A" •2 RAHWAY RECORD, TUESDAY f OCTOBER 11,1927, RAHWAY RECORD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1927 it !• *\J At the Churches of St. Paul and Holy Comforter; October 16th to-22nd At ST. PAUL'S Daily--7:00 A. M. Holy Communion $ MONDAY i TUESDAY ] 3;45 p, WEDNESDAY I SUNDAY f TUESDAY 4 THURSDAY I Children's Service 8i00 P. M. Preaching Service At HOLY COMFORTER 9:30 A. M. Holy Communion-Daily COPYRIGHTED The Little Shadow _1_ Service TUESDAY ( "J.45 P M FRIDAY t ^™ 7 M SATURDAY 9:00 A. M. WEDNESDAY I 8:00 P. M. Preaching Service .* FRIDAY I -I have a Ilttlo shadow who goe» ill ami mother ,i h , constant care of a small young. .".^ in the stage when ho In "under loot'all '" etiul0 -" Ho Is clinging to The Important Garnish , -- was a little New- nut with me. writes a busy school girl who raised h stunt care of a small Ci a garnish?" and all class looked dumb-. asked. "What la the rest of the founded. —"1—fcno-cr,—Teach ex""] '.'ll'.-i parsley." . There are a -rood man vatit« 10 "see- ana to "lanic, •wnen.; y cua , whi> think that 1 •in? Is cooking dinner, and no Is over: there Is to the'entire suhiut , C J ,n lift whenever sho »It*j down L mu - ,„„,•.,.•„ ma £,. ,,'^ ( or , a ,l or lose**". • • •. , • tractive." vj'lrs. JIo climbs on the back of her tiiiir w1 "'" showr '. lOs! a ' e l ttr - - He women like rsley is all etimes sho may think him a i'. and she slgha a bit enviously h ihb il Dietitians. l all iiayehuluRlsts, neurolo- that food doea tnoro Telephone Property Changes Hands for .$72,416,000. I ' - - - t J >J$i « >-> —} *5>^v ti, A ) < j ¥W *T? ! 5S-«!,*ir 5L2& The Outside riant .prosram pro- vides new lines' comiectinx .the New- ark and Jersey City toll switchboards points to care for the increasing traf- -H -. - 1-—L-I*>. .mi—N-HTTI—Jcryt*yr llj between Northern New York City and communities in Ihe two counties named. Clark Township P.-T. A. Makes Several Awards The- attendance, prize _of. till"-Clark Township PaR-nf-Toacher Association was awarded, at tli>' meeting Thurs- .Marie Iliili«on. Sanmel Flamm was appointeil a commiltee lo sei-ure a banner to be given to the pri-.nary irade scoring tin- best atteiidano for the year. At the c!osf of schools a narly will be C:VIMI by the assiviai'mi :o i'lie .srainmar u-r.uie havin;: the best t'.>u:i:y | David andMcCartney ilm,'"..:::::::::::^----j^ J^ .V?j.i " Win Bowling Tourney ] ^L :K : ' M;! nI . Kilmond " took tii ,.-- and Otto Sliller in a two-m.in Jiin ! , |( , y s -,.,- : ,. s ll T j { ' HwH- giF —. . I.in.I ivtii'ii { I s:iiil ("noli* r.l'i'n. toiirni'y in McC.u*ncy's alleys Tucs- j :,\ al you'can 1 * t*'" r "'' -* 1 '"' wlii-lln-r ,,. n . „;„]„.. I it's a crop sninr-.-r :. ••••i..vr*. -\\ asli- Thf* winners hit hi'-*" team mark | "--ton Shi. with 11". while David's -111 was hf<t [ •••11110 Tin- average* were: David. lTf-l'-M'-Cartucy.. ITS: -Miller.. 171::.:. Waters. ISI. The losers provided a l-.-.-fsti-ak dinner after the hattlu. I BiRKHULZ TWINS v Carpenter, Builder and General -Contractor— . y R t , all acroe that food doea tnoro „!.,;, he sees her neighbor simply finbd. is more readily dlsested and j.ui c» her hat and walk downtown— assimilated; If eatea in pleasant sur- srTnTr- ; M~ llial '• —HuV-ohr-how-loHe-j-rouiHllitKf-iit-.t-plca-sint-moodrand^lt lt mother ls It somon b l l l li h s r T n T j K i i t . t p l c a s i n t , 0 ;:e iliat mother ls It someone bor-'ll ls appealing to tho e bb f hlf d! I t h ye as well as ;:e i ppling to tho eye as well as »i the baby for a half day! . It may to (he palate. The garnish. In other trllle hard, at times, to be words, is as much a matter of good r> pass and carry the .may out Into the <n •••little! The should he cdibl'o as i!vr years,of loneliness which -most garnishes, with the exception of i. that mother will look back ! the frilled paper tips placed on chops ..:,,;!> at thoso rich days, when and crown rousts, aro edible. ,.:i,- who loved iter and confided ! l'.ir«le\- and lemon uro the house- r .1f.1l needed her was always .it | wife's staudbys for garnishes, be- ! cause they are always obtainable, months out ot .the twelve. . .CUMPflNY, 268-W 1 MHWAV * N.J. , BUILT TV TT~ i' ,-tesidence 53 William Street j 'Olrplionv 14 : Orderliness IT- well your 1H>U-><- and cause ! twelve JT.ht housewife who has not access to ! larger markets cau grow her own . -r ma may Y parsloj-ii P.-ni.l .... M r.irti.cv lVI,-'a:e,- to *!•,-• I iili-ll Cnum-il nifi't;;:;: in Linden (Vtolier; •> will-In Mrs. Roland Whili-. Mrs. 1 Carrie Of.lc. Mrs. Samu-l l-'lan-.-.n. 1 Mr-. Cir; K:i:-h; a::d Mrs. Thomas ! T:ii"!ey. Mr-. Whiv was Iiaii'.i'd d.•!••-.it M *he Ailantii- Ci:y >o:m<:i-, tioil. - j Th.' re-ig-.ialiun of 111" treasurer.. M-^ CVT : i> -.'-IT;, >-|'r- .uid artistic your furnishings w-.ys u, i,e found ii l.i.-k iieauty unless It is kept, kitchen. •r. The disorderly aiid elut- room ls unsightlyChnd dis- ! Mr. am: a Mr-. I'. .-r lVt. •veU-rvd piiliiictty i-V.:iirin:i:i. and Mr- • " t Ctrl Kn'ishi »as -Tl:i.'-"-»iri:"i .-ii'iir^i- -.'i:' '' C I Barnard ^ * A 1 - " " P l t - Phone Director* . i 1 14, ' . I Barnard ^Purchase ! ^ ^ ^ S ' s T ^ - , Appropriation of :^-r nC i-wo Boil T^l»m 'Hill- • ' • • ' to-' ii. Wh ni- ; -n\oi\< Knu-ir.ei-v. NVJ'^.J Dir.M-iors of the ::i-wly ori-aiiizcd r:i:iri.-s ralmqnist. ,. ;ir ,, ..^r I'arno: 1»« •\-.< Snv k-rsev Hell Telephone : .i,.,--v I'.el! Telephone rompany: V.. -^ «• .!,••>••> n-.. ll "'""•.;-,,'"•', pn'iy miuire,r<,i.c of the :ar-.vs. ; ;,. Limili. _Aiwnu-y. Hell T. l-plioiu- ^ 1 / ; ' ^ % ^ C L-r'y ;r:lll.-fei".- in New .Iers.-y In--j t\'inp:tny i>I Pellllsylvaina; 1.. K. ^>eo-;-i 1 "-• ••'• *"J'"' > " .. ., ,^n 1 viil. (iem-i-ai TrallU- Manager: F. h. A'.mir half <'t :h:-= .-;ini 1- l o r .-ni...i ,.. . ,. , v-.-,,-ir,i li'nTM'.i.ii (i.-n--ral riant Manai-'-'r; E.: addiiir.i^ to-tho system e:u-:i mvolvnic ''.•• •'•'.•• ~ ' •:.ir.-. ^«' V: - <-i!.yel ^"i !:':,",• „" 1)Vl , r . (1,-neral Commercial Man-::, s , t h a i i J-1.1M.0. M o r e t h a n SftSo.oui) ^•• 1 "' 1 "ICHJHV ;dei.t ot me -New J>I ; ;' , . ' ^ , I., ., l>r : |]1(i Ci yy_McRae. Vice-president : -.vil! lie use<l to i-nlar.se the Outside :,- 1 ,ii!i]u.i>._•> >.•• if •». -i '• i ;: i "^. J'. , miI (j,.,,,,,-;,! Munawr. the New Jersey '; riant and nearly ?i;ii>.»uii will so for AVenerLil V °i*-r-.v pri'-icrtv with"\i "Viijili- '• «''ll Tid.-phone Company. | additional Central Office eciuipmeni. QJ^ i-'ii lie 'fur shaiv-'of ;1K^ N.'-.V J.-r- ' \ New central office equipment ot the Ortle. Mrs. Harry Tyvelia .ind Mrs. S. F'amm. No att.-r.dance pin- will lie siven !:'.i- s. .1-0:1. but tlio two -ehoinrs in e.u h -.'rade havin-j-thp h'.Khi-st s.'ho!a<- !i.- stan.liiis fur the year will lip pnv izes. Librarj- Elects Officers for. the Year! •-4.4 u ••-'•-••"-• . mi't.-ii n-:;:ii:::i. 1: *•••:-'« :iiviuy-tno , f . y ^ ^.^ ,., v;; ,.i,] H-, :lr ,i addilions ;h. M at ih,-- l.lhrary !n AVL-:K-1 str t -«. i ^.:..;:;ii .! 1 ; I! n ,.'." ili i".' I j : . :l '". 1! ,, 1 "(?.. "HI !'.:»! a hr-'f li" 1 ""- :1<1:: . 1:;l1 ' : !<n " ''"•" ar.- scheduled for th.- riranch- Brook; Tin.sd.ty evoniui:. A lars:.- atf-nda-ic '"'"••'• ' ' ~~; : \v:i-'re-elcv'.id presldnii: .Mrs. J. Cun-i . . . _ : 1 _ . '.. .. 1 I T I -The Sunken Grave^ Nota'ni~can Tje^saci-ler than a Rruv--•that Is no loaj-or a niouad, - The inevitable _- _ ixs co me _to .pass—tho_we!£ht j)f_th^ sc-idt-a earth- hai-cruihed in tho la?t protection. It helps notbrac to^close the imagination :o w!iatTia;i-Ve::s"nicnrr Tonher? lr-northc - .- slightest necessity for this old-fashioned. Mrbarous. unsanitary zsetbod of burla! Xhc_Norwalk Vault—at little cosl—will protect absolutely asd forever. Moulded irj hand rn } <.<ur granite and s:ee'.. waterproof and a:ril;;!u. It and becomes one solid p!ece of masonry that literally "I-asts through, the Agti." The best undertakers insist on its use. They make the Norwalk Vault the foundation of every first-class funeral. The Norwalk Vault Company Plainfield, N. J. mental aud spiritual i-qulll- I tho inmau*. It exudes an - which is decradliu' mid >:ie illssutixfled aud nervous. ::.i:«.-r-i is tl». first e«vntla] la.Tl: :r that "home, sucet hor::i'" •'<» :.'-:e which is roiulut-lvi. tn •- -!f- -iri . ;.!ii-i- .1111! character develop-! ii every well-stocked and there ls scarcely a day "m*n one is not needed for something. KiMi. whether canned or fresh. Is one :iif.it which seems to demand a few dro;,, of lemon Juice to brlnK out Its flavor, and for .such Kamishcs the !•• rnoti should he cut In sections length- *:.«r. sir sections from 011- I.-ni.in. Tlii.-M' IOUK sections ari- much easier '<> u-e than .-.Ileus are. iliniifh .-iievs di-euratlvc. Id lileJt.-. . luuk verv tellllitiu- way to arrlv,. :,; . k.-.'p nrdrrly ir [o •>;:•:! canf::!ly .nW-'• !'' :l:!l ' r --""-I'-bed :i fnrar-' —' ••but_wj!h. otii-.-r ' ' i i ^ Itii -.. > ith. it. drd-rliii.'., i\\ uf mternilttvnt sp.i-n i !v. all-tiro.•. Ifa'jl'.ual .ii'Ti* they helunj;. n^ed on a larnt> t unly nit!! iur -. lie-cxir^uve -foods '.s <•* ;i rMi rt .,j t<t . lice -;live in its " r r!iiRs of -vM.rt Kret.-u pepiu-r or liny di.-k- uf A\i-n\ --.v.-et Tiny re,l r..di-lu-; ./ither Clothes and Age Away hack la tho olden times, the little Rirl' was the pattern ot her mother—the same -tiBlit bodice and llarliiK skirt and little old-fashioned- lady-ways. Then fashions for young- fters broke away and the little lady adopteti—straiEht~llnos7~*'no—distinct waist, freedom and short skirts. In our age, woman's dress has come aloiiK in tho same direction, all tend- ing to greater ease of movement, less sex distinction." with looser fitting garments which less plainly reveal the form. [ 9n« advantage of tho modern style Ifl that it does not betray the ago. of the wearer. The modo is mdeh the jutnu«-for—slxteen-and-sixty.—ir-ml- lady's back Is turned and one cannot »c(.* her face, ono has no Idea what HK« will peep at her from around that Jaunty hnt hrlfp pursuit of happlnesshis fallen to the lot-of-mlddle-age-iWth-tho-comlns-of- h d l d the g modern style of dress. Middle , or age, Is no longer marked by own peculiar uniform. Correct Measurements A teacupful may be a very different thine in the hands of various house- wives and the difference may be suf- Ifcient to ruin the most carefully planned recipe. This is because all leacnps-aTC-Tinr-th'cr-Binig-slze^Thre only way to be. sure that the teacupful called for by your recipe is the correct amount Js to use one of those stand- ard graded teacups to be purchased (or measuring cups. A teacup of chopped nuts is. not the same ihiiiK as a teacup on nuts chop- teacup of whipped cream same as a teacup of cream A teacup of (lour miuitys .hii= lieeil_sifled- oncu.-DIp into the teacup and. level d Peter A. Seusenig, of 10 W. Scott avenue, who was previously connected with the. publicity, department of the Westiughouse Electric & Mfg- Co. and Ingersoll Rand Co., and who more recently established the- P. A. S. ad : vertlaing and publicity service, has severed connections with several pub- llcatioin as advertising representative Ih~drdc'r~to~devoto~nioro"t!nie'""to":!i1sr real estate business located at 10 W. Scott'avenue. The Pennsylvania Railroad,, accord- ng to reports, Mr. Sensenig states, re expected to electrify the New York Dlylslon within the next few years^ This anticipated action, said :o have been delayed on account of the World War. together with the near, completion of the Hudson-River Vehieular-Tunne!.-th&-building-of-two- bridges connecting Staten Island with New Jersey, and the Hudson River bridge,~now under construction, are •indicative, of. the, progress and de- velopment which Is reilected by StfiriF fns-acttvlty-cf-ali-eiasse-Hn-t-his-part- of the State. Tho development of Port Newark, Bllzabcthport, Port Perth Amboy, the projected .sea-level channel from New York Harbor to the Delaware River and the possibility of widening the Hahway River, are adding new life, wealth and industry to this rapidly growing. section of New Jersey, that ,ias within a radius uf KHr-nriles more- -Cr ped. and is not tlic whiji-ped. •lour wlilc ir liL-htlv y "IT the top with the. dull side of knife. I),, n-,,1 .,hake the flour first t make it s-'ttle. or park into the- cup. Ti^arette Smokin -•• ti. .rally .-.:...mi iii »ni eded th.it nn—f<.r:u i-—1 ,-.:ii.T. on a p!at:.-r of cold meats or ...t. r7+- .IMiii.-d n'.ore h:ir:i;f-.i: I" a pity ;k ; t the .'11. il- . .-rn - .in- a pn-:ty KarnSli. :• 111.1v !.'• cut intu tiny tubes ):-irj, k:uft-. or .-i-oopfd intii :;jar«- la,-!r o»r. ::i-.;;'h t)y -. i'-.H thi-y -1 t a ii.id i.r.v,;.:'.• :- •:; n::il vou!!i. .:!id. as moth- tivvclurs ar.d r.ll a l- ti-, ful. !n rioa- .li-h.- d «!i.nn> a . 1 I* tr rrrte- WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE" BUILTr BUICK WILLBUILD THEM wa reeectid i : Mrs. J. Cun- :iin-!iam. vice-pn—idi-nt and J. J. ; i Dom-san. trustee to fiil the vacancy- iau----d by ibu resignation of. B. F. ! Kilisim. Sr. I I Til" :".••--; InL: uas ia ,'narge of Miss ; Titompson" A -sucial~?olioiw-.l. TTie" l.tiirary As^ociatioa consists of f"»rty- , -::; mvtr.iicrs and meets.the, first Tues- ', day of e:icl: ni.mth at tile lilu'ary. | i; i Will Form Presbyterian Congregation In Avenol Tile petition of residents in Aveael fur the er.^anization of a Presby- terian Church was honored by the Presbytery of Elizabeth at a meeting In Dunelleii Teusday. The committee on home missions and church exten- sion, of the presbytery, -will super- vi-e the organization. The work at Avenol was estab- lished by the presbytery three or four years ago and has operated" as a community chapel, in chargo of a ijroup ot residents. The success of the church and Sunday school has been so marked as to make possible the cre- ation of a stated congregation. You see all the road when you drive a Bulck Wife Takes Vinol Feels Fine Now "I was weak and had no strength. Since taking Vinol. I- feel fine now and do my. .work again."—Mrs. G. Barnesberger. The very FIRST week you take VlnoL you. becin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. Vinol is a simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 35 years by weak, nervous women cun-down men and sickly children. Rahway Drug Co.Adv. The dreaded "blind spot" is gone forever! In Buick for 1928 closed car front,posts are narrowed so that all iheroad, ahead of you and at the side, is clear. What a factor this is for safety! What . extrapleasure it gives to driving! How ; , it relieves city traffic problems—the . sudden rush of a child . . . the unex- ner . . . the negotiating of turns in crowded places! And, thanks to the efficiency of Fisher craftsmanship, these slim corner posts have even greater strength than the type formerly used. See a Buick for 1928 at the nearest showroom. Get behind the wheel and prove for yourself how clearly you can see all the road from die driver's seat. mm pected appearance of a car at a cor- BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Division of General Motors Corporation Sedans $1195 to $1995 < Coupes $1195 to«185O * Sport Models $1195 to $1523 All prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich., goremment tax to be added. The G. M. A. C. financing plan, the most daixchU, is <nmiUbU.- UNION COUNTY BUCK COMPANY 26 Milton Avenue firmiTH Phone 73| JOHN ADAMS "When you see certain good qualities In others It bespeaks your Intimate acquaintance with such virtues." 1 ^ the conduct of our professional duties we are guided by principles generally recognized as fair- and praiseworthy. •-' . •••»•• • • .-• ,- -CB. eST»BU3H*o 1632 PHOrife-CONN.',.' At the Raih-oad Station Oldest Commercial Bank in the City. Conservative in its policies, eager to serve, with an experience of twenty-seven years, and ample capital and surplus for the pro- tection of "depositors.' ~^ "V" Authorized by law to act as executor, administrator, or in any trust capacity. Officers with long banking service that enables them to intelligently administer your estate. DIRECTORS Fred C. Hyer Eugene Miller Henry H. Jardine M. F. Quinn H. L. Lamphear Thomas H. Roberts Jan Van Herwerden All residents of Rahway. Resources over ThreajfintLDne-half Million Dollars. Open Monday Evenings from 6 to 8. Look for the Electric Sign. •*\ Iluki- llut.-l !I:I-JI..- .-<. .Ic. r :.'!,• avi-ras<- "luiiiie f.d;>." r. ..;iy 110 s.i.id r.-.i-.m why lir'y liti-:y hi:u--«.«if.< sh-.'tll e.i: lu-r -I i- folks- ;., , etable Sandwich r<! for u-j :-.) r'M'i'^-ii-'- :::s n ill M-nv sand-.vii-h- :ii:.t liul-.i-r. Th- broad. Tlv sandwich. W a^ tll-> I The Creeping Baby [ ti'-rni.> from the .-treet are brought |!:i nn :!:.• >lm f iiienib.r- ,,f ih. j ;..:m!y. Tlu-y are .-c.i'.ieri'cl ovvr tit 1 ll.iir nf ;,i.lir llnllle. Til" 1T1—jlillC >and'-vu-h :>U!s hi- li.ind.i t »a> II.- 1- lilirly '!;-i'.is,-. sue":: a.- :ii"ningii:.«. Kc< lloor. H.iv,- ;, c l>.r!>>--Pfii mid !{•'•• .-.:id do not I-: :-.: Mi.' family >t,-[i Wash i', J 4! : bu;,£:I :V '' : ''»' : » ;!l "'" 0:1 hi- tiands. then hi.- liioii;!:. In thi< :<•> cet -.1:1;.. -rrrio',- diphtheria or .-pinal ;i th" baby od th .-.invas tlorr !o th •i> tlie haliy in that. :iy o:!ier member of his foot insiil,. th baby's hands fre- -Use for Old Pillow Slips \Vhr^_!»iUoa-_^]ij]s. have-b#come-too ••v..rn and iliin t,, jirotect. the pillows, lo not tear thum up for rags, but as.'.- i.'i'j;:: tu protect line dres.-es-hunc III the cl'iset. |[i]i a llole in tile clos ! t l i V h y a clothes hansi-r a-.- ,,v.-r the top :,- f'l.-y li.-irr- n~ "•-<•:. T:;:.- will k-ep th.- dust Sllr.i.^ ..11 rarely il<ed ROWII.-, idi::= smi.i h!anki-.ts_ajid_quilt, i--..- uv-.T'cacU one. ThU .will .':-m frum dust and will make >k :»-.i: 0:1 the -! K-!f. Smiles Suffirrr. •<> dru.-uist: -Will yo ive me .-oim-thini; for :Uy head?" liruu-ji-t: "1 Anniiil:i:t :;:i:.' it BF n "'Havt' as:y uf ;.our childhood am hitions h'.'i-n naiiz.-d?" "Yes, HU—A i;iy nintlifr cut mv hair •I u-fd to-wis;. i wiii-l,a!d!U'a(K-(l.-' LODGE NOTES «TS BIG FUTURE FORdTYjOFRfifflSIW P. A. Sensenig Abandons Pub- licity for Real Estate Y. M. C. A, Bowlers Dump Orange In Opener Here The Ilah'way >'.' M. C. A. howling teani opened tho season successfully Thursday evening by dumping the Orange Y pinners two games to one on tho Hahway lanes. Railway hit S77 to take the first game' and then reached 052 to take the second, drop- ping the last hy a margin of 4G pins. •Martin ot the home pinners, with 226 In tile- second ganfiTwa's" night. Rahway Cassio 161 Howard 140 Durmer 203 Smith i. 103 .Martin 171 9G2 SQ-i Ehrmarln 1G1 173 Holler 1G2 153 O'Brien 1CS 139 Pntighand .. 1GG 142 Vreeland 142 140 Indians Had Popcorw The Indians of the pre : Columblan Derlod__dld huvt_a.-..varlcty_ of _.corn similar to our popcorn. In the South- west this v,-us called "little cr.rn." It- Is doubtful, however, that the uborlg- iuocs used such c(>rn for popping pur- poses, but it Ls probalde that our pop- corn u-n.i developed from this Indian variety.—I'adiiindcr Mnsuzlne. Owl's Noiseless Flight The flight of tlieowl te-accomplisHeZT •withoutrtlie least noise, to onsiMoJfc— to-reach Its pn>y, some say. but ia T, recent book on birds.the author sajl It lias often occurred to hlin, howcreri. that tho silence of the owl's liight !*• to enable the bird itself to hear, rather than to prevent others from t.cs^- ln^ It ' in' 799 749 S3' her of guests Sunday in honor of their eighth wedding anniversary. Those present "were."Mr.~and^MrET~II—Maso put, Mr. and-Mrs. A. Viroslko, Mr. •md—Mnr-Harold-SousBr-of—Brooklyn-^ Mr. nhd Mrs. Plnard. of Great Hill?. S 1 ii8n_onejj_enjh t_ho population of the United States. The City of Rahway, Mr.' Sensenig explains, has an unusual location it is the converging point of the Penn- sylvania Railroad main and branch lues, aud is also served nearby by the Lehigh Valley and Central _R. R.. of New Jersey. These rail facilities, to- gether with being located in the cen- !cj of the National. State and County liiiihways. and- development ot County parks, are responsible for the City of Rahway becoming a commuters* city* well as an industrial, commercial :;nd distribution center. . Representa lives for Northern New Jersey terri- ury are 'hiding it convenient to live it-re. Mr. Sensenij;-states, arid motor o-;ill-sectiotis-of-tlic—State—within—a. comparative .short time. The Lincoln. Seashore and Hud- son- Vehicular-Tunnel -Hi-jhwa;.*s,--Mr. ig believes, are just beginnin"- TTmTHprcinliZPd. lie thinks i.iat and -lip tin- son-i- future commercial leader will f your PHHI -0011 visualize tho :n._-rt--!iandiz::is pn- ' 1 *" hrtnr'r-r - ; i. ; io''-- o f fMfii- on ;ii.'-.- '-o:>il wiiich nraftically convcrirt.* at Rah- y. and wliich, according to Slate ,stati>ti(.s. lias more riian t"".OOu au'us as a daily average, passing lilroui^h iUil'.wity duriim sununvr inontiis. Tin-si au'.oniobik's. ho 'noiit-vos, car. lie s'u;)"),.,! !iy now iiRTchaiidizin-. mo'iiods yoi to b. 1 cuiK'oivotl by .sonie leailt-r who wiil pla.o a store ill :ht- (-i-uicr of a teii-aer.- tract and providt- ;>arki:ii: si'ace for hundrods cr tliou- sands at cai>. and ihns make ii pos- -ililt; tu ;r.ule wi:h- s'r.uppers from ell parts of the United Slates, and of.iti" 1 MARK WEDDING DATE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chrlstensen.of 14 Jones place, entertained a num- iii in I., and Mr. and Mrs.Howlett, of New York. - Famous City of the Past Nineveh was the capital of the an- cient empire of Assyria, one of the most ancient nations In history. The city was destroyed in the year COG B. on the site of the suburLs of Nineveh, and Mosul lias been as.vncd tcTMeso- potainia, belt;;' kunv.i: a< Irarj, a sov- ereign stale oti-biislu-J by the peace settlement of nil!*. Come and see a show room display and you will find lovely pieces. E.PUCCI = 69 Central Avenue Rahway", N. J. Mr. Sensin:-- is a member of' the Aan-rk-an Association of Tort Au- thornies. l'ro;)e!ii-r Ciuit. Mariiimf Kxchan?'/. and P-xn- Richard C!nb. .•ja'aic^'jeiir- iiai hi; *KUi_Laiia-:j:*iiu. with Hie P. R. R. Y. M. Cr A./.Phila- 'lelphia. later, edited the .Wosti".i-:- houso Machino News and more re- lently handled the publicity of West- inghouse broadcasting station "W'3'A.'' He .suited, tho American Marine Ei- position in New York. He 1 1 had all- Walton League Will Show Movies On Charter Nightj';':; 1 of of outdoor iifo mounted birds and will Chun- Tin- TULLY-HRDLICKA. marnauv <,f Miss Minnie Hrd- to Thdiu.is Tully. took plac.. at in. Saturday at Sain: Mary'- urlt alt.in- t.ii- cuiiritT nik-h: c.',.- , |rj(1 T]u , Rahway chapter of thu , ln|lu . kl ,,„ I-MKU.. at ll.e --ran.iiii T ,, L . , )rlJ( , k Thur.-<da 'ii> i> invited »o or am -i mrmbi.f. Til.- nioviii- piit'jrr •r hunting, duck. >.h iihi; and ot'u-r .s;io:;-. I'd by the- InMdi|llar uid , iri ,,, as Miss C In . in w . s liroll , er L-.rtrudt- uf- 1 lie Henry botir.ui 1 uf rose.- '.'.end., sihnut ]* "ill ..ii:i::i:. T.:i \ r-r> of W.,*^-, -r. Walton l.eil-^Ut- in Cllie.'.uo. aniei.l birds tu !n- «i!i::.n. ; .! ;':u;i..-r:y of R.iiovay :ra :;i! :s. •••••• I). \\inl)u.*or. .Stale ori;a:i- :; !'•• present aud there will "»•• : -1'ea.kvls., Vai\riuX4T 'i : .l; I'-.e- ' Aiiihony Hofllni; and Thad- '::a. temporary piosiiUnt and :<It-:tt of tin' Railway eha-o'er. uter. wliich will contain about -:•••!!.Mures, IVIor lo sjie-clle.-i .oiion pictures, pcnmiiieiit oili- •::! be elected. lams are expelled from ds-.\ Orange and' I'a-.-ai;-. air,,, intv'rest has been shown -u er^anlzation by hual iiiivoin; wishing to join may d-lail.s and an 'application iIn; chapter's headquarter: s Sporting Coods Stole. ..ir.-led a sho»i-i Tht 1 brid.'.-liiaid wore a wiiic-t-olur ,li.--- :.tid carried a shower boui-ue.1 m.itili. A buflv! supper was served at the- me uf the briil^V motlier. Mrs. J. lub'.-r. of 17 Ur.vroiue street. The i>o:li u.11 prettily decorated ill blue lid whit., ami autumn lUr.ver:. "am--, dancing and music was on- uy.-d. Tko-i- pre.-ont were: Frank A. •"harkey. Miss. Margaret Tiern->. Mis^ -, Tlern:-y. Mrs. \.\---sr Hi.-rh Mrs. V. Tierney. .Mis- Rita Tiern C. Tully. Sr. Miss Helen Hedwi;-, ill-- Mary Melizo/.ofr. Mr. 'ook and'Helen and l.'mhly Cook. Mr. mil Mr.-. Xatalis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ilen/. Jusvph K.ilrii/. Jr.. Jack ileii;:. Mrs. J. Hub.'r.' t'llarles Hubor. John llidlnka and I.ewis Hrdlicka. The couple- will reside at 017 Mont imiTv street. J-:iizabeih. TRUCK SALES INCREASE ; • • iiiln-i- .sales shipments of (Ira i: l;:iithersi **-. iM ,\ 2-ton trurkt "'.:.;i,.,1 ., |lt<w ijij.i, m ; m tbly ,vc -";• thi; year, according t(i au olll- " : -'tement from the conipaiiy to- ', l |'" r tllp "r-st time in "IK.; tlio ! ' •lipiiielits of these'two capaci- exceeded u,,, 2.noo mark for a -' 1 - :iioiith._cuutlnulug Crahain Bro •- leadership 0V0 |- ;1 |[ other maun- .ur.-.-,, (11 ,| l0 j,^ an|1 2 _ lon |K>1( , .". 1 '' 1 ""'' 1 uil!l Aiigust sales sliip ' ' ^ these capacities the Septom ii-io:! represents a US per ceil dilpments of all Clrahamiiv. hides tot'alcil 5.1U7 in Si-p- •15 increase, of 17 per ccni Auiiiist- iin.i export shlutu.-n't-- o , ; rucks exceeded AimuM li^uiv": l'-r cent.> 'ers for the complete m-K lim ••); i-rnw|| 1K in volume, the statemen _i!I!'.l..-iiiu:c Uiolr-introductipii. h| Hie company's plants at De. ' ' " ' ' Knights Tane Part" Clporiso C Andellitizer, of Railway Council. No. lv>l. Knights of Colum- bus. Is a member of a largo commit- tee drawn from, councils throughout this section of the State to arrant..- for participation of the K. of ('. in the unveiling of the bronze stall*. 1 of Christopher Columbus in N.-wark to- morrow afternoo-i. A'delegation from ihe local council will take I>art ill tlu- emonies, lyarchinl; in tlie para.le which will form at I:'!" o'clock. The Kni-;ht.s are arranging to have 1 lluat depicting one of tho epochal events in the life of Columbus and many of the councils will bring their 10 band or life- aud drum corps. Columbus Cadet Corps and Columbian Si-uires. an organization of hoys tin- ier the direction of the Knights will also march.. This organization joined with others in using their intlueiice in making Co- lumbus Day a le.^al holiday in this Slaty ami there is great enthusiasm amoni; the membership over this op- portunity to appropriately pay tribute to.tin- foresight, valor and heroism of tlir ili-coveivr of America. State Session Tomorrow The Junior Order of United Ameri- can .Mei-haiii.'s of New Jersey, the "arrest fr.iu-nial. patriotic, lienetieial orKaiiizaiio: 1 oirrrared locally in \*< Jersey and possibly ;n fhe I'nit.-d Stai.s. will convene in r.Sih annual s.-?.-ion tiiiimrrnw at Royal Palace IIo- ti 1, Atlantic City. There will lie present over r.uO rep- i'i--eii:aiivi's and nu*:iiJ)ers of the State Council, which is ih.- grand* body, rep- resenting over eighty thousand niem- l'ersiiip 111 New Jersey In ..three hun- dred and twenly councils. und seHing. ad^VrtisinK. publicity and sales promotion experienco with companies of world-wide reputation. He is a firm believer in publicity and advertising coordinating with s.il.'s and sales promotion. As an evi- dence of this, he photographs nearly all waterfront, railroad siding, indust- rial, commercial, resideatial. high- way, farm, seashore, lake, river and acreage properties listed by him. He will continue his publicity and adver- tis.iiii; business on an agency basis for- "lis clients. Dresses Coats Millinery Hosiery Etc. New- FalL Mo.ies at Popular Prices THE HHItTGMEGP- 152 MAIN STREET Rahway, N. J. Now Beautify Your Home Grounds With Evergreens and Shrubbery Prapei—ptantmg-adds so mu^b-to tfae beauty, andvialue ofVour home-. Hedge Plants ready now. Just phone if you wish suggestions as to proper planting. John R. Baumann Greenhouses St. George and Hazelwood Avenues and Peonies, Blue Spruce, Rhododendrons Azaleas, Perennials, Japan Maples Flowering Trees and Shrubs Write for our Catalogue andhave our representative call by appointment Tel. 1439 Fanwood \ Use Our Phone Line our "Clothes"~Eine Two, Cables on Ocean Plateau Tete^-nii'li pUiteau is a (duteau in the Atlantic ocean, about -J00 miles wide, which affords an excellent rest- in*: place for numerous transatlantic cables. STUDIES MUSIC. Louise I-andenbercer, of Kit! Sen: :iary avenue, is .-.ludyius in the !>• liariiiiiMii of Musit- KdiK-a'.inn of ihe .Sehool of Kiliu-atidii of New York University. The atteiid.mee of this I dc-iiirlir.pnt, which Is lle;uled hy l>:'. Ilullis Dann. slmws an :ii.re.ise of aliouL ilfly V"~ t ' 1 ' nt " Vl ' r !; '^' - v *'" r and has :!'n' siudeiiis rei;;.-iereil. Forty-six e.mrses me offered by- » facility nf IS -HO-IKHTS.. Xew Yuri; Olivers:!y is ioni]iosed f eleven decree i-onf^rriiiK seiiools mrvolleisi's' lopothcr with an exten- sion division, a summer school anil a university d<•••arimeni of line arts. .Last year's ri'Ki-itration of over i;i iHr.i "will be exceeded this year.it Is predicted despile the Institution of more risid entrance'requirement.-, aud svs'.cm of sek-eiive admissions. -H-K-H-v " !| . Evatisville. Stockton and To ""o'have been working at capacity, tired and weak fresh. Klisteins S AD6- ABE AN INVESTMENT street—Adv. EYES PAINED Lav-ntik Astonished Him was. astonished at ilu* resifuj is -l.AVUl'TIK gav..- aiy aching ' They will soon -bo -perieeUy I.VVOI'TIK Is a mild, soothing an- ilsuptlc which helps eye pain-; and in- flammation ••I eyes T :ly quick. Makes T Rome E2C°- n ^ >ertn -- n2n ' I Wave Bac!: in 198A.D.- rnneeton. N- J-—The iioriim- nent wave ls not 1111 Invention of tinnier!] hairdressers but wns known to Koiaan women as early as tv-* A. "1>V,'"Sliirley" H. Weber, assoriute professor In ri'inci*i>*:i university, de- clared hero recently. Professor Weber said this was clearly In. diciitcd 011 i---:*:-: In the collec- tion at the univiTslty library. In the late I'onuin period, he said, women's beads are rep- resented not only with distinct marcelling, but also with elab- orate jewelry to emphasize the waves. The realistic art of this period, bo's.lid. would forbid the tvi'i-esomiUlun of_ these, -ijyles If. they were not actually In use. .J-.l.-- In a Nutshell A blessed.companion is a book—» book that fitly chopen Is n life-long irlend. ' BETTER QUALITY 'OR LESS MONEY And Your Cv.'n Terms Out. Is Ho Making New Onc-i •&•*•! 8P0A*; ST_ N E W A R K ON£ PLIGHT UP EiUbllshtd 18M. Ph.D. EU-u 7111 -WEIMAR STORAGE and - TRUCKING COMPANY INC. STORING, MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING Estimate*: Cheerfully Furnlthnf, Office and Warehouse 350-352 Elizabeth Areane Fireproof Wirehouw 337-343 W.Craad SI., Elizabeth A "ffarelionae with every room t flreproot vault. Painless Dentistry An Actual Fact Says Dr. Schwartz •Witii my air tr.eiiiod it is im- possible to hurt you. I can re- move -as many teeth as neces- sary -at one time. Age does not make- any difference. You can fro to sleep or stay awake: It will not hurt,- Free Examination Loose and Broken Plates figlito-ied and Repaired. Plates Repaired .S2.00 Teeth Cleaned 51.00 DIt. "SCHWARTZ 97 Broad Street ELIZABETH Hn"~i i> A.M.—6 P.M. M,ou., Wed., Fri., 'til S p.M. ICi >r Thousand Customers —Wanted— We Work a For You We Do ALSL v ur Washing an*3 IRONING Complete Laundry Service And Our Wa|jon*» Will Call Tel. 1515 Rahway The Hamilton Laundry RAHWAY, Hi. J. CRACKED ICE makes dessert or ruins it; and with- out ice. drinks are flat. Every hostess knows the value of pure ice; and more and more of them are besin- ninj, to realize that, .we .have that kind of ice. Let us serve you. White Ice and Johnson Coal Co. 20 East Grand St. IS LIKE A SPOTTED FRUIT , The Good Fruit Is Soon Attacked ; Just So Does One Decayed Tooth Attack a Sound One That's why the earliest possible attention to a decayed tootli 1"« advisable. Frequent brush ing not less than twice a -day-ls-a-******"*-- habit and a thoroush examination every sir months at this office "*2J prevent decay and loss of a single tooth. Another reason why you should not neglect teeth is thelonger -err, delay the more the repair bill is bound to cost. So it Is anything fe*='*. economy to let yoc.r teeth '"tro"—cot to mention an aching tooth, or th.-j various diseases that develop froai diseased teeth. Free Examinations Dally We charge nothing for exiuulaiu^ your teeth, telling you Just Yrts*.-: ls needed, if anythlu-*: how long the work v.*lli take acd wia: Lt *a!IJ coat. Con-ie_ln_Xoday ' f DR. r 1-r J-- DENTIST r Open Daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 8 P. i"V2_ N ~.'i7


