Unit 4 Unit 4 World of the Future World of the Future The past The past is as clear as a mirror, is as clear as a mirror, the future the future as dark as lacquer. as dark as lacquer.

Unit 4 World of the Future The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer

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Unit 4Unit 4World of the FutureWorld of the Future

The past is as clear as a mirror,The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer. the future as dark as lacquer.


Pre-reading questionsPre-reading questions Background informationBackground information Structure analysisStructure analysis Comprehension questionsComprehension questions Language points of Text ILanguage points of Text I Grammatical exercisesGrammatical exercises ExercisesExercises Comprehension questions of Text IIComprehension questions of Text II Writing practiceWriting practice

Text I World of the FutureText I World of the Future

Pre-reading questionsPre-reading questions

1.What do you think the future world would be like?2. You have seen the science fiction movie

“Star War,” haven’t you? How does it strike you?

Background information (1)Background information (1)

Class discussionClass discussionThere are many prediction of the future, do you know aThere are many prediction of the future, do you know any one?ny one?

1. Have you heard about the biblical prediction? People analyze t1. Have you heard about the biblical prediction? People analyze the bible and find it predict the world war, the fate of Jews, the dohe bible and find it predict the world war, the fate of Jews, the doomsday of the world in the mil which is proved wrong but Maya omsday of the world in the mil which is proved wrong but Maya say it will happen in 2012.say it will happen in 2012.

2. In China, people believe Zhouyi can foretell the destiny of peo2. In China, people believe Zhouyi can foretell the destiny of people. ple.

3. There are also many scientific prediction. 3. There are also many scientific prediction. 4. Many science fictions or movies are popular among people all 4. Many science fictions or movies are popular among people all

over the world over the world

Background information (2)Background information (2)

Name some your favorite science fiction or Name some your favorite science fiction or moviesmoviesStar War2. I, Robot acted by WillSmith 3. Terminator4. Alien5. Legend of Wei shili6. Jules Verne Voyage au centre de la terre 20,000 lieues sous les mers

Structure analysis of the text (1)Structure analysis of the text (1)

Paragraphs(1-4) Paragraphs(1-4) These paragraphs constitute the beginning part of the text .The These paragraphs constitute the beginning part of the text .The

first two paragraphs present a vivid description of the future first two paragraphs present a vivid description of the future journey to the wonderful sea world.The third paragraph brings up journey to the wonderful sea world.The third paragraph brings up the theme of the text, around which the whole descriptive essay the theme of the text, around which the whole descriptive essay develops .This paragraph also defines the key word develops .This paragraph also defines the key word futurefuture.The .The last sentence of Paragraph 4 is a question that puts forward the last sentence of Paragraph 4 is a question that puts forward the topic to be described or related.It is a transitional topic to be described or related.It is a transitional sentence ,linking the preceding with the following.The questions sentence ,linking the preceding with the following.The questions below can be raised for students to answer:below can be raised for students to answer:

Structure analysis of the text (2)Structure analysis of the text (2) 1)1)    What does the word sights refer to?What does the word sights refer to? 2)2)      Do you believe that such wonders as hotels ,farms,miningDo you believe that such wonders as hotels ,farms,mining camps and factories can be seen on the bottom of the seacamps and factories can be seen on the bottom of the sea in the distant future? Give your reasons.in the distant future? Give your reasons. A1:The word A1:The word sights sights refers to not only strange fish, refers to not only strange fish,

mountains , cliffs ,and valleys,but also hotels and mining mountains , cliffs ,and valleys,but also hotels and mining camps and farms and factories that can be seen in the future camps and farms and factories that can be seen in the future undersea world!undersea world!

A2:(This is an open question.)Yes ,I do . I believe so because A2:(This is an open question.)Yes ,I do . I believe so because in the distant future the land on earth will be too limited to in the distant future the land on earth will be too limited to support the growing population and the development of support the growing population and the development of sciences and technologies will make it possible to make good sciences and technologies will make it possible to make good use of the undersea world .use of the undersea world .

