Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)

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  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A profile ofSangeetha Retnam

    Mammen Bhagavathar

    (A diamond among Musicians)

    Author: G J Thamb

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  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2

    Jesus statue made of cla in +2+3

    and then ba!ed and painted

    B Mathe% George

    4aala!!a!am#5ouse, 4arthi!appall &6

    Alappu7ha#$istrict, 4erala#State, (1.$1A)


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 3


    Sangeetha Retnam Mammen Bhagavathar was one of the Greatest KARNATIC

    mus!ans who never got a !ountr"w#e re!ognton$


    Karnat!0Mus! s the most 1o1uar Cass! mus! of the southern regon of In#a$

    Though the mus! s a unversa anguage the "r! !arres the m1ortan!e of the

    regona anguage$ South In#an !ass! "r!s !onssts four maor south In#ananguages$ 4/ Teugu of An#hra0State 2/ Kanna#a of Karnata5a0State 3/ Tam ofMa#ras0State 6/ Maa"aam of Keraa0State

    Great artsts never #e 7ut ve forever$ The" awa"s eave everastng gfts7ehn# to remem7er them$ An# t he1s

    others to get over ther #ff!ut tmes an#to rea!h the 8enth of ther !areer 5e hs1re#e!essors ##$

    It s 9ute a!!#enta for me to wrte

    a7out a Chrstan Mus!an 7orn n theSTAT& ,: K&RA;A IN+IA w#e" 5nown

    wth a great tte

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 6

    No Re!ognton n 's ,wn Countr"

    ;5e esus sa# "Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own

    country". Luke 4: 24, Mathew 13:!, ohn 4:44

    ro1het s the !osest man 7etween Go# an# other humans$ rest !omes

    se!on# to hm$ rest Aaron was gettng a the nstru!tons from Go# through

    ro1het Moses$ Go# s1o5e to Moses an# not to Aaron$ If a 1ro1het s not we!ome nhs own an# what a7out the others

    So as Sangeetha Retnam Mammen Bahavather was aso not a!5nowe#ge# n

    hs own !ountr" no matter how great he was$ A Chrstan mus!an !ou# not 7ea!5nowe#ge# wth !ass! mus!$ Most of the 1erforman!es were n tem1es where

    he !ou# not 7e a#mtte#$

    Mammen ha11ene# to share man" thngs wth me for some un5nown reasons

    even when we ha# an age #fferen!e of few #e!a#es$ 'e was a ver" 1ea!efu manan# I never saw hm angr" or unrest for an" reason$

    ,ver hs !areer he was ver" #sa11onte# 7e!ause he !ou# not 1ros1er

    fnan!a" at the same tme he !ou# not get 1ro1er re!ognton n hs own !ountr"for hs outstan#ng an# unusua mus!a a7t"$ In those #a"s artsts ha# a tough

    tme 7e!ause of ther ow n!ome$ But he never et hmsef #own for an" reason an#

    never 7orrowe# an" mone" from an"one an# ha# a7soute" no #e7ts when he #e#$

    'e ha# a 1a!e to ve an# somehow he !ou# 7are" thrve$

    'e 5e1t hs 7o#" as we as hs mn# 1erfe!t" !ean$ I never saw hm n asha77" #ress$ 'e use# to have hs 7ath 7efore he goes out an# 7efore he enters7a!5 n to hs house$ 's !othes were washe# we star!he# an# ver" we rone#

    %1resse#/ 7" hs aun#r"man$ 's

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication J

    an"where n the wor#$ &ven In#an stu#ents of ths era fa at tea!her?s feet for

    7essng wh!h s a7sur#$ The tea!hers a!!e1t t as f the" are Go#s an# the" #eservet$ @th great 1r#e the tea!hers ft ther rght han# an# 7ess the stu#ents on ther

    hea#$ There are man" tea!hers who #o not want ther stu#ents to 7e!ome 7etterthan the tea!hers so the" w tea!h mu!h ess than the" rea" 5now$ I 5now !ou1eof mus!ans who taught m" !h#ren were of that 5n# of #shonest 1eo1e$

    Go# sa"s "ou shall not worship and -ow -e(ore any one else -ut od"

    The tea!her eevates hmsef neFt to Go# an# gves 7essng wh!h s a gravemsta5e$ The tea!her s su11ose# to 1ra" to Go# an# sa"-

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication H

    I #o not 5now hs off!a name$ &ven n 2==> hs wfe s n goo# heath though Ba7"

    1asse# awa" 9ute some tme 7a!5$

    Mammen got marre# to a woman who was a vo!ast- t ##nEt astong 7e!ause hs fe st"e ##nEt mat!h wth the woman?s frtng


    The" never ha# an" ssues$ ;ater she was after someone

    ese- got #vor!e# from Mammen an# went on her wa"$ :na" thegreat man ve# aone for the rest of hs fe$ 'e eft ths wor#

    forever after eavng none to ta5e hs 1a!e$ 'e ha# no #s!1es f

    an" !am to 7e #s!1e that s not true$

    Mammen ha# a ne1hew name" Samue who he1e# hm forsome tme$ Though Mammen tre# to tea!h hm mus! he ha# no

    a1ttu#e an# no nterest$ :na" that 7o" aso eft for Ma#ras for ao7$ @hen I hear# he was n Ma#ras I went there an# tre# to

    1ursue hm to !ome 7a!5 wh!h he fat" refuse# 7ut I never to# a7out ths to

    Mammen not to 7rea5 hs heart$

    Mammen was ver" sa# a7out mssng ths 7o" 7e!ause he was so mu!h

    affe!tonate to hm more than a father?s$ I st remem7er that 7o"s fa!e 5e t

    "ester#a"$ I thn5 that 7o" aso #e# short" after Mammen?s #emse$ I 1resumeSamue was not at a atta!he# to Mammen$

    Mammen Bhagavathar vste# m" father fre9uent" that s how I ha11ene# to5now hm so mu!h$ @hen m" father was not at home he use# to ta5 to me for aong tme$ I ha# nothng to te ths great man 7ut to sten what he ha# to sa"$ I

    eno"e# hs 1resen!e an# !onversatons$ 'e aso has #s!ose# man" of hs 1ersonaeF1eren!es an# I want to 5ee1 t wth me to m" grave$ These matters are not ofan" 1u7! nterest 7ut !ou# 7e harmfu to the re1utaton of some 1eo1e- so et menot #s!ose t$ 'e never ma#e an" error n hs 1rvate an# 1u7! fe$

    'e was a man wth a7soute" no v!es an# 7a# ha7ts$ Most hgh" sef

    #s!1ne# man I have never seen an"one 5e hm n m" seven #e!a#es of fe$ 'e

    ## not have to te an"one how to ve n 1ea!e an# ust$ Those who ha# e"es an#the !a1a7t" to 1er!eve !ou# un#erstan# an# foow hm$ There are ver" few1rofessona artsts who are not a!oho! or #rug a##!ts at east n se!ret$ Some of

    them 7eeve# an# sa# ntoF!aton nstgates an# ns1res ther art$ Innumera7eeo1e #rowne# n su!h fase 7eefs an# en#e# ther ves$

    As #e!a#es went 7" I rea8e# Mammen was more than a sant$ 'e remn#e#

    me of

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication

    A7ove s Saraswath0.eena

    Gven 7" OAttoor Krshna shra#"E to Mathew George

    It was Go#?s w that Mammen shou# sng on that #a" I ust ha11ene# to7e!ome an a!!ess$ I never 1anne# to have su!h a 1erforman!e t ust turne# out

    that wa"$ I was ver" ha11" when the out!ome was a su!!ess$ I have nothng to fee1rou# of t 7ut on" hum7e m"sef to have su!h an o11ortunt" to #o m" 1art$Mammen #ragge# m" father to the stage- he never wante# to !ome of hs own on

    the stage$ At ast m" father a!!om1ane# Mammen wth hs .eena #urng Mammen?s


    There was a thr# 1erson for that 1erforman!e a "oungster who 1a"e#

    Mru#angam a rh"thm nstrument whose name I !an?t remem7er$ OMru#angamE suse# as nstrument for 7eatsP rh"them$

    The se!on# m1ortant o!a

    1erforman!e Mammen ma#e nm" memor" was 7efore the

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4=

    An artst gets #sa11onte# when the steners #oesnEt !at!h0u1 wth hm an#eno" the greatness of hs 1erforman!e$ Mammen was the ha11est 1erson for

    havng su!h o!!asons to sng 7efore hs own 1eo1e an# the foregn #eegates

    Mammen was a man who stu#e# The South In#an Cass! Mus! otherwse

    5nown as CARNATIC0M)SIC$ 'e !ontnue# to sng on" the great !ass!a wor5s$

    Man" of those RAGAS are not even hear# or 1erforme# n ths mo#ern tme$

    Mammen 5new ever" RAGA or tunes sung 7" an" 1romnent artsts of thosetmes$ None of them were unfamar to hm$ Ths #oes not mean he 5new the entremus!$ 'e was a master of RAR&0RAGAS too$ 's vo!e st rngs n m" "ears$

    In#an !ass!a mus! !om1rses on" #evotona songs to 'n#u Go#s an#

    nothng ese$ So whenever a Cass!a Mus!an s sngng he s a!tua" worsh11nghs favorte Go#$ Dou !an ver" we un#erstan# that the artst s fu" nvove# n hs

    mus! wthout #stra!tng hmsef even for a fra!ton of a se!on#$

    Mammen eno"e# m" father?s !om1an" ver" mu!h$ @hen the" met the" ha#

    tte to ta5 an# more to sng$ M" father use# to 1a" .&&NA wh!h was ver" str!t"

    use# for Cass!a Mus! on"$ M" father an# Mammen ha# one thng n !ommon n

    ther a11roa!h n mus!$ Through mus! a the nne eF1ressons !an 7e 1roe!te#$

    These two 1eo1e 1referre# most the meo#ous an# worsh11ng s#e of the mus!$Mammen?s st"e was ver" mu!h reaFng an# soothng an# mn# #ssovng an# mn#

    7owng$ Dou !ou# fee a #vne 1resen!e whenever he sang$

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 44

    M" father earne# .&&NA nstrument when he was stu#"ng n Arts Coege

    Thruvanantha1uram$ :rst he earne# from ATT,,R Krshna shara#"$ 'e wasTravan!ore 1aa!e mus!an$ After a whe Krshna shara#" went 7a!5 to hs natve

    1a!e Aattoor$ It 7ro5e m" father?s heart for not havng a tea!her$ @hen shara#"eft as a !onsoaton shara#" gave one of hs .&&NAS to m" father wh!h s stwth me t ma" 7e more than a !entur" o#$ Short" after that one of m" father?s

    !assmates too5 m" father to hs father who was a master n .&&NA$ 'e was

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 42

    A1art from these Mammen use# to sng man" Chrstan #evotona !ass!a

    songs n an eFtreme" 7eautfu st"e$ There was a7soute" not even one s1 an"where n hs 1erforman!es not even one s1 when he was 1ra!t!ng$ Another

    unusua 7essng of ths mus!an was he !ou# eas" an# 7eautfu" sng n a thethree ranges of 1t!hes ow me#um an# hgh$ 'e ha# a 7eautfu heav" vo!e mostsuta7e for CARNATIC Mus!$

    'e use# the se!on# foor of m" home when he was sngng$ That was a ver"1ea!efu an# a!oust! 1a!e an# ha11ene# to 7e ver" mu!h suta7e for mus!a

    1erforman!es- wth a the four #oors w#e o1en n to four #re!tons$ The whoe7u#ng was ma#e of OT&&K0@,,+E eF!e1t the was$ In the stness of the nght hsvo!e !ou# 7e hear# even 7e"on# one0me ra#us$ I am sure those negh7ors haveeno"e# hs great mus! free of !ost$ Cou1e of hours sngng was no stran to hm at

    a$ In those #a"s !ass!a mus!a 1erforman!es aste# 306 hours$

    +urng those ear" #a"s A s"stem has not !ome n to use$ If the mus!an

    #oes not have a ou# vo!e that tsef was a great faure to hm$ Mammen?s vo!ewent 7e"on# the A s"stem$

    Mammen Bhagavather was su!h a great man he use# to eF1an how some

    1ortons of mus! are 7eautfe# 7" the snger?s a7t" an# !onstant 1ra!t!e$ @ththose 5n#s of eF1anatons I ha# some #ea at east to re!ogn8e an# a11re!ate amaster1e!e$

    'e to# me on!e a7out a man who earne# !ass!a mus! when Keraa)nverst" starte# mus! A!a#em"$ @hen he !ame out after gra#uaton he 7egan to

    sng for moves$

    @hen ths Bhagavathar met hm he as5e# hm wh" he s after the , an#

    move song eavng the !ass!$ The answer was sm1e an# straght

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 43

    1ast$ 'e was 7orn an# 7ure# there- hs tom7 n the Chur!h !emeter" w te the

    truth of hs eFsten!e$ 'e was too goo# to 7e 7orn n ths wor#$ I #onEt un#erstan#wh" su!h a great man ha# to ve n a vage an# #sa11ear wthout 7eng mu!h

    not!e#$ ,n" Go# !an answer to that$ The whoe thng I have wrtten s true to fa!tsan# I am an e"ewtness too$ I wrote on" what he sa# an# what I saw an# what Ihear# from Mammen$ @hat ever I have wrtten a7out Mammen s for free

    #str7uton aong wth the other 7oo5s I have wrtten an# not for ma5ng mone" or

    fame for me$

    Mammen?s Mus!a resour!es

    T"agaraa Swam" 7orn n Ma" 4HJH was a great Carnat! mus!an an#

    !om1oser an# he #e# on anuar" J 4>6H$ :ve of hs m1ortant !om1ostons !ae#

    the +ancharatna 8rithis %:I.& G&MS/ are even hear# often n these #a"s? T.1rograms$

    4/ T"agaraa swam"2/ 2/ Muthuswam +5shtar an#3/ 3/ S"ama Sastr of the ear" era forme# a trnt" n Carnat! Mus!$

    These artsts? !om1ostons were the Mammen Bhagavathar?s favortes$ Dou!an magne where Mammen rea" stoo# n hs mus!$

    Some of the other famous Carnat! mus!ans I !ou# remem7er of those #a"swere

    M$ S$ Su77ae5shm %vo!ast/

    +$ K$ attam7a %.o!ast/Ram!han#er %.eena/Chtt7a7u %.eena/

    Ma#ura Man I"er %.o!ast/;agu# a"araman %.on/

    :ew of the a7ove mentone# 1eo1e have 1erforme# at Su7raman Tem1e of

    'ar1a#$ But Mammen never 1erforme# there 7e!ause Chrstans were not aowe#an# that never 7othere# hm$ 'e w not even thn5 of gong to an" 1a!e where hes not we!ome grum7ng was not hs nature$ 'e never !reate# an" !ontrovers"

    an"where 7e!ause he was a man of 1ea!e$

    Mammen was never 7een a !onstant vstor of an" !hur!h or tem1e$ 's

    sngng of #evotona !ass!a mus! tsef was hs worsh11ng$ ,n!e n a 7oom I

    have seen hm !omng to hs home Chur!h the 1resent St$ Thomas S"ran Cathe#raKarth5a11a"$ 'e was a traveng 1erson %A one ranger/ I have no a!!ount or

    nature of hs traves 7e!ause he never to# me a7out t$ I use# to see hm on!e n awhe when I was on m" va!aton$ I was em1o"e# n a far awa" 1a!e$ The #etas of

    hs !areer must have 7een n hs 1ersonne 7eongngs wh!h were gven to the,rtho#oF +evao5am$

