Advanced Review Tropical cyclones in climate models Suzana J. Camargo * and Allison A. Wing Edited by Eduardo Zorita, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief In this review, we provide a historical overview of the simulation of tropical cyclones (TCs) in climate models, from the rst attempts in the 1970s to the cur- rent state-of-the-art models. We discuss the status of TC simulation across multi- ple time scales, from intraseasonal, seasonal, and decadal, to climate change. One of the limitations on the simulation of TCs in climate models has been, and continues to be, balancing the high resolution necessary to accurately simulate TCs themselves with the need to run simulations for many years and using many ensemble members. Several approaches to inferring TC activity indirectly, rather than relying on the models own under-resolved TCs, are reviewed, including the use of TC genesis indices based on the large-scale environment and downscaling methods such as the use of regional climate models and statistical dynamical techniques. We also provide an update on the status of climate change projec- tions from the current class of models, where it is feasible to directly track the models TCs. While there has been great progress in the capability of climate models to simulate TCs and provide useful forecasts and projections across multiple time scales, there remains much work to be done. We list some of the sources of uncertainty and model sensitivity, describe where improvements are necessary, and provide a few suggestions for promising research directions. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. How to cite this article: WIREs Clim Change 2016, 7:211 237. doi: 10.1002/wcc.373 INTRODUCTION H urricanes and typhoons [or more generally, tropical cyclones (TCs)] are one of the most destructive natural phenomena on Earth and are responsible for great social and economic losses. Because of the potentially devastating impacts of a TC landfall, the question of how these storms will be affected by climate change is of vital importance. One of the challenges in studying the effect of climate change on TCs is that the models typically used in climate change simulations have low horizontal reso- lution, so that it is computationally feasible to perform long simulations with multiple ensemble members and various future scenarios. However, in order to accurately simulate TCs, it is necessary to run models at much higher resolutions. This conict has made the study of TCs in climate models a dif- cult task, and also one that has received considerable attention over the last several decades. Since the 1970s, it has been known that even low-resolution climate models are able to produce vortices with characteristics similar to those of TCs. 1,2 The earlier studies of the relationship between climate change and TCs 3 5 used these low- resolution climate models, in spite of the weak inten- sity of the modeled storms and model biases. In recent years, the exponential improvement in compu- tational capacity has enabled various modeling groups to employ high-resolution climate models, which has led to a dramatic improvement in our abil- ity to simulate TCs, in the short term (intraseasonal *Correspondence to: [email protected] Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Pali- sades, NY, USA Conict of interest: The authors have declared no conicts of inter- est for this article. Volume 7, March/April 2016 © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 211

Tropical cyclones in climate models

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Advanced Review

Tropical cyclones inclimate modelsSuzana J. Camargo* and Allison A. Wing

Edited by Eduardo Zorita, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief

In this review, we provide a historical overview of the simulation of tropicalcyclones (TCs) in climate models, from the first attempts in the 1970s to the cur-rent state-of-the-art models. We discuss the status of TC simulation across multi-ple time scales, from intraseasonal, seasonal, and decadal, to climate change.One of the limitations on the simulation of TCs in climate models has been, andcontinues to be, balancing the high resolution necessary to accurately simulateTCs themselves with the need to run simulations for many years and using manyensemble members. Several approaches to inferring TC activity indirectly, ratherthan relying on the models own under-resolved TCs, are reviewed, including theuse of TC genesis indices based on the large-scale environment and downscalingmethods such as the use of regional climate models and statistical–dynamicaltechniques. We also provide an update on the status of climate change projec-tions from the current class of models, where it is feasible to directly track themodel’s TCs. While there has been great progress in the capability of climatemodels to simulate TCs and provide useful forecasts and projections acrossmultiple time scales, there remains much work to be done. We list some ofthe sources of uncertainty and model sensitivity, describe where improvementsare necessary, and provide a few suggestions for promising research directions.© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article:WIREs Clim Change 2016, 7:211–237. doi: 10.1002/wcc.373


Hurricanes and typhoons [or more generally,tropical cyclones (TCs)] are one of the most

destructive natural phenomena on Earth and areresponsible for great social and economic losses.Because of the potentially devastating impacts of aTC landfall, the question of how these storms will beaffected by climate change is of vital importance.One of the challenges in studying the effect of climatechange on TCs is that the models typically used inclimate change simulations have low horizontal reso-lution, so that it is computationally feasible to

perform long simulations with multiple ensemblemembers and various future scenarios. However, inorder to accurately simulate TCs, it is necessary torun models at much higher resolutions. This conflicthas made the study of TCs in climate models a diffi-cult task, and also one that has received considerableattention over the last several decades.

Since the 1970s, it has been known that evenlow-resolution climate models are able to producevortices with characteristics similar to those ofTCs.1,2 The earlier studies of the relationshipbetween climate change and TCs3–5 used these low-resolution climate models, in spite of the weak inten-sity of the modeled storms and model biases. Inrecent years, the exponential improvement in compu-tational capacity has enabled various modelinggroups to employ high-resolution climate models,which has led to a dramatic improvement in our abil-ity to simulate TCs, in the short term (intraseasonal

*Correspondence to: [email protected]

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Pali-sades, NY, USA

Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter-est for this article.

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variability), medium term (dynamical seasonal fore-casting), and long term (climate change projections).

In this review, we will give a historical perspec-tive on the simulation of TCs in climate models; Ear-lier Studies of TCs in Climate Models describes thefirst studies in the 1970s and 1980s while Progress inthe 1990s discusses progress made in the 1990s.Approaches to inferring TC activity in climate mod-els by analyzing the large-scale environmental condi-tions are reviewed in Large-scale Environment andTCs. In Regional Climate Models, Downscaling andTCs, we describe methods of downscaling TC activ-ity from climate models. In TC Dynamical SeasonalForecasts, we discuss the advent of TC dynamicalseasonal forecasting. We next describe the simulationof TCs in the current state-of-the-art global climatemodels, including the simulation of intraseasonal anddecadal time scales (Current State-of-the-art GlobalClimate Models: From Intraseasonal to DecadalTime Scales) as well as climate change (CurrentState-of-the-art Global Climate Models: ClimateChange Projections). Finally, we provide an overviewof model sensitivities and limitations in Model Sensi-tivities before suggesting possible ways of improvingthe simulation of TCs in climate models and direc-tions for future research in the Conclusion.


The study of the TCs in climate models dates back toManabe et al.,1 who analyzed the characteristics ofthe tropical circulation in a global atmospheric circu-lation model. They noted the occurrence of cyclonicvortices in regions in which TCs form in observations(Figure 1). The vortices were accompanied by lowsurface pressure values, heavy precipitation, andstrong convergence of air near the surface and diver-gence in the upper troposphere. The movement ofthese vortices was also compatible with observedTCs (Figure 1). Although the structure of the vorticeswas somewhat similar to observed storms, it wasclear that the model was unable to sufficiently resolvethe vortices, and therefore, could not intensify thestorms to tropical storm strength. Nevertheless, theprocesses occurring in the vortices, such as the devel-opment of a warm core with a deepening of the sur-face pressure and latent and sensible heat fluxes fromthe ocean surface to the atmosphere in the region ofthe storm, had strong similarities to what was knownabout TCs at that time.

A pioneering study on TCs in global modelswas that of Bengtsson et al.,2 who analyzed

hurricane-type vortices in a 1-year simulation of theEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore-casts (ECMWF) operational global model with a hor-izontal resolution of 1.875�. The spatial andtemporal pattern of occurrence of these vortices wassimilar to that of observed TCs; in particular, therewas a clear maximum in TC activity over the westernNorth Pacific. Other characteristics, such as lifetimeand structure, also fundamentally agreed with thecharacteristics of observed storms. Bengtsson et al.2

also discussed the sensitivity of the vortices to themodel environment; in particular, sea surface temper-ature (SST). They found that formation occurredonly for SSTs above 28–29�C and under conditionsof large-scale divergence in the upper troposphere;these conditions are broadly consistent with thosefavorable for TC formation in nature, although TCformation is observed at lower values ofSST (~26�C).

In the mid to late 1980s, significant progresswas achieved in the forecasting of individual TCs,6–8

FIGURE 1 | Tracks of tropical cyclones from the points of origin(indicated by an x). Symbols indicate positions at 1-day intervals. Thesimulation is forced with February SSTs. The storms were identified inthe 40-day period of the simulation. (Reprinted with permission fromRef 1. Copyright 1970 American Meteorological Society)

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which led to a better understanding of the modelcharacteristics that are necessary for simulating TCs.Krishnamurti et al.9 showed that the formation andmotion of storms is improved when the model has ahigh horizontal resolution, adequate resolution ofsurface layer fluxes, and includes parameterizationsof boundary layer, cumulus convection, and radiativeprocesses. Many global models have already includedthese parameterizations and processes, leading toimproved simulations of TC climatology in globalmodels. Krishnamurti and Oosterhof10 showed that,with the use of a high-resolution model and a sophis-ticated data assimilation scheme, it was possible toobtain a good forecast of a typhoon lifetime, fromtropical depression stage to landfall. This was a verysignificant result at the time, which greatly influencedfuture work on TCs in global models.


The idea of using global climate models to examinethe influence of climate change on TCs was first pro-posed by Broccoli and Manabe.3 In this study, con-trol simulations of the current climate in the GFDL(Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) climatemodel were compared with those in which the CO2

concentration was doubled. TC-like vortices wereidentified in both cases, using two different modelhorizontal resolutions, as well as different cloudtreatments (prescribed cloudiness or allowing forcloud feedbacks). With prescribed cloudiness, CO2

doubling led to a large increase in the number ofstorm days, while there was a small reduction in thenumber of storm days in simulations that allowed forcloud feedbacks. Though the results of this studywere inconclusive, it launched a new way of studyingthe influence of climate change on TCs that is stillused today.

The modulation of TC activity by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon was thenext topic explored using global climate models inthe early 1990s. The relationship between TCs andENSO has been well known in observations sincethe pioneering papers of Neville Nicholls, for theAustralian region,11–13 and William Gray,14 for theNorth Atlantic. Wu and Lau15 were the first toexplore whether global climate models were able toreproduce the changes in TC frequency in differentbasins due to ENSO. They forced the GFDL climatemodel with observed monthly varying SSTs for 15years and analyzed how the TC frequency changedin El Niño and La Niña events. Most importantly,they were able to use the differences in the model

environmental fields between the cold and warmphases of ENSO to determine how the modulation ofTC activity in the different basins occurred. Themodulation of TC activity by large-scale climatic var-iability remains an area of active research and hasled to the development of dynamical TC seasonalforecasts, which will be discussed below in moredetail.

As computing capability increased in the 1990sand it became possible to run global climate modelsat higher resolutions for many years, there was anincrease in the number of studies analyzing the char-acteristics of TCs in different global climate models.Broccoli and Manabe16 were able to produce a mod-erately successful simulation of a TC climatologicaloccurrence distribution. Bengtsson et al.17 consideredthe simulation of TCs in two versions of the samemodel with different horizontal resolutions (T42 or~300 km and T106 or ~150 km), forced with clima-tological monthly SSTs. They showed that there areconsiderable variations in TC frequency from year toyear, even without interannual variations in the SSTs.Furthermore, they showed that the intensity andstructure of the storms were resolution dependent,with low-resolution simulations producing weakerand larger storms with a less realistic vertical andhorizontal structure (Figure 2).

Using a model with a lower resolution (T42 or~300 km), Tsutsui and Kasahara18 analyzed the dif-ferences in TC frequency in the NCAR CCM2(National Center for Atmospheric Research Commu-nity Climate Model 2) model forced with climatolog-ical SSTs or with interannually varying SSTs. Theyfound that the simulation forced with climatologicalSSTs produced a significantly larger annual frequencyof TC-like vortices. Despite this bias in the averagefrequency, in regions such as the Atlantic whereinterannual variability in observed TC frequency islarge, the model forced with observed, interannuallyvarying SSTs was able to reproduce these fluctua-tions. This was another important step toward thedevelopment of dynamical seasonal TC forecasts.

The potential for using climate models fordynamical TC seasonal forecasts was furtherexplored by Vitart et al.,19 who, using a nine-memberensemble, performed a 10-year integration of a cli-mate model forced with observed SSTs. The ensemblemembers differed only in the initial conditions of theatmosphere. They showed that the predictability ofthe frequency of TCs in this model was particularlystrong in the western and eastern North Pacific, aswell as in the North Atlantic. In these regions, thesimulation skill was exceptionally high, particularlyin years of strong ENSO signals. A follow-up study20

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showed that predictability also exists for TC intensityand location of formation, in addition to TC fre-quency. This modeling study also showed that insome regions, TC frequency was not significantlycorrelated to the local SST, which suggested that theremote impact of other regions, communicated bythe large-scale circulation, was important for the TC-

ENSO modulation. This is similar to what occurs inobservations. This result was particularly encourag-ing, as in general there is more confidence in thelarge-scale environmental conditions generated byglobal climate models than in the storms themselves.

As confidence in the ability of climate modelsto simulate TCs increased in the 1990s, two papers



Tangential velocity (m s–1)Tangential velocity (m s–1)









0 5 10 15











0 5 10 15



Vertical velocity (Pa s–1) Vertical velocity (Pa s–1)









0 5 10 15











0 5 10 15



Vorticity (10–5 s–1)

Radius (°) Radius (°)

Vorticity (10–5 s–1)









0 5 10 15











0 5 10 15

FIGURE 2 | Two-dimensional cross section of tangential wind (m s−1), vertical velocity (Pa s−1), and vorticity (10−5 s−1) for the maximum stageof the development of a tropical cyclone in ECHAM3 with resolution T106 (left panel) and T42 (right panel). (Adapted from Ref 17 with permission.Made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC_BY) License)

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analyzed the impact of climate change on the simu-lated TC activity. Haarsma et al.4 used an atmos-pheric model coupled to a mixed layer ocean in twoscenarios: a control case and a simulation in whichthe CO2 concentration was doubled. In the doubledCO2 scenario, the number of tropical disturbancesincreased by 50% compared with the control(Figure 3). Furthermore, there was a relative increasein the number of intense storms, whose intensityincreased ~20% (Figure 3). A different approach wasused by Bengtsson et al.,5 who forced a high-resolution atmospheric model with fixed SST. For thedoubled CO2 scenario, anomalies were added to themonthly SST climatology, which were generated by alow-resolution coupled atmosphere–ocean model. Inthat case, the frequency of TCs was reduced in thedoubled CO2 scenario, especially in the southernhemisphere, while the intensity of the most intensestorms increased. The increase in intensity and in thefrequency of intense storms obtained in both papersagrees with the theoretical estimates by Emanuel.21,22

A decrease in overall TC frequency and a higheroccurrence of intense storms remain robust responsesto increased CO2 in the current state-of-the artmodels.23


Although the TC-like vortices detected and trackedin low-resolution climate models have many

characteristics similar to observed TCs, until recentlymost models had large biases in reproducing theobserved TC frequency, intensity, and geographicaldistribution (e.g., Vitart et al.19 and Camargoet al.24). Therefore, many authors have used an alter-native method of studying TC activity in climatemodels—instead of studying the model disturbancesper se, they focused on large-scale environment con-ditions that are associated with TC activity. Onecommon way to analyze the environmental condi-tions associated with TC frequency in models isto use genesis potential indices. An example ofthe correspondence between one particular genesisindex and observed TC genesis points is shown inFigure 4.

Gray26 developed the first genesis index as afunction of several environmental parameters: low-level (950 hPa) vorticity, vertical wind shear (between950 and 200 hPa), the Coriolis parameter, oceanthermal energy (the temperature excess above 26�Cintegrated from the ocean surface down to the 60mdepth), moist static stability (the vertical gradient ofthe equivalent potential temperature between the sur-face and 500hPa), and average relative humidity(between 500 and 700 hPa). However, his index isnot appropriate to explore TC activity in climatechange scenarios, as it uses a fixed SST threshold.After the introduction of this first genesis index,many others have appeared in the literature whichuse different environmental variables or differentfunctional dependences of the indices on the environ-mental variables. One of the most commonly used

Windspeed (m s–1)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38






FIGURE 3 | Frequency distribution of windspeed for 10 years of NW Pacific storms. Solid columns: control simulation. Cross-hatched columns:on doubling CO2. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 4. Copyright 1993 Springer Science and Business Media)

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genesis indices is the Emanuel and Nolan genesispotential index (GPI),27 in which the potential inten-sity28,29 replaces SST. The definition of Emanuel andNolan’s GPI is:

GPI = 105� ��3=2 H


� �3 Vpot


� �3

1 + 0:1Vshearð Þ−2,

where η is the absolute vorticity at 850 hPa, H is therelative humidity at 600 hPa, Vpot is the potentialintensity, and Vshear is the magnitude of the verticalwind shear between 850 and 200 hPa. Many othergenesis indices have been developed since, e.g.,Emanuel,30 Tippett et al.,31 and Bruyère et al.32 A

recent comparison of the performance of genesis indi-ces in the present climate is given in Menkes et al.33

As examples of the different functional forms used ingenesis indices, we show here Emanuel’s new genesisindex30:

GPI* = ηj j3 χ −4=3 max Vpot−35� �

,0� �2 25 + Vshearð Þ−4

where χ is a non-dimensional parameter that is ameasure of the moist entropy deficit of the middletroposphere; and Tippett et al.’s31 index:

TCGI¼ exp bþbηmin ½η� × 105,3:7� ��þbHHþbPI VpotþbV VshearÞ;







60°E 120°E 180°W

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4540




120°W 60°W





60°E 120°E 180°W

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




120°W 60°W

FIGURE 4 | Genesis potential index climatology in (a) February and (b) September. The black dots show individual genesis events over theperiod from (a) 1970–2004 and (b) 1970–2005. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 25. Copyright 2007 American Meteorological Society)

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where the parameters b are the coefficients of thePoisson regression between the climatological num-ber of genesis events and the large-scale environmen-tal variables.

The first application of genesis indices to cli-mate models was done by Ryan et al.,34 who usedGray’s genesis index in the present climate and in adoubled CO2 simulation. In the doubled CO2 sce-nario, a significant increase in the region of tropicalcyclogenesis was obtained, due to the linear relation-ship of the index with SST. Gray’s genesis index wasthen applied to the same model35 to examine the dif-ferences of the environment during warm and coldENSO years.

However, as shown in Camargo et al.,36 inmost models and basins, there is only a weak rela-tionship between the frequency of model TCs andthe mean values of the genesis index in each basin.Furthermore, there is a stronger relationship betweenthe model genesis index and the observed TC varia-bility than with the model TC variability, since themodels have better skill at simulating the environ-mental fields than simulating the TCs themselves.McDonald et al.,37 Camargo et al.36 and Walshet al.38 indicated that as model horizontal resolutionincreases, there is more consistency between genesisindices and the mean model TC frequency. The largevariations in model TC climatology that existbetween models suggest that the model TC occur-rence is more strongly controlled by the dynamics ofthe model storms than by the model environment forgenesis. This is still the case in the current class ofmodels, where there is a wide range of mean globalTC frequency among the models despite the fact thatthe values and spatial distribution of the Emanueland Nolan genesis index are very similar.39 Someauthors32,40 argue that to obtain a good relationshipbetween regional TC activity and a regional genesisindex it is necessary to develop regional genesis indi-ces, or incorporate higher frequency variabilityinstead of using global indices based on monthly cli-matology. While genesis can be initiated by differentconvective disturbance types, (such as equatorialwaves, easterly waves, and monsoon lows), and theseconvective disturbances are basin dependent, the rela-tionship between TC genesis and the large-scale envi-ronment does not necessarily have such a regionaldependency. Therefore, as this is the relationship thatgenesis indices attempt to replicate, a globally derivedgenesis index seems to be the optimal choice.

Genesis indices continue to be widely applied tostudy the effect of climate change on TC activ-ity.37,39,41,42 However, while high-resolution climatemodels robustly project a global decrease in TC

activity under warmer conditions, most genesis indi-ces project an increase in TC frequency. The pro-jected decrease in TC frequency has been associatedwith an increase in the saturation deficit of the freetroposphere with warming. Therefore, genesis indicesthat include the saturation deficit (such as Emanuel’snew GPI30) should be able to reproduce this fre-quency reduction. However, as shown by Emanuel,43

even this new GPI projects an increase in TC fre-quency in a warming climate. An argument could bemade that the genesis indices, which are based on themodels large-scale environment, are correct. How-ever, the projection of a global decrease in TC fre-quency is so robust among models that there wouldneed to be a fundamental problem with climate mod-els for that to be the case. Furthermore, there is noguarantee that the specific combination of environ-mental factors in a genesis index derived for the cur-rent climate is valid for other climates. Recently,Camargo et al.44 showed that only genesis indicesthat used a specific combination of environmentalparameters (in particular, saturation deficit andpotential intensity), are able to project the decrease inglobal TC frequency in a warmer climate, at least inthe case of one global climate model. This hypothesisstill needs to be tested in a wider range of models.

