"••' V, * •• Dispatch Wednesday, February 15, 1956 No. < MKHffiAN.MlRKOR The Mfchi*ran legislature bother- ed for years by lack of money now now faces problem* caused by pros verity, involving a record bulgot unnumbered aocial isauea. v. William* th nl^ this c^n be done without any new taxe».T. 4 < .Re tubjicans, Ukiag no chances wont to aip his budget ^ 0 0 0 O ARIES ,, BASKET BALL HEWS j JAMBS MUB&AY DAGG f ' J -ikmM Winter, fcepsMr , James Murray Dagg was born fail Pmaksey lost to Soqgh Lyon Fri— Renfrew, Ontario December Q* l r Ui, the son of George and Leha? ixott Dagg. The family came to De Gkwrd 4ay 67 to 65. In the $rst quarter with second string men on the floor South Lyon took a 10 to 22 lead, at Bt. Mary's CaUioDc lav. Fr. Albert y Ma&ae. 8:00 and 10*0 devotion*. Fndaj when he was a boy. He worked j When the first stringers went in Confessions, Friday eveniag sjfUr the Plymouth Motor Company i Pinckney team played * them even Novema Devotioas and a heir to aip his g &*»jor target is $42,Q0fc000 for. new ^ ti 'atuon Us- g » laofttiy ior'watauon. uhy y for buldinitfaft*tM«y the installment l the co->t of paid f r OP increases A# the co->t f the turn for welfa** recipients loses T l i l t ** » . T.:« le,i,l t * f.r and the Detroit Screw Company.Ua March 19, l»i>6 he married Martha Agne* Richardson of 'Detroit. In 'i. they came to Pinckney ana k ought a lot at Hi-land Lake. He en listed in World War 2 and served in the South Pacific in the quarterm*3 '.er's depu Following this they built r. modem home at Hi-land Lake. Four years ago he took over the Gulf Service Station here which he Elementary School COMMENT the fact that both Miett, Kindergarten li.cky Henry's bird died. Dean :gun senators voted against it, tl» driven a tract >r.Scott Car- , : jvemor, the legislature and tfaa H8M8Bito has since Feb. 8, its buying power ABkttl-to increase tfua from v U '"•> f«0 mu-tii unJ hospiiaicare to 980. Democrats want increases i* work BWB'S unemployment compensation bat Republicans do not. Sepublian State .Chairman Feikens made a number of charges. That un 1O a members some Republicans >vert forced to contribute to the Democrat campaign fuud.That At- torney General Kavanaugh was cod. died on a traffic ticket. Democrat Chairman Stabler replied that the union contributions are legal and that Kavanaugh was not coddled Th issues as now shaping up are highways, education, mental health ^ and higher, benefits for the unem- j M7S. "R^"" Cruink "*liirs. rloyed and handicaped His wife died en July 3, He was a member of Livingston No. 76 F. & A. M. and took ». a part on the Fellowcraft team. He was also a charter member of the Pinckney Kiwanis Club. The deceased was the next door neighbor of ye editor 4 years and helped us out many times when we h\id a machine breakdown.We never knew him to be angry and his sunny disposition won him many friends. The survivors are his motherjdrs. Lena Dagg:, a brother, George and five sisters, Mrs. Claude Schlicht, William NEWS Keener and Mrs. H. D. Brundage of Detroit and Mrs. Charles Srader, wile of Chief Warrant Officer Srad t-r of California. I Score at half Pinckney 27, South 7tf0 to 9:00 p. m. and Swfey Lyou 3&Jn the 3rd quarter Pinckney continued their comebturkJUvin Sim on and Don Packer scored 14 of CaW»#v the 16 points scored the 3rd quarter BsiTjLra •»---»- PftMM , but at the beginning of the la»t s. S. Supi. ^* < ^ f 'Wa5r quarter South Lyon led 57 to 43. Morning Worahif 10:00 and Packer continued the f^rmay Sc* ol . . . . . . . . ... *.'.*.' 21:00 work and with seconds to ^o Young Peoples Meeting ...... I'M Pinckney only trailed 65 to 66.Tom Cottage Fallowthip Service Wylie got a basket to give Pinckney a tie but the referee did not allow it but gave Wylie. two free thro .vs. South Lyon called time out. Coach Keader told Wylie to make thci first throw trot m m the tecond so Pac'* jf** 11 " 1 * Worship 10:45 er or.SUnonson-could tip if in a.., tHurs. ««fit prayer meating win the game. This play won Pin- We ^£r£a£c/ '*»££ ney district title 2 y t a x i a g o , D-. „• * » « » « " •••••• « * • » • «• foe Psssie's Couroo M-36 West between Main and Unadilla Street* Ret. Keith Ruegiiegger, Pastor S.-00 Qimnk Eev. J. «. Wmx«r ( faster Suoday School 940 t, v.en* to the Suiiue Circus. \I:."- Quesenbery has n^w table . .d . i-'amela Koch's dad got a-- .t: Du Wayne Baxu-r has s; «. baby chicks. Beverly Wencell's ) .-. sj'jujrrel died. Ho,.dy Darrow . > *• M-.O i'-\\. Rity LeKnek went to i . t'^h'.iir contest. Sandra Salyti'.- jr-other bought & set of books.Pa ii- . CJ!I: ij:'!'lied to fisil.. I..*.*.:.: .' . .er 1 . J..d .ias a ncv, car. Linda Whhley smytd all '.uiii her L.Turidinuihcr. Bernie M> in has 2 chickens. Jerry Fjgath we o the Ford li•-lunua. r..;.ycr w Detroit were oa record against it 6 Michigan 'crr-.i-essman vote;! fc. the Lf : « ht Natural G .s bill would exempt the gas companies of v.eat to tli knocking the tipoff in. ifylie iolio-.v ed instructions, made the first a.ii his 2nd bit t rim. Packer tippe_ it, but did not have arch enough to knock it in and Pinckney finLshe - Sunday School 9:45 a. m. one point behind. 67 to d&Simonson Morning Wership 10:50 AM. was high with 27. Coach Reader Youth Group 7:00 p. m. say* this is the highest individual Eyening_S«rvte*_ 8:00 p. m. record for one game here. , Aon. Prayer Meechig in the Pinckney Cemetery with Livingston Lodge exemplfying tthe Masonic committal .service. The funeral of Murray Dagg here 1M be sent to the parents Sunday was one of the largest held explaining the responsibilities oi ' here. 70 Masons were out in regal- the school bus drivers to the stu<l- h Olin Robinson gave the funeral dents and vic« vir.-a. Eric Rose, Sec. 4-H WEAVING NEEDLES The Weaving Needier mot Karen Eichiv.i4n.Ninc members were present. After the buaimss meeting w« planned our Valentine party and we ' sewed. Our refreshments were hot cii colate The next mteting HATTIE SWARTHOUT Mrg HaMie Swarthout> ^ ed a«ay February 10 at .the Ard- ^ ^ Sanitar j um< g h e w a g born Qn March 25, 1866 # the daughter of The architact AS sant a strong t 1 tteT to L v. '.Union Construction ; The funeral was held Sunday att | rinckne^ Varsity Company rcrues.intf firmiy they I the Pinckney Congregational churh,; C'ark •w have a> theirwork completed Kev. J.W. Winger officiating.Burial by February 10th. The school has purchased one 2 door commercial rei'rijre -at<;r for the school kitchen A letter will The second team lost 53 to 31.The **j\ f inckney team goes to Boysville Fri **" day. Manchester plays here on Feo. 24. They beat Dexter and are tie i f.r first place. PiMtice Wad. 8:00 p. in* 4:00 p. m. p. m Neighboring Notes FG Vt PF TP The Masonic Huhman .... Kennedy Wylie Earns .......... Simonson .... South Lyon Varsity FG Peavyhouse hcek 0 2 7 0 0 3 1 U 0 4 4, 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 0 1 '3 3 .4. 0 of Stockbr;d»fi I'ast Maslcrs c ' N'o. Xite 1130 8 is Thursday, Feb .10. Dinn"i- at 7 p. 18 m. Ladies are invited. 1 0 TWO Patrick Lavey and wife of 7 Gregory have pone to Ft. llu;:chua, 4 27 .lid c.tp cakes. sat Baaydlos. 1 _."Ref'o_ne_r NOTES »age oi' • Milan Tha Cofcg'l. Choir Bextev KIWANlt Bev. Le.oy talked Tuesday •ang. William UrquharL, lawyer wiil talk on" Social- Securty next Tuesday night . 15 were tlie.i*. lane night. . and Esther Hicks Cordley j i.f Hamburg twp. at the Cordley t farm no>* known as White Lodyre [Country Club. Her entire life wu- ^pi»nt—this community whei'&, &li was an active member of the Con-- spent in this community where she served as clerk, trousurer, Sunday School teacher and organist for Root Molander ' Hopkins 1 Wienbtrger Wnprhts Short . . . t alker 1 i 2 6 3 1 2 2 1 0 2 4 2 4 3 0 1 1 0 0 3 a 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 G 16 9 2 5 0 Piaekney Jr.Varsity FG FT PF \> akefield White ~.v. .. . I cCleer ".. Arizona where he has been us^^;;nGj. Rev. Peyton, former Stocklr-idtfe Haptist minister is in Port Huron Huron hospital with a broken hip. The Chelsea Implement Company wus broken into last week. Only a Ernnl! amount was taken. 80 men from DeLnit, Jackson anr Ann Arbor held a fox hunt in the Waterloo area, last week. 3 foxes were baj?« p ed. Dinner was ser\cd to .'. \ CAlCi. OK liiAKKS y trv 18H4 sh^ married Herman H .''•/arthout.Ho parsed away Jarfiavy 31, 1931. To this union was born 5 diMren of whom 3 survive, 2 sons, t.aBelle 4 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 3 3 1 1 5 1 0 Lyon Jr. Var. FG FT PF TP ijjucan Bourns Williams ( ,Vith"ur and Harold and a daugh'.er, j x eeh] ( h | ^ We wish.to egress our, gr^titud? ( , s Rcth Kennedy. A daughter, to all who helped witn words a^'l j' r'-cjs&ie clieJ in April, 1947 and a son, deeds in j.assing of our loved one.; f , jyd iu babvhoudi The Family of Hattie^Swarthout The funeral w a s a t t h e Swarthout ' - ~ - ** Fuueral Home Monday afternoon, CARD OF THANKS . ^ pv Winger officiating. Burial in Mrs| Lena Dags ami family wish thfc p inckey Cemetery, to express their, gratitude to all the ; tnends and noiyhhors in Pinckney ar.d vicinitj, Living-sion Lodge, tho O. U. S. for their sympathy, floral j tributes and many other acts of ' Jt^adness the Bast week. The Family of Murray Dagg CARD OF THANKS X wish to thank my friends, rela- Mven and neighbors for their flow- er*, Cards and vists I received while at the hospital. Eugene Dinkel ROBERT JACK Robert J.'.ck, 69, died at Gulfpori, port Miss., Tuesday. He leaves his ife, the former, Irene Carr and 3 w * Mr A. Roberta Ho&kina, Mrs, Mildred Ackley, Mrs. Madge Rowe. The bsdy will be brought hfre. Funeral arrangements pend-- £nepard Kinne I>uwsett 5 2 5 5 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 10 6 A2 3 d2 0 4 1 - 0 1 •-' 1 them at the Lyndon town luil;. Fowlervilie lias started tJiuir driv- ers course. A new Ford has been ^'furnished them without cost by B. Campbell, local Ford dealer. The Parment (1 r Equipment and Supply Co., Brighton, was robbed of 150 last week. The state police made 14,113 ar- rests in December. 13,108 were for traffic violations. Mary M^C'lcer of Gregory is em- ployed in the McPherson State flank at Howell. Cliff Heller, Howell florist si the growers chairman at he state flor convention ai Di-Moit Feb.10-21. Second C-JVJ.V >:atc. j V.'o hop 11 ; hv k'.'^er Harbin a:;,i his brother,Mi/.. ..-ud their aunt. Tiit-y went to tl. ..c.\.er show uiul caii.e iionie UJI i: ou.-.. Dennis Reynolds went sleddin Caihy Hfuth visited the Ford Ko- runda.Lir.ua Sliiruy's jiuppy is honn i'roni tL li.-jpital. J)avid Chamufi - •vent t(. :x i.uv, Sihiday. Ruth L:.. chy is back in .school. She has new Secoad aad Tbird liobbio Cuiis had dinner with hi.s r .^unday.Cheri Schmid hu 1 ^randinothec and sa\\ r.'ovies taken of her C'luistmas. Sa: i>h McMacken visited her aunt ?.*onda. J;>an h;'d tide last Sunday. Connie's aunt and uncle visiLed her. Marc Meyer and JLllie Sliirey saw the ice review in Detroit, lio^er iSonner saw uii uoniroi and Jet them charge <r.kt they desir.d for gas. The h!:Ly is one of the largest la he nation and tremendous pressure us use.i and considerable money < vcrs 'pent. isenat^>r Case of Oregon \ v.ho voted against it says he wa< 'T.-red a bribe $2500 to vote for i t A :•« r; te conimttee is investigating 'is cli.vj-.t- but it is made up of mem - s whu vot; j ; f r the bill and ..i. • ate indications they are try- i..- to kill the invalidation. It will well sour. i. t j. e SU p,. eme test for President . luyM,-, A similar bill passed : v. as vtt-ed by President Tru- i. If the president vetoes it he , ie uuuri in history as great pres jdciii \shu put principal above par : .- Tiio hill was put through by the .seriaLor.s whose states have naU uiai ,Lras wells. These ^ r as companies are bi«- contributors to tht-ir cara- iiai;;;* funds. The Detroit News says that when the chips were down the gi:a companies as a result of patient rui;-inK of political ambitions and cs.-istance to political causes WAS aMe to deliver a bi-partisan major- iiy toj- the bill offensive to millions oi' &us users. cai 1 MRS. IDA VANFLEET j Mrs. Ida VanFleet, widow of John . . _ ._-.-_ ; VanFleet who "owned the Joe Stack; PWC1NBY MHN'S "A" LEAGUE , , b l e f e r ^ here uied ftt Boontotit s J. last week. Funeral and burial w:e there Saturday. She leaves a (V.;:editor, Mae.If the deceaased had lived until March 5 she would have been 100 years old. 62 60 54 51 B0 .49 39 26 28 34 37 38 89 51 51 51 59 67 1. Barnes Hotel 2. Read's Lumber .. 5. Larry's Marathon .. 4. Dinkel's Plumbing ., I. Y*lv«t E«z 6. Plainfield Farm Bureau 7. Detroit Die Set t LO.O.F No. 40 ,. 37 0. Van's Motor Sales ., . v 87 10. Prices Mobile Service . /37 11. Gregory Tavern ... 29 Hardware 21 Team High 3 Games Velvet Eez 2667, Dinkels 2613, lames 2666. Individual High Series A. Fredenburg 598, L. Jacobs 598 P. Singtr 693. Team High Game Head's 938, Dinkels 922 Borne* tad Vtlvet Eez 912. High One Game tvtn uatil last minute and half when • Taylor t46,Fredenburg 248 Jacob- High Averages S . Taylor 179, J. Udwidge 174 A. Vndmbvrt 172, J. Mack 169, H. 166. " AUTO ACCIDENT FATALITY .lack McLeLod, Dexter drujrgist ag killed last night when his car BASKET BALL SCORES ' Flat Rock 65.University 60;North v Hie 68, Brighton 64;Saline 71, Mi- lan 58;*Roseveltt 62, Dundee 59; Chelsea 62, Lincoln 38; Manchester 5ti, Dexter 41;Boysville 56,Hartland 37; Dewitt 77, Morrice 48: Haslett W, FowlerviHe 4T;Milford 96. Holly •>:; Okemus 83, Dansville 70; Stock },. iagr 48, Williamston 44; Webber. villc: 60, Byron 47; Swartz Creek T.i, Flint Hoover 54; Deerfield 64, Uriaon 54. APPRECIATION I wish to thank my 'classmates, friends, neighbors and the O.E.S. Mrs. E. .low on !:• a month h. bar. Dick V.. Mi>. v. Ro.-s oi Pinckney - home a tcr spending ; l. Joe hospital, Ann Ar- u'.mbrook, son of Mr. VanSlaihbrook of Greg We a Down in. Chiisti- ence > cleanup t.ovn uac iiig har. tion in the B'.u;: e, . U e J ia, La Tliv anti-se^ r regatioiii.sta won a cly victory at the University of x-ircus Wednesday and U«nnis Mo»- Aialama last week when the school a the cub scouts. Judy ShaK« . '"'''ed Authorine Lucy, 26, a negro -• - eacher with a college degree from he .school. The university in its 125 ear:; of existance has never had a icvu pupil. They refused her admit ;uue two years aj;o and she went > couri who ordered the university u iidmil her. They did so but she ao to have police escurt and her M was jjeltod with stones and ;^.s. Then the college president in irciM'sts of harmony denied her any irtijei 1 admission. The mob WOT* ji schooi students but sf'ifregaton- i. imported from th^ outside.How r there are indications that seg— aiion is; breaking- down. Kentucky . id several other states have_jihoj__ 4r : ierr and others will. It will ;, my years through before this in a]I accomplished. dei'L' d;. 1 went to Flat Hock. Mike . Haidir visited hi.s cousin in Dexter. ' \\'c n. . Mrs. Johnson. Fourth Grade having Valentine party K. is decorations chairman, Buua i L'fieshmcMis, Klur 'f'ka ^aine.^jt'jcUlio Colon*.. ]uad, We are having poj)--- at, VVt; are work- ciisi.sion and t, 111 r . J 1 • r -ek wo h •".! ri vu-. Fourth and 1-iiLa The Boy scouts had a J test on *Sii•.•«>!• Luke Sund;i,y. Darrowis a con Judy .nl John I '1 aclich's birth- on Vaieniini 1 ;.-, cJa,^. r-'ift:. (Jmde We art.', t o h a \ c n \alciiiitH 1 } have all tlu- committees duys are ed. We weluonie Lairy Winn of the The D;ixie school .SJ^ -> ' i., \v i..-,••.•>, t3 oui' las; : . Lj... t..*>.oto u i c i u u . Wt tumble and shoot baskets. Mrs. Heaton had a surprise birthday p'ar ty.We made cards for li'r. Our Mich igon unit is coming fine with our c-rr starch maps done.We have sent letters to aii the status i'or itifurmat ion about our new social study unit. Mrs. Breda visited us Our sj: ory has* I .e., promoted to Second j bee winners Lt. in i;! ..ie ROTC at Michigan Co)l ege of Mines at Houyhtton. A marriage license has been issu- ed to Frank Aaron Shirey 27, Pinck ney and Patricia Abbott, 29, Ann Aibor. Becky Morris, Jehovah's witnesses, the siormy petrels of t h e . religious \ o?lu are being investigated in On LU/IO at the instigation of an angry n.other whose 29 year old* daughter, a mrnjljer of the sect i '«,d because sl.e rei'u.sc(j to have a biood trans- fusion. JJlood transfusions are against the Jehovah creed. "They claim the Bible forpids the cons urn pi on of any form of blood. Lionel Anjan, head of tho sect there soid if the transfusion had saved her '" she would have lost it at Arm- The cult is also against which are saaUe r he use of VILLAGE CAUCUS Union Ticket Villas of Pinckney - Take Kotic'e that a Union Caacui will be held at the fire hall on Feb- luary 16, 1956 at 2 o'clock p. m. to VILLAGI CAUCUS Citizen's TieketVVinage of 'Pincknty lake Notice, a Citizen's Caucus wiii be held at the fire hall on Fek~ skidded on ion a mile this side of ( ru*ry 16, 1956 at 7 o'clock p. m. to fir their acts of kindness while 11 Nominate Candidates for office* to w&s in the hospital. Also for the be filled at the Annual Village Elec ] tion on Monday, March 12, 1956 viz President, Clerk, Treasurer, 3 Trus- tees to fill vacancy.Assessor. Mildred Ackley, Village Clerk Dated January 28, 1956 t and letters . Clifford Egeler Mary Ellen Singer and Gerald How ells. made valentines for Mrs. Keilenberger and mother nnd dad. Fifth and Sixth Grades "We had u surprise party for Mra. Heaton Friday.. Tuesday we had a valentine party. We elected Donald Barker president of the Elementary School Council. This week we elect a vice president. Sixth (jradc Newg We had a valentine party Tues- day with punch and tuna.che-cso and chicken sandwiches for refreshment i The boys chose up teams lor basket ball. We went to the Hollywood ice At the M—eric Grand Lodge ht last May Daniel and Saul Jewish brothers whose fath, cr^ David Levine, was an auto pion eer , ^ave $100,000 to the Michiigan. Masonic Home at Alma. They own thty Federal Engineering Company Later they gave $100,000 to a Jew- ish orphanage. Now we read- th*t~ Damel Levine has entered a car in the Indianapolis Auto Races on May 30. a Federal Engineering Special. 1 review. The have picked GETS APPOINTMENT Dexter. He leaves his wile sons. and 3 Nominate Candidates for office* to F ' L«wrence Camburo,, master of be filled at the Annual Village Elec j Livsngaton Lodge in 1955 has been , tion on Monday, March 12, 1356 viz , appointed to the Objective Program 7th DISTRICT ELECTION I Piesident, Clerk, Treasurer, 3 Trus- committee of Michigan grand lodge tees to fill vacancy.Assesaor. f by Henry Ruusi of Ishpeming.grand At the 7th district election held at Ypsilanti Saturday night Olin Robinson of Livingston Lodge was ducted to the board of general pur- noses and Barney Wilson of Frater- utiy lodge, Ann Arbor district in- structtor. They had no opposition. The following from Livingston Lodge attended: Lonnie VanSlam— brook, Henry Hauck, Merwin C&ran. >ell| Winston Baughn, Lawrence Baaghn. Norman MiUer, Clare Mill- ?)', Olin Robinson, ye edittor. 0. R. i. NO. CALENDAB F*b. II: gwiitinirt Put*. Mildred Ackley, Village Clerk Dated January 28, 1966 master. This was provided for in a resolution by Howard Taylor voted by grand Iodfe at D:Lroit last May. LIVINGSTON LODGE NO. 76 I It consists of 6 members whose ob- FEBRUARY CALENDAR | J«ct is to draw up an objective pro. J*'eb. 17-8 p. m. FC degrees • gram for grand lod^e and the craft Feb. 25-8 p. m. EA degrees (4) H Michigan.Their first meeting was April 14-Past Masters banquet 01 at the Allenel Hotel,Ann Arbor Jan. Little Grand Lodge at school 7 p. m. 22. Their next is in Lansing.. Ir. conjunction with Howeli, Fo*- T he lodge congratulates Larry ltr/iiie ond Brighton. Livingston on his honors. Other Livingston Lodge will sponsor a county DeMo- members who have served on grand Uy Chapter. Afcnw VanSlambrook, W. if. lodge committees and boards ore country to work on for a unit. We are learning to square dance. Thj Mother's Club have asked us to Jo a play for their carnival. We accept* ed We are planning for our gradua- tion. The lively Junior Class had anoth er of their delightful parties at the home of Kittie Pierre at Hi-land Lako Saturday night. Among the prominent upper classmen there the Wylie cousins/Tommy and Dick. The 6th grade went to the ice re- view Saturday in the school bus driven by Mark Nash. Chaperones were Mesdames Bob Tasch, Ellen McAfee, Lucille Beck, Stella Garr Jounette Singer, Hazel Poulson and Herbert Barrett. LIBRARY NEWS New books at the library are The Search for Bridey Murphy by Bern- John R. Maitfei, Olio Robinson aad'tteia and Thi Fighting Qu*k*r by > *a«l W. Cnrltft. Seerttarj yt tditor. i 1'ARSO.NAGE DEDICATION Despite snow, sleet and icy streeti" of winter a pood" .crowd gath- ered at the People's Church Satur- dav night for the family church nite where a bountiful meal was enjOf+'A ed. Then a $hort song service let <;y Mts.r Wellman and the tor offered a prayer. Then RtVJ Mrs. Ruepse^per held open hoi at i\\e new parsonage. ~ After'" th»l building was inspected, the and wife opened the gifts that arrived and thanked those wlio bsrf given them./The church cha£nnasw Marvin ^Shh-ey, read a portion of scripture and Rev.Ruegsegger a prayer in which he dedicated parsonage to God to be used ia service as long as it should even unto the second coming Christ Then the pastors two ters sang "Jesus Loves Ut" with h*lp~ "from" •ning WM -fr* NT «^ x&r- . • ••"• . •

V, Dispatchpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-02-15.pdf · "••' V, * • •• Dispatch Wednesday, February 15, 1956 No. < MKHffiAN.MlRKOR The Mfchi*ran legislature bother-ed

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" • • ' V , *

• •• DispatchWednesday, February 15, 1956 No.

< MKHffiAN.MlRKORThe Mfchi*ran legislature bother-

ed for years by lack of money nownow faces problem* caused by prosverity, involving a record bulgot

unnumbered aocial isauea.v. William* th nl^ this c n be

done without any new taxe».T.4< .Retubjicans, Ukiag no chances wontto aip his budget ^ 0 0 0 O

ARIES , , BASKET BALL HEWS jJAMBS MUB&AY DAGG f ' J -ikmM Winter, fcepsMr ,

James Murray Dagg was born fail Pmaksey lost to Soqgh Lyon Fri—Renfrew, Ontario December Q*lrUi, the son of George and Leha?ixott Dagg. The family came to De


4ay 67 to 65. In the $rst quarterwith second string men on the floorSouth Lyon took a 10 to 22 lead, at

Bt. Mary's CaUioDclav. Fr. Albert

y Ma&ae. 8:00 and 10*0devotion*. Fndaj

when he was a boy. He worked j When the first stringers went in Confessions, Friday eveniag sjfUrthe Plymouth Motor Company i Pinckney team played * them even Novema Devotioas and

a heirto aip his g&*»jor target is $42,Q0fc000 for. new^ ti ' a t u o n Us-g

» laofttiy ior'watauon.uhy yfor buldinitfa ft* tM«ythe installment l

the co->t of

paid f r OP

increasesA# the co->t fthe turn for welfa** recipients loses

T l i l t ** ». T.:« le,i,l t *

f.rand the Detroit Screw Company.UaMarch 19, l»i>6 he married MarthaAgne* Richardson of 'Detroit. In

'i. they came to Pinckney anak ought a lot at Hi-land Lake. He enlisted in World War 2 and served inthe South Pacific in the quarterm*3'.er's depu Following this they builtr. modem home at Hi-land Lake.Four years ago he took over theGulf Service Station here which he

Elementary School COMMENTthe fact that both Miett,Kindergarten

li.cky Henry's bird died. Dean :gun senators voted against it, t l»driven a tract >r.Scott Car- ,: jvemor, the legislature and tfaa


has sinceFeb. 8,

its buying powerABkttl-to increase tfua from v U '"•>f«0 mu-tii unJ hospiiaicare to 980.Democrats want increases i* work

BWB'S unemployment compensationbat Republicans do not.Sepublian State .Chairman Feikens

made a number of charges. That un1Oa members some Republicans>vert forced to contribute to theDemocrat campaign fuud.That At -torney General Kavanaugh was cod.died on a traffic ticket. DemocratChairman Stabler replied that theunion contributions are legal andthat Kavanaugh was not coddled

Th issues as now shaping up arehighways, education, mental health ^and higher, benefits for the unem- j M7S. " R ^ " " Cruink "*liirs.rloyed and handicaped •

His wife died enJuly 3,

He was a member of LivingstonNo. 76 F. & A. M. and took ».a part on the Fellowcraft team. Hewas also a charter member of thePinckney Kiwanis Club.

The deceased was the next doorneighbor of ye editor 4 years andhelped us out many times when weh\id a machine breakdown.We neverknew him to be angry and his sunnydisposition won him many friends.

The survivors are his motherjdrs.Lena Dagg:, a brother, George andfive sisters, Mrs. Claude Schlicht,



Keener and Mrs. H. D. Brundage ofDetroit and Mrs. Charles Srader,wile of Chief Warrant Officer Sradt-r of California.


Score at half Pinckney 27, South 7tf0 to 9:00 p. m. and SwfeyLyou 3&Jn the 3rd quarter Pinckneycontinued their comebturkJUvin Simon and Don Packer scored 14 of CaW»#vthe 16 points scored the 3rd quarter BsiTjLra •»---»- P f tMM ,but at the beginning of the la»t s . S. Supi. ^ * < ^ f ' W a 5 rquarter South Lyon led 57 to 43. Morning Worahif 10:00

and Packer continued the f^rmay Sc* ol . . . . . . . . ...*.'.*.' 21:00work and with seconds to ^o Young Peoples Meeting ...... I'M

Pinckney only trailed 65 to 66.Tom Cottage Fallowthip ServiceWylie got a basket to give Pinckneya tie but the referee did not allowit but gave Wylie. two free thro .vs.South Lyon called time out. CoachKeader told Wylie to make thci firstthrow trot mm the tecond so Pac'* jf**11"1* Worship 10:45er or.SUnonson-could tip if in a.., tHurs. ««fit prayer meatingwin the game. This play won Pin- W e ^ £ r £ a £ c / '*»££n e y d i s t r i c t title 2 y t a x i a g o , D - . „• • * » « » • • « " • • • • • • « * • » • « •

foe Psssie's CourooM-36 West between Main and

Unadilla Street*Ret. Keith Ruegiiegger, Pastor


QimnkEev. J. « . Wmx«r( faster

Suoday School 940 t,

v.en* to the Suiiue Circus. \I:."-Quesenbery has n^w table . .d. i-'amela Koch's dad got a-- .t:Du Wayne Baxu-r has s; «.

baby chicks. Beverly Wencell's ) .-.sj'jujrrel died. Ho,.dy Darrow . >*• M-.O i'-\\. Rity LeKnek went to i.

t'^h'.iir contest. Sandra Salyti'.-jr-other bought & set of books.Pa ii-

. CJ!I: ij:'!'lied to fisil..I..*.*.:.: .' . .er1. J..d .ias a ncv,car. Linda Whhley smytd all'.uiii her L.Turidinuihcr. Bernie M>in has 2 chickens. Jerry Fjgath weo the Ford li•-lunua.

r..;.ycr w Detroit were oa recordagainst it 6 Michigan'crr-.i-essman vote;! fc. theLf : « h t Natural G .s billwould exempt the gas companies of

v.eat to tli

knocking the tipoff in. ifylie iolio-.ved instructions, made the first a.iihis 2nd bit t rim. Packer tippe_ it,but did not have arch enough toknock it in and Pinckney finLshe - Sunday School 9:45 a. m.one point behind. 67 to d&Simonson Morning Wership 10:50 AM.was high with 27. Coach Reader Youth Group 7:00 p. m.say* this is the highest individual Eyening_S«rvte*_ 8:00 p. m.record for one game here. , A o n . Prayer Meechig

in the Pinckney Cemetery withLivingston Lodge exemplfying ttheMasonic committal .service.

The funeral of Murray Dagg here1M be sent to the parents Sunday was one of the largest held

explaining the responsibilities oi ' here. 70 Masons were out in regal-the school bus drivers to the stu<l- h Olin Robinson gave the funeral

dents and vic« vir.-a.Eric Rose, Sec.

4-H WEAVING NEEDLESThe Weaving Needier mot

Karen Eichiv.i4n.Ninc members werepresent. After the buaimss meetingw« planned our Valentine partyand we ' sewed. Our refreshmentswere hot cii colateThe next mteting

HATTIE SWARTHOUTMrg H a M i e S w a r t h o u t > ^

e d a«ay February 10 at .the Ard-^ ^ S a n i t a r j u m < g h e w a g b o r n Qn

March 25, 1866 # the daughter of

The architact AS sant a strong t

1 tteT to L v. '.Union Construction ; The funeral was held Sunday att | rinckne^ VarsityCompany rcrues.intf firmiy they I the Pinckney Congregational churh,; C'ark• w have a> theirwork completed Kev. J.W. Winger officiating.Burialby February 10th.

The school has purchased one 2door commercial rei'rijre -at<;r forthe school kitchenA letter will

The second team lost 53 to 31.The **j\f inckney team goes to Boysville Fri **"day. Manchester plays here on Feo.24. They beat Dexter and are tie if.r first place.

PiMtice Wad.

8:00 p. in*4:00 p. m.

p. m

Neighboring NotesFG Vt PF TP The Masonic

Huhman . . . .KennedyWylieEarns . . . . . . . . . .Simonson . . . .South Lyon Varsity FGPeavyhousehcek







0 of Stockbr;d»fiI'ast Maslcrs

c ' N'o.Xite

11308 is T h u r s d a y , F e b .10. Dinn"i- a t 7 p .

18 m. Ladies a r e invited.10 T W O Pa t r i ck Lavey and wife of7 Gregory have pone to Ft. llu;:chua,4


.lid • c.tp cakes.s a t Baaydlos.1_."Ref'o_ne_r

NOTES»age oi' • Milan

Tha Cofcg'l. ChoirBextev

KIWANltBev. Le.oy

talked Tuesday•ang. William UrquharL,lawyer wiil talk on" Social- Securtynext Tuesday night .

15 were tlie.i*. lane night. .

and Esther Hicks Cordleyj i.f Hamburg twp. at the Cordleyt farm no>* known as White Lodyre[Country Club. Her entire life wu-^pi»nt—this community whei'&, &liwas an active member of the Con--spent in this community where sheserved as clerk, trousurer, SundaySchool teacher and organist for


' Hopkins1 Wienbtrger

WnprhtsShort . . .t alker






0Piaekney Jr.Varsity FG FT PF\> akefieldWhite ~.v. .. .I cCleer "..

Arizona where he has been us^^;;nGj.Rev. Peyton, former Stocklr-idtfe

Haptist minister is in Port HuronHuron hospital with a broken hip.

The Chelsea Implement Companywus broken into last week. Only aErnnl! amount was taken.

80 men from DeLnit, Jackson anrAnn Arbor held a fox hunt in theWaterloo area, last week. 3 foxeswere baj?«ped. Dinner was ser\cd to


\ CAlCi. OK liiAKKS

ytrv 18H4 sh^ married Herman H

.''•/arthout.Ho parsed away Jarfiavy31, 1931. To this union was born 5diMren of whom 3 survive, 2 sons,






Lyon Jr. Var. FG FT PF TPijjucanBournsWilliams

(,Vith"ur and Harold and a daugh'.er, j x e e h ]( h | ^We wish.to e g r e s s our, gr^titud? ( M£,s R c t h Kennedy. A daughter,

to all who helped witn words a^'l j ' r'-cjs&ie clieJ in April, 1947 and a son,deeds in j.assing of our loved one.; f , j y d i u • b a b v h o u d i

The Family of Hattie^Swarthout T h e f u n e r a l w a s a t t h e Swarthout' - ~-** Fuueral Home Monday afternoon,

CARD OF THANKS . p v Winger officiating. Burial inMrs| Lena Dags ami family wish thfc p i n c k e y Cemetery,

to express their, gratitude to all the ;tnends and noiyhhors in Pinckneyar.d vicinitj, Living-sion Lodge, thoO. U. S. for their sympathy, floral jtributes and many other acts of 'Jt adness the Bast week.

The Family of Murray Dagg

CARD OF THANKSX wish to thank my friends, rela-

Mven and neighbors for their flow-er*, Cards and vists I received whileat the hospital. Eugene Dinkel

ROBERT JACKRobert J.'.ck, 69, died at Gulfpori,

port Miss., Tuesday. He leaves hisife, the former, Irene Carr and 3w

* Mr A. Roberta Ho&kina,Mrs, Mildred Ackley, Mrs. MadgeRowe. The bsdy will be broughthfre. Funeral arrangements pend--






A23 d20 41 - 01 •-'


t h e m a t t he Lyndon town luil;.Fowle rv i l i e lias s t a r t ed tJiuir dr iv-

e r s cou r se . A new Ford has been^'furnished them without cost by B.

Campbell, local Ford dealer.The Parment(1r Equipment and

Supply Co., Brighton, was robbedof 150 last week.

The state police made 14,113 ar-rests in December. 13,108 were fortraffic violations.

Mary M^C'lcer of Gregory is em-ployed in the McPherson Stateflank at Howell.

Cliff Heller, Howell florist si thegrowers chairman at he state flor

convention ai Di-Moit Feb.10-21.

SecondC-JVJ.V >:atc.

j V.'o hop11 ; hvk'.'^er Harbin a:;,i his brother,Mi/... . - u d their aunt. Tiit-y went to tl...c.\.er show uiul caii.e iionie UJI i:ou.-.. Dennis Reynolds went sleddinCaihy Hfuth visited the Ford Ko-runda.Lir.ua Sliiruy's jiuppy is honni'roni tL li.-jpital. J)avid Chamufi -•vent t(. :x i.uv, Sihiday. Ruth L:..chy is back in .school. She has new

Secoad aad Tbirdliobbio Cuiis had dinner with hi.s

r .^unday.Cheri Schmidhu1 ^randinothec and sa\\

r.'ovies taken of her C'luistmas. Sa:i>h McMacken visited her aunt?.*onda. J;>an h; 'dtide last Sunday. Connie's aunt anduncle visiLed her. Marc Meyer andJLllie Sliirey saw the ice review inDetroit, lio^er iSonner saw

uii uoniroi and Jet them charge<r.kt they desir.d for gas. Theh!:Ly is one of the largest lahe nation and tremendous pressureus use.i and considerable money

< vcrs 'pent. isenat^>r Case of Oregon\ v.ho voted against it says he wa<

'T.-red a bribe $2500 to vote for i tA :•« r; te conimttee is investigating'is cli.vj-.t- but it is made up of mem

• -s whu vot;j; f r the bill and..i. • ate indications they are try-

i..- to kill the invalidation. It willwell sour. i. t j . e S U p , . e m e test for President

. luyM,-, A similar bill passed: v. as vtt-ed by President Tru-i. If the president vetoes it he

, ie uuuri in history as great presjdciii \shu put principal above par: .- Tiio hill was put through bythe .seriaLor.s whose states have naUuiai ,Lras wells. These ^ras companiesare bi«- contributors to tht-ir cara-iiai;;;* funds. The Detroit News saysthat when the chips were down thegi:a companies as a result of patientrui;-inK of political ambitions andcs.-istance to political causes WASaMe to deliver a bi-partisan major-iiy toj- the bill offensive to millionsoi' &us users.cai1

MRS. IDA VANFLEETj Mrs. Ida VanFleet, widow of John

. . _ ._-.-_ ; VanFleet who "owned the Joe Stack;PWC1NBY MHN'S "A" LEAGUE , , b l e f e r ^ h e r e u i e d ftt Boontotit s

J. last week. Funeral and burialw:e there Saturday. She leaves a(V.;:editor, Mae.If the deceaased hadlived until March 5 she would havebeen 100 years old.





1. Barnes Hotel2. Read's Lumber ..5. Larry's Marathon ..4. Dinkel's Plumbing

., I. Y*lv«t E«z6. Plainfield Farm Bureau7. Detroit Die Sett LO.O.F No. 40 , . 37

0. Van's Motor Sales ., . v 8710. Prices Mobile Service . /3711. Gregory Tavern . . . 29

Hardware — 21Team High 3 Games

Velvet Eez 2667, Dinkels 2613,lames 2666.

Individual High SeriesA. Fredenburg 598, L. Jacobs 598

P. Singtr 693.Team High Game

Head's 938, Dinkels 922 Borne*tad Vtlvet Eez 912.

High One Gametvtn uatil last minute and half when

• Taylor t46,Fredenburg 248 Jacob-

High AveragesS . Taylor 179, J. Udwidge 174

A. Vndmbvrt 172, J. Mack 169, H.166. "

AUTO ACCIDENT FATALITY.lack McLeLod, Dexter drujrgistag killed last night when his car

BASKET BALL SCORES 'Flat Rock 65.University 60;North

v Hie 68, Brighton 64;Saline 71, Mi-lan 58;*Roseveltt 62, Dundee 59;Chelsea 62, Lincoln 38; Manchester5ti, Dexter 41;Boysville 56,Hartland37; Dewitt 77, Morrice 48: HaslettW, FowlerviHe 4T;Milford 96. Holly•>:; Okemus 83, Dansville 70; Stock},. iagr 48, Williamston 44; Webber.villc: 60, Byron 47; Swartz CreekT.i, Flint Hoover 54; Deerfield 64,Uriaon 54.

APPRECIATIONI wish to thank my 'classmates,

friends, neighbors and the O.E.S.

Mrs. E.. l o w o n !:•

a month h.bar.

Dick V..Mi>.

v. Ro.-s oi Pinckney- home a tcr spending

;l. Joe hospital, Ann Ar-

u'.mbrook, son of Mr.VanSlaihbrook of Greg

We aDown in.Chiisti-ence >cleanupt.ovn uaciiig har.tion inthe B'.u;:

e, . U eJ ia, La

Tliv anti-se^rregatioiii.sta won acly victory at the University of

x-ircus Wednesday and U«nnis Mo»- Aialama last week when the schoola the cub scouts. Judy ShaK« . '"'' 'ed Authorine Lucy, 26, a negro

-• - • — eacher with a college degree fromhe .school. The university in its 125ear:; of existance has never had a

icvu pupil. They refused her admit;uue two years aj;o and she went> couri who ordered the universityu iidmil her. They did so but sheao to have police escurt and herM was jjeltod with stones and;^.s. Then the college president inirciM'sts of harmony denied her anyirtijei1 admission. The mob WOT*ji schooi students but sf'ifregaton-i. imported from th^ outside.How• r there are indications that seg—aiion is; breaking- down. Kentucky

. id several other states have_jihoj__4r:ierr and others will. It will h»;, my years through before this ina]I accomplished.

dei'L' d;. 1 went to Flat Hock. Mike .Haidir visited hi.s cousin in Dexter. '\\'c n. . Mrs. Johnson.

Fourth Gradehaving Valentine party K.is decorations chairman,Buua i L'fieshmcMis, Klur

'f'ka ^aine.^jt'jcUlio Colon*..]uad, We are having poj)---

at, VVt; are work-ciisi.sion and


111 r . J 1 • r

-ek wo h •".! rivu-.

Fourth and 1-iiLaThe Boy scouts had a J

test on *Sii•.•«>!• Luke Sund;i,y.Darrowis a


.nl John I '1 aclich's birth-on Vaieniini1;.-, cJa, .

r-'ift:. (JmdeW e art.', to h a \ c n \ a l c i i i i t H 1

} have all tlu- committees

duys are

ed. We weluonie Lairy Winn of the


D ; i x i e s c h o o l . S J ^ -> ' i . , \v i..-,••.•>,

t 3 o u i ' l a s ; : . L j . . . t . . * > . o t o u i c i u u .

Wt tumble and shoot baskets. Mrs.Heaton had a surprise birthday p'arty.We made cards for li'r. Our Michigon unit is coming fine with ourc-rr starch maps done.We have sentletters to aii the status i'or itifurmation about our new social study unit.Mrs. Breda visited us Our sj:

ory has* I .e., promoted to Second j bee winnersLt. in i;! ..ie ROTC at Michigan Co)lege of Mines at Houyhtton.

A marriage license has been issu-ed to Frank Aaron Shirey 27, Pinckney and Patricia Abbott, 29, AnnAibor.

Becky Morris,

Jehovah's witnesses, thesiormy petrels of t h e . religious\ o?lu are being investigated in OnLU/IO at the instigation of an angryn.other whose 29 year old* daughter,a mrnjljer of the sect i '«,d becausesl.e rei'u.sc(j to have a biood trans-fusion. JJlood transfusions areagainst the Jehovah creed. "Theyclaim the Bible forpids the cons urnpi on of any form of blood. LionelAnjan, head of tho sect there soidif the transfusion had saved her' " she would have lost it at Arm-

The cult is also againstwhich are saaUe

rhe use of


Union Ticket Villas of Pinckney- Take Kotic'e that a Union Caacuiwill be held at the fire hall on Feb-luary 16, 1956 at 2 o'clock p. m. to

VILLAGI CAUCUSCitizen's TieketVVinage of 'Pincknty

lake Notice, a Citizen's Caucuswiii be held at the fire hall on Fek~

skidded on ion a mile this side of ( ru*ry 16, 1956 at 7 o'clock p. m. to

fir their acts of kindness while 11 Nominate Candidates for office* tow&s in the hospital. Also for the be filled at the Annual Village Elec

] tion on Monday, March 12, 1956 vizPresident, Clerk, Treasurer, 3 Trus-tees to fill vacancy.Assessor.

Mildred Ackley, Village ClerkDated January 28, 1956

t and letters .Clifford Egeler

Mary Ellen Singer and Gerald Howells. W« made valentines for Mrs.Keilenberger and mother nnd dad.

Fifth and Sixth Grades"We had u surprise party for Mra.

Heaton Friday.. Tuesday we had avalentine party. We elected DonaldBarker president of the ElementarySchool Council. This week we electa vice president.

Sixth (jradc NewgWe had a valentine party Tues-

day with punch and tuna.che-cso andchicken sandwiches for refreshment

i The boys chose up teams lor basketball. We went to the Hollywood ice

At the M—eric Grand Lodge htlast May Daniel and SaulJewish brothers whose fath,

cr David Levine, was an auto pioneer , ^ave $100,000 to the Michiigan.Masonic Home at Alma. They ownthty Federal Engineering CompanyLater they gave $100,000 to a Jew-ish orphanage. Now we read- th*t~Damel Levine has entered a car inthe Indianapolis Auto Races onMay 30. a Federal EngineeringSpecial. 1

review. The have picked


Dexter. He leaves his wilesons.

and 3 Nominate Candidates for office* to F' L«wrence Camburo,, master ofbe filled at the Annual Village Elec j Livsngaton Lodge in 1955 has been

, tion on Monday, March 12, 1356 viz , appointed to the Objective Program7th DISTRICT ELECTION I Piesident, Clerk, Treasurer, 3 Trus- committee of Michigan grand lodge

tees to fill vacancy.Assesaor. f by Henry Ruusi of Ishpeming.grandAt the 7th district election heldat Ypsilanti Saturday night OlinRobinson of Livingston Lodge wasducted to the board of general pur-noses and Barney Wilson of Frater-utiy lodge, Ann Arbor district in-structtor. They had no opposition.

The following from LivingstonLodge attended: Lonnie VanSlam—brook, Henry Hauck, Merwin C&ran.>ell| Winston Baughn, LawrenceBaaghn. Norman MiUer, Clare Mill-?)', Olin Robinson, ye edittor.

0. R. i . NO. 1« CALENDABF*b. II: gwiitinirt Put*.

Mildred Ackley, Village ClerkDated January 28, 1966

master. This was provided for in aresolution by Howard Taylor votedby grand Iodfe at D:Lroit last May.

LIVINGSTON LODGE NO. 76 I It consists of 6 members whose ob-FEBRUARY CALENDAR | J«ct is to draw up an objective pro.

J*'eb. 17-8 p. m. FC degrees • gram for• grand lod^e and the craftFeb. 25-8 p. m. EA degrees (4) H Michigan.Their first meeting wasApril 14-Past Masters banquet 01 at the Allenel Hotel,Ann Arbor Jan.

Little Grand Lodge at school 7 p. m. 22. Their next is in Lansing..Ir. conjunction with Howeli, Fo*- The lodge congratulates Larry

ltr/iiie ond Brighton. Livingston on his honors. Other LivingstonLodge will sponsor a county DeMo- members who have served on grandUy Chapter.— Afcnw VanSlambrook, W. if.

lodge committees and boards ore

country to work on for a unit. Weare learning to square dance. ThjMother's Club have asked us to Joa play for their carnival. We accept*ed We are planning for our gradua-tion.

The lively Junior Class had another of their delightful parties at thehome of Kittie Pierre at Hi-landLako Saturday night. Among theprominent upper classmen therethe Wylie cousins/Tommy and Dick.

The 6th grade went to the ice re-view Saturday in the school busdriven by Mark Nash. Chaperoneswere Mesdames Bob Tasch, EllenMcAfee, Lucille Beck, Stella GarrJounette Singer, Hazel Poulson andHerbert Barrett.

LIBRARY NEWSNew books at the library are The

Search for Bridey Murphy by Bern-John R. Maitfei, Olio Robinson aad'tteia and Thi Fighting Qu*k*r by

> *a«l W. Cnrltft. Seerttarj yt tditor. i

1'ARSO.NAGE DEDICATIONDespite snow, sleet and icy streeti"

of winter a pood" .crowd gath-ered at the People's Church Satur-dav night for the family church nitewhere a bountiful meal was enjOf+'Aed. Then a $hort song servicelet <;y Mts.r Wellman and thetor offered a prayer. Then RtVJMrs. Ruepse^per held open hoiat i\\e new parsonage. ~ After'" th»lbuilding was inspected, theand wife opened the gifts thatarrived and thanked those wlio bsrfgiven them./The church cha£nnaswMarvin ^Shh-ey, read a portion ofscripture and Rev.Ruegseggera prayer in which he dedicatedparsonage to God to be used iaservice as long as it shouldeven unto the second comingChrist Then the pastors twoters sang "Jesus Loves Ut"with h*lp~ "from"•ning WM -fr* NT « ^

x&r-, » . • • • " • . •

. V~ -"

MHPATCB WedaWay, February 15, 1M»

acting prosecutor.

•tor <* the KlfJUai Cfa*,land "was found fruity tocourt laat'ipeefc «a4 fine* '••rfm

taiosf powerful cei! sa tSn3 medium price fieldTONE IN 8XOUCHO MARX EV£R\ WEEK 3N N«C AVP T "


Ml TK 116 $150,000 UKKY MOTOR NUMUR SWHPSt..KtS. ill fOUK Ok il<.Wa«IOUTH btAUR TODAN


We Give Top Allowance on Your PresentCar Regardless of Year or Make




Jay flhirey while puttting gas n; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ackley went to ]

• MT • • the Marathon $fi*s station Ann Arbor Friday & brought theirFriday was burned about the face iaid anna when the carbureter back Eon- Bonnie back from the hospitaltire*. Dr. Duffy treated the bums. w h e r e h e w a 3 o p e r a t e d On>

Ray Fisher of Lakeland is in the j ^ Sacket and James LunsfordNetlus hosuital, Brighton as " theresult ef a collison with a truck of of. Dr-.>it were in town Sunday.the Warm Air Heating Co. of Ypsil Roy Clark L*s rented his hou^emMti Friday on M-36 near the Lester on East Putnam St. to Hob WyseMcAfee home. He has a broken arm of South Lyon who works for theaftd aaad and ctts about the face. Hickory Ridge Dairy.

Notes of Zb Years AgoJHihckney Independents lost both

i U'i Li last week. At Webberviile30 to 31. Swarthout got a basket th;?la./, few seconds which the refereedid not allow He had 16 points andReason 10. They lost to BroadwayLeaders of Ann Arbor 33 tto 22. Inthis game Swarthout had 13 pointsand Reason 5 .

rinckney high school lost both isKames to Brighton last week, thefirst team 21 to 28 and the seconuteam 19 to 11. Harlow Haines washigh with 9.

The county was stymied last weekas Fi-'osccutoi" Jcy Swcuaey went \.cVioi'Aa and negk-cte i to appoint atf nporary successor. Sheriff Finleyv anted to extrardite a man from

i )'iv*] ToUdo for stealing apples butc-uid not as therl was no proseccut-ni- to siyn the papers. Later weixav Judge Collins called a specialmeeting and appointed Hirom Smith

Virginia Hoisel entertained a niuaber of friends at her home Feb. IZHI u Valentine party.

Russell Read sprained his . feetplaying basket ball at Ann Arborweek.

Burn to Emory Piummer and wifelast week a daughter, Betty.

25 Maaoos west to Stockbridgeiis.nl Thursday night and conferred2 MM degrees. Ye editor w u in the

TaeeH WeeU Tkm* Feb. 14, IS, IfReward KacJ art Aan BJjia

i t • , .



f • ".. .

Friday, Swanky, Fetv IT, J*

Friday, Saftoiifty* F*fct»lZ> 18



i» CtaeaaScope and Color

Notts of 4& Years AgoThe County Farmers Institute "was

&t the court house Thursday an 'Friday. Thursday at the morningsession. CA.Tyler, Nottawa, talkedor. Farm Horses. N. P. Hull of Dim-rnoale on Soil Fertility. At the af-ternoon session Mr. Hull talked onSeed Com, Roy Hardy read a paperon Poultry and Eggs written byHarry Williams. C. A. Tyler talktjdlor; Sheep and Fred Smith of Byronon Dairy Cattle, in the eveningJMrs.

)ia Rochwood of Flint talked onIke Farm Boy.Friday the talkerswere Prof. Holmes of the BlindSchool. Frank Shields and R. D.Roche of Howell Profs. Shaw andPoker of M.A.C.

Mrs. Irene Clark died at hetome south of town Tuesday.She is

•irvivLd by her husband, Thomas .ns. n and 2 daughters. Funeral at thehome Friday Rev. Gates officiating

Frank Peteis" informs us he hasleased the flowage rights here am1,will operate his mill pending theoutcome of his lawsuit. .

Michael Lavey of Jackson wesbrought here for burial Thursday.

Floyd Reason has gone .to Mt.CJomens to take baths for rheu--rvatisrv.

H. M. Wiiiiston will now handlethe Fawcett ice cream of Jacksonyear around.

i-Jessie JlcQuillan of Genoa spentu1 week end with Gladys Dailey,The Masons and Stars held ft

Washingto i party Friday night.Mae ; Reason entertained the

Cia«ce; Club Tuesday night.James Makinder died at his home



S.nday. Monday, Feb. 19, 20Matinee Sanaay, t'M p. • .

Victor Mature and Guy Madisonla

'THE LAST FRONTIER"In Snpeneope and Color


Foreat Tackav, Ma*s»ret WMtkgaad BMWra

Calar Cortoa«

8«u, Moaw T » M , Feb. 19,20.21The LIEUTENANT WORE SKIRTS

• Hala of a Coawdy withTea Swofl and SWee North

. New*

Wedaoaday, Tkvnday, Feb. 22, U30 SECONDS OVER TOYKO

• • >

iSpencer Tracy as CoL Jaaiea Doo-


I —'——..11 ues^ Wed., Thur., Feb. 21,

I Jane Wyman and Rock Hudsonin

• \LL THAT H C H V F V ALLOWS*I in Technicolor• Cartoon

• tViJV *


i Tues^ Wad, Thar., Feb. 7, 8, •Janet Leig* aad Jack LeaK

[ MMT SISTER SILCXN"i Friday, Saturday, February 16, 11

Tony Cartia and Pat Cr»wk?y"THB SQUARE JUNGLE"


V*ouMa4t atU&j Air Bft T

flv« yott»^

A /ear bam* or' I N of taaiiufa. V*

Ion. Ko txtrmDrop m» a earai

SALESMAN'S' -ia« and Addi^i1

Sun., Men., Tuea^ Feb. 18, 19 2Ot"KISMET*

In C!ia—••opt tad CaiorWith

Howard Keel, Ann Blythe,Dolores Gray, Vic Danone

luej»M Wed., xeb. 21, 22~~ GJcen Crawford. Barry Sullivan



Thi«r., Fri. Sat., Feb. 23. 24, 25Glenn Ford and Donna Read

"RANSOM"Coining! Next Week!


Gary Cooper


" » *

Top ValueTo da

Rom where I sit... /;•• Joe Marsh

She Knew ItAll The Time

Tomorrow It>:-

Chances are, Jon? ago jourgrandma knew how to 1:.:~ youfrom catching cold. Mine did."Siu/ cut of i!-afic," sh?M warn.'•Bundle up . Don*l get wtl."

