Top 10 Reasons Why MLB Sucks Counting Down the Downfall of Baseball I am a baseball fan first and foremost. I am a teacher of the game at many different levels. But somewhere between being a kid that loves the game and being an adult who gets paid to play the game a transformation happens. The purity of the sport is not represented at the Major League level. Here are my top reasons why... #10-The players are overpaid. With no salary cap Major League Baseball has let a whiny bunch of babies be the face of the organization. Granted there are some hard nosed athletes which could be considered baseball purist still around, but the Mark Graces of the World are few and far between. #9 Too Many Tampered Seasons This blemish dates all the way back to the Sox throwing the World Series. Contemporary craziness is Pete Rose betting on baseball, strikes, and now the "roid rage." There are just too many factors to list! It just well...sucks! The game has been tarnished in so many ways. Now we have records that are going to have undeniable question marks beside them. Too much controversey for the fair weather fan, they are probably Nascar fans now. At least Jeff Gordon's helmet size didn't grow two sizes in a single season. #8 No Salary Cap This is a problem. I know the revenue sharing scam that MLB has put into place to hush up the small teams enough for them to keep a star of two, but this is out of control what these players make. The Yankees payroll is out of control! Lucky for us the remaining fans that talent and money doesn't always win championships. Baseball has a unique dynamic that is reffered to as chemistry, and it isn't for sale! #7 No Parity in the League Parity is defined as:equality, as in amount, status, or character. You can find it the dictionary, but don't look for it MLB clubhouses. League expansion is a cluster of uncanny proportions. The already thin pitching talent being spread across the league to play in empty stadiums. And the small teams get hit the hardest..these teams survive by calling up the next great hope from AA or AAA to fill a gap. They give the poor kid a cap and a prayer and send him out there to compete. Too many prospects are being forced up too early. This of course helps prepare them for free agency. These types of players survive their MLB bootcamp with Kansas City mlb 15 the show or the Reds and then after those teams can no longer afford them they have them well groomed for the "big money franchises." The rich get richer, the poor keep calling up rookies! #6 Pitching Now that Nolan and the Goose have hung up their cleats who is left to make these lumber lugging neanderthals look retarded at the plate. Where did these types of pitchers go? The intimidators, not on roids --I might add --where are they in the league. The problems are many for this little pickle the MLB has put itself in. Hitters have developed, even without the use of human growth hormones, the art of hitting a round ball with a round stick squarely has become a science. Pitching is relatively the

Top 10 Reasons Why MLB Sucks

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Top 10 Reasons Why MLB Sucks

Counting Down the Downfall of Baseball

I am a baseball fan first and foremost. I am a teacher of the game at many different levels. Butsomewhere between being a kid that loves the game and being an adult who gets paid to play thegame a transformation happens. The purity of the sport is not represented at the Major League level.Here are my top reasons why...

#10-The players are overpaid. With no salary cap Major League Baseball has let a whiny bunch ofbabies be the face of the organization. Granted there are some hard nosed athletes which could beconsidered baseball purist still around, but the Mark Graces of the World are few and far between.

#9 Too Many Tampered Seasons

This blemish dates all the way back to the Sox throwing the World Series. Contemporary craziness isPete Rose betting on baseball, strikes, and now the "roid rage." There are just too many factors tolist! It just well...sucks! The game has been tarnished in so many ways. Now we have records thatare going to have undeniable question marks beside them. Too much controversey for the fairweather fan, they are probably Nascar fans now. At least Jeff Gordon's helmet size didn't grow twosizes in a single season.

#8 No Salary Cap

This is a problem. I know the revenue sharing scam that MLB has put into place to hush up the smallteams enough for them to keep a star of two, but this is out of control what these players make. TheYankees payroll is out of control! Lucky for us the remaining fans that talent and money doesn'talways win championships. Baseball has a unique dynamic that is reffered to as chemistry, and itisn't for sale!

#7 No Parity in the League

Parity is defined as:equality, as in amount, status, or character. You can find it the dictionary, butdon't look for it MLB clubhouses. League expansion is a cluster of uncanny proportions. The alreadythin pitching talent being spread across the league to play in empty stadiums. And the small teamsget hit the hardest..these teams survive by calling up the next great hope from AA or AAA to fill agap. They give the poor kid a cap and a prayer and send him out there to compete. Too manyprospects are being forced up too early. This of course helps prepare them for free agency. Thesetypes of players survive their MLB bootcamp with Kansas City mlb 15 the show or the Reds and thenafter those teams can no longer afford them they have them well groomed for the "big moneyfranchises." The rich get richer, the poor keep calling up rookies!

#6 Pitching

Now that Nolan and the Goose have hung up their cleats who is left to make these lumber luggingneanderthals look retarded at the plate. Where did these types of pitchers go? The intimidators, noton roids --I might add --where are they in the league. The problems are many for this little pickle theMLB has put itself in. Hitters have developed, even without the use of human growth hormones, theart of hitting a round ball with a round stick squarely has become a science. Pitching is relatively the

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same. There isn't a whole lot more coaches can do to teach players to throw 100 mph. Pitching isusually something you have that is innate and polished, hitting can be developed and is so moreeffectively in all the ametuer ranks of baseball. So how does pitching get back to where it was..Let'sstart a couple more expansion teams..that will fix it.

#5 Boring Commentary

The T.V. ratings are falling because people would rather watch people drive around in a circle athigh rates of speed then listen to another has-been drooling all over the microphone about baseball.I love the game. I like the commentary, but it isn't exciting television. This is the shoot'em upNintendo generation here that we are trying to interest in our beloved sport. Spice it up a little bit, ifGolf can up their ratings due to Tiger and a few dicy commentators..what is MLB or the broadcastnetworks doing to change it up?

#4 Free Agency and the Death of the Franchise Player

Free agency is a curse! This has destroyed the franchise player. The small market teams will neverhold onto a franchise player, and this hurts the fanbase. Even the struggling Reds lost Ken GriffeyJr., no he is not a franchise player for Cincinnati. He put up Hall of Fame numbers while in Seattle.But without a doubt he wanted to be a Red, even though they were horrible. To me that is a playerthat should get to stay whereever he wants, and the MLB market should be to a point that somesalary could be eatin' by the Reds to ensure the Hall of Famer goes out exactly as he wanted to go.But no the franchise players are as dead as the suicide squeeze in the MLB. The free agent marketpaired with large market clubs will snuff out any such chances of restoring that to baseball.

#3 George Steinbrenner

Don't get me started on this figure. He is the anti-christ of the purist movement. Ole' George will dowhatever it takes to win because he loses so grasiously. The head of the Yankee player monopoly willpout until he wins another World Series. He has publicity stunts that take the focus off the game,and puts on a show for our young adoring fans about the urgency to win, and gives them a seminaron the art of whining about losing. This is what happens without a salary cap. The only thing thatmakes it bearable for a fan is they are in third place, and they haven't had a World Series monopoly.

#2 The Designated Hitter

The designated hitter was devised in 1979 by the American League to up attendance and runproduction...blah..blah..blah. Its a joke that MLB pulled in order to do away with having pitchers goto the plate and flail out the ball in crucial parts of the game. They also forgot that it took away somefundamental aspects of managing. The double switch, the bunt, and the art of the pitcher moving arunner over. Or heaven forbid, my favorite arguement, a picher that might be able to hit (Babe Ruthring a bell). For a purist of the game the DH opened a window for a single tool baseball player tomake it to the bigs. It let's good hitter loose empasis on defense, and it takes away from the originalnature of the game. Your best 9 against my best 9, everybody hits!

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#1 Loss of the Inner City Development

Just when you thought I had nothing intelligentto say: The main reason that Major LeagueBaseball is below average is because the innercities do not produce baseball players like theyhave in the past. There are fewer African-American playing the game of baseball todaythen in the 70's. MLB has been slow to move onthis, but some initiatives are starting to funnel money back into developing solid inner city youthbaseball programs.

It all goes to say, baseball has lost the interest of the African-American community. Maybe itsboring, maybe their are no role models, maybe they have no place to play? For whatever reasonthere has been a lost link, and it shows. Baseball hasn't been able to appeal to elite African-Americanatheletes. Maybe the other 9 reasons the MLB sucks has something to do with it!