VICTIM OF ROMAN PERSECUTION THE CITIZEN. Prince George — Friday, September 12, 1980 — 45 Little-known saint lies in New Brunswick ROGERSVILLE. N.B. (CP) - A little-known saint now- resting in a little-known comer of rural New Brunswick is the main element in a story of a brutal Christian martyrdom that occurred in Rome almost 2.000 years ago. The bones of St. Theophile, about 10years old when he met death at the end of a Roman sword, have lain in this small eastern New Brunswick com munity for 46 years — a rare and precious relic venerated by only a few who know the whereabouts of the “ little saint.” The saint’s remains are enclosed in a wax effigy to give an impression of the child's appearance when he died. He lies in a glass coffin in a special compartment of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Assumption of Acadia under the care and pro tection of Trappistine nuns. The child’s complete skele ton is here, but only the back of the skull and the bones of one hand have been left unco vered by wax. Inside the coffin are a palm leaf and a small vial, or ampulla, of the child’s blood —both symbols of Chris tian martyrdom. The nuns say more visitors come to the abbey each year to view the saint. But still, not I \ I ! Citizen Religion \ _____ , many khow of the Trappist community at Rogersville. or of their treasure. “ It is unique to have in the province of New Brunswick — the only town in all that area, rare in all of North America, the body of a martyr — and here it is in a place that no one knows much about," said Harold Adams of Toronto, a lay theologian who has researched and written on St. Theophile. Theophile is a saint by virtue of being a Christian martyr, a small child who gave up his life for Christ. His remains were disco vered in the Roman catacombs around 1820. Archeologists knew he was a martyr because of the small vial of blood, now just greyish dust, left in the tomb with the body. Adams said little is known about the saint, his life or how he met his death in what is cal culated to be the year 303. "We do know he died under the 10th persecution, which was the most vicious, by the Roman emperor Diocletian.” Adams said. There is a grisly legend that the boy was killed by his own father, a Roman officer, when he refused to give up the Chris tian faith. Adams said he has been unable to find any documentation of the legend, but such a slaughter “ would have been common and hap pened many times under the Romans.” The wax effigy, applied to the skeleton shortly after it was found in 1820. depicts sword wounds at the throat and forehead. “ His throat was slit and his forehead gouged with a sword.” Adams said. Thousands of Christians were killed during the Roman persecution. They died horri bly — decapitated, dismem bered. roasted on grijls and entire populations wer^.locked in their churches and'burned alive. Adams said the huge death toll explains why nearly every major church in Europe has bodies of Christian martyrs, but such relics are extremely rare in North America. Theophile means beloved, or friend, of God. However. Adams explained that since so little is known about the child, the name may have been bes towed by the archeologists who uncovered the tomb. Because the child's life story is obscure. Theophile has not been awarded a prominent place in the ranks of Catholic saints. But Adams emphasized the underlying importance of martyrdom to religious wor ship. "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity - that is how we approach this little boy.” he said. “ His blood is a reminder to us that his faith, strength, love for God and love for Christ are what kept the church alive in times of great persecution and that is why we hold him. and all martyrs, in such great respect.” Com e and H ear MR. "ED" TURNER! (of the Fraser Valley) Vital Messages for the Whole Family! Sundays (Sept. 14 & 21) 10:45 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. MONDAY TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Every Night! at 7:30 p.m. Sharp (Sept. 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19) Bright Singing: Fundamental Bible Teaching! Prince George Gospel Chapel 1590 Quoensway St. BRING YOUR FAMILY! BRING YOUR FRIENDSi You Can Judge a Piano By The Company It Keeps The Choice Of: • Burt Bacharach • David Bar-Illan • Leonard Bernstein • Dave Brubeck • Ferrante & Teicher • Andre’ Gagnon • Liberace • Seiji Ozawa • Andre’ Previn, etc. . . . Choose the best Choose a B a ld w in Now Priced From *2,395 Your Baldwin/Bernstein dealer is RONCALIO PIANOS 361 Georgo St. 562-8364 "LET GOD BE Cliff Dietrick Pojtc M Erik Bjorn Pa*tor GLORIFIED" Evangelical Free Church 5th & Killoren 564-5889 10:30 a.m. — Sunday School. I 1:00 a.m. — Morning Worship. , "Communion" with Rev. Cliff Dietrick. 7:00 p.m. — Family Inspiration. "Leadership" by Pastor Erik Bjorn. Homecoming 45th Anniversary Celebration Oct. 10-12 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE A Centre of Christian Care r.- 497 Ospika Blvd. 564-7434 PASTORS Arlo A. Johnson — Mario G. Johnson SUNDAY 10 A.M. All Family Bible Hour .. . Very Special Adult Elective Studies begin Today! 11 a.m. Evangelist & Motivator Danny Moe 7 p.m. First Session of DYNAMIC LIVING SEMINAR For Seminar Information, phone Church office A FAMILY NIGHT MINISTRY starts at theTABERNACLE on Tuesday Sept. 23rd 7-8:30 p.m. and continues weekly. Programs of Ministry to boys and girls grades 2-6, Youth grades 7 -9 and grades 10 - 12 plus Adult Study. Prayer N Share. Plan to attend. Dial-A-Meditation 562-7000 HART HIGHWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 9:45 AiM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Pastor Dan Friesen will be speaking 7 P.M FELLOWSHIP & SHARING PASTOR Dave Janke will be ministering Next Week ... Dr. Donald O. Northrup Thurs. Sept. 18, to Sun., Sept. 21 7:30 p.m. • Come in and take in this ministry ot "indepth" Bible Teaching • Firsh Corinthians 12 comes alive through this ministry as the word of knowledge, prophecy and other gifts flow Phone 962-7407 For Information KABALARIAN PHILOSOPHY PRINCE GEORGE W om en’s Aglow Fellowship Are Having A DINNER BANQUET Sept. 24 Starting at 6:30 p.m. At the Prince George Hotel SPECIAL SPEAKER IS ANNE HARVEY From Surrey, B.C., — a wife and mother who's family is now grown. The Lord has enabled her to minister (on a personal level) to various ladies groups. ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME TICKETS: $8 Available from King’s Inn Bible Store — 563-8836 Switzer’s Sewing Centre — 562*2658 Shirley’s Symbalisty — 962-7276 Marlene Spyker — 563-7973 ALFRED J. PARKER Founder HAVE YOU RESOLVED TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE? Have you been plagued with Uncertainties? Confusion? Tension? Ill Health? Musunderstandinas? Trial and Error with Error the Predominant Influence? If man but understood the Spiritual Principle and applied himself to it. Human Suffering would be eliminated. the KABALARIAN PHILOSOPHY is based on the knowledge of the Natural Laws and is logical, workable and scientific. For years it has been demonstrated and proved bringing freedom from fears and phobias that rob people of health and happiness. Have you wondered why you have your own particular weaknesses and why, even if you desire to do so you cannot fully control them? LEARN WHY AND HOW TO CHANGE! HOW TO MAKE YOUR NEW RESOLUTIONS A REALITY” Hear a free public lecture Thursday, Sept. 18 at 8:00 p.m. Connaught Motor Inn KABALARIAN PHILOSOPHY ■COLLECTION ONLYi Phone 562-3443 urcfj Vertices! Seventh-Day Adventist Church 4388-15th Ave Prince George Pastor: R Bradley 562-2918 Salurday Services 9:15 am -12:00 p m Everyone Welcome Christian Science Services • 1011 Ospika Blvd Sunday Church Service & Sunday School 11 00 a m Testimony Meetings 1st & 3rd Wed , 8 p m Everyone Welcome Clerk s phone 563-4355 Bethel Baptist Church 409 Cassiar Street Pastor: E A Hottmann 9:45 a m. English Worship Service 9:45 a m German Bible Study 11 00 a m German Worship Service 11:00 a m Sunday School English 7:20 pm Evening Gospel Service — English rel 562-7498 — 562-2242 Westwood ' Mennonite Brethren 3590 Dullerm at Ospiks 562-3711 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Biblical Principals on Spiritual Growth. Nick Willems. Evening Service 5:45 p.m. Getting Acquainted Night with Pot Luck Dinner Lakewood Alliance Church 4201-5th Ave at Ospika Pastor: Rev Les Hamm 564-8737 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a m Family Bible School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Sing In. Christian Reformed Church & 20th and Willow Pastor: Bill Tuininga 564-7197 Worship Services 11 00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Visitors Welcome Church of Christ P.G Secondary School 2901 20th Ave Room 513 SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 11 00 a m Morning Worship WEDNESDAY 7908 Loyola Crescent 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Minister Curtis Freeman 564-0607 or Alternate Phone 964-7811 Fort George Baptist Church 1600 Johnson St Pastor: M Morris 9 30 a in Family Bible Hour Worship Service 11 00 a m Evening Service 7 00 p m Other activities as an nounced For intormation phone 564-6207 Kelly Road Gospel Chapel 704 i S Kelly Rd Family Bible Hour Sunday — 11:00 a m Come — Bring your lamilyl Bring your Inends Phone 563-4876 or 564-7134 CHRIST IS THE ANSWER ------- J------------------------ The Salvation Army 777 Ospika Blvd Prince George. B C Capt & Mrs J T Phelan Corps Officers Sunday Meetings 9 30 am Sunday School 11 00 a m Holiness Mtg Salvation Meeting 7 30 p m A Warm Welcome Awaits You! ». St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation Westwood Drive— Range Road Parish Priest Very Rev. E. Stefaniuk 563-1386 Services 10:00 a.m. St. Michael & All Angels’ 1 Anglican Church OF CANADA 1505-5th Avenue 564-4511 Clergy: The Venerable A J Hosking Reverend P A Wadham Sunday 8:00 a m. Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Family Communion 11 00 a m Morning Prayer Wednesday Service at 9:30 a.m. Nursery Provided College Heights Baptist Church 5401 Moriarty Ctes •964-4181 Pastor: Rev E Klingenberg Sunday Services 9:45 Sunday School 11 00 a m Family Worship Hour 7 00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Hour Wednesday, 7 30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Time Everyone Welcome Prince George Gospel Chapel 1590 Queensway Unto Him shall the gather ing of the people be! (Gen 49:10; SUNDAY: 9 00 a m Breaking of Bread 10 45 a m Family Bible Hour Gospel Service 7:00 p m THURSDAY 7:30 p m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED. RISEN AND COMING AGAIN! Phone 564-7134. 563-4876 The King’s Center 1557-3rd Ave 563-8836 or 563-0993 Christian Fellowship Centre TUESDAY 8:00 pm Bible Study SATURDAY 8 00 p in Cottee House SUNDAY 10 30 a m Worship Service 7 00 p m Body Ministry and Worship Lending Library for Video Tapes Cassette Messages Christian Books First Baptist Church Fifth & Gillette St Minster: H. Lance Morgan SUNDAY Sunday School 9 45 a m Morning Worship Service 11 00 a m. Evening Service 7:30 p m WEDNESDAY 8:00 p m Prayer & Bible Study Everyone Welcome Catholic Churches ST GEORGE S UKRAINIAN Rev Basil Galarnyk 562-3237 Corner of Massey & Varner t Services every Sunday 10:00 a.m. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Corner of 10th & Douglas St PASTOR: G Gettes 8:30 a m & 11 a m Regular Sunday Service 9 45 a m Family Sunday School All Ages Welcome (Includes Adult Bible Study) Welcome to the church on the corner serving Christ and your community Church Office 564-4336 Connaught Hil Lutheran Church (The Lutheran Churcfi Missouri Synod) 933 Patricia Blvd Phone: 562-2777 or 562-6009 PASTOR: Harold H. Witte 9:45 a m. Sunday School & Bible Class 11:00 a m. Worship Service Central Fellowship Baptist Church Services will be at Van Bien Elementary School (Corn Wilson Cres and Uplands ) 563-4473 A Regular Baptist Church of B C Pastor Stephen Horton 10:15 a m Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL Rector Rev Gabriel Barcelos In Residence: Rev Nicholas Cooney Sunday Mass 8:00. 9:30, 11 30 & 7:30 p m Salurday Mass 11:15 a m Mon to Fri 5:15pm Confessions Saturday 4-5 p m I# W OF CANADA ST ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH 3555-5th Avenue (Just west of the Spruceland Shopping Centre) 563-9167 Rev. D. Dale Cumming Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Nursery Provided Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Notice to Western Area, St. Andrew's is initiating a new Community of Faith with worship and Sunday School in the College Heights Elementary School, October 5, 11:00 a.m. Children will begin Sunday School at St. Andrew's. s" Gi es 15th and Edmonton St. 564-6494 Minister J.H. Hans Kouwenberg Sunday Services 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Nursery, Kindergarten & Baby fold provided 563-3410 or 563-8988 ST. MARY S 1100 Freeman St 564-4097 Rev Jim Larkin, Pastor Rev V LaPlante, O M I Rev J Pagnon O M I Sunday Masses: 9 00. 10:30. 12:00 & 7:00 p m Also Saturday 7 pm Confessions: Sal 4-4 30 6:15-6:45 p.m. CHRIST OURSAVIOUR Hart Highway Rev. J B O Rourke. O P 4514 Austin Road West 962-8352 SUNDAY MASSES 9 :00 & 11 00 a m Saturday 7:00 p.m CATHOLIC CENTRE Corner at Kelly & Austin Hd CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Cathedral Ave Hwy 16 West Box 7000 964-7179 Res 964-4898 Father Nicholas J Forde O M l SUNDAY MASSES 9 a.m., 1T a m. & 5 00 p.m. The Church in Blackburn MT. TABOR UNITED Top of Bonnet Hill — Old Giscome Hwy Church Service 11:15 a.m. Minister: TOM M ER C E R 963-7083 Central Church of God 1804 Central Street Pastor Robert Terry Sun School H Worship 10 30 a m Prayer & Bible Study Wed 7 30 p in Junior Club Friday 7 30 p m For further intormation call 564-6411 KNOX UNITED CHURCH 1448-5th Ave (Downtown Church) Minister Rev Allen I V Dawe. BA.BD Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a m. Nersery Provided A friendly church in a growing city Everyone Welcome Church of the Nazarene I Welcomes You at 15th & Ospika i Sunday School 10:00 a m Family Worship 11 00 a m EvenmgFellOwship7:00p m Pastor: C M Geiger 562-6786 * The Salvation i Army Harbour Light 835-3rd Ave Capt & Mrs F. Phelps * Officer in Charge Sunday 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p m Tuesday Film 7:00 p.m. Thurs. - Sat. Gospel Service at 7:00 p.m. ! « Everyone Welcome For oonations to this work or • enquiries regarding program | call 563-6819 Emmanuel United Church Balsam Road opposite Ski Hill Serving Area North of Nechako River 9:30 Church Service Minister Tom Mercer 963-7083 Full Gospel Tabernacle 1055 Ospika Blvd 563-1003 PASTOR: T A OSIOWY Phone: 563-2363 Schedule: SUNDAY 10:30am Worship and Bible time for all ages 7:00 pm kvemng Fellowship Service TUESDAY Fundamental Studies for New Believers 7 30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 8 00 p m Home fellowship Studies Phone for location THURSDAY 7 30 p m. Youth Meeting Pioneer Girls A Church where Your neejl is our concern

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VICTIM OF ROMAN PERSECUTIONTHE CITIZEN. Prince George — Friday, September 12, 1980 — 45

Little-known saint lies in New BrunswickROGERSVILLE. N.B. (CP)

- A little-known saint now- resting in a little-known comer of rural New Brunswick is the main element in a story of a brutal Christian martyrdom that occurred in Rome almost 2.000 years ago.

The bones of St. Theophile, about 10 years old when he met death at the end of a Roman sword, have lain in this small eastern New Brunswick com­munity for 46 years — a rare and precious relic venerated by only a few who know the whereabouts of the “ little saint.”

The saint’s remains are enclosed in a wax effigy to give an impression of the child's appearance when he died. He lies in a glass coffin in a special compartment of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Assumption of Acadia under the care and pro­tection of Trappistine nuns.

The child’s complete skele­ton is here, but only the back of the skull and the bones of one hand have been left unco­vered by wax. Inside the coffin are a palm leaf and a small vial, or ampulla, of the child’s blood — both symbols of Chris­tian martyrdom.

The nuns say more visitors come to the abbey each year to view the saint. But still, not


I ! Citizen

Religion\ _____ ,

many khow of the Trappist community at Rogersville. or of their treasure.

“ It is unique to have in the province of New Brunswick — the only town in all that area, rare in all of North America, the body of a martyr — and here it is in a place that no one knows much about," said Harold Adams of Toronto, a lay theologian who has researched and written on St. Theophile.

Theophile is a saint by virtue of being a Christian martyr, a small child who gave up his life for Christ.

His remains were disco­vered in the Roman catacombs around 1820. Archeologists knew he was a martyr because of the small vial of blood, now just greyish dust, left in the tomb with the body.

Adams said little is known about the saint, his life or how

he met his death in what is cal­culated to be the year 303.

"We do know he died under the 10th persecution, which was the most vicious, by the Roman emperor Diocletian.” Adams said.

There is a grisly legend that the boy was killed by his own father, a Roman officer, when he refused to give up the Chris­tian faith. Adams said he has been unable to find any documentation of the legend, but such a slaughter “would have been common and hap­pened many times under the Romans.”

The wax effigy, applied to the skeleton shortly after it was found in 1820. depicts sword wounds at the throat and forehead. “His throat was slit

and his forehead gouged with a sword.” Adams said.

Thousands of Christians were killed during the Roman persecution. They died horri­bly — decapitated, dismem­bered. roasted on grijls and entire populations wer .̂locked in their churches and'burned alive.

Adams said the huge death toll explains why nearly every major church in Europe has bodies of Christian martyrs, but such relics are extremely rare in North America.

Theophile means beloved, or friend, of God. However. Adams explained that since so little is known about the child, the name may have been bes­towed by the archeologists who uncovered the tomb.

Because the child's life story is obscure. Theophile has not been awarded a prominent place in the ranks of Catholic saints. But Adams emphasized the underlying importance of martyrdom to religious wor­ship.

"The blood of martyrs is the

seed of Christianity - that is how we approach this little boy.” he said. “His blood is a reminder to us that his faith, strength, love for God and love

for Christ are what kept the church alive in times of great persecution and that is why we hold him. and all martyrs, in such great respect.”

C o m e a n d H e a r

MR. "ED " TURNER!(of the Fraser Valley)

V i t a l M e s s a g e s f o r t h e W h o l e F a m i l y !S u n d a y s ( S e p t . 1 4 & 2 1 )

1 0 :4 5 a .m . & 7 : 0 0 p .m .

M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y . W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R ID A Y

E v e ry N ig h t ! a t 7 : 3 0 p .m .

S h a r p (S e p t . 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 8 & 1 9 )

Bright Singing: Fundamental Bible Teaching!

P r in c e G e o r g e G o s p e l C h a p e l

1 5 9 0 Q u o e n s w a y S t .


You Can Judge a Piano By The Company It Keeps

T h e C h o ic e O f:• Burt Bacharach• David Bar-Illan• Leonard Bernstein• Dave Brubeck• Ferrante & Teicher• Andre’ Gagnon• Liberace• Seiji Ozawa• Andre’ Previn, etc. . . .

Choose the bestChoose a

B a ld w inNow Priced From

*2,395Your Baldwin/Bernstein

dealer isR O N C A L I O


361 Georgo St. 562-8364

" L E T


Cliff DietrickPojtc

MErik Bjorn



E v a n g e l ic a l F re e C h u r c h5th & Killoren 564-5889

10:30 a.m. — Sunday School.I 1:00 a.m. —

Morning Worship., "Communion" with Rev.

Cliff Dietrick.

7:00 p.m. — Family Inspiration."Leadership" by Pastor Erik Bjorn.

Homecoming 45th Anniversary Celebration Oct. 10-12


C h r is t ian C are


497 Ospika Blvd. 564-7434 PASTORS

Arlo A. Johnson — Mario G. JohnsonS U N D A Y10 A .M . A ll F a m ily B ib le H our . . . V e ry S p e c ia l

A d u lt E le c t iv e S tu d ie s b eg in T o d a y !11 a.m . E v a n g e lis t & M o tiva to r D an n y M oe7 p.m . F irs t S e s s io n o f D Y N A M IC L IV IN G S E M IN A R

Fo r Se m in a r In fo rm atio n , p h o n e C h u rch o ffic e

A FAMILY NIGHT MINISTRY starts at theTABERNACLE on Tuesday Sept. 23rd 7-8:30 p.m. and continues weekly. Programs of Ministry to boys and girls grades 2-6, Youth grades 7 - 9 and grades 10 - 12 plus Adult Study. Prayer N Share. Plan to attend.

Dial-A-Meditation 562-7000




Pastor Dan Friesen will be speaking


PASTOR Dave Janke will be ministering

N e x t W e e k . . .Dr. Donald O. Northrup

T h u rs . Se p t. 18, to Su n ., Se p t. 21

7:30 p.m .

• Come in and take in this ministry ot "indepth" Bible Teaching

• Firsh Corinthians 12 comes alive through this ministry as the word of knowledge, prophecy and other gifts flow

P h o n e 962-7407 F o r In fo rm ation



W o m e n ’ s A g l o w F e l l o w s h i pAre Having A

DINNER BANQUETSept. 24 Starting at 6:30 p.m.

At the Prince George Hotel

SPECIAL SPEAKER IS ANNE HARVEYFrom Surrey, B.C., — a wife and mother who's family is now grown. The Lord has enabled her to minister (on a personal level) to various ladies groups.


TICKETS: $8 Available from King’s Inn Bible Store — 563-8836

Switzer’s Sewing Centre — 562*2658 Shirley’s Symbalisty — 962-7276

Marlene Spyker — 563-7973



T O I M P R O V E Y O U R L I F E ?

Have you been plagued with Uncertainties? Confusion? Tension? Ill Health? Musunderstandinas? Trial and Error with Error

the Predominant Influence?

If man but understood the Spiritual Principle and applied himself to it. Human Suffering would be eliminated.

the KABALARIAN PHILOSOPHY is based on the knowledge of the Natural Laws and is logical, workable and scientific. For years it has been demonstrated and proved bringing freedom from fears and phobias that rob people of health and happiness.Have you wondered why you have your own particular weaknesses and why, even if you desire to do so you cannot fully control them?


“ HOW TO M A K E YOUR NEW RESOLUTIONS A R E A LITY ”Hear a free public lecture

T h u rsd a y , S e p t. 18 at 8:00 p.m . C o n n a u g h t M oto r Inn


Phone 562-3443

urcfj Vertices!Seventh-Day


4388-15th Ave Prince George

Pastor: R Bradley 562-2918

Salurday Services 9:15 am -12:00 p m Everyone Welcome

C hr is tian

Sc ience

Services •1011 Ospika Blvd

Sunday Church Service & Sunday School 11 00 a m

Testimony Meetings 1st & 3rd Wed , 8 p m Everyone Welcome

Clerk s phone 563-4355

Bethel Baptist Church

409 Cassiar StreetPastor: E A Hottmann

9:45 a m. English Worship Service

9:45 a m German Bible Study

11 00 a m German Worship Service

11:00 a m Sunday School English

7:20 pm Evening Gospel Service — English

rel 562-7498 — 562-2242

Westwood ' M ennonite

Brethren3590 Dullerm at Ospiks


Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

Biblical Principals on Spiritual Growth.

Nick Willems.

Evening Service 5:45 p.m. Getting Acquainted Night

with Pot Luck Dinner

Lakewood Alliance Church

4201-5th Ave at Ospika Pastor: Rev Les Hamm


9:45 a m Family Bible School

11:00am Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Sing In.



Church &20th and Willow

Pastor: Bill Tuininga 564-7197

Worship Services 11 00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.Visitors Welcome

Church of Christ

P.G Secondary School 2901 20th Ave Room 513

SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Bible Study

11 00 a m Morning Worship WEDNESDAY

7908 Loyola Crescent 7:00 p.m. Bible Study

Minister Curtis Freeman 564-0607

or Alternate Phone 964-7811

Fort George Baptist Church

1600 Johnson St Pastor:

M Morris 9 30 a in

Family Bible Hour Worship Service 11 00 a m

Evening Service 7 00 p m

Other activities as an­nounced For intormation phone 564-6207

Kelly Road

Gospel Chapel

704 i S Kelly Rd

Family Bible Hour Sunday — 11:00 a m

Come — Bring your lamilyl Bring your Inends

Phone 563-4876 or 564-7134 CHRIST IS THE ANSWER

------- J------------------------



777 Ospika Blvd Prince George. B C

Capt & Mrs J T Phelan Corps Officers

Sunday Meetings 9 30 am Sunday School 11 00 a m Holiness Mtg

Salvation Meeting 7 30 p mA Warm Welcome

Awaits You! ».

St.M ichael


CongregationWestwood Drive—

Range Road Parish Priest

Very Rev. E. Stefaniuk 563-1386

Services 10:00 a.m.

St. M ichael & All Angels’ 1

Anglican ChurchOF CANADA

1505-5th Avenue 564-4511

Clergy: The Venerable A J Hosking Reverend P A Wadham

Sunday 8:00 a m.Holy Communion

9:00 a.m.Family Communion

11 00 a m Morning Prayer

Wednesday Service at 9:30 a.m.

Nursery Provided

College Heights Baptist Church

5401 Moriarty Ctes • 964-4181

Pastor: Rev E KlingenbergSunday Services

9:45 Sunday School11 00 a m Family

Worship Hour7 00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Hour

Wednesday, 7 30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Time

Everyone Welcome

Prince George Gospel Chapel

1590 Queensway

Unto Him shall the gather­ing of the people be! (Gen 49:10;

SUNDAY:9 00 a m Breaking of Bread10 45 a m Family Bible Hour

Gospel Service 7:00 p m

THURSDAY 7:30 p m Bible Study and

Prayer Meeting



Phone 564-7134. 563-4876

The K ing’s Center

1557-3rd Ave 563-8836 or 563-0993

Christian Fellowship Centre

TUESDAY 8:00 pm Bible Study

SATURDAY8 00 p in Cottee House

SUNDAY10 30 a m

Worship Service

7 00 p m Body Ministry and Worship

Lending Library for Video Tapes

Cassette Messages Christian Books

First Baptist Church

Fifth & Gillette St Minster: H. Lance Morgan

SUNDAY Sunday School 9 45 a m Morning Worship Service

11 00 a m. Evening Service 7:30 p m

WEDNESDAY 8:00 p m Prayer &

Bible StudyEveryone Welcome



562-3237Corner of Massey & Varner

t S e r v ic e s every S u n d a y 10:00 a.m.

Our Sav iour’s Lutheran Church

Corner of 10th & Douglas St

PASTOR: G Gettes

8:30 a m & 11 a m Regular Sunday Service

9 45 a m Family Sunday School

All Ages Welcome (Includes Adult

Bible Study)

Welcome to the church on the corner serving Christ and your community

Church Office 564-4336

Connaught Hil Lutheran Church

(The Lutheran Churcfi Missouri Synod)

933 Patricia Blvd Phone: 562-2777

or 562-6009

PASTOR: Harold H. Witte

9:45 a m. Sunday School & Bible Class

11:00 a m. Worship Service

Central Fellowship

Baptist Church

Services will be atVan Bien Elementary

School (Corn Wilson Cres and Uplands )


A Regular Baptist Church of B C

Pastor Stephen Horton

10:15 a m Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service


Rector Rev Gabriel Barcelos In Residence:

Rev Nicholas Cooney

Sunday Mass 8:00. 9:30, 11 30 & 7:30 p m

Salurday Mass 11:15 am

Mon to Fri 5 :1 5 p m

Confessions Saturday 4-5 p m



3555-5th Avenue (Just west of the

Spruceland Shopping Centre)


Rev. D. Dale Cumming Service 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Nursery Provided

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study,

Saturday, 7:30 a.m.

Notice to Western Area, St. Andrew's is initiating a new Community of Faith with worship and Sunday School in the College Heights Elementary School, October 5, 11:00 a.m. Children will begin Sunday School at St. Andrew's.

s"G i es

15th and Edmonton St. 564-6494Minister

J.H. Hans KouwenbergSunday Services

9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.Nursery, Kindergarten &

Baby fold provided563-3410 or 563-8988

ST. MARY S1100 Freeman St 564-4097

Rev Jim Larkin, Pastor Rev V LaPlante, O M I Rev J Pagnon O M I

Sunday Masses:9 00. 10:30.

12:00 & 7:00 p m Also Saturday 7pm

Confessions: Sal 4-4 30 6:15-6:45 p.m.


Rev. J B O Rourke. O P 4514 Austin Road West

962-8352 SUNDAY MASSES 9 :00 & 11 00 a m

Saturday 7:00 p.m

CATHOLIC CENTRE Corner at Kelly & Austin Hd


Cathedral Ave Hwy 16 West

Box 7000 964-7179 Res 964-4898

Father Nicholas J Forde O M l

SUNDAY MASSES 9 a.m., 1 T a m. & 5 00 p.m.

The Church in Blackburn


Top of Bonnet Hill —

Old Giscome Hwy

Church Service 11:15 a.m.Minister:

TOM MERCER 963-7083

Central Church of God

1804 Central StreetPastor Robert Terry

Sun School H Worship 10 30 a m

Prayer & Bible Study Wed 7 30 p in

Junior Club Friday 7 30 p m

For further intormation call 564-6411


1448-5th Ave (Downtown Church)

Minister Rev Allen I V Dawe.

B A . B D

Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School 9:30 a m. Nersery Provided

A friendly church in a growing city

Everyone Welcome

Church of the Nazarene

IWelcomes You

at 15th & Ospikai

Sunday School 10:00 a m Family Worship 11 00 a m

EvenmgFellOwship7:00p mPastor: C M Geiger

562-6786 *

The Salvation i Army

Harbour Light835-3rd Ave

Capt & Mrs F. Phelps * Officer in Charge

Sunday 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 pm Tuesday Film 7:00 p.m. •

Thurs. - Sat.Gospel Service at 7:00 p.m. !

«Everyone Welcome

For oonations to this work or • enquiries regarding program | call 563-6819

Emmanuel United Church

Balsam Road opposite Ski Hill

Serving Area North of Nechako River

9:30 Church ServiceMinister Tom Mercer


Full Gospel Tabernacle1055 Ospika Blvd


Phone: 563-2363 Schedule:SUNDAY

10:30am Worship and Bible time for all ages

7:00 pm kvemng Fellowship Service

TUESDAY Fundamental Studies for New Believers 7 30 p.m.


Home fellowship Studies Phone for location

THURSDAY 7 30 p m. Youth Meeting

Pioneer GirlsA Church where Your

neejl is our concern