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·-· (nt pricle of B a~d C apply t~ ·curre~t.stocka: Further suPPilla tD 1 _.1 currency surcharge.)

IIOOKI .. ......=and ....... 1111 P. Part lb• :: Duple... lhft!MIItl ~::::Z:": Dupllc• ,..,. llove.._ll8 ... IIIII to Dupllc... Bridge . .. .. •

BRIDGE FURNITUH The E.B.U. is now able to offer top quality ltema at 20% CU.DMIIt :!"~ retail pr cea. lmmedl e dell\ery. -IE BRIDGE TABLES ~· x 30"'. Legs with automatic fitting fold flush lndlvldu.IIJ ._h legs & frame with mahogany finish. Supplied wtth 1ooee

Model A-green felt top without =~ Model ~reen or blue felt with top

IRIDG Model C-<ireen/blue/beige velvet top ... E CHAIRS

bl F~~ng Be ch chair w1th mahogany finish, full length ue •oe eh.et ... . . . •.. • •• ~t!scount of 71 will be given on any quantity of 5 or more

BOARD~ ~Ice are exctu lve of V.A.T. but Include .U ......., Th NO WALLETS

in th: fBb.U hope soon to stock supplie of bridge wallets. Detalll e ruary Quarterly


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ted o 1ce of P will till { llo 10 dd the di

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3 E.L • IM LT 0 P IR D EMBER 2nd

Clubs are reminded of the above event which once a~ain i being h hi in support of the ational Society for th Pre ention of Cruelty to Children.

Hu can be held with a f w four tabl and the Committee i con nt that th high tandard of or amzation which h obtained in past year will be maintained and that Clu wall have a I documentation returned to them- heir ch n , their tra elling ore lip • the overall ranking li t , the prize award , th ma ter point card within fourteen day of the tournament bein~t played.

e m e mention of th e pecially ince there h been ome confu ion t een our own E.B. • e ent and the B.B.L. Simultan ou Pair , the Ia t of

hich wa play d on the 15th October. A number of letter of complaint relating to the late arrival of the material

for th' e ent have been addre ed to the Engli h Bridge Union. Thi w a B.B.L. event for which the E.B. . had no or anizational re pon·

bility "'ha ever. The B.B.L. are alive to the hortc min of the rec nt t urnament and are ing the appropriate tep to remedy them.

Clu wa bin to hold a heat of the E.B.U. e ent on the 2nd December hould contact A. Cartwright, 170 Sewerby Road, Bridlington. orth Humber ide Y016 SUP. Telephone Bridlington 4942.

W B. • 0 GRE I THE ORTH-E ST The En li h Brid e Union, in r pon e to a long- tanding dem nd, hope to

launch an annual Congr in the orth-Ea t. Provi ion lly, the fir t one will be held at Europa Lodge Hotel, ewca tie on the weekend of February 6th- th.

The Con r will be for teams of four and will be limited to ixty-four teams. Jn addition to catering for the orth-East, it i hoped that thi event will take care of some of the overflow from the Eastbourne Spring Foursomes.

The formula will be a omewhat dfferent one ince the week-end will be limited to five ions beginning on Friday evening and ending on Sunday night.

The competition will be traigbt knock-out with the first two round of 20 ards on Friday evening and 32 board matche thereafter. The teams eliminated on Friday evening will begin a econd knock-out

competition on the Saturday afternoon. The teams eliminated from both competition on Saturday afterno n will

begin a Swi Teams on Saturday evenang which HI conclude with an e tra long ion on Sunday afternoon.

Team eliminated from the knock-out competition on Saturday evenin ill be able to enter the S• i Team conte t on the Sunday with an arbitr ry

core. The entire proceed of the event will be de\'OI d to the E.B.U' Intern tiona!

Fund from which it i ho'led to m t the pen~e of th Engli h or Briti h teams in international competition .

It · not expected th t brochur will be produced. Team wi bing to compete hould apply to the Con r Secretary \1 r . A. Cartwright, 170 werby

Road, Bridlington, orth Humber ide YOJ6 SUP. Tel. 4942. It i hoped that particular:y favourabl term ill be availabl at the hotel

1nd the , to tber with detail of entry fee will be comrnunicat d n application.


ational Women' Pairs Champion hlp Monday nd T sci y 12/ 13 1976

PICCADILLY HOTEL, LONDON Ladles wl hlng to arrange accommodatton pi contact

BRIDGE, 7 STRATFORD PLACE, LONDON W1 A 4YU Tetephon 01-82NI18 Ext. 221

Rat per person, per d y, lnclu ive of Engll h br fa t. rvice charg and VAT at 8 . In a twtin-b dd d room with pnvate bath £1.00, in a

single room with privat bath £8.50.

Page 6: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

Three match ion and the salliO·~ four hours.

Adml on i £1.25 per e ion including V.A.T. with all fi e lo a ailable at £5 includin& V.A.T.

are a ailable now from the e ent orpnlsers,


ommittce ha i sued

Page 7: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


I The player not on lead an a ut the dan er of influencing h partner' lead unfairly.

2. The frequency of an opening lead out of turn i considerably reduced. ~. hen declarer or his partner h given a ·ron explanation durin the

uction, there will be the opportunity to alert the oppon nt to the fact before tbe opening lead ha n made and hould do o. In uch circumstanc:es the Tournament Dir ctor may permit the face down I d to be changed.

There are no apparent disadvantag to the procedure.

TRO defen to troa& On lob opening Ucence renewed to 31-12-1977.

PRO ETHE CO A codified tem of r po to openm bid of One Club (Precision) and On Dlam nd CPreci ion). Full detail on application to M . A. L. Fleming, 12 r nt Road, Tunbridge \ ell . Kent (with 25p for po tage and duplicatin ). "A" licence ranted until JL-12-1977.

01 GL DO BLE. A double of a tronst o Trump bow at lu t nin cards in a two· uited hand where the uit are of equal rank (eitb r minors or majors). Partn r will re pond in a minor, to be tran ferr d to Two Heart if the double i mad on the major ui . 0 er a redouble a re ponder' bld bow " elf- ufficient" holding nd i not to talten out pt int a elf- ufficient holding.

u 'I licen e "'ith no time limit.

ubi tron , not n c rily hort in opponent' suit. Response normal. Jump 0 r II e / int rmediate with 6+ card uit and no interest in

o Trump . Exc pt o r we k two bid , an ov rcall of Two o Trumps js weak and bow the two lowe t unbid uit .

Other bid ary Lightly a cordin to whether the opening bid wa in a major or a minor uit. fl r ln r. A imple overcall i a moderate hand with five card suit. 1 .T. i a limited hand with the other minor and a major (partner can cu -bid to in tlg.ate). A cue-bid i a limited hand with at lea t 4·4 In the major .

ft r a maj r. A imple bid in the other m jor= moderate band with a 5 card uat. A imp) o ercall in mlnor = 5 card minor and 4 cards in the other ma or or 6 card minor. 1 .T. = moderate hand with at I t 4-4 in mino .

ue-bld = limited hand with card in the other major and at lea tone mmor. "\1od rate" = ound opening bid (11-15). " Limited " = three point fewer (8-12). " tron " = 16+.

ull licence ranted to 31-12-1977.

COM PETITION BRIDGE WEEKENDS Coo be Cross Hotel, lover T riCIJ, Dev

l c nsed by E.B U Organi d by W LUNOIE REES

F bru ry 271 M rch 1 , 197 M rch 12th 15th, 1171 t22 plus V.A. T.

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0 R



hands of 12-17

uit, pre-emptive.

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Dear Member •

To follow someone like Reg Corwen alter his 26 year of dedicated ervice to the En&lisb Brid e Union would n ver be e y. I t i , how­ever, a considerable challenge to do o now wh n the Union ha recently opened the Thame OfTtce and i embarkin on a more comple cour e at a time of rampant inftation. I hope that I may be able to meet the challenge.

I have for a long time b en ad ocating the team rather than the individual in matters of election and I hall be true to t.hi point of

view in the management of the Engli h Bridge Union.

I think that we have an excellent team in Maurice Blank, Harry Scully, Stuart and Ann

taveley and Harold Franklin in addition to a Board of Director well balanced between long experience nd n w ide .

I think that, perhaps due to th r t growth of competitions. an official pr ence h metime been l eking at some of our main event . I plan to chan e that with the help of my colleague .

I feel that metirn complaints or misunderstandings could have been ob iat d if only we, the Executi e. h d b en able to communlcate not only our d c· ions but also the re on for th m. I want to make the " E tabU hment" more approachabl and if po ible to give you all an awaren of what is being don to make your enjoyment of the am n whatever level it is play d-&r t as ible.

I have n mu h ncoura d by the intere t which h been shown by many of you in making con tructi e ugg tions and critici m aim d at improving the ex· tin& or ni tion nd widening it ope. If you have u e tons of thi n tur , pie et in rouch with u .

Abo e all I want you ro think of the Engli h Bridg Union and its mana e-m nt and Council members no " them " and .. u " but a united body tri in for the common good of u 11. I do hope that this i what we can

achieve tog th r. J. G. FAULK R.

Quality BRIDGE STATIONERY A IHf'SNIII s.nl~ 1.,. .. llrli,. stilt,._, ,,..

A. L. FLEMING 12 Frant Ro d, Tunbrlds Wells, Kent

Telephone : Tunbrf. W Ia 30112 Howell Movem nt Car · Personal or Cards · Tr eiUn Score Sb ts Curtain Car · Rubber Scor Cards Lux Duplicate Walle

Brid e T bl nd Chairs · Pl yin Cards

Page 10: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


' 4. 3 4,905

11,356 2,112 -23,

1.15 17


I, 7


1.235 1,2 9


1 47 227 450



3,017 250 700

703 32 432 237

5,754 77


3 ,713


3 .572


•• u riptlo Competition and Congr e

a ter Pomt Other Incom

: pt'ndlture 0 erb E pen Rent and Rat

lght Heat and In urance . .. .. . 'of Acqu ition : Thame Premises

D preciation of Furniture and Equipment

Ill tntion d na em nt E pea


2.719 541 664


lari , P ion and Cleric I tanc

Meetin Admin' trative Stationery Po ta e

... 12,386 1,700 1,867 1612

C urplu )

Telephone Competition Station ry and other

Expen ter Po in Boo ...

Audit and Accountancy G neral Expe ...

t (aft r Co~por ti' n T ")

ndltur v r In om


2,384 345 575


4,295 250

1,200 540 250

1,316 153 715 145

Page 11: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


lt7J OIU.D HA 10 HIP Ooc:e apin the American Contract Bridge league has performed an admirable rvice to bridge with ita pub ication of the Official Handbook of the 1975 orld Championships. E erybody lov a scandal and the full treatment pven

to the " foot-tapping story " will be of considerable interest. In addition to a detailed edttorial account there i a full report from the President of the World Bridge Federation which give a considerable in ight into the deliberations of he Appea and Executive Committee of the W.B .. and the reproduction of a

I nJthY article from Australian Bridge entitled " Anatomy of a Scandal ", some of the conclu ion of which have been ub equently challenged by Eric Milnes in Bridge Ma zine and by Terence Re e.

The main inter t however re ts in the election of 165 hands from the final and the in-depth analy . Albert Dormer i re pon ible for the analysi of all 6 boards of the final (and this i by nom n h' sole contribution to the book)

and has done an excellent job. After 51 boards orth America led by 88 points and when the last sixteen

rd ion began the lead had b en cut down to 25 IMP' . Thi was one of th dec· i e hand from the Ia t ixteen.

orth K854

fJ 6 3 2 0 85 6 Q6

outh . A76 0 J9 O A K Q 6 6 AK82

Wolff and Garou.o were both declarers in Three No Trump from the South hand. Against Wolff We t led the queen of pade and continued with a low pad hen East and South play d low. Again t Garozzo, West led the three f diamonds and East played the nine. Both d cided that their be t chance for

a ninth tric lay in the heart uit. How would you choose to go for that ninth tric 1 Th full hand will be et out later.


F.Jiowltlt Its s•cuu I• Mq 1975, DIMMIE FUM/II& will ,. § § or,..lso • rll/11 Hlltlq wltll tl•,lk•t• llrltl10 "' jontll•l VI,._,,. § wltll Its excoH••t ,.11 cld §

2 weeks from 20th May 1 week from 22nd May

£ 108 per per on £95 p r per on


Price Includes all entry fee and table money, scheduled return f lights, tran port, fully ervlced comfortable §

cottages and swimming pool §

Details from

ALGAIVE AfiENCY, 61 • .,_,TOll lOAD, LOieOII S.W.J

ToJ.,,._ IJI-514·6211

Page 12: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


B ks from Ro rt


C. C. H. FO . . d · · .. Pa C "'I confidently recomm nd Jt ••• mtere tmg an m tructave - t o

D PLICATE BRIDGE REESE ON PLAY C. H. FO £l TERE CE REESE "On of the m t · tructi e book " A Ree e book automatlc:.aJ,

n th ub t "-Victor olio come a c1 ic "-Popular Bridp


" The be t bridge book ever .•. helpful and timulatin&


OR TAKEOUT, PE ALTIES RO ERT B. WE ·• Cover the ubject from every angle "-Daily Telegraph