Structure analysis of the text (4)Structure analysis of the text (4)

Paragraphs (5-7) The fifth paragraph is a transitional paragraph,

connecting the preceding part with the following part.Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 7 describe a future journey into space to visit the Moon, the Mars and the Venus, with more details about a visit to the Moon . The descriptions are presented in the chronological order and from the near-to-far space perspective.It is to be noted that the proper nouns—the Moon Camp,the Mars Colony and the Venus Exploration Outpost—are very important places which deserve our attention .The following questions can be brought up:

Structure analysis of the text (5)Structure analysis of the text (5)

 Paragraphs (8-12) Paragraph 8 also serves as a transitional

paragraph.From Paragraph 9 to Paragraph 12, the author describes some wonderful things that may come true in the far future : in Paragraph 9,the future dolls; in Paragraph 10,special computers with remarkable functions; in Paragraph 11,flying saucers as well as future bicycles and skates ; and in Paragraph 12,the fantastic function of telepathy helmets, which may be one of the greatest wonders in the far future. The following questions may be considered:

Structure analysis of the text (6)Structure analysis of the text (6)

 Paragraphs (8-12) Paragraph 8 also serves as a transitional

paragraph.From Paragraph 9 to Paragraph 12, the author describes some wonderful things that may come true in the far future : in Paragraph 9,the future dolls; in Paragraph 10,special computers with remarkable functions; in Paragraph 11,flying saucers as well as future bicycles and skates ; and in Paragraph 12,the fantastic function of telepathy helmets, which may be one of the greatest wonders in the far future. The following questions may be considered:

Structure analysis of the text (6)Structure analysis of the text (6)

 Paragraphs (8-12) Paragraph 8 also serves as a transitional

paragraph.From Paragraph 9 to Paragraph 12, the author describes some wonderful things that may come true in the far future : in Paragraph 9,the future dolls; in Paragraph 10,special computers with remarkable functions; in Paragraph 11,flying saucers as well as future bicycles and skates ; and in Paragraph 12,the fantastic function of telepathy helmets, which may be one of the greatest wonders in the far future. The following questions may be considered:

Structure analysis of the text (7)Structure analysis of the text (7) 1) Is it possible for you to ride a small flying saucer in the future ?

Account for your answer. 2)  Point out the particular functions of telepathy helmets in the

future. A1:(This is an open question which is open to two entirely

different answers. But the most likely answer is yes.) Yes , I think it is possible. I believe so because science and technology will become so advanced in the far future that most desirable or wonderful things will come true.

A2: There may be telepathy helmets in the future.They will be devised and made to send thought waves from your brain to that of your friend miles away. You just think a thought and your friend knows it! You can have secrets with each other that nobody else can tune in on! So telepathy helmets in the future will fulfill wonderful functions.

Structure analysis of the text (8)Structure analysis of the text (8) Paragraphs (13-21) Paragraph13, a transitional paragraph ,is followed by

Paragraphs 14 to 21 that describe such great wonders of future as will directly influence or be closely related to future life. The descriptions are arranged in this order : robot playmates (Paragraph14),skillfully blended artificial food (Paragraph 15--16),other ways to make life last longer, including cures for most diseases (Paragraph17),television of the future (Paragraph18),highways of the future (Paragraph19), and weather control in the future (Paragraph20—21).These paragraphs all begin with a topic sentence, three of them in the form of a question.The questions asked attract the readers’ attention and draw their concentration on the paragraph topic.

Structure analysis of the text (9)Structure analysis of the text (9)

  Like many wonderful things described in the other parts of this text ,the wonderful things described or related in this part are never imagined by ordinary people.Undoubtedly, they are immensely fascinating to the readers.Also, the fact that the simple future tense is used shows clearly that the author is certain about the great possibility of all the described wonders of the future. The descriptions will certainly generate a superb natural feeling in the readers: our future life will be much better, much more comfortable and more beautiful . The following questions may be put forward :

Structure analysis of the text (10)Structure analysis of the text (10)

  1)Besides health food , what other ways will be found to make life last longer according to the text?

2) Do you think that people of the future will be able to live to be more than 100 years? Give sufficient reasons for your answer. 3) Why does the writer say that a very small child probably will be able to drive a car? 4) According to the writer , what is the most wonderful surprise in the future?

Structure analysis of the text (10)Structure analysis of the text (10) A1: Scientists of the future will almost certainly find other ways to

make life last longer. They probably will find cures for most disease . Hospital will probably have “body banks” that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on living . People of the future may live to be a lot order than 100 years.

 A2; Yes , I do . Because all kinds of health food will be made

available, our environment will be made much cleaner , and other living conditions will be greatly improved. Besides, scientists will find cures for most disease . Hospital will probably have “body banks” that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on living.


