Twenty Years After God Caused the Return of the Ark of the Covenant to the Israelites From the Philistines

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Twenty years after God caused the return of the Ark of the Covenant to the Israelites from the Philistines, the Israelites hearts had grown cold. Samuel called the house of Israel to return to the Lord wholeheartedly (1 Samuel 7:3). How can we challenge ourselves to do the same? Take Massive ActionIf we desire to grow in a particular subject, why read only a few books on it? Why not read a hundred books for the year? Samuel urged the Israelites to consecrate themselves without compromise by taking massive action:

Return to God wholeheartedly, not half hearted, no half-measures. Remove our idols completely. If we love God with all our heart, we will have no other gods in life. Follow God faithfully by directing our hearts toward Him. Serve Him only. The outflow of our wholehearted devotion to God is service.

The overall result of taking massive action is giving God the best! We must realize that a half-hearted commitment, a token sacrifice, partial and/or delayed obedience are offensive to God who deserves our all. We Can't but God Can !To come to God with all our heart is to humbly admit that we cant. When you come to that place of brokenness, helplessness and hopelessness, you discover the power and glory of the Lord. This is the key to the Spirit-filled life. It is not about giving more effort or getting into more activities. The key to an overflowing life is acknowledging that WE CAN'T but GOD CAN, therefore we are dependent in Christ who strengthens us. When we move from the I can't to God can, we experience the joy and pleasure of living our life wholeheartedly for God.

From this point of consecration, we will be confronted with daily choices to follow God faithfully. If we don't choose God, moment by moment, we may lose our desire to choose God. But if we choose Him constantly, we strengthen our capacity, with the grace of God, to continue to choose for Him as a habit in our pilgrimage through life.

True consecration results to sanctification of our life and service to God. When we live our life with no half-measures, in the midst of our vulnerability, God will empower us.

Passion + Purpose = Mission February 08, 2015 Vol. 15, No. 6 WORSHIP Suggested Worship Songs: Sing!, It Is Well With My Soul, I Am Yours, You Are Glorious WELCOME Purposeful Passion. What job are you willing to do with passion even if you dont get paid for doing it? WORD Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Passion is what burns inside you. God wants to create a passion in us that overwhelms every other drive we have in our being. Purpose is not something to do, but it is someone to be! God desires to make us someone with specific purpose that is unique from everyone else. As children of God we are all saved by grace alone, thru faith alone in Christ alone, that is something we have in common. But each one of us has a purpose custom-made to us individually to become what each can become. The two most important days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why (Mark Twain). You will never know why you were born unless you were born again, when you meet the God who made you in the first place. Mission is any important task or duty that is assigned, allotted, or self-imposed. It is a purpose, a calling or a vocation accompanied by strong conviction. Consider our Lord Jesus, He knew when His mission in His physical life was finished (John 19:28). The fire that burned to please the Father allowed Him to pay the ultimate price. Jesus exemplified how passion + purpose will lead us to our mission. Passion + Purpose=Mission PASSION begins where God begins in the heart, the seat of who we are. God placed in our heart the reality of eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Regardless of your belief system, in the depths of who you are, you know you are made by Someone for eternity, because God put that in your heart. Our heart is what God measures us by. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:17). It doesnt matter what you have accomplished in this world, how famous, good-looking or rich you are. What has our heart, has us (Luke 12:34). Passion begins with the heart, and what matters to our heart is what will possess us. When our passion for God controls our heart, it produces the path to our PURPOSE. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is essential. When you are yielded to the Spirit of God, you allow God to control you and to create the passion that burns for God for the purpose of pleasing the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:59). Jesus clearly spelled out the purpose of the body of Christ to make disciples of all nations. Every follower of Christ is responsible to reach out to all nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reiterated as His last instruction to all His disciples before He ascended to heaven to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). We start at home, but it shouldnt stop there. We should share what we know and experience with our Lord Jesus to everyone we come in contact with. When our Passion and Purpose become a reality then we will sense our MISSION. Like Paul, sharing the gospel is not something that you boast about but a sacred trust that you are compelled by God to do (1 Corinthians 9:1617). Some people misread 2 Timothy 2:2 and take it as their excuse from making disciples as they claim they dont have the gift of teaching. The focus of this passage is in being faithful which will compel them to be willing to tell others what they have learned from Jesus. Truths about Mission 1. You dont have to have all the answers! You just have to keep following.

The apostle Paul desires to share the gospel in Asia, but the Holy Spirit prevented them. So they headed to Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus prevented them from going there, until Paul had a vision to go to Macedonia and so they decided to leave for Macedonia (Acts 16:6-10). Paul didnt know why the Holy Spirit prevented him from going to these places, but he just kept following. Our goal is not to figure it out, our goal is just to follow. If your heart is willing, God will get you where He wants you to be. 2. You can experience real peace.

When you are committed to the mission that God has put in your heart, you can experience real peace that you never had before, because God is with you always (Matthew 28:20). After disciple James was arrested and killed for the gospel, Peter was also arrested, but the night before his trial, he was sound asleep in chains. Like Peter, we can also be rested despite of our circumstances because we know that our God is in control. So, lets begin with our heart. If we focus on guarding our heart, God will guard the rest. Where is your heart right now?Discussion Questions: (Leaders: Please choose questions that are appropriate to the level of spiritual maturity of your members) 1. The Great Commission. What is the Great Commission according to the passage? Give at least three key observations from the passage Matthew 28:19-20. 2. Price-less Passion. Why are you willing to do what you are passionate about even though you dont get paid? 3. Mission Review. Review your personal mission. How will you align it with Gods Great Commission?

WORKS Go, Pray, Send Every disciple a witness! Every disciple disciples! This is non-negotiable to every committed follower of Christ. How can you be part of world mission for Jesus? You may not have all the answers now, but pray about it and commit to God where He is leading you, and just keep following the Holy Spirit. Go Volunteer as Skypleship mentor, on a short term mission trip, to reach internationals. Pray Join the Beyond prayer team, Dgroup missionary adoption Send Provide support to our missionaries and mission efforts. Inquire from CCF-Beyond Ministry. Weekly Prayer Points I. Thanksgiving Worship God for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do in our lives II. Country and the World Upright and moral governance of Public Servants and a God-centered Philippines Repentance and Salvation III. Church That CCF Members would honor and love God and make disciples Elders, Pastors, Leaders, and Families Ministries and Churches worldwide IV. CCF Facilities New Worship and Training Center Prayer Mountain V. Personal Concerns Deeper intimate relationship with God Righteous living Salvation of family and friends