03 TOP 755 SaaS Influencers

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03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

TOP 755 SaaS Influencers




Why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Top 75 SaaS Influencers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4





Currently, if someone was interested in answering the question of, “who are the top SaaS influencers today?” they’d have an extraordinarily diffi-cult time coming up with an accurate picture. Googling this question brings up a number of results. Some from Hubspot, Salesforce, Forbes, and other respectable outlets; however each of them suffers from a singular issue. None are organized in any discernible way. They simply tell the readers that their list is the most comprehensive group of SaaS influencers, and that

their rankings are the ultimate run-down of who to follow. However, in today’s hyper-data driven world, that’s no longer acceptable. Consumers have grown hungrier for proof, as they’re no longer willing to accept a list from a reputable source with no rhyme or reason to how it was compiled; and as consumers ourselves, we were struck with the same problems. This question ultimately lead us to create our own Top 75 SaaS Influencers list, which is ranked carefully by the same set of metrics across the board.




The idea behind the creation of this list was simple; we wanted one unified document that ranked SaaS influencers based on the same scale.

Total followers, number of interac-tions, total reach, engagement activ-ity, and a host of other data points could be used. What we ultimately chose was a unique measuring tool called “True Reach” which was de-vised by Klear. While users of social media will often point to their follow-er count as an indicator of how in-fluential they are, it’s easy to debunk that as a valuable metric. As is often the case, people use social media as a way to validate their ego and vanity,

but True Reach cuts through that. Rather than simply counting how many people are actively following an account, True Reach measures how many people have seen a status update or post across multiple social media accounts; which provides a much more accurate picture of what someone’s reach looks like.

So, with that being said, let’s take a look at the Top 75 SaaS Influencers.

During the creation of this list, the singular most important question we had to answer was, what’s the best indicator of an influencer? Unfortunately there’s no easy answer; arguments can be made for a wide variety of metrics.


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers


Aaron Levie is Chief Executive Officer, Cofounder and Chairman at Box, which he launched in 2005 with CFO and Co-founder, Dylan Smith. He is the visionary behind Box’s product and platform strategy, which focuses on incorporating the best of secure content collaboration with an intuitive user experience suited to the way people work today. Levie leads the company in its mission to transform the way people and businesses work so they can achieve their greatest ambitions. He has served as a member of Box’s board of directors since April 2005.

Aaron Levie 01

107,409 1,199,617 0.993/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

sethgodin.typepad.com@levie linkedin.com/in/boxaaron

Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Godin graduated from Williamsville East High School in 1978. He received degrees in computer science and philosophy from Tufts University, followed by an MBA in marketing from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. From 1983 to 1986, he worked as a brand manager at Spinnaker Software. After leaving Spinnaker in 1986, he used $20,000 in savings to found Seth Godin Productions, pri-marily a book packaging business, out of a studio apartment in New York City. He then met Mark Hurst and founded Yoyodyne. After a few years, Godin sold the book packaging business to his employees and focused his efforts on Yoyodyne, where he promoted the concept of permission marketing.

Seth Godin 02

50,710 1,702,070 1.2 91/100True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

sethgodin.typepad.com@thisissethsblog linkedin.com/in/seth-godin-050062135


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

David Heinemeier Hansson is the creator of Ruby on Rails, the founder & CTO of Basecamp, best selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, public speaker, hobbyist photographer, and family man.

David Heinemeier Hansson 03

47,140 281,375 11.091/100True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

david.heinemeierhansson.com@dhh medium.com/@dhh

Marc Benioff is chairman and CEO of Salesforce. A pioneer of cloud computing, Benioff founded the compa-ny in 1999 with a vision to create a new kind of enterprise software company, with a new technology mod-el based in the cloud, a new pay-as-you-go business model and a new integrated corporate philanthropy model. Under his leadership, Salesforce has grown from a groundbreaking idea into a Fortune 500 company, the fastest-growing top ten software company in the world, and the largest CRM company.

Marc Benioff 04

40,165 672,759 4.7 89/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

salesforce.com@Benioff linkedin.com/in/marcbenioff


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Brad Feld is an entrepreneur, founder, and early stage investor. Brad is currently a managing director at Foundry Group, a venture capital firm focused on investing in early stage information technology startups like Makerbot, Fitbit, and Zynga. He’s also the co-founder of Techstars, Mobius Venture Capital, and Intensi-ty Ventures.

Brad Feld 05

47,140 420,546 9.7 90/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

about.me/bfeld@bfeld linkedin.com/in/bfeld

Vala Afshar is the Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce. He contributes weekly technology, business, and leadership articles to Huffington Post, INC Magazine, and other publications. He also hosts a weekly video show, DisrupTV, which invites Fortune 1000 business executives, startup founders, venture capitalists, and tech and media personalities. He has interviewed over 350 business leaders since 2013.

Vala Afshar 06

23,569 171,539 130.8 88/100 True Reach AUDIENCE Ultimate AchieverINFLUENCE

posts per day

salesforce.com/blog/authors/vala-afshar@ValaAfshar linkedin.com/in/vala-afshar-3030021


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Dharmesh Shah is a software entrepreneur and currently the co-founder and CTO of Hubspot. Prior to founding Hubspot, Dharmesh founded Pyramid Digital Solutions, an enterprise software company in the nancial services sector. Bootstrapped with less than $10,000 in capital, Pyramid went on to demonstrate exceptional growth and was a three-time recipient of the Inc. 500 award. Since selling Pyramid, Dharmesh has been an active member of the entrepreneurial community in the Boston area and has made several angel investments in early-stage technology companies.

Dharmesh Shah 07

23,510 395,393 3.9 87/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

onstartups.com@dharmesh www.linkedin.com/in/dharmesh

Jim Harris is one of North America’s foremost management consultants, public speakers, authors and thinkers on change and leadership. He has 20 years experience as a professional speaker and consultant, and speaks internationally at more than 40 conferences a year on topics including innovation and creativity, customer relationship management (CRM), eLearning, creating learning organizations, environmental leader-ship, energy efficiency, strategic planning, and creating common organizational mission and vision.

Jim Harris 08

20,219 225,178 9.0 86/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

jimharris.com@JimHarris linkedin.com/in/jimharrisprofile


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Neil Patel is a New York Times best selling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by Presi-dent Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.

Neil Patel 09

19,256 255,917 4.0 89/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

neilpatel.com@neilpatel linkedin.com/in/neilkpatel

Hiten Shah has started three SaaS companies since 2005, Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, and Quick Sprout. He’s an active advisor and investor in startups. Hiten enjoys helping other people succeeded in and business and in life.

Hiten Shah 10

18,454 220,322 13.8 87/100 True Reach AUDIENCE very ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

producthabits.com@hnshah www.linkedin.com/in/hnshah


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Mike Butcher MBE is Editor-at-large of TechCrunch. Mike has been named one of the most influential people in European technology by Wired UK and is a regular broadcaster. He founded the annual Europas Conference & Awards, the charity Techfugees and has been an advisor on tech startups to the British Prime Minister and the Mayor of London.

Mike Butcher 11

12,889 139,342 15.9 86/100True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

mbites.com/contact@MikeButcher linkedin.com/in/mikebutcher

David Cancel is a 5X co-founder and a 2X CEO with four successful exits to date. He’s the Co-Founder and CEO of Drift, where he’s helping everyone know, grow, and amaze their customers. David is passionate about building amazing products for Marketers. He previously founded Compete, Lookery, Ghostery, and Performable. Most recently, after the Acquisition of Performable by HubSpot, David was the Chief Product Officer responsible for re-architecting the engineering team and HubSpot’s products.

David Cancel 12

10,973 135,029 3.5 85/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

davidcancel.com@dcancel linkedin.com/in/dcancel


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers


Danielle Morrill is the Co-founder and CEO of Referly, a Y Combinator graduate, as well as the first employee at Twilio, the cloud communications company. She’s currently the co-founder and CEO of Mattermark, and is an avid blogger and lover of spreadsheets.

Danielle Morrill 14

8,251 59,456 20.3 84/100 True Reach AUDIENCE very ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

daniellemorrill.com@DanielleMorrill linkedin.com/in/daniellemorrill

As executive vice president of the Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise group, Scott Guthrie is responsible for the company’s cloud infrastructure, server, database, management and development tools businesses. His engineering team builds Microsoft Azure, Windows Server, SQL Server, Active Directory, System Center, Visual Studio and .NET.Prior to leading the Cloud and Enterprise group, Guthrie helped lead Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud platform. Since joining the company in 1997, he has made critical contributions to many of Micro-soft’s key cloud, server and development technologies and was one of the original founders of the .NET project. Guthrie graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Duke University. He lives in Seattle with his wife and two children.

9,338 139,469 2.1 83/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

weblogs.asp.net/scottgu@scottgu linkedin.com/in/guthriescott

Scott Guthrie


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

R “Ray” Wang is the Principal Analyst, Founder, and Chairman of Silicon Valley based Constellation Re-search, Inc. He’s the author of the popular business strategy and technology blog “A Software Insider’s Point of View”. Wang has held executive roles in product, marketing, strategy, and consulting at companies such as Forrester Research, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and Johns Hopkins Hospital. His best selling book, Disrupting Digital Business, published by Harvard Business Review Press provides insights on why 52% of the Fortune 500 have been merged, acquired, gone bankrupt, or fallen off the list since 2000. Wang is a prominent and dynamic keynote speaker and research analyst working with clients to transform their business models with disruptive technologies. Ray is well quoted in media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, Techcrunch, Businessweek, Forbes, and Fortune. He has thrice won the prestigious Institute of Industry Analyst Relations (IIAR) Analyst of the Year Award and has repeatedly been in the #1 slot in the AR Power 100 list for over 7 years.

R “Ray” Wang 15

8,169 110,815 68.3 84/100True Reach AUDIENCE SUPER ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

blog.softwareinsider.org@rwang0 linkedin.com/in/rwang0

Dez Blanchfield is a strategic leader with 25 years experience in the IT industry, developing strategy and im-plementing business initiatives. He has a strong business acumen gained through working with a variety of senior executives and aligning Information Technology activities to meet business objectives. His specialities include cloud computing, virtualization, distributed computing, and big data & analytics.

Dez Blanchfield 16

7,989 721,672 14.6 83/100 True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

dez.blanchfield.com.au@dez_blanchfield linkedin.com/in/dezblanchfield


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Simon Porter is a sales executive with broad experience in all aspects of channels, marketing, sales and deal making. He has direct experience in establishing international start-up businesses, as well as leading large billion dollar sales units in the software and services fields, enabling sales & marketing to capture the new delivery and consumption models of SaaS & Cloud, as well as reaching new buyers with digital and social marketing techniques.

Simon Porter 17

7,583 132,880 121.6 82/100True Reach AUDIENCE Ultimate AchieverINFLUENCE

posts per day

@simonlporter linkedin.com/in/simonlporter

Sean Ellis is Founder and CEO of GrowthHackers, the platform where teams manage their growth experi-ments. The platform also integrates into our community of 150,000 growth professionals (marketers, PMs, designers, growth engineers). Sean was previously Founder and CEO of Qualaroo, building it into the leading voice of customer solution for websites with customers such as Uber, Starbucks, Spotify and Intuit. It was a profitable SaaS business when it was acquired in 2016. Sean coined the term “growth hacker” in 2010, and he has been one of the leaders in the development of the method. As their first marketing executive, he laid the foundation to grow five companies (Uproar, LogMeIn, Lookout, Eventbrite, and Dropbox) to more than $1 billion valuations while taking two companies, Uproar and LogMeIn from idea to public offering.

Sean Ellis 18

6,952 112,802 9.4 82/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.startup-marketing.com@SeanEllis www.linkedin.com/in/seanellis


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Shelly Kramer is the CEO and Founder of V3 Broadsuite (V3B), and the President of Broadsuite Media Group. She’s also the founder and Principal Analyst at Futurum, a research and analysis company. Shelley is a seri-al entrepreneur with a technology centric focus, and has worked with some of the world’s largest brands to lead them into the digital space, embrace disruption, and the reality of the connected customer, and help navigate the process of Digital Transformation.

Shelly Kramer 19

5,792 111,500 62.6 84/100True Reach AUDIENCE SUPER ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

v3b.com@ShellyKramer linkedin.com/in/shellydemottekramer

Jeff Barr has been in the software business since he was 16, starting out at one of the first retail computer stores in the world. He’s worked at startups, enterprise companies, and started his own consulting practice. Jeff currently focuses on technical evangelism, coupling his software development background with speak-ing and writing skills to get developers excited about new technologies.

Jeff Barr 20

5,713 101,888 4.4 81/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

jeff-barr.com@jeffbarr linkedin.com/in/jeffbarr


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Stewart Butterfield is an entrepreneur, designer & technologist. He see’s the internet as its most significant as a medium for human communication and interaction. Stewart founded Ludicorp, with the mission of creating new possibilities for communication and expression through play. Ludicorp eventually turned into what is now Flickr. After leaving, Stewart went on to create Slack, which you’re most likely using right now to communicate with colleagues.

Stewart Butterfield 21

5,560 54,407 2.0 81/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

slack.com@stewart linkedin.com/in/butterfield

Mark Russinovich is Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform. Mark earned a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and he joined Microsoft when it ac-quired Winternals Software, which he co-founded in 1996. He is also author of the popular Sysinternals Win-dows administration and diagnostic tools. He is coauthor of the Microsoft Press Windows Internals book se-ries, a contributing editor for TechNet Magazine, and a senior contributing editor for Windows IT Pro Magazine. Mark is also a popular speaker at industry conferences like Microsoft Ignite, BlackHat and RSA Conference.

Mark Russinovich 22

5,287 60,594 2.1 81/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

trojanhorsethebook.com@markrussinovich linkedin.com/in/markrussinovich


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Noah Kagan is an entrepreneur and founder of AppSumo. After graduating from UC Berkeley with degrees in Business and Economics, Kagan began his professional career as a marketing analyst at Intel in 2004. He then became employee #30 at facebook, where he served as product manager for eight months. After Facebook, he joined Mint as the director of marketing, and later left to eventually found KickFlip, a payment company for social games, and AppSumo, where he currently works.

Noah Kagan 23

5,187 57,013 3.9 81/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

okdork.com@noahkagan linkedin.com/in/noahkagan

Lincoln Murphy is passionate about helping companies achieve exponential growth by focusing on their most valuable asset: the customer. He looks for growth levers that can pull across the entire customer li-fecycle to help keep customers longer, get them to use and pay more over time, and turn those customers into advocates. Lincoln has worked with more than 400 SaaS and enterprise software vendors over the last 10 years - from startups to major companies like SAP, HP Enterprise, and everything in between - to rapidly accelerate growth. He’s also the author of “Customer Success Strategist & Growth Architect”.

Lincoln Murphy 24

4,289 145,707 9.9 80/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

sixteenventures.com@lincolnmurphy linkedin.com/in/lincolnmurphy


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Tomasz Tunguz joined Redpoint in 2008 and has invested in Axial, Dremio, Expensify, Electrip Imp, Look-er, and ThredUP. He is an active blogger at Tomtunguz.com, and is co-author of Winning with Data, which explores the cultural changes big data brings to business, and shows you how to adapt your organization to leverage data to maximum effect. Before joining Redpoint, Tomasz was the product manager for Google’s AdSense social-media products and AdSense internationalization.Tomasz attended Dartmouth College, where he rowed on the crew team (Go Green!) and graduated as a George Revitz Fellow with a BA in mechanical engineering, a BE in machine learning, and a master’s degree in engineering management.

Tomasz Tunguz 25

4,450 58,905 2.6 80/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

tomtunguz.com@ttunguz linkedin.com/in/tomasztunguz

Jason M. Lemkin is a founder, venture capitalist, and SaaS enthusiast. He was involved in a number of startups, including Guidespark, Greenhouse.io, Pipedrive, Algolia, Logikcull, and many others. Before getting involved in SaaStr, Jason was CEO and co-founder of EchoSign, the web’s most popular electronic signature service, and helped it grow from an idea to an acquisition by Adobe Systems Inc.

Jason M. Lemkin 26

4,165 40,963 11.5 79/100 True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.saastr.com@jasonlk linkedin.com/in/jasonmlemkin


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Ian Moyse is an energetic, conscientious, and ambitious sales leader in the cloud software industry. Ian is an experience keynote and show stand speaker who provides excellent content in sales, marketing, and consultancy. He became passionate about computing since he was 14 years old, and loves to learn new things and exceed customer expectations

Ian Moyse 27

3,930 72,073 30.8 81/100True Reach AUDIENCE SUPR ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

about.me/imoyse@imoyse linkedin.com/in/ianmoyse

After six years in management consulting, and 52 quarters in software sales, Jill Rowley has transitioned to social selling, digital sales transformation, and sales enablement evangelism, education, and enablement. Jill is passionate about culture, customers, content, connections, and community. In 2013, she was inter-viewed by Business Insider in an article titled: “Meet the Woman Charged With Transforming Oracle’s Sales Force”, and In 2014, Jill spoke as a social selling expert at the GE Capital Middle Market Summit, and deliv-ered her presentation to over 1,000 C-level executives.

Jill Rowley 28

3,785 36,754 8.4 74/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

@jill_rowley linkedin.com/in/jillrowley


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Sujan Patel is the co-founder of Web Profits, a growth marketing agency helping companies leverage the latest and greatest marketing strategy to fuel their businesses. Sujan has over 13 years of internet mar-keting experience and has led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Salesforce, Mint, Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies.

Sujan Patel 29

3,374 44,026 8.4 79/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

sujanpatel.com@sujanpatel linkedin.com/in/sujanpatel

Daniel Newman has delivered more than 250 keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops and live interviews throughout North America over the past decade, with a focus on digital transformation and the rapid convergence of marketing and technology. Mixing experience with his quick wit and sense of humor, he’s able to rapidly build connections with almost any audience. As a former CEO of a midsize company, Newman also understands how to integrate speaking topics with the audience’s most pressing needs. Over the past three years, Newman has been recognized by some of the world’s top media outlets and brands as an influencer in subjects such as leadership, employee engagement, human resources, technology, and marketing.

Daniel Newman 30

3,228 47,434 42.7 79/100 True Reach AUDIENCE SUPER ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

danielnewmanspeaks.com@danielnewmanUV linkedin.com/in/daniellouisnewman


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Brian Halligan is Co-founder and CEO of HubSpot. Prior to HubSpot, Brian was a venture partner at Long-worth Ventures and VP of sales at Groove Networks, which was acquired by Microsoft. Previously, Brian was a Senior VP of sales at PTC. He has co-authored two books, “Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead” with David Meerman Scott and Bill Walton, and “Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs” with Dharmesh Shah. Brian was named Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011, a Glassdoor 25 Highest Rated CEO in 2014 and 2015, and an Inc. Founders 40 in 2016.

Brian Halligan 31

3,114 63,153 2.8 78/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

hubspot.com@bhalligan linkedin.com/in/brianhalligan

Dion Hinchcliffe is an internationally recognized thought leader, business strategist, enterprise architect, book author, frequent keynote speaker, analyst, and transformation consultant. Dion works with the leader-ship teams of Fortune 500 and Global 2000 firms to drive successful change with emerging digital methods including enterprise social media, online community, digital business models, Internet ecosystems, work-force collaboration, and the future of work.

Dion Hinchcliffe 32

2,498 41,527 7.9 76/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

dionhinchcliffe.com@dhinchcliffe linkedin.com/in/dhinchcliffe


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Kevin Jackson is a globally recognized cloud computing thought leader, Engility Technical Fellow, and Founder/Author of the “Cloud Musings” blog, which was recently named a “Top Federal IT Blog” by FedTech Magazine. Kevin has also been recognized by Huffington Post as a “Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts”, as well as a few other distinctions from other publications. Jackson’s professional career is unique, as he ser-viced in the US Navy Space Systems Command, was Vice President of JPMorgan Chase, and a Worldwide Sales Executive for IBM. His recent projects have included NATO Advanced Transformation Command and Control 2020 Study, and he currently manages a cloud computing cybersecurity project for an agency in the US Intelligence Community.

Kevin Jackson 33

2,404 68,419 8.5 79/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

kevinljackson.blogspot.com@Kevin_Jackson linkedin.com/in/kjackson

Morgan Brown is a startup marketing veteran with more than 15 years helping early stage companies find trac-tion and breakout growth. With his MBA from the startup school of hard knocks, and a passion for uncovering what makes some companies grow and others fizzle, Morgan puts his expertise in digital marketing to work for businesses of all kinds. Morgan grew up in Avon, Connecticut and had a fascination both with computers, his first a Tandy TRS-80 when he was 8, and marine life, which led him to UC-Santa Barbara to study Zoolo-gy. With the rise of the Internet, computers won out when Morgan took his first job at a startup in 1999, from there he worked at a digital marketing agency, honing his marketing skills on key accounts, and then moving to the startup world again to grow venture backed startups such as TurnHere and ScoreBig.

Morgan Brown 34

2,049 34,132 8.4 76/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

growthhacker.com@morganb linkedin.com/in/morganb


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Jeffrey Snover is a Distinguished Engineer and the Lead Architect for the Windows Server Division at Micro-soft. He is the inventor of Windows PowerShell, an object-based distributed automation engine, scripting language, and command line shell. Jeffrey joined Microsoft in 1999 as divisional architect for the Manage-ment and Services Division, providing technical direction across Microsoft’s management technologies and products. Jeffrey has over 30 years of industry experience with a focus on management technologies and solutions. He was an architect in the office of the CTO at Tivoli and a development manager for NetView. He was also a consulting engineer and development manager at DEC, where he led various network and systems management projects. He is a frequent speaker at industry and research conferences on a variety of management and language topics. This web site is for his musings about PowerShell, software in general and anything else that he’s currently intrigued by.

Jeffrey Snover 35

2,042 27,436 10.1 75/100 True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.jsnover.com/blog@jsnover linkedin.com/in/jeffreysnover

Holger Mueller is VP and Principal Analyst for Constellation Research covering Next Generation Apps and Human Capital Management. Holger provides strategy and counsel to key clients, including Chief Informa-tion Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Product Officers, Chief HR Officers, investment analysts, ven-ture capitalists, sell side firms and technology buyers. Prior to joining Constellation Research, Mueller was VP of Products for NorthgateArinso, a KKR company. There he lead the transformation of products to the cloud and laid the foundation for new Business Process as a service (BPaaS) capabilities. Previously Mueller was Chief Application Architect with SAP, working on strategic projects and next generation product capa-bilities. Mueller was also VP of Products for FICO, creating the foundation for the current Enterprise Decision Management Suite. Before he worked for Oracle in various management functions both on the application development (CRM, Fusion) and business development side.

Holger Mueller 36

1,979 27,419 41.7 75/100 True Reach AUDIENCE SUPER ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

constellationr.com/users/holger-mueller@holgermu linkedin.com/in/holgermueller


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Des Traynor’s role covers many areas including product strategy, content marketing, customer support, and customer education. In addition he frequently represents Intercom when speaking at international confer-ences on topics such as product management, marketing, customer support, and the challenges of grow-ing a product company. Des previously co-founded Exceptional (now a part of Rackspace), and prior was a UX designer for web applications.

Des Traynor 37

1,946 20,486 5.9 75/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

intercom.com@destraynor linkedin.com/in/destraynor

Kimberly Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization dedi-cated to “changing the face of technology” by introducing girls of color (ages 7-17) to the field of technology and computer science with a concentration on entrepreneurial concepts. Kimberly has enjoyed a success-ful 25+ year professional career in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries as an Engineering Manager in a series of technical leadership roles for various Fortune 100 companies such as Genentech, Merck, and Pfizer. Since 2011 Kimberly has helped Black Girls CODE grow from a local organization serving only the Bay Area, to an international organization with seven chapters across the U.S. and in Johannesburg, South Africa. Black Girls CODE has currently reached over 3000 students and continues to grow and thrive.

Kimberly Bryant 38

1,641 23,797 5.5 74/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

about.me/kimberlybryant@6Gems linkedin.com/in/kimberlybryant


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

David is a serial entrepreneur who founded a total of four companies, and did one turn-around. In 2001, he joined Matrix Partners, who had backed his last two startups, as a VC investor. Successful exits as a VC include: HubSpot, JBoss, AppIQ, Tabblo, Netezza, Diligent Technologies, CloudSwitch, TribeHR, Grab-CAD, OpenSpan and Enservio. David currently serves on the boards of Atomist, CloudBees, Digium, Meteor, Namely HR, Salsify, and Zaius. David writes a blog for entrepreneurs and startups on topics such as viral marketing, SaaS metrics, building a sales and marketing machine, techniques for lowering cost of customer acquisition, etc. The blog can be found here: www.forEntrepreneurs.com.

David Skok 39

1,564 225,210 0.473/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

forentrepreneurs.com@BostonVC linkedin.com/in/dskok

Jennifer Pahlka is the founder and executive director of Code for America. She recently served as the U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, where she ar-chitected and helped found the United States Digital Service. She is known for her TED talk, Coding a Better Government, and is the recipient of several awards, including MIT’s Kevin Lynch Award, the Oxford Internet Institute’s Internet and Society Award, and the National Democratic Institute’s Democracy Award. She spent eight years at CMP Media, where she ran the Game Developers Conference, Game Developer magazine, Gamasutra.com, and the Independent Games Festival. Previously, she ran the Web 2.0 and Gov 2.0 events for TechWeb, in conjunction with O’Reilly Media.

Jennifer Pahlka 40

1,476 26,748 2.7 73/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.codeforamerica.org@pahlkadot linkedin.com/in/jpahlka


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

William Harris is a Growth Marketer and Entrepreneur. He successfully built and lead the marketing team at When I Work, a VC backed SaaS Startup – and in the first 7 months under his leadership, the company grew revenues by 270%. He then moved on to the eCommerce space where he was able to provide double digit lifts to revenue for a large online retailer. William now focuses his time on helping clients realize their business goals by acting as their “outsourced” VP of Marketing. He is able to take a good look at the com-pany as a whole, and help make recommendations that have a lasting impact on the company’s growth.

William Harris 41

1,132 18,153 4.4 72/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

elumynt.com@wmharris101 linkedin.com/in/wmharris

Rob Walling is a serial SaaS founder, podcaster, author, and advisor. He blogs to 25,000 entrepreneurs at www.softwarebyrob.com and co-hosts a podcast about how to launch a startup at www.starupsfortherest-ofus.com. Rob also wrote one of the seminal books on starting a startup with no outside funding, which is available at www.startupbook.net. He’s a web developer by trade, but for the past several years he’s launched, acquired, and operated a number of software products, including Drip, HitTail, and DotNetInvoice.

Rob Walling 42

1,043 13,957 2.3 65/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

softwarebyrob.com@robwalling linkedin.com/in/robwalling


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Tim is an internationally renowned CIO thought leader in the areas of IT transformation, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics and Internet of Things (IoT). Tim has served as CIO and other senior IT roles with global or-ganizations such as Konica Minolta/ All Covered, Stanford University, Knight-Ridder, Philips Electronics and National Semiconductor. Tim’s extensive experience includes strategic planning, organizational develop-ment, governance, program and portfolio management that aligns with business strategy. Additional expe-rience includes mergers and acquisitions, business development, strategic sourcing, compliance, informa-tion security and risk management.

Tim Crawford 43

976 12,683 12.5 70/100True Reach AUDIENCE VERY ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

avoa.com@tcrawford linkedin.com/in/timcrawford

Christoph Janz is a managing partner at Point Nine Capital. He was previously an internet entrepreneur and angel investor. In 1997, he co-founded DealPilot.com, which was later acquired by Shopping.com, and in 2005, Christoph co-founded Pageflakes, which was acquired by LiveUniverse. His investment portfolio includes Zendesk, FreeAgent Central, Geckoboard, and other SaaS startups.

Christoph Janz 44

952 56,376 2.1 70/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

christophjanz.blogspot.com@chrija linkedin.com/in/christophjanz


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Bernard Golden is a long-time tech innovator and visionary. He began his career as a software engineer and rose to serve as vice president of engineering at several startups. While writing Virtualization for Dummies a decade ago, he learned about a new technology called cloud computing and immediately recognized what it represented: an innovation platform that would change information technology forever. He began consulting on cloud computing and worked with enterprises and service providers throughout the world. From 2012 to 2015 Bernard served as an executive at two cloud computing software startups: Enstratius (acquired by Dell, 2013) and ActiveState Software (cloud product line acquired by HPE, 2015).

Bernard Golden 45

923 17,576 6.8 70/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

bernardgolden.com@bernardgolden linkedin.com/in/bernardgolden

Eoghan runs Intercom. He previously founded an award-winning software design consultancy called Con-trast, and co-founded Exceptional, a developer tool startup acquired in 2011 and now a part of Rackspace. He moved from Ireland to San Francisco that year to start Intercom.

Eoghan McCabe 46

863 10,023 3.1 68/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

intercom.com@eoghan linkedin.com/in/eoghanmccabe


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Lydia Leong is a Washington D.C. Based technology analyst at Gartner, where she covers cloud computing and a variety of related topics, including the ecosystem that feeds into (or is disrupted by) the cloud. Her focus is on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and is increasingly following Platform as a Service (Paas) as it intersects with IaaS. She also covers topics such as content delivery networks (CDNs) and other internet infrastructure services, managed hosting, data centers, and a range of emerging cloud and cloud-enabled services. Lydia is a VP Distinguished Analyst in the Technology and Service Providers practice.

Lydia Leong 47

845 14,534 3.2 69/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

cloudpundit.com@cloudpundit linkedin.com/in/lydialeong

Louis Columbus has a passion for research, writing, and servicing others with information and hope to en-rich readers. He’s been involved in software product management and planning, marketing, and sales at a variety of companies, including having been a senior analyst with AMR Research (now Gartner) for four and a half years. Louis also teaches graduate-level courses in International Business, Global Marketing, Compet-itive Strategy and Strategic Planning at Webster University and other colleges and universities on occasion. He is the founder of Software Strategies Research, where he’s committed to providing insights into how SaaS applications can increase the financial performance of an enterprise by better serving customers and streamlining internal operations.

Louis Columbus 48

808 25,335 4.5 68/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

softwarestrategiesblog.com@LouisColumbus linkedin.com/in/louiscolumbus


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Ruzwana Bashir is a travel junkie, having navigated her way through 40 countries. She previously worked at Gilt Groupe, Art.sy, the Blackstone Group and Goldman Sachs. Ruzwana has an MBA from Harvard Business School, where she was a Fulbright Scholar, and a BA in Economics from Oxford University, where she was President of the Oxford Union.

Ruzwana Bashir 49

690 14,907 6.7 61/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.peek.com@ruzwana linkedin.com/in/ruzwana

Leah Faul is a high energy, innovative, results-focused marketing executive and team leader with experi-ence in SaaS marketing, crowdfunding marketing, and product-market fit. Leah is an expert in growing and managing marketing teams of all sizes, and her unique experience packs a punch with a heavy emphasis on SEO, analytics, innovative growth channels, creating unique processes, and efficiency. Having led in-house, agency, and non-profit teams, Leah brings a holistic understanding of execution and proven results to the table.

Leah Faul 50

677 21,358 4.6 61/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

inturact.com/blog@leahfaul linkedin.com/in/leahfau


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Alex Turnbull is a serial entrepreneur whose past ventures have all been in the B2B SaaS space. Currently he’s the CEO and Founder of Groove, taking on the customer service market. Previously he was a co-found-er and Product Manager at Bantam Live, which was acquired by Constant Contact in February of 2011. When Alex isn’t working, you can find him chasing waves up and down the east coast.

Alex Turnbull 51

638 12,155 1.0 60/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

groovehq.com/blog@alexmturnbull linkedin.com/in/alex-turnbull-1ab9992

Trevor Hatfield is the founder of Inturact and strives to create highly tuned marketing machines for their clients websites, products, and apps. While also constantly keeping up with technology and building a team of multifaceted and dedicated professionals. His specialities cover SaaS marketing, inbound marketing, web development, content marketing, UI Design, UX Design, and data analysis.

Trevor Hatfield 52

557 21,043 2.1 59/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

inturact.com/blog/author/trevor-hatfield@trevorhatfield linkedin.com/in/trevorhatfield


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Jessica McKellar is a startup founder, software engineer, and open source developing living in San Fran-cisco. She enjoys the Internet, networking, low-level systems engineering, relational databases, tinkering on electronics projects, and contributing to and helping other people contribute to open source software. Jessica is committed to applying her skills, in individual and collective efforts, to improve the world. She spends a lot of time volunteering, engaging technologists about education, and empowering effective peo-ple and initiatives in her capacity as a Director for the Python Software Foundation.

Jessica McKellar 53

506 10,531 0.3 58/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

web.mit.edu/jesstess@jessicamckellar linkedin.com/in/jesstess

Dana Gardner is a technology thought leader, master communicator, and business innovator. By appreciat-ing the impacts of rapid change in IT and media, he has repeatedly created new business models -- from virtual online newsrooms in 1995 to thriving IT industry analyst consulting practices in 2000, to imaginative and impactful social media content production and distribution services in 2005. In founding Interarbor Solutions, he created a content platform, BriefingsDirect, that leverages social media to explain the latest software-defined enterprise, hybrid cloud, IoT and big data advances.

Dana Gardner 54

483 16,737 5.7 58/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

briefingsdirectblog.com@Dana_Gardner linkedin.com/in/danagardner


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Steli Efti is the CEO at Close.io, which is aiming to build the best CRM for inside sales teams. Unsatis ed with the options available to them for CRMs, they started developing their own internal sales application. After 1.5 years of hard work and development, Steli and his team were able to realize their vision and create something truly special.

Steli Efti 55

463 9,284 2.3 62/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

close.io@Steli linkedin.com/in/steliefti

Lori has been an application developer, a system engineer, a consultant, writer, author, strategist, and evan-gelist. Her specialties include application development, integration, infrastructure, delivery, security, cloud, SDN, and DevOps.

Lori MacVittie 56

404 7,612 6.9 61/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

about.me/lmacvittie@lmacvittie linkedin.com/in/lmacvittie


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Thomas Schranz is Cofounder and CEO of Blossom, a project management tool for software developers. Thomas graduated from Vienna University of Technology. He hails from Austria and lives in SF.

Thomas Schranz 57

401 6,441 4.3 61/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.blossom.co@__tosh linkedin.com/in/tschranz

Byron is an experienced CEO and founder, having first worked with Bessemer when he raised venture capi-tal for the Series A of Trigo Technologies in 2000. Working closely with BVP, Trigo went on to become one of the first global SaaS companies, reached profitability, and successfully sold to IBM in one of the largest out-comes of its vintage. Having seen the potential of cloud computing early, Byron returned to venture capital in 2005 to lead BVP’s global cloud practice and has been actively involved in a portfolio that now includes over 100 cloud investments worldwide.

Byron Deeter 58

395 12,823 1.3 60/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

salesforce.com@Benioff linkedin.com/in/marcbenioff/


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Julia is responsible for the vision, strategy, and growth of Eventbrite. Under her leadership, the company has become the world’s largest event technology platform and has received multiple awards for workplace culture. These accolades include Fortune’s 100 Best Workplaces in the U.S., Glassdoor’s Employees’ Choice Best Places To Work, And San Francisco Business Times’ Best Places to Work in the SF bay area list 7 years running. Julia has been honored as one of Fortune’s 2015 50 under 50 business leaders, Inc’s. 35 under 35 in 2014, and Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2013.

Julia Hartz 59

346 11,530 0.3 54/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

eventbrite.com@juliahartz linkedin.com/in/juliahartz

Sarah E. Brown works with Customer Success-driven B2B companies to develop and execute creative inbound marketing campaigns that attract, engage and convert visitors into fans and customers, as well as campaigns that keep customers engaged throughout the customer lifecycle to drive adoption, retention and customer lifetime value (CLTV). She’s currently the head of Customer, Community, and Brand Marketing at ServiceRocket, which helps fast-growing software companies help their customers get the most out of their software through training, implementation and support

Sarah E. Brown 60

327 4,701 5.0 59/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

sarahbrownmarketing.com@SEBMarketing linkedin.com/in/sarah-e-brown


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

As a huge sports fan, Nick Mehta thinks of his job as being like that of a head coach. His role is to help bring the right people together on the team and put them in the best position to win for our customers, partners, employees and their families. He’s a big believer in the Golden Rule and we try to apply it as much as we can to bring more compassion to our interactions with others. And he talks way too fast and overuses the word awesome like it’s going out of style. Before coming to Gainsight, Nick was the CEO of awesome leading Software-as-a-Service E-Discovery provider LiveOffice through its acquisition by Syman-tec and prior to that was a Vice President at VERITAS Software and Symantec Corporation.

Nick Mehta 61

320 7,651 2.2 59/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.mehtaphysical.com@nrmehta linkedin.com/in/nickmehta

Joe Weinman is a frequent global keynoter, digital strategist, and experienced telecom and IT executive who is the author of the Amazon #1 Hot New Release in Computers and Technology, Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things (Wiley CIO, 2015). He is the Cloud Economics editor for IEEE Cloud Computing magazine, and his business and technical arti-cles have appeared there as well as in the print or online editions of The New York Times, Business Week, Entrepreneur, Forbes,Wired, CNN Money, CIO, InformationWeek, Gigaom, Computing Edge, the Journal of Software Technology, Business Communications Review, Global Telecoms Business, BillingOSS Magazine, Salon, VON and The AT&T Technical Journal. A longtime industry executive, he has held leadership positions in areas such as corporate strategy, innovation management, business development, product management, operations, sales, and R&D, most recently as Senior Vice President, Cloud Services and Strategy at Telx (now Digital Realty) and formerly at AT&T Bell Labs, AT&T corporate, and HP.

Joe Weinman 62

319 7,284 3.2 59/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

joeweinman.com@joeweinman linkedin.com/in/joeweinman


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Pierre Lechelle is Currently focused on helping SaaS companies to grow online through innovative Online Marketing & Growth Hacking. Tired of playing video games, Pierre decided by himself to learn how to code at 11 years old, and eventually started to create his first website. After finishing high school, several compa-nies started to show their interests in his services, which led Pierre to create his first company where he built website for companies, allowing them to develop their online exposure. Two years later, he created a second company, CompanySphere, an online tool for SMBs to help better manage their invoicing and finance.

Pierre Lechelle 63

292 8,391 1.2 58/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

pierrelechelle.com@PierreLechelle linkedin.com/in/pierrelechelle

Mamoon Hamid cofounded VC firm Social Capital in late 2011 and has built a portfolio of enterprise soft-ware companies that’s hard to beat in Silicon Valley. His portfolio has included Box, which Hamid first began working with as a board member while just a VC associate in 2007; Yammer, which Microsoft acquired for $1.2 billion in 2012; Stewart Butterfield’s collaboration unicorn Slack; customer messaging platform In-tercom; HR software company Greenhouse Software and more. Born in Pakistan and raised in Frankfurt, Hamid is a dual U.S.-German citizen and graduated college at age 19. At Social Capital, he and his partners continue to think up new metrics for assessing startup growth and success. After developing what they called a “Quick Ratio” in 2015, the team worked out something of an enterprise North Star in recent months. One of Hamid’s newest investments is Front, a collaboration and messaging startup that fits the themes of many of his greatest hits.

Mamoon Hamid 64

286 8,223 0.5 53/100 True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

@mamoonha linkedin.com/in/mamoonha


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Mathilde Collin, a Parisian, cofounded Front App three years ago to create a collaborative inbox for busi-nesses. Front, a Y Combinator alum, has raised $15 million to date from investors such as Social Capital, SoftTech VC, Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and Path cofounder David Morin. The San Francisco, Calif.-based service is intended to make external discussions seamless through email integration and partnerships with more than 20 companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Yelp and Instagram. More than 1,500 companies pay anywhere from $16 to $49 per user per month for Front.

Mathilde Collin 65

276 5,058 0.957/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

frontapp.com@collinmathilde linkedin.com/in/mathilde-collin-bb59492a

Kris Duggan is the CEO and Co-Founder of BetterWorks. Prior to BetterWorks, Kris was the founding CEO of Badgeville. He has served as an advisor for Alchemist Accelerator, Palantir, Addepar and RelateIQ, and is an adjunct professor at Singularity University.

Kris Duggan 66

274 12,088 1.2 57/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

betterworks.com@kduggan linkedin.com/in/krisduggan


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Justin Pirie is a SaaS and cloud product management specialist. He helps companies make outstanding SaaS and cloud products. Why? Because in the new world of Saas and cloud, the consumerization and democratization of software means that isnt’ not acceptable to have sub-par software because nobody is going to buy it in scale. Justin manages the largest group of SaaS professionals on LinkedIn and edits the new weekly digest.

Justin Pirie 67

262 6,555 6.457/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

justinpirie.com@justinpirie linkedin.com/in/justinpirie

Clement Vouillon is a senior research analyst at Point Nine Capital. He currently explores trends in the SaaS community in order to identify software startups to invest in. He was previously a marketer in residence at eFounders, which is a startup studio. Clement’s primary role was to push projects’ team to adopt a metrics driven approach, give the brand a real voice, and to acquire new users through growth hacking and inbound marketing efforts.

Clement Vouillon 68

200 4,158 4.8 54/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

@clemnt linkedin.com/in/clement-vouillon-926a747


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Gail Goodman is an entrepreneur and former CEO of Constant Contact, a position which she held for nearly 17 years. She took leadership of Constant Contact in 1999 (pre-product, pre-revenue- and pre-funding) and led the company to a successful IPO (NASDAQ: CTCT) in 2007, and through its acquisition by Endurance in 2016 for $1.1 billion. At the time of the acquisition, more than 650,000 small business and nonprofits used Constant Contact’s online marketing tools to engage their customers and grow their businesses. Gail is now a board member at MINDBODY, Inc., as well as Shopify.

Gail Goodman 69

189 9,549 0.748/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

blogs.constantcontact.com@Gail_Goodman linkedin.com/in/gailgoodman

Dave Rigotti is incredibly passionate about revenue-focused B2B marketing. He currently runs the marketing department at Bizible, which makes revenue attribution and planning software. He’s also the co-founder and serves on the board of a marketing operations association called MarketingOps.com, and PipelineMar-keting.com, which produces the yearly State of Pipeline Marketing report. Dave has been a featured speaker at Dreamforce, Marketo Summit, DemandBase Marketing Innovation SUmmit, #FlipMyFunnel, SEMPO Glob-al, and a number of other marketing events about demand generation, marketing operations/technology, and account based marketing.

Dave Rigotti 70

186 4,606 2.4 51/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

daverigotti.com@drigotti linkedin.com/in/daverigotti


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

A successful entrepreneur, Aran Hamilton is the President and Co-Founder of Vantage Analytics. As one of Canada’s leading digital and mobile economy strategists, with a focus on predictive analytics, Aran has spent the past two decades working with retailers, payment networks, banks, and wireless carriers to shape Canada’s ecommerce environment.Aran is also an investor in accells technologies and Vello. He is an alumnus of such pioneering firms as Monitor, PSTG, MIST, Digital Cement, m-Qube, VeriSign, and EnStream/Zoompass. He is the past Chair of the Mobile Transactions & Commerce Summit, and co-founder of Identi-tyNorth.

Aran Hamilton 71

182 4,593 2.4 53/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

gotvantage.com@AranH linkedin.com/in/aranhamilton

Lew Moorman is a senior consultant to the top executives of Rackspace, focusing on strategy and product issues. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Lew joined Rackspace in April of 2000 and has served in a variety of roles, including as President and Chief Strategy Officer, while the company grew to $1.3 billion in annual sales. Before joining Rackspace, he worked for the consulting firm McKinsey & Compa-ny, advising technology clients on strategic issues. A native of San Antonio, Lew received a B.A. from Duke University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Lew Moorman 72

181 5,872 0.8 48/100 True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

medium.com/@lewmoorman@lewmoorman linkedin.com/in/lewmoorman


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Phil Wainewright is a writer, analyst, facilitator, evangelist, consultant, and digital business expert. For more than a decade and a half, he’s promoted the business benefits of software-as-a-service and cloud com-puting and championed industry best practices. As co-founder of diginomica, he writes about and explains how enterprises are using digital technologies to achieve breakthrough business outcomes. More on this in my forthcoming book Frictionless Enterprise. I’m a frequent speaker and roundtable moderator at confer-ences and customer events.

Phil Wainewright 73

175 6,844 0.752/100True Reach AUDIENCE Somewhat ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

diginomica.com@philww linkedin.com/in/philwainewright

Brit Fitzpatrick is the Founder & CEO of MentorMe. MentorMe is building a more connected future through technology that makes mentorship easier, more productive, and more impactful. Its clients and partners include the Memphis Grizzlies, Opportunity Nation, and the State of New York. As an American Express Top 50 under 40 in social enterprise, Brit has a demonstrated track record of identifying innovative ways to in-tersect emerging technology with scalable social impact.

Brit Fitzpatrick 74

170 2,996 7.1 52/100 True Reach AUDIENCE ACTIVEINFLUENCE

posts per day

about.me/britfitzpatrick@BritFitzpatrick linkedin.com/in/britfitzpatrick


03Top 75 SAAS Influencers

Wendy is a General Partner at Entrepreneur First, the world’s leading company builder. EF invests in top technology talent to help them build world-class deep technology startups from scratch in London and Singapore. She joined EF 18 months ago to further support the growth of EF companies with a £40m Next Stage Fund and programme. Since 2011, EF has created over 100 startups worth over $400m including Magic Pony Technology, Tractable, StackHut, Pi-Top, OpenCosmos, Status Today and Cloud NC. Wendy was co-founder and CEO of Moonfruit, the UK’s leading DIY website and online shop builder for SMB’s. Moon-fruit was acquired in 2012 by Hibu plc (formerly Yell Group) to support its transformation to a global digital services provider.

Wendy Tan White 75

141 5,584 2.0 50/100True Reach AUDIENCE ActiveINFLUENCE

posts per day

www.joinef.co@wendytanwhite linkedin.com/in/wendytanwhite