Structure analysis of the text (11)Structure analysis of the text (11)  A3: Because nobody will need to steer. Electric signals will hold

each car on the right road to get wherever the “driver” wants to go .And it probably will be impossible for cars to collide into each other or smash together. Controls that won’t ever have to be touched will make all speeding cars miss each other or will put on the brakes . Driving by car will be as safe as staying at home.

 A4: According to the writer, “The most wonderful surprise in the

future will be weather control . Cities may have giant plastic domes over them to keep out snow, rain, or storms. When you plan a picnic in a park, you won’t have to worry about rain . It will rain only when the ‘weatherman’ thinks it is needed to freshen the air inside the city . All other days will be fair and warm.”

Structure analysis of the text (12)Structure analysis of the text (12)

 Paragraph22 This paragraph , the last part of the text, is a logical and

natural conclusion. It also points out a solid historical fact: the time we are living in now was also “a wonderful future” to the people who lived 100 years ago . The following questions could be discussed:

1)Do you agree that the future should be a wonderful time in which to live ?Justify your reply

2)Provide examples to prove that the time we are living in now was also “a wonderful future” to the people who lived 100 years ago.


Structure analysis of the text (13)Structure analysis of the text (13) A1:Yes,I do./Of course,I do. There is no doubt about it. Because so

many wonderful things will come true in the future, as scientists say.(You can just cite examples in the text to support your reply.) 

A2:There are numerous examples that can be used to show that the time we are living in now was also “ a wonderful future” to the people who lived 100years ago. For example, our living conditions are better than those in the past and by far better than those in the remote past.We have more than enough to eat and wear . We can be cured of various diseases. Also, our working conditions are much better or more wholesome. Computers relieve us of various kinds of mental work. In addition, our life is made more colorful by advanced science and technology. We can go wherever we wish to by bus, by train,by ship, or by plane.

Comprehension questions (1)Comprehension questions (1)1.What must have happened to the author’s plane when she was in the bathroom? The plane must have been hit by the lightning.(para. 2)2. Why did many passengers never pay attention to the emergency procedures instruction before takeoff? Because they thought they would have already died of terror if they ever got to the point where they needed to use life jacket.(para. 4)3. What could be heard as the plane jolted and screeched its way downward? Soothing conversation.( para. 8)4. What is suggested about the wonderful gift of the author’s friend’s dying father? The peacefulness of one’s last moment of life. (para.9)

Comprehension questions (1)Comprehension questions (1)

1.What takes you into space to visit the Moon Camp? Huge rocket liners

2.For what reason does the author wish to have special computers. to answer questions and do arithmetic faster. 3. Why should a technician fix the robot so that it won’t be too perfect?

a perfect robot playmate usually may not be soa perfect robot playmate usually may not be so

much fun as it seems much fun as it seems

Comprehension questions (2)Comprehension questions (2)

4. What makes it possible for a very small child to drive a car?4. What makes it possible for a very small child to drive a car?

Electric signal will hold each car on the right road to get wheElectric signal will hold each car on the right road to get wherever the child wants to go.rever the child wants to go.

5. How do the giant plastic domes over cities work?5. How do the giant plastic domes over cities work?

keep out snow, rain, or storms from the city.keep out snow, rain, or storms from the city.

6. In what aspects does the author anticipate “a wonderful 6. In what aspects does the author anticipate “a wonderful

future” to mankind?future” to mankind?

cover space, sea explorations, schooling communicationcover space, sea explorations, schooling communication

entertainment, food, health and life, transportation, entertainment, food, health and life, transportation,

weather forecastweather forecast

Language points of Text I (1)Language points of Text I (1)

1.  Dock e.g.1) This is a very busy dock , where some ships are being loaded , some are being unloaded, and others repaired. e.g.2) At the docks of London, you will see a number of longshoreman busy loading and unloading ships. 2. Step e.g. (1) Ouch! You have stepped on my foot ! e.g. (2) All the soldiers stepped into the ship.

Language points of Text I (2)Language points of Text I (2) 3. Shiny e.g. 1) The children laughed at the shiny head of the bald man . e.g. 2) All these cups are clean and shiny. 4. Submarine e.g. 1) All the first sign of danger the submarine will submerge. e.g. 2)They have conventional submarines, giant nuclear submarines, missile-launching submarines and ultra-high-speed submarine capable of moving 25 knots per hour.

Language points of Text I (3)Language points of Text I (3)

5. shark e.g. 1)Bathing is not allowed in this bay because of the sharks. e.g 2)Fishermen dare not fish in that sea area because dangerous sharks swim there. 6. slide e.g. 1)Will the government take action to support the sliding pound? e.g. 2)She slid the drawer out carefully and slowly.

Language points of Text I (4)Language points of Text I (4)

7. Cliff7. Cliff e.g. 1)The mountaineer broke a leg while he wase.g. 1)The mountaineer broke a leg while he was climbing a climbing a cliffcliff.. e.g. 2)Look! How bold he is ! He is standing on thee.g. 2)Look! How bold he is ! He is standing on the cliffcliff face. face. 8. observatory8. observatory e.g. The weathermen and weatherwomen at Shanghaie.g. The weathermen and weatherwomen at Shanghai ObservatoryObservatory work very hard so as to make work very hard so as to make weather reports as reliable as possible.weather reports as reliable as possible.

Language points of Text I (5)Language points of Text I (5)

9.9.    giantgiant e.g. 1)The boat was overturned by a e.g. 1)The boat was overturned by a giantgiant wave. wave. e.g 2)The e.g 2)The giantgiant packet gives you more for less packet gives you more for less money!money! 10. doll10. doll e.g. 1)The little girl prefers guns to e.g. 1)The little girl prefers guns to dollsdolls , which , which greatly troubles her parents.greatly troubles her parents. e.g. 2)He is greatly proud of the three little e.g. 2)He is greatly proud of the three little dollsdolls his wife has borne him.his wife has borne him.

Language points of Text I (6)Language points of Text I (6) 11. blink11. blink e.g. 1)He e.g. 1)He blinkedblinked in the bright sunlight. in the bright sunlight. e.g 2)How long can you stare without e.g 2)How long can you stare without blinkingblinking your your

eyes?eyes? e.g. 3)Beacon lights were e.g. 3)Beacon lights were blinkingblinking on the horizon. on the horizon. 12. telepathy helmet12. telepathy helmet e.g.1)I don’t believe that e.g.1)I don’t believe that telepathy helmetstelepathy helmets will ever will ever

be available even in the far future.be available even in the far future. e.g.2)e.g.2)Telepathy helmetsTelepathy helmets would be the greatest wonder would be the greatest wonder

if they were to appear.if they were to appear.

Language points of Text I (7)Language points of Text I (7)

13. artificial13. artificial e.g. 1)These flowers are artificial; they are not real.e.g. 1)These flowers are artificial; they are not real. e.g 2)Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.e.g 2)Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.

14. healthful14. healthful e.g. 1)These fruits are quite e.g. 1)These fruits are quite healthfulhealthful and you should and you should eat more of them.eat more of them. e.g 2)Health food is e.g 2)Health food is healthfulhealthful,for it is natural food with,for it is natural food with health-giving qualities. health-giving qualities.

Language points of Text I (8)Language points of Text I (8) 15. steer15. steer e.g.1)He managed to e.g.1)He managed to steersteer the boat into the harbor. the boat into the harbor. e.g 2)I want to buy a car that e.g 2)I want to buy a car that steerssteers well on corners. well on corners. 16. smash16. smash e.g.1)The car smashed against a large tree, which fell down one.g.1)The car smashed against a large tree, which fell down on its top.its top. e.g 2)The man flew into a rage and smashed all the furniture ine.g 2)The man flew into a rage and smashed all the furniture in his room.his room. e.g.3)The batsman smashed the ball up into the air.e.g.3)The batsman smashed the ball up into the air. 17. picnic17. picnic e.g. 1)We’ll go to the river and take a picnic with us.e.g. 1)We’ll go to the river and take a picnic with us. e.g 2)It’s a nice day. Let’s go for a picnic.e.g 2)It’s a nice day. Let’s go for a picnic.

