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trade unions in india




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Trade Unions have proliferated due to rapid economic development and development in particular. The setting of industrial units involving wide spread use of machinery, changes in working and living environment of workers, concentration of industries in large towns have brought the workers together to maintain and improve their bargaining power and hence their employment conditions. The first organized Trade Unions in India named as the Madras Labour Union was formed as early as 1918. Since then, a large number of Unions came up in almost all the industrial centers of the country. The government of India passed the “Trade Unions Act,1926” to regulate conditions governing the registration of Trade Unions, obligations imposed on a registered Trade Unions and right and liabilities there of. The Rules Framed under the “Trade Unions Act,1926 impose obligation on the registered Trade Unions (Workers & Employers) to submit annual statutory return in the prescribed format to the Registrar of their respective States/ Union Territories. These State/U.T. Authorities in turn furnish the consolidated data in respect of the entire State/U.T. to the Labour Bureau. The Labour Bureau compiles and disseminates these statistics at All India level.

The present biennial review presents comprehensive statistics on the

working of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 during 2010. It is based on the Annual Returns received from the Registrar of Trade Unions of the respective States/Union Territories.

I am thankful to the Registrar of Trade Unions of all the responding State

Government/Union Territory without, whose support it would not have been possible to bring out this Report. I also place on record my appreciation for the work done by the team of officers and staff members of Labour Bureau, whose names appear in Annexure IV.

Suggestions for further improvement of this publication are welcome.

D. S. Kolamkar Director General

Labour Bureau, Chandigarh Dated : 5th June, 2013

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Sl. No. Title PAGES




1. Salient features of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 3-7

2. Growth of Trade Unions 8-10

3. Finances, Assets and Liabilities of Trade Unions 11-12

4. Federations of Workers Trade Unions 13


I Statistical Tables (Sl. No 1.1 to 6.4) 14-62

II National Industrial Classification 63-73

III Blank Performae for collection of Labour Statistics 74-79

IV List of Official associated with this report 80

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Table No. Title fo Table Page

1.1 Number and Membership of Workers’ Unions By Major Industry

Divisions for the year, 2010


1.2 Percentage Distribution of Income of Workers’ and Employers’ Unions

by Sources during 2010


1.3 Percentage Distribution of Expenditure of Workers’ and Employers’

Unions by Items of Expenditure during 2010


2.1 Growth of Registered Trade Unions and their Membership -1996 to 2010 18

2.2 State-wise Distribution of Registered Trade Unions during 2010 19

3.1 Number and Membership of Workers' Trade Unions (Central and State)

by Sex and States/UT's during 2010


3.2 Industry-wise Number and Membership of Worker's Trade Unions

(Submittting Retuns) by Sex at NIC 3 digit level during 2010


3.3 Number of Workers' Trade Unions (Submitting Returns) and their

Membership by State/Uts and State/Central Sphere during 2010


4.1 State-wise Number and Membership of Employers' Trade Unions

(Submitting Returns) by Sex and State/UTs during 2010


4.2 Number and Membership of Employers' Trade Unions (Submitting

Returns) by Sex and Industries at 3-digit level during 2010


5.1 General Funds of Trade Unions Submitting Returns, 1996-2010 30

5.2 State-wise General Funds of Workers' Trade Unions (Submitting

Returns) by States/UTs during 2010


5.3 Industry wise General Funds of Workers' Unions (submitting returns) at

NIC 2 digit level during 2010


5.4 General Fund of Employers' Trade Unions (Central and State)

Submitting Returns By States/UTs during 2010


5.5 General Funds of Employers' Trade Unions Submitting Returns by

Industries at 2 digit level during 2010


5.6 Income of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and

States/UTs durng 2010


5.7 Income of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and

Industries at NIC 2 digit level during 2010


5.8 Income of Employer's Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and

States/UTs during 2010


5.9 Income of Employer's Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and

Industry at 2 digit lever during 2010


5.10 Expenditure of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items and

State/UT during 2010


5.11 Expenditure fo Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items of

Expenditure and Industries during 2010


5.12 Expenditure of Employers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items and

States during 2010


5.13 Expenditure of Employers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items of

expenditure and Industries, 2010


5.14 Assets and Liabilities of Trade Unions during 2010 58



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Table No. Title fo Table Page

6.1 Number, Membership and General Fuund of Federations of Workers'

Trade Uunions by States 2010


6.2 Income of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by Sources and States/

UTs during 2010


6.3 Expenditure of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by Items and

States/Uts during 2010


6.4 Assets and Liabilities of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by

States/UTs during 2010



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Summary of the Report

Trade Unions are organization of Workers as well as of Employers formed to protect and promote the interest of their members. In 1926 the Trade Unions Act was passed and gave legal status to the Registered Trade Unions in the country i.e. Trade Unions in India 1926. The present review presents information in respect of Workers and Employers Unions, on Registered Trade Unions submitting returns by their sex-wise membership. Besides, it also presents data of income and expenditure of Workers Unions, Employers Unions and Federation of Trade Unions.

Growth of Trade Unions

• The total no. of registered Trade Union was 18602 in the year 2010 (Table 2.1).

• The number of Unions submitting returns was 2937 i.e. 15.8 percent of the total registered unions (Table 2.1).

• The average membership for workers union was 1735 only (Table 2.1). • Out of total of 18602 registered unions as many as 18546 unions i.e. 99.7

per cent belong to Workers and remaining 56 (0.3 per cent) unions were Employers (Table 2.2).

• Among States/Union Territories, Kerala accounted for the largest number of registered Trade Unions (12030) (Table 2.2).

Growth of Workers Unions

• Out of 18546 Workers Unions, 92.16 per cent were State Unions and remaining 7.84 per cent were Central Unions (Table 3.1).

• Only 2936 Workers Unions (15.83 Per cent) had submitted the returns (Table 3.1).

• The ‘Manufacturing Group’ accounted for 34.0 per cent of the total number of Workers Unions submitting returns, followed by ‘Transportation & Storage’ 16.6 per cent (Table 1.1).

Employers Unions

• Out of 56 registered employers unions only 1 union (1.79 per cent) had submitted returns. (Table 4.1)

• The average membership of Employers Unions was reported as 15 (Table 4.1).

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Finances, Assets and Liabilities of Trade Unions

• All the 2937 trade unions submitting returns had income of ` 37.64 Crore against the expenditure of ` 34.18 Crore respectively. (Table 5.1).

• Total Assets/Liabilities of Trade Unions of Workers was reported as ` 50.44 Crore. (Table 5.14).

Federations of Workers Trade Unions

• As many as 29 registered federations of workers Trade Unions were reported in 2010 (Table 6.1).

• Only 2 State Federations had submitted their returns. (Table 6.1). • The Federations had an income of ` 8.25 Crore against an expenditure of

` 0.32 Crore (Table 6.1).

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Chapter I

Salient Features of the Trade Unions Act, 1926

Trade Unions are organization of Workers as well as Employers formed to protect and promote the interest of their members. Trade Unions have made headway due to rapid individual development. The workers come together to maintain and improve their bargaining power on wages and working conditions. The first organized Trade Union in India named as the Madras Labour Union was formed in the year 1918. From the beginning itself, Trade Unions were not confined to workers alone. From 19th Century itself there were Employer’s associations in the form of Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Associations etc. to protect and promote the interests of their members in a concerted manner. After independence, expansion of industrial activity and grouping worker’s Trade Unions acted as a spur for strengthening and expansion of employers’ organization.

In 1926, the Trade Union Act was passed which was a landmark in the history of Trade Unions in the country. The Act gave legal status to the Registered Trade Unions and conferred on them and their members a measure of immunity from Civil Suit and Criminal prosecution. Registration of Unions enhanced their status before general public. The Act gives protection to registered trade unions in certain cases against civil or criminal action. Employers and Registered Trade Unions are required to submit annual statutory returns to the Registrar of Trade Unions of respective States/Union Territories regarding their membership, sources of income, distribution of expenditure and detail of assets and liabilities, who in turn submit consolidated return on all these aspects to Labour Bureau in the specified proformae.

1.1 Coverage

The coverage of the Act is confined to :

(a) Only persons engaged in Trade or Business (which includes an Industry) can form a trade union or become members of the trade union. As such persons employed in Raj Bhawan for domestic and other duties cannot form a trade union. Likewise, the government servants engaged in the task of sovereign and legal functions are not entitled to the registration of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union.

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(c) Any person who has attained the age of 15 years may become the member of a registered trade union. 1.2 Important, Definition, Concepts and Provisions of the Act 1.2.1 Trade Union: - Trade Union means any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relation (a) between workmen and employers, or (b) between workmen and workmen, or (c) between employers and employers or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business. It includes any federation of two or more trade unions.

1.2.2 Appropriate Government: - Appropriate Government means in relation to trade unions whose subjects are not confined to one state, the Central Government and in relation to other trade unions, the State government.

1.2.3. Registrar : A Registrar of trade unions appointed by the appropriate government under section 3, and includes any Additional or Deputy Registrar of trade unions.

1.2.4. Executive:- Executive means the body, by whatever name called, to which the management of the affairs of a trade union is entrusted.

1.2.5. Trade dispute :- Trade dispute means any dispute

(a) between employers and workmen, or

(b) between workmen and workmen, or

(c) between employers and employers, which is connected with

i) employment or non-employment, or

ii) the terms of employment, or

iii) the conditions of labour, of any person

1.2.6. Workmen :-- Workmen means all persons employed in trade or industry whether or not in the employment of the employer with whom the trade dispute arises.

1.2.7. Public Sector: - Public Sector means an establishment wholly owned, controlled or managed by:

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i) The Government or the department of the Government.

ii) A Government company as defined under Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956.

iii) A Corporation (including Co- operative Society) established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act which is owned or controlled or managed by the Government and

iv) A local authority

1.2.8. Private Sector :- Private Sector means an establishment, which is not an establishment in the Public Sector.

1.2.9. Procedure to become members

Any person who has attained the age of 15 years may become the member of a registered trade union. Any Such member, subject to the rules of the trade union may enjoy all the rights of a member and execute all instruments and give all acquaintances necessary to be executed or given under the rules. But he cannot be an office bearer of the trade union until, he attains the age of 18 years.

Only persons engaged in trade or business (which includes an industry can form a trade union or become members of the trade union. As such persons employed in Raj Bhawan for domestic and other duties cannot form a trade union. Likewise, the government servants engaged in the task of sovereign and legal functions are not entitled to the registration of a trade union.

1.2.10. Registration of Trade Unions

(i) Trade Union Act, 1926 provides for registration of trade unions. Any 7 or more members of a trade union by subscribing their names to the rules of the trade union and otherwise complying with provisions of this Act with respect to registration may apply for registration of trade union under this Act (Section 4 ) to the Registrar of Trade Unions.

(ii) The Registrar issues a Certificate of Registration in a prescribed form which acts as evidence that trade union has been duly registered under the Act.

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1.2.11. Cancellation of Registration

A certificate of registration of a trade union may be withdrawn or cancelled by the Registrar (a) on the application of the trade union to be verified in such a manner as may be prescribed and (b) if the Registrar is satisfied that the certificate has been obtained by fraud or mistake or that trade union has ceased to exist and has will fully and after notice from Registrar, contravenes provisions of the Act.

1.2.12. Dissolution

i) When a registered trade union is dissolved, notice of the dissolution signed by 7 members and by the Secretary of the trade union shall, within 14 days of the dissolution be sent to the Registrar, and shall be registered by him if he is satisfied that the dissolution has been effected in accordance with the rules of the trade union, and the dissolution shall have effect, from the date of such registration

ii) Where the dissolution of a registered trade union has been registered and the rules of the trade union do not provide for the distribution of funds of trade union on dissolution, the Registrar shall divide the funds amongst the members in such a manner as may be prescribed.

1.2.13. Other provisions of the Act

i) The Act clearly defines the rights and liabilities of registered trade union. It indicates the objects on which general funds may be spent.

ii) The Act also provides for constitution of a separate fund for political purposes.

iii) The trade unions are given immunity from civil suits in certain cases

iv) The members of trade unions can inspect the books of trade unions

v) The trade unions can be amalgamated, provided votes of at least one half of the members of each or every such trade union entitled to vote is recorded.

1.3 Limitations

1.3.1 Limitations:- Under the Trade Unions Act, 1926, the registration of a trade union is not obligatory. Thus information regarding unregistered trade unions is not included in the Review. However, it is observed that response rate of States submitting returns to Labour Bureau are very poor.

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During 2009 only 17.3 % of the registered trade unions from 11 States/Union Territories and during 2010 only 15.8 % of the registered trade unions from 12 States/Union Territories have submitted returns in the prescribed proformae to the concerned authorities. The data, therefore, are not strictly comparable with those of the earlier years.

The following States/UTs have not submitted the returns for the year 2010 despite repeated remainders or have submitted defective returns and are, therefore, excluded.

State/UTs ( not submitting returns) State/UTs (submitting defective returns)

1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Bihar 3. Himachal Pradesh 4. Jammu & Kashmir 5. Jharkhand 6. Madhya Pradesh 7. Maharashtra 8. Orissa 9. Tamil Nadu 10. West Bengal

1. Chhattisgarh 2. Gujarat 3. Karnataka 4. Meghalaya 5. Rajasthan 6. Tripura 7. Uttarakhand 8. Uttar Pradesh 9. Delhi

Note: 1. Trade Unions Act, 1926 is not implemented in 3 States/UTs viz;Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Lakshdweep. 2. The return from Daman & Diu is nil as there are no Trade Unions in it.

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Chapter - 2

Growth of Trade Unions 2.1 Growth of Trade Unions (Workers’ & Employers’ Combined) 2.1.1 Year-wise number of Registered Trade Unions and their membership

Information relating to number of registered trade unions, number of unions submitting returns and their membership from 1996 to 2010 is given in Table 2.1. Out of total registered trade unions 18602, only 2937 unions (i.e.15.8 per cent) submitted their returns for the year 2010. The average membership per union was 1735 in 2010.

