. Slmerson, for Maul andHawaii.


From Kauai, lier stmr Walalcale, Sept 25fl 11 ('.rant. Ah lloug nniiat dick passengers.

From Hawaii and .Maul ports, per rtnirKhali. lept'Jl Volennn: h A Mott-Sml- th

and wife, Harold i.illurd, J W Anderson, ONCurtaXHiid wire. 11 1 Kukln, Ur 'ollut, EA Mitchell, A Chamberlain, W 0 Pe.ieoeUand wife. Wuy ports. Mrs J Finney. MrsI. T (Srant.-- IleeUr, J C Serpiner, O J

I. C Ablet, Mr 1. T Smith, 1' A

Was, T W Rvim-lu- . AdJ M uonson, M Chi-niui-

H Walt. W Watt. E Mutton, W A

Wall, Mls A 11 Clapperd mi, Mrs Aklna, I.Aseu, II F Sehoen, (ho F Renloti and wife, V

Somerleld, Aou Aklua, Cnpt A hi born and Sideck patsengem.


For the Colonies, per stmr Alameda Sept24 Milton J Flood and Mls E Lamar.

For Vancouver and Victoria, per stmrWarrlmoo, Sept 21" W (1 Slnglehnrst, .1

Armstrong, .J li Henton. MIm Wlirht, CharlesF Schcrmerlioru, W A (ileason and Mrs C JMarkle, daughter and on.

Fur Maul and Hawaii, per stmr W G Hall,Sept 25 W O Smith and daughter, MrsOunn, Lizzie Perkins. l)r Weddlek. MrsWnlau. Mis l.ttey Dudolt.Capt Ahlborn, MrsHumphreys. C I) Miller, .1 Cunningham. MrsI) Kalawula, Mrs Mejer, Miss Daldson,Mist Mllhr, Mbs Clurk, and 44 deck


Stmr Walnleale, Peterson, for Kauaiports.


Ex stmr Walalealc 2JU b.igs rice.

Fxstmr Klnaii -- 120 bngt sugar, ai3 hagsepudi, M bac crrn, 25 head cattle, 19 hogs,3J bills hides, 128 pkgs sundrli's.


U 8 S Adams, Watson, San Fiauclsco.MCUCllANTMnN.

(Coasters uot ltteluded In this list.)

Am Cutler, Port Townscnd.Itr ship Troop, Fritz, Portland.Haw stmr Aztec, llrowtt, Nunaimo.Haw selir Norma, Uosehlll, Fieneh Frigate

Shoals.Hrlt bk Lailas. Dixon I.lverno d.Am brig W (i Irwin. Williams, V.Am bktu S i Wilder, McNeil. S F.Am bk Mtild.i. Miillle.Am bk Ceyl.ui, Calhoiin, Poll I'own-en-


Vessels here troin Due

Am hi: Martha Dails i F DuoAm sclih Offender, Eureka Due(ierbk II I'madcLaysnti Island. .. .Si pt Hotier lil; J C t.lud.'. Liu rpool,...No ember HO

Am bk Kriwitid Mnj New Voil(..Aeg:.H.'m bk JimiiIiioU Nev.cai.tle l)uUrslipKUull Nuwcustlc. .. Due(ler hi; rtplcii Ilnneu Aug oIII: blluihrn Nittciidle Due

i;'iiielirl.D. Iluwutd ICitchcock 1ms

fioni his vacation on Uu-wa- ii

and has rpopnned his classesin Drawing and Painting. Privatepupils givon instruction in speciallines. Glues Days: Tuesdays andThursdays. Studio, 115 IlotolBtreet.

A. J. Derby, D.D.S., Dontoloflioe CnltHm) No. 100, Alaicuastreet, Klfplmno v o. (i,5 Oflicohours t) A m. to i r it.

How to Mnlio n Ilalinl Illiiilmrli I'mlillug.Five sitickrt of rhubutb, oniMiuurtrr

pound of pounded sugar,pound of butter, roiiio stnlo bread. Linon plo dish witli Hlicua of bread nnd buttcr, cover with cut up rhubarb strewedwith sugar and thin slices of brend andbutter,, and so ou alternately until thodish is full, having tho rhubarb andsugar on tho top; cover with iv plutoand bako otic-hal- f hour. Servo hot.

How to Make Watermelon nd I'rach Ices.Watermelon lee. Select very ripo mid

n very red watermelon. Savo nil tliowater nnd scrnpo all tho red pulp fine.Allow a pound of sugar to a gallon ofthis liquid nnd freeze. When tlio ico ishalf frozen, add tho well bcatou whitesof 8 eggs nnd stir tho mnss frequentlyfrom tho bottom with u wooden spatula.Tho flavor of this ico naturally dependslargely upon tho quality of tho melon.

Pcnrit Ico. Select n dozen nice ripopeaches 3 lemons nnd II pints of elnri-lie- d

sugar. Paro tho peaches and presstho pulp through a sieve; then addtho clarified sugar and lemon juice, andfreeze. When nicely frozen, mix thor-oughly with tho ico a nieringno mndo oftho whites of 2 eggs nnd 4 tablespoonsof sugar. Set awuy for an hour beforeserving.

How to Tltnho a Dalntj riithllnnThis delicious pudding is mado from

half a cupful of rice, 3 eggs, 3 cupfuliof milk, half a cupful of sugar and apint of whipped cream. Boil tho ricountil tender, putting it ou to cook in apint of cold water; add a pinch of salt,and when cooked nearly dry put tho ricoin your doublo boiler with 3 cupfuls ofmilk. Cook until all tlio milk is ab-

sorbed and then put through a siovo.Kcturn tho rico to tho boiler; ndd tho 3eggs, beaten until light, and tho sugar.When cold, flavor, mix thoroughly withthe whipped cream, beating it into rice,nnd freeze.

How to Slake Halted Flam I'mldlne;.Eight crackers rolled flno, 4 eggs well

beaten, a qnart of milk, thrco-fourth- s

cup of sugar, 3 tablcspoonfuls butter,one-four- tcaspoouful salt, one-fourt- h

nutmeg, one-ha- lf tcaspoouful cinnamon,a pound raisins, seeded. Mix all buteggs, then add them, beaten very light,Baku in n modcruto oven about an hourand a half.

A I'ruilont Maid.

2jd,l ittnr-x-

m.A&iyO ifjd

"Jack writes he has been playingpoker with papa, and papa writes hecan't possibly sond mo n check for amonth."

"What on earth nro you coiug tortof""Sond for Jack." Life."

1'hI1 In Its Niime.

Olimnto of ovory varioty exertsa diiTerent iniluenco on tlio do-Bir-

of iuaukiud for a stimulant.In colder zones boveragos of greatalcoholic strength are used to avery much larger degroo than inthe tropics. Beer is best suitedto our climate and nono found intho market is bettor than thatbpariug tho brand of "Pabst,Milwaukee." It is browed fromthe best of malt and hops and isa great thirst quenchor and invi-gorat-

and stimulates tho nervesand muscles. At tho Eoyal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay be found, cold and pure. In-terchangeable cheekB aro issuedwhich may be used at any of thothree resorts.

M. A. P ixoto, proprietor of thoUnion barber shop, noxt to theArt Gallery, guarantees to givo ashavo that will mako your haircurl with joy.

Mechanics' Pi'ino, corner Hoteland Nun mil Htrwtn, lodging byday, woiik or tnnth. Terms: 25aid o() emit, inn f'r.t. $1, andSI . "r 4

llnvrTo Ganlou IIopa has estab-lished a lasting reputation forsuperiority. The .'3 ply granitebrand will last longer than heavier4 ply hoao mado of inferiormaterials. The Pacific IlanhvaroCo., LM. v

Kroogor Pianos, sweetest in tone,Jas.W. lJorgstrom, .solo agent, cashor installments.- - Warerooms atG. WphI'h, Masonic Temple. Of-fice tit Thrum V IlookStoro. Tun-ing and repairing. 8&? Tele-phone JM7.

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motiou, ureat speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. II. 13oigerscn, agent,Kii Bothel etrceUi.


Real ltateM?WjJK3lar- -

lor Sale.I Sotd.B Sold.8 Two Stores on Nuuinu street.4 Lot on Magazine Hill, 120x2"! fert,

commanding an excellent view of the citynttd harbor.

5 hot on Hackfeld street, 80x100.0 A Choice Hesldcneo on I.unalllo street,

halng nil modern Improvements.7 A Desirable ltcsldcnce at Maklkl.

Grounds well laid nut. Easy terms.8 Four Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

street, all rented at a monthly rental of 1 11)5.

This property Is 240 feet ou Punchbowl stree,with a depth of 832 feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a fronlago on samefor 4 or B more cottages. Tho central loca-tion oftho nroncrtv makes It most available.

0 House and Lot on Kluau street. Lot70x10" It. This property will bo sold at costand Is an excellent bargain for a home seeker,Tho houso Is elegantly llnlshed and of thebest workmanship and materials. There i ncarriage house and bum on the premises audtho yard Is well luld out w 1th fruit and orna-mental trees.

10 A Flno llcsldcnec centrally located,containing i5 rooms. Lot 12(1x200 ft. Twosmall cottages ou the lot bringing In goodrental.

1130 Acres ofLaiul In Kallhl valley, (Wal-kl-

side). i stream of water Hows alongthis land. A bargain.

1- 2- Sold.13 Sold.

1 1 A OotrmodlousHesldcnee on Hasslngerstreet, fitted with ull modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

15 Sold.PI llounoand Lot on llcrctanla street.

Houso contains II rooms, nnd all modern conveniences, Lot KiixUii.

17. Fine Residence on llcrctanla street.For further particulars Inquire at my olllcc,

IS. A House and Lot on Young street.10 House and Lot comer Victoria and

Ucretaula streets, opposite Thomas square.house contains 0 rooms. Size of lot lU0x2U0.

20 Sold.21 Houso and Lot on Yonug street near

the residence ot tho Itev. Mr. Hyde. LotUOirTill lt.iiii.fi omitnllia ,ttrlit. rilOlllfl.

22 Small House and Lot on Kcaumokustreet. Lot f.UxlUO.

23 Pearl City Property.21 Desirable Tract of Coffee Land on Ha-

waii.25 Two Stoics on Nuimnu st, opposite Ku

kul lane, also three lodging houses In therear of said stores containing 2u rooms In all.Tho above pays 10 per cent, and Is leased toresponsible p.ntles lor o terms of years.

20 A most Ooslrablo Homo on Thurstonavenue. Large grounds nnd beautiful Uow-- er

guidoni houso furnished throughout inhnrd wood with nil latest improvements.Excellent view of tho city nnd ocean, andone which cannot bo cut off.

27 V Large Lot and Commodious Dwel-

ling on Green Street, commanding an un-

obstructed viow of tho city nnd harbor. Nochoicer residenco is to bo had in tho cityoven by the most fnstldicux.

28 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, both, patent WC, scrvantsquartersnnd stables. One blockfrom car Hue at Punuhou.

20-- Only 4 or those Lots lelt near kameha-mcl- ia

school.HO I wo Houses and Lots on Llllba street.81 An IS Aero Tract of Land ut Kallhl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots.tt A House and Lot on Alnkea street.33 A Deautiful Uutldlng Lot at Kallhl,

100x200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.31 A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 210x125, Imlng a frontaue on Greenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's-ey-o

view ol the tltv and harbor.35 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence oi'Clau Sprockets.SO Elegant Ucacu Property at Walklkl.37-8- old.

33-- The only CHOICE LOT left nt Maklkl.It ndlrlns the resldeucu of J A Gllmun andthe residence sites of V L Hopper, 11 Luws,anu ur woou.

lilt-s- old.

!(' Sold.41 Sold.42 Lot 75150 New housu of 8 rooma,

elegant y llnlshed; 6crants quarters, carriage,house, stables, uic, at the corner of Alapaland Quarry hticcts. Good view of the oi ean.

4H Three houses of 0 rooms each, all rent-ed to good tenants. Lot II I) feet on Here-Inu- la

strict by a depth of 20U feet through toKluau street, and a frontage on tlio latterstreet of loo feet. Good opportunity for

4 Lot on Maklkl street, Cheap.45 House uml lot on Peterson Lane, a.

House contains II rooms. Lot 75x110.4U Duelling HotifeofO rooms, lilted with

all modern conveniences. Lot 125x110.Situated at Palatini.

47 Vacant Lot on WnlUkl Koad, 100x110.48lloii8e and Lot on Nuuaiiii stieet.

House contains eluht furnished looms.Very conveniently located near the businesscenter of the city.

411 Elegant Residence at l'uiiahou. Housoof 7 rooms with ull modern conveniences.Lot loor.'oo, nicely pUuted with fruit andornameutul tree.

Notice: I can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe above property lor purchasers desiringsamo at from 50 to 75 per cent of the value.

Wov .Rent.1 Worelioiue on Esilauade.!i A Storu on Foit Mreet next to Cluh

Stables.,l A Furnished Cottage In n good locution

for two or three month.1 House nnd Lot, 100x2.10, on Lnno off

So'ool street, udjniuiuK Knuluvelar.choolhouto. l'urlor, .1 lieh')iuur, diuiuK-room- ,

kiteluin, jmntiy, hutlihousc, ciirriii;o hotiBe,sti.hlo un 1 ii.'.lmildiii(.;. Jteiit ?-'- A permouth.

5-- A t Iful siiiuiner l!raidcnce nt theI'enluaum, I'e.nl ( 'tv, smnjiletely fiunlshed;live rooms ami nil's iiiirteii. Will lentclienp to h divln.lili lenuiil Tho lot soeran acre lu rlr.c mil uc!l laid out, mid

lieaullttil moh ot tlie hnrbor,15 Store Koum, (VixIS, ?J."i per month,

driveway Into It. Ucretunln etreu, ieur ofCIl Feed Store.

7 I'ieee ground ."II feet front, on lieretn-n- la

street, nest to Cltj Feed Store. Willerect good tor,-- on ground mid lease S jeuisat 0 II pel' iiiontli.

W A Furnl-lie- d Hi nldenco on Klnx streetIn a locullty.

0 A I'uitlj FuniWlied Ilenldenco at Wnlkl-Id- ,iievt to tin- - resldi'iieo of J M MeCliesuey.

Will lent by the inonMi or will leasu to adislrnbleiuty. l'lue eu bathing.

10 KuinUhrd Cottage (oreouple nt Wal-Kik- l,

quurters, stables, itc. permonth, long lent.u.

Hull on F.uimn street, groundHour. Anv society wlthlng u itilet locutionwill do well to see this.

A.- - V. GEAR,274-- tf U10 King street.

For Sale or Lease

"House and Xjot!On tho corner of Victoria and Oreen

streets.11' Apply to



Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, JS9G, $106,646.15

Monoy Loaned on Approved Sccnritv.A BnvingH Hank for Monthly Deposits.Houses llullt on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thitteeuth Series of Stook now open.

For farther particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secrotary.Clinmlxr ot Commerce- ltoorus.Ofllco hours, 12:.10 1;301'.M. 373-t- t

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Qcnoral Manager of

Tho Equitable Lifo Assurance Society

Of the United States for tho HawaiianIblnuds.

Orvor: Merchant street, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. 8CHM1OT Ik DON9,

Agouti for tlio Hawaiian Islands.

O. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for nil kinds of STONE

WOKK, monument work, cunout nndstone nldownlks nnd curbing, I havo onhand the best Hawaiian stone, Chinesogranito, oto. l'ino Btono for monumentalwork. Estimates given nud lowest pricesassured. Telephone 8.3.1.

GoDSsoliiateil Sole Water.

Co., KiEsplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

HOLLISTER & CO.,A fronts


. PLUMBER,Hotol St., nenr Fort. Tel. 802,


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Apprnisemoiit of BenlEstate and Furniture.


Merchant and llichnrds Streets.

J5gT Sharpens Tools and Cutting Knives,Grinds Surgical Instruments to Order, KileSaws, etc., etc. KH-tf


. Taixid.ermistHawaiian and Foreign Birds and Animate

mounted lu the hest manner, Ufclntr the latestmethods only. Hotel St near I)r MeGruw.


Nuuauu Vnlloy, above the ilausoloum.

All orders rdven prompt and faithful at-

tention. No oxtrn charge for deliveringFlowers to nuy part of tho city. Leis,Mountain Grccus and Carnations a spe-cialty. 2G5-t- f




225 Queen street, Honolulu, H. I.


Denlors in Lumber nnd Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Quoen Stioot, Honolulu.


Book and Job PrinterMorckunt Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Un wniintt News Company'sBookstore. my 13,


Queen stieet, Honolulu, and 215 Frontbtrcct, San Frnueisco, Oil.

iMi'or.TiatM orGeneral Hcrclisndiso end . .

. . Commission Merchants.



0or. Fort nud Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers nnd Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Qucon Streqts.

Canadiasi-Austrafia- n

Btoamors of tho nbovo Lino running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBotwocn Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. B. W nnd calling at Victoria, B. O.

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),

uSi.I5B IDTXIB -if-t-a? ZSOSSTOXjTTIjXrOn or about tho dates below fitntcd, viz.:

From Sydney nnd Sura, for Victoria nndVnncouter, It. C.i

Stmr "3IIOWE1U" October 24Btmr "WAIUtlMOO" November 2--

Btmr 'MIOWEKA" December 21Stmr "WAIUtlMOO" January 24

Tickets IhhuciI from Honolulu to Civniulu,United StntcH mid Uuroitc.

FItniOUT AND rASSKNOKll aoknth:

D. MoNicoLii, Montrcnl, Onundu.llonnnT Kbkii, Winnipeg, Cnuadn.

M. M. Stkiin, Snn Frnncisco, Onl.Q. MoL. BitowN, Vnnronor, B. 0.

Oceanic Steamsliin Co;

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco:Tho Now nud Fine Al Steel Sleamohip

" Monowai "Of tho Ocenuio Stentwhip Compnuy willbo duo nt Honolulu from Syduoy andAuckland on or about

Oct. 15, 1896.And will leave for tho nbovo port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The Now and Fiuo Al Stee Steamship

" "MariposaOf tho Ocennio Steamship Company willbo duo nt Ilonplulu from San Franciscoon or about

Oct. 22, 1896.And will havo prompt despatch withiUnile and Passengers for tho above ports.

Tho undersigned nro now propnredto iosuo

Through Tickots to All Pointsin tho Unite! Stutes.

CSTFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,Goneral Agents.

He lmm Co.


Arrive Honolulu Lenvo Honolulufrom S. F. for 8. F.

Bopt. 28, 1800. ...Oct. 3, 181)0

Oct. 20, 1800... ...Oct. 28, 1890

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Mariposa, Oct 22, '90 I Mouowni.Oot 15'91Monowui, Nov 11), '06 Alumedu.Nov 12,00

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed CompleteWITH

One Pasoa Photos of tho Sitter

Only $15.007tT Is tho LATEST OFFER v.o havo

to iimke.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotographer.KOBT STI ? TC ET.Henry Davis,

320 Fort htrcot, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Agent,

Custom House Broker and Statistician


General Business Agent.

Steamship Urn



l'rom Victoria nnd Vnncnnver, It. O., toSum. nnd Hj'iliiey!

Btmr "WAIUtlMOO" Octohtr 10Stmr "MIOWE11A" November 10Stmr " WAltnitlOO" Di c- - mber 16Btmr "MIOWEKA" Jonunry 10

C57 For Freight nud Pnssngo nnd allGoneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho IlawniinnlnlnndH.

tm ill fkm Go

AND Tltn

OcGiaeutal & Oriental Sleaniship Co:

For YOKOHAMA nnd HONGKONG iSteamers of tho above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to thonbovo ports on or about tho followingdates:

titmr City of Peking Sept 28, 1890Stmr Doric Oct. 7, lKOflStmrUelgio Oct. 24, 1S90

For SAN FRANCISCO:Stenmors of tho nbovo CnmtmiitVn will

coll at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong nnd Yokohama to tho aboveport on or about tho following dates:

tft'r I em Oct. 12, 890StmrCoptio Oct, 20, 1890StmrGneiio Nov. 0, 18U0

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO-- TO IIONd-I1AM-

KONd.Cabin 81C0.00 S175.00Cabin, round trip, 4

months 225.00 262.50Cabin, round trip, 12

mouths 2G2.B0 810.25European Steerage.... 85.00 100.00

JSTPassengers paying full faro will boallowed 10 percent off return foro if ro ,

LuiuujK wnuiii iwcivo mourns.

GTFor Freight nnd Passago apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO,,Agents.

Wife's Steamship Co's


Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KI3STAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will lonvo Honolnlu at 10 a. m., tonching atLahainn, Maulaca Bay and M kena thosumo (by; Mahukomi, Knwnihuo nnd

the following day, arriving atIlilo the samo ovening.


Tnesdiiy...Sept 29 Tuesday Oct. G

Friday Uct. 9 Friday Oct. 10Tncsdny Oct. 20 Tuesday . . . .Oct. 20"Friday Oct. 30 Friday Nov. 0


Returning, will leavo Ililo at 1 o'clock.P. M., touching at Laupahochoo, MahnAkona and Knwniliuo hiii o dayj Mukonn JLMaaluoa Bay and Luhaina tho followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof '1 noHday and Fridays.

Will odi at rohoiki, Puna.flJSPNo Fieight will be received after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDIM,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tnesdiiy nt 5 r. m.itouching at Kahnlni, IJnna, UnnioanndKipuhuln, Mnui. Iieturiiiug nrrives atHonolulu tjiiiidny moniingK.

Will call at Nun, Katipo, ou second tripof each month.

KTNo Freight will ho rocoived aftorp. u. on day of Hiiiling.

This Couiiuny will ruKerves the right tomako chtiugHs in the tiino of departure andarrival of Its hteuuiurs without untico undit will uot ho renpoiihililo for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Conftignres juust ho nt the Landings torocoivo their Frrieht; this Company willnot hold itself respoiiBilile for freight aftorit him buuu landed.

Live Stook only nt owner's risk.This Compnuy will not be responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in thn caio of Pursers.

Pahseugoi-- aro tequested to purchasetickets before embarking. TIioho fniliug todo so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.


To Let or Lease.

TnE nESlDFNOE OF MRS. A. LONG,one ruilo from postofHco. Largo house withturuituro. Four bed rooms, parlor, largo Idining room, pantry, kitchen, biith rooms,hot and cold water, with patent closots,servant houses, stables, horso paddock,garden and trees. A charming locntiou.

Apply to J ALIM1F.D JIAGOON.tf .Merchaut st noxt I'ostofllcci