Translation of Text I (1)Translation of Text I (1). . 在船坞处,你款步进入一艘形似鲨鱼、闪闪发亮的潜艇。在船坞处,你款步进入一艘形似鲨鱼、闪闪发亮的潜艇。



科学家们认为这些美妙的事情在未来可能会变成现实。科学家们认为这些美妙的事情在未来可能会变成现实。未来是指还未到来的时刻。它可以是离现在很近或是很远。未来是指还未到来的时刻。它可以是离现在很近或是很远。这些水下奇观中有些现在几乎要变成现实了。而其余的我们这些水下奇观中有些现在几乎要变成现实了。而其余的我们认为很长一段时间后才会实现。 认为很长一段时间后才会实现。

Translation of Text I (2)Translation of Text I (2) 当然,有些可能永远也不会变成现实,但谁又说得准呢?它们

可能变成现实,而可能变成现实的一些奇观又是什么呢? 让我们回到干燥的陆地以另一种方式做一次未来旅行——

向上而不是向下。 巨大的火箭客机把你带入太空去参观月球营地。你身着特制


访问完月球之后,你参观了火星移居区和金星开发前哨基地。 让我们返回地球吧。 在遥远遥远的未来,女孩们——男孩也一样——可能会玩一



Translation of Text I (3)Translation of Text I (3) 为了控制和操纵各种各样的玩具,孩子们可能学习使用特殊




未来还有很多别的惊奇。找一个机器人游戏伙伴如何? 拥有一个机器人游戏伙伴可能不像看上去那么有趣。但孩


Translation of Text I (4)Translation of Text I (4) 未来的食物又会怎么样呢?科学家们认为多数食品将是人工


你可能认为用这些东西制的冰淇淋、蛋糕、糖果甚至面包或土豆不会好吃?你或许错了。这些人工制成品将由食品化学家精心调和以使未来的食物味道鲜美。 它们也可能是健康食品,因为所有你需要让自己活得健康长寿的营养将被放入其中。


Translation of Text I (5)Translation of Text I (5) 你是否在想将来会不会仍然有电视,肯定会有而且节目精彩,电视屏幕可能很大很平,会挂在墙上或房间的四面墙壁上。电视屏幕上的人会好似真人一般,正与你同处一室。



Translation of Text I (6)Translation of Text I (6) 为了控制和操纵各种各样的玩具,孩子们可能学习使用特殊




未来还有很多别的惊奇。找一个机器人游戏伙伴如何? 拥有一个机器人游戏伙伴可能不像看上去那么有趣。但孩


Translation of Text I (7)Translation of Text I (7)你计划在公园里举行一次野餐,勿需担心下雨。只有当“天气预报员”认为城内需要清新空气时才会下雨,其他所有日子将是晴空万里、暖意融融。



Grammatical Exercises (1)Grammatical Exercises (1)

Part Part II.  Insert the correct form of the verb in the bracket II.  Insert the correct form of the verb in the bracket as a modifier of a noun in the sentence.as a modifier of a noun in the sentence. 1. We should use water for the baby’s food.(boil)1. We should use water for the baby’s food.(boil) boiling waterboiling water            2. The patient’s leg was put in a cast. (break)2. The patient’s leg was put in a cast. (break) broken legbroken leg 3. The flood water soon covered the street.(rise)3. The flood water soon covered the street.(rise) rising flood waterrising flood water 4. There are many rocks in that stream.(hide)4. There are many rocks in that stream.(hide) hidden rockshidden rocks

Grammatical Exercises (2)Grammatical Exercises (2)

5.5. Words are often more powerful than writing. (speak) Words are often more powerful than writing. (speak) Spoken words Spoken words

6.6. The doctor put some ointment on his burn. ( soothe)The doctor put some ointment on his burn. ( soothe)

soothing ointmentsoothing ointment

7.7. He handed me a cup of milk. ( overflow)He handed me a cup of milk. ( overflow)

overflowing milkoverflowing milk

8.8. The team slowly left the field. ( defeat)The team slowly left the field. ( defeat)

defeated teamdefeated team

Grammatical Exercises (3)Grammatical Exercises (3)• Part IV. Join the two sentences into one, using Part IV. Join the two sentences into one, using

• the words given.the words given.1.You will hurry up. You will miss the bus. ( unless)1.You will hurry up. You will miss the bus. ( unless)

You’ll miss the bus unless you hurry up.You’ll miss the bus unless you hurry up.

2. The weather was fine. We decided to climb the mountain. (as) 2. The weather was fine. We decided to climb the mountain. (as) As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.

3. Farmers rotate their crops. The soil sill remain fertile.(so that)3. Farmers rotate their crops. The soil sill remain fertile.(so that)

Farmers rotate their crops so that the soil will remain fertile.Farmers rotate their crops so that the soil will remain fertile.

