Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX Esse tutorial tem como propósito esclarecer dúvidas sobre os sistemas de crafting existentes em Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. Ele é composto de um apanhado de vários outros guias, todos eles descritos aqui. 01: Stone of Change - Crafting bsico Obs.: Em adição às fontes acima, foram retiradas informações da DDO Wiki - Crafting http://ddowiki.com/index.php?title=Crafting& "Eldritch Device" é o nome que foi dado a várias estranhas "máquinas", cuja origem ainda não foi totalmente descoberta. O que se sabe é que elas são usadas para diversos tipos de rituais, envolvendo ingredientes místicos, que promovem mudanças em equipamentos diversos. Existem dois tipos de máquinas como essas. O tipo mais "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE, e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The Twelve(Cuja la crafting itens Épicos cuja explicarei nos próximos tutoriais). Na Stone of Change(de Marketplace), um player pode: > converter quantidades de Khyber e Syberys Dragonshard Fragments; > deixar um equipamento "Attuned" (ele fica Bound e não corre mais risco de sofrer dano permanente); > aumentar a Durability e a Hardiness de equipamentos; > adicionar bônus menores usando materiais Collectables. > CONVERSÃO DE DRAGONSHARDS O Objetivo delas é troca taletos em House J com o Npc Fred A cada lvl pede um tipo diferente de Siberys. 100 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments >> 1 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard 10 Flawed Siberys DragonShards >> 1 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard 10 Imperfect Siberys DragonShards >> 1 Siberys Dragonshard 10 Siberys Dragonshard >> 1 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard 10 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard >> 1 Flawless Siberys Dragonshard 1000 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments >> 10 Tiny Khyber Dragonshards (10 HD) 100 Tiny Khyber Dragonshards >> 20 Small Khyber Dragonshards (20 HD) 10 Small Khyber Dragonshards >> 4 Average Khyber Dragonshards (30 HD) > BIND E ATTUNE Existe uma diferença básica (e até boba) nessas duas definições. Um item "Bound" é aquele item que não pode ser vendido nem trocado, e que não sofre dano permanente quando é consertado. Um item "bound" não está, necessáriamente, "attuned". Entretanto, um item que receba o ritual de Attunement fica "Bound" e "Attuned". Items "Attuned" são itens que poderão receber o próximo nível de rituais da Stone of Change.

Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

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Page 1: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX Esse tutorial tem como propósito esclarecer dúvidas sobre os sistemas de crafting existentes em Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. Ele é composto de um apanhado de vários outros guias, todos eles descritos aqui. 01: Stone of Change - Crafting bsico Obs.: Em adição às fontes acima, foram retiradas informações da DDO Wiki - Crafting http://ddowiki.com/index.php?title=Crafting& "Eldritch Device" é o nome que foi dado a várias estranhas "máquinas", cuja origem ainda não foi totalmente descoberta. O que se sabe é que elas são usadas para diversos tipos de rituais, envolvendo ingredientes místicos, que promovem mudanças em equipamentos diversos. Existem dois tipos de máquinas como essas. O tipo mais "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE, e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The Twelve(Cuja la crafting itens Épicos cuja explicarei nos próximos tutoriais). Na Stone of Change(de Marketplace), um player pode: > converter quantidades de Khyber e Syberys Dragonshard Fragments; > deixar um equipamento "Attuned" (ele fica Bound e não corre mais risco de sofrer dano permanente); > aumentar a Durability e a Hardiness de equipamentos; > adicionar bônus menores usando materiais Collectables. > CONVERSÃO DE DRAGONSHARDS O Objetivo delas é troca taletos em House J com o Npc Fred A cada lvl pede um tipo diferente de Siberys. 100 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments >> 1 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard 10 Flawed Siberys DragonShards >> 1 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard 10 Imperfect Siberys DragonShards >> 1 Siberys Dragonshard 10 Siberys Dragonshard >> 1 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard 10 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard >> 1 Flawless Siberys Dragonshard 1000 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments >> 10 Tiny Khyber Dragonshards (10 HD) 100 Tiny Khyber Dragonshards >> 20 Small Khyber Dragonshards (20 HD) 10 Small Khyber Dragonshards >> 4 Average Khyber Dragonshards (30 HD) > BIND E ATTUNE Existe uma diferença básica (e até boba) nessas duas definições. Um item "Bound" é aquele item que não pode ser vendido nem trocado, e que não sofre dano permanente quando é consertado. Um item "bound" não está, necessáriamente, "attuned". Entretanto, um item que receba o ritual de Attunement fica "Bound" e "Attuned". Items "Attuned" são itens que poderão receber o próximo nível de rituais da Stone of Change.

