HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, MAY HV 1016. BKVEN Bijou Theater Last, TONIGHT Tide GREATEST CELEBRATION IN YEARS LYTlvIX- - VAUtillAN COM TAN Y' IX THE Curtain 8:15 Prices 25. 50. 75. SI.00 Phone 3'37 THURSDAY- -- FRIDAY SATURDAY 7 KEYS TO BALDPATE TONIGHT 7:40 P. M. MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Daniel Frohman Presents the Dainty and Bewitching Margmernde Clark IN ,- The Prince and the Pauper A Dramatization of Mark Twain's Most Celebrated Story in Five Acts THIRD CHAPTER OF "THE RED CIRCLE" "UP-TO-THE-MINUT- E" PATHE WEEKLY PRICES 10, 20, 30 Cents. BOX SEATS 50 Cents For Reservations, Phone 5060 After 6:30 P. M. I TONIGHT WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS BettyMansenEdwa ,..pOUNT TOLSTOI'S MASTERPIECE TONIGHT "ANNA; KAREMN A HEART GRIPPING STORY OF A LOVE-STARVE- D , WOMAN'S STRUGGLE FOR HAPPINESS ;. - also v y:: : Charles Chaplin inThcJlIasqucradcrs ; Matinee Daily, 2:15; Evening, 7:15; Chaplin at 8:00; '..-.S- . , Feature at 8:15 , BAKER'S PICTURES Old and Modern Hawaii , :; WILL BE SHOWN : At the Hawaiian Opera House HAWAIIAN SONGS Will Be Sung By j ; ; NATIVE SEXTET to Illustrations in Color Saturday, May 13th .... ; : at 8 p. m. j SEATS . , . .. , . ... ..... . .. ... v. . . . . 25c, 50c and 75c Tickets on Sale at Territorial Messenger Servica ' ............ , . .- -. i!u:;:;:::;;;::::;;:;!;:;iiii::;iiin:i!iiiimiiin ' ' ' ' - 4 if so, be sure your Baggage is safely and promptly delivered at the right place by the v Union-Pacif- ic Transfer Company, Ltd. .. ;tt e matt n attjtvtjo 174 King St., next to Yonng Hotel .. Phones 1874, 1875 IIIIliI!IIiliIIliIIiiilIllllIIIIllllllll!llliliIlliliilllll!lllillllllllllllll!IIUIIIllillIlllll!ll!!l Try Charles Reynolds' New Twin-Si- x Packard, the first - one in the rent service. : - Car 1 900 Phone 2511 YOUNG" HOTEL AUTO STAND WILL BE KAM Parade Pageant and Sports Will Promote Festivity on Hawaiian Holiday Kamehameha Day celebration this year will be the most characteristic, the most enthusiastic, since annexa- tion. That is what John C. Lane says. He ought to know, for he la chairman of the Kamebameha Day celebration com- mittee and has all the plana in hand. "It used to be a Rreat day with the Hawaiians," he said this morning. "It will be again. Advertising, concerted effort, the revival of racing will all help to make the biggest, beet celebra- tion Honolulu has seen in years." The mayor told of the celebration of the dav when lie was a little boy the town choked with visitors from all over the islands, the whole city gay with leis, flowers everywhere, pa-- u riders in tneir brilliant costumes dashing through the streets, every- body happy and carefree with all their troubles thrown to the winds the one day of all the year that everyone in the islands looked forward to. Every 'slander will be requested to wear a lei on June 11 and 12, the mayor said. All those in the parade are to carry an extra one to be cast at the foot of the statue of Kamehame ha the Great as the marchers pass it More than 50 pa-- u riders are expected to join in the march and as the line halts to do honor to the greatest of all Ha'vaiians they will group them- selves around the statue and the Roy- al Twins, representatives of the pair who stayed close to the great king's side all his life. There will be a song at the statue and then the line will pass on to the capitol. V Prince Kalanianaole has promised the loan of some of his relics of the old days spears, idols, etc few the pageant to be held at night, and it Is hoped that others will be obtained. Benefit Dance May 13. In order to raise $1500 with vhica to finance the celebration on June 12. a benefit concert and dance will be given in the National Guard armory on the evening of May 13, beginning at 8 o'clock. The dance will be opened with a grand march led by Mayor and Mrs. John C. Lane. Music wJllbe furnish- ed by the Hawaiian Banfl. Between dances the following program will be rendered: Duet "Nani Waipo" , .............. ; ." Prince Leileohoku Mrs. Lydia Cummings, John Bright Hawaiian Selections. . .Pali Glee Club Medley, Hawaiian Airs............ Hawaiian Band Song "Springtime" ............... Latter Qay Saints Choir Hawaiian Songs r. ..... Pali Glee Clnb Song. ........ .Young People's League . Led by Charles E. King. Selection. .Haw'n Band and Orchestra ' The committee in charge of the celebration is endeavoring to sell 3000 tickets at 50 cents each. Parade to Be Unique. 'The opening feature of Kamehame-h- a Day will be a parade to start from Aala park promptly at 8:80 a. ra. U will be in charge of Capt. Robert Par- ker Waipa, marshal, and Oscar P. Cox and J. K. Moktimaia, aides. Following the Hawaiian "Band,. which will lead the parade, w ill march the out-of-tow- n representatives cf the local Hawaiian societies. This delegation will be followed by the following societies: Hui Kameha-meh- a. Hui Kaahumanu. Hui Kalama, Hut Oiwl (roenJHui Oiwi (women), Court Lunalilo 6600, A: O. F.; Hui Pdola' (men), Hui Poola (women), Hui Oplo, I D, S.; Hui o na Mana-wale- a. L. D. S ; Kamehameha cadet battalion, Kamehameha Girls' School, Kamehameha Alumni, Young People's League. " v The line of march will be from Aala Pari; along KIn street tq the Kamehameha statue, around the sta- tue through the makai entrance to the Capitol grounds to the bandstand, passing the makai steps of the Capi- tol. . The Sops and Daughters of War- riors will be on guard at the Kame- hameha statue as the parade - passes. On the Capitol steps, while the parade Is passing, the members of the Hui Hale o na Alii o Hawaii will snd guard by King Kamehameha's war god, 'Kukalimoku.,, At the conclusion of the parade an oration in Hawaiian will be delivered from the bandstand by Rev. J. K. Ka-nra- u, pastor of the Pearl City Hawpv ian church. Pagtant at Night. The celebration will be concluded by a snectacular Hawaiian pageant to be held in the Waikiki end of the Capitol grounds, beginning at 8 o'clock. Nearly 300 persons will take part in the pageant, which Is entitled "From Darkness to Light," and, which will be produced under the direction of the Sons and Daughters of War- riors, the principal actors ' and act- resses being members of the Hale o na Alii of Hawaii. It will begin with the days prior to the discovery of Hawaii, depleting the different modes of living, worship and'aacrifice.. Vari- ous stages of the history' of the is- lands will be portrayed, including the arrival of the missionaries. Princess J. K. Kalanianaole is "direct- or, and John Wise superintendent of the pageant. r The action will last about two and one-hal- f hours. The following committers are work- ing toward making the celebration a success: General committee Edgar Henri-que- s, chairman; Mayor Lane, chairr man executive committee; Will E. Miles, secretary; D. P. R. Isenbcrg, ' ' treasurer. Statue decorations Sons and Daughters of. Warrtors. ' '. Bleachers and chairs-i-- S. C. D wight. Vlhta Your Eyes Need Care Try llaring Eye Cszedy HA HA DAY 1916 John Kekuewa. Peter Kanae. Pageant Princess Kalanianaole, Mr. II- - H Webb. Mrs S. V. Dwight. Chorus-Char- les E. King. Athletic Evnts on Kmhamha Day. Baselftill St. Iuis vs. Chinese at Athletic Park. Honolnlus vs. 2oth Infantry at Athletic Park. Horse Racing Running races. Polo jony races. Harness races at Ka- - piolani Park race track. BOND PROPOSAL OF MAYOR WILL BE LIVE ISSUE Proposal to Borrow $750,000 for Roads Heard By Super- visors and Referred Mayor Lane's bona message was taken from the table last night and it will soon be an active issue in the city if plans of some of the super- visors go through. On motion of Sup- ervisor Charles N. Arnold, it was re- ferred to the several committees con- cerned with orders to them to report at the next meeting. After that the question of a $750,000 bond issue for the city will be taken before the pub- lic in a series of addresses before semi-publi- c organizations and at a number of mass meetings. Kalakaua Avtnue Considered. Kalakaua avenue held the atten- tion of the board meeting last night for nearly half an hour, about 20 min- utes of which was taken up by thj reading of the report Details of the report of George M. Collins, city engi- neer, on the improvement of Kala- kaua avenue submitted last night were published in Monday's Star-Bulleti- n. After objections to his scheme by Supervisor Arnold the report was referred, to the road committee. , No mention was made of the mem- orial to the governor, although' it was slated to come up. It is looked on as an already disposed of matter by most of the supervisors. The meeting was a long and deadly dull one and when near ita conclu- sion, Supervisor Ben Hollinger sprang from his chair and let loose a torrent of invective against the pub- lic utilities commission for its action just reported at, i the board meeting in passing, the Rnid, Transit charter to the governor without approval or action dp It, Ihert were "loud cheers from the galleries" at the prospect of a little excitement. "That Is a fine way for a body that has been working hand in hand with this one to act," shouted Hollinger.; "It asks us to ap- prove the charter It proposed and then refuses approval itself. Where is their backbone? Why do they pass tbe buck to the governor? What is the use of a public Utilities commission drawing down $10 for every meeting 11 it has to run babylike to the governor every time it takes any action?" Hollinger cooled down after a rain ute or two of this and the draft oi the proposed amendments, which had been read by the. clerk, was laid on the table and the clerk requested to furnish copies, to all of the members of the board. Supervisor F, M. Hatch, chairman of the franchise committee, commend- ed the amendments . proposed, as they stand, saying that every change in the original draft proposed by the city attorneys had been accepted. i '. ' . ; , " .' MEWS OF MEETING OF CITY SUPERVISORS Next meeting will be noon, to pass, payrolls. Thursday Sea View improvement project pass- ed public hearing last night It was passed to the engineer for a report Request of the water investigation commission for an additional $3000 to complete its work was referred to the finance committee. An invitation of George W. De Long Post, G. A. R., to join it in Memorial Day services at Nmaanu cemetery from 9 to 12 a. m. May 30 was read. To save premiums on the bond of F. R. Ritchie, successful bidder for the Manoa improvement work the board did not make the final award of contract last night. Amendments to the dance hall .ord- inance, giving the inspectors the pow- er to close places that do not meet with their approval and making other minor changes, passed first reading- - George M. Collins, city engineer, was instructed to prepare a prelim- inary report on the improvement of Laimi, Park and Puiwa roads in the Nuuanu valley. They are to be paved wjth five inches of concrete. On motion of Supervisor William Larsen, the board declared that it be- lieved that the Oahu Loan Fund Com- mission should push through to com- pletion the Hillebrand Glen project Tor diverting water into Reservoir No. 4. Expenditure of $50 for a corner stone for the addition to Central Grammar school now being built was authorized last night Henry Freitas, building inspector, was authorized to employ an Inspector on the" construc- tion of the school at $5 a day. The police committee recommended that the em ploy map of an attendant PHONE Direction Today at 2:30 MATINEE PRICES ................... .............. .10, 20, 30 CENTS LAST TWO PERFORMANCES OF The 'M 4" Feature V.LS.EVilagrapMJibin, Selig. Essanay il TU Net York Iraniaf Sua noOM The Sins of the Mothers -- a Vttagrafk Blue Riblxm featitrt dm J farts with Anita 3 Stewart and Earle . Yoa will be thrilled by this powerful story of a girl with an inherited passion for gambling. Come and see what happens to ner.. sv t m m AT THE THE THAT RAN FOUR IN ANGELES PLACE WHERE WAS WEDNESDAY. At "THE THE SELIG SEAL PLAY IN REELS. From Edward Rose's wonderful drama "Their household is happy one but into it creeps serpent.'' little note of menace. , ' i 1 10, 20 and 30 Cents. by Dr. R. G. Ayer, emergency physician, ha authorized. The ma- yor will hare to give his recommenda- tions in the matter to the board before it can act legally. It is said that be agrees the police committee. The amendments to the agent ordinance, which have been re- viewed in the Star-Bulleti- n several times, nearly passed reading last night, but just before the motion was put, Hatch suggested that it be sent to the and means committee. The previous motion was withdrawn and his substituted and passed. 'ou 'vVhitehous.e, assistant city that-wa- s. will not collect his April salary of $2Q0. The board said so last night. He had already col- lected $750 from the city without, it is. alleged, doing more a lv9 days' work, and when he failed to ap- pear during April after notification that his connection with the payroll would end May 1, the road committee declared that his salary should not be paid. The board backed it up. Survey of some Jands near Hauula by the': city engineer for E. ' Henri-que- 8' was authorized. Henrlques has offered to build about mile of coral road in place of soma, tracks through the grass that ast? now called road, providing the city will relocate the highway near Hauula. He i9 to pay all the expenses of the engineer and party while they make the survey, and when this is completed, the board will decide whether or not it will authorize the of the road. Program beginning 1:30 p. m., until 4 p. - m. : Evening (two shows). 6:30 and 8:30 SPECIAL PROGRAM OF TODAY AND EVENING "June Friday" (four-ree- l drama), Edi-son- .' "Hearts and cClubs" (comedy), John. GREEN V A ACT COMEDY BY THE Punahou Dramatic Friday Evening ' o'clock Charles R. Bishop flail Seats at Store : Admission SQ nd 75 cents Til "mm HONOLULU'S HOME OF HAPFIME5S 2873 PhD J. Byrne WillUmi n m 1 1 n it h f t i s ii II t S I 3 3 3 ii II t : c : i: PRICES - - Tonight at 7:45 "The Sips off the Momeirs 99 IF YOU ARE A PICTURE FAN YOU WILL SEE IT THIS PICTURE IS UNIQUE MISS IT AND YOU MISS A LOT The Oainblinu: Hell, the reat race track scene, the bridge tables of fashionable society and n hun- dred and one things of interest to every body- - Also THE KALEM 4 REEL COMEDY DRAMA "Midnight at Maxims" COMING THURSDAY (COMMENCING MATINEE). PICTURE FOR CONSECUTIVE WEEKS LOS THE THE PICTURE PRODUCED. COMING (COMMENCING THE-MATINK- ROSARY" BIC? RED 6 stage a a Just a i J EVENING hospi- tal with purchasing first Supervisor ways en- gineer than a a relocation ': THREE Eight-Tbirt- y, Reserved Cunha Music i ii RESERVED 50 Ceuts mlMms 1 : DAY at the Liberty Theatef "Kverv cirl or bov in Honolnln is invited ta at tend the especially instructive and interesting pro- gram prepared. , 4 i?arent could do nothing better toward ; the education and enjoyment of their child- ren than to see lhat thtir girls and boys at- tend the Friday afternoon Moving1 Picture series, arranged for their benefit by Hawaii's Greatest Newspaper. - ; v. '; Cut coupon from Thursday's Star-Bulleti- n. No admittance without coupon. i " Personally Conda ct ed ExcursilB V.w Saturday Rext, Uay lw, imi The journey is made over tha Cnooth 7ater Ecuta by the,(ast and comfortable Inter-Islan- d Co 's. steamers, noted for their unsurpassed cuisine;" JT: ; " 0 bjo)oyj)yjc ' 1 ; C0VEB3 ALL EXPE1TSES , ; ; ; , , Provided twelve persdns;are booked, the excursion will be personajly conducted bjt Ilr. L, W. de Vis-ITorto- n, Of-- , THE HAVA1I PUBLICITY' COMMISSION h i ? r (Office with Promotion' Committee); '" From whom all infermatien msy b3 outlined. ft !

Today at - - Tonight at · TONIGHT 7:40 P. M. MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Daniel Frohman Presents the Dainty and Bewitching Margmernde Clark IN,-The Prince and the Pauper A Dramatization

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Page 1: Today at - - Tonight at · TONIGHT 7:40 P. M. MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Daniel Frohman Presents the Dainty and Bewitching Margmernde Clark IN,-The Prince and the Pauper A Dramatization


Bijou Theater Last,TONIGHT



Curtain 8:15 Prices 25. 50. 75. SI.00 Phone 3'37




MATINEE TODAY, 2:15Daniel Frohman Presents the Dainty and Bewitching

Margmernde ClarkIN ,-

The Prince and the PauperA Dramatization of Mark Twain's Most Celebrated Story




PATHE WEEKLYPRICES 10, 20, 30 Cents. BOX SEATS 50 Cents

For Reservations, Phone 5060 After 6:30 P. M. I







Charles Chaplin inThcJlIasqucradcrs; Matinee Daily, 2:15; Evening, 7:15; Chaplin at 8:00;

'..-.S- . , Feature at 8:15 ,

BAKER'S PICTURESOld and Modern Hawaii


At the Hawaiian Opera House



; NATIVE SEXTETto Illustrations in Color

Saturday, May 13th.... ;

: at 8 p. m.jSEATS . , . . . , . ... ..... . . . ... v . . . . . 25c, 50c and 75c

Tickets on Sale at Territorial Messenger Servica

' ............ , . .- -.

i!u:;:;:::;;;::::;;:;!;:;iiii::;iiin:i!iiiimiiin' ' '' -4

if so, be sure your Baggage is safely and promptly deliveredat the right place by the v

Union-Pacif- ic Transfer Company, Ltd... ;tt e matt n attjtvtjo

174 King St., next to Yonng Hotel .. Phones 1874, 1875


Try Charles Reynolds' New Twin-Si-x Packard, the first- one in the rent service. : -

Car 1 900 Phone 2511YOUNG" HOTEL AUTO STAND


Parade Pageant and SportsWill Promote Festivity on

Hawaiian Holiday

Kamehameha Day celebration thisyear will be the most characteristic,the most enthusiastic, since annexa-tion.

That is what John C. Lane says. Heought to know, for he la chairman ofthe Kamebameha Day celebration com-mittee and has all the plana in hand."It used to be a Rreat day with theHawaiians," he said this morning. "Itwill be again. Advertising, concertedeffort, the revival of racing will allhelp to make the biggest, beet celebra-tion Honolulu has seen in years."

The mayor told of the celebration ofthe dav when lie was a little boythe town choked with visitors fromall over the islands, the whole citygay with leis, flowers everywhere,pa-- u riders in tneir brilliant costumesdashing through the streets, every-body happy and carefree with all theirtroubles thrown to the winds the oneday of all the year that everyone inthe islands looked forward to.

Every 'slander will be requested towear a lei on June 11 and 12, themayor said. All those in the paradeare to carry an extra one to be castat the foot of the statue of Kamehameha the Great as the marchers pass itMore than 50 pa-- u riders are expectedto join in the march and as the linehalts to do honor to the greatest ofall Ha'vaiians they will group them-selves around the statue and the Roy-

al Twins, representatives of the pairwho stayed close to the great king'sside all his life. There will be asong at the statue and then the linewill pass on to the capitol. V

Prince Kalanianaole has promisedthe loan of some of his relics of theold days spears, idols, etc few thepageant to be held at night, and it Ishoped that others will be obtained.Benefit Dance May 13.

In order to raise $1500 with vhicato finance the celebration on June 12.a benefit concert and dance will begiven in the National Guard armoryon the evening of May 13, beginningat 8 o'clock.

The dance will be opened with agrand march led by Mayor and Mrs.John C. Lane. Music wJllbe furnish-ed by the Hawaiian Banfl. Betweendances the following program will berendered:Duet "Nani Waipo" ,

.............. ; ." Prince LeileohokuMrs. Lydia Cummings, John Bright

Hawaiian Selections. . .Pali Glee ClubMedley, Hawaiian Airs............

Hawaiian BandSong "Springtime" ...............

Latter Qay Saints ChoirHawaiian Songs r. ..... Pali Glee ClnbSong. ........ .Young People's League

. Led by Charles E. King.Selection. .Haw'n Band and Orchestra' The committee in charge of thecelebration is endeavoring to sell 3000tickets at 50 cents each.Parade to Be Unique.'The opening feature of Kamehame-h- a

Day will be a parade to start fromAala park promptly at 8:80 a. ra. Uwill be in charge of Capt. Robert Par-ker Waipa, marshal, and Oscar P.Cox and J. K. Moktimaia, aides.

Following the Hawaiian "Band,.which will lead the parade, w ill marchthe out-of-tow- n representatives cf thelocal Hawaiian societies.

This delegation will be followed bythe following societies: Hui Kameha-meh- a.

Hui Kaahumanu. Hui Kalama,Hut Oiwl (roenJHui Oiwi (women),Court Lunalilo 6600, A: O. F.; HuiPdola' (men), Hui Poola (women),Hui Oplo, I D, S.; Hui o na Mana-wale- a.

L. D. S ; Kamehameha cadetbattalion, Kamehameha Girls' School,Kamehameha Alumni, Young People'sLeague. " v

The line of march will be fromAala Pari; along KIn street tq theKamehameha statue, around the sta-tue through the makai entrance tothe Capitol grounds to the bandstand,passing the makai steps of the Capi-tol. .

The Sops and Daughters of War-riors will be on guard at the Kame-hameha statue as the parade - passes.On the Capitol steps, while the paradeIs passing, the members of the HuiHale o na Alii o Hawaii will sndguard by King Kamehameha's wargod, 'Kukalimoku.,,

At the conclusion of the parade anoration in Hawaiian will be deliveredfrom the bandstand by Rev. J. K. Ka-nra- u,

pastor of the Pearl City Hawpvian church.Pagtant at Night.

The celebration will be concludedby a snectacular Hawaiian pageant tobe held in the Waikiki end of theCapitol grounds, beginning at 8

o'clock.Nearly 300 persons will take part

in the pageant, which Is entitled"From Darkness to Light," and, whichwill be produced under the directionof the Sons and Daughters of War-riors, the principal actors ' and act-resses being members of the Hale ona Alii of Hawaii. It will begin withthe days prior to the discovery ofHawaii, depleting the different modesof living, worship and'aacrifice.. Vari-ous stages of the history' of the is-

lands will be portrayed, including thearrival of the missionaries.

Princess J. K. Kalanianaole is "direct-or, and John Wise superintendent ofthe pageant. r

The action will last about two andone-hal- f hours.

The following committers are work-ing toward making the celebration asuccess:

General committee Edgar Henri-que- s,

chairman; Mayor Lane, chairrman executive committee; Will E.Miles, secretary; D. P. R. Isenbcrg,

' 'treasurer.Statue decorations Sons and

Daughters of. Warrtors. ' '.Bleachers and chairs-i-- S. C. Dwight.

Vlhta Your Eyes Need CareTry llaring Eye Cszedy

HA HA DAY 1916

John Kekuewa. Peter Kanae.Pageant Princess Kalanianaole,

Mr. II- - H Webb. Mrs S. V. Dwight.Chorus-Char- les E. King.

Athletic Evnts on Kmhamha Day.Baselftill St. Iuis vs. Chinese at

Athletic Park. Honolnlus vs. 2othInfantry at Athletic Park.

Horse Racing Running races. Polojony races. Harness races at Ka- -

piolani Park race track.




Proposal to Borrow $750,000for Roads Heard By Super-

visors and Referred

Mayor Lane's bona message wastaken from the table last night andit will soon be an active issue in thecity if plans of some of the super-visors go through. On motion of Sup-ervisor Charles N. Arnold, it was re-

ferred to the several committees con-cerned with orders to them to reportat the next meeting. After that thequestion of a $750,000 bond issue forthe city will be taken before the pub-lic in a series of addresses beforesemi-publi- c organizations and at anumber of mass meetings.Kalakaua Avtnue Considered.

Kalakaua avenue held the atten-tion of the board meeting last nightfor nearly half an hour, about 20 min-utes of which was taken up by thjreading of the report Details of thereport of George M. Collins, city engi-neer, on the improvement of Kala-kaua avenue submitted last nightwere published in Monday's Star-Bulleti- n.

After objections to his schemeby Supervisor Arnold the report wasreferred, to the road committee., No mention was made of the mem-orial to the governor, although' it wasslated to come up. It is looked on asan already disposed of matter by mostof the supervisors.

The meeting was a long and deadlydull one and when near ita conclu-sion, Supervisor Ben Hollingersprang from his chair and let loosea torrent of invective against the pub-lic utilities commission for its actionjust reported at, i the board meetingin passing, the Rnid, Transit charterto the governor without approval oraction dp It, Ihert were "loud cheersfrom the galleries" at the prospect ofa little excitement. "That Is a fineway for a body that has been workinghand in hand with this one to act,"shouted Hollinger.; "It asks us to ap-prove the charter It proposed and thenrefuses approval itself. Where is theirbackbone? Why do they pass tbebuck to the governor? What is theuse of a public Utilities commissiondrawing down $10 for every meeting 11

it has to run babylike to the governorevery time it takes any action?"

Hollinger cooled down after a rainute or two of this and the draft oithe proposed amendments, which hadbeen read by the. clerk, was laid onthe table and the clerk requested tofurnish copies, to all of the membersof the board.

Supervisor F, M. Hatch, chairmanof the franchise committee, commend-ed the amendments . proposed, as theystand, saying that every change in theoriginal draft proposed by the cityattorneys had been accepted.

i '. '. ; ,



Next meeting will benoon, to pass, payrolls.


Sea View improvement project pass-ed public hearing last night It waspassed to the engineer for a report

Request of the water investigationcommission for an additional $3000to complete its work was referred tothe finance committee.

An invitation of George W. De LongPost, G. A. R., to join it in MemorialDay services at Nmaanu cemeteryfrom 9 to 12 a. m. May 30 was read.

To save premiums on the bond ofF. R. Ritchie, successful bidder forthe Manoa improvement work theboard did not make the final awardof contract last night.

Amendments to the dance hall .ord-inance, giving the inspectors the pow-er to close places that do not meetwith their approval and making otherminor changes, passed first reading- -

George M. Collins, city engineer,was instructed to prepare a prelim-inary report on the improvement ofLaimi, Park and Puiwa roads in theNuuanu valley. They are to be pavedwjth five inches of concrete.

On motion of Supervisor WilliamLarsen, the board declared that it be-lieved that the Oahu Loan Fund Com-mission should push through to com-pletion the Hillebrand Glen projectTor diverting water into Reservoir No.4.

Expenditure of $50 for a cornerstone for the addition to CentralGrammar school now being built wasauthorized last night Henry Freitas,building inspector, was authorized toemploy an Inspector on the" construc-tion of the school at $5 a day.

The police committee recommendedthat the em ploymap of an attendant


Today at 2:30MATINEE PRICES ................... .............. .10, 20, 30 CENTS


The 'M 4" Feature V.LS.EVilagrapMJibin, Selig. Essanay

i l TU Net YorkIraniaf Sua noOM

The Sins ofthe Mothers

--a Vttagrafk Blue Riblxm

featitrt dm J fartswith Anita




Yoa will be thrilled by thispowerful story of a girl withan inherited passion forgambling. Come and seewhat happens to ner..

sv t m m





From Edward Rose's wonderful drama "Their household is happy one but into it creepsserpent.'' little note of menace. , '

i 1

10, 20 and 30 Cents.

by Dr. R. G. Ayer, emergencyphysician, ha authorized. The ma-

yor will hare to give his recommenda-tions in the matter to the board beforeit can act legally. It is said that beagrees the police committee.

The amendments to theagent ordinance, which have been re-

viewed in the Star-Bulleti- n severaltimes, nearly passed reading lastnight, but just before the motion wasput, Hatch suggested thatit be sent to the and meanscommittee. The previous motion waswithdrawn and his substituted andpassed.

'ou 'vVhitehous.e, assistant citythat-wa- s. will not collect his

April salary of $2Q0. The board saidso last night. He had already col-

lected $750 from the city without, itis. alleged, doing more a lv9days' work, and when he failed to ap-pear during April after notificationthat his connection with the payrollwould end May 1, the road committeedeclared that his salary should not bepaid. The board backed it up.

Survey of some Jands near Hauulaby the': city engineer for E. ' Henri-que- 8'

was authorized. Henrlques hasoffered to build about mile of coralroad in place of soma, tracks throughthe grass that ast? now called road,providing the city will relocate thehighway near Hauula. He i9 to payall the expenses of the engineer andparty while they make the survey,and when this is completed, the boardwill decide whether or not it willauthorize the of the road.

Program beginning 1:30 p. m., until4 p. - m. :

Evening (two shows). 6:30 and 8:30SPECIAL PROGRAM OF TODAY

AND EVENING"June Friday" (four-ree- l drama), Edi-son- .'

"Hearts and cClubs" (comedy), John.



Punahou Dramatic

Friday Evening'


Charles R. Bishop flail

Seats atStore :

Admission SQ nd 75 cents

Til "mm





ni thf ti s

iiIIt SI 3

3 3

iiIIt :c :i:


- - Tonight at 7:45

"The Sips offthe Momeirs99



MISS IT AND YOU MISS A LOTThe Oainblinu: Hell, the reat race track scene,

the bridge tables of fashionable society and n hun-

dred and one things of interest to every body- - Also






stage a aJust a i J















Eight-Tbirt- y,

Reserved CunhaMusic





1 : DAYat the

Liberty Theatef

"Kverv cirl or bov in Honolnln is invited ta attend the especially instructive and interesting pro-gram prepared. ,

4 i?arent could do nothing better toward ;

the education and enjoyment of their child-ren than to see lhat thtir girls and boys at-

tend the Friday afternoon Moving1 Pictureseries, arranged for their benefit by Hawaii'sGreatest Newspaper. - ; v.

'; Cut coupon from Thursday's Star-Bulleti- n. Noadmittance without coupon. i


Personally Conda cted ExcursilB


Saturday Rext, Uay lw, imiThe journey is made over tha Cnooth 7ater Ecuta

by the,(ast and comfortable Inter-Islan- d Co 's. steamers,noted for their unsurpassed cuisine;" JT: ; "


' 1

; C0VEB3 ALL EXPE1TSES ,; ; ; , ,

Provided twelve persdns;are booked, the excursionwill be personajly conducted bjt Ilr. L, W. de Vis-ITorto- n,

Of-- ,


hi ? r (Office with Promotion' Committee);'" From whom all infermatien msy b3 outlined.

