Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide

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  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    The project of Boiler making-up water for Indonesia Guohua MuyinPower Plant( 2 !"#M$%


    Ultrafiltration System

    Operation and Maintenance Manual

    &hina Power &M 'n ironment 'ngineering &o)*+td



  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ' ( Our warranty will be invalidated automatically if any of the following occurs:


    1. Change of the water source. ,s the operational parameter of the ltra .iltration

    ( .% system a is closely connected to the water source /uality* it must 0e adjusted

    if the water source changed) 1therwise* it could result in the contamination of the

    . system* less output of water and e en the damage of the whole . system in

    se ere cases)


    S/ A=>TU=>HIJK9VW X=YZ[\DEF UFG]^_ `


    . Change of the recommended chemicals. The choice of chemicals is closely

    related to the water /uality and . mem0rane applied) Improper chemicals may

    ha e negati e effects on the safe operation of the system* thus to create the

    irrepara0le economic loss)

    :; %&lm1nopq9nopq1rsN O_DEF UFGi!tu1S?/vwrsnopqxyz?@{|1}~HI/[

    \WY 1 j79

    !. Misoperation against our Operation and Maintenance Manual could lead to

    the system fault and even the e"uipment to system damage.

    :; %&1 I [\?@{|



    1. System ?@ 2

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    1. S$S%&M ?@

    1.1 '(OC&SS &)'*+,+%-O,

    This manual is made for the Boiler making-up water . system of the Indonesia

    Guohua Muyin Power Plant ( 2 !"#M$%)

    C (2150MW)


    1.1.1 Water source and water "uality A O

    The water is from 3)+ematang 4i er in Muyin &ounty* 3outh 3umatera 3elatan

    Pro ince) .eed water to the . system is already clarified and filtrated) The parameter

    of the ri er water is illustrated 0elow)

    AC 1 S.Lematang 9 DE

    1 C _ E1 9 O+9

    Item 4i er $ater Item 4i er $a



    mg5+ mmol5+

    6 7 2)## #)#"! 8egati e


    #)#9## mmol5+

    8a 7 ")"# #)2:: Phenolphthalein


    # mmol5+


    2):#" #)!2# Methyl 1range,lkalinity

    #) 2#: mmol5+

    Mg 27 !):"; #)!2# p< =); 5

    .e 27 #):: #)#!= &onducti ity

    "#)= >s5cm

    .e 7 !):" #)#?9 Tur0idity

    2 # 8T


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    tionic differen


    ,cidity5 # 5 Total Bacterial5K

    2);#D!#: cfu5ml

    +i0eration &1



    2)9; 5 T1&


    :) mg5+


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    1utput water ` a E 2# m 5h (set% (2# after years operation% (20

    +HI ) 5FG

    3@I indeA SDI K E (after years operation HI )%

    4eco ery 1 E ;#

    . de ice producing pressure head DE` E #)!MPa

    1. &,0-(O,M&,%

    1. .1 The climate conditions of the cumulati e fre/uency of !# )

    C 10% 1

    temperature of wet-0ul0 2=)2 * temperature of the rele ant dry-0ul0

    29) * air pressure !#!!)9hPa* wind speed 2):m5s* relati e humidity

    9:): )

    26.2 /R 28.3 / 1011.8hPa /

    2. m!" /R 8 . % 9

    !)2)2 Basic intensity of earth/uake is ?) 'arth/uake motion peak alue acceleration

    is #)!9g* and the featured earth/uake response spectrum cycle is #)""s

    C # / 6 0.18g /

    0.55" 9

    !) M+-, & U-'M&,%S &SC(-'%-O, {|

    !) )! U# inlet water lifting system DE ?@

    !) )!)! 4aw water tank (1wner pro ide % ) F 5|G

    In order to ensure a sta0le supply of the . system feeding water* the

    pretreated water must 0e preser ed into a raw water tank) $e designed one

    raw water tank of olume of !##m )

    E1 ) I / 1 C 2

    3DE a1 M9?@{ 1 C 100m 3 1) 9

    !) )!)2 4aw water pump )

    The function of raw water tank is to pro ide sta0le pressure and water for the

    . system) $e planned 2 raw water tanks (! for operation ! for spare%) 'ach

    tank is of output of "#m 5h and deli ery lift of :#M)


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ) 1 : CDE?@ M1 ! N a9?@ { 2

    ) / 1 : 1 |/ " #! C 50m 3!h / $ C 0m 9

    !) )2 +gglomerants #eeding evice %&' p

    This de ice is is applied to add suita0le agglomerants to the system) It is a0le

    to conglomerates the suspendeds* organic* colloids into flocs of 0ig si e so that

    to 0e easily remo ed from clarification tank)

    ( 1 : C?@ ) * a1 %&' /4 1_!

    _ + ,%& \ -. 1 /0 /* 12 3 456 9

    Because the water souce is ri er* which contains lots of impurities such as

    suspendeds* organics and colloids* etc) These impurities are usually of certainamount of like charges so that they are mutually eAclusi e and ha e difficulties

    to conglomerate aotumatically) P,& is a long chain hea y polymer* which can

    form ,lA F 1< G H D-H * a long chain multi-functional group with electric

    charge in the water) This can compress colloid electric dou0le layer* and

    counteract the opposite electric charge as well) Moreo er* each group can adsor0

    the suspends* organics* and colloids of small si e and conglomerate them so that

    they are easily remo ed from the clarification tank .

    7 ?@ C / 8 ! 9: 1_!N + ,; O/

    > ! ? Ma1 @ A / BC R DEF / G *56 &H \ -

    . 9 P$ IJ 1 :K &L / 2 Y M \ N A 1 $&' F G * 3+,*

    IJOP Z Q / R ! S+ T U 1 :/ @V W AX Y* Y

    Z N1 :/ ["? h Q\ Y* ]^ K_ 1_!_ +

    ,`-.; O/f %& \ -. 1 /0 /* 1a 3 4 6 9In order to increase the possi0ility of those suspended impurities to reach the

    surface of ,gglomerates ,lA F 1< G H D-H and 0e a0sor0ed* appropriate

    stirring is necessary)

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    jkl / [m { nokphL 9 )

    !) ) Security filter 2} E

    3ecurity filter is safety guard of the . mem0rane) The major function is to

    pre ent granules si e of greater than ?">m in acti ated car0on outlet water from .

    system and furtherly a oid any scratch and damage to the mem0rane) &artridges in the

    filter are changa0le cassette filter elements) $hen the pressure difference 0etween inlet and

    outlet is greater than the setting alue (generally is #)#?MPa-#)!MPa%* the filter cattridges

    should 0e replaced) The normal life span is -= months) The shell of the security filter is #:

    3)3)) &artridges are made of melt-0lown polypropylene) .eatures areE !%

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    g) 3er ice life !"#$ More than " years5 % 5 #

    h) 8um0er of each sets &' ( !"et( !' )

