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Through The Years: Presidents of Pilot International

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This publication celebrates nearly a century of Pilot friendship and service. This book represents Pilot's history, as told through the individual stories of Pilot's Past International Presidents.

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Presidents ofPilot International

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Through the Years:Pilot International Presidents

(1921-Present) As we begin a new millennium, it seems a fitting time to celebrate nearly a century of Pilot friendship and service. This book represents Pilot’s history, as told through the individual stories of Pilot’s Past International Presidents.

These pages are in no way complete. We could not fully represent the impact Pilot has had on individuals, their communities, and the world in such a short volume. However, through the experience and achievement of each woman who served in the demanding, yet re-warding office of International President, we hope to present a partial picture of the Pilot organization during the twentieth century and be-yond. With the leadership of each of these Presidents and their respec-tive Board of Directors, Pilot International has grown from 40 women and one club to the giant organization it is today. It began with friend-ship and service and continued to grow as each President guided Pilot through the term of her administration.

Energy, enthusiasm, integrity, kindness, and fortitude are qualities that can be easily associated with those who have served in Pilot’s highest office. These women shared a deep pride in Pilot that tran-scends the years of their administrations, a pride that will undoubtedly be demonstrated by future Presidents as well.

Pilots, this is your story about your leaders, about Pilot Internation-al. Let us build on what has gone before, and let us continue to find ways to keep Pilot International in the forefront of providing service, in our communities and throughout the world.

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LUCY B. ALLEN1922-23

During her term, the major objective was extending the ideals, principles, and objectives of this new classi-fied service club for women.

In December, 1922, the Executive Committee decid-ed that for efficiency of operation, the clubs should be divided into districts, with a governor for each district. The governor’s duty would be to assist in organizing ad ditional clubs.

Mrs. C.C. Harrold, an Alderwoman of Macon, was the first Governor of District 1, the Georgia District. Mrs. Marie B. Owens of Montgomery, Alabama, an aunt of Tallulah Bankhead, was the first Governor of District 2, the Alabama District.

During the same year, the Executive Committee decided that because of heavy work of the elected Sec-retary, she would receive $10.00 a month, and fur nish her own typewriter.

At the end of Lucy Allen’s office, Pilot International consisted of five clubs: Macon, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Selma, Alabama; and Albany, Georgia.

Lucy B. Allen of Macon, Georgia,was the first Presi dent.

The first convention at which she waselected President was held in theHotel Dempsey, Macon.

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Edwina Faulkner Mitchell, a practicing attorney from Montgomery, Alabama, was elected President at the an nual convention held in Albany, Georgia, in June, 1925. She served until October, 1925, when it was necessary for her to resign.


The second President was Mrs. Lula Flinn Estes of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The 1923 Pilot International Con-vention was held in Macon, Georgia, in May of that year.

During these years, a great step was taken by the Ex ecutive Committee of Pilot International when a Field Secretary was employed. She was hired for a two-month period at a salary of $100 per month, plus expenses. THE PILOT LOG, official publication of the organization, was created during this administration, the first is-sue being a two-page, mimeographed bulletin featuring club news. It was published in January, 1924, by Jennie F. Brown, Tuscaloosa, who was Pilot Interna tional Secretary at that time.

Sheffield, Alabama, the sixth club, was organized on May 18, 1925.

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MARY GRAHAM1925-19261926-1927

Mary Graham of Selma, Alabama, succeeded Edwina Faulkner Mitchell as President in October, 1925. She served an additional year from 1926 to 1927.

The 1926 convention was held in Montgomery, Alabama. It was at this convention that Pearl Sparks of Flor-ence, Alabama, read the Pilot Code of Ethics which she had written on the way there. Each club was supposed to present a skit; but due to illness of other members, Pearl Sparks was the only one able to attend from Flor-ence. She had seen and read a Code of Ethics of another organization which gave her the idea of writing one for Pilot International. In her words, she “fished old envelopes out of her purse,” penned the words en route to the convention, and read it as her club’s part of the program. The Pilot Code of Ethics has remained, as she wrote it, without one word ever being changed.

In 1927, Pilot International became six years of age, at which time a Classification Committee was ap pointed. The convention body at the 1927 convention in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, voted that each club pay $100 into an Extension Fund. It was also decided there that a Plan-of-Work Committee would be appointed by the President and that a leave of absence could be granted for two or more consecutive meetings, with an absence being made up by attending a meeting of another Pilot Club.

ANNE COUNCIL1927-19281928-1929

Anne Council of Sheffield, Alabama, served as Presi dent for the two-year period 1927-28 and 1928-29.

The 1928 convention was held in Sheffield, Ala-bama, and the 1929 convention in Macon, Georgia.

During these years, Pilot had ventured West into El Paso, Texas. The new club immediately became active in national affairs. Nell Gardner and a delegation from El Paso, dressed in cowboy attire, attended the Macon convention in true western style. The next Internation-al convention was scheduled to be held in El Paso.

By now, Pilot had clubs in Florence, Alabama; De-catur, Alabama; Athens, Alabama; Pensacola, Florida; Tuscumbia, Alabama; Griffin, Georgia; El Paso, Tex-as; Atlanta, Georgia; Meridian, Mississippi; Russell-ville, Alabama; and Mobile, Alabama.

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Virginia Rangeley of Montgomery, Alabama, served as President from 1929 to 1931. The 1930 convention was held in El Paso, Texas, the first three-day conven-tion.

At this convention, the delegates voted to pay ex-penses of a District Governor to organize clubs, with a bonus not to exceed $25 to be given the organizing club. In addition, the convention body voted to accept an of fer of the Pilot Club of Griffin, Georgia, of a loving cup to be awarded to the club receiving the best publicity during the year. It was at this convention, too, that the classification of Housewife was estab-lished.

At the next convention in 1931, it was voted that each District would hold a convention in the Spring; and for the first time Pilot International took a definite stand on legislation, a 100 percent support of the 18th Amend ment.

It was a tough year for Pilot, as for everyone in the nation, as in 1931 the great depression was beginning to be felt -business failures, unemployment, bread lines. By the end of the first decade, Pilot International had been divided into ten Districts.

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NELL STANLEY GARDNER1931-19321932-1933

Nell Stanley Gardner, a commercial college owner in El Paso, Texas, served as President for two terms, 1931-32 and 1923-33.

She was installed as President at the 1931 conven-tion at Pensacola, Florida. At that time, the assets of Pilot International were $628; and this amount was turned over to the new President.

She immediately deposited the little nest egg in a home town bank in El Paso, Texas, perhaps think-ing as she did that it was the first time funds of the organiza tion had been taken out of the South. Scarcely had the money been deposited when the doors of the bank slam med shut with a resounding bang - never to open again. Pilot International, like so many private citizens and businesses of the time, found itself hold-ing the emp ty sack.

President Nell set about raising additional funds in almost every way she could. At that time, many mem-ber clubs had not paid dues in a number of years, so it was her job to collect them. To accomplish her task of rais ing funds, she even raffled off a piece of her own fur niture. When she left the office of President in 1933, President Nell presented a check for $1,865.00 to the Pilot International Treasurer. During these years, the 22nd Pilot Club was organized in Juarez, Mexico; thus making Pilot a truly international organization.

In 1932 the convention was held in Atlanta, Georgia, and the 1933 convention in Panama City, Florida.

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Margaret Ormand of Selma, Alabama, served, as President from 1933 to 1934, being installed in Pana-ma City, Florida.

She presided at the 1934 convention held in Phoe-nix, Arizona. It was voted at this convention that Dis-trict Governors would be elected at the District con-ventions, and definite qualifications for International officers were adopted.

The importance of meetings being conducted in good parliamentary procedure was discussed. It was voted that all future meetings would have a Parliamen-tarian.

At the 1934 convention, a new District, Number 6, was established in Florida.

BELLE BOND1934-1935

Belle Bond, a mortician of Atlanta, Georgia, was in-stalled as the President in Phoenix, Arizona.

By now, Pilot International was growing into a stronger, larger, closer knit organization and its fame was spreading as its name became synonymous with charitable work, clean living, and good fun. A great many worthwhile projects were undertaken and ac complished. Eleven new clubs were organized that year.

At the 1935 convention in Savannah, Georgia, it was voted to employ a Field Secretary to handle Extension work and to make the offices of Pilot International Secretary and Treasurer honorary, without compensa tion. It was at this convention, too, that it was decided to compile a handbook.

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1935-1936 Mable Clair Speth of Savannah, Georgia, served as President for 1935-36. She was installed at the conven-tion held in Savannah, Georgia, in 1935.

The next year, the 1936 convention was held at Bir-mingham, Alabama, celebrating the organization’s 15th Anniversary. Pilot International boasted 48 clubs throughout the South and West.

From June 22, 1935, to September 1, 1935, Mable Clair Speth carried on the regular routine duties of the President. On September 1 , 1935, the Executive Com-mittee granted her the position of Executive Secretary, in addition to that of President. From then until the end of her term of office, she performed the duties of both offices.

At the end of her term of office in 1936, the member ship of Pilot International had increased from 859 to 1,035.

During this year, Pilot International adopted as its project, Life and Health. At this time, a Field Repre-sentative, Carrie B. Allen, was employed.

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Hester Bingham of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, served as President in 1937-38.

Nineteen new clubs were added to the roster during this year, much of the work of Field Representative Car rie B. Allen.

President Hester presided over the 1938 convention in Biloxi, Mississippi. At this convention, redistricting of the organization was the major accomplishment. Georgia remained District Number 1, based on the fact that the organization was founded in that state.


Nellah M. Bailey of Meridian, Mississippi, served as President for the year 1936-37, presiding over the 1937 convention in El Paso, Texas.

Under President Nellah’s dedicated guidance, Pilot International continued to prosper and expand. In her annual report she said, “Pilot is growing. Pilot will grow stronger and more useful and more beautiful in the years to come, because its foundation rest on fun damental facts in life and relationships. We are in terested in giving and not getting. We sincerely de-sire to do our part toward making a more healthy and happy world. That means we must not only improve ourselves personally, deepen the wellsprings of our own lives and character, but join hands and hearts with every cause designed to promote the well-being of community and country. True thinking and unafraid doing must characterize our program. We must do more than stand for something worthy ...we must live and work for that which is worthy!”

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Fay Tate Barrett of Atlanta, Georgia, served as Presi-dent for the year 1938-39, presiding at the convention in 1939 at St. Augustine, Florida. It was at this con-vention that it was voted to establish the Headquarters Office in Macon, Georgia, and to employ a full-time Executive Secretary and staff. This was a great for-ward step in Pilot International, as until this time, all administrative duties had been performed by the officers of the organization.

Another action of the convention body was to en dorse the Equal Rights Admendment. At the end of President Fay’s term, Pilot International was com-prised of 78 clubs with a membership of 2,192.



May McCormick Pynchon of Jacksonville, Florida, became President in 1939, presiding at the International convention in Memphis, Tennessee, in June, 1940.

During President May’s administration, the organiza tion underwent many constructive changes: the Head quarters Office was established in the Persons Building in Macon, Georgia, on September 1, 1939; Miss Wilda Richardson was hired as full-time Executive Secretary; and the edit-ing and publishing of THE PILOT LOG was brought into Headquarters. In addition, the format of the LOG was changed from a 6 x 9 booklet to a full sized magazine.

Much of the world was at war in 1940 and the United States was talking of arming and becoming involved. It was then that Pilot International became the first women’s organization to give a fully equipped am bulance to the Red Cross for overseas service. Film star Mary Pickford attend-ed the Memphis convention and made a contribution to this fund. It was at this conven tion, too, that the first training school for club officers and committee chairmen was con-ducted.


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The President for 1940-41 was Ina Clarke of Mem-phis, Tennessee. She presided at the annual convention which was held at the Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas, with the convention theme “Women’s Work on the Home Front.’’

The TRUE COURSE EVER Fund was established at this convention when an anonymous gift of $100 was given. This fund was founded for the express purpose of assisting Pilots in financial need or distress.

At the end of President Ina’s term of office, Pilot In-ternational had increased to 127 clubs.

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ETHA G. HALL1941-1946

Etha G. Hall of Greensboro, North Carolina, served as President during the war years. She was installed at the convention in Houston, Texas, in 1941, and in Oc tober, 1941, Pilot International observed its 20th An niversary in Macon, Georgia.

Because the United States Government discouraged transportation while the war was on, no conventions were held for four years - 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945.

Although these were the war years when restrictions were in force, somehow the work of the organization progressed. It was during this administration that the first District Governor’s school was held in Ma-con in 1942, with the first suggested program for the organiza tion being developed by Chairman Mamie K. Taylor of Atlanta, Georgia.

At the end of 1944, Pilot International had 151 clubs, with a membership of 4,088.

“Women’s Responsibilities as World Citizens” was the theme for the 1946 convention held at the Hotel New Yorker in New York City. By this time, Pilot Interna tional had 179 clubs.


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Harriet M. McSwean of Selma, Alabama, served as President in the year 1946-47.

Pilot International observed its 25th Anniversary in Macon in October, 1946. It was during this year that the Midyear Meeting of the Executive Committee was adopted as an administrative procedure.

The 1947 convention was held at Columbus, Ohio, and was a convention of importance. A complete revi-sion of the Constitution and Bylaws of Pilot Interna-tional was made at this time. The first Canadian Club (Windsor, Ontario) was presented, and the office of President Elect was established.


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1947-1948 Laura Albrecht of Davenport, Iowa, served a Presi-dent for the term 1947-48. Before she advanced in the International offices to President, she had served Dis-trict 12 (the Midwest District) as Governor two times.

During her administration, the spotlight was focused more than ever on international relations. She attend-ed, as Pilot’s representative, the first Inter-American Con gress of Women in Guatemala City, Guatemala.

At this time, Pilot extended further West, organizing four clubs in California, plus the Pilot Club of Honolu-lu, Hawaii.

The 1948 convention was held in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was then that the Standard Bylaws for Pilot Clubs was completely revised.



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Josie Roberts of Houston, Texas, became President in 1948-49, presiding over the International conven-tion held in Chicago, Illinois, in 1949. Hers was a most ac tive administration, compiling and publishing the first kits for committees and local club officers. The Pro gram Planning Meeting of the committee chairmen was instituted with the then President Elect Ruby Newhall in charge.

It was also during President Josie’s administration that the Pilot Clubs of Paris, France, and London, England, were organized. President Josie traveled to Paris with another Pilot, Daisy Bland, to present the charter to that club and then went to London to begin organization there.

The Chicago convention voted to make the restora-tion of Vimoutiers, France, an international project. Vimoutiers was a village in Southern France that was er roneously bombed by the American airmen who had received wrong information. This project was voted with the stipulation that no local office in Vimoutiers would be held by Communists, a stipulation which was strictly adhered to by the people of this French village.

Mademoiselle Marie Louis Bercher, President of the Paris Club, was present at the Chicago convention, with contributions from many of the United States clubs and individual Pilots making her trip possible.

At the end of President Josie’s term, Pilot Interna-tional had a total of 251 clubs with a membership of 7,039.

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Ruby Newhall of Gainesville, Florida, was installed as President at the Chicago convention in June, 1949. She served only a few months, as her untimely death oc curred on October 18, 1949.

President Ruby served as the Governor of District 4 (Florida) for four years before she became Treasurer of Pilot International, and later, First Vice President. She’ll be remembered for the fund which bears her name, the Ruby Newhall Scholar ship Fund, which was later adopted by Pilot Interna tional to bring foreign students to the United States and Canada for further study.



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1949-1950 Susan R. C. Beyer of Albuquerque, New Mexico, became President following Ruby Newhall’s death, hav ing been serving as First Vice President. On the very day of President Ruby Newhall’s death, Susan was in Lon don, England, presenting the charter to the new club. Later she visited the fledgling club in Paris, France.

President Susan presided over the annual convention in 1950 in Washington, D.C. At this convention, there was much ado about the Bylaws. Several changes were voted, including the one that each club be enti-tled to one delegate at future Pilot International Con-ventions, in stead of the three. It was at this convention that a special committee report on recommendations for policies governing Pilot Headquarters and staff was given and approved.

Attending this convention was Miss Nicole Boullard, Ambassador of Goodwill from Vimoutiers, France. Prior to the convention and following it, Miss Boul-lard was the guest of many Pilot Clubs in the United States. Another very important convention guest was Pearl Sparks, author of the Pilot Code of Ethics. It was then that she was presented the first Honorary Member pin of Pilot Club International.

In memory of Ruby Newhall and in recognition of her service to Pilot International, the Ruby Newhall Memorial Scholarship Fund was created.

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1950-1951 Mamie Kennedy Taylor of Atlanta, Georgia, as-sumed the office of President for the year 1950-51. Among the many outstanding accomplishments of this administra tion were: the revision of the entire financial structure of Pilot International; keeping the member-ship inform ed as to the financial condition of the or-ganization; and conducting the first Pilot International Goodwill Tour of Europe. Fourteen Pilots went on this tour. The U.S. State Department held a briefing session in New York City for the Pilots before they departed on their plane.

President Mamie K., assisted by the Second Vice President Marguerite Dimerling, conducted Schools of Instruction for the European Pilots, one in Paris and one in London. At her own expense, President MamieK. had the Bylaws of Pilot International translated into French.

This administration witnessed the organization of 17 new clubs, 16 in the United States and one in Tokyo, Japan. The title of Pilot International Honorary Mem-ber was conferred upon Miss Mary Pickford. Dur ing this term, the Executive Committee approved the publication of a Convention Manual, plus two bulle-tins entitled “Serving as a Board Member”and “Your Headquarters.’’

The 1951 Annual Convention was held in the Jeffer-son Hotel at St. Louis, Missouri, with President Mamie K. presiding. It was at this convention that Pilot’s ten year theme was adopted - “To Keep Free-dom in the World.’’ A special guest of the President at this conven tion was Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard Davis, who called the first meeting of the group of business women out of which the first Pilot Club was organized in Macon, Georgia, on October 18, 1921, thirty years before.



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Helen Hoffman of Washington, D.C., served as Presi dent for the year 1951-52. Stabilization of the financial structure of the organization was continued during this term, with many economies being inaugu-rated.

In July, 1951, the Pilot Club of Hamilton, Bermuda, was organized by the Pilot Club of Washington, D.C., in honor of President Helen; and she presented them their charter.

During this administration Pilot International was honored for the first time to serve on the National Awards Jury of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. President Helen appointed Executive Director Wilda Richardson to serve in her behalf. In recognition of the work done by the clubs under the theme, Truth and Vision for Peace and Freedom, Pilot International was given an award of $200 by Free-doms Foundation.

The second Goodwill Tour of Europe was headed by President Helen. She and nine other Pilots made this trip, which included meetings with the clubs of Paris and London, plus a visit to Vimoutiers, President Helen presented the Mayor of Vimoutiers with a check for $1,000 from Pilot International.

The Grand Hotel at beautiful Mackinac Island, Michigan, was the setting for the 1952 annual conven tion. At this convention, Anchor Club was adopted as a national project. The National Project Committee reported at length on the proposed “Girls Town Pro-ject,” and the convention body authorized enlargement of the committee for further research.

Colorful as the 1952 convention was because of the location and program, it was made more so by the atten dance of Mariette Pilon, Pilot Club of Paris, France; Heather McConnell, Pilot Club of London, England; Tsugi Shiraishi, Pilot Club of Tokyo, Japan; and Olive Davies, Pilot Club of Bermuda. Pilot was truly interna tional. The United States Clubs made the attendance of these Pilots possible with their financial generosity. It was at this convention that an officer was elected from an overseas club - Heather McConnell of London, England, became a Pilot International Direc-tor.

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1952-1953 Mildred S. Boyer of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, served as President for 1952-53. President Mildred presided at the 1953 convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A highlight of the convention was the offer of the State of Florida to Pilot International of one hundred acres of Florida land, located three miles North of St. Augustine, Florida, as a site for the Girls Town to be sponsored by Pilot as a national project. The conveN-tion body voted to accept the offer, subject to further inspection, and with financial arrangements being made by Pilot Clubs for support.

At the end of President Mildred’s term, Pilot Interna-tional had 332 clubs with 9,424 members.


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1953-1954 Marguerite E. Dimerling of Beaumont, Texas, served for the term 1953-54. During her administration, Pilot International dues were established, as well as charter fees and initiation fees, for overseas clubs. Prior to this, the overseas clubs had not been required to pay interna tional dues. Also, a classification membership file was compiled at Headquarters in Macon, aiding in the selec tion of members for particular responsibilities in the organization.

It was during this administration that 21 clubs re-ceived the Woman’s Home Companion Awards for ser vice to the community and that Pilot International was invited to have an observer at the United Nations. In ad dition, extension policies for overseas organiza-tion were adopted, the first section of the Handbook for Local Club Officers was planned and printed, work on a new Classification Guide was begun, and the Treasury Department presented its Achievement Award for Patriotic Service in the Savings Bond Pro-gram.

The Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts, was the setting for the International Convention in 1954. It was a fitting climax to a year of growth, re-flected by the addition of 22 Anchor Clubs and 17 new Pilot Clubs, bringing the number of clubs to 346 and a combined membership of 9,800 Pilots.

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Winifred H. Newman of Charleston, West Virginia, was President for the term 1954-55, taking office at the convention in Boston, Massachusetts.

She presided over the first convention held on the West Coast in 1955 in Los Angeles, California. During President Winifred’s administration, visions and action were emphasized and the Handbook for Local Club Of officers and the Manual on Committee Work were completed. It was at this time that the Extension Hand-book was printed, too.

For the second year, 28 Pilot Clubs led the list of Honor Club Awards presented by the Woman’s Home Companion. Two of the top ten club women were Pi-lots. The National Citizens Committee for Educa tional TV presented a citation for pioneering vision and for outstanding public service to Pilot International.

Pilot International also received a Carol Lane Award for traffic safety, four McCall Magazine Awards, and Charm Magazine recognized the work and contribu-tion by Pilot International of the beautiful stained glass win dows in Notre Dame Cathedral at Vimoutiers, France.

During President Winifred’s term, a Field Represen-tative to do extension work in California was appoint-ed and more responsibility was placed upon the Dis-tricts in the selection of Committee Chairmen of Pilot Interna tional. Also, this was the time that a District Organiza tional Plan was inaugurated.



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Edith McBride Cameron of Gainesville, Florida, serv ed as President in 1955-56. She presided over the 1956 International Convention in Miami Beach, Florida.

This was a record year in extension with 29 clubs organized, five in Canada. Again awards were received from Woman’s Home Companion - this time, 49 clubs were recipients.

Friendship Trees for Vimoutiers climaxed the orig-inal five-year project of Pilot International. A certif-icate of appreciation was presented by the personal represen tative of the Ambassador from France.

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Jean Conacher of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, served as President for 1956-57. This was the first time a Pilot from outside the United States had served as presi dent.

She was installed at the Miami Beach, Florida, con vention and presided over the 1957 convention in Toronto. This was the first International Convention held outside the United States.

Highlights of this administration included the Presi-dent’s and Executive Director’s visit to the European Clubs, the first Fall Council of the European Clubs held in London, England, and a visit to Vimoutiers when President Jean presented a check from Pilot In-terna tional to Mayor Gavin for the Friendship Trees.



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Billye N. Russell, a lawyer from Houston, Texas, was President during 1957-58. She was installed at the con vention in Toronto, Canada, and presided at the 1958 convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

During President Billye’s administration, the Clas-sification Guide was revised. A change in the number of Pilot International Standing Committees was made, reducing the number of mandatory committees. This year also witnessed the change in Bylaws which made the Governors installed at the District Conven tions immediate members of the Pilot International Board of Directors.

Twelve clubs were organized during this year, making a total membership of 407 clubs with almost 12,000 members. We had 77 Anchor Clubs with a membership of 2,500.

Bulletins and letters from Headquarters took on a more professional look this year, as new offset print-ing equipment was installed.

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Mildred L. Bradshaw, a Nursing Administrator from Norfolk, Virginia, served as President for the term 1958-59. She was installed at the International Conven tion in Philadelphia in 1958 and presided over the 1959 convention in Chicago.

During her administration, President Mildred pre-sented a flag of Alaska to Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, which was to be added to the collection of state flags in the George Washington Hall there. In addition, at this time the PI and Stan-dard Bylaws were completely revised as well as the committee structure of Pilot International. For the first time the services of a Public Relations Consultant for our organization were retained. During the 1958-59 year, twelve new clubs were organized.



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Georgena V. Havlena of Washington, D.C., became President at the Chicago convention in 1959. During her term, eleven new clubs were organized and over 200 members were added to established clubs.

Freedoms Foundation was again the recipient of a flag from Pilot International when President George-na presented the flag of the 50th state of the United States, Hawaii, to the George Washington Hall there.

President Georgena presided over the 1960 conven-tion at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Representatives from Bermuda, Canada, England, Japan and the United States were in attendance. At the opening banquet, there was a salute to Hawaii, honor ing the 50th state of the United States.

Safety was adopted as an international project and the Allstate Foundation presented Pilot with a $5,000 grant to be used to develop conferences to promote safe ty.

The new Classification Guide was published, as well as revised Bylaws and Pilot Information folders.

Interest continued in the Ruby Newhall Memorial Scholarship Fund with five grants being awarded this year, as well as a grant to the Roscoe B. Jackson Me-morial Laboratory.

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Bobbie Burnham of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was installed as President at the 1960 convention held in July at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

During President Bobbie’s administration, the Pi-lot Club In ternational Charitable and Educational Foundation was established. This was a foundation that qualified Pilot International to accept gifts and donations to pro mote, encourage and sponsor public programs and ac tivities which were charitable and educational. In addi tion, two new committees were established - Safety and Patriotic Emblems.

The convention over which President Bobbie presid-ed was held in the Hilton Hotel at Denver, Colorado. At this convention, an Economic Seminar was held featur ing well-known speakers giving a new insight into cur rent global, national, local and personal eco-nomic prob lems.

During this year, 17 new clubs were organized. Pilot International’s membership had grown to 435 clubs with 12,500 members. Eleven new Anchor Clubs were organized, making a total of 103 clubs with 3,377 members.



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1961-1962 President Virginia Anderson of Joplin, Missouri, hoped to develop recognition for Pilot and to promote growth in membership. To commemorate Pilot’s 40th Anniversary, proclamations were issued by Governors of many states, in addition to recognition by leaders in Canada and Bermuda. Clubs and Districts partici-pated in Operation 40, a program to increase growth in membership and extension, with the result that member ship reached a new high for a total for the year of 23 new clubs.

Literature for the organization was extensively up-dated. It was during this time that official copyrights were obtained to protect the names and emblems of both Pilot International and Anchor Clubs.

It was essential to practice stringent economy as the cash reserve was dangerously low; but thanks to the cooperation of Pilots and staff employees, things im-proved considerably by the end of her administration. Complete information concerning our economic status had been given to all members, orally and in written form, with the result that an increase in dues to $7.50 was voted at the 1962 convention in Washington, D.C.

Pilot International, during President Virginia’s term, became the 26th member agency of CARE, Inc., which entitled Pilot to a seat on CARE’s Board of Directors. Pilot also became a cooperating member of The Presi dent’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.

As the majority of clubs established a Safety Com-mit tee, even though it was optional, the first Safety Awards Luncheon was held at the 1962 Pilot Inter-national Con vention, where a generous grant from Allstate Founda tion made possible Pilot’s first Safety Seminar.

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1962-1963 Barbara Matchett (Hanna) of Victoria, Texas, served in the office of President in 1962-63. She was installed at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., in July, 1962. President Barbara presided over Pilot’s first Traffic Safety Conference at the Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. This was the first conference of its kind to be held by one of the women’s classified service clubs, and was conducted by the Michigan State University professors of the Traffic Center Program and by other authorities in the safety field. The Allstate Foundation made this conference possible and at this meeting, presented an-other grant of $10,000 to the Pilot Club International Charitable and Educational Foundation.

During her term, President Barbara served on the Awards Jury for Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and at this time, Pilot International assisted in furnishing the library there.

Anchor Clubs grew to 125 clubs with a membership of over 4,000. The International Convention over which President Barbara presided was held at the Fon tainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Flori-da, in July, 1963, with a record breaking registration of 1,311. At this convention, Pilots brought replicas of their com munity service projects and with them decorated a live 20 foot Christmas tree that was in the lobby of the hotel. Ten Ruby Newhall Memori-al Scholarships were granted, bringing the total to more than 50 students from 23 countries. A very special guest attending the convention was the only male Ruby Newhall student, Dr. Chyung Myung Kim, a medical student from Korea.

A Leadership Development and Human Relations Seminar was one of the program highlights of the convention. This was the year that Pilot boasted a member ship of over 13,000. It was also the beginning of the dream that Pilots own their own Headquarters building.



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1963-1964 Ruth E. Cunningham from San Gabriel, California, served as President in 1963-64. She participated in the meetings of the Savings Bond Division of the United States Treasury Department held for representatives of men’s and women’s organizations at Cape Canaveral, Florida; the Board of Directors of CARE; The Presi-dent’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped in Washington, D.C.; and the President’s Committee for National Safety in Denver, Colorado.

In 1963 just prior to being installed as President, she was presented a Freedoms Foundation Honor Cer-tificate by the Vice President of Freedoms Foundation for her public address entitled “Principles of Free-dom.’’ President Ruth was very active in promoting Meals for Millions and extended this service to Alaska and Japan. During her term, she traveled to Bermuda, Canada, Europe and Japan.

President Ruth presided over the convention held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City in June and July of 1964. It was the largest to date in atten-dance and was held simultaneously with the New York World’s Fair. In addition, it marked the 25th Anniver-sary of the Pilot International Headquarters in Ma-con, Georgia. The Mayor of Macon, B. F. Merritt, Jr., presented a silver punch bowl, tray and ladle to Pilot In ternational from the citizens of Macon.

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Cookie Brooks (Smith), a newspaperwoman from High Point, North Carolina, was installed as President on July 2, 1964, at the conclusion of the convention at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City.

Emphasis during this administration was placed on improving and increasing Pilot’s community services, intensifying the name Pilot International as a true “symbol of service.” Add-A-Project was introduced and more than 300 clubs revealed in their year-end re-ports that they had successfully completed one to four additional community service projects.

The “Fashion Designers for Safety” program, a driver self-improvement project, was introduced at Pilot International’s Third Annual Traffic Safety Con-ference. The number of clubs having Safety Commit-tees grew to 72CT/o •

During the year, $4,000 worth of library furniture was sent to Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pen nsylvania, for the Hawks and Sears Libraries. And it was during this administration that Pilot Clubs voted to purchase a permanent home for their Headquarters of fice. A colonial brick house in Macon, Georgia, was purchased, remodeled to fit Pilot’s needs, and dedi-cated as Pilot International Headquarters on May 22, 1965.

President Cookie presided over the 1965 convention at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas.



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Vilda Shuman, M.D., a pediatrician from Waycross, Georgia, was installed as President in Dallas, Texas, in 1965. During her term, President Vilda took a world-wide tour, attending the International Congress of Pediatrics in Tokyo, Japan. On the way she stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii, and visited with the Pilots there. In Tokyo she was the speaker at the Pilot Club of Tokyo. It was a special occasion for the Japanese Club, as it was the first time it had been visited by an Internation-al President. One of Pilot’s Ruby Newhall scholars served as President Vilda’s Japanese interpreter. On that same trip, President Vilda visited with CARE in several places. One that particularly impressed her was the visit to the Gambak Hospital in Malaysia. After seeing the conditions and understanding their needs, she returned to the United States and, through Pilot International, made arrangements to get an incubator for that hospital.

She presided at the International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in July, 1966. As she often said, there were three strikes against Pilot that year - people were still at the hotel from a previous convention when Pilots arrived, so some members had to be relegated to other hotels; then there were riots in Cleveland that summer, which had a deleterious effect on attendance; and, simultaneously, there was an airline strike which meant many delegates had trouble getting to that city. But in spite of it all, in true Pilot fashion, the problems were overcome and the convention turned out to be another big success. The highlight of the convention was the burning of the mortgage on our Headquarters building in Macon. It had been thought that it would take ten years for this - in reality it took only three!

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Meralda Brennan, a professor from Shenando-ah, Pennsylvania, served as President in 1966-67. One of the most important accomplishments of this administra tion was the broad representation that Pilot enjoyed with many and varied organizations. In ad-dition to at tending the business meeting and program of the United Nations Association, President Meralda was privileged, as one of the 35 representatives of national groups, to interview emissaries from 11 of the non-Communist countries. She also attended the National Conference on Citizenship, the Women’s In-stitute for Traffic Safety, the National Safety Council, and the Pan American Union Luncheon honoring the Women’s Hemisfair Pavillion.

In addition to officiating as a member of the Free-doms Foundation Awards Jury, President Meralda also was recipient of the Safety Award to Pilot Interna tional presented by the Veterans of Safety.

It was during this year that President Elect Louisa Harris suffered an incapacitating illness and could not follow as President. President Meralda presided in 1967 at the convention in New Orleans.


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PEG DeJAIFRE1967-1968

Peg DeJaifre of Apple Valley, California, served as President for the 1967-68 term. The 1968 convention, over which she presided, was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. For the first time reports were read on the activities of the overseas clubs and separate workshops were held for participating agencies.

During. President Peg’s administration, Pilots con-tributed funds to build nine schools and 45 classrooms in Honduras through the Pilot/CARE Project. The largest gain in membership in established clubs was made this year, with a total increase of 694. Eighteen new clubs were chartered from May 1, 1967 to May 1, 1968.

It was during this administration that a special com-mittee developed the Compass Club Manual and an emblem for Compass Clubs was adopted. In addition, the Official Visit Report form and Checklist for Club Presidents and policies for the Ruby Newhall Scholar-ships and the True Course Ever Fund were revised.

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Marie Newton (Sepia), owner and president of Newton Equipment Company, Jacksonville, Florida, was installed as President in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The following year she presided at the 1969 conven-tion at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago.

As President Elect, Marie went to Guatemala to visit and inspect the school facilities there. This country was selected to be the international CARE project with the building of schools and furnishing of desks as the primary focus.

Through President Marie’s successful efforts and those of all the Pilots and Clubs in our international family, in 1968 a check for over $7,000 was present-ed to CARE. By the end of July 1969, the Guatemala project was completed with seven schools containing 21 classrooms built and equipped. A marble plaque with Pilot Club International was placed on the front of each school building.

Ten Pilot Clubs were organized and the goal of 500 clubs with 15,000 members was reached. A pin for Compass members was adopted in this year-old orga-nization that included eight clubs with more than 200 members.

The National Foundation and Salk Institute present-ed a plaque to Pilot International for more than$10,000 contributed, and inscribed Pilot’s name on the wall of the Salk Institute entrance.

President Marie, served on the Awards Jury at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. She presented a personal check in the name of Pilot In ternational for a stained glass window in the Faith of Our Fathers Chapel.

At the 1969 convention Leadership in Action was first introduced, the beginning of what was later to become the Leadership Area of the Internal Affairs Division. The opening session was delayed until 10:00 p.m. so that Pilots could watch on television the U.S. Astronauts historic landing on the moon, and Neil Arm strong’s never-to-be-forgotten quotation, “One small step for man - one giant leap for mankind.”



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1969 Violet J. Parsons of Kewanee, Illinois, was installed as President at the Sheraton-Chicago Hotel in Chica-go, Il linois in July, 1969. As shadows flit across the face of the earth and are gone, so was Vi’s term of of-fice. She died on August 6, 1969, less than two weeks after taking the reins.

It was during this convention that Pilot Internation-al’s Leadership Program got off the ground. At that time, it was an optional committee, but it later evolved into a regular area in the Internal Affairs Divi sion.

During the years that President Vi served on the PI Executive Committee, she became quite interested in Pilot Headquarters. It was her desire to see Head-quarters remodeled to be more functional as both a business office and as a meeting center. At her death, her family suggested that flowers be omitted and a Memorial Fund be established. Through the years, con tributions to the Vi Parsons Memorial Fund ful-filled President Vi’s desires. A great deal of changes were made in the Headquarters building. The fund was finally depleted in 1980 when the Staff Editor’s office was remodeled. This office, incidentally, is appropri-ately named the Vi Parsons Room.

The Republic of Panama and the Curia Indians was President Vi’s CARE project and $14,000 in memorial contributions were made by Pilots. After her death, Vi’s successor to the Presidency, Mabel Breen, went to Panama and the San Blas Islands to dedicate two new school buildings in her memory.

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MABEL B. BREEN1969-1970

Due to the untimely death of her predecessor, MabelB. Breen of Galveston, Texas, advanced to the Presidency in August, 1969, committed to carrying out Vi Parsons theme, “Keynote: Awareness and Action.” This commitment, coupled with a determination that this would be a year of teamwork and training for continuity of Pilot activities, made it a year of achieve-ment.

The response to the new programs inaugurated that year was overwhelming. In the first contest to select the Handicapped Professional Woman of the Year, all but two Districts participated. The Leadership Training Program proved very successful and means to further serve and to assist Pilot Clubs continued to be devel-oped. Committees were busy working on indexing Pilot Bylaws and kits, developing new classifications, and establishing guidelines to assist faltering clubs.

This was the year, too, for exploring new techniques for membership and extension. While attending the Ser vice Club Leaders Conference, President Mabel learned of Civitan’s Seek Program. This evolved into Pilot’s SHARE PILOT PROGRAM, which was introduced at the convention in Miami in 1970, at which she presided.

At this convention, policies for Extension in Fringe and Virgin Territories were introduced, and it was reported that 16 new clubs had been organized, with 410 members - the largest increase in membership in a number of years.



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Barbara Calhoun of Macon, Georgia, was installed as President on July 23, 1970, at the Americana Hotel, Bal Harbour, Florida. During her year, she represented Pilot International at Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, as a member of the Awards Jury; the Lane Bryant Volunteer Awards Program, New York City; the Board of Directors of CARE, Inc., New York City; the Safety Conference, Washington, D.C.; and the Service Club Leaders Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.

The Pilot/CARE Project for this year was the spon-sorship of the nurse’s training program in the Hospital De Occidente, Santa Rosa De Copan, Honduras.

Emphasis continued throughout Pilot Internation-al on Creative Leadership Seminars and Share Pilot Meetings. Again Pilot International was the recipient of a $10,000 grant from Allstate Insurance Foundation to promote safety.

For the second year Pilot International co-sponsored, with The President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, the Handicapped Professional Woman of the Year Award.

Fourteen new clubs were organized, bringing the total number to 505 with a membership of 15,872.

Pilot was honored by the Georgia Senate when a Resolution was passed commending Pilot Interna-tional for being a Georgia-born organization and for having a native Georgian serve as President. She was invited to accept the Resolution and speak before this legislative body.

The 50th Anniversary Convention at which Presi-dent Barbara presided was held at the world famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, July 18-22, 1971, with 1,215 in attendance. In celebration of our 50th birthday, a four tier birthday cake was unveiled at the Golden An niversary Banquet.

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Serving during Pilot International’s 50th Anniversa-ry year, Frances Keever of Kannapolis, North Caro-lina, was installed in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in July, 1971. During her administration, she served on a steering committee to keep elderly people in their own homes, which was the forerunner of NVOILA - National Voluntary Organization for Independent Liv ing for the Aging.

The first Freedoms Foundation Leadership Seminar for Anchor Clubs was held in March, 1972, at Free-doms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

In addition, during her term, the Communique was first published as a means of communicating with the entire membership. A special 50th Anniversary celebra tion was held in Macon, Georgia, in 1971. That same Fall, Pilot was hostess to the Service Club Lead-ers Con ference in Macon.

President Frances represented Pilot on the Board of Directors of CARE, Inc., and in July, 1972, she presid ed over the International Convention at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, where the “Chal-lenge of Change” was emphasized.



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Elizabeth Brown of Des Moines, Iowa, was installed as President in 1972 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Fran cisco. This was a year of change in Pilot Interna-tional. A study committee was appointed to prepare job descriptions, job evaluations and salary sched-ules of our Headquarters staff; the structure of the organiza tion was changed from 11 committees to three divisions; the International Offices of Second Vice President, Treasurer, and two Directors were eliminat-ed; and a study committee was appointed to study and make recommendations for changing the structure of the Charitable and Educational Foundation.

Eighteen new clubs were established in the Unit-ed States. President Elizabeth and Executive Ad-ministrator Cookie Brooks visited the clubs in En-gland and Paris. Permission was granted the clubs in England to start work on new clubs with the hope that a District could be established in the near future. The Pilot Club of Tokyo also expressed interest in exten-sion work in Japan.

Pilot International was represented by both the Presi-dent and the Executive Administrator at the Service Club Leaders Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, in November, 1972.

President Elizabeth presided over the 1973 conven-tion in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Mary Ruth Hauser of Coral Gables, Florida, was in stalled as President in Boston, July, 1973. Many new clubs and members were added during her term, with one of the highlights the chartering of the Pilot Club of Nassau, Bahamas, in June, 1974 -a new club in a new nation.

Immediately following her installation, President Mary Ruth traveled with a number of Pilots to Ber-muda on a post-convention tour, held meetings with the Bermuda Pilots, and had a special party for them aboard the Cunard Line Ambassador. This party aboard ship was a first, as normally Bermuda residents were not per mitted aboard cruise ships in the harbor.

In October, 1973, President Mary Ruth and three other Pilots visited one of our CARE Nutrition Cen-ters in San Martin, Columbia, South America. Then in March, 1974, another overseas trip with 52 Pilots was made to the Orient, including a visit with the Pilot Club of Tokyo.

President Mary Ruth presided over the Convention at the Americana Hotel in Bal Harbour, Florida, in July, 1974. Jane Wyman, of movie fame, gave the President’s Banquet a moving and memorable address. It was at this convention the first Pilot Achievement Plaque was presented to a President - since that time, each Presi dent receives one. A historical first was re-corded when the second verse of Sail On International was adopted.



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Phyllis A. Manning, Flagstaff, Arizona, was installed as President at the convention in Miami, Florida, in Ju ly, 1974. An author-journalist, she served on ad-ministrative staffs at institutions of higher learning before she became active as a Pilot leader. In October, 1974, she attended the Anchor Leadership Seminar at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and in February of the following year served there on the Awards Jury. During her Council for District Of-ficers, as President Elect, she presided over the change from Committee structure to the Division structure, as this was the year this major change was implemented.

During her term, the largest District, Georgia, was divided into Regions as a trial project. And it was dur ing this year that Pilot International Charitable and Educational Foundation became the Pilot International Foundation governed by a Board of Trustees.

President Phyllis led a tour to The Bahamas im-mediately following the 1974 convention, partici-pating with the 85 Pilots who accompanied her in chartering the new club at Nassau. In October, she led a tour to Spain, making contact for a possible club in that coun try. In April, 1975, she traveled with Pilots to France and England, meeting with Pilots in Paris and England, presenting a charter to a new club in England, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Following the convention in Houston in July, 1975, at which she presided, President Phyllis led another tour to Mexico City, Taxco and Acapulco.

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Onna Mae Ellis, of Enterprise, Alabama (population 17,500), was installed as President in Houston, Texas. She went to Costa Rica in the Fall of 1975, as that was the country she had chosen as the Pilot/CARE project. It was there that she dedicated a multi-purpose center in memory of Past International President Meralda Bren nan.

President Onna Mae always mentioned the Boll Weevil Monument that had been erected in Enterprise and along with the population of her city, became her trademarks wherever she appeared.

It was during her administration that the new Pilot International Foundation was in its first year. President Onna Mae was responsible for beginning to assemble Pilot records for eventually depositing in the Georgia Archives. It was also during her term that an engraved marble ledger was placed on the grave of Pearl Sparks, author of the Pilot Code of Ethics, in Florence, Ala-bama. It was the first year of the new Division struc-ture which had the growing pains of a new endeavor.

In July, 1976, President Onna Mae presided over the Pilot International Convention at the Sheraton Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was at this convention that the Governor of the Ontario District presented an engraved plaque to President On na Mae commemorating the 200th birthday of the United States, as 1976 was the Bicentennial Year of the United States.



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Betty DuVall King of New Albany, Mississippi was installed as the youngest President of Pilot Internation-al in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in July, 1976. President Betty used her musical ability to spread the “melody” of growth and service that personified Pilot Interna-tional. During her term as President, she visited the clubs of England and Paris, France, and made a special trip to Nassau in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. While in Nassau, she visited a girls’ home, a home for the aged, a school where organization of an Anchor Club was in progress and a workshop for the physical-ly handicapped.

President Betty, in 1977, sent a contribution of$2,000 to Queen Elizabeth of England from Pilot In-ternational (voluntary donations from our many mem-ber clubs) for the Special Queen’s Jubilee Trust mark-ing the 25th Anniversary of the Queen’s monar chy.

President Betty presided at the international conven-tion in New Orleans, Louisiana, in July, 1977. One of the highlights not to be forgotten was the Presi-dent’s Banquet where the DeJan Olympia Brass Band brought down the house with their version of Dixie-land Jazz. Even the waiters got into the act when the baked Alaska was served to the musical DeJans. This international convention marked the first time that the convention sessions were made available on tape to those in atten dance, an easy way to report the events and programs to the Pilots back home, and a way to record for history what occurred at the international gathering of clubs.

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JEAN M. LARSON1977-1978

Jean Larson of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was installed as President in New Orleans in July, 1977. Her CARE project was in the Central American country of Belize-helping this agriculture country through their schools use their own skills to make a better life. President Jean’s first official duty was to represent Pilot at the Georgia Archives in Atlanta where, for the first time, Pilot’s records were placed for historic preservation.

Enthusiasm was President Jean’s forte - and as she liked to speak - attended many Charter Nights as the featured speaker, and welcomed the new Clubs to the Pilot International family.

During her term, President Jean attended the first handicapped seminar at St. Albans, West Virginia, made possible by a grant from the new Pilot Interna-tional Foundation. She participated in the National Foreign Policy Conference on Human Rights at the State Department in Washington, D.C., as Pilot’s rep-resentative.

Two particular historic events occurred in the life of Pilot International at this time - one was the permis-sion being granted to the District of Georgia to do ex tension work in the State of Montana; and the other was the adoption of the Code of Ethics for the Com-pass Clubs. Twenty-seven Pilot Clubs were organized this year.

President Jean presided at the Pilot International Convention at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Wash-ington, D.C., in July, 1978. This convention featured an entire program on the handicapped, with Dr. Henry Viscardi of the Human Resources School as keynote speaker. The banquet was preceded by the musical performance of a number of severely handicap ped stu-dents from Dr. Viscardi’s school. President Jean was the featured speaker with her talk entitled Expect The Best. The convention ended on Thursday night with the dancers who were deaf from Gallaudet College performing before the Installation of the new Presi-dent. Following the convention, then Immediate Past Presi dent Jean led a post-convention trip to Bermuda.



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Marian Yerkes of Winter Haven, Florida, was install-ed as President at the Washington Hilton in Washing-ton, D.C., in July, 1978. In August after her installation she flew to Billings, Montana, and had the pleasure of presenting the charter to the first Montana Club and immediately followed that with the charter presenta-tion to the second Montana Club in Bozeman. And that wasn’t all - there was a new club in the Bahamas, at Freeport, and President Marian was on hand to pres-ent that charter.

Her CARE project was in the Dominican Republic and in the Fall of 1978 she flew to Santa Domingo to in spect what Pilot was doing there. During her term, President Marian served on the Awards Jury at Free-doms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

She presided at the Pilot International Convention at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, in July, 1979. Being the home state of Pilot, there was a record attendance at that time. Representatives came from almost every country in the Pilot family, with all the new Montana Clubs represented.

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Margaret Cronan, of Kannapolis, North Carolina, became President in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1979. The highlight of her year was chartering a new club in Morioka, Japan. Fifty Pilots went on a tour with Presi-dent Margaret to the Orient and were present for this historic occasion. This made the third club that joined the Pilot family in Japan.

President Margaret, Pilot’s member of the National Safety Congress for a number of years previously, re-mained in this body during her term and in 1979 was elected Vice Chairman and Awards Chairman of the Women’s Conference in Chicago, Illinois. In addition, she was elected to the Board of Directors of the Na-tional Safety Council and appointed a member of the Board’s Expansion Committee. As a sidelight, Pilot In ternational was the only service club represented on this board.

President Margaret presided at the International Con vention in Bal Harbour, Florida, at the Sher-aton-Bal Harbour, in July, 1980.




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1980-1981 Margie Ater of Columbus, Ohio, was installed as President at the Sheraton-Bal Harbour Hotel, Bal Har bour, Florida, on July 24, 1980.

Because of her desire to strengthen the relationships among Pilot clubs, she selected her theme “Around the World - Pilot ls 1.ending Of Talent.” She led the Pilot International Goodwill Tour to England and France, and also visited the Bahamas, Bermuda, Mexico and a great number of clubs in the United States. She had a private conference with Dr. Jonas Salk at the Salk In-stitute in La Jolla, California.

President Margie participated as a judge on the Awards Jury of Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and was one of the judges in the Miss Wheelchair of America Contest.

After President Elect Ernestine Gilliam’s death, ramps for the handicapped were built at Freedoms Foundation in her memory through contributions from Pilots and the Pilot International Foundation.

The President’s CARE project was the country of Chile, where school houses were built in severely pov-er ty ridden areas. In addition to regular daytime use, they were also used at night and on weekends for adult educational training.

“Firsts” during her year included a “Youth Recogni tion Week,” and the development of “Pilot Profile,” a slide presentation for use in recruiting members and organizing clubs.

She presided at the 60th Anniversary Pilot Interna tional Jubilee Convention in San Diego in July, 1981. Major convention action considered combining the Pilot International Bylaws and the Pilot Club Bylaws in to one publication.

President Margie initiated an annual “BUILD OUR PILOT WORLD” month in October which resulted in the greatest increase in any month in Pilot Interna-tional’s 60 years. Membership reached 20,000 during 1980-81, an event that was enthusiastically celebrated at the convention.

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Helen Quinn of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, became Pilot International’s second Canadian President at the Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, California, in July, 1981. She had assumed the office of Presi dent Elect just six short months before, when death claimed President Elect Ernestine Gilliam. Presi dent Helen adopted the theme which Ernestine had selected, and “Friendship and Service -The Seeds For Pilot Growth” guided Pilots through a Diamond Jubilee year of growth and expansion.

While the 1981-82 CARE/Pilot project in Colum-bia, South America, was teaching villagers safe food preservation methods, the twentieth anniversary of J?ilot’s affiliation with CARE, Inc., was observed. The Columbia project marked the end of one-year CARE/Pilot programs; during President Helen’s ten ure, PI Executive Committee action ushered in new long-range plans.

Pilot International’s reputation as a leader in safety promotion grew during 1981-82 as club, dis trict, and international safety activities garnered ac claim. At the 1981 Fall meeting of the National Safety Council, President Helen on behalf of Pilot International ac-cepted the Award of Honor, the highest Council award bestowed on organizations.

A uniform awards program for club competition on the district and international level was adopted during President Helen’s year and an Awards Pro gram Hand-book was developed.

President Helen presided at the 61st Pilot Inter national Convention held at the Chicago Marriott Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, July 18-22, 1982. “New Decade/New Challenges,” the convention theme, was carried out through speeches, presentations, and other activi-ties stressing the challenging role of vol unteers in the 1980’s.

The Chicago convention brought about a return of Division presentations before the entire convention body and the Pilot International Safety Pixie re ceived a name -CAPPI, acronym for Compass, An chor, Pilot Pixie International.


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1982-83 Betty Amsbaugh of York, Pennsylvania, was in stalled as President of Pilot International at the Chi cago Marriott Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, in July, 1982.

During her years on the Executive Committee be fore assuming the office of President, Betty was re sponsible for revising the PI and Standard Bylaws and combining them into one format.

President Betty’s year was the first in which Pilot Clubs competed in a uniform Pilot International Awards Pro-gram. The standardized awards program was developed by a study committee appointed by Betty during her year as President Elect. Also as President Elect, Betty initiated the creation and de sign of CAPPI, Pilot International’s Safety Pixie.

After two decades of annual CARE/Pilot projects, the first three-year CARE/Pilot program in Sierra Leone pro-vided a strong identity boost to Pilot In ternational during 1982-83.

Pilot International received from Freedoms Foun dation in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, the George Washing-ton Honor Medal Award in the “Ameri cana” category. Pilot was also honored to have a representative serve on Freedoms Foundation’s dis tinguished Awards Jury. Pilot International’s “cre ative use of volunteers” in providing services to aging citizens was recognized by a special award from the National Council on Aging/National Vol untary Organizations for Independent Living for the Aging (NCOA/NVOILA).

Pilot International’s capacity for Friendship and Ser-vice was increased through successful Extension efforts, which included charter presentations to sev eral new clubs in Hawaii. Membership received a giant push by the establishment of November as the official month to promote Pilot membership. A resolution was adopted by Pilot International in 1983 to support the UN Decade for Disabled Persons through 1992.

President Betty presided at the Pilot International Con-vention held in July, 1983, at the Sheraton-Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii -welcoming Pilots, Co-Pilots, and friends to Pilot’s first conven tion off the North Amer-ican mainland.

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Doris Hammett, Sterling, Illinois (Pilot Club of Sterling Rock Falls) became president at the conclusion of the July, 1983 international convention in Honolulu, Hawaii at the Sheraton-Waikiki Hotel.

Having served for five years on the Board of Trustees of the Pilot International Foundation during its formative years and having helped select its worldwide goal of “Full Citizen ship for Handicapped People,’’ President Doris was especial ly interested in and supportive of programs to as-sist disabled and elderly people. She represented Pilot at the Fifth Inter American Very Special Festival and Symposium for the Han dicapped in Nassau, Bahamas. Sponsored by the Organization of American States, the symposium empha-sized employ ment of handicapped youth.

During President Doris’ term, Pilot International became an organizational member of the newly-formed American Council on Transplantation, a non-profit group devoted to matching organ donors with recipients.

Incentives were introduced by President Doris to support the ongoing Membership Builder program. A Pilot who spon sors five members receives a “Membership Builder” pin with spaces for additional discs for succeeding years in which the Pilot again sponsors five members. New Club Member ship Builder patches to be attached to club banners were designed for clubs that organize new Pilot clubs.

During a visit to the Pilot Clubs in Hawaii, President Do-ris presented a memorial plaque on behalf of Pilot Interna-tional to the S.S. Arizona to honor members of the Armed Forces who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

For the second time, Pilot International received the Na-tional Safety Council’s top National Award of Honor dur ing President Doris’ term. She accepted the award for Pilot.

The article “Pilot International -A Helping Hand” was published in the July/August 1983 issue of Perspective on Aging by The National Council on the Aging.

1984 marked the 25th anniversary of Allstate Foundation’s assistance to Pilot International through grants to sponsor extensive safety programs for Pilot, Anchor, and Compass Clubs.

President Doris presided at the 63rd Pilot International con vention in July, 1984 at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.



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JO VAUGHN1984-85

Jo Vaughn, Huntsville, Alabama (John Hunt Pilot Club), was installed in absentia at the July, 1984 international con vention in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Hilton. Re cent surgery prevented her from attending installation ceremonies.

An era of high visibility was introduced under the leader-ship of President Jo. Concerned that Pilot be known for its principles and service, she spearheaded the development of the first television, radio and newspaper public service an nouncements to clubs and districts to assist in promoting Pilot.

Club Public Relations leaders received their first media packets and news releases from Pilot headquarters. An arti cle in the August issue of Savvy magazine recognized Pilot International and Kaye Ann Herth, 1985 Handicapped Pro fessional Woman of the Year.In recognition of its many programs to assist handicapped people, Pilot International received an Honorary Award from the National Organization on Disability in Washing-ton, D.C., and was recognized by the President of the Unit-ed States for having ‘’undertaken worthy projects to solve community pro blems.”

Extension in other countries gathered momentum with the first club organized in South America in Ibague, Colombia. Several clubs were organized in Japan. The appointment of International Club Builders was approved and bylaws were translated into French, Japanese and Spanish. Thirty-seven Pilots went on a Good will Tour to the Orient and attended the second annual All Japan Pilot Club Workshop.

The President’s CARE project (begun three years ago) was completed in Sierra Leone, West Africa- Project LEARN (Local Education Activities for Rural Networks) to help rural people learn about health and nutrition.

In recognition of 1985 as International Youth Year, PI pro vided an all-expense paid trip to the international con-vention for the presidents of the Most Outstanding Anchor and Compass Clubs.

The annual Club Directory was printed in the June 1985 issue of THE PILOT LOG, thus providing each Pilot mem-ber with a copy.

For several years, committees had worked on synchroniz-ing the club, district, and Pilot International fiscal years. The proposal for a Sept. 1 - Aug. 31 fiscal year was adopted at the 1985 convention over which Jo presided. Held at the Sheraton Bal Harbour Hotel in Bal Harbour, Florida, the 64th Pilot convention’s theme was “Enthusiasm - the Big Dif ference.”

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Phyllis Mayne of Dayton, Ohio was installed as Presi-dent of Pilot International at the 64th Annual PI convention in Bal Har bour, Florida. Phyllis’ 1985-86 theme, “Together Toward Tomorrow” expressed her belief in the strength of unified effort, and the ability of Pilots, working together, to effect positive change for a better tomorrow.

Under Phyllis’ leadership, Pilot International carried out a major fund-raising effort on behalf of the United Cerebral Palsy Association, contributing more than $100,000 to the national campaign. Phyllis presented the symbolic check to UCPA dur ing the national telethon in California.

The twenty-month implementation of the synchronized year was begun during her presidency. When the change-over was completed (September 1, 1987), the fiscal year for clubs, districts and the international organization was, for the first time, concurrent.During the year, Pilots also provided aid to disaster victims in Mexico and Colombia, and supported the CARE Agro-forestry project in Haiti.

President Phyllis attended the National Safety Council Con gress in New Orleans, LA to accept a safety award on behalf of Pilot International. She represented Pilot at the National Women’s Conference on Cancer, sponsored by the American Cancer Society in cooperation with Good House-keeping Magazine. In the fall, she served as a member of the Freedoms Foundation Awards Jury at Valley Forge, PA.

Phyllis traveled to Washington to attend a briefing with then Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and other administra tion officials, concerning the National Defense and Terrorism. Pilot was one of 32 women’s groups invited to the briefing. She also visited Nassau, Bahamas to partic-ipate in and conduct sessions for a Seminar on Motivation and Leadership, traveled to London, England to attend the Spring meeting of the United Kingdom Clubs, and partici-pated in the 35th Anniver sary Banquet of the Pilot Club of Hamilton, Bermuda. She also attended two conferences of CONPOR (Conference of Private Organizations).

During her term as President Elect, Phyllis represented 1984-85 President Jo Vaughn on the Goodwill Tour of Japan. During this trip she also visited Hawaii and installed the officers of the Downtown Honolulu Pilot Club.

Prior to the international convention, she was invited to a lun cheon at The White House where she briefed officials of the Office of Public Liaison on Pilot activities. She presided at the 65th Annual Pilot International Convention in Wash-ington, D.C. The theme she selected for the convention was “Up, Up, and Away.”



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1986-1987 Jorja Turnipseed, Professor of Music Education and Researcher at Mississippi State University in Starkville, was installed as International President at the 65th Annual Con vention in Washington, D.C. Her presidential theme, “In Tune With Tomorrow Today,” reflected her personal and professional commitment to music. Symbols of computerization , illuminating technology, underscored her dedication to moving our organiza-tion toward even higher achievements. As part of an international membership promotion, four limited-edition prints of original paintings of scenes at Pilot World Headquarters were offered as incentives to members. 1986-87 also marked the first year that training video tapes were used during Official Visits.

Jorja’s professional work with the Very Special Arts pro gram led to a VSA affiliation on an international level through the Pilot International Foundation. Also, during her term, international activities of the Clubs Outside Established Districts (COED) were expanded and an informal organization of the clubs was instituted.

In addition, Pilot expanded into a new country, Peru. Presi dent Jorja led a five-member team of Pilots to lay ground work for a new Pilot/CARE project, “Project Woman power.” The project’s revolving loan fund program assisted the small business ventures of women in Peru who lived with their families in the pover-ty-tom Pueblos Hovenus of Lima. It was the first such loan pro-gram designed specifically to aid women in third world countries and the first CARE pro gram initiated and exclusively funded by an outside organization . As a member of the CARE Board, Jorja also visited the Guatemala Mission in Central America.

During her term, Pilot International again participated in the United Cerebral Palsy Association campaign and raised more than $100,000. President Jorja appeared as a special guest on the telethon broadcast nationwide from Hollywood, CA. Pilot Inter-national hosted the World Service Club Leaders’ Conference held in Atlanta and Jorja was the presiding officer at that prestigious event.

Jorja’s theme for the 66th Annual International Conven tion was “Music Brings Us Together in Dallas.” The event showcased the musical and artistic talents of Very Special Artists (artists with disabilities) and, for the first time, An chor representatives from each district and Compass members attended as special guests and played an integral part in the convention. More than 150 Pilots, family members and friends joined the International President for a post convention tour to Mexico City. One of the highlights of the trip was a gala Charter Night event for two new Pilot clubs in Mexico and a new Anchor club.

Jorja’s well-known and publicized affection for purple resulted in the royal color being used in Pilot materials throughout the year of her presidency. She was the first to serve a full term as International President under the new synchronization plan and thus served thirteen months.

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ANN ADAMS1987-88

Ann Adams of Hartwell, Georgia was installed as the 60th President of Pilot International July, 1987 at the 66th Annual Convention in Dallas, Texas.

The 1987-88 theme, “Success Through Service” was chosen to illuminate the fact that Pilot Clubs achieve success through in-volvement in service projects which improve their communities, their country, and the world. The symbol for the year was a rain-bow, representing hope and the challenge to attain higher goals.“Success in Growth,” a multi-year growth program, began with the first Pilot Growth Training Workshop conducted at the Dallas convention. Throughout the year these workshops were held in the Districts and Clubs, and more than 5,000 Pilots received growth training to become Certified Club Builders.

Fifteen Pilot Clubs were organized during the year. The first International Growth Coordinator was appointed to serve a two year term, and the first club organized by the new Internation-al Extension team was the Glacier Pilot Club, Kalispell, MT. President Ann traveled to Montana to present this club its charter. The first Compass Club organized by a Club Outside Established Districts (COED), the Pilot Club of Nassau, was chartered. It was the Compass Club of the College of the Bahamas.

The year was designated “The Year of Pride In Commitment to Our Foundation,” and a special $100,000 fund raiser was held for the Pilot International Foundation. At the close of this campaign, contributions totaled $117,409. Du ring 1987-88 PIF grants total-ing $79,856 were awarded to 64 Pilot Clubs.

Ann attended the National Safety Council ‘s 15th Annual Con-gress in Chicago. There, at the National Citation Awards Banquet, she accepted, on behalf of Pilot International, the Award of Hon-or. This is the top organizational award given by the NSC.At CARE headquarters in New York, she met with the Director and Chairman of the Board to discuss the CARE/Pilot project, PROJECT: WOMANPOWER. The project supports a revolving loan program for women in small businesses in Peru. Later in her term, she represented Pilot at the President’s Luncheon of the United Nations Association, also in New York, and at the World Service Club Leaders Conference in Chicago, IL.

The President’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities in Washington, D. C . sponsored a program to address Employment Concerns and Ann participated. She also represent-ed our organization at the Tournament of Roses Breakfast for Service Club Leaders at the Tournament House in Pasadena, CA, and served as a member of the prestigious Freedoms Foundation Awards Jury, Valley Forge, PA.

Another “first” during Ann’s term was the first reception spon-sored by Pilot and held at Pilot Headquarters to honor interna-tional visitors to the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Macon, GA. Ann welcomed quests from Japan, Taiwan, and France. Later, she con ducted a Goodwill Tour to Japan and participated


in the Fifth All Japan Workshop in Tokyo. While in Japan she also visited with the Pilot Clubs of Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Osaka, and Nara, and she attended the Charter Night celebration of the Satsuma Pilot Club. At this event, she presented the club its charter. In Kagoshima, sis ter state of the U.S. state of Georgia, she presented a Pilot International plaque to its Governor.

“Celebrating Success in Toronto” was the theme of the 67th An-nual Pilot International Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at which Ann presided. At this convention the Pilot International Bylaws were amended to remove the reference to gender as a qual ification for membership. The post-convention trip was a French Canadian tour to Quebec City and Montreal, and Ann was joined by more than 142 people on this excursion.

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1988-89 Dorothy Franklin of Norfolk, Virginia was installed as Interna-tional President at the 67th Annual Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her presidential theme, “Set Sail for Service,” was inspired by the Pilot emblem-the pilot wheel-the instrument by which every voyage is guided. This nautical connection is easily associated with one who lives in a city by the sea, and, in a greater context, the pilot is the navigator whose responsibility it is to guide ships--or great enterprises-toward their appointed destinnations or goals.

Dot’s was a far-ranging presidency, both in the significant goals she espoused and in travel, as she carried the Pilot message far and wide. In November, 1988, her travels took her to Adelaide, Australia to the 29th Annual World Service Club Leaders Conference.

She traveled one day in every three during her term, visiting Pilot Clubs everywhere she thought she might make a difference. She visited clubs which were celebrating significant anniversaries, clubs which were doing great service work, and particularly clubs which needed help. She also visited as many districts as her year in office would allow.

In March, 1989, Dot led a tour to England where she spoke to the Pilot Club of London on the occasion of its 40th anniversary and met with members of the Pilot Clubs of Sutton & Cheam, and of Brigh-ton & Hove. In May she acted as hostess for a reception held at Pilot World Headquarters for international visitors to Macon, Georgia’s 7th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival. During her term the name of the headquarters building was changed to “Pilot International World Headquarters” and the “Pilot Is” three-fold promotion card was made available to all members. Pilot International received a Citation Award of Commendation from the National Safety Council. Also, criteria for a new awards program, the Pilot Excellence Program, or PEP, was approved. This program’s goal was to encourage excellence in the performance of each club’s duties, responsibilities and activities-dubs would no longer compete against each other. This was the last year of the Uniform Awards Program, adopted during 1981-82.

She presented the charter to the Pilot Club of Spokane, Washing-ton, the first Pilot Club organized in the state. She also participated in the CARE Board of Directors meeting in New York and in the annual meeting of The President’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities held in Tampa, Florida. At the 68th Annual Pilot International Convention in Anaheim, California she re-instituted a training workshop for incoming club Presidents and Presidents Elect, and began a training workshop for District Officers in addition to the Council for District Officers. Under Dot’s leadership, Pilot International carried out a major fundraising effort for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for the research and treatment of pediatric AIDS. Contributions in excess of $135,000 were raised by Pilots during 1988-89 and a check was presented to Danny Thomas, the hospital’s founder. In August 1989, Dot traveled to Memphis, Tennessee where she was given a special tour of the research hospital facilities by Dr. Walter Hughes, Chief, Infectious Diseases Department. In October she attended a “Jazz Brunch With Danny Thomas” event held in New Orleans sponsored by ALSAC, the fundraising arm of St. Jude Hospital. At this function Pilot International was publicly recog nized for its contribution. During her term as President Elect, Dot joined the May 1988 Goodwill Tour to Japan, where she was a program participant at the 5th All Japan Pilot Club Workshop. Her theme for the 68th Annual International Convention was “Share the Magic of Pilot in Anaheim.” The post-convention tour was a cruise to Catalina Island, California and Ensanada, Mexico.

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Dorothy R. Saari, a Human Resources Manager from Jasper, Texas, was installed as International President at the 68th Annual Convention in Anaheim, California. The theme for 1989-90- “Service ...the Heartbeat of Pilot,” was chosen because of her belief that service is truly the HEARTBEAT of our organization.

During her year as President, Dot traveled to Huntsville, Alabama; Port Arthur, Texas; and Charleston, West Virginia to speak at 50th Year Club Anniversaries. She participated in the 30th Annual World Service Club Leaders Conference in Los Angeles; the Annual United Nations and Service Club Leaders Seminar in Washington, D.C.; the Annual Meeting of the Presi-dent’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities in Washington, D.C.; and the 75th Anniversary of Kiwanis Interna-tional in Detroit, Michigan. She also spoke at six Texas District Workshops and attended the Tournament of Roses Breakfast for Service Club Leaders at the Tournament House in Pasadena, Cali-fornia. While on the West Coast she spoke to a cluster of Pilot Clubs in the California District. In March 1990, a Goodwill Tour was made to Bermuda which included a visit with the Pilot Club of Bermuda. In April, 1990, she installed the first Governor of the newly-established Japan District at the last All-Japan Workshop held in Okinawa.

Under her leadership, Pilot International carried out a major fundraising effort for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for research and treatment of pediatric AIDS. Contributions exceeded $100,000, and at the International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, a check was presented to Pete Decker, rep-resenting noted entertainer and humanitarian, Danny Thomas. In New Orleans, at a meeting of ALSAC, the fund raising arm of St. Jude’s, she accepted-on behalf of Pilot-an appreciation plaque from Danny Thomas.

During her nine years on the Executive Committee, Dot became the first officer to visit every Pilot District (21), and all Pilot countries except England. Also, under her leadership, a commit-tee was appointed to revise the Pilot International Bylaws, and the Executive Committee voted to hire a consultant to critique the organization. The Pilot Code of Ethics was degendered and approved, and new voting procedures were established. Eight new Pilot Clubs were established during 1989-90.

The theme for the 69th Annual Pilot International Convention was “Nashville Country and Pilot.” This was the largest Pilot convention on record with 2,490 people attending. At the conven-tion, Dot presented a plaque to country music entertainer Minnie Pearl, naming her an Honorary member of Pilot International. This plaque was presented onstage at the Grand Ole Opry with some 1700 Pilots in attendance. The post-convention tour was a bus trip through the Great Smokey Mountains.



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Sue Trautwein, Corporate Secretary of the Owensboro Pub-lishing Company and Owensboro Broadcasting Company, Owensboro, Kentucky, was installed as President at the 69th Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. The 1990-91 theme “1921-1991-Building the Future on a Tradition of Excellence.” As President, Sue accepted on behalf of all Pilots, an appreci-ation plaque for contributions made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for research and treatment of pediatric AIDS. The plaque was presented by the hospital’s founder, entertainer Danny Thomas. She also accepted the National Safety Council’s National Award of Honor given to Pilot International in recog-nition of club safety and health activities. She participated in the Service Club Leaders Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana and the Annual Meeting of the President’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities in Dallas, Texas. She also served on the Awards Jury for national awards given by Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA and spoke at meetings and special events held by 15 Pilot Clubs and several Districts. In October 1990, Pilot International announced the launching of a new on-going service focus-brain-related disorders. Issues of THE PILOT LOG featured the brain disorders activities, pro jects and fundraisers of Pilot Clubs, and related articles fur nished by health care agencies in that field. Under Sue’s leadership in January, 1991, a first-ever Strategic Planning Advance Meeting was held in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Eighteen Pilots representing a cross section of ages, geographic areas and Pilot experience, participated. The purpose of the gath-ering was to identify the organization’s strengths and weakness-es, and to produce goals and possible solutions for the growth and renewal of Pilot International. The goal of Organizational Renewal was established and the Executive Committee selected an Organizational Renewal Task Force to follow through on the initial recommendations, procedures and decisions. At least one member of every Pilot Club was random ly chosen to receive a survey questionnaire to assist in making crucial decisions about the process of planned change. Comments and suggestions were encouraged from all members of the organization. The number of members responding to the Membership Opinion Survey was exceptional and well exceeded the averages needed to glean scientific results. In May 1991, during the President’s Tour to Japan, Sue served as the Executive Committee Representative to the Japan Pilots’ first District Convention; attended the 40th Anniversary of the Pilot Club of Tokyo; and attended the business meeting of the Sakura Pilot Club, Tokyo. On her return trip she made an Official Visit to the Downtown Honolulu Pilot Club and the Ala Moana Pilot Club, Honolulu, HI. During her tenure, the following Mission Statement was approved by the Executive Committee: “Pilot Club International is a global organization of executive, business and professional leaders working together to improve the quality of life in local communities and throughout the world.” The Annual Pilot International Convention held in Atlanta, GA at the Marriott Marquis Hotel was a festive and momentous occasion: “festive” because Pilots celebrated their 70th Annu-al Convention, and “momentous” because they participated in roundtable discussions on proposed bylaw revisions; received first-hand information from agencies specializing in various types of brain-related disorders; and discussed matters relating to organizational renewal. The 1991 convention theme was “Build-ing on the Best in Atlanta.” The post-convention tour was a three-night cruise with a visit to Nassau, Bahamas.

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1991-92 Janette Bowers, a retired educator from Alpine, Tex-as, was installed as President at the 70th Pilot Inter-national Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.

During her term, Janette stressed the growing impor-tance of a “market driven” organization that addresses the special needs of today’s busy lifestyle, and the im-portance of recruiting and retaining younger members. The 1991- 92 year marked the beginning of “Pilot 21,” Pilot International’s organizational renewal plan. Guided by professional consultants and Pilots with marketing expertise, Pilot International used market research and strategic plan planning to compete for volunteers and financial support.

To focus even more specifically within the area of brain related disorders, the Pilot International Foun-dation solicited proposals for a special project affil-iation with national brain-related disorder agencies. In November, the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk, which raises more than $1 million annually, was selected as Pilot’s focus project. Pilot acted as a “Na-tional Presenting Sponsor” of the 1992 Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk and presented a total of $100,000 to the organization.

During 1991-92, Pilot experienced the first net increase in membership in six years. This 48-member net increase, along with a decrease in membership resignations proved to be an exciting and encouraging upswing for Pilot.

At the 1992 Annual Meeting and Convention, over which Janette presided, the Pilot International Board of Di rectors approved a five-year corporate plan for improving the organization. This Convention also saw a total renewal of the organization’s bylaws for the first time in 52 years. The new marketing plan, “Pilot 21,” a “Pilot 21 Fund,” and a new leadership develop-ment plan, “Mentor 21,” were also introduced at this time.



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Nancy Lee Bowen, owner of Finelle Cosmetics Training and Distribution Center, Manhattan, Kansas, was installed as Pres-ident at the 71st Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois. The 1992-93 theme was “Harvesting a World of Pilot Friendship.”

In September, President Nancy attended a White House briefing on head injuries in Washington, D.C., organized by the National Head Injury Foundation, and accepted a Certificate of Appre-ciation on be half of Pilot International; in October she partici-pated in a seminar panel at the Annual Meeting of Alzheimer’s Association in Chicago; in November she accepted the Award of Merit, National Category, 1993 National Awards Program of the Community Service Division of the National Safety Council in Orlando. She participated in the 33rd Annual World Service Club Leaders Conference in St. Louis, MO. The 1993 George Wash-ington Honor Medal for excellence in programs and activities, an awards program sponsored by Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, PA, was awarded to Pilot International for its entry on Patriotism.

In March 1993, 24 Pilots joined the Pilot Friendship Tour to Bermuda which included an in-depth one-day seminar for the Bermuda Pilot Club members. In April Nancy served as ECR to the Japan District Convention and spoke at charter events in Hiroshima and Ichinoseki, Japan, Leward Pilot Club of Hawaii, and Golden Plains Pilot Club of Pratt, Kansas. A total of 11 new clubs were chartered, 5 in Japan.

With a passion for building new Pilot clubs and increasing membership through strengthening friendship in existing clubs, Nancy and the 1992-93 leadership team offered Globe Charms, earned by 501 members for sponsoring a new member; 792 mem-bership bar pins were presented to Pilots for completing sponsor-ship of 5 new members, and 175 additional discs were presented for sponsorship of an other 5 members, which resulted in a net increase of 92 members as of June 1, 1993. A year of growth pro-motion was overshadowed, how ever, by the need to revise and reprint all literature following the 1992 Convention, including a complete revision of the By-laws. In March, an updated Presi-dent’s Manual was mailed to all club Presidents elect and a new Pilot Supply Catalog was mailed to each Pilot member.

In October, Nancy successfully recruited Velma Williford, a long time Headquarters staff member and comptroller, from retirement to serve as Interim Associate Director for our Foun-dation. From 258 applicants, a new Pilot International Executive Director, Cynthia Mills, was selected in an 8-month process to replace our beloved Dot Lewis, retiring after 46 years of dedicat-ed service.

The theme for the 72nd Annual Pilot International Conven-tion, held at Bally’s Hotel in Las Vegas was “A Celebration of Friendship” with over 1,800 registered in attendance. Nancy also presided at the first Annual Membership Meeting of Pilot Interna-tional Foundation, where resolutions presented by Johnny Kelso, Trustee Chairman, were adopted for a new Foundation structure, and new Goals for the Foundation were accepted. Actress Shelley Fabares made a special guest appearance as National Honorary Chairperson of the Alzheimer’s As sociation Memory Walk, and accepted over $100,000 from Pilot International and a plaque as a new honorary Pilot. The Post-Convention tour was a bus trip to Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon North Rim.

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Janice Watson, a secondary school teacher from Man-tachie, Mississippi, was installed as President at the 1993 Annual Meet ing and Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.Janice’s presidency marked the second year of “Pilot 21,” Pi lot International’s organizational renewal plan which focused on “Challenges, Choices, and Changes for a New Century.”

During her presidency, Janice received a number of awards on behalf of Pilot International and Pilot Interna-tional Foundation, including the George Washington Medal of Honor from Freedoms Foundation and the 1993 Award of Merit in the Community Ser vice Division from the Na-tional Safety Council. Pilot Interna tional/Pilot International Foundation was also one of only 35 United States organi-zations to be honored by the National Orga nization on Dis-ability (N.O.D.) at a luncheon in the U.S. Capital Building in Washington, D.C. As a reminder of the lasting effects of Pilot friendship and service, the French village of Vimout-iers commemorated Pilot on the fiftieth anniversary of the organization’s first international project to help rebuild the vil lage, which was accidentally destroyed by U.S. bombs during World War II.

Janice’s term as President marked several firsts within the Pi lot organization. The Anchor Advisor of the Year Award and the News Express newsletter were debuted during Jan-ice’s presidency. The first Anchor Club in the Japan District was organized in Kagoshima, Japan, and Pilot broadened its scope by adding a sixth country to the organization - Singapore. In 1993, Pilot sponsored the National Alzhei-mer’s Association Memory Walk for the sec ond year in a row. As a representative of Pilot, Janice walked in the first Alzheimer’s Memory Walk to be held in Japan at the 1994 Japan District Convention, in Yokohama, Japan.

The Pilot International Foundation was restructured during 1993-94. Four divisions, as well as three ad hoc committees were named. Top Pilot International officers be-came board members, and all Pilot International members were allowed the right to vote on Foundation issues. As a result of this new structure, Janice became the first Pilot International President to serve as chair of the Pilot Interna-tional Foundation Board of Trustees.

Pilot International Headquarters also benefited from the changes that came about in 1993-94. The staff was com-pletely reorga nized and workloads were departmentalized to increase services to members. A new integrated computer network and customized association management software were introduced, and a financial systems developer was hired to implement a new accounting system. As a result of the new computer capabilities at Headquarters, Pilot was able to produce in-house publications for the first time.



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1994-95 Marilyn B. Rose, retired Bluestem Girl Scout Council Execu tive Director from Green Country Club, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, was installed as President at the 1994 Annual Meeting and Con vention in San Antonio, Texas.

Under Marilyn’s leadership, the 1994-95 year was one of great accomplishment for the Pilot organization. Through-out the year, Marilyn worked with the Executive Commit-tee, Pilot members, and staff to computerize departments, streamline the organization, embrace association manage-ment, and increase networking op portunities, positioning the organization to handle success as the world’s service organization of choice. As a result of the hard work of Marilyn and the Pilot leadership team, eight new Pilot clubs were organized during the 1994-95 club year.

The implementation of new technologies enabled Pilot to streamline operations in many areas. For the first time, Pilot Head quarters was able to generate dues invoices from the membership database, as well as simplify convention registrations and reports. Desktop publishing was utilized to produce numerous Pilot publi cations, saving the organi-zation a tremendous amount of time and money.

Technological developments also affected the finan-cial depart ment. Computerization in this area resulted in timely financial reports to the Executive Committee and management. To maxi mize communication throughout the organization, a summary of Pilot’s progress on the year’s objectives and strategies was mailed with these reports. Overall, technological advancements in 1994-95 expedited production, enabling Pilot International to improve member services without increasing the cost.

Pilot’s 1994-95 leadership team also focused on develop-ing resources for leadership training. As part of this goal, Club Manu als were made available at District Conventions. In addition, the District Convention Manual and Handbook for Club Officers were revised. New versions of the Anchor Club Manuals were also published. The Pilot Excellence Program (PEP) was also revised based on recommenda-tions from the membership in 1994.

To assist with club fundraising efforts, contracts with Pilot’s licensees were renewed and new ones were estab-lished. Anchor Clubs were added to the contracts to enable them to benefit from these opportunities.

Pilot’s goals in 1994-95 included evaluating procedures and finding new ways to provide member services at lower costs, streamlining operations, staff training, and improv-ing technologi cal capabilities. The leadership team was successful in accom plishing each of the goals they set for themselves at the beginning of the year, and maintained a commitment to implementing and strengthening services designed to support the membership.

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Joan Wuterich, retired professor of Salem State College, Sa lem, Massachusetts, was installed as President at the 1995 Annual Meeting and Convention in Washington, D.C.

Many advances were made within Pilot International and Pilot International Foundation in 1995-96. The organization welcomed six new Pilot clubs and ten new Anchor clubs during Joan’s term. Anchors and Pilots participated in a Leadership Summit, entitled “Prevention Through Service,” in Washington, D.C., where they joined some of the na-tion’s leading civic service organizations to determine how adults can better serve the needs of the nation’s youth. Through networking, the 1995-96 leadership team increased awareness of Pilot and its purpose to the world community. Joan and other Pilot leaders served as facili-tators at the 1995 Service Club Leaders conference. These leaders played an important role in establishing an Interna-tional Service Club Day on June 3, 1996. Joan also par-ticipated in the Wingspread Conference think tank on the “Role of Volunteer Service Clubs in the 21st Century.”

During Joan’s term, a voicemail system was installed at Head quarters to enable members to call staff members directly, and Pilot International was invited to take part in a home page for service clubs on the Internet. The Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce featured Pilot International in a 203-page book intended to promote the area during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. The official 75-year history of Pilot International, True Course Ever, was written by Donna McCrohan, 1995-96 president of the Pilot Club of New York, in celebration of Pilot’s anniversary. A resolu-tion, written by Cindy Weaver, 1995-96 Georgia District Governor, was passed in the Georgia House and Senate declaring October 18, 1996 Pilot International Day in the State of Georgia.

The Foundation’s primary goal throughout 1995-96 was to maximize its charitable activities through the distribution of grants and scholarships. The Board of Trustees approved $30,944.86 in grant disbursements during the year, and the Foundation exceeded the $1 million mark in grant dis-bursements. To ensure the future of the Foundation and its programs, the Board of Trustees, led by Joan, approved the establishment of a new division responsible for implement-ing ways to increase individual planned gifts to the Founda-tion. The division, made up of Pilot members, was avail-able to discuss the various options and benefits of planned giving with the membership.

Joan presided over Pilot’s 75th International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, which marked the beginning of Pilot’s 75th Anniversary Celebration.



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Joanne Horton, education administrator from Tuscumbia, Ala-bama, was installed as President at the 1996 Annual Meeting and Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. Pilot’s 75th Anniversary celebration is among the most mem-orable high lights of the 1996-97 year. Joanne presided over the 75th Anniversary Luncheon in October 1996, in Macon, Georgia. More than 600 Pilot members and guests, including six past in-ternational presidents were in attendance. Prominent government officials and representatives from fellow service organizations presented Pilot with proclamations, commemorative plaques, and letters of congratulations, and many of Pilot’s partner organiza-tions participated as exhibitors. Pilot International received the prestigious Georgia Society of Association Executives’ 1996-97 Award of Excellence in Communications in recognition of an outstanding 75th anniversary publicity campaign. Strategic planning was in the forefront of Pilot’s activities throughout the year. After hearing how strategic planning could benefit Pilot, delegates of the 1996 international convention voted to implement a plan through the year 2000. Presented at the 1997 international convention in Hawaii, the plan supports four goals: (1) service; (2) membership and growth; (3) education and train-ing, and (4) visibility. Throughout 1996-97, Joanne and the Pilot leadership team emphasized the importance of recruiting and retaining members to broaden Pilot’s scope of service, and encouraged members to reach out to their communities through publicity and networking opportunities. Japan was recognized at the 1997 international convention as the district with the highest net gain in clubs and membership. Five new Pilot clubs were organized in 1996-97, and fourteen new and re-chartered Anchor Clubs were estab-lished. To assist in their recruiting efforts, Pilot International developed a new Anchor video, shown for the first time at the international convention in Hawaii. Anchors participated in their first on-site service project at the 1997 international convention. Fifty-three Anchor members helped landscape the front yard of the Hawaii Institute for Human Services, a shelter for the island’s homeless, and sorted through stacks of donated clothing. Upon completing their work, Anchor members presented the Institute with a $500 cash donation. The 1996-97 club year was exceptional for the Pilot Interna-tional Foundation as well. Josephine Sullivan, a charter member of the Pilot Club of Lubbock, Texas, organized in 1949, donated $50,000 to the Foundation in April 1997, and members raised more than $150,000 for the Foundation grants program. As a result, the Foundation was able to fund all eligible grant requests in 1996-97, with more than $10,000 in reserve for future projects.During her term as International President, Joanne spoke to the Board of Directors at the Alzheimer’s Annual Meeting and to the officers and past presidents at the International Kiwanis Con-vention, served on a Stroke Initiative task force in Washington D.C., and attended the Service Club Leaders Conference in Palm Springs, California. A new recognition program was developed in 1996-97 which provided recognition for clubs and districts with the largest net gains in membership, clubs organizing new Pilot Clubs, and District/COED individual recruitment members. As a representative of Pilot, Joanne was invited to the White House to meet with President Clinton and to discuss the imple-mentation of the National Service Scholars Program with leaders of other civic volunteer organizations. The 1997 Annual Meet-ing and Convention, over which Joanne presided, in Honolulu, Hawaii, was the occasion for Pilot’s first international Pilot Walk, which raised $38,000 for the Pilot International Foundation.



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Lily Tatafu Moore, retired lead manager with U.S. West Com-munications of Denver, Colorado, was installed as President at the 76th Annual Meeting and Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii. Lily wore traditional Tongan dress for the occasion, symbolizing her national heritage.

During Lily’s term as President, the Pilot leadership team maintained a strong focus on Pilot’s strategic plan. To support the worth while services that Pilot clubs provide, several new resources were developed in 1997-98. Among these were the community needs assessment and the club evaluation tool, devel-oped to help clubs stay current with the needs in their communi-ties and to help them prioritize their projects. In addition to these resources, new sections were added to the Club Manual and to The Pilot Log. Headquarters also published a new version of the Pilot Growth Guidelines to instruct clubs in methods to attract new members and retain those who join. In support of Pilot’s visibility goal, the public relations task force developed a new Publicity Guide, which was debuted at the 1998 Convention in Orlando, Florida.

Pilot’s efforts to recruit new members and build new clubs were very successful in 1997-98. A total of nine new Pilot clubs were organized during the year in the Bahamas, Florida, Japan, and Texas. To further Pilot’s extension efforts in other countries, the 1997-98 Executive Committee began exploring a partnership with People to People. The partnership’s purpose, which was similar to the Friendship Tours Pilot sponsored in the past, was to broaden Pilot’s opportunities for international extension. The 1997-98 leadership team also made a commitment to develop-ing their leadership skills and training others in their various leadership roles. President Lily encouraged members to pro vide training opportunities as part of their club, district and interna-tional agendas.

Throughout the year, members were encouraged to enhance Pilot’s visibility by capitalizing on the organization’s service focus - helping those affected with brain disorders. To support this effort, Pilot continued its representation on the Alzheimer’s Association Program Committee and the sub-committee for the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute. In addition, Pilot was represented at the Association’s 1998 National Public Policy Forum. During the Forum, Pilot was recognized for raising more than $300,000 for Alzheimer’s research and for supporting the Association’s campaign to Congress to add $100 million to the research budget at the National Institute of Health. In addition to this honor, Pilot received the National Safety Council’s First Place Award of Honor in the Community Safety Division for its emphasis on projects that concern safety and security.

Pilot was also recognized for its support of the Prevention Through Service Alliance, organized by President Clinton as part of the nation’s anti-drug campaign. In November 1997, President Lily represented Pilot at the Civic Alliance Prevention Through Service meeting in Washington, D.C. She and Executive Director Cynthia Mills represented Pilot again, in July 1998, at the nation-al roll-out of the Youth Anti-Drug media Campaign, hosted by President Clinton and the Di rector of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Barry McCaffrey. Pilot was one of thirty-three national and international organizations to sign the Prevention Through Service Alliance Resolution Agreement, which was witnessed by General McCaffrey and other national leaders.Lily presided at Pilot’s 77th Annual Meeting and Convention in Orlando, Florida.

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Nancy Henrick, a sales associate and bridal consultant with Cunningham Jewelers, from Brunswick, Georgia, was installed as Presi dent of Pilot International at the 77th Annual Meeting and Convention in Orlando, Florida.

Nancy represented Pilot at various events throughout the year, in cluding the European Conference on Rehabilitation After Se-vere Brain Injury in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Service Club Leaders Confer ence in Evanston, Illinois. During her term, Pilot International received the National Safety Council’s First Place Award of Honor from the Com munity Safety Division, recog-nizing the outstanding efforts of Pilot Clubs to promote safety in their communities. Representatives from Pilot also attended the National Leadership Forum, sponsored by the National Cen ter for Nonprofit Boards, and the Civitan Governor-Elect Academy.

Nancy also represented Pilot at various focus-related events, such as the Brain Awareness Week conference, sponsored by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in Washington, DC, and the Alzheimer’s Associa tion Partnership Recognition Luncheon, where Pilot was formally rec ognized for its work with the As-sociation. In addition, Nancy toured with the People to People Program in Japan, and visited some of the world’s leading organi-zations in the field of brain-related disorders.

The 1998-99 club year proved to be very exciting in terms of mem bership growth and retention. Pilot lost less clubs than it had at any time during the previous decade, and maintained a membership retention rate of 99 percent for the year. A report an-nounced at the 1998 Service Club Leaders Conference commend-ed Pilot for having the best retention rate for the previous year of all Conference members. The Anchor program also expanded in 1998-99, with a net gain of five clubs and an increase of approx-imately 100 new members. To continue Pilot’s success in this area, a new membership growth incentive program was intro-duced dur ing the 1999 Annual Meeting and Convention in New Orleans, Louisi ana, at which Nancy presided. She also introduced Pilot’s new Execu tive Director, Frank Soldovere, to the member-ship in New Orleans.

The Pilot International Foundation leadership was restructured dur ing Nancy’s term to accommodate an increase in Founda-tion donations and an expansion of programs. The Foundation divisions were restruc tured from six to four: Grants, Scholar-ships, Revenue Development, and Donor Recognition, and an eight-member board of trustees was es tablished, consisting of the President, President Elect, First Vice Presi dent, and Second Vice President of Pilot International, as well as the four Division Chairs. The Executive Director of Pilot International was to serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees.

During the 1999 Annual Meeting and Convention, Nancy led 600 participants in a rain-soaked Pilot Walk parade, which raised $37,904 for the Pilot International Foundation. Other events, held in New Or leans, included a Riverboat Dinner Cruise and a Silent Auction to sup port the Foundation, and a presentation of 940 teddy bears by Anchors and Pilots to patients in the New Orleans Children’s Hospital. Nancy’s husband, Doug, served as chair-man of the Co-Pilots who helped raise $1,000 for the Children’s Hospital.

In her closing remarks, Nancy asked members to “look to the 21st century for new challenges and opportunities, and to work together to make life better for future generations ....setting the course for even greater miracles in the new millennium.”


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Diana Kingree, Vice President of Personal Quest.com, was installed as President of Pilot International at the or-ganization’s 1999 Annual Meeting and Convention in New Orleans, Louisi ana.

During her term, Diana took part in Pilot’s first interna-tional leadership retreat with the Board of Directors, Board of Trust ees, and staff management team. The purpose of the meeting was to bring the leadership team together to dis-cuss Pilot’s stra tegic direction and highest priorities for the future. As a result, key strategies were identified to support membership growth; quality programs, products, and ser-vices; increased revenues; greater visibility; and enhanced governance and management systems for the organization. In addition, plans were made with input from clubs and districts to begin development of a Pilot signature project to focus on brain trauma. The retreat marked the beginning of a process that would involve Pilot’s district and interna-tional leaders, as well as the general membership in fu ture planning.

As president, Diana represented Pilot at various functions throughout the year, including the 40th Annual Service Club Leaders Conference in San Diego, California, and an on-site ser vice project while visiting Pilot Clubs in Hawaii. Following her visit to Hawaii, Diana led a Friendship Tour to Japan, where she took part in anniversary celebrations on behalf of the Japan dis trict and the Pilot Club of Morioka. She also visited members of Pilot Clubs in Singapore.

Pilot’s extension efforts in 1999-2000 resulted in sever-al new clubs in the districts of Texas, Japan, Florida, and COED, with additional clubs in the making. To encourage Anchor members to join Pilot following graduation from high school, the organi zation implemented a new policy to waive their initiation fee, and began development of a new Anchor-at-Large membership category.

In support of Pilot’s brain-related service focus, the organiza tion continued to support projects affiliated with the Dana Alli ance for Brain Initiatives and the Brain Injury Association, among others. The Pilot International Foun-dation continued to disburse grants and scholarships to eligible applicants to further programs and education in the brain-related field. The Foundation also sponsored a Pilot Walk during its 2000 Annual Meeting to raise money to support its philanthropic activities. Diana presided over Pi-lot’s 2000 Annual Meeting and Convention, held in Bos ton, Massachusetts, July 12-15.

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Laura Keever, a developmental training specialist, from Greensboro, North Carolina, was installed as President at the Pilot International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. Lau-ra was the first former Anchor to serve as President of Pilot International.

Laura served as Chair of Pilot International Foundation during its 25th Anniversary, and, by the end of the year, Pilots had much to celebrate. In September, the Board of Trustees accepted a check in the amount of $100,000 from the estate of Callye Neese. The Board decided that this money would be used to fund BrainMinders,” an educational program for young children on how to protect their brains and prevent brain injuries. The first phase of the program was developed during Laura’s year as Chair and presented at her conven tion in Denver, Colorado.

The Foundation received a second substantial donation, the historic Munroe-Goolsby House, from the Pilot Club of Macon, Georgia in February. This beautiful home, which was built in 1841, now serves as the headquarters of our Founda-tion. In order to enhance the landscape of this house and more importantly, to raise money to endow our Foundation’s pro-grams, the Board voted to build a garden in the back yard of the house. Plans for creating endowment through building the Heritage Garden were developed during Laura’s year as Chair and presented at the convention in Denver.

The 25th anniversary of the Foundation ended on a high note when it was reported at the convention in Denver that Pilots, for the first time ever, had reached their goal and raised over $175,000 for the funding of Grants and Scholarships.

Growth and retention were also priorities during President Laura’s term. A new growth plan was presented at the conven-tion in Boston, and individuals and expan sion teams worked during the year to grow our organiza tion. Seven new clubs were chartered during the year and clubs needing assistance were given a means to receive help from Pilot International.

Laura traveled with Past International President Nancy Henrick to Singapore, and to Japan to attend the 5oth anniversary celebration of the Pilot of Tokyo. They also went to Nassau for strategic planning with the Bahami-an clubs. Laura presided at the Service Club Leader’s Conference in Atlanta, which was co-hosted by Pilot, and she attended the Georgia District Anchor Convention. Laura proudly represented all Pilots at the charter events of five new Pilot Clubs and attended the & Japan District Convention.



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Sharon Slusher, a retired teacher from Springfield, Ohio, was installed as President at the Pilot Inter national/Pilot International Foundation Annual Meeting and Convention in Denver, Colorado on July 21, 2001.

In August Sharon traveled with Laura Keever and Frank Soldovere to Memphis, Tennessee to present a check for $25,000 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to be used for research on pediatric brain tumors. She also traveled to Washington, D.C. in January with Laura, Frank, and De Fluker to receive Association Trends 2001 Association Publication Contest Grand Prize for the BrainMinders™ program. BrainMinders won several other national and regional awards during its first year.

She attended 5otli anniversary celebrations of the Pilot Clubs of Athens, Tennessee and Ft. Pierce, Florida, as well as the charter ceremonies of all new clubs except those in Japan, and she presented the charter to the Anchor Club of Abaco Central High School in the Bahamas.

Sharon worked to establish good lines of communica-tion with the Executive Committee (EC) members, Trust-ees, District Governors and members. She attended Fall Councils, and at the Fall EC meeting in Toronto, she, the members of the EC, PI staff members, and the COED Gov-ernor Elect met with the two clubs in Canada. Sharon also participated in a day long mini-Council with the three clubs in Montana.

Growth and expansion continued to be a priority during the Pilot year. Several trainers (Laura Keever, Nancy Henrick, and Beverly Wilkes) were sent to three Districts to train District Growth Teams and to help clubs at risk. Sharon helped promote the new Associate Membership and clarify the role of Members-at-Large. She appointed a task force of EC members in compiling new guidelines for Ex-ecutive Committee. Sharon attended six club charters -two in Florida, and one each in the Bahamas, Georgia, Illinois, and Ohio. In the spring, Sharon traveled to the district con-vention in Japan, and visited the Singapore Pilot Club. She also went to Malaysia to assess the possibility of ex-pansion there, and met with the two clubs in Hawaii.Again this year the Foundation reached its goal for Grants and Scholarships, raising over $175,000. Sharon finished out the year by presiding over the 2001 Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where the organ ization celebrated eighty years of Pilot service and friend ship and 50 years of the Anchor youth program.



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Jeannie Parson Luckey, a certified financial planner and branch manager of a full-service securities office, was a charter member of the Glacier Pilot Club, Ka-lispell, Montana, chartered in August 1988. She was installed as PI President and Chair of PIF at the con-clusion of the Toronto convention in 2002.

The spark for the PRISM (Pilot Resources Initiatives and Services for Members) Task Force arose during a November symposium sponsored by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) that Pres-ident Jeannie, President Elect Alayna Schaffer, and Executive Director Frank Soldovere attended. Later, she appointed the members of the Task Force and led them in the initial stages of strategic planning for the next five years. Also under her leadership, a new Com-munity Development Plan was written.

President Jeannie presided over the 2002 PI/PIF convention in Reno, Nevada. Phase III of the Brain-Minders program was introduced at the convention - a second brain safety educational program designed for kids, this one for second through first graders (ages 7-9). The BrainMinders report at the convention included the cumulative figures for Phase II - 5,000 presentations to 165,000 kids since its inception.

Also during her term as PIF Chair, donations to the PIF Endowment fund mounted to over $200,000. On the last day of the 2002 convention, Saturday after-noon, a spontaneous, friendly-but-fierce competition of pledging broke out between districts, clubs and individuals, and raised $17,915 more in donations for the Endowment in about a half hour. It was a rare transcendent moment to conclude President Jeannie’s term.


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2003-2004 When Alayna Schaffer, 2003-2004 Pilot Internation-al President and Chair of the Foundation, considered her theme for the year, she chose “Pilot - The Spirit of Service” with the heart symbol as a simple and sincere expression of her vision of the Pilot experience. Alay-na wanted her theme to reflect her feeling that service is the ve1y essence of the Pilot experience, as well as to express the enthusiasm she feels for service in her community. In fact, her dedication to service is such that her employer, John H. Harland Company, which employs her as a technical writer, has recognized her for her outstanding community service.

President Alayna led the Pilot leadership and staff in developing the “Business ... NOT as usual” and “Quest for Acres of Diamonds” themes as an out-growth of the PRISM Task Force’s work on strategic planning. The culmination of their efforts was pre-sented at the 2004 PI/PIF convention in Jacksonville, Florida, and in the Summer 2004 Pilot Log.

In keeping with tradition, President Alayna traveled to Japan and Singapore in the spring, attending the Japan district convention, and experiencing first-hand some of the Pilot Club of Singapore’s community service projects as a special visitor.

President Alayna presided over the 2004 convention, and had the honor of presenting the charter of the new Bahamas district to its first governor. From the “not as usual” Opening Ceremony through her farewell ad-dress, it was clear that President Alayna’s goal was to inspire Pilot Clubs worldwide to find fresh, innovative ways to recruit and retain members, and to become more effective in service to their communities.


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Maryann Frazer, a Principal Systems Engineer at Rockwell Collins, was installed as 2004-05 PI President at the 2004 Con-vention in Jacksonville, Florida. Rockwell Collins recognized her contributions to the community and Pilot International by naming her a 2005 Good Citizenship Award Finalist. Maryann was also recognized as a Service Club Leader at the 1OOth anni-versary convention of Rotary International.

“Pilot-A Galaxy of Friendship in Your Community” was Pres-ident Maryann’s theme for the year, expressing her belief in the power of Pilot friendship to motivate service. Pilot friendships have always been very important to her since joining the Cedar Rapids Metro Club in 1993.

A top priority for President Maryann was promoting the “Quest for the Lost Acres of Diamonds” campaign. A metaphor for reclaiming lost members and clubs and finding new members in a club’s own backyard, the campaign complemented the “Maintain & Grow” strategic plan and focus on “Business ... NOT as usu-al.” Maryann attended the charter event of all three clubs char-tered during the year Austin, Texas; Cherokee County, Georgia; and Florence, South Carolina.

The year brought some big changes. The 2004-2005 Executive Committee made the difficult decision to sell the two build-ings housing PI Headquarters and the PIF office, and to build a new facility. The organization started the year with 21 Districts when the Bahamas District was chartered during the 2004 PI/PIF Convention. The Southwest and Western districts merged into the Southwestern District, and President Maryann attended the combined Southwest/Western District Convention when the charter was signed in April 2005. She also helped launch an ef-fort to partner with Project Lifesaver and Care Trak International, and attended the second annual Project Lifesaver conference in Boston.

As the 2004-05 Executive Committee Representative to the Japan District, President Maryann attended their District Con-vention at the Appi Resort in the spring. She concluded her nip in Hawaii at a joint meeting of the Pilot Club of Honolulu and the Leeward Pilot Club. She was also able to attend the first Bahamas District Convention in Nassau.

President Maryann presided over The Great Exposition, Convention, and Fair of 2005 in St. Louis, host city of the 1904 World’s Fair. Especially popular were the “Blue Ribbon Work-shops” where Pilot Clubs and members shared their success stories in areas such as fundraising, projects and BrainMinders. In honor of the 30th Anniversary of Pilot International Founda-tion, President Maryann wound up her year as Foundation Chair by awarding a $30,000 donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

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CINDY WEAVER 2005-2006

“Busy as a bee” was an excellent way to describe PI Pres-ident Cindy Weaver during her 2005-06 Pilot year. Along with her duties as an attorney in Elberton, Georgia, she also juggled her presidential responsibilities and numerous Pilot trips, including some dozen outside the state of Georgia. “Proud to be a Pilot” was her theme, with a logo that fea-tured bees, representing members of a group all working together with a common purpose. At the 2005 International Convention in St. Louis where she was installed, President Cindy introduced the “Tum This Ship Around” campaign along with her “Admiral Buzz” persona. Admiral Buzz encouraged all Pilots to get involved in reversing at least a decade-long decline in membership.

Significant accomplishments of the year included the sale of both the Monroe-Goolsby and College Street houses, the purchase of property for, and the design of a new headquar-ters building. The year also saw a passionate Pilot response to hurricane-affected areas, including Louisiana, Mississip-pi, and Texas.

In October, President Cindy, along with new Executive Director Peggy Davidson, attended the initiation of forty six new members to the Pilot Club of Andalusia, Alabama. She then went to Asia to present charters to the brand new Pilot Clubs of Seoul, Korea, and Rose Kanoya, Japan. Overall, she attended five charter ceremonies of the eight new clubs organized during the year.

President Cindy went back to Japan during her “World Tour” for the Japan District Convention and the 10th An-niversary of the Mure-Kagawa Pilot Club, which her club in Elberton helped charter. She also made official visits to the Pilot Club of Singapore, and the Honolulu and Lee-ward Pilot Clubs of Hawaii. In Honolulu, she met Project Lifesaver’s Chief Gene Saunders and they spoke before the Honolulu City Council to persuade them to adopt Project Lifesaver there. She also attended the Project Lifesaver convention in Victoria, Texas.

For the first time in recent memory, PI saw a net gain in membership for the months of April and May 2006. The end-of-year tally showed the smallest decline in member-ship in at least six years, evidence that indeed, the ship had begun to tum.

President Cindy wound up her year by presiding over the 85th Anniversary of Pilot International at the 2006 “Home-coming” PI/PIF Convention in Atlanta (which is “home” to her as she is a member of the Pilot Club of Atlanta, as well as Elberton).


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Knowing that Pilot membership can be productive, fun and enjoyable, 2006-07 Pilot International Pres-ident Bobbie Hudson chose, “Pilot Is Great! Friend-ship, Service, Fun, and Laughter!” as her theme for the year. Her logo included a pig with wings representing her unofficial slogan, “Nothing Is Impossible!” A beautiful little pig figured prominently in President Bobbie’s 2007 annual convention. In a first for Pilot, she fulfilled her promise to kiss a live pig once for each district that became a 250 District (when I 00% of its clubs donated $250 to the Foundation). Bobbie’s flamboyant style and sparkling leadership will long be remembered by her Hoggette Governors.

Construction on the new headquarters began soon after Bobbie was installed as President and Chair of the Foundation at the annual convention in Atlanta in July 2006. On January 27, 2007, she presided over the dedication of the Heritage Center’s granite corner-stone, a gift of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees. Work on the building progressed steadi-ly-at the 2007 convention in Norfolk, Virginia, it was announced that the builders had reached a point where they could set the copper cupola in place on the roof.As a member of the Pilot Club of Danville, Virginia, since 1978, Bobbie served in elective office at the club and district level almost from the beginning. With per-sonal experience in the challenges of recruiting Pilot leaders, one of her first priorities was the establish-ment of the new Leadership Development Division. The division’s purpose is to develop strong leadership pools in every district, get candidates to run for office in all areas, and provide guidance and training to all Pilots interested in gaining leadership skills and expe-rience.

An educator in the Danville Public School system for thirty-six years, Bobbie was especially proud to bring a dream she had nurtured for a long time to fruition when she helped organize the first elementary Anchor Club at her school, Woodrow Wilson Magnet Elementary School. Bobbie spent her career teaching her students character development, leadership, and the importance of community service, and encouraged Pilots to charter other elementary clubs.




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JUDY BREAUD2007-2008

Judy Breaud, 2007-08 Pilot International Presi-dent and Chair of the Foundation, works as a medical malpractice/personal injury litigation paralegal. Judy joined the Pilot Club of Baker, Louisiana in 1985, then transferred her membership to the Pilot Club of Dal-las, Texas in 1987. Pilot’s focus on brain-related issues assumed great personal significance to her when her son, Jeremy, sustained a serious brain injury in 1994. As the Texas District Governor, she received support from Pilots across Texas and beyond. She has used the story of his recovery to illustrate the importance of Pilot’s work in preventing brain injuries.

A butterfly and the theme “Catch the Pilot Spirit” symbolized Judy’s year. She chose the butterfly, with its connotation of triumphant metamorphosis, as a metaphor for the Pilot organization. Her first priority for the year was membership, and her slogan reflects her belief that members who believe in Pilot can “catch the spirit” and share it with everyone around them. She believes the power to assure Pilot’s contin-ued advancement lies with Pilots themselves, and that it can be achieved through just such a transformation of sprit.

Judy directed the launch of a new membership campaign, based on the power of word-of-mouth. A key feature of the campaign was Talk Pilot Day-on March 19, members were asked to commit to speaking to at least five people about Pilot. Judy herself “talked Pilot” to passengers on American and Northwest Airlines during the month of May when her interview with Sky Radio was aired on all flights. Her audio message garnered national recognition for Pilot, reaching over a million people.

Perhaps her most satisfying duty of the year was presiding at the historic ribbon cutting of the new Her-itage Center on February 9, attended by an estimated 500 Pilots and guests. Construction of the building was completed in November, and the Executive Com-mittee and Board of Trustees held its first meetings in the boardroom before the ceremony. Fundraising for the building was quite successful throughout the year, capped by several benefits at the annual convention in Phoenix in July.


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Debbie Archer chose as her theme for 2008-09, “Friendship and Service Around the World.” Its theme reflects her belief that the world is becoming one com-munity, and we are all members of that community united in one primary goal-to improve the quality of life in communities around the globe. To complimenther theme, she chose her favorite flower, the elegant calla lily, as a symbol of the grace and beauty of serv-ing others and giving back to the community.

Born in Nassau, Bahamas, Debbie has been living in Freeport, Grand Bahama for the past thirty-seven years. She attended school in Nassau, where she ex-celled in track and field, receiving the trophy for junior girls’ champ, then college in Toronto, Canada. Debbie ascribes her commitment to the Pilot mission to her parents who taught her to help the less fortunate.

In 1999, Debbie became the chair of the Pilot In-ternational Foundation Donor Recognition Program, and served in her first leadership position at the inter-national level through 2001. Since that time, she was elected to offices of increasing responsibility-2002-04 PI Director, Treasurer, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President, President Elect, and 2008-2009 President.

At the beginning of 2008, President Debbie set a goal for the year of increasing our membership, chal-lenging each and every Pilot Club to bring at least one new member into our organization. “As Pilots, you are in the best position to tell your co-workers, relatives and friends about the rewards of Pilot membership and service and invite them to become a part of this amaz-ing organization.”

One of President Debbie’s privileges in 2009, as International President was presiding at the celebration and dedication of the Heritage Garden. The generous gifts that allowed this dream to come true created our PIF Endowment, which will offer financial security for decades of Pilot projects to come. The garden also provides a way to fondly remember Pilots past and present who have worked so hard and given so muchto make a positive difference in our Pilot world and the world at large.



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PAT JARVIS2009-2010

As Pilot International President and Chair of the Founda-tion Pat chose to Celebrate Pilot - Past, Present and Future as her theme and the symbolism of yellow roses for the friend-ships in Pilot. Pat believes that through the technology that is making our world more compact each day... we must see our Pilot world broadcast on a greater global perspective.

Pat was born in Royston, GA, about 7 miles from Bow-man. She attended Bowman Elementary (where son Jon is Principal--not the same building, the old one burned), El-bert County Middle and High School. Her goal was to be a Home Economics teacher. She grew up on a farm, helping with farm chores such as chopping and picking cotton and whatever else that needed doing.

A member of the Pilot Club of Elberton for 33 years; she served in all dub offices except treasurer. In the Georgia Dis-trict she served as Governor, Governor Elect, Northeast Re-gion Lt. Governor (two terms), District Growth Team Chair, two years, and District Extension Area Leader.

Active for many years on the International level, Pat was installed in San Diego on July 10, 2009 as Pilot Internation-al President and Chair of the Pilot International Foundation Board of Trustees. Pat previously served as PI President Elect, PI 2nd Vice President, Vice Chair and Secretary of the PIF Board of Trustees, PI Secretary, Director, Fundraising Division Coordinator, and Chair or Assistant Chair for Ban-quet Ticket Reservations for a number of years.

There have been many accomplishments during her year. Three of which are proud moments for all of us. We can be proud of the introduction of the Club Visit Format. With spe-cialized training for our District and PI Leadership, our goal was, and continues to be giving assistance to our cubs with special needs in the hope of assisting all clubs remain viable and strong. Another accomplishment was the decision of the Board of Trustees to plan for the financial future of PIF by investing a portion of the increased Pacesetter contributions each year. A third accomplishment was the decision of the EC/BOT to bring to the 2010 PI/PIF Convention body the question of the tax reclassification of PI from 501(C)(4) to a 501 (C)(3) as the beginning step of merging the twoorganizations.



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Beverly Wilkes has always been a hometown champion, a native of rural Noxapater, Mississippi, population 402, where she owns a gift shop/boutique, sings in the church choir, and is a tireless community volunteer and business leader. She and her late husband,Tuck, reared a daughter and two sons in Noxapater, and she is a grandmother of seven. The Wilkes family members are active in community sports and avid Mississippi State Bulldogs fans who attend every game possible.

Beverly joined the Pilot organization in 1982 as a member of the Pilot Club of nearby Louisville. Her inherent warmth and sparkle, coupled with keen leadership skills and business acumen, set in motion Beverly’s long history of Pilot service at all levels of the organization: club, district and international. She was appointed to a task force to rewrite the bylaws, giving them a less formal, more readable tone. In 1998, she was installed Governor of the Mississippi District, and she assumed the organization’s highest office as Pilot International President at the annual PI Convention in Dallas in 2011. With the one-impactful word “Inspire” as her presidential theme, she vowed to make Pilot “a beacon of inspiration” to volunteers everywhere.

During Beverly’s tenure as PI President, the organization celebrated 90 years of friendship & service since its founding in 1921. Several important moves, years in the making, came to fruition during 2011-2012. One of these was the long-anticipated granting of Pilot International’s request for reclassification by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) organization. This designation allowed individual Pilot Clubs to also apply as charitable, non-taxable organizations and raise funds and acquire grants for their service projects outside of Pilot. Another task force explored more advanced uses of technology for Pilot operations.

President Beverly launched several task forces to delve into important issues that would ensure Pilot’s future, including a group that evaluated and made suggestions to enhance the annual International Convention experience for Pilot members.

An Anchor Advisory Board was appointed, and members met to strategize ways to move the already-growing Anchor (youth) program forward by establishing vital volunteer service partnerships. Beverly became a strong advocate for Anchor’s “provisional” status to bridge the gap between Anchor and Pilot memberships.

After 44 years of dedicated service at Pilot in several administrative positions, Executive Director Peggy Davidson of Macon retired and was feted at the 2012 Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, the second PI convention held in that U.S. city.


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As a very young child Winifred (Winnie) Brewer surprised everyone by volunteering to ring a Salvation Army bell at Christmastime; she yearned to serve people in need.

Winnie was the oldest of seven children of working parents, so her instincts as a nurturer were honed from her school days assisting her younger siblings. Ambitious and diligent, Winnie worked part-time even before graduating from high school in 1976 and later attended college and received an Associate’s degree. Her long career in the legal profession brought her into the path of her future husband, attorney Steve Brewer, whose Titusville office she ran for many years as an administrative assistant and paralegal. The Brewers share a common ethos to help others, and to this end, they volunteer and otherwise support projects to improve impoverished schools, especially those in Central America, a beloved destination for many years. Always seeking opportunities to improve her community, Winnie joined Pilot in 1993, invited by a friend with whom she had helped raise funds for the local hospital.

Winnie’s personal passion to help children with special needs and youth in general soon propelled her to become active in district and international leadership roles within Pilot. She served in several offices and became 2002-2003 Florida District Governor. A year later, she was elected to the Pilot International Executive Committee as a Director, and in 2012 she was installed as Pilot International President at the annual Pilot convention in Las Vegas. Her distinctively-professional theme for the year was “Commitment to Excellence.”

During her year, the Pilot “ABC”s were developed. These new platforms for volunteer service were introduced as: A -Anchor Clubs, B-Brain safety & fitness, and C- Caring forfamilies. They provided a tri-fold vision for Pilot and offerednew opportunities for Pilot volunteers to initiate service intheir communities. Also, a “True Course Ever” committeewas formed to address the future of the organization in aswiftly-changing world. Winnie also appointed a committeeto develop new awards to honor excellence in volunteerservice by Pilot members, Clubs and Districts.

A quiet, but empathetic leader, Winnie served a year of vast operational transition during her tenure as Pilot International President. The peacock symbol she adopted during her presidential year represented a regeneration of the organization, just as peacocks shed -- then regrow -- their feathers. At her installation, she explained: “Now is the time to further our own noble purpose. Pilots need to revitalize and recreate the organization for the future. We must add new ideas and initiatives that will move our cherished organization forward and help us to remain a strong and positive force.”

President Winnie presided at the annual Pilot International Convention in New Orleans. The convention theme was: “Celebrating Excellence,” which focused on the good work done by Pilot and Anchor Clubs throughout the year.

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Susan Hoffmann grew up in Kansas and in Hawaii, one of eight children. Today, she lives in Lenexa, Kansas where she has worked for the federal government for more than 47 years as a manager and director in the General Services Administration.

Susan and her late husband, Irv, became active volunteers wherever they lived in the Midwest, including in Wichita and Kansas City. While residing in Lenexa, Kansas, she met Velma Bogina, a charter member of the Pilot Club of Lenexa. When Susan joined the club in 1995, Velma would become her Pilot mentor. Already a dedicated volunteer in the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, where she has held membership since her early career days, Susan and her Co-Pilot Irv readily embraced the Pilot organization’s approach to friendship and service. Talented and accomplished, a diminutive (5-ft.) Susan quickly rose to higher levels of Pilot leadership, serving as the Kansas-Missouri District Governor in 2004 and, in 2005, elected as a Director on the Pilot International Executive Committee.

At her installation as Pilot International President at the 2010 annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky, President Susan related how one’s belief in something larger than oneself could motivate others to achieve great things. “Our members believe in Pilot. Our leadership team believes in Pilot…and we all have the passion and energy to guide this organization to achieve its goals.”

Susan’s wish to create a more technologically advanced and more professional image for the organization, then in its 89th anniversary year, impelled her to analyze the systems in place in terms of efficiency and productivity. Emerging technology took center stage during her year as Pilot President and a new, more user-friendly website was developed with social branding principles and greater efficiency in mind. She urged all Pilots and Pilot Clubs to embrace the inevitability and opportunities of a swiftly-transforming digital world and all it could offer to volunteer service organizations. In that light, new communication systems were adopted, critical to Pilot’s longevity on the global marketplace.

To cut costs, the Pilot Catalog Sales Department, which had operated for many years out of PI Headquarters in Macon, was phased out, in keeping with the era of online retail businesses.

Susan’s year as President marked Year II of a three-year upgrade of the organization’s Council of Leaders training program, held annually at Pilot convention. To focus on the organization’s mission and to train future Pilot leaders in the strategic process, President Susan recommended a name change for the annual convention. In July, 2011 Dallas, she presided over the renamed “Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference,” which was held in Dallas. Susan Hoffmann’s passion for adopting a polished and professional approach to community service positioned the organization to appeal to a new generation of busy, active volunteers in a swiftly-changing world.

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Judy Langley of Darlington, South Carolina was installed as Pilot International President in July, 2013 at the Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference held at the Sheraton New Orleans. Her year as International President would be marked by a new approach to operational efficiency and a concentrated enhancement of the Pilot member experience. New mission and vision statements were adopted that resulted in the creation of Pilot’s new “A, B, C” platforms – Anchor Clubs, Brain safety & fitness, and Caring for families.

The mission statement became “Pilot transforms communities by developing youth, providing service & education, and uplifting families.” The vision statement: “Pilot International envisions a world where all are valued.” These new ideals resulted in several updates and changes within Pilot and added new awards to honor individuals, and clubs excelling in the areas of growth, service, visibility, Anchor Clubs and leadership. Such comprehensive changes also called for revisions in official Pilot manuals including the Club Building Manual and the PI Employee Handbook, and PI Policies. Marketing and recruiting materials were sent directly to new Pilot members so they would become more quickly aligned in efforts to grow the organization. A fresh interface and simplified contents, including an area in which to collect volunteer service hours, were created for the PI website, and the organization began using a powerful new database, PortalBuzz. President Judy and the 2013-2014 Executive Committee also encouraged its use by Districts and Clubs.

In efforts to utilize technology more effectively, an online storefront featuring specialized Pilot items, including clothing, gift items and jewelry once sold from Pilot Headquarters, was established and promoted.

Within the A -- Anchor initiative, the Youth Advisory Committee was reinstated to build Anchor efforts, already enjoying steady growth. A revised version of Compass Club was seriously discussed to better appeal and relate to a new generation of volunteers. Pilot welcomed its first Pilot and Anchor Clubs in the nation of South Africa. President Judy sent a representative, Pilot Pat Garner, to attend and preside at the installation event. In current, technologically-attuned fashion, the Pilot President and several Executive Committee members attended from another hemisphere via Skype.

B- Brainminders projects and presentations continued to be oneof the most viable programs within Pilot Club communities. These activities drew attention to brain safety issues and generated greater publicity for Pilot Clubs.Under the C -- for Caring initiative, a new project, Pick Me Ups, was created to uplift caregivers in Pilot Club communities by gifting them in small, yet heartfelt, ways. This idea was promoted widely and was enthusiastically embraced by clubs across the organization. Pick Me Ups projects effectively melded the ideas of creativity, efficiency, thriftiness and service fulfillment, and they swiftly gained popularity.

In July, President Judy presided at the 2014 Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference held at the Chicago Sheraton Hotel & Towers. The convention theme was “Celebrating the Gift of Pilot.”



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