Another application of genesis indices is to ana-lyze the level of TC activity in different past climates.While paleotempestology is a growing field, it is stillin its infancy and the amount of data available toreconstruct storm activity in past climates is quiterestricted.45,46 Paleoclimatology studies usuallyinvolve very long simulations, therefore computa-tional constraints lead to use of low-resolution mod-els. Genesis indices can then be used to compare theenvironmental conditions for TC formation in past(e.g., Last Glacial Maximum) and present climatesand obtain estimates of the level of TC activity. Thisapproach was used by Korty et al. for the Last Gla-cial Maximum47 and the mid-Holocene,48 with thecaveat that genesis indices obtained for the currentclimate do not necessarily work for past climates.Therefore, Korty et al. also examined the changes inthe individual environmental factors that composethe genesis index.

One of the ways that the environment influ-ences TC genesis and intensity is through ventilation,the import of cool and dry air into the core of TCsby vertical wind shear, which is quantified by thenew ventilation index of Tang and Emanuel.49,50

This ventilation index is a combination of environ-mental vertical shear, entropy deficit, and potentialintensity, and has many applications, from real-timeforecasting to climate change projections. The

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ventilation index can be used as a tool to examinechanges in the environmental conditions due to cli-mate change, which are relevant to TC activity inglobal climate models, as was done by Tang andCamargo.51 They showed that in the CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)dataset, there is a general tendency for an increase inthe seasonal ventilation index in the majority of theTC basins. All models project an increase in the mid-level entropy deficit in the tropics, which is compen-sated by an increase in the potential intensity and adecrease in vertical wind shear in most basins.

As mentioned earlier, potential intensity is animportant parameter in several genesis indices. Thepotential intensity is the theoretical maximum inten-sity that a TC can reach under specific environmentalconditions.22 The potential intensity also is closelyrelated to the observed TC intensity.52,53 Recently, ithas been used as a proxy to examine potentialchanges in TC intensity under climate change condi-tions in climate models.39,54 Vecchi and Soden54

showed that long-term changes in the potential inten-sity are closely related to the regional structure ofSST warming in future projections, in which regionsthat warm more than the tropical average are charac-terized by an increase in potential intensity. There-fore, although overall there is a tendency for anincrease of potential intensity in the tropics, there aresome regions in which the potential intensity coulddecrease. The pattern of potential intensity changeprojected by the CMIP5 multi-model mean39 isextremely similar to that of the Vecchi and Sodenanalysis, which was obtained with CMIP3 (CoupledModel Intercomparison Project Phase 3). The poten-tial intensity has also been used to separate the roleof natural and anthropogenic environmental changeson North Atlantic TC intensity;55,56 the late 20thCentury potential intensity trend in the North Atlan-tic was found to be dominated by internal variabilityand only at the end of the 21st century an anthropo-genic potential intensity trend is expected to emerge.More recently, Polvani et al. used potential intensityto examine the potential impact of ozone on TCintensity57 and found that the ozone depletion inrecent decades has not been a major player in deter-mining the TC intensity trends, and neither willozone recovery in the first half of the 21st century.


Given the high computational costs required to runlong, high-resolution climate model simulations that

can simulate TCs with hurricane-strength intensity,various alternative strategies have been used. Onestrategy is to select storms from long climate modelsimulations and redo the simulation of those stormsusing higher resolution, operational hurricane fore-cast models in order to achieve more realistic intensi-ties.58,59 Another possibility is to performsimulations of individual idealized TCs in a simplifiedlarge-scale environment.59–61 These types of simula-tions were particularly successful in simulating theincrease in TC intensity under global warming condi-tions and also other changes such as increased TCprecipitation rates with climate warming.62 Theadvantage of this method is that these idealized simu-lations are usually cheap to run, which makes it pos-sible to test the sensitivity of the results to variousmodel choices, including environmental conditions ofthe forcing climate model, model parameterizations,and the use of fixed SST or a coupled ocean model.63

A powerful approach that has been used byvarious modeling groups is the use of regional cli-mate models, forced at their boundaries by environ-mental conditions from global models. It is wellknown that the domain choice has an impact on theclimate characteristics of regional climate models.64

This is also the case for simulation of TCs in regionalmodels, as many TCs are advected through themodel boundaries. Both grid point and spectralregional climate models65,66 have this sensitivity tothe boundary condition. Caron and Jones67 showedthat in the case of the Atlantic, it is crucial that theregional climate model domain include not only thetropical Atlantic, but a large part of northern Africaas well, due to the presence of African easterly wavesand their relationship with Atlantic hurricane genesis.The use of regional climate models for TC dynamicalseasonal forecasts has been tested and there are indi-cations this type of downscaling can improve theforecast skill of global models in predicting TC land-fall in East Asia,68 for example.

Regional climate models have been very suc-cessful in reproducing the hurricane activity in theNorth Atlantic in the late 20th century.69 In recentyears, regional climate models were used to analyzethe changes in TC frequency and intensity in theNorth Atlantic and western North Pacific under 21stcentury warming conditions.70–73 Figure 5 shows anexample for the North Atlantic, where there wasstrong agreement between seasonal TC frequency inobservations and in the model ensemble, althoughthe intensity distribution lacked the strongest storms.As even a regional climate model with 18 km resolu-tion is unable to simulate TCs with intensities of Cat-egory 4 and 5 on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane

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Wind Scale, Bender et al.58 performed a second levelof downscaling and used the operational GFDL hur-ricane forecast model to the simulate storms from theregional model. With this method, a realistic distribu-tion of the most intense storms for the current cli-mate was obtained. They found that, by the end ofthe 21st century, the frequency of Category 4 and5 storms in the Atlantic is expected to double(Figure 6). Recently, Knutson et al.74 extended thisapproach to the globe; first, a GFDL high-resolutionatmospheric model is used to generate TCs globally,then, each of the individual TCs is re-simulated withthe GFDL hurricane coupled model. The results arein agreement with previous studies, with reduced fre-quency and increased intensity of TCs in the late 21stcentury.

Done et al.75 analyzed the sensitivity of simu-lated TCs to regional model resolution and notedthat although higher resolution is required to resolvethe small-scale structural characteristics of the TCs,this level of detail may not be necessary for climatepredictions and therefore may be not the optimal useof resources. Furthermore, regional climate simula-tions can be severely affected by biases in the drivingglobal climate model, even when large domains areemployed, so it is important to correct for thesebiases.

An alternative method for downscaling TCactivity from climate models was developed by Ema-nuel.76,77 This technique involves generating a verylarge number of synthetic storm tracks with realisticintensity based on model or reanalysis environmental

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Max wind speed (m s–1)












No. of occure



Tropical Storms (1980–2006)Histograms of max wind speed



ty d


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Max wind speed (m s–1)








Tropical Storms (1980–2006)Normalized histogram of max wind speed

(b) (c)


1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005











icanes (




Model ensemble Observed

Atlantic Hurricanes (1980–2006): Simulated vs. ObservedCorrelation = 0.84; Linear trends: +0.21 storms year–1 (model) and +0.15 storms year–1 (observed).


