TRADE AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION This book explores the complex relationship between international trade and poverty reduction through a combination of research papers and con- temporary case studies. Written mainly by developing country authors in consultation with local businesses and communities, the case studies contribute to our understanding of the ways in which low-income com- munities are dealing with trade as a practical challenge, especially in the Asia-Pacific region where approximately two thirds of the world’s poor live. While making it clear that there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula, the research and stories highlight a number of necessary preconditions – such as political commitment and cooperation at all levels – if trade is to success- fully reduce poverty. Openness to trade, serious commitment to domestic reform, trade-related capacity building, a robust and responsible private sector and access to the markets of developed countries are all identified as powerful tools for building trade-related sustainable development. andrew l. stoler is Executive Director, Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide and former Deputy Director-General of the WTO. jim redden is Director, International Programmes for China and the Pacific and Senior Lecturer at the Institute for International Trade, Uni- versity of Adelaide. lee ann jackson is Economic Affairs Officer in the WTO Agriculture and Commodities Division. www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studies and Lessons from Low-Income Communities Frontmatter Edited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson More information

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This book explores the complex relationship between international tradeand poverty reduction through a combination of research papers and con-temporary case studies. Written mainly by developing country authorsin consultation with local businesses and communities, the case studiescontribute to our understanding of the ways in which low-income com-munities are dealing with trade as a practical challenge, especially in theAsia-Pacific region where approximately two thirds of the world’s poorlive. While making it clear that there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula, theresearch and stories highlight a number of necessary preconditions – suchas political commitment and cooperation at all levels – if trade is to success-fully reduce poverty. Openness to trade, serious commitment to domesticreform, trade-related capacity building, a robust and responsible privatesector and access to the markets of developed countries are all identifiedas powerful tools for building trade-related sustainable development.

andrew l. stoler is Executive Director, Institute for International Trade,University of Adelaide and former Deputy Director-General of the WTO.

jim redden is Director, International Programmes for China and thePacific and Senior Lecturer at the Institute for International Trade, Uni-versity of Adelaide.

lee ann jackson is Economic Affairs Officer in the WTO Agricultureand Commodities Division.

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

More information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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Case studies and lessons from low-incomecommunities

Edited by



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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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DisclaimerOpinions expressed in the case studies and any errors oromissions therein are the responsibility of their authorsand not of the WTO, the Australian Government, AusAID,the editors of this volume or of the institutions with whichthey are affiliated. The authors of the case studies wish todissociate the institutions with which they are associatedfrom opinions expressed in the case studies and from anyerrors or omissions therein.

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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List of contributors xiAcknowledgements xvList of abbreviations xvii

Introduction 1

jim redden

Overview paper: The economic effects of trade on povertyreduction: perspectives from the economic literature 21

euan macmillan

part i Transnational corporations, trade andpoverty reduction

1 Transnational corporations and the global supply chain 69

andrew l. stoler

Case studies

1.1 Cambodia’s textile and garment industry 97

peter van diermen

1.2 Australia’s WTO trade-policy changes and the future of aSamoan car-parts investor 112

margaret b. malua

1.3 The textile and clothing sector in Indonesia 131

omas bulan samosir

1.4 Transnational corporations and the footwear industry:women in Jakarta 146

beta gitaharie laksono


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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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viii contents

1.5 Pakistan: the arrival and departure of Nike 160

safdar sohail

1.6 Vietnam: Intel and the electronics sector 175

andrew l. stoler and phan van sam

part ii Trade in agriculture and poverty reduction

2 Agriculture and trade solutions for rural poverty 195

lee ann jackson

Case studies

2.1 Food aid: commitments and oversight 227

john finn

2.2 Indigenous Nepalese and trade liberalisation 252

purushottam ojha

2.3 Samoan agricultural policy: graduating fromleast developed country status 270

hamish smith and lee ann jackson

2.4 Bali’s ornamental fishing industry 287

lydia napitupulu

2.5 The rice sector in West Java 306

milda irhamni and chaikal nuryakin

2.6 Chinese agricultural policy: central andwestern province 325

shunli yao

part iii Trade in services and poverty reduction

3 The future of trade in services for developing countries 341

joy abrenica, christopher findlay and aik hoe lim

Case studies

3.1 Information and communications technology services inUganda 364

siddhartha prakash

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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contents ix

3.2 Health services in Malaysia 385

aik hoe lim

3.3 Trade in services liberalisation in India 405

ajitava raychaudhuri and prabir de

3.4 Trade, aid and services in Tanzania 426

amanda sunassee lam

3.5 Telecommunications reform in the Pacific and the case ofVanuatu 449

chakriya bowman

part iv Migration, labour mobility and povertyreduction

4 Migration, labour mobility and poverty 465

graeme hugo

Case studies

4.1 Migrant labour and remittances in Bangladesh 513

fahmida khatun

4.2 Migrant remittances in the state of Kerala, India 540

saibal kar

4.3 Migrant workers and the role of remittancesin Indonesia 556

nur hadi wiyono and dwini handayani

4.4 Labour mobility and poverty reduction in Tonga 572

salote vaimoano taukolo, jim redden and

raelyn esau

part v Trade and poverty reduction in small andvulnerable economies

5 Trade strategies for poverty reduction in small and vulnerableeconomies 595

jim redden and ron duncan

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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x contents

Case studies

5.1 Lombok pots 648

heather baigent

5.2 Plantations to professors in Grenada 665

sacha silva

5.3 Fisheries subsidies and the western and central Pacific 690

manleen dugal

5.4 Trade and youth unemployment in Timor-Leste 707

joao saldanha and jim redden

5.5 Trade reform and poverty reduction in Papua NewGuinea 731

nolpi kilwa

5.6 The future of the Fijian garment industry 748

biman chand prasad, yenteshwar ram and ariel marr

Index 768

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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andrew l. stoler is Executive Director, Institute for InternationalTrade, University of Adelaide and former WTO DeputyDirector-General.

jim redden is Director, International Programmes for China and thePacific and Senior Lecturer, Institute for International Trade, Universityof Adelaide.

lee ann jackson is Economic Affairs Officer, WTO Agriculture andCommodities Division.

Assistant editors

christopher findlay is Head of School, School of Economics,University of Adelaide.

graeme hugo is University Professorial Research Fellow, Professor ofGeography and Director, National Centre for the Social Applications ofGIS, University of Adelaide.

patrick low is Director, Economic Research Division, WTO.


joy abrenica is Associate Professor, School of Economics, University ofthe Philippines.


www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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xii list of contributors

heather baigent is an independent consultant, Auckland, NewZealand.

chakriya bowman is Trade Advisor and Acting Director, PacificGrowth Section, Australian Government aid agency, AusAID.

prabir de is a fellow, Research and Information System for DevelopingCountries (RIS), New Delhi, India.

manleen dugul is Technical Advisor (Trade Policy) and PermanentRepresentative for the Pacific Island Delegation to the WTO.

ron duncan is Professor Emeritus, Crawford School of Economics andGovernment, Australian National University.

raelyn esau is Deputy Director, Policy and Planning Division,Ministry of Education, Tonga.

christopher findlay is Head of School, School of Economics,University of Adelaide.

john finn is a counsellor, WTO Agriculture and Commodities Division.

beta gitaharie laksono is a senior researcher, Faculty of Economics,University of Indonesia.

dwini handayani is a researcher, Demographic Institute, Faculty ofEconomics, University of Indonesia.

graeme hugo is University Professorial Research Fellow, Professor ofGeography and Director, National Centre for the Social Applications ofGIS, University of Adelaide.

milda irhamni is a research fellow in the Faculty of Economics,University of Indonesia.

lee ann jackson is Economic Affairs Officer, WTO Agriculture andCommodities Division.

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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list of contributors xiii

saibal kar is a fellow in Economics, Centre for Studies in SocialSciences, Calcutta, India.

fahmida khatun, phd is Additional Director, Centre for PolicyDialogue (CPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

nolpi kilwa is Principal Research Analyst, Policy Planning, Researchand Information Division, Department of Commerce and Industry,Papua New Guinea.

amanda sunassee lam is an IF facilitator specialist and a consultant,Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Foreign Trade Policy Department,Lao PDR.

aik hoe lim is a counsellor, Trade in Services Division of the WTOSecretariat.

euan macmillan is a consultant, WTO Economic Research Division.

margaret malua is Director, Small Business Enterprise Centre, Samoaand an Economic and Trade Consultant.

ariel marr is a postgraduate student at the University of the SouthPacific, Suva, Fiji Islands.

lydia napitupulu is a research fellow, Faculty of Economics,University of Indonesia.

chaikal nuryakin is a research fellow, Faculty of Economics,University of Indonesia.

purushottam ojha is Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Commerce andSupplies, Government of Nepal.

siddhartha prakash is Senior Manager, Government Regulation andInstitutional Development, PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd, India.

biman chand prasad is Professor of Trade and Development and Deanof Faculty of Business and Economics, University of the South Pacific.

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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xiv list of contributors

ajitava raychaudhuri is Professor and Coordinator, Centre forAdvanced Studies, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University,Kolkata, India.

jim redden is Director, International Programs for China and thePacific and Senior Lecturer, Institute for International Trade, Universityof Adelaide.

sohail safdar works with the Commerce and Trade Group, Pakistanand is former Secretary, Ministry of Women and Development.

joao saldanha is Lead Negotiator on the Millennium ChallengeAccount, Ministry of Finance, Timor-Leste.

omas bulan samosir is a senior researcher, Faculty of Economics,University of Indonesia.

sacha silva is a consultant, Caribbean Regional NegotiatingMachinery, Barbados.

hamish smith is an economic affairs officer, WTO Agriculture andCommodities Division.

andrew l. stoler is Executive Director, Institute for InternationalTrade, University of Adelaide.

salote vaimoana taukolo is Deputy Director, Tonga Trade, Ministryof Labour, Commerce and Industries, Kingdom of Tonga.

peter van diermen is Economic Adviser, Australian Government aidagency, AusAID.

phan van sam is Dean, Mekong University, Vietnam.

nur hadi wiyono is a researcher, Demographic Institute, Faculty ofEconomics, University of Indonesia.

shunli yao is Associate Professor, School of International Trade andEconomics, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing.

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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We, the editors, would like to express our sincere thanks to the authorswhose research papers and case studies appear here. Their insightsmake this book a unique contribution to our understanding of thecomplex links between trade and poverty reduction strategies. We aregrateful for their willingness to go beyond the theoretical perspective.As a result of their consultations with government, the private sectorand local communities, and as a result of their own comprehensiveresearch, we find a variety of practical suggestions for readers gen-erally and for trade and development policy makers in particular toconsider.

This project would not have been possible were it not for the enthusi-astic support and funding it received from the Australian Government’sinternational development agency, AusAID, and from the WTO Secre-tariat. On the AusAID side, we are indebted to the support received fromMark McGillivray, Chakriya Bowman, Janet Donnelly, Peter Van Dier-men, Steven Kaleb, Tim Murton, Anne Rigby and Lydia Bezeruk. On theWTO Secretariat side, particular thanks are due to Patrick Low, Direc-tor of Economic Research and Statistics Division, for his warm supportthroughout the project, and for the contributions or assistance given byMarion Jensen, Hans-Peter Werner, Peter Pedersen, John Finn and AikHoe Lim.

Throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and indeed globally, a number ofexperts were particularly helpful in offering advice or in promoting theproject, including Aldo Caliari, Sophia Murphy, Hugo Cameron, RomanGrynberg, Kamal Malhotra, Liam Campling, Sara Carley, MaryannAthaide and Pierre Encontre.

At the Institute for International Trade, Graeme Hugo, ChristopherFindlay, Keith Wilson and visiting WTO Fellow Victoria Donaldsoncontributed considerable time and effort to the editing of this volume.


www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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xvi acknowledgements

Valuable comments and support were also provided by Letizia Raschella-Sergi, Peter Gallagher, Simon Molloy, John Spoehr, Mark Collett,Jameson Henderson-Redden and Ngaire Henderson. Finally, specialthanks are due to IIT’s Office Manager, Marie Gutsche, as well as toMaria Naso and Morgan Reid, all of whom put in many hours on thisproject.

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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ACFTA ASEAN-China Free Trade Area

ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (countries that are parties to the

Cotonou Agreement between the EU and the ACP states)

ADB Asian Development Bank

AfDB African Development Bank

AfT Aid for Trade

AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area

AGOA Africa Growth and Opportunity Act

AIRTIA ASEAN-India Regional Trade and Investment Area

AKFTA ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

ASA Association for Social Advancement

ASCM Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ATC Agreement on Textiles and Clothing

AusAID Australian Agency for International Development

BIMST-EC Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic


BIT bilateral investment treaty

BMET Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training

BOESL Bangladesh Overseas Employment Services Limited

BOMSA Bangladesh Women Migrants Association

BPO business process outsourcing

BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

CARICOM Caribbean Common Market

CCN collusion, corruption and nepotism

CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

CEP comprehensive economic partnership

CET common external tariffs

CGE Computational General Equilibrium

CMT cut, make and trim

CPI consumer price index


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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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xviii list of abbreviations

CSA corporative social responsibility

CSSD Consultative Subcommittee on Surplus Disposal

CTC/CTH Change in Tariff Classification / Change in Tariff Heading

CTEP comprehensive trade economic partnership

CV coefficient of variation

DAC Development Assistance Committee

DDA Doha Development Agenda

DFID Department for International Development

DTIS Diagnostic Trade Integration Study

DTT double taxation treaty

DWF distant water fleets

DWFN distant water fishing nation

EAC East African Community

EBA Everything But Arms

EC European Community

EEZ exclusive economic zone

EIAPA Enterprises Incentives and Export Promotion Act 1992–93

EPA economic partnership agreement

EPZ export processing zone

ERT European Round Table

EU European Union

EVI economic vulnerability index

FAC Food Aid Convention

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

FDA foreign direct assistance

FDI foreign direct investment

FFA Forum Fisheries Agency

FGO focus group discussion

FIC Forum Island country

FLA Fair Labour Association

FSM Federated States of Micronesia

FTA free trade agreement

FY financial year

GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GDP gross domestic product

GMAC Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia

GSP Generalised System of Preferences

HCR head-count ratio

HDI Human Development Index

HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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list of abbreviations xix

ICS Import Credit Scheme

ICT information and communications technology

ICTSD International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

IF Integrate Framework

IFC International Finance Corporation

IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute

IGC International Grains Council

IGO inter-governmental organisations

IJEPA Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

ILO International Labor Organization

IMAC Independent Monitoring Association for Child Labour

IMF International Monetary Fund

INTERFAIS International Food Aid Information System

IOS International Organization for Standardization

IPEC International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour

ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification

IT information technology

ITC International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)

ITES information technology-enabled services

JITAP Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme

LDC Least Developed Country

LPC Lombok Pottery Centre

MAC Marine Aquarium Council

MDG Millennium Development Goal

MFA Multi-Fibre Arrangement

MFN Most Favoured Nation

MIC middle-income country

MNC Multinational corporation

MOEWOE Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MRA mutual recognition agreement

MRP mixed recall period

MSG Melanesian Spearhead Group

MTI Ministry of Trade and Industry

NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement

NBER National Bureau of Economic Research

NCFMEA National Committee of Foreign Medical Education (US) and


NGO non-governmental organisation

NISIT National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (PNG)

NRD New Rural Development

NSDP net state domestic product

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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xx list of abbreviations

NTB non-tariff barrier

NTP National Trade Policy

NZAID New Zealand Aid

OBM original brand name manufacturing

OCHA Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OCW overseas contract worker

ODA official development assistance

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

OEM original equipment manufacturing

PACER Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations

PACP Pacific Africa, Caribbean and Pacific

PCI per capita income

PCISE per capita income from services export

PESA Private Enterprise Support Activities

PFI Policy Framework for Investment

PIC Pacific Island country

PICTA Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement

PIFS Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

PNG Papua New Guinea

PPF production possibility frontier

PPP purchasing power parity

PRIME Project for Rural Initiatives in Micro-Enterprise Development

PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers

PSD private-sector development

R&D research and development

RCDF Rural Communications Development Fund

RCDP Rural Communications Development Policy

RFMO regional fisheries management organisation

RGDP regional gross domestic product

RMMRU Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit

ROO rules of origin

RSE Registered Seasonal Employer

RTA regional trade agreement

SAFTA South Asian Free Trade Area

SDS Strategy for the Development of Samoa

SDT special and differential treatment

SECO State Secretariat for Economic Development

SES Statement of Economy Strategy

SIDS small island developing states

SLOM Senior Labour Officials Meeting

SME small and medium enterprise

SMME small, medium and micro enterprise

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FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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list of abbreviations xxi

SOE state-operating enterprise

SPARTECA South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation


SPS sanitary and phytosanitary

SVE small and vulnerable economy

TBT technical barriers to trade

TFF Tax Free Factories

TNC Transnational Corporation

TRAOE Tariff Relief Assistance for a Development Economy

TRQ tariff rate quota

TTP textile and textile product

UCC Uganda Communications Commission

UMR Usual Marketing Requirements

UN United Nations

UNCDP United Nations Committee for Development Policy

UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

UNCST Uganda National Council for Science and Technology

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNECOSOC United Nations Economic Social Council

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and

the Pacific

UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UPTC Uganda Post and Telecommunications Corporation

UTL Uganda Telecom Ltd

US United States of America

USAID United States Agency for International Development

USDA United States Department of Agriculture

USG St George’s University School of Medicine

USGAO United States Government Accountability Office

UNU-WIDER United Nations University – World Institute for Development

Economic Research

VAT value-added tax

WARBE Welfare Association of Returnee Bangladeshi Employees

WCPO Western and Central Pacific Ocean

WFP World Food Programme

WHO World Health Organization

WIBDECO Windward Islands Banana Development and Exporting Company

WPR worker population ratio

WTO World Trade Organization

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-74530-7 - Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region: Case Studiesand Lessons from Low-Income Communities

FrontmatterEdited by Andrew L. Stoler, Jim Redden and Lee Ann Jackson

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