Page 2: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Em resumo, todo item Attuned é também Bound, mas outros itens Bound precisam passar pelo ritual para ficar Attuned. > ATTUNING RITUAL: Para deixar um item Attuned, você precisa do próprio item e de Khyber Dragonshard Fragments, em uma quantidade calculada assim: (lv do item)². Um item de nível 3, por exemplo, precisaria de 9 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments, e um de nível 12 precisaria de 144. > OUTROS RITUAIS: Após deixar um item Attuned, você pode realizar uma série de rituais extras nele. Segue abaixo a lista de rituais conhecidos (Nome, Efeito, Materiais Usados - todos os rituais precisam, óbviamente, do item desejado devidamente Attuned). Adamantine Ritual I +5 Hardness e +10 Durability. 10 Adamantine Ore, 10 Soul Gem: Essence of Earth Adamantine Ritual II +5 de Durability. 15 Adamantine Ore, 20 Soul Gem: Essence of Earth Alchemical Armor A armadura ganha +1 alchemical bonus na AC. 5 Vials of Pure Water, 15 Strings of Prayer Beads Alchemical Shield O escudo ganha +1 alchemical bonus na AC 6 Silver Flame Hymnals, 2 Tomes: Prophecies of Khyber Force Damage Sua arma faz 1 ponto de force damage a cada acerto. 3 Luminescent Dusts, 9 Fragrant Drowshood Mushrooms Force Critical A arma faz 1d4 pontos de force damage a cada critico. 6 Sparkling Dusts e 12 Deadly Feverblanch Mushrooms Resistance Ritual O acessório dá +1 competence bonus em saves. 4 Lightning-Split Soarwoods e 22 Funerary Tokens. *Nota 01: Para os Adamantine Rituals, são necessárias "Soul Gem: Essence of Earth". Para conseguir uma Soul Gem, primeiro crie Small Khyber Dragonshards. Então, use a spell Trap the Soul (Wiz/Sor Lv 8) em um Earth Elemental (CR7). *Nota 02: Você pode adicionar o efeito de Adamantine Ritual até cinco vezes em um item, mas somente a primeira vez adicionará Hardiness. Rituais subsequentes só adicionarão Durability, e pedirão maiores quantidades dos materiais necessários.

Page 3: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

> PREPARATIVOS PARA O CRAFT O crafting avançado em DDO começa nas raids. Mais especificamente em The Shroud. É nesta raid que se encontram os Altares, Eldritch Devices responsáveis pelo craft de equipamentos Greensteel e outros tão poderosos quanto. Para começar, você precisa completar as cinco quests pré-raid. Aqui vai um guia rápido para que você saiba o quê e como fazer: 1- Vá para The Twelve e fale com Gustavine Kyerrh. Ele lhe dará uma quest para encontrar Meridia. Mas é so valido para quem tem Pack The Vale of Twilight. 2- Caso você não tenha uma Ingredients Bag, fale com Jeanselme Brucetius (ainda em The Twelve) para receber uma. Você pode também uma Medium bag em Phiarlan, Jorasco ou em The Portable Hole. 3- Saia da torre do The twelve e vá para o canto nordeste, em direção ao Vale of Twilight. 4- Explore o Vale até encontrar a cidade de Meridia. Lá, fale com Grandmaster Aaseamah Screven para avançar sua quest. 5- Agora você deve completar as cinco quests pré-raid e pegar a Shavarath Stone no baú final de TODAS. Elas são: > Running with the Devils (Shavarath Stone of Battle, Bitterscrub Fungi, Glistening Pebbles) > Rainbow in the Dark (Shavarath Stone of Foresight, Green Briar Twigs, Glistening Pebbles) > Ritual Sacrifice (Shavarath Stone of Might, Lammanian Lily Petals, Bitterscrub Fungi) > Let Sleeping Dust Lie (Shavarath Stone of Strategy, Locust Husk, Chipmunk Funk) > The Coalescence Chamber (Shavarath Stone of Victory, Green Briar Twigs, Chipmunk Funk) 6- Com as quests completas e o Favor Rank Suspicious com The Twelve, fale com Jeanselme Brucetius no The Twelve ou Valairea Satnarine in Meridia. 7- Agora fale com Valairea Satnarine no centro de Meridia, e comece a quest com o tutorial dos Eldritch Devices. 8- Agora você tem acesso ao Altar of Fecundity, em Meridia, e já pode começar seu crafting! Para completar o "Chapter 1: The Nature of Eldritch", pegue os cinco itens que ela deu a você (Chunk of Shavarath Dirt, Gnoll Whittled Branch, Polished White Marble Stone, Spider Spun Thread e Special Energy Cell). Misture os cinco, e você recebe uma Glowing Orb. Deixe-a no INVENTÁRIO e leve-a para Valairea (se a Orb estiver na Ingredients Bag ela não notará). 9- Agora a quest avançou para o "Chapter 2: Stones of Shavarath". Pegue as cinco Shavarath Stones e faça o mesmo processo da Glowing Orb. Você receberá um

Page 4: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Shavarath Signet Stone. É um ingrediente chave para seus itens Greensteel. Novamente, leve a Signet Stone para Valairea. 10- Grandmaster Aaseamah lhe dará a quest The Thirteenth Eclipse (a raid The Shroud). Lembre-se de ter pego as recompensas das cinco quests pré-raid, senão elas não contarão como completas. > SEU PRIMEIRO GREENSTEEL Agora, tendo acesso à raid e ao altar de Meridia, você pode começar seu craft. No Vale of Twilight e nas cinco quests pré-raid, você coletou vários ingredientes. Estes ingredientes, coletados em baús, são os RAW INGREDIENTS. Eles serão combinados para a criação de um MANUFACTURED INGREDIENT. Só então você criará um item Greensteel. >> Site para Ajudar na montagem do item http://perfectweb.org/ddo/crafting/base_crafting.php >> Lista de receitas de Greensteel Items e Manufactured Items Ingredientes Blue Taper = Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Filament of Toil = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Green Taper = Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Bitterscrub Fungus + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Ore of Travail = Locus Husk + Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Red Taper = Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Violet Taper = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Energy Cell Wondrous Balm #1 = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Bitterscrub Fungus + Energy Cell Wondrous Balm #2 = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Bitterscrub Fungus Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Wondrous Jewel #1 = Locus Husk + Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Energy Cell Wondrous Jewel #2 = Locus Husk + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Wondrous Oil #1 = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Energy Cell Wondrous Oil #2 = Locus Husk + Lammanian Lily Petals + Chipmunk Funk + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Wondrous Scarab #1 = Lammanian Lily Petals + Glistening Pebbles + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Energy Cell Wondrous Scarab #2 = Lammanian Lily Petals + Chipmunk Funk + Bitterscrub Fungus + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell

Page 5: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Yellow Taper = Locus Husk + Glistening Pebbles + Bitterscrub Fungus + Green Brier Twig + Energy Cell Armas +5 Green Steel Scepter = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Heavy Crossbow = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Scimitar = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Returning Throwing Hammer = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Light Repeater = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Throwing Dagger = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Khopesh = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Shortbow = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Light Crossbow = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Dagger = Ore of Travail Blue Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Heavy Repeater = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Sickle = Ore of Travail + Blue Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Maul = Ore of Travail Red Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Heavy Pick = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Light Mace = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Longsword = Ore of Travail Red Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Shuriken = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Heavy Mace = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Warhammer = Ore of Travail Red Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Throwing Axe = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Quarterstaff = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Greatsword = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell

Page 6: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

+5 Green Steel Rapier = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Light Pick = Ore of Travail + Red Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Short Sword = Ore of Travail Yellow Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Battle Axe = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Bastard Sword = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Longbow = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Falcion = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Kama = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Great Crossbow = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Greataxe = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Kukri = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Morningstar = Ore of Travail Yellow Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Eberron Energy Cell +5 Green Steel Dwarven Axe = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Large Splintered Horn +5 Green Steel Hand Axe = Ore of Travail + Yellow Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Medium Splintered Horn Equipamentos Green Steel Helm = Filament of Toil + Violet Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Bracers = Filament of Toil + Violet Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Goggles = Filament of Toil + Violet Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Necklace = Filament of Toil + Violet Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Weave Boots = Filament of Toil + Green Taper + Wondrous Jewel + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Belt = Filament of Toil + Green Taper + Wondrous Scarab + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Weave Cloak - Filament of Toil + Green Taper + Wondrous Oil + Signet Stone + Energy Cell Green Steel Weave Gloves = Filament of Toil + Green Taper + Wondrous Balm + Signet Stone + Energy Cell

Page 7: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Digamos que eu queira um +5 Greensteel Scepter. Vendo na primeira lista, notei que preciso dos seguintes Manufactured Items: 1 Ore of Travail 1 Blue Taper 1 Wondrous Jewel 1 Shavarath Signet Stone (feita no Altar com as 5 Shavarath Stones das quests pré-raid) 1 Eberron Energy Cell (comprável no NPC ao lado do Altar) Verificando a segunda lista, vejo quais os Raw Materias são necessários para criar cada Manufactured. Para criar um Ore of Travail, por exemplo, eu preciso de Locus Husk, Glistening Pebbles, Chipmunk Funk, Green Brier Twig e Eberron Energy Cell, um de cada. Agora, basta que eu crie cada um dos Manufactured Materials necessários, para no final combiná-los e criar o item Greensteel que tanto quero. =) Nota: Alguns itens Greensteel pedem, ao invés de uma Eberron Energy Cell, um Splintered Horn de algum tipo. Esse item é conseguido dentro da The Shroud. >> FAZENDO UPGRADES NO SEU ITEM GREENSTEEL Uma vez que você comece a fazer a raid The Shroud, você começará a reunir materiais para novos crafts. Dentro da raid, você encontra três outros Altares, e em cada um, você poderá fazer um upgrade nos seus itens Greensteel, conferindo mais e mais poderes e efeitos. O Altar of Invasion fica no final da Parte 1 da raid, e usará "Small" Ingredients. O Altar of Subjugation fica no final da parte 3, e usará "Medium" Ingredients. O Altar of Devastation fica no fim da parte 5, e usará "Large" Ingredients. > Shavarath Energy Cells Um dos ingredientes principais são as Shavarath Energy Cells. Estas você encontra durante a raid, em três tipos: Low (para uso no Altar of Invasion), Medium (Subjugation) e High (Devastation). Entretanto, você precisará sempre de "Charged" Energy Cells, e normalmente os tipo Medium e High são encontrados "Depleted". Para carregar uma Shavarath Energy Cell, você deve combinar com ela (no próprio Altar) equipamentos cujo valor mágico (o número acompanhado do símbolo + que fica no canto superior da descrição do item) seja entre +6 e +10. Desnecessário dizer que você perderá o equipamento usado no processo. > Shards of Power Além das Shavarath Energy Cells, você usará também os Shards of Power. Estes itens também vêm em três versões, usadas em seus respectivos Altares: Shard of Power (Invasion), Shard of Greater Power (Subjugation) e Shard of Supreme Power (Devastation). Cada tipo de Shard é combinado, em seu respectivo Altar, com um Manufactured Item, para criar um "Imbued Shard of (Greater/Supreme) Power". Este Imbued Shard e a Shavarath Energy Cell serão combinados a seu item Greensteel, para conferir a ele novos efeitos. De forma básica, a visão do crafting seria, uma vez pra cada Altar, assim:

Page 8: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

1) Combinar Raw Ingredients com uma Shavarath Energy Cell, para criar um Manufactured Ingredient; 2) Combinar os Manufactured Ingredients, uma Energy Cell e um Shard of Power, para criar um Imbued Shard of Power; 3) Combinar o Item Greensteel, uma Energy Cell e o Imbued Shard, para colocar os efeitos no item (upgrade). O processo parece complicado, mas na verdade é sempre o mesmo nos três Altares. Só o que muda é o tipo dos itens (Small, Medium e Large). Para exemplificar, vamos fazer os upgrades naquele +5 Greensteel Scepter. Passo 1) NO ALTAR OF INVASION: >> Lista de efeitos e Manufactured Ingredients Ingredientes Inferior Focus of Air = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Inferior Focus of Earth = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell Inferior Focus of Fire = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell Inferior Focus of Water = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Low Energy Cell Inferior Focus of Negative Energy = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Inferior Focus of Positive Energy = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Cloudy Gem of Dominion = Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell Cloudy Gem of Opposition = Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Cloudy Gem of Escalation = Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Diluted Ethereal Essence = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Diluted Material Essence = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell Efeitos em Armas (Tier 1) Improved Magnetism VI = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Improved Corrosion VI = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Improved Combustion VI = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence

Page 9: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Improved Glaciation VI = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Improved Nullification VI = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Improved Devotion VI = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Shock = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Acid = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Flaming = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Frost = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Unholy = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Holy = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence +6 Charisma = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Wisdom = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Intelligence = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Wisdom = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Intelligence = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Charisma = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence +6 Dexterity = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +6 Constitution = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +6 Dexterity = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +6 Strength = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +6 Strength = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +6 Constitution = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition +

Page 10: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Diluted Ethereal Essence 5% Electrical Absorption = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence 5% Acid Absorption = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence 5% Fire Absorption = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence 5% Cold Absorption = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence 15% Negative Energy Absorption = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence 10% Healing Amplification = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Efeitos em Acessórios (Tier 1) Lightning Lore = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Acid Lore = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Fire Lore = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Ice Lore = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Void Lore = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Healing Lore = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence Minor Lightning Guard = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Minor Acid Guard = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Minor Fire Guard = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Minor Ice Guard = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Minor Evil Guard = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Minor Good Guard = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence Wizardry VI, Charisma Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Wizardry VI, Wisdom Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Wizardry VI, Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Wizardry VI, Wisdom Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Wizardry VI, Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Negative +

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Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Wizardry VI, Charisma Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence Elemental Energy, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Elemental Energy, Constitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Elemental Energy, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Elemental Energy, Strength Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Elemental Energy, Strength Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence Elemental Energy, Constitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence +5 Reflex Save = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence +5 Fortitude Save = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence +5 Reflex Save = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence +5 Will Save = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence +5 Fortitude Save = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence +5 Will Save = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence Greater Lightning Resistance = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Greater Acid Resistance = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Greater Fire Resistance = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Greater Cold Resistance = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Lesser Regeneration = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence Observando a listagem de efeitos para weapons, decidi adicionar +6 Intelligence no Scepter. Para isso, preciso de um Imbued Shard of Power feito com: 1 Inferior Focus of Negative Energy 1 Cloudy Gem of Escalation 1 Diluted Ethereal Essence 1 Low Shavarath Energy Cell 1 Shard of Power Para fazer os três primeiros itens, verifico a lista de receitas. O Inferior Focus, por

Page 12: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

exemplo, é criado com Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Shavarath Energy Cell. Combinando estes itens no Altar of Invasion, eu terei o Inferior Focus of Negative Energy. Assim, eu verifico as receitas e crio os três Manufactured Ingredients necessários. Após conseguir os três itens, os combino com a Shavarath Cell e o Shard of Power. Isso me dá um Imbued Shard of Power. Basta combiná-lo com outra Low Energy Cell e meu Scepter, e a arma ganhará o efeito +6 Intelligence. ^^ Passo 2) NO ALTAR OF SUBJUGATION Agora que o +5 Greensteel Scepter recebeu o primeiro upgrade, ele pode receber o segundo. QUALQUER item Greensteel precisa seguir essa ordem - se você não fizer o primeiro upgrade no Altar of Invasion, você não pode fazer o upgrade do Altar of Subjugation, e sem este você não pode fazer o do Devastation. >> Lista de efeitos e Manufactured Ingredients Ingredientes Focus of Water = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Energy Cell Focus of Earth = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Energy Cell Focus of Fire = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Energy Cell Focus of Positive Energy = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Focus of Air = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Focus of Negative Energy = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Ethereal Essence = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Material Essence = Medium Glowing Arrowheads + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Gem of Dominion = Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Energy Cell Gem of Opposition = Medium Gnawed Bones + Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Gem of Escalation = Medium Length of Infernal Chain + Medium Devil Scales + Medium Twisted Shrapnel + Medium Sulphurous Stone + Medium Energy Cell Efeitos em Armas (Tier 2) Greater Magnetism VI = Focus of Air + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Corrosion VI = Focus of Earth + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence

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Greater Combustion VI = Focus of Fire + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Glaciation VI = Focus of Water + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Nullification VI = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Devotion VI = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Shocking Burst = Focus of Air + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Acid Burst = Focus of Earth + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Flaming Burst = Focus of Fire + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Icy Burst = Focus of Water + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Evil Burst = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Good Burst = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Exceptional Charisma +1 = Focus of Air + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Wisdom +1 = Focus of Earth + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Intelligence +1 = Focus of Fire + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Wisdom +1 = Focus of Water + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Intelligence +1 = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Charisma +1 = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence Exceptional Dexterity +1 = Focus of Air + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence Exceptional Constitution +1 = Focus of Earth + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence Exceptional Dexterity +1 = Focus of Fire + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence Exceptional Strength +1 = Focus of Water + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence Exceptional Strength +1 = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence Exceptional Constitution +1 = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Air + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Earth + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Fire + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Water + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +2 AC (Insight Bonus) = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence 10% Electrical Absorption = Focus of Air + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence 10% Acid Absorption = Focus of Earth + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence 10% Fire Absorption = Focus of Fire + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence 10% Cold Absorption = Focus of Water + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence 20% Negative Energy Absorption = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence +20% Healing Amplification = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence Efeitos em Acessórios (Tier 2) Greater Lightning Lore = Focus of Air + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Acid Lore = Focus of Earth + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence

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Greater Fire Lore = Focus of Fire + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Ice Lore = Focus of Water + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Void Lore = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Greater Healing Lore = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence Lesser Lightning Guard = Focus of Air + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Lesser Acid Guard = Focus of Earth + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Lesser Fire Guard = Focus of Fire + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Lesser Ice Guard = Focus of Water + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Lesser Evil Guard = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence Lesser Good Guard = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Dominion + Material Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Charisma Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Air + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Wisdom Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Earth + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Intelligence Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Fire + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Wisdom Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Water + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Intelligence Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +50 Spell Points, +2 Charisma Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Escalation + Ethereal Essence +15 HP, +2 Dexterity Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Air + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +15 HP, +2 Constitution Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Earth + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +15 HP, +2 Dexterity Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Fire + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +15 HP, +2 Strength Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Water + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +15 HP, +2 Strength Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +15 HP, +2 Constitution Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Escalation + Material Essence +1 Reflex Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Air + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +1 Fortitude Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Earth + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +1 Reflex Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Fire + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +1 Will Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Water + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +1 Fortitude Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +1 Will Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Opposition + Ethereal Essence +5 Electrical Resistance (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Air + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence +5 Acid Resistance (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Earth + Gem of Opposition +

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Material Essence +5 Fire Resistance (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Fire + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence +5 Cold Resistance (Exceptional Bonus) = Focus of Water + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence Poison Immunity, Fear Immunity = Focus of Negative Energy + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence Improved Regeneration (2 HP/30 Sec) = Focus of Positive Energy + Gem of Opposition + Material Essence Efeitos Adicionais Dependendo do efeito (foco) que você colocou no Altar of Invasion (Tier 1) combinado com o que você colocou no Altar of Subjugation (Tier 2), um determinado efeito extra será adicionado ao seu item (não importa a ordem, por exemplo: com Air e Water ou Water e Air você irá obter o Aspect of Ice). Segue a lista com os possíveis efeitos: Aspect of Air = Haste (3/day) = Air + Air Balance of Land and Sky = +3 Deflection, +3 Resistance, +11 Balance = Air + Earth Aspect of Smoke = Displacement (2/day) = Air + Fire Aspect of Ice = Polar Ray (2/day) = Air + Water Aspect of Vacuum = Destruction (2/day) = Air + Negative Aspect of Lightning = Chain Lightning (2/day) = Air + Positive Aspect of Earth = Summon Dense Stone Earth Elemental (2/day) = Earth + Earth Aspect of Magma = Meteor Swarm (2/day) = Earth + Fire Aspect of Ooze = Cloudkill (3/day) = Earth + Water Aspect of Dust = Desintegrate (2/day) = Earth + Negative Aspect of Mineral = Stoneskin (2/day) = Earth + Positive Aspect of Fire = Delayed Blast Fireball (3/day) = Fire + Fire Tempered = Increased Durability and Hardness, +7 Intimidate and Repair, +10 Concentration = Fire + Water Aspect Of Ash = Waves Of Fatigue (3/day) = Fire + Negative Aspect of Radiance = Sunburst (2/day) = Fire + Positive Aspect of Water = Panacea (3/day) = Water + Water Aspect of Salt = Horrid Wilting (2/day) = Water + Negative Aspect of Steam = Solid Fog (3/day) = Water + Positive Aspect of Negative Energy = Symbol of Weakness (3/day) = Negative + Negative Existential Stalemate = +10 Diplomacy, +10 Haggle, +6 Wisdom = Negative + Positive Aspect of Positive Energy = Raise Dead (1/day) = Positive + Positive Agora, no novo Altar, decidi incluir um +2 AC (Insight Bonus). Observando a tabela de efeitos, noto que existem várias fórmulas para conseguir o Imbued Shard of Greater Power. Vou escolher a primeira, que usa: 1 Focus of Air 1 Gem of Opposition 1 Ethereal Essence 1 Medium Shavarath Energy Cell 1 Shard of Greater Power

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O processo é o mesmo. Vejo quais os itens que, combinados, criam o Focus of Air e crio um. Mesma coisa com a Gem e a Essence. Com os três itens criados, posso fazer o Imbued Shard of Greater Power. Este, misturado com meu +5 Scepter e um Medium Shavarath Energy Cell, dará à arma o efeito de +2 AC (Insight Bonus). Passo final) NO ALTAR OF DEVASTATION Mesmissimo processo, acho que vocês já entenderam. >> Lista de Efeitos e Manufactured Ingredients Ingredientes Superior Focus of Water = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Gnawed Bones + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Devil Scales + High Energy Cell Superior Focus of Earth = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Gnawed Bones + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Twisted Shrapnel + + High Energy Cell Superior Focus of Fire = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Gnawed Bones + Large Devil Scales + Large Twisted Shrapnel + High Energy Cell Superior Focus of Positive Energy = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Gnawed Bones + Large Devil Scales + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Focus of Air = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Gnawed Bones + Large Twisted Shrapnel + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Focus of Negative Energy = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Twisted Shrapnel + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Ethereal Essence = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Devil Scales + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Material Essence = Large Glowing Arrowheads + Large Devil Scales + Large Twisted Shrapnel + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Gem of Dominion = Large Gnawed Bones + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Devil Scales + Large Twisted Shrapnel + + High Energy Cell Superior Gem of Opposition = Large Gnawed Bones + Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Devil Scales + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Superior Gem of Escalation = Large Length of Infernal Chain + Large Devil Scales + Large Twisted Shrapnel + Large Sulphurous Stone + High Energy Cell Efeitos em Armas (Tier 3) Superior Magnetism VI = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Corrosion VI = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Combustion VI = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Glaciation VI = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Nullification VI = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Devotion VI = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of

Page 17: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Shocking Blast = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Acid Blast = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Fire Blast = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Frost Blast = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Evil Blast = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Good Blast = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Charisma +2 = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Wisdom +2 = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Intelligence +2 = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Wisdom +2 = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Intelligence +2 = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Charisma +2 = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence Exceptional Dexterity +2 = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Constitution +2 = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Dexterity +2 = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Strength +2 = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Strength +2 = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence Exceptional Constitution +2 = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +4 AC (Insight Bonus) = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence 15% Electrical Absorption = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Opposition +

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Superior Material Essence 15% Acid Absorption = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence 15% Fire Absorption = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence 15% Cold Absorption = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence 15% Negative Energy Absorption = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence 30% Healing Amplification = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Efeitos em Acessórios (Tier 3) Superior Lightning Lore = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Acid Lore = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Fire Lore = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Ice Lore = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Void Lore = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Superior Healing Lore = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Ethereal Essence Greater Lightning Guard = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Greater Acid Guard = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Greater Fire Guard = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Greater Ice Guard = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Greater Evil Guard = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence Greater Good Guard = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Dominion + Superior Material Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Wisdom Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Intelligence Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Wisdom Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Intelligence Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of

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Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Ethereal Essence +20 HP, +3 Dexterity Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +20 HP, +3 Constitution Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +20 HP, +3 Dexterity Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +20 HP, +3 Strength Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +20 HP, +3 Strength Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +20 HP, +3 Constitution Skills (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Escalation + Superior Material Essence +2 Reflex Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +2 Fortitude Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +2 Fortitude Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +2 Will Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +2 Fortitude Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence +2 Will Save (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Ethereal Essence Inherent Electrical Resistance 10 (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Air + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Inherent Acid Resistance 10 (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Earth + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Inherent Fire Resistance 10 (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Fire + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Inherent Cold Resistance 10 (Exceptional Bonus) = Superior Focus of Water + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Deathblock = Superior Focus of Negative Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Greater Regeneration (2 HP/15 Sec) = Superior Focus of Positive Energy + Superior Gem of Opposition + Superior Material Essence Efeitos Adicionais Dependendo do efeito (foco) que você colocou no Altar of Invasion (Tier 1) combinado com o que você colocou no Altar of Subjugation (Tier 2), um outro efeito extra poderá ser adicionado ao seu item (não importa a ordem, por exemplo: com Air e Water ou Water e Air você irá obter o Aspect of Ice). Algumas combinações exigem duas Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (exemplo: Mineral II), nestes casos, você precisará criar as duas, depois uní-las em uma só no altar utilizando uma High Energy Cell, após isso é só colocar o item já com o tier 1 e 2 no altar junto com a Imbued Shard of Supreme Power e outra High Energy Cell e o efeito adicional estará liberado.

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Atenção, no caso de utilizar mais de uma shard, na hora de escolher seu efeito de tier 3, deve-se estar atento aos focus dominantes, pois você só obterá o poder dos dominantes. Exemplo: Você quer fazer uma Mineral II, já colocou Earth no Tier 1, Positive no Tier 2, e agora irá fazer uma Imbued Shard of Supreme Power com Positive e outra com Earth, nesse caso, o Earth é superior ao Positive, então na hora de escolher o poder, veja pelo Earth. A Shard do Positive deverá ser feita da mesma forma que a de Earth (Superior Essence e a Superior Gem iguais), a única coisa que irá mudar é o Superior Focus. Ordem de focos dominantes é a seguinte: • Fire é maior que Earth • Earth é maior que Air • Air é maior que Water • Water é maior que Fire • Fire é maior que Air • Earth é maior que Water • Elementais são maiores que Positive • Positive é maior que Negative Segue a lista com os possíveis efeitos: Efeitos Adicionais em Armas Aspect of Air II = Air Guard (chance de 5% ao ser atingido, DC 35 trip or 30-second Haste) = Air + Air + Air Aspect of Fire II = Incineration (no hit 5% chance, 280~305 fire damage) = Fire + Fire + Fire Aspect of Earth II = Earthgrab (no hit 5% chance, reflex save DC 35) = Earth + Earth + Earth Aspect of Water II = Crushing Wave (no hit 2% chance, 3~4 ticks of 30~40 cold + 30~40 bludgeon damage) Water + Water + Water Aspect of Negative Energy II = Slay Living (no hit 5% chance, Slay Living, fortitude save DC 30) = Negative + Negative + Negative Aspect of Positive Energy II = Greater Disruption (no hit 3~5% chance, destroi undead) = Positive + Positive + Positive Balance of Land and Sky II = Elemental Mastery (no hit dano de 1d6 acid, cold, electric e/ou fire, 10~20% para cada) = Air + Earth + (Water & Fire) Aspect of Smoke II = Smoke Screen (20% permanent Blur) = Air + Fire + (Fire & Air) Aspect of Ice II = Freezing Ice (no hit 5% chance, Freezing Encasement, fortitude save DC 35) = Air + Water + (Air & Water) Aspect of Vacuum II = Trap the Soul (no hit 1~2% chance, Trap the Soul 30HD, will save DC 30) = Air + Negative + (Air & Negative) Aspect of Lightning II = Lightning Strike (no hit 2% chance, 580~650 electricity damage) = Air + Positive + (Air & Positive) Aspect of Magma II = Magma Surge (no hit 2% chance, Slow Opponent, 3 ticks of 70~100 fire damage) = Earth + Fire + (Fire & Earth) Aspect of Ooze II = Sundering Ooze (no hit 20~30% chance, Ooze Sunder (1% chance to summon CR12 Black Pudding)) = Earth + Water + (Water & Earth) Aspect of Dust II = Disintegration (no hit 2% chance, 400~514 damage reported, no save) = Earth + Negative + (Earth & Negative) Aspect of Mineral II = Metalline, Keen/Impact, Slicing, Mineral (+8 Hardness, +80 Durability) = Earth + Positive + (Earth & Positive)

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Tempered II = Elemental Mastery (no hit dano de 1d6 acid, cold, electric ou fire, 10~20% para cada) = Fire + Water + (Earth & Air) Aspect of Ash II = Enervation (no hit 5% chance, 1d4 negative levels, no save) = Fire + Negative + (Fire & Negative) Aspect of Radiance II = Radiance (no critical, 4d6 light damage + blindness, no save) = Fire + Positive + (Fire & Positive) Aspect of Salt II = Corrosive Salt (no hit 2% chance, 4 ticks of 77~100 dehydration damage) = Water + Negative + (Water & Negative) Aspect of Steam II = Steam (no hit 20% chance, 12~22 untyped damage = Water + Positive + (Water & Positive) Existential Stalemate II = Concordant Opposition (chance ao ser atingido, +30 temporary hit points ou +22-32 spell points, 4% chance cada) = Negative + Positive + (Positive & Negative) Efeitos Adicionais em Acessórios Aspect of Air II = Air Guard (chance de 5% ao ser atingido, DC 35 trip ou 30-sec Haste) = Air + Air + Air Aspect of Earth II = Earthgrab Guard (chance de 5% ao ser atingido, reflex save DC 35) = Earth + Earth + Earth Aspect of Fire II = Incineration Guard (chance de 5% ao ser atingido, 261-321 fire damage) = Fire + Fire + Fire Aspect of Water II = Crushing Wave Guard (chance de 2% ao ser atingido, 3~4 ticks of 30-40 cold + 30-40 bludgeon damage) = Water + Water + Water Aspect of Negative Energy II = Slay Living Guard (chance ao ser atingido, Slay Living, fortitude save DC 30) = Negative + Negative + Negative Aspect of Positive Energy II = Greater Disruption Guard (chance de 3~5% ao ser atingido, destrói undead) = Positive + Positive + Positive Balance of Land and Sky II = Elemental Mastery Guard (chance de causar 1d6 acid, cold, electric e/ou fire, 10-20% para cada) = Air + Earth + (Water & Fire) Aspect of Smoke II = Smoke Screen (20% permanent Blur) = Air + Fire + (Fire & Air) Aspect of Ice II = Freezing Ice Guard = Air + Water + (Air & Water) Aspect of Vacuum II = Trap the Soul Guard (chance de 1~2% ao ser atingido, Trap the Soul HD30) = Air + Negative + (Air & Negative) Aspect of Lightning II = Lightning Storm Guard (ao ser atingido, 580-650 electricity damage) = Air + Positive + (Air & Positive) Aspect of Magma II = Magma Surge Guard (ao ser atingido, Slow, 3 ticks of 70~100 fire damage) = Earth + Fire + (Fire & Earth) Aspect of Ooze II = Sundering Ooze Guard (ao ser atingido 20~30% chance to cast Ooze Sunder, 1% chance to summon CR12 Black Pudding) = Earth + Water + (Water & Earth) Aspect of Dust II = Disintegration Guard (ao ser atingido 2% chance, ~490 damage) = Earth + Negative + (Earth & Negative) Aspect of Mineral II = +5 Protection, Heavy Fortification = Earth + Positive + (Earth & Positive) Tempered II = Elemental Mastery Guard (chance de causar 1d6 acid, cold, electric e/ou fire, 10-20% para cada) = Fire + Water + (Earth & Air) Aspect of Ash II = Enervation Guard (ao ser atingido, chance de causar 1d4 negative levels, no save) = Fire + Negative + (Fire & Negative)

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Aspect of Radiance II = Radiance Guard (ao ser atingido, chance de 15%, 4d6 de light damage e Blindness) = Fire + Positive + (Fire & Positive) Aspect of Salt II = Corrosive Salt Guard (ao ser atingido, chance de 4 ticks de 77~100 dehydration damage) = Water + Negative + (Water & Negative) Aspect of Steam II = Steam Guard (ao ser atingido, chance de 20%, 12-22 untyped damage) = Water + Positive + (Water & Positive) Existential Stalemate II = Concordant Opposition (chance ao ser atingido, +30 temporary hit points ou +22-32 spell points, 4% chance cada) = Negative + Positive + (Positive & Negative) Algumas considerações sobre o processo de craft: > Você não pode usar mais de um equipamento Greensteel de uma vez, exceto armas. Qualquer item Greensteel vem com a Taint of Shavarath, que causa dano contínuo até matar. Para remover essa maldição, você precisa de uma Essence of Cleaning, que é um prêmio ao completar a raid The Shroud 20x. Essa Taint não se aplica se você equipar duas armas Greensteel, ou se usar uma (ou duas) arma(s) e um outro equip Greensteel qualquer - somente se você usar, por exemplo, um Greensteel helm e um Greensteel Boots. Usar um Greensteel Short Sword e um Greensteel Googles não tem nenhum efeito colateral. > Os Shards of Power ficam Bind no personagem quando são pegos (Binds on Acquire). Se você desejar dar um Shard a alguém, pode fazê-lo na interface do baú, mudando o personagem que recebe o item. > Itens Greensteel não são "bind" quando criados (eles vêm com "Bind on Equip", só ficando bound se forem equipados), mas ficarão em "bind" com a pessoa que os usar nos rituais dos Altares dentro de The Shroud (após o ritual, o bind muda pra "Bind on Acquire"). > Os efeits dos três altares se acumulam. No fim do processo, você terá um item com vários efeitos diferentes. > A maioria das habilidades vai acumular, mas nem todas. Lembre-se: bônus de Enchantment, Resistance, Insight, e Regeneration NÃO acumulam. Bônus "Exceptional" acumulam, desde que sejam diferentes. Um +1 Charisma (Exceptional Bonus) vai acumular com um +2 Charisma (Exceptional Bonus) para o total de +3 Charisma, mas um +1 Charisma (Exceptional Bonus) não acumula com outro +1 Charisma (Exceptional Bonus). >> CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS. UFFFFFFF. É isso. Espero que essa muralha de texto ajude a compreender melhor o sistema de crafting do DDO. ^^ Termino repostando as fontes de informação, que pesquisei para montar o guia. Fica também o simulador de crafting online,

Page 23: Tutorial para Crafting da GS e Básicos Crafting – Por SonilasFX … · "básico" é a STONE OF CHANGE , e modelos dela se encontram no Marketplace de Stormreach e na torre do The

>> Fórum MMORPG http://weallplay.com.br >> DDO Wiki - Crafting http://ddowiki.com/index.php?title=Crafting& >> Simulador Online de Crafting http://perfectweb.org/ddo/crafting/base_crafting.php Bom jogo a todos, e nos vemos em Eberron ^^ Autor: SonilasFX