" An xcellent textbook for player of all grade "-R. A. Priday


£1.7 "A major contribution in this field ... wealth of information "-

.Y. Time

OPE I G LEADS ROBERT B. EWEN "Advice i well pre en ted and up with good reasoning"-

G. C. H.

\i I I G DECLARER PLAY DOROTHY H YDE " Only about half a dozea r nk a cl i . Thi i one


THE PRE I 10 SY TE OF BIDDI G .. HARL H. GO H rdco r £1.91

At last ~~ ha e an e cellent textbook •.. could e ily provide the a }our ambataou dreams" Rixi M rku


IK LAWR £1.S ".Compel you to think along the nght hn from the tart "


! ~ ~ £1 Parucularly helpful in r lation to

match·pomt pairs bidding"-Albert Benj min

ROBERT HALE & CO I rk nw II Hou . 45 / 47 I rk nw


Page 13: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


Belladonna' famous Seven Club hand receiv a full treatment, includin& a pedal article from the Swi ex n Jean B • now reproduced.

ear the end of the Italy . orth America final of the Bermuda Bowl the follo ina crucial hand w dealt.

Dealer East. orth-South aame.

w t 7 5

Q 432 OJ6543 •

orth • oJ 0A J965 0 K 2 6 AQ

South • AK 109 ONone OA97 6 J98632

. 43 2 0 Q 10 8 7 0 QIO 6 10 7 54

After eight round of bidding Belladonna and Garozzo arrived at a final contract ol Se en Club , played by the South hand. Kantar led the two of hearts and Belladonna played low from duJJl.ll'lY and ruffed in hand. Belladonna I d a lo trump at tric 2, desperately hoping to find the doubleton king on his left.

When the kin appeared and fell to duJJl.ll'lY'S ace Belladonna reconsidered th 'tuation. Fmt question : was this king really bare 1 Kantar could wetl ba e laid trap, plaYJn~r: the king from doubleton king, as hi king would be lo t anyway. But,

· play would be highly unusual, and Belladonna belie ed it unlilcely that hi opponent wou d do it ;

nting the pos biUty of uch a play, the principle of restricted choice applied ; if Kantar had a doubleton he might play the king, but he al o might play the mall club ; whereas if be had the bare king he ju t had to play it;

- finally there is an old French saying whlch translated y " the club king · always bare or off Ide", and thi w no exception to the rule.

Thus Betladonna decided to take th king at face value, that i , bare. A player of Belladonna' calibre was able to see quickly that if E t had four clubs, all he needed to make his contract was for East to follow to three rounds of d and two rounds of diamonds.

He discarded diamond on the ce of hearts, ruffed a h art in hand, played three rounct of p d and ruffed a further heart. Two top diamond and a further heart ruff left this ending :

t • one 0 one 0 J 65 6 one

orth • one gJ 6 Q

~ on 0 on 6 J9

one one

Bell donna now ru ed hi thirt nth sp de with the qu n of lub while t bad to und r-ruff nd the play of th i&ht f di mond mplet d th

coup. The ctual d I w another tory. \ e t, ddle K nt r, a tually held 6 10

and played the ten on the fi t round. But what would have h ppen d had he pblyed the kin ? If Belladonna h d followed the hypoth · of the long kin& the Bermuda Bowl ould ha~ c n d hand

Page 14: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


a· t i Yites J • Ill

Wee e d the Iorio s Pe k Distrid

DUPLICATE BRIDGE with MASTER Ho ting th e delightful holiday break will be DUDLEY and PHYLLIS FRESHWATER and MARY HIGSO .

t. nn'





I E CLOSE CHEQUE FOR £ Pri tJ b throom £1 per day ra.

Page 15: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

u In th a Dormer inclioes to the view that Belladonna, a fiDe psyc:boloJiat. ould ba e found the winnir& line. Dormer, notwithatandin& his tuecellful dq UIOdadoD the aposde of the .. restricted choice theory ", 1alta

the line that more 1Utel7 than the blank kina. heft eel at the lc:tory hnquet bow be ould bne pla7ecl

tar produced the kina. repllecl that be would dll be conaideriq the

to the earlier band:-ortla

854 JC8632

0 85 606

th A76 J9

OAKQ6 .A K82

10 3 QAQ5 0109 • • 97543

oHI ducked the openillJ lead of the queen of pades. We t continued with a low apllde and Wolff won in dummy. At trick 3 he led a low heart from d&IIIUD,)' and wbea Pittala smoothly produced the five he fine ed the nine and lost bil CODtnc:t.

Garozzo led the jack of hearts from dummY, and ub equently the nine and bea be picked up West's ten be made ele en tricks. Wolff' play, says Dormer,

had a better than 75 % chance of ucc but was none the 1 a worse chance than that taken by Garozzo.

If be wi the second pade in hand and le ds the jack of hearts he wins when W t h the queen or ten ( ming he play him for one of those honou ) or when he the ace ingle or doubleton. And even when East has all three heart honours be wdl till win ince Eut will be unable to attack dllDUD)''a pade entry.

Tbe sol Briti b agent for " 1975 World Champion hip" i Bridge Mapzine, 40 Wakefield Road, Leed 10, York . At £3.50, po t free, it repre nts excellent

lue for tb enthu ast.

fBi qtL~L NATIONAL SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS 27th, 28th December, 1975

t Roy; I, London • George Hotel, Yi.._ ... Esso Hotel, Covelltry

This Is now Nation I Ch mplon h p with Green Point Aw rda. Th re are p rate pr z I ata for ch of the thrM ~UN. with a Special Holiday Prize for th ove rall winning pa r -A Trtp wlltl lhe Offici f Brt Pet1y to the Ofympa.d, covering air travel and ..ven night accommodation at a luxury hot I. Full details In Comp tltlon Brochure. Entrlea to the Secretary, E.B.U .• 158 High Str t, Th me, Oxon. The ev nt Is played on th afternoons of Saturdtly and Sunday. In addition th re Is a pee I Swlee T.- I""' apol\tONd ~ B aqult, and H rper'a & au n, en tor which may be made at t me o the Pairs nt.

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51turc1a7 morDiDa a ery ucc ful seminar was held in which 'C"''"'puied on dle platform by ht P & 0 colleague, Nico Glllrdel•

a dllc••oa on tbe foUowint topics : ... M!Mied the old-fashloaed follrth t leN a.

ollndla the bottom card from aood aJts, kaowa • • The eaenc:e of Busso i no so much that the lowest card is led from

su.lts, the 2 from A Q 9 7 2 but the 7 from Q 8 7 5, as that the low card iDdlcat• that the leader es no other pro pect of beating the no-trump contract. principle wu illumated by the following exampl :

(a + J 8 6 0 K 9 7 4 2 ¢ A 5 6 7 4 3. Lead the 2 of heart , not it i a trona uit , but becau you do not antici pate that a switt:h to any uit will be helpful.

(b) J 8 6 0 K 9 7 4 2 ¢ 5 6 K 10 8 4. Lead the 4 of hearts, ~== it may ui t the defence later to switch to club . When discarding. or fol uit to the next round of hearts. you retain the option of playing the 7 or the

The 2 (proclaiming that you did not le d your lowest heart) would i tha ' t mi&ht ood tacti to witch to another uit.

r. R e' conclu ion w that Bu leads gi e 1 away than • fourth beat and promote a more co-operative defence.

l. tb r virtue ln • third or fifth t ' in ceneral or Ia c:lrc11 11 1

Practi one of thi method declared that the count w more cruiddr on ey d than wb n fourth best w cho en. Thu , when the 2 is led fralia J 8 6 2, partner can det rmine the Ien&th of the suit more readily than w

the 6 is I d fourth t From K J 6 2 the lead is the 6, and this can aeaenllr be r co n d third t from a four-card uit.

is certainly meri t in the convention in a it uation like this : K6

A J 10 7 5 3 94

Q 2

T · a ide suit in a trump contract. \ hen the 2 i headed by the and . ce and declare~ follows wi th the 9 ( ay), Ea t knows that he can safely th ,Jack, bee u wtth Q 9 4 2 W would have led the 4.

The qu tion wa rai d, what do you do when the thi rd card miJbt uluable, e.g. when you hold uch Q 9 8 3 7 (The me p.roblem arisee B .) ~e eneral opinion was that, when in doubt, it 1 better to lead the and not m lead partn r to the quali ty or len tb.

3. Ar odd-e n dl ard a &OOd ld a 1 To signify encour gement, you di rd the 5 from J 52, to 'pity

<ouragement the 6 from 6 3. (The convention appli both to uit aad trump contract , but only to dJ ar , when not following uit.)

Mr. Re~ 's opinion w that. once you t used to the method, you lad muc~ J r to convey a m e than when it m. y be n ry to plaJ low tn the normal tyle.

When you ha e no card of the required pari follow con1YeJ1do-'l m thods. :ZOu • with A 6 2 you discard the to the hi&h card. 9 7 5 you d card the 5 to di coura e.

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Seariaen of this type are a reaular f ture of P & 0 Brid e Crui , and the larp ptherina M the Grand Hotel found this one particularly instructive.

leo Gardener presided on Sunday mornina when four pain, Amsbury and ter, Schapiro and Ro , Lo e and Greenwood and Alder and Fleet bid

three banda which raised inter ting poin , two of which are offered for your consideration.

(1) one Q KQ92 0 AK94

Q9632 You are ulnerable against non-vulnerable opponent , your partner open

One Heart and your right-hand opponent bid One Spade. What do you bid no 7

Two of the four competitors bid Two Spades. Since that bid will initially be trated as a request for a pade guard in order to play No-Trumps, there i the incon enience of having lo t a certain amount of bidding space when one bqins to show one's real purpose.

Schapiro, in what he described hi "old-fa hioned tyle " , bid Three Diamonds. After his partner' rebid of Three Hearts he now cue-bid Three Spades and was better placed th n tho e who had bid Two Spades and had to bcain to describe their hand after partner' rebid of Three Spade .

Only one of the four lected the po 'bly best bid of Three Spades, a bid which would how a very powerful heart fi t, a stron~t hand and a first round p de control.

Th w the opposite hand : + 1054 \7 A J 10 5 <> Q 3 6 AK5

(2) You ar East, with W t the dealer and neither ide vulnerable. You hold :

A J 9 5 Q 106 5 0 one . AKJ853

With all four pairs the bidding began : e t

lH 20 3 D

t 2CI 2Sp 7

The arious election m de were Three He rt , Five Hearts nd Three o Trump . Fi e Hearts bows a l cit of ima 'nation rather than an exce of it. lt i not en rally an dv nt to be void of partn r' uit, and in thi i t nee partner might have too much tren th in diamond and po ibly too little in hear .

Three o Trump h much to c mmend it in if partner pa it i likely to be the be t contract. Th ree H r , th mo t ob iou bid, would produc r ponse of Three Spad . here would you o from th r

Thi nd :

t urn Bowl at the bl re ched tin l

bury and ter hand.

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I TV o ta 'n. P. St elmac er (L) 2: R: orri b (L), R. D. Bretberton (BB) 3. A. Wofeld, R. Mal ern ( )

Bowl on Team of 4 hampiooshlp 1 ~': s Landy cs ), Mi, . Gardener, D. Smerdon, M. E. DUb _(1.) 2: D. i. Greenwood, K. tovey, J, L. Reardon, A. M. G. Thompson (L)

ud Pal . M Henri n and A. A. B11ley (L) Mrs. F. Abraham and A. P. Sombor (L)

ut1y r Indi dual mpion hlp D. M. Graham (L)

I.e I.e Cup . Gardener, M. Wolach (L)

Th P 0 rul Wino rs Mrs. S. Graham (L), J. S. Patel (L)

Monte-Corlo for til B :R IUD BO 'L (2nd to 8th May)

and til 1976 OLY, ifPl D (9th to 22nd a )


l t

Briti b T am ~ill

la and 8th lay. I with tb p I

tly pri d (' mm

For /wl tletoils writt



on a




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In the Augu t Quarterly we printed tbe article with which Terence Reese won ,last ~ar·s C<:!mpetition. A further ei&ht experts have been invited to ubm1t a~cles thiS year, amonast them Jeremy Flint as the sole British

repre natt e.

The first of this year' Bois Tips from the Jre&t Amerian master Howard Scbe en is concerned with defence at Trick One and ends with this excellent i tructi e hand.

Soath lH 1 .T.

orth A962

OA32 OQS •o 10 86

East + KJ3 OK8764 0 K 10 8 3 . 9

ortll 1 Sp 3 .T.

W leads the two of diamonds (fourth best) and declarer plays low from dUJDJII,)'. Plan the defence as East.

W can be judged to have led from a four card suit headed by an honour. Can you ee which honour 1 The answer is of course the ace, since declarer would ha e pl~d the queen from dummy had his own holding been Ax x •

If West h the ace of diamond declarer can have at mo t two points in pad , three points in hearts, and one point in diamonds, which means that he

is clearly marked with the top club honours. ow can you plan the defence 1 East can probably establish three diamond triclr.s either by playing the ten

to the first trick or by winning with the Jr.ing and returning a low diamond to ensure that his partner continue the suit. Declarer is then likely to develop three heart tricks to go with four clubs, one diamond and the ace of spades.

