Olive Oil at the Center of Baltimore Riots This is a potential blog article or a story that can be run at almost anytime. Three blocks from the epicenter of the terrible riots which took place in Baltimore during the spring of 2015, sits the Vice-President of Operations for Pompeian Olive Oil Mouna Alassaoui. Her shirt reads “B’More Healthy” and her company, has several employees and contractors who quickly prepare the day’s lesson at the “Penn-North Safe Zone,” a small non-profit hastily formed in reaction to the riots for the safety of the neighborhood’s children. Pompeian is just one of a handful of companies that is working to heal the blighted community. Alassaoui along with CEO David Bensadoun are the catalysts for change. “We have been in Baltimore for 110 years and when the riots happened we knew we had to do something to help because we love this city,” said Alassaoui. Her team, which included volunteers from marketing, hr and purchasing decided the best way to give back, consistent with who Pompeian is as a company, was to sponsor healthy eating classes for children. In coordination with local Public Relations firm Warchawski, who identified the Penn-North Safe Zone, the once a month classes came into being and it has been a rewarding experience for everyone involved. The certified nutritionist holds up a picture of broccoli and children have to decide if its green for go, yellow for slow, or red for no. They scurry to different parts of the room indicating that the food’s desirability. When she holds up French fries, the kids all get excited and petition for the green light meaning go. “Not so fast” says Pompein’s head of HR, Renee Jaqueth, “French fries are a no go!” Moments like this one highlight the importance of dietary Pompeian Olive Oil Vice-President Moana Alassaoui monitors the progress of the Olive Branch Project in downtown Baltimore near the epicenter of April’s riots. The Penn-North Kids Safe Zone, founded by community leaders who saw the need for a safe place for children. The zone includes summer and after-school programming.

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Olive Oil at the Center of Baltimore Riots This is a potential blog article or a story that can be run at almost anytime. Three blocks from the epicenter of the terrible riots which took place in Baltimore during the spring of 2015, sits the Vice-President of Operations for Pompeian Olive Oil Mouna Alassaoui. Her shirt reads “B’More Healthy” and her company, has several employees and contractors who quickly prepare the day’s lesson at the “Penn-North Safe Zone,” a small non-profit hastily formed in reaction to the riots for the safety of the neighborhood’s children. Pompeian is just one of a handful of companies that is working to heal the blighted community. Alassaoui along with CEO David Bensadoun are the catalysts for change. “We have been in Baltimore for 110 years and when the riots happened we knew we had to do something to help because we love this city,” said Alassaoui. Her team, which included volunteers from marketing, hr and purchasing decided the best way to give back, consistent with who Pompeian is as a company, was to sponsor healthy eating classes for children. In coordination with local Public Relations firm Warchawski, who identified the Penn-North Safe Zone, the once a month classes came into being and it has been a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

The certified nutritionist holds up a picture of broccoli and children have to decide if its green for go, yellow for slow, or red for no. They scurry to different parts of the room indicating that the food’s desirability. When she holds up French fries, the kids all get excited and petition for the green light meaning go. “Not so fast” says Pompein’s head of HR, Renee Jaqueth, “French fries are a no go!” Moments like this one highlight the importance of dietary

Pompeian Olive Oil Vice-President Moana Alassaoui monitors the progress of the Olive Branch Project in downtown Baltimore near the epicenter of April’s riots.

The Penn-North Kids Safe Zone, founded by community leaders who saw the need for a safe place for children. The zone includes summer and after-school programming.

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education for inner city impoverished youth with limited food choices. Needless to say, at the Save-A-Lot around the corner, sales of Olive Oil are not what they are at the Whole Foods in Mt. Washington, six miles away. With this in mind, the instructors focus on how to make easy, good food, that enhances life and well-being. Today’s lesson is on “how to make hummus,” which unbeknownst to the African-American children, is a food that originally came from Africa and the middle east region. The provided carrots and broccoli are dipped into the paste which the kids made themselves and it is obvious they are clearly having fun. For nearly all of them, this is the first time they have tasted hummus. “For us, this is not a one-time event, we are committed to helping out this community over the long haul” says Alassaoui. “The company has committed one million dollars over the next 10 years.” Each month Pompeian commits about 5 hours from several employees to the project called the “Olive Branch,” and if they are successful in 10 years Olive Oil sales in the “hood” may begin to rival those of more affluent neighborhoods as this generation begins to make healthier food choices as a result of the work of the Pompeian Olive Oil Company of Baltimore. Above all the handouts, and hands on instruction given by employees, the most valuable part of the experience for the children may be just that they showed up. “My grandparents came from this neighborhood and so I know that companies almost never do anything like this around here” said Baltimore resident Peter Brooks. He continued “I think the most important thing is for the residents of these neighborhoods to know that someone cares.”

Pompeian Olive Oil Director of HR, Renee Jaqueth meets kids at their level to help conduct the healthy food choices lesson.