    I have not seen or hear# of an" voaton of Go#Es !omman#ments he has!ommtte#- he was su!h a goo# man$ 'ow far he was ustfe# 7efore Go# on" Go#

    !an te$

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 46

    ,n!e he was a#0u1 wth severe t"1e of sma1oF an# he ha# a mra!uous

    re!over"$ In those #a"s re!over" from sma1oF was se#om hear# most" never$@th the 5n# of atta!5 he ha# he !ou# have 7een han#!a11e# at east f he ever

    survve#- 7ut that never ha11ene# Go# was on hs s#e$ 'e !ou# have ost hsvo!e hearng an# even e"esght$ But nothng ha11ene# to hm$ There was not evenan" me#!ne for sma1oF #urng that 1ero# of tme he fe $ 'e sa# he ha# a

    se!on# fe wth hs 1erfe!t heath$ 'e ha# few #ee1 s!ars on hs fa!e that !ou# have

    7een seen as a 1roof of a #ea#" #sease he ha#$

    It was too ear" for me at that tme to 5now hm from the regous 1ont ofvew$ As "ears went07" I rea8e# how su1eror an# great he was when !om1are# toman" mo#ern artsts wth a ther v!es$ To me he was a 1easant 1easng an#eFtreme" goo# man who !ou# 7e ver" fren#" wth an"one wthout an" age grou1

    #fferen!e or generaton ga1$ @hen "ou remem7er of Mammen Bhagavathar at east

    "ou !an 1ra" a wor# for the savaton of hs s1rt so that hs s1rt rests n 1ea!e nhs eterna fe$ Mammen was a !heerfu man an# !ou# eas" get aong wth 1eo1e

    of a ages$ eo1e eno"e# an# a#mre# hs eas"gong nature an# !om1an"$

    Beow s the 1!ture of Mathew George wth hs .eena wh!h he got from

    Attoor0Krshna0shara#"$ Ths 1!ture was ta5en sometmes n 4>= at hs home

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4

    Mathew George wth hs veena- wh!h he got from attoor Krshna 1shara#"$ho was ta5en at Ka""aa55a5am0'ouse n 4>= when he was >2 "ears o#$

    An ee1hant ma#e of waF$Severa of hs art wor5s got rune# n the fam"

    house wh!h was not o!!u1e# an# atten#e# for a ongtme$ :ew of hs statue wor5s survve# an# one of them s

    the statue of esus shown n se!on# 1age$ 'e was a goo#

    tenns an# ta7e tenns 1a"er$ 'e was eFtreme" goo# n#rawng an" 1!ture "ou name- the" were a on hs

    fngert1$ I never hear# of an" man who ha# so mu!h

    versate %resour!efu an# a0aroun#/ !a1a7tes an# taent

    of the hghest #egree$ 'e never onge# for fame 7ut ##

    ever"thng for eno"ment$ 'e was generous to tea!han"one who was wng to earn 7ut none wante#$

    A womanEs 7ust ma#e of ORose0woo#EB" Mathew George of Ka""aa55a5am0'ouse

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4J

    esusE 7ust ma#e of waFB" Mathew George of Ka""aa55a5am0'ouse

    The !a7net shown oo5s 5e anron0safe s ma#e of fne gra#e

    har#woo# #esgne# 7" Mathew George

    Ka""aa55a5am0'ouse$ 'e was one of

    the magnf!ent #esgners havngeF!eent esthet! sense an# orgnat"$

    In#ans awa"s ha# some

    su1ersttous 7eefs a7out 7e!omng

    an artst$ The" 7eeve# art s the

    7essng of Go##ess SARAS@AT'D$An# weath s the 7essng of Go##ess;&KS'MI$ These two are rvas

    a!!or#ng to 'n#u m"thoog"$ eo1e7eeve# f "ou go after art thenweath w #e1art from "ou- f "ou go

    for weath art won?t 1ros1er n "ou$

    eo1e have seen man" artsts tongan# mong n ther fe$ Though 1eo1e

    ove# an# a11re!ate# fne arts man"

    feare# to master t for ths reason$ As#e!a#es went 7" I #onEt hear that 5n#

    of !onversaton an" more$ In these #a"s taente# 1eo1e are r!h an# ma5e ot of

    mone" #s1rovng the o# sa"ngs 7ase# on su1ersttous 7eefs$ Man" great artsts

    an# a!tors are gettng rune# an# #estro"e# ust 7e!ause of ther ev ha7ts$ If "ouo7e" Go#?s Comman#ments 'e w 7ess "ou an# f "ou #so7e" "our fe w 7e

    msera7e$ Go#?s aws are unversa an# same for ever"one$ S1rtuat" s Go#?s7essngs an# regon s man ma#e 1erverson$

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4H

    Goddess Lekshmi

    Leksh/i is the oddess o( wealth and prosperity.he is /aried to one o( the trinity od Vishnu the

    +reser)er. In her incarnation she -eca/e ita and

    /arried a/a, she also /arried 8rishna asukh/ini and adha.

    Goddess Saraswathy

    araswati is the oddess o( Learnin*, 0rts, Music,

    and ri)er. he is the wi(e o( one o( the trinity od9rah/a 5he ;reator< he plays /usic on her(a)orite instru/ent Veena.

