Unit 1 – Improving Productivity By Jack Hartree

Unit 1 – Improving Productivity By Jack Hartree. 1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I used a computer

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Unit 1 – Improving Productivity

By Jack Hartree

1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used?

I used a computer so it is easier to do it, and easier for it to be presented in order for the year 6’s to read and understand. We could of done it by a poster, and a leaflet. I also used a computer because it is easier to access the software, and easier to use all the keys.

1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint?

The only skills you need is being able to use a computer and knowing how to use the transitions, animations, formats and slide master. You do not need skills to click keys. All you need to know is how to; use Slide Master, formats, animations and transitions. You should also need to know how to format a background. I made the presentation entertaining for the young kids so they get entertainment while reading about the school. In order for me to do that, I had to ask other people to look at my presentation and see if they think it is good for young kids.

1.3What resources did you need to make the presentation successful?

The recourses I needed to use were, transition, animation, format and pictures. If I didn’t use them the presentation will be boring and dull. If they were boring and dull they wouldn’t make the presentation very good and detailed. It took me a while in order to make the presentation good and colourful.

1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software)

I could have had some extra time, but I didn’t because we had to do a test which took 45 minutes, which that could have been used on the PowerPoint. Even though we had a test, I still done most of the work. I done most work in lesson and I did not do any at home. I could of done it at home so it was more detailed and done a lot faster.

1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them?

I used PowerPoint to make my presentation because it is the only software that has buttons to make it an animation and make it look like a professional presentation. I didn’t use other software because, PowerPoint was the perfect thing for a presentation. I used PowerPoint to make my presentation because it had more options in order to make the presentation entertaining.

2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation?

I used the formatting and animation tool to make it appropriate because if PowerPoint didn’t have them, the presentation will be dull. If the presentation was dull it wouldn’t be entertaining for people and it wouldn’t show anything great about the school if it was in one font colour etc.

1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes)

No there wasn’t any copyright on my presentation when I was creating / editing it. The file size is a medium sized files because if it was small, it means there wasn’t a lot of work, and if it was too big it means I have a lot of work inside. I needed to get permission off students and staff in order to use the picture and the videos I used. I needed to consider files sizes because I have limited space on my shared area I therefore had to compress the video file to make it smaller to save in my area. I also had to make sure file size is smaller than 32mb this is because if it was bigger than this I would have found it difficult to upload my files.

2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation?

The improvements I could of done to my presentation was add more pictures or information about the school and the grades. The most things what I should of done was add more animation and sound. If I done that, it would make it more engaging with the audience. I could of added more sound so it was more entertaining for the students who are going to watch the presentation.

3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate?

I could of done home at work because I wouldn’t be distracted as much. I could of also moved away from my friends to avoid distractions. I could of typed faster, and known what to type about. I could of took some shortcuts by copying and pasting by CTRL + C. I could of taken mid school touch type lessons to make my typing much faster. I could of came to after school revision lessons to both do my work after.