Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy محترف ـ ـوا ليبيـ ـ اراتستشالتفتيش وا لTraining & Certification Services Updated : 04.02.2014 1 www.lipro.ly Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy ليبيـا محترفـواراتستشالتفتيش وا لTele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya لتدريب عرض فني ومالي لت الهندسيةلمجا في ا ومنح التراخيص الدوليةرات غير الهدامةختبال ا في مجاEngineering Courses and ASNT (SNT-TC-1A) NDT Level I & II – NDT Training Courses Offer الدورات جدول: ر.م اسم الدورة رقم الدورة المستوى المدة1 Ultrasonic Testing (UT Level I & II) فوق الصوتيةلموجات طريقة اUT014/1 ول و الثاني ا اسبوعين2 Magnetic Testing (MT Level I & ll ) لجسيمات ا الممغنطة طريقةMT014/2 لثانيول وا ا اسبوع3 Pentrant Testing (PT Level I & ll ) لصبغيات طريقة النافدة اPT014/3 لثانيول وا ا اسبوع4 Radiographic Testing (RT Level I & ll) اعيشع طريقة التصوير اRT014/4 لثانيول وا ا اسبوعين5 Visual Testing for weld (VT level I & II ) البصري طريقة الفحصلحام لVT014/5 لثانيول وا ا اسبوع ين6 Radiation Safety ( RT ) شعةية من الوقا اRS014/6 ------------- اسبوع7 Corrosion Controle course دورة الح متاكلية من ال اCO014/7 ------------- اسبوع8 Cathodic Protection course ية المهبطيةلحما دورة اCP014/8 ------------- اسبوع9 Paint Inspection course ء دورة الكشف عن الطPI014/9 ------------- اسبوع10 Liffting Gear Inspection ن الروافعي الكشف ع دورة فLG014/10 ---------------- اسبوع11 Welding Technology لحامت ال تقنياWT014/11 --------------- اسبوع12 دورة عامة في مجاللمعالجة الكيميائية اProduction Chemistry PC014/12 ------------- اسبوع13 General course Project Management Engineer عامة دورة ريع الهندسيةلمشا دارة اPM014/13 ------------- اسبوع14 Quality Management دورة إدارة الجودةQM014/14 ------------- اسبوعتي تشمل ا الرسوم لمصاحبةئية النهات امتحانا ا)عمليعي واللنوالنظري و( كل لختبار طريقة ا من1 الى5 . لمجانيةدة اعات امتحانا وا لمرة واحدة. لثانيول او المستوى ا دوليا باعتمد ترخيص مزاولة م لمجتازي كل طريقةحانات فيمت اراتختبا من طرق ا غير الهدامة. ب تحوي قاموسبة تدري حقي/ حظاتسات م كرا/ الة حاسبة/ قرطاسية كافية. عتمدة شهادة حظور مات غير الهدامةختبار خاصة با التيل وخارج ليبيا خطريقة داخلت المتحانا اجراء ا يمكن بها3 زمات دون ا سنو بحضور الدورةدات حضور وشها الدورات الهندسية. لباقي ري المقرفصلب اللكتا ا/ ير الدوليةلمعايت واصفاب الموا كتار المقر/ كل طريقة فيت المنشورةجاباسئلة واب ا كتا. ضراتلمحات اليومية لجباالواملخصات وت ال مطبوعا. مفتوح طيلةبسكويتة وشاي وفطار مع بوفية قهو وجبة ا التدريب ساعات. تقرير نهاية الدورة يتضمن نسبة الحضور وتقيمكل ل مشارك. Training package fees includes Theoretical (Genera + Specific) & Practical Exams from 1 to 5. Beside the course approved attendance certificate. ASNT-SNT-TC-1A Level II/ I certificates will be issued if candidate passing the written and practical examinations for NDT course. Training bag containing dictionary, notebook, calculator and stationary ... etc. ASNT Classroom NDT Training Hand Book (general dynamics) for each method. Standard & Codes level II book for each method. ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. Coffee breaks & breakfast. Final training courses report including evaluation for each participant

Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

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Page 1: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

1 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

في مجال اإلختبارات غير الهدامة ومنح التراخيص الدوليةفي المجاالت الهندسية عرض فني ومالي للتدريب

Engineering Courses and ASNT (SNT-TC-1A) NDT Level I & II – NDT Training Courses Offer

:جدول الدورات

المدة المستوى رقم الدورة اسم الدورة ر.م

1 Ultrasonic Testing (UT Level I & II) اسبوعين الثاني االول و UT014/1 طريقة الموجات فوق الصوتية

2 Magnetic Testing (MT Level I & ll ) الممغنطة الجسيمات اسبوع االول والثاني MT014/2 طريقة

3 Pentrant Testing (PT Level I & ll ) النافدة طريقة الصبغيات PT014/3 اسبوع االول والثاني

4 Radiographic Testing (RT Level I & ll) اسبوعين االول والثاني RT014/4 طريقة التصوير االشعاعي

5 Visual Testing for weld (VT level I & II ) للحام طريقة الفحص البصري VT014/5 يناسبوع االول والثاني

6 Radiation Safety ( RT ) الوقاية من االشعة RS014/6 ------------- اسبوع

7 Corrosion Controle course اية من التاكل مدورة الح CO014/7 ------------- اسبوع

8 Cathodic Protection course دورة الحماية المهبطية CP014/8 ------------- اسبوع

9 Paint Inspection course دورة الكشف عن الطالء PI014/9 ------------- اسبوع

10 Liffting Gear Inspection دورة في الكشف عن الروافع LG014/10 ---------------- اسبوع

11 Welding Technology تقنيات اللحام WT014/11 --------------- اسبوع

اسبوع ------------- Production Chemistry PC014/12الكيميائية المعالجة مجال في عامة دورة 12

13 General course Project Management Engineer دارة المشاريع الهندسية الدورة عامة PM014/13 ------------- اسبوع

14 Quality Management دورة إدارة الجودة QM014/14 ------------- اسبوع

الرسوم تشمل االتي

النظري ولنوعي والعملي( االمتحانات النهائية المصاحبة(

وامتحانات االعادة المجانية . 5الى 1من طريقة اختبار لكل

.لمرة واحدة

ترخيص مزاولة معتمد دوليا بالمستوى االول او الثاني

من طرق االختبارات االمتحانات في كل طريقةلمجتازي

. غير الهدامة

الة /كراسات مالحظات/حقيبة تدريب تحوي قاموس

.قرطاسية كافية/حاسبة

التي خاصة باالختبارات غير الهدامةشهادة حظور معتمدة

يمكن بها اجراء امتحانات الطريقة داخل وخارج ليبيا خالل

وشهادات حضور الدورة بحضورسنوات دون االزم 3

لباقي الدورات الهندسية.

كتاب المواصفات والمعايير الدولية / الكتاب الفصلي المقرر

.كتاب االسئلة واالجابات المنشورة في كل طريقة/ المقرر

مطبوعات الملخصات والواجبات اليومية للمحاضرات .

وجبة افطار مع بوفية قهوة وشاي وبسكويت مفتوح طيلة

.ساعات التدريب

لكل وتقيم الحضور نسبة يتضمن الدورة نهاية تقرير


Training package fees includes

Theoretical (Genera + Specific) & Practical Exams from 1 to 5.

Beside the course approved attendance certificate. ASNT-SNT-TC-1A Level II/ I certificates will be issued if candidate passing the written and practical examinations for NDT course.

Training bag containing dictionary, notebook, calculator and stationary ... etc.

ASNT Classroom NDT Training Hand Book (general dynamics) for each method.

Standard & Codes level II book for each method. ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A)

books for each method. NDT course handouts. Coffee breaks & breakfast. Final training courses report including evaluation

for each participant

Page 2: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

2 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

اهمية الدورات

اهمية للعاملين في مجاالت الجودة والتفتيش ومراقبة ذاتتعتبر

الملحومات )التأكل وانهيارات المعادن بمختلف تقنيات انتاجها

في االنشأت والمصانع اثناء و( المطروقات ,المسبوكات ,

تجميعها او تشغيلها او عند التفتيش على المورد

Suitable for

All quality, corrosion, NDT personnel, inspectors and technicians engaged in, or responsible for, inspection of welds, castings, forgings or fabricated items during manufacture or in-service.

تجديد تراخيص مزاولة االختبارات غير الهدامة منتهية الصالحية:

دل لكل 450انعقاد الدورات وبرسوم قدرها ءلدينا اثنامتوفر


NDT Certification Renewal

Renewal of expired NDT Level I & II certificates are available during courses by rate of 450 LD / Certificate.

الطرق مختلف في المتدربين عابيالستواالدنى االعلى الحد

متدربين في جميع طرق 1متدرب واالدنى 81الحد األعلى اإلختبارات .

The Max. & Min Number of Trainees/Course

Maximum number of trainees is 18 and the minimum is 8 trainees for all test methods.

وامتحانات الترخيص المؤهل االدنى لحضور هذة الدورات

:للمواصفات لدولية في هذا المجال يكون الحد االدنى للتقدم المتحاناتوفقا

دبلوم عالي في العلوم الهندسية او الصناعية -المستوى الثاني

.اويكون مرخص بالمستوى االول

دبلوم متوسط في العلوم الهندسية او الصناعية -المستوى االول

.وبمستوى متوسط في اللغة االنجليزية

Qualifications Entry Requirements

Candidate seeking any of above NDT method certificate for Level II shall have a min. of high/advanced

diploma or a Bachelor degree in engineering /industry or method Level I certificate

LeveI I shall have a min. of 3 years Associate diploma in engineering /industry

Daily Schedule 9:00 to 14:45 54:45 حتى 0:00 الساعة من: اليومي التدريب جدول

* Description الوقت Time الوصف *

General Lecture 10:20-09:00 في الجزء العام محاضرة

Coffee Break 10:20:10:30 القهوة إستراحة

General Lecture 11:30-10:30 العام الجزء في محاضرة

Breakfast 12:00-11:30 وجبة إفطار

Specific & Practical 13:00-12:00 عمليالجزء النوعي والمحاضرة

Coffee Break& Prayer Options 13:30-13:00 القهوة ووقت الصالة إستراحة

Specific & Practical 14:45-13:30 والعملي النوعي الجزء محاضرة

دورة، وتشمل عند نهاية كل * تكون اإلمتحانات

النوعي.اإلمتحان العام والعملي و


* Exams are at the end of the course, and those are Practical, General & Specific exams

Equipment & Facilities

LIPRO Will Practically Provide More Than 80 Exercises Using: Advanced recommended equipment & accessories

for each NDT method. Training Defective Samples. Recommended Samples for Practical Examination.

ASNT Vision Examination Requirement

Near-Vision Acuity The examination should assure natural or corrected near-distance acuity in at least one eye such that the applicant is capable of reading a min. of Jaeger No. 2 or equivalent type and size letter at distance of not less than 12 in (30.5 cm) on a standard Jaeger test chart.

Page 3: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

3 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Color Contrast Differentiation

The examination should demonstrate the capability of distinguishing and differentiating contrast among colors or shades of gray used in the method. Note that those vision examinations will be done by our specialist.


Training courses will be held in our premises or in Libya Insurance Co.(Naam Center) All will be in Tripoli, Libya.



Page 4: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

4 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

محتويات المنهاج

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Course


Principles of magnetism; magnetic fields; induction;

permeability and reluctance; magnetisation; lines of force,

methods of testing; interpretation of indications;

demagnetisation; practical exercises; methods of assessing

sensitivity; instruction writing. The course ends with a

written and practical exam.


1. Glossary of terms.

2. Physical principles.

Lines of force. Permanent magnet.

Theory of magnetism.

Magnetic flux.

Magnetic induction.

Field strength.



3. Use of electric current to produce magnetization –

circular magnetization (current through specimen):

Field produced by current flow in coil.

Use of prods.

Field produced by prods.

4. Longitudinal magnetization (specimen as core of

solenoid ):

Field produced by current flow in coil.

Field strength in solenoid.

5. Use of different current types:

Direct current.

Half wave rectified current.

Alternating current.

Comparison of results using standard.

6. Detecting media (visual and fluorescent):



Comparison of results using standard

7. Selection of magnetization technique:

Alloy shape and condition.

Type of magnetization.


Sequence of operation.

Examples of magnetization on different


8. Flaws to be detected




9. Interpretation and standards


10. Test equipment


Heavy duty.

Flux meters.


Magnetic media.

Practical Training, 20 exercises in:


Lifting power check

Magnitude and direction of field check

Approval of magnetic particle

Magnetic particle inspection using yoke, prod, and

coil for pipe and plate

Interpretation, evaluation and reporting for weld

Inspection code & standards


1- Level II & I Study Guide: Magnetic Particle Testing (Revised) -

ASNT Publication.

2- Principles of Magnetic Particle Testing- ASNT Publication.

3- NDT Handbook: Volume 6, Magnetic Particle Testing - ASNT


4- Classroom MT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT


5- Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A - ASNT Publication.

6- Question and Answer (Q&A) Book Magnetic Particle Method -

ASNT Publication.

7- Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing- TWI


8- NDT Applications & Limitations Book-ASNT Publication.

Page 5: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

5 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Course


Thickness measurement and weld defects; basic principles of

ultrasonics; the flaw detector; practical exercises on test

specimens containing simulated flaws; examination of

parent plate, butt welds; instruction writing. The course

ends with a written and practical exam.


1. Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Testing.

Glossary of terms and propagation of sound waves

Frequency, velocity & wavelength relationship.

Longitudinal and shear waves.

Elastic properties of materials.

2. Snell’s Law application:

Transverse wave production.

Mode conversion at interfaces.

3. Acoustic impedance:

Air-steel interface.


4. Beam geometry:

Dead, near and far zones.

Beam spread. (6, 20) dB, maximum amplitude.

Reflections in near zone.

D.G.S. system.

5. Ultrasonic attenuation – testable components:



Wavelength grain size relationships.

Use of an attenuator – conversions.

6. Generation of ultrasonic waves:

Piezo-electric – natural – ceramics.

Probes. Normal, angle, twin.

7. Ultrasonic instruments:

Cathode ray tube.

Time base.



8. Techniques:




9. Basic metallurgy and formation of flaws:




10. Sizing of flaws- setting of sensitivity:

(6, 20) dB maximum amplitude.

Standards – ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

11. Examination techniques for components:




Practical Training, 30 exercises in:

Calibration for normal and angle-probe

Flaw detector calibration check

Probe check

Resolution check

Sensitivity check

Normal and angle probe usage

Application on different samples which have

different artificial defects

Interpretation, evaluation and reporting for weld

Inspection code & standards


1- Level II & I Study Guide: Ultrasonic Testing - ASNT Publication.

2- NDT Handbook: Volume 7, Ultrasonic Testing - ASNT


3- Classroom UT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT


4- Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A - ASNT Publication.

5- Question and Answer (Q&A) Book - Ultrasonic Testing

Method - ASNT Publication.

6- Ultrasonic: Fundamentals, Technology, and Applications-

ASNT Publication.

7- Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing- TWI


8- NDT Applications & Limitations Book-ASNT Publication.

Page 6: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

6 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Pentrant Testing (PT) Course


Materials, methods, compatibility of materials, equipment

and safety aspects; practical exercises; methods of assessing

sensitivity. During the Level 2 instruction writing and

application, attendees requiring only Level 1 training will

carry out practical applications to written instructions. The

course ends with a written and practical exam.


1. Glossary of terms.

2. History of penetrants.

Oil and chalk.



3. Physical properties of penetrants:


Surface tension.

Contact angle.

Specific gravity.


Flash point.

4. Physical properties of developers (wet & dry).


Drying ability.

Grain size.


5. Examination materials:



Water washable.

Solvent removable.

Post emulsifiable.

6. Techniques:


Application of penetrant.

Excess penetrant removal.



Post cleaning.

7. Test equipment:





8. Indications:


Non- relevant.


9. Inspection procedures and standard:


10. Formation of flaws:




Practical Training, 20 exercises in:

Penetrant sensitivity

Application of different penetrant types

Interpretation, evaluation and reporting for weld

Inspection code & standards


1- Level II & I Study Guide: Liquid Penetrant Testing -ASNT


2- NDT Handbook: Volume 2, Liquid Penetrant Tests -ASNT


3- Classroom PT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT


4- Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A -ASNT Publication.

5- Question and Answer (Q&A) Book- Liquid Penetrant Testing-

ASNT Publication.

6- Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing- TWI


7- NDT Applications & Limitations Book-ASNT Publication.

Page 7: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

7 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Radiographic Testing (RT) Course


Welding processes and weld defects; properties of X- and

gamma-rays; sensitometry; film selection; film processing

and spurious indications; factors controlling contrast and

definition; X- and gamma-ray equipment; ionizing radiation

hazards; regulations; use of screens and filters; selection of

angle of aspect; image quality indicators; defect depth

location; castings; reporting. The course ends with a written

and practical exam.


1. Radiological protection: Ionizing radiation, (sealed sources) regulations.

2. Properties of X-rays: Electromagnetic spectrum. X-ray tubes. Quality of radiation. Quantity of radiation. High energy radiation machines.

3. Properties of gamma rays: Radioactive sources. Curie, Rad, Seifert. Decay constant, half-life. Natural isotopes, Ir. Co. Th. Principal radiation, thickness ranges (steel)

4. Photographic process: Film Density – densitometer. Characteristic curve relationships. Contrast latitude – subject contrast – film contrast. Film speed – grain size. Intensifying screens, fluorescent lead. Intensification factor.

5. Processing: Development, fixing, washing. Dark- room layout. Automatic processing technique. Faults in processing

6. Sensitivity of radiographic technique: Contrast. Subject. Thickness. Film. Density type. Quality of radiation.

7. Definition: Geometric unsharpness. Film screen contrast. Film type – grain size. Radiation quality.

Development. Exposure chart – production of chart. Scattered radiation – measurement of scatter Filtration to reduce scatter Blocking

8. Image quality indicators: Penetrameters. Step type – ASTM, ASME. Wire type – ASTM, ASME. Measurement of penetrametre sensitivity.

9. Radiographic techniques: Single wall – related to pipe diameter. Double wall – related to pipe diameter.

10. Formation and detection of defects: Welds (relationship to welding process) & castings Interpretation

11. Inspection procedures and standards: ASME & API

Practical Training, 30 exercises in:

Radiographic test principles Exposure parameters Exposure charts Determination of geometrical unsharpness &

source size Radiograph quality determination by means of

measuring the sensitivity and film processing faults Interpretation, evaluation and reporting for weld Inspection code & standards


1- Level II & I Study Guide: Radiographic Testing, ASNT Publication.

2- NDT Handbook: Vol. 4, Radiographic Testing, ASNT Publication.

3- Classroom RT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT Publication.

4- Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A 5- Question and Answer (Q&A) Book Radiographic Testing

Method - ASNT Publication. 6- Working Safety in Radiography – ASNT Publication 7- Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing -TWI

Publication. 8- NDT Applications & Limitations Book-ASNT Publication.

Page 8: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

8 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya


Visual inspection provides the basic element for evaluation of structures or components being fabricated/maintained. It constitutes an important aspect of practicable quality control for weldments with joints that may require testing. It has been proven in numerous situations that an effective program of visual inspection will result in the discovery of the vast majority of those defects which would be found later using some other more expensive non-destructive test methods.


Personnel Requirements Fundamentals of Visual Inspection Visuals Lighting Material Attributes Environmental and Physiological Factors Visual Perception Equipment Weld joint geometry and welding terminology Welding processes Welding discontinuities Non-destructive testing Hands-on practical session involving the use of

inspection equipment

Who should attend?

Welding inspectors, quality assurance /quality control inspectors, maintenance engineers, design engineers, supervisors, foreman, mechanical engineers, technical officers, technicians, welders and inspection personnel


1. Level II & I Study Guide: Visual Testing, ASNT Publication. 2. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 1st Ed., Robert C. McMaster

3. Classroom VT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT

Publication.ASM Handbook, 9th Ed., Vol. 17

4. Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Welding Guide

5. Question and Answer (Q&A) Book Visual Testing Method -

ASNT Publication.

6. Visual Examination Technology, 2nd Ed., Vol. 8Welding

7. Handbook: Welding Technology, Vol. 1, 8th Ed.

8. Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing -TWI


Visual Testing (VT) for welds

Page 9: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

9 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya


This course is designed for those with very little or no

knowledge of radiation safety. The course is suited to

those requiring a knowledge of radiation safety including

trainees, industrial radiographers, managers and


The course is structured to meet national requirements

and recommendations and is ideal for all radiography

examination routes which may contain a basic radiation

safety content such as ASNT(SNT-TC-1A), NAS410 and


The course is ideal for those personnel working in the

radiation field as radiographers / welding inspectors or


Course content

Basic radiation physics Radiographic equipment Radiation units Biological effects Dose limits Radiation detection and measurement Protection against radiation Calculations for radiation protection Storage of radiation sources Transport of radioactive substances Appointments and responsibilities Local Rules and contingency plans Personal dosimetry Normative documents


1. Level II & I Study Guide: Radiographic Testing, ASNT Publication.

2. NDT Handbook: Vol. 4, Radiographic Testing, ASNT Publication.

3. Classroom RT Training Book (general Dynamics) - ASNT Publication.

4. Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A 5. Question and Answer (Q&A) Book Radiographic Testing

Method - ASNT Publication. 6. Working Safety in Radiography – ASNT Publication 7. Mathematic and Formulas for Nondestructive Testing -TWI


Radiation Safety (RS)

Page 10: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

10 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Corrosion Training Course Outlines


Principles of Corrosion phenomena, introduction,

electrochemistry, Environments, Engineering materials, forms

of corrosion, The course ends with a written and practical

evaluation Exams.


11. Introduction:

Corrosion Definition.

Costs of corrosion.

12. Corrosion Electrochemistry:



13. Effect of Environments:


Sea Water.



Moisture content

14. Protection Methods:

Internal Protection Methods.

External Protection Method.

15. Engineering Material:



16. Corrosion Monitoring method:

Cathodic Protection survey.

Coating inspection.

Chemical treatment.

Material Selection.


NACE Standard.

Page 11: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

11 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

lifting gear inspection course


This course is aimed at supervisory personnel who are

involved in mechanical lifting operations at all levels including

a combination of rigging and lifting and banksman /slinger

techniques. Preparation of lifting plan complex level which

supported by any calculation required.

Also to teach delegates the technical aspects of proof load

testing and thorough examination of lifting accessories and

manual appliances according national standards.


1. Lifting regulation international standard : PUWER

1998, LOLER 1998 , API:2C & 2RD,SMR , MHSWR 1999

2. Integrated Safe Systems of Work.

3. Load weight Estimation.

4. Centre of Gravity.

5. Angles and Tensions.

6. Moment effect and calculation.

7. LOADS: Static Loads, Lifted Loads , Centrifugal Force,

Dead Loads, Load Distribution, Dynamic Loads, Wind

Loads & Mechanical Advantage.

8. Crane Operations Overview and selection.

9. Rejection Criteria.

10. Wire rope: types , inspection and handling

11. Safety Devices.

12. NDT requirements.

13. Slinging Applications and Guidelines.

14. Hand Signals and Radios Communications.

15. Environmental Hazards.

16. Planning Lifting Operations : lift data , site data ,

rigging arrangement , rigging drawing, handling load

and soil ,underground condition.

17. Critical lift handling

18. Completing Complicated Rigging and Lifting


Risk Assessment associated to the lifting plan.

Structure Training:

The course should design between classroom and

practical demonstrations and exercises. On

completion of a written test paper, the successful

delegates are issued with a license certification.

Page 12: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

12 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Cathodic Protection Program


This course is aimed at supervisory personnel who are involved in mechanical lifting operations at all levels including a combination of rigging and lifting and banksman /slinger techniques.


1. Basics of electricity, electrical laws, electrochemistry, corrosion and CP theory

2. Polarity related to current flow and metal corrosion activity

3. Conduct tests to identify shorts and continuity tests in CP systems

4. Use test instruments to perform a variety of field tests such as structure-to-soil potentials, voltage and current measurements, soil resistivity, pipe/cable locating and rectifier readings

5. CP components including impressed current systems, galvanic anodes and test stations

6. Read shunts and understand their use in rectifiers, bonds, and anodes

7. Perform periodic surveys to confirm the effectiveness of a CP system

8. Reference cells, their maintenance, use, and precautions

9. Basic location mapping, report preparation, and recordkeeping

10. Review safety issues specific to CP 11. Code requirements related to CP

Page 13: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

13 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Project Management Engineer


1. The Project Management Life Cycle

What is a Project?

The Project Management Life Cycle

The Role of the Project Manager

2. Setting Up for Success The Meaning of Success

What Happens in the Initiation Phase?

Project Definition and Scope

Putting Together a Statement of Work

The Project Charter

3. The Project Team The Teamwork Challenge

Selecting Team Members

The Team Charter

4. Risk Management

Project Risk

5. The Project Team

The Work Breakdown Structure

Work Package Sequencing

6. The Project Schedule

The Scheduling Process

Time Estimates

7. The Project Budget

What is a Budget?

Creating a Preliminary Budget

Budget and Schedule Balancing

8. Project Tracking and Control

Moving the Project Forward

Monitoring for Project Progress

Earned Value Analysis

Getting Back on Track

9. Project Reports

Communications Overview

Project Performance Reports

Project Change Requests

10. Project Close-out

Elements of Close-out

Evaluation of People and Projects

Page 14: Training & Certification Services · 2014-02-06 · ASNT- Published Questions & Answers (Q & A) books for each method. NDT course handouts. ... Ultrasonic Testing Method - ASNT Publication

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشارات اــوا ليبيــمحترف

Training & Certification Services

Updated : 04.02.2014

14 www.lipro.ly

Libyan Professionals for Inspection & Consultancy

للتفتيش واالستشاراتمحترفـوا ليبيـا

Tele: +218 21 363 2385 Fax: +218 21 363 2385 Mobile: +218 91 989 0959 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box: 83098 Algomhoria St., Tripoli, Libya

Production chemistry


1. Corrosive agents

2. Corrosion inhibitor selection and application

3. Predicating and monitoring corrosion rates

4. Basics of oil field emulsions

5. Demulsifier selection and field application

6. Foams

7. Defoamers

8. Foam basics

9. Field application of foams

10. How defoamers work

11. Compounds that cause scaling

12. Predication of scaling tendency

13. Scale inhibitors

14. Solvents to dissolve scales

15. Requirements for gas hydrates to form

16. Types of compounds used to control hydrate


17. Causes of paraffin (wax) problems

18. Paraffin treatment chemicals

19. Asphaltene stability tests

20. Asphaltene treatment chemicals

21. Chemicals used as H2S scavengers

22. Application of scavengers

23. Oil carryover in water

24. Removal of oil and oily solids

25. Tests required for chemicals used in deep water

26. Green chemicals (Environmentally friendly


27. International guidelines