4.No one is against the proposal. We will adopt the proposal.(since)4.No one is against the proposal. We will adopt the proposal.(since)

Since no one is against the proposal, we’ll adopt it.Since no one is against the proposal, we’ll adopt it.

Grammatical Exercises (4)Grammatical Exercises (4)

5.5. Harvest comes not every day. It comes every year. (though)Harvest comes not every day. It comes every year. (though)

Harvest comes not every day, though it comes every year.Harvest comes not every day, though it comes every year.

6.6. The train had left. I reached the station. ( until)The train had left. I reached the station. ( until)

I didn’t reach the station until the train had left.I didn’t reach the station until the train had left.

7.7. All things are difficult. All things are easy. ( before)All things are difficult. All things are easy. ( before)

All things are difficult before they are easy.All things are difficult before they are easy.

8.8. I will write. I will have finished the book. ( when)I will write. I will have finished the book. ( when)

I will write when I have finished the book.I will write when I have finished the book.

Translation Exercises (1)Translation Exercises (1)1. 1. 小偷推开门,溜进屋里,拉开抽屉,把钱偷走了。小偷推开门,溜进屋里,拉开抽屉,把钱偷走了。 (slide)(slide) A thief pushed the door open, slipped into the house, slid theA thief pushed the door open, slipped into the house, slid the drawer open, and took all the money away.drawer open, and took all the money away.2.2. 她乘公共汽车总是晕车,只好骑自行车到学校去上课。她乘公共汽车总是晕车,只好骑自行车到学校去上课。 (rid(rid

e)e) She always gets sick whenever she rides on a bus, so she has to goShe always gets sick whenever she rides on a bus, so she has to go to school by bike.to school by bike.3. 3. 科学家们认为,许多现在没有的奇迹将来会变成现实。科学家们认为,许多现在没有的奇迹将来会变成现实。 (( come true)come true) Scientists believe that many wonders that do not exist today willScientists believe that many wonders that do not exist today will come true in the future.come true in the future.

Exercises (2)Exercises (2)4. 4.  有朝一日,你乘坐潜水艇进入海底时,会看到一个奇妙的有朝一日,你乘坐潜水艇进入海底时,会看到一个奇妙的 世界、(世界、( to the bottom of a sea)to the bottom of a sea)

Some day in the future, when you ride a submarine to the bottomSome day in the future, when you ride a submarine to the bottom

of a sea, you’ll witness a wonderful world.of a sea, you’ll witness a wonderful world.

5. 5. 将来你可以乘坐一架巨大的客机进入太空,到月球,火星和将来你可以乘坐一架巨大的客机进入太空,到月球,火星和 金星上去参观一番。(金星上去参观一番。( visit the Moon, Mars, and Venus)visit the Moon, Mars, and Venus)

In the future, you might be able to enter space by riding a hugeIn the future, you might be able to enter space by riding a huge

liner and visit the Moon, Mars, and Venus.liner and visit the Moon, Mars, and Venus.

6. 6. 科学家们认为,未来的许多食品将由食品化学家精制而成,科学家们认为,未来的许多食品将由食品化学家精制而成, 味道可口,有益于健康。(味道可口,有益于健康。( be delicious and healthful)be delicious and healthful)

Scientists believe that much much of the future food will beScientists believe that much much of the future food will be

skillfully prepared by food chemists and will be delicious and healthful.skillfully prepared by food chemists and will be delicious and healthful.

Exercises (3)Exercises (3)

7. 7. 未来的科学家们一定会找到延年益寿的有效方法,肯定会发未来的科学家们一定会找到延年益寿的有效方法,肯定会发现治疗几乎所有疾病的方法。现治疗几乎所有疾病的方法。 (cures for disease)(cures for disease)

Scientists of the future will certainly find effective ways to make Scientists of the future will certainly find effective ways to make life last long and discover cures for almost all diseases.life last long and discover cures for almost all diseases.

8. 8. 未来的汽车不可能撞毁, 因为车里安装的自动控制器可使未来的汽车不可能撞毁, 因为车里安装的自动控制器可使快速行驶的汽车保持间距快速行驶的汽车保持间距 ,, 互不碰撞。互不碰撞。 (miss each other)(miss each other)

In the future it will be impossible for cars to smash together becaIn the future it will be impossible for cars to smash together because the automatic controls fixed in them will make speeding cars use the automatic controls fixed in them will make speeding cars miss each other.miss each other.

