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International Materials Reviews

ISSN: 0950-6608 (Print) 1743-2804 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/yimr20

Three-dimensional nanoscale characterisation ofmaterials by atom probe tomography

Arun Devaraj, Daniel E. Perea, Jia Liu, Lyle M. Gordon, Ty. J. Prosa, PriteshParikh, David R. Diercks, Subhashish Meher, R. Prakash Kolli, Ying ShirleyMeng & Suntharampillai Thevuthasan

To cite this article: Arun Devaraj, Daniel E. Perea, Jia Liu, Lyle M. Gordon, Ty. J. Prosa,Pritesh Parikh, David R. Diercks, Subhashish Meher, R. Prakash Kolli, Ying Shirley Meng& Suntharampillai Thevuthasan (2017): Three-dimensional nanoscale characterisationof materials by atom probe tomography, International Materials Reviews, DOI:10.1080/09506608.2016.1270728

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09506608.2016.1270728

Published online: 26 Jan 2017.

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Three-dimensional nanoscale characterisation of materials by atom probetomographyArun Devaraja, Daniel E. Pereab, Jia Liub, Lyle M. Gordonb, Ty. J. Prosac, Pritesh Parikhd, David R. Diercks e,Subhashish Meherf, R. Prakash Kolli g, Ying Shirley Mengd and Suntharampillai Thevuthasanh

aPhysical and Computational Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA; bEnvironmental MolecularSciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA; cCAMECA Instruments, Madison, WI, USA; dLaboratory ofEnergy Storage and Conversion, Department of NanoEngineering, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA; eColorado Center forAdvanced Ceramics, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA; fMaterials Scienceand Engineering Department, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA; gDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Universityof Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; hQatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar

ABSTRACTThe development of three-dimensional (3-D), characterisation techniques with high spatial andmass resolution is crucial for understanding and developing advanced materials for manyengineering applications as well as for understanding natural materials. In recent decades,atom probe tomography (APT), which combines a point projection microscope and time-of-flight mass spectrometer, has evolved to be an excellent characterisation technique capableof providing 3-D nanoscale characterisation of materials with sub-nanometer scale spatialresolution, with equal sensitivity for all elements. This review discusses the current state, asof APT instrumentation, new developments in sample preparation methods, experimentalprocedures for different material classes, reconstruction of APT results, the current status ofcorrelative microscopy, and application of APT for microstructural characterisation inestablished scientific areas like structural materials as well as new applications insemiconducting nanowires, semiconductor devices, battery materials, catalyst materials,geological materials, and biological materials. Finally, a brief perspective is given regardingthe future of APT.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 24 March 2016Accepted 27 October 2016

KEYWORDSAtom probe tomography;characterisation;microstructure


The dream of every material scientist studying struc-ture–property relationships of materials is to knowexactly where each atom is located in a material andunderstand how that influences the various propertiesexhibited by it. To achieve this dream, atomic-scalecharacterisation techniques are vital. At present, thereis still no single technique that can precisely imagethe exact location of all atoms in a material. However,a number of techniques are approaching this target.Atom probe tomography (APT) is one such techniquethat is rapidly evolving towards this target with its∼0.2 nm spatial resolution in 3-D and mass sensitivityof a few ppm.

APT was invented by Müller, Panitz, and McLane in1967 at Pennsylvania State University [1]. APT tech-nology has come a long way from its early days ofatom probe field ion microscopes (FIMs). It has pro-gressed through, one-dimensional (1-D) atom probes,imaging atom probes, the advent of ultrafast laser pul-sing, the development of modern sample preparationmethods, and the development of advanced data

analysis techniques including APT simulations [1].The history of developments, over the last 48 years,in atom probe instrumentation is discussed in depthin various review publications and books related toAPT [2–13]. Currently, the most commonly usedatom probe systems are based on the local electrodeatom probe (LEAP) design [14]. In this review article,we have specifically focused on giving a summary ofthe work currently reported from many of the operat-ing atom probe systems as of the year 2016. Currently,there are more than 100 APT instruments around theworld. As a result of the past acquisitions of OxfordScientific by Imago Scientific and then Imago Scientificby Cameca Instruments, only commercial APT systemsare now manufactured by Cameca Instruments.

APT has been rapidly adopted as a mainstreamcharacterisation capability within a variety of scientificfields, as is evident from the rapid surge in publicationsbased on APT (Figure 1). Among the 2500+ peer-reviewed publications related to APT, a vast majorityare for understanding microstructure in metals andalloys. A significant portion of them is also dedicated

This work was authored as part of the Contributor’s official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. Inaccordance with 17 USC. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under US Law.

CONTACT Arun Devaraj [email protected] Physical and Computational Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,WA 99354, USA

INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS, 2017http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09506608.2016.1270728

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to bulk and thin film dielectric materials. Analysis ofsemiconducting nanostructures by APT has also beenincreasing rapidly, leading multiple semiconductordevice manufacturing companies to explore the useof APT to characterise the new generation of semicon-ductor devices. APT has been very successfully used forestimating dopant concentration and distribution insemiconductor nanostructures such as nanowires(NWs). APT has also been adopted for the characteris-ation of buried interfaces in photovoltaic materials. Inparallel to these somewhat established applications,APT is constantly being applied to new areas; somekey new applications include quantifying compo-sitional homogeneity or heterogeneity in energy sto-rage and conversion materials, such as Li-ion batteryelectrodes and catalyst materials; geological materials,including both terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials;biomineralised materials like animal teeth; and ele-phant tusks. The least explored area is the applicationof APT for high spatial resolution characterisation offully organic materials, which is currently the focusof a few APT research groups across the world, includ-ing ETH Zurich, the University of Michigan, and Paci-fic Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Theseapplications are discussed in detail in the section onapplication of APT to materials. Before delving intovarious applications, a brief review is provided on thebroad classification of currently operational APT sys-tems, novel sample preparation methods, APT exper-imental procedures, data reconstruction, analysis andcorrelative APT–TEM, and other microscopytechniques.

Current status of APT instrumentation in2016

Multiple types of APT instrumentation are currentlyused around the world for routine microstructural

characterisation. An attempt is made here to providesome broad classification of APT instruments. Thefirst classification is based on pulsed voltage APT v.pulsed-laser-assisted APT. Pulsed voltage APT hasbeen extensively used for electrically conductivematerials; for example, microstructural characterisationof metals and alloys. The field evaporation in pulsed vol-tage APT is attained by a combination of a direct current(DC) standing voltage and a pulsed voltage of typically15–25% of the standing voltage acting on a <100 nmdiameter needle specimen placed very close to an openaperture electrode (local electrode). The voltage pulseson top of the standing DC voltage permit stoichiometricevaporation of elements with even widely dissimilarevaporation fields. In laser-pulsed APT, an ultrafastpulsed laser (picosecond or femtosecond pulse), focusedon the apex of the specimen along with a DC standingvoltage, is used for inducing ion evaporation. Startingfrom pioneering work by Tsong and Kellogg in late1970s, the implementation of pulsed lasers opened theapplication areas of APT beyond conductive metalsand alloys, permitting APT analysis of semiconductingand dielectric materials [15,16]. There has been exten-sive application of laser-pulsed APT to analyse dielec-trics, semiconductors, and even organic and geologicalmaterials in recent times.

The laser-pulsed APT is further classified based onthe wavelength of laser used. Earlier versions of laser-assisted APT systems used a 1064 nm wavelength neo-dymium-doped Yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG)infrared laser. The Cameca LEAP 3000 series APTinstruments use a frequency doubled 535 nm greenlaser. More recently, Cameca LEAP 4000 series APTinstruments use a diffraction-limited focused fre-quency-tripled 355 nm wavelength Nd:YVO4 ultra-violet (UV) laser. The photo of CAMECALEAP4000XHR APT system in Environmental Mol-ecular Sciences Laboratory, PNNL is given in Figure

Figure 1. Examples of different application areas for APT, coloured based on the number of research publications. Green indicatesmany publications and red indicates only a few. The publication numbers were obtained from Web of Science for the following keywords: APT, 3-DAP, APFIM, atom probe microscopy or atom probe.


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2 with some important parts of the instrument labelled.Some laser-assisted wide angle tomographic atomprobe systems are also in use in a few research groupsaround the world, offering tuneable wavelength sys-tems capable of switching between pulsed infrared(1080 nm), green, and UV. One of the reasons to goto smaller laser wavelength is the resultant reductionin laser absorption depth, which helps reduce the sizeof the laser-heated volume on the specimen; thisdirectly translates to faster heating and cooling ratesand improved mass resolving power. In addition tothese commercial systems, there are other home-builtAPT systems still operating in some universitiesaround the world, for example, the APT systems oper-ating at the National Institute for Materials Science inJapan, [17] the University of Munster [18], and theUniversity of Rouen [19].

Another classification is based on whether the instru-ment has an energy compensating reflectron lens or astraight flight path. Reflectron lenses were incorporatedin atom probe systems to facilitate energy compensationand improve the mass resolution [20–22].

