Name : edwin antonio Class : II t. Mesin “A” CURUP CITY Curup is the capital of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Curup is the 2nd largest city in Bengkulu.curup have special food that is "Lemah" Lemah is foot from young bamboo Curup a rice-producing areas, coffee and vegetables are major in Bengkulu province, the results are sent to the Palembang, Jambi, Padang, Lampung, and Jakarta. Some of the famous tourist spot is Suban Hot, dike lake, Mount Kaba, Niagara on the Head Curup, and prehistoric sites. This area is also known as one of the growth of Rafflesia arnoldii. Market Bang Mego Curup Do a bit of modern market is Market Bang Mego. Prior to wake Market Bang Mego, in the 1970s known as the Lower Market, to distinguish with other markets, namely Upper Market, which is located near transport terminals and Central Market that has existed since before Indonesia's independence. education Curup has several universities, among others, STAIN, POLYTECHNIC Raflesia, POLTEKKES, STIPER, as many universities in Curup many who come to school here. thank you

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Name : edwin antonio

Class : II t. Mesin A


Curup is the capital of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Curup is the 2nd largest city in Bengkulu.curup have special food that is "Lemah" Lemah is foot from young bamboo

Curup a rice-producing areas, coffee and vegetables are major in Bengkulu province, the results are sent to the Palembang, Jambi, Padang, Lampung, and Jakarta. Some of the famous tourist spot is Suban Hot, dike lake, Mount Kaba, Niagara on the Head Curup, and prehistoric sites. This area is also known as one of the growth of Rafflesia arnoldii.

Market Bang Mego Curup Do a bit of modern market is Market Bang Mego. Prior to wake Market Bang Mego, in the 1970s known as the Lower Market, to distinguish with other markets, namely Upper Market, which is located near transport terminals and Central Market that has existed since before Indonesia's independence.

education Curup has several universities, among others, STAIN, POLYTECHNIC Raflesia, POLTEKKES, STIPER, as many universities in Curup many who come to school here.

thank you