In order to defeat the contract Ea t mu t plan to make one pade trick and develop three diamond tricks before he comes in with the king of hearts. He does tb' by winnin the first trick with the ace of diamonds and returning the ei&ht of diamonds, a card which will how no further interest in the suit and will encourage W t to win nd malc.e the obviou switch to a spade. Thi was the complete deal :

w t 10 8 7 s

OS 0 A962 6 7 542

orth A962 A 32

OQS • 010 6

outh + 04 0 QJ 10 0 J74 .A J3

KJ3 \) K8764 0 K 10 8 3 6 9

And Scbenken's Bois Tip- when on defence in third po i.llon, ulti te tb habit of playing lowly to the firs t trick. Careful thought til help Y u def many more contr c .

(The Bois Competition is orpni ed by the lnt r:nation I Brid Pr A sociation for Bol , the Jon tabl' bed Dutch hqueur manuf cture

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00 HEL



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1. Please note that two Con& were entered under the wron& date In the Annual Calendar. The correct dates are as follows :-

00 CASTER CO GRESS ...... APRIL 9th-11th, 1976 CHELTE HAM CO GRESS ... MAY 14th-16th, 1976

2. ATIO. AL SWISS TEAMS QUALIFYING HEAT (LO DO AREA) Th b twill now take place on SATURDAY, May 29th 1976 the London Brid e F ti al has been retimed to take place on May 30th and 31st. The venue will be the ESSO MOTOR HOTEL, EMPIRE WAY, WEMBLEY.

E.B.U. PRIZES - EW POUCY EJ. • Pri oacben.

from the start of the current sea on the E.B.U. is introducing its own prize vouchers. These will be i ued in various denominations of units and will be exchangeable within two years for one of the following :

(a) Entry fee for E.B.U. Concre es and Competition . (b) Prizes on display at E.B.U. Congresses. (c) Articl of creater alue to be advertised in a pecially-compiled

E.:B.U. catalogue. The value of each unit bas been fixed at 50p for 1975/6.

Pri for nnual Compeddo Special commemorative prizes will be presented to the winners, and in

certain to the runners-up, of the mo t prestigious competition . All other awards will be &i en in the form of E.B.U. prize vouchers. Pri at E ••• Con

1. As a matter of policy the E.B.U. has decided to di continue the carrying of a large and aried tock of pri:z . The election of good on display at mo t E.B.U. Con&re es will be fairly limited but prizewinner will be able to consult an E.B.U. catalogue of more expen ive goods which will be obtainable at discount pric and which will be ent to order.

2. E.B.U. prize voucher will be a ailable to be elected in lieu of prizes in kind.

3. All prizes (whether on display or otherwi e) will be assigned a unit value. lt will be po ible at any time to tender cash and/or E.B.U. vouchers to obtain an article of a. higher unit value than bas been won in a particular event.

OLD P- ROUND I 8Dd 2 Enr.ry : 4S6 Te ms.

Th fir t t>oo roun thl l'' ar produc:ed on or two urprl re ul • Tbe youna t m captained by • D. Du lin (C. VInce, Ml S. E tt, . Coc:heme, A. Bam , H. Darwen) had a very 100<1 win In ound 2 aaaln t R. M. Sb han (W. Coyle, ). Flint. A. M. Ci. ThomPtOn, ). L. R rdon, 1. • R ). An unfortunate draw In Round 2 re ulled on the dd~at of A. Hlron' a t m CO. M r , P. St kelmacher, M M. Berman. V. Marton) by R, D. Brethert n (R , Mo rri h. E. W. Crowbunt, R. Rowlan , M. re nl.

The tull d tails of resulu In Roun I and 2 ar u folio : -

M. H. Airey bt C. Coc:kcroft .. ........... . k l . Alnand r w.o • . B. Al~xander b t . Whit ...... 41

Mri. C. All bt W. H. St .. , 3 C. Allan bt L. Ciardn r • .... . ... .. ..... 20 M. 1. Allen bt A. Howart h • .. ........ S3

I. P Arslett bt Mn:. II, Ciow n ......... 4 · R. Atkin bt M. Aylott .................. 40 · M. Aveyard bt D. A . Rayn r ......... 64

M P. !lad r bt R. J. Bromley ......... 20 ~· B. llailey bt R. Van oordm ......... 1l R. ~ lkwlll bt W. A. Pike ............ 44

· trite bt A. Mart .... -.......... 101 f. llarlo bt P. ). R yn r ................ )) M H. llamby bt A. Slm .............. 34 D "i.. M. B. Brtts bt R . nyman ......... S M. B Bird bt J. C. Beard ................. 21 A · Mlt.hor. bt P. Lake .. .. ............. 10 M.

1. 8 ack bt R . Arney ................. .

MrsB · E. Blakey bt 0 . J, II y ......... 9 I ·

811ank bt A. H. Bloxham . .. .......... ll

1 R oo1mbera bt J. Hod n • ... .... .. .so

I · · · mal r bt • R . al " r ... H ftowtell bt D. W. Dunw II

Ill ..................... 24

Page 22: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

G. Jacobe bt II. H. M .... '"'''..,·----.-A. T. M. )onel bt M. E.. .llnDIIII-

P. W. Jon bt E.. Pc»ter ............. . A. Jud bt G. • lled .. r ........... ". • w. Jtember bt A. Pearce "'"""'"'"" G. KmJOG bt H. H. s....-r ........... .. s. Jtlllner bt J, W. P. J>a7 ..... _ .. . E. llmurry bt A. J, Payue ................ .. D. Klme bt P. J. )alley .............. ""'" G. T. Kirby bt M. M ey .............. .

. A. Kirkham bt R. Pike ................ . A. C. Kluon bt G. H. Edwarda ......... l W. Klcwe bt D. Powell ..................... •

rone 0. Knoop bt E.. L. Rh•ett .... • lJ Mn. Landy bt J. RoiDb ................... .. G. W. Lain& bt A. Oram ................. . c. Lel&ht bt M . I. S. orthonr ... at C. Lewl bt Mrs. Hair ........................ Sl G. D. Lewll bt Dr. J. II. Fultoa ......... S Dr. Little bt G. H. t>avles .................. f B. Louby bt R. Knott ........................ 7 J, F, Lod. bt Mrs. Jenkin• ............... 2S W. H. Lo ell bt D. Burrow• ............. 2S 1. F. Macartn y bt f. Coulsoa ............ •• M. Mcl.aullhlin .o. J. M cblan bt R. W. Nimmo ......... " it. Morran bt T. McDermott ......... •

• T. Malden bt J. L. HamPIOII ""'"" J Mn. Mannina bt S. Coldlteln .......... .. P. Markwell bt I. Aldrld&e ............... f H. J, Millward bt J. Ciblon ............... 4S E. C. Mlln bt R. tuart .................. II C. • Moffat bt H. Ben n .................. 54 M. V. Morpn bt J. C. S. Northoftf ... .J C. J. Morley bt Mrs. K. M. ~ .. P. Morley bt J. Paw10n ..................... " I. K. Morris bt P. Goldenbaum ......... G D. Muller b D. W. Adcock ............... oM P. W. Mumford bt Mn. M. T. CoWftf J D. M n bt (. Aldred ..................... 4J S. orris bt P. M. Orton .............. ""1 P. V. O'Connor bt R. Ganlde .......... .. J, G. O'Halr bt I. P. Toblu ............... 2 N. 011 r bt P. C nney ..................... 46 K. Orford b C. R. 0' ell ............... 46 D. J. Ould bt K. J. Prichard """"""'" Jf C. l'. Ow n bt I. A. Cook .................. 77 M J, M. Oxtoby bt R. J, Payne ......... 6J A. Parker b C. E. W ton .............. .J J. Parkin bt T. M. Coul801l ............... -'· Patel b M. Hartl y ..................... 41J Mn. Patban bt I. Hamilton .............. . W. ). Pencbar£ bt G. White ........... .. _ I. • P tt·DIY bt R. J, Slipper ...... -1>. J, P lr bt C. J. Lapworth ........ ". M C. Pope bt R. IC. kn pp ..................... 2S B. P r bt H. utdtlfe .............. - ..... 6J

• L. Pott r bt A. H rrt ""'"'"'"""' M A. W, Puc rio bt J. B. Guy ............. .

. G. Purlt t f'. P, Hlron ......... . Dr. Ra bt J. B. mallboae ......... II M. • y bt P. W t r ............ . . J, R y t I . Oran ....... """""'"

G. K. R n II bt P. • BcrTJ .... ... • I. P. R d bt A, • Bolton ..... ... 16

Br1dge Book and mas zlnes < rA ••>

BOUGHT AND SOLD SINGLY OA COLLECTIO 1000'1 n atock S nd S.A.E for our Catalogue

1a Whitton Way.t BIBLIAGORA HouMiow

Page 23: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

GIIU» .. ooadalld D. A. ak:11an11 bt Mill P. L 1111111- 19 0 A. lUll bt G. J. DJit •••••.•.•••.•••••.• i. ......_ bt J. WoolcoU ••••••.•.••••. ll p A. ao111m1 tit G. 0... •........... 7J Pi. M. ll~t bt ll. G. Moon .•.•...•• J2 , JowlaDCb t1t • . 1'bonltlla ....... - ..... n F: ll bt G. McPbe,_ ................. 2J M. P. Sal1la w .o. 11. s-Ill bt D. H. ••••• ............ 12 A. M. SeDit bt - llldl« •. ...... ...... ... . H J. s.rteaat be H. I. l'oa:nlll • • ••• •• • .. • • 122 ). E. S.broot bt 1!. H. ............ J c. Sclor bt G. ~ .......... .... .... 1J 11 . w. Sllarpe be_ W. I. Oonloa """"' fl 11. M. HEEHAN bt S. L a- ......... 41 A. dalaDt bt P . J. Sebo6lld ......... 76 Dr. lt. P. tc:her bt Mra. Cbeckl6eld 10 D. C. "tb be W. M. Orrlel ............... 66 I . F. tb bt M r. Recalder ............... 11 1. F. tb bt D. M. lloltoo ............... 17 k . C. IIII th bt D. J, Hud_, .......... 10 C. . St&nl bt M. R . Ken,oo ......... 61 I. Starllll bt - rrill ..................... l br. . • trp bt p. Ieoda ......... 41 Dr. M. H. tep bt M. BaaDer ... S7

&r '\.1:: bt D. G. Wla- ............ 54 • r bt D. N. Colllaa ............ It p. T1: be J. ll. ~ ............ 4t li. H. ful« be P. A. Watu ............... 43

'1'1io.M be a. A. Rot~ena ......... 41 r'\ . ,__ be ). A. lMtber ......... II

0 vo be a. J: ~th ........................ , • ...,. btutna ........... ~ ..... 111 l: .~ bt lbde ........................ .

P. Wale be L P • .MarclleM ............ 4S G. Lk Waller be G. Mllee .... ...... ........... 14

. • Wutlunaa be G. P. 01-. ...... 1• lt. • Watkllla bt ll. P. lilecfa"- ... 6

t l't:ra.':.:-~ .. ~ .. ··= • Wblttlqtoa be v. , . Mc:Doallab ... , R. Wblttlqtoa be L llealllll ............ 71 B. C. Wllc:oll bt Mra. ). Ma1oa ......... SJ N. S. Wilde bt W. H. Cooke ............ 40 A. WllltiDI bt A. Maloa ..................... 31 A. C. WIUIIma bt lt. leaz.ley ............ 9 G. J, Wlllllma bt Mn. M. H)'de ......... l6 R. W:vawr bt D. Huabee ..................... 61 L YOUJI& bt G. P. Parlt ................ 16

..... 2 M. H. Airey bt G. ~. CaU ............ S7 Mra. Humble bt L P. Smith .............. 66

k AI nder G. Broad .................. 54 R. M. Hunt bt J. M. AftJU'd ............ ::t5 . I. Aleund r bt J, Sarjeant ............ lei Ml S. Hunt bt Mn. All Khan ......... 6