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Build the ultimate salad. This is a potential blog article or a story that can be run at any time, an evergreen. Impress your friends and loved ones, show them you really care by preparing the healthiest and best food for them – salad! According to Dr. David Jacobs, professor of Public Health at the University of Minnesota “If you frequently eat green salads, you'll likely have higher blood levels of a host of powerful antioxidants (vitamin C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and alpha- and beta-carotene,).” Start with the base - the foundation of your salad, also called the “bed.” Iceberg lettuce is the most popular with Americans consuming on average about 23 pounds per year, making it the second most consumed vegetable after potatoes. However, as it turns out the Romaine lettuce is the more nutritious choice because it is richer in Vitamin’s A and K as well as Lutein, which is good for the eyes. Spinach makes a fine bed and eclipses Romaine lettuce for nutritional value. If you want to go with the ultimate for nutrition, choose watercress which can be combined with any of the above to make a super salad base. Add in a little extra green for good measure – your foundation is complimented and made more potent by the addition of another green vegetable. To that end, few foods are as cool as the cucumber.

Avocados are native to the Americas and add an interesting texture and element to any salad. Broccoli has the opposite texture of Avocado and its punch is its crunch. Sprouts also add character to a super salad and are an amazing vegetable.

Give it some pop, put a different color on top! Red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, any or any combination will give your salad a beauty and add an appetizing color diversity. You may also consider black olives, mushrooms, kidney beans and corn as other items that add punch, color and make your salad marvelous.

Another secret to building the ultimate salad is to give it some surprise. This where you would normally add croutons, but here are some healthy alternatives to consider instead. How about Apples or Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, or even popcorn add a clever and unpredictable twist. Build another layer and take your salad in a new

direction by adding these colorful crunchy ingredients that are sure to satisfy. Wasabi peas, veggie chips, roasted chickpeas, almonds or dried fruit are alternatives. Power up with your salad with protein. This can be shrimp or salmon any of a variety of cheeses, chicken, garbanzo beans or tofu. To make tofu crunchy, be sure to drain it thoroughly, lightly cover it with cornstarch and then deep fry in Pompeian Grapeseed Oil for a slightly sweeter flavor or Pompeian Safflower oil for a more neutral taste. Tofu is very neutral so it can be marinated, dunked in sauces or simply seasoned with salt and pepper.

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So with all these fantastic ingredients what is the one thing that our salad needs? Well its naked of course and needs dressing! A super salad is made distinct and cohesive by the right dressing. Start with Pompeian Robust Extra-Virgin Olive Oil and then choose from a plethora of interesting vinegars from Pompeian. Try the fruity and complex Balsamic Vinegar, or Jalapeño, Honey Balsamic, Red Wine, Pomegranate or Rasberry

infused Balsamic. Each offers a rich, unique, deep and rewarding flavor guaranteed to deliver an excellent experience. Add three parts of Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Robust or smooth), with one part vinegar with a pinch of salt and pepper for taste and you will impress everyone you know with the ultimate Salad!

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March 17, 2016




Sign Up for 401K Meeting Monday March 21 from 3pm-5pm

Email or see Kelsie Shannon [email protected]

Major Changes to 401(k) Plan All Employees affected, must decide by 3/28 If you are not already volunteering to contribute 3% of your income to the company 401(k) plan then the time to do so is now. The 401(K) is your tax deferred savings for retire-ment and with the rising prices of prescriptions and healthcare, you are going to need that money! Therefore, everyone at Pompeian is going to be enrolled at 3% of your yearly salary on April 1, 2016, unless you opt out before March 28. If you do nothing, then 3% of your salary will be saved tax free for your retirement. You will pay taxes on the money when you withdraw it after you have retired or just leave it to a loved one!

Line #2 sets new World Record. On 2/22/16, the Line 2 - day shift - packed more oil in one shift than anyone has ever seen before in Pompeian Inc. history. On that Monday, during the day shift, line 2 ran 11,853 cases of 6-32oz Pompeian Extra Virgin. That equates to 17,779 gallons which is almost one basement tank and 5 containers. “Our team works hard and is excellent” said Line Supervi-sor Pedro Rosales “I think they can even beat that record if they really wanted.” Production Manager Fulvio Domenicali thanked everyone involved with an email extolling the pride everyone must feel in working together as a team and achieving such an amazing accomplishment.

What is a 401K anyway? In 1978, recognizing that Americans are not saving enough for retirement, Congress authorized the IRS to allow employers to allocate up to $18,000 a year before taxes to a savings program called 401(k). Taxes are not paid on the money until you retire. 401(k) contributions have many benefits, they reduce your amount of taxable income, increase your net worth and make sure you have mon-ey when you can’t work instead of depending on Social Security for all your income. Because of the tax benefits, employees should consider maximizing their voluntary contribution to 401(k).

Olive Branch Project makes a Difference lives of young people. By extending the “Olive Branch,” pro-gram Pompeian is doing its part to fight blight in the Upton Neighborhood not far from last April’s riots.

Two classrooms full of children at the Penn-North Kids Safe Zone listened intently as professional nutritionists and employees talked about healthy eating and healthy living.

Pompeian has pledged one million dollars over 10 years to try to help the people of Baltimore City.

The Week Ahead...


March 21 US first sent military advisors into Laos Vietnam war began (1961) Azim Donawa (Production) —Birthday (Sunday 3/20)


March 22 Massasoit Indians and Pilgrims agreed to peace treaty (1621)


March 23 Benito Mussolini establishes the Fascist Party in Italy (1919) * LUNCH CELEBRATION * Food safety and quality achievements celebrated from 11-1 in the Olive Oil Center. Everyone invited.


March 25 Maryland Day! First settlers arrive on Maryland shores. (1634) Anne Coleman (Customer Service) —Birthday (Saturday 3/26)


March 24 Oscar Romero, Salvadoran Archbishop, assassinated (1980) William Mallard’s —Birthday today.

EVOO coupled with common nutritional interventions for very low birth weight infants found to increase weight gain and decrease hospitalization time.

Olive Oil Improves Outcomes for Low Birthweight Infants!


March 28 The Spanish Civil War ended as Madrid fell to Francisco Franco. (1939) Mike Brown (Warehouse)—Birthday


March 30 Hyman L. Lipman of Philadel-phia patented the pencil (1858)


March 31 Thomas Peterson became the first black person ever to vote in the U.S. under 15th Amendment in N.J. (1870)


April 1 First moving assembly line installed (Henry Ford) (1913)


March 29 Annunzio Paolo Mantovani, conductor, died (1980) John Jallade —Birthday

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March 31, 2016




Component in EVOO Kills Cancer Cells! Oleocanthal in EVOO causes a rupture of cancerous cells, releasing enzymes that cause cancer cell death, without harming healthy cells. Researchers Paul Breslin, David Foster and Onica LeGendre find Oleocanthal, a chemical in (EVOO) that is made by the olive when it is crushed to make the pulp from which the oil is pressed, effec-tive in killing cancer cells.

“There are many compounds in EVOO that have a 6-carbon ring structure on them and collectively they are known as phenolics,” said Paul Breslin, one of the researchers. “These compounds are collectively good anti-oxidants preventing oxygen pore-radicals from forming and they also tend to be anti-inflammatory. Oleocanthal has been shown to inter-fere with processes associated with many types of inflamma-tion, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer formation and growth” said Breslin.

Pompeian Non-GMO Product In-troduced into the Marketplace! Pompeian committed to serving consumers. GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are living or-ganisms whose genetic material has been artificially ma-nipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. While on the one hand this makes the production of food more efficient, resilient, nutritious and inexpensive, the uncertain-ty around such a new science that modifies the very DNA of the food we eat, makes many consumers nervous. In more than 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs. In the United States GMO’s are not regulated based on studies created by the very corporations who profit from the sale. Consumers are taking matters into their own hands, a 2012 survey found that 91% of all Americans want genetically modified food labeled and 53% said they would not buy such food. Pompeian, recognizing this change in consumer behavior will now offer Non-GMO products and because of our manufacturing process and sourcing we have a plethora of oils to choose from with the Non-GMO label. While Olives world-wide are not genetically modified, it is the inclusion of additives, blends and other exposures which prevent the product from being verified by the Non-GMO project.

2015: An Incredible Year for Pompeian! By nearly every measure, 2015 was a great year for our company. We earned a 100% on the USDA Plant System Audit, and are now approaching 3 years since a lost time injury. New products are introduced regularly, there are plans to expand our plant and we are attracting good talent. However, the real reason for our pride is the choice being made by the American people. Pompeian is the number one selling brand for Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, and for specialty vinegars. Our compound annual growth rate is in the double digits—very impressive. Each of our valued employees should take credit for their contribution in making this a great company.

The Week Ahead...

Monday April 4

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Assasinated (1968)

Tuesday April 5

World’s irst use of postage stamps—Paris (1653)

Wednesday April 6

Sugar Ray Leonard won mid-dleweight title from Marvin Hagler (1987)

Friday April 8

Birth of the Buddha Celebrat-ed (623 B.C.)

Thursday April 7

World Health Day, this year’s focus is diabetes.

The Line-up of Pompeian Products certified to be Non-GMO.

Monday April 11

The Treaty of Utrecht was signed, ending the War of Spanish Succession. (1714)

Tuesday April 12

Harold Washington was elected the first black mayor of Chicago. (1983)

Wednesday April 13

Sidney Poitier became the first black to win an Oscar for best actor. (1964)

Thursday April 14

The Titanic struck an iceberg (11:40 pm) (1912)

Friday April 15

Jackie Robinson's first major league baseball game. (1947)

HR Meeting or announcement goes
