Training Report at Ptps

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  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps







    FROM: 09 JULY 2012 TO 07 AUGUST 2012

    Submitted in partial ulillment

    O t!e re"uirement a#ard $





    %R&%AR&' (Y:)


    ROLL *O, ) 1-091-9

    SU(M.TT&' TO:

    Mr, AM.T U%%AL Mr, %AR/&&* 'A+.YA

    XEN-C&I-8 A.E.E.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    This is to certify that the dissertation work done by *e!a in partial

    fulfillent of the re!uireent for the award of the En"ineerin" Trainin"

    in C & I# $aintenance di%ision# nit-8# '.T.'.(# ).'.*.C.+# 'anipat has

    carried out si, / weeks trainin" under our super%ision and "uidance.

    Nae 0 NE)A

    1oll no. 0 23452356i%ision 0 C & I# $aintenance# nit-8

    6ate of coenceent 0 45 7uly 42

    6ate of copletion 0 49 Au"ust 42

    $iss *e!a has worked under y super%ision durin" abo%e trainin" period.

    I ha%e read this report. It eets our e,pectation and accurately reflects work

    done by hi.

    Ait ppal/ 'ar%een 6ahiya/

    E,ecuti%e En"ineer Assistant E,ecuti%e En"ineer

    C&I# $aintenance di%ision# nit-8# '.T.'.(# ).'.*.C.+# 'anipat

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    IN E:E1; (TE'

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    T)E (A+IENT =EAT1E(

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    'anipat Theral 'ower (tation is a proect of )aryana 'ower *eneration

    Corporation +iited situated in 'anipat 7ind 1oad at about 22?s. =ro

    'anipat >us (tand.

    Total planed capacity of the '.T.'.(. is 2D4 $@. At present# four units of

    224 $@# two units of 24 $@ and two units of 34 $@ each are

    "eneratin" Electricity. =irst two units of 224 $@ were coissioned durin"

    2583-8. nit-3 of 24 $@ capacities was brou"ht into action durin" 255

    and unit- started workin" in 444. nit-9 was coissioned in 44 and

    nit-8 was synchroniFed with "rid in 443.

    Coal is used as priary fuel for "eneration of electricity howe%er li"ht


  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    T+R&& MAJOR .*%UTS TO %O3&R STAT.O*S

    1; 3ater :@ater has been taken fro near by ;auna Canal. This water is lifted by

    raw water pups and is sent to clarifier to reo%e turbidity of water. Theclear water is sent to water treatent plant# coolin" water syste and ser%ice

    water syste. The water is deaterialiFed 6$/ by water treatent plant.

    The 6$ water is stored in condensate stora"e tanks fro where it is used

    in boiler.

    2; Fuel Oil :The fuel oil used is of two types0

    a/ +ow sulphate hi"h stock oil +()(/

    b/ )i"h speed diesel oil )(6/The hi"h speed diesel oil reaches the power station throu"h the lorry tankers.

    The oil is stored in lar"e tanks for the future use in the boiler.

    )ea%y oil is stored in stora"e tanks in oil stora"e yard and is con%eyed to the

    front throu"h a set of pups and strainers. The whole len"th of pipin" fro

    the boiler front in strea traced to aintain the teperature and hence its

    fluidity so that it can freely flow in the pipelines.

    5; OAL :

    The coal reaches the plant in the railway wa"ons. The unloadin" of coal isdone echanically by tiltin" the wa"ons by tippler. The coal is sent to the

    coal stora"e yard throu"h the con%eyer belts. The crushed coal fro store is

    sent to the ill bunkers throu"h con%eyer belts.

    The air which takes away the coal dust passes upward into the classifier

    where the direction of flow is chan"es abruptly. This causes the coarse

    particle in the air coal strea to finer coal dust alon" with the priary air

    lea%es the classifier onto coal transport pipin" fro where it "oes to noFFle.

    'ul%eriFed coal obtained fro coal ill can not be burnt directly.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    FAM.LAR.oiler is a de%ice used for producin" stea. There are two types of boilers0

    a/ =ire tube boiler

    b/ @ater tube boiler

    At '.T.'.(.# boilers with tan"entially fired water tubes are used. The four

    walls of the boiler are constructed with water tubes and the heat produced

    due to cobustion of coal in the furnace heats the water in the boiler. >oiler

    is hun" with help of "irders and is free to e,pand downwards due to theral

    e,pansion. It is called tan"entially fired due to the reason that direction of

    fuel enterin" the furnace reains tan"ential to the fireball. The color of theflae is "olden yellow at its peak perforance.

    In case the coal flae is weak# oil is inected into the coal furnace to "i%e

    support to weak flae.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    There is a turbo "enerator# which "enerates electricity with the help of

    D-phase alternator of 34 $@ capacity. The shaft is coupled with "enerator.

    The "enerator con%erts the kinetic ener"y of the rotatin" shaft to electric

    ener"y. =ield windin"s are e,cited by 6.C. power usin" e,citer.

    It is 3AT&R A*' +2 =+Y'ROG&*; GAS OOL&'. Therefore it is

    contained in YL.*'R.AL +AM(&R,

    (haft of "enerator rotates at D444 rp speed. The turbine here has D sta"es

    for rotatin" the rotor of the alternator. =irst sta"e of the turbine is called )i"h

    'ressure Turbine ).'.T./# in which stea entry pressure is 234 k"cH. The

    stea used here loses pressure & tep. and the e,haust of ).'. turbine "oes

    into Cold 1eheat +ine C.1.)./# which is taken to the 1e-heater section in

    the boiler furnace. There the stea "ains tep. & pressure throu"h waste

    flue "ases of furnace and is labeled as )ot 1eheat +ine ).1.)./. The).1.). stea is brou"ht to the second sta"e of the turbine called

    interediate pressure turbine I.'.T./ at about 34 k"cH. The e,haust of

    second sta"e is passed on to third sta"e called low pressure turbine +.'.T./.

    The e,haust of third sta"e is collected below +.'. turbine and is condensed

    into water with the help of condenser. Thus the rotor of the "enerator starts



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    It is a structure of hei"ht 224 desi"ned to cool the water by natural

    drou"ht. The cross sectional area is less at the center ust to create low

    pressure so that the air can lift up due to natural drou"ht and can carry heat

    fro spherical drops. The upper portion is also di%er"in" for increasin" the

    efficiency of coolin" tower. )ence it is naed as natural drou"ht coolin"


    &L&TROSTAT. %R&.%.TATOR:

    It is an electronic de%ice# which reo%es the ash particles fro the soke

    throu"h furnace of boiler. It helps in pre%ention of air pollution. It works on

    the principle that a char"ed particle is attracted towards opposite char"e.

    @hen the fly ash coes between the opposites char"ed plated it "ets char"ed

    and is attracted towards the plates and then collected fro the plates by the

    dischar"in" particles.

    AS+ +A*'L.*G %LA*T:

    Ash is not dischar"ed as such to pollute the land# air and water# but slurry of

    ash is ade in ash handlin" plant and this slurry is duped in the waste

    land# kept for the purpose.

    S3.T+ YAR':

    (witchyard is the area# which feed the "rid supply to the station transforer

    and fees the "rid by the power "enerator by the unit. The power supply

    control is adinistrated here and the units consued and supplies are

    recorded in the control roo. The connections of 4?: >( to the station

    transforer is done by usin" the isolated and "as filled circuit breakers.

    3AGO* T.%%L&R:

    IT I( T)E $AC)INE @)IC) I( (E6 T< TI' T)E C

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    IT C

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    G&*&RAL 3OR>.*G '.AGRAM


  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    Electric power "eneration takes place in the followin" steps0

    2. Coal to stea

    . (tea to echanical power

    D. (witchin" and transission


    The boiler burns pul%eriFed coal at rates up to 44 tonnes per hour. =ro the

    coal store# fuel is carried on a con%eyor belt and dischar"ed by eans of a

    coal tipper into the bunker. It then falls throu"h a wei"hed into the coal

    pul%eriFin" ill where it is "round to a powder as fine as flour.

    Air is drawn fro the top of the boiler house by the force drau"ht fan and

    passed throu"h the air pre-heaters to the hot air duct. =ro here soe of the

    air passes directly to the burners of the furnace. )ere it i,es with the restof the air and burns with "reat heat.

    The boiler consists of a lar"e nuber of tubes and the heat produced raises

    the tep. of the water circulatin" in the to create stea# which passes to

    stea dru at %ery hi"h pressure. The stea is then heated further in the

    super heater and fed throu"h outlet %al%e to the hi"h pressure cylinder of the

    stea turbine.

    @hen the stea has been throu"h the first cylinder hi"h pr./ of the turbine#

    it is returned to the repeater of the boiler and reheated before bein" passed

    throu"h the other cylinders interediate and low pr./ of the turbine.

    =ro the turbine the stea passes into a condenser to be turned back into

    water condensateJ. This is puped throu"h feed heaters where it aybe

    heated to about 34GC to the econoiFer where the tep. is raised

    sufficiently for the condensate returned to the lower half of the stea dru

    of the boiler.

    The flue "ases lea%in" the boiler are used to reheat the condensate in theeconoiFer and then pass throu"h the air pre-heaters to the electro-static

    precipitator. =inally they are drawn by the induced drau"ht fan into the ain

    flue and to the chiney.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    ST&AM TO M&+A*.AL %O3&R:

    =ro the boiler# a stea pipe con%eys stea to the turbine throu"h a stop

    %al%e and throu"h control %al%es that autoatically re"ulate the supply of

    stea of the turbine# stop %al%e and control %al%es are located in a stea

    chest and "o%ernor# dri%en fro the ain turbine shaft# operates the control

    %al%es to re"ulate the aount of stea used.

    (tea fro the control %al%es enters the hi"h pr. cylinder of the turbine#

    where it passes throu"h a rin" of stationary blades fi,ed to the cylinder wall.

    These act as noFFles and direct the stea ounted on a disc secured to the

    turbine shaft. This second rin" turns the shaft as a result of the force of the

    stea. The stationary and o%in" blades to"ether constitute a sta"eJ of the

    turbine and in practice any sta"es are necessary. The stea passes throu"h

    each sta"e in turn until it reaches the end of hi"h pr. cylinder and in its

    passa"e soe of its heat ener"y is char"ed into echanical ener"y.

    The stea lea%in" the hi"h pr. cylinder "oes back to the boiler for reheatin"

    and is returned to the interediate pr. cylinder. )ere it passes throu"h

    another series of stationary and o%in" blades.

    =inally# the stea is taken to the low pr. cylinder each of which it enters at

    the center flowin" outwards in opposite direction throu"h the rows of turbine

    blades an arran"eent known as double flow to the e,treities of the

    cylinder. As the stea "i%es up its heat ener"y to dri%e the turbine# its tep.

    fall and it e,pands. The turbine shaft rotates at D444 rp at 34)F. The

    turbine shaft dri%es the "enerator to "enerate alternatin" current.

    @hen as uch ener"y as possible has been e,tracted fro the stea it is

    e,hausted directly to the condenser. This runs the len"th of the low pr. part

    of the turbine and ay be beneath or on either side of it. =ro the

    condenser# the condensate is puped throu"h low pr. feed heaters by the

    e,traction pup# after which its pr. is raised to boiler pr. by the boiler feed

    pup. It passed throu"h the further feed heaters to the econoiFer and the

    boiler for recon %ersion into stea.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    S3.T+.*G A*' TRA*SM.SS.O*:

    The electricity is usually produced in the stator windin"s of the lar"e odern

    "enerators at about 3#444 %olts and is fed throu"h terinal connections to

    one side of a "enerator transforer that steps up the %olta"e 2D444# 4444

    or 44444 %olts. =ro here conductors carry it to a series of three switches

    coprisin" an isolator# a circuit breaker and another isolator.

    The circuit breaker# which is a hea%y-duty switch capable of operatin" in a

    fraction of a second# is used to switch off the current flowin" to the

    transission line.

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  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    There are two types of control loops in use in 'T'( nit-8 in the =C(0-

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    &AM%L& ..:

    Statement: ) The feeder speed has to be kept under control to aintain the

    le%el to coal in the ill. E,cess of this !uantity would lead to o%erloadin" of

    coal ill and inade!uate !uantity would lead to under utiliFation of the


    As can be seen fro the fi"ure# there are three 'I6s in%ol%ed in the control

    syste. The first one is in auto ode and the other two are in cascadedode. Cascaded ode is the one in which the set %alue is decided by

    another sta"e and need not be decided by the user.

    The transitter in the field indicates the coal le%el in 6'. Two readin"s are

    taken and the better of the two as decided by the =C( is taken as (: for first


    The le%el of differential pressure between the dri%in" end of the ill and

    non-dri%in" end of the ill is used as the set %alue for the first 'I6 auto

    ode. The user# therefore# decides this (:. The $: of this 'I6 "i%es the (:

    for the other two 'I6s used to control the feeder rate. Thus they are in

    cascaded ode.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    &AM%L& ...:

    Statement: ) $any types of e!uipent in the power plant need certain other

    e!uipents in a specified condition to ensure their sooth runnin". This

    e,aple co%ers =orced 6raft =an =6=/.

    =or runnin" =6=# there are certain perissi%e and certain protections. The

    %arious perissi%e and protections for inputs for an AN6 "ate as shown in

    fi"ure. Thus it is an open loop control syste.

    Another way of classifyin" perissi%e and protections is to classify the

    into initial perissi%e denoted by =6I+ and those leadin" to trippin" of plant

    denote by =6TT.

    =6I+ 'erissi%e/ coprises of 0-

    Inlet daper should be closed. +ubricatin" oil pressure should be

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    nits of %ariables in ': 0-

    +e%el -

    Net water =low - tonneshr.

    Net (tea =low - tonneshr.

    The best way to ake units of all the !uantities in%ol%ed is to con%ert the

    to their percenta"es0-

    *AM& RA*G& %/ %&R&*TAG&

    +E:E+ -D44 to D44 9.D 9.DMD44/D44MD44/

    NET @ATE1


  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    .D% O*/&RT&R

    If any control si"nals has to be sent to the field by the =C( and has

    ipleentation to be done by pressure# then this instruent re!uires I'

    Con%erter whereby current is con%erted into pressure. In short# it is issued

    for controllin" pneuatic %al%es. 'neuatic %al%es are used to control

    openin" and closin" %al%es partially# which is difficult to control throu"h

    electric otors. The pressure e,erts force on a diaphra" connected to a

    piston# which o%es down closin" the %al%e.

    3OR>.*G: ) A constant supply of air of pressure of ran"e 4-9 k"cH is

    aintained at one terinal. The input si"nal is of ran"e -4 A. @hen

    si"nal of A is recei%ed# the lid o%es for enou"h fro the noFFle to let

    an output pressure of 4-4k"cH "i%en out throu"h the output pipe. @hen asi"nal of 4 A is recei%ed# the lid o%es near enou"h to the noFFle to let

    air pressure of 2 k"cH flow throu"h the outlet. =or interediate current

    %alues# pressure of ran"e 4.-2 k"cH is "i%en out for e,ertin" pressure.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    '%U (US

    The 6' >us consists of electrical and optical cables and us


    '%U (US MO'UL&

    The 6' >us $odule or 6>$ ana"es the work stationJs counication

    with the 6' >us. It collects inforation fro 6'Js on the 6' bus#

    stores it# and ultiately transfers the inforation to the appropriate

    processors/ in the workstation. The collected data is coprised of alar#

    e%ent# trend# historical and "eneral point inforation.The 6>$ also ana"es the transfer of data and control inforation fro

    the other processors in the work station to the appropriate coponents on the

    6' >us.

    '.SR.(UT&' %RO&SS.*G U*.T

    The 6'# the process controller# pro%ides control ad data ac!uisition

    functions. It e,ecutes the confi"uration that you create usin" $AXT$s# 6's and I< odules are installed in 1eote 'rocessin" nit

    cabinets. The standard 1' cabinet accoodates four and si, odules

    wide Ichassis asseblies.

    '&F.*.*G '.STR.(UT&' %RO&SS.*G U*.TS ='%U;

    The 6'# the process controller# pro%ides control and data ac!uisition

    functions for the a,6NA 6istributed Control (yste. It e,ecutes the

    confi"uration that you create usin" $AXT

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    to its control and data ac!uisition functions# a 6' can be linked to a

    'ro"raable +o"ic Control '+C/ usin" any one of the two a%ailable 6'

    serial links. ;ou ay also use the serial links to download E,cel# a $AX

    Control (ystes pro"rain" lan"ua"e.

    The 6' e,ecutes all control and data ac!uisition functions includin"

    Control and 6ata >locks

    Analo" and 6i"ital >uffers

    2. (e!uential =unction Charts (=Cs/

    . =unction >lock 6ia"ras =>6s/

    D. +adder 6ia"ras +6/

    . Instruction +ist I+/

    '.STR.(UT&' %RO&SS.*G U*.T S%&.F.AT.O*S

    locks for process control

    and data ac!uisition.

    E,ecution of user-written pro"ras usin" IEC 2 2 D 2-D Toolset.

    +adder lo"ic processin".

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  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    relay systes. All di"ital odules ha%e lo"ic state indication on the front

    panel# one indication per point.

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    .*TO'UT.O* OF SOM& .*STRUM&*TS

    US&' .* %LA*TS

    The instruents used in plant as stated abo%e is di%ided into two cate"ories0

    2/ 'rocessin" instruent

    / 1ecordin" & indicatin" instruent

    $ainly transitter is used as processin" instruents recorder# pen type

    recorder# indicator# teperature scanner & di"ital electrolytic conducti%ity

    onitor is used as recordin" and indicatin" instruents. 1T6 &

    therocouple is used as sensor. >rief details of these instruents are "i%en

    below and its application also0-

    TRA*SM.TT&R :

    There are different types of transitters are used. They all are uses for

    different purposes. $ainly it is used to easure pressure. This can be done

    with the help of sensin" eleents as diaphra" or below etc. It is also used

    for flow and le%el easureent. =or this# orifices or other e!ui%alent de%ices

    are used in conduction with the sensin" eleent.

    This is a priary instruent and depends upon the displaceent of the

    sensin" eleent when subected to pressure or differential pressure.

    Electrically it is a differential transforer. The priary coil is connected to a

    stabiliFed A.C. supply. The two secondary windin"s are differentially


    OperatinE %rin@iple :

    The I' differential pressure 6.'./ is con%erted into electrolytic capacitance

    in the detectin" unit. The %ariation of electrolytic capacitance is then

    aplified and coputed in the electronic circuit to transit

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    *$te: All t!e meaurement !aCe t$ be @$nCerted t$ t$ 20 milli

    ampere a t!e @$mputer in @$ntr$l r$$m @an a@@ept @urrent $ t!i

    ranEe $nl, *$rmall all intrument !aCe mi@r$pr$@e$r @ard

    intalled $r t!i purp$e,

    OYG&* A*ALYS&R

    The stea water analysis station uses o,y"en analyFer. It is desi"ned to

    easure the net concentration of oth sides of disc are coated with porous etal electrodes. It ust be

    operated at a re!uisite teperature# which is supplied initially by a battery.

    E$= "enerated is "i%en by-

    &MFB>T l$E10 =%1D%2; 4

    3!ere %2 i t!e partial preure $ $?Een in t!e meaured Ea $n

    $ne ide $ t!e @ell,

    %1 i t!e partial preure $ $?Een in reeren@e Ea $n t!e $t!er ide

    i @ell @$ntant,

    > i arit!meti@ @$ntant,

    The ethod used for easureent is that when the cell is at operatin"

    teperature and there are une!ual o,y"en concentrations across the cell#o,y"en ions will tra%el fro hi"h partial pressure of o,y"en to lower partial

    pressure side of the cell.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    The alar annunciation syste is a %ery useful syste in the workin" of

    Theral 'ower 'lant that indicates any abnoral process condition. As one

    enters the cabin of en"ineers operatin" the IC(s# one can see the hu"e panels

    containin" display windows of this syste.

    These systes work e,treely well in noisy en%ironent. It uses 1(-83

    counication protocol. The circuits use hi"h speed C$

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    U*.*T&RRU%T&' %O3&R SU%%LY

    There are certain e!uipents# which cannot be shut down in case of power

    failure. =or these %ital e!uipents# '( syste is established which ensures

    uninterrupted power supply.

    The coponents of '( are0-

    -1ectifier and battery char"er

    -'@$ in%erter utiliFin" I*>T as switchin" de%ices-Electronic (tatic >ypass switch

    -$icroprocessor based data onitorin" and lo""in" syste

    @ith +C6 display.

    Operati$n: T!e @$ntr$lled re@tiier i @$nCertinE 5 p!ae A int$ ripple

    ree ', Re@tiier !a t$ !andle #it! (atter !arEer p$#er and

    inCerted rated p$#er imultane$ul,

    >attery char"er decides battery char"in" odes as per battery re!uireent.

    '@$ in%erter controls

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    1ectifier - =ull @a%e

    +oad 'ower =actor - 4.9 la" to unity within ?:A & ?@ ratin"

    >attery :olta"e - D4 : 6C/

    1ipple without >attery -2O

    S&8U&*& &/&*T R&OR'&R A*' MAST&R LO>

    A achine dedicated to the %ery purpose of recordin" occurrence of any

    e%ent with the resolution of one illisecond is installed in nit called the

    (e!uence E%ent 1ecorder. Thus# if any trouble pops up# a chain of

    disturbances follow. This de%ice coes ost handy in such situations todecipher the epicenter of the proble the only drawback the nit-8 is that it

    has a (.E.1 with a resolution of 2 illisecond.

    To ake sure that all the coputers in the nit work with the sae clock

    tie and any delays due to a"in" of coputers# all the processors are

    connected to the $aster Clock connected to the *lobal 'ositionin" (yste.

    This aster clock sends synchroniFation pulses to the processors which

    updates their tiin"s e%ery second or e%ery inute or e%ery hour as per the


    T&M%&RATUR& M&ASUR.*G '&/.&S

    Teperature easurin" de%ices used in 'T'( are 1T6 and Therocouple.

    They both are suitable for autoatic teperature control. Interestin"ly# they

    both look alike. =or better accuracy# 1T6 is used. These are the only

    instruents which ha%e their readin" reachin" the syste cabinet directly#

    not throu"h arshallin" cabinet.

    The ost widely easured and controlled %ariable in the Theral 'ower'lant is teperature. Teperature is defined as the de"ree of hotness &

    coldness easured on a definite scale.

    Coonly used unit of tep. is de"ree Celsius GC/.

    a/ =ahrenheit (cale

    b/ Centi"rade (cale

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    Teperature can be easured in the followin" ways0

    i/ E,pansion theroeter

    ii/ Chan"e of state of theroeter

    iii/ Electrical easureent of teperature.

    &%A*S.O* T+&RMOM&T&R

    The principle of e,pansion theroeter is based on the fact that when a

    li!uid# "as or solid is heated# it e,pands and this e,pansion is fi,ed for e%ery

    de"ree of teperature chan"e.

    a/ +i!uid in "lass theroeter0-

    The ost coon for of li!uid e,pansion theroeter is ercury

    in "lass theroeter. It consists of a "lass tube with a thin wall "lass

    bulb at the lower end. sually ercury is filled in the bulb. @hen the

    heat is applied to the "lass bulb# it rises up the capillary colun of the

    tube to indicate the tep.

    As ercury freeFes at -D5GC. (o for easurin" %ery low teperatures

    other li!uid like alcohol is used.

    Li"uid Temp, ranEe$ercury -D to 324GC

    Alcohol -84 to 9GC

    =or easurin" hi"h teperature# the theroeterJs "lass ste abo%e

    the ercury is char"ed with hi"h pressure nitro"en. This helps to

    pre%ent of ercury. :al%e at the botto is pro%ided for "rowin" out

    the "au"es for cleanin" purpose.


    2. 6irect readin" is possible.. (pecial desi"ns are a%ailable for use up to D2GC & 24444psi.


    2. It is read where the tank is located# which is not always con%enient.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    The workin" principle of therocouple depends upon the thero-electric

    effect. If two dissiilar etals are oined to"ether so as to for a closed

    circuit# there will be two unctions where they eet each other. If one of

    these unctions is heated# then a current flows in the circuit. This can be

    detected by a "al%anoeter. The aount of current produced depends upon

    the difference in the tep. between the two unction and on the

    characteristics of the two etals. This was first obser%ed by (EE>AC? in

    282 and is known as see back effect.

    Instruent which reports the %ariation in current flow are calibrated in ters

    of tep. and are known as therocouple pyroeter. The wires are oined at

    the ends which for two unctions# a easurin" unction and a referenceunction. )eatin" the easurin" unction produces a %olta"e "reater than the

    %olta"e of the reference unction. The difference between the two# %olta"e

    easured and %olteter readin" is con%erted to its correspondin" tep. This

    con%ersion table is "enerally supplied by the therocouple anufactures.


    2. 1u""ed construction

    . (ipler to use than resistance theroeter.

    D. Absence of need for bride circuit.

    . E,treely wide tep. ran"es fro -94GC to 844GC.

    3. *ood accuracy.

    . Calibration checkin" ade easily.

    9. *ood transission distance.

    8. *ood reproducibility.


    2. Non linearity of tep. %olta"e relationship.

    . Chances of stray %olta"e pick up.

    D. 1e!uired uch of an aplifier for any applications.. Need for e,pansi%e accessories for control application.

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps


    %R&SSUR& M&ASUR&M&*T

    'ressure is the ost iportant echanical ser%ice %ariable & so its control is

    %ital in Theral 'ower (tation. The ran"e of pressure easureent in

    Theral 'ower (tation ran"es fro hi"h %acuu below atosphere

    94 of )" colun/ to nearly 44 ?"cH includin" test pressure for



    'ressure below atospheric is said to be de"ree of %acuu or draft. =or

    easureent of pressure# the bourdon# and diaphra" and below eleents

    are used because of their fle,ibility and operation of %arious. $anoeter

    eleents usin" border and ercury as easurin" li!uids are used for lowerran"es. =or teleetry purpose the

  • 8/9/2019 Training Report at Ptps



    In the tube anoeter the application of pressure causes the li!uid in one

    le" to "o down while that in the other le" to "o up# so there is no fi,ed


    (OUR'O* TU(&:

    The siplicity & ru""edness of the bourdons "au"e akes it the ost

    fre!uently "au"e. The reference pressure in the bourdons "au"e is

    atospheric pressure. )ence the dial readin" "i%es "au"e pressure.


    The "au"e consists of the spark# tube encoura"e# bourdons tube# !uadrantpinion# air sprin"# case# pointer & dial.

    >ourdons tube is a pressure responsi%e eleent ade of one of the aterial.

    The end is to applied pressure# is soldered# braFed# welded or screw

    connected to the tube encoura"e. The either end which is sealed is connected

    to !uadrant %ia link.


    2. +ow cost.

    . (iple construction.

    D. Tie tested in application.

    . )i"h accuracy# especially in relation to the cost.


    2. +ow sprin" "radient.

    . (usceptibility to shock and %ibration.

    The e!uipent is e,treely sensiti%e at low concentrations as the output

    si"nals are proportional to the in%erse of saple o,y"en partial pressure.

    The analysis of this instruent is based on the wet testJ as the easureent

    is done in the presence of all the products of cobustion# includin" water

    %apor. The older apparatus is based on dryJ "as basis.