Trans 15 02 McClary

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  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


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    TRANS- Revista Transcultural de Msica/Transcultural Music Review 2011

    TRANS 15 (2011)DOSS!R" M#S$A % !ST&DOS SO'R! AS M&!R!S / S*!$A SS&!" M&S$ AND +OM!N,SST&D!S

    Feminine Endingsat TwentSusan 6cClar& (.CL,)

    Resu.en"n este artculo la autora *ace un balance

    retrospectivo de los veinte a#os transcurridos desde la

    prublicacin de la primera edicin de su libro Feminine

    Endings en 7887 "n 9l rele:iona sobre la recepcin%

    el impacto & la inluencia de esta obra dentro & uera

    de la 6usicoloa

    Astract5n t*is article% t*e aut*or asseses t*e t1ent& &ears

    passed since t*e irst edition o *er boo4 Feminine

    Endings 1as publis*ed S*e relects upon t*e

    reception% impact and inluence t*at *er 1or4 *as *ad

    inside and outside 6usicolo&

    *alaras clave6usicoloa% ;eminismo% Feminine Endings

    e wrds6usicolo&% ;eminism Feminine Endings

    ec3a de rece4cin" octubre 2

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    2 TRANS 15 (2011) SSN" 1678-0101

    Feminine Endingsat TwentSusan 6cClar& (.CL,)

    6ost academic boo4s disappear 1it*out a trace% oten 1it*out even a sinle revie1 Some o m&

    o1n 1or4 = t*e *istorical and t*eoretical researc* on seventeent*-centur& music t*at matters a

    reat deal to me = onl& ets publis*ed because o t*e notoriet& o m& earlier career Li4e ot*er

    aspects o lie% a sc*olarl& reputation does not al1a&s depend upon airness> sometimes it just

    comes do1n to luc4 and timin

    No one (least o all t*is aut*or) could *ave anticipated t*at a drab-loo4in little boo4 rom

    t*e .niversit& o 6innesota $ress 1ould be cause or a t1ent&-&ear relection7

    Nor did its earl&

    reception suest t*at Feminine Ending1ould become a classic 5n act% it 1on second prize in a

    competition or t*e best boo4 o eminist musicolo& publis*ed in 78872 ":cept or do?ens o

    private e-mails rom individuals claimin t*at t*e boo4 *ad c*aned t*eir lives and a sinle rave b&

    roc4 critic Robert C*ristau in The Village Voice%@it received in public not onl& neative revie1s but

    outraed% vitriolic reactions = a more t*an a e1 deat* t*reatsA;or an& o &ou aspirin to c*ane

    t*e undamental precepts o a discipline% allo1 me to report t*at itBs not al1a&s a barrel o lau*s

    5 *ad *ad relativel& modest *opes or Feminine Endings0 5 intended merel& to brin t*e 4inds

    o issues lon circulatin 1it*in t*e *umanities and social sciences into musicolo& ;eminists in

    ot*er ields *ad alread& spent &ears documentin t*e semiotics o ender dierence and miso&n&

    in literature% visual art% p*ilosop*&% ilm% *istor&% and even t*e *ard sciences ,nd ater

    1it*standin reprisals rom male colleaues% t*ese 1omen *ad eventuall& manaed to transorm

    t*eir disciplines> t*e& survived t*e attac4s larel& b& bandin toet*er intellectuall& or t*e sa4e o

    a common cause and supportin one anot*er! ut just as Feminine Endings appeared% a ne1

    eneration o sc*olars = *eralded most prominentl& b& udit* utlerBs Gender Trouble = *ad

    7Susan 6cClar&% Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality(6inneapolis0 .niversit& o 6innesota $ress% 7887>


    edition% 2

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    Feminine Endings at T/enty @

    moved on to 1*at t*e& considered t*e ne:t stae% 1*ic* involved uestionin t*e ver& cateor& o

    H1omanI and levelin t*e c*are o HessentialismI at an&one 1*o 1ould underta4e ender-based


    Loo4in bac4% 5 reali?e t*at m& timin could not *ave been 1orse rom t*is point o vie1

    eep in mind t*e act t*at t*e anti-essentialist turn occurred at least iteen &ears ater second-

    1ave eminists *ad started critiuin t*e canonic te:ts o t*eir respective ields o speciali?ation

    +*is 4ind o 1or4% 1*ic* *ad not appeared &et in musicolo&% 1as 1*at 5 1as attemptin to brin

    to t*e table in Feminine Endings ut 1*en t*e attac4s bean (indeed some o t*em occurred even

    beore t*e boo4 appeared)% man& o m& emale colleaues too4 reue in t*e arument t*at to

    identi& as a 1oman% even or t*e sa4e o political solidarit&% 1as to all pre& to essentialism ,rmed1it* t*eir copies o utler% t*e& joined in condemnin t*e boo4% oten more savael& t*an t*e men

    in t*e proessionK

    ,s a result% t*at project o e:aminin constructions o ender in classical music never reall&

    *appened G*at ollo1ed instead 1as t*e emerence o 1*at 5 call eminist apoloetics% in 1*ic*

    musicoloists rus*ed to demonstrate t*at t*e canonic composers 1ere reall& eminists all t*e 1a&

    alon & adoptin t*is strate&% no one *ad to ris4 alienatin t*e male establis*ment> t*e reat

    composers became even reater b& virtue o t*eir prescient political correctness One could be a

    eminist 1*ile maintainin oneBs status as a ood irl 1it*in t*e discipline = and also la&in claim

    to a *i*er standard o t*eoretical soundness ,s Sc*oenber said 1*en *e 1as as4ed i *e 1ere

    t*at dreadul composer0 HSomeone *ad to be% and no one else 1anted to% so 5 too4 it on m&selI>

    no one else 1anted to be Susan 6cClar& eit*er% iven t*e public batterin to 1*ic* 5 1as bein


    +*e smo4e inall& cleared% *o1ever Feminine Endingsis no1 in its second edition> it *as been

    translated into several lanuaes> its c*apters s*o1 up as reuired readin in countless course

    s&llabi 5 5 made m& reputation b& bein t*e+emme +ataleo musicolo&% t*at reputation opened

    up opportunities 5 never could *ave imained ,s t*e &ears *ave passed% 5 *ave become less a

    Mudit* utler% Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Sub#ersion o+ !dentity(London and Ne1 3or40 Routlede0 788 "laine ar4in% Heit*er/or%I "erspecti#es o+ 2e/ Music

    @ and "li?abet* Sa&rs% HDeconstructin 6cClar&0 Narrative% ;eminine Se:ualit&% and

    ;eminism in Susan 6cClar&Bs Feminine Endings%I -ollege Music Symposium@@/@A (788@/788A)0 A7-!! ;or a careul anal&sis o t*e iasco b& a sc*olar 1*o speciali?es in r*etoric% see arbara +omlinson% Feminism and

    ++ect at the Scene o+ rgument: 0eyond the Trope o+ the ngry Feminist ($*iladelp*ia0 +emple .niversit& $ress%


  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    A TRANS 15 (2011) SSN" 1678-0101

    cause c3l4bret*an a grande dame

    3et 1*at 5 *ad envisioned as a #ade mecum became = and remains = somet*in o an

    isolated artiact ,lon 1it* 6arcia CitronBs Gender and the Musical -anon% 1*ic* also appeared in

    7887% and Rut* SolieBs Musicology and *i++erence% it stands amon t*e e1 traces o second-1ave

    eminism 1it*in musicolo&8,nd 5 ver& muc* reret t*e act t*at t*e boo4 and its reception *ad

    t*e eect o closin do1n t*e enterprise o eminist criticism in music studies beore it reall& ot

    started 5 m&sel stopped 1or4in in t*is area or t*e most part% iven t*at 5 appeared be causin

    more problems t*an solutions 5n retrospect% 5 1ould *ave to sa& t*at Feminine Endings *ad an

    over1*elminl& neative impact on t*e subield o eminist musicolo&


    3et t*e boo4 scarcel& disappeared rom vie1 G*atever its public reception% Feminine Endings*as

    encouraed a number o sc*olars 1*o 1ould count as m& intellectual randc*ildren to address

    1it* rene1ed vior t*e issues it raised +oo &oun to *ave participated in t*e uarrel bet1een

    second- and t*ird-1ave eminists t*at brou*t muc* o t*is conversation to a *alt% t*e& simpl&

    rab onto 1*atever ideas or suestions t*e& ind t*ere and pursue t*em or t*eir o1n purposes

    ut 1*at 4ept t*e boo4 circulatin in t*e meantime

    ;irst% it spo4e to t*e conversations t*en on-oin in ot*er disciplines 6ost o t*e c*apters in

    Feminine Endingsstarted out as tal4s in eminist literar& or ilm conerences% and 5 *ad 1or4ed to

    develop 1a&s o communicatin m& ideas to sc*olars 1*o *ad no particular musical e:pertise but

    1*o 1elcomed an&one 1*o could brin suc* inormation to t*eir conversations Stranel& enou*%

    t*e parts o t*e boo4 t*at enae most seriousl& 1it* Ht*e music itselI 1ere desined or t*ose

    audiences Git*in t*e conte:t o a conerence paper% 5 could% o course% pla& m& e:amples% usin

    bodil& esture and acial e:pression to uide m& listeners ut ver& e1 o t*em ever ailed to

    ollo1 m& aruments = and none o t*em ever c*ared me 1it* abusin an ineable art orm or

    1it* essentialism +*ose audiences al1a&s included cuttin-ede eminist t*eorists

    5 *ave continued to participate in t*ese interdisciplinar& conversations 5 *ad *oped Feminine

    Endings1ould lead ot*er musicoloists to do 1it* muc* reater reuenc&> 5 s*ould not be t*e

    onl& music-sc*olar represented in Susan FubarBs True -on+essions(see aain n !) ,nd as man& o

    86arcia Citron% Gender and the Musical -anon(Cambride0 Cambride .niversit& $ress% 788@)> Solie% Musicology

    and *i++erence(see aain n A)

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    Feminine Endings at T/enty !

    m& raduate students *ave discovered% sc*olars rom t*e *umanities and social sciences lon or

    individuals 1*o are 1illin to spea4 to t*em about music

    3et an& venture outside t*e *ome discipline must ta4e into account t*e needs o t*e

    particular audience ,lt*ou* t*is enterprise *as never reuired me to 1ater do1n m& ideas% it

    does orce me to t*in4 ver& seriousl& about t*e codes 1e commonl& use 1it* one anot*er 1it*in

    musicolo& Do listeners 1*o do not speciali?e in music reall& need to *ave t*e 1ords HNeapolitan

    Si:t*I t*ro1n at t*em ,nd i t*at coniuration turns out to be important (as it ver& oten trul&

    is)% t*en *o1 s*ould 5 o about e:plain its eects

    Javin to unpac4 tec*nical terms in t*is as*ion *as allo1ed me to spea4 uite eectivel& to

    t*ose in ot*er ields ut it *as also reatl& en*anced m& teac*in o music students and m&1ritin aimed at ot*er specialists ;or 5 *ave learned t*at man& proessional musicians *ave onl&

    *a?& and a*istorical notions concernin basic concepts suc* as Htonalit&I0 our master& o an arcane

    jaron *as allo1ed us to cover up suc* inadeuacies7771e just ta4e our

    ne1l&-acuired met*ods bac4 to our insular communit& and s*o1 t*em o li4e s*in& ne1 adets

    +*e same is too oten true o our relations*ips to t*e ot*er ields = literar& t*eor&% p*ilosop*&%

    sociolo&% ant*ropolo& = upon 1*ic* 1e dra1

    "nain productivel& in interdisciplinar& 1or4 means learnin t*e concerns and vocabularies

    o t*ose 1it* 1*om 1e 1is* to interact 5t also means% *o1ever% iurin out *o1 t*e evidence

    made available b& music mi*t corroborate or sometimes even c*allene dominant models in

    ot*er ields 5 music *as not*in o siniicance to add to *istorical or cultural t*ou*t% t*en 1e

    s*ould sta& 1it*in our o1n domains ut 5 believe t*at music in all its maniestations rants all o

    us a uniue mode o access to po1erul articulations o *uman eelins and ideoloies 5t s*ould

    not be treated as mere entertainment (not even pop music) or untouc*able Hart%I least o all b&

    t*ose o us trained to understand *o1 it operates

    7 La1rence

    ramer% Music as -ultural "ractice, $&))($%)) (er4ele& and Los ,neles0 .niversit& o Caliornia $ress% 788@)%

    -lassical Music and "ostmodern no/ledge (er4ele& and Los ,neles0 .niversit& o Caliornia $ress% 788M)% and

    especiall& !nterpreting Music(er4ele& and Los ,neles0 .niversit& o Caliornia $ress% 2

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    Feminine Endings at T/enty K

    1it* t*e conventions o t*e larel&-male traditions 1it*in 1*ic* t*e& *ad al1a&s operated 5n t*e

    absence o a vocabular& or enain 1it* musical meanins o an& 4ind% 5 believed 5 *ad to bein

    constructin met*ods = not onl& 1it* isolated emale composers but 1it* t*e tradition itsel as