Then, maybe, wUen y - -T'ew-u: you found that the ?iJ ;- iy'ai"f . JL I'.'3 were co^;" 7f:-ed oldfa. f'.i<>ncd. Ctirraa were the i-iing1

—p.nil the w{\y to a v i d a oo\J wasto. avoid infection by son., .odywho already had one.

Now I read where sc:<?r Listsaren't so sure. Corns car.-y acold, of course, but thoy no.; be-lieve something else "sets it off"— something like drafts, wet feet

or going without your muffler.Grandttta, take a bow!

From where I sit, there's liableto be sound n^jib^jJicliuuLthe^old customs pc'iole believe in."Early torbeeV ettr h* to risef forinstants — or the practice ofdrinking hot milk or a glass ofbeer at bedtime. Fm not sayingyou ought to hold with these be-liefs yourself . . . but you'd bsttergtt the facts before giving themthe "chill.-







\ * . • ' .


For 1956, try OUhmobile! tor herd's tlic stay-neiv Rorkct that protects jtmpocket from now until "trade-ui" time . . . and with feature* that forecatt tbtfuture today! There's stunning Starfire styling on a super-smooth Safety-Rid©Chassis . . . with tomorrow's touch in the ultra-smart "Intagrille Bamper.**Thtre's new luxury in the smartly-tailored, superbly-harmonized interior deooftAnd. there's a ncjv lift in power . . . from an action-packed Rocket T-350Fnpine. WhatV more, only in Oldsmobile is the smoothness of Jetawiy Hydra-Matic* yours to command. So, if you pride yourself on in eye §K Taloa, trythis Rocket Engine Oktamobile . . . here and now!^Standard on Ninety-Eight mrnULt, optional a: extra co*t on Su&tr 88 rncdtk.



a«a to tan/anie Mft Aq padij ueStq»|V 07 *9 P!<* <*» (

jt ioj ';IJ&IJ sjftoi 'xoq pjpn Mf) pwj»<p noA | |

Michigan Trccking Atiocit|ioa, Fort Shelby Hotal • Detroit ^ \

•<k*i\— V Sil THi ROCKCT ROOM*1. . . AT YCUR. OL-.,V.vWl.l

DON MAIN MOTOR SERVICE, 216 W. G.and River Ave, Howell, MicfaPhoae514 '


<>>'•PtlMNTS TMI •TiON*" • FSX ! » • ON

ea»t of town Monday. Funeral Wed-resday. Rev. Little John officiating.

Another blizzard hit hertWednasdaj.

Mrs, Elizabeth Walsh of SilverLake died Monday. Funeral at St.Maiys Church today.

Will White4ost a horse last weak.John Gardner Y** lost 3 this winter.

80 yours: people had o sleigh ride1 ,J the Fred Bi rgess home Thursdayni rht ii

Wm. Chambers and wife eater-tsirteH V. G. Dinkel, John Gardner.U J\..:t pnd Will Bland and wfarwTharadw ni *..

u • aiid Elba Backus of* arried >b. L£.

T)te)l CHnton will hold a: eonnmui-i1 its /action at UM DOUW tattdfaf


The Carl Bidwella of Brighton,th«Frank Whites and Ernest Whitatof Howell called on the Ben Whiteslast week.

Mrs. Lucille Wylie and 4 daugh-ters called on the Andrew NisbattaSunday.

The following attended the O. E.S. smogsboard dinner at BrightonSaturday night. Asher Wyle, Jam—M Boyd, Albert Dinkel, Homer Abney, Lawrence Camburo OnaCampbell and wives .

The Schanen of Dearborn havemoved on the Jesse Henry farm onCedar Lake Rd. they bought

Audrey Klikott and AHetfattendedthe Shrine Cireos in

T- J"

' , • * • ' "

Wednesday, February 15,

? *1

* * . " < ^







U4 Bo.Bnlm hpttaa W » <LM a Tew

Ernest Richman W. M. andidem of the Wayne Couaty

Aurt'u. Barriagton Stevens, AndrewSie\ens and 3 other members < ifEureka Lodge 509 of Detroit attendcd the funeral of Murray Da^g Suaday. Murray's late lather, brotherand 3 brotherinlaws all belong t j

I this lodge.

The Don Burns family entertained4L Sunday at belated house warm—ing.

The D» OonkLL family of GrandRapids spent tm> week end at theKay Burns home.

Mrs Helen \'ounj? visited th»'Noi'thland in Detroit last W.d' es-

* day.1 The George Parker* of Pay Ci'y

Ciiy spent Sunday vutb the livingP:uk* rs.

The Georpe VanXorm^ns wereSunday quests of the Robert SeefelJfajviy of Joslyn Lake.

Fiank Ziegler and wife attendedthe O.E.S. Swe-thcart party at Howe.1! Saturday Night.

David Aberdeen of Chicago anithe .:-'x Nobles of Ann Arbor were



Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures

and Supplies

Elect ic, Oil and Gas Hct Water Heaters



PHONE UP 8 3114



Sum: y guests of the Frank Aber-1 \L i e . . .... •• I i


Wagoners' iroceryhob Meabon was in Lovells last

week working at the Harwood sto. i'and oil station.

L>avid Nash and Dick Hoeffing.-rof Michigan State and the Dud Dykk^rings of How ell were Sunday£iiests of the M;>rK N^,h fmnii;,".

I The South Putnam I/arm I3uio.fi| met at the Ted Sinyer home last

Friday.Mrs.Janet Shehan entertained tlu-

the Home Extension Club TuesdayThe Bob Gannons of Bedford were

the Sunday quests of the FrancisShehans .

A card from Mrs. Mae Metz an 1the Lee Laveys who are in Urlar.d >,P'loiida state that Mrs. ( I C T / C I..:-,oy of Jackson has joine i their.

W. F. Close and wife of Lin \<* 1and Audrey Klikott Uri^hton we, .*\ c!•-; Sunday gue-ts of the Al!)j:i

hist W

^ Gent' L>ij;ko; a:i«l wiv-es ;rtended tbo Miciii^'an i-Iuk PL> -(!:.KITS banquet at G i v ^

auxiciress for 44$ a

A complete week's laundry is that cheap—theelectric way. It's the bargain that the averagefamily gets when they let electricity both wash anddry the laundry. Adding an electric clothes dryer tomatch your washer is one more step toward all-electric living—modern living. See the new electricclothes dryers at your dealer's or-Detroit Edison.

\ai\l Read lia.s new hornet un-

J U a n u i ' O i T u ^ ' e ! .ii • U n . n •

e ^ ' o r J i ' j u . i ;,•. ;.!!.• i a > t n a n i . dp l a c e . •:

T h e R o b t T r . l i c ^ a t':( ' ' i i y - p . 1 ) ! 1

w ' . i h t h e I i ) f i n .Mev J 11i ein Dr.roit .

Itone Miilor and Willielo'lt"arrTe"n"TcH Ufu Dec: -

born outdoor school :it ' h^l>e(.-a on1'iiJay ni^'ht .Hid ^-itui'iiay. lT'ioyccoked their meahs out doors and

f tj'fiit niosi of theii1 time ih^re.The Chris Cani|)hcli family s;>ent

, Sunuay \ i.h the Pete l't\i^!<ets :r:i C.n-v;>ry.

Luuis (Jiinton is ret ir ing at th'1

C'l 'vrolei Company at St. Cather--ini\ Ontario, and will move to Do-,roi\, about April 1.

Welter Clark an<l wifo were inBenton Harbor las' week.

Pinckro., >, Scui ts had aj"i .-./ ccntco. . i\ei' Lakk- Sun-.';• The Hoy •: i,.; won.

Tvirs. Dor; tiij . ,';el \%as in How-i'.\ Friday.

The Arr: K(-vedy's wereSu iday £ui\-,:.-. , .•:. Irvi;, Kennc ly


iity MerchandiseLOW PRICES

Beer and Wine T) Take Out


5 -*F,C1 A

l/i/e better

i Mrs. Elean x Lc wid-e was inI i i i ' •.'• .'. . • . i t ' l l >.:(.''j ' ' i , . > . ' / s d a i v . o . - i

.0f:ii:-e Lalio.sa and I'/.yi oi .ua Mon 1

Mrs. Lucille Fohey entertainedher bridge club Tuead: y.

The Russell Clark far.nly of HuckLaKf were Sunday .uuc.-ts of the

| Walter Clarks .I Jack Hannett's Velvet Kez teamJ bo\vled in Howell tournament on» j-'aturdoy. They were Hanxvet, Cliff" Miller, Otis Matter on, ML: an Am-i buigey and Dick Snow gold.

I.lrs. Thressa Cayle fell on theu.e and injured h'T buck last week.has been at the Ray Burns home.






Mon.. Tues., Wed. 8:30 to 600, Fri 8:30 to 9:00Sat. 8:30 tc 9:00 Rs ital Food LockersQosed Sundavs Custom Butchering Tuesdays



1 WILL COLLECT TAXES AT MY HOME A l233 UNADILLA ST, 2 Blocks North of Pure Gas




Have Art,Portable Welding Outfit ^ Ako Ac«UiiM Wtldtef*

LOUIE bROWN4561 Pinctetf-HoweU lUftd Phone H«w«U AH WI

$ 1 0 0 UNSEXED $200 FEMALE $3.50


$4.00 UNSEXED $4.00 FEMALE $5.50

BERQUIST, 'Patsam Twp Treas

hms sold h» place ^ e I^.;nbert Henrys of DetroitWwt Modn St to Rollie Singer, and Keith Bradbury^ of CUehoa

• • 4aO*iU P\MMM y»t for the | spent Sunday at the L. J. H«nry



We Are Ready to Service You on Both No 1 andNo. 2 Oil


6est Quality of Coal, 0 3 and Building Supplie*D. E HOEY &SONS

^hone HA 6-8119 Dexter ; *


The Pinckney O. E. S. gav« the Mrs. 'Alta Meyer took 35 pupil*Girb Scoots o Valentine party ftt and parents of U»e Hkk* school t*>




310 Webster Phone UP 8 6W7

tkt IfaMpfe Wfi' ftifcy.

