Unit 3 Life in the future Reading Step1 Lead-in Show some pictures.

Unit 3 Life in the future

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Unit 3 Life in the future. Reading. Step1 Lead-in Show some pictures. What did the people use as vehicle in the past?. sedan chair. What about now?. What kind of vehicle will we use in the future?. a solar energy car. What kind of houses did the people live in in the past?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Unit 3 Life in the future

Unit 3 Life in the future


Step1 Lead-in

Show some pictures.

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What did the people use as vehicle in the past?

sedan chair

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What about now?

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What kind of vehicle will we use in the future?

a solar energy cara solar energy car

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What kind of houses did the people live

in in the past?

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What kind of houses do the people live in now?


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What kind of houses will the people live in the future?

Space house

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hard poor

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better happier

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Listen to the tape then match the main

idea of each paragraph.

Step2 Reading

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Paragraph 1 The journey.

Paragraph 2 How I came to take a time travel


Paragraph 3 Staying in Wang Ping’s home

Paragraph 4 My impressions of life one

thousand years into the future.

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Step2 Careful readingTask 1 Read the passage quickly then choose

the best answer .1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

( C

)A. Li Qiang lost sight of Wang Ping during his time travel trip.

B. Li Qiang visited a strange-looking house at the end of the time travel trip.

C. Li Qiang sended e-mail to tell his parents something about his time travel trip.

D. Li Qiang was hit by the lock of fresh air during his time travel trip.

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2.What kind of prize did Li Qiang win last year?

A.The prize was to make a trip into the year AD3008.

B.The prize was a hovering carriage.

C.The prize was to visit a space station.

D.The text doesn’t mention it.

( A )

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3.Li Qiang ’s headached because

A.he was hit by a lack of fresh air

B.he caught a bad cold

C.he suffered from “time lag”

D.he was very exhausted

( A )

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4.It is obvious that Li Qiang wrote this e-mail to his parents

A.before traveling into the year AD3008

B.during the journey to the year AD3008

C.when he won the prize last year

D.after flying into the year AD3008

( D )

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5.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the text?( )

a.Li Qiang’s guide, Wang Ping, gave him some green tables.

b. Li Qiang lost sight of Wang Ping when they reached what looked like a large market.

c. Li Qiang was unsettled for the first few days because he was worried about the journey.

d. Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep.e.Wang Ping showed Li Qiang into a large bright,

clean room.A.e-d-c-a-b B.e-c-b-a-dC.c-a-b-e-d D.c-b-a-e-d


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Task 2

Read the passage carefully then finish the chart.




What did he


Li Qiang and his friend

In a time capsule

Safely into the future

Very nervous and uncertain

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Step4 HomeworkStep4 Homework

1. Use about 30 words to write down

the main idea of this passage.

2. Preview the useful words and

expressions of this unit.

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you !