    !) ):) Mem0rane element specifications )*

    a) Mem0rane inner diameter5outer diameter + !,+ #);5!) mm

    0) Mem0rane nominal 0ore -./+ #)#2" - m

    cE Mem0rane materials 0 P3

    d) 3hell materials 12 PJ&

    e).iltration mode 3 4 single-ended cross-flow filtration 56 3

    f) The MaAimum working pressure 7 8 #) !MPa

    g)The MaAimum pressure difference of Mem0rane internal and eAternal

    7 , 9 #)2:MPa

    h)Manufacturer :;< )3), 61& )

    !) ):): @e ice load ?@AB

    a) 'mpty load CAB 3500/g

    0) $ater load DEAB =###kg

    c) 4unning load FGAB 9###kg

    !) ):)" The ultra filtration de ice operating conditions ?@FG H

    a) 1utput I8 2#m 5h set5 '

    0) 4eco ery JKL ;#

    c) $ater inflow conditions MEN

    water temperature EO " :"

    water pressure E less than #):MPa5 P% 0. MPa

    tur0idity QR !"8T

    residual chlorine STU #)#!mg5l

    p< 2-!2

    1.!.2 Ultrafiltration producing water storage and hoisting system


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    and deli ery lift of 2m* one !##>security filter* a cleaning tank and

    meters* al es* pipes and other accessories)

    V, /DE I f:/DEi d x

    Z 1] 9 * ?@{ ?@/ f i Z ] /Y

    Ino 9 B? #! C 5m 3!h $ C 32m 1 / ?

    100- 2} E/ ? ? _ _ kp,^ 9

    1.8 9&,&(+* &SC('%-O, Of CO,%(O* S$S%&M


    1.8.1 'rinciple

    The control system must 0e of the following functions)

    \1 ?@ R !*+ P Z9

    !):)!)! 3tart the stand0y pump automatically) 56 6|:

    !):)!)2 3top or start dosing pump automatically according to the height le el of

    chemicals in the tank) p : 56 p .

    !):)!) 3top or start upstream and downstream pump automatically according to

    the height le el of water in the tank) : 56 l +


    !):)!): The . e/uipment is of program stop and start de ice) DE{|{!


    1.8. osage Operational Control pa1HI

    %he system dosage is fiAed ?@ pa~ CM ) aI ) 9

    1.8.! Operation Control of the U# &"uipment DE{|1HI

    The running* stopping* inflow 0ack-flushing* &'B cleaning and 0eing put

    into operation are all carried out 0y P+&)

    DE{|1HI_ H_ _ _ ) H \ a PL

    v 19


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    The /uitting operational mechanism is controlled 0y the preset running

    time F #K=#mins adjusta0le / normally #mins G .

    DE{|1 # HI a {M1HI V F 30 60m n

    Y / ? {C 30m n G v 9

    &ontrol procedure of the . e/uipment is carried out 0y the preset

    program within P+&) It can also 0e performed manually through operation

    of the on-site electromagnetic al e .

    DE{|1 {M 2 PL 1 v \19 X Y

    * a 9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . U# S$S%&M DE?@

    .1 S&CU(-%$ W+(,-,9S }~

    .1.1 &lectrical &"uipment {|

    2)!)!)! &heck to make sure the connection is correct and firm according to


    M u L/ .

    2)!)!)2 @isconnect the fault electrical units from the system while making

    repairment or replacement) &ut off all input power supply 0efore opening

    the switch 0oard while different electrical sources are connected to the

    same switch 0oard)

    2 X {4 }V /TU (K ?@ 9 f !W

    @1 Au @? / 2 q /Q ! A .

    2)!)!) &heck stopping property of all switchgears to make sure they are all away

    keep from water outside)

    !u 1P /L2W d 1 u .

    2)!)!): 1nly /ualified electricians can perform maintenance and repairment)

    ! R |R O1 ZI 1 XN ?@ 9

    2)!)2 Mechanical &"uipment {|

    .1. .1 Components *ea3age

    J!#?2- "-PM& components will not leak if the maintenance method is

    correct* and its operating pressure is lower than its maA)limit )! 0ar) 1nce

    the leakage occurrs* shut down the e/uipment immediately) check the

    leakage point and repair it afterwards) Then pressuri e and test the water

    again) If leakage remains* please contact &M company immediately)

    V L/ [ !7 3.1 4a 1 ! /

    V1072-35-PMC Wx ) 9? ) /TU


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    S 9S/ / * E /

    /V / %& ?9

    .1. . Centrifugal 'ump

    2)!)2)2)! Pls) do not perform maintenance and other operations while the pump is

    running) H V /Q I , )

    2)!)2)2)2 Pls) make 'ye-catching marks while maintainance is on-going)

    H1/TU * .)

    2)!)2)2) 4eco er all protectors after maintenance) 1 / !

    1 w .

    2)!)2)2): 'nsure the motor fan entilati e) L21 1 a a .

    2)!)2)2)" Perform the !st operation check after each maintenance and

    repairment N X / HI MI


    2) !) '-'-,9 +, 0+*0&S k

    The water-carrige system of . consists of pipes and linking pieces of

    different diameters) Incorrect operation can result in de ice damage and

    leakage under high pressure can cause personal injury .

    DE 1 ?@ W@k 1 kp * u91

    W L Z jk/ YZB : +1 Y 9

    2)!) )! Make sure the supporting and installation of all pipelines are sta0le)

    L ! k 1 _} .

    2)!) )2 1pen the outlet al e 0efore openning the inlet al e in order to a oid the

    system 0ears high pressure)

    C ?@ : 1 ! / 2 q /U # 9

    .1.8 M+C;-,& ;+*%


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    Pls) follow the stopping procedure for all machinesL halt in order to ensure

    workersL safety) C L2 { X 1}~/ !{|1 /

    \ M1 9 )

    3topping procedure is not only for rotating or electrical e/uipments 0ut also

    for containers and waterlines* etc) W 6 { {|/ X

    _ k , 9

    .1.2 C;+,,&* ap

    3mooth channels should 0e a aila0le around J!#?2- " PM&* and the

    ground surface should 0e slip -resistant * dry and neat) 2 V1072-35-PMC

    {| ( ! a 1 ap d w [ 2 _g 9

    Try to keep the operating e/uipments free around from any storage of

    e/uipments and parts) aW 2 HI1 ^ ! {|_ " , .

    'nsure lighting a aila0le on all sites for con enient operation and

    maintenance) L2 ! # 1 /* 1 N 9

    .1.7 S+#&%$ '(O%&C%-O, #+C-*-%-&S }~ w { s

    Be sure to wear secure and protecti e supplies while cleaning with chemicals

    and doing hot-line jo0) f f:nopqI NI N V / $ T

    % N }~ w :q9

    Irrepara0le injury would occur if the following re/uirements are not complied

    with) V W + d 1 & /YZ ' 1 9 )

    2)!)=)! 4u00er glo es* ru00er suits* helmet and goggles must 0e worn while

    workers are eAposed to acid* alkali or oAidi ing en ironment) f (

    ) 2 _ _n ' +/TU %*+ + _ + + , _ - *

    . 9

    2)!)=)2 Insulating glo es* insulation uniform must 0e worn while doing hot-line

    jo0* and there must 0e someone stand 0y to pro ide necessary assistance and

    rescue) f 2N V / ( */0 _f: /0+ + 1 /

    ! 2 23 T 1 45 N 6 9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    2)!)=) 'mergency gush de ice must 0e kept in good condition) 78 9 T

    U23 7 : 5 ; o 9 )

    2)!)=): Persons who eApose to ha ardous drugs must fully understand what measures

    to take while accidents happen) $hen the o erflow accident happens* pls)

    follow your companyNs operation safety norms) u ! pq1 TU~ d

    ? ) V / # V / ? %&1

    }~ @I .