J, Jl. Atkin bt A. Groeaman ............... 66 A. I . Judae bt P. Marltwell ... .. ........ 47 Ml P. Bad er bt Mn. M. Bllbop ...... lS W. 'Kember bt L Haodley .. . . . . . .......... 6 D. L. Bird bt W. W . Brown ............... S. E. KlllDer bt D. W. v...., ............ 7 A. M. BU bt I . V. Byron ............... 71 A. E. lt.l.- bt P. E. Mode)' ............ l M. BUa bt K. Warburtoa ............... 17 W. Klewe bt W. R. Curtla .................. 40 J. Bl001r1bu& bt B. G. Wllc:oll ............ SS G. W. LalDa bt ). llollomaler ............ 31 1!. lowt 1 be P . Gottlieb .................. 110 Mn. L.ud7 bt D. A. Rlcbardl ............ S7 R. a1 bt Mn. Coburn ............... 50 C. Lelabtoo be I. G. O'Halr .. ............. 4l R. D. lretbertoa bt A. M . Hlroa ......... IS C. Lewla bt P. l!dwanta ..................... 6 R. B. Bnn.iD bt D. M. Edwardl ......... ::t5 Dr. Little bt J. F. Smltb ..................... 9 I. . ltuce be D. BUJ'kitt .................. 103 M. McLauabllll be G. S. L Redul1 ...... 54 R. lrymt bt M. D. Crook .................. 90 I. P. MacartDey be D. I. OuJd ............ 6 F. N. llf)'d n bt J, M. Gladden ......... lei Major Macmorran bt VI. H. LoYell ...... II D. J. M. Cal"paater bt P. Herd ............ I N. T . Malclftl bt P. W. Jooa ............ 6 P. Owma.c bt C. Evan .................. lei Mra. MADDIDI bt C. P~ ............ IS H. Oui.stl bt T. D. D clulon ............... IS E. C. Mllnee be Dr. Slatcber ............... ll I. OqA 0u~ ... bdt P.btCrePllGIJl :.O'rt""""""""" 111

1 MC..

1v.MMoorlrpnbtbeJ P,;,!:, ~ ............... ~

~. · "" . . .,. Ill """""" . 1e)' ...... c:-· .................. •• A. D. Clarlt bt L. P. Cumbera ............ 9 ). • Morrll bt P. A. llowJer ............ ll E. F. Coo bt A. P. Moon ............... 75 D. Mullu be L. Youaa .. ..... ................. %7 I. S. Cooke bt M. Edward ............... ll S. Norrll be C. FOICitr ........................ 6S ~. R. Co ley bt G. S. Moffat ............ 16 Mra. Pathan be P. R- ..................... n J, Cullin ortb bt . ml tb ............... 60 W. Pmcharz be A. I. JlalleJ ...............

59 G. T. Curtis bt N. Barlo w .................. IS C. Pope bt G. • S~ .................. I06 Ml Daly bt G.J- Davl1011 ............... 19 I. Poaer be R. W~ w 'titiiiS'"""" J2

c.A. DC. DaDarrlley bbt R. Jac:o £.................. 7 R. LW. ~.1!!_ btbe~P. A.. 5!,11 ......... .,.

. ina 1 t • M . SH EH.AN ...... 14 A. • .. _...... • "• ........... ""' D. Davll bt W. Hatbap ..................... 41 Dr. a._, be A. Partttr .................. 3 R. Dar bt Ml Onoby .... ._ .............. S6 S. J· lla)' be S. Collllll ..................... 47 F. I. Dean bt Mn O'Connor 11 J a.td be A. L. O.lla·Porta ............ II G ll • ........ "" • • C C,.,.. 34 H. . D llOD bt • 0 11 r .................. 74 A. R~ be E H. larDbJ ............. J0 M. CutJe bt R. T. Brun ll1 ............... 9 D. A . Robeon bt p W MwntO'iiJ"""" n w"·l D b bt B. Patel ........... ............. II D. R. Rockfelt bl D y......- ...... .. E. c' Durd bt G. All .................. 67 P. Rowlandl bt D A· fliCk ..... • S6 a: n:.dDutbttonMbt J •

11murr)' ............... ~51 ~· ED. ~~~ be·l. ·Loub)' ~ .. :::::·::::.: 36

C G~, e • . AI n ..................... • ... • ......... .,. 1

••• L 41 · . Endtc:ott bt H. JC. R~ ......... 67 ll. W. Sharpe • -WI ............... ..

S. FllbJ)OOI bt • R. DavldJon ............ 17 A. Sht't'dalanl be J· H. TQior ........ " IS D. G. Fletcher bt T. • Glntl toae ...... 57 ). A. tarllnl bt • A. law .............. 8

12 G. R Forr t r bt l W 77 Dr N s•-'--• bt D. C. Smith ....... .. I c. . . .................. . . ·~- be D M- f • otit r bt . • rltham ............ t M. H. ._......, · " "" ' t

G. C. H. Poll bt H . ) . MUiwant ........ 17 G . Taylor bt G . ~ ........... ~ ...... . P. I. Franklin bt R bon to JS H T1lomaa bt J, l.odiJI ................ .. R. 'F bt aaro~ ~o®"::::::::::: n Mn. ·Tboalaa "' c. RJII ................... a D. GtorJe bt M Harrl 31 P To bt G. Waller ................... .. W. H. Glblon b( Mra. : Ji '"'cr·::::::::: S9 R·. VIDIDI bt S. G. Puft.ill .. ~ .......... 1

4• 5 Gore bt A Wl''-1 •J Webb bt J Araltft ..... ~ ............ .. R M G ' "' ........................ ~ 1: Wbln.o~· be H. Samuel .. .. ........ 2

D: J, 'Crt G ~~~a..~: .... fib':: :: b. Wblntaat- be I. Middle• ...... Ill M. I. Crt th J PaJIIla IWO J1 Wilde be G. 'l'. KiJtiJ ............... g t ~ L bt G.· Senior ... ::::::::::::: 64 ~: 1:_ ':J:In~ ':. ~-~ .. ::::: " M. Hoc .lntun t G. D. Le ............ s' G: J. WIU'- be a. J. Wk IU ........ 44 M I. H bt bP. Me r ..................... 4 R w-r bt J r-«·0.)' ............ .. M. }i r t P. J, Pbalr ............... Sl • ,_ •

· • H rt bt C. F. Ow n ............ 20

Page 24: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services



Page 25: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

..._.. , D. H. ~J~~ P.

~···. -::--. Jt.. M. e ...... M. , D. G. . .. . Oldi"07d. Mrs. R. Ray, s. ), Sbarpe, C. D. Slmpeoa, A. Urawtoa, M.

u...,... Atherton, D. R. Blakey, M 1"1. I. E. Blank, M. Famnaton. F. Graham, R. W. Grice, B. C. Harrt "J S. P. Hill, I· H . Howarth, E. NlcboiiC'n, M. A .

orrla. S. Owen, P. G. Roblon, D. A. Whitunaton, D.

Loecloa Banerjee, R. Breskal, R. Brinta. R. Chrl tie, H . Oark, A. D. Cook, E. F. Cullin onh, J, Darllna. C. D. Dhondy, J, Dl n, C. P.


Dormer, A • E-. c. Foz, G. C. H. G-. It, M, G. G-.., A. Hal-t. J, G. Hlroa, A . Hoctiaa. M. Lana. r. Lailhton, C. Ludt, c. ). MeCanDeY. J. P. Moraan. M. v. Mullan, D. Sllek, D. Shennan, R. T. Stanley, K. E. T~ltacher, B. 1. Vall. M. L. Wolfeld, A.