Mr. and Mrt. Leo Davis are now Olta RcW»at New Orkont at th« Madri Gfm.|ini ArtwrWaJttr BMa« it ai»o Owa.. . _ . . . *

; • . ' • . " • .<-






Aak m about DUO-THERM Auto-•a** Blaatrie Water Heaters withIs* 7WLB-TREAT8D TANKte «sM hot water problaSBa.4. sfaeuifT B4TKS» n« swe far

afBttja)a;frea SarvioeI . SfMULLT DMULATOJ for greater

••o«mt "HOT WATT*•lament*

"THRIFT" control

. *- atffv

. • • /

A cancelled chock is convincing proof of

payment . . . a legal receipt and a record

of money spoilt. You'll find a checking

account here a wonderful time-saver.

Safer, too, to pay by check (money can

be lost or stolen).


Office JU.1V6 Eaat tit*n& RiverPhono i^ft-W Howell, Michigan

<«rle W MiuueU.

Buo-Thaitn Series E-55 Corenaf.12 to 82-gollon capadtiei. 5-y«or Worrcinty.




DENTISTTeJephuae Office

Residence 814Evenings by Afrpolffaaat

Howeil Michigan

BERT WYUE,Auctioneer

FARM SALESPhone Fowlervilk

Z-iv«atock rr^vaiiKThpsj Made iu

Gentral Truckm*

Roger i. C*rr AgencyCOMPfJBV WMntANGft €OVs*


EdhkHCarr1 4 S KILL fit.

Pinctomj, |ltt,v Phone UP

taopmr? ' N -r. i



T i l 1TAT1 Of MIlsfNtAN

The Probate Ceart for the Ceaat?of Iirktgatoa

In the Matter of the Estate ofJames M. Dagg, deceased.



f r e m



-then pcy by check, net eash! For •—cancelled checks,, are legal evidence £?i

on tne iotn day of February A D ^ - . L , J • I • a .A n iQKfl y A i w > your accounts with pen and ink and ' t»hM,,

— i . — stamps insiead of personal

i iriioia233 Uaodffia & Pfaukaey. _

Wc:rhsjp, Wollh Baa "> handmade Foxxlbe*

Pinckney,Welter ft

Your Prtpert/ fchh M»• ' H

o?-ik^i — 209 North'HONE VP


Eye ExaminationWednesday and Saturday

bj ApftoiutttentCf UOD Road, kaM. K. ot

Pbo. Brighton AC 7-441J

„ v e n ' ^ a t tj!* Deposit your cash and use your cred 'or Usna F. Dagg, pray- a the businesslike way... Opea a

e»- Checking Account here.





administrationhale be granted to Lena F. Daggor some other suii&ble personand that the heirs ef said deceasedbe determined, will be heardat theProbate Court on March 6, 1956 atton A. M. Uador Fedoui S

It is Ordered, That notice thereof Mrmt«r of Kedetall Itesvrro Car-given by publication oi a copy poratlon antl PederaJ Deposit laaar-

ADYS. • • i

FOR SALE-T\yo suite, sue lO^tiuntor Green and Glenploid. UP 8 3174

FOR SALE-Bendix Dal Automatic! Jane Widmayer; Washing Machine, almost new,very ! - —————• •

cheap Mrs. Gus Jaroalo^kl FQH S A L E v L | U f f e N o r g € P M U B P

62D Putnam Stphone UP-8-8164 ^ ^ ^ w i t h t ^ 275 gal taak,• " " • • • ~ " — piping and copper tubing, ia excell

FOR SALE-Semimodern 8 room ent: condition. 60.00 couploto. Alsohouse and lot, oil furnace. Electro Chef cook stove, good coa—-

j Marion Burnett rte Howeil flt. ) ditton $35.00 Call UP 8*1117• Phone UP 3-5G012 Rev. Keith B. Ruegsegi

WANTED TO tfUY-A ToulouseThen - s—Goose. Phone UB 8 553?


hereof for three weeks consecutively ***** Corporatloavin the Pinckney, Dispatch^ and % * A H D«P«8ita Hwnrod t^i to $10*000 — - ,_ jp««tioner cause a copy of thia fcotic, ^ E»«h Depoeitor FQK RENT--Bed room with twin£ £ i "*"?**tSJ0"**C? know^" P^y b e d s- cooking pri :i:^es, cottpl?,:na-»

T*£r" ^ T t t ^ ^ l ^ T **™* Trayer, Gorald Reason, « woman. Susanna Hoodm * 3 T F A ^ ^ & Martin mttar and Tony ^ezulka at 21101 Doyle Eoad after 10 p. m. or,'prior to such hearing, or by personal, » l t"ned a Kiwanis meeting- at Chel Saturdays up to 3 p. rar „ F 0 R SASLE-PAHAQU,service at least fi-e (5) dave urto l ea Monday nifrht . ' J m t l e or female. Mrs.to such hearing. *i SALE--Davenport, good cou- r P i i o n e U P o QQAO

Hlrem R. Smith, Twlffe bf t*>b*f D * V t H a i n e s w o n t h * d i i t r i c t *o1 dtli<)ni- A l s 0 overstuffed chair.A tvoa^aopy i » o » w <Jen g l o v e s heavyweight title^'at Lan ,-Jirn Whitley 631 Patterson Lake Rd.'Helen U. Gould ' j s ' n t a n d competed in the finals at I'hone UP 8—9960.

Rogistor af Probate ' ( jra:" i Hapids last week. He won on •-iiiduy m^hi uu^.lost__to Me Dona'.dof Fljnt, iu«t ; ? R I : ^ " nponi Satur-


)—A hahy sHter—by—4he-'^ eek for 2 children 2 years and 7

FOR -SA2JI-27l railer e tmp.

Ft. Alma HouseDpfk> Sr.

Bora* to tho Arthia Kryches at Misa Mary Lou Bryan Hi-land "0 1 8jt 'amily of Famfngton spent] He may reti

w * ' Sunday at the Everett Ham^n ILake, air line hosteae was taken ill home.

Jerry Reason informs us he and

McPherse* koapita^ Feb.13 a son.Jamoe asd Gene* Martin of Chel

sea ealleel om Blanche Martin lastwee* aas) atoadod the Wheeler Mar


on her last trip east nd hospitaliz-ed She carao home but Monday en-tered St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor

ia scout troops are no longer shov.ling walk*. The villa-e snow plow

i wa* too much competition.



James A.Rd.,

ivei, »0, <.t i •:: 111 Mo--rtixgf- Lake died at

St. Joe hospital Arm Arbor, Sun.day. He was bom n Monroe Surwivinp; are his wife and 2 son .Funeralin Ypsilanti today with Vurill inWoodmere Cemeter>r, Detroit.

Clifford Ejareler is home from theAnn Arbor dospital.

Mrs.Gertrude Hicks who has ..boos?seriously ill with pneumonia is baftcr. Mrs. Julia Baker and Mrs. Minnie Fitch of Pontiac called on herSunday. ;

The commission will purchase371 more accres of land ia Antrim,an<i C2»aa|e ioux counties.

Hunters have returned 5200 wh<ch50 r/c of their deer kill cards.A new goose made its appearance iaMichigan last fall, the Richardsoaor Hutchina .goose which weighs


S License 40842. Reward. Lout

uniumiah^TTO fi OQOil

Up g-&990FOR RENT-* ro«tt ' house nearFinckney,het, aad cold watter. Ref-erences needed Phono Weestar80103. 12741 at 127411

27, T»»by Short

w PAATSSuppltes —Axito Porte


Mi4gct Car.loy Read






* 4 mil«a -7©at cf^fowtil at 48ft'lbs. half that of the Canadian goose MCDsOD Pr~d. PhOD^ T<r f t f24 of them were s

Mrs. Eloyse Campbell with Mrs.Glenn of Gregory attended %Daughten board meeting ai

«Bod for and (fotfrarod.>o Howeil 1864 or U








STATE OF MICHIGANTho Probate Court tor tae Covnty of

LivingstonIf the Matter of the flatatt oi

Edla M. Potter. Mont: Inc.At a tomatoa of said Court hold oo

January 21, 1956.Present, Honorabe Hiram

Judge of Probata.NOTICE ia hereby gfre- tlwt

petition of Delna Garriaoa thethe guardian of said oatata, prayiagher final account *e allowod oad thoreatdoe of aaid oatata aaaigBad toIlka poraoB* tmtitkd thareto, wffl b«heard at tf» Probate Oourt on tho21st day of February, 19K.

It ia Ordered, that noticebo cfoeu by publication•baraof for thrai makaprevious to said day of Mfeftft t lthe Pinckney Dispatch, asdpedttoaar eaoae a copy ofto bo served upon eadiWhrtorett at Ida la*bp ro»Utomd mail, ralvri roeafptdemanded, at loast fauitaoa (14)pr ior i


his weak.

Juae Hetdee andweer«d v

of Eoltaad wifa eallod

. at St~

r<^ -^


•-"r.- j



, ' V •