    @hen 1eo1e amass weath 1o1uart" an# 1ower

    the" #o a 5n#s of ev thngs- even Go#?s 1eo1e goastra"$ Go# s not 1arta to an"one he #oes not

    #s!rmnate even a non07eever- ever"one gets therrewar# a!!or#ng to what the" #o$ &ven when I %the

    author/ was n the m#st of a these fne artsts of thehghest !a7er I was on the run for a #fferent !areer

    n &ngneerng$ Mus! was not a su!!essfu 1rofessonto !hoose n those #a"s$ @ho !an 1romse su!!ess n

    a mus!a !areer "ou have to ta5e a rs5 of fe$ It

    was not 1oss7e to earn from s!rat!h from su!hhgh0gra#e mus!ans$ The" were on" ft to tea!h a#van!e# eve mus!ans an# not

    7as! stu#ents$

    'ave "ou seen an" 1rofessors tea!hng n a Kn#ergarten Bes#es I never

    ha# an" !ourage to ma5e an" attem1t to earn an# 1ra!t!e n ther 1resen!e$ If an"

    of them ever sa#

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4>

    It s 7etter to 7e ate rather than never I was too 7us" wth m" 1rofesson

    an# ha# to earn a ot eavng no tme to thn5 a7out fne arts$ ,n the other han# m"father fae# to ta5e an" ntatve to see what I ## not stu#"$ .er" ate" I as5e# hm

    @h" "ou ##nEt ta5e an" nterest to tea!h me mus! 's answer was sm1e an#straght$ No one too5 ntatve to tea!h me an"thng I earne# ever"thng I 5e#an# I thought "ou aso mght #o same thng @hat he sa# was true who too5

    ntatve to tea!h Mammen

    Mammen taught hmsef frst 7" hearng hs masterQ then hs master saw the

    h##en taent n hm an# #e!#e# to tea!h hm$ If "ou want "ou !an !a t a fate or"ou !an sa" Mammen !hose hs own #estn"

    9elow is /y /other=s picture taken so/eti/es in /id%(i(ties. Another thng

    man" 1eo1e ## not 5now s a7out her a1ttu#e n mus! she ha#$ She gra#uate# nhstor" from +o!esan Coege Ca!utta$ Ths was a Catho! Coege an# there shegot ntereste# n Chur!h0mus!$ She 7ought a 1e#a t"1e organ havng eght"0eght


    I guess she earne# Chur!h mus! to some eFten#an# !ame to her fatherEs home after her a!a#em! stu#es$

    There was none to tea!h !hur!h0mus! further n her

    hometown or near7"$

    @hen she got marre# she 7rought her organ to

    Karth5a11a"$ In m" ear" age t remane# as a rune#monument an# none !ou# fF t$ She was n the m#st of

    Carnat! an# Chur!h0Mus! an# I #onEt 5now how far she!ou# #gest an# resh Carnat!0Mus!$ In the m##e of athese great mus!ans she gave u1 her Chur!h0mus! an#

    sa# nothng a7out t$ She never !om1ane# of an"thng 7ut I never hear# her1a"ng an" nstrument$

    She ## eFtreme" we as a wfe to m" father as a #aughter0n0aw to m"gran#1arents an# as a goo# an# ovng mother to us$ She was one of the most

    hum7e 1ersons I have ever seen$ She was ver" mo#est an# sm1e nature# n a her

    7engs %form of fe/$ She awa"s 5e1t her !othes !ean an# worn mnmumornaments$ She was never after eF1ensve #ress an# ornaments t was aganst her


    M" !on!uson s I never too5 that 5n# of nterest n mus! an# m" father ##

    not 7other to ta5e an" nterest ether to tea!h me mus! that ma5es t even$ I #o

    not regret for not earnng mus! when I !ou# #o m" 1rofesson ver" we an#sn!ere"$

    I awa"s !onfronte# tas5s wh!h 1eo1e !ae# m1oss7e$ I !ou# !ome u1wth some #eas to resove t$ ,ne thng I never fae# s to than5 Go# for gvng mea wa" out of m" m1oss7e tas5s$ I !ou# not !reate #eas 7ut I rea8e# from

    where t !ame an# Go# gets the !re#t of t an# I ## the o7$ I fee satsfe# when I

    #o an"thng 1erfe!t" we no matter what I un#erta5e$ If "ou !an a11re!ate a goo#

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 4

    1e!e of mus! that tsef s a great a!hevement an# 7essng$ I use# to an# I wou#

    !ontnue to te an"one to earn some mus! n hs or her s1are tme$ Man" starte#an# then #ro11e# out$ Dou nee# 1aten!e an# en#uran!e to master t 7es#es


    &ven f "ou #onEt have a1ttu#e "ou !an master t 1rov#e# "ou have a strong

    w an# wngness to wor5 har#$ Regar#ng mus! man" #onEt want to wor5 har#

    an# master t I #onEt 5now wh"$ ;a8ness s one of the 1romnent human!hara!terst!s$ The" awa"s ha# some s" eF!uses not to 1ra!t!e mus!$ Goo#

    stu#ent 1ra!t!e J0 > hours a #a"$ &ven a !ow7o" who wants to 7e!ome ashar1shooter 1ra!t!es for man" ong hours a #a"$ Dou #onEt master an"thng eas"an# wthout har# wor5$

