Tyler Tunke

Tyler Tunke. Who is he ? Lived in the ages (287-212 BC) Survived the Turmoil War as a young child Raised and taught by the grandfather of geometry

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Tyler Tunke

Who is he ? Lived in the ages (287-212 BC) Survived the Turmoil War as a young

child Raised and taught by the grandfather of

geometry (Euclid) Although he was physicist, engineer,

inventor, and astronomerMath was related behind all of his inventions .

What Branch of Math did he teach? The branch Archimedes taught was

mostly geometry as well as; Invented calculus Approximate value of pi Law of the lever Solved problems of buoyancy Invented new number system Volume of a sphere

Fun Fact Various nights Arcimedes was so in

depth in geometry that he forgot to eat or sleep

Interested in Archimedes The reason I was interested in choosing

Archimedes Is because he didn’t just create laws for math . He used them in every day life to construct pieces of work . The “son of geometry “ never gave up on his inventions . If something went wrong , he stayed up later and later until he found the problem . I believe Archimedes , Newton and Euclid were not only the most famous inventors but greatest mathematicians ever to live .

Fun Fact One night Archimedes was taking a bath when he discovered the principle of buoyancy , he jumped out of the bath and ran naked through the streets yelling 'Eureka' which means - I have found it. I have found it .

Why is his inventions important to me ? All of his brilliant Proves we still use

today . In math 20-2 we learn the importance of geometry and how to use it in day to day life . One of the course outlines were to determine the surface area and volume of shapes . Archimedes discovered the area and volume of a sphere . 4piradious2 is the area that was invented before Christ.

Extended Determining what the area of a sphere

was without pi was impossible . Even though his Pi was not exact it was still very close , sometimes making his equations off by a hair . Archimedes volume of a sphere was also taught in grade 11 mathematics . (4/3)r3 is the volume of a sphere which was used many times in geometry .

Where did it originate ? Born 287BC Father was an astronomer Archimedes learned most of his knowledge as a

child in his home ,Syracuse,Sicily After learning all he could in Sicily he travelled to

Alexandra with sailors . Arch did not meet Euclid but he did study all of

his books in Alexandra . Related to king Herion , leader at the time .

Significance Archimedes used a math today known as calculus

. By trying to find the space outside of a parabola. Used in todays Calculus 30-1 classes.

Significance Although he did not create the leaver he

added a lot to the invention . Today it might seem quite simple but there is a lot of math involved .

The longer distance from the fulcrum , the easier it is to lift the object .

Summary Archimedes created and added to many

inventions that we still use today . Without the help of Euclid Arch wouldn’t have thought of these new ideas . Most of his ideas bounded off of Euclid's thoughts . Being a Famous Mathematician was one thing but also have a degree in physicist , engineer and astronomer was another . Arch Proved in his experiments if you want something bad enough it will happen . Coming up with the idea of something was not good enough , having proof to back it up was.

Biblography Ancient Greece. usa: 2003-2012 University Press .


"The Archemedes Palimpsest." <http://archimedespalimpsest.org/about/history/archimedes.php>.

Bell, ET. "Archimedes of Syracuse ." Wolfram research. <http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Archi

medes.html>. kwoski, Hermann. "The Famous People." Archimedes. USA: 2000. <http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/archimedes-422.php>.