Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina Author(s) Satomura, T.; Katsumata, M.; Mori, S.; Yokoi, S.; Matsumoto, J.; Ogino, S.; Kamimera, Y. Citation Journal of Disaster Research (2013), 8(1): 153-154 Issue Date 2013-02 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/172455 Right (C) 2013 Fuji Technology Press Co, . Ltd.; This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.; この 論文は出版社版でありません。引用の際には出版社版を ご確認ご利用ください。 Type Journal Article Textversion author Kyoto University

Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433...Fig. 2. Radar echo composite map at 0830UTC 4 Oct. 2007. making this

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Page 1: Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433...Fig. 2. Radar echo composite map at 0830UTC 4 Oct. 2007. making this

Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina

Author(s) Satomura, T.; Katsumata, M.; Mori, S.; Yokoi, S.; Matsumoto,J.; Ogino, S.; Kamimera, Y.

Citation Journal of Disaster Research (2013), 8(1): 153-154

Issue Date 2013-02

URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/172455


(C) 2013 Fuji Technology Press Co, . Ltd.; This is not thepublished version. Please cite only the published version.; この論文は出版社版でありません。引用の際には出版社版をご確認ご利用ください。

Type Journal Article

Textversion author

Kyoto University

Page 2: Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433...Fig. 2. Radar echo composite map at 0830UTC 4 Oct. 2007. making this


To understand typhoons’ behavior over IndochinaT. Satomura∗, M. Katsumata∗∗, S. Mori∗∗, S. Yokoi∗∗, J. Matsumoto∗∗∗, S. Ogino∗∗, Y. Kamimera∗∗

*: Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502E-mail: [email protected]

**: JAMSTEC, Yokohama, ***: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino

To understand the behavior of typhoons after theirlanding on the Indochina, radars operated by nationalmeteorological services of countries in Indochina andnumerical model. Radar echo intensity data frommany radars in Thai, Lao and Vietnam were com-posed covering almost whole Indochina. Regionalnumerical model simulation reproduced the typhooncenter position very well, and, more over, caught thecharacteristics of internal structure of decaying ty-phoon in the Indochina as well as Doppler radar anal-ysis of Lao radar data.

Keywords: Typhoon, Tropics, Indochina

1. Introduction

Tropical storms landed Indochina normally decreasetheir intensity exponentially owing to the loss of kineticenergy or vorticity by the viscosity on the rough landsurface and the shortage of water vapor supply on theland (ex., Kaplan and DeMaria 2001; Roy Bhowmil et al.2005). Some of them, however, weaken much slower thanthe normal storms after landing (Sugimoto and Satomura2010), and produce heavy rainfall, flood and landslides inthe inland regions of Indochina.

It is indispensable for understanding the mechanismsof heavy rainfall by the landed typhoons that the clari-fication of structures of and energy supply to the thesetropical disturbances over the land. Observation networkin Indochina is, however, not well prepared yet. Manyradars are in operation in Indochina as shown in Fig. 1but the radar data is not integrated across the country bor-ders. Automatic rain gauge network and data collectionsystem are recently installed in Thailand, but it does existin other countries in Indochina.

The purposes of this study are

• Making a radar echo composite map over Indochinato understand structures of tropical disturbances as awhole,

• Revealing structures of tropical disturbances in In-dochina by using radars and numerical model.

Fig. 1. Radar sites and their observation areas (r < 250km)in Indochina

2. Radar and Numerical Model

To show the feasibility of completing the radar echocomposite map in the Indochina scale, the rainfall eventby Typhoon Lekima in October 2007 is chosen.

The mesoscale numerical model WRF is used to simu-late Typhoon Lekima. The horizontal grid interval is 6 kmand cloud microphysics scheme (WSM 3-class simple icescheme, Hong et al. 2004) and cumulus parameterizationscheme (Kain 2004). The initial and boundary data areconstructed from the 6-hourly NCEP FNL data set with1◦ resolution.

3. Results

Though the radar manufacturers and radar data format,in addition to the observation setting and scheduling, arediffernt among radars shown in Fig. 1, a series of radarecho composite map during the passage of Lekima is suc-cessfully produced as shown in Fig. 2 by using all radardata available. Because only the Indochina-scale radarecho composite map can capture overall structure of ty-phoon scale disturbances in Indochina, it is clear that

Page 3: Title To Understand Typhoons’ Behavior over Indochina …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433...Fig. 2. Radar echo composite map at 0830UTC 4 Oct. 2007. making this

Fig. 2. Radar echo composite map at 0830UTC 4 Oct. 2007

making this type of composite map is important and use-ful for understanding the disturbances and preventing wa-ter disaster by these disturbances.

The mesoscale numerical model can simulate the cen-ter track of Lekima precisely as shown in Fig. 3. Thetotal rainfall during the passage of Lekima is also repro-duced by the model. Thus, it is considered that the modelsucceeded to simulate Lekima behavior in Indochina.

The model reproduces inner structure as well. Figure 4shows radial wind component of Lekima is positive (out-flow) almost all troposphere except in the boundary layerbelow 800 hPa height. This characteristics agrees withdoppler velocity observation by Vientiane radar and indi-cates that Lekima is under decaying stage at this time.

AcknowledgementsThis study is a cooperative research with Department of Meteo-rology and Hydrology, Lao P. D. R., Thai Meteorological Depart-ment, Thailand, and National Hydrological and MeteorologicalServices, Vietnam.

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Fig. 3. Typhoon Lekima center position tracks. Blue lineis the best track data by RSMC Tokyo, and red line is theminimum pressure center in the model.

Fig. 4. Vertical cross section of radial wind for TyphoonLekima at 1200UTC 3 Oct. 2007. The origin of horizon-tal axis is the typhoon center. Cool color lines are inflow(negative) and warm color lines are outflow (positive).

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