    @hen t !ame to m" !h#ren the" 1!5e# Gutar as ther nstrument t was

    ther !ho!e an# not mne$ The" earne# 9ute a 7t an# aso use# to sng n thers!hoos !oeges an# Chur!h$ Be!ause of ther stu#" oa# the" ## not !on!entrate

    mu!h n mus! an# the" never thought of !hoosng mus!a !areer$ I never met agoo# gutar tea!her who rea" wante# to tea!h hs stu#ents$ The" use# to !ome an#

    go as the" 1ease an# !oe!te# ther month" saar"$ M" 7as! te!hn!a 5nowe#ge n

    mus! was rrtatng to them though I never nterfere# n ther tea!hng$

    I eF1ane# ever"thng I 5now to m" !h#ren I never for!e# m" !h#ren to!hoose what I 5e#$ I wante# them to #o ever"thng at ther free w$ It s for them

    to #o or not to #o what the" 5e$ ;eavng a1art a these wor#" attra!tons an#

    a!hevements$ I fee ver" mu!h su!!essfu 1ea!efu an# ha11" when I foun# these!rets an# 1ur1ose of human fe an# ts en# an# 7e"on#$

    If "ou ever thn5 a7out "our fe s1an wh!h s har#" wthn J=0H= "ears "ouhave to sear!h what s 7e"on#$ @hen "ou trave "ou have often seen traff! sgns

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2=

    M" ove wh" #ea" to !ome esus

    Imm Xmasatlm hhmt\ipImm XmaksaslmImm \n hchnmbo Imns a\wthp Ipw apt athem

    thKn !m hsa "#$ns%&Xh'(aXmbncn)ta*+n hsa "#$tXm',-mltms.bncn)

    /Ih01\mw tbipth2 \ns3 \0

    4Ka\w t\m5n !m 4itbm.ncn)Ibm Imm

    6mXnI7 XnIhXnt\m8 4bh' \ns3"m-s t9hXnt\m8bp-:m' I;.phXnt\m8 Im\m\neh'.nsIm

    m \o ?Xphsc ?ln h@cmXncn)8 \oXnk;cA\m tbip Imm

    B&X\m7 1mcnCpsImDpw "nim9otemIwB&X\m7 9XnCpsImDpw8B&X \m7 "#$psImDpw E"hm-7

    ipF,-nam:ms. taepwI'msh t\m5n ImGI"m'en -pcnXwkmms3 Fn5mcs \o)hm\mbo &"nb Imm

    -pHw \o ImJn0sbm@Bs3 hnem"iw \o tI7 )n0tbm "n,ims9 a\wsh5w l\nLm\tMm&Xp5mses t\m5n -pcnX7 4sI t"m5nsh5w \n a>hm%n 45nsImDphm &"nb Imm Imm

    &ngsh Transaton on neFt ageQ

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 24

    Meanng of a7ove song

    +ear ove esus wh" ate to !omeB" watng for "our !omng

    M" mn# s 7urnng an# metng

    An# m" e"es are fa#ng &mmanue

    Sa# !omng soon even then

    'as ta5en too man" "ears@th thrst remem7erngDour !omng n the !ou#s

    The on" ove esus "our goo# !omng

    Is oo5e# forwar# wth ho1e an# #esre

    Gentes to f n or the" to on at "our feet

    :or ews to gather the" to ve n Canan

    :or what reason have not "ou !ome "etSun of rghteousness esus

    'ow ong Satan w rue ths wor#'ow ong w he !heat

    'ow ong w he san#er the rghteousSee the turmo wthn the rea!h of sght

    Remove SatanEs 1r#e

    +onEt "ou see m" sorrow

    'ear m" !r"See wth "our e"es an# remove 1erse!uton

    Ta5e me 9u!5 as "our 7r#e m" ove

    I !ou# not o!ate the raga he use# to sng for the a7ove song$ 'o1e to fn# tsoon an# to a## to ths$ Beng a great #s!1naran Mammen must have foun# ths

    wor#" fe s a van %Ma"a/$ 'e aso must have 7een ongng for esus to !ome orrea!h esus soon wh!h ever ha11ens frst$


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 22

    esus s m" foun#aton

    RagaQ Na#hanama5r"a TaaQ Aa#

    tbip B.nk,Xm\w 4ibh,\nes&X4iNmkn ";'>X sbiphn It< !mw

    /&X aFpcah \masa\n) "m'mOm'phtm#psa 4'n am$p t"m

    -pHw -mcn&-Asanh)s

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 23

    esus must have 7een Mammen?s foun#aton wh!h e# hm through a rea

    !ean fe regar#ess of the har# fe he ha# to go through$

    How onderful !s Gods Lo"e

    BXnibsa ss-hn k,t\lwB&X at\[email protected] knVp kam\ambok Xw ImJ !m

    ss-hsa \n alm k,t\la Xn hnFw

    4' )9nnC#nbmw@B\n5mhXnt0 EXn 4=a+n.mB&X WlpeaXp

    4bncambncw \mhpI+me X,h'>nLXns\+ptXm@"Xn\mbncnsemcwiw s9m0n.phm"mcnekmYAatlm

    tam-sa=pw Xnam'hnep0mkambok Xw t9'n@/I@6mX\mtaipsh "mXI'5mbn Xk,t\laXnib,sa2

    "m"m \ns !m tIm"nLnCpsDmImenepw -bhmbn@k,t\lhm"nsb2 \osbs k,s\lnCtXm'sXn4i9AcAta#n.p

    6ohnXn "e ho=,9I7 hn%pwO%pw \nt(Fn5msX BstIhew k,t\lnCp "menCn.pw Xhk,t\laXpeAatlm

    &ngsh Transaton on neFt ageQ

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2

    8hat is "arnatic MusicThe 7egnnng of Carnat! mus! goes 7e"on# A+ an# no eFa!t era !an 7e 1rove#$

    9 4arnata!a Sangeetham %Carnat! mus! n In#a/ s one of the two ofIn#an !ass!a mus!$ The other !ass!a s 'n#ustan0!ass!a0mus!$ Carnat!

    mus! s aso !ae# as 2H/

    ,ther romnent !om1osers 7es#es the Carnat! trnt" are Swath Thruna

    Go1aa5rshna Bharath Neea5anta Svan atnam Su7ramana I"er M"sore.asu#eva!har Koteeswara I"er Muthah Bhagavathar Su7ramana Bharath"ar an#a1anasam Svan et!

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2J

    Southern In#a

    Karnata5a An#hra Keraa an# Tam Na#u !onsttutes Southern In#a

    The !entre1ar of Carnat! mus! s vo!a an# nstrumenta !omes neFt to t$ Two

    man features of ths st"e s

    %4/ .o!a %or nstrumenta/%2/ Rh"them %Taa/ #fferent 5n#s of taa nstruments are use#$Karnat! mus! was forma" name# n7etween 42043 !entur"$

    :eatures of Carnat! Mus!

    4/ SrutQ s the 1t!h of the mus!

    2/ SwaraQ s a mus!a note$ Bas!a" t !onssts seven notes an# a##tona sem0tones of fve more notes ma5es a tota of tweve notes of one o!tave$ %Same aswestern/

    3/RagaQ s the meo#"$ Ths s !ontroe# 7" #efnte notes of as!en# an# to #es!en#$In a !on!ert raga s eF1ose# sow" wthout rh"thm$ In the 7egnnng the mus!an

    !an go through n su!h a wa" so that the stener ma" not re!ogn8e wh!h raga he s

    gong to sng an# fna" he reveas t wth hs magnf!ent 7ranwor5$ )nt heeFh7ts the 1ostve features of the RAGA the stener ma" 7e wan#erng wthout#etermnng the raga$

    The 7as! stru!ture of a song !om1rses the foowngs an# TA;A4/ aav2/ Anu1aav

    3/ Charana

    6/ TaaQ 00


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2H


    Taa s the rh"themQ ths s aso a ver" !om1eF s"stem$+fferent ragas use #fferent rh"thms$

    There are seven 7as! Taas n Carnat! Mus!$

    4/ +hruva

    2/ Mat"a3/ Ru1a5a

    6/ ham1a

    / Tr1uta

    J/ AtaH/ &5a

    These seven Taas are su7#v#e# n the foowng fve AAT'IS$

    4/ Tsra

    2/ Chatusra

    3/ Khan#a

    6/ Msra/ San5eernaTota of H F (3 Taas

    These 3 Taas are further su7#ve# 7ase# on fve *athis or Nadai also

    known as +ancha Nadai< %Gaths ( s1ee#/$

    Na#a !an 7e of 3 6 H or !ounts an# these are res1e!tve" !ae# asshown 7eow$ Ths 1rov#es further #vson of the 3 taas shown a7ove$

    The fve GAT'IS are

    4/ Tsra2/ Chatusra

    3/ Khan#a6/ Msra

    / San5eerna$

    @hen the 1rn!1a seven Taas are #v#e# through GAT'I an# AT'I wh!h

    s H F F ( 4H we get a tota of 4H TA;AS$ Now "ou !an magne how !om1eFthe whoe thng s$

    An" s1 n the !ount of TA;A s sm1" !ae# Oout0of07eat?$ %Avatha/

    An" s1 n a mus!a note s !ae# ?out0of0tune?- or out of t!h %A1asruth" orA1aswaram/ If I have ma#e an" msta5e n ths art!e I a1oog8e for the error$ Dou

    are free to ma5e "our own resear!h an# gather 7etter an# more a!!urate

    nformaton$ Ths s the mnmum that !an 7e eF1ane# for genera 5nowe#gethough there s a ot more a7out Taa$

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2>

    1mportance of "arnatic MusicBas!a" an# orgna" In#a s a 'n#u0regous !ountr"$ Though there are

    nnumera7e #vsons among them- the" have nnumera7e Go#s aso$ &ven then a#vsons a!5nowe#ge a go#s$ eo1e are free to worsh1 wh!hever go#s or

    go##ess or as man" the" want$

    Carnat! mus! or an" other In#an0fne arts s worsh11ng ther own favorteGo#$ If "ou oo5 at the 1o1uaton of #fferent regons 7" the "ear 2=== A+ as

    shown 7eow "ou !an see the sgnf!an!e of Carnat! Mus!$

    'n#us >= or More

    Musms 43 or moreChrstans 2$ or moreS5hs near" 2

    Bu#hsts ans an# others near" 2

    These fgures are amost rea !ose wh!h tes "ou that a huge num7er of1eo1e !ou# 5e !ass!a mus!$ The" ma" not eno" an# a11re!ate !ass!a mus!

    fu" 7e!ause the steners have to 5now an# earn ver" mu!h to un#erstan# t$Carnat! or !ass!a mus! s the worsh11ng mus! of more than >= 1er!ent of the


    4erala#state;s religious statistics

    )n5e other In#an states regous rato of K&RA;A0STAT& s 9ute #fferent$Be!ause of ersan an# &uro1ean tra#e te0u1s the 1er!entage of Chrstans are 9ute

    hgh$ The 1eo1e 7eeve# one of the +s!1es of Chrst name# T',MAS who !ame to

    K&RA;A an# man" 7eeve# hm an# 7e!ame Chrstans$ :ren!h ortuguese &ngsh

    aso !ame for tra#e an# fna" Brtsh !on9uere# In#a an# 5e1t un#er her 5ng#om$

    ,n one s#e the nva#ers ransa!5e# the weath an# sowe# man" mmora

    thngs- on the other s#e some 1rea!he# Chrstant"$ Be!ause of ther evness an#

    mmorat" Chrstant" ## not foursh n In#a$

    Thomas arrve# n In#a n 2 A$+$ rea!he# M"a1ore va the @est Coast

    %Thrvthan!o#e0Aravamo8h ass/$ Keraa 1eo1e 7eeve Thomas !ame to Keraa

    n A$+$ 2 an# esta7she# seven an# a haf !hur!hes$ o1e Bene#!t .I sa# thatSt$ Thomas !ame to western In#a frst from where t s1rea# to other 1arts of the

    !ountr"$ 'e aso sa# St Thomas never !ame to southern In#a$

    ,&ES ANN,)NC&M&NT A&AR&+ IN C'&NNAI N&@S M&+IA S,M&TIM&S INN,.&MB&R 2==J$

    Santhome Bas!a Cathe#ra Chenna wh!h was 7ut over the tom7 of thea1oste Thomas s a monument of Thomas? 7ura$ The em1t" Tom7 st remans nthe Chur!h$


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 2

    I m"sef have seen the tom7 n ate fftes an# aso n eghtes$ @ho wants to vst

    su!h !ontroversa 1a!e %Santhome Bas!a s a !atho! Cathe#ra/$ The frstSanthome Chur!h was #emoshe# n 4>2 an# then re7ut$

    .at!an awa"s!reate# #s1utes an#

    !ontroverses an#

    the" w !ontnue to#o that t the en#

    of the wor#$@hether Thomas!ame to In#a or notm1ortant 7ut there

    are mons of

    7eevers n Keraastate an# aso n

    other states ofIn#a$ Chrst s

    ever"where n the

    whoe unverse $The

    on" 1a!e C'RIST+,&SNET ;I.& IN s.ATICAN 7e!ause

    C'RIST #oesnEt

    nha7t where 'IS!omman#ments are


    ;et .at!an worr"

    who s 1rea!hng

    @or# of Go# s

    there for us$ It sGo#?s !on!ern that

    's !h#ren shou#

    o7e" 'IS!omman#ments an#

    not the rues of an"of the Chrstan

    Chur!hes? 5e

    .at!an? or an" other#enomnaton$

    ,ne #enomnaton s

    tarnshng anotherto esta7sh ther

    su1erort" s the

    msera7e thng the"#o wh!h hn#ere#

    the growth of Chrstant" an# the" !ontnue to #o that$ In genera Chrstan?s mus!a

    taent an# terature s eFtreme" 1oor n In#a$

  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 3=

    .er" few have earne# Cass!a mus! most of them a!!e1te# a go#s

    thn5ng a roa#s ea#s to Rome$ So ong the" !an 7eeve an# a!!e1t ther rewar# sa!!or#ng to ther ustfa7e wor5 there !an 7e some ho1e of 1ea!e$ Dou !an never

    1a" an" tr!5s wth the &terna$ Sef0ustf!aton s the root !ause of "our own#estru!ton

    The regous statst!s of Keraa0State stan# as foowng wh!h s9ute #fferent to that of natona eve$

    'n#us H Musms 23$ Chrstans 4$

    ,rtho#oF S"ran Chrstans 2$2 mons

    S"ran ,rtho#oF %a!o7te/ 4$3

    S"ro0Maa7ar Catho!s 3$

    Marthomte =$H

    S"ro0Maan5ara Catho!s =$3

    Chur!h of South In#a an# others 4$=


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


  • 8/3/2019 Unforgettable Musician (Mammen Bhagavathar)


    A Simple $ivine Truth &ublication 32

    Then rung monar!h I""an?a#5a Thruva#5a %>6A+/ we!ome# the

    ersans an# showere# them wth s1e!a 1rveges an# honors an# gfte# MaruvanSa1r &so wth an# to 7u# a !hur!h$ Ths s mentone# n OTharsa a" Che11e#uE

    %V)I;N Co11er 1ates Travan!oreQ Ar!hves .oume 44 J=0 >/

    Kaa#a Maa" Muthaa" fam" s the #es!en#ents of Maruvan Sa1r &so$ I$

    The author s east !on!erne# who 7rought Chrstant" to Keraa- an# n an" su!h

    #s1utes$ I am ha11" 1rou# to sa" that I 7eeve n Chrst$ @ho ever are ntereste#a7out the 1rea!hers 1rests an# !hur!h #s1utes an# su1erort" !an hang on to t$

    The author of ths art!e has wrtten a num7er of 7oo5s un#er the tte