To,...,­Brid~man, A. DuYal, A. E. B. H Unp.)arMS, F. Pescou-Day, J, Swlnton·Eaate, R.

T•llltrklte Wella Aleunde.r1 R. B. Barlow, M. J, Bl~h. G. H. Carrin&ton, M. Cooper, T. J. Cronin, G. 1>. Knoop, Baroneoa Penton, R. W. Poulter, P. W. Rlmmlnaton, D. Rollf, J. A. Spurway, P. F. Ste..enaon, R. W.


12 patn thi y r accepted an Invitation to compete LD the Pre-Camroae Trials at Derby ill m•d-~tembcr. The follo willa w re the leadill& positions :-

I D. Gnlftths. A. Odams + !10 7. B. L. Ewart{ W. ). Holland ...... +69 2. H. 0 en. R. W. Penton ...... + 17 I . V. A. Mart ndale, P. G. Muon +"

H Hodd<l n, R. J. Green .. . + 17 9. T. S. Barrett, N. H. Elliott ...... +" ~:

R. Webb, . Webb + 16 10. P. E. Mor1e'lt S. Zychlln I ... H4 P. . Lft. C. Lc ah 72 11. H. Chrlrtle, • Cope .... . ........ 5I J • ..,tndela, Ml P. Dav + 72 12. R. O'Reilly, C. Duckworth ...... 50

Th~ nr t 9 pairs oualltl d to play In the FlOAt Camro~e Trial on Nonmtier 14-16 tm. In "'h•ch they will be joined by the followln& 19 pairs who were exempted from the Pre-Trial.

~ ME . G Thomp n, ). L. R a rdon G. R. L n , D. . Collins

~ Dtlk • Mil N. Gardener K. Lovey , D . J. Greenwood

Am l:>ury, ) . D. R . Collln&i P . D. Alder, R. J, Flett F H Airey, ). Flint R. D. Brethert n, R. Mom h

1,· ' "man, A. Filllay B. L. Tell h r, I, N. II. B. E C. Huahes, A. P. wt r ) , Bu k , R . mp \\ · Gc:>lden ld, D. A . Ro A. D. 0 rk , , W. lklrt n

I PPt nchan . D. R. V. mJ th A . J. Walkd n, R. A. H rn I nto. C. P. Le t r D. f'. Hu tt , M. R. Pomfrey

0 Bird. T. Anthlu

An 4LS .u lf1J

I. Mt Garden~r .................. D S ~· ~ · . Odams .................... ....... 127 4· p · Li&ht n .............................. Ill ~· p' A lSow ·er ...................... ... .. 123 · • J, Fran Jill .............. ............. 11)

• H. Barnby "'""'""""'""""" IZl Cobbett .............. "'"""""' •• llf

G: B. Dl- ""'"""'""""',_, ...... llf c. , Owell ........... "'"'"'"""'"" 116 •· lllleaan I .......................... " .. ua

Page 26: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services


1976 JANUARY 16/ 18 MARCH 12/ 14 FEBRUARY 13/15 APRIL 16/ 18


Mr. Eric Seldon and his wife Rosemary will direct play. The charge for these enjoyable weekends, based upon twin-bedded accommodation, is £25.00 includina VAT. Singl accommodation is available at £2.00 per day extra and rooms with private bath at 75p per person

per day extra.

All re ervatlons and furlh r tnformalion from th General Manager, Qu n' Hotel, H stings, Su x.

~ lephone: Hastings 424167 (STD Cod 0424)

Page 27: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services
Page 28: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services
Page 29: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

THE CUMBRIA GOES TO WI DE,.,.. ... Lie n d under the E.B.U.

Our 1978 Congrns (April 11th) be held In 1M Old ......., Bownen-on-~·

The whole event will be " und r one roof ", but we are I mlted 1o 80 tablet. so plea book r1y. Brochur s available from :

J . W W1lson, 8 A by Road. A by, Nr. Workington, Cumbria CA14 4AR

Page 30: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services
Page 31: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services

D c • re d



UARY. 1178

Clo • ore ter R2 608

Tuobrld Well \ e t Kent Club. Duplicate t onic Hall, Tue day and Friday evenings. Particulars: Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. M. Burrows,

alt Hou e. Kemsing, Seveno ks. Kent. Tel. Se enoaks 62462.




Telephone 0892-30052

80p WI h pencil , 75p without 10 Red, Ivory, Blue, Green and Black.

" BRIDGE IN THE LOOKING GlASS " by Jeremy Flint and Freddie North. Compare your play with th ma t rs 10 100 se! cted hands. 6Sp paper bac • 80p hardback, lnclusl e of P. & P. Normal Reta11 Price £1 .10 pap rback : £1.75 h rdback .

" INTRODUCTION TO DEFENDERS PLAY " by E. Klflt.-. Excellent hardback bOok for the begmner and Intermediate player.

Op including P. & P. Normal retail price £1 SO.



Page 32: UARTERLY - Amazon Web Services



TUNBRID E WELLS • KENT Telephone 0892-30052

A Sac gammon Set of distinction made of black moulded plastic wtth a p'ay• g area measur ng 25i'' x 19i" when open. Closes to look like a very

ac e case. Complete with 4 dice, 1 doubling dice, red and white count .. r. d 2 felt-lined shakers. £24.95 lnclusl e.

A eally hand~ome set made throughout of ·• Skiver Tex ", padded tor a of luxury and measuring 201" x 1sr. Set complete £14.80.

A ery a tractrve set in green textured plast ic with cork playing area, me•ll'lll• 13~ 9ip· Set complete £1 0.00 inclusrve.

The luxury of real hrde leather lor a compact, beautifully made travelling lit magr.etic pieces. £7.10.

Poclet size set made of unbreakable vinyl with magnetic pieces. a.

CHESS Beautifully hand-painted Ches men In the Heidelberg design. The King tall. Com in display box with each piece In Its own compartment (I Anoth r H delberg design with pieces moulded from high quality plastic, and baiz d and finished In light and dark brown. £8.13.

MAHJONG Ttle tile are made of pia lc and bamboo, finely engraved and Comple e In !tractive vinyl ca e with trays for " suit " and carrying handle.

AUTOBRIDGE Mad of durable pia tic. An .American device dealgned to Instruct and

Beginners set £3.15 .. .... Advanced_. Re til Card 32 d al £1 .00 per Set. Beginners hands 48 dealt 11

CARD HOLDER Holds cards wrthou crowdang. 3-11 r d slots lor easy visibility. 8andld varnish d wood. £3.15.


Made of sol d bra in Sp de, He rt. Dtamond, Club shapes. can be ashtrays or coasters. S t of lour £5.10.