    1ell Durin t*e 78

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    TRANS 15 (2011) SSN" 1678-0101

    Spanis*% "nlis*% $olis*% ,rican-,merican% a&% Qene?uelan% orean% ;innis*% or emale composers

    = as second-rate and un1ort*& o attention +o be sure% t*ose 1*o *ave enjo&ed t*e privilee o

    identi&in 1it* music lon avored as universal or absolute 1ill sua14 1*en disloded rom t*eir

    *eemonic position ut musicolo& as a 1*ole can onl& beneit rom t*is levelin o t*e pla&in


    ;ortunatel& 5 am no loner alone in t*is endeavor Ot*er eminist musicoloists *ave also

    made e:traordinar& contributions in t*is area +o name but a e1 1or4in in m& o1n *istorical

    period0 Su?anne Cusic4% 1*o *as produced a deinitive biorap*& o ;rancesca Caccini and t*e

    enderin o po1er in t*e earl& seventeent*-centur& 6edici court> Gend& Jeller% 1*o *as

    anal&?ed t*e c*aracteri?ations o 1omen in Qenetian opera> Feoria Co1art% 1*o *as e:aminedt*e inluence o libertines and emale intellectuals in t*e ;rance o Louis 5Q> udit* $eraino% 1*o

    *as raned across periods and cultural *ierarc*ies in *er stud& o HueerI voices t*rou* out music


    +*e discipline o music t*eor& *as also opened up recentl& in directions inluenced b& critical

    musicolo& G*en Feminine Endings irst appeared% t*eorists 1ere mostl& enaed in ormalist

    anal&sis% and some o t*e most po1erul attac4s came rom t*ose 1*o objected to t*e act t*at 5

    did not abide strictl& b& pitc*-related anal&sis +*e last ten &ears% *o1ever% *ave 1itnessed t*e

    emerence o sc*olars 1*o reard Hmusic t*eor&I as also includin cultural t*eor&% 1it* previousl&

    orbidden topics suc* as metap*or% esture% t*e bod&% and temporalit& no1 s*o1cased in

    conerences and publications7K

    +*is development *as led me to be *ailed uite une:pectedl& as a

    distinuis*ed music t*eorist7

    P P P

    7MSu?anne Cusic4% Francesca -accini at the Medici -ourt: Music and the -irculation o+ "o/er(C*icao0 .niversit& o

    C*icao $ress% 2.niversit& o C*icao $ress% 25n October 2

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary


    Feminine Endings at T/enty 8

    ;inall&% Feminine Endings *as *ad an une:pected inluence on creative artists Tuite a lare

    number o composers (as man& o t*em men as 1omen) *ave 1ritten pieces in reaction to t*e

    ideas presented in t*e boo4% and a e1 visual artists *ave produced 1*ole e:*ibitions inspired b&

    m& verbal imaer& 5t is t*is creative response = t*e act t*at ne1 1or4s o art no1 e:ist in t*e

    1orld in part as a result o m& 1or4 = t*at ma4es me *appiest

    5 never 4no1 in advance t*e orm t*is inluence 1ill ta4e% or 5 do not set out recipes in t*e

    boo4 or *o1 to compose 5 do% *o1ever% enae 1it* t*e 1a&s in 1*ic* musical strateies

    produce meanin 5n a 1orld in 1*ic* musicians are still trained to t*in4 e:clusivel& in terms o

    pitc* sets and structures% c*astised b& t*eir teac*ers or reactin emotionall& to 1*at t*e& *ear%

    Feminine Endings not onl& encouraes aective responses but also oers a vocabular& ore:plainin *o1 pitc*es and e:pression connect

    ,s a result% 5 *ave been invited to lead 1or4s*ops or composers in S1eden and else1*ere =

    not because 5 am m&sel a composer but because 5 can listen to a piece and t*en dare to put into

    1ords 1*at 5 *ear and understand 6ore t*an t*at% 5 can e:plain 1*& 5 t*in4 t*e artistic c*oices

    made b& t*e &oun composers in uestion matter 6an& o t*eir pieces *ave not*in e:plicitl& to

    do 1it* ender ut t*e arra& o s4ills and insi*ts presented in Feminine Endings ma& be

    appropriated and utili?ed in countless 1a&s

    5n Stoc4*olm in October 2

  • 8/13/2019 Trans 15 02 McClary

