BUCKERELL Spring 2015 BUCKERELL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Once again Buckerell and friends came out in force to support the annual Xmas Bazaar making it a really great suc- cess. This year we all raised £890...wow!!! £445 has been donated to the local Dreamaway charity based in Exeter. On offer this year were homemade goodies, children's games and craſt area, teddy tombola, xmas raffle, treasure map, Phoenix cards, mulled wine, mince pies, teas and coffees. There was even a table quiz to join in whilst enjoy- ing your drink. The Christmas post delivery was again very well supported adding just over £44 to the final total. It was great to have Santa there too who spent me entertaining both adults and children. Thanks to all the volun- teers who helped set up, run and clear up aſter the event...amazing! NEW YEAR'S EVENTS If you weren't there you missed a great party at Doug's Shed! With a live band, donaons bar, hot food, balloons and party poppers it was dancing and fun all evening. Just before midnight everyone was given a glass of bubbly and we tuned in to the BBC for the countdown and Auld Lang Syne singalong. Thanks to the BCA sub-commiee who made sure the whole event was well planned and executed...including the clear up gang that got together on New Year's day. Happy New Year!!!!!! The following morning the survivors of the night before met for the Hair of the Dog walk over the Knapp and on to the Honiton Inn at Awliscombe and the Oer Inn. Thanks to David Wayne. BUCKERELL’S GOT TALENT 2015 Well I don’t think any of the audience were prepared for such an enjoyable evening! Although inially promoted as a BCA event headlining the village children, in fact 9 of the 16 acts were performed by the ‘not so young’ and a very eclecc selecon of talent was showcased by everyone. We had music, poetry recital, tributes to Edward Leer, Joyce Grenfell and Tony Hancock, singing and some very original comedy. From the lively ‘Northumberland Wicket Fire Dance’ per- formed by the banjo playing Adrian Ball to Brian Megilly’s very in- formave(!) talk on the merits of Australian wine, we were entertained, serenaded, made to reflect, laughed a lot and cajoled into an audience singalong finale. The kids all put on superb performances, no doubt due to a great deal of hard work beforehand. Alongside acro- bac gymnascs, modern dance and tapdance, we enjoyed some beauful singing and flute playing. The youngest ‘star’ was Jacob Wainer who at 6 years old stood on stage and read from his favourite book to us. Well done Jacob, you were so brave! Thanks go to Crispin, who made it all happen, Soo & Jen in the kitchen, Richard Reeve on PA and Di Green on the door. Has Buckerell Got Talent? Absolutely! The Childern’s Acts Bea Marlowe & Jemima – Modern dance Nell & Xian - Acrobac gymnascs Maddy & Bea Knight – Song, Puff the Magic Dragon Martha Goodall – Song, Castle On A Cloud Bea Marlow & Jemima - Tapdance Jacob Wainer – Reading from ‘Grumblebells & Custard’ Martha Goodall – Edelweiss on the flute.

UKERELL HRISTMAS AZAAR - WordPress.com...5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary & St. Giles hurch 10.00am 6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am 24th April Village in Action—Dracula

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Page 1: UKERELL HRISTMAS AZAAR - WordPress.com...5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary & St. Giles hurch 10.00am 6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am 24th April Village in Action—Dracula

BUCKERELL Spring 2015

BUCKERELL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Once again Buckerell and friends came out in force to support the annual Xmas Bazaar making it a really great suc-cess. This year we all raised £890...wow!!! £445 has been donated to the local Dreamaway charity based in Exeter. On offer this year were homemade goodies, children's games and craft area, teddy tombola, xmas raffle, treasure map, Phoenix cards, mulled wine, mince pies, teas and coffees. There was even a table quiz to join in whilst enjoy-ing your drink. The Christmas post delivery was again very well supported adding just over £44 to the final total. It was great to have Santa there too who spent time entertaining both adults and children. Thanks to all the volun-teers who helped set up, run and clear up after the event...amazing!