2.1.2 State-wise number of Trade Unions and their membership

State-wise distribution of registered trade unions for the year 2010 is presented in Table 2.2. Only 12 States/Union Territories have submitted returns during the year 2010. Among these States/Union Territories, Kerala accounted for the largest number of registered trade unions (12030) followed by Punjab (2714). Out of the total of 18602 registered unions, as many as 18546 unions (99.7 per cent) were of Workers Unions and remaining 56 (0.3 per cent) were of Employers' Unions. Out of 18546 Workers Unions, 92.16 per cent were State Unions and remaining 7.84 per cent were Central Unions. State Unions are those unions, whose activities/objectives are confined to the boundaries of the State, while Central Unions have activities/objectives beyond a State boundary.

2.2 Growth of Workers’ Unions 2.2.1 Number and Membership of Workers Unions

State-wise data in respect of workers registered trade unions submitting returns and their sex-wise membership during 2010 is given in Table 3.1. During 2010, out of 18546 registered workers unions, only 2936 unions (15.83 per cent) had submitted the returns. The average membership per workers unions was 1769 in state unions & 1277 in central unions.

2.2.2 State-wise distribution of Central Unions and State Unions

Table 3.1 also presents number and membership of workers trade unions separately for Central Unions and State Unions. It may be seen from the table that during 2010, out of 2936 unions submitting returns as many as 2740 (93.32 per cent) were state unions and remaining 196 (6.67 per cent) were Central Unions. Out of the total membership of 5097366

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persons, the membership of the State and Central Unions was 4847076 persons (95.08 per cent) and 250290 persons (4.91 per cent) respectively.

The State of Kerala accounted for the highest membership of Central and State Unions (2785087 persons) followed by Assam (1204614 persons). Women members accounted for 37.51 per cent of the total membership of Central and State Unions. Amongst State Unions, the membership of Women Workers was the highest in Kerala (1226535) followed by Assam (405191). Amongst Central Unions of Women workers, Kerala accounted for the largest membership (82209) followed by Haryana (5386) respectively.

2.2.3 Sex and Industry wise distribution of membership in Workers’ Unions.

Sex-wise and Industry-wise (3 digit level as per NIC 2008) number of workers unions submitting returns and their membership for the year 2010 is presented in Table 3.2. Summary of this statement at major industry division (One digit level) is given in Table-1.1.

From Table 1 .1 it is seen that ‘Manufacturing Group’ accounted for 34 per cent of the total number of unions submitting returns, followed by ‘Transportation and Storage’ (16.6 per cent). The membership was highest in ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ (27.2 per cent), followed by ‘Manufacturing’ (26.3 per cent).

The proportion of women membership in an industry group to total membership of women in all industry group combined together was the highest in “Manufacturing” (33.7 per cent) followed by Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ ” (32 per cent) and “Construction” (15.3 per cent). The break-up of information at minor industry groups (up to 3-digit level of N.I.C. 2008) is given in Table 3.2.

2.2.4 Workers Trade Unions in Public Sector

State-wise statistics pertaining to the number of Workers’ Unions submitting returns and their membership in Public Sector separately for State Sphere and Central Sphere for the Year 2010 is given in Table 3.3. An establishment in Public Sector means an establishment owned, controlled or managed by:

• The government or the department of the Government.

• A government company as defined in Section 617 of the Company Act, 1956.

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• A corporation (including Co-operative Society) established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act which is owned or controlled or managed by the Government and

• A local authority.

It may be seen from the Table 3.3 that Public Sector accounted for 14.39 per cent of the membership in total workers unions submitting returns. Out of 758 unions submitting returns in the Public Sector 374 (49.34 per cent) unions were in the Central Sphere. Membership of Trade Unions in the State sphere and Central sphere was 365306 persons and 368507 persons respectively.

2.3 Employers Unions

2.3.1 State-wise number of Employers' Unions on Register Trade Unions submitting returns and their membership are given in Table 4.1. In 2010, out of 56 registered Employers' Unions, 1 state union had submitted returns. The union had a membership of 15 male persons.

The industry wise break-up of employers unions submitting returns is given in Table 4.2. It is seen that all the entries were against NIC 492 (section H).

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Chapter 3

Finances, Assets and Liabilities of Trade Unions

3.1 General Funds

Information relating to financial position of registered Trade Unions submitting returns (i.e. Opening Balance, Income, Expenditure and Closing Balance) for the Year 1996 to 2010 is presented in Table 5.1. During 2010 all the 2937 Trade Unions submitting returns had an income of ` 37.64 Cr against which an expenditure of ` 34.18 Cr were reported.

3.2. Income and Expenditure of Workers’ Unions

State-wise and Industry-wise statistics on Income and Expenditure of Workers Unions submitting returns during 2010, classified according to Central and State Unions are presented in Table 5.2 and 5.3 respectively.

During 2010, total Income and Expenditure of all workers unions was ` 37.64 Cr and ` 34.18 Cr respectively. The Income and Expenditure of Workers Central Unions were ` 6.61 Cr and ` 5.53 Cr respectively. The remaining Income and Expenditure of ` 31.03 Cr and ` 28.65 Cr respectively pertained to State Unions. The highest income and expenditure of Central Unions and as well as for State Unions were in Kerala.

3.3 Income and Expenditure of Employers Unions

State wise and Industry wise Income and Expenditure of Employers trade unions are given in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5 respectively. It may be seen from Table 5.4, all the unions submitting returns were State Unions. Income and Expenditure of these unions were ` 7500 and ` 5000 respectively.

3.4 Sources of Income of Trade Unions

State-wise and Industry-wise Statistics of Sources of income of trade unions, for workers Trade Unions and Employers Trade Unions are given in Tables 5.6 to 5.9. For comparison summary of component wise sources of Income of both workers and employers union is given in Table 1.2.

3.5 Expenditure of Trade Unions

State-wise and Industry-wise expenditure (under different heads of expenditure) separately for workers unions and employers unions is given in Tables 5.10 to 5.13. A summary of these Tables has been presented in Table 1.3.

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3.6 Assets and Liabilities

Statistics pertaining to assets and liabilities in respect of trade unions of workers submitting returns is presented in Table 5.14. Total Assets/Liabilities of Trade Unions were reported as ` 50.44 Cr. Major constituents of assets of Trade Unions were ‘Miscellaneous’ (42.22 per cent) and ‘Cash’ (38.07 per cent) while Major constituents of Liabilities were ‘General Funds’ (81.41 per cent) and ‘Other Liabilities' (10.87 per cent).

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Chapter 4

Federations of Workers Trade Unions

4.1. Number, Membership and General Fund

Statistics regarding number, Membership and General Funds of “Workers Federations are given in Table 6.1. It may be seen from the Table that during 2010 there was 29 Registered Federation of Workers Trade Unions, out of which only 2 state federations had submitted returns. The federations had an income of ` 82497563 against which an expenditure of ` 3196595 was reported.

4.2 Sources of Income

During the Year 2010, main sources of income of Federations submitting returns (Table 6.2) were “Misc sources” (97.4 per cent) and ‘Interest’ (1.5 per cent).

4.3 Items of Expenditure

Main sources of total expenditure (` 3196595) of federations of Workers Trade Unions (Table 6.3) were ‘Other Expenses’ (85.3 per cent) followed by ‘Expenditure on Establishments’ (7.0 per cent).

4.4 Assets and Liabilities of Federations of Trade Union

Details of Assets and Liabilities of Federations of Workers Unions are given in Table 6.4. During the year under review, total assets and liabilities of federations were not available.

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Annexure – I


Number and Membership of Workers’ Unions By Major Industry

Sections for the year, 2010

Code Industry Section No. of Unions

submitting returns


Men Women Total

1 2 3 4 5 6

A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

233 (7.9)

775347 (24.3)

612690 (32.0)

1388037 (27.2)

B Mining and Quarrying 45 (1.5)

21758 (0.7)

4868 (0.2)

26626 (0.5)

C Manufacturing 1001 (34.0)

698154 (21.9)

643984 (33.7)

1342138 (26.3)

D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

26 (0.9)

110743 (3.5)

8225 (0.4)

118968 (2.3)

E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

29 (1.0)

11769 (0.4)

5516 (0.3)

17285 (0.3)

F Construction 226 (7.7)

539556 (16.9)

292636 (15.3)

832192 (16.3)

G Wholesale and Retail Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

148 (5.04)

114860 (3.6)

26063 (1.4)

140923 (2.8)

H Transportation and Storage 486 (16.6)

566639 (17.8)

48424 (2.5)

615063 (12.1)

I Accommodation and Food service activities

55 (1.9)

9894 (0.3)

1857 (0.1)

11751 (0.23)

J Information and Communication

65 (2.2)

30905 (1.0)

1776 (0.1)

32681 (0.6)

K Financial and insurance activities

127 (4.3)

91111 (2.9)

68606 (3.6)

159717 (3.13)

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Table 1.1 concluded. L Real Estate activities 3

(0.1) 4170 (0.1)

0 4170 (0.1)

M Professional, scientific and

technical activities 10

(0.3) 10919 (0.3)

1648 (0.1)

12567 (0.2)

N Administrative and support service activities

107 (3.6)

38947 (1.2)

28664 (1.5)

67611 (1.3)

O Public administration and defense; compulsory social security

130 (4.4)

40163 (1.3)

7753 (0.4)

47916 (0.9)

P Education 38 (1.3)

2554 (0.1)

55669 (2.9)

58223 (1.1)


Human health and social work activities

41 (1.4)

19483 (0.6)

19748 (1.0)

39231 (0.8)

R Arts, entertainment and recreation

11 (0.4)

3530 (0.1)

1809 (0.1)

5339 (0.1)

S Other service activities 145 (4.9)

92029 (2.9)

81646 (4.3)

173675 (3.4)


Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and service producing activities of households for own use

8 (0.3)

2204 (0.1)

738 (0.04)

2942 (0.1)

U Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

2 (0.1)

311 (0.01)

0 311 (0.01)

TOTAL 2936


31,85,046 (100.0)

19,12,320 (100.0)

50,97,366 (100.0)

N.B. Figures in brackets indicate percentages to total.

Page 21: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


TABLE 1.2 Percentage Distribution of Income of Workers’ and Employers’ Unions by Sources during 2010

Percentage to total in respect of Sl. No.

Sources of Income Workers’ Unions Employers’ Unions

Central Unions

State Unions

Central Unions

State Unions

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Contribution from






- 100


2 Donations 8.0




- -

3 Sale of Periodicals,

Books etc





- -

4 Interest on






- -

5 Income from

Miscellaneous Sources





- -

All Sources





- 100.0 (7500)

Page 22: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)



Percentage Distribution of Expenditure of

Workers’ and Employers’ Unions by Items of Expenditure during 2010



Items of Expenditure

Percentage to total in respect of

Workers’ Unions Employers’ Unions

Central Unions

State Unions

Central Unions

State Unions

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Salaries, Allowances etc of Officials

2.78 (15,37,975)



- 100.0


2 Expenses of Establishment





- -

3 Auditor’s Fee 1.27




- -

4 Legal Expenses 1.5




- -

5 Expenses in conducting Trade Disputes





- -

6 Compensation paid to Members for loss arising out of Trade Disputes





- -

7 Educational, social & Religious Benefits





- -

8 Funeral, Old age, Sickness and Unemployment Benefits





- -

9 Cost of Publishing of Periodicals etc.





- -

10 Other Expenses 57.71




- -





- 100.0


N.B. 1. Figures in brackets indicate absolute figures.

Page 23: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)



Percentage Number



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1996 58988 7242 4250 75.9 1351 24.1 5601 773


1997 60660 8872 6504 87.8 905 12.2 7409 835


1998 61992 7403 6104 84.2 1145 15.8 7249 979


1999 64817 8152 5190 81.0 1218 19.0 6408 786


2000 66056 7253 4510 83.2 910 16.8 5420 747


2001 66624 6531 4392 74.8 1481 25.2 5873 899


2002 68544 7812 5102 73.2 1871 26.8 6973 893


2003 74649 7258 4854 77.3 1423 22.7 6277 865


2004 74403 5252 2954 87.0 443 13.0 3397 647


2005 78465 8317 6334 72.6 2385 27.4 8719 1048


2006 88440 8471 7754 86.5 1206 13.5 8960 1058


2007 95783 7408 5751 73.0 2126 27.0 7877 1063


2008 84642 9709 7420 77.5 2154 22.5 9574 986


2009 22284* 3861 4388 67.7 2092 32.3 6480 1678


2010 18602* 2937 3185 62.5 1912 37.5 5097 1735



4. * : Data pertains to responding State/ UTs only.

1. Figures below the values denots percentages of Unions Submitting Returns to Total

No of Registered Unions

2. The figures are exclusive of Federations in all the statements.

3. The data is based on the returns received.

Table 2.1

Growth of Registered Trade Unions and their Membership -1996 to 2010Membership of Unions Submitting Returns

Men Women

Year No. of




No. of









ship per



Page 24: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 2.2

State-wise Distribution of Registered Trade Unions during 2010

State/ Workers' Unions Employers' Unions All Unions Total


Territory State* Central$ State* Central$ State* Central$

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Assam 43 0 - - 43 - 43

Goa 220 40 - - 220 40 260

Haryana 1198 346 - - 1198 346 1544

Kerala 11262 768 - - 11262 768 12030

Manipur 91 - - - 91 - 91

Mizoram 28 15 - - 28 15 43

Nagaland 21 - - - 21 - 21

Punjab 2656 2 56 - 2712 2 2714

Union Territory

A&N Islands 132 - - - 132 - 132

Chandigarh 539 40 - - 539 40 579

D&N 1 - - - 1 - 1

Puducherry 901 243 - - 901 243 1144

Total 17092 1454 56 - 17148 1454 18602


1. Data is based on the returns received.

* : State Unions are those unions whose activities/objectives are confined to a particular State.

$: Central Unions are those unions whose activities/objectives are

not confined to a particualr state.

- : Nil.


Page 25: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.1

Number and Membership of Workers' Trade Unions (Central and State) by Sex and States/UT's during 2010

State/ Membership Average membership

Union Number of Unions Number of Unions per union submitt-

Territory on Register Submitting Returns Men Women Total ing returns

State Central State Central State Central State Central State Central State Central

Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Assam 43 - 549 - 799423 - 405191 - 1204614 - 2194 -

Goa 220 40 52 13 50622 1788 5840 217 56462 2005 1086 154

Haryana 1198 346 199 71 211917 82616 63647 5386 275564 88002 1385 1239

Kerala 11262 768 1202 82 1401307 75036 1226535 82209 2627842 157245 2186 1918

Manipur 91 - 26 - 3477 - 19988 - 23465 - 903 -

Mizoram 28 15 14 - 4293 - 4010 - 8303 - 593 -

Nagaland 21 - 10 - 4890 - 27 - 4917 - 492 -

Punjab 2656 2 504 1 522050 761 95576 180 617626 941 1225 941

A & N Islands 132 - 28 - 2409 - 228 - 2637 - 94 -

Chandigarh 539 40 72 6 15386 792 1327 91 16713 883 232 147

D& N Haveli 1 - 1 - 401 - 34 - 435 - 435 -

Puducherry 901 243 83 23 6726 1152 1772 62 8498 1214 102 53

TOTAL 17092 1454 2740 196 3022901 162145 1824175 88145 4847076 250290 1769 1277

Note : Data is based on the returns received.

- : Nil.


Page 26: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

State Central State Central State Central State Central

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A 223 10 769343 6004 589541 23149 1358884 29153

01 177 9 737311 5910 580000 23149 1317311 29059

011 15 1 84068 620 45498 - 129566 620

012 52 1 350757 50 297411 14 648168 64

014 7 1 5413 190 975 - 6388 190

015 69 - 129710 - 124666 - 254376 -

016 28 6 165794 5050 111288 23135 277082 28185

017 6 - 1569 - 162 - 1731 -

02 16 - 5939 - 401 - 6340 -

020 4 - 458 - 52 - 510 -

022 6 - 2500 - 130 - 2630 -

023 1 - 201 - 19 - 220 -

024 5 - 2780 - 200 - 2980 -

03 30 1 26093 94 9140 - 35233 94

031 30 1 26093 94 9140 - 35233 94

B 38 7 21039 719 4865 3 25904 722

06 10 - 6077 - 296 - 6373 -

061 10 - 6077 - 296 - 6373 -

07 10 3 684 259 208 3 892 262

072 10 3 684 259 208 3 892 262

08 18 4 14278 460 4361 - 18639 460

081 18 1 14278 232 4361 - 18639 232

089 - 3 - 228 - - - 228

C 961 40 690829 7325 641033 2951 1331862 10276

10 102 - 56560 - 130422 - 186982 -

101 1 - 168 - 42 - 210 -

102 1 - 602 - 350 - 952 -

104 3 - 137 - 49 - 186 -

105 17 - 4843 - 25 - 4868 -

106 25 - 25569 - 6775 - 32344 -

107 53 - 25175 - 123179 - 148354 -

108 2 - 66 - 2 - 68 -

11 105 - 24918 - 1728 - 26646 -

110 105 - 24918 - 1728 - 26646 -

12 18 - 5807 - 18804 - 24611 -

120 18 - 5807 - 18804 - 24611 -

13 168 6 76135 363 73348 129 149483 492

131 113 1 51072 135 28776 60 79848 195

139 55 5 25063 228 44572 69 69635 297

14 32 - 98286 - 307365 - 405651 -

141 32 - 98286 - 307365 - 405651 -

15 8 - 2159 - 221 - 2380 -

151 3 - 1078 - 136 - 1214 -

TABLE 3.2Industry-wise Number and Membership of Worker's Trade Unions (Submittting Retuns) by

Sex at NIC 3 digit level during 2010Industry

Code NIC-


No of Unions

Submitting Returns


Men Women Total


Page 27: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.2 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

152 5 - 1081 - 85 - 1166 -

16 32 - 8267 - 1519 - 9786 -

161 23 - 7322 - 1299 - 8621 -

162 9 - 945 - 220 - 1165 -

17 24 7 6128 526 412 2130 6540 2656

170 24 7 6128 526 412 2130 6540 2656

18 26 2 8457 463 1196 30 9653 493

181 26 2 8457 463 1196 30 9653 493

19 15 6 25680 1004 1207 242 26887 1246

192 15 6 25680 1004 1207 242 26887 1246

20 46 7 9198 2479 656 89 9854 2568

201 20 5 2985 1547 158 74 3143 1621

202 26 2 6213 932 498 15 6711 947

21 10 - 996 - 405 - 1401 -

210 10 - 996 - 405 - 1401 -

22 49 2 13688 256 2739 69 16427 325

221 48 2 13676 256 2735 69 16411 325

222 1 - 12 - 4 - 16 -

23 66 1 135661 14 33053 - 168714 14

231 7 - 1165 - 15 - 1180 -

239 59 1 134496 14 33038 - 167534 14

24 36 1 26870 177 374 - 27244 177

241 28 - 25035 - 371 - 25406 -

242 1 1 45 177 - - 45 177

243 7 - 1790 - 3 - 1793 -

25 31 - 34303 - 216 - 34519 -

251 12 - 19083 - 120 - 19203 -

252 1 - 35 - 3 - 38 -

259 18 - 15185 - 93 - 15278 -

26 14 1 4637 - 1390 106 6027 106

261 3 - 2721 - 928 - 3649 -

262 1 - 53 - 22 - 75 -

263 1 - 522 - 198 - 720 -

264 2 1 46 - 152 106 198 106

265 5 - 733 - 72 - 805 -

266 1 - 402 - - - 402 -

269 1 - 160 - 18 - 178 -

27 38 1 3714 90 503 - 4217 90

271 14 1 742 90 161 - 903 90

273 8 - 664 - 140 - 804 -

274 5 - 1318 - 22 - 1340 -

275 6 - 484 - 164 - 648 -

279 5 - 506 - 16 - 522 -

28 66 2 32531 471 393 41 32924 512

281 10 1 5663 81 66 1 5729 82

282 56 1 26868 390 327 40 27195 430

29 15 - 2305 - 43 - 2348 -

291 7 - 484 - 32 - 516 -


Page 28: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.2 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

292 8 - 1821 - 11 - 1832 -

30 19 3 9035 1330 944 75 9979 1405

301 2 1 380 1294 828 41 1208 1335

303 - 2 - 36 - 34 - 70

304 7 - 1368 - 48 - 1416 -

309 10 - 7287 - 68 - 7355 -

31 5 - 6420 - 4465 - 10885 -

310 5 - 6420 - 4465 - 10885 -

32 30 1 96810 152 59384 40 156194 192

321 10 - 8621 - 1074 - 9695 -

323 4 - 2317 - 71 - 2388 -

324 10 1 85218 152 57710 40 142928 192

329 6 - 654 - 529 - 1183 -

33 6 - 2264 - 246 - 2510 -

331 6 - 2264 - 246 - 2510 -

D 23 3 77234 33509 7102 1123 84336 34632

35 23 3 77234 33509 7102 1123 84336 34632

351 23 3 77234 33509 7102 1123 84336 34632

E 29 - 11769 - 5516 - 17285 -

36 8 - 5269 - 4994 - 10263 -

360 8 - 5269 - 4994 - 10263 -

37 7 - 2173 - 41 - 2214 -

370 7 - 2173 - 41 - 2214 -

38 14 - 4327 - 481 - 4808 -

381 14 - 4327 - 481 - 4808 -

F 220 6 512902 26654 287732 4904 800634 31558

41 148 1 438648 1638 274983 1943 713631 3581

410 148 1 438648 1638 274983 1943 713631 3581

42 30 5 36990 25016 4766 2961 41756 27977

421 5 - 8546 - 1053 - 9599 -

422 9 5 15760 25016 3038 2961 18798 27977

429 16 - 12684 - 675 - 13359 -

43 42 - 37264 - 7983 - 45247 -

431 29 - 29489 - 2659 - 32148 -

432 6 - 5386 - 92 - 5478 -

433 7 - 2389 - 5232 - 7621 -

G 144 4 112339 2521 25675 388 138014 2909

45 18 3 42900 2439 20 384 42920 2823

452 18 3 42900 2439 20 384 42920 2823

46 18 - 5145 - 3717 - 8862 -

461 3 - 93 - 46 - 139 -

462 4 - 388 - 13 - 401 -

463 6 - 1289 - 54 - 1343 -

464 3 - 1242 - 14 - 1256 -

469 2 - 2133 - 3590 - 5723 -

47 108 1 64294 82 21938 4 86232 86

471 49 1 22861 82 8994 4 31855 86

472 39 - 33430 - 12580 - 46010 -


Page 29: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.2 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

473 4 - 4178 - 199 - 4377 -

474 3 - 937 - 10 - 947 -

477 3 - 639 - 50 - 689 -

478 8 - 1940 - 104 - 2044 -

479 2 - 309 - 1 - 310 -

H 470 16 562181 4458 47948 476 610129 4934

49 426 6 455038 1458 39786 84 494824 1542

491 1 - 495 - 50 - 545 -

492 425 6 454543 1458 39736 84 494279 1542

50 7 1 766 376 24 - 790 376

501 5 - 544 - 23 - 567 -

502 2 1 222 376 1 - 223 376

51 1 2 187 67 - 13 187 80

511 1 2 187 67 - 13 187 80

52 36 5 106190 2312 8138 360 114328 2672

521 3 - 6496 - 200 - 6696 -

522 33 5 99694 2312 7938 360 107632 2672

53 - 2 - 245 - 19 - 264

531 - 2 - 245 - 19 - 264

I 53 2 9801 93 1836 21 11637 114

55 26 - 4834 - 447 - 5281 -

551 20 - 3773 - 421 - 4194 -

559 6 - 1061 - 26 - 1087 -

56 27 2 4967 93 1389 21 6356 114

561 20 1 4455 93 1254 3 5709 96

562 3 1 116 - 104 18 220 18

563 4 - 396 - 31 - 427 -

J 62 3 27780 3125 1485 291 29265 3416

58 6 - 1008 - 49 - 1057 -

581 6 - 1008 - 49 - 1057 -

59 45 - 13268 - 96 - 13364 -

591 14 - 3854 - 77 - 3931 -

592 31 - 9414 - 19 - 9433 -

60 7 - 4701 - - - 4701 -

602 7 - 4701 - - - 4701 -

61 4 3 8803 3125 1340 291 10143 3416

611 1 3 115 3125 10 291 125 3416

619 3 - 8688 - 1330 - 10018 -

K 71 56 25653 65458 14484 54122 40137 119580

64 39 48 23892 19745 3866 9858 27758 29603

641 31 45 22521 19570 3419 9830 25940 29400

642 4 - 888 - 181 - 1069 -

649 4 3 483 175 266 28 749 203

65 31 7 1761 45308 612 44264 2373 89572

651 31 7 1761 45308 612 44264 2373 89572

66 1 1 - 405 10006 - 10006 405

661 1 1 - 405 10006 - 10006 405

L 3 - 4170 - - - 4170 -


Page 30: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.2 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

68 3 - 4170 - - - 4170 -

681 2 - 155 - - - 155 -

682 1 - 4015 - - - 4015 -

M 9 1 10677 242 1643 5 12320 247

71 1 - 122 - - - 122 -

711 1 - 122 - - - 122 -

72 2 - 55 - 12 - 67 -

721 1 - 14 - 2 - 16 -

722 1 - 41 - 10 - 51 -

74 6 1 10500 242 1631 5 12131 247

749 6 1 10500 242 1631 5 12131 247

N 104 3 38243 704 28591 73 66834 777

77 1 - 222 - 2 - 224 -

771 1 - 222 - 2 - 224 -

78 78 - 21858 - 26893 - 48751 -

783 78 - 21858 - 26893 - 48751 -

79 2 - 497 - 112 - 609 -

791 2 - 497 - 112 - 609 -

80 5 - 10924 - 307 - 11231 -

801 5 - 10924 - 307 - 11231 -

81 9 3 920 704 1187 73 2107 777

810 1 - 34 - 16 - 50 -

812 5 3 732 704 1157 73 1889 777

813 3 - 154 - 14 - 168 -

82 9 - 3822 - 90 - 3912 -

829 9 - 3822 - 90 - 3912 -

O 113 17 31797 8366 7365 388 39162 8754

84 113 17 31797 8366 7365 388 39162 8754

841 101 15 25969 8100 7172 351 33141 8451

842 12 2 5828 266 193 37 6021 303

P 38 - 2554 - 55669 - 58223 -

85 38 - 2554 - 55669 - 58223 -

851 9 - 57 - 51992 - 52049 -

852 23 - 2045 - 421 - 2466 -

853 5 - 403 - 3254 - 3657 -

854 1 - 49 - 2 - 51 -

Q 36 5 17668 1815 19559 189 37227 2004

86 33 5 5957 1815 8312 189 14269 2004

861 26 2 5815 188 6836 110 12651 298

862 - 3 - 1627 - 79 - 1706

869 7 - 142 - 1476 - 1618 -

88 3 - 11711 - 11247 - 22958 -

881 2 - 11708 - 11200 - 22908 -

889 1 - 3 - 47 - 50 -

R 11 - 3530 - 1809 - 5339 -

90 3 - 436 - 136 - 572 -

900 3 - 436 - 136 - 572 -

92 8 - 3094 - 1673 - 4767 -


Page 31: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 3.2 concluded.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

920 8 - 3094 - 1673 - 4767 -

S 122 23 90877 1152 81584 62 172461 1214

94 28 - 79219 - 55170 - 134389 -

941 11 - 22457 - 21150 - 43607 -

942 5 - 54604 - 16061 - 70665 -

949 12 - 2158 - 17959 - 20117 -

95 1 - 1700 - 170 - 1870 -

952 1 - 1700 - 170 - 1870 -

96 93 23 9958 1152 26244 62 36202 1214

960 93 23 9958 1152 26244 62 36202 1214

T 8 - 2204 - 738 - 2942 -

97 1 - 21 - 244 - 265 -

970 1 - 21 - 244 - 265 -

98 7 - 2183 - 494 - 2677 -

981 1 - 375 - 124 - 499 -

982 6 - 1808 - 370 - 2178 -

U 2 - 311 - - - 311 -

99 2 - 311 - - - 311 -

990 2 - 311 - - - 311 -

Total 2740 196 3022901 162145 1824175 88145 4847076 250290

Note: 1. Data is based on the returns received.

2. Data in respect of industry codes not featuring above is Nil.

3. - : Nil


Page 32: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

No. of




Membership No. of




Membership No. of





1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Assam 273 257634 0 0 273 257634

Goa 0 0 30 9116 30 9116

Haryana 49 79366 22 8636 71 88002

Kerala 0 0 66 140746 66 140746

Manipur 14 22369 1 99 15 22468

Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0

Punjab 0 0 166 200529 166 200529

A & N Islands 21 2276 0 0 21 2276

Chandigarh 27 3661 6 883 33 4544

D & N haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0

Puducherry 0 0 83 8498 83 8498

Total 384 365306 374 368507 758 733813

Note: 1. Data is based on the returns received.

2. - : Nil

Table 3.3

Number of Workers' Trade Unions (Submitting Returns) and their Membership in Public Sector by State/Uts and State/Central Sphere during 2010

State/ Union


State sphere Central sphere Total


Page 33: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


State/ No. of No. of Membership Average

Union Unions Unions Men Women Total Membership

Territory on submitting per Union

Register returns submitting


1 2 3 4 5 6 7





Assam - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - -

Punjab 56 1 15 - 15 15


A&N Islands - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - -

D& N Haveli - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - -

TOTAL 56 1 15 15 15

Note : Data is bases on the returns recived.

- : Nil

State-wise Number and Membership of Employers' Trade Unions (Submitting Returns)

by Sex and State/UTs during 2010


Page 34: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Industry No. of Unions Membership

Code submitting

NIC - 2008 returns Men Women Total

1 2 3 4 5A - - - -

B - - - -

C - - - -

D - - - -

E - - - -

F - - - -

G - - - -

H - - - -

492 1 15 - 15

I - - - -

J - - - -

K - - - -

L - - - -

M - - - -

N - - - -

O - - - -

P - - - -

Q - - - -

R - - - -

S - - - -

T - - - -

U - - - -


Employers' 1 15 - 15



1 Data in respect of Industry Codes not shown above is 'Nil'

2 Data is based on the returns received.

3 - : Nil


Number and Membership of Employers' Trade Unions (Submitting

Returns) by Sex and Industries at 3-digit level during 2010


Page 35: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Opening Balance Income Expenditure Closing Balance

(`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1996 7,242 35,32,95,326 29,43,43,016 19,85,88,994 44,90,49,348

1997 8,872 15,68,95,531 25,92,27,314 23,52,91,904 18,08,30,941

1998 7,403 15,60,88,301 27,22,52,265 24,37,52,494 18,45,88,072

1999 8,152 54,86,80,861 58,58,26,304 50,91,87,454 62,53,19,711

2000 7,253 64,24,89,723 74,88,09,410 59,61,53,409 79,51,45,724

2001 6,531 82,00,95,998 55,80,72,894 49,13,15,325 88,68,53,567

2002 7,812 55,95,28,464 66,60,63,233 56,83,88,692 65,72,03,005

2003 7,258 1,07,42,01,171 94,63,89,766 67,57,04,154 1,34,48,86,783

2004 5,242 1,15,70,09,608 70,61,81,873 56,68,00,692 1,29,63,90,789

2005 8,317 94,59,52,108 85,85,42,670 62,24,05,273 1,18,20,89,505

2006 8,471 1,61,44,10,070 16,90,72,605 95,58,93,156 82,75,89,519

2007 7,405 1,21,67,62,051 1,02,94,95,219 84,37,25,167 1,40,25,32,103

2008 9,709 1,04,24,92,983 1,13,80,81,719 80,98,73,562 1,37,07,01,140

2009 3,861 36,82,05,008 48,61,12,218 38,68,18,898 46,74,98,328

2010 2,937 19,15,19,396 37,63,60,172 34,17,59,955 22,61,19,613


2. Date is based on the returns received.

Table 5.1

General Funds of Trade Unions Submitting Returns, 1996-2010

1. The opening balance of a year may not tally with the closing balance of the

previous year due to varying response rate.

No. of






Page 36: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.2

State/Union No. of Membership Opening Income Expenditure Closing

Territory Unions at the end Balance Balance

Submitting of the year

Returns (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Assam - - - - - -

Goa 13 2005 1202827 1089565 1047463 1244929

Haryana 71 88002 11071725 9067187 4847808 15291104

Kerala 82 157245 24357529 43733758 37504765 30586522

Manipur - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - -

Punjab 1 941 - 11029291 11029291 -

Union Territory

A&Nicobar Islands - - - - - -

Chandigarh 6 883 416739 994284 747602 663421

D&Nagar Haveli - - - - - -

Puducherry 23 1214 143583 145175 122623 166135

Total Central


196 250290 37192403 66059260 55299552 47952111



Assam 549 1204614 47587330 91743702 88073773 51257259

Goa 52 56462 6075849 12246201 11810282 6511768

Haryana 199 275564 16187468 12365378 10429540 18123306

Kerala 1202 2627842 71674310 147258436 141484519 77448227

Manipur 26 23465 1360261 2322910 2221954 1461217

Mizoram 14 8303 828728 493235 695726 626237

Nagaland 10 4917 165600 2835606 2701824 299382

Punjab 504 617626 6430363 36244635 24836843 17838155

Union Territory

A&Nicobar Islands 28 2637 54740 127050 128900 52890

Chandigarh 72 16713 3791256 3550456 3006460 4335252

D&Nagar Haveli 1 435 - 48233 48233 -

Puducherry 83 8498 167088 1057570 1017349 207309

Total State 2740 4847076 154322993 310293412 286455403 178161002


Grand Total - 2936 5097366 191515396 376352672 341754955 226113113

Workers Unions

N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

2. Data is based on the returns received.

State-wise General Funds of Workers' Trade Unions (Submitting Returns) by States/UTs during 2010


Page 37: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


Code NIC-


No. of





at the end of

the year



Income Expenditure Closing


(`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A 233 1388037 14663352 58599990 58242006 15021336

01 186 1346370 14012066 57374128 56628751 14757443

02 16 6340 28812 221745 225511 25046

03 31 35327 622474 1004117 1387744 238847

B 45 26626 1565245 2674206 2479745 1759706

06 10 6373 1182020 1127471 650005 1659486

07 13 1154 361338 267309 599493 29154

08 22 19099 21887 1279426 1230247 71066

C 1001 1342138 60003496 81237144 77567198 63673442

10 102 186982 3313405 6592412 7651535 2254282

11 105 26646 25581082 18898751 17362410 27117423

12 18 24611 205832 1103580 721705 587707

13 174 149975 1762130 4958851 4888759 1832222

14 32 405651 1350210 5615736 5321072 1644874

15 8 2380 16540 127817 126085 18272

16 32 9786 139698 710657 834529 15826

17 31 9196 607485 1834905 2075342 367048

18 28 10146 1096919 1189045 1293661 992303

19 21 28133 2812405 6235246 5087113 3960538

20 53 12422 1707263 4289243 4579360 1417146

21 10 1401 132477 145501 153480 124498

22 51 16752 748962 3393961 3440799 702124

23 67 168728 978858 5901668 5955538 924988

24 37 27421 701572 1829922 1606742 924752

25 31 34519 1385047 1162419 908672 1638794

26 15 6133 546693 1436585 1390448 592830

27 39 4307 397285 857846 735086 520045

28 68 33436 13049653 4052864 2611380 14491137

29 15 2348 2000927 919429 664457 2255899

30 22 11384 180487 1598721 1609182 170026

31 5 10885 12509 500212 498975 13746

32 31 156386 1225597 7806120 7980115 1051603

33 6 2510 50459 75653 70753 55359

D 26 118968 7802572 10064208 9999020 7867760

35 26 118968 7802572 10064208 9999020 7867760

E 29 17285 1589872 3547160 1071195 4065837

36 8 10263 1527552 3345880 878232 3995200

37 7 2214 8461 23966 24557 7870

38 14 4808 53859 177314 168406 62767

F 226 832192 6640612 26531022 27048764 6122870

41 149 717212 5153999 21694994 22447562 4401431

42 35 69733 249607 2191400 2145446 295561

Workers' Unions (submitting returns) at NIC 2 digit level during 2010

Table 5.3

Industry wise General Funds of


Page 38: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.3 continued..1 2 3 4 5 6 7

43 42 45247 1237006 2644628 2455756 1425878

G 148 140923 4106585 8101537 7175655 5032467

45 21 45743 1049308 1899946 1487146 1462108

46 18 8862 71302 732517 746541 57278

47 109 86318 2985975 5469074 4941968 3513081

H 486 615063 30714063 48202130 52835202 26080991

49 432 496366 11672686 30926912 30014850 12584748

50 8 1166 171723 720692 711414 181001

51 3 267 1133 95020 95801 352

52 41 117000 18847771 16023363 21715273 13155861

53 2 264 20750 436143 297864 159029

I 55 11751 3066502 2111744 2252800 2925446

55 26 5281 2921918 721874 851113 2792679

56 29 6470 144584 1389870 1401687 132767

J 65 32681 848380 8824823 8613648 1059555

58 6 1057 128926 47175 57637 118464

59 45 13364 644478 1063212 962809 744881

60 7 4701 69829 2740604 2631207 179226

61 7 13559 5147 4973832 4961995 16984

K 127 159717 43960480 95648622 64301388 75307714

64 87 57361 33984015 75365168 53816891 55532292

65 38 91945 9973538 20167154 10368244 19772448

66 2 10411 2927 116300 116253 2974

L 3 4170 79701 761657 760655 80703

68 3 4170 79701 761657 760655 80703

M 10 12567 1839256 2829337 4640103 28490

71 1 122 142 12820 12881 81

72 2 67 1665 5260 5275 1650

74 7 12378 1837449 2811257 4621947 26759

N 107 67611 6245723 4679830 3241433 7684120

77 1 224 5139417 2053156 908089 6284484

78 78 48751 842803 1790601 1649411 983993

79 2 609 300 47300 34050 13550

80 5 11231 1580 217084 210144 8520

81 12 2884 8191 122749 92242 38698

82 9 3912 253432 448940 347497 354875

O 130 47916 5880854 4894018 4595925 6178947

84 130 47916 5880854 4894018 4595925 6178947

P 38 58223 501570 1611954 1614666 498858

85 38 58223 501570 1611954 1614666 498858

Q 41 39231 322257 1393609 1236504 479362

86 38 16273 311257 932148 943638 299767

88 3 22958 11000 461461 292866 179595

R 11 5339 12781 597317 590879 19219

90 3 572 695 113378 98994 15079

92 8 4767 12086 483939 491885 4140

S 145 173675 1653296 13881982 13357350 2177928

94 28 134389 1128633 11247077 10773007 1602703


Page 39: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.3 concluded1 2 3 4 5 6 7

95 1 1870 - 299200 298540 660

96 116 37416 524663 2335705 2285803 574565

T 8 2942 18611 159449 129826 48234

97 1 265 645 6435 6290 790

98 7 2677 17966 153014 123536 47444

U 2 311 188 933 993 128

99 2 311 188 933 993 128

Total 2936 5097366 191515396 376352672 341754955 226113113

Note: 1. Data in respect of codes not featuring above is nil.

2. - : Nil


Page 40: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

State/ No. of Unions Membership Opening Income Expenditure Closing

Union Submitting at the end of Balance Balance

Territory Returns the year (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7CENTRAL UNIONS




Assam - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - -

Punjab 1 15 4000 7500 5000 6500

Union Territory

A&Nicobar Islands - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - -

D&Nagar Haveli - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - -

TOTAL 1 15 4000 7500 5000 6500

Grand Total -

Workers' and 2937 5097381 191519396 376360172 341759955 226119613

Employers' Unions

N.B. - 1. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.

2. Data is based on the returns recived.

3. - Nil


Submitting Returns By States/UTs during 2010

General Fund of Employers' Trade Unions (Central and State)


Page 41: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.5

Industry No. of Membership Opening Income Expenditure Closing

Code Unions at the Balance Balance

(NIC 2008) Submitting end of the

Returns year (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - - - - - -

B - - - - - -

C - - - - - -

D - - - - - -

E - - - - - -

F - - - - - -

G - - - - - -

H - - - - - -

49 1 15 4000 7500 5000 6500

I - - - - - -

J - - - - - -

K - - - - - -

L - - - - - -

M - - - - - -

N - - - - - -

O - - - - - -

P - - - - - -

Q - - - - - -

R - - - - - -

S - - - - - -

T - - - - - -

U - - - - - -

Employers' 1 15 4000 7500 5000 6500


N.B. - 1. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.

2. Data for codes not featuring above is 'Nil'.

3. - Nil

General Funds of Employers' Trade Unions Submitting

Returns by Industries at 2 digit level during 2010


Page 42: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

State/Union No. of Unions Membership Contributions Donations Income from Interest on Income from Total

Territory Submitting at the end of from Periodicals, Investments misc. sources Income

Returns the year Members Books, etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Assam - - - - - - - -

Goa 13 2005 369854 106922 - 104051 508738 1089565

33.9 9.8 - 9.6 46.7 100.0

Haryana 71 88002 9067187 - - - - 9067187

100.0 - - - - 100.0

Kerala 82 157245 12550818 5135681 2155266 4527427 19364566 43733758

28.7 11.7 4.9 10.3 44.3 100.0

Manipur - - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - - -

Punjab 1 941 175506 - - 348585 10505200 11029291

1.6 - - 3.2 95.2 100.0


Income of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and States/UTs durng 2010



Page 43: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Union Territory

A&N Islands - - - - - - - -

Chandigarh 6 883 507400 14364 - - 472520 994284

51 1 - - 48 100.0

D&N Haveli - - - - - - - -

Puducherry 23 1214 92028 30725 - 22391 31 145175

63.4 21.2 - 15.4 0.0 100.0

Total Central 196 250290 22762793 5287692 2155266 5002454 30851055 66059260

34.5 8.0 3.2 7.6 46.7 100.0


Assam 549 1204614 39289466 36493764 2676452 3284621 9999399 91743702

42.8 39.8 2.9 3.6 10.9 100.0

Goa 52 56462 8653754 143323 - 1649332 1799792 12246201

70.7 1.1 - 13.5 14.7 100.0

Haryana 199 275564 12365378 - - - - 12365378

100.0 - - - - 100.0

Kerala 1202 2627842 88443636 32248293 5338459 5678517 15549531 147258436

60.1 21.9 3.6 3.9 10.5 100.0

Manipur 26 23465 1501168 290990 - 39482 491270 2322910

64.6 12.5 - 1.7 21.2 100.0


Table 5.6 continued..


Page 44: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mizoram 14 8303 285660 88935 - 2904 115736 493235

57.9 18.0 - 0.6 23.5 100.0

Nagaland 10 4917 2279702 405827 95150 1447 53480 2835606

80.4 14.3 3.3 0.1 1.9 100.0

Punjab 504 617626 18054481 1707345 48554 5862739 10571516 36244635

49.8 4.7 0.1 16.2 29.2 100.0

Union Territory

A&N Islands 28 2637 127050 - - - - 127050

100.0 - - - - 100.0

Chandigarh 72 16713 1171251 1434107 121798 8443 814857 3550456

32.9 40.4 3.4 0.2 22.9 99.8

D&N Haveli 1 435 10875 - - - 37358 48233

22.6 - - - 77.4 100.0

Puducherry 83 8498 817845 132000 - 3203 104522 1057570

77.3 12.5 - 0.3 9.9 100.0

TOTAL 2740 4847076 173000266 72944584 8280413 16530688 39537461 310293412

55.7 23.5 2.7 5.3 12.7 99.9

Total - 2936 5097366 195763059 78232276 10435679 21533142 70388516 376352672

Workers Unions 52.0 20.8 2.8 5.7 18.7 100.0

N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

2. Figures in second row in each State/UT and against total indicate percentages to total.

3. Data is based on the returns recived.

4. - :' Nil'

Table 5.6 concluded.


Page 45: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


Code NIC-


No. of





at the end of

the year


tions from


Donations Income form


Books, etc.


on Invest-








(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A 233 1388037 32366337 21698994 1029403 1363664 2141592 58599990

55.2 37.0 1.8 2.3 3.7

01 186 1346370 31562456 21365190 1025703 1355950 2064829 57374128

55.0 37.2 1.8 2.4 3.6

02 16 6340 188610 33050 50 - 35 221745

85.1 14.9 0.02 - 0.02

03 31 35327 615271 300754 3650 7714 76728 1004117

61.3 30.0 0.4 0.8 7.6

B 45 26626 1959474 459819 5660 48005 201248 2674206

73.3 17.2 0.2 1.8 7.5

06 10 6373 710644 236415 - 45846 134566 1127471

63.0 21.0 - 4.1 11.9

07 13 1154 90904 155015 5200 1862 14328 267309

34.0 58.0 1.9 0.7 5.4

08 22 19099 1157926 68389 460 297 52354 1279426

90.5 5.3 0.04 0.02 4.1

C 1001 1342138 42943464 18520135 2662610 3746013 13364922 81237144

52.9 22.8 3.3 4.6 16.5

10 102 186982 4372226 651195 106230 114615 1348146 6592412

66.3 9.9 1.6 1.7 20.4

11 105 26646 2815102 7423172 1526205 1305946 5828326 18898751

14.9 39.3 8.1 6.9 30.8

12 18 24611 984453 84938 - 9858 24331 1103580

89.2 7.7 - 0.9 2.2

13 174 149975 2663405 1451275 121030 73359 649782 4958851

53.7 29.3 2.4 1.5 13.1

14 32 405651 5058499 202878 162048 82536 109775 5615736

90.1 3.6 2.9 1.5 2.0

15 8 2380 127817 - - - - 127817

100.0 - - - -

16 32 9786 515272 153007 10535 31738 105 710657

72.5 21.5 1.5 4.5 0.01

17 31 9196 899123 689187 172000 14125 60470 1834905

49.0 37.6 9.4 0.8 3.3

18 28 10146 611958 362918 248 89522 124399 1189045

51.5 30.5 0.02 7.5 10.5

19 21 28133 3477010 1040241 - 556492 1161503 6235246

55.8 16.7 - 8.9 18.6

20 53 12422 802509 782907 117714 1061498 1524615 4289243

18.7 18.3 2.7 24.7 35.5

by Sources and Industries at NIC 2 digit level during 2010

Table 5.7

Income of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State)


Page 46: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.7 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

21 10 1401 53970 28378 195 400 62558 145501

37.1 19.5 0.1 0.3 43.0

22 51 16752 2096933 298816 4250 145012 848950 3393961

61.8 8.8 0.1 4.3 25.0

23 67 168728 3881857 1286151 1300 38739 693621 5901668

65.8 21.8 0.02 0.7 11.8

24 37 27421 499229 1227580 19818 80 83215 1829922

27.3 67.1 1.1 0.004 4.5

25 31 34519 1117796 44500 - 123 - 1162419

96.2 3.8 - 0.01 -

26 15 6133 513414 545682 254180 42459 80850 1436585

35.7 38.0 17.7 3.0 5.6

27 39 4307 537462 217303 12157 1723 89201 857846

62.7 25.3 1.4 0.2 10.4

28 68 33436 3507203 194024 - 36848 314789 4052864

86.5 4.8 - 0.9 7.8

29 15 2348 532780 22750 - 102604 261295 919429

57.9 2.5 - 11.2 28.4

30 22 11384 586222 798700 152000 4139 57660 1598721

36.7 50.0 9.5 0.3 3.6

31 5 10885 432780 37670 - 28500 1262 500212

86.5 7.5 - 5.7 0.3

32 31 156386 6780820 976863 2700 5697 40040 7806120

86.9 12.5 0.03 0.1 0.5

33 6 2510 75624 - - - 29 75653

100.0 - - - 0.04

D 26 118968 4126964 1519547 71472 2334997 2011228 10064208

41.0 15.1 0.7 23.2 20.0

35 26 118968 4126964 1519547 71472 2334997 2011228 10064208

41.0 15.1 0.7 23.2 20.0

E 29 17285 681882 2714772 2010 54591 93905 3547160

19.2 76.5 0.1 1.5 2.6

36 8 10263 525619 2671861 1910 52585 93905 3345880

15.7 79.9 0.1 1.6 2.8

37 7 2214 23046 - 100 820 - 23966

96.2 - 0.4 3.4 -

38 14 4808 133217 42911 - 1186 - 177314

75.1 24.2 - 0.7 -

F 226 832192 22549272 2695631 141955 99496 1044668 26531022

85.0 10.2 0.5 0.4 3.9

41 149 717212 18791184 2076142 141955 86759 598954 21694994

86.6 9.6 0.7 0.4 2.8

42 35 69733 2045862 82391 - 4308 58839 2191400

93.4 3.8 - 0.2 2.7

43 42 45247 1712226 537098 - 8429 386875 2644628

64.7 20.3 - 0.3 14.6

G 148 140923 4409847 1733635 1009677 110305 838073 8101537

54.4 21.4 12.5 1.4 10.3


Page 47: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.7 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

45 21 45743 1556293 231186 2020 51466 58981 1899946

81.9 12.2 0.1 2.7 3.1

46 18 8862 710713 9900 800 1994 9110 732517

97.0 1.4 0.1 0.3 1.2

47 109 86318 2142841 1492549 1006857 56845 769982 5469074

39.2 27.3 18.4 1.0 14.1

H 486 615063 28168159 10740796 3614041 1255706 4423428 48202130

58.4 22.3 7.5 2.6 9.2

49 432 496366 22507204 3245004 2920566 310146 1943992 30926912

72.8 10.5 9.4 1.0 6.3

50 8 1166 159639 135516 - 56 425481 720692

22.2 18.8 - 0.008 59.0

51 3 267 95020 - - - - 95020

100.0 - - - -

52 41 117000 4970153 7360276 693475 945504 2053955 16023363

31.0 45.9 4.3 5.9 12.8

53 2 264 436143 - - - - 436143

100.0 - - - -

I 55 11751 728595 859092 5780 121104 397173 2111744

34.5 40.7 0.3 5.7 18.8

55 26 5281 350214 39110 - 118464 214086 721874

48.5 5.4 - 16.4 29.7

56 29 6470 378381 819982 5780 2640 183087 1389870

27.2 59.0 0.4 0.2 13.2

J 65 32681 8014119 642910 95150 24706 47938 8824823

90.8 7.3 1.1 0.3 0.5

58 6 1057 45264 - - 1411 500 47175

95.9 - - 3.0 1.1

59 45 13364 801731 204060 - 23163 34258 1063212

75.4 19.2 - 2.2 3.2

60 7 4701 2242992 389150 95150 132 13180 2740604

81.8 14.2 3.5 0.005 0.5

61 7 13559 4924132 49700 - - - 4973832

99.0 1.0 - - -

K 127 159717 26361727 13526586 1407411 11659452 42693446 95648622

27.6 14.1 1.5 12.2 44.6

64 87 57361 22039982 5017874 975835 10703016 36628461 75365168

29.2 6.7 1.3 14.2 48.6

65 38 91945 4268445 8483712 431576 956436 6026985 20167154

21.2 42.1 2.1 4.7 29.9

66 2 10411 53300 25000 - - 38000 116300

45.8 21.5 - - 32.7

L 3 4170 614747 58461 - 2449 86000 761657

80.7 7.7 - 0.3 11.3

68 3 4170 614747 58461 - 2449 86000 761657

80.7 7.7 - 0.3 11.3

M 10 12567 936701 311680 - 42730 1538226 2829337

33.1 11.0 - 1.5 54.4


Page 48: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.7 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

71 1 122 7320 5500 - - - 12820

57.1 42.9 - - -

72 2 67 5260 - - - - 5260

100.0 - - - -

74 7 12378 924121 306180 - 42730 1538226 2811257

32.9 10.9 - 1.5 54.7

N 107 67611 3471044 601142 4312 241233 362099 4679830

74.2 12.8 0.1 5.2 7.7

77 1 224 1663885 28980 - 172709 187582 2053156

81.0 1.4 - 8.4 9.1

78 78 48751 1305939 386764 3062 31319 63517 1790601

72.9 21.6 0.2 1.7 3.5

79 2 609 47300 - - - - 47300

100.0 - - - -

80 5 11231 214749 2335 - - - 217084

98.9 1.1 - - -

81 12 2884 119949 850 1250 - 700 122749

97.7 0.7 1.0 - 0.6

82 9 3912 119222 182213 - 37205 110300 448940

26.6 40.6 - 8.3 24.6

O 130 47916 2268448 1406515 138701 298473 781881 4894018

46.4 28.7 2.8 6.1 16.0

84 130 47916 2268448 1406515 138701 298473 781881 4894018

46.4 28.7 2.8 6.1 16.0

P 38 58223 1397025 180920 - 13747 20262 1611954

86.7 11.2 - 0.9 1.3

85 38 58223 1397025 180920 - 13747 20262 1611954

86.7 11.2 - 0.9 1.3

Q 41 39231 1225190 99579 9645 4771 54424 1393609

87.9 7.1 0.7 0.3 3.9

86 38 16273 802360 61779 9645 3940 54424 932148

86.1 6.6 1.0 0.4 5.8

88 3 22958 422830 37800 - 831 - 461461

91.6 8.2 - 0.2 -

R 11 5339 332728 126040 3615 14900 120034 597317

55.7 21.1 0.6 2.5 20.1

90 3 572 58858 2000 2700 1500 48320 113378

51.9 1.8 2.4 1.3 42.6

92 8 4767 273870 124040 915 13400 71714 483939

56.6 25.6 0.2 2.8 14.8

S 145 173675 13062269 320707 234237 96800 167969 13881982

94.1 2.3 1.7 0.7 1.2

94 28 134389 10861301 64482 234237 71139 15918 11247077

96.6 0.6 2.1 0.6 0.1

95 1 1870 205700 93500 - - - 299200

68.8 31.3 - - -

96 116 37416 1995268 162725 - 25661 152051 2335705

85.4 7.0 - 1.1 6.5


Page 49: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.7 concluded..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T 8 2942 144134 15315 - - - 159449

90.4 9.6 - - -

97 1 265 6360 75 - - - 6435

98.8 1.2 - - -

98 7 2677 137774 15240 - - - 153014

90.0 10.0 - - -

U 2 311 933 - - - - 933

100.0 - - - -

99 2 311 933 - - - - 933

100.0 - - - -

Total 2936 5097366 195763059 78232276 10435679 21533142 70388516 376352672

Note: 1. Data in respect of codes not shown above is Nil.

2. Data is based on the returns received.


Page 50: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


ons from


Donations Income from


Books etc.

Interest on








(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Assam - - - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - - -

Punjab 1 15 7500 - - - - 7500

Union Territory

A&N Island - - - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - - - -

D & N Haveli - - - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - - - -

Total 1 15 7500 - - - - 7500

Employers' 100.0 - - - - 100.0


Grand Total

Workers &

Employers' 2937 5097381 195770559 78232276 10435679 21533142 70388516 376360172

Unions 52.0 20.8 2.8 5.7 18.7

N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

2. Figures in second row in each state and total indicate percentages to total.

3. Data is based on the returns received.





Income of Employer's Trade Unions (Central & State) by Sources and States/UTs during 2010


hip at the

end of the


No. of




State/ Union



Page 51: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Industry No. of Membership Contributions Donations Income from Interest on Income from Total

Code Unions at the end from Periodicals, Investments Misc. Sources Income

( NIC- Submitting of the year Members Books, etc.

2008) Returns

(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A - - - - - - - -

B - - - - - - - -

C - - - - - - - -

E - - - - - - - -

F - - - - - - - -

G - - - - - - - -

H - - - - - - - -

49 1 15 7500 - - - - 7500

I - - - - - - - -

J - - - - - - - -

K - - - - - - - -

L - - - - - - - -

M - - - - - - - -

N - - - - - - - -

O - - - - - - - -

P - - - - - - - -

Q - - - - - - - -

R - - - - - - - -

S - - - - - - - -

T - - - - - - - -

U - - - - - - - -

Total 1 15 7500 - - - - 7500

Note :


Income of Employer's Trade Unions (Central & State)

Data in respect of codes not shown above is 'Nil'.

- 'Nil'

by Sources and Industry at 2 digit lever during 2010


Page 52: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

State/ No. of Membership Salaries, Expenses Auditors Legal Expenses Compensation Funderal, Educational, Cost of Other TotalUnion Unions at Allowances of Fee Expenses in Paid Old age, Social Publication Expenses ExpenditureTerritory Submitting the end and Establishments Conducting to members Sickness & and of

Returns of the Expenses Trade for loss Unemloyment Religious Periodical's,year of Officers Disputes arising Benefits Benefits etc.

out ofTrade

Disputes(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

StatesAssam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Goa 13 2005 54534 0 4900 6800 16714 2840 61689 0 0 899986 10474635.2 0.5 0.6 1.6 0.3 5.9 85.9

Haryana 71 88002 161257 630939 590680 522502 569889 0 0 0 0 2372541 48478083.3 13.0 12.2 10.8 11.8 48.9

Kerala 82 157245 1314284 13851415 95394 243268 2746435 240697 274353 890967 299462 17548490 375047653.5 36.9 0.3 0.6 7.3 0.6 0.7 2.4 0.8 46.8

Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Punjab 1 941 0.0 0.0 1500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45169.0 10982622.0 110292910.0 0.4 99.6

Union TeritorryA&Nicobar Islands 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

Chandigarh 6 883 0.0 89443.0 4831.0 38393.0 1123.0 191450.0 0.0 300000.0 55020.0 67342.0 74760212.0 0.6 5.1 0.2 25.6 40.1 7.4 9.0

D&Nagar Haveli 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

Puducherry 23 1214 7900 12070 3950 16480 1910 3800 9750 11200 15105 40458 1226236.4 9.8 3.2 13.4 1.6 3.1 8.0 9.1 12.3 33.0

Total Central 196 250290 1537975 14583867 701255 827443 3336071 438787 345792 1202167 414756 31911439 552995522.8 26.4 1.3 1.5 6.0 0.8 0.1 2.2 0.8 57.7

Assam 549 1204614 19560934 12411077 408077 1030820 924127 604486 1421486 2271155 2582593 46859018 8807377322.2 14.1 0.5 1.2 1.0 0.7 1.6 2.6 2.9 53.2

Goa 52 56462 2675800 11229 57408 512282 7386 519920 28660 61200 64467 7871930 1181028222.7 0.1 0.5 4.3 0.1 4.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 66.7

Haryana 199 275564 0 1297132 370843 2057411 1707510 0 0 0 0 4996644 1042954012.4 3.6 19.7 16.4 47.9

Kerala 1202 2627842 22759175 44586645 946992 2694632 7993411 2679409 7737224 10150229 5561580 36375222 14148451916.1 31.5 0.7 1.9 5.6 1.9 5.5 7.2 3.9 25.7

Manipur 26 23465 496082 939606 5250 19340 0 3000 332800 0 0 425876 222195422.3 42.3 0.2 0.9 15.0 19.2

Table 5.10Expenditure of Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items and State/UT during 2010




Page 53: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Mizoram 14 8303 110580 3500 7500 130540 119490 0 0 0 50000 274116 695726

15.9 0.5 1.1 18.8 17.2 7.2 39.4Nagaland 10 4917 1404714 576712 12502 43950 63800 127055 172460 178744 31304 90583 2701824

52.0 21.3 0.5 1.6 2.4 4.7 6.4 6.6 1.2 3.4Punjab 504 617626 3426517 5827823 77764 1555370 594679 60004 161389 1617852 209488 11305957 24836843

13.8 23.5 0.3 6.3 2.4 0.2 0.6 0.8 45.5Union TeritorryA&Nicobar Islands 28 2637 0 128900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128900

100.0Chandigarh 72 16713 318300 548126 23950 30565 43122 176170 0 191243 52241 1622743 3006460

10.6 18.2 0.8 1.0 1.4 5.9 0.0 6.4 1.7 54.0D&Nagar Haveli 1 435 2800 650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44783 48233

5.8 1.3 92.8Puducherry 83 8498 71620 73988 22600 156271 13350 29140 84681 69071 93334 403294 1017349

7.04 7.3 2.2 15.4 1.3 2.9 8.3 6.8 9.2 39.6Total State 2740 4847076 50826522 66405388 1932886 8231181 11466875 4199184 9938700 14539494 8645007 110270166 286455403Unions 17.7 23.2 0.7 2.9 4.0 1.5 3.5 5.1 3.0 38.5Grand Total - 2936 5097366 52364497 80989255 2634141 9058624 14802946 4637971 10284492 15741661 9059763 142181605 341754955Workers Unions 15.32 23.7 0.8 2.7 4.3 1.4 3.0 4.6 2.7 41.6

N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.2. Figures in second row in each state and total indicate percentages to total.

Table 5.10 continued..


Page 54: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)





No. of






ship at the

end of the





Expenses of


Expenses of













tion paid to


for loss

arising out

of Trade



l, Social





old age,






Cost of







(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

A 233 1388037 20156182 7856246 227505 1101946 896468 382761 1163075 1240568 499099 24718156 58242006

34.6 13.5 0.4 1.9 1.5 0.7 2.0 2.1 0.9 42.4

01 186 1346370 19803805 7403207 213455 1064269 842443 379661 1113755 1195713 472931 24139512 56628751

35.0 13.1 0.4 1.9 1.5 0.7 2.0 2.1 0.8 42.6

02 16 6340 58185 99638 3650 13050 5900 0 8120 5250 13950 17768 225511

25.8 44.2 1.6 5.8 2.6 0.0 3.6 2.3 6.2 7.9

03 31 35327 294192 353401 10400 24627 48125 3100 41200 39605 12218 560876 1387744

21.2 25.5 0.7 1.8 3.5 0.2 3.0 2.9 0.9 40.4

B 45 26626 341581 411695 15553 370487 142901 3750 382375 138826 27370 645207 2479745

13.8 16.6 0.6 14.9 5.8 0.2 15.4 5.6 1.1 26.0

06 10 6373 135900 171932 6150 166897 10600 0 19910 11000 7630 119986 650005

20.9 26.5 0.9 25.7 1.6 0.0 3.1 1.7 1.2 18.5

07 13 1154 71321 57383 3600 10365 94277 500 13235 30471 5735 312606 599493

11.9 9.6 0.6 1.7 15.7 0.1 2.2 5.1 1.0 52.1

08 22 19099 134360 182380 5803 193225 38024 3250 349230 97355 14005 212615 1230247

10.9 14.8 0.5 15.7 3.1 0.3 28.4 7.9 1.1 17.3

C 1001 1342138 9831041 22032343 740170 3160704 3720157 1562133 7152462 1939126 2212113 25216949 77567198

12.7 28.4 1.0 4.1 4.8 2.0 9.2 2.5 2.9 32.5

10 102 186982 787058 1078481 113709 230261 165329 22134 1322176 107472 376284 3448631 7651535

10.3 14.1 1.5 3.0 2.2 0.3 17.3 1.4 4.9 45.1

11 105 26646 3650887 3922743 125991 186865 532488 271334 3439715 485548 331429 4415410 17362410

21.0 22.6 0.7 1.1 3.1 1.6 19.8 2.8 1.9 25.4

Table 5.11

Expenditure fo Workers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items of Expenditure and Industries during 2010


Page 55: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.11 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

12 18 24611 185950 213500 6436 12039 17769 23000 17000 25502 12793 207716 721705

25.8 29.6 0.9 1.7 2.5 3.2 2.4 3.5 1.8 28.8

13 174 149975 984985 1658669 86381 147951 366673 117582 182190 165321 209329 969678 4888759

20.1 33.9 1.8 3.0 7.5 2.4 3.7 3.4 4.3 19.8

14 32 405651 1141024 1871291 29954 67423 472614 62859 156639 393683 726068 399517 5321072

21.4 35.2 0.6 1.3 8.9 1.2 2.9 7.4 13.6 7.5

15 8 2380 18771 16974 2095 2045 3725 600 0 0 0 81875 126085

14.9 13.5 1.7 1.6 3.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.9

16 32 9786 122860 214395 5165 37538 86602 34934 21750 56128 26114 229043 834529

14.7 25.7 0.6 4.5 10.4 4.2 2.6 6.7 3.1 27.4

17 31 9196 498706 303324 13042 63750 188071 27841 255676 105692 51885 567355 2075342

24.0 14.6 0.6 3.1 9.1 1.3 12.3 5.1 2.5 27.3

18 28 10146 86286 217305 45191 44269 66935 120187 166196 20391 6139 520762 1293661

6.7 16.8 3.5 3.4 5.2 9.3 12.8 1.6 0.5 40.3

19 21 28133 236069 1936285 43028 179512 80191 3910 62273 142096 197031 2206718 5087113

4.6 38.1 0.8 3.5 1.6 0.1 1.2 2.8 3.9 43.4

20 53 12422 83343 517117 36839 126321 393619 723948 451621 60379 118328 2067845 4579360

1.8 11.3 0.8 2.8 8.6 15.8 9.9 1.3 2.6 45.2

21 10 1401 9141 50072 1000 14119 11523 0 5300 4500 480 57345 153480

6.0 32.6 0.7 9.2 7.5 0.0 3.5 2.9 0.3 37.4

22 51 16752 229045 506118 10113 225654 82279 23454 535305 43021 43381 1742429.3 3440799.3

6.7 14.7 0.3 6.6 2.4 0.7 15.6 1.3 1.3 50.6

23 67 168728 659486 897332 106606 585665 228103 40990 74600 68983 20780 3272993 5955538

11.1 15.1 1.8 9.8 3.8 0.7 1.3 1.2 0.3 55.0

24 37 27421 47100 165812 5665 141109 27160 36900 12675 16644 8610 1145067 1606742

2.9 10.3 0.4 8.8 1.7 2.3 0.8 1.0 0.5 71.3

25 31 34519 66218 182378 2944 65836 77446 0 2000 1500 0 510350 908672

7.3 20.1 0.3 7.2 8.5 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 56.2

26 15 6133 227682 636819 6496 79127 35041 9100 202241 89358 15450 89134 1390448

16.4 45.8 0.5 5.7 2.5 0.7 14.5 6.4 1.1 6.4


Page 56: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.11 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

27 39 4307 52861 209980 13409 108479 83452 39910 10542 23630 16251 176572 735086

7.2 28.6 1.8 14.8 11.4 5.4 1.4 3.2 2.2 24.0

28 68 33436 255954 421043 46822 669219 489981 1200 127117 34910 26666 538468 2611380

9.8 16.1 1.8 25.6 18.8 0.0 4.9 1.3 1.0 20.6

29 15 2348 6700 56513 6694 78535 77655 750 35700 1745 0 400165 664457

1.0 8.5 1.0 11.8 11.7 0.1 5.4 0.3 0.0 60.2

30 22 11384 149250 246973 3740 51107 100715 0 0 49684 3245 1004468 1609182

9.3 15.3 0.2 3.2 6.3 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.2 62.4

31 5 10885 74750 232731 1250 4070 23075 0 39996 18860 2475 101768 498975

15.0 46.6 0.3 0.8 4.6 0.0 8.0 3.8 0.5 20.4

32 31 156386 240559 6444111 26800 31691 106678 1500 31750 24079 18975 1053972 7980115

3.0 80.8 0.3 0.4 1.3 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 13.2

33 6 2510 16356 32377 800 8119 3033 0 0 0 400 9668 70753

23.1 45.8 1.1 11.5 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 13.7

D 26 118968 397027 3361694 136424 94679 1096842 89527 439210 309266 461524 3612827 9999020

4.0 33.6 1.4 0.9 11.0 0.9 4.4 3.1 4.6 36.1

35 26 118968 397027 3361694 136424 94679 1096842 89527 439210 309266 461524 3612827 9999020

4.0 33.6 1.4 0.9 11.0 0.9 4.4 3.1 4.6 36.1

E 29 17285 81146 474843 13367 7305 80863 28000 52067 6863 93516 233225 1071195

7.6 44.3 1.2 0.7 7.5 2.6 4.9 0.6 8.7 21.8

36 8 10263 69700 397998 11067 4010 48663 20000 50000 0 76316 200478 878232

7.9 45.3 1.3 0.5 5.5 2.3 5.7 0.0 8.7 22.8

37 7 2214 1346 6669 0 675 5500 0 0 0 0 10367 24557

5.5 27.2 0.0 2.7 22.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.2

38 14 4808 10100 70176 2300 2620 26700 8000 2067 6863 17200 22380 168406

6.0 41.7 1.4 1.6 15.9 4.8 1.2 4.1 10.2 13.3

F 226 832192 4396976 8164743 296893 788823 1373225 332860 776201 802983 1126468 8989592 27048764

16.3 30.2 1.1 2.9 5.1 1.2 2.9 3.0 4.2 33.2

41 149 717212 3755466 6738908 168249 607517 1129808 322860 712016 682977 1041707 7288054 22447562

16.7 30.0 0.7 2.7 5.0 1.4 3.2 3.0 4.6 32.5

42 35 69733 260837 629194 108256 136645 147180 10000 57891 18350 20000 757093 2145446

12.2 29.3 5.0 6.4 6.9 0.5 2.7 0.9 0.9 35.3


Page 57: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.11 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

43 42 45247 380673 796641 20388 44661 96237 0 6294 101656 64761 944445 2455756

15.5 32.4 0.8 1.8 3.9 0.0 0.3 4.1 2.6 38.5

G 148 140923 1450000 2281431 98556 286471 407336 138143 183805 250997 438736 1640180 7175655

20.2 31.8 1.4 4.0 5.7 1.9 2.6 3.5 6.1 22.9

45 21 45743 261500 621869 13004 71685 40816 19993 96320 70777 71783 219399 1487146

17.6 41.8 0.9 4.8 2.7 1.3 6.5 4.8 4.8 14.8

46 18 8862 145678 173408 25403 76475 41040 0 705 2295 12330 269207 746541

19.5 23.2 3.4 10.2 5.5 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.7 36.1

47 109 86318 1042822 1486154 60149 138311 325480 118150 86780 177925 354623 1151574 4941968

21.1 30.1 1.2 2.8 6.6 2.4 1.8 3.6 7.2 23.3

H 486 615063 8052926 12772119 357460 1269292 1470190 1148500 2086809 1264752 2645983 21767171 52835202

15.2 24.2 0.7 2.4 2.8 2.2 3.9 2.4 5.0 41.2

49 432 496366 6175704 9713324 283772 1232512 1349197 1060600 849064 1167785 2416018 5766874 30014850

20.6 32.4 0.9 4.1 4.5 3.5 2.8 3.9 8.0 19.2

50 8 1166 501873 71839 2300 1000 30000 62220 4375 1900 4560 31347 711414

70.5 10.1 0.3 0.1 4.2 8.7 0.6 0.3 0.6 4.4

51 3 267 18000 50571 7140 7800 900 3000 0 1450 6840 100 95801

18.8 52.8 7.5 8.1 0.9 3.1 0.0 1.5 7.1 0.1

52 41 117000 1321744 2912245 51894 27980 68773 22680 1233370 92317 218565 15765705 21715273

6.1 13.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 5.7 0.4 1.0 72.6

53 2 264 35605 24140 12354 0 21320 0 0 1300 0 203145 297864

12.0 8.1 4.1 0.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 68.2

I 55 11751 561860 428541 13556 60713 114255 120023 21619 111937 30803 789493 2252800

24.9 19.0 0.6 2.7 5.1 5.3 1.0 5.0 1.4 35.0

55 26 5281 88650 80645 9556 29655 18266 2580 8300 20500 6382 586579 851113

10.4 9.5 1.1 3.5 2.1 0.3 1.0 2.4 0.7 68.9

56 29 6470 473210 347896 4000 31058 95989 117443 13319 91437 24421 202914 1401687

33.8 24.8 0.3 2.2 6.8 8.4 1.0 6.5 1.7 14.5

J 65 32681 1712421 1039293 29865 144297 79637 129305 1926041 2777156 196567 579066 8613648

19.9 12.1 0.3 1.7 0.9 1.5 22.4 32.2 2.3 6.7


Page 58: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 5.11 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

58 6 1057 8000 6000 0 38417 500 0 0 2460 900 1360 57637

13.9 10.4 0.0 66.7 0.9 0.0 0.0 4.3 1.6 2.4

59 45 13364 152667 181039 11150 49930 12227 2250 24631 102781 64133 362001 962809

15.9 18.8 1.2 5.2 1.3 0.2 2.6 10.7 6.7 37.6

60 7 4701 1404714 544274 11800 43950 63800 127055 172700 161160 31304 70450 2631207

53.4 20.7 0.4 1.7 2.4 4.8 6.6 6.1 1.2 2.7

61 7 13559 147040 307980 6915 12000 3110 0 1728710 2510755 100230 145255 4961995

3.0 6.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 34.8 50.6 2.0 2.9

K 127 159717 887962 15556672 283524 746548 3330861 330864 908998 154090 433594 41668275 64301388

1.4 24.2 0.4 1.2 5.2 0.5 1.4 0.2 0.7 64.8

64 87 57361 778997 11950574 244503 630084 3042731 330864 867848 135696 312676 35522918 53816891

1.4 22.2 0.5 1.2 5.7 0.6 1.6 0.3 0.6 66.0

65 38 91945 108965 3549088 39021 110549 259628 0 41150 18394 120918 6120531 10368244

1.1 34.2 0.4 1.1 2.5 0.0 0.4 0.2 1.2 59.0

66 2 10411 0 57010 0 5915 28502 0 0 0 0 24826 116253

0.0 49.0 0.0 5.1 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.4

L 3 4170 75000 154738 6300 500 4550 0 15550 11140 34000 458877 760655

9.9 20.3 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.0 2.0 1.5 4.5 60.3

68 3 4170 75000 154738 6300 500 4550 0 15550 11140 34000 458877 760655

9.9 20.3 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.0 2.0 1.5 4.5 60.3

M 10 12567 16040 733593 8806 17500 749836 88650 1000 703148 282703 2038827 4640103

0.3 15.8 0.2 0.4 16.2 1.9 0.0 15.2 6.1 43.9

71 1 122 3500 2530 100 0 3700 0 1000 750 0 1301 12881

27.2 19.6 0.8 0.0 28.7 0.0 7.8 5.8 0.0 10.1

72 2 67 0 4268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1007 5275

0.0 80.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.1

74 7 12378 12540 726795 8706 17500 746136 88650 0 702398 282703 2036519 4621947

0.3 15.7 0.2 0.4 16.1 1.9 0.0 15.2 6.1 44.1

N 107 67611 384942 1113010 45884 67964 560037 141895 26700 212590 86076 602335 3241433

11.9 34.3 1.4 2.1 17.3 4.4 0.8 6.6 2.7 18.6

77 1 224 61772 267221 1100 25024 263740 121495 0 110729 0 57008 908089

6.8 29.4 0.1 2.8 29.0 13.4 0.0 12.2 0.0 6.3


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Table 5.11 continued..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

78 78 48751 213320 612376 32800 32380 124723 13600 25500 97011 70043 427658 1649411

12.9 37.1 2.0 2.0 7.6 0.8 1.5 5.9 4.2 25.9

79 2 609 6050 15625 625 0 0 0 0 700 0 11050 34050

17.8 45.9 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.0 32.5

80 5 11231 80400 110677 0 9050 0 0 0 2600 2267 5150 210144

38.3 52.7 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.1 2.5

81 12 2884 21000 22470 10859 1510 670 6800 0 0 0 28933 92242

22.8 24.4 11.8 1.6 0.7 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.4

82 9 3912 2400 84641 500 0 170904 0 1200 1550 13766 72536 347497

0.7 24.4 0.1 0.0 49.2 0.0 0.3 0.4 4.0 20.9

O 130 47916 490220 1506792 177855 356510 78341 31080 134340 120583 89026 1611177.5 4595924.5

10.7 32.8 3.9 7.8 1.7 0.7 2.9 2.6 1.9 35.1

84 130 47916 490220 1506792 177855 356510 78341 31080 134340 120583 89026 1611177.5 4595924.5

10.7 32.8 3.9 7.8 1.7 0.7 2.9 2.6 1.9 35.1

P 38 58223 222489 400655 93277 34736 96134 3550 109227 17500 200568 436530 1614666

13.8 24.8 5.8 2.2 6.0 0.2 6.8 1.1 12.4 27.0

85 38 58223 222489 400655 93277 34736 96134 3550 109227 17500 200568 436530 1614666

13.8 24.8 5.8 2.2 6.0 0.2 6.8 1.1 12.4 27.0

Q 41 39231 88124 524878 32581 80599 91404 18510 32488 12390 7890 347640 1236504

7.1 42.4 2.6 6.5 7.4 1.5 2.6 1.0 0.6 28.1

86 38 16273 72124 265647 31081 78599 91404 18510 32488 12390 7890 333505 943638

7.6 28.2 3.3 8.3 9.7 2.0 3.4 1.3 0.8 35.3

88 3 22958 16000 259231 1500 2000 0 0 0 0 0 14135 292866

5.5 88.5 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8

R 11 5339 83700 171642 7500 14750 191803 11480 12215 20646 19415 57728 590879

14.2 29.0 1.3 2.5 32.5 1.9 2.1 3.5 3.3 9.8

90 3 572 8200 36657 1900 14000 1500 0 1000 300 14125 21312 98994

8.3 37.0 1.9 14.1 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.3 14.3 21.5

92 8 4767 75500 134985 5600 750 190303 11480 11215 20346 5290 36416 491885

15.3 27.4 1.1 0.2 38.7 2.3 2.3 4.1 1.1 7.4


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Table 5.11 concluded.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S 145 173675 3105200 1945639 48765 426491 316603 76940 314879 188431 172312 6762090.3 13357350

23.2 14.6 0.4 3.2 2.4 0.6 2.4 1.4 1.3 50.6

94 28 134389 2974880 1714858 5715 241235 298323 44000 184608 34000 63773 5211615.3 10773007

27.6 15.9 0.1 2.2 2.8 0.4 1.7 0.3 0.6 48.4

95 1 1870 48000 113040 7000 9500 0 0 50000 60000 0 11000 298540

16.1 37.9 2.3 3.2 0.0 0.0 16.7 20.1 0.0 3.7

96 116 37416 82320 117741 36050 175756 18280 32940 80271 94431 108539 1539475 2285803

3.6 5.2 1.6 7.7 0.8 1.4 3.5 4.1 4.7 67.3

T 8 2942 29660 58006 300 28309 1503 0 2600 1500 2000 5948 129826

22.8 44.7 0.2 21.8 1.2 0.0 2.0 1.2 1.5 4.6

97 1 265 0 1890 300 0 0 0 2600 1500 0 0 6290

0.0 30.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.3 23.8 0.0 0.0

98 7 2677 29660 56116 0 28309 1503 0 0 0 2000 5948 123536

24.0 45.4 0.0 22.9 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 4.8

U 2 311 0 682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 993

0.0 68.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.3

99 2 311 0 682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311 993

0.0 68.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.3

Total 2936 5097366 52364497 80989255 2634141 9058624 14802946 4637971 15741661 10284492 9059763 142181605 341754955

15.3 23.7 0.8 2.7 4.3 1.4 4.6 3.0 2.7 41.6

Note: 1. Figures below each value indicates percentage to Total.

2. Data in respect of codes not featuring above is Nil.


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Table 5.12

Expenditure of Employers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items and States during 2010State/ No. of Membership Salaries, Expenses Auditors Legal Expenses Compensation Funderal, Educational, Cost of Other Total

Union Unions at Allowances of Fee Expenses in paid Old age, Social Publication Expenses Expenditure

Territory Submitting the end and Establishments Conducting to members Sickness & and of periodi-

Returns of the Expenses Trade for loss arising Unemloyment Religious Periodical's,

year of Officers Disputes out of Trade Benefits Benefits etc.


(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13




Assam - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Punjab 1 15 - 4400 600 - - - - - 5000

Union Territory

A&Nicobar Island - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - - - - - - - -

D & N Haveli - - - - - - - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - - - - - - - -


Employers' 1 15 - 4400 600 - - - - - - - 5000

Unions 88.0 12.0

Grand Total

Workers' &

Employers' 2937 5097381 52364497 80993655 2634741 9058624 14802946 4637971 10284492 15741661 9059763 142181605 341759955


N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

2. Figures in second row against each industry indicate percentages to total.


Page 62: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Industry No. of Member- Salaries, Expenses Auditors Legal Expenses Compensation Funeral, Oldage, Educational, Cost of Other Total

Code Unions ship at the Allowances of Fee Expenses in paid to Members Sickness Social and Publications Expenses Expenditure

(NIC Submitting end of of Establishment Conducting for loss arising and Religious of

2008) Returns the Officers Trade out of Trade Unemployment Benefits Periodicals,

year Disputes Disputes Benefits etc.

(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

A - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C - - - - - - - - - - - - -

D - - - - - - - - - - - - -

E - - - - - - - - - - - - -

F - - - - - - - - - - - - -

G - - - - - - - - - - - - -

H - - - - - - - - - - - - -

49 1 15 - 4400 600 - - - - - - - 5000

I - - - - - - - - - - - - -

J - - - - - - - - - - - - -

K - - - - - - - - - - - - -

L - - - - - - - - - - - - -

M - - - - - - - - - - - - -

N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

O - - - - - - - - - - - - -

P - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q - - - - - - - - - - - - -

R - - - - - - - - - - - - -

S - - - - - - - - - - - - -

T - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 1 15 - 4400 600 - - - - - - - 5000

Grand Total

Workers' & 2937 5097381 52364497 80993655 2634741 9058624 14802946 4637971 10284492 15741661 9059763 142181605 341759955



N.B. 1. Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

2. Figures in second row against each industry indicate percentages to total.

3. Nil

TABLE 5.13

Expenditure of Employers' Trade Unions (Central & State) by Items of expenditure and Industries, 2010


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State/ No. of

Union Unions Cash Securities Unpaid Goods and Loans Miscell- General Loans Other Total

Territory Submitting Subscription Furniture given aneous Total Funds taken Liabilities

(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Assam 549 28981010 316000 171500 319811 1996894 18584623 50369838 49865338 304500 200000 50369838

Kerala 1284 109631518 8137139 3566565 23551687 11670173 135861380 292418462 199634744 38542886 54240832 292418462

Manipur 26 991708 460000 - - 8500 - 1460208 1421708 38500 - 1460208

Punjab 505 48715194 24191823 24516878 525707 18870 58505434 156473906 156052600 - 421306 156473906

A&N Islands 28 12333 - - - - - 12333 12333 - - 12333

Chandigarh 78 3114561 - - - - - 3114561 3114561 - - 3114561

Puducherry 106 580322 - - - - - 580322 580322 - - 580322

TOTAL 2548 192026646 33104962 28254943 24397205 13694437 212951437 504429630 410681606 38885886 54862138 504429630

N.B. :Total may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

Data is based on the returns received.

- 'Nil'

Statement 5.14Assets and Liabilities of Trade Unions during 2010

Liabilities Assets


Page 64: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 6.1

State/ No. of No. of Membership Opening Income Expenditure Closing Balance

Union Federations Federations No. of Affiliated Balance

Territory on Submitting Unions

Register Returns (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





Assam - - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - -

Punjab 29 2 23848 - 82497563 3196595 79300968

Union Territory

- - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - - -

D&N Haveli - - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - - -

Total 29 2 23848 82497563 3196595 79300968

State Federation


Central and 29 2 23848 82497563 3196595 79300968

State Federation

Note: (2) Figures in second row against total indicate percentages to total.

(4) - Nil

A&Nicobar Islands

Number, Membership and General Fund of Federations of Workers' Trade Uunions by States 2010


Page 65: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 6.2

Income of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by Sources and States/ UTs during 2010State/ No. of No. of Contributions Donations Sale of Interest on Income from Total

Union Federations Affiliated Periodicals, Investments Miscellaneous Income

Territory Submitting Unions Books, etc. Sources

Returns (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





Assam - - - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - - -

Punjab 2 .. 904070 - - 1205827 80387666 82497563

Union Territory

A&Nicobar Islands

Chandigarh - - - - - - - -

D&N Haveli - - - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - - - -

Total 2 - 904070 - - 1205827 80387666 82497563

State Federation 1.1 1.5 97.4


Central and 2 - 904070 - - 1205827 80387666 82497563

State Federation 1.1 1.5 97.4

N.B. - (1) Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off.

(2) Figures in second row against total indicate percentages to total.

(3 ).. - Not available

(4) - Nil


Page 66: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 6.3Expenditure of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by Items and States/Uts during 2010

State/ No. of No. of Salaries, Expenses Auditor's Legal Expenses in Conpensation Funeral, Old Educational, Publication Other Total

Union Federations Affiliated Allowances on Fee Expenses Conducting paid to mem- Age Sickness Social and of Expenses ExpenditureTerritory Submitting Unions and Expenses Establishment Trade bers for loss and Religious Periodicals,

Returns of Officers Disputes arising out of Unemloyment Benefits etc.Trade Dispute Benefits

(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Assam - - - - - - - - - - - - -Goa - - - - - - - - - - - - -Haryana - - - - - - - - - - - - -Kerala - - - - - - - - - - - - -Manipur - - - - - - - - - - - - -Mizoram - - - - - - - - - - - - -Nagaland - - - - - - - - - - - - -Punjab 2 .. 75200 225346 1655 .. .. .. .. .. 168920 2725474 3196595Union Territory - - - - - - - - - - - - -A&N Islands - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - - - - - - - - -D&N Haveli - - - - - - - - - - - - -Puuducherry - - - - - - - - - - - - -State 2 .. 75200 225346 1655 - .. .. .. - 168920 2725474 3196595Federatons 2.4 7.0 0.1 5.3 85.3Total 2 .. 75200 225346 1655 - .. .. .. - 168920 2725474 3196595Federatons 2.4 7.0 0.1 5.3 85.3N.B. - (1) Totals may not necessarily tally due to rounding off. (2) Figures in second row against total indicate percentages to total. (3) .. - Not available

(4) - Nil


Page 67: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

Table 6.4

Assets and Liabilities of Federations of Workers' Trade Unions by States/UTs during 2010State/ No. of Assets Liabilities

Union Federations Cash Securities Un paid Miscellaneous Total General Other Total

Territory Submitting Subscriptions Funds Liabilities

Returns (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Assam - - - - - - - - -

Goa - - - - - - - - -

Haryana - - - - - - - - -

Kerala - - - - - - - - -

Manipur - - - - - - - - -

Mizoram - - - - - - - - -

Nagaland - - - - - - - - -

Punjab 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


A&N Islands - - - - - - - - -

Chandigarh - - - - - - - - -

D&N Haveli - - - - - - - - -

Puducherry - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

N.B. .. : Not available

- : Nil


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Section Description


Agriculture, forestry and fishing


Mining and quarrying




Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply


Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation Activities




Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Transportation and storage


Accommodation and Food service activities


Information and communication


Financial and insurance activities


Real estate activities


Professional, scientific and technical activities


Administrative and support service activities


Public administration and defence; compulsory social security




Human health and social work activities


Arts, entertainment and recreation


Other service activities

T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services producing activities of households for own use

U Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

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Section Division Description

A 01

Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities


Forestry and logging


Fishing and aquaculture

B 05

Mining of coal and lignite


Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas


Mining of metal ores


Other mining and quarrying

09 Mining support service activities

C 10

Manufacture of food products


Manufacture of beverages


Manufacture of tobacco products


Manufacture of textiles


Manufacture of wearing apparel


Manufacture of leather and related products

16 Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials


Manufacture of paper and paper products


Printing and reproduction of recorded media


Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products


Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products


Manufacture of rubber and plastics products


Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

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Manufacture of basic metals

25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment


Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products


Manufacture of electrical equipment


Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.


Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers


Manufacture of other transport equipment


Manufacture of furniture


Other manufacturing


Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

D 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

E 36

Water collection, treatment and supply




Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery


Remediation activities and other waste management services

F 41

Construction of buildings

42 Civil engineering


Specialized construction activities

G 45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

H 49

Land transport and transport via pipelines


Water transport


Air transport

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Warehousing and support activities for transportation


Postal and courier activities

I 55



Food and beverage service activities

J 58

Publishing activities

59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities


Broadcasting and programming activities




Computer programming, consultancy and related activities


Information service activities

K 64

Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding

65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security


Other financial activities

L 68 Real estate activities

M 69

Legal and accounting activities


Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities


Architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

72 Scientific research and development


Advertising and market research


Veterinary activities

N 77

Rental and leasing activities


Employment activities


Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service activities


Security and investigation activities

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Services to buildings and landscape activities

82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities



Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

P 85 Education



Human health activities


Residential care activities


Social work activities without accommodation



Creative, arts and entertainment activities


Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities


Gambling and betting activities


Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities



Activities of membership organizations


Repair of computers and personal and household goods


Other personal service activities



Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel

98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use

U 99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

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Group Description

011 Growing of non-perennial crops 012 Growing of perennial crops 013 Plant propagation 014 Animal production 015 Mixed farming 016 Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities 017 Hunting, trapping and related service activities 021 Silviculture and other forestry activities 022 Logging 023 Gathering of non-wood forest products 024 Support services to forestry 031 Fishing 032 Aquaculture 051 Mining of hard coal 052 Mining of lignite 061 Extraction of crude petroleum 062 Extraction of natural gas 071 Mining of iron ores 072 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores 081 Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 089 Mining and quarrying n.e.c. 091 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas mining 099 Support activities for other mining and quarrying 101 Processing and preserving of meat 102 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 103 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 104 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 105 Manufacture of dairy products 106 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products 107 Manufacture of other food products 108 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 110 Manufacture of beverages 120 Manufacture of tobacco products 131 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles 139 Manufacture of other textiles 141 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel 142 Manufacture of articles of fur 143 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel 151 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags,

saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur 152 Manufacture of footwear 161 Sawmilling and planing of wood 162 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials 170 Manufacture of paper and paper products

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181 Printing and service activities related to printing 182 Reproduction of recorded media 191 Manufacture of coke oven products 192 Manufacture of refined petroleum products 201 Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizer and nitrogen compounds,

plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms 202 Manufacture of other chemical products 203 Manufacture of man-made fibres

210 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products

221 Manufacture of rubber products 222 Manufacture of plastics products 231 Manufacture of glass and glass products 239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel 242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals 243 Casting of metals 251 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam

generators 252 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition 259 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service

activities 261 Manufacture of electronic components 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 263 Manufacture of communication equipment 264 Manufacture of consumer electronics 265 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment;

watches and clocks 266 Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic

equipment 267 Manufacture of optical instruments and equipment 268 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media 271 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity

distribution and control apparatus 272 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 273 Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices 274 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 275 Manufacture of domestic appliances 279 Manufacture of other electrical equipment 281 Manufacture of general purpose machinery 282 Manufacture of special-purpose machinery 291 Manufacture of motor vehicles 292 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of

trailers and semi-trailers 293 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 301 Building of ships and boats 302 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock 303 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery

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304 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles 309 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. 310 Manufacture of furniture 321 Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles 322 Manufacture of musical instruments 323 Manufacture of sports goods 324 Manufacture of games and toys 325 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 329 Other manufacturing n.e.c. 331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment 332 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment 351 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 352 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains 353 Steam and air conditioning supply 360 Water collection, treatment and supply 370 Sewerage 381 Waste collection 382 Waste treatment and disposal 383 Materials recovery 390 Remediation activities and other waste management services 410 Construction of buildings 421 Construction of roads and railways 422 Construction of utility projects 429 Construction of other civil engineering projects 431 Demolition and site preparation 432 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities 433 Building completion and finishing 439 Other specialized construction activities 451 Sale of motor vehicles 452 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 453 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 454 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and

accessories 461 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 462 Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 463 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 464 Wholesale of household goods 465 Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 466 Other specialized wholesale 469 Non-specialized wholesale trade 471 Retail sale in non-specialized stores 472 Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 473 Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores 474 Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized

stores 475 Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores 476 Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores 477 Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores

Page 76: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


478 Retail sale via stalls and markets 479 Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets 491 Transport via railways 492 Other land transport 493 Transport via pipeline 501 Sea and coastal water transport 502 Inland water transport 511 Passenger air transport 512 Freight air transport 521 Warehousing and storage 522 Support activities for transportation 531 Postal activities 532 Courier activities 551 Short term accommodation activities 552 Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks 559 Other accommodation 561 Restaurants and mobile food service activities 562 Event catering and other food service activities 563 Beverage serving activities 581 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities 582 Software publishing 591 Motion picture, video and television programme activities 592 Sound recording and music publishing activities 601 Radio broadcasting 602 Television programming and broadcasting activities 611 Wired telecommunications activities 612 Wireless telecommunications activities 613 Satellite telecommunications activities 619 Other telecommunications activities 620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 631 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals 639 Other information service activities 641 Monetary intermediation 642 Activities of holding companies 643 Trusts, funds and other financial vehicles 649 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding

activities 651 Insurance 652 Reinsurance 653 Pension funding 661 Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance and

pension funding 662 Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding 663 Fund management activities 681 Real estate activities with own or leased property 682 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 691 Legal activities 692 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy

Page 77: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


701 Activities of head offices 702 Management consultancy activities 711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy

712 Technical testing and analysis 721 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and

engineering 722 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities

731 Advertising 732 Market research and public opinion polling 741 Specialized design activities 742 Photographic activities 749 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. 750 Veterinary activities 771 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles 772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods 773 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods

n.e.c. 774 Leasing of nonfinancial intangible assets 781 Activities of employment placement agencies 782 Temporary employment agency activities 783 Human resources provision and management of human resources functions

791 Travel agency and tour operator activities 799 Other reservation service activities 801 Private security activities 802 Security systems service activities 803 Investigation activities 811 Combined facilities support activities 812 Cleaning activities 813 Landscape care and maintenance service activities 821 Office administrative and support activities 822 Activities of call centres 823 Organization of conventions and trade shows 829 Business support service activities n.e.c. 841 Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the

community 842 Provision of services to the community as a whole 843 Compulsory social security activities 851 Primary education 852 Secondary education 853 Higher education 854 Other education 855 Educational support services 861 Hospital activities 862 Medical and dental practice activities 869 Other human health activities

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871 Nursing care facilities 872 Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and

substance abuse 873 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled 879 Other residential care activities n.e.c. 881 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled 889 Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. 900 Creative, arts and entertainment activities 910 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 920 Gambling and betting activities 931 Sports activities 932 Other amusement and recreation activities 941 Activities of business, employers and professional membership

organizations 942 Activities of trade unions 949 Activities of other membership organizations 951 Repair of computers and communication equipment 952 Repair of personal and household goods 960 Other personal service activities 970 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 981 Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own

use 982 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own

use 990 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Page 79: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)



Statistics of Trade Unions registered under Trade Unions Act, 1926 RETURN-A


Year : Industries as per NIC-2008 up to 5 digit level


l num

ber o

f Uni





r of U


s su





Number of Members General Fund (Rs.)

Political Fund (Rs.)

At t

he b







ed d


g th







At the end of the year

































1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

(A) Central Unions (Unions whose objects are not confined to one State) (i) Unions in Private Sector @ (Industry – wise)*

Total of Central Unions in Private Sector

(ii) Unions in Public Sector @ (a) Unions in Central Sphere (Industry-wise)*

Total of Central Unions in Central Sphere

(b) Unions in State Sphere (Industry-wise)

Total of Central Unions in State Sphere

Total Central Unions in Public Sector@

Total of Central Unions in all Sectors

(B) State Unions (Unions whose objects are confined to the State)

(i) Unions in Private Sector @ (Industry-wise)*

Total of State Unions in Private Sector @

(ii) Unions in Public Sector @ (a) Unions in Central Sphere


Total of State Unions in Central Sphere

Page 80: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

(b) Unions in State Sphere (Industry-wise)*

Total of State Unions in State Sphere

Total of State Unions in Public Sector @

Total of State Unions in all Sectors


* Industry-wise break-up should be as Section of Industries (one digit level) Division of Industries (two digit level)/ Class of Industries (four digit level Total of All Classes of Industries in a ‘Group of Industries/Total of all Group’ of Industries in a Division of Industries/Total of all Division of industries in a ‘Section of Industries’/Total of all Sub Section Industries to give ‘All Industries ‘ figures. @ Please see foot note at page 2 N.B. – Please furnish information in respect of Workmen’s Unions and Employers’ Unions separately.

Page 81: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)



State : Year :

Industry as per NIC-2008 Up to 5 digit level


ber o

f Fed







ber o

f Fed





g re



Number of Unions General Funds (Rs.) Political Funds (Rs.)

At th

e be



of th

e ye




d du








g th

e ye


At th

e en

d of





























1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Same as in Column 1 of Return ‘A’

N.B. :- Please furnish information in respect of Workmen’s Federations and Employers’

Federations separately.

Page 82: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)



State : Year :

Industry as per NIC-2008 Up to 5 digit level





om m











s, ru

les e


















l Inc




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Same as in Column 1 of Return ‘A’

N.B. :- Please furnish information in respect of the Workmen’s Unions and the Employers’ Unions separately.

Page 83: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)




State : Year :

Industries as per NIC-2008 Up to 5 digit level





ces &



s of O







of e









l exp





in c



g tr







n pa

id to



for l



ng o

ut o

f tra

de d





nal s


l & re


us b




ral ,



, sic


s une





fits e



of p







er e





l exp





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Same as in Column 1 of Return ‘A’

*This should include salaries, allowances and expenses of establishments, rents, taxes, stationery, printing and postage and exclude information in respect of expenditure on Office bearers. # Major items of expenditure should be specified (in column Headings). N.B. :- Please furnish information in respect of Workmen’s Unions and the Employers’ Unions separately.

Page 84: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)




State : Year :


ber o

f Uni

ons a




Liabilities Assets


ral F








er L





l Lia



Loans to





s @






for t

he c


nt y








for t

he p













le p




s and







s $


l Ass


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

* This should include all debts and other liabilities. ** This should include bank balance also. @ This should be shown at cost price. # Fixtures should also be included. $ This should include interest due but not received and other assets. N.B.: Please furnish information in respect of the ‘Workmen’s Unions and the

Employer’ Unions separately.

Page 85: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)


Annexure - IV




Shri Sunil Chaudhry Director

Shri Virender Singh Assistant Director

Md. Alam Ansari Economic Officer

Investigator Grade II

Km. Parineeta Shri. Vishv Jeet Km. Deep Shikha

Smt. Kamla Devi


Shri Rajinder Kumar Inv. Gr. II Shri Chhaju Ram M.T.S. Shri Sohan Lal M.T.S Shri Prakash Chand M.T.S

Page 86: trade unions in indialabourbureaunew.gov.in/UserContent/Trade_Unions_In_India_2010.pdf · of a trade union. (b) The Trade Unions Act 1926 applies to the whole of Indian Union. 4 (c)

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