Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa http://hotsoft.carleton.ca Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps, Elizabeth Stobert, Max Hlywa, Nick Wright, Bruna Machado Freitas, Alain Forget, Andrew Patrick Biddle: MVP 1

Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

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Page 1: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework

Robert BiddleCarleton University, Ottawahttp://hotsoft.carleton.ca

Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps, Elizabeth Stobert, Max Hlywa, Nick Wright, Bruna Machado Freitas, Alain Forget,

Andrew Patrick

Biddle: MVP 1

Page 2: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,


• Usable Security and Authentication• MVP Framework• MVP Authentication Schemes• MVP Management• MVP Recent Research Results• Dalhousie Action Items

• References:– Graphical Passwords: Learning from first 12 years– The MVP Framework Web-Based Framework– http://hotsoft.carleton.ca/~sonia/wordpress/publications/

Biddle: MVP 2

Page 3: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Usable Security• Saltzer and Schroeder, 1975:

“It is essential that the human interface be designed for ease of use, so that users routinely and automatically apply the protection mechanisms correctly. Also, to the extent that the user’s mental image of his protection goals matches the mechanisms he must use, mistakes will be minimized. If he must translate his image of his protection needs into a radically different specification language, he will make errors.”

• Cranor and Garfinkel, 2005:

“secure systems that people can use.”

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Page 4: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Usable Security Challenges

• Security is a Secondary Task– Avoided or evaded if inconvenient

• Security has the “Barn Door” Property– Brief exposure can cause permanent damage

• Security has a complex language– Encryption, public/private keys, phishing, …

• Security is poorly understood by users– Users do not understand consequences of

insecure actions, assume they are not at risk, underestimate attackers’ abilities

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Page 5: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Research Methods

• Human Factors Principles• Usability Evaluation Methods• Experiment and Field Study Design• Ethical Procedures for Human

Participants• Quantitative Analysis and Statistical

Inference• Qualitative Study and Data Analysis• Reporting Results, Graphical Data


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Page 6: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Authentication and Credentials



Page 7: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Threats to PasswordsThreats to Passwords

• Guessing– Online (Web-Robots) or Offline (Access to DB) – Single-User (Targeted) of Multi-User (Any User) – Exhaustive or Dictionary

• Capture– Shoulder-Surfing (by eye or by video)– Social Engineering (incl. phishing)– Malware (keyloggers etc.)

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Page 8: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

The Password Problem

• Passwords should be:–Easy to Remember, but–Difficult to Guess

• For multiple passwords!• Sometimes with rules!• Different rules for each password!• And compulsory regular changes!

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Page 9: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Theoretical Password Space

• The number of possible passwords that a scheme allows.

• Therefore, the number of passwords an attacker must guess to ensure success.

• Therefore, an expected value function for each attacker guess.

• IF all passwords are equally likely.

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Page 10: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Theoretical Password Space: E.g.PassPoints Password Space

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Page 11: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Effective Password Space

• The number of passwords people are likely to actually choose.

• But it’s not one space: it’s a curve. So…

Matt Weir: reusablesec.blogspot.comBiddle: MVP 11

Page 12: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP: Multiple Versatile Passwords

• Framework for Empirical Research on Usable Knowledge-Based Authentication

• Basic idea: allow new kinds of password schemes within an ecologically valid setting

• Real sites, real usage• Passwords used in context, secondary task

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Page 13: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

• Site password input redirects to MVP • MVP selects scheme based on userid• Scheme runs, logging all events• Result is rendered as text password to site

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Page 14: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP in Use

• Button instead of “Enter Password” field• Pop-up Window with selected Scheme

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Page 15: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Text

• Pure user-chosen text• User-chosen text with rules– Length, required chars, denied chars, etc.

• Assigned random text– Length, alphabet

• Multiple word text– Number of words, chosen or assigned, lists

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Page 16: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Recognition

• Like PassFaces– Number of panels– Images per panel– Image sets• Faces• Houses• Objects

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Page 17: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Graphical Recall

• Like Draw-a-Secret– Grid size

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Page 18: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Click-Based

• Passpoints– 5 Points on Image– Tolerance areas– Can vary:• Number of Clicks• Image Sets

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Page 19: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Click Based

• Cued-Click Points– Like Passpoints, but 1-click per image– Each click selects next image– Number of images parameter

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Page 20: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Click Based

• Persuasive Cued Click Points– Like CCP, but with random viewport

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Page 21: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Schemes: Other

• 2nd gen DAS, PP, CCP, PCCP, Recognition• Text Recognition• PassTiles Family• GridSure• CYOA

• More???

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Page 22: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Website Engine Plugins

• Wordpress – Blog Engine with many other plugins, e.g. voting,

eCommerce, photo-sharing etc.• phpBB– Generalizable Bulletin Board

• osCommerce– eCommerce web-store system

• Drupal– Content Management System

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Page 23: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Wordpress Admin

• MVP Plugin, Registration Plugin, Timeout

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Page 24: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP System Management

• Control Panel– f(username, system): Scheme

• Log– Time, System, User, Mode, Event, Data

• Booking and Questionnaires• Registration and Notification• Validation and Verification• Etc.

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Page 25: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Username Management• By name pattern– E.g. dal101-120 (Between Subjects Group 1)

• Campusblog: scheme=textrules, cond=alphaonly• Photos: scheme=textrules, cond=alphaonly• DailyNews: scheme=textrules, cond=alphaonly

– E.g. dal121-140 (Between Subjects Group 2)• Campusblog: scheme=recognition, cond=faces• Photos: scheme=recognition, cond=faces• DailyNews: scheme=recognition, cond=faces

– E.g. dal201-220 (Within Subjects)• Campusblog: scheme=recognition, cond=faces• Photos: scheme=textrules, cond=alphaonly• DailyNews: scheme=textassigned, cond=az09-6• Cornerstore: scheme=textrules, cond=alphaonly

• By name assignmentBiddle: MVP 25

Page 26: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Log• Time: Timestamp to 1 second• System: Name of website• User: Username• Scheme: Scheme• Condition: subscheme• Mode: create, enter, login• Event: specific to mode• Data: specific to event

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Page 27: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

MVP Sites, Schemes, Studies

Page 28: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Comparing Password Schemes

• Criteria:– Memorability– Entry Time– Learnability– Perception of Value– Affective Appeal

• Measurements:– How to measure each?– How to compare each?

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Page 29: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Max Hlywa: In Recognition-Based GPs, are Faces the

most Memorable Images?

Hylwa co-supervised by Andrew Patrick.

Page 30: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,


Page 31: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Also, they’re slow.

Page 32: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Bruna Machado Freitas:How do people really use Draw-A-Secret?

Page 33: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Not well.

Favour Similar SquaresFavour Simple Shapes

Favour Password Reuse Misunderstand Encoding

1 unique password 61%

2 unique passwords 18%

3 unique passwords 21%

Page 34: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Nick Wright:Are Text Recognition Passwords

More Memorable than Text Recall?

Wright co-supervised by Andrew Patrick.

Page 35: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Elizabeth Stobert: Are assigned graphical passwords memorable?

Page 36: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Dal Action Items• Populate sites:– http://mvp.soft.carleton.ca/dal1, dal2, dal3, dal4– Choose name, theme, content

• Choose two schemes:– With exact specifics, numbers, images etc

• Choose research plan:– Consider password space– Consider research question:

• E.g. Effect of schemes, sizes, images, etc.– Consider criteria:

• Memorability, entry time, appeal, etc.– Consider metrics:

• How to evaluate criteriaBiddle: MVP 36

Page 37: Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework Robert Biddle Carleton University, Ottawa  Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps,

Usable Authentication Research with the MVP Framework

Robert BiddleCarleton University, Ottawahttp://hotsoft.carleton.ca

Sonia Chiasson, Chris Deschamps, Elizabeth Stobert, Max Hlywa, Nick Wright, Bruna Machado Freitas, Alain Forget,

Andrew Patrick

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