Transactions CS6450: Distributed Systems Lecture 14 Ryan Stutsman 1 Material taken/derived from Princeton COS-418 materials created by Michael Freedman and Kyle Jamieson at Princeton University. Licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Some material taken/derived from MIT 6.824 by Robert Morris, Franz Kaashoek, and Nickolai Zeldovich.

Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

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Page 1: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

TransactionsCS6450: Distributed Systems

Lecture 14

Ryan Stutsman


Material taken/derived from Princeton COS-418 materials created by Michael Freedman and Kyle Jamieson at Princeton University.Licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Some material taken/derived from MIT 6.824 by Robert Morris, Franz Kaashoek, and Nickolai Zeldovich.

Page 2: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Definition: A unit of work:• May consist of multiple data accesses or updates• Must commit or abort as a single atomic unit

• Transactions can either commit, or abort• When commit, all updates performed on database are

made permanent, visible to other transactions

• When abort, database restored to a state such that the aborting transaction never executed


The transaction

Page 3: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Defining properties of transactions

• Atomicity: Either all constituent operations of the transaction complete successfully, or none do

• Consistency: Each transaction in isolation preserves a set of integrity constraints on the data

• Isolation: Transactions’ behavior not impacted by presence of other concurrent transactions

• Durability: The transaction’s effects survive failure of volatile (memory) or non-volatile (disk) storage

Page 4: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. High transaction speed requirements• If always fsync() to disk for each result on

transaction, yields terrible performance

2. Atomic and durable writes to disk are difficult• In a manner to handle arbitrary crashes• Hard disks and solid-state storage use write

buffers in volatile memory


Page 5: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Techniques for achieving ACID properties• Write-ahead logging and checkpointing

• Serializability and two-phase locking

2. Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics (ARIES)



Page 6: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Transactions properties: ACID• Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

• Application logic checks consistency (C)

• This leaves two main goals for the system:

1. Handle failures (A, D)

2. Handle concurrency (I)


What does the system need to do?

Page 7: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Standard “crash failure” model:

• Machines are prone to crashes:• Disk contents (non-volatile storage) okay• Memory contents (volatile storage) lost

• Machines don’t misbehave (“Byzantine”)


Failure model: crash failures

Page 8: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Transfers $10 from account A to account B


Account transfer transaction

transaction transfer(A, B):begin_txa ß read(A)if a < 10 then abort_txelse write(A, a−10)

b ß read(B)write(B, b+10)commit_tx

Page 9: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Suppose $100 in A, $100 in B

• commit_tx starts the commit protocol:• write(A, $90) to disk • write(B, $110) to disk

• What happens if system crash after first write, but before second write?

• After recovery: Partial writes, money is lost


Problemtransaction transfer(A, B):begin_txa ß read(A)if a < 10 then abort_txelse write(A, a−10)

b ß read(B)write(B, b+10)commit_tx

Lack atomicity in the presence of failures

Page 10: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Smallest unit of storage that can be atomically written to non-volatile storage is called a page

• Buffer manager moves pages between buffer pool (in volatile memory) and disk (in non-volatile storage)


System structure

Buffer pool

Buffer managerPage

Non-volatile storage


Page 11: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Force all a transaction’s writes to disk beforetransaction commits?• Yes: force policy• No: no-force policy

2. May uncommitted transactions’ writes overwritecommitted values on disk?• Yes: steal policy• No: no-steal policy


Two design choices

Page 12: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Force all a transaction’s writes to disk beforetransaction commits?• Yes: force policy

2. May uncommitted transactions’ writes overwritecommitted values on disk?• No: no-steal policy


Performance implications

Then slower disk writes appear on the critical path of a committing transaction

Then buffer manager loses write scheduling flexibility

Page 13: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Force all a transaction’s writes to disk beforetransaction commits?• Choose no: no-force policy� Need support for redo: complete a committed transaction’s writes

on disk

2. May uncommitted transactions’ writes overwritecommitted values on disk?• Choose yes: steal policy� Need support for undo: removing the effects of an uncommitted

transaction on disk


Undo & redo

Page 14: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Log: A sequential file that stores information about transactions and system state• Resides in separate, non-volatile storage

• One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record

• Log record contains:• Monotonic-increasing log sequence number (LSN)• Old value (before image) of the item for undo• New value (after image) of the item for redo


How to implement undo & redo?

Page 15: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Non-volatile storage

• Buffer pool (volatile memory) and disk (non-volatile)

• The log resides on a separate partition or disk (in non-volatile storage)


System structure


Buffer pool

Buffer manager Page

Page 16: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Ensures atomicity in the event of system crashes under no-force/steal buffer management

1. Force all log records pertaining to an updated page into the (non-volatile) log before any writes to page itself

2. A transaction is not considered committed until all its log records (including commit record) are forced into the log


Write-ahead Logging (WAL)

Page 17: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

force_log_entry(A, old=$100, new=$90)force_log_entry(B, old=$100, new=$110)write(A, $90)write(B, $110)force_log_entry(commit)

• What if the commit log record size > the page size?

• How to ensure each log record is written atomically?• Write a checksum of entire log entry


WAL example

Does not have to flush to disk

Page 18: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Goal #2: Concurrency controlTransaction isolation


Page 19: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Two concurrent transactions

transaction sum(A, B):begin_txa ß read(A)b ß read(B)print a + bcommit_tx

transaction transfer(A, B):begin_txa ß read(A)if a < 10 then abort_txelse write(A, a−10)

b ß read(B)write(B, b+10)commit_tx

Page 20: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Isolation: sum appears to happen either completely before or completely after transfer• Sometimes called before-after atomicity

• Schedule for transactions is an ordering of the operations performed by those transactions


Isolation between transactions

Page 21: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Serial execution of transactions—transfer then sum:

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

• Concurrent execution resulting in inconsistent retrieval, result differing from any serial execution:

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit


Problem for concurrent execution: Inconsistent retrieval

debit credit

debit credit

Page 22: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Isolation: sum appears to happen either completely before or completely after transfer• Sometimes called before-after atomicity

• Given a schedule of operations:• Is that schedule in some way “equivalent”

to a serial execution of transactions?


Isolation between transactions

Page 23: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Two operations from different transactions are conflicting if:

1. They read and write to the same data item2. The write and write to the same data item

• Two schedules are equivalent if:1. They contain the same transactions and operations2. They order all conflicting operations of non-aborting

transactions in the same way


Equivalence of schedules

Page 24: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Ideal isolation semantics: conflict serializability

• A schedule is conflict serializable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule• i.e., non-conflicting operations can be

reordered to get a serial schedule


Conflict serializability

Page 25: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Ideal isolation semantics: conflict serializability

• A schedule is conflict serializable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule

• i.e., non-conflicting operations can be reordered to get a serial schedule

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit


A serializable schedule

Conflict-free!Serial schedule


Page 26: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Ideal isolation semantics: conflict serializability

• A schedule is conflict serializable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule

• i.e., non-conflicting operations can be reordered to get a serial schedule

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit


A non-serializable schedule

Conflicting ops Conflicting ops

But in a serial schedule, sum’s reads either both before wA or both after wB

Page 27: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Each node t in the precedence graph represents a transaction t• Edge from s to t if some action of s precedes

and conflicts with some action of t


Testing for serializability

Page 28: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Each node t in the precedence graph represents a transaction t• Edge from s to t if some action of s precedes

and conflicts with some action of t

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit


Serializable schedule, acyclic graph

transfer sum


Page 29: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Each node t in the precedence graph represents a transaction t• Edge from s to t if some action of s precedes and

conflicts with some action of t

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit


Non-serializable schedule, cyclic graph

transfer sum


Page 30: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Each node t in the precedence graph represents a transaction t• Edge from s to t if some action of s precedes and

conflicts with some action of t


Testing for serializability

In general, a schedule is conflict-serializable if and only if its precedence graph is acyclic

Page 31: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Locking-based approaches

• Strawman 1: Big Global Lock• Acquire the lock when transaction starts• Release the lock when transaction ends


How do we ensure a serializable schedule?

Results in a serial transaction schedule at the cost of performance

Page 32: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Locks maintained by transaction manager• Transaction requests lock for a data item• Transaction manager grants or denies lock

• Lock types• Shared: Need to have before read object• Exclusive: Need to have before write object



Shared (S) Exclusive (X)Shared (S) Yes NoExclusive (X) No No

Page 33: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Strawman 2: Grab locks independently, for each data item (e.g., bank accounts A and B)

transfer: ◢A rA wA ◣A ◢B rB wB ◣B © sum: ◿A rA ◺A ◿B rB ◺B ©

Time à© = commit

◢ /◿ = eXclusive- / Shared-lock; ◣ / ◺ = X- / S-unlock


How do we ensure a serializable schedule?

Permits this non-serializable interleaving

Page 34: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• 2PL rule: Once a transaction has released a lock it is not allowed to obtain any other locks

• A growing phase when transaction acquires locks• A shrinking phase when transaction releases locks

• In practice:• Growing phase is the entire transaction• Shrinking phase is during commit


Two-phase locking (2PL)

Page 35: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• 2PL rule: Once a transaction has released a lock it is not allowed to obtain any other locks

transfer: ◢A rA wA ◣A ◢B rB wB ◣B © sum: ◿A rA ◺A ◿B rB ◺B ©

Time à© = commit

◢ /◿ = X- / S-lock; ◣ / ◺ = X- / S-unlock


2PL allows only serializable schedules

2PL precludes this non-serializable interleaving

Page 36: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• 2PL rule: Once a transaction has released a lock it is not allowed to obtain any other locks

transfer: ◿A rA ◢A wA ◿B rB ◢B wB✻© sum: ◿A rA ◿B rB✻©

Time à© = commit

◢ /◿ = X- / S-lock; ◣ / ◺ = X- / S-unlock; ✻ = release all locks


2PL and transaction concurrency

2PL permits this serializable, interleaved schedule

Page 37: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• 2PL rule: Once a transaction has released a lock it is not allowed to obtain any other locks

transfer: rA wA rB wB ©sum: rA rB ©

Time à© = commit

(locking not shown)


2PL doesn’t exploit all opportunitiesfor concurrency

2PL precludes this serializable, interleaved schedule

Page 38: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• What if a lock is unavailable? Is deadlock possible?• Yes; but a central controller can detect deadlock cycles and

abort involved transactions

• The phantom problem• Database has fancier ops than key-value store• T1: begin_tx; update employee (set salary = 1.1×salary)

where dept = “CS”; commit_tx• T2: insert into employee (“carol”, “CS”)

• Even if they lock individual data items, could result in non-serializable execution


Issues with 2PL

Page 39: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Linearizability: a guarantee about single operations on single objects• Once write completes, all later

reads (by wall clock) should reflect that write

• Serializability is a guarantee about transactions over one or more objects• Doesn’t impose real-

time constraints


Serializability versus linearizability

• Linearizability + serializability = strict serializability– Transaction behavior equivalent to some serial execution• And that serial execution agrees with real-time

Page 40: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Techniques for achieving ACID properties• Write-ahead logging and check-pointing à


• Serializability and two-phase locking à I

2. Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics (ARIES)



Page 41: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• In IBM DB2 & MSFT SQL Server, gold standard

• Key ideas:

1. Refinement of WAL (steal/no-force buffer management policy)

2. Repeating history after restart due to a crash (redo)

3. Log every change, even undo operations during crash recovery• Helps for repeated crash/restarts


ARIES (Mohan, 1992)

Page 42: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Log, composed of log records, each containing:• LSN: Log sequence number (strictly increasing)• prevLSN: Pointer to the previous log record for the

same transaction• A linked list for each transaction, “threaded” through the log

• Pages• pageLSN: Uniquely identifies the log record for the

latest update applied to this page


ARIES’ stable storage data structures

Page 43: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Transaction table (T-table): one entry per transaction• Transaction identifier• Transaction status (running, committed, aborted)• lastLSN: LSN of the most recent log record written by

the transaction

• Dirty page table: one entry per page• Page identifier• recoveryLSN: LSN of log record for earliest change to

that page not on disk


ARIES’ in-memory data structures

Page 44: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Write log records associated with this transaction to the log as transaction executes

2. Write end log record to the log• This is the actual “commit point”• Often also defines “the” equivalent serial order too


Transaction commit

Page 45: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Happens while other transactions are running, as a separate transaction• Does not flush dirty pages to disk• Does tell us how much to fix on crash

1. Write “begin checkpoint” to log2. Write current transaction table, dirty page table,

and “end checkpoint” to log3. Force log to non-volatile storage4. Store “begin checkpoint” LSN à master record



Page 46: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

1. Start with checkpointed T- & dirty page-tables2. Read log forward from checkpoint, updating tables

• For end entries, remove T from T-table (T1, T3)• For other log entries, add (T3, T4) or update T-table

• Add LSN to dirty page table’s recoveryLSN46

Crash recovery: Phase 1 (Analysis)Checkpoint






Earliest recoveryLSN


Page 47: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Start at firstLSN, scan log entries forward in time• Reapply action, update pageLSN

• Database state now matches state as recorded by log at the time of crash


Crash recovery: Phase 2 (REDO)






Page 48: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Scan log entries backwards from the end. For updates:• Write compensation log record (CLR) to log

• Contains prevLSN for update: UndoNextLSN• Undo the update’s operation


Crash recovery: Phase 3 (UNDO)






Page 49: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Scan log entries backwards from the end. For CLRs:• If UndoNextLSN = null, write end record

• Undo for that transaction is done• Else, skip to UndoNextLSN for processing

• Turned the undo into a redo, done in Phase 2


Crash recovery: Phase 3 (UNDO)






Page 50: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Log (time )

Writepage 1

LSN: 10 20 30

Writepage 1

Writepage 1




LSN 20




LSN 10

40 50 60

X: 1 →


Y: 3 →


Z: 4 →


Z: 5 →


Y: 4 →


X: 2 →


Page 51: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Brings together all the concepts we’ve discussed for ACID, concurrent transactions

• Introduced redo for “repeating history,” novel undo logging for repeated crashes

• For the interested: Compare with System R (not discussed in this class)


ARIES: Concluding thoughts

Page 52: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

OCC: What if access patterns rarely, if ever, conflict?


Page 53: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Execution of a set of transactions over multiple items is equivalent to some serial execution of the same set of transactions


Page 54: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Lock-based concurrency control

• Big Global Lock: Results in a serial transaction schedule at the cost of performance• Two-phase locking with finer-grain locks:• Growing phase when txn acquires locks• Shrinking phase when txn releases locks (typically commit)• Allows txn to execute concurrently, improving performance


Page 55: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Be optimistic!

• Goal: Low overhead for non-conflicting txns• Assume success!• Process transaction as if would succeed• Check for serializability only at commit time• If fails, abort transaction

• Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) • Higher performance when few conflicts vs. locking• Lower performance when many conflicts vs. locking


Page 56: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

2PL & OCC = strict serialization

• Provides semantics as if only one transaction was running on DB at time, in serial order

+ Real-time guarantees

• 2PL: Pessimistically get all the locks first• OCC: Optimistically create copies, but then

recheck all read + written items before commit


Page 57: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

OCC: Three-phase approach

• Active phase: • Txn can read values of committed data items• Txn caches updates until validation phase

• Validation phase• Ensure reads are still up-to-date and no write-write conflicts• If validates, transaction’s updates applied to DB• Otherwise, transaction restarted• Validation order is typically serial; defines “the” order for


• Commit phase or Finished


Page 58: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


OCC: Why validation is necessary

txncoord O


PWhen commit txn updates,new versions overwrite old

• New txn reads into cache P and Q

• P and Q’s copies at inconsistent state


Page 59: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Validation in a Nutshell

• Phases: active, validating, finished• To validate T:• If RS(T) ∩ WS(U) ≠ ∅ for U validated while T

active,then abort T• U is committing ahead of T

and it wrote into T’s read set• If WS(T) ∩ WS(U) ≠ ∅ for U validated while T

validating, then abort T• U is committing ahead of T

and it wrote into T’s write set


Page 60: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Validation Example



- ]■’&­• VY ]■’&­• V

Y [W;’OW&­O - [W;’OW&’G” Y “’G’•F

I’”!■­ pv,nns T /WGGK& [W;’OW&­ ’“ ’& /K!;O &F­G ]■’&­ •KY­&F’G” WF­WO K“ WG ­W■;’­■ &■WG•W/&’KG

Y ]■K&­ V -­“K■­ T O’O, 6­ YW< &F!• •!YYW■’>­ &F­•­ K-•­■[W&’KG• ]’&F &F­ “K;;K]’G” ■!;­ “K■ [W;’OW&’G” W &■WG•W/&’KG -s

£ 0F­/X &FW& 1DdMl G 6™lRx' ® m “K■ WG< Z■­[’K!•;< [W;’OW&­O Y &FW& O’O GK& “’G’•F -­“K■­ - •&W■&­O* ’,­,* ’“ IU4l0C' P DM’1MdMlv

£ 0F­/X &FW& 6™ lT' 9 6™l+x' k m “K■ WG< Z■­[’K!•;< [W;’OW&­O Y &FW& O’O GK& “’G’•F -­“K■­ - [W;’OW&­O* ’,­,* ’“ “’Gl+x' P I’mH-'T

b ~WY Z;­ pv,uAs I’”!■­ pv,ng •FK]• W &’Y­ ;’G­ O!■’G” ]F’/F “K!■ &■WG•W/&’KG• T* Y* q* WGO ) W&&­YZ& &K ­~­/!&­ WGO [W;’OW&­, TF­ ■­WO WGO ]■’&­ •­&• “K■ ­W/F &■WG•W/&’KG W■­ ’GO’/W&­O KG &F­ O’W”■WY, - •&W■&• “’■•&* W;&FK!”F Y ’• &F­ “’■•& &K [W;’OW&­,

1D W £m £ 3D W ® N £


1D W :Z* N £ 3D W ® Z* L ±


U k •&W■&

3 k [W;’OW&­

5 k “’G’•F- q

1D W ®’i n £ 1D W ®n £3D K : Z* L ± 3D W ® N* A ±

I’”!■­ pv,ngs IK!■ &■WG•W/&’KG• WGO &F­’■ [W;’OW&’KG

p, 1W;’OW&’KG K“ Ys 6F­G Y [W;’OW&­• &F­■­ W■­ GK K&F­■ [W;’OW&­O &■WG•W/c&’KG•* •K &F­■­ ’• GK&F’G” &K /F­/X, Y [W;’OW&­• •!//­••“!;;< WGO ]■’&­• W [W;!­ “K■ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& NT

Page 61: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing



•Simple implementation•Fast under low

contention•Long stalls, blocking

when contention increases, but ok

•Moderate bookkeeping costs in normal case



•Great when low contention, collapses under high

•Low overhead•No stalls/blocking

inside database•Starvation

Page 62: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Compromise: Timestamp-based CC

• Simple approach• Allocate a timestamp to each tx when it starts• Ensure that txns appear to execute in that order• For enforcement tag values with timestamps• Popular now for in-memory databases

• Still optimistic in sense that it aborts on conflicts• More pessimistic since it “protects” reads• Doesn’t require validation*


Page 63: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Timestamp Management

• Let RT(X) be the read timestamp of object X• Let WT(X) be the write timestamp of object X• Let c(X) = true, if tx last wrote X known committed

• Global, strictly increasing timestamp on begin• On read check• If TS(T) ≥ WT(X), then read is in serial order• If c(X), allow read and if TS(T) > RT(X) let RT(X) = TS(T)• If !c(X), ...


Page 64: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Timestamp Management

• On write check• If TS(T) ≥ RT(X) and TS(T) ≥ WT(X),

then write is in serial order• Update X• WT(X) = TS(T)• Set c(X) = false

• If TS(T) ≥ RT(X) but TS(T) < WT(X),then write is in serial order, but a later write exists• If c(X), ignore T on X, if !c(X)... danger

• If TS(T) < RT(X), abort• On commit, mark all records X in T as c(X)


Page 65: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Read too late



&F­ QK- K“ &F­ •/F­O!;­■* ’G WOO’&’KG &K W••’”G’G” &’Y­•&WYZ• WGO !ZOW&’G” 1-* ) - * WGO L “K■ &F­ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G&•* ’• &K /F­/X &FW& ]F­G­[­■ W ■­WO K■ ]■’&­ K//!■•* ]FW& FWZZ­G• ’G ■­W; &’Y­ (>^’} FW[­ FWZZ­G­O ’“ ­W/F &■WG•W/&’KG FWO ­~­/!&­O ’G•&WG&WG­K!•;< W& &F­ YKY­G& K“ ’&• &’Y­•&WYZ, U“ GK&* ]­ •W< &F­ -­FW[’K■ ’• #•X“—(3’’X ^'■Q3’—!3j’QT TF­■­ W■­ &]K X’GO• K“ Z■K-;­Y• &FW& /WG K//!■s

p, 1Q3} ”>> ’3”Qs T■WG•W/&’KG - &■’­• &K ■­WO OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& V * -!& &F­ ]■’&­ &’Y­ K“ V ’GO’/W&­• &FW& &F­ /!■■­G& [W;!­ K“ V ]W• ]■’&&­G W“&­■ - &F­K■­&’/W;;< ­~­/!&­Of &FW& ’•* T ™ lT' M 6 T l 3 ' , I’”!■­ pv,Sg ’;;!•&■W&­• &F­ Z■K-;­Y, TF­ FK■’>KG&W; W~’• ■­Z■­•­G&• &F­ ■­W; &’Y­ W& ]F’/F ­[­G&• K//!■, 9K&&­O ;’G­• ;’GX &F­ W/&!W; ­[­G&• &K &F­ &’Y­• W& ]F’/F &F­< &F­K■­&’/W;;< K//!■ ► &F­ &’Y­•&WYZ K“ &F­ &■WG•W/&’KG &FW& Z­■“K■Y• &F­ ­[­G&, TF!•* ]­ •­­ W &■WG•W/&’KG Y &FW& •&W■&­O W“&­■ &■WG•W/&’KG -* -!& ]■K&­ W [W;!­ “K■ V -­“K■­ T ■­WO• V T - •FK!;O GK& -­ W-;­ &K ■­WO &F­ [W;!­ ]■’&&­G -< Y* -­/W!•­ &F­K■­&’/W;;<* Y ­~­/!&­O W“&­■ - O’O, HK]­[­■* ” FW• GK /FK’/­* -­/W!•­ 0C"• [W;!­ K“ V ’• &F­ KG­ &FW& - GK] •­­•, TF­ •K;!&’KG ’• &K W-K■& T ]F­G &F­ Z■K-;­Y ’• ­G/K!G&­■­O,

Y ]■’&­• V- ■­WO• V

- •&W■& Y •&W■&

I’”!■­ pv,Sgs T■WG•W/&’KG - &■’­• &K ■­WO &KK ;W&­

u, )■—”Q ”>> ’3”Qs T■WG•W/&’KG T &■’­• &K ]■’&­ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& V T HK]c­[­■* &F­ ■­WO &’Y­ K“ V ’GO’/W&­• &FW& •KY­ K&F­■ &■WG•W/&’KG •FK!;O FW[­ ■­WO &F­ [W;!­ ]■’&&­G -< T* -!& ■­WO •KY­ K&F­■ [W;!­ ’G•&­WO, TFW& ’•* 6 T l 3 ' M T ™ lT' M w T l 3 ' , TF­ Z■K-;­Y ’• •FK]G ’G I’”, pv,S:, TF­■­ ]­ •­­ W &■WG•W/&’KG Y &FW& •&W■&­O W“&­■ T* -!& ■­WO V -­“K■­ - ”K& W /FWG/­ &K ]■’&­ V T 6F­G T &■’­• &K ]■’&­ V * ]­ “’GO wTl,3 "' P T ™ lT'* Y­WG’G” &FW& V FW• W;■­WO< -­­G ■­WO -< W &■WG•W/&’KG Y &FW& &F­K■­&’c/W;;< ­~­/!&­O ;W&­■ &FWG -T 6­ W;•K “’GO 6 T l 3 ' M &• lT '* ]F’/F Y­WG• &FW& GK K&F­■ &■WG•W/&’KG ]■K&­ ’G&K V W [W;!­ &FW& ]K!;O FW[­ K[­■]■’&c&­G T "• [W;!­* &F!•* G­”W&’G” T "• ■­•ZKG•’-’;’&< &K ”­& ’&• [W;!­ ’G&K V •K &■WG•W/&’KG Y /K!;O ■­WO ’&,

w5v5vs T<>9{F•* 3 /▲” E/<▲X EK▲KTF­■­ ’• W /;W•• K“ Z■K-;­Y• &FW& &F­ /KYY’& -’& ’• O­•’”G­O &K •K;[­, 5G­ K“ &F­•­ Z■K-;­Y•* W *O’■&< ■­WO*' ’• •!””­•&­O ’G I’”, pv,Sx, TF­■­* &■WG•W/&’KG

Page 66: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Write too late



Y ■­WO• V- ] ■’&­• V

i i 0 '

- •&W■& Y •&W■&

I’”!■­ pv,S:s T■WG•W/&’KG T &■’­• &K ]■’&­ &KK ;W&­

- ■­WO• V * WGO V ]W• ;W•& ]■’&&­G -< YT TF­ &’Y­•&WYZ K“ Y ’• ;­•• &FWG &FW& K“ T* WGO &F­ ■­WO -< - K//!■• W“&­■ &F­ ]■’&­ -< Y ’G ■­W; &’Y­* •K &F­ ­[­G& •­­Y• &K -­ ZF<•’/W;;< ■­W;’>W-;­, HK]­[­■* ’& ’• ZK••’-;­ &FW& W“&­■ T ■­WO• &F­ [W;!­ K“ V ]■’&&­G -< Y* &■WG•W/&’KG Y ]’;; W-K■&f Z­■FWZ• Y ­G/K!G&­■• WG ­■■K■ /KGO’&’KG ’G ’&• K]G OW&W* •!/F W• W O’[’•’KG -< m* K■ W• ]­ •FW;; •­­ ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,n* &F­ •/F­O!;­■ “K■/­• Y &K W-K■& -­/W!•­ ’& &■’­• &K OK •KY­&F’G” ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­, TF!•* W;&FK!”F &F­■­ ’• GK&F’G” ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­ W-K!& - ■­WO’G” V * ’& ’• -­&&­■ &K O­;W< T "• ■­WO !G&’; Y /KYY’&• K■ W-K■&•, 6­ /WG &­;; &FW& Y ’• GK& /KYY’&&­O -­/W!•­ &F­ /KYY’& -’& 0 l 3 ' ]’;; -­ “W;•­,

Y ] ■’&­• V

- ■­WO• V

HmOY •&W■& - •&W■& Y W-K■&•

I’”!■­ pv,Sxs T /K!;O Z­■“K■Y W O’■&< ■­WO ’“ ’& ■­WO• V ]F­G •FK]G

© •­/KGO ZK&­G&’W; Z■K-;­Y ’• •!””­•&­O -< I’”, Cpv,Sv, H­■­* Y* W &■WG•cW/&’KG ]’&F W ;W&­■ &’Y­•&WYZ &FWG T* FW• ]■’&&­G V “’■•&, 6F­G - &■’­• &K ]■’&­* &F­ WZZ■KZ■’W&­ W/&’KG ’• &K OK GK&F’G”, b[’O­G&;< GK K&F­■ &■WG•W/&’KG q &FW& •FK!;O FW[­ ■­WO T "• [W;!­ K“ V ”K& “ C"• [W;!­ ’G•&­WO* -­/W!•­ ’“ q &■’­O &K ■­WO V ’& ]K!;O FW[­ W-K■&­O -­/W!•­ K“ W &KKc;W&­ ■­WO, I!&!■­ ■­WO• K“ V ]’;; ]WG& Y"“ [W;!­ K■ W ;W&­■ [W;!­ K“ V * GK& T "• [W;!­, TF’• ’O­W* &FW& ]■’&­• /WG -­ •X’ZZ­O ]F­G W ]■’&­ ]’&F W ;W&­■ ]■’&­c&’Y­ ’• W;■­WO< ’G Z;W/­* ’• /W;;­O &F­ -•>{3“ =■—”Q ■^’QT

TF­■­ ’• W ZK&­G&’W; Z■K-;­Y ]’&F &F­ TFKYW• ]■’&­ ■!;­* FK]­[­■, U“ Y ;W&­■ W-K■&•* W• ’• •!””­•&­O ’G I’”, pv,Sv* &F­G ’&• [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O -­ ■­YK[­O WGO &F­ Z■­[’K!• [W;!­ WGO ]■’&­c&’Y­ ■­•&K■­O, ™’G/­ T ’• /KYY’&&­O* ’& ]K!;O •­­Y &FW& &F­ [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O -­ &F­ KG­ ]■’&&­G -< T “K■ “!&!■­ ■­WO’G”, HK]­[­■* ]­ W;■­WO< •X’ZZ­O &F­ ]■’&­ -< T WGO ’& ’• &KK ;W&­ &K ■­ZW’■ &F­ OWYW”­,

6F’;­ &F­■­ W■­ YWG< ]W<• &K O­W; ]’&F &F­ Z■K-;­Y• Q!•& O­•/■’-­O* ]­

Page 67: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Dirty Reads



Y ■­WO• V- ] ■’&­• V

i i 0 '

- •&W■& Y •&W■&

I’”!■­ pv,S:s T■WG•W/&’KG T &■’­• &K ]■’&­ &KK ;W&­

- ■­WO• V * WGO V ]W• ;W•& ]■’&&­G -< YT TF­ &’Y­•&WYZ K“ Y ’• ;­•• &FWG &FW& K“ T* WGO &F­ ■­WO -< - K//!■• W“&­■ &F­ ]■’&­ -< Y ’G ■­W; &’Y­* •K &F­ ­[­G& •­­Y• &K -­ ZF<•’/W;;< ■­W;’>W-;­, HK]­[­■* ’& ’• ZK••’-;­ &FW& W“&­■ T ■­WO• &F­ [W;!­ K“ V ]■’&&­G -< Y* &■WG•W/&’KG Y ]’;; W-K■&f Z­■FWZ• Y ­G/K!G&­■• WG ­■■K■ /KGO’&’KG ’G ’&• K]G OW&W* •!/F W• W O’[’•’KG -< m* K■ W• ]­ •FW;; •­­ ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,n* &F­ •/F­O!;­■ “K■/­• Y &K W-K■& -­/W!•­ ’& &■’­• &K OK •KY­&F’G” ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­, TF!•* W;&FK!”F &F­■­ ’• GK&F’G” ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­ W-K!& - ■­WO’G” V * ’& ’• -­&&­■ &K O­;W< T "• ■­WO !G&’; Y /KYY’&• K■ W-K■&•, 6­ /WG &­;; &FW& Y ’• GK& /KYY’&&­O -­/W!•­ &F­ /KYY’& -’& 0 l 3 ' ]’;; -­ “W;•­,

Y ] ■’&­• V

- ■­WO• V

HmOY •&W■& - •&W■& Y W-K■&•

I’”!■­ pv,Sxs T /K!;O Z­■“K■Y W O’■&< ■­WO ’“ ’& ■­WO• V ]F­G •FK]G

© •­/KGO ZK&­G&’W; Z■K-;­Y ’• •!””­•&­O -< I’”, Cpv,Sv, H­■­* Y* W &■WG•cW/&’KG ]’&F W ;W&­■ &’Y­•&WYZ &FWG T* FW• ]■’&&­G V “’■•&, 6F­G - &■’­• &K ]■’&­* &F­ WZZ■KZ■’W&­ W/&’KG ’• &K OK GK&F’G”, b[’O­G&;< GK K&F­■ &■WG•W/&’KG q &FW& •FK!;O FW[­ ■­WO T "• [W;!­ K“ V ”K& “ C"• [W;!­ ’G•&­WO* -­/W!•­ ’“ q &■’­O &K ■­WO V ’& ]K!;O FW[­ W-K■&­O -­/W!•­ K“ W &KKc;W&­ ■­WO, I!&!■­ ■­WO• K“ V ]’;; ]WG& Y"“ [W;!­ K■ W ;W&­■ [W;!­ K“ V * GK& T "• [W;!­, TF’• ’O­W* &FW& ]■’&­• /WG -­ •X’ZZ­O ]F­G W ]■’&­ ]’&F W ;W&­■ ]■’&­c&’Y­ ’• W;■­WO< ’G Z;W/­* ’• /W;;­O &F­ -•>{3“ =■—”Q ■^’QT

TF­■­ ’• W ZK&­G&’W; Z■K-;­Y ]’&F &F­ TFKYW• ]■’&­ ■!;­* FK]­[­■, U“ Y ;W&­■ W-K■&•* W• ’• •!””­•&­O ’G I’”, pv,Sv* &F­G ’&• [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O -­ ■­YK[­O WGO &F­ Z■­[’K!• [W;!­ WGO ]■’&­c&’Y­ ■­•&K■­O, ™’G/­ T ’• /KYY’&&­O* ’& ]K!;O •­­Y &FW& &F­ [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O -­ &F­ KG­ ]■’&&­G -< T “K■ “!&!■­ ■­WO’G”, HK]­[­■* ]­ W;■­WO< •X’ZZ­O &F­ ]■’&­ -< T WGO ’& ’• &KK ;W&­ &K ■­ZW’■ &F­ OWYW”­,

6F’;­ &F­■­ W■­ YWG< ]W<• &K O­W; ]’&F &F­ Z■K-;­Y• Q!•& O­•/■’-­O* ]­

Page 68: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Thomas’ Write Rule & Pitfalls



Y ]■’&­• V- ] ■’&­• V

- V ~ o) •- •&W■& Y •&W■& - /KY Y ’&• Y W-K■&•

I’”!■­ pv,Svs © ]■’&­ ’• /WG/­;;­O -­/W!•­ K“ W ]■’&­ ]’&F W ;W&­■ &’Y­•&WYZ* -!& &F­ ]■’&­■ &F­G W-K■&•

•FW;; WOKZ& W ■­;W&’[­;< •’YZ;­ ZK;’/< -W•­O KG &F­ “K;;K]’G” W••!Y­O /WZW-’;’&< K“ &F­ &’Y­•&WYZc-W•­O •/F­O!;­■,

£ 6F­G W &■WG•W/&’KG - ]■’&­• W OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& V * &F­ ]■’&­ ’• *&­G&Wc&’[­' WGO YW< -­ !GOKG­ ’“ - W-K■&•, TF­ /KYY’& -’& L HV' ’• •­& &K “W;•­* WGO &F­ •/F­O!;­■ YWX­• W /KZ< K“ &F­ K;O [W;!­ K“ V WGO ’&• Z■­[’K!• 6 T l 3 ' ,

w5v5vy M”F 1&{F* z>< M/•F*▲K•^*nK*F) Dj”F)&{/—“6­ /WG GK] •!YYW■’>­ &F­ ■!;­• &FW& W •/F­O!;­■ !•’G” &’Y­•&WYZ• Y!•& “K;;K] &K YWX­ •!■­ &FW& GK&F’G” ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­ YW< K//!■, TF­ •/F­O!;­■* ’G ■­•ZKG•­ &K W ■­WO K■ ]■’&­ ■­?!­•& “■KY W &■WG•W/&’KG - FW• &F­ /FK’/­ K“s

W' .■WG&’G” &F­ ■­?!­•&*

-' ©-K■&’G” T l’“ T ]K!;O [’K;W&­ ZF<•’/W; ■­W;’&<' WGO ■­•&W■&’G” T ]’&F W G­] &’Y­•&WYZ lW-K■& “K;;K]­O -< ■­•&W■& ’• K“&­G /W;;­O ■>’’j3(\'* K■

/' 9­;W<’G” T WGO ;W&­■ O­/’O’G” ]F­&F­■ &K W-K■& T K■ &K ”■WG& &F­ ■­?!­•& l’“ &F­ ■­?!­•& ’• W ■­WO* WGO &F­ ■­WO Y’”F& -­ O’■&<* W• ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,S',

TF­ ■!;­• W■­ W• “K;;K]•s

p, ™!ZZK•­ &F­ •/F­O!;­■ ■­/­’[­• W ■­?!­•& ■■ HV 'T

lW' U“ T ™ lT' P 6 T l 3 ' * &F­ ■­WO ’• ZF<•’/W;;< ■­W;’>W-;­,’, U“ ( HV ' ’• &■!­* ”■WG& &F­ ■­?!­•&, U“ T ™ lT' P w T l 3 ' * •­&

w T l 3 ' sk T ™ lT'f K&F­■]’•­ OK GK& /FWG”­ w T l 3 ' ,

’’, U“ LHV' ’• “W;•­* O­;W< - !G&’; LHV' -­/KY­• &■!­* K■ &F­ &■WG•cW/&’KG &FW& ]■K&­ V W-K■&•,

l-' U“ T ™ lT' M 6 T l 3 ' * &F­ ■­WO ’• ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­, wK;;-W/X Tf &FW& ’•* W-K■& - WGO ■­•&W■& ’& ]’&F W G­]* ;W■”­■ &’Y­•&WYZ,

u, ™!ZZK•­ &F­ •/F­O!;­■ ■­/­’[­• W ■­?!­•& J o , 0 ' Q

Page 69: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Timestamp-based CC Example



'< '< '4 Z R LJNN pgm pxg wTkm

6 TkmwTkm6 Tkm


En R— -■k HZ'C wTkpgm

' ww &K N N

V< nR—-■!£h#X*


&h/d’lf=k HL'f © -K■&f



I’”!■­ pv,SAs TF■­­ &■WG•W/&’KG• ­~­/!&’G” !GO­■ W &’Y­•&WYZc-W•­O •/F­O!;­■

4­~&* -— &■’­• &K ]■’&­ 0, HK]­[­■* L ]W• W;■­WO< ■­WO -< &■WG•W/&’KG Ts* ]F’/F &F­K■­&’/W;;< ­~­/!&­O W& &’Y­ pxg* ]F’;­ -i ]K!;O FW[­ ]■’&&­G ’&• [W;!­ W& &’Y­ pgm, TF!•* -k ’• &■<’G” &K OK •KY­&F’G” &FW& • ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­* WGO -— Y!•& -­ ■K;;­O -W/X,

TF­ ;W•& •&­Z ’• &F­ ]■’&­ K“ Z -< Ts, ™’G/­ &F­ ■­WO &’Y­ K“ Z* pgm* ’• ;­•• &FWG &F­ &’Y­•&WYZ K“ -e* pxg* &F­ ]■’&­ ’• ;­”W;, HK]­[­■* &F­■­ ’• W;■­WO< W ;W&­■ [W;!­ K“ Z •&K■­O ’G &FW& OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G&* GWY­;< &F­ [W;!­ ]■’&&­G -< 3’* &F­K■­&’/W;;< W& &’Y­ umm, TF!•* Ts ’• GK& ■K;;­O -W/X* -!& G­’&F­■ OK­• ’& ]■’&­ ’&• [W;!­, @

w5v5v0 G&{▲/$F<*/>— M/•F*▲K•^*©G ’YZK■&WG& [W■’W&’KG K“ &’Y­•&WYZ’G” YW’G&W’G• K;O [­■•’KG• K“ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G&• ’G WOO’&’KG &K &F­ /!■■­G& [­■•’KG &FW& ’• •&K■­O ’G &F­ OW&W-W•­ ’&•­;“, TF­ Z!■ZK•­ ’• &K W;;K] ■­WO• ■I£V' &FW& K&F­■]’•­ ]K!;O /W!•­ &■WG•W/&’KG - &K W-K■& l-­/W!•­ &F­ /!■■­G& [­■•’KG K“ V ]W• ]■’&&­G ’G T "• “!&!■­' &K Z■K/­­O -< ■­WO’G” &F­ [­■•’KG K“ V &FW& ’• WZZ■KZ■’W&­ “K■ W &■WG•W/&’KG ]’&F T "• &’Y­•&WYZ, TF­ Y­&FKO ’• ­•Z­/’W;;< !•­“!; ’“ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G&• W■­ O’•X -;K/X• K■ ZW”­•* •’G/­ &F­G W;; &FW& Y!•& -­ OKG­ ’• “K■ &F­ -!““­■ YWGW”­■ &K X­­Z ’G Y­YK■< /­■&W’G -;K/X• &FW& Y’”F& -­ !•­“!; “K■ •KY­ /!■■­G&;< W/&’[­ &■WG•W/&’KG,

b ~WY Z;­ pv,uxs 0KG•’O­■ &F­ •­& K“ &■WG•W/&’KG• W//­••’G” OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& Z •FK]G ’G I’”, pv,nm, TF­•­ &■WG•W/&’KG• W■­ KZ­■W&’G” !GO­■ WG K■O’GW■< &’Y­•&WYZc-W•­O •/F­O!;­■* WGO ]F­G Ts &■’­• &K ■­WO Z* ’& “’GO• 6Tl©' &K -­ ”■­W&­■ &FWG ’&• K]G &’Y­•&WYZ* WGO Y!•& W-K■&, HK]­[­■* &F­■­ ’• WG K;O [W;!­ K“ Z ]■’&&­G -< T’ WGO K[­■]■’&&­G -< -— &FW& ]K!;O FW[­ -­­G •!’&W-;­ “K■ Ts &K ■­WOf &F’• [­■•’KG K“ Z FWO W ]■’&­ &’Y­ K“ pgm* ]F’/F ’• ;­•• &FWG Ts"• &’Y­•&WYZ K“ pxg, U“ &F’• K;O [W;!­ K“ Z ]­■­ W[W’;W-;­* Ts /K!;O -­ W;;K]­O &K ■­WO ’&* ­[­G &FK!”F ’& ’• GK& &F­ */!■■­G&' [W;!­ K“ ZT @

Page 70: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Can we do better?



-„ -k -e -l Zpgm umm pxg uug wTkm

6Tkm■— HZ' wTkpgm=—HZ' 6Tkpgm

■k HZ' s UU &K K K

=k HZ' 6Tkumm■e HZ'© - K ■&

^ HZ ' wTkuug

I’”!■­ pv,nms -e Y!•& W-K■& -­/W!•­ ’& /WGGK& W//­•• WG K;O [W;!­ K“ Z

© Y!;&’[­■•’KGc&’Y­•&WYZ •/F­O!;­■ O’““­■• “■KY &F­ •/F­O!;­■ O­•/■’-­O ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,n ’G &F­ “K;;K]’G” ]W<•s

p, 6F­G W G­] ]■’&­ Jox0' K//!■•* ’“ ’& ’• ;­”W;* &F­G W G­] [­■•’KG K“ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& V ’• /■­W&­O, U&• ]■’&­ &’Y­ ’• T™lT'* WGO ]­ •FW;; ■­“­■ &K ’& W• V ”* ]F­■­ ” k T™lT',

u, 6F­G W ■­WO ■■£V ' K//!■•* &F­ •/F­O!;­■ “’GO• &F­ [­■•’KG V ” K“ V •!/F &FW& ” M T™lT'* -!& &F­■­ ’• GK K&F­■ [­■•’KG V + ]’&F ” h ”. M T™H-'T TFW& ’•* &F­ [­■•’KG K“ V ]■’&&­G ’YY­O’W&­;< -­“K■­ - &F­K■­&’/W;;< ­~c­/!&­O ’• &F­ [­■•’KG &FW& - ■­WO•,