NEW YEAR'S EVENTS If you weren't there you missed a great party at Doug's Shed! With a live band, donations bar, hot food, balloons and party poppers it was dancing and fun all evening. Just before midnight everyone was given a glass of bubbly and we tuned in to the BBC for the countdown and Auld Lang Syne singalong. Thanks to the BCA sub-committee who made sure the whole event was well planned and executed...including the clear up gang that got together on New Year's day. Happy New Year!!!!!! The following morning the survivors of the night before met for the Hair of the Dog walk over the Knapp and on to the Honiton Inn at Awliscombe and the Otter Inn. Thanks to David Wayne.


Well I don’t think any of the audience were prepared for such an enjoyable evening!

Although initially promoted as a BCA event headlining the village children, in fact 9 of the 16 acts were performed by the ‘not so young’ and a very eclectic selection of talent was showcased by everyone. We had music, poetry recital, tributes to Edward Leer, Joyce Grenfell and Tony Hancock, singing and some very original comedy. From the lively ‘Northumberland Wicket Fire Dance’ per-formed by the banjo playing Adrian Ball to Brian Megilly’s very in-formative(!) talk on the merits of Australian wine, we were entertained, serenaded, made to

reflect, laughed a lot and cajoled into an audience singalong finale.

The kids all put on superb performances, no doubt due to a great deal of hard work beforehand. Alongside acro-batic gymnastics, modern dance and tapdance, we enjoyed some beautiful singing and flute playing. The youngest ‘star’ was Jacob Wainer who at 6 years old stood on stage and read from his favourite book to us. Well done Jacob, you were so brave!

Thanks go to Crispin, who made it all happen, Soo & Jen in the kitchen, Richard Reeve on PA and Di Green on the door. Has Buckerell Got Talent? Absolutely!

The Childern’s Acts Bea Marlowe & Jemima – Modern dance Nell & Xian - Acrobatic gymnastics Maddy & Bea Knight – Song, Puff the Magic Dragon Martha Goodall – Song, Castle On A Cloud Bea Marlow & Jemima - Tapdance Jacob Wainer – Reading from ‘Grumblebells & Custard’ Martha Goodall – Edelweiss on the flute.

Page 2: UKERELL HRISTMAS AZAAR - WordPress.com...5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary & St. Giles hurch 10.00am 6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am 24th April Village in Action—Dracula

NEWS FROM THE BCA The annual general meeting was held on the 19th March. Soo Sims was elected as the new Chair of the association with Corinne Barham and Joanna Gillingham agreeing to continue in their roles of treasurer and secretary re-spectively. The BCA wish to thank Ben Marlow for his time as the Chair and for helping drive forward a number of new initiatives. All agreed that the events held over Christmas and the New Year had been great successes with particular mention for the Christmas Fare and New Year’s Eve party.

Forthcoming events were discussed and agreed although the finer points of details need to be confirmed. These include; Villages in Action Dracula Wine and Cheese Soiree The Buckerell boules tournament . Easter Monday Walk from the War Memorial over the Knapp to Awliscombe and back via the Otter Inn. Solstice lake Fest—camping and sunrise walk from Donovan’s. The Christmas Bazaar.

BUCKERELL PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council is made up of volunteers who are willing to give up a little of their time to help the whole village. The current Councillors are Stuart Bader, Chair-man, Wendy Wayne, Vice Chair, Ryan Knight, Donovan Galling and Nicholas Max-well-Lawford. However there is a vacancy for another Councillor and with the forthcoming elections in May, this is your opportunity to stand for election as a Par-ish Councillor. The Parish Council discusses a variety of issues relating to Buckerell, from the state of the roads, to planning permissions sought and the number of crimes reported. The Parish Council has an important role in providing comments to the District and County Councils and advising them of the views of the local community. Both Councillor Claire Wright on behalf of Devon County Council and Councillor Susie Bond on behalf of East Devon District Council regularly attend the Parish Council meetings and report on issues which affect not only Buckerell but the wider community. The Parish Council is a vital link between the residents of Buckerell and the Councils who make very important deci-sions which affect us all. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor please contact the Clerk, Heloise Marlow on 01404 851470 for an election pack. The Council needs your support.

NEWS FROM THE CHURCH Christmas seems a long time ago now; our services over the holiday period were all well attended particularly the Annual Carol Service. The children read all but two of the lessons and did very well. The mulled wine served after the service was particularly well received. In January and February we had very successful family services in which the children took a prominent part. On Monday January 19th the funeral for Kath Summers was held in church followed by burial in the churchyard reunited with her husband Edward. The family connection with the church is a long one. March 15th was Mothering Sunday and once again there was a lot of participation by the children who read the first lesson and led the prayers. Simnel cake and coffee were served after the service and all the ladies left with delightful posies of flowers made by Penny, Ann, Soo, Jenny and Becky. Our Easter Service this year is a Family Eucharist starting at 10.00am and will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt in the churchyard. Looking ahead ,we will be arranging flowers for Easter on Saturday 4th April from 10 am (times to suit). As usual any gifts of flowers and /or garden foliage etc. will be very welcome. Please give me a ring if you would like to come along; coffee and a good laugh are included. No skill required. Ann williams 850082, [email protected]

Page 3: UKERELL HRISTMAS AZAAR - WordPress.com...5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary & St. Giles hurch 10.00am 6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am 24th April Village in Action—Dracula


July 11th at Splatthayes

The Village fete is the major fund raising event for our church St Mary & St Giles and preparations are already un-der way to make this year’s event the best ever (but we say this every year).

You can expect an eclectic collection of stalls and games for your enjoyment and of course on which you can spend your money. These include our old favourites such as bottle tombola, books, cakes, tombola, white elephant, skittles and plants and produce. As usual contributions for the stalls are always gratefully received so please start collecting and we will let you know who to contact nearer the day. Refreshments and cream teas will be available during the afternoon.

Every year we look for new ideas for stalls and especially some entertaining games. If you have not already been nobbled and have any suggestions, are willing to organise something or volunteer to help please let me know. No idea will be considered too outrageous! New residents may also find that helping on the day is a great way to get to know fellow villagers.

The evening entertainment is a friendly social event for all age groups. Food is provided at our B-B-Q while indoors, music to suit all ages will set the scene for dancing into the late hours.

For any further information or offers of help please contact Roy Williams on 01404 850082 or email [email protected].


Friday 24th April 7.30pm

Tickets: Adult £8; Child £5.50

(recommended for ages 12 yrs &

over) From Applemead

A Villages in Action Event

Page 4: UKERELL HRISTMAS AZAAR - WordPress.com...5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary & St. Giles hurch 10.00am 6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am 24th April Village in Action—Dracula


Laurence Wayne was among a group of four St John Ambulance cadets recognised for their hard work and active engagement after they were each awarded with a top award, the Grand Prior Award. The accolade is the highest that can be achieved by a cadet. Molly Maggs scooped the Student of the Year Award at Exeter College student award ceremony. Molly was the youngest of the students at the event, having won the 14 to 16 Practical Learning Student award.


Date Event Venue Time

5th April Easter Family Eucharist St. Mary &

St. Giles Church 10.00am

6th April Easter Walk War Memorial 11.00am

24th April Village in Action—Dracula Doug’s Shed 7.30pm

16th May Wine and Cheese Soiree Doug’s Shed

20/21st June Solstice Lake Festival TBC

11th July Summer Fete Splatthayes 2.00pm

13th Sept. Boules tournament Deer Park Farm Mid-day

6th Dec. Christmas Bazaar TBC

Rose and John Stocker on their

Golden Wedding Anniversary

An item from the Spring 2005 edition of The Bugle dated the 27th March ; The announcement of the wedding of Ellen Williams to Colin Maude at St. Mary and St. Giles church.

Just a reminder that the village has the following items available to hire; tables, benches, heavy duty gazebos, tea urn, cups and saucers, tea pots, generator, P.A. System, dustbins, Hi-Vis vests and spotlights and cabling.

Anyone wishing to hire the equipment should contact Richard Reeve – tel; 850593 or 07710-242132 , e-mail; [email protected] at least 5 days before they are required. Please contact Richard for details of the individual hire charges.