    .1.< S+#&%$ -,S'&C%-O, }~

    Before operating the . system* two sides should work together to check

    whether the following measures ha e 0een performed) 2 IDE

    q / T A @ B *+1}~ rs )

    -%&MS %O C;&C= CUS%OM&( :;

    1 C Jisi0le phone num0er and contact person for

    emergencies) 2 D EF 78

    !S1_ 1 ? G

    7 7

    2 C 'nsure all operators are familiar with safety

    protecti e measures) !{|1 HI

    # }~ w rs

    7 7

    3 C 'nsure all operators are familiar with off

    switch of all pumps and automatic al es) H

    I !1N56 1S

    7 7

    C Make sure marks of all on switch* pumps and

    al es clear and correct) !1 ! _ 6 J

    1 K _ L )

    7 7

    5 C 'nsure free chanels and ade/uate light around

    e/uipments) L2{| ap a / L


    7 7

    6 C 6eep all e/uipments clean and well maintained) 7 7


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    2 {| N : 5

    # C 'nsure necessary entilation of e/uipment)

    23{|T 1 a

    7 7

    8 C @onNt eAceed the maA) allowa0le pressure of J!#?2- " -

    PM& mem0rane module and the pipelines) W DV1072-35-PMC i k 1 OP !

    7 7

    . SUMM+($ Q

    . .1 >rief -ntroduction to Membrane #iltration i E RS

    . mem0rane filtration is a separation technology* and itLs mem0rane is of

    porous asymmetric structure) It is mainly applied to separate the macro-

    molecular in solution) i E ? T i K / iC O W U

    / : 7 O K VW 1 K .

    The filtration procedure is a solution separation process 0ased on the principle

    of mechanical grading and it is dri en 0y the pressure difference on 0oth sidesO

    Its working pressure is generally from #)! to #)=MPa* and its screen aperture is

    #)#"K#)!>m) Molecular intercepted is a0out "K!## ten thousand @alton) i

    E *i XY C Z 6 ! /* [ K C \ 1 ? T K

    f: !a C 0.1 0.6MPa / [ K 0.05 0.1-m /

    tuK aC 5 100 ] p ^_`a 9

    The difference 0etween mem0rane filtration and all the con entional filtration

    and micro porous filtration are as follows) ! E b E1

    W .

    c 1f small su0-aperture* is a0le to trap almost all kinds of germ* heat source*

    irus* colloidal solid* protein and organic compounds of macromolecular)

    [ K ` / de Z tu !1_A_ fg + b . _

    hi O_ K !


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    d C P U / { U U / C O 9 P Ul P b /

    * K Z a

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . . . Operating Conditions of 01 < ?!2?'MC 910#2,35,PM i 1

    MaAimum Pressure(water% : ! F G :"psi F )!0ar G

    MaAimum Pressure (air% : ! FG E!"psi (!)#0ar%

    MaAimum Temperature : !#: F :# G

    Minumum Temperature E 2 degrees f (# %

    MaAimum Production Transmem0rane Pressure i : "psi (2): 0ar%

    MaAimum Backflush Transmem0rane Pressure i : 20 "

    (1. 4a )

    MaAimum , erage 4ate of Pressure &hange v ! >n E =psi53'&

    (#): 0ar53'&%* 1pen al e for !# seconds5 10 V


    MaAimum Total &hlorine ?? degrees . (2" % or less Z !

    ;##< {4 2##ppm p< 9)" or higher

    MaAimum Total &hlorine &ontact u a 2##*###ppm-

    hours(accumulated% p< 9)" or higher )

    MaAimum &ontact with 1rganic 3ol ents ! ' u E , oid &ontact


    MaAimum &ontact with J +ight u E , oid @irectly 'Aposed

    nder 3unlight () 7 L t +


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . . .! 01 < ?!2 ? 'MC Membrane Module@ #eature 910#2,35,PM i


    J!#?2- " - PM& mem0rane module has many ad antages) 910#2,35,PM

    i R ! P O E

    It is made of hydrophilic P3* so it is /uite hydrophilic) i OC s &

    F PS G/ R ! 5 1 s )

    Mem0rane aperture is 2"K #8M* so it is of higher filtration precision i

    25 30 / E :

    It has large area F 9#);m 25eachG * and the single mem0rane water yield is

    0ig* so it is con enient for stacking the . unit) i d F 80.=m 2!

    G/ i` a/ 17 DE1 )

    It is of sta0le chemical nature* so it is resistant to arious strong oAidi er*

    such as sodium hypochlorite* hydrogen peroAide* etc) M1noZ/

    Z T n ' /V _ T ,

    It is applica0le for a wide range p

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    clarification and filtration effluent is less than ") 3o using the . as the

    pretreatment of 41 can ensure the water /uality of the following step) DE

    # 1 SDI ? `7 3 / ? 1 @_ E # 1 SDI ?

    `7 5 /C i DE C 1 4 Z23 ?@1 O9

    .! U# & U-'M&,% DE

    The ultra filtration de ice consists of num0ers of multipled J!#?2- " - PM&

    components according to the yield re/uirements) Its 0asic processes is as

    0elowE DE ` & / K 910#2,35,PM

    L \9 +

    .!.1 %he >asic +pplication Condition f:

    'roAect U 'arameter JK

    Tur0idity !"8T

    P< 2K!#


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide



    .!.! evice >ac3flush 'arameters JK

    'roAect U 'arameters J K

    Backflush Time V =#3ec)

    Backflush $ater Pressure ! !)" 2)# Bar

    Backflush $ater &onsumption (single

    module G aF G

    ;)?#- ! )"# m 5h

    Backflush $ater Quality O . Hield UF `

    $ashing TimeV


    3ec)$ashing $ater &onsumption a 3ame as the normal working

    consumption @ a

    ,ote E If it is surface water or ur0an regenaration water* 8a1&l should 0e added

    into the 0ackflush water* and the residual chlorine density of the discharged

    0ackflush water should 0e controlled at -"mg5l)

    V C { ) / 2 >a & /

    E ! C 3,5mg!& 9

    2) ): J!#?2- "-PM& @e ice &omposition and 1peration Parameters 910#2,35,

    PM \*HIJK

    $e designed 2 sets . de ice for this project with the flow of QR2#m 5h(8et

    produce a water yield% and the reco ery rate of ;# ) They can either run separately

    or run together) 'ach set of mem0rane is of : multipled modules)

    The selected mem0rane is ,merican 61&< company J!#?2 - # " - PM&

    mem0rane element with the molecular weight of !##*### @altons)

    {a AB20m 3!h F ` aG =0% 1DE 2 /

    " ? \ Z HI/ X Y @V HI9 " i C /: E 9i

    r: %&)`1 910#2,035,PM i } / Q K aC

    10 ] p ^_ 9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . Mem0rane 'lement &omponent Techni/ue Parameter DEi } JK

    @e ice Type

    &MH8 . 2# Mem0rane 3truct

    ure i hollow fi0er

    @esign Temperature

    { ( %

    !"K2" 8ominal .i0er @i



    @esign Pressure

    { ! (Mpa%


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    .ungicide @osing @e ice ' p ! set

    ,cid @osing @e ice p ! set

    ,gglomerants @osing @e ice %&' p ! set

    .8.1. %he Supporting osing System DE p?@

    $hen the agglomerant tank reaches low le el* the agglomerant metering pump

    wonLt stop alarming until chemicals are added) %&' p / %&' a

    W '/tp Z M

    ,gglomerants metering pump (one is operating another is stand0y% ha e linkage

    with raw water pump%&' aF ? : ? |G) 6

    $hen fungicide tank reaches low le el* the fungicide metering pump wonLt stop

    alarming until chemicals are added) ' p / ' aW

    '/tp Z M

    Backflush linkage should 0e strengthen 0etween fungicide metering pumps (one is

    in operation another is stand0y% and the . chemistry) ' aF ? : ?

    |GDEno . 6

    $hen acid tank reaches low le el* the acid metering pump wonLt stop alarming

    until chemicals are added) p /aW '/tp Z


    Backflush linkage should 0e strengthen 0etween acid metering pumps (one is in

    operation another is stand0y% and the . chemistry ) aF ? : ? |GD

    Eno . 6

    .8. Chec3 *ist >efore Operation 6 q 1

    .eeding water pressure is normal* and its /uality meets the re/uirement of the

    . system) / O N UF ?@HI &

    &heck all the pipe connections to ensure they are complete and close

    ! kp u 7 P


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ,ll pressure gauges* flow meters* thermal and chemical analysis instruments

    are in the opereation condition) DE?@~ ! _a , T _

    no K L)

    ,ll chemicals* reagents and analysis instruments needed 0y the operation

    super ision are e/uipped) HI n :1 T p ' _' _K

    | ~

    ,ll sampling line is unimpeded and sampling al es switch are manoeu ra0le)

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    .8.8.1 Operating Mode DEHI ; o

    %he operating mode of the U# is filtering / bac3flush and fast washing. D

    E1HI ; oK C E_ _

    #iltering bac3flush fast washing


    .8.8. (aw Water 'ump ) HI

    It runs during the operation and fast washing and stops while the . /uits and t

    he fast washing ends) DEHIN V /) HI DE H V /) x

    Its operating modeE &ontinuously feeding water ) HI

    .8.8.! >ac3flush 'ump HI

    Backflush water is supplied 0y 0ackflush pump* so that when 0ackflush is in op

    eration* one 0ackflush pump is in operation) DE : 9D

    E HI V / ? HI9

    .8.8.8 Ultrafiltration chemical strengthen bac3flush metering pump operatio

    n DEno a ' HI

    ,ddtion of ,cid and &hlorine will carry on in e ery :2 cycles for chmical stren

    gthen washing according to the water situation* chlorine and acid washing need

    to 0e performed e erytime) 1ne chlorine adding metering pump runs when the

    system is in chemical strengthen 0ackflush condition* and it stops when the chemical strengthen 0ackflush ends) no y 2 h I

    N /Y A-. v g/ " I N 9DEno

    . V / a ? HI DEno V /a

    x 9

    .8.8.2 Ultrafiltration >ac3flush DE


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ltrafiltration 0ackflush ha e two modes* which are top part 0ackflush and 0ott

    om part 0ackflushE

    DE ! XT / l +

    $hen performing top part 0ackflush* open the top discharge al e and the inlet

    al e* and start the 0ackflush pump and the sodium adding metering pump) ,ft

    er :" seconds* open the 0ottom discharge al e* and close the 0ackflush top dis

    charge al e at well in order to perform the 0ottom part 0ackflush) .inally* the

    whole 0ackflush ends after # seconds while closing the foot discharge al e* i

    nlet al e and stopping the 0ackflush pump) l V / lE ] _

    "/ 6 a/HI 30 / @

    V + E ] /S lE ] /I+ / 30

    x /S + E ] _ / .

    .8.8.7 Ultrafiltration #ast Washing DE

    ltrafiltration fast washing has only one modeE top for inlet and foot for discha


    DE ! ? T + lE

    $hile performing fast washing condition* open the 0ackflustop discharge al e

    and the inlet al e* and start the raw water pump) $hen washing time reaches

    the preset alue(can 0e #-=# 3econds%* stop the raw water pump and close the

    inlet al e* 0ackflush top discharge al e to close spacing to end the fast

    washing) V / lE ] _ "/ 6) 9 f V

    FY { 0,60 SeC G Zc {M/ x ) /S _ l

    E ] S"/ 9

    .8.8.< Ultrafiltration Chemical Strengthen >ac3flush DEno

    ,ddtion of acid and &hlorine will 0e carried on e ery :2 cycles for chmical str

    engthen washing* it can 0e adjusted according to the water resource situation)

    DEno y } E" 2 h I ? /Y A-

    . v g/ " I N 9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    2):):)?)! &hlorine washingE open the 0ackflush top discharge al e and inlet al e*

    start the 0ackflush pump and 8a&l1 metering pump) Test ultra filtration

    0ackflush drainage residual chlorine and adjust the stroke of the adding sodium

    hypochlorite metering pump to control the 0ackflush outlet residual chlorine

    within -" mg5l) 4ecord the stroke of sodium hypochlorite metering pump then)

    @osing time will 0e determined while de0ugging)

    lE _ / 6 / 6 >a & a/

    n DE E / g aI * #

    2 3,5 mg!& / iV aI 9p R VV LM )

    2):):)?)2 3oakingE ,fter the completion of adding chlorine* stop the 0ackflush

    pump* dosing pump* 0ackflush inlet al e and the 0ackflush top discharge

    al e* then soak for !# minutes)

    \/ x _p_ _ lE /

    !# K

    2):):)?) BackflushE 1pen 0ackflush top discharge al e and inlet al e* and start

    the 0ackflush pump to perform top part 0ackflush) ,fter :" seconds* open the

    0ackflush foot discharge al e and close the 0ackflush top discharge al eto

    perform the foot part 0ackflush for # seconds)

    lE ] _ "/ 6 /DEi

    I l /HI 5 / @V + E ] /S lE ] /

    I+ 30

    2):):)?): ,cid washingE after the 0ottom part 0ackflush* remain the 0ackflush

    pump and the inlet al e unchanged* open the 0ackflush top discharge al e*

    close the 0ackflush foot discharge al e* and start the acid metering pump as

    well to perform the acid washing) $hen the P< of outlet is 2- * it time to

    dosing) @osing time will 0e determined while de0ugging)


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    l? + / 2 W>/

    lE ] /S + E / @V 6 a/I / E

    P C 2,3 V C p/ R VV LM )

    2):):)?)" 3oakingE ,fter adding chlorine* stop the 0ackflush pump* dosing pump*

    0ackflush inlet al e and the 0ackflush top discharge al e to soak for !#


    p \/ x _p_ _ lE /

    10 K

    2):):)?)= BackflushE 1pen 0ackflush top discharge al e and inlet al e* and start

    the 0ackflush pump to perform top part 0ackflush) ,fter :" seconds* open the

    0ackflush foot discharge al e and close the 0ackflush top discharge al e to

    perform the foot part 0ackflush for # seconds) The system enters into the

    normal operation situation after the 0ackflush)

    lE ] _ "/ 6 /DEi

    I l /HI 5 / @V + E ] /S lE ] /

    I+ 30 ) HI ; o .

    .8.2 %he U# system evices and 0alves On?Off state

    DE?@ {|N S ; o












  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide









    ne ba









    cid b



    t p j








    + E





    V |

    HI ` t

    H c






    H ` t

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide









    t p jt





    E!) means al e is open or e/uipment is in operation

    ( { {|HI

    2)$hen the . inlet water pressure #) !MPa* delay " seconds and acti ate the

    alarm and stop the . de ices)

    f DE ! 0.31MPa V / V 5 / ' DE

    )$hen the . transmem0rane pressure #)!"MPa* delay " seconds* acti ate

    alarm and then stop the . de ices)

    f DE i 0.15MPa V / V 5 / ' DE

    :)$hen the pressure of the 0ackflush main tu0e scheme is o er

    0.20MPa / acti ate alarm and then stop the . 0ackflush pump

    f jk ! D 0.20MPa V / ' x DE )

    ") 'ach cycle lasts29 minutes* including 2# seconds of 0ackflush # minutes of


    HI V 120" /HI 30m n / " 28 K ? h

    =) The strengthen washing takes 2 min and # seconds) It is carried on e ery :2

    washing cycles with the addtion of acid and &hlorine)

    V 23 K 30 / y 2 h I N 1


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ?) 1peration time and control data will 0e confirmed after de0ugging)

    V K LM

    .8.7 U# Control &Bplanation DE

    ltrafiltration employes one-port cross-flow filtration in order to control the ret

    entate at ! -" )

    DE:1 v E/ 1%,5% 1 E ! a

    ltrafiltration 0ackflush discharges through top and 0ottom in turns) It is to say*

    water enters through the lower end of the mem0rane* and discharges ia 0ottom

    and top) To stop system* operator needs to gi e order)

    DE V : l + E ! 9 2 i+ / E ! K C lE ! +

    E ! ) V?@ x HI/ # /?@ x )

    .8.< Supervision and +dAustment during Operation

    DE?@HI 1 N g

    3trictly control . inlet water /uality to ensure system operates under the

    good water /uality c UF O/23 UF ?@ 2 L O+HI )

    ,djust in time inlet water flowrate and the retentate flowrate V g

    a_ a

    The inlet water pressure must not 0e more than #) Mpa) 1n the premise of

    satisfied water /uality and yield* control the operation pressure at the possi0le

    low le el) This can help to reduce the mem0rane water fluA to decline and thereplacement rate of mem0rane) ! W 7 0.3M a 2 N ` aN

    O1 q +/ !2 a 1 ! / < ! 7 b i1 a

    a xy / y i1 4 9

    If inlet water tur0idity is out of limits* the reco ery rate should 0e adjusted so

    as the retentate out increases) V D V g/f

    E ! a *fb


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    &hecking the motor and the oice* temperature and oil le el of pump to ensure

    they are normal) the dosage of adding pump is correct) 1

    __ / p pa L )

    4ecord all parameters e ery hour* including "`V HIJKI /

    .eed water E Tur0idity* pressure* flowrate* water temperature _

    ! _a_

    Hield ` E Tur0idity* flowrate _a

    4etentate E .lowrate a

    .2 Stopping 'rogram HI1

    .2.1 Shut own Under Manual Mode 6 +1

    1pen the retentate discharge al e* wash for !" seconds E ! /


    3top raw pump x ) )

    &lose the ultra filtration inlet al e S DE

    .2. Shut own Under +utomatic Mode 56 +1

    @e ice is operating in automatic mode) @e ice will close automatically or can

    not operate automatically when the following occursE 2 56 +H

    I/ f + d 1 ?= -. ) V /x )56S { WZ ) 56H


    2)")2)! The feeding pump does not recei e the operating signal* or its hand switch

    is not under the automatic mode) u Z HI / { e 1

    6 S ! 7 56 ; o

    2)")2)2 The ultra filtration inlet water pressure is too high (0eyond )!0ar% DE

    ! : FD # 3.14a G

    2)")2) The cross mem0rane pressure of the ltrafiltration mem0rane module is too

    high (0eyond 2 0ar% DEi 1 i : FD # 24a G


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    .2.! *ong Stop IV

    2)") )! If the de ice needs to 0e shut down* and if shut down of the components is

    just for short time (2K days%* operate a0out # K =#min e eryday in order to

    pre ent 0acterial contamination) V S / V :F 2 3

    G/Y " HI 30 60m n /* wx ]

    2)") )2 If shut down of the components is for longer time (more than ? days%*

    0ackflush the ultra filtration de ice once 0efore shut down) Inject the protecti e

    li/uid into the de ice (! sodium acid sulfite and !# propylene glycol%* and

    close all inlet and outlet al es of the ultra filtration de ice) &heck monthly*

    and keep the temperature at "- "S&) V I :F # * l G/S q

    DEI ? 2 F 1%

    10% G/S !1DE1 # 9 "? /

    2 5,35 *

    2)") ) $hile rerunning the system after long time shut down* the ultra filtration

    de ice should 0e continuously washed until the discharge water without

    0u00les) IV S d ) HI V / 4DEI E !

    2)") ): @uring shut down* the ultra filtration mem0rane should 0e kept in wet all

    the time) Irre ersi0le damage will 0e caused to mem0rane module once the

    mem0rane is desiccation) / 5 2 DEi 7 o / ?