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it!• *\J

At the Churches of St. Paul and Holy Comforter; October 16th to-22ndAt ST. PAUL'S Daily--7:00 A. M. Holy Communion




Children's Service

8i00 P. M. Preaching Service

At HOLY COMFORTER 9:30 A. M. Holy Communion-Daily


The Little Shadow_1_

ServiceTUESDAY ( "J.45 P MFRIDAY t ™ 7 MSATURDAY 9:00 A. M.

WEDNESDAY I 8:00 P. M. Preaching Service .*FRIDAY I

-I have a Ilttlo shadow who goe»

ill amimother,ih, constant care of a small young..".^ in the stage when ho In "underloot'all ' " e t i u l 0 - " Ho Is clinging to

The Important Garnish„ , -- was a little New-

nut with me. writes a busy school girl who raised h

stunt care of a small


a garnish?" and allclass looked dumb-.

asked. "What lathe rest of thefounded.—"1—fcno-cr,—Teach ex""]'.'ll'.-i parsley.". There are a -rood man

vatit« 10 "see- ana to "lanic, •wnen.; y c u a , whi> think that 1•in? Is cooking dinner, and no Is over: there Is to the'entire suhiut,CJ ,n lift whenever sho »It*j down Lmu- ,„„,•.,.•„ ma£,. , , ' ^ (

o r , a , l or lose**". • • •. , • tractive."

vj'lrs. JIo climbs on the back of hertiiiir w1"'" s h o wr'.lOs! a ' e l t t r - - He women like

rsley is all

etimes sho may think him ai'. and she slgha a bit enviously

h i h b i l

Dietitians.l all

iiayehuluRlsts, neurolo-that food doea tnoro

Telephone Property Changes Hands for .$72,416,000.


• ' - - - •


J>J$i «

>-> —}

*5> v ti, A

) < j


! 5S-«!,*ir5L2&

The Outside riant .prosram pro-vides new lines' comiectinx .the New-ark and Jersey City toll switchboards

points to care for the increasing traf--H -. - 1-—L-I*>. .mi—N-HTTI—Jcryt*yrllj between NorthernNew York City and communities inIhe two counties named.

Clark Township P.-T. A.Makes Several Awards

The- attendance, prize _of. till"-ClarkTownship PaR-nf-Toacher Associationwas awarded, at tli>' meeting Thurs-

.Marie Iliili«on. Sanmel Flamm wasappointeil a commiltee lo sei-ure abanner to be given to the pri-.naryirade scoring tin- best atteiidano forthe year. At the c!osf of schools anarly will be C:VIMI by the assiviai'mi:o i'lie .srainmar u-r.uie havin;: the best

t'.>u:i:y |

David and McCartney ilm,'"..:::::::::::^----j^ J^ .V?j.i "Win Bowling Tourney ] ^L :K :'M ;! n I

. Kilmond "

took tii, . -- and Otto Sliller in a two-m.in Jiin ! , | ( , y s- , . , - : , . s

ll T j { '

HwH-giF —.

. I.in.I ivtii'ii { I

s:iiil ("noli* r.l'i'n.toiirni'y in McC.u*ncy's alleys Tucs- j :,\al you'can1* t*'" r" ' ' -*1'"' wlii-lln-r,,.n. „;„]„.. I it's a crop sninr-.-r :. ••••i..vr*. - \ \ asli-

Thf* winners hit hi'-*" team mark | "--ton Shi.with 11". while David's -111 was hf<t [•••11110 Tin- average* were: David.lTf-l'-M'-Cartucy.. ITS: -Miller.. 171::.:.Waters. IS I. The losers provided al-.-.-fsti-ak dinner after the hattlu.



Carpenter,Builder andGeneral


. y R t , all acroe that food doea tnoro„!.,;, he sees her neighbor simply finbd. is more readily dlsested andj.ui c» her hat and walk downtown— assimilated; If eatea in pleasant sur-srTnTr- ;M~ l l ial'•—HuV-ohr-how-loHe-j-rouiHllitKf-iit-.t-plca-sint-moodrand^lt

l t mother ls It s o m o n b l l l li hs r T n T j K i i t . t p l c a s i n t,0 ; :e iliat mother ls It someone bor- ' l l ls appealing to tho e

b b f h l f d ! I t hye as well as;:e i p p l i n g to tho eye as well as

»i the baby for a half day! . It may to (he palate. The garnish. In othertrllle hard, at times, to be words, is as much a matter of good

r> pass and carry the• .may out Into the <n

•••little! The should he cdibl'o as

i!vr years,of loneliness which -most garnishes, with the exception ofi. that mother will look back ! the frilled paper tips placed on chops..:,,;!> at thoso rich days, when and crown rousts, aro edible.,.:i,- who loved iter and confided ! l'.ir«le\- and lemon uro the house-r .1f.1l needed her was always .it | wife's staudbys for garnishes, be-

! cause they are always obtainable,months out ot .the twelve.

. .CUMPflNY,





i ' ,-tesidence 53 William Streetj 'Olrplionv 14 :

OrderlinessI T - well your 1H>U-><-


cause! twelveJT.ht housewife who h a s not access to! larger markets cau grow her own. -r ma

may Y parsloj-ii

P . - n i . l . . . .M r . i r t i . c v

lVI,- 'a:e,- to *!•,-• I iili-llCnum-il nifi't;;:;: in Linden (Vtol ier ;•> will-In Mrs. Roland Whili-. Mrs. 1Carrie Of.lc. Mrs. Samu- l l-'lan-.-.n. 1Mr-. Cir ; K:i :-h; a::d Mrs. Thomas !T:ii"!ey. Mr-. W h i v was Iiaii'.i'd •d.•!••-.it M *he Ailantii- Ci:y >o:m<:i-,tioil. - j

• Th. ' re-ig-.ialiun of 111" t r e a s u r e r . .M - ^ CVT:i> - . ' - IT ; , >-|'r-

.uid artist ic your furnishings w-.ys u, i,e found iil.i.-k iieauty unless It is kept , kitchen.

•r. The disorderly aiid elut-room ls unsightlyChnd dis-

! Mr. am: a

Mr-. I'. .-r lVt.•veU-rvd piiliiictty i-V.:iirin:i:i. and Mr- •

" t Ctrl Kn'ishi »as -Tl:i.'-"-»iri:"i .-ii'iir^i- -.'i:'''

C I Barnard^

* • A 1

- " "P l t

-Phone Director*

. i 1

14, ' .

I Barnard^Purchase ! ^ ^ ^ S ' s T ^ - , Appropriation of

:^-r nC i-wo Boil T^ l»m' H i l l - • ' • • '

• to- ' i i . W h

ni-;-n\oi\<Knu-ir.ei-v. N V J ' ^ . J Dir.M-iors of t h e :: i-wly or i -a i i izcd

r:i:iri.-s ralmqnist.

,.;ir,, . . ^ r

I 'arno:


•\-.< Snv k - r s e v Hell T e l e p h o n e : . i , . , - - v I'.el! T e l e p h o n e r o m p a n y : V.. - ^ «• .!,••>••> n - . . l l " ' " " • . ; - , , ' " • ' ,pn ' i y m i u i r e , r < , i . c of t h e :a r - .vs . ; ; , . Limil i . _Aiwnu-y. Hel l T . l -p l io iu- ^ 1 / ; ' ^ % ^ CL-r'y ;r:lll.-fei".- in N e w .Iers . -y I n - - j t \ ' i n p : t n y i>I P e l l l l s y l v a i n a ; 1.. K. >eo- ; - i 1 " - • ••'• *"J'"'> " . . ., , ^n

1 vii l . ( iem-i-ai TrallU- M a n a g e r : F . h. A'.mir h a l f <'t :h:-= .-;ini 1- l o r .-ni...i, . . . ,. , v-.- , , - ir , i l i 'nTM'.i . i i ( i . -n--ral r i a n t Manai- ' - ' r ; E . : a d d i i i r . i ^ t o - t h o s y s t e m e:u-:i m v o l v n i c ' ' . • • •'•'.•• ~ '

•:.ir.-. ^ « ' V : - < - i ! . y e l • ^ " i !:':,",• „ " 1 ) V l , r . (1 , -nera l C o m m e r c i a l M a n - : : , s , t h a i i J-1.1M.0. M o r e t h a n SftSo.oui) ^••1"'1 " I C H J H V;de i . t ot m e -New J > I ; • ; ' , . ' ^ , I., . , l > r : | ] 1 ( i Ci yy_ M c R a e . V i c e - p r e s i d e n t : -.vil! lie use<l to i-nlar .se t h e O u t s i d e:,- 1 ,ii!i]u.i>._•> >.•• i f •». -i ' • i ; : i "^ . J'. , m i I ( j , . , , , , , - ; , ! M u n a w r . t h e N e w J e r s e y '; r i a n t a n d n e a r l y ?i;ii>.»uii wi l l so for A V e n e r L i lV°i*-r-.v pri'-icrtv with"\ i "Viijili- '• «''ll Tid.-phone Company. | additional Central Office eciuipmeni. Q J ^i-'ii l ie 'fur shaiv-'of ;1K^ N.'-.V J.-r- ' \ New central office equipment ot the

Ortle. Mrs. Harry Tyvelia .ind Mrs. S.F'amm.

No att.-r.dance pin- will lie siven!:'.i- s. .1-0:1. but tlio two -ehoinrs ine.u h -.'rade havin-j-thp h'.Khi-st s.'ho!a<-!i.- stan.liiis fur the year will lip pnv


Librarj- ElectsOfficers for. the Year!

•-4.4 u

••-'•-••"-• • . mi't.-ii n-:;:ii:::i . 1: *•••:-'« : i i v i u y - t n o , f . y ^ ^ . ^ , . , v ; ; , . i , ]H - , : l r , i a d d i l i o n s ; h . M at ih,-- l . l h r a r y !n AVL-:K-1 s t r t - « . i

^ . : . . ; : ; i i . ! 1 ; I !n , . ' . " i l i i " . ' I j

: . : l ' " . 1 ! , , 1 "(?.. " H I !'.:»! a hr-'f l i"1""- :1< 1::.1:;l1' : ! < n" ''"•" ar.- s c h e d u l e d for th.- r i r a n c h - B r o o k ; T in . sd . ty e v o n i u i : . A lars:.- a t f - n d a - i c

• ' " ' " • • ' • ' ' ~~; : \ v : i - ' r e - e l c v ' . i d p r e s l d n i i : .Mrs. J . C u n - i. . . _ : 1 _ . '.. . . 1 I T I

- T h e Sunken Grave^ —Nota'ni~can Tje^saci-ler than a Rruv--•that Is no loaj-or a niouad, - The inevitable

_ - _ i x s co me _to .pass—tho_we!£ht j)f_th^ sc-idt-a earth- hai-cruihed in tho la?t protection.It helps notbrac to^close the imagination :o w!iatTia;i-Ve::s"nicnrr Tonhe r? l r -nor thc - .-slightest necessity for this old-fashioned. Mrbarous. unsanitary zsetbod of burla!Xhc_Norwalk Vault—at little cosl—will protect absolutely asd forever. Moulded

irj hand rn } <.<urgranite and s:ee'.. waterproof and a:ril;;!u. Itand becomes one solid p!ece of masonry that literally "I-asts through, the Agti."The best undertakers insist on its use. They make the Norwalk Vault the foundationof every first-class funeral.

The Norwalk Vault CompanyPlainfield, N. J.

mental aud spiritual i-qulll-I tho inmau*. It exudes an

- which is decradliu' mid>:ie illssutixfled aud nervous.

::.i:«.-r-i is tl». first e«vntla] la.Tl::r that "home, sucet hor::i'" •'<»:.'-:e which is roiulut-lvi. tn •- -!f- -iri. ;.!ii-i- .1111! character develop-!

ii every well-stockedand there ls scarcely a day

"m*n one is not needed for something.KiMi. whether canned or fresh. Is one:iif.it which seems to demand a fewdro;,, of lemon Juice to brlnK out Itsflavor, and for .such Kamishcs the!•• rnoti should he cut In sections length-*:.«r. sir sections from 011- I.-ni.in.Tlii.-M' IOUK sections ari- much easier'<> u-e than .-.Ileus are. iliniifh .-iievs

di-euratlvc.Id lileJt.-. . luuk verv tellllitiu-

way to arrlv,. :,; .k.-.'p nrdrrly ir [o

•>;:•:! canf::!ly.nW-'• ! ' ' : l : ! l ' r --""-I'-bed :ifnrar-' —' ••but_wj!h. otii-.-r

' ' i i^ Itii

-.. > ith. it. drd-rliii. ' .,i\\ uf mternilttvnt sp.i-ni !v. all-tiro.•. Ifa'jl'.ual

.ii'Ti* they helunj;.

n ^ e d on a larnt>t un ly n i t ! ! i u r - .lie-cxir^uve - foods

' . s <•* ; i r M i r t . , j t< t.l ice u£ -;l ive in i ts

"r r!iiRs of -vM.rt Kret.-u pepiu-r orliny di.-k- uf A\i-n\ --.v.-etTiny re,l r..di-lu-; ./ither

Clothes and AgeAway hack la tho olden times, the

little Rirl' was the pattern ot hermother—the same -tiBlit bodice andllarliiK skirt and little old-fashioned-lady-ways. Then fashions for young-fters broke away and the little ladyadopteti—straiEht~llnos7~*'no—distinctwaist, freedom and short skirts. Inour age, woman's dress has comealoiiK in tho same direction, all tend-ing to greater ease of movement, lesssex distinction." with looser fittinggarments which less plainly revealthe form. [

9n« advantage of tho modern styleIfl that it does not betray the ago. ofthe wearer. The modo is mdeh thejutnu«-for— slxteen-and-sixty.—ir-ml-lady's back Is turned and one cannot»c(.* her face, ono has no Idea whatHK« will peep at her from around thatJaunty hnt hrlfppursuit of happlnesshis fallen to thelot-of-mlddle-age-iWth-tho-comlns-of-h d l dt h e

gmodern style of dress. Middle

, or age, Is no longer marked byown peculiar uniform. •

Correct MeasurementsA teacupful may be a very different

thine in the hands of various house-wives and the difference may be suf-Ifcient to ruin the most carefullyplanned recipe. This is because allleacnps-aTC-Tinr-th'cr-Binig-slze^Threonly way to be. sure that the teacupfulcalled for by your recipe is the correctamount Js to use one of those stand-ard graded teacups to be purchased(or measuring cups.

A teacup of chopped nuts is. not thesame ihiiiK as a teacup on nuts chop-

teacup of whipped creamsame as a teacup of creamA teacup of (lour miuitys.hii= lieeil_sifled- oncu.-DIpinto the teacup and. level


Peter A. Seusenig, of 10 W. Scottavenue, who was previously connectedwith the. publicity, department of theWestiughouse Electric & Mfg- Co.and Ingersoll Rand Co., and who morerecently established the- P. A. S. ad:vertlaing and publicity service, hassevered connections with several pub-llcatioin as advertising representativeIh~drdc'r~to~devoto~nioro"t!nie'""to":!i1srreal estate business located at 10 W.Scott'avenue.

The Pennsylvania Railroad,, accord-ng to reports, Mr. Sensenig states,re expected to electrify the New

York Dlylslon within the next fewyears^ This anticipated action, said:o have been delayed on account ofthe World War. together with thenear, completion of the Hudson-RiverVehieular-Tunne!.-th&-building-of-two-bridges connecting Staten Island withNew Jersey, and the Hudson Riverbridge,~now under construction, are•indicative, of. the, progress and de-velopment which Is reilected by StfiriFfns-acttvlty-cf-ali-eiasse-Hn-t-his-part-of the State.

Tho development of Port Newark,Bllzabcthport, Port Perth Amboy, theprojected .sea-level channel from NewYork Harbor to the Delaware Riverand the possibility of widening theHahway River, are adding new life,wealth and industry to this rapidlygrowing. section of New Jersey, that,ias within a radius uf KHr-nriles more- -Cr

ped. andis not tlicwhiji-ped.•lour wlilcir liL-htlvy"IT the top with the. dull side ofknife. I),, n-,,1 .,hake the flour first tmake it s-'ttle. or park into the- cup.

Ti^arette Smokin-•• ti. .rally.-.:...mi iii

»ni eded th.itnn—f<.r:u i-—1

,-.:ii.T. on a p!at:.-r of cold meats or

. . . t . r7+-


n'.ore h:ir:i;f-.i:I" a pity ;k ;t the

.'11. i l - .

.-rn - . in- a p n - : t y K a r n S l i .:• 111.1v !.'• cut i n t u t i n y t u b e s):-irj, k:uft-. o r .-i-oopfd intii

:;jar«- la,-!r o»r . ::i-.;;'h t)y-. i'-.H thi-y -1 t a ii.id • i.r.v,;.:'.•

: - •:; n::il vou!!i. .:!id. as moth-

tivvclurs ar.d r.ll

al - ti-, ful. !n

rioa- .li-h.-d «!i.nn> a

. 1 I* tr


wa r e e e c t i d i : Mrs. J. Cun-:iin-!iam. vice-pn—idi-nt and J. J. ;

i Dom-san. trustee to fiil the vacancy-iau----d by ibu resignation of. B. F.

! Kilisim. Sr. II Til" :".••--; In L: uas ia ,'narge of Miss ;Titompson" A -sucial~?olioiw-.l. TTie"l.tiirary As^ociatioa consists of f"»rty-

, -::; mvtr.iicrs and meets.the, first Tues-', day o f e:icl: ni.mth at tile lilu'ary. |

i ;

i Will Form PresbyterianCongregation In Avenol

Tile petition of residents in Aveaelfur the er.^anization of a Presby-terian Church was honored by thePresbytery of Elizabeth at a meetingIn Dunelleii Teusday. The committeeon home missions and church exten-sion, of the presbytery, -will super-vi-e the organization.

The work at Avenol was estab-lished by the presbytery three or fouryears ago and has operated" as acommunity chapel, in chargo of aijroup ot residents. The success ofthe church and Sunday school has beenso marked as to make possible the cre-ation of a stated congregation.

You see all the roadwhen you drive a Bulck

Wife Takes VinolFeels Fine Now

"I was weak and had no strength.Since taking Vinol. I- feel fine nowand do my. .work again."—Mrs. G.Barnesberger. The very FIRST weekyou take VlnoL you. becin to feelstronger, eat and sleep better. Vinolis a simple, strengthening iron andcod liver compound in use for over35 years by weak, nervous womencun-down men and sickly children.Rahway Drug Co.Adv.

The dreaded "blind spot" is goneforever! In Buick for 1928 closed carfront,posts are narrowed so that alliheroad, ahead of you and at the side,is clear.

What a factor this is for safety! What. extra pleasure it gives to driving! How;, it relieves city traffic problems—the. sudden rush of a child . . . the unex-

ner . . . the negotiating of turns incrowded places!And, thanks to the efficiency of Fishercraftsmanship, these slim corner postshave even greater strength than thetype formerly used.See a Buick for 1928 at the nearestshowroom. Get behind the wheel andprove for yourself how clearly you cansee all the road from die driver's seat.


• pected appearance of a car at a cor-

BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Division of General Motors Corporation

Sedans $1195 to $1995 < Coupes $1195 to «185O * Sport Models $1195 to $1523All prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich., goremment tax to be added. The G. M. A. C. financing plan, the most daixchU, is <nmiUbU.-


26 Milton AvenuefirmiTH

Phone 73|

JOHN ADAMS"When you see certain good qualitiesIn others It bespeaks your Intimateacquaintance with such virtues."

1^ the conduct of our professionalduties we are guided by principles

generally recognized as fair- andpraiseworthy. • - '

. •••»•• • • .-• , - • - C B .

eST»BU3H*o 1632


At the Raih-oad Station

Oldest Commercial Bank in the City.

Conservative in its policies, eager to serve, with an experience of

twenty-seven years, and ample capital and surplus for the pro-

tection of "depositors.' • ~^ "V"

Authorized by law to act as executor, administrator, or in anytrust capacity. Officers with long banking service that enablesthem to intelligently administer your estate.


Fred C. Hyer Eugene MillerHenry H. Jardine M. F. QuinnH. L. Lamphear Thomas H. Roberts

Jan Van HerwerdenAll residents of Rahway.

Resources over ThreajfintLDne-half Million Dollars.

Open Monday Evenings from 6 to 8.Look for the Electric Sign.

•*\ Iluki- llut.-l !I:I-JI..- .-<. .Ic.r :.'!,• avi-ras<- "luiiiie f.d;>."r. ..;iy 110 s.i.id r.-.i-.m why

lir'y liti-:y hi:u--«.«if.< sh-.'tlle.i: lu-r -I i- folks- ;., ,

etable Sandwichr<! for u-j :-.) r'M'i'^-ii-'-

:::s n ill M-nvsand-.vii-h-

:ii:.t liul-.i-r. Th-

broad. T lv• sandwich. W

a^ tll->I The Creeping Baby[ ti'-rni.> from the .-treet are brought|!:i nn :!:.• >lm f iiienib.r- ,,f ih.j ;..:m!y. Tlu-y are .-c.i'.ieri'cl ovvr tit1 l l . i i r nf ;,i.lir llnllle. T i l " 1T1—jlillC


:>U!s h i - li.ind.i t»a> II.- 1- lilirly'!;-i ' .is,-. sue":: a.-:ii"ningii:.«. Kc<lloor. H.iv,- ;, cl>.r!>>--Pfii mid !{•'••.-.:id do not I-: :-.:Mi.' family >t,-[i



0:1 h i - t i ands . t h e nhi.- liioii;!:. In thi<

:<•> c e t -.1:1;.. - r r r i o ' , -diphtheria or .-pinal;i th" baby od th.-.invas tlorr !o th•i> tlie haliy in that.:iy o:!ier member ofhis foot insiil,. th

baby's hands fre-

-Use for Old Pillow Slips\Vhr^_!»iUoa-_^]ij]s. have-b#come-too

••v..rn and iliin t,, jirotect. the pillows,lo not tear thum up for rags, butas.'.- i.'i'j;:: tu protect line dres.-es-huncIII the cl'iset. |[i]i a llole in tile clos

! t l i V h ya clothes hansi-r

a-.- , ,v.-r t he t o p: , - f ' l . -y li.-irr- n~

"•-<•:. T:;:.- will k-ep th.- dustSllr.i.^ ..11 rarely il<ed ROWII.-,idi::= smi.i h!anki-.ts_ajid_quilt,

i--..- uv-.T'cacU one. ThU .will.':-m frum dust and will make>k :»-.i: 0:1 the -!K-!f.

SmilesSuffirrr. •<> dru.-uist: -Will yo

ive me .-oim-thini; for :Uy head?"liruu-ji-t: "1 Anniiil:i:t :;:i:.' it BF n

"'Havt' as:y uf ;.our childhood amhitions h'.'i-n naiiz.-d?"

"Yes, HU—A i;iy nintlifr cut mv hair•I u-fd to-wis;. i wiii-l,a!d!U'a(K-(l.-'



P. A. Sensenig Abandons Pub-licity for Real Estate

Y. M. C. A, Bowlers DumpOrange In Opener Here

The Ilah'way >'.' M. C. A. howlingteani opened tho season successfullyThursday evening by dumping theOrange Y pinners two games to oneon tho Hahway lanes. Railway hitS77 to take the first game' and thenreached 052 to take the second, drop-ping the last hy a margin of 4G pins.•Martin ot the home pinners, with 226In tile- second ganfiTwa's"night.

RahwayCassio 161Howard 140Durmer 203Smith i. 103.Martin 171

9G2 SQ-i

Ehrmarln 1G1 173Holler 1G2 153O'Brien 1CS 139Pntighand . . 1GG 142Vreeland 142 140

Indians Had PopcorwThe Indians of the pre:Columblan

Derlod__dld huvt_a.-..varlcty_ of _.cornsimilar to our popcorn. In the South-west this v,-us called "little cr.rn." It-Is doubtful, however, that the uborlg-iuocs used such c(>rn for popping pur-poses, but it Ls probalde that our pop-corn u-n.i developed from this Indianvariety.—I'adiiindcr Mnsuzlne.

Owl's Noiseless FlightThe flight of tlieowl te-accomplisHeZT

•withoutrtlie least noise, to onsiMoJfc—to-reach Its pn>y, some say. but ia T,recent book on birds.the author s a j lIt lias often occurred to hlin, howcreri.that tho silence of the owl's liight !*•to enable the bird itself to hear, r a t h e rthan to prevent others from t.cs^-ln^ It '


799 749 S3'

her of guests Sunday in honor of theireighth wedding anniversary. Thosepresent "were."Mr.~and^MrET~II—Masoput, Mr. and-Mrs. A. Viroslko, Mr.•md—Mnr-Harold-SousBr-of—Brooklyn-^Mr. nhd Mrs. Plnard. of Great Hill?. S

1 ii8n_onejj_enjh t_ho population of theUnited States.

The City of Rahway, Mr.' Sensenigexplains, has an unusual locationit is the converging point of the Penn-sylvania Railroad main and branchlues, aud is also served nearby by the

Lehigh Valley and Central _R. R.. ofNew Jersey. These rail facilities, to-gether with being located in the cen-!cj of the National. State and Countyliiiihways. and- development ot Countyparks, are responsible for the City ofRahway becoming a commuters* city*

well as an industrial, commercial:;nd distribution center. . Representalives for Northern New Jersey terri-ury are 'hiding it convenient to liveit-re. Mr. Sensenij;-states, arid motoro-;ill-sectiotis-of-tlic—State—within—a.

comparative .short time.The Lincoln. Seashore and Hud-

son- Vehicular-Tunnel -Hi-jhwa;.*s,--Mr.ig believes, are just beginnin"-TTmTHprcinliZPd. lie thinks i.iat

and -lip tin- son-i- future commercial leader willf your PHHI -0011 visualize tho :n._-rt--!iandiz::is pn-'1*" hrtnr'r-r - ; i . ; i o ' ' - - o f f M f i i - on ; i i . ' - . - '-o:>il

wiiich nraftically convcrirt.* at Rah-y. and wliich, according to Slate

,stati>ti(.s. lias more riian t"".OOu au'usas a daily average, passing lilroui^hiUil'.wity duriim sununvr inontiis.

Tin-si au'.oniobik's. ho 'noiit-vos, car.lie s'u;)"),.,! !iy now iiRTchaiidizin-.mo'iiods yoi to b.1 cuiK'oivotl by .sonieleailt-r who wiil pla.o a store ill :ht-(-i-uicr of a teii-aer.- tract and providt-;>arki:ii: si'ace for hundrods cr tliou-sands at cai>. and ihns make ii pos--ililt; tu ;r.ule wi:h- s'r.uppers from ellparts of the United Slates, and of.iti"1

MARK WEDDING DATEMr. and Mrs. Fred Chrlstensen.of

14 Jones place, entertained a num-

i i i i n

I., and Mr. and Mrs.Howlett, of NewYork. • -

Famous City of the PastNineveh was the capital of the an-

cient empire of Assyria, one of themost ancient nations In history. Thecity was destroyed in the year COG B.

on the site of the suburLs of Nineveh,and Mosul lias been as.vncd tcTMeso-potainia, belt;;' kunv.i: a< Irarj, a sov-ereign stale oti-biislu-J by the peacesettlement of nil!*.

Come and see a showroom display and youwill find lovely pieces.

E.PUCCI =6 9 Central Avenue

Rahway", N. J.

Mr. Sensin:-- is a member of' theAan-rk-an Association of Tort Au-thornies. l'ro;)e!ii-r Ciuit. MariiimfKxchan?'/. and P-xn- Richard C!nb..•ja'aic^'jeiir- i iai hi; *KUi_Laiia-:j:*iiu.with Hie P. R. R. Y. M. Cr A./.Phila-'lelphia. later, edited the .Wosti".i-:-houso Machino News and more re-lently handled the publicity of West-inghouse broadcasting station "W'3'A.''He .suited, tho American Marine Ei-position in New York. He 1 1 had all-

Walton League Will ShowMovies On Charter Nightj';':;1

ofof outdoor iifo

mounted birdsandwill


TULLY-HRDLICKA.marnauv <,f Miss Minnie Hrd-

to Thdiu.is Tully. took plac.. atin. Saturday at Sain: Mary'-

u r l t


t.ii- cuiiritT nik-h: c.',.- , | r j ( 1 T ] u ,Rahway chapter of thu , l n | l u . k l ,,„I-MKU.. at ll.e --ran.iiii T,,L. , ) r l J ( ,

k Thur.-<da

'ii> i> invited »oor am -i mrmbi.f.T i l . - n i o v i i i - p i i t ' j r r

•r hunting, duck. >.hi ihi ; a n d o t ' u - r . s ; io : ; - .I ' d by t h e - InMdi | l lar


, i r i , , ,

as Miss C

I n . i n w .

s l i r o l l , e r

L-.rtrudt-uf- 1 lieHenry

botir.ui1 uf rose.-

'.'.end.,sihnut ]*

"ill..ii:i::i:.T.:i \

r-r> of


-r. Walton l.eil-^Ut- in Cllie.'.uo.aniei.l birds tu !n- «i!i::.n. ;.!;':u;i..-r:y of R.iiovay :ra :;i! :s .

•••••• I). \\inl)u.*or. .Stale ori;a:i-:; !'•• present aud there will "»••

: -1'ea.kvls., Vai\riuX4T 'i:.l; I'-.e-' Aiiihony Hofllni; and Thad-': :a. temporary piosiiUnt and— :<It-:tt of tin' Railway eha-o'er.• uter. wliich will contain about-:•••!!.Mures, IVIor lo sjie-clle.-i.oiion pictures, pcnmiiieiit oili-•::! be elected.

lams are expelled fromds-.\ Orange and' I'a-.-ai;-.air,,, intv'rest has been shown-u er^anlzation by hual

iiiivoin; wishing to join mayd-lail.s and an 'application

iIn; chapter's headquarter:s Sporting Coods Stole.

..ir.-led a sho»i-iTht1 brid.'.-liiaid wore a wiiic-t-olur,li.--- :.tid carried a shower boui-ue.1

m.itili.A buflv! supper was served at the-• me uf the briil^V motlier. Mrs. J.

lub'.-r. of 17 Ur.vroiue street. Thei>o:li u.11 prettily decorated ill bluelid whit., ami autumn lUr.ver:."am--, dancing and music was on-uy.-d.

Tko-i- pre.-ont were: Frank A.•"harkey. Miss. Margaret Tiern->. Mis^

-, Tlern:-y. Mrs. \.\---sr Hi.-rhMrs. V. Tierney. .Mis- Rita TiernC. Tully. Sr. Miss Helen Hedwi;-,ill-- Mary Melizo/.ofr. Mr.'ook and'Helen and l.'mhly Cook. Mr.

mil Mr.-. Xatalis. Mr. and Mrs. Josephilen/. Jusvph K.ilrii/. Jr.. Jackileii;:. Mrs. J. Hub.'r.' t'llarles Hubor.

John llidlnka and I.ewis Hrdlicka.The couple- will reside at 017 MontimiTv street. J-:iizabeih.

TRUCK SALES INCREASE• ; • • iiiln-i- .sales shipments of (Irai: l;:iithersi **-. iM,\ 2-ton trurkt"'.:.;i,.,1 ., | l t < w ijij.i, m ;m tbly ,vc

-";• thi; year, according t(i au olll-":-'tement from the conipaiiy to-

', l | '"r t l l p "r-st time in "IK.; tlio! ' •lipiiielits of these'two capaci-

exceeded u,,, 2.noo mark for a-'1- :iioiith._cuutlnulug Crahain Bro•- leadership 0V0 |- ;1|[ other maun-.ur.-.-,, (11 , | l 0 j , ^ a n | 1 2 _ l o n |K>1(,

.".1''1""''1 u i l ! l Aiigust sales sliip' ' ^ these capacities the Septomii-io:! represents a US per ceil

dilpments of all Clraham iiv.hides tot'alcil 5.1U7 in Si-p-•15 increase, of 17 per ccni

Auiiiist- iin.i export shlutu.-n't-- o, ;rucks exceeded AimuM li^uiv":

l'-r cent.>'ers for the complete m-K lim

••); i-rnw||1K in volume, the statemen_i!I!'.l..-iiiu:c Uiolr-introductipii. h|

Hie company's plants at De.

' • ' • • " • ' '

Knights Tane Part"Clporiso C Andellitizer, of Railway

Council. No. lv>l. Knights of Colum-bus. Is a member of a largo commit-tee drawn from, councils throughoutthis section of the State to arrant..- forparticipation of the K. of ('. in theunveiling of the bronze stall*.1 ofChristopher Columbus in N.-wark to-morrow afternoo-i. A'delegation fromihe local council will take I>art ill tlu-

emonies, lyarchinl; in tlie para.lewhich will form at I:'!" o'clock.

The Kni-;ht.s are arranging to have1 lluat depicting one of tho epochalevents in the life of Columbus andmany of the councils will bring their1 0 band or life- aud drum corps.Columbus Cadet Corps and ColumbianSi-uires. an organization of hoys tin-ier the direction of the Knights willalso march..

This organization joined with othersin using their intlueiice in making Co-lumbus Day a le.^al holiday in thisSlaty ami there is great enthusiasmamoni; the membership over this op-portunity to appropriately pay tributeto.tin- foresight, valor and heroism oftlir ili-coveivr of America.

State Session TomorrowThe Junior Order of United Ameri-

can .Mei-haiii.'s of New Jersey, the"arrest fr.iu-nial. patriotic, lienetieialorKaiiizaiio:1 oirrrared locally in \*<Jersey and possibly ;n fhe I'nit.-dStai .s . will convene in r.Sih annuals.-?.-ion tiiiimrrnw at Royal Palace IIo-ti 1, Atlantic City.

There will lie present over r.uO rep-i'i--eii:aiivi's and nu*:iiJ)ers of the StateCouncil, which is ih.- grand* body, rep-resenting over eighty thousand niem-l'ersiiip 111 New Jersey In ..three hun-dred and twenly councils.

und seHing. ad^VrtisinK. publicityand sales promotion experienco withcompanies of world-wide reputation.

He is a firm believer in publicityand advertising coordinating withs.il.'s and sales promotion. As an evi-dence of this, he photographs nearlyall waterfront, railroad siding, indust-rial, commercial, resideatial. high-

way, farm, seashore, lake, river andacreage properties listed by him. Hewill continue his publicity and adver-tis.iiii; business on an agency basis for-"lis clients.



Etc.New- FalL

Mo.ies atPopular Prices


Rahway, N. J.

Now Beautify YourH o m e G r o u n d s

With Evergreens andShrubbery

Prapei—ptantmg-adds so mu^b-to tfaebeauty, andvialue ofVour home-.

Hedge Plants ready now.Just phone if you wish suggestions as

to proper planting.

John R. BaumannGreenhouses

St. George and Hazelwood Avenues

andPeonies, Blue Spruce, RhododendronsAzaleas, Perennials, Japan Maples

Flowering Trees and ShrubsWrite for our Catalogue and have our

representative call by appointment

Tel. 1439 Fanwood

\ Use Our Phone Lineour "Clothes"~Eine


Cables on Ocean PlateauTete^-nii'li pUiteau is a (duteau in

the Atlantic ocean, about -J00 mileswide, which affords an excellent rest-in*: place for numerous transatlanticcables.

STUDIES MUSIC.Louise I-andenbercer, of Kit! Sen:

:iary avenue, is .-.ludyius in the !>•liariiiiiMii of Musit- KdiK-a'.inn of ihe.Sehool of Kiliu-atidii of New YorkUniversity. The atteiid.mee of this Idc-iiirlir.pnt, which Is lle;uled hy l>:'.Ilullis Dann. slmws an :ii.re.ise of

aliouL ilfly V"~ t ' 1 ' n t " V l ' r ! ; ' ^ ' -v*'" r

and has :!'n' siudeiiis rei;;.-iereil.Forty-six e.mrses m e offered by- »facility nf IS -HO-IKHTS..

Xew Yuri; Olivers:!y is ioni]iosedf eleven decree i-onf^rriiiK seiioolsmrvolleisi's' lopothcr with an exten-

sion division, a summer school anil auniversity d<•••arimeni of line arts..Last year's ri'Ki-itration of overi;i iHr.i "will be exceeded this year. i tIs predicted despile the Institution ofmore risid entrance'requirement.-, audsvs'.cm of sek-eiive admissions.


"! |. Evatisville. Stockton and To""o'have been working at capacity, tired and weak

fresh. KlisteinsSAD6- ABE AN INVESTMENT street—Adv.

EYES PAINEDLav-ntik Astonished Himwas. astonished at ilu* resifuj

is -l.AVUl'TIK gav..- aiy aching' They will soon -bo -perieeUy

I.VVOI'TIK Is a mild, soothing an-ilsuptlc which helps eye pain-; and in-flammation



:ly quick. Makes

T Rome E2C°-n^>ertn--n2n'I Wave Bac!: in 198 A.D.-

rnneeton. N- J-—The iioriim-nent wave ls not 1111 Inventionof tinnier!] hairdressers butwns known to Koiaan womenas early as tv-* A. "1>V,'"Sliirley"H. Weber, assoriute professorIn ri'inci*i>*:i university, de-clared hero recently. ProfessorWeber said this was clearly In.diciitcd 011 i---:*:-: In the collec-tion at the univiTslty library.

In the late I'onuin period, hesaid, women's beads are rep-resented not only with distinctmarcelling, but also with elab-orate jewelry to emphasize thewaves. The realistic art of thisperiod, bo's.lid. would forbidthe tvi'i-esomiUlun of_ these,-ijyles If. they were not actuallyIn use.

. J - . l . - -

In a NutshellA blessed.companion is a book—»

book that fitly chopen Is n life-longirlend. '


'OR LESS MONEYAnd Your Cv.'n Terms

Out.Is Ho

Making New Onc-i

•&•*•! 8P0A*; ST_ N E W A R K


EiUbllshtd 18M. Ph.D. EU-u 7111



Estimate*: Cheerfully Furnlthnf,Office and Warehouse

350-352 Elizabeth AreaneFireproof Wirehouw

337-343 W.Craad SI., ElizabethA "ffarelionae with every room t

flreproot vault.

Painless DentistryAn Actual Fact

Says Dr. Schwartz•Witii my air

tr.eiiiod it is im-possible to hurtyou. I can re-

move -as many teeth as neces-sary -at one time. Age does notmake- any difference. You canfro to sleep or stay awake: Itwill not hurt,-

Free ExaminationLoose and Broken Platesfiglito-ied and Repaired.

Plates Repaired .S2.00Teeth Cleaned 51.00

DIt. "SCHWARTZ9 7 Broad Street

ELIZABETHHn"~i i> A.M.—6 P.M.

M,ou., Wed., Fri., 'til S p.M.




We Worka For You

We Do ALSLv ur Washing an*3


Complete LaundryService

And Our Wa|jon*»Will CallTel. 1515 Rahway

The Hamilton LaundryRAHWAY, Hi. J.


makes dessert or ruins it; and with-out ice. drinks are flat. Every hostessknows the value of pure ice; andmore and more of them are besin-ninj, to realize that, .we .have thatkind of ice. Let us serve you.

White Ice andJohnson Coal Co.

20 East Grand St.

IS LIKE A SPOTTED FRUIT ,The Good Fruit Is Soon Attacked ; Just

So Does One Decayed Tooth Attacka Sound One

That's why the earliest possible attention to a decayed tootli 1"«advisable. Frequent brush ing not less than twice a -day-ls-a-******"*--habit and a thoroush examination every sir months at this office "*2Jprevent decay and loss of a single tooth.

Another reason why you should not neglect teeth is the longer -err,delay the more the repair bill is bound to cost. So it Is anything fe*='*.economy to let yoc.r teeth '"tro"—cot to mention an aching tooth, or th.-jvarious diseases that develop froai diseased teeth.

Free Examinations DallyWe charge nothing for exiuulaiu^ your teeth, telling you Just Yrts*.-:

ls needed, if anythlu-*: how long the work v.*lli take acd wia : Lt *a!IJcoat.


' f

DR.r 1-r J--


rOpen Daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ;

Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 8 P. i"V2_




T~-T ' ' £ l


cjulrc 33 Uorrlnon SUM.DODGE BROTHERS INTRODUCE LEATHER UPHOLSTERED SENIOR SEDAN hTct—or— four—ruumi. Electricity nuil pis; extremelylow rent. Inquire 14S Kant Grand dtroi't.


rhniip ltahwnj' 6<l»i.

KOK KKN'T—I'rlvnlo room with nil <-on-Ypnh-iici's. private bath anil o]>en lire-lilace. _.l-'boue (kl--M. \ »cpfl(Mt

PAINTING—Exterior and lutertorCrftei In beautiful t t tertor •!.Crnftei In beautiful tcitaro and cow.ltobcrt I'. Smith. 27 Campbell «tr»tItubway. I-bon. 2SS-M. " ^

TO I.KT—llouso -1 rooms anfl pnrace, SISinontli. ltramnall mail, near Mailljonavenue. Coots. Tel. £10-It. 1

TWO TKONT "furnlMlioil rooms for rent:all iniiTiu'enieiitt). 71 llryant slret't.

Mone^ to Loan WILSON SALES CO ,V (17 irTlnrr street.


tor every nirmber of the family at rja-nonnble prlren. Trnppa'a Family sbo«Ston-. 1(1 Irvine mrret. ' J«"--I

AMI LOAN I'lr^l iMK.v. promiit !*tlrvlt-i'. Htlr np|>ralflalfl,

J . II. Callauhun. At*Inriiey. 1UB0 llroail »tr<-cl, Newark. X. J .riioiie Market (KIT. oclT-7t Miscellaneous

David 0. Evaus to Mr. and Mrs."William F. Eppenstciuer, premises InCentral avenue, 79 2/3 feet from Mapleterrace.

Irving Beitler to Mr. and Mrs. HarryNicholas Hickman, lots 32S, block 12,map of Greyhall Park.

Paul De'tynfo and Ignaclo Detynfo,her husband, to Mr. and Mrs. JosephPazey, premises at the corner of Lincoin boulevard and Lionel street,Clark Township.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pazey lo Lincoin Developing Company, Inc., 100feet in Lionel street, 100 feet fromLincoln bnnlpv.irii, Tinri_Io_>vnsliip.

Alfred Swenson to .Marion E. Mur-ray, premises in Clark street, SO feetfrom Harold avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordon andothers lo Evelyn Hanks, premises inSycamore street, 140 feet from Jeffer-son avenue.

-—•Mr. and"Mrs; John W. Balgrie toBettle Realty Company. Inc., part oflot 1115, lying westerly and parallelwith westerly side of lot 197, part of

"lot 195; lying easterly and parallel with-westerly side of lot" lUTT'anil part of-

v lot. 197." lying east and parallel withwesterly side- of lot -l!li>, map of prop-

_«4ii_knQvvn -as-Shqt\ve4!-Jiroperty on.""easT^We of Rahvray Sliver. . . . '•'.. .

A. BuKb4vreyk~e to Ml1, and Mrs. An-drew Mokoskc,' lots 172 to 175. block6. map of Cfaqford Heights, Clark

Development Company,Township.

-LfncolnInc., to John Tanne, lots 54, 56 and 57,map of SS ION belonging to GustavoH. Bartell. Clark Township.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Larson, to• John A. McAreney. premises In

Lake avenue. L'2i.o;ib leel irom jeu«r-son avenuej _

Milan Frink to EnTiluTj. Frank, prem-ises in Thorn street, SU feet fromStearns street.

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kelly to F.H. Trussler. premises in Campbellttreet. 215.6(1 feet from" Cherry street.

Chris Mortensen and Thomas Kleppto Herman E. and Gladys L. Young,premises in Hazelwood avenue andJefferson avenue.

Mrs. Peter Friedl WinsVeterans' Card Series

The Verio's of card parties under thetiircrtinr. nf a joint committee of Mul-vey-nitmars I'ostr-V;-K. \V.. and theauxiliary, closed with a well-attendedgathering in the-Rtvbfris building lasunight. First prize in pinochle for thethree nights1 play,-a $2.50 gold piece,went to Mrs: Peter Friedl.

The casino prize was won by CharlesDitmars. with Mrs. W. E. pitmars sec-ond. Miss Grace Kettner won t iedoor prize, and Mrs. Bcrnhurd \Vi:n-nifr ;hf contest for a pocketbook.

Winners in pinochle were: A. C.Kighilinger. Mrs. Bernard Wimmer.Mrs. Anna Dilarizyk. Mrs. Parhman.CharL-s Macauley, Miss Grace Kelt-ner. Mrs. IVter Friedl. -Mrs. Hugh Mai-nnuald. Fred High. Mary MacDonald.Mrs. 'A. Saner, Mrs. John KiK.secker.Miss Catherine Kettner and Mrs. H.G. Kettner.

.This five-passenger sedan, upholstered in attractive- polo grain gray leather, has justbeen added to Dodge Brothers' line of Senior cars. The exterior finish is in Bruns-wick blue and black, making the1 job particularly striking. This is the first leather uphol-stered car in the company's Senior line and contrary to the usual custom in the automo-bile industry it is priced lower than the jobs done in mohair. It will sell for $1495 f. o. b.Detroit, $100 under the price of the same body type with mohair or broadcloth upholstery.

Big Debate ScheduleTIaiined at Rutgers

That the State:'University of Xew•Juraey wl11^1ny-!rTrrsniltfe'n"i"T)Sfr"nr

duxing_tllecOTniug winter and spring- is assuredby an announcement made today byH. C. Reager. of the Rutgers faculty,that fourteen varsity debates and fourfreshman debates have already beenscheduled. ; The New Jersey repre-sentatives will meet the Universityof Pennsylvania, Penn State College,Northwestern, Buffalo and Bucknell

_lianw enntests, and will hold hnnie-and-home debates with Lafavette. New

of .New \ork.


Indorse Pay IncreaseMembers of the Local Carpenters'

Union have indorsed the. Firemen's re-quest for more- pay. They are givingstrong support to Arthur L. Perry,principal of the evening vocationalschool in his plans for the promotionof trade instruction.

J^JHr pf ffnhwny rnnncil N'o 1U)TDaughters of America, have planneda Hallowe'en party for. Friday, Octo-

A southern trip is being arranged b e r . , , L f o l l o , v l ' n g \ b e b u . , m e s s meet-for the Easter vacation, which will h M i s s i d a pmneld is chairman ofinclude contests with George tt ash-! t h e G o o ( , a n ( , W o l f a r 6 committee.niBton. Washington and I.ee. Division, i „.„,,, w i l l . . . . . . cn™r_e

™Bi£*™.T™*™™**V™A. i wm^av'e'Vr^in^aleThe council

he University of Richmond; and a S a l u r d a y j n t h e v a t . a I U s l o r e J n M a i l l

street, opposite Monroe street. MrsCharles

debate Ins .been scheduled at Albanywith the Albany Law School.

Hutgers has been signally honored• an invitation to send a team torhenectady. X. Y-. on November 5 lo

^ Post was in charge of themeotins. with Miss Edith F. "Way.secretary. Prizes at cards were won

day jiigliL\vith_the_initiation of threemembers. One application was re-ceived. The council has received onthe average one new member each

[ion win atieuu me inn'iriir<np. nOclirntlnn nf Pnnlns HookCouncil. Jersey City tonight. WilliamSchuler was in charge of the meeting,with James D. Kells, secretary.

Indorse RaiseRailway Lodge, No. 1363. L. O. O.

•M,. last evening Indorsed the Fire-men's pav increase. Two- membersadded to ' the Christmas committee

and James I-IMans for entertaining HitF

were Leonard SauersBodweil.

e AKsuciarton In Kalwrny on Xo-vember 6 were furthered, and a meet-ing of the joint committee of Moose,Mooseheart I/?gion and Junior Moosewill be held Sunday to discuss a Hal-lowe'en party.

PLAN FOOD SALECircle Xo. 3 of the Ladies' Sewing

Society of the Second PreshyterlanChurch will have a food sale Fridayafternoon from 2 to o p. m. at thehome of the'Misses Shafer, 125 Bry-an; street.

of lhe eastern conference of the- TanKappa Alpha national forensic frater-nity; • - " • '

Mr. Reager iias announced that sev-eral .New Jersey high schools haveifskiMi that tlie'RU1igersrlealiis~hi)!d~de;'bates in lhe .local school buildings.Las; year Rutgers held' a .contestwith West Virginia ai Hillside, and[lie plan proved so popular that it isprobable other debates will be sched-uled Ibis year inhigh schools in vari-ous sections of lhe State.

I', is expetted ilia;-over one hun-dred undergraduates will be ac-tively onuaged in tit-bating at the Tui-versitv within the next, few \ve>?k<.

Has Big MembershipAdvance Council, Xo. 1W. Loyal As-

socianon. exceeded 101) members Fri-

J. C. ^r n l K f t l n t r A n d i n H u r n n r e I t r o k r r ,

( V * M f l l u s t r . v t . U a h w a v . N . J .r h K H

£10.00 to $200.00To IIoUNrkrrpr

on Karnlture.- I.epnymontt» monllily.

Call or PhoneIndufttrfnl I^inn Society* Inc.,

Silo It.irllan Balldlne,IVrth Atnbor.

rbono l*. A. 1831. I.lerux> No. 178.


Then Come to the«iTAJtl»IAX LOAN SOOIKTY.

AVe are noted for fair, iiulrk millprlrate service.


Ct'AUniAX LOAN SOCIETY.U;iliklIiir-Su|iorvlBtiTriiilcr Slat

OI'KX D.MI.Y 9.A. M. TII.I. SI 1 . M.



Money to LoanS M A L L O R I _ \ R I ' . E A M O f N T S

O N 1 S T , J N 1 > A S K T H I R D M 0 R T < i . \ < i K SHOI R SCRV1CK

III:IXI:H--ortirr V\V» .

KllzulM-th. nvor I.lBKClt'd.1'honi- Kiiu'runu ;>ir.l. •

Opi-n itally 11 .1. M. In •< I". M.Saiunlnyii uutil 2 I*. M.


UuNET TO LOAN on bond and mortfgt. Hjer * Armitrnc«. Bihwty •«»tlosal Bank Bslldlnc Rabmr. N. J.


i;OST-"C<jlTIe—IKIK—liTO\rn—With—whiteehe«t. Kewanl to lliuler If reliirnml lol<r_' Kast llraud Htrcel. Phone (ICM. It

LOST—IHauiojid ring In vlelnlty of To«t(>ith-e, Thuriulay mornlnu.' l»rtol>er- *l-l.llicral reward If nturned to II. L. » .(ox. Kenllworth. N. J. oct^-'-t

lepblOt 1.OST—SavliiBn Hook No. X.1W on UnhwoyNational Ilanli. Payment mopped.Finder please return to ltank. orH-tueiCt

LOST-Savings Tlook No. -.M!) on KahwaNational ltank. Pj.vui-nt stolMieKinrfrr please rrlurn-l<>-Ilaiik,-wl4-tli«a-

K0l'NI> -On (Vntrnl nveniie. aitportucle*. Owner tuny have

-callltic.nl l<i_iMnii'!>eU.«tr.rt.aif l |

pair otMine ny

COI.LKC.E (IRAni'ATK will tutor in any—IitBtrSitir.Jit-iiUtrJPrr—I'nune TTH:—oitll'St

WAXTKD-liy lirnt rla»« laundreiu famlly **r ctMitlt'inan'M laundry to do at home.ItHiuIre 07 I^wrenre street or phone

' 4 x i o<-tU-4l

BOOKKEEPER AND1 SECRETAI1VWlalien work In too ovenlnj. AddrtTiIlox ^3 care of Iterord «i'l« "Ilox

work In too ovcare of Iterord.

AttliUc, amart. attractive handlwotk h, . .trperleoctd Modl.tt. "* "

MBS. M. OALLE,Church St. Pbono 813-M.


CHARLES SF.HMAVAVt p U U T l o K maa Cablut Slatlnr

Antique Kurnltnro repairing and polliMMattrea»c< and Box Bprlnga madir ottr^ AYe also do Carpenter Work

Onf Firth A»».. Avnwl. X. JPhono Woodbrldjre ]J17. —

. FURSmade to order.

Remodeling; Repairing. -R l l l

All work cnarantepd.THOMAS PAUL

94 Irving Street, Rahway, N. J.Tel 341-M.


A State supervised service.See our larger advertisement on another

part of this pape.Community Flnaare Service. Inc..

412 l«vy BldR.. £0 Dcud SL.Elliabeth. N. J.

Mrs. V. K.ii-s' Auxir.a

l)itnnirs. tlir-


Knocked down and haiUy injuredy an automobile i:i St. tk-oriu1 avenuet Milton avenue shortly after 9'clock Friil.'.v niuht. .Williaml i - y i - l i i v c i i d . ' - i ' f B f f v i f M i ' i t o n

EVERY BODY READSClassified Advertisements

Six Cents i LineCopy P«t Hctptxl >fUr 10 a. m. Tuaaday or Friday


$10 IO-ROO: no lD<lor>i>r< n» d«luc:lon«:- altsnlule-privaev. iTomptnes".- courtesy^

$^ to $.* monthly, plus lawful lnlerest.repays Sin to flOU cash loan. Call, write

-or J-hniir- Kt«t'M"»- W.-.VI, {_ l l C M - r i r i H . LOAN SOCIETV

I .Room 411-." K.-an ' Iittljr. fctirtU tloiir. 1201 ISroail slre^'t. near \V. Urand «tr(vt. F.llia-

h. - Open S i » to 3. Saturdays S:r!n t o L

For SaleBeautiful 7 Room House—Hardwoodfloors throughout, Screens, Garage, allimprovements, located in the best resi-dential section of Rahway—$1000 incash, balance on easy terms.

For particulars, Apply

S. ENGELMAN, BrokerRoom 14 ..

Citizens' Bank Building, City

• • ) : 'i-.viy

rhn—rcrwrrs—Avjr>d i n i u - r s ivu i i b y tin

r^! at .1 IHarold Duley

- H e - T i l i l H V

diniur yPost. of'Asliury Park, at the Iicrkolc-y-Carle-rM.

flT THF NEW EMPIRE"The C'iaw." a sreiit inysieiy drama

reachiiif out from tlarkust Africa withtwo more victims in its talons andwith such notable stars as NormanKerry and Claire Windsor, and "Princeof Headwaiters." with that charmins

riPiTmn—fcnviv— Stone—are—t he—twofeatures tuilay at the New Empire.

"Chaim"' without any question of adoubt the most thrilling wild animalpicture ever produred is the sensa-tional feature tomorrow and Thurs-day, mdersiaiid. this picture was. notlilmc-d ia California with made UI>scenario anil irallied wild animals, butwas taken in the heart of the juimlewhere the animals were fumed in theirnative habitat and the actors are real

Q . _ _ . i _ j . ^ X j : i -has never lieen such a dangerous andexciting iiiciure scrui'iied and in itsTaking the risks were enormous.Whatever else you do don't miss thissiirier-proihiciion. The companion fea-ture is Monte Biue.in a hr.-ath-takini;romance "Bitter Apples."

"HariMiniled IlaKKerty." starringMilton Sills, and "The Whirlwind ofYouth, with Lois Movan, are tile twoentertaining numbers for Friday anilSaturday.

HAVE DONATION DAYMany women from St. Paul's Epis-

copal Church and the Church of theHoly Comforter observed donationday Thursday at The KverRreens,home for tiltSt. Paul's waA. L. Sadllcr. Mrs. Caesar Leonhal'd.

a^ed. in Bound Brook,represented by .Mrs. H.

Mrs l')l:irl(

ll'.-livk, .Mr*. Courge !Charles Brower. Mrs. Hilda Fisher.Tiio~t; goiii:; from the Church of theHoly Comforter were: Mr. and Mrs.Mathew Armstrong, Mr>. William tl.Martin. Mrs. \V. H. Waters. Mrs. Fitch,Miss Anna I.. Kitcli. Mrs. Gilbert II.Williamson. Mrs. Janii-s K. Dale. Mrs.Itar.it-; Walk'-r. Mrs. Alice Eastman.Mrs. Charh- P. Maury, Mrs. AnnaWiison. Mrs. Kohrrt C. Lawrence. Mrs.Charles 1.. Kussell.

the scal]>.-c!iv|ocatio:ine. abrasin::-: on ;h •

bruises on :he left lc~.Lance look four stitches

Squid' was crossing St. c;eor'-'e ave

\VANTEI>-( ; i r lAflv I I s Kim

•0% additional I* chiraed. 'Minimum Ch»r«« of 24 cents. c*ih In adv«no* I'm; SAI.I:—Hal.;

\v.~i i;r

Toll SALE Thaitat" u-iKhliii: m.i

• MS Lath.-heat, elec- • ' " ; " " • ,<"••" " " •atlie: ills,. Barns'-. •-111* Maltl.-Slr'-.-l.

al .li.iel>,,lli In f

S. Krleilman. 101ItReal Estate for Sale

I -o l t K E N T - IIi.uill. 1IH* (ir . i inl

Mar>h. *il N.-w l-huri-t

Ta l l In .-v.-nli.;.- l»-li:':t S u m m a r y .ii.-ni

C I R C O P L A NDO YOU N E E D MONEY?The Clljt Investment & Really Company in pre-

pared to take care ot your wanlnoa oar ca«j pa>-mentplan. -

We buy commercial paper mid niortunKC».

Apply to

City Investment & Realty Corp.,Room 14 Citizens Nationtl Bmk Buildinf. Rabway.N. i.

if tlie collarlin-ers andDr. E. W.

tiue at Milton avenue when the ma-chine struck him. The driver was Vic-

L'rbanks. of '1\ ilonry street, Me-luchen, wlio took Squier to the hos-pital and reported the accident topolice.


Cosimo Caciaro. f»l years old. of .SOProome street. Jersey City, receiveda fractured h'K and had several teethknocked out when a-machine in whichhe rode, driven liy liis, son. Samuel,collided with a truck at St. Georgear.il .IaqlK-s avunues. a: 11:45 o'clockthe same nighi. Caccaro was auempt-iiiLr in jiass the truck, which was soiiiL-in the same direction. (leor^e R.Hoffman took the injured man lo thehospital, and he was attended by Dr.

I'l i - i...w "l..-i:iL- .-..Hii.n-l.-iy r.-!i..v:ii.-.l ni- , . . , , , , , ; i : N T s i x f . , . . u i H..HS1-. l . : i lh. Ira- i H I B S A I . K - l ' . C I l ' » M C..n | '"-"I I " i lW' l - ' . - ""I »' l ' l ''•'••••• •"•»' ' l»«- |.r..v..|ii..:.l!.. i::ir:!S.' C a l l i r a i l h . K. l . m - i .\vi l lnn . i i :iv.-iul". \Vhv l l . r i . l

lit 11 lisUlT'-s ;iinlFT)—shlTijrlP—viM1*"*.— nnrl will—lit- JThe. l«.t is r*>\V::< a m i is IOCUIM!*'r . i h u u l ' u i n S.-hnol. l 'rii-f SII . IMI. i

M!i:iM iin«-ii jiiiyitii-iii wil l s.-ciiru i i . |i j ck l j if yiiu wluit ;i li-.im- fur lil.'li-;

A K T H I K K. MKAl>.•Jf, r i i . - r ry StriM

N 3.• U l - t

I-'i i It K K N T — H O I I M ' >1 Alht-rt strt-\-t. SPTCQ jr<«niis ;iinl Imtti , all imf t r i i rcn icn ts , i n - Ir l u J i : ) ^ si.'.uii lu-at, oiif-c-ir j::ir;ii:**- In -<l"iiri' 04 . U b r r i s t r i c t , b f t i v w n .". n n d

N K W I ' O I I T:IH.1 -h.-lf. . . .

I:AN*I;K wiih

r.ry.iiit ii'rr.iftv


-1 VOll KKNT—Six-room himst-s with city

1 I KOK S A l . K - I t a b y rarrlatf.* $." : K«OI| con-,. ,liilon. :r.i N»-w r.runiwlck avfnu.-. I t

nu.ins an.) li.itti. all Itnprorlut l in^ >t«-aui h.-at. lot .Vlxl\>''J Kast Ur:mil >tr.-*-t.

l4.—lull* jvjll i ' l^e l i t s In-

ln. iulr . -. . . i l l 11

FiH: S A l . K - N v w lli.tis^. ^ix ron^m. til.-l u i b . l .rrakfast mink, sifiiin lif:ii ant! Iopen :illi«-. . h - s l m u iriiu; |»rii-f $<\.i:**. \I "-nils lo suil . lnmiirf < HVIHT. i»"> Muitt ts irff i . riinHf imi-M. i.i-tU-'Jt I

l*> UKNT Four -mom hiin^-nlovr and |hath. 7 Tuii.-n strevt. F.as: Milton nv.- !

ii>al hills, tliv.' y.mr friftuN n warm n--

.M-ctirah1 iiuT.nl wt-atli.-r strlji". F r r dSWiiii'i- -T t'ii.irioii'* pLit-f. T»'l. -TA",

< h hi..- cr.1, i i l r . . lWl ;.--111-^1 I

Rooms to Let KiMS SAI.i:—Thr.'.-i'l.1.-.1

1 GrandKIM: SAI.IC-Iliilij.-al'.w liv,. r is. l.ajli. " " " " " w " ^ ' V-M.- ^V \V •- (h.-al. all -ini|.r..v.'.n.'nls: I'l.'I .Vkxlltll. tri::t —— ——— — : ' ' " ' . ! 1:r.-.-- sn ip" arlior. .-liii-k.-n h.nis..: ir , ' ' " - I .KM riir.-.-room afarnni-nt. i - o , . , - , . . , .!,,,5 :,iiVl iroll.-v. ni,-u l..i'.itli.n. tVm-,-,1 all -•-"<• h.-ril furnisli.Ml. li,.,i,ir.- 13 I'll" I ' " ' ' , , , , ^ U " , : , ' '.' r .aroliml. Has 'tn I..' seen lu 1,.' al'l'r.-i-i- l"n str.'.-t. , • I t - I " " " - - I ' " 1 ->"•'

ivinc room ««*L

owni-r Lli

Whilf parked in Kliziibet h Smuluy ]nielli tin* autoniotnle of .Frank Xiekau.i'f Tl1.* I-*;tsr Si'ott avenHO. this city,\v;is siiiash'-'il by aiH)ili»T far. An^t'loDil'izzn, driver of the other- carswerved into Xiikau'> niachino in tryins to avoid an accident with a sedanoperated hy JohH richapen. Jr.. of ">MoniirfMo sirci*!. Union. He did notavoid (he at-i'idiMK. Xo one was hurt.

ROBERT J. LEAHEY BURIEDA hi'--rh mass of requiem was cele-

brated in St. Mary's Church yesterdaymorning for Robert J.' Leahey, whodied Friday. Rev. M. .1. Boylan wascelebrant. The funeral was markedby many flowers and a lar.^j attend-ance, and interment was in St. Mary'sCeilleterv. "he bearers were: Thos.

Francis Moopey. I'atrick O'L'on-a. 2irs_ Uell..Jiumii iireiuiau, James and 'John

1L- Jin)

AWARD ROAD CONTRACT -Tin- .niiirac: tor me improvement

of Hainan road, from Central avenueto Maiiison avenue, Clark Township,with sheet asphalt was awarded byI he Heard of Freeholders Friday toJoseph F. rsurkt". ot I'lainlield. at his

..hld-.ci—ills.7fil.Ca --A!ler;iaLe_-bids:fnr rrinforced concrete- beiliK. higher,tile beard recommended the asphaltpaveinenl. I.i-utz and Miirson weresuccessfu: bidders for tile repair oftil'.- bridge at Westlield road, nearRaritan rn-td. Their figure was . l.SliJ.

I.,'alley.Mr. I.eahey was a native of New-

York and had lived in this city mostof Ilis life. He was a('(uin Ilaliway. Xo.


America, and the Merck Mutual AidAssociation. He was formerly em-pioyud by Men:!; & Co. and by theCrasselli Company.

He is survived by a widow. Mary E.Leahey. throe children: Richard J.,Eleanor 1). and Muriel A. Leahey, ofi;!(i X-w Brunswick avenue; threeVrntlii'i.-. John. Tiiotnn.-. and JamesL.'aiie\. ol Kiim.siDii. X. Y.; three sis-ters, Mrs. Patrick O'Connell and Mrs.Flank Wiieeier, of Urookhu. and.Mrs. Clifford Sutitii, of Oklahoma.

PUSH CANDIDACYThe coinini:iee of the Xorth Side

Proper:y QWIHTS" -Assoeiation which:?•: pu:-:ii:ii: tin; randidacy of Alexandor.?\_=Mi.r.l.'!!l?H. L'-'JJ10. St'cind Ward. ;in-niMini'f.s thin ivports, received .su farhave })>n:n excellent. Thero are indi-(•IIIHUIS. thry <ny. of "an awakeulnK:.1nonp. the residents «f the ward andtlu-y ui't'.wulfoiniii-; the chance of voL-iii£- for- uii iiui'.-peiidont."

GIVE DANCETlir Hamblt-r A. C. conducted their-^-frtiJ-dHm'^-Frtdttv-niKht at Frank-

MM Si-h'ool. Music was hy Larry Rack'sCriterion .Orchestra. The committee*in charge consisted, of Ralph Smith,Andrew Barnes. John Schmidt, CharlesScbtadlo and George Vansco.


t-ozy littIt- livi'-rnom linusi* locati-ii atl,a wri'iiri1 strtt-r. Kali way. lloust- i<m-

Etirt r l ty wati-r. yns. toil.l . l>ath. electric:tit. .-ii-. Trier s:i,-.".» <<n [.-nns.

FKANK H. TIM'SSI.KKCor. Irving ami Kl:n, Kali way.

.i.-iT 4t

Tr.-.l Link. I.at.


Endorsers Not Required* * o R i m u n i t y I r o n 4 a r * 1

i i i i i T . i l . a t l a w f u l i n t i Tl » : l v a r y i h r n o u t t h r i r a

ir::: i*

Oth.r ai:inun!i In thcailon. If more oonr

—pay S l m i month jilu* i n : T " t— p.-.j" 9 L* .V) a month |*ln« Int^tv»!— p a j 5 TiW 4 uina:h plu« l:itfrr*t- p a y ?1*<«> a month pitta tnt^r»-»t• nani»* preportUm. Call UMI.IT to make ai

r r i i r or phono " """

Community Finance Service, Inc.

rm;-i:i;xT—TV . - . ' 1 - I I I K . -ill

i : liVnir:tIOftll-'.'t |

Ih r LirSMt AwrtnWBt •»•

TO I:I:\Tan.l l.alhprivate xi

'I'wo. four. livaparluieiit'*. ler.i».-s. Ilauer

and. *\x rin iM-attMl.


I-'OI! Ul'.XT I'nrnUlie.l iKillio.il l..,ar,l. l:i Mill..TIT .1.

with or111!'. T.'I.


tn Northern N*w J*p»*yi All (tiiarantwMl n*<*rt «*nr» on T.ih^rnl ''"frtni1 Car* from ?5rt \ip. Mor#> than 100 rar» UI "hrtoat from.

I l-'l.liillt Til LKT -Iminlr, ' l .raml itre*'t.I l l - i t

•OK SALK OK UKNT.-NVw »»i«s.« f(f... .roi.ms. liatli. i.'N'rtrirlry. •'onrrwi* r.-ILir. | 1'tn.in- 4*>7-K.I'loi ."Oiir,M: iji-ar trains. tn>il»*y. tni:*. i : ;M.IKHI. Small ilown iiayiiiyiit. balaiii-t- | I'OIt KKNT- f la t . Ni-v. 1st. four rrmmH.liki- r . ' in: nr ' n u t S:*Ji |MT iiiimili. ::.". all iinpruwnu'iiis Inrlmltii}; strain heat ;Trinity place, .\vcn.-l, or phony Wood- n-iit *U>. yxiuiri ' 47 N«'W liriumwirklirlilp* '.1.14-W. *.ct7--_'t av.-uii". It


Ch«i. F. Curtfr. Slmtccrr AVP. end Born»tt St., (on» »!•»»

from Court nonie).

Open B A. M. CntU i P . U

IIOI'SE I-'()l: SALE oil TO LET—At •)•'.Ellzahnth slr.-.-l. Apply ir, Kast l.akujivcnuc. • -..'j.rio 41

These,1 the tiuear I

Wt? liave n number nf llvtlows for sale at JI.J'.IO

are situated In onei'n'-tth>lis in , t hr ^i:t:aiiil_\Viii:j.will hutll i\ut\ IKIV ;<\\ hTlie Itrt Id .'.n'xlIM)' it ltd himincuts in tlio street. Wepiiymeiit^. nil you m-erf is J.'iiO rash.

We also liave live, s i i - nml neven-niomhouse1- at wry a I tractive |> rices. If we

KOR ItENT—Apartment C rooms andt . a t l i . a l l h n p r m v n i v n t s . I n q u l r r 1 "( i n - r r y s t r c v t , n e a r K M . - r h r o o k a v . ' i u i e .


-room tninna- FOR KENT—Two or three fiirnlshfil or— " " ' " 'ti!ifuriii<ht'il

of KiinuI lnit>r..vein.'lit«: ;ion»e on Itartell •

all luipruvt-! -will urrnnce j pol l KKNT-Fljtl three

SI.*. ln.|>lire uppers mid l.ath.

tint Lit llond stre.'t.o.-tll-'Jt

iSIIIWhave nut wh.it you want telhullil It for ymi.

u s u n d w e w i l l


. mayl3-tf

KOK SALK OK KOK KKXT—IIoiiw X«.170 Tirrpimt street. U rooms, all lm-proVt'iiiiMit^. stiTim lieat. I'.-tved Htreet,near scliool. Tel I'r'-i-inan i: Si.n. i:t»lIrving ch'ft. upp'JO-tf

I'OIt KKNT- Kiirnihhed niuin all runvnti-.•iinK. Mitf lilnck from hUrhway. r-nt j Iwry rc»Mun:ihli'. l'hulie l^sl-J. <>rtll*'Jt l (

I'OK KKNT—>>lx rooms, all Improve- 1 .~ nieiitrT'c^fcpt ln?at*"Ti*nt rrnsnnablp." In-

quirM 111 Kast Crainl stn-.-t. oi-tT-'Jt

LINTS FUNERALFuneral ^urvices for Francis Lints

who dit-d suddtMily in Ab(-rdt'on. Scotl:uid. <»n Scptiiinbcr 11. will he heldlit the First Presbyterian Church at 2

:1IK'IV tomorrow afternoon.Services of- the Kxomi>t Firemen's

A^sni:i;uion, of which Lints was formany years lhe pecretary will be heldlomon-ow night at the undertaking

L-IOI-S Di .laiuus M. Pettit, S7 Irvingt.trei:i.__Tlit*.body.arriyp(l jn New York. Sun:day on the S.S. Transylvania. It wasaccompanied by Mrs. Lints and herson, -James D.. Lints, .ot Hamiltonstreet. Interment will be in the fam-ily plot in Hjizelwood Ccniotcry.

• . WILL REPAIR BRIDGES.for, repnira ,IQ bridges in


I I O I ' S E . C K O V E S T R E E T . K A i n V A V

L O T l O l l i l O U

I t . C O O K . 7 - . U l l K O A D ' W A V ,

._ N E W A R K . . N . . J . . . .' . .

I'OIt Ill-:NT—LamfiTtiilili- (iimlsluMl room,all eonveiili ii-vs. on trolley, l.ns .line,live niliinti'ji to depot : suitahle for l.usi-ncrts man or woman. Impi'ir. 1 NewI!rnn~wlek aveue. I'lii.tie IKL'-W.


1 FOK KEN 1'—Two-room apartment rur-j lilsued tor li^ht liouReUeejiin^-: p.ii>! ran^e. tiiliti, electric llcht, steam healj iiml all I'liproveineiits. •.'.•,(; Wen Orond

stre'-r. Inquire restaurant HIM St.I i;eori:e avenue. Phonr itll and 74(1. It

Rahway, one at Lincoln avenuePrice stn>r>r-aud~.r>nB—rn-Carnr.ynY0r'nue,, at Price street were awarded toCharles Peterson, of Plainfield, at hisVddfl of $1MC and $1.0.40 respectively,at the meeting of the. Board of Free-holders Friday.

KAHWAY. NEW JERSEY.Beautiful Eucllsh Type Home.

In line-st residential soctlon: easy walk-iiiK (lirttanee to railroad, wllli ('Xeellentcommuting express nervire; within blockof tluee bus hues anil on paved ntr<vt:HIX larj;.' ulry roonm: breakfast nook, sunparlor, and all tiled Imtli with hullt-lnlixtnrj's; real tirejilaee. two-car ;;ara;:e.nice lawn nnd shrubi*; mortKa^es nlaeed:priee rltcht; terms reasonable. Inquire,owner, it. I., ltud.ly. L-.li! Central avenue,ltahwil.v l-pholif M7. sepWI-tf



b i tJoe•I"




i :Itllln :

Kit rI.-II


i:.\T—•;II. near


I!.', W'csl MI!li

• : X T - I -.'nils ;n

• > • : ^ i i r . i

V iivi'in

iinfnrt.1 l.atli.^.. 01.11..'. "AIV





rttoin.also pa:


ir wint.v.-lv anal; rrtitI. .


r. 4.l.Tll



i-li-• i in-'.V.'7


AlltKAliKLoin, IIOUM-H, buiiRiilowH, htor.-K, Kuhwny

unil vlelnity. I'lmnr Kuliu'uy 13M.I-ETEIS SKNSKNKi— S1EHKNA SENSKNUi

in'W. Seolt-Ave., ut Seolt Ave. Station.. •_. oet-t-tf

Real Estate For RentFOU KENT—New tuinirnluwK

t-lcci rlclty.I'hom- Ii«-

ln-;itor. -\iltali\v:iy.

FOK* RENT—At Avciicl. 1MIUHI> wvnnrooms, ii;irt Iiuprovi'iin-irts, nil klndn -offruit tri'i-H. AililrcjiH Mr«. K:uihut, I'. O.

Box 52, Aveiiel, >*. J". uct l l - l t

TWO-IH»OSr M'AKTMKNT with ' kitchen-••lie, funilslu'd fnr Unlit lionsckeeplnj:KlpL'trirliy. K;I«. Btciim heat, and all liu-

Onp lilnck from It. n. *tns:t C b l l tHo

. Onp lIii'iulre rear

I . n. *tCampbell Htreet



i t ie p lIH-llH i e

^NT-Sixliei;t, rel

lately. I

rnnniKin re:^ (miulre

all Improrpinpnt*[>tial>le. possession•is U'llllam street.

, sopno-2t

KOK KENT—Five rooms anil linth. No-._. Vcliib'.-r . _1: :ill_ modern UiiprxivDiueutH.

Hteaiii heat Included. On tn.lluy and bu»line: also one bli.ek away from railroadHtutloii. Inquire i;n> Main htrei't.

I'OIt KENT—rurniBhed room, suitablefor one or two: board optional. IiKiuIre•Jli (J.'orL'ia Htreet. oeH-4t

POU KENT—Nicely furnished room withImprovements. 711. West Ilazelwood ave-nue, corner Bryant street. »icnU-lt

Brainerd Lake Pa rk 'Summer Colony

Cruntiury, N. -I.

Oct. 12th to Oct. 16thinclusive

I.:i ( holer I,,I- ulll ;u on k.ilr lit

1 P. >!., On f.'lll for

SlODownLots $99 eachSOc Weekly

a l el!llli.



•litUy during <t"' :<1<X» uhUtr:ittiiu. Pl


till 1' 1*. M..D to tin- pru

4 < i r r c n S t . ,n i M l l i r i d t r , N . . 1 .

T h o n r 0 5 0 T h o r n *

a \\', , 1 4 t h S t , ,N . V , C i t y ,

K l l t a t ^ t h C h a m S r r o f r n i n m r r r i » .



All Guaranteed Used CarsLiberal Terms




l'J-J iV.ui,.., 4-r.i-«. .j l i e . s.'ilini MawliT Sh

f.r.v. Mn»t,.r six P.o.ulsli-l'.ii'i Stninlard Coupe . .lie". MiiHlrr S'.I Tourlr.;l'.C". ('..imtry Chil. V-'.'iii'

I0:r. Coach . .

W.'i 'I'ourinK. lliii S.-.lan . .l'.r.4 Scilan . .

l'.rJI Coarh . .

1W. Cmlpe . .

UI'_'4 Ci'iipe . .llf-ii S.-ilan . .

l'.'L'l (Niupo

V.at Sedan1l>-.-' Coupe


10LV, 8-Cyllndor KednnUC'.'i Rnailmi-r

I!O! Scilan Hlx-ryllnder . . . .Ki-JB K-CylludiT Sedan

. . lid. . -lii.'.

. . Tin


-iio; 5r—tnl-stx-i.Vnrr» ; A.ivjr...a J!"S.ii.«telr.'.", .\dvjiiet-d Coach

W WjimUrj4 SeiUnI!'.1.-! SeiLn


ler r,.ai-h

STL'DEnAKnBSlirji! Ill ir Sit SedanHOI Conchl r a Hperlnl Six Con<-h . . . . . . .l!'-'4 I.ltlit Sir Tourlnt-I!.:M 1WI Ulji Six TuorliiB . . . .lli'i; I.lfc-hl Six Coupe

KKSKINKlii'.'T F.r.klne Tourlns

l'.L'S Kmlclne Coupe >••


KC1 Coupe-Sednu . . . . .

DAILY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M.



Charles F. Carter, Manager .._;

Railway flvenue and BurnRtt Street. Elizabeth)

i j

-One Block-from -Courthouse"—TelrEmeTson 033-9-

Branch Showroom; 823-25 East Jersey Street

-—TeLJEmerson 47ST-.----

Notice of Sale of bancte for Unpaid taxes11,1927

p»irJ -it i:«hway. Now Itrtcy.' till* iwvonth day of Octobor. 13:;.


WILLIAM J!. WRIGHT. •Kccclvcr ot Taxes.

Nunifi of OwnfrCetircc VAn ltcnthuynJntnri" K. Cralmn .,....Il.irnfy Crahan


Charsca Cel.tll-Si.on



Inatnll.Not Duo

yStephen nml Ko».Kenm O.rTey

Alice CV Sulllvuh".:.:.7..-Allco C. .SullivanJo«t*i>h Uancu>o „.^.iniuel IllumenlhalKr-neiletlo llri^no

AdeHieW" Honnlaec

I>at>«lla «. I'ltchcr-

Jotpph Mancu»o

—jV .Kaoi1«*r It. Umitl^y—Antonio an.l I^urn Di- <Irnn

«;uiv4nnl.anil Anicrlltu. lacon

<MO 13S.1C








.(o120.11 - -7 . ro

'4.00 •

J,,.rph .W. TOT" 4.00l)jilr» :

Herbert C. nnd Ulnnla V. Itunn-...

1921Name ,.f i jwnrr Tux

IOIJIO A»oclate>. Inc

I'.illn A.»ocl«te.. Inc . . . • . ' " " . ! . ' . . . "

Mn. jKinei S. il«rkh»r.i . .An.lre ltatt»l!i.u . .— r~~

—«n» er»t-4,00 C.J8(.CO S.58


. ' inaUII.T.itMl Not Due

<3:<.74 1106.61• :l.S0

3:4.74H.0.9 Zl.U

K . . r » ! < . O r m . n l l r h

J . - x c f « m l < l l « « l t f - m l i » w i . k lJ . . M - I . U K e . t r l o o t . . . _. >

W l l l U n i a n . l K l . l . i r * . - i l . e ^ U

K T r t n r ! . J . . :<e>tl . _ .r r i n . l . J . S w ! 'l : . . j r * l M o t o r V e r t ! o . . I r :

Nnnin of Owner\V. ilTicdiCB


Mlsc*^- Int. tolancoua July 1.

Charges 1&27


• • thur ™ ^Jano K. Grnhana... -™Juno K, GrnhnmMargaret Omhan\ LemraonXnrKurct-Orftham-I^eininQn^ .,--_.xrarenret Grnliam Lcmmon.—.'.~Conntuntlnu Alnimo „Tlicrena I^crnandns -

Oustiivc Goodman . ;I^nkmlde Manor Co


LakeHldc Manor Co __Ljikculdc Manor Co „Wil l iam MrUninWil l i am Mcl la ln • .Lonn Kj>anof?ho .-. ,

% Leon SininoKho „Wil l iam T. Woodbrld£<•„: . ._Wil l i am T. Woo.lbrldffc 'LaltcKidt- Manor Co.I^kri i l i ln .Manor CoLakes ide Manor Co _LakopldQ Manor Co .7. _

' Lakcf-hle Manor Co }. „ 'L*k«.»Ul*-»U*K>r-CoT'.ikciiide Manor Co „I^tkcsldo Manor Co „' -l t akcaMe Manor Co ; ...,„LakenidP 31nnor Co..:..: „ „ ..Iinkffuldr Manor Co...u: -. •I^akrultlc Manor Co „ , .Lakc«!<3c Manor Co „Lakcaldo Manor Co ™Lakcsldr Manor Co ..„La ken I tie Manor Co

• 121.00121.0555.0450.01

7.«0 4.J9 1

' . in -i.13 <

' 1.10 41.10 4l . i c ^1.1C -19.C5 49.C5


- .18



-. !07

. !


.(•0 '0 0



.00 —



.on. _.00—.


99.7011.48 _

r. «••C.32 - ;

1C.11- 3C.U • -^_ . . i .

10.11 '3C.11

143.8414 3.64r,2.Gl . ....C2.58C.975.97

12.07 —12.0714.1014.1014.1014,1014.10H.1014,10 .14.1014.1014.10H.10

<4 . Lakpnldp Manor Co...r. „4S Lakpuldc Manor Co...« _ „13 L a k e i l d u M a n o r Co ,.50 ft T^tkcitldg Manor Co1 2 J U n a t l I U



Sydney.—David - White, jmiadle-aseg:Sydney business man, awoke oaa

Sl.2i0.000 In cash nnd $10,000,000wortli of real estate, a tortnncamassed by his uncle lii diamond deal-Ins In .South Afrlciu

Dclilnd the inheritance Is a storyrevealing bleak depths of human bit-terness and sufterln;. It goes bactto the middle of the last century,when Solomon Wlielnsky was. a l erdealer nt-XlshnfcNoTgorod'tn^Kussi ft.

Solomon revolted against _,tant demands of the czaristerer. Ills brother, a partner la thebusiness,—disappeared mysteriouslyInto the mines of Siberia.

Solomon Wlielnsky and two sisters-.lied. . .Tliey-suirered-blttcrly-Irom ttfS •

Hannah II. MatthewB.....:_•J. M. Foktcr _._

* Manuel M. Oiilllcrn-ty :...— Anlal Mlllr.r

and hunger before, they reached' _ .•whence they got aboard a-smuggler'D

| schooner and were taken to Amster-

and. his two sisters to the UnitedSta'tes. —• ••- :


U k r i M c llunor Co...I.aki-M.1,- Manor Col^hettltle ilunur C«..Ijil(C"lde Munnr C(

vLakol. le llunor CoLakfflLle llunor CoIjikr.l.lr lliiniir CoIjkcJldi- Manor CoI^tkoKl.le Miinor CoI^lkenl.lr .Mun.jr CoLnkonlJe Mnnor CoI^kmUIe Manor CoT.nl<p«l,f.. M:,nnr CoI.akfi>!c]e Manor C<


_chapeLIn_lS02 andbecame a "kosher"' 'butcher. He married a Utfssliiri slrtand changed his name to WhlteC H thad two sons, Abel and Aaron.

Aaron married outside hlM fnltti* nn&so Ions was the continuance of bitter-,ness that • Ahol-'s-snn,- David, decidedto start life afresh In Australia.

Meantime Aaron White hnd gomr


Tlllltll IV.MID

515-G J

s-;J T

5S1 J3

6 0'JZ:•:.



1*01«T1'iSHOnoi n112J I 3



- I-kl-*kI.ukI_ikI~ikl*.ik




r*UlecsMt-fnidc<;«!*! fcut.l.-*•(•!<!-•




' -^ | . ]<-

. Hillin;;

M a nM a nM a nitjLIlM a nl U n11 ;mM;-n11 anM a nM'.t nManM.-inM a nManM"»»J U rManM;inManManV.;inManM:.n

oror, ,rororurororori>r• irorororor' « •


ororororI T


- l lr-all;

CoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoC < i

C«.CnC oC<-CoCoC.»c«»CoCoCo

> C



Inridll.Sal Dat


group of men about Cecil Khodes, theuncrowned king of South Airica Ioz~the l»st fifteen years of the last cen-tury. It was there that the fortune-'which has fallen to David While was-amassed.

Aaron White traded in diamond*,and he emerged from the welter o l 'those frightful days a wealthy man-He einployedhis money in speculatiocand grew richer.

• • • j :

,.l. \V. <• li -TJ J •! t

-.\.-..r| K.r. !: .

\V.-:r' r .m-\ MJIW.-:n.-r .ir..,l Ma


~T: -S — i *

Submarine Detector _ _ . . .tb Be Used on Yeggs

Xew. York'.'— A new barrlerhas "betar ~placed between the bank robber end 'his swap as a result of research by

-the-engineers^?-the -Bell- laboratories__here.

Already learned in the ways' o rcops,-night watchmen and. the-mile?'of wire incidental to the usua.] elec-tric alartii systoin. the robber na ; rnow find himself up against a nc^ '•signal—device invisible from the out-side yet capable of calling a sqnad ofarmed puanls upon him as he yort;a-In fuct, tlie safe-lilower now Trorksunder war-timo cnntlitlons for ttie-new alarm is founded on the Type- I i 'Inertia microphone developed In the 'laboriitories during the war for sun-marine dfteulion.

This alarm conpists oS n micrc^-ph_«ne_carnli!e_ of dqtoctlng the most.mimito viur'utinn.- nf the walla of £

N. T. H-*:.-N". T. Ht'ti-

...T—•• Z.~1i

\ ' i r r . « - l K i t . ; . .

spvcnil l':in:;s !:ITC • nnd In PJiiladrt-r>hl:i. The iiiifr.>i.l;ri::c will not plctnp sound \V:IVPS. Thy stimalus is re-ceivctl ir.<.-cii::M>::l!y r.nther thanac«iU!=ticnli.v. I'ut ihf slightest j a rwill he sn'!:t?innt to S T in motion" a n :

electr ic eurn-n t tow h e r e btitli - aii(!ii>!t>na l s will bi- rtH-civt-i

Such" de-vices liav

l!to main o(T\cer

and visible sig-

hecn conceived'before. Uwt hrrciffore they"traliVi i iT! U T] vT!T":*a" I uni> :irfd



sounds from outside.have l<oen >tiniincr.t.'il theavy truck was ruinlilistreet cotiversaticn LTloud.

Tims, gnards-h^n merely K:^ hy or wbeisW sufficicatly

•>'« IVhlt"

nr\ J->rnun.!i-r>!••: iitA.1 T h r r * - ^ K.-

"i*l<» , \ . C^arcvnti" rl

>1.\ l ^ r n n

c i . < : 159 c :

"Z'~:—n^| -?->

!..1..I .I.1..1^


j "

I .I.I.1.I.' .


• k*», ; . . -i k "

l U .

i U »

"!i;r.iaki'i.:i k f K

ik —

A r j




MeM ri.lr


i l i l r

k l t l n


W*n«Miin.M a mii.iri.Mtn>M.m<MamM«n<


.ri r

>ri r, r

, r

i r

| r

, r

>r,r•r>ri r

.* H. Konu••« It. K"i«« 1


t. Kfi


» In\

i r,»ri r

Ci :

r.(*,I - ,





I -* "f


1 l-il--.-xl.lo i l ano r Co..I..K.-.-.I.I.- Mnnor Co...I-ilt.^l.lp Mnnor Co..

"• l..ik|.j|,l.. Mnnnr C.. ." V_ - I-Hki-ililu - i lunor Cii._

J11 U.li,.»l,l, Mnni.r I-...'l v I.^k1.»i,lc Manor C...'" l - .krsMc Munor <:•...

Munor Co.-•i M n n o C o

4.004.00 '

N\ T. Hcft-m.in Co.N. T. H.-^ciiiAn C(I..U1— C. MlUhcl!I.*.in.-- C. Mll.-lael]

-N. T. IIrKvin.in CN. T. l i ^ - m i . n CN. T. H«t:«-!ti:in C<<N. T. Hi-K"'i:iiin C>N. T. }U-K<*mun CoN. -T. H*-K'i".iitn Cn. .X. T. H.kv-Tnan C .N. T. Ilt-t:<-i:.:in C .N. T. !l.-ir.-i:um Co.N. T. H-K'iiiun C<>. .N. T. H-t:iMii:in C .N. T. HfRfman Ci.N. T. Il«>i:oinun CN. T. llrK.'mun CoN. T. HoKcmun Co. :.MHttif TurnerN. T. HcK-man CoOeorKianna CambriilK*-'N. T. lfPK'«Mii.tn'CoN. T. Hcijcman CoN. T. HoKcmnn Co.._N. T. H«'K«.'iiiiLn CoJohn T. MatiKinN. T. HcKvmun CoX. T. HcKrmun Co _

-noi.r»:*'"~T:n-knion.!"T:.:::.r.T:.T.X. T. Ht-Kt-m.tn CoX. T. HcKrnmn Co.N. T. n^Keman I'oN. T, HfKeman CoJohn I>. ThlKponX. T. Ht'jifinan CoX. T. Hoffman C<>.MtHon tint! Minerva ItrownI'liMrllr HurriK

Jnmw W.-WriKhtN. T. Ht-Konuin Co :X. T. He^jftiuin Co

.X. T. M.'KPHian CoX. T. llt'cwniin C(iX. T. llcKcnian CoX. T. HfKi-man Co _ .X. T. lli>K«*tnun Ci>X. V. Hfiirman CoX. T. HrKt-mun CoAililU- Ht-i.ry1MM\* uml limit K.iKha am

O'Connor . .- I;<miw—itml Ruth KdiOiit an.

U'Connor ,.• LOIIIH ami Kuth Ka.fha ant

CCConntT-.T«.Lii iin.l M.ir.-y Walnh

John an.l Marry Wnlah....John and Ih-li-n Muonmwki... .John nnd Ht-l.-n iluomasklltuf.-<fll G. and Julia Dowdpll.Kilter" G - " n t l Julia Dowdrll.I'nltfd LUDII Dt-vflop. Co., InUnnry VeinHenry Vv\nllt-nry Kt-in _Ut-nry Pt»ln „ „ .Julius OerurtlJulius Gcnirtl it -.

anif of OwnerA. Curloy

Smoke-Elisht in -Paris Brings Action-

Paris.—The s:;:o!;c ;i::il funn a ottliis industria! lii*'1 ;irc putting blon>islie.s on the face nf Paris.

ii!iiol;"e lias nut only lu^'un to Mftcfc- —en the once gray wall of Xotre T'.-jme-,but the poisonous particles from 'nc-tories nnd automobile exhaust pipceare pnawing at tlio delicately cartedstonework. Already several pieceshave fallen from Notre Dame, :Irr»:rthe palace of justice and from othercelebrated building. Kyen the Made-leine, the classic 'Nineteenth c-rntarychurch at the head of the Rue Itnyale-,.had to be repaired and cleaned frort^steps to roof this year.

The city of Paris has appointed s;commission to see what can he don*about it.


_EMri-il_Guy A.


Trt'iiiblyA. Car l ry- :.:„•;.•..•...-....:....:;.A. Cnrirj-A. Curley.™A .


unvl I1i'l«n M. Cuniiibt-llU l I l fpC i l u n p o r t u n e( J l a n p o r t u n o _

J "

1UH.M109. Cl

L. Jont-3no VaccurfUu 10.74

tContlnucd on1 1 . 1 G



ooooooooooooooooooooooooopHousemaids of Paris

Get Their "Rights". Paris.—The I'uris.house serv-ant Is In a fair way to becom-ing spoiled. A labor contractjust drpwn up. signed aci3sealed,.. rohds_:

"The lady of the house en-pages herself to treat with allthe desired solicitude her newdomestique, M;uk't:uiise!lc- Ktn—ma. She will accord her twohours every i!::y to go to hercourses in clothes-cutting, ste-BOgraiJliy, piano playing and

, "Her.-wa^es will be."."O franc-ja month for the first tlirc^-months, with :'.n Increase of 2T.francs every month at the tadof the fourth, i;;> tn tl:e limit o"000 francs monilily. Tlie nc\r

^-servant shall have the rh:ht touse the bathrnoin twice a wo(-I.\

"Mademoiselle Knnna will notlie called by her first name, but

"ijlK? r::i!M in.- aided by aciian;-iM'rmr.iil or char-woman, accorc-Ing to the needs of the hous<-

X hohl."


Reed Test'

' - -3

—"imTakes mr lan^li I" in-:ir .".'0IBCmen- s:i>'- Lhey . luivcu't ucy iem;x.'r,"*says old Al 1'itchvr. "Nn man Know* 'If he's got-a-tci::i«-r ii!! he int'tls'. npwith a di'teruilnci: :'.;;.ut s'«r something •'no household Is ' n I:I;.let c v.'ithouL"—"Farm and Fire.-Uii-.



" / • . . .


The Rah way RecordNew Jersey AdvociU

aat«red at-the Kahway, S.-J. l'ost Office'asunder tho oct ol October 2,

secimd cJa6» innttcr,

CIRCULATION 2675Published Tuesdays and Fridays

- JtahrcayJi>ubliBhiit£ Corporation

—"V,'a liavo" lrafl~a~1uus. liiiTct-flsht lo make tuning'possible in New Jersey.- -It- now-behooves the-i rlendsof the cause to get their beads together and seo.to Itnhat -we liavo a zoning enabling act that is as gooij as itcan be made in the light of our own and the experienceof other' states." . • • \

J. R. HOUGH, PresidentCHARLES A. BRADLEY Local Editor.

Subscription rate $2.50 per year, payable in advance.Single copy 3 cents.


flamyC. Vttxnt.Prm^mtKew Vort—Chlcjto—Pmudelphla—?le»»lt

had TtSpfiS.-—ind protect zoning ordinance's againstthe machinations of adjustment boards'.

-Perretons for Fir«m«n-


Revising the Zoning CodeIt i* a source of Rratiflcation to note that the city

authorities, at the moo-ins- of Common Council Wednes-day night, took under consideratlqti the. revising of the

A Fight NecessaryThe New Jersey League of Municipalities proposes

l!iatTi-spcciai-conimittco-be-Bame(l-to-pr«be-tlio-rolatlon-ship between' tho repeal of. the personal property taxon automobiles and local finance. This proposal coniesin anticipation of a drive for relief during the next ses-sion of the Legislature. _ . c

Sedley H. PMnnoy, the League secretary, is by noI means guilty of exaggeration when he says, that NewJersey ~cltles~~have 'been* forced~lnt~oth&"embarrasslngposition of fma'ncing street construction, traffic control,traffic courts and other governmental needs createdby the automobile without, receiving any Income fromthis source.

Naturally such a situation bears heavily upon Rail-way taxpayers and the same condition confronts thetaxpayers in every other municipality throughout theStale of New Jersey. It adds appreciably to the difll-

; local-zemiirs code.- Mayor- Eyfle_iiTittxominendi£p_this_ _^]()pg___of—obtaiaiag im>Kre££lve=muiiici]>.-ilU£=8<>vp>:n-." ationr'to" Council urged"that' haste' be" followed "to so j n e n t - . l n ( i development. "'This is important, not only to

amend the code as to-previ-en Uthe-lieauty.. of ..the town

residential sections."With the nd'o-ption ot the Zoning Amendment to the

State Constitution a new act of the Legislature- will horequired. This means that new ordinances will also henecessary in local communities before tile, amendmentcan become fully effective in the various communitiesthroughout, the Stale. _ . -

' It is also a pleasure to note that members of City

Council are wide awake as i.o the po.-wlbllilj cjf-the

every automobile- owner in this city but toe-very tax-

assumed by local organizations—Automobile Club, Rotarynild -Kiwanis clubs, in fact, all fraternal orders couldwell agitate for action in favor of the repeal ot the

•" Ax a mutter of fact, the motor lobby to whichMr. Phluncv attributes repeal of the auto tax wasa deplorably short-sighted instance of organized strategy".In many ways, motoring comforts and facilities are fur-

A i

r f

""""Memorial Monument at Lake and St. lieorge avenues"oecomins crowned hy business surrounding. H would

"be a pity 12 r>ui lw l!"!s il".*1'" - ' £ w °1 t h r e a _ t £" . e d >nvrisi(|BCity Council will umlinihtmlk have the biickiiiB of cifK

—zeiTs~fir"n'ghiing those who would intrudt-. It seoms apity a community cannot maintain one sacred spot withinjts'confiiies. There are some natures on Ibis terrestialbail who would hot lu-.-itaie to start any kind of analmighty dollar making ,-chome oven in the center of acemetery, ^uch as these should be put upon the rack]of censure ami an effort made to inject into their systemssome regard for the liner things of life sentimentally.

. Gi-iti-ii; back to'the revision of the city's zoning code,those-<>ntni.-ied with ihe task will find that in view ofpossible targles i; will be necessary to proceed withcaution a I'll deliberation to "Kike it work effectively for

- the br?r-:i'.icre^s for tili-affet^oil,-kf*pin" i!i-viiiw_futureirequirements of theirTityT .MrTtlcoFgo S. Hurgess7YieT>preside:!: .imi Seeroiavy of ihe New Jersey State Chaui-

" ber of Commerce, makes some timely statements onthe.,adoption" of the Zoning Amendment, lie says:

"Zoning will be either a boon or a curse' to New Jer-sey. As Prr.-idein Quinn of the State Federation ofLabor has aptly said."' continued Mr. Hurges.--. "the Zon-ing Anu-p.dm-.'nt wa> oniy the first hurdl.-.

i- new enabling ac; i> passed by the Legis-prov'.de agains; two dangers. First, mal-

administration by l"cal Hoards of Adjusuuent. Second,injury by <)]••:• tmvii or city tu another through ill-advis.edzoning of adjninins lernt ' j i r ."r -Litlie thiniglli

tht'rml by the i-IUcs. • Curuillumiu of suclt imiivUim, ie-suiting fr7im"nie'lax"'reiieairwiirreabuiitT iiriarge~p"arrto the disadvantage of the very interests it was designed•n s e r v e . _ , , • ,.• • • . . • • _ - . . —

"It is to be hoped that the Legislature already hasdiscerned the folly of its action." says the TrentonTimes. "But the cities cannot afford to gamble, on thispossibility. They must lay careful plans, like those nowbeins suggested, for a shoulde'r-to-sboulder tussle, in

State Hou^e next winter."t h e

She Stoops to ConquerRailway's experience with center of the street trafiic

posts has been similar to other cities, in that every nowand thc-n some near sighted motorist would take iht-liberty of tiirting with i:. resulting in some instances

! lo severe damage to the post. Out


And State-Insurance- Monlea-ll-'ritm Trenton Times)

The NcTw 'Jersey Firemen's Associa-tion at its recent convention In At-lantic City, gave it's approval to pen-sions for exempt firemen who havereached the. age of 65 years, and whomay ' bo "deserving such pension."The pension Is not to exceed $300 a

-to—-liembers-or former members of lire depart-ments under municipal control nudwho have served the necessary.num-ber of years.

No doubt many members of volun-teer fire departments give such valu-ableTalil ~to~fli"eXr"riiuh1eIpalHIes~as""tOentile them to consideration. Theyreceive no compensation, Before thoLegislature shall act on any plan forpensions for exempt firemen, it shouldmake an investigation of what thoState is doing for the firemen, andwhether It is desirable to retain thepresent law giving them certain insur-ance-monies.

There is already provision, made forpensions to -policemen-.-and -dromon

p: nnrt-tr-afatg-homc for the latter in Morrlstown.Hefore going further let the taxpayersbo told of all that is being done andwho is paying the expenses of the an-nual conventions at Atlantic City, andhow much. Turn on the light.

• * m •

Converting a Menace •"*'To a Useful End ' '' • •

'F rom Newark *•'-•«<)

sons who, -however, plous-and-Jilncere,

nro lacking in knowledge and in tho

tu impart cvoa such ltnowl-"irtrllirj

eaBe~~aT"t¥ey~do" possess. Thcro- is

just tho same need of trained teach-

ers in Sunday schools that thero is

in the' public schools.Beyond that,- howovor, uitendance

at this school nnd at similar institu-tions Is to be commended to thosewho liave no thought of teaching. ForTaro-n-lcdKtr-of-tlie-BIble-ls-ouo-of-tiie-prlme essentials of all education; justas is a knowledge of history and geog-raphy and the . elements of science.Nobody can. claim to b"e well readwithout it. As a history book of thehighest authenticity it ranks with

lKnglnnd and America. As a master-piece of literature, in poetry andprose, it easily ranks with the great-est of the classics of ancient andmodern letters. As a moral anil spiri-tual textbook, it has no rival In allthe world.

"The-fear of the Lord is tho be-giuning-o:—-Ylsdoni^l Knowledge-*!the-~Bi'bie the essential".foundations of education.

RliAL ESS 1 A I fc. 1 kANSWERS"Peter J. Carter to Kutherine Vernou

Corio, premises In Stautou "street, 1(H"feet from Bryant street. • •

Mao K. Dottlo to Bettlo Realty Co..Inc., premises in E-sterbrook avenue,

•130 feet from Cherry street.Citizens' National Bank of Rahway,

administrator, etc., to Mao E. Bottle,properly same as foregoing.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordonothers to Mt. and .Mrs. C.eurge a


>"\Vlii-Kiture" it

desperation, they devissupport auto sign-postdown, on the leveltly~baek auain. to tile perpendicular, illvehicle's weight is removed from them.

Tiiis recall- ilie circumstance that. =oine time ago.an inventive genius sought to put on the marke: a rail-road c:-o-<i;iL' gaje consisting of a tremendously strongloop of piai.o wire, which, descending as a train al>-liro.idled, anchored itst-lf across the highway around twoopposite s;e> 1 pos:s. set in -.-einiorced concrete—as easyto upi-'-ioi as one ul the pyramids, ami mighty lie ti-

—'Fin—th-ur-.—v.-:ts- ri::tt—:tn

lt is the idea of a contributor tothis page that the- plan to sink someancient vessels along the Jersey coastfor the betterment of fishing mightbe so broadened as to include decrepit,antiquated automobiles. The notionseems, an admirable one. for the bonesof a car whose useful days are overshould afford as attractive home fortile barnacles which are sought by thetish as the hulk of an abandoned boat.

There are on every hand, as thewriter points out. piles, of wrecked j

I automobiles, unsightly and slowly| succumbing to ru^t. These might, a t :

in Chicago the au- | »"1 excessive cost. I... collected anda i d d s , - until ill l.diimbcd into the ocean a i j i .sufficient;

\ii5tance from sirore~Th"ai~"Hicy~rw\Tn!ittnot constitute a menace lo uavjga-.

I lion. On the resultant piles of wreck- j[]K,']agi> the crustaceans could live and In-j

crease, summoning .hungry fish t o !nearby waters and thus making thefishermen happy and prosperous.And the thought goes even fartherthan this.

Ewry ur-'-ck is not in an automobile' | bom-yard. Hundred.-, of rattling ruins

are running about on the roads of NewJersey, endangering the lives of their

thcr drivers,-:.-! say nothing

deinan, in finises in Sjuinure sISO feet from Jefferson avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaufer lo Mr.and Mrs. Matthew Misback, propertyknown as 226 Price street.

James Diskin lo Nicholas Salernoand others, lots 3S to 40, block 4, map •of Itahway terrace.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.. Koenig to

UH0 41UIL- uuil .y.':.r.. f lt

and ?lcc°lon district" <if (lie City of Kali-;' District— At Wuhlng-

ton."scl>ool"Ta"nc.i) Urami u«d Lawt«u«

Ward, Pi-roml PIslrM—13 l"a»t KXKCCTOU'S HKTTl.EMr.NTSOT1CH IS UEBElir OIVE.V "ah« II,

nci-ount of the nubucriber, Excculnr of !kthe Estate of SEUE.NA M BODWn I } e

cea»ed, will lie audited onO imtea br £"te, nnd reported for Kttlemoii •

^Mlrth W ^ VMotor '.'.ir Co., -"- Milton Avi-nlH'.

l'.iurlli Ward Hoconil Dlntrkt—Coltim-hlan'Srhobl (annrx), Xcw llrunBwlck and

1 1 1l.'iflh Want. l-'lrst Ul.lrlvl-^RllBUciUM- So. £ Seminary' Avciiuo.

Kltth WnrJ. Sccoucl I)l»trlct—Eujlni"U u s r N'o. 'A Seminary Avi'iiuc.

intcil City L'lirka Offlcr. IUtiway, N. J .

" " ' r ' : l ' i W r - M. K. GCTTISGS.City Cl«rk.

NOTICE Of KLECTIOXlu cuiiformlly wllh an .U-t cutltlt-u "An

Art to .ttopulato Elov-Uolw" iitcvUlon of.MM) .mi-uts tlH-rtoi anil i»ul

Muy ">. mis}, with the amend*nlt-menls ttu-rvlo. no-at IlicaMstrkt Hoard

<>f-lUsUtr\i_aiul_±;UxUoli_ln_nii>ilforKli-clionDlntrict 111 the- Township o t T awill make a houw to houso canvava on the:<OTonth ilny of June nt-xl rontlnulni: to

^ " ' " l T { U

i if 6

the t-nsulni:Third Urrlmlrr «*J-

iT is, ltf.'T, lidwecnof Our r . M . i»

Tllui-I. .»'• «•

in Id ili-ccosfi), notice U licr.•r*»ilUor» - of-naW—4lo<^ft«tHLhe mibnorllK-ra under oath


CLAUKXCi; A. WAJtn.Ilnhway, N. J.

lht0rjtuu0Ui(UrX-0fahtjCauoton^Vcdncday, tho Saa, day ot

Dated September 20, 10" 7HAIIWAV Tltrp , 10^7HAIIWAV T l t r s t COMI'WV

of lUhway, N. j . '•

IIYEU & AltMSTRONG, Proctor,Itah-Tay, K. J.

soi>27-o a w-Sw i.-r-

Uritrml Klfrllon I)o.T.TUC-MI.IJ\ November !>", W-T. !>e

hour«-of Hlx A, M. :iuJ Seven I \tween theM. i^i i t-

trn"Standard Timi-I.Candidate* are to lie nominated «t the1-rimarr Klivtlon to I..- held Tue.dar. June-1 l'.i"7 and t'l-moun are lo tie elected althelieneral Kleetinn to tic held Tuenlay.VovemlMT S. U«. ID 1111 the followingoltlees:

hee«-«*f-lh»^^acy-al Nairmbljof Sew Jerrn-y from the Countj

ed u new kind of rublier posts, tos wiu'cli. hi: by a car. bend f!a:

t invaminut

of ihe Stateof Vnlon.

One Tt»wn>hlp - t*oinmltte-.man, to ofrl.-ci.-il for a I.Tm uf thr^-e jeari .

Ono T.-II Oillm-lur. _Out- Mal<- anil om* Female of the- Town-

«hln of flark lu rvpr«-»-nt the Union•iiunlj- ItrpulilleJin I'omralltec.On>? M.ili- ami »w Kemale of Ihe Town-

.lilii <>f i-Utl. iu rriirnent the l.nlon'tCoimtv t>»-iiWH-ratlc ri)niinttleo.

Frank J. Kalesch. premises in Maurice TI,,.' rolling I'laec for ihe Ktoctlon Pl»-avenue. '.50.S2 feet from St. George ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ' o n e o ^ s S t " " ^ ?avenue. ,,, k T,,lvll,i,ii,.