S, 6■’&­ &’Y­• W~­ W••K/’W&­O ]’&F <Q■“—>'“ K“ WG ­;­Y­G&* WGO &F­< G­[­■ /FWG”­,

n, w­WO &’Y­• W~­ W;•K W••K/’W&­O ]’&F [­■•’KG•, TF­< W■­ !•­O &K ■­Q­/& /­■&W’G ]■’&­•* GWY­;< KG­ ]FK•­ &’Y­ ’• ;­•• &FWG &F­ ■­WO &’Y­ K“ &F­ Z■­[’K!• [­■•’KG, I’”!■­ pv,np •!””­•&• &F­ Z■K-;­Y* ]F­■­ V FW• [­■•’KG• V b> WGO ,3’KK* &F­ “K■Y­■ ]W• ■­WO -< W &■WG•W/&’KG ]’&F &’Y­•&WYZ vm* WGO W G­] ]■’&­ -< W &■WG•W/&’KG - ]FK•­ &’Y­•&WYZ ’• :m K//!■•, TF’• ]■’&­ Y!•& /W!•­ T &K W-K■&* -­/W!•­ ’&• [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O FW[­ -­­G ■­WO -< &F­ &■WG•W/&’KG ]’&F &’Y­•&WYZ vm* FWO - -­­G W;;K]­O &K ­~­/!&­,

g, 6F­G W [­■•’KG V ” FW• W ]■’&­ &’Y­ ” •!/F &FW& GK W/&’[­ &■WG•W/&’KG FW• W &’Y­•&WYZ ;­•• &FWG ”* &F­G ]­ YW< O­;­&­ WG< [­■•’KG K“ V #■Q<—>^“ &KV ” T

b ~WY Z;­ pv,uvs J­& !• ■­/KG•’O­■ &F­ W/&’KG• K“ I’”, pv,nm ’“ Y!;&’[­■•’KG &’Y­•&WYZ’G” ’• !•­O, I’■•&* &F­■­ W■­ &F■­­ [­■•’KG• K“ Zs Z&* ]F’/F ­~’•&• -­“K■­ &F­•­ &■WG•W/&’KG• •&W~&* ©pgm* ]■’&&­G -< T’* WGO c©uKKf ]■’&&­G -< Tu, I’”!■­ pv,nu •FK]• &F­ •­?!­G/­ K“ ­[­G&•* ]F­G &F­ [­■•’KG• W■­ /■­W&­O* WGO ]F­G &F­< W■­ ■­WO, 4K&’/­ ’G ZW■&’/!;W■ &FW& -e OK­• GK& FW[­ &K W-K■&* -­/W!•­ ’& /WG ■­WO WG ­W■;’­■ [­■•’KG K“ ZT @

Page 71: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Can we do better?



-„ -k -e -l Zpgm umm pxg uug wTkm

6Tkm■— HZ' wTkpgm=—HZ' 6Tkpgm

■k HZ' s UU &K K K

=k HZ' 6Tkumm■e HZ'© - K ■&

^ HZ ' wTkuug

I’”!■­ pv,nms -e Y!•& W-K■& -­/W!•­ ’& /WGGK& W//­•• WG K;O [W;!­ K“ Z

© Y!;&’[­■•’KGc&’Y­•&WYZ •/F­O!;­■ O’““­■• “■KY &F­ •/F­O!;­■ O­•/■’-­O ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,n ’G &F­ “K;;K]’G” ]W<•s

p, 6F­G W G­] ]■’&­ Jox0' K//!■•* ’“ ’& ’• ;­”W;* &F­G W G­] [­■•’KG K“ OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& V ’• /■­W&­O, U&• ]■’&­ &’Y­ ’• T™lT'* WGO ]­ •FW;; ■­“­■ &K ’& W• V ”* ]F­■­ ” k T™lT',

u, 6F­G W ■­WO ■■£V ' K//!■•* &F­ •/F­O!;­■ “’GO• &F­ [­■•’KG V ” K“ V •!/F &FW& ” M T™lT'* -!& &F­■­ ’• GK K&F­■ [­■•’KG V + ]’&F ” h ”. M T™H-'T TFW& ’•* &F­ [­■•’KG K“ V ]■’&&­G ’YY­O’W&­;< -­“K■­ - &F­K■­&’/W;;< ­~c­/!&­O ’• &F­ [­■•’KG &FW& - ■­WO•,

S, 6■’&­ &’Y­• W~­ W••K/’W&­O ]’&F <Q■“—>'“ K“ WG ­;­Y­G&* WGO &F­< G­[­■ /FWG”­,

n, w­WO &’Y­• W~­ W;•K W••K/’W&­O ]’&F [­■•’KG•, TF­< W■­ !•­O &K ■­Q­/& /­■&W’G ]■’&­•* GWY­;< KG­ ]FK•­ &’Y­ ’• ;­•• &FWG &F­ ■­WO &’Y­ K“ &F­ Z■­[’K!• [­■•’KG, I’”!■­ pv,np •!””­•&• &F­ Z■K-;­Y* ]F­■­ V FW• [­■•’KG• V b> WGO ,3’KK* &F­ “K■Y­■ ]W• ■­WO -< W &■WG•W/&’KG ]’&F &’Y­•&WYZ vm* WGO W G­] ]■’&­ -< W &■WG•W/&’KG - ]FK•­ &’Y­•&WYZ ’• :m K//!■•, TF’• ]■’&­ Y!•& /W!•­ T &K W-K■&* -­/W!•­ ’&• [W;!­ K“ V •FK!;O FW[­ -­­G ■­WO -< &F­ &■WG•W/&’KG ]’&F &’Y­•&WYZ vm* FWO - -­­G W;;K]­O &K ­~­/!&­,

g, 6F­G W [­■•’KG V ” FW• W ]■’&­ &’Y­ ” •!/F &FW& GK W/&’[­ &■WG•W/&’KG FW• W &’Y­•&WYZ ;­•• &FWG ”* &F­G ]­ YW< O­;­&­ WG< [­■•’KG K“ V #■Q<—>^“ &KV ” T

b ~WY Z;­ pv,uvs J­& !• ■­/KG•’O­■ &F­ W/&’KG• K“ I’”, pv,nm ’“ Y!;&’[­■•’KG &’Y­•&WYZ’G” ’• !•­O, I’■•&* &F­■­ W■­ &F■­­ [­■•’KG• K“ Zs Z&* ]F’/F ­~’•&• -­“K■­ &F­•­ &■WG•W/&’KG• •&W~&* ©pgm* ]■’&&­G -< T’* WGO c©uKKf ]■’&&­G -< Tu, I’”!■­ pv,nu •FK]• &F­ •­?!­G/­ K“ ­[­G&•* ]F­G &F­ [­■•’KG• W■­ /■­W&­O* WGO ]F­G &F­< W■­ ■­WO, 4K&’/­ ’G ZW■&’/!;W■ &FW& -e OK­• GK& FW[­ &K W-K■&* -­/W!•­ ’& /WG ■­WO WG ­W■;’­■ [­■•’KG K“ ZT @

A@0 A@150 A@200

Page 72: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

Multi-version concurrency control

Generalize use of multiple versions of objects


Page 73: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Maintain multiple versions of objects, each with own timestamp. Deliver correct version to reads.• Reduces read/write conflicts• Can also use for weaker isolation models:

Snapshot Isolation• Unlike 2PL/OCC, reads never rejected

• Occasionally run garbage collection to clean up• No version of a record can be seen that is earlier than the

first version before the oldest active transaction


Multi-version concurrency control

Page 74: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Transactions are assigned timestamps, which may get assigned to versions of records txns read/write• Every object version OV has both read and write TS• ReadTS: Largest timestamp of txn that read OV

• WriteTS: Timestamp of txn that wrote OV


Timestamps in MVCC

Page 75: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

uWTWT LOBLY11ABLG LOB-1OE m G -vfA7-Zf47 Anp

wT k vm

A" C "

3 gm a 3 pmm© &&­Y Z& &K

] ■’&­ -< &■WG•W/&’KG]’&F &’Y ­•&WY Z :m

I’”!■­ pv,nps © &■WG•W/&’KG &■’­• &K ]■’&­ W [­■•’KG K“ V &FW& ]K!;O YWX­ ­[­G&• ZF<•’/W;;< !G■­W;’>W-;­

-„ ” k ” e -— rj cDncpgm )ummpgm umm pxg uug■ ’ HZ' =—HZ'

■k HZ'/� yca

■S)n'■l HZ'




I’”!■­ pv,nus b~­/!&’KG K“ &■WG•W/&’KG• !•’G” Y!;&’[­■•’KG /KG/!■■­G/< /KG&■K;

w5v5v7 M/•F*▲K•^* IF<*&* m>j=/—“.­G­■W;;<* &’Y­•&WYZ’G” ’• •!Z­■’K■ ’G •’&!W&’KG• ]F­■­ ­’&F­■ YK•& &■WG•W/&’KG• W■­ ■­WOcKG;<* K■ ’& ’• ■W■­ &FW& /KG/!■■­G& &■WG•W/&’KG• ]’;; &■< &K ■­WO WGO ]■’&­ &F­ •WY­ ­;­Y­G&, UG F’”Fc/KG“;’/& •’&!W&’KG•* ;K/X’G” Z­■“K■Y• -­&&­■, TF­ W■”!Y­G& “K■ &F’• ■!;­cK“c&F!Y- ’•s

£ JK/X’G” ]’;; “■­?!­G&;< O­;W< &■WG•W/&’KG• W• &F­< ]W’& “K■ ;K/X•,

£ 2!& ’“ /KG/!■■­G& &■WG•W/&’KG• “■­?!­G&;< ■­WO WGO ]■’&­ ­;­Y­G&• ’G /KYcYKG* &F­G ■K;;-W/X• ]’;; -­ “■­?!­G& ’G W &’Y­•&WYZ •/F­O!;­■* ’G&■KO!/’G” ­[­G YK■­ O­;W< &FWG W ;K/X’G” •<•&­Y,

TF­■­ ’• WG ’G&­■­•&’G” /KYZ■KY’•­ !•­O ’G •­[­■W; /KYY­■/’W; •<•&­Y•, TF­ •/F­O!;­■ O’[’O­• &F­ &■WG•W/&’KG• ’G&K ■­WOcKG;< &■WG•W/&’KG• WGO ■­WOC]■’&­ &■WG•W/&’KG•, w­WOC]■’&­ &■WG•W/&’KG• W■­ ­~­/!&­O !•’G” &]KcZFW•­ ;K/X’G”* &K X­­Z W;; &■WG•W/&’KG• “■KY W//­••’G” &F­ ­;­Y­G&• &F­< ;K/X,

w­WOcKG;< &■WG•W/&’KG• W■­ ­~­/!&­O !•’G” Y!;&’[­■•’KG &’Y­•&WYZ’G”, ©• &F­ ■­WOC]■’&­ &■WG•W/&’KG• /■­W&­ G­] [­■•’KG• K“ W OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G&* &FK•­ [­■•’KG• W■­ YWGW”­O W• ’G ™­/&’KG pv,v,g, © ■­WOcKG;< &■WG•W/&’KG ’• W;;K]­O &K ■­WO ]FW&­[­■ [­■•’KG K“ W OW&W-W•­ ­;­Y­G& ’• WZZ■KZ■’W&­ “K■ ’&• &’Y­•&WYZ, © ■­WOcKG;< &■WG•W/&’KG &F!• G­[­■ FW• &K W-K■&* WGO ]’;; KG;< ■W■­;< -­ O­;W<­O,

• Perform write of object O or abort if conflicting:• Find OV s.t. max { WriteTS(OV) | WriteTS(OV) <= TS(T) }• # Abort if another T’ has read O after T• If ReadTS(OV) > TS(T)

• Abort and roll-back T• Else

• Create new version OW• Set ReadTS(OW) = WriteTS(OW) = TS(T) 75

Executing transaction T in MVCC• Find version of object O to read:

– # Determine the last version written before tx timestamp– Find OV s.t. max { WriteTS(OV) | WriteTS(OV) <= TS(T) }– ReadTS(OV) = max(TS(T), ReadTS(OV))– Return OV to T

Page 76: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

write(O)by TS=3


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

Page 77: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

write(O)by TS=5


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3

Page 78: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


W(2) = 5R(2) = 5

TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 4)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 4

If ReadTS(1) > 4, abortÞ 3 > 4: false

Otherwise, write object

write(O)by TS = 4


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3

Page 79: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


W(2) = 5R(2) = 5

TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

W(3) = 4R(3) = 4

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 4)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 4

If ReadTS(1) > 4, abortÞ 3 > 4: false

Otherwise, write object


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3

Page 80: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

BEGIN Transactiontmp = READ(O)WRITE (O, tmp + 1)

END Transaction

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 5)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 5

Set R(1) = max(5, R(1)) = 5


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3R(1) = 5

Page 81: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 5)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 5

If ReadTS(1) > 5, abortÞ 5 > 5: false

Otherwise, write object

BEGIN Transactiontmp = READ(O)WRITE (O, tmp + 1)

END Transaction

W(2) = 5R(2) = 5


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3R(1) = 5

Page 82: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

W(2) = 5R(2) = 5

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 4)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 4

If ReadTS(1) > 4, abortÞ 5 > 4: true

write(O)by TS = 4

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

R(1) = 5

Page 83: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing


Digging deeper


TS = 3

txn txn

TS = 4


TS = 5

W(2) = 5R(2) = 5

W(1) = 3R(1) = 3


W(1) = 3: Write creates version 1 with WriteTS = 3

R(1) = 3: Read of version 1 returns timestamp 3

BEGIN Transactiontmp = READ(O)WRITE (P, tmp + 1)

END Transaction

Find v such that max WriteTS(v) <= (TS = 4)Þ v = 1 has (WriteTS = 3) <= 4

Set R(1) = max(4, R(1)) = 5

R(1) = 5R(1) = 5

Read on O succeeds “in the past”,write on P doesn’t conflict, so commit ok

Page 84: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Most commercial DBMS give up serializability to reduce aborts and CC overhead

• Simple relaxation:choose timestamp read from committed txns < timestampno need to protect/validate read set in MVCCbut read at a single timestamp

• Split transaction into read set and write set• All reads execute as if one “snapshot”• All writes execute as if one later “snapshot”

• Yields snapshot isolation < serializability


Snapshot Isolation (SI)

Page 85: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing

• Intuition: Bag of marbles: ½ white, ½ black• Transactions:• T1: Change all white marbles to black marbles• T2: Change all black marbles to white marbles

• Serializability (2PL, OCC) • T1 → T2 or T2 → T1• In either case, bag is either ALL white or ALL black

• Snapshot isolation (MVCC)• T1 → T2 or T2 → T1 or T1 || T2• Bag is ALL white, ALL black, or ½ white ½ black


Serializability vs. Snapshot isolation

Page 86: Transactionsstutsman/cs6450/public/14.pdf · •One entry in the log for each update, commit, abort operation: called a log record •Log record contains: •Monotonic-increasing