    > /4x[\i WY jk


    $arning W$hile preparing for a long time shut down X Power 1utput of control ca0inet

    must 0e closed* and the input power should 0e closed as well) '( 2 | IV

    / # ATUS 9 [ A X 7 S ; o 9

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    .7 Operation Monitoring Content HI

    Three conditions must 0e satisfied in order to make the ultrafiltration de ice

    continuesly produce /ualified water) They are /ualifed inlet water* proper

    0ackflush inter al and timely and effecti e chemical cleaning) The . de ice

    will not produce sta0ly satisfied water if any of the a0o e fails) C fDE

    ` # N 1 E /TU N h9 BC L 1

    O/ L* 1 V / V !81no 9 ld 1$ ? W

    N /4 G * M` # N 1 E 9

    .7.1 (e"uirement of -nlet Water uality O &

    Mem0rane pollution is a common pro0lem in the process of mem0rane

    filtration) The said pollution means particles of li/uid* colloid particles* and

    micro0ial organic of macromoleculars reacting with mem0rane to produce such

    physical chemistry or mechanical effects and further cause the mem0rane

    surface or mem0rane hole a0sorption* precipitation which lead to mem0rane

    pores 0lockage and the reduced a0ility of the mem0rane per ious or separation)

    2 i E /i] ? h Z 1 9 ] e

    1 b . _ + . _!N b ) , K Oi`)no

    : { : Y2 i d{ i ]^ _ fi > `{ ^ ~ /

    i1 a {K Z ! +b1 9

    2)=)!)! Mem0rane pollution form i] M

    Mem0rane pollution consists of mem0rane surface co erage and mem0rane

    pores 0lockage) Mem0rane surface pollution is of dou0le-layer structure) The

    upper layer is loose and of large particles* and the layer close to the mem0rane

    surface is eA/uisite and of small si e particles) 8ormally* the loose layer

    doesnLt show o0 ious impact to mem0rane performance* and it can 0e washed

    under the water shear force) The surface eA/uisite layer has greater effects on

    mem0ranesL normal performance) @ue to this polluted layer* lots of mem0rane


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    holes are co ered* and interaction 0etween particles of this layer and other

    impurities can gel easily to filter cake so as to increase permea0le resistance)

    i] !i d ] Ni }~ ] XT M 9i d ] U

    TU / lU C 9 -. 1 _U / 7F 7 i dl 1 `.

    1 U / ? -.+/ _U WN * # i1Z`)

    1yz/ 2 Q ! 1 :+Y* /i dl 1 U i

    Z `) 9 1yz9BC ( ] U 1 2 /!a1i e

    / [ / (U 1 b . ; O IV 1R D : %+ \

    E u / b } ! 9

    Blockage of mem0rane pores means impercepti0le particles enter into the

    mem0rane pores* or wall of the mem0rane pore forms precipitation 0ecause of

    its a0sorption to protein and other impurities) It makes the mem0rane pores

    smaller or completely 0locked) This phenomenon is normally irre ersi0le) i

    ^ ~ b . ~ i / { ei B ]^ hi O ,; O M \

    fi > `{ e ~^ ~ / < T 1`)/ ? WY 9

    2)=)!)2 Pollutants ] O

    2)=)!)2)! &olloid pollutionE &olloid mainly eAists in water) 'specially with seasons

    change* there are a lot of suspended matters such as clay* silt* etc) in water) It

    has great harmfulness to mem0rane) In the process of filtration* large /uantity

    of colloidal particles flow through the mem0ranes to its mem0rane surface* and

    operates continuously for long time) Particles 0locked 0y mem0rane can form a

    gel layer) ' en worse* some particles of si e diameter e/ual or less thanmem0rane pore will get into mem0rane pores to 0lock the water channel

    irre ersi0ly) + ] + 27 / W m 1

    >n/ 8 !a1V _ ,+ / 7 / B

    Ei1 9BC 2 E /a + b .m i1

    i d / I 1 HI/ e i tu + v 1 b . M \ %+U / 4 !

    e/ ?= i ` R f `7 i 1 . x i ^ ~

    ap `)WY 1>n


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide



    Yk2 10

    l]mefc`n hon[Zep]

    10 mg!& G" ng & 2!* & 2

    b]aq]Z`_cZ] 5, 0

    .7. #lowrate Monitoring a

    .7. .1 Water $ield #lowrate ` a

    $ater yield flowrate range ` a @ : 2#K2"m 5h

    $ater yield fluA of mem0rane module J!#?2- "-PM& is decided 0y the inlet

    water /uality) The reason is that mem0rane has limit 0lockage a0ility to

    different pollutants* and anything 0eyond this limitit will cause a sharp decline

    of mem0rane fluA)

    910#2,35,PM i V P :1` a a/

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    .7. .! >ac3flush #lowrate a

    Bigger the 0ackflush flowrate* 0etter the cleaning effect) ac3flush -nterval V

    Because J!#?2- "-PM& runs under single-end cross-flow mode* it applies

    fre/uent rinsing technology in order to guarantee the mem0rane fluA remains

    sta0le) This can ensure mem0rane surface contaminants intercept to 0e cleared

    0efore the formation of thicker filter cake)

    7 910#2,35,PM : v E1HI /C 23Ei 2

    i ; o +1i a aW )1 xy / 910#2,35,PM : (

    /fi dtu 1] 2M \ 9 - 1E u qe 9

    4insing fre/uency depends on contents and species of impurities in inlet water)

    This is generally determined through site de0ugging and can 0e adjusted

    according to inlet water during system operation)


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    ( 1 n V * g9

    .7.8 Operating 'ressure !

    .7.8.1 'ressure ifference between -nlet and Outlet # !

    It defines as the different pressure on 0oth sides of the mem0rane : 7 i

    XY 1 ! / B \i E1l6 !

    . P R Pj Pc F .ull flow filtration ~ EG

    . P R F Pj/ PnG 5 2 Pc (&ross-flow filtration v E %

    . P------Pressure difference 0etween inlet and outlet # ! Pj------Inlet water pressure !

    Pc------Producing water pressure ` !

    Pn------4etentate pressure !

    . P has proportional relationship with producing fluA in certain range) But

    when it gets a certain le el* its effect to the increase of producing water fluA

    will decline sharply)

    HP i` a a 2? M1 @ 0 S?/ ) cZ? M / r P

    ` a a1 b :4 8 * y 1

    . P ha e in ersely proportional relationship with interception rate of

    mem0rane* that is* interception rate of mem0rane reduces while . P increases

    gradually) ,t the same time* 0ig pressure difference on 0oth sides of mem0rane

    can cause deformation and insta0ility of hollow fi0re* and the irre ersi0le

    damage) The maAimum inlet and outlet water pressure difference for J!#?2-

    "-PM& is 2Bar

    i tu 1 tu 2 r P 0 S?/ m r P 1 i tu 3

    b )@V /i ! 4 x[\ 5 1 7 > M /

    )WY jk )V1072-35-PMC OP # ! 24a

    .7.8. -nlet Water 'ressure !


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    This refers the maAimum working pressure the shell components of J!#?2- "-

    PM& can 0ear) The maAimum allowa0le inlet water pressure is )! Bar for

    J!#?2- "-PM&)

    910#2,35,PM Z 1 ! / V1072-35-

    PMC OP ! 3.1 a 9

    .7.8.! >ac3flush Water 'ressure !

    &ontrol the 0ackflush water pressure of J!#?2- " - PM& less than 2):0ar)

    910#2,35,PM 1 ! V 2. 4a 9

    .7.2 -nlet Water %emperature

    The producing water fluA of mem0rane has nota0le direct relationship with inle

    t water temperature* and water yield under different water temperature can 0e c

    alculated 0y the following formula)

    i1` a a ! D 6 1tuS?/W @ +1` aY a

    *+% 7

    Qt R !)# T-2" Q2"

    Qt 8 J!#?2- "-PM& water yield under temperature ( t%

    2 t +1` a

    Q2" 8 J!#?2- "-PM& water yield under temperature (2" %

    2 25 +1` a

    T 8 J!#?2- "-PM& inlet water temperature ( %

    .7.7 Operating ata (ecords HIK 1

    The ultra filtration de ice rarely needs maintenance* and the key is to ensure

    the correct operating parameters) The necessary operating records are useful to

    track de ice operation conditions and to find out pro0lems)

    DE l X/S 9 23: L1HIJK9T 1H

    I ! 7 :; 1HI-./ X 7 45 < # 1 2 )


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    In working state* . de ice produces /ualified water for the water treatment

    e/uipments of neAt step)

    ; o DE < L ` > + V {|

    2)=)?)!) Backflush state ; o

    Backflush state means that wash the mem0rane surface from the o0 erse and

    re erse of mem0rane to restore the fluA decline caused 0y mem0rane pollution

    after certain inter als through starting the washing pump and opening

    corresponding al es)

    ; o DE " ? M1 V / 6 / R 1

    Ei1 N i d I /* iB] `)1 a

    a xy 9

    $ith multiple paralleli ed ultra filtration de ices* time lap must 0e kept for

    each de ice entering into washing state to ensure a steady supply of water from


    f K DE V / " ; o 1 V 2 ! ? M1

    V /*23?@ a1 M9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    DE l u a A V / 7 6 ; o )

    1nce the e/uipment is power off* water supply pump and metering pump will

    stop* and all al es are close)

    ? / Na4 x / [ ! S ; o

    $hile re-connectting power* de i e will 0e in ready to start state again)

    f Ad u aV /4 ? 7 6 ; o

    If P+& in de ice control plate has communication interface* the ultra filtration

    de ice can achie e upper computer remote control)

    D }1 PL V N ! a E u /DEY* l F )


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    DE?@ 2 { %&' p9 # a1>n 2V LM

    CM 9

    .locculants dosing system includes metering pump and solution measuring

    essel) Measuring essel is used to stock certain concentration flocculants

    solution) It is made up 0y manually dosing chemicals and water)

    %&' ?@ aN a 9a 1 ? M

    1 %&' 9 Ba pN v M 9

    The lowest le el switch is set for the flocculant solution measuring essel) 2

    pumps are set for each system to dose)

    %&' a {! S9 | 2 : 7 ?@1 p9

    2)=)?)")2 $hen perform the ultrafiltration chemical strengthen 0ackflush* adding

    chlorine and acid to the system including metering pump and solution

    measuring essel) fungicide of certain concentration and scid solution are

    stocked in the measuring essel) It is made up 0y manually dosing chemicals

    and water) The lowest le el switch is set for the sodium hypochlorite measuring

    essel and acid solution essel)

    DEno V / _ ?@ aN a 9

    a 1 ? M 1 ' _ 9 Ba pN v

    M 9 aN a{! S9

    4egarding to the ultrafiltration 0ackflush condition* the operator can choose

    whether 0ackflush fungicide and acid metering pump operate automatically

    with 0ackflush water pump or not)

    DE ./Y HI rs ' _a m

    56 ) H9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    '{ { 2 # 9 # S I { ,20m$ PL / a

    PL I ' f?@ 7 H ; o 9M V 1 : PL J {

    M1/ eWZ m =>9

    Ultrafiltration -nterloc3 DE H

    ! 3et Point


    The inlet water pressure is too high)

    DE ! :

    3et alue


    The pressure of inlet water is more than )! Bar)

    ! D 3.1 a&ontent of

    Interlock H

    ,cti ate alarming* turn the de ice into ready to start state)

    '/ 6 ; o 9



    H V

    @elay " seconds to acti ate alarming* and the de ice will get into

    ready to start state after !# seconds)

    V 5 '/ 10 6 ; o 9

    2 3et Point


    Transmem0rane pressure is too high (0eyond 2 0ars%

    DE i :

    3et alue


    Transmem0rane pressure is more than 2)# 0ars

    iD 2.0 a&ontent of

    Inter +ock


    ,cti ate alarming* turn the de ice into ready to start state)

    '/ 6 ; o 9

    @elayed Int

    er +ock

    H V

    @elay " seconds to acti ate alarming* and the de ice will get into

    ready to start state after !# seconds)

    V 5 '/ 10 6 ; o 9

    3et Point


    The le el of flocculants _ germicide _ acid metering tank is too low)

    %&' _ ' _a

    3et Jalue


    The Minimum distance to the 0ottom of the essel is!#cm)

    K ` K C 10Cm


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    &ontent of

    Inter +ock


    ,cti ate alarming / and shut down metering pump)

    '/S a9

    1perator adds germicide solution to metering essel)

    e a L ' 9

    @uring the

    Inter +ock


    . de ice is in operating state)

    DE 7 ; o

    .< System Maintenance and #ailure +nalysis ?@1 K


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . unit is contaminated

    to 0e cleaned

    DE } ] / |

    &lean properly* then return the unit to

    production mode

    I *f / } `

    94e erse counter-current



    To deal with the re erse counter-

    current / modify the 0ackwash dosing

    scheme / reduce the reco ery rate and

    0ackwash inter al) If pro0lem

    remains / pls) contact 6och)

    C V 1 /X=

    p O /b / y 9

    V / ? 6och %&9

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    The heater of the

    cleaning de ice is on)


    &heck the operation status* control well

    the cleaning de ice heater)

    HI-./ 5

    Motor .ault

    Power off

    &heck M&& status / turn on the motor if itLs off)

    M&& ; o /V S / 9J.@ fre/uency con ersi

    on fault

    J.@ >

    &heck J.@ display / modify the pro0lem

    and clear all faults)

    J.@ D /X /9Motor o erload


    &heck the ampere o erload setting and

    measure the pump amperes) &ontact themanufacturer if it eAceeds the limit)

    } U T {M9 = a1} U K9V

    D "M/ ?[ V 9.ailure of Integri

    ty Test

    g = 7


    +eakage of mem0rane


    Take an integrity test) Monitor 0u00les in

    upper strainers) 4epair the leakage / and

    redo the integrity test)

    I g = = i l X1 9X i 5 /d I g

    = 9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    . U# evice Cleaning DE1

    &hemical cleaning of the ultrafiltration de ice is usually performed manually)

    DE1no ? : 6 9

    &hemical cleaning has alkaline cleaning* alkaline 5&hlorine cleaning and acid

    cleaning three steps)

    no ? _ ! _ h b I9

    . .1 +l3aline Cleaning

    2)9)!)! a G9

    2)9)!): &irculates ,lkali li/uid inside the system for 2#- # minutes)

    ?@ 20,30m n 9

    2)9)!)" @ischarge cleaning solution* and rinse system thoroughly 0y water of

    temperature 0etween !#- # )

    E ! /: 10,30 1 4?@ 9

    . . +l3aline 6Chlorine Cleaning /


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    2)9)2) Inject alkaline (8a1a & *2 9

    2)9)2)? @ischarge cleaning solution* rinse system completely 0y water of the

    temperature 0etween !#- # )

    E ! /: 10,30 1 4?@ 9

    . .! +cid Cleaning

    2)9) )!