Evans ("unsiruciiou Company to Kd-• ' r.Ot.AN'D J. WHITE.ward P. ••t-uehlin. premise- in liryant . Towtiihtp On*str.-ei. U"> feet from S t . a n i , >:re-i.! i i ^ - ' " ' - " ' " "•'.'•'-•- '"""•

Mr. and Mrs., Henry Lilt to Ceha I | - » T \ T » " I>F JVioit nr.lM. i>l'.<E.\sr.nOxmasi. j . remise., in ivir.r.u avenue.} ' i-nr-imt i- _ ii»- - M T -f i ; i :ouui: ll.

j 4" f-et from Ttilrza- place. i "'".^^s.^','.ii- . I P " ! ^ ^ ^ '•\sy <•! s^ru-iniH-'r! Mr. .ind Mrs. Charles Hagedorn to ^ '{',' 'HV.T ni...n th.- a|.i'(i--.iti-n <-f' ih»I Mr. mid Mrs. Klljah Morgan, hi feel j III'I.IIT.IJIJ.-.I. »' i : - " " ' » » ••< "•<• ••«»"• " f

j i:\ LHV.TSII-I! street. ILIT.J feel _trj:u j "-. ' ~~J' "_ _ ".. '_ '_" 1 ' _ " .in avenue. 1 ~ ~ ~dIT^A??ririatcsT-tn—Mr.- it::d-—Mr?r|u:u K. Tascher. pn-ml-."< at i he !•r n{ Lincoln avenue and Pr ice '

They'll Measure UpTo All Demands



S:e Cars Pot Through HardTests Near Detroit, Mich.

William and Russell Hoblltzell, lo-cal Chevrolet dealers, returned tbeother day from a visit to the great'••eni-r.il yriinr-i Proving ('rounds at

Forty year, experience in dcsi(muv andmanufacturing h«\ting equipment h.iv;turpht ut many thing* oljout Ii-ni;";.All thnl we have learned Lint jour^rr-ict^—free.

If you have a hrMinft iirol.!<m «ewould deem it n privilrfrc ii >i>o wo-:14call tipun u«.for facts nnd nVur.-* oamodern radiator heating.

• C. TIMMISPine and E m e r s o n S t * , Union. N. g :

" Pboue Unionvll!.; \i<:>. - . . . .

Hound O:ik Summoriieat Oil Burner W ln>tal!cd in the feed door;,. !i.':iti::ir systt'in. not on tin.- ash-pit door, (although'it may In-•:! i . n t h e l . i t i i T '.t p r i . c - r r . . ' . i . :

y. :r ftOd door is simply drilled nnd the burner boiled oil. The coolr: .itf 3 are not disturbed. You ran build :i coal or wood fire at any timeA.r.n:; Interfering one hit with th-.> burner. You .can burn cnal or. • ..i.-- with the burner iipcrating siiiiuitaneotirly. |f you wi.-h.

No bricking wlui.'OnVi-r I. required. I; is tint neci-s.s^ry in remove the. ;•:' i^-or. Krite.-*. etc.. and c*-:::eat the liurui r iu.'ns otlier^ do. Tlie

.-":::::::ii-rh<-at :r,.-iy be lifted iroii; i!ie f-.-ed il"or. a dupik-ati1 door plan..-!. :!:.:-he:itfr. and t'Vi-rythins wntild be exactly.a< "In-fur.- ltist-illation,

•. ::-:h .: i.- i:nt at u!I in-1.--:.ir> :.i i.-iuli the burii.-r In biilMi!:.- .i- .: . r wood flro.

Geo. R. Hoffman160 Irving Street, Tel. 900

Milford, Michigan, forty miles out ofDetroit.."

More than 300 dealers were guestsofthe General Motors Corporation un-der a plan whereby automobile dealershandling General Motors cars are bu-Ing taken ta the proving grounds toiam!llarl?.c_theni \vithJlH-_cxhauntlvetests their car's "have to go through"before they are offered to the public.

The Chevrolet party left on specialtrains from New York City oil Sep-iombiT '1't anil spent the entirt follow-ing day at Milford. returning againby special trains to New York thatnight.- Included were- dealers -fromNew England, New Jersey, Delaware,Maryland. West Virginia, Virginia andEastern New York anil Pennsylvania.•H^-f—Horton,-Hei!loiial-SaleR-Maaageivvvitli—hradquarlers. at-Tacrylo.WU,. >LY.. has charge of this territory.-.

Commeiiling ' on the .' proving

" "fhore'were twelve ClioVToIeta'onthe ground a tho day we wore there,and each one was undergoing, a dlf-

. ferent test. An average ot twelve Isalways there. Each one piles up from

taken to tho Experimental Laboratorywhere Chevrolet engineers dlBmantelft and note the- wear caused by thetest driving, so that they can -pickout any flaws in construction

' remedy them.I "September, they told us, markedthe third year In which Chevrolet-hasbeen using the facilities of the prov-ing grounds, and in that time our-testcars have- run up more than three"mttttDTT-miles.

"After having seen the elaboratemeasures taken to Insure that thecar embodies tbe foremost -In engi-neering principles, in body construc-tion and the- host of other advancesthai all contribute to the greater sat-isfaction of the owner, it is moreIhnn pvnr plnln liy f!ri-vrnlnl IK «Pttlngnew world records for the productionand sale of gear shift cars."

all his experience in ihe automotiveindustry, he had never seen so im-,...>=.-;ve or so gigantic a project main-Mined exclusively to provide beltercar- for t ju^mblie .

" f here "is a road lest or a meciiatIFcal device to prove every last detailthat giu-s into building or the opera-lion o! our cars." be said. "There isa ' iuth tub" -n which body finish and

• cff.-c'.-iif splashing on the ignition

Fights 18 Years ToGet Rid of Gas

-.. "I had stomach trouble for IS yearsSince taking Adlerlka I feel betteithan for years and have not beebothered with gas."L. A. Champion.

Evcn~the~FlRST spoonful of Adle:lka relieves "ga3" and oftpn remoTiastonishing amount ot old waste ma

joy your meals and sleep better. Xo

; OPEN-DEVELOPMENT ' Jcloaea Sunday, October 16," at a p. m,An opportunity to buy next year's j^ee b u 3 excursions from Kew York,mmer-bnn^low-site-at-thls--year's ^—6-6"--cit-T-EI!zhBetli, Pertli'" "Aihboy£ i * \ J Z i K i K ^ ^ a S a ' a n d Woodbr.dSe w.,1 be run on the

Woodbrldge, who this "week announced opening and closing days. Purcnas

l h l ear'- frQ^rfl£aMgh^

Linden Dog-CatJlospitaLji--.DR. LOUIS KLOTZ, V.S.

St. George Avo., Cor. Adam* 8t.,Linden, N. J.

^ . j-phOTwfclm!efr3092,-B«enK>rr394t>J

ection--of-Bminerd.lAke-P»rkr--Cran-Jn_t!-e.B^urv. The sale starts tomorrow < and Club for each lot bought.

ANG!The Duck Season

How are you fixed for a Gun, Hunting Coat,J Breeches, Ammunition, Belt etc.?

We carry the following famous nationally

matter what you have tried for yourstomach and Ijowels. Adlerika will-sur-prise you. Kir3tein's Pharmacy.—Adv.

- i r n LV U :t. 'I'nere ever


-• i .


tnv—tun—^p i ' '. |Vy- i • i - 1 ^ng Q O M K women n ' t o:i"y c\p.-ck to ;s£j-O-ihnl—a—wrll—t-\i-ry—iiHio—tln^f*-^

^ o : i ' L'OIUIHL-S WIRTU iin> (iividiiii: l ines

t i c - ;u'f liiiviily rfi<tin~uisli:il)!t\ -T lu

m m wh'-n t h e r e will hu a s imi l a r :


beiween munieipali-'day'is not far ills-ituation in 'I'assaic.


I w o u l d b

j uf t l ie

:'.d Union coun:i-.s. li already partially

a . ' t

- A J to I'm- first poiui. some, proposals have been ad-vanced and they have started a controversy. Judgt* Wal-ter C. Kllis. of Kast Orange, counsel ur the Suite Leagueof Municipalities, has recommended the creation of a

>„ t" veli'i".-il on I'M-1 score tliat surii a board would be madeu;i of politii.-al a|i;ioiinei-s. Pull and jobbery are feared.

•"'Die suggestion of .Judge Kills may not be -the idealone to adopt but i; can be done and slill safeguardcommunity inK-res*..-* against unfair »o- crooked practices.Massachusetts has found ihe solution through a pro-vision of law limiting the choice of appointees, to a hoardof Ihi-; character.-iiiounh-sh"-has—no State board ofreview. • - «

t r : t : : : j : v " . v m n n ^ n m n I I I I I IO I l l e

imt i:i»vit:ibly would be liurled. backeil.v. as a l;'.d tlirows a stont- from

rubber .-ling, only to hmd pi-rhaps half a mile toxists-jlhe rearward, jiresuniably witli its engine still runn ing / 1 " '

"j : ry - i r •n-gain^meer—with "nnorhoTT-ebunV-.Tmrkeep^a! it"'"j~;until gradually it ran down, like a clock, and same! , ?to :, standstill.

•.. I • • •

The inventor was of the opinion that one of these , p- a j t h Supplies Link'•xperiencos would be enough for any average motorist, t T h a t R e a s o n Doesn't

So far as .'.ppears, this type of crossing gate never! iKrum Klii.il-.-:!ii.is ad-Mileiirin:t ('"iiieago's new pattern of sign-posts are 1

sting on the sau.lv bottom 'Ihirsty. r.nt they <t-,:,.e it lo, -, ' , and walk over t" eni.

, populated hy succulent |useful pur-

MotorVehicle Department.


1 not dissi'tiiiar in principle.

r , J » ' ,"

What More Could They Ask?Loading up several ships with malcontents and radi-

cal extremists, the President of Chile sent Ihem toan island i ir i i tv Pacific with his good wishes and hishop.-s that they might work" oui a civilization to theirown liking. • • '

Out—rtren: they tnn-rlrrnw-lronirrs, Uiey c;in~e!igagT;'any violence yr do any'of the stunts which lll-v wen-appointed l»y th--- governor from a li.-t of nomination

made by the NVw ,!ers>-y Slat-- Lea-U'- nf Municiiialities, | rarrvingXew .It'rsey Assoiiation of Ui-al Instate Hoards. Xew Jer-sey- State Federation of Labor, Xew Jersey Bar Associa-tion. Xew Jersey Stale Chamber of Commercc,-Xewj e r ^ y F-d-TaMon of Women's clubs, and possibly a fewo'.N-r s;a:e-\\ iu-.-onrganizations whose character and vitalconcern wiih tlie probl.-ins of zoning wuiiid insure intelli-gent r.dministrativt.- control andreinove our great (iues-

. tions of sia'.e develiijiinent from'-the" influence of politics ' Uu-ir island, and there will beand selfishness. ' wrong th-.-in or

i-e o

in Chile.lf. thty object to established institutions in their

nvn island baliwick. it will be their right to bombhein. Whatever is wrong in the conduct of affairs,hey can demolish with torch and blasting powder.

of like minds, they can apply tiieir philosophy

Anotlrer iiUi^lligcntsia suicide wasreponed Saturday when John Frank-lin Cluittin. of Newark, ar: stuilent.was found dead in his room with twogas jt-ts opened.

Hy his side was an unlinished essayon "What Is Death?"

Don't r\]ii-ck gratitude from yoursister's chKdrvn, your husband's fam-

IM liate :o have a doctor treat mofor chMMnins that never had nothiti"the matter with bis feet.




. • r k V " I

Open a Vacation Travel AccountAt Our Bank

SAVE TO TRAVELStart saving now for next summer's vaca-

tion. You can do it, simply and easily, byplanning ahead.

Deposit_SlJ(K)-^5..Q0_or_wliatever you wish.regularly each week, in a VaculiuU TiiVfii iC^oun'Luntil you have saved enough for a real vacationunmarred by money worries.

This bank will be glad to tell you how.There'srpfeasure, education'and— health~to begained from travel alone. It's your heritage.Claim it.

-Citizens National-Bank-

(i.-r.-—. \i, t ry the stamina of cars. |Them are -iraiglit-aways and a track 1;,. ;irnv.- -j>e«-d and endurance . - |

•\\\- wer.- shown devices :h:.i regi-j-1;.- r :!:,: pressure on .ill- fool pedals.::i-- - tliirt :i.-i es^ary to s'.eer. 'drags*that ai'.-ii-h to t h e ' c a r and by aiiply-in-_- liraki- pre.-.-ure have the same et-f-.ct a- -!••••;> t r ades , devices that, runaio!ig.-!iic the car and register sptoii |;.. d' \ .'. i-j.iriaracii-- is a speedo-j!:.••'.'•:.- and a ihoti.-anfl and one other j

I''v-for.- •::-•>• g.i on Ilie m a r k - t . '' -(Mir p.irtv :-rriv--d a: Milford 0:1!! .Mo!:il.i;.. :,::il M: :he iiiornlng we -,v.-r."| - ! : - .ni ; abt.-ut •!'.-• lif-v bui'i.liugs. 111!jr . : - ;.:i'i:'*'r:u::i we >:r.v niutinn p ic- '•f.ir.-- of f.utory opera t ion- and -»pe-!i-.-i:i; -..i-.- j-/rf..r::i::ig on til-- CTDIII

"Let Dunn Do' It and ItWill Be Done Right"

Toipn Admire"~~:!»• f.i'.i'.tl"v-j anil -p.i::. <5 way we caaClean your datr.ti-st ?:!k frocks,tr.ad.-im. V.V can save t:::i:iy a dres^that you consider "ruiai'd" and re--tore :t.< original beauty ;o thnroushlyIt'll dclisht you'.


54 Wctl Slilton Arc. phone 43 Hnlnvuy

Atlantic CitySUNDAYS


Kaliw::- ' »:13 A. M.ST-;-l'ii:u- :it N'-w r.r:n;-uir.k

Rrturnini;. Lcavi-H

Atlantic City '.Smith f'-iri-lin-i Ave.)

L. C. Smith Double Barrel Hammerless Gun 40i00Fox Double Barrel Hammerless Gun _,. 36.50Le Fever Double Ban-el Hammerless Gun 28.25Crescent Double Barrel Hammerless Gun 24.00

Single Bafre4-Sbotg4insJrQm 9.50 up.

A fc

• [«. ft

All our guns fully guaranteed.Don't be misled by price baits.


101 Irving Street ~ Rahway, N. J.


ill• A l


v . - J



• u r


t : i r -

i - > V

;i ;i.rin! i-

l*y.. \ \ « -


IV tic all


-ri iona n J

T-Ti- ••r 1.'iuail

p - p


1 \* e sp-.-!UM.-.:l:ig th .

i.Io-v on t'n1 i.".-.acri-s ii

ruling in• cars -o.- ground.-.l the hilly

Milfurd. Kvery typeresented til•• made s:

•e brought in to10 .1 •:d perfectly

^ fie^l cre-.v wat--s!ilav


car. over

.-re. Hills•eper: ma-build sand.l.-vel cor.-.

- driving aIhli rigid

loli^. Som--' cars worero :ry :l:i

j.ors stavedengine at

on the hill

for Economical Transportation1 &

. l u ^ . i - . „ i t . . . : . ; : ; i . i ; . u b : : i ^ i u » i . ..-*.H! oth»-r-! were on the straight-av.-ay

I '-r -tr. the three-ir.i'o concrete sil-Sjdh'jwi. - " • - - . • •

mi !.rn»-rulrny ll.ill.

:l:.ltivr:i>-. I .

Youne Cha t t i u . son uf a N e w a r k doc- "f 11»— IT.."V;»:..II« ..I JM a.-i . . M H ! - . I . "A:IT I . . ,• . i , , *'': ' " ' ' - i i i . i i ' - •-l.-.-ti..TL —. • I - . I - - . - - I .M.iv -'.

tur. could not have, finished tlnit essayif he had lived. Like so many in- t in T r l

M l ) i ] i K . u

^ i v . - i ; l i : 1-tir

l l -


"We have a precedent fur Mich a plan of procedurem Chap, ls-i nf our lli^i'i law.-. 1: providi-d for a commis-sion ;n i:iv--.'iuate the prnbh-m u:' i:i])i]h-il ifiildi-en. Its t i p u l a t e d t h : l - l i i " iM

m o m l K - r s : a m e m b e r

mmissiun should consist of

of violence without challegne from those who believin jrovi-rii:hi.-nts, laws and established authority. It i

no capitalistic hand tooppose them or humiliate them.



i the town or blou- Up tho banks or burn up all theto In- appointed by I , . , : 1 ; , , i , , ,„- : i u , l m l . i t v . . u- w i t h t l u , m , ; ,L . , ,„„„ , j s p f .

I he rre>ideiit nf the Senate; a lncinber of the Assembly ;l -

lily; the Director of the State Deparlmeul of Health..or ai: oi;ic

of the State Deparimeii l

ni liis i l- 'pamnrnt to be dusi^natod liy him;

and a ivpr>'-<ii".-i; i

known as iiie I'jJ-is.

K iwan i s . io !I>J ajip

mcnual i i iu -.-i -iU'.-h

in lilt- ii

or ig ina l


of /.viuii

,- froin eac

lin- Uolar ian

int'.il by ihe

he or^auir.ationsSlirine, aijd iIn-

nnr upsn roc-jia--.-ii-

n:i ; i-- i


i-d :u tii-- sam-.1

Vacaiicii-smanner as

tillectuals. young l.'h.ittiu had tried tosolve the two greatest riddles thatever taxed tho human mind—"WhatIs Life'.'" and "What Is Death?"

Tile deepest thinkers of the pastand present have pondered these ques-tions and if they arrived at conclu-sions, it developed that they werebased on theory to such an extern thatthey themselves doubted their ownfindings. When great scientists arebaffled how much more so will be ayoung student with his iniinalurelydeveloped mind, no matter how bril-liant? --•-. •' •

It car.not be done by mere reason-ing alone. There is always a missing

instrument of freedom.. lo \he ballot . box. link to be accounted for and thatt>. :f rh.-y -n nil,'. ;,i Im.'uli tile liaiiot i missing link can only be. supplied by

Til.-. n.'.-t-r 1*M. :ian

If they believe ::i tin, torch and thechine und.violcnco. why should they notisland domain pursue. .liIitr.ty_iis._[Jlcy_SLt

infernal ma-on tiieir ownil._aud- shoo:.

written constitution is the concoction uf Uaith. Without faith in Cod manji reu-can spurn It or blow it inio fragments! ,-onius; leads him about in circles.


11 U 1 U . - I l l r

I:m :ii^ art- made * " *

we cannot ' impose the duly uf a review-

on on:' a'r-.-ady ovcrv.-rirkrd-r'rtti-i-v---K-vvo-

i!o we shall be back where we .-:ai-:t-d and all ihe work

for the zoning a inendimnt will "nav-: b--en in vain.

"If our r o u n s all- made the reviewing puw.-:- immedi-

ately over local ailjustniLni boards we may again be.in a'

legal panic over zoning. The eour!;: should comij into

the ;ii'.''.ui-e only w!u'n ii bei-mi:*'.- necessary for th-.-m

to pas--- on geiit-ra! ijue^tioiiv nf iin- iaw anil its i-ni'irci--

nit.-nt. 'l'h'.-y s!:oti!d no: ut- requiivd lo ru le un eVL-ry

exception to a zuiiiug ordinance that individuals may

"Theii- a :e inniiiiH-i'abli- instaiu-f-s of such a check on

public apjioimMi'-nts in oihi-r s l a t e s in lino with tho

;ns'ai!:--'s I h:-.v citi-d and where tested they have been

upheld by r la te . o u r i s .

"I"Liy rumors are in circulation about some of t he

decisions rhat have been made within a year by town

and city boards «>f adjustment in New Jersey . If they a re

tnu- they a re scandalous. The • opponents ot zoning

Btrrnply hinted a t them during the recent campaign but

they Rpiiarc-ntly lacked the proof to press: definite charges.

.Maybe li-.eir inability to do so was for tunate for the

vned o; ihe can«e of zoning, which is r ight in principle

it v,ii! !..••

boxes. IT


ai:u perdi :

iv.ic cia.-s.

Out there in the i'aciiic. where the ocean surf sinusrln- ..so:ig-..f-lilii-riy on--their uwn islamlr they can carryout th.-ir :ii:-.!ir::able r:ghts and every IUKU be vouchsafed

i;..iir« i.r l 1"h.. l'...:ir.l .-r l : . ; i - . : r y :n , . l Kl.-tl-.-.iill In i l l - \ : i r l . . i l« i-.-llhii; i l m - . - . . f-.-nr i i-r r i - K i ' t i T l n s ;lll 1-.T"..:.< .-I... \ . . : . - .tr tin- . i i s i i i i iu ' H I - I M T . I I I : ! . -WI

. M i T i r t ; is f; ir l l i . -r ui\--ri i;i:il n'.t '1>.VY. M ' V r . M l ' . K l : •.. l'.i-'T. l..-m-1-.M

..r c A . \ i . .,11.1 ; - ! • . M i h .

i-..« r .-r i in.i-r.ii K I . - . - I ! . .



M .wi l l

tin-— • i . l


t... !„• I-.!,.I


iviiiK I- :t l,i

i.f N.- -Hi"...f Hi. .-ri-mity i.

A Mi'inlii-r i"' I1-" r . i -ar . l i.f W . i t . r <"i>:il-mi-5 lo i i . - r« nf |In- ( i r j - <,i l : : i l m n y .

O m ' Mi-ml.or oi 11». f i . tni iKii t i . ' i . i imi l nfI In- l.'ll.v of r..iliw;...v fur i - a ih a m i i-vi-ryxvar.l i-f—id-1 C i l y . - l o 1-^ i-l.-.-;.-.t f.-r a : I T I I I..f IW.I >,.,!-,.

.In-.-.:..- i.f tin- l',-:ii-.. an full.iws:l-'ir-l Wanl l .d-r full t.-rm:Si'i-uml Wanl •! for full t-n-a:Thlr.t W-inl Num. ti. In- i-K-rl.-l:l ' - ' in l i \V:,r,| -.• f..r full t e rm:

- - . _ . _ - J _ * • . _ J

For Cash Prices and DeliveriesOn Good Clean Screened

LEHIGH COALCall, Westfield 593

S. J. BeckerPICTON, N. J.

The Bank WithThe Chime Clock

with injury to m> emissary of the- capiial-


h'-nliberty and the pursuit of. happiness, as he sees

i .

through wilderness of doubt andi the suicidal

Thi-_j)iv;pie.r:huwiedj_he[r_lK>HeI_.in_I_l__when_ lie_v jicceiiu-dit i y such an overwhelming majority.

Nmerihrle s. tho board of adjustment is the rock•on which zoning may be wrecked It wo don't watch out.

American Tin-CannersIt is oftentimes: said that -Ihp '.'new—woman", started j

Aip.erii a en :he way to become a nation of tiu-canuers. jWhen she -merged as a blushing maiden to got rich allsii iin-Jiapliy she grew into the habit of carrying home-iinpie •nieiiis thai •were put. up in tins. Then "witey".ilso weni ;o work, and finally she enlisted to win thewar. While sh-;- 'mtl her husband were striving togetherin that momentous struggle they ofien hurried homem snatch ih'Mr mi.'als out of tin cans and'packages. Theiriiaste was due in part to the success of the iuovios,So the tiii-canners. of the movies preceded tin-can tour-ists Their combined numbers have gradually beenswelled from every walk of life. As a result the nationitas met the tusk of -building up the tin-can and thecanuini; industries. "When it was found that there wasnot.enough till to go around other materials were used,including glass, paper and compositions.

It is not surprising so many forms- of Indigestionsi:i!k abroad throughout the land, and the wall ot thevictim may be hoard upon almost every street corner.

fear and ofttimes tprecipice.

What a ureat oi)iiorUini;y--inne pro-fessors let go by when they see abrilliant young lad striving to accountfor life simply by 1:10 power of rea-soning! How many yiuing studentscould be saved from suicide it thoir-menial state were ascertained In limand—they could- l>o_slu)\va_1lh,e_li_qp<"-.lossnoss uf their Unite minds solvingtho age-old mystery without the ele-ment ol faith.

r " . . . .Training School. In BibleStudy Doubles Its Courses

i l ' m m S u m m i t lk-nil i l)

It is pleasant to note that the thirdseason of the Community TrainingSchool in Bible study, which is aboutto open In Summit, will be markedwith a doubling of its scope, so that

The caji opener may be_ a blessing, but ltjs_respohsiblefor many a .sleepless night.

New Is having somo bitter experiences and cases.have, been so flagrant the State Court ot Appeals has

Some fellows carry a gun in their hip pocket' andoiliers carry a halt'pint-of synthetic gin, and It's a tossup as to which is the deadlier.

four coursesof two; and

will be offered Jnsteadit is to bo hoped that

an equally increased number of stu-dents will be in attendance, not alonefrom Summit but also from all theadjacent communities.

Primarily 'In- pnrno-<i» of iin-'«i-lii-nlniayjie assumed to be the training ofteachers for work'In Sunday schools.And ot that there is great need. ItIs deplorable that so much of the re-ligious and Biblical instruction ofchildren should be entrusted, to per-


Columbus Was Carefulin financial matters^ In his youth he savedto aid his aged father and his younger brother;in his manhood to provide for the great plansof which he was meditating. The habit ofmaintaining a growing account in this Bankis a sign of care and wisdom.





Insure YourOwn future

Insure YourFamily's Future

Own YourOwn Home

We CanTeU You How2




^. *695TheSportCabriolet .

Th* Imperial $7 ACL»niUu - - • • ~ J

Vi-Too Truck $395(ChauiiOnb)

1-Too Truck S4Q5(CKouuOniy)

All price* tx^b. Flint.

Cueck CherroXeiDdxTered PricesTher Include tholowcM handling «ndA i t

thatcomparison./Just think what Chevrolet offers you today!

A type of performance that is amazing —perfect comfort at every speed — flashingacceleration, and remarkable liandUng ease—-all the marvelous beauty of bodies by Fisher—finished in smart colors of genuine lustrousDuco—a motor world-famous for power andeconomy—in short, advanced modern designin every unit that results in the extreme ofsatisfactory economicahtransportation!

Because these cars are sold at amazing lowprices, they embody the most outstandingmotor car value in the world today—a valuethat defies comparison!

A powerful val ve-in-headmotor provides smoothnessand snap that are a constantdelight.

Long semi-elliptic springsof chrome vanadium steel-"the finest sprjn^ steel to behad—making ridinc com*

. fort a source of delight toChevrolet buyer*.

Easy liandlins is assured bya modern 3-spcodtransmls.-rion and a smooth actiondutch.

Full ftirc 17-inch sieeringwheel eliminates all sugges-tion of driver (ari£uc.

Fisher bodies of rcsilieniwood and steel constructionprovide that sense of sub-stantial security found in th*ftnest built cars.

Rahway Auto Supply andServie^Co.

Broad Street and Milton Avenue Telephone 607

Q U A L I T I A T L O W C U S l'

-~sr 1 <?1



ISS??; >AY,"OCT0BEril,

WHIPS SUMMIT TEAM.Sensational Ron By Collins,

^Safcly.and Toncirdown iiiLast Five Minutes

Vv'ith only five minutes to pla3", andSummit nurs:in.g tho only score of*h^ niinir. t JL£__i*£a_rlet__a nd Black"warriors engaged their Hilltop op-jxments in a stretch of hetlc foot-ball at Riverside Park Saturdayafternoon that netted the local boyseight points and victory. ,

~ Oa'sklTl, of Summit, got.off his only.good kick of the day. Collins nebbed2ip —pigskin—and -Tvea-ved—forty-eightyards down the field to Summit'stwelve yard chalk. On the edge ofvictory Railway lost the ball by afumble.

"Sir:rmiIt~tiraMn't~r!{r"miything withit and it went back into the handsof she Scarlet and Black eleven. Gas-kill intercepted a forward behind hisown goal line and was thrown for araftiy, giving the local team two

Summit made a hud kick-off nnd-the-;ball was taken right down to theirline. Farrrll carried it over.

•- liy-vt^-secorui-iwriodi£i?tl^i£jv^sw p n edrn—rrrr—wnv of—UoHin-'*—kick—aihi—the'b:iH went backward. Captain Fuller.

Fuller carried It /our yards..'ShortlyGasklll kicked to Collins on Railway'sfony-ya rd^nafk~ and~Csniis3rf an~ t rback to the Summit twelve-yard line.Railway fumbled and Xawter fell onthe ball on the twenty-lour yard line.Summit was penalized, five yards forH l l iWl ffV J K g10 Collins-in the center of the~lleld."Collins circled left-end for a twenty-five yard gain.1 A pass was groundedmid Fan-ell, -run sevnnt<w>—ynrriq—nrthe vicinity of the goal line. Collinstried a forward. Gasklll grabbed itbehind his own goal line and wasthrown for a safety. Summit kickedfrom in front of their goal Hue andRahway bad the ball again. Drakenabbed u pass and struggled to the

..one-yard line. Collins carried the ballover—but—aposed for getting into play ahead ofthe whistle. Collins made the one-yard line and Farrell went over forthe score. Collins failed to kick' thegoal. Rahway kicked off and thegame ended.__ Thejjneup:RAHWAY" ~ SUMMITDrake, (Capt,) Shawger

Housman ,..

Infrida . ' .


Hess '.

left end

left tackle""

left guard

• center •

right guard"

of Summit snatched it on the Railwaytwenty-three yard line. Two firstdow;:s through the line carried theb.'i'l over the goal.

Kahway advanced the ball a totalof 2S3 yards besides ihe running backof kicks, while Summit carried thebal] liill yards. Rahway made Sentir.=r downs tn seven—bv-tStratmit-—All-

right. utckle_

right end. •


Will Lick Tunneyj man of about HO pounds

mul high confidence, nppllprt ^at-lh£!-|4)oro,-"Y" the other day for n<knjsslon" Intothe boxing class, an innovation ar-ranged this year by Allan Pollock,physical director. Tho young man,whoso home Is in Colonia, said he wasgoing to practice- up a couple of yearsr.nd then lick Tunney.. He meant it.He declared he.would put on fifty orsixty pounds weight in the next two

SOCIAL AND PERSONALMrs. II. T. Sandorson, of 22 Elm

avenue, will leave FIday for an ox-tended stay at Jacksonville, and l'ulmBeach, Fla. .

gfamily,- of S4 East Hazehvood avenue.are entertaining Mr.' Bumgaruer's bro-ther, Charles Bunigarner, of Wildes-

•Miss Catherine J. Williams, of 5Bryant terrace, has gone to Now YorkState for an extended stay. Mrs. Mar-tha F. Williams is -spending a few-days there.

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G- Stlllmnn andfamily, of 11G Elm' avenue, motoredto \\'oodmont for the week-end, tak-ing Miss Betty Woodruff, daughter ofJ l ^ l t ; l i f f t S W d f f f

class that lie could floor the champion.As evidence of his solidity' the youngmain said his brother boxed -with -Mnia few daysago-and-struck-ia blow on the head that he broke.hishand. _—Polloclrpqinrs-txrt hi sTus'iir exampleof what tire "Y" boxing class Is notintended to do. Its purpose is not toproduce prize fighters, but merely to; each- the-science-of- boxing-for thesake of the pleasure and exercise itgives to amateurs. v

Dr. George E. Gallaway will exam-ine prep and intermediate boys atthe "Y" at 3:30 o'clock, .tomorrowafternoon. Friday night at S o'clock


. . . Hall

. . Moody

^Bruno-i s e n i o l . boys and young men.

"LawTerj— BasketballThree boys' teams and one girls'

leiinr^vilt^Teprescnt-TBe-'•Y";on7.imybasketball court t his season. Games

r^ t;r:h.- first half. _


Imvn* ivprf made in

single style-of ai-\tack with variations throughout Ihe£-.i::;e. In kicking Collins outclassedi;.-:--:i";. Captain Fuller was the star^ro;;ni;-gaii!er for Summit, with sixty-four yard* to his credit; Gaskili.th:r:y-:i;!i»-: Wooten. ihirsy-.-ix.'-andT2.p;j'.-i-;uii. twenty-four.

3>...»i'ies his brilliant run back of'.l k:ck-i',;i lor inrty-eigiit yards, Col-lins .L-aisied liity-taiee; Farrell. forty-two; swierk. thirty-nine; Drake. T i l p First Presbyterian Athletic As-Lhiny-ihree; Bartz. eighteen; Allen., sociation to promote atid.control ath-

"eig;f::"Tlt'""la"t"ier did "some effective lletics' at the'Firs! Presbyterian ChurchL-!i-k;i::g. Captain Drake and Bariz | w ; 's organized Friday night. The

Tappersonleft halfback

Farrell Fuller, (Capt.)right halfback

Swierk , Woontonfullback

Summit u G .0 0—6Rahway .0 I) 0 0—S

—Touchdowns—Gaskill and Farrell;safety. Gaskill. ._.Suhal'tu_t'.QJlfc=BaJk.l

for Hess; Kay for'for H6usm"aii,-"Xi>w--

kirk for Swierk. Officials—Referee.Rose. Newark; uinpire. E. F. McGin-k-y. University o[ Pennsylvania; headlinesman. W. Couipton. Rutgers.

First Presbyterian A. A.Formed; Officers Named

\\ ay:

play-jd the.wings well, while (iinfridaant! Housman pu: up a good game inthe liri?. The Tight side of Railway'sl:nr- was wr-r.k. "Farrell piayed a hard

relation elected the following offi-cers;- President. Clifford-LaurentTTice-presidenr. Miss Lois Siiuier; secre-i a ry. Miss Edytlie Amlersou: treas-

.... t __ throughout. ' O'Ucilly put I urt-r. Francis Sloat.up a s::uiiK same in the line for Sum-! A Church Baskftball League, em-

-rrfrrr • 1 bracing—all-of~UMvJA!hurehe.i—«£—theFirst Quarter j tit-.- who. care to participate will be

Cullins kicked of for Ralr.vay, and iform.-d. Thursday night such a leagueriun.:r.i: openrd fast on the twenty-1 will lit- organized at a general meet-

Fulier and Tapperioiir'j.-J!"d'thr<iugh tn a first dowu. Thunto :i -tH'ond down. Fuller carrying the

fight yards and Tappersnnadding thrt-e to H'-re the impres-

ing to wJiich representatives of allchurches will lie invited. , It is prob-able a girls' league will also be es-tablished. The next meeting of tho

| First Presbyterian Association willparade -topped— Fuller made loss I be ht-ld Tuesday. October IS. a t ' the

than tlui-e yards on the next two community house. Besides the offi--lunges and Railway touk possessum c-ers mentioned, others who partici-^<.:•; the Lai! on a fumble. pated in the formation of the associa-

Karrei! made thrive yards, Collins I tion were: Rev. Chester M. Davis.lidded six and Allen shot through for | Holier'. Henderson, Harold Rand,a. .'irst .down. S«ierk was stopped in : George Lang. Kenneth George, theai.s tracks. Farrell lost three yards, a J Misses Kthc1. Jardint1. Florence W-lvite--furvvard was downed and Collins j head. Estelle Brandon, Marion and; Luted ovor'tht-goal line. \ Ruth George and Mae Bartels.

33=? ujier adtied olie-and Tapperson three- 1 r->« i . r TT I.T_*Fuller made it a first down. The Rah- f i g h t ror r ieal tnierv.ay line held well, three rushes be- ffflt, AJJo H-.,*,-,* Fnrnr;

for a two-yard gain. Gaskill I >-0WS rUGS l^airy r a r m skick'.-d lo Hallway's forty-yard chalk, j New York.—Ten years ago the

:! i Department—of—A.?-ii:uUure—iuaiigar-n;:!;e up onK Collisi- '.ricked lo Gs1..--! rated a canipsiign asalnsl bovine tiiber-iili who was :hrov.-:i by iirake on the | culosis. Opposition was great. What

,.,t mW'W.

thirty-live- yard mark. Summit wasr off-side, Ful-Hi :*» gain ami !

q::::r:cr~rl7Trert ~ !Second Quarter ;

•kiil—fcir'trri—m—frjiH-n?—cm—itttp-fv,-:-.y's i'orly-yard lino. A pass was j':::i:bli-'l. and F.invl! recovered for- a jle.-^. A pas.- was downed. Cuiiins ,•r:-. :l :<; kick but was blocked. Fuller IJailing nil the ball on Railway's jTv.v:::y-tiiree yard line. By these plays i

scarlet and Black, or! the iiffesi- jin.ivtd sieadily backward. i

Woi-ninn made ;\vo yards and Ful-:ler :>:.<•. Thou Woonloiv slipped 'through tackle for seven yards anti a |

liuwii. Fuller made two yards jCia>kill went tlirough left tackl

for a touchdown. O'Reilly missed ihe jfield g ial. i

}i--.::uay kicked, Collins booting tlie jball to Bruno oi(- the twenty-five yard |Jine. ' Fuller made lour yards" oft' jtackle. Tapperson dsilled the ct'nter/or a ;.aid and Gaskill circled left endlor twenty -yards and a first down.Summit was penalized five1 yards forhaving its backfleld in mojjoiLjiefQre.the ball was snapped. Fuller andTappes-son made a first down-throughthe line. Woonton made three yardsand Summit was again penalized forth<- same offense.

Swierk intercepted a forward on thethirty-iiv . . . _..to No. 17. A smash throuuh tackle I:md I'ui ward to Bariz. made i: a first idown Collins losi two on a fumble and ISwierk made four. A pass to Drake

Is at least partial-success, however,was reported by Dr. John It. Mohler,chief of she. bureau of .animal-indus-try, at a recent eastern states tu-berculwis-wni-crerK-e:—Wiiile-tilmost—1.000.000 dairy cattle out of 30.000.000bead tested have been destroyed be-cause of their tubercular state, the in-dustry today is In better condition thanIt was in 1017, Doctor Mohler said,v Fear expressed by msiny persons Inthe beginning that the campaignwould turn the public taste againstmilk consumption proved unfounded,according to Doctor Mohler, who saysthe annual consumption of milk In

'K,j'- | tlie-United States has Increased morethan forty-nine quarts per capitasince" 191S. During 102G the'publicconsumed 50,000,000,000 pounds ofmilk and cream, an increase of 2,000,-000,000 ponnds over the quantity con-sumed In 102o.

Society Girl HeadsPersonnel Business

New Tork.—Miss Jessie JeromeFanshawe, daughter of the late '.VII-liam S. Fnnshawe, banker, and well-known socially, Is heading a success-

yard line and ran it baek ; ful business venture of her own, Itwas learned.

/She maintains a bureau of personalservice, with a force of workers.

—SIlss-Fanshnwe's-servlce-ls-novel-In-tliat It does things for people thatthey ordinarily find troublesome todo themselves. For Instance, she-willclose a town house or apartment, af-ter a family has gone to Europe orNewport, and then set the UOOSA Inorder for their return.

She provides chaperons for debu-

'.sUii on Summit's eighteen-yard line.A pass was: downed. Collins and Far-rell smashed the line for a tirst downalmost to the goal line. A pass wasdowned. A penalty was imi>osed foroff.side. Summit took the ball and theperiod ended.

Third QuarterKahway kicked. Summit rushed

times and made only Dve yards.' tantes during the season in town, andaskill punted to the forty-five yard j also fills rush orders from hostesses

JinFarrell made four yards, Swierk

two more and Collins two more, again.With two yards to go for a first down,Collins elected to kick. Summit was

who are-giving dinners either at theirtown or country residences and whowant some form of entertainment.

Recently during a charity drive.Miss t'anshawe was called upon to

Allan "on""the""iorty-se"ven"ciraik."~"FaV"!"rollow UP l n someway the appeal thatrell made four yards, added one more.' "nil been made to thousands by letter,and Collins went through for three. ' She Immediately put In three specialCollins kicked over the goal line, and telephones, engaged glrls-wlth "attroc-the ball was brought back to the tive" voires and 5,000 telephone callstwenty-yard mark. i w e r e m a d e _

Fuller and Tapperson tried three ,rushes without much success. Gaskill |kicked to Collins on the forty-eight i Resents N i c k n a m e.yard .line. .Itahway couldn'Lgain. .Col-.L Bluelields. W. Va.—Resenting a nlck-llos punted to the one-yard line. Ful-! n a n , e which several boys shouted as

wtri bT5 playea nere every Saturdaynight and dancing will follo.w thegames. William Wigginton will be

(15 Bryant street, with them.Mr, and Mrs. Charles Howe and

son. Charles, Jr., of 117 West MUlonhim—suclrj nveirncrspsnnifC'^weeTMml" at Harft-

dale.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberts,

of-448-Elm avenue,-rettirned-\V«dnes-dtiy from a week's sojourn at AtlanticCity. _ - _ _

Money tO-JoumjDll~l)D"ud and_ mort:pase. -—Workmen's" BuHdIug"~xr~LonnAssociation. 13« Irving St.—Adv. tf

Miss Cornelia.' of the CorneliaBeauty Shop, has the interest of herpatrons "at heart. Her shop is closedevery Tuesday .at 1 p. m. while shegoes to New York to attend demon-strations which will help her give her

Notice _of Sale of Lands for Unpaid Taxes





(Continued from Pigt 5)

10.J, U.IJ ici.«s-^Jlulann.Vrcuslla_u.i.uL<~ Yltu-enzo Lllibrtztl ~JS"_ "Vlnephato Hbbrtzrl _. ...!il Santo 1'nlornio ..'. !IS (lut*p|>i><» GnKlinno „39 Guliu'Plu' O.lKllJino .—

. 7L05-, 71.0511.18 110.35I L K 110.35

, 35-74 4.0(1 j . j ) M .

.- B.OJ 4.00 5 5 , J_ _ » . • » : • • - - i.o».'- - JS'IJ

Sl.SJ . . 4.00 14J ,}


Lot. Name ot OwnerID t.lnt. ButHclior nnil ROM R. and Const. Co....

Int. to •JulrJ.

1S3T Com(1.01 - 11.00 •Tottt



(Continued from Page Ons)

Company, Newark, on suspicion inLake avenue. Tlu> driver said he wasarrying tree spray to the Mays farmiTXtfOT "

shop tlie'very best and most'up-to-dateservice in styles of permanent way-'ng. marcelling and facial work.

Mlss_ Coriieji.-i demonstrates^ pernia-lieht" "waving"' evorv Monday' nifiht on


Smith, observing that the fellowwas driving in—exactly the oppo»ltedirection,—look—Iiirn—loljioadquarlcrs.He was not arrested, however, ad-vices from John'A. Gallatlan, Chief ofCounty Detectives saying that the ma-chine was exempt from police Inter-ference.

Agents were on the traiLofthe ma-chine and they followed it to Jack-son's place and mnde'thelr raid."' The boiler and stills were pet in

• the earth beneath the ground floor.I Ten bags of sugar, cans, tools andfood" anil otii ' ' " ' •

[the operation .of a stil]^ were- found.!'What fli? ageiits BldTTt "cafiiy"~a'vfa>'nMieir sirong-arijl men smashed.

ently added, to her already •well-equipped shop, some new and verybeautiful furniture

coach for tho senior team, and Missi The'shop"carries a full line of Mari-Elizabeth Reed will have^charge of j,10]io preparations and also the Frenchthe girls' team,. Yinson Orrjias beennamed otlicial scorer for the men'sgames. It Is planned to sell seasontickets. .

Plans fi>r_the_£eason were. rii.iFriday night by Manager Bert Has-brouck," Coach "William Wiggiiiton,Physical Director Allan Pollock, Mar-tin Grossman. Percy Miller. ArthurArmstrong. It Is expected that ElmerArmstrong will also be added io thecommittee.

,A smoker and boxing exhibition insh.o - gym will -be-held probably - onThursday, November 10.

Cider Boys' Council „ • :

A group of twt.'n*y or more older!

iniponed-Bag Dad.—Adv. ItMr. and Mrs. J. W. Ackley and Miss

.lean Ackley are spending a few daysin Washington at The Mayflower. Mr.

d—Mrs \. P. -Darragh—are alsoK l ? ? - C - . _ T _ _ y r _ n _ h i

ing'ibn."".Money to loan on bond and mort-

gage. Workmen's Building & "LoanAssociation. 130 Irving St.—-Adv. tf

CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY.Mrs. John Drexier. Jr.. of l'O2 Wosl

Grand street., was given a_-surprise |party by a group of .relatives Satur-day night in observance of her birth-ihiv anniversary. Those present were:Mr., . , . , . ,,u . . , j .Mr. and Mrs. Churl.-;'Trautman and

boys ot.a h;gh type oi Chnsium char- , Eloanor. Mr. and Mrracter representing .X... M C... A..SJ . . - .

lirougiioui the State of Xew Jerseywill arrive in Railway early Saturdayafiernoun and-romain- over-untii -Sun-day afternoon. The purpose of themeeting is to make a State-wide studyof the association boy problems and jbring back to their local Older Boys'j-.Council a'report of the findings, Kach.representative makes a written re-port, o' th^ local activities which arediscussed a: the meetings. Charles R.Scott, State boys' work secretary, isin charge of the program and StanlyW. Jones. Jr., secretary of the localcouncil and representative of • theState- organization, is in charge ofthe local arrangements, with ArthurChase and Kenneth Ader closely as-fisting. The entire local council willake part in the program and be pres->nt at the meetings. This meetingwill be of special interest because ofthe election of new officers and an ex-ceptional program.

The boys of the State Council willbe entertained in the homes of Uah-

ay_.people f.atimlaj' u:alit ' and. forSunday breakfast and dinner.

The first meeting will be held in

Henry.-.Mulvf-[-.Mrs. '

of -Klizabet!;: Mr. andKinsel. Mrs. Jennie

line Bozung. Miss Eva and HaroldDrexler. Mr. :,nd Mrs. John Drexlrr.Jr.. of this citv.

PARADE POSTPONED—:Kai7rTe5tei\t.Ty~causen the cancella-U011 of the parade in Klizabeth ofHoly Name Societies of parishes -ofUnion County. St. Mary's and St.Mark's, of this city, were to have beenrepresente'd. Xo parade will be heldu:uil the second Sunday of OctpbiTof llil'S.

I he Y. II. C. A. club rooms on Satur-day afternoon at three o'clock, atwhich time Daniel Stevenson of "the-

A., wii[-preside-over-[-nrrintcii:inct'.

GIVEN SURPRISE(I.-imes, music and refreshments

were enjoyed at a-'surprlse party givenfor Miss Leona Jardot, daughter ofPatrolman and Mrs. Joseph Jardot, of;\?> Barnett street. Friday night byabout twenty members of the seventhgrade class of St. Mary's parochialschool.

APPOINTED GUARD|.:- Mrs. .Mary M. Morton, of -13 Com-''merce street, has been appointed ajrnard at the county jail, according toThe announcement of Sheriff TooLThe salary is 51-10 monthly, 'withou?

tlit- business meeting for State Coun-cil members only.

Saturday evening at C:HO o'clock asupper will be served for the localand State Council and invttcd. guests..Mrs. Charles H. Harding, chairman of.the local boys' work committee, will"pTJsiile aiurTraiik~AV7~Kfdd, president [of the b'jard.of directors will speak!on "The Need of Christian Leadership jin Business." Rev. H. A. L. Sadtler.pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church,will invoke the blessing. A period inthis meeting will be devoted to thediscussion of Railway's problems.

Sunday morning .the State and localCouncil accompanied by members ofthe Boys' Department representingthe leaders and other associationgroups will attend the Second Pres-byterian Church in a body. llr.Scott will preach the junior sermonand members of the State Council thesenior sermon. A special invitationhas been extended by the church toall who wish to attend this service.The boys will return to their homesSunday afternoon.

Other Boys' ActivitiesTomorrow a group from the boys'

department will visit New York andthe Bronx Zoo. ... . ..

Thursday, E. H. Chase, boys' worksecretary, will attend the State boys'secretaries' association at Newark.

Wednesday, October 19. the Hi-YClub will open for the season. Mr.Garness, state physical director, willspeak.

Alleys CrowdedBecause of the great local demand

[-for—the—bowling—alleys -the—Wwtfieldrepresentatives in the State leaguecannot be permitted this year to rollin the Railway-building, it was de-cided at a meeting of the bowlingcommittee Friday night.

WILL HAVE PARTYThe Lutheran Ladies' Aid Society

will have ;t public card party Thurs-day night at -the-homo of .Mrs. FredSchupp. of 27 Charlotte place.

STUDIES NEW COURSEMiss Dorothy Muddell, of 2S- Maple

terrace. Is enrolled in the new four-year course In teacher training at theMontclair State Normal School.

y uller :n»l Oaskill were unable to gain]

! Gasklll kicked as the quarter ;

Last QuarterTile ball was on Summit's twenty-

r'two yard line*. Collins was downed ona try through the line, and fumbledon another Farrell slipped and It wasSummit's.ball.

d ,„„ hut ncar here F_ B_R|iot am, kme(] Qcorge

j one of the lads.1

'" " Eel's Two HeartsThe Smithsonian institution says

that the eel has an organ in its tall-Summit-rushed-without-wcess and- "that'pulsates, and fishermen considerOaskill kicked to Collins. Allan- and I u „ L i ..„..-. n...i.. • •-Collins made a first down. Farrellmade three yards, a forward was


nu ^oitms kicked over tiie ;The ball was taken out to 1 l m s liie s u "" '

'_ncross_.tbc: b-'i

It a. second heart. This, however. Isnot a real heart. On tho other hand,

"IT in

fatal elect as u blow

Mother Quail LuresBrood Away From HenMluidetown, Conn.—Arthur B.

Meeks, who has a bungalow on"the sliores of Luke Pocotopaisgin East Hampton, Is sponsor forthis story:

A mother quail was slttlngonseventeen eggs In a hay fieldwhen the mowers drove her &tiwuy. John Saltus, the mower,cave the eggs to Mr. Meeks.who divided them nnd set themunder two brooding hens. Askunk Invaded one nest, but theother ben batched eight of Hieeggs. -"Meets says the motheri|imll kept an eye on tho pro-ceedings nntl. when the filtermother was scratching wormsfor the hungry brood, Hew tn ihenest and lured the baby qisnllaway. There Is now one beu-ll-


T!;a! Cld Scz ProblemWoman's privilege Is to believe men

can mend latches: man's privilege isto expect vr.mK-n to |ii> able to.workthe latches tie lms mended.—AmericanMagazine.




Excellent Accommodations for Dinner ^PartiesHOME COOKING-A La *2arU

/ First right tunOtlKjbT.

3OO Main Street. Woodbi

• *

Arrangements are practically, com-!pleted by the Woman's Club for .the |Iladio Show to be given Friday nightnt the Koosevelt School. On the pro-pram art- many noted entertainers.

Mr. and Mrs. Slanly W. Jones-havoreturned :o their home at IPS Elm ave-nue after spending t>w,t>~weeks at Hnr-wlchport, C;;pi> Cod. .-

HARRIS'Department Store._

Successor lo Eogelmio's

"Rahway's Mo.n.Popular Store"

128 Main Street

COLUMBUSDiscovered America435-Year's- Ago"

s TomorrowIt is Also

When you will make agreat Discovery if youcome to Harris' and takeadvantage of the

10%irom~ our. xegiilar low:prices on everythingpurchased in our store*

Store Closes 6 . 3 0 P.M.Economy Day same asall other days exceptSaturday.

t i l

.What, so rare on a glamorous October nightThan a visit here, and a show that will delight!


122 Main St. Phones 914 & 915 Rahway

.Specials for Wednesday-ThursdayGROCERIES


3 for 25Cauliflower

LargeHeads 30

Green Peppers16 quart

basket 60Green. < Tomatoes16-qt. basket

WheatsworthWhole Wheat

GrahamCrackers, 2 pkgs.25


Spare Ribspound

FreshPigs Feet

3 pounds

Ready CutPork Chops


Lamb forStew


Franco-American .

Spaghetti, can 10


3 pounds

ShoulderLamb Chops


FulVLine of all other Fruit and Vege-tables at Lowest Market Prices •


TODAY —lurkvii to ihe Tnm-tom>! Room—Ilooin—Uuoni! TIH> Von\,i 5i..v;,-.


"The Claw"Re.nrhins out from darkest -Vfrlra tias two more Tlcilnu la l'..<'!.ii-.ir.«!

A sriat m>»tery drama st.irrliiK liaxid.-'JU-.i' romantic

Norman KerryAnd that beautiful. allurliiR hlonile


Mi-s your illnncr If you must!Mis* your supp*T if you must!

But doa't ::!'»s this foasi nf rar»- onlcrtalnnifrnt >crv«l up l.y :hv.i-harmln; ponllcman

That Famous

"Prince of Headwaiters"-TOMOR^OW-ANDTHURSDA^Continuous Pex*formance .Wednesday

Look Out!Violent!


In a hreath-takins romance. Titanic In Its sweep or-emotions


Ju5t what each word :i;pan* Is i-on:jile:i'ly irae of


Smash Ins. Cmshlm:!- . • . . . . . .THE AYEXKER,


TrampllriK. navapliis!

Will Startle all Rahway in its Unusual Reality!COMPANION FEATURE

That Great li l5 Fellow, the- Regular He-Man

Monte Blueh-takins romance. Titanic In Its sweep or-e

Bitter Apples"Has In store for you thg greatest picture thrill In years!

Friday and SaturdayHe was so hard-boiled he ate rocks and spit pebbles! That's what a

tough fellow

Milton Sills •- Turned oat to be when he became that ace of laughter-

"Hard=Boiled Haggerty"He was a hard-boiled egg until he met a pair of soft-boiled eyes—

and then ho melted—and how!Ace-High Entertainment!


•'YOUTH"On the Merry go-rou.-id of Life—looking askance, naive, unsophisticated.

adrift in a world of enmity.Don't miss the Screen's Youngest Star '

___ Lois Moran-in--"The-Whirtwina of YouthComing Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22

Clara Bow and Esther Ralston. _ . ..Two-Ol.Mnnjr...... J

-'Children of Divorce"COMING S O O N -

"BEAU GESTE"Exactly as prc-aented at the Crltcrlor Theater

Also The Picture Incomparable


Selling Goods- Advertise


Today: Cloudy.

Tomorrow: Fair and much warmer.

Appeal for $2 ,000 SponsoredBy Boys' Work Committee


ManyTErom Court VictoryAttenH Newark Gathering

New Jersey Advocate 1r*biorbltn Th» R«hw»y Ncw»-H»r«ld, tha tucccnor ol Th> Union Dammr.t, Ettibllihed 1840.





were .made for a..blE..claEs.- initiation,to be held on Tuesday, November 2"also-amoiiK Important matters dis-cussed was tho Hallowe'en partv to

!•: ik-.v 01 me fact tliat • Captain I !'.'•'' K'ven on Tue«dav. rietni.nr' ->>"(;.irr:-i:i and Lleuienaut iietts of t l m : " l u commitiee of arrangements for^r__y-^^bll^u^.-.Sal.vatlon-Ar^,y-!•^-^wn^.-.co.ls|HtaiS^^Jc



C.r;.- Isi Kahway are particularly In- Kearney, who is chulrman the Misses' ' ' " '" . . . - — - . ' t'Len nn,l_ Horeuce McCue. ' Olive

lunkett. Frances Murphy. Pauline.'-'ayut^juid-Aana-ni la re? vk " —=-^=

IT^• • • d in_boys'_actlyjtle8, and .expect.•"-."'.op thPs phase "of" "their work,'iULvlt!!-»lhi'lr_pth?j;_e)ror.ta.JL-ia»--.niiiiiunccdnhat; the Rotarj- Club

;!;r.".i.'i Its boys' work committee Is:.-ri:ig the coming appeal for

fur. : *.

yggjjA'lBa^IiUarczyk^- -—The annual harvest' home of the

parish to he held on November "4, 5.11 and 12, received considerable at-tention. The • meeting previousl

.will have Jo assist them a J scheduled for Tue^tlay. November's....„ i-i ,.. „,_.. . . • fi-. .n.. . . .>.... fcd-jfl-vved^

A Mary T.

Irnm Ihe Klwanls Cluli »>,,,| Klecilon I);i• - - ' a n d Professional Women's I "esday,. N'oveiuJier 0; Ml>•::» D. A. IL and many other 1 Mi'Canney. -grand, regent. - was.,:;il religious orKanlzatlotis of! 'barge of the meeting,•y. names of which will be ulven

. - -.leek's Record.I! A. L. Sadtler of notary, and

St. Paul's Church. I... ..it duilnii3*n--i3T iTii


. . - much' i over Ihe responso of other.-.:-.:o:is and churches. He feels |

.-:.- lhat with the city-wide co-1.- :i, the small amount of 52.0001

-. r :o carry on the local Salva-; 1


iJl Also Obserre ArmisticeDay and Enter Pin Lea'oes. ;ipll Ihey have only been In

. .1 litlle over a month. Ca;i-i;.-.r:lson and Lieutenant IU'tt-]: ...de theniKelves felt in the

-:•::!», and 1: was their particular! Pl-ms for entertaining the County• :n the boys of Railway tha: ' - ' r 1 "" «"uui« n.-il Thursday night.

• • Mi- Hotary committee to spun-1 V l ' l ' r i ' completed la-t .•ve.ilun by Hah-nprral-far-ruml? prai—fostv; No. '.,, Ame-rnn-L^gion.

•: ,1! all the organization- a>-!'l' l :- se-.-iou will b,- held a: the Moose'••.; the snovesnesst. tom-thi-r H"11"1- and will lie follow.-;! by a social


TO PUN TEach Group Will Hanage Own—Affairs, Expanding Work

. _ Aunouncemeut of committees of theY. .M. C. A. was made last night. Each

will plan. and direct' Its own.wurk. Hi ah t-Uorl lu broaden me pro-graai—and—introduce—new—features.-They are:

Physical committee, chairman, Fay-ette. .V.Talley; .baekethall, I'cicx_Mi'kl'? t h e J?,r*ieHj membership the obllsa-lor: health. Dr. Ralph O. Stlllman;athletics, A. V. Carkhuff; swimmingand gyniiiastlc«, William Howard;feuelsg, William Boswell; boxins and

f'.-irl Mnrrl^; h.inilhallr_Kil.

T-.anii'.n of th.-ilrmen. will Ij.-: l.'iur with liie I_u- 1 by Dr: Sadik-r next weck.^ U->hway^r«p>; ::i


- ' Aux:l:.iry the(Ii.-.r*-. of refresh-

"" P:iu"l'< -parish h.>u"" <JII ' . Anubt i te D.iy «ii! h,- i,h<,-rved in•nia.;. Ot-.obe.- 21. flu-- sio-!-1 S;Kl:u- n:ainivr, ii:e pre-'r:t:n to be inill will bu .-.e:i: to th.' >>r- j • harp- of :!;•.• euiL-rtaiusueii; conimi'.-!:.-.-.,!- ( :>" !le.nl.,i iiy Henry .1. M:i!.-r. Ar-

—- rj::k',-nieriSs ut-r.- :r:.ui'- U>r •:-.:erin-- ;,-..M: ;r. the K.ihway (.'::;

.-tarsiiu :.ei! u.-ek. and forthe < mnty I'-a^u- A' : -a tiias

.uit op-t:r. A ;'-iU>f! • ' ' :a-- .si - intit y l<-agU'- o.' last year i-for tlie near future. Hahway j u_

U{ tied Arwusi.- Po.-:. of Kliza-


ward Verhagen, and volley bail. LeeFlreo.

Boy*' committee, chairman, Chas.II. MurdiiiK. Ross O. Fowler. Stanly\V. Jones, Sr. and William H. Ran-dolph. Jr.

—Women-'* •--ummitree; chaiiniau.Miss ITelen Kosell; Mrs. MinnieNlckau. Mrs. Charles R. Melick. Mrs.T. H. Roberts. Jr.,1Irs. Walter Hanksand Mrs. A. H. Schmal.

Finance committee, chairman Will-iam A. Ransom; treasurer, Rosa O.Fowler. William S. Martin, Dr. Ralph(J. Stillman,---David—Armstrong- andAdolph Ulbrlch. . •

Finance campaign committee, chair-man, William A; Ransom, Harry Sim-mons and John H. ArkinstalL

Social committee, chairman H. C.Pray; George • Scaff, • A. V. Carkhuff,Maurice Cballlet. Jr., Clarence Mllnes,

.KrwJn_PettIt...Willlani.-WigKlnton,_R..J. Morton and K. W. Bartley.

Ilou-lini; committee, chairman. Ray-mond W. Smith; Raymond L. Morton,Frank C. Roberts. William Bliss. H.W.. Ward. John H. -MaKeu- Religious .«;ork_conimittee cha i tman. Randolph I-. Howard, Rev. C. M.Davis. Rev. R. W. Klllott. William G''.Martin and WilrhrniNX Ransom .

Hmi.-e comniiltKe, chairman John H.Ari:iustall, James M. Pettit and Max.Wuistaedt.

Fellowship Night EnjoyedBy Many at Second Church

Nearly one hundred Second"""Pres-byterians gathered last evening In theChurch School Auditorium, to discussthe second theme In the course "WhyWe Behave -Like Presbyterians.^The^"dlscu"s~slon~ centered around the gene-ral topic, "How Your Church ,GrewVp." After jgimnslng a_ little' 'of_thegeneral background of church history,the actual development of the Pres-byterian Church was traced", es-pecially as the Calviriistic churchescontribute to our own history. WithIts principles of representative govern-ment, freedom and liberty, Presby-tnianlgiu._liab...Lad .a. BHiai. liiflmiucbIn Bhoping the--great free republics ofour day. The purpose of this discus-sion was not BO much to "glorifytho Presbyterian Church as to reveal

tiOTrwUcn~ffiey"mUsffts5ttin'e~lo con-tinue the worlc fio ably begun."

The meetings will be continued nextThursday with • the theme, "YourChurch on the Job." John Hoffmanled ten minutes of fine gospel singing.Scripture was read 'by "Mr. Peiffer andprayer offered by L. W. Mundy.


Mr. Sqoier Makes Formal Pres-entation of Deed for Site—

With the formal presentation cf thedeed for seven and a half acres ofland donated by Fred C. Squler'for

Ifrs Reception to Teachers andLays OotYeatV Program

Plryis for the observance of the one-hundredth meeting in December,when a special program will be car-ried outr were- announced lust nightat— the—meeting - <»£- the- WashingtonParent-Teacher Association.

Topics for other meetinirs will lie:November, reiMirts and conventions;January, health: February, home

the proposed SoUU.UUO Rahway Hospi.tal, announcement was made by FrankW. Kldd, president, at a meeting ofthe Hospital Board, Tuesday night,that construction will begin in March.

Plans^prepared by the architects,"Cro'wrXewfif'and W!ck"s7~b'f"New'York'City, which had previously been ap-proved by the building committee andthe physicians, were examined by theentire board. •

Mr. Squier will be thanked for hisliberal donation. Tjoth of Umd andmoney, by a set of resolutions.

Fred Anness. of Woodbridge, and[ Henry H. -Landon, of Colonia, were

welcomed as new members of theboard by Mr. Kidd, in an addresswhich reviewed the present situation

[-regarding— the—ex istins—and—proposedbuilding.

He pojnted out the importance ofnot relaxing in-support of the presenthospital while TO new one is beingplanned and bum. Yearly contribu-tion cards will be sent out soon, hesaid, adding that $1,695 had been re-ceived from industries and indi-viduals. Jan Van Herwerden. treas-urer, is reaily to receive subscriptionsat once. . • .

In addition, first payments onpledges for the new building are nowpayable. Because of the vacation sea-son. Mr.-Van Herwerden has stated,some of these remain unpaid. In or-tier that construction may p^ jiroperly-nnanced. persons are ureeci to attendto tile matter.

Repons "ere made by the treas-urer and _by._Mrs.__L. Anna_.Hushes.

•April, --play - a mom! factor, and

j C . i a i l l l a l l c l e r C. C S : ; . . / v. l i . i V. . I - in

Membi-rship committee, chairman,:ix NeinssaeJ;.

Hallowe'en to Be Celebratedh i-i pl:ium-tl to appropriately cele-ate Hallowe'en. Saturday. ..October

I 2>. at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night1 a' a joint meeting of the social com-

Mike Stosko, of Liode'n HasPossible Skol! Fractore—

May. exhibit of ^nuienis' work.A membership drive will start at

once under tile directinsi of Mrs. Rob-ert ICiuix. the balance of the commit-iee being Mrs. Milton .Stamm, Mrs.George K. Widnian. Mrs. I!. Hughesand Mr.-. D. C. Stiles. A talk on thebank system of iho school was givenby Miss ICniily Hulhlav. principal, whostated that for two wejiks the schoolhad maintained a luu per cent enroll-ment i:i the thrift movement.

A ,rf<eption to lh-> teachers of the

^superintendent. Appreciation was ex^pressed for the work done -by theLadies' Auxiliary.

Thfri: Fraunr-h support wr.s latidor!by President Kulil. who~~a'sr:ed for Itscontinuant e. inasmuch as the hospitalcould not get alon?: without it.

A meetini; of the executive com-mittee wirh C* Clinton (.'ampboll. who

Frederick L. MintelHonored at Washington

The completion of five years of ef-ficient leadership on the part ofFrederick L. Mintel, of this city, asExecutive Secretary of the Xew Jer-sey-SLUe-Christiah -Endeavor-Union,was fittingly recognized at the 41stAnnual State convention, held atWashington, last week. Mr. Mintel"was renppointed- and,-at-.th£__great.closing session Saturday afternoon,with approximately fifteen hundred inattendance, was-called to the platfromand was presented a unique dinnerplate with numerous gold piecespasted over Its surface. Tlipre woretwenty-one ten-dollar gold piecesaround the border of tho plate andseveral others in tlie center, the totaivalue- beinK two hundred and_iufty-|dollars.._Jn.his.a(Idresj3..befor.e_the?cQnventi0non Friday evening, Sir. Miiitel had thepleasure of reporting one numerousforward steps taken during the pastyear. The enormous total of 131 so-cieties have been added against. arecord of,forty-nine _for_the__pri;vious.lyear. The convention was an out-standing-one in many ways, there be-ing 1.41S registered delegates, an in-crease of two hundred "over the bisCamden convention of 102G.


Tour of County System WillFollow Meeting Wed.

W. Richmond Tracy, secretary am!encineer_fur_tne_('nion _J\junt_y J^ar'iCommission, will address the Kiwanisciub'-nex: Wednesday on the county'park system, was annoum-ed at

lowed tne board session. PresidentKiild. Fred ('. Hyer. Jan Van Herwer-deu. M. F. Quinn, Harold M. Searles.Edward K. Con'e were present. Other

b h d i

•\VedneFday's~i!ieeii'nK.""~A~£ul'rra":teiui-anrp- •;?• -urgocr A~ delegation— wiitvisit some ofthe parkway? aion^ theliahway Rivpr Valley after the- meet-ing.. Arthur R. Wendell and DavidArmstrong, local men eoinier-i.-d witlithe county park commission, will lieguests of honor.

Vocational guidance for boys wast'inducted the hospital campaign, fol-J declared to be jin important matt

Arrangements wen ursed parents to send bankbooksh ] b d

dr. I. T. Sp.-.-.cer.... i... •• •• - , . . . . n . . ... . - .. . . - . , . rotary hills 11. t base, a group nt Do; y l i v a n c Smith. Ethel Jardine andr!ie U i l i u A U I I U . ) ar^ •I-''--nc

:v l ,1,ed ;!,,. Iironx zoo and other points I Kal)..ii t. i>itchie.' AUXILIARY MEETS arrangements for .1 inis.ssr,! show .0 , i u w n f { h ) N o w y o r k Wednl-Sday. ' ' a l K l k ' { ' ^ 1 :.-tins of tlie I_id|es- Aux-!lv ?:v.-n at Roosever. hchool^ on N;>-!, , ,„,, were: Jobn David DuIJie. I „ . , , T v T , . , - r , ,he Kahway !'o-:. No. r..l v.-suber J. The Asnernan Dramatic ) (.n Jol\Tls,,n. c l i f f o r i l 1 ! a r u , A r I F i r s t M. E . LadieS P l a nL-Kiim. h-id Wednesday 1 club of tir.s city w:ii pre-en: the show. |]ui_ (,„„„.,„_ E d . ,v a n , itui.ertson. cut- A P a r t v for H a l l o w e ' e n

home of Mr-. Harry i• f 1.1 Tru^ier piac... further, Hjg n School Second Team

• • t h e b i g s h o w ; o In- l i e l d a s ; »-<• 1 1 J r . 1 m -school. November T. were \ Fights to Scoreless Tie

• The program will be given I•- American Dramatic Club, of: The Kahway liigli School se»-.)nd

' : Reports made- of the re-| 1e.1n1 battled the Plainlield High sec--s-d party showed the affair ali.nd- 10 a scoreless tie in Plainlield•'•"•d Iliunclal success. An in-1 Wednesilay afternoon.

••"> description of Tther recent j Tlte Railway line-up was as fol-Legion convention was

Mrs. F. W. Sell, who re-hearty expression of appreci-


Left end. Schalestock;l»ve; left guard. Hesse;


ter. Heiloman; right siiartl. L. Gin-:• She will give a further ac-:frlda; right tackle.- Michaels: right' ! the convention before a Joint! end. Captain Kay; quarterback, Vie-:•-" "f the Legion post and the lor Jones; left halfback. Zuman; right

• •••:• :it a near date. A social] halfback. Mossman: fullback. New-• iid refreshments followed the 1 kirk.

•:•-• President Mrs. Andrew Man-1 Others In the line-up for a _part'••-- in charge of the meeting,llr-.- Harry

ford Mi.-doni. Donald Henry and Will-!iam Waidellch.

CHURCH SOCIETY PARTYSi. Mary's Choral Society will have

a Hallowe'en party at St. Mary's hallon Friday night. October 2S. Thecommittee of arrangements are MissJane Harnes. chairman, ihe MissesIrene McCullough. Cecilia Sackrider,

A Party for Hallowe'enI The Ladies' Aid of the. First M. Ej Church met with Mrs. A. L. Chase,of Hamilton strict yesterday andmade arrangements for a Hallowe'enparty to be held at the church onNovember 4. with Mrs. John Robin-son in charge. Plans were- also an-nounced for a mite box opening at thr-

Mrs. Alfred Wyllie on Octoberfrene M g | h m ; f M^s.Vlfred^VvlHeonoctobeAnna nobrott-olskl.^ Helen Barrett. ^Ca-1 „! T n e L a d i e s . ,vnf serve refresh

ments at the get-together and rallyh l d

therine Knox. Music will be pro-vided by Larry Rack's Criterion Or-chestra. Rehearsals will be startedin about two weeks for a musicalcomedy.


lo be held tonight. The society-en-dorsed the Salvation Army drive andvoted to participate.

Among those present were Mrs.Fred M. Williams. Mrs. George Cook.

I Mrs. William ClarKson. Mrs. Mary

DANCE AT. •'•• "•' 2 o o c o u'v':- -riven by bowling•••• '•:. hway Elks at their home- on});-•• Milton avenue. Tuesday night.;'-'x Itubin's Countfy Club Orchestra• a.-s.;-!!„d Hie music. Toe dancing ex-••;•>•<.-.:,« were given by Miss Mildred'""V'::- 'lauKhtor of Mr. and Mrs. F.•)• ' ' ' '"'•". of this city, who gave evl-y

much skill. numbers• ••; rreclaiingly received. . Ouests

;•.-••s.'ni from Elizabeth.. Linden.'-•: Township. WoodbridBe. Car-

'"'•rsh Amboy and elsewhere.1 "sninittee in charge consisted

'•:: :^-it:rhardsonr"cha1rmnnT~A—JrJ-^_LLT.Ly._Eeuchter._i;eorge Becli-\--<' li.-orge Weber. The Elks will; Il'iboken on the Kahway alleys

DONATION DAY TUESDAY. ..'• :"'tsi)ii day for the Rahway Hos-;";-'l Hill bo observed Thursday, Oc-

-f:-.'-",r-,-r'-'-—'"-accordance-wlth-the- now-l• • •- -iiej custom, residents through-

V ... '.' '.''••' will leave, on their porch.•. • ' '•• li,-s and preserves they wish j.';-. '•'-'•'• Members of the hospital aux-i / - r - ' , " ' " " " " " the town in autoim>-

' • "atlier them up- .

,. ''•• .:::ou- $1.00 for your old battery'.,.."."''• s "f its condition, on thev': : ' ; - pr!i'i> of a new one. Wilson',>. ' " • fu Irving street. Phoii"• -Adv. ' li

LUTHERAN LADIES' PLAYAt the card party of the I-adies"

Aid Society of the Zion LutheranChurcJi last night at the home ofMrs. Fred—Schupp. of 27 Charlotteplace. Miss Dorman won the non-player's prize. A contest for a

Both cars e e d y gbut no one was hurt. The driversmade counter-complaints chargingreckless driving.

GIVEN SURPRISEMiss Helen M. Empie. at 225 Jaques

avenue, was surprised at a dinner

CKEERFUL WORKERS MEET.The Cheerful Workers of the First

Presbyterian Church held a social andtea at the Community House yester-day afternoon, deciding to resume reg-

sesslons on October 2ft. Among,„ . . . . . . , , . . . - - . - . Tuesday night in honor of her birth-1

t h o s e p r e s e n t w e r e _Mr8 w . Milnes,combing jacket was won by MrsJ^mii 1 (,. ly a n l l i v o r s ary . The dining room M|ss Emma Johnson. Miss Orill Davis.

ami living room were , decorated in M l F a .Margaret Halidav, Mrs. SamuelHamtll.Winners .in pinochle\y

William Nickau, Mrs. Harry Brunt.Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Charles Smith. Mrs.

M I l k R Bucki t uck-

buy a •Joinand i.uati

A n i i e s s . M i r t . I ^ e .

man. Mrs... J. H. Flaihmaun. Mrs.Charles Carroll, Mrs. F. J. Coyne, J.H. Flaihmaun. Mrs. Ray Kastmaii,William Conrad, Dorothy Hedler. Mrs.U. Cm-son. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs.. J.Schmidt. Miss Margaret Preplak. Mrs.Kmll Uamtil and Mrs. C. P. Seaman.Nine_.ta!>!os of piiiochlc were in play.

The next meeting will'he ~ThUrs-day afternoon, instead of evening, a:til- home of Mrs. Nutter, :ill Centra!avenue.

RADIO SHOW TONIGHT •Tile Radio Show of the Railway

Woman's ('lull will lie presented to-•.li' hi at the Roo«evelt School. Hill-pot and Lambert, known over :ffoi-idiii V "Smith Brothers." will benmnng the headliners. Other popularaitists are: Miss Kleanor Starl:ry.soloist; .Miss- Harriet Russ. Interpretii-t|i-,i , | ; , , , , .n- ,<n,| SiMlirwIf-Vr R v n o am!

pink and white. Those present were: i Tonke r_ u r s . A r b l e Miller. Mrs. S.The Misses Lillian and Helen Camp- • S c h u i t z , M r s . w . M. Hall. Mrs. Thomasbell, of Keyport; the Misses Estella urmston, Mrs. Harry Durand, Mrs.H I a n r F l o r e n c n r ^ w ! e r M a e P t ; p [ ^ ] i X i j -

pHoImanrFlorencnHoImanrFlorencn r ^ w ! e r r M a e P . t ; p A u u [ e ^ 6 ] i y i X i j s s X e , n e r : j r . 1 r l i n 7 1 I S ;right. Jane B. Low. of this city. The A i m a Wrulght. Mrs. Alice Bostwick.hostesses were Miss Frances Neville M r s : L y i l l a Urmston and Mrs. Georgeand Mrs. S. K. Berknl. Squier.


--,, .. "Pons October ir, r.r.u I?! ! l i : ; " 1 T h t ' s t . ! i ••./;' •'•"•• for slsares at tho Hahway I Money In loan on bond and snort-X-". • 7 : l ! T;r">£"between 7 and 9 p. m. gage! Wbrk"rn"eri*s""BulldlnK & ^m'*-•' "bove dates.—Adv . oct7-3t' A^ociatiou, 13G Irvlns St.—Adv.

Contracts let recently by the Olt- \ Republican workers of the SecondEngel Company for work on the new District of the Third Ward gathered5100.0Q<LMuJor.Theater, at Central aye; Wednesday night at the home ofnue and Irving street are: William County Committeeman William F.Fan- & Son. of Colonia, plastering; ; veech. ot 105 West Milton avenue.Brown; Lane & Richardson, of New a m i worked out campaign detailsBrunswick, heating and ventilating:I'uret'e Company, of Newark, fireproofrooflus: N"''W Jersey Terra Cottn Co..Penh Amboy, terra ci'tta.

GIRLS ON. HIKECardinal Troop. , Girl Scouts.

! joyed a bike to the home of Captain! Mrs. Howard . Van Busklrk. New

Money to lo.-in on liond and mort- • Dover, Wednesday. The troop will re-paw. Citizens' Building & Loan eoive' an American ling from PrideAssociation. 129M1 Irving street ' ot Union Council. No -17, Sons anRailway. N. J.—Adv. Jy24-tf naughters" of Liberty.

Huilil or buyrpr':m?n*r lTni'1'!

home.^ '^i-i I

Join the'.-> AM-'"

Build or bu,v.a-home. .Join theUu±iswn\- Hiiildlng and Loan Ass'n.

New series ope.p?.. <Vn!'er 1">,.:ind .17. New.series opens Octohor.15 ,-intl 17.Subscribe for shares at the Rahway Subscribe for shares at tlje Rahway.National Riiil; between 7"ar(Vff p. ri""TCatlo'nal Bank botweosiT :i*l il n,"is!.'

deserving the afientiiili and energy oftile dub. Th-:- adoption o:' a cours-1

of ihis kind for boys and girls at Rail-way high school was commended andthe club .determined to assist in mak-ing.aL_ as _he.lpful_.as. possible..

Roscoe D. Conkljn. district trustee.reported as. length on the districtconvention at Ocean City, includingmention of importance with which vo--catirin "Uidanc& jVjiS. regarded at thatgathering.' Mr. CDnkliu gave -in stances"where .-such guidance would liavel>ointed the way to success to boyswho turned out to be failures.

Harry Simmons made a short talkon methods that could be used to im-p"r;7\~L~nre~tTuTr"sTii'gnfg; Tlve~atten"dr|anci- prize donated liy Howard L.

the I Pendlelon. was won by Raymond L.' Ruddy. President Paris R. Kormanwa.- in cliarge of the meeting, wishItev. Chester M. Davis, secretary. Asliost talk was given by Yii-e-President.lame- M. Pestit.

Misses Mildred Waters. Mana Clark.Helen Martin. Jennie Worth an'd ClareLa Forge.

Two Rahway Boys ExcelIn Studies at Rutgers

Two Rahway boys. Michael Maurer,of 30 Union street, arid Samuel Zu-man, of 117 Main street, are among theforty-four students in the sophomoreclass at Rutgers University eligiblefor admission to the newly institutedHonor School in the College of Artsand Sciences. Dr. Walter T. Marvin,dean of the faculty, announced today.The local students were selected bya-special committee of. the faculty be-cause of special aptitude for the sub-jects which they are studying. Mem-bers of the Honor School will-begranted special privileges and will begiven greater laxity in attendance atclasses.

WED IN CARTERETThe marriage of Captain George E.

Nutter and Mrs. Rebecca Jones, ofl S

Ladies' of Trinity Church5ViH Have a Rummage

The Ladies' Aid of the Trinity 'M.E. Church met yesterday with. Mrs. A.A. Hopkins, of Bryant street, andplanned ' for a rummage sale in theehurcii chapel on October 2!t. withMrs. E. T. Calilwell as chairman ofthe committee, which —will includeMrs. Thomas Bross. Mrs. A. A. Hop-kins and Mrs. Adeline Cooper. Planswere discussed for a supper in No-vember, but no action was takenThe next meeting will be with Mrs.II. B. Leech at the parsonage.

COUNTY MUSIC CONTESTWill Represent Elizabeth Dis-

iricLAt Atlantic _City

\ ",-s


Miss Eleanor E. Starkey. of -15 Elmavenue, will represent the Elizabeth-distrlct-in-the-jU-water-JCsnt—Eounda-lion .radio auditions in- Atlantic City

"oir'Octo'Eer—'277 co"mpetfbg"""agKms"f~' ~young men and women singers fromother districts in New Jersey, for 'honors in the Xation-wide search fornew singing talent. _ :

Miss Starkey was chosen Wednes-day night at the Elizabeth district •-finals, in a concert given by seventeen,aspirants for musical honors, at theChamber of Commerce auditorium, be-fore an audience of more than 200.chairman"of'The--dl?irlct"comniU!ee—presented the winners with 320 goldpiece? to cover their expenses to theAtlantic City trials. The men's win-ner was Robert V. Harry, of Westfleld

Tile judges included Herbert S.Sammond, chairman; Barnum Lowe.Mrs. Farrington Smith and ThomasWilson. . -

Miss Starkey. who is 23 years old.has been studying voice for four yearswith Frantz Proschowsky. of NewYork;, but music has been.-her b e n t . .since she was three years old. Atthai time she began with piano les-sons and1 has followed music evercilice, although she devotes most of

|her -t-initr—ti>—her- voice. Music, fur-sherniore, \yill. l>.> the motive of hercareer. "That was decided long ago."she siiid. Her mother is a musicianaiunher father u" a college professor..-She sings in the ehoir of St. Paul'sEpiscopal CTufivli.

Her first number was P.ishop's ''I/O.Hear the Gentle Lark." her secondwas airman's "Who'll Buy Me La van-,der?" • atid_ she third-was Lehman's"There Are Fairies in she Bottom ofMy Harden."

The (onte-iani:-. besides those men-tioned, included Kathryn Angle, C.Louise Dunn. Esther (lilbert. Marie(Jreves. Lillian Huppe. Joseph N. Ko-lin. Lillian Larger. Elizabeth Perkins.Mini! Petrone, Melvin Reed. TheresaRothbi-ri; and M. R. Warnock. '•



[Lar|e_Attendance jmd JJaiiFlowers Hark the Services

WOMAN'S CLUB NOTESTlie millinery class of the Woman's

Club opened yesterday at the club-house with a dozen women present.They were: Mrs. c.eorge-E. Gallawav,Mrs! P. T. Kline. Mrs. J. A. Overtoil.Mrs. Adolph I'l.brirh, Mrs. W.' L. -B.Helmstadter. Mrs. Edward Bishop,Mrs. Kalnian Gyory. Mrs. George Lan-der. Mrs. William F. Davis and Mrs.Ida M. Custer. Mrs. Samuel Love-was in charge, assisted bv .Mrs. S. C.Bull nnd Mrs. R. S. Hoft

Yesterday the music committeeadopted as their year's topic, "NewJersey Composers." Meetings will bfiheld on the third Wednesday of eachmonth. Those present wero Mrs. F,,H. Waller. Mrs. S. C. Bull, Mrs. C.M. Forrest. Mrs. Edward Bishop. Mrs.

311 Central avenue, took place Satur-1 T- H.__ Robert?. Jr., and Mrs. C. B.day in Carteret. Rev. Karl Krepper,y pppastor ot Zion Lutheran Church, offi-ciated. The couple were attended byMrs. c. G. Schutt, of 113VJ Main street,and Mrs. Krepper. They will maketheir home at 311 Central aveuue.For six and a half years they con-ducted the Rahway Bakery at HG'/iMain street, opposite Cherry street,and then the Maxwell House at Sau-gerties. N. Y. •

BOY IS HURT t "Albert Brown, 5 years old, son of

.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown.' of 9 Unionplace, —received-abrasions on—bothknees at about 5:20 p. m., Tuesdaywhen he was struck squarely by anautomobile operated by Mrs. J. C.Glaves. of .GG.Church street. The acci-dent happened in West Grand street

MacWhlnney.October 2S the first of a series of.

lectures on "Topics of the Day" willbe given by Robert A. Coan at theclubhouse. Admission is free to clubmouthers and at a small cost to others.

DOESN'T SHOW UPHilton Rowland,-of—Clinton streeL

failed to appear in Polico Court Wed-nesday morning .to answer chargesof turning in false lire and policealarms. Police were instructed topresent the accused in court at alater date. He is accused by FireChief Walter H.-Ritzman-oii tho firealarm charge, «nd by Detecttive Ser-geant James Thompson In behalf ofpolice.

Recorder Klubenspies, of Linden,was to have heard the case. Both ot

Funeral services for Francis Lints,lately o£ 24 New "Brunswick avenue.w e r , . T ,)-,rl,-ml h y m.-lTM t ] n r : t | J r j h n ? , 1 - —

and a large attendance at the' FirstPresbyterian Church Wednesday af-ternoon. Rev. Chester M. Davis, pas-tor, otlicialed.

Rev. Mr. Davis made mention of thefact that Mr. IJnts expired in the-vestibule of tho Presbyterian Churchin Aberdeen. Scotland, the morningni September 11 while tlie choir wassinging. "I to the Hills Will Lift UpMine Eyes."

The faithfulness and uprightnesswhit-h characterized Mr. Linss' lifewere memorialized.

Floral offerings were from theQuinn .t Boden Company, publishers,where Mr. Lints lias been employedin the bookbinding department forforty years; the family of the de-cea**'d; the composing room and ship-ping department of Quinn & Boden;Reilly Hlectroipye & Engraving Co..New York; directors of Ihe RahwayBuilding &. Loan Association, of whichthe deceased was vice-president; post-ollice employees. Court Kahway. Xo."i5. Foresters of America; ColumbianSchool Parent-Teacher Association,board of deacons of First PresbyterianChurch. Reunion Club, Women's Har-mony League. Canadian friends, andfrom I he, six grandchildren of the de-ceased. •

A brief service was held at thegrave in Hazelwood cemetery. Thebearers were:^.President of Board ofEducation M. P. Quinu. Wtlliaov Hedo-man, representing the Quinn & BodenCo.; President Charles A. Moore andformer Chief Fred M. Miller, repre-senting the Exempt Firemen's Assocl-'ation, of which Mr. Lints had beensecretary for twenty-six years; Coun-cilman George Helmstadter. represent-ing Foresters and also connected withfiremen and Quinn & Boden, andThomas McHa?, of Roselle Park, whohad been a boyhood playmate, of thedeceased in Scotland.

The Exempt Firemen's Associationconducted iheir final rites Tuesdayevening at the funeral parlors of Jas.M. Pettit. S7 Irving street, wherePresident Charles A. Moore and Chap-lain C. William Mintel had charge. Alarge number of Ihe veteran ilretnenwere present.

The boy was attended by Dr. E. W. the alleged, violations are said to hnv<Dance at tho Rahway Hospital. „ Eye occurred early Saturday morning,witnesses declare the accident wasj when Rowland was in a restaurant inunavoidable, as the boy darted acrossthe road directly in the path of themachine.

WILL SERVE SUPPERA cafeteria supper will be served

Vail place.

D. OF A. RUMMAGEUnder the auspices of the Daugh-

ters of America a ruinniage saleopened today and will continue tonior-

i h i M i_ . p ytonight from"fi:3l)'to 7::>0 o'clock at I row in the vacant store in MainSt. Paul's parish house by the SundaySchool Chapter.

street, opposite Monroe street.

Before you buy iiros look over ouri miaranteed retreads and save at lea^t

- „,,. t.l,,1(i Wilson Sales Co.. i',7^ sfveei.__ Pho!u>_135n.r-Adv. 1;

Money to loan on bond and mort-gage. Workmen's Building & Loan!?,,'Association. 13G Irvlug_ St.—Adv. _ .tt i j , .- _ . _ . j . .

Build or buy a home. Join the! Build or buy a home. ' Join tin.Workmen's Building and Loan Ass'n.. Workmen's Building and Loan Ass'n.

AVIATOR RECOVERSMr. and Mrs. John Wargo. of Gl Iva

street, have been advised that theirson, John Wargo, Jr., of the U. S.aviation service, who was seriously in-jured in an airplane accident severalweeks ago, is recuperating at the Gov-ernment hospital at San Antonio.Texas.

CALLED TO FUNERALRev. and Mrs. Gvor'ge A. Law left

yesterday for Odessa. Del., to attendfuneral services for Mrs. Law's cou-sin. Th*'y will be back tomorrow, atthe latest".

j Safe Deposit Boxes from 3^ to 5C:> aj year. -Rahway National Bank.—Adv.


Build or buv a hon-.e. JoWorlcmen-s Bui ld ing and Loan Ass 'n . , Workmen ' s Building and Loan Ass 'n. j Wor lb t enN Bui'id'ii- "a-id I.naa \<,':i"N e w . s e r i e s o p e n s October 13 and 17. x f w ser ies o p e n s ' O c t o b e r 1." ami 17.! New «.>ries one iu Ocm!...- '"- ••••' •" 'Subscribe for shares IIL tin- Rub way -sulwrrnv-:- "T,-:-~s'r^'--~~ar:Tn^-KrT;7r;7~^nl^n"o7 ~r7,"~;!M>vr7i-~7C TTT^^

;tt ,,n above d:Ues.-Adv. oct7-"t on above (!a:o<.—Adv.

National Bank between 7\r\•::'.!>.;;on above date.-;.—Adv. \

Nr.:..!-,:.: Ha:;!: b •••,>••.-.•::on above datw.—Adv.

N a t i o n a l liasik m-: .v.--n 7i:n :sbovo da:-.-; .—A::v.