FIGURE 5 | Model versus observed Atlantic hurricane counts and distributions of maximum tropical cyclone wind speeds. (a) Annual (August–October) counts of Atlantic hurricanes in observations and for the model using observed SSTs and large-scale nudging of the interior solutiontoward reanalyses. (b,c) Histograms of maximum wind speeds m s−1 (one value per storm) for each Atlantic storm observed or simulated by themodel for the control 1980–2006 (August–October) and global warming cases. The normalized histogram (c) was obtained by dividing the totalnumber of storms observed or simulated during the 27-year period. This controls for differences in storm frequency between experiments orbetween the control and observations. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 70. Copyright 2008 MacMillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Geoscience)

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fields and can be a very powerful tool for analyzingTC landfall risk in regions with few landfallingstorms in the historical record.78 The first step of thistechnique is to seed storms by a random draw fromthe space-time probability density function of genesislocation obtained from observations. The survival ofthe seeds depends on the large-scale environmentalconditions and the synthetic tracks are then gener-ated for the surviving storms. This technique hasbeen successfully applied to analyze changes in TCcharacteristics under global warming, using the envi-ronmental fields from present and future climates togenerate the synthetic TC tracks. Interestingly, differ-ent projections for the global TC frequency at theend of the 21st century were obtained when down-scaling the CMIP378 and CMIP579 models. Whenapplied to the CMIP3 models, Emanuel’s techniqueprojected a decrease in global TC frequency80

(in agreement with most modeling studies), but whenapplied to the CMIP5 models, Emanuel’s techniqueprojected an increase in global TC frequency.81 The

reason for this discrepancy is not clear, as the large-scale fields that are relevant for TC formation andintensification are quite similar between the CMIP3and CMIP5 models, as was shown by Camargo.39


The development of dynamical seasonal forecasts ofTCs played an important role in the improvement ofthe simulation of TCs in climate models. Recentreviews of TC seasonal forecasts (statistical anddynamical) appeared in Vitart82 and Camargoet al.;83,84 here we only discuss dynamical TC fore-casts. As mentioned above, Vitart et al.19,20 firstshowed that the GFDL global climate model wasable to reproduce many characteristics of the TCresponse to ENSO events. A few years later, Vitartand Stockdale85 developed the first dynamical sea-sonal forecast of TCs using ECMWF’s coupled

Late 21st century warmed climate

Late 21st century warmed climate

Warmed minus control

Control climate

Control climate

Tropical storm - category 2Category 3Category 4 - Category 5






100°W 80°W 60°W

NWS version (GFDL)

18 model ensemble

18 model ensemble

40°W 20°W 0°





100°W 80°W 60°W

Category 4–5 storm count per decade40°W 20°W 0°




0° –5–4–3–2–1012345























FIGURE 6 | (Left) Tracks for all storms reaching category 4 or 5 intensity, for the control and the warmed 18-model ensemble conditions,as obtained using the GFDL/NWS hurricane model. (Right) the spatial distribution of category 4 and 5 occurrences (scaled by storm counts perdecade) for the combined control (average of the GFDL and GFDN model versions, top right); the combined CMIP3 18-model ensemble warmedclimate results (middle right); and the difference between the warmed climate and control intense hurricane occurrences (bottom right).(Reprinted with permission from Ref 58. Copyright 2015 AAAS)

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atmosphere–ocean model system. Even though thepredicted mean frequency of storms in the individualbasins was significantly lower than observed, themodel produced realistic forecasts of interannual var-iability of TC frequency over the North Atlantic andwestern North Pacific. They showed that model skilllikely results from its ability to predict SSTs; in par-ticular, the occurrence and development of ENSOevents and their modulation of TC activity throughteleconnections.

The ability of low-resolution models to simulatethe modulation of TC activity by ENSO was furtherexplored in a multi-model analysis of models forcedwith prescribed observed SSTs.86 Despite the low-resolution and model biases, these climate modelswere shown to have significant skill in predictingsome properties of TC activity on interannual timescales. This led to the development of the IRI(International Research Institute for Climate andSociety) TC seasonal forecasts, which use a two-tiered system. First, the SSTs are predicted using vari-ous types of dynamic and statistical models, then theatmospheric models are forced with these SSTs andthe TCs are tracked in the atmosphere model output.This is in contrast to the ECMWF system, in which acoupled atmospheric–ocean model was utilized. Theskill of the IRI seasonal prediction system was shown

to be competitive with, and in some circumstancessuperior to, statistical models.87

The success of these early dynamical TCseasonal forecasts led to the development of similarforecasts by various modeling groups,88–91 includinga multi-model forecast system,92,93 and hybridstatistical-dynamical systems.94,95 An example of adynamical seasonal forecast of Atlantic TCs, using amulti-model ensemble, is shown in Figure 7. Mostimportantly, modeling groups across the globe havestarted to analyze the TC activity in their climatemodels routinely, which could potentially lead to sig-nificant improvement in the representation of TCs inclimate models.

Currently, various modeling groups issuedynamical TC seasonal forecasts in various basinswith significant skill. The skill can be particularlyhigh in the Atlantic basin, due the strong modulationof TC activity in that basin by ENSO. The currentchallenge is to develop skillful forecasts from climatemodels for quantities more relevant to the societythan basin-wide frequency or accumulated cycloneenergy (ACE, sum of the square of the maximumwind speed of the storms in a basin at all times forwhich the speed is at least 35kt). For instance, skillfulforecasts of the probability of occurrence of landfall-ing storms for specific coastal regions would be a


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Correlation = 0.78 (1.00)

RMS error = 3.07 (4.56)





of T


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Forecast Observations 2 standard deviations

FIGURE 7 | Number of North Atlantic tropical storms from July to November predicted by EUROSIP (median) starting on June 1 (thick blackline) for the period 1993–2006. Retrospective forecasts were used for the period 1993–2004, and real-time forecast ensembles (calibrated usingthe median) were used for the period 2005–2006. The dashed gray line represents observations from July to November and the vertical linesrepresent two standard deviations within the multi-model ensemble distribution. (Adapted from Ref 93 with permission. Copyright 2007American Geophysical Union. Made available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License)

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huge improvement from basin-wide quantities. Incoupled models, the simulation of the TC–ENSOrelationship can be more challenging, as the modelcan have biases in the representation of the ENSOitself, as well as biases in the environmental responseto ENSO.96 Recent work using a coupled ocean–atmospheric model with flux adjustment to correctsystematic ocean biases has produced skillful fore-casts of seasonal TC activity on spatial scales finerthan basin-wide months in advance of the TC sea-son.97 This is a significant progress toward moresocietally relevant TC seasonal forecasts.


In the last few years, there has been a significantincrease in the number of modeling groups investingresources in studying TC activity in global climatemodels. Currently, most modeling groups performanalyses of TC activity as a routine part of theirmodel diagnostics. Although most of the resourceshave been concentrated on long-time scales, in partic-ular, on the question on how climate change willaffect TC activity, many groups have been exploringtheir model skill on other time scales, from intrasea-sonal to decadal. We have already discussed (in TCDYNAMICAL SEASONAL FORECASTS) the cur-rent ability of climate models to simulate TC activityon seasonal time scales. In this section, we focus onthe status of TC prediction on intraseasonal and dec-adal time scales.

The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO, Maddenand Julian98–100) is the main source of predictabilityin the tropics on intraseasonal time scales. The MJOmodulates TC activity globally;101–103 when theMJO is in the enhanced convective or active phase ina certain region, there is a tendency for a higher TCformation in that region. As the MJO propagateseastward, the preferred region for TC genesis alsoshifts eastward. The modulation of TCs by the MJOin various regions is well established in theliterature.104–108 TC frequency is not the only prop-erty affected by the MJO; others, such as the rate ofoccurrence of a specific track type,109–111 the per-centage of storms which reach major hurricaneintensity,112 and even the response of TCs toENSO113 are as well.

Until recently, the representation of the MJO inclimate models was quite poor.114 The quality of theMJO simulation in climate models can be improved

by modifying the cumulus parameterization used inthe models. However, these modifications usuallycreate other biases in the climate models, and there-fore are not routinely implemented.115 Because of thedifficulty in simulating the MJO, the simulation ofthe modulation of TCs by the MJO has been quitechallenging. Only recently a few modeling groupshave been able to successfully simulate the TC–MJOrelationship. The first such simulation was performedwith the Japanese high-resolution cloud-resolvingmodel NICAM (Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmos-pheric Model), which simulated one MJO event andits link to TC genesis in the western North Pacific.116

The ECMWF modeling system uses a seamless pre-diction approach, in which the same model is usedfor predicting time scales ranging from synoptic todecadal.117 This system has been shown to have skillin simulating the evolution of the MJO and telecon-nections of the MJO that are consistent with observa-tions.118,119 The ECMWF system simulates themodulation of TC activity by the MJO quite well,even in the northern hemisphere TC season, whenthe MJO signal is weaker120 (Figure 8). The perfor-mance of the ECMWF system in real time for the2008 and 2009 seasons showed that the ECMWFensemble provided good guidance on TC formationand tracks on time scales of 10–30 days.122,123 TheECMWF ensemble was also able to predict the for-mation of nearly all the TCs in the 2009 and 2010seasons, missing only a small number of storms(which were generally short lived and weak124). Theperformance of the model over the Atlantic has asomewhat lower skill, though,125 and an analysis ofthe model predictability showed that the model skillis sensitive to the phase and intensity of the MJO andthe time of the model initialization.126 A comparisonof the performance of the ECMWF forecast systemwith a statistical model127 for weekly TC activity inthe southern hemisphere showed that the dynamicalmodel had a better performance than the statisticalmodel in the first 2 weeks of the forecast.128

More recently, other modeling groups havebeen making progress in simulating the MJO modu-lation of TC activity. It has been shown that theGFDL HiRAM (High-Resolution AtmosphericModel) global climate model is able to reproduce theMJO-TC relationship in the eastern North Pacific.129

Furthermore, the HiRAM model forecasts on intra-seasonal times scales for the North Atlantic areshowing promising results.130,131 A comparison oftwo very high-resolution global climate models for aperiod of eight boreal summers showed how sensitiveTC genesis is to the characteristics of the MJO (for-mation, propagation, and strength), and that the

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Phases 2





























Phases 4





























Phases 6

























< –


–20 to –


–10 to –

5–5 to –

2–2 to 2

2 to 5

5 to





> 2






Phases 8






































































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TC–MJO modulation is highly model dependent,132

as was also seen in simulations of the MJO and TCgenesis during the DYNAMO field program in theNorth Indian Ocean.133 In the case of the GEOS-5(Goddard Earth Observing System Model, version 5)model, even though the model MJO is faster andweaker than the observed MJO, the model is stillable to reproduce the observed MJO-TC modula-tion.134 Intraseasonal forecasts of TC activity are avery promising area for future work, in particular,the seamless prediction approach, in which the samemodels are used for both weather and climateprediction.

Decadal prediction focuses on predictions overthe 10- to 30-year timeframe, and is a bridge betweenseasonal predictions and climate-change projections.In the last few years, a significant effort has beenmade by the climate community in this area.135–137

While skillful seasonal predictions depend on anaccurate specification on the current state of the cli-mate, initial conditions do not influence climatechange projections. On decadal time scales, however,the climate is strongly influenced by both natural var-iability and external forcing, so both accurate initialconditions and anthropogenic greenhouse gas aerosolforcing138 are necessary. Early work on hindcastexperiments using initialized coupled models showedpromise in decadal predictions,139,140 which has beenconfirmed in more recent studies.141,142

The decadal variability of TC activity has beendiscussed in various basins, in particular the NorthAtlantic143 and the western North Pacific.144 In theAtlantic, the existence of a natural mode of the deca-dal variability, the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability(AMV, also referred to in the literature as the Atlan-tic Multidecadal Oscillation) has been challenged bythe argument that the fluctuations were insteadcaused by a combination of external forcing, includ-ing greenhouse gases and industrial and volcanicaerosols.145,146 Recently, Caron et al.147 noted thatthe influence of seasonal climate modes on AtlanticTC activity was dependent on the phase of the AMV.In the western North Pacific, the decadal variabilityin typhoon activity has been associated with thePacific Decadal Oscillation.144

Smith et al. explored the possibility of issuingmulti-year forecasts of TC activity in the NorthAtlantic.148 They showed that their decadal predic-tion system had some skill in predicting 5-year meanNorth Atlantic TC frequency. Another study, using adifferent model, found the forecasted 5-year meanshowed significant correlation when compared withthe null hypothesis of a zero correlation.149 Theypointed out, though, that the model skill arises in

large part from the persistence of the SST in the initi-alized forecasts (Figure 9), rather than due to the pre-diction of the system evolution per se. This has beendebated in the literature.153,154 More recently, Caronet al.155 showed that multi-year prediction of Atlantichurricane activity by CMIP5 models in hindcastmode had modest positive skill, even after accountingfor persistence in the climate shift that occurred in1994–1995. The potential for predicting possiblewind damage related to hurricanes along theU.S. coast using a multi-model ensemble of initializedglobal climate models has also been recently demon-strated.156 Decadal predictability of TC activity is anew field and it is expected that more modelinggroups will explore this topic in the next few years.


In the last few years, a large effort has been madetoward understanding and making projections of TCactivity under climate change. This effort was in largepart responsible for a significant progress in simulat-ing TCs in global climate models. In this section, wefocus on the studies that analyze TC activity directlyfrom global climate models; we have already dis-cussed the analysis of model large-scale environmen-tal quantities and downscaling studies in Large-scaleEnvironment and TCs and Regional climate models,downscaling and TCs, respectively. A comprehensivereview of various aspects (theoretical, modeling,observed trends, attribution) of the relationshipbetween climate change and TCs can be found inKnutson et al.,23 with an update in Walsh et al.157

Here, we focus only on the studies of TCs under cli-mate change using global climate models.

Most of the effort toward the improvement ofthe simulation of TCs in climate models has beendirected at the use of high-resolution global climatemodels, instead of low-resolution ones. Even in thelatest round of simulations for the IPCC (CMIP5),most coupled model simulations were still performedwith low-resolution and still have significant biasesin reproducing TC climatology.39 In order to achieverobust projections from climate model simulations, itis necessary to perform the simulations for manyyears, using large ensembles and multiple scenarios.Therefore, for most modeling groups it remains veryexpensive to run coupled models for this purpose.The most common approach is to use atmosphericonly models, forced with SSTs (or SST anomalies)obtained from low-resolution coupled simulations.

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The earlier studies to use this approach used(approximately 125 km) horizontal resolution modelsin the late 1990s5 and early 2000s.157 This method isemployed by most of the studies published in the lastfew years.158–161 An example of global TC tracks inboth the current and future climate from one of thesehigh-resolution simulations159 is shown in Figure 10.While the TC climatology, structure, and intensityare substantially improved by using high horizontalresolution, it is well known that the future projec-tions are very sensitive to the specific SST anomalypatterns used,158 and in particular, regional TCchanges are very sensitive to different warming pat-terns.162 Therefore, it is essential to have a betterunderstanding of the mechanisms for tropical SSTchanges.163

Another important question regards the directcontribution of CO2 to future changes in TC activity.Inspired by idealized experiments initially designedby Yoshimura and Sugi164 and Held and Zhao,165

the U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group (HWG)designed idealized experiments in which high-resolution atmospheric climate models were forcedwith climatological SSTs (present climate or a homo-geneous SST increase of 2K) and different levels ofCO2 concentration (current values or doubled con-centration), as described in detail in Walsh et al.166

The main objective of the HWG was to obtain a bet-ter understanding of the relationship between climateforcings and TC occurrence using a multi-modelapproach. A few models of the HWG produce adecrease rather than in an increase in the number of

5-year mean: uninitialized




raged N


h A



icanes p








































raged N


h A



icanes p






raged N


h A



icanes p






raged N


h A



icanes p






































ObservedGFDL-CM2.1DePreSys PPETwo-model mean

ObservedGFDL-CM2.1DePreSys PPETwo-model mean



DePreSys PPE

Two-model mean



DePreSys PPE

Two-model mean

Lead 2–6: initialized

9-year mean: uninitialized Lead 2–10: initialized

FIGURE 9 | Retrospective and future forecasts of hurricane frequency: (top) retrospective forecasts for 5-year-running hurricane frequency and(bottom) 9-year-running forecasts, showing results from (left) uninitialized and (right) initialized experiments. Black lines show the observed 5- and9-year hurricane counts from the NOAA Hurricane Database (HURDAT; Jarvinen et al., 1984,150 McAdie et al., 2009151), which includes anadjustment for observing inhomogeneity prior to 1966 described in Vecchi and Knutson (2011).152 For the retrospective forecasts, the red lineshows the forecasts from the GFDL CM2.1 (coupled model version 2.1) system, the blue line shows the UKMO-DePreSys PPE System (UnitedKingdom MetOffice decadal prediction system), and the yellow line shows the two-system ensemble mean. (Reprinted with permission from Ref149. Copyright 2013 American Meteorological Society)

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60°E30°E 90°E0° 120°E 150°E 150°W180°

TD TS C1 C2 C3 C4 C5




120°W 90°W 60°W 30°W 0°

60°E30°E 90°E0° 120°E 150°E 150°W180° 120°W 90°W 60°W 30°W 0°

60°E30°E 90°E0° 120°E 150°E 150°W180° 120°W 90°W 60°W 30°W 0°

60°E30°E 90°E0° 120°E 150°E 150°W180° 120°W 90°W 60°W 30°W 0°




























AGCM20 3.2 (2075–2099)

AGCM20 3.2 (1979–2003)

AGCM20 3.1 (1979–2003)

Observations (1979–2003)

GL = 71.84

GL = 84.68

GL = 84.36

GL = 84.80

FIGURE 10 | Global distribution of TC tracks during all seasons from 1979 to 2003 for (a) observations, (b) the PD simulation usingAGCM20_3.1—Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) version 3.1, (c) the PD (present day)simulation using AGCM20_3.2 (MRI AGCM version 3.2), and (d) the GW projection using AGCM20_3.2. The numbers for each basin show theannual mean number of TCs. TC tracks are colored according to the intensities of the TCs as categorized by the Saffir–Simpson hurricane windscale [e.g., tropical depression (TD), tropical storms (TSs), and Categories C1–C5]. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 159. Copyright 2012American Meteorological Society)

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TCs with a homogeneous 2K increase in SST, whilemost models show a decrease in TC occurrence whenforced with a doubled CO2 concentration and nochange in SSTs. Detailed analysis of the results ofthese idealized experiments, including many aspectsof the response of TC activity to climate forcings,can be found in numerous papers from theHWG.167–172

Given the existing issues with high-resolutionclimate models forced with fixed SST, especially thesensitivity of TC activity to the details of SST pat-terns and lack of oceanic feedback on the TCs, a fewstudies in the last several years have used high-resolution coupled ocean-atmospheric models.Gualdi et al.173 found that global TC frequency wasreduced in a climate change coupled model simula-tion, similar to the results from models forced withfixed SSTs and other more recent coupled modelstudies.174,175 A similar experiment with the GFDLcoupled model and a doubling of CO2 confirmedthese results;176 there was a substantial reduction inglobal TC frequency and a small increase in TCintensity globally. In contrast, Bell et al..177 onlyobtained an increase in intensity in their coupledexperiments with a quadrupling of CO2. Their time-slice, uncoupled experiments with doubled CO2 withthe same atmospheric model; however, did show anincrease in TC intensity. Further work is needed tobetter understand the difference between projectionsof TC activity under climate change between coupledand uncoupled simulations.


Though there has been a huge improvement in thesimulation of TCs in climate models in recent years,there are many issues that still need to be betterunderstood. The model results are sensitive to detailsboth internal and external to the models. In additionto the sensitivity to the SST patterns discussed above,Murakami et al.178 showed the importance of takinginto account model biases when simulating TCs inclimate models by doing bias corrections in theiranalysis. They showed that by calibrating the models’performance in each basin by the model bias in TCfrequency in the present climate, they obtained morereliable projections of TC frequency in the future.Another approach, already mentioned above in TCDynamical Seasonal Forecasts, is to use a flux-adjusted version of a global climate model in orderto improve the simulation of mean climate, leadingto improvements in the simulation of TCs andimproved regional seasonal forecasts.97 Another

option, used in seamless weather-to-climate predic-tions, improves the initial ocean state by modifyingthe data assimilation algorithm, maintaining interac-tions between small-scale perturbations and the suc-cessively corrected large-scale background.179

As mentioned above, an increase in model hori-zontal resolution is known to lead to a better repre-sentation of TCs in models, both for atmosphericmodels forced with fixed SSTs168,180–183 and forcoupled models.184 However, simply increasing theresolution is not a solution to all the problems insimulating TCs in climate models, as is evident bythe different performances of models with similar orthe same resolutions.39,167,185 Roberts et al.161 alsoshowed that while some aspects of TC simulation areindeed improved by using higher resolution (e.g.,simulation of TCs in the Atlantic because of a betterrepresentation of the easterly waves), others are notimproved, such as the weak intensity of simulatedTCs. Model resolution also continues to be an issuefor very long simulations. The most commonapproach to solve this problem is to use regional cli-mate models, but as discussed above, there are manyunsolved issues with regards to their use, especiallyrelated to the domain boundaries and domain size.New numerical techniques, such as variable resolu-tion meshes185,186 or the use of a spectral elementdynamical core,187–189 show some promise ofimproving models and their ability to simulate small-scale phenomenon like TCs.

The methods used to track TCs in models areanother important issue. For instance, in the case ofthe CMIP5 models, analysis of the TC activity underfuture climate change has been shown to be depend-ent on the type of tracking routine, as is evidentwhen comparing the results of two CMIP5 stud-ies.39,190 A comparison of tracking schemes appliedto the CLIVAR HWG models170 showed a moderateagreement between different tracking methods, withsome models and experiments showing a betteragreement across schemes than others, but there wasa dependence on the thresholds used in the trackingroutines.191 As resolution increases and the modelsare able to simulate more intense TCs, the differencebetween tracking algorithms is reduced, as it is easierto identify TCs. However, sensitivity to the detectionand tracking algorithm remains an issue for weakerstorms, which could influence the resulting TC fre-quencies. It would be ideal to have a standardizeddetection and tracking technique to be used across allmodels.

Nearly all tropical atmospheric phenomena,including TCs, are tightly coupled to clouds and con-vection and are thus strongly sensitive to the details

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of convective parameterizations. This will likelyremain an issue until we are able to run global mod-els with high enough resolution such that convectiveparameterizations are not necessary. In the currentclass of climate models, the mean global frequency ofTCs is extremely sensitive to the details of the con-vection scheme. For instance, Kim et al.192 implemen-ted small changes to the entrainment rate in theconvection scheme in the GISS (Goddard Institute forSpace Studies) model (done to improve the MJO sim-ulation), and obtained a very different TC climatol-ogy. Vitart et al.193 showed that TC frequency,intensity, structure, and interannual variabilityexhibit significant sensitivities to changes in convec-tive parameterization, in particular, to the productionof deep convection. Zhao et al.194 identified counter-intuitive sensitivities of TC genesis frequency in theirmodel to two parameters in the convection scheme:the horizontal cumulus mixing rate, which controlsthe entrainment into convective cores, and thestrength of the damping of the horizontal flow. Theyfound that as the cumulus mixing rate increases, themodel initially has a sharp increase in global TC fre-quency, followed by decrease, while the TC meanintensity rises monotonically. As the divergencedamping strength increases, the model has a continu-ous increase of the TC frequency, with little changein TC mean intensity. Lim et al. obtained similarresults195 using another model. One compromise inthe interim may be to use super-parameterized mod-els, in which the convective parameterization isreplaced by a cloud resolving model that is insertedinto each model grid box. Stan196 showed a signifi-cant improvement in the simulation of Atlantic TCswhen using a super-parameterized version of a cli-mate model. However, the convective parameteriza-tion is not the only factor that influences thesimulation of TCs. Another possible way to assessthese model uncertainties is to perform multi-physicsexperiments, i.e., multiple simulations of the samemodel with different physics choices, as was done byMurakami et al.197


In the last few years, the climate community has putsignificant effort into improving the simulation ofTCs in climate models. The current state-of-the-artglobal climate models are much better at simulatingthe TC climatology, interannual variability, andintensity than their predecessors. The improvementhas been remarkable and extends from forecastingon multiple time scales from intraseasonal to decadal

and should contribute toward more robust projec-tions about TC activity under climate change.

As the ability of the models to simulate theMJO, easterly waves and other equatorial wavesimproves, so does the skill in forecasting TCs on the1- to 3-week time scale.123,198,199 Beyond that, multi-year TC forecasts have been performed by variousgroups in the last few years.148,149,155 Increased com-puter power makes the concept of seamless predic-tion from weather to climate a more realisticobjective.200,201 Efforts toward seamless predictionare ongoing in various modeling groups,202 andthis seems to be the best way to incorporatethese advances in modeling TCs on shorter timescales to climate models. However, there are stillmany challenges that need to be addressed, if wewant to have more skillful forecasts and robustprojections.

On intraseasonal time scales, only a few modelsare able to simulate a realistic MJO and efforts toimprove the MJO simulation can lead to other modelbiases,203 so there are still advances to be made. Onseasonal time scales, efforts should be made to movebeyond basin-wide forecasts to more societally rele-vant skillful regional or landfalling forecasts.97 Ondecadal time scales, the big question is how muchskill there is in forecasting the SST patterns that arenecessary for doing multi-year TC forecasts; thisquestion is being explored for the Atlantic,204 thePacific,205 and the decadal variability of ENSO.206

Regarding climate change projections, the biggestchallenge is to obtain reliable projections of futureSST changes including their patterns, and to movebeyond global TC projections and toward robustregional changes. Model simulations of paleoclimateTC activity are a new field, with only a few existingstudies,47,48,207 but could be extremely helpful inshedding light on future TC projections.

Efforts on modeling improvements, from con-vective parameterizations to new numerical methodsand dynamical cores, also need to continue to occur.But most of all, what is needed is a better theoreticalunderstanding of what sets the frequency of TCs. Wecould make much more confident climate changeprojections if we had a firmer theoretical expectationof what should happen. Therefore, more basic, fun-damental research on the sensitivities and environ-mental controls of the global climatology of TCs(such as, for example, aquaplanet simulations208 andidealized studies of convection self-aggregation andits link to TCs209,210) should be encouraged, as partof the effort to improve TC forecasts and climatechange projections. Additionally, work on comparingthe mechanisms of TC formation in models and to

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that in observations may also give us more confi-dence in the TC activity simulated by climate models.In summary, despite the recent advances, there is still

need for a substantial community effort to improvethe simulation of TCs in climate models on all timescales.


SJC and AAW acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation (NSF, grant AGS-1143959). SJCadditionally acknowledges support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, grantNA110AR4310093). AAW is supported by a NSF AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, under awardNo. 1433251. We thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of thismanuscript.

FURTHER READINGKnutson TR, Sirutis JJ, Zhao M, Tuleya RE, Bender M, Vecchi GA, Villarini G, Chavas D. Global projections of intensetropical cyclone activity for the late twenty-first century from dynamical downscaling of CMIP5/RCP4.5 scenarios. J Clim2015, 28:7203–7224.

Walsh KJE, Camargo SJ, Vecchi GA, Daloz AS, Elsner J, Emanuel K, Horn M, Lim Y-K, Roberts M, Patricola C, et al.Hurricanes and climate: the U.S. CLIVAR working group on hurricanes. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 2015, 96:997–1017.

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