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    Warning: Must add al3aline before adding chlorine/ and don not add chlorine

    in neutral or acid solution. %he process pipeline must be cleaned among every

    al3aline cleaning/ al3aline 6Chlorine cleaning and acid cleaning.

    TU 2 q /W P 2 { 9 2" 1 /

    TU k 9

    .D Security #ilter 2} E

    .D.1 >asic -nformation -.

    To set a security filter of ?">m in front of . is to pre ent particles of 0ig si e in

    water into ultrafiltration mem0rane and damage them to ensure the normal

    operation of . system)The security filter is ertical cylindrical de ices* and is

    installed with !" PP Melt-Blown filter elements of :# inches long with a erage

    pore si e) They employ up-0ottom locating system* and filtration precision is ?"


    #5-m 2} E{ 2 UF q / 1 wx 1 -. DEi/jkEi/L2 UF 1 HI92} E h ; {|/

    15 I 0 ij 1 _ PP E k / : l +M / E C

    #5-m 9

    .D. &"uipment Operating {| HI

    2);)2)! &onfirm the inlet water of . de ice is normal)

    L DE v 9

    2);)2)2 1pen arious al es of . mem0rane de ice according to operating proce


    Di T 9

    2);)2) 1pen eAhaust al e on top of ?" >m security filter and outlet discharge

    al e)


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    #5-m 2} E l 1 E # E ! 9

    2);)2): $hen top eAhaust al e yields effluence* close the eAhaust al e* and

    rinse the filter until its effluence is without 0u00les)

    l E # /S E / E # 9

    2);)2)" 1pen the inlet al e of raw water pump* close outlet discharge al e of

    the ?">m security filter)

    ) /S #5- 2} E # E ! 9

    2);)2)= ,fter all su0se/uent de ice is in normal operation* the ?">m security filter

    completes its start-up)

    #5-m 2} E T {| HI/?@ m n 9

    2);)2)? Patrol and eAamine the operation of whole system)

    ?@1HI ; .I o 9

    .D.! Maintenance 2 &

    2);) )! Inspection of &ommissioning and Preparation m | ,fter the completion of installation* piping assem0ly* instrument engineering* and

    the cleaning of the e/uipment itself and pipe assem0ly* &heck according to the

    following items)

    {| 2 }_ k _ ~ / [ {| k 1 /

    + I _ 9


    Uudgment standard



    2 & XIf internal is



    $, W

    3aniti ation



    check of al e

    Jal es can normally open and

    close according to the

    ,dd lu0ricant if rotation is not

    fleAi0le .ind pro0lem and


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide



    operating procedures)

    h /

    correct it if rotation is a0moral)

    6W Y r

    W / B * s

    2);) )2 Inspection while commissioning and de0ugging m HI 1

    &heck the following items while the system is in commissioning and de0ugging


    m HI U+ I 9


    Eudgment standard



    2 & XIf there is any


    K !


    3top system if there is leakage /

    and tighten the place after pressure


    ! ) U m / t u 7

    7 The setting of

    each al e




    &heck flow* li/uid le el* etc) to

    erify the setting corresponds

    with prescri0ed alue)

    a_ d, * 3 h

    1{M L M

    ,fter check according to the

    operating instructions / lock the

    al e opening to ensure the setting


    HI & / C

    L2{M4 H M&hecking all pre



    ,ll pressures are normal

    h ! !

    If the pressure is a0normal / take


    !W / < rs

    2);) ) @aily 1perating &heck HI

    Patrol and eAamine e ery hour and take record after normal production)

    )` "`V o {| # / 9

    Chec3 'e



    Chec3 methods

    or Chec3 'oint




  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide



    ! hour

    1 `V

    &heck whether

    leakage eAists


    whether there is leakage

    in sealing points and

    accessory al es

    {|1 P v ^

    w ,

    If there is leakage* find out

    and stop them immediately

    V! / < #

    B/ Vx

    .D.8 #ilter &lement(eplacement E k 4

    -$hen pressure difference 0etween inlet and outlet reaches #)!"Mpa* the filter

    element must 0e replaced immediatelly)

    # c 0.15 M a V V4 E k 9

    -,fter replacing the filter element* follow the rele ant procedures of 2);)2 when

    put the security filter into operation again)

    4 E k HI V @ 2.=.2 1!S [ I9


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    !. C;&M-C+* OS-,9 S$S%&M

    no p?@!.1 U# -,*&% W+%&( #*OCCU*+,% OS-,9 S$S%&Mbv

    DE %&' p?@

    )!)! &hemicals pq

    ,ggregation iron density &L x E !#

    )!)2 @osage &alculation pa1 7

    .or eAampleE Based on joining in the water !#ppm of flocculants* and dosing 2:

    hours a day* water inflow in dosing location is "# m 5h)

    y V 10 m 1 %&' 7 / " p 2 `V /

    p aC 50 m 3!h 9

    ,ddition of flocculants %&' a R"# !# !# !#V=5!# z ")"+5h(3uppose

    density of flocculants solution is !kg5+% !F{ %&' P 1/g!L G

    )!) ,djustment of Metering Pump a1

    8um0er of pump Ka E 2 (one is used* another is stand0y%5 2 F ? : ?


    Mode of pump E GM##!#

    @eli ery of pump #! E #-; +5h

    Pressure of pump ! E !)2MPa

    The flocculants adjustment 0y pump %&' E 3et the pump fre/uency is

    =! * and it will meet the re/uired output of ")" +5h) {MC 61% / Y

    N # / #! C 5.5 L!h

    !. U# Chemical Strengthen >ac3flush ;C* osing System DEno

    HCL p?@

    )2)! @ispensing concentration p

    : !


  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    )2)2 @osage &alculation pa1 7

    .or eAampleE Based on joining in the water ##ppm

  • 8/12/2019 Ultrafiltration System Manual Guide


    carried on e ery :2 washing cycles* and it can 0e adjusted according to water

    source) @osing time will 0e determined while de0ugging)

    y V 100 m 1 >a & 7 / a 5m 3!h /DEn

    o V) /} E 2 I ? /Y A-. v g/

    p VV LM9

    ,ddition of 8a&+15 a z 510 310010J 6!10% z 5 L!h

    ) ) Metering Pump ,djustment a1

    8um0er of pump Ka E 2 (one is used* another is stand0y%5 2 F ? : ?


    Mode of pump E GM#;#

    @eli ery of pump #! E #-9" +5h

    Pressure of pump ! E #)?MPa

    The pump adjustment E 3et the pump fre/uency at " * and output at :"


    {M " C 53% / #! C 5L!h 9

    ) ): The adjustment of metering pump refers to the operating instruction of

    pump a1 g ? {