Exercises (4)Exercises (4)

9.9. 一个男孩匆忙穿越公路,疾驰而来的的轿车司机赶忙脚踩刹一个男孩匆忙穿越公路,疾驰而来的的轿车司机赶忙脚踩刹 车,才避免了一场车祸。(车,才避免了一场车祸。( step the brakes)step the brakes)

While a boy was crossing the highway in a hurry, the driver of aWhile a boy was crossing the highway in a hurry, the driver of a

speeding car promptly stepped the brakes, thus averting a badspeeding car promptly stepped the brakes, thus averting a bad


10.10. 未来最令人惊讶的奇迹在于对天气的严格控制,只有当气未来最令人惊讶的奇迹在于对天气的严格控制,只有当气象员认为需要使市内空气清新时才会下雨(象员认为需要使市内空气清新时才会下雨( wonderful surpriwonderful surprise)se)

The most wonderful surprise in the future will consist in the stricThe most wonderful surprise in the future will consist in the strict weather control, it will rain only when the weatherman thinks tht weather control, it will rain only when the weatherman thinks that it is essential to freshen the air inside the city.at it is essential to freshen the air inside the city.

Exercises (5)Exercises (5) Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the

box in its appropriate form.box in its appropriate form.

fair smash blend chemist robot telepathyride blink giant skim outpost wrench freshen

Exercises (6)Exercises (6)

11..All the new houses built in this area____ All the new houses built in this area____ perfectly with their surroundings in style.. perfectly with their surroundings in style..

2.I don’t believe in ______ or whatever it’s 2.I don’t believe in ______ or whatever it’s called, that direct communication of thoughts called, that direct communication of thoughts and feelings can occur without the help of any and feelings can occur without the help of any other communication methods. other communication methods.

3.Israeli tanks ______ a Palestinian public protest 3.Israeli tanks ______ a Palestinian public protest in the West Bank and causes five deaths.in the West Bank and causes five deaths.




Exercises (7)Exercises (7)

4.In their fighting for an imperial ______, the 4.In their fighting for an imperial ______, the army lost so many men owing to ill-prepared army lost so many men owing to ill-prepared ground attacks. ground attacks.

5.The government needs a new start,a_____ 5.The government needs a new start,a_____ image, which is as important as the economic image, which is as important as the economic reform itself. reform itself.

6. Weather permitting, and awe-inspiring cable 6. Weather permitting, and awe-inspiring cable car _____ can be arranged over the strait. car _____ can be arranged over the strait.




Exercises (8)Exercises (8)

7.Very soon the inventor began to be surrounded7.Very soon the inventor began to be surrounded by a _____ amount of envy and skepticism. by a _____ amount of envy and skepticism. 8. It indeed was a marvelous sight to watch the8. It indeed was a marvelous sight to watch the swallows ______ over the crest of the ocean.swallows ______ over the crest of the ocean.



Exercises (9)Exercises (9) Part V. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an Part V. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an

appropriate form of the given capitalized word appropriate form of the given capitalized word in the parenthesis.in the parenthesis.

1. I have never worked for such a considerate1. I have never worked for such a considerate ____; I think all the other _____ have the ____; I think all the other _____ have the same opinion. (employ)same opinion. (employ) 2. Without your _________he would never have 2. Without your _________he would never have

been able to do it.been able to do it.  ( ( courage)courage)

employer employees


Exercises (10)Exercises (10)

3. I feel so _____ that I’m going to bed.(sleep) 3. I feel so _____ that I’m going to bed.(sleep) 4. The _____ stood on his head, begging from4. The _____ stood on his head, begging from door to door.( beg)door to door.( beg) 5. I’m sure we can believe her. She’s usually5. I’m sure we can believe her. She’s usually very _____. (truth)very _____. (truth) 6. Scientists are beginning to believe that the6. Scientists are beginning to believe that the ________ of the planets next century is not________ of the planets next century is not impossible. impossible. (( colony)colony)





Comprehension questions of Text II (1)Comprehension questions of Text II (1)

    1.What is the author’s explanation of the danger and the1.What is the author’s explanation of the danger and the hostility of the world?hostility of the world? 2.What evidence does the author provide to prove that2.What evidence does the author provide to prove that basic human values are declining?basic human values are declining? 3.Which weakness of the educational system is cited as3.Which weakness of the educational system is cited as being responsible of adolescent aggression, profanity,being responsible of adolescent aggression, profanity, and disrespect?and disrespect? 4. What does the author think all people at New Fairfield4. What does the author think all people at New Fairfield High School should do to maintain a moral High School should do to maintain a moral


Comprehension questions of Text II (2)Comprehension questions of Text II (2)

5.Apart from lack of responsibility, do you think that the5.Apart from lack of responsibility, do you think that the author is also criticizing some parents’ attitude author is also criticizing some parents’ attitude

towards the teacher? Cite an example to prove this.towards the teacher? Cite an example to prove this. 6.What values does the author think should be taught to 6.What values does the author think should be taught to

students?students? 7.What is the author’s conception of a successful 7.What is the author’s conception of a successful

educator?educator? 8.What are your ideas of an educator’s moral 8.What are your ideas of an educator’s moral


DictationDictation One day the ocean may tell us / what next month’s weather One day the ocean may tell us / what next month’s weather

will be like. / Scientists are trying to find out / if long-range will be like. / Scientists are trying to find out / if long-range weather conditions over the land / may be forecast / by weather conditions over the land / may be forecast / by changes that occur weeks earlier / in the sea. / To aid in changes that occur weeks earlier / in the sea. / To aid in further studies of the sea, / recording instruments have been further studies of the sea, / recording instruments have been placed / in the ocean / and at other places along the placed / in the ocean / and at other places along the continental seaboard. / Scientists hope / that data about continental seaboard. / Scientists hope / that data about water temperatures, / currents, / speed of flow, / seasonal water temperatures, / currents, / speed of flow, / seasonal changes, / and other ocean conditions / may soon be used / changes, / and other ocean conditions / may soon be used / to forecast general weather more accurately, / and give to forecast general weather more accurately, / and give advance warning of storms / so steps can be taken / to save advance warning of storms / so steps can be taken / to save lives and property. /lives and property. /

Writing practice (1)Writing practice (1)

More Film-goers in the Future ( At least 150 words )More Film-goers in the Future ( At least 150 words )

A recent survey analyzed the change in number of film-A recent survey analyzed the change in number of film-goers and TV watchers in X city.goers and TV watchers in X city. As is shown by the As is shown by the graph,graph, there has been a sharp decline in the number of there has been a sharp decline in the number of film-goers during the period from 1992 to 2002, adding film-goers during the period from 1992 to 2002, adding up to 20,000 in 2002. up to 20,000 in 2002. On the other handOn the other hand, the number of , the number of TV watchers has steadily increased in the last decade, TV watchers has steadily increased in the last decade, reaching 150,000 in 2002. reaching 150,000 in 2002. FinallyFinally, it is interesting to , it is interesting to note that there were note that there were asas many film-goers many film-goers asas TV watchers TV watchers in year 1998. in year 1998.

Writing practice (2)Writing practice (2)

There might be two reason, I think, for the change.There might be two reason, I think, for the change. Firstly,Firstly, TV is not only a convenient source of TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but a comparatively cheap one. entertainment, but a comparatively cheap one. There is There is no point inno point in arranging transport. And one needn arranging transport. And one needn’’t pay for t pay for expensive seats at the cinema. expensive seats at the cinema. SecondlySecondly, TV makes it , TV makes it possible for one to keep track of current events and the possible for one to keep track of current events and the latest developments in science and technology. latest developments in science and technology. As a As a consequenceconsequence, most people , most people prefer to stayprefer to stay at home, at home, watching TV, watching TV, rather than gorather than go out to the cinema, which out to the cinema, which wastes both time and money. wastes both time and money.

Writing practice (3)Writing practice (3)

PersonallyPersonally, there are still a lot of people who , there are still a lot of people who enjoy watching films. enjoy watching films. They argueThey argue that the film is that the film is a fascinating form of art. Sitting comfortably in a fascinating form of art. Sitting comfortably in the cinema, one can appreciate the latest movies, the cinema, one can appreciate the latest movies, which will usually be shown on TV far later on. which will usually be shown on TV far later on. ThereforeTherefore, I trust the number of film-goers will , I trust the number of film-goers will be on the rise in the future. (233 words)be on the rise in the future. (233 words)

Good bye!Good bye!