A final classification is based on the type of detec-tor used. Almost all the current generations of atomprobe systems use a delay line detector, coupledwith a microchannel plate, for position sensing andtime-of-flight estimation of field evaporated ionsfrom the specimen [23]. More recently, the CamecaLEAP 5000 APT was launched, which uses a UVlaser with an improved detector for much higherdetection efficiency [reference: Cameca LEAP 5000release notes].

Specimen preparation

From the earliest development of APT instruments, anarray of conventional specimen preparation methods,including electropolishing and cleaving, existed forpreparing samples of conductive materials. For non-conductive materials, methods included cleaving ordip-coating if polymers were utilised. These traditionalmethods are covered fairly extensively in various textbooks available on APT [24,25]. However, over thelast two decades, an array of new techniques cameinto existence for APT needle–specimen preparation;these are the focus of this section.

Focused ion beam-based lift-out process

When focused ion beam (FIB) systems became com-mercialised for use in material science, a new methodof fabricating specimens for APT analysis came intoexistence [26]. Using a FIB scanning electron micro-scope (SEM), a small cantilever of the specimen to beanalysed could be cut and transferred onto a microtiparray, which is a prefabricated silicon wafer withapproximately 100 µm tall posts with an end diameterof 2 µm [27]. Small sections of the specimen areattached to individual posts using an in situ beam-assisted vapour deposition. The triangular wedge speci-mens are annular milled first with high accelerationvoltage (30 kV) Ga ion beam for shaping, then with alower acceleration voltage (2–5 kV) for final sharpen-ing to obtain final APT specimens with less than100 nm tip diameter and very low Ga implantation

Figure 2. The CAMECA LEAP4000XHR APT system in Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory.


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[28]. An example of a FIB lift-out method for specimenfabrication is provided in Figure 3.

Often the subject of interest for APT analysis is aninterface between two phases or between grain bound-aries of the same phase. In multicomponent alloys, thenanoscale segregation of alloying elements to grainboundaries can directly influence the final propertiesof the alloy. In order to analyse such localised featureswith APT, a site-specific lift-out process is used: using adual beam FIB SEM, a precise site is identified, pro-tected with Pt capping, and then lifted out and attachedto a microtip array using a procedure similar to a

general FIB lift-out. During annular milling of theattached wedges of the specimen, special care is takento identify and retain the interface within 100 nm ofthe APT specimen apex. This procedure can also beintegrated with electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD) to identify specific regions of interest forAPT analysis to conduct site-specific samplepreparation.

APT specimen preparation of thin films

When analysing thin films on substrates, especiallywhen there is a significant difference in the field evap-oration behaviour of the film and substrate, both theyield and accuracy of results can be problematic ifspecimens are analysed only in normal orientation.This is mainly due to the possibility of having trajectoryaberration right at the interface of the thin film andsubstrate. Often, in order to verify the role of such aber-ration in final data interpretation and analysis, samplesneed to be prepared in rotated geometries. The rotationof the sample wedge helps to align the interfacebetween the thin film and substrate at any angle tothe axis of the needle specimen, which can improveyield in some cases, and possibly improve reconstruc-tion accuracy. Sometimes, analysis is also attemptedon the same specimen in bottom-up orientation after180° rotation of the lift-out wedge from the specimen.Analysing rotated samples permits independent studyof the influence of sample geometry on final APTresults and thus improves the overall reliability of theinterpretation of APT data. Figure 4 illustrates thesample preparation process of rotating a FIB lift-outwedge by 90° before attaching on the microtip andthen annular milling. Specifically, it is a CeO2–ZrO2

multilayer stack with total thickness of 140 nm on a(0001) sapphire substrate [29].

Lift-out-based preparation of nanoparticles

Many of the advanced engineering materials of currentand future research interest for energy and

Figure 3. FIB-based lift-out process and annular milling forneedle sample preparation: (a) selection of a specific site forlift-out sample preparation and Pt capping of the ROI; (b) tren-ching on either side of the ROI to get a triangular wedge; (c)lift-out of the specimen using a nanomanipulator; (d) attach-ment of a specimen wedge on the microtip post; (e) one speci-men wedge on the microtip post at the beginning of annularmilling; (f) final needle specimen with <100 nm end diameter[Image courtesy Arun Devaraj, Pacific Northwest National Lab-oratory (PNNL)].

Figure 4. Transverse specimen preparation: the lift-out wedge is rotated 90° before attaching to the microtip array and then annu-lar milling (Image courtesy A. Devaraj, PNNL).


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environmental applications are in the form of nanopar-ticles with sizes from a few to hundreds of nanometres.Preparing APT specimens of such nanoparticles is asignificant challenge because their small size limitsthe manipulability of the particles. A modification ofthe conventional lift-out method can be used for nano-particles larger than 100 nm: after dispersing the nano-particles on a clean silicon wafer substrate, thenanomanipulator can be used to attract some of theparticles electrostatically and transfer them onto a sili-con microtip array. Once the nanoparticles are placedon the microtip, they are coated using electron beam-assisted platinum deposition to protect them fromion beam implantation damage. All manipulation upto this stage is done using electron beam imaging. Sub-sequently, using low ion-beam currents, the specimenis precisely annular milled to achieve the final dimen-sions suitable for APT analysis. If side cavities areobserved between the nanoparticle and the microtiparray, additional electron beam-assisted Pt depositioncan be applied from the sides to fill the void. Anexample of this method of preparing APT specimens

from nanoparticles is provided in Figure 5 [30].Other methods for preparation of APT specimens ofnanoparticles include encapsulation of nanoparticlesusing atomic layer deposition (ALD), [31] dielectro-phoresis [32], and agglomerate lift-out [33].

APT–TEM correlation specimen preparation

As will be discussed in more detail in section 5, the cor-relation of APT results with those of other techniques,particularly transmission electron microscopy (TEM),can provide significant complementary information.However, this correlative work requires some modifi-cations to the specimen preparation process. Themain distinction from what has been previouslydescribed is that the specimen needle or array mustbe compatible with a TEM holder. Specimens forAPT–TEM correlative microscopy can be fabricatedas wire specimens [34–38], as lift-outs onto a singlespecimen holder made of an electropolished metalwire [39–41], or onto an electropolished or FIB-pre-pared metal (Cu, Ni, Mo, Au) mesh or silicon half-grids [39,41,42]. For lift-out methods, the metal or sili-con projections are prepared such that they have anend diameter of a few micrometres. A FIB-preparedwedge of the specimen can be attached to each suchpost, then polished using annular milling. Avoidingany additional protrusions within several microns ofthe apex of the tip will foster successful APT analysisand TEM imaging. APT–TEM correlative microscopyspecimens, prepared in this manner, can be imagedin a TEM both before and after interrupted APT analy-sis to understand both initial and evolved tip shapeafter partial field evaporation. Such post-APT analysisimaging of APT specimens of complex heterogeneousmaterials can help in understanding the field evapor-ation behaviour and resultant aberrations due to localmagnification artefacts. TEM–APT direct correlationalso aids in understanding the extent of evaporatedvolume, which aids in generating accurate reconstruc-tions. An example of APT–TEM correlative specimenpreparation onto a Cu grid is given in Figure 6. Figure6 (a) and (b) are taken from Gorman et al., [39]

Figure 5. APT sample preparation of LiMnO2 nanoparticles[30]. (a) SEM image of the ∼500 nm diameter LiMnO2 nanopar-ticle; (b) electrostatic lift-out of a nanoparticle by nanomanipu-lator; (c) transfer of the nanoparticle onto a microtip arrayneedle; (d) the transferred nanoparticle on top of the microtiparray specimen post; (e) nanoparticle after electron beam-assisted Pt deposition; (f) final needle specimen after annularmilling (Image courtesy A. Devaraj, PNNL).

Figure 6. (a) Schematic of a holder facilitating direct coupling of TEM and APT (b) a low magnification SEM image of the half Cu gridin the holder (c, d) magnified SEM images showing location of a single needle sample. (e) a scanning transmission electron micro-scope image of a single APT needle specimen (Figure (a) and (b) adapted from B. P. Gorman et al.; [39] (c–d) images courtesyA. Devaraj, PNNL).


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providing a schematic of the Hummingbird ScientificAPT–TEM holder (Figure 6(a)) and low magnificationSEM image of the Cu half-grid in the HummingbirdScientific holder (Figure 6(b)). A fabricated APT needlespecimen on the Cu half-grid is shown in Figure 6(c),where the location of the needle specimen is high-lighted by a white rectangle. The specific needle speci-men is shown in Figure 6(d). A STEM image of theneedle specimen is provided in Figure 6(e). Thissample holder can be loaded both into the TEM anddirectly into an APT specimen puck.

Preparation of nanowire specimens for APTanalysis

NWs synthesised by the vapour–liquid–solid (VLS)growth mechanism [43] have dominated fundamentalresearch studies since the early 2000s. The popularityof studying VLS-grown NWs is arguably due to thein situ control of composition and morphology, leadingto NWs of controlled dopant type with both radial andaxial functional interfaces [44]. The intrinsic, needle-like shape and nanometre scale diameter (10s–100s ofnanometres) of semiconductor NWs makes themideal specimens for APT analysis using a LEAP. Twogeneral strategies have been developed to preparespecimens: in one, NWs are synthesised bottom-upin patterned arrays to allow a systematic indexing ofpositions, while another way makes use of a FIB lift-out approach to mechanically position an individualpre-grown NW on prefabricated microposts. Choiceof the specimen preparation approach should bemade based on the availability of the required toolsand time requirements of the different techniques.

The first demonstration of APT analysis of an indi-vidual VLS-grown NW was performed by Perea et al.[45] Au catalyst discs were patterned by electronbeam lithography and metal deposition, from whicharrays of vertically epitaxial InAs NWs were growndirectly on flat GaAs(111) substrates (Figure 7(a)).Since the small NW diameters are below the diffractionlimit of the optical charge-coupled device cameras ofthe LEAP, it is a challenge to ‘see’ them for alignment,and thus a central cross pattern of closely spaced NWsacts as a visual fiducial to assist indexing. It should benoted that the integrated laser system in the LEAP 4000and 5000 models can be used to help with NW align-ment by observing the reflected laser spot.

A more facile alignment of NW specimens can bemade by growing vertically epitaxial NWs on top ofpredefined microposts, where the microposts them-selves are easily seen with the LEAP specimen align-ment optics. Using a wafer dicing saw, micropostarray substrates can be fabricated in series (Figure 7(b)) to create pedestals on which individual VLS-grown NWs can be grown from drop-cast Au colloidsolution and analysed with APT (Figure 7(c)) [46].

However, the serial fabrication makes this approachvery time-consuming. A more efficient method ofmicropost fabrication is by using a photolithographyand reactive ion etching approach to create arrays ofmicroposts, atop which NWs can be directly grown(Figure 7(d)) [47,48]. However, growing only a singleNW on the micropost top from drop-cast catalyst ischallenging. In Figure 7(c) and (d), more than oneNW is observed on the micropost, which can causethe unwanted co-field evaporation of multiple NWs.One solution to this dilemma is to mechanicallyremove unwanted NWs in the vicinity of the NW ofinterest using a nanomanipulator [48].

A more precise method to ensure the growth of asingle NW per micropost is to use electron beam litho-graphy. Electron beam lithography and metal depo-sition can precisely deposit pads of catalyst metal ontop of the microposts to facilitate the controlled growthof a single vertically epitaxial VLS-grown NW permicropost. In Figure 7(e), a single vertical NW isobserved on a micropost, ideal for APT analysis. Theadvantage of confining NW growth to the microposttops is that a single NW can be grown, as opposed tothe uncontrolled deposition of catalyst nanoparticles

Figure 7. SEM images of various NW-patterned arrays for APTanalysis. (a) InAs NWs grown in a square pattern array. Crossfiducial pattern is outlined with dashed line. Scale bar is20 µm. The inset shows the foreground NW tip. Scale bar is50 nm. Images adapted from Perea et al. [45] (b) Micropostsof Si(111) produced by a wafer dicing saw. Scale bar is100 µm. (c) Silicon NW grown epitaxially from drop-cast Au col-loid on posts shown in (b). Scale bar is 5 µm. Images adaptedfrom Perea et al. [46] (d) Micropost array produced by micro-fabrication methods used for the epitaxial growth of semicon-ductor NWs. Scale bar is 2 µm. The inset shows a micropillarwith two Au islands on top used to catalyse NW growth.Images adapted from Xu et al. [48] (e) Single NW grownfrom e-beam deposited catalyst on top of microfabricatedmicropost. Scale bar is 15 µm. Image courtesy of D.E. Perea,PNNL.


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on microposts, where multiple NWs may grow on eachmicropost top. Another advantage of this approach isthe ability to fabricate micropost arrays with catalystpads of varying size and composition to synthesiseVLS-grown NWs of varying diameter on the same sub-strate, which is a facile route to studying catalyst-dependent growth kinetics.

One challenge to the APT analysis of NWs is analy-sis yield. The intrinsically small diameter that makesthem ideal specimens for analysis also makes it a chal-lenge to collect significant amounts of data before cat-astrophic specimen fracture caused by the electrostaticforces applied to initiate thermally assisted field evap-oration. To increase the analysis yield of NWs growndirectly on the analysis substrate, Perea et al. [47]described a strategy to grow the NWs with an inten-tionally tapered base, which seems to provide increasedmechanical strength. In addition, the tapered mor-phology also was shown to increase the thermal con-ductivