K A P P O R O S K A P P O R O S C E N T E R C E N T E R בשמחה רבה הנני להודיע שגם השנה כבשנים קדמוניות עלה בידינו לסדר עופות חיים לקיים מנהג כפרות כמבואר במשנה ברורה • העופות אצלינו הולכים לארגוני חסד ולעניי עירינו, מתחלקים לעניים בדרך כבוד ע"י אברכים חשובים • אצלינו מקפידים מאוד על צער בעלי חיים • אצלינו משתמשים בכל עוף רק פעם אחת • השחיטה וההשגחה נעשית רק ע"י שוחטים ומשגיחים יראי שמים ומומחים לערב יום הכיפורים יהיה עופות לרוב לכל דורש ואין צריך להזמין מראש! בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובהOUR OUR 29 29 TH TH YEAR YEAR (732) 851-1607 229 5th Street, Lakewood, NJ 229 5th Street, Lakewood, NJ (across from Gelbsteins parking lot) LOCATIONS LOCATIONS The only Kapporos compliant with all published guidelines of רבני העיר דלעיקודfor the last 29 years! DOOR- TO- DOOR DELIVERY AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL OUR HOT LINE 732.851.1607 With great pleasure we would like to announce that for the convenience of the Lakewood community this year as for the past 29 years we will be arranging the Kapporos. Don’t get wet in case it rains! for your convenience there will be tents in all our locations. If you don’t feel comfortable holding chickens yourself we can arrange (free of charge) for someone to hold it for you while you say the Tefila. Discounts available if needed for large families Prizes for kids at our Fifth Street location Social distance area will be provided WE HAVE SEVERAL LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT LAKEWOOD, PLEASE CALL OUR HOTLINE NUMBER FOR LOCATIONS AND TIMES לבקשת הרבים וועט זיין א שוחט ערב יום כיפור ביינאכט פאר דער וואס פירען זיך אזוי.12:00 to 1:00 am 5th & Clifton 5th & Clifton שחיטהonly on ערב יו”כWest Gate No שחיטה5th & Forest שחיטהevery day *call for hours Satmar With שחיטה*call for hours South Lakewood Cross Mill PLaza No שחיטהOak & Vine Klausenberg With שחיטה*call for hours Belz/Toms River *call for hours

to door 732.851.1607 available

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בשמחה רבה הנני להודיע שגם השנה כבשנים קדמוניות עלה בידינו לסדר עופות חיים לקיים מנהג כפרות

כמבואר במשנה ברורה

• העופות אצלינו הולכים לארגוני חסד ולעניי עירינו, מתחלקים לעניים בדרך כבוד ע"י אברכים חשובים

• אצלינו מקפידים מאוד על צער בעלי חיים

• אצלינו משתמשים בכל עוף רק פעם אחת

• השחיטה וההשגחה נעשית רק ע"י שוחטים ומשגיחים יראי שמים ומומחים

לערב יום הכיפורים יהיה עופות לרוב לכל דורשואין צריך להזמין מראש!

בברכתכתיבה וחתימה טובה




(732) 851-1607 229 5th Street, Lakewood, NJ 229 5th Street, Lakewood, NJ (across from Gelbsteins parking lot)


The only Kapporos

compliant with all

published guidelines of

for רבני העיר דלעיקוד

the last 29 years!

door-to-doordelivery available

please call our hot line 732.851.1607

With great pleasure we would like to announce that for the convenience of the Lakewood community this year as for the past 29 years we will be arranging the Kapporos.

Don’t get wet in case it rains! for your convenience there will be tents in all our locations. If you don’t feel comfortable holding chickens yourself we can arrange (free of charge) for someone to hold it for you while you

say the Tefila.

Discounts available if needed for large families

Prizes for kids at our Fifth Street location

Social distance area will be provided



לבקשת הרבים וועט זיין א שוחט ערב יום כיפור ביינאכט to 1:00 am 12:00 פאר דער וואס פירען זיך אזוי.

5th & Clifton

5th & Clifton only on שחיטה

ערב יו”כ

West Gate No שחיטה

5th & Forest every day שחיטה

*call for hours

SatmarWith שחיטה

*call for hours

South Lakewood Cross Mill PLaza

No שחיטה

Oak & Vine Klausenberg

With שחיטה*call for hours

Belz/Toms River*call for hours


Lakewood Kaparos is the oldest and most experienced Kaparos Center that Lakewood has. We started providing chickens to people in Lakewood before anybody else was doing it, and we have continued each year with our professional and ehrliche service. Talmidei Chachomim and Zekeinim have come to rely on us, giving us a hard-earned reputation as the place to get a kaparos before Yom Kippur.CONVENIENT LOCATION

Lakewood Kaparos is conveniently located in the center of town, with ample parking at the facility. You can come, park, get your chickens for your family, and be out in a minimal amount of time, without having to wait for every step along the way.LI’CHATCHILA

The minhag of Kaparos was that a person took a chicken and gave it to a poor hungry person to eat. At Lakewood Kaparos, the chickens are still used in the same way. They don’t get sold to the public with a portion going to Tzedakah, every single chicken is used at the Hachnasas Orchim and Bais Hatavshil of Lakewood, where poor and hungry people can receive a meal whenever they need it. Hundreds of people use this service all year, from Meshulachim to families undergoing a crisis, and your Kaparos chicken gives you this zechusim all year.GOVERNMENT APPROVAL

Lakewood Kaparos works closely with the NJ Department of Agriculture and is in full compliance with all of their rules and guidelines. When various forces try to fight with the minhag of Kaparos, we know that the government has a relationship with us, and we can work with them to prevent trouble.The SPCA, which is an organization that tries its hardest to fight against this minhag of Kaparos, once came to Lakewood to stir up trouble. When they saw the operation of Lakewood Kaparos, they were suitably impressed, claiming that they had never seen an operation run with such professionalism, sensitivity and cleanliness.WATCH THE SHECHITA AND PERFORM KISUI HADDAM

At Lakewood Kaparos Center you can watch the shechita yourself. A Talmid Chochom who knows Hilchos Shechita can stay on top of the job, and even if you are just starting out learning these halachos, it is useful to have a look and see how it is practically carried out. Bring your children to watch this rare experience.

The special mitzva of Kisui Haddam is not all that common in our lives nowadays. Who doesn’t want extra zechusim in these holy days, and a rare mitzva will surely help us out on Yom Kippur.NO TREIF OR BOSSUR BI’CHOLOV FEED;

We only use kosher feed for our chickens from when the hatch till the Shechita process is finished.We bring in for Erev Yom Kippur Kaparos Shechita shoichtim from Monroe. Our Shochtim are experienced shoichtim TZA’AR BA’ALEI CHAIM

Lakewood Kaparos Center is the only Center that hatches and grows the chickens on their own. They are fully in charge of preventing any possible Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim and other halachic issues. At regular hatcheries, the workers are not aware, nor do they care about, our sensitivity to Hashem’s creatures, and they can mistreat them as they go about their work with the chicks. At this time when we are begging Hashem for mercy and compassion, we show compassion to His creatures by being extra careful about Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim.THE PSAK OF THE LOCAL RABBONIM

Some years ago, the senior Rabbonim of Lakewood, including Reb Shlomo Miller, Harav Yaakov Forcheimer, Reb Shmuel Felder, Reb Osher Chaim Lieberman, Reb Chaim Meir Roth, and להבחל”ח Reb Shlomo Gissinger, signed a public letter with guidelines as to how to fulfill this minhag of Kaparos. Lakewood Kaparos Center has been fulfilling these guidelines and more, long before they were issued, and they have the experience necessary to ensure that things are done correctly.MASHGIACH TEMIDI

Lakewood Kaparos has a Mashgiach Temidi on site, not just at the place of waving the Kaparos and shechting, but also at the processing area, where chickens are plucked and kashered, to ensure the kashrus of each step along the way. This Mashgiach has years of experience in the field of Shechita, and we can trust him that things are done right, and mitzvos do not turn into aveiros.You want a health happy sweet new year, in the best possible way. Doing Kaparos in the best possible way is a sure step along the path to ensuring your happy health sweet new year, with brochos and shefa, riches and success, for yourself and all of your family.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה