Trade Union Act 1926 (1)

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  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Presented by-

    Ruhi Dadarkar

    Geetanjali Bangera

    Vishakha kasekarSheetal Samant

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    What is trade union?

    Trade Union is an association of workers formedto protect the interest of workers.

    Indian Trade Union act, 1926 defined TradeUnion as, Any combination, whether temporaryor permanent , formed primarily for the purposeof regulating the relation between workmen andemployee or between workmen and workmen,between employers and employers or for

    imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct ofany trade or business, and includes any federationof two or more trade unions .

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)



    Trade union movement in India

    may be traced back to 1890, when

    Shri N.M.Lokhande organised in

    mumbai The Bomboy Mill Hands

    Association organised tradeunion

    The decision of the madras high

    court in the Buckingham and

    carnatic Mills case focused publicattention to the necessity of giving

    legal recognition to worker right.

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    On the initiative of Shri N.M.Joshi thelegislative assembly adopted a resolutionon 1stMarch 1921 to take steps tointroduce legislative for the registration

    of trade union and protection of bonafidetrade union activities

    The Central Government ,afterconsulting Provincial Governmentsintroduce it in the assembly on 31st

    August ,1925 It was passed on 25thMarch 1926 and

    indian trade union act 1926 was broughtinto foece on 1stjune 1927

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Central organisations of workers in


    The Indian National Trade UnionCongress (INTUC)

    The All India Trade Union

    Congress (AITUC). The Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)

    The United Trade Union Congress(UTUC)

    Centre for Indian Trade Unions(CITU).

    Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Registration Process


    of Registrars.

    Mode of





    Provisions to

    be contained

    in the rules

    of a Trade


    Power to call

    for further


    and to



    of names

    RegistrationCertificate of


  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)



    Broadly speaking, trade unions perform two

    types of functions






  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Militant Functions

    One set of activities performed by trade unions leads to

    the betterment of the position of their members in relation

    to their employment.

    The aim of such activities is to ensure adequate wages,

    secure better conditions of work and employment, get

    better treatment from employers, etc

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Fraternal Functions

    Another set of activities performed bytrade unions aims at rendering help to itsmembers in times of need, and improvingtheir efficiency

    Trade unions try to foster a spirit ofcooperation and promote friendlyrelations and diffuse education and cultureamong their members

    e.g., school for the education of children,

    library, reading-rooms, in-door and out-door games, and other recreational


  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Other functions are

    Social Functions:Some unions have now startedundertaking and organising welfare activities and also

    providing variety of services to their members and sometimesto the community of which they are a part.

    Political functions:These functions include affiliating theunion with a political party, helping the political party in

    enrolling members, collecting donations, seeking the help of

    political parties during the periods of strikes and lockouts.

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Why people join trade union?

    Greater Bargaining Power

    - One individual employee possessesvery less bargaining power

    - But Union is Strength

    Make their Voices Heard

    - collective voices of workers is heardby the management

    Minimise Discrimination

    - Trade Union compel themanagement to formulate personnel

    policies that press for equality oftreatment to the workers

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    Sense of Security

    - Secure adequate protection from various types of hazards

    - compel the management to invest in welfare services for workers

    Sense of Participation- employee can participate in management

    - they can also be part of decision making by collective bargaining

    Sense of Belongingness

    - members of trade union gain respect in the eyes of other workers

    - They can also discuss their problems with the trade union leader

  • 8/10/2019 Trade Union Act 1926 (1)


    Weakness of trade union

    Uneven Growth

    - Trade unions are popular in bigindustries

    - concentration of trade unions in

    some states because ofconcentration of industries inthose states

    Limited Membership

    - any seven workers can make

    trade union- rivalry among the leaders of

    trade unions

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    Multiplicity of Unions

    - causes inter-union rivalry

    - workers lose interest in unionism

    Outside Leadership

    - they satisfy their political interests- disputes are solved by political intervention

    Financial Problems

    - low and adequate income

    - subscription fees are kept less so that more workers can join

    Indifferent Attitude of Workers

    - large no. of workers do not join the union

    - attendance at general meeting is also less

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    One Union in One Industry

    - multiplicity of union leads to inter-union rivalry

    - it also weakens collective bargaining

    Paid Union Officials- payment will motivate the officials to do full justice to the task

    Development of Leadership from Within

    - no outside leadership

    - leader should be appointed within the workers

    Recognition of Trade Unions

    - employers refused recognition to the trade unions

    - on the basis of minority of employees

    - or two or more union exists

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