PLEASE NOTE This image contains more than one label approv·ed for this product on this date.

U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, THE ANDERSON'S ... if this is s n8W sddr8ss Product Name Section -II D Amendment -Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to D Agency letter

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This image contains more than one label approv·ed for this product on this date.


Mrs. Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator The Andersons Lawn Fert. Div., Inc. d/b/a Free Flow Fert. P.O. Box 119 Maumee, OH 43537



MAR 2 6 2010

RE: Notification of Alternate Brand Name Change: The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 13-0-5

EPA Registration Number: 9198- 242 Date of Submission: March 2,2010

Dear Mrs. Ziehr:

The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated, March 2,2010, for the above mentioned product. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the actions requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records.

If you have any questions, please me directly at 703-305-6249 or Joyce Edwards of my staff at 703-308-5479.


~ Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Formulations Team Leader. Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs

( Ple.8e re.d i".tructio". on rev.,.. before comDteiinD form. Form ADDroved~ OMS No. 2070-0080 Annrnu,", ."mi, .... 2-28-95


United States § Registration opp Identifier Number

&EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 .f Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification

9198-242 Miller o None D Restricted 4. Company/Product (Name) PMI The Andersons Fertilizer with 0.125% Dithiopyr Herbicide 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Codel 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)

The Andersons Lavvn Fert. Div., Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling d/b/a Free Flow Fert. to: P.O. Box 119 EPA Reg, No. Maumee.OH 43537

D Ch8Ck if this is s n8W sddr8ss Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated

D Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated D "Me Too" Application. NOTIFICATION [] Notification - Explain below. D Other - Explain below. MAR 2 6 2010 Explanation: Use additional page(s) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.)

Notification of Alternate Brand Name per PR Notice 98·10: The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 13-0-5

This notification is consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98·10 and the requirements of EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46 and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98·10 and the requirements of 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

Section - III ,. Material This Product Will Be Packaged In:

Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container

t2j Yes t2j Yes ~ Yes ~M"" .f No .f No

,/ Plastic No Glass

• Certification must If ·Yes· No. per If "Yas" No. per ./ Paper Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container Other (Specify)

be submitted I

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 15. Location of Label Directions

L Label [{J Container 50 Ibs. - 2,000 Ibs. ~OnLabel

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product tJ Lithograph [{J Other Pocket .,/ Paper ~Iued

Stenci ed

Section - IV 1 . Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individual to b" contacted, if necessary, to process this spplicetion.}

Name Title Telephone No. (lr,cludec:Area Code) Regulatory Administrator

(\ 0 c (~

Debbie Ziehr 6f~M'1~6671 c c ,,~ 0 0 u c

Certification OOOCL(. 6. D~ta Ap.?lication

I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all ettachments thereto are true, accurate end comple~(e. ~ R€cffi'votUO

I acknowledge .that any knowlinglly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or 00 c\~!a~pedl

both under applicable law. e c: (. {, L L (; 0

u u ,~

2. Signature 3. Title ( (: L ( C

~ ~ c '-

I' fI Q. Regulatory Administrator LCLLL~



4. Typed Name U

5. Date l , Iw L (. I....

Debbie Ziehr 3/2/10

. . EPA Form 8570-' (Rev. 3-941 PreVIous edItIons are obsolete •


WhIte - EPA File Copy (onglnell venow - Applicant Copy

c The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050

March 2, 2010

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs - (7504P) u. S. Environment Protection Agency Room 8-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501



NOTIFICATION - Additional Brand Name

The Andersons Fertilizer with 0.125% Dithiopyr Herbicide EPA Reg. No. 9198-242

Per PR Notice 98-10, enclosed is an EPA Form 8570-1, an application notifying the Agency that we wish to market additional products under the subject basic registration. The additional brand name is:

The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 13-0-5

One copy of the draft label is enclosed.

If there are any questions regarding this notification, please contact me.


The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc.

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator Phone #419-891-6671 Fax #419-891-2745 Email: [email protected]


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~<~(~.' l). ~ I) Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension® Turf Herbicide 13-0-5 ref taiJIlS.lion and seasoo-foog CCf'lIrol of crabgrass and ccnrd or SUW;ession or liSled annual grasses and troaaleal weeds in estatiishsd lawns and omaman:al lurlS. including gcH course fairways, rc-ughs and lee boxes.

To!alf~r·)g~l (N). I:3COO'.UreaNarog<Jl'

Sduble P~ash (K:Pl



Sf'''' Pbm mMian!<;; d£ti'l&d lrO<Tl urea, ]:OIas'$ILtn c.'lloride and pof'tffil:li ;;u.a1-OO wl~,Jr coated urea Ctllcone(CI)Max 424"1.

L/S~wty ava~eblen~rogt:ll \rcm po\ymer coaled $ullurccaled urea


E.PA~.No.9\ga..'242 EPA Est N·). 913'O-OH·IM, 91 %-QH·2S. 9193-A!. -COlA U~rgllErI$j(str~eruredlOfUIlccdeO'lbag






~ lOOt.'J)')%

CauseS~imla:1OO Harmlulilinhe!9:1 ~vOldCOOlactwith~«d'l:hillQ. Avadt:reatningdl.'s\ Wash lhaccJgl1rJ with soap and wat« attet: hand!ing f*move r,;cnI~mna!ed.dO!hing and W<I'ih t:-efore reu~ Prdooged IX tequenU~ repo'~':ld 'SIOO c.ontacl wIde han0:!hn9 his malsll.al may c.al!~ a~~Qlc rwcncn 1(1 some indMdua!s.

ARST AID IIln'¥!S: Pdd ~Oj:e'lar.! ITlSEls!crNl'f3ndgff>lIyWllhwatoYla-l5-20rrinutes. f1env,.€IC<l1ilcts,if preserJ. a~9" lne irs! 5 ninutes, ttlel! CCI1!If:I)fI r.r.smg Caft a ~$(.(I oontrol cenler or droOl' kt !r88!lTllnt advioo II inhaled: ~e~:W110 ~esh air !t ~soojs nd b'~lhilg,C4II911 or(ll1arrb..rlanGe.t~ grJe3l1lka.1! respi'ation, p'a!eratiy mcutlHo rrwlh il pos<.tfe. Call a rmoo r.oo!rd 0;T1I.:r Ct' dooa br lieairrenl advice Have Ihe p-odud eonlUll:1 Cf iabcl w~h ycu 'Itleo cClg a pOson catrol re1191' or dodor (J going let treat· m~. )00 iTI'3'/ '!Iso c{d~ HifO 7S7-e.~1 I« EiOO"gern:v medI~ IrMtrrP...nI iIl:amaliro

ENVRONMENTAl HAZARDS -"- c:rodud is lone 10 fish and lligh~ilQ)Je to otna' aquatiC oo;Ianisrmmcludtl9 o'i~m ami shrirrp. lke YI'lih

1 t!en~ng lolurf 3rea.sadJ3r,;ffi\ toarr/ t;w)tf ofwak1r ()Ih and runoH mlreatoo'lurf may adverse/; \ "lU&c Ci93nisms 111 w;ata1l ;1'lUJtc 5:les Do nli a~ d!:edy 10 wa19", c(:o Jrea$lIInere $U10lCe '/I'3!ff '---, .. ~, (l"lol!1l~IJJl arelsbdow!lerrea.'l hig!'1 walermark Do lid a¢'I 'tWlen w6<!1herc-:n:!IIl((Isla'tQ"

dnU tom!fealedar~s. ~rrjCCll!arrina!eW31E1whoY1dtSjm1llgolequ:pmerd w8:it! ... 21En

DIRECTIONS FOR USE ~ is a vic.iahoo ot Feder<=! law 10 use Ihis p-OOucl li'l any manner inCC<l~.i:llEJ'j Wdn ~'!labellftQ R~d the W!re !,lOObP.JaCiIJ$inglh!$p'oduct l..Iwoolya!X:cxdinglolatellO'!trudlc<ls

Na k1 tl'S8 rn lurl ~ grown tor s:le 01' ~h£:( COTo/l""S"cial 11''3 ~~ SOO, Ct kr c.omtrefoal seed I='cw.luCIloo. CI fa l~ithPJrW~·

New YOI1c Usa Restrldlons: n New rOO; Stale lhi~ rsodUd ma}' 0Il1y bu usOO!:'f IXO"mk.rul a~lr,;atcrs ~nd at nomorelhan 92 pounds per 1.000 $I.luara 1001 (J).5pcund ~rJe Ingr'3dI.<Jl'il per ac:ej perye.ar,.and h prohiooe(j from U!.e In Nassiil/ anll Sll!tdk Coorn!65.

TURF USE Thi51ert$.."ef'P'"OOucfmailsahe"DcidCiwtuch~~~$OO.joo9 C<l1Ir~oraJbjrass3nd"oo!~« sUWessioo oI~tle: anooa!9rassesandb'oadIeat~m~t.l!lo'maM(Xnaf("~1a! turtS,inUMJ goll course fa:fwaY'l. roughs .:md t." t(lY,~. This jXoJUd will ~ harm I"IE<3I'by Er$ta/;j~rOO omamenl.)!s wllt;fI usedacwdi."9lolatoaOlrect£.ns.

Use Precanlonslor Tur1 This: IXOOUd may be U$6:l on seeded.~, Ct ~9d Ilwm and crnanel"lL1lluris C"lal arew,jl-established

~~k:~~~3hs=~~,~~;j~:~d~=eS1.~Stat1~i:~~~!:~I~~' Ihls j)'Odud 00 lawns atld om'3lT1snlallurls that are nd w~l·est~rshBl:l. or on III~ Ihal have bool weaken'!':llYt wcalhe;-, r:es!', di~S<;!', ch<:mt'..a~, Ct' rredlaniC31·re!ated $Ir*s, mayinc!ea'Selhechance:s l«91rl';ury

i~1!S ~cdu;;~(.Uld trit beawiedlolurtlrass f~~bsI~ (fIINslabd. Tho~lurlgrass SPeC';l;$;}(tI Id.;raN tott~~ j:f00Ud whl:r! used as directed.

CooISeason Gr.1sses

~r~;;:~: ::~~~kli; t~'O::~~~.:~iri F~$o.I.l~. fill'~-o iF~$~UC3 r<£!d} f"s.;u€I,lan (F&~:';';:iJ::fUi}1 .• '!xeJ} R)"t>~l;J"'~' r.erenr,i.li (LoI:/Jmp-;;e,1i'l<t}

\¥Inn Seasan Gnsses

~~~~;~~l~~(t~::~~~:;;r,.''!) NnTRFRC 6l"'f'ftON t;\ullalOJr3.!.S iBlJdllcfI dllCly1oides) U II D oK U • Carpfo!{r.JS~ (A.\'I'Jflcp(($Jlfittf$) Cci!IP;dE:fI'lSS IErt1("fIl:cHw ophuroktts} KikU}1JQll~;' (PenrY!:.ciiom d:.desiinumj 2 6 51 A.u.jUSl;negr.mJ~lcno.:a;I~rum ~ro.Jf)!3!um; MAR 2·uf':~~ ZOlf"la':lr.li"-{ZaYSllf!l~iII.~ Il""

, Usa ollhl~ p-Wuc: CI1 c.en.alil v.;rf.tIl.~3 01 creepi'l~ b:."f!1grass. we.'! as 'Cd1ansC'{, 'carmerI'. 'Seao;:;dB', Jllc1 Washinglon'may resuU ~ t61desir.:b'elUll~rJ$$ SIljur/ Nd a~ ~~'len~ 01 ct~ b&;l!gi.m have boo" lesleoi OONOT~W/!hi$p'OOlY.lIOC,*"u!bdn;grass(A.JrostsM·'i:s)vai'lel;e-3

-1J<...eol tmprodUd on calm v~OI ;"eles.cuemayr~!Il undesir.ilie!url~1p)' The Id!owng flng

=;,~~: ~~~,~,~~~~~~:~:!,\e~Ia;'!~·.'~~~"'p~~~~n'~~~;:'~1~'~;~t~d¢, and"l't'a'tma' N~a1hantllescllm'3\1Noe:navetW1\es\oo

-000 NOT uS<;! lrug p-01ll''l on -;eeG~ng b.malograssl!llhe 'S,.'llng ollh€l1rsl yoW of esrilir>t1m>:.'f1l L1lIrJ lh~ ilJr. grasStsU~greooa-'lrjhase;la...Iistu3d"BWro()lS

t40TE: ~nn:xpo~tklloer.-aI'Jaleal~'1el!;1"!grassvariI31e-3!~lclO'l~lob"l!sp'oduCi lls{~aI t1a1 USr3 of !his p-odL'CI be rmJa on a Inal basISlrnlia.."y 10 d~eame «s sarEly ur,do:r l~@l use ~IOOS :r.d lurf managerrud p-actlU:S tetC1ermka'lg 'II'id6SP'6ad u-;e

PriCllUlionsfor Reseeding, Dversaedlng orSpr9ging Re$~,<UEJSeeGng.Cf~c4IrealedadJsW:!l"l:r.l0weeksal!ffawg'.e~~/;c3!I((1C~lttisp"CO;cl(t w.lti'l16weel<s a(~a ~u aqfu:llK!ll p-ogr-..:mllja!m-; '92!b$1! ,000 sq. ~ (0 S~ atlroiBllgI'60l!€A: pet .l':r~j CfnU"err-,Jyinhibllh&e!.!a:j;gllT:~o!ries:rati&!u~a~.es 'l'ine1 r~~j;r."9':x~er~mg,p'~cl)lturl: p-at.1~~3 sudl as !:OIl ctI.Iv~:ioo, imga!1(Il and le:Wzaon 1»..~,j re lo1!o-.ved FCf Qa-i! r,vEr'lOOding re~!., L~ med'lanj!'"..aI(tpowtll'$lCI9eqUip-ner'1(sMw;)ders}oeSlg-'ledio9 .... dgoodseadlosoJl;or,t~

FtecauU()IlsforCOOlroloiCailgrass The ~ ~araSillCfo uabjass catiti destnbed VJ~!'f is\!mlw ?o-;l;em:r9'!roClil ~lOO'; aretrl/ 61'.octNelYi(l~asslfagiledf-lltf Iolhe3-l6als!.~"'ofgr~crit~I;!IE1 Fo:JOOstresu!lS,c;:l!ur.;lp-actl«lS flld dls!urtJlh':!'roII. such as ccre-, $pke·, a-hydro-at:riilr .. aI!O'l, and wfll:ulmg, -sI'lou!c! oodCt'ls~~ W.catl(rl oflMp'C"fuo::!. DO NOT ap~lh1spmdu~ UfI!~ Ihegrass has (OCovt:red fiClI1I!""tes~~ural p-~

OthefUse Precaitions Do not ute dWng!: Iromtre..rtoo!uri!cf rru!dIDg arctond ~~¥,a:lei cr Ir\;cIlreeS- Keep ~e ~rl pd~ oj! ;r$ll~j ;yoost;fll~ ciusl has sel'a:! Oond graHIive:Jw.fS ~ ktageCUI f:tm ars:l$lre.r:OO "'iilh\.~prodIJ(.!

APPliCATION OIFECTlONS FOO TURF llps Fa 11J1lI'0'0'8d Control Forbe$l resul!s. aw~ll1r1p"odt;t;t lI'Iln;n a lewr..a-{s afwrmOll'~g.anJ delay Il1O'fIm~ ~9atn I« a few d<riS ala­lhean:.itc.aiJCt'l lrrp'~pak:rmanooma}b.:Iad"~er.~1~4~~lOnl$fo!l~by Il2l11cholra:nlaliaimga· ~on EmIt..::: weed CCI1Iroi may rerul 11 ru.1:alI (J (riga.! en isnd. rr:oa'fQj w!f;:n ro ct.ay~ allff Wkakfl lise: 01 ¢(halH'a:e)~..a!ICnSq::aced5-lOwf;f;kSaparI;-my;:rCHl'ALrro:o\'eoiw~C(J1lroi

r.t.mrTllm Use Aales fOl' TUrfgrass Dono! aw/'in"Klmlhan92Ibs/l,COJ $(j ft. per d~l.'llIOO afldnorrnrelhar.276!OOJ1,rJX;peryesr. inNew '-r'cxk Slalelhls ptduct may crJy be uU:d ~. ~fol6!$lo1-ll agI:Cll<tS and f:llmrmel~an 9 2 ~d$ i»"' I ,(((I !,q.l>3fe feel (O 5 poond ;}di\'';' :rt9fed'(1)t P«" aU"B)!)"$ ·;eii. alld l~r:rohtJted J.;:m use fl Na!.SlU ~ Si.J!tk CQJfItes<

CONTROL Of CRABGRASS FteerTIUgef10e and EnrIy PostamYgenC8 Control Th!'~p-O'Jides·P"eerner~'C01lraOl(lab;lass{imi.<dlnglhelarg6,smoo!h.mSOUlhemsp$Cies) ..mffl aWi6d~orlclhe~ofcr~rasslromlheg;OOild n est.iliIshoo'la!¥osaruianamtrlla/luris

I ~.;Iso !),O'llde 'earty p;:ISItrnaf981Cs' Wllrlj 01 cnbg;:a.'n d~9 ths 9SlT1 gagas. 01 co3b:1ass grO¥llh d arflJedp1CtI()lhe3{eafsl~()I~~orlr.tlil{'f" nm!tagsof9fO"'~~9OOff'3IyC01'espc;r.d$tolheb;re 'Iilg] yru can us! easJy see tie cr.m,}1'a$"$p!3flI~JlIhe 19Wf1 allil1. Thtis.tie r:ract;o;:a! be!1sU oitt~s[:foduct's add:liCt'lai, early poslfffllfgeoc& ac!jlity l'i lhat (~-ed to $Inct~ p"eaM9'!rot-'3 o:r&rflS$ pOOud'i) d can give Ih~ user 3 2-4 week iooger p-3Mod 0' !lrr~joiNk~ aj:~tca!:ms ar:d Sldl c~Mcl a:;t.JI<I!.$

AppIicsllon Frequency (lid Tmlng ~~m1u:;IIll<liOO~3$a!mJle:1lj:~CtI.asa ~ c.t/r:a1ioo. a as~ XQl.lEr~Ia!au:~c3c.n traabJ.)5~ ocnrdnf\(l$pllg,stJtll1)J,Clb!f.8$d$(1l~beVJw

SprtngApplic:atlons Fer stngla awJicaIlQ'!S made in N sp-ing a early Sl.mrn::f. flr$ p-ooeJ shC\ljtj b9 W.re.:! al the: awC?iate ra!er.orre'>pr.ndlng loor;eo~lhl)controi ~ograrmitsi<lj:n TatJ'31 rhe~OC;~:;ralS"'~~oodepffillo:r;t or;:he II$Er's lCi'..al!OO.1he 11.11gfass mowing hBghl. and ..mE<hll" tie ose IS CCIl!JdEreiJ 10 be P'9M'Ia'9f:l"1C13 Cf early pos!ernergEflGea!t!lel:m901Ihs~.ro Thedl.!':l!looolr~dua/weEdeCt'1lml;:ro','!doobyLhis~CI!'! d\liik:.\I';raal.~\olt·,~\ct~ra1.J)a~,Wt w~~~io~d~on~tlEi. wee::iFf'3S'!Uf'3.Iur'ijras .. ~!Ilj/ooe3S.andlhelJ5t!f'ilocZ:;(Ilw;thi.'l~rE:9",Q"l

!..he Program t loX ~eerrcrgenoo c:oolrot a! s:loi'$ whetel!l~:urlgt'a!."S is rut tl:gh (e 9 ,rtetnOO-Nner law/"!s) nl:s t:tOgrnm p'O'Iiries 3--5 rnordhs 01 !X~gffl,e (fa~ass (;(.(JrO; TtIIS ~C:9'am stloold nCi be used iC'f early ;o<JtfIl«!letltetfab;jrass:mrc.i

lMPtogram 2 Itt Fteerrerg6'lOOWlrdal s:les'/l'hEJ~!"')lurlg:aSf.'SolJl t·"N(e.g .• gClI !3:rwaysl, andtb) 1Ir!9.ra~ma:nt~eor~oocJ((lilas1>wI Co);,.j~,;ioo.d'Jn.(hllh~~fE"/I!l.J~~621 ThtsP"·~'IITl~{f.M.'lS4·5 rroollis oIp"eemtJ'g~oe Cfabjra5$COOlUJI ThjslTogr~m;n~y ~!s"b6used:a eartyposterner9~OOCfaD.¥as, cooIrct ~ 10th'3l-haJ s!.a~« ~.rsl bile!" at S.19S wila'~ !ur~.r3S$1$ wl high ie g, horrwwn£:f lawn5)

Use Program 31a'p'eurer~ffioo.:;ar!rolal stMwt:Efs{a)tUllgr.3"..5 11 oj !ow(6g. golll&nrays) ar.d (b)It3"1 rnatlI~'3(t~oorttdha~nClbOO1'XVldt1.:teddun!lglhe~'IOOSY~ ihi~rsogrampvlides4'S rrmlhs of rsaermgsrn:e aatgr~;$ OO'1Iro! ThIS p'c.::ram ma'/ a!$obe U~ I« e.3!fy pootem:rg9100 aabJra$$ croI.r~uplolhe 3·1eal st<l'}3Q'" hrstlJ!1£:f at sAes iIOO"elurfgraS'i!$ CUI low ("'9 .gdlla:rways).

StibteqtJf{ll, SE(jl:~raI3! P""'" JIId/('( po<J€fY\t':gmte a~l!o:s $nwld 00 made "o\t.e~ iCtlgE!' periods 01 cClllrd ,lrede:lire.l


""'"' I lppi:at'OllRil*, Pcg=1 """"" """,,'" '.':":~'.<S I ,,"cr' !!l ." YJJ ;."lc-:i.~ 1:~) bil,OC'IJs<.:ll ).5 " 7:.'

t· j,~¥J~ '" ')2S ('3$

t):a.::;~ :-r.o :;Col ~(H

toll.OC':'';'l ~ ., !., 0"

tla.'>':tl !l:S 0." o~

$w\', t\iJOto .3C>' M .. 20.1 2.:~, :?4~ t.;1,(W$o). II " ~ Q+~ 5' q~5."

b .lhQ'l' '" (12:5. Q2~ !))1 ,C'~'I

~'al::;W!, tl/aa~ 2OO.'l!J; ;:..:~ • .?n 3~ ... l.{" tl!I.CO;:;.. It 45.Hi 5!.57 7!l .. 7rr t: ~';l"l~ I)::~ ~ 0'25 'J.'!.\.n~ (\~~<;:;;

w", hi~C'~ 1~2. ~ ... )I,' 2'J).jj,\j 200.21JJ Ul.IA'OSQU 35.46 .;~. hI ~" • .j ,;' b ~o'Iai o I~ .0.25 ll'S .. OJe 025.025

-May l~tJ~a sP~ Q'" ~en!;'31 ~CS\l::JlS k:f I.J~ .:.oolrd S~ ~Jons may be;na~il 5-10 week::; apa,1

R~'!:m itxbd1.l,'Nshste::i bdlifl

AlSlat~ ./Ij} ~ale:-, . .;o:~ NY. ana parts oj Slates /lCl .,-,clu,!.,1 nl ~ 1II~1,()(l. !;(lI;lh. coo$\al SC\I1fl Cl '11",,51

Tran¢lOn. OE.KS, KY, MD. MJ,Nj, VA, sculheaslero PA. mllem a,BaS oill.lN, OH,~"aSl.'3I ilw.lS olCT.NY,&RI

SM ~Sl.alSW~ V.'~

.Al,AR. GA,LA.MS,I'.'C, r-M,CK,SC,nl • .\ TX HI. Fl.. ~ sWhemCOO$!al areas 0/ M., GA.lA. M.), NC, $C. e.. IX AZ. CA t.NV. Inlhls drrJalicat~ dlvlOI"sereqlOn. USo;llh",hlgho:r rates;!fl local ¥6asw~h 1l)19~~:at9"a~.S$1H{1n$


Splil a5equential Appiicalions Spd or S€f.IUE:flli~ agticatlCt'!S rmy !lTp'"ove ;,,«:d cootIe,( or p"OVIde a:Cf(lded ~ cOOl.roi m ar~5 1'1111 leng 9,CWlo9 OOolSOl1S \'lb"",&S\:U :.:J1~il.:r awicali<fl1 ar(Hi'lC.:mr:ahla:J, the rates II'! Tatre 1 may to&sp'~ aooss lwoa~I~~OIHrr.a&.t5-10woo.:s apa!I <lndpn{'f"!OerW;!f';$::;~(J100 Vv'h",re lmg£:f pat'IOOS 01 COOlre! are Ilee,~!)j. ~e.,~ a~~Cfl$ rmy 00 marie C1 Ule lale !.vr.l:rer ~ I~ fcbing a !.rmg agiI~tOO C( Sll00 ~~~=~~\~.2.>;:~I;t~ ~roet~lh",'~lJaxm.r.,tkef\1!~· seolOO-andf1l:e:~do:msb\M

Fall Applications r;1is p"odud can aloo be an;tt&j 111 !hd lae surrnteroreally 1:::11 (iaOO A!J9U~ !hroo:tt NJvooter) at Ihe 'Pwgram 3"uSdraloi'$9s!ed 1/'1 Ta!Je Ilop"O'IidecaliroiolctabgrJSSI~gh:heeJI1, p"1I10!!henexl $pTJg The tall ~1r,;$1Yi shwl:l oo!d';owoo t". an aJln'Po-~"'5p1ll9 W~iOI'"! !orsl7i1de sena\·lang cO""I!m ol cra..~r:.;ss

CONmOl OF OTHER WEED GR.\SS£S IJ(J 8ROADLEAFWEEDS SprI1g Applcatlons. 'Jsed 8SdtEdOO b" aabgrass eootrol ~'1ihs 'S\XL'l9, 1h..~~M;.;J W113Isocoo~cj (a the 'Program3' rales)rxStWess (a! Il":il'?'ogram? fal6:S) ltrillo1',QWlng weeds lIfien awIi1d prkt lotheir o:YnffgetY..e-

G"",.. Boley

~~~!~ 8tai'16 Cr~b9rJ$$,lafge Ciab1;r.m, sm.,:;.r, Crilig.'ass.ScU, .. ,<r,t

CrO'N~gr.:.ss D..r.:S07ass(!e-"..,j;'r~J G:lOSe\,'I'US Fm:.1!I.9rOO1 FO>.1aJi,Y'3lbw KW.ll'1ugrass· Oal!',~ R'tl'¥ass(JIIm:a1&pe:Emat) SJlldbJr Snul9fas~

Broadte.afWoods Billelcess' C'!.Ipe!...m C~ Geranlum.C<I!t';"a' Heob:l I';n~woo:!,p"ostla-~ lespOO6!a,corrrnon' ~{esta~

~,tla:k Ml-&3M (}':cJ:s,i:xJa~CIIP Plf1~1=idW66:i° P'\l'ft~.rEoJrcd Pa:'~'rl~ P.J;s1a.~.COfiT'i'n'l P~.lQ(ldCfl

S.'£¥lErd;pcrse S~w6l,W1l' S~rgil,g.ild8:1 SF'Jrge,p-ostrals Spjrs~. spdled W,)()hvITd.ct~~ W,»j:;vrrtl.yd':ow


!-kYdeumSj:fl Edi'1fXh!oocrus·{Uii Pnaal)u BrorfMJ$~'P Dig:l"'diJ~JI~1U",1ak DiriI.::riJi..~tIlI1fJo'n

~==~""!plw; Pa¢lmd.TJt~ BM:ileruca Seta;ian.v;J ~aria/Wefi Pen,mtsm d3re651rom A;e1atatua t"""w CHdl.'lJ$:'W ~i.'lIirus

Cer..lalrintlw MD:.~Y8Itiob!J Sts!la:fa'lW Cer.lllUncat"'.ir.!nsn Lamiunsw. Po/yyMuma...iruI3!& Lt$f«N;za~f3 CooYz3~!tS'l: !.1f.dca}u~ B.~SW 0l.aEs~<'~6' !'btlCariamit!n£:a~ A."I'l8fa.'ltflus,~~

A!d!emiNaaMltlSis PcrtWcacietacea ~miric C3pSf8ahr~'Pa>.'crt Vm:n.ca8l\'6tlSis E"'filabiJNru Etq:"horiJia,~umis:ra1a Eu#Jo!tiacomCtbI3 Ox;;!i$m:iculJu Q:.::issticta

FaUappllcatlons. Used as &tICled for p-~gE(lCeCfabgrass C<)J!ro! !I1latesl.Illl'I'ero~ear1y IJ~, UI:SPodIJd w:l! all", cor~rc< (al ttle 'Progl3rn 'J ral~) Ct w~~ {al the 'Prcwam2" r411ilS) tie loItOl'T'fi w(t(ls '/I'h61 awied;:rt(J' tolhetf a'!1efg'*1<:e

S::~£;g!;;~~. anrluat r'C,J.J!:~..;.J

f;.;;~"",",,"i G~"da:Hi'lf' ~~~, 0',.';'.11.('';'': $Id.i.l.-:a:.;p K=-1~l;l ! .I!~~(!m ~'"P (tiln,um,Cwci:IM O.'!,l,"' .... 71,:a'i~:iJn:.ilr;

~:~~~1,O : "~~~~~ . ~ STORAGEA.NODlS~c:.u. -..l ~ ..,; ..:, oJ .... -.J :.,.l..;.

Go net cur~Jnlln.;:J ~a!QiC'oo, Cl iw.J tl';:;)fX,;9d 'D} dl~al PESnCDJ:-STOAAL.t:: !<~-6>cCt1!a·II'.l ctr>S1:ld

1:t:~~;~=~::S'~~ir+:!!~i:~ F,;}:~~~1 ~!;;:.~~;;~ ~:~~~ ('l toi L'$(IlCo.l'.i:l1oJ hliaOO .,;lru~I(.(I~. croWl i~U ~!.;Ia F~;;Ii'~ ~ En',"llo,)mrl;11!J! C".,:;d ~'1)Xy. or tie Hal~do.;$Viasle:~Q'!:K3'::;"lioa1Uler'Jw{s Ef'ARE9°01!0;i~1«gu:d.lnCt! CQNTAlNERDISPOSAl: Co:rr\~~ierrp'ib;,!lir,\oarv.c:l.\.:mao1lJlTl',;o; :kn6\~ltleccrd"il('l' Dooel feJSCtl !atlllbH':CtJtaint'J. (~If:' br ro),:yd:n1, n aval It.l;. _ ~ !\~ .)~aj~tit'.I~ dISP')$O 0: ocnpy b.19 til a sii!!llary !,;f!d!8 (I by im:iHi."lII,;n. <:f. lianO'o"oo by SI Jl,) vr kl,sil .~l~n~., tI\'CJl .... I,!:-l11 tjJ1Iled, fU.' .):1 o! sl'l1(lk~

AP1'lICATION EOlJPllr.:;r!.l'D '<ST'~CTIot&." ..; ~.thl,P'".;.JI:ct"~titp(Jrd3rY~i'PiJ:'~~jc~.,~lo~~.;,grJjI.!l!arMltI.;i:i~. Av~lhel!!.toC.f

:~:,;:J~~t!~=~:ue~~!~~i:~9~r;;:lJ~~~~f~~~e :'p"63dff deJf;e~ tie .)itr~I:'ir.\.'t~I:c<.J:1I1 rali> roCOOllUld~j lbv; '~~'¥ lnis ;:toouct l.'ni!:xmty 0\0,;l1he tall-'n (:f ClI1an~alluri are.1 kicid :>I.r6J~m(j, d(lp$, a overlaps dlillllg erPlC.jbOO Ch~eou:~fYMlI Irequenlly 10 ,;(lSIJr"'E<l1J1=f'lM"dliltJI1':t1Cl14'19r'~a.'1da,p'iif}Junlf...."ffildl$tr.rul;{(loI9raliule

~res&3ICh,,-3S:;h.:>·I((I~hatwtj·mai:tla:r.t-dl1..fll$atle!ltX"l .... t-dr."l!Of1!nJ1tJ.Jto!1«lhall1~enlspollutl!1!s iool'lll~\Un.'llJ!alwatE!'bOOes TohSpP"ct~rr('senal\Jta!r~wf(~,plJJ$6a-.. C<daj:f~'filgllo.judlo ~J~,CI1Vewar...road ... .iys,a!!dctOO"lmpfniMsurtac..3iw!'I~.l!'~adJJr.'l'llj,JslCl'mrirj!ns S'/I-repany rri~fi ICad grmJ~ baIXOlllolhe r:rea ~-w ¥e l!eat:ngm'lfni(lI.lteiy after l'W:c.ltlCil, ~ s~"'ffi'I dla.m oftoYl at"PydtrEdlylone.at'tywal€tWays

SUGGESTED SPREADER SETT~GS Th~se Sl..,~:rj=~~:,~!~ r:l~:=~O It::, c$,.'1(a:rAl

50 Ibs. ""ts 14,200 sq. fl. (0.33 acc;!) 'lite 1521bs, productf.1CI.i ,liGHT RATEJ~,51b$I1..c'OO Sq. fl.}

50 J81b;~j!~°r.roo S!/~l~o~f6a~~':e ~~:s,prpro::~~:a' .MH18W~A~T(7.~it~~:Joo~'·St.) 50 Ibs.lreats 5,400 sq. Il (0.12 .IIere) at the 400 Ibs, productlacra· HEAVYRATE(9.2Ibslt,00Q Sq. FI.) I I I SPREADER SETTinGS


GROOND WIDTH OF O.191bs O.25Ibs. O.3albs. O.50lbs. SPRUCER SPEED COVERAGE IliA, .,. a~A. ailA,

M;»ISOlSA.ooJPiO ~'!100. 3m", 1111!1:i1 KI.Q 0112 0:)'4 SR·<roJjC01I1.()

ScoasR·S.R-a.\(CUlii4) 3m'" 111e.l( 13:4. Kta PU'

LQSCCQ..'\lllI3('<lII"'1I0.25} 3mjtJ 101.)031 Eli-4 Gl~ LJI.l

Lesro7:)5.69S{par,l"n025J :3mltl 101E.'E.'1 13 III 11 22 ::061/2

L:"~ WTEt YIn H ,12ro.fTO ,n~oli:mJ 4.5rr.ph ::terN 51' S :/4 73'4 e31J Pafil!ll!

VlW1{ro ~Qi8S) <5 mph ;)3leel " " " " Thesesp-e.ada" setlingswEfeesla!:<lsh~ u~gSIJf1dltd equ~ avaiatlatomlh9sp:i?.aderrmn~facttJPX a s'll'a!!J iti~hS and ~slYPc.;Jly used 'fI!ItdOllhe rMuS1ri. n lSl9comnW..oo 1M! ans~ ...... -I.eI eqU!P'f\Y1l M wtfaleGatlh911m30iW..abon!oacbe-.'elhe6es<red~rl.iile

UolPOATANT: READ EEFOAE USE: Rt:lad !he entie Du'E.":tkns!oc Use and !he Warrant'! ustiairra and lUTllatlC\'l of Ltaal:ty tEfcf~ uSlll9 1M ~oducr II(enmJ[en~ a~atle,r~urn lhe:mop~p"cdue! crolalna- al oor", E1yUSif1g IhlsprOOuol. user or BUYEi acoopts thelcliowingW~.w¥ (),~ and Lrn!$IOO'31 Uabitly

WAFf!ANTY DISCLAIMER ald LIMITATION of LIABILITY: Marllfact!Jrtf 'II'~1I, Ihat t'l!S::rOOucl cooiams 10 the cft!fTical desu~:on 00 IhtllaOOl ano:J IS fdl'.ooatly ~ tcrttte ~ Sleed 00 Ihalabel \'IhffJ Ir.t(lIl1 sf.>c1 aax:roanc..e m:h Ille d.r1)jlCXlS Manulwurer makes NO (ITHER EXPRESS OR IMPUEDWAARANTYOF MERCHANTA91lITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Tolhe EIltent oonci~fJ1I W1lha;:~j!callelaw, d t$MJnufadurff'sin!mt to LMtT Al'NUABlfT"Y FOR SPEC!Al. C(.NSEOUENTIAL OR I~CIDfNTAl ECON:lM1C OAAiAGES 10re-funa c4 ~rctlase p-ire Of

~a:~~O~~¥·~~~~~~o~b~,f~~GWt\~~o~e6~wAh~~tg8~~M~~ LABel DIRECTON:; Useoonlr3l)'Iolabl:l ,tr~IO'1$lsnd p:m1lled


MallUfattured.t¥ ThtlAr,def$(l1, lawn Fmlizff [MSK'O. w..

P O.6ox. 1\;; r&t:rree,OH 4-35.37

SGN 215 Net WI. 50 Lbs. (22.68 kg)





c c


Ms. Debbie Ziehr Product Registration The Andersons Lawn Fert. Div., Inc PO Box 119 Maumee, OH 43537



,MAR 26 2010

SUBJECT: Application for Pesticide Notification (PRN 98-10) Request Alternate Brand Name "The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 19-0-0" EPA Reg. No. 9198-242 Application Dated February 1,2010

Dear Ms. Ziehr:

The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 dated 02/01110 for the above product. The Registration . Division (RD) has conducted a review ofthis request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the action(s) requested fall within the scope ofPRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records.

If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F. Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899.


Linda Arrington Notifications & Minor Formulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs

c .t:!.e~$e relld imtructiom on revtJne before comliletintl form. Form Aoorovod: OMB No. 2070-0060 4nnrnv"! AlmirA. 2-28-95

Unitod Statos W Registration opp Identifier Number

&EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 .f Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I , . Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Maneger 3. Proposed Classification

9198-242 Miller DNone D Restricted

4. Company/Product (Name) PM' The Andersons Fertilizer with 0.125% Dithiopyr Herbicide 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)

The Andersons Lavvn Fert. Div., Inc. (bl(il, my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling d/b/a Free Flow Fert. to: P.O. Box 119 EPA Reg. No. Maumee.OH 43537

D Check if this is s new sddress Product Name

Section - II

0 Amondment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to

Agoncy letter dated NOTifiCATION 0 Resubmission in rosponso to Agoncy letter dated D "Mo Too" Application.

0 Notification - Explain below_ D Other - Explain below. MAR 26 2010

Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary_ (For section I and Section 11_)

Notification of Alternate Brand Name per PR Notice 98-10: The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 19-0-0

This notification is consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46 and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that ~ is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the guidance of PR Notice 98-10 and the requirements of 40 CFR 156.10 and 40 CFR 152.46. this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

Section - III ,. Material Thi. Product Will Be PAckaged In:

Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container

tZj Yes tZj Yes ~ Yes ~M.'.' I No I No

./ Plastic No Glass

* Certification must If "Yas" No. per If "Yes" No_ per .; Paper Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt containor Other (Specify)

be submitted I

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(sl Retail Container 15. Location of Label Directions

f Labe! l{j Container 50 Ibs. - 2,000 Ibs. ~OnLabel ( l C '-- ,,~-.,

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product ~UthOgraPh [{J Othor Pocket (CC.Cl( c ( (

( c (

.,/ Paper ~Iued v v u u

Stoncied ( 0

co (,

Section - IV UUUL}UU U U U

C C (" (C' n " 00 C C·C n

, . Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individual to btl contacted, if ntlCessary, to procef.f, mf~ epplicel.'o(lr/' ~~ 0 " Name Titla Telepl"lonec>No. (lncludo Aroa Codol

Regulatory Administrator ouOQO

Debbie Ziehr 419-891-6671 0 G ClH)OC(.

Certification 6. Date t.rclLcotion

I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are truo, accurato and complete. Reclii~t(t 0 (,

I acknowledge that any knowlinglly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisorvnent or (Stamped) both under applicable law.

2_ Signature 3. Titlo

~ 1l~J-L/ Regulatory Administrator

4. Typed Name U 5_ Date

Debbie Ziehr 2/1/10

. . EPA Form 8570-' (Rev. 3-941 PrevIOus editions are obsolete • White - EPA File Copy (onglnell Yellow - App6cant Copy

c The Andersons, Inc. P.O. Box 119 • Maumee, Ohio 43537 • 419/893/5050

February 1, 2010

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs - (7504P) u. S. Environment Protection Agency Room S-4900, One Potomac Yard 2777 South Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-4501



NOTIFICATION - Additional Brand Name

The Andersons Fertilizer with 0.125% Dithiopyr Herbicide EPA Reg. No. 9198-242

Per PR Notice 98-10, enclosed is an EPA Form 8570-1, an application notifying the Agency that we wish to market additional products under the subject basic registration. =rhe additional brand name is:

The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension Turf Herbicide 19-0-0

One copy of the draft label is enclosed.

If there are any questions regarding this notification, please contact me.


The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc.

Debbie Ziehr Regulatory Administrator Phone #419-891-6011 Fax #419-891-2745 Email: [email protected]


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~~(~v ;Z~ V Turf Products Fertilizer with 0.125% Dimension® Turf Herbicide 19-0-0 • Contains NutriSphere-N®

For !er!iUZaliOn and season·long corM,oi 01 Crabs{ass and CCfltro! or SUppres.slOn ~! !iS1Sd annuaf gras:;ss and troadlea! weeds In es!abhs.'1ad fawns and ornamema! lurls, IOcJudli1g 9011 course lairways, roughs and tee OOKe:S.


To!al N~ro.,:OCI (N) 1!H"O'l'a Urea N~rogen'

" r:ul!ien!.s dew{;d Iran lJUia

\~~;. r:~rog-:;!l S1 ... Mz~d wrtl'o rnalei(:·ilav:mi,~ ~c ~lOIyrrer


EPAAsg NO.SrOO·242 =?AE~. Uo ~IOO-OH'lM, 9jgs.OH"~, 91ge},L·((I1A Urnlerr.noolet!erIS lr:1!alfflJsOOItlruncod&CI1bag






012'5% mzll>


Causes t?je imta!iCII Harrm.1rf Inhaled. A'Iad con/ad with rJ'f~ (i cl~hing, AvOl-1 tl€:2!h;r,g ~t;'St. Wash IhOl"cughly w;til ~ ar;'; 1't3!ef a~~ handilr1g. Ro3fTlO'fe contamnated c!dhlng and WJ~h bekISf1:U"Se

FrdrogOO or t~'I..'dfl!!y fape.lteJ skin CCtllaC! ..mis handllng lhis mat£:!'JaI rna)' o:'.alJ~ a!tergic rea~oo 11'1 $Orre ~':lr/idua!s

ARST AID If ioeyes: fjdd e'is':)j:e1 ar:d rol'l$e'>1ow~i anr:l{ler4i'r \\ollh water ~(X j5-20mnll!e~ Remo:.reMaclj.lf pre!.tI11. a~.t(IM~!J 5m:r1l,ll,;,s. th~n cootinue iinsing. C:311 a p3tClludrcl COOI¥ordodc( ~;)"lfd;ltn)~nl adw;e It Inhaled: ~k\'e;:<'f$C(lto Irosh air If perSOfi IS r.et tteattling. ColISII c~ an olrrt:olance.lh€o~eartl&l)al r~.pi".1lloo.p'6lo:fa..~{n:WI'H(lrro.sttlirp~e. CaIIl~st<lCOCl!r,jUfll~cr(j.:lCtcr tt:jOO!fl"ff:I am1,;e H3'Je th03!l"OO;d ·:MilJ:off «Ilbei Wd/'lYOO ~~.;aI!mg 3. pcM'IOnC<Droi centefOfdodll"IX gOOlg I«lroo1·

j men!. YC\J may alwccu3d l·sro757~11 Ir.J '~ndy8'l(''{ ~~ r~nt i1krm.ltlOO


~. reduct is \o).lc.to fish and hig~ tOXIC 10 O!ner aQUalJc (!gardsrm indudul9 o;s!er~ and ~'n;'!'? 1J",e .... lih

./.len ~ing toh!rl ars~~ adlJc.:n 10 any 00Jy 01 w~IP.f. D1~ and flll10111rcm tr~ted lurt rr.ay ail't.:rseiy _~.d.i. aQu:t.'C (t~J.'l.~"nSifl adi<lcenl a~u3.t!c SiI<:rS Dona ar;tt d!jet!t)' \OWJle", Ct \0 ar'*,>\lfhae$\.lf!ace fl'3!er ISp'~.aloll'l!et1Jdalyeasbe!QW!he~'lhish:fI'!3Iermark fIondaWf~nWeJl~o;.odttlcmJ:r(o;) dn~ rromtr~~ .ifBlS £:bnd CQ'itarTlljl<i\(lw-31t:r'fltlfft<lspJSingoteqUlPo1Y:Olwa!hN.;la5

DIRECTIONS FOR USE ~ IS a \1d~ICtl 01 F.yj.;f~ iaN 10 >l~ !tItS j)"~'t,'CI L'l my rT<lnn"-I!1C<)fl$i:Je=·,1 w~h US lJb.;.lif1J.! Mead lhf' anln' label t:eIO!"e usng HilS lXooucI Use miy ol:CCQrdtng 10 laW in~nJ(jI!:ns

f~t1lcf use·l'! tur1l>mg grown ~:)" ~e cr c:h~ cefllra;fcnl use 2S ~«I, Co(~")I'" r,crnn;:rocl ~.eed ;l"odudIOO. ({ ICf n::>eardIM~

New Yor1< Use RestrictIons: In Ne- VOI:- SI'3l'Ol lhls p-oCUCl Ir'oly trly 00 w;d by fJo~qmal agiI~!(ys aM JI n()rmelM;'I82pound~per 1.(OOSt,'I!ar9!~i05pou'ldadr.dir,,;'1~lpY acro) P"f year. ar.Jis f,l'cMT iled tan Us.;Iiil N:3s~u and ·SU!t>IJ( COOlm~

llJRFUSE Th~ 1dIdG:a pQdt;d lXTolains J h.:JCtCif.e 'IIh!ch prO\'ld~ seam~~g .cm!rol 01 aabJrJ.i"§5 and cCl1!rci Cl

st.:W"e:.sm 01 Ii\!" ~ :tras:M:I arM ttoadl~11 weeds ill U!lat!!st:ro iawtl:I.Jr.d orna:re'llai tv:1 ..... I!lcluG!ng golf C«Il"~ I.m.ar.;, [C{Jgh$ ~ 100 Ixlxes. nIlS ~f(;d:.!tj ri 0(lI I"I<Irrn neart'/ estat::llSh~1 c:r:3r.'1~a;s wt>fil I.lst(! ac.wdm~ Iv label (!I"e(,IIO(lS

Use Precautions for Turf Ttl/OS ~f(:<lu(J may t", u!:OO Oli ~«'I.."OO. !«hltd. or sp.199ed lawn~ m.j W'.amenlal turls!holt ~(I 'l'ta!·cstat>i:3he-j Tile !lI"<l:lSmust !lavedi!\'€I!optd:l 9Ccdt~ sy:Jffll.atld aurutwn sland, atld ha'leroc.erl.:.:l aile-HI 1"';Om.:l"N· ~'1g'l fdlowing~:. s~. wGdi!lQ. (j( WI~ bebp.:! d C..lI'I receve ~'> I:rs! aW1I"..aliol of this p-cd..'Cl !J;e of Il'ts ~ ro la.ms and om.=:nenli 1l!ls U.a:;Of!? na w,jJ·es~!S."Ioo.« 00 I/wst)!hat ha'rd oa.sn waY:ent).! t¥ waa!i\ef-, peg-, dooa!>e-. ct:emcal·, CJ rred:arw.!l·reial~ ~r'lSS, may ~1Cfea$e the chanw..lrx llff 1fV/

-ThIs Il'"odud '>hould on.~ btl awl'3d lolurtjfass ~iss h"Sled on lhls 13.00'. The Idlowing Il1lgrass speG," are Ider-3n1lolh!'p'or...uClwlll)'luoodasdirocled

~~;1~~~:;~:;:;;~;'~j · ~ ~ . ",",1"", ,;""":::;"i~;i':il:"",'\~IO"'!l"lIll'!~C ,It "1!" ~ !i'~,'<i: .. v .• ,,)' .. -<.~.'l~' 1 % itrl M~ .VD,,1

~-\.31fflSlJaSDfIGras~ E<dt.i"Ur~$s (p,!";.',!!,?; ,'·~,i.!t,j:: . .' B.<r:"tJdagi j.,'l (CF:>':'~;:: t:"~7"1 ~'I!)

~~:~!~~~~~-~;i:~:~ ;~Z?'1C ,) CenllP'ld';'{l' ~~~ t['t'.:t·.X"J.,iro c;·J:·>J!<,;~jl~,} 1\:k1;)·l,Igr lH (PM{)j"e,'um ,-.i)mil'!'Nrurr.i

MAR 1 b 20\U

$! ""U9'Jshnf:9 ~~$ (Sle!;fJI~;1rlum ~:JI)fJf(;rll) L~~Il?;!-:'~ (Zo.rSia il{XJ{~·'·"rl!

. US\") 0I!h~ !=,V~\.'<.1 IT: U:!l';'1! ... ~~.r:ties c! O"~-:: b«llgrass. -;;.'("1'1 as 'Cd\.:r,.:..ey'. 'f!'o-;necf, 'Seas-de". 3lI.l W3.5h1;1~on' may res:.it:r. i.:!1dei·~e tun~J~5 ii1Iurf Ncl a~ v.a.w~es.;:1 u~ w'!gr.hs rall'!!~:"1 te!too 00 NOT '!IW! !hl~ p"c..:wCl!o,) CiX:Ia! b:or.l-~ra$s (':'.::~bS I~ va'lQl:'!f;

~~~ollt~$Droduct en ce;:aill '·~r..:ti~ oj ~ne t&SCti~rna)'rf:$l;:l ~ IJnj$$r~!jvl';;! In:ury T;-:~ kc.!o"nili9 k:B i:lsru:3Vdriil~6S hall'! been l.)Jn~ 1000 -;eo~~r.ojlc. ~,:sp"~ 'A!!~-:~'3'. "Sam'!!". Sw.y·. ·elgart', 'Cr·"!. 'Ei'ljO'(, ·HF·9"3'. 'HQf4't.t'. ,~"i(~, 'Ja.-ne<)cwr;', ·1':\l7.et'. '~J', Mar{. ·PemL1wn'. ·Tl!mar~·. 'T'l!!2I1J.'. 'W3Id~. and"'I""a¥.IlI.rN';cl"'3l:e!JescriiM~ .. iwle:b?en:esled

·-1)O.NOTcS':l thr.~~AJI:! Oil ~.:!~ng t:tJii2.k>graSS!~!!'I$ s,.'Y'~'lg oI;h .. lrsf yoW cle5t.ati:<:nrr.m urJltl!i~!l.:r1 gfJ5Slsi.:!¥!lIW1.mdhas'J5I.atbmoon£:Wrou,;

NOTE: 1!!3n'.llpo"SSlt:i~11)6IIalu,r,t'-a~ttlelUf'4'ass ... e,1e1mk)(IIjSf'lf1("i>I')th'sp"odud Ils;:?W'~d~ ;I,.!! USd ot It~s j)"oCt..'ol tn m:Jt..l :rr a mal oasis i'l:1lall', 10 dEl:fflr"..r.e!ts sat~¥ "i~ ir'(~:J6d C(.,f1,:'I;<m and 11.;;1 :m-'1agernT:lp'1,)I(-E$OO!cte~wirie:s;::ceatiu'!e

~Ions lorAeseedlPg, O\~flg or Sprgglng ~.~!119, ""fYSee..~!fIg, c(,sp-ip'l'lg ti!~ed F.Idl'lW.!han 10 ~:5 a~er a $II'Ig!e-ar:~t.urt:(~l ot:tr,:l:flWtoCl (i ¥I'~hI.'l16weei(S aid":l ~j:j:l "~:~jjion !Xogrol.'1'\ ICla!ln1921ix/l.OOOs:] M (0 SIb a(lr.e :;lgro)j,~,; pa- J.;i~) 01 IDJB lTLlY ir,hit~ I!":€l e<Jatlis!ll1loot ()!ti{lS'.ra!:io!lllJrtgfas~~ 'fii·(1', ro2lH)l,n9 or ov.:;!~j'rl\1. tl,~ Wli;rli ;xac!OH SUetl & U)j Ct.;'l/J 11,.·X ltIigatlOO .and /e;:I!za':(ln 111(.1.:1.1 tot- !(i]'Ylo'ed. F·:r bonl <Jieneedil"lll h~,,;{11 .. t.:~ :rl;C-~rr~.aI-:J,poI¥erSOOJ.ng~(sl~-;eedersld'3!lgneojl!l,?'rdgood~I,">Cil~.('f;\:.;r.l

Re::artlonsforCornrofOlClli:9rass n:ilaJrlyposlE«e.'"g":J"'i.eU~JSSC~rci dest:n!:ed ~O"'" ISlmOO Pcn!emet?-Ef' .... ..e~;;.a!!"m arer#1 ellool'ie (;ll ll.=bJrass it Gbed ;IlCt to !he 3-1001 st~e cf gro'i'Al> a irst l;~Ef FCI 00:51 r9$U~S, CUll:lrai p'act~ ~al dl$lurb Ihe so;!, s:Jd"i as ~·or~·. spl<t! .. (J" tridR'-aeil~ca!rCl1, .;r.J verHCI/.!,!l9. s/1ouk! ~ dme ookc'30 a~lCJ!joo c! thl'S J-'fc<fur.l 00 NOT appy this pro-j:;r;; u~~ IhE:grass has r6C,y;.-.:re-j Ir..:mll,~e Mural !ndl!::eS

OlherUse Pmcautions Donot\l~ec@rlg$:romIHi:~11L1I!or:ru:....""lJ!g«(0"IIJ't~.;I.tB->crli1Jlilra~ KE!E;'~eamjpelso; ilS;ll-+l &lr:..:iI!-un!:! !!lJst has !~'7j Dono! ~raz:elN~fw. C( 1m !ifa~e(.IJ! trem ar'mi!~~j ... il!IU~proCr;(l

APPliCATION DIRECTlONS FOA TURf Tips For ImprO\-'ed Control For~. resUts,.;w!y th!$ P"OOI. ... .,t"<l'll1un a lew d'3'i~ a~er mowing and de!~y ffi1)'h1!l9 ~~,n.n a 1£:W days ala 'h!?.1~:licahoo iTp"c."edp~cem~yooad'.'eoowltW:.:al""'.'Clrsrd!~tr/II2tr.-cncl!'3!lbllt:fi,iiga· k"\'l Erral;.:.wOO>J w~rdr:uyr<:1!t.Jtllra:n~airrigJlJOfllsr.ctretefyed~m103(ld;y>at .... !!q:llCa!;oo Use-ci ,,:H (hailute) ¢.aiI\llS ~pan'~ $10 ~~ ~ may ~owj'30 irrvo\~ we«! cCIl!Id

MaXlrrum Use Rales for Turtgl8SS 00001 ;jr:p~/m)rd:rfwI92rDSf' ,(0):;q k.per 3P.l1c;110!l a.'"nl rl(> rr.cfelhan?71)h;Jl,rJXJ;''ei" yw. !nr~~ YOlk St.31dlhis p"oouo] may .:rly t'e t!$OO 1Jt' ~((),'e!.S!CI1,rl W;c:::!ocs ar:~?J rlorrote!h~19:2 rmnds p2( 1.(((1 :~e lee! (0 ·'joa:nd j.::I:1\·8 i"'!fed:ff~ ~otf atre) per ye¥ . .JilIJ I~ p-,:>1l.111ed ;COl 11"\" 0 l~l!.!;:;:.Ju JI.c Suit·}.; CWntes

CONTROL OF CRABGRASS FreertllrgeoC8 and Ea1y Post~ence Control roo J-'fOOur.l ;J"cr:iJdS ';J""eerrer::;~ COO!ro! o! u~a~:!>(".r.W'ilg lilei:;rge, SfilIX(h.~nojmlhret spaci€:s) 'tI!lEtl a~cd Dncrl0!heemerg~lC6of aaogr.m ro-nlhegrCttnd i1 es1.arast1oo1a!l'n~ and crn~al!urfs

t can '3Isu ::rO':id~·t>.a;l;- posI.arr..:l~gffiC$· car\!"01 01 cra..i,gr~1~dlJnng me e.m-f sf~o!u.;!);* SlO ... lh II ~~101he1ml'>l~~(lI~owlh{'fllr;t:j1e'. Th"11!ag~of~W"_fJge~ty.;.:yr~'sloll':etlme lIf.I€l1you~b'st~.;;tym~,.~cra.."Jr<l"SSpi.oId:.mIM~($h;;'L ThJs,t!r:j:.flU!l:iOtme'Jo!thisp'OOtJd's adllillQ1J1, oW!Yi=>-"'SlErr6';r'tllce JC:;.1yt'lI~(~ed 10 5!;JI;~'Y ll"~g.,...,t~(1atgaS$troGud~)d can give ;heu:)(f .12-4 ~kb'rt:-er i»Il';.} o'rh~t<)rr.ake an.killlor:s and sjil!cC(d((J cntgra!-'S

Application Fl\lquencyand Timilg T.~~'OOI.>:::I nl<tik1~1 )1atli"gle~~~(:l!lcri.as!!!{it a,.'li~!,m, o· ~ 1 'roJUfl~ra!4~"(<:i:I/1 ~([ID]~ ,:X;<ltrc! i1 toe spng. SlIrrrr-;t, C( h:l, ~ ·j~.ni»1bebw

SprjngAppilcatlons fcr !,ng!e ~~~UOOS mad:'>!r: ~ d ;;p ... .g i,I ea.'ly st.mTler, l1,i~ j)00.'!.-d Sh(.<J'.j be "Woe.:: 3.l !I,e .;,.vc~ml€: ra!dlXtll};rxrJjingl':)cr .. )(lII~",cootrclP''''9far:b.hsleJ III Tau", j n:9~cvhcrale,..flood:?p€fitj.;r"l\ oo~e; :;S\JI·S k~i{jf'.. the llJrjgr~o;,s !TI(),::ng ha~hl. -3.1d 'hfIa~Ef:he USl9;S CVl~Jd€:ie,J 1000 ~;.;olT¥.fg(flce Of l33lly pos/ttr>:lgence J! !h~ !fflB Olib" a~!ca!jcr1 The dur~!lC"I 01 r<'l'3l,j'~5j ..... :led commll.Yo·J~e.:i"r1( Ir4S p-cd;Jct 1. d:f~1i'f rel.'l!OO 10 L"o'!IICI.~ rn1e :aocil:=d, tu: "'iiI'tary ;om3Whal (!~:lg on '/>-e.a!het. weed ~sm!6.lurl];ass ~":r;t?fl'?'>S . .ir.1 jndu~·s'.,..4!ioo ~t~.i.'1 ar~

Us~Ptt9ram I r<x~,wrer9ro(a:mlr~ oi! Silt'I:S",hOC03!neb;tgf.a%js ru11w,'h (e9 .tJccne-:r{(nS"lawi".sj fl'jI$. ;:rcgi<im !:wlicies 3-5 !N1lh~ <;1 r"-t-{~s(!'.te :!"a~ra~ (;((1trc< :1':$ !Xc-.;ram st,WOJ Del t{, U!ed f(:( ea'~ w.Jff()i1"gerY.:eua.~raf!. (t"~r~;

1Js~ Prt-gr,;n.12 tC!;'f~l!1t!,·;t:wwd.1.l ~~€'S",her~(a) t:J~"''''i!St :$').:'. !ow (e~. [:lC'! .1~""",l;~), ana (b) );rtgtaS$~ff'~ir:Ct!($",,~·:,){:!r(lh.iS~OOl·jlJCi~I!;;[lt::':jh~.It:'JiClJiy!:$.jr T."l!Sj.Y~.n:TI:xO't;d~46 :ror!h~oIp"oo:r:er,~;e.:.r.IDJ13$jc(r1ro! 1J..!Sj.Yco;omln.at1lsobe1!';QjlJ"31il'i)Xl4Ern':r"J~-:1It>.J.iS'

v::r.tralUf:'totM 3 !ezJ stage cr f:rst ~€:'.'JI s.t~ ~~~!lI!trm!~ ".t tK:h (eg, hC:rei"'lE>' t~YI':13)

Us~Prc!;:f.l'!l3 t:xp'6f;:IT'.efgillloorotltroi a~ ~18$i'ft:ere(a) lcrlg;.iSS!~ 0;1 !ow (&g. g';'l !ar.r¥'lY~)~.:! {!:I)lur! ma:nlo:'flM;C6Cf't(~oorllrclh:l.I!Oil~,.crlljlJo:iOOdunnglh$P'B";OO'lyea! ihi~vogfJmfWJld~4·6 rrmtls ot p"etm:Jgence Cta.~~l'I-;S COO1ro! Thi~ fFil<Jrarn m<l',' ~so 00 tJ~ !i,I $.l,'Iy pOSltmergenro C1~ra~ CCf1lrd~lol/I<J J.\Ilafsta~'::'Ior r.;Slll~({ al:i1les wt:er61uf1lJra~ls wl kr« (~~ .gcollI3!l""ays)

~jJb::.eQI~. m.lff:llJl p"d-.r.t.:!(.{ j.lC'!!ffile!ger.ce afli>C1!;')"ls!ilCUld to€< made i\"here 100gP. pEJ!OOS 01 CC/lltd lredesu"ed

Table 1: A9c<mn..~ded Appl!catioo Use Rar:as - Appbtb:lfl:lli<l Pltlglilllll ....... ' """""" t>:J&~I~~~. a;-'''IJ<:! tt:.,.::tE-SS {.!,~;~I:'~


,~.d.!·frllIU"f· St~.~:':a~r~'

~ I ;.~,~.:,:I r)' '·rl;U.<l ;i:. i ~ :._lJiE;;':l ~~~~

l·jJ.,;t& :.c.: ~)). 2C(I :..;~. :..:;, lJo nO! CVt\I"mlIUl-3l'1a:C(, ".'ad. Cf !':'-.:1-;1 i:rr J[!:J!)e.:mJ dj:;C$~ PESTICIDE STORAGE: K~c~:.m<;f dOS>;ld Nl,('OOsc:; 70 H. 4Ij- )1 .. 5 r an.1.;w:;y ltm m-i l/!lOO~ull~ w dor;«$:'c wJ\enL"t:~:il~ ~P£SnaDE DISPOSAL: Pt~lcicie vn~t8~ 3.f<:\


t· Mao: ,1:'; (125 ~ Q::' O)! , OJ! 1(IXi'; jrnp~«f .jl~~ 01 'JX~5S P')$II,,!de .. IS a y;(j31i';.r\ Gl Fe-jel:al Law !I tt:~E: wa:.!es CJl1!1a btl dl~~w Watt" 2Q.1. 2(1) :!-Ill. 245 31». :?-I.;\ ul trl U~ <lCw.:ftng to lat..., IIHlllJdi\.(t~. COIliaclY()Jr SI.itd Po/:.t"~<!o) vr EnwomT~l1Jl Con1;ilI Ag&'~y.« ~e

~!~~!l ';2~",4~S ill:~~l ~,~:;~: ~ ~~'~:;~~}.b~~':~~;'::!~f1~p~J~~;~~'=:~U~;'~f~~r:~~~~s:s~; ----.. 011gt-rr~d;.;'l~ jjgailti~ Un.)rJ.1!utj",1htc"ldl"-PMOlOO1;li'oo.lj(\asa.rIllA:Y~~ilCtbylfl(1!1~..l,!,<.'il c;


~::~~~$Q!t ~trf ~:~J \..- ii'~lW : __ IIi!CHW~~Jl';o.:ocl!au:hJ~le$.t,b,~ !!tU:-:I$'l.:'!.2q(.)QlSn,ct<> . . .

t'8I'1cr~ 111il.(j~S t12S.0.:.a VO:'-5.0~S C..,J ~APPt..ICAWOJU81it"ENTANDINSTRUCnONS "'"

'M.ly !~lJ:r~ sPl1 ~ ~AJ&1t~r 3Wlt.;\I~.r,~ f~ un tA.'r!i,(A S~I! SW1c..lrcM rrl.ly t,(' m .. d~ ~ 1~ ... .:..*.,.,P.:,)'1 (; :;:~:~:'.I~:~I~$r~~dlJ~~~ t~:~;~:w!t',~g:~~~~f~ l:~:!ar ~~~~~b ::~~I~.l~~(iild. R~]i·:tl5 IOU<lJ03 3rf.:.l.~ ~~eJ :16i0fl lh6 $pNdt( a((«d:og 101!":e;o C',z4flIo111 m;Y.!utJLuer's IlIrOO!((JS tor adju: til;; f~e ;;:prNaS" ~lllgs ~f.h :halh;)

·+n .. ~tf de!IVe,J:hd IW(1:tl,j!';' a{:~IJcab«J rata reCOOTllffioj~j UJ<3 AfP~:' INs ~lod" .. -,cl,ntCCI1y (Itt( ~e i.!W!l «( c.rrl<'.mefia turl at-3-1 ICici.d 'lire 1!zJng, tktpS, I:J avoocps dur~ "Ill:c.l~(rl Chock fQU{~'(lI !tequerJ!'y to t<i"5ur.;.o;.:;uq:;4'I'led 1~ t.J.1(,liCfI:n:gprore1y a.1d arr<y~'1>J uo!kmo-1r.:tr.I:\I!;(tI c·191<l!1tJIe:.

AIS!.lle. N!Slalf!! .. oi?·~W.i£.-tip'-;!Boi~3:esn(1:(:du·j""1:n~3nUI((I.!.(J;lJ:.C,)H:a1~!10: 'll'est.

T'a'lst.w DE.KS. KY. MD, Mo."'.!\IJ. VA sw.h&aSlern PA. ~h:)!f1 :lreas c.4Il. iN. QH. coast;1 .3,,00, ·)fCT.NY, ~R1

S(.)h ('JJasl~Souiri

AL. A~, 1..;,\. LA, !VS. NC. /I.t~. Ct-., s(.. n I, &1,: t-JI. Fl. &. ~"'<.Ithem .;...--a:,!al.;reasQl Ai... G.o\.. LA. '-"5,NC. SC. t.. TX

WdJ Ai. CA & tN !ntt~~ G:f!"".;!!cah'y \llll'!rs;'!re;g:or.. t.:~thelv9!l({ ral(1 :r,ix.;l.;r"J~'II~h 11)l:ltl"(f.tgra!.s~l;'Jni

A~f':sI yro f~:!:Ziitil..'{] ~~.:mI..,acc..x.In.l1Cl '!l'3I~I!r.::':fa.{.<;8.i3.'>;'oa!1 O~li"F5pn:!1J(!

Spill cr Sequential AppIic&lons S~~ cr $OO!J€:nII;! <>;:¢C'lliOO$ r..ay 1I'11=t0i~ "'OO\! l¢l1ij";/:X ~~YIi1€: at1ffided ~ v..'V'·irc' In 3t'l',;; wlh ICflg grC'fl.n9SOOSCft~ Wr-..:resdJ!ti!"1:!!Zt'!W0..3!;cor:~arej~6:!.it:(Jtl!~~T~l'T.a)'testl·tlCf* hroa,...p.'C':I~m;rr.a<:l~S.IO~.sapa.1anljp",(ft~m1gras:.err:d"~Cd \"It'~re!~E>"p;J!Jo;o.~cl1A<liiclar" nooJ\lI.l. iOOUe!U2.! 2~caliCC'l!:may ternadein !tte ~e!J.:m:TI:J·:I!J! Iolarolll{la ~~g ~~Ctl (r ~11nt1 s:mg loIO'lti.1g ol2t~(j:r.2\:(C1 Dor:(i&~j!h~·Iv~:;xlil .. ;r!)UiJeRa:e' se:IWJ ;;n,jra!t':~:!;l.:ms:.:rtM s!a!eolr~wY(l1;

Fall AppllcatloflS Th!S j.lo·jl/-i can cl~(>bce~~j In :iBidd~l:flTm.'crta:l'( !4:i(late .",!J~!J">I U"1)J9n f'b.'oo·h~).::t !ht-'Pr~racr: 'Yt.~r.::t~It~i'lT,illeltO!A(tJ!de·':f"4rcl..Jicr;;l~J>SlPlrug.UldeJlt/PJ.:1(1II!":e;o~.1">!R1~ fhtl~ ~!al5"'ookj!)?!dJowejtlfana~A~es~g~ICfl:OOlOO".P.~·loo~tOfl!rdo/aat:w-'l~

CONTROl OF On-iER WEED GRASSES AND BROADLEAF WEEDS Sprllg ApJ1lcatlons. U~a~dir(;c\e:jkr(fatw-=:;.scrn!ro!ln!hB !pVlg.l!l!~P'"Co.""'C1 "'~ aisorollrd(allhe ·Pro;ra.'Tl~· re1E:S):X .:t..werss (JI 1M 'P:"~r3m Z" rJ!~) !I:~ ldk!WlC'~ weeds 'IItlm w",,! ana l':)lhs:r ~ergl¥'t.e

Grassas BaIley 6amyarC1t .us BlI~ra!'$,Jr~ Brana l·{ilb1'JH.!arg~ Crab~r.Bs,!m.."ojr: Cf-=Dgnss.$ru.roffil Crcwfrograss DaIi!lJl'ast(~~) Gros>ilgfas:. F('),1~,gr~ FQ),1a(y~~w K!lo~l.!gra$s· Oat!.~!C R)~JjaSS(l:ltX:cl&;xrff'lfiIat) $m,:i:l;r SJT\J:~r.ass

BroadteaWeeds B~terrJe~:

C~rpel~ Chl!b~ Gn1r,Jill,C<iO:na'

"""" i<n~ot.xU,p"cs!ta:e Lespedf:.!,!.r{'tffiJl')Ol" Mlt~taj ,l.Mdl~,~ad: M,S!lfJ (,'Xall$.tu:I~;:: t>,(:~t=I""'eeC P'9'!t~1.r~ICd ~a;~'lo;:!1"' P!Jr~.;M..rolTlTOl Rocka.lor.d-'l'l Sh~t;;"c"Ct.~~d

SpeOOYI>'SI.""""" SWg~.ga-der, Sj:<Jrga.poolla: .. S~rge.~lf£ WOOl$J;re(i;l~ Woolwrrtl.y€iiol'l


fk~-... ~-nsW Ed:i.'X'dl~'d.-n.-$i'o~~ P(l8.l:Ii!ilUil

Br~~;x.-$~n' f'''¢1M.l "'l!~~II;,1ak DigitJ.iI i:>driJamum [f.:,:::ati3c5.3tis D£:)Icder.i.!m~""JDliI,:jTt Pa~mcEJlJAJm e~~ $J;,.'a!L~ ,Ffdi SiJ3!:ata.."-:-ri Pm...r-,.otrncia:l:!r1SW>-.dTI A~"'"!ai,1iU,1 L:iJ..."'T:-W ~ID'!n")~~ $PQ~~ :;ro.~


Mc.~\r~1J S~a;i3sw Cflfa,r';'''C3r.I.'r.i.YL~ L&"1/~..,7);'W

P:i:r.').'Y!i.1T:.3Y;'WPI Lif.:.«!.:-zas!.iJ!.J C('I')I'Z3Clf'JOOflSo.'$ M~1:w 1:Jr¥!~:r"j B..~SW Q:;,.;,i:;~..:Jp-.)fj

:\h~.l:!r~mJIr,-:a,~ .4n~¢~'l.,:"etvLfe.u.s

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iMe SU~~~t~~~~o>r.:;:~l~!:~r~~f~I:~~~O !~~~:tc:t,r.a:rc.1 50 lin. truts 14.200 sq. f1.(O.33 acrol') 1I1te 1;[2 lb •. product'acre -t\GHT RATE (~.5Ibll1,OOO Sq. FI;

5O~b~~ir~~'7\~~S~ ~.\~~5~):~ ~~':04~~~~~c:~~e/l;io9rrM~~~~~6~~~i~ ~:~) ;0 Ibs.lteal$ 5.400 sq. Il (0.12 acte} at !he 400 1M. product.tacre - HIGH RATE {9.2 tbs/l.ooo Sq. FI)




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~W'~fd~·~~;jm) Pcmcm!!.l.

4:imph ~t~.r. .\JI.! S :i~

VII,;Ctl(roS.Yl"s) ~ 5 mph ~le~1 " " ~'l: " Tllm 'Ua.Jdt'l sd!,l1gS Wife '3"SI3..l-bsnoo USing sl.mJJrd t\lUi~ Jvaj.l~g hm lh~ "SpBlje< manuladu;>;W" JlSw3.\tl ... l,f,hsa. ... ,.j s;:ooQs\vj:icali')ouse!lWllhl11lhoindustr,. r.is.r;Cl.;onm€fl~lh-.l . .3II$iJea.:!t'l~u~JOO c.eJ;tt'}\M:r.trl~!linao,)!JW;cmnlo.:u.:it"''''II'~~~J,.'"flic$ioor.;t~

iMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USE: %ad the oo;re DrroolOOS k1 Use <1m:! 1/'1E: Wa.'PJrly (Asda!m:t and Lrm.lJ1JOIl 01 Llatlb'Y ~<> 1.lWl') 111'5 f(<:'<'i;.:I,: Jt terms JJ"d na a·~Jtle.rlitJrn ltld unlJl.~ p'oducl CCf;la;nEil .a! ro:'~ 8't u$1rI<] It-IS prOO"u\l. U$o,)" or Bl.!~a ~~s lhe.lo!low!ng Wa:r.mly Osrl:iJM dOd Lmldlh."Yl o! UablflY:

WARRANTY DISCLAIMER and lIMITAnON of lIA8lt.llY: ManuI.;CbJro;(warran!slhat!I\;$p"~OOI1hxTmlolh03<:h~d~nOOlhdIJbtol.illJ !sr8J~att:·~ kr iJo plq"~ :;taw 00 M!abeI ~ u~~oJ lc1 s:r.tI acut:13l"~.e,,~ :h·) d:r~ir<1S Ma.'lula:h.;:·('r m!Kes 1\.'0 ,,)THER EXPRESS OR ~-1PUEDWARHANTYOF ~RCI·;ANT.!ErtlTY OR F!n~(S2 F('IR A PARTICULAR PUR.POSE Teltle a1enl (~~i'llffi w~tr a;:~jlC'.atlela\\o. rt Istf.<ltJ.llldurff'sirlltnl toLMIT fV:oNLlAE>Lfff FOR SPECIAL. (:(l\:'SEOU[NT1AL OR It'JC1000Al ECO",,-1W,iC DAMAGESloref!J1ld o!PJrdl~seD1(~ Cl

%~:=i~~g~~~~~1O%~o~O~T~H~~~.~~~rA~~t~WO~16}"'k~~~~~fJ~;;g~t¢~~ LABEL [JIRECTK;lNS r.~ oonlr~ 10 I.J~ ,1;r~IOO'~ I~ n.:t ~::,)j


M3f1ut3.1\IJled!.1.' rhIL~rl':lel"<;ms. L ~wn F~bza [)vlS!Cfl. Inc.

P.O.60x 11~~ r...llUrr«l.OH 435.,7

SGN 215 Net Wt. 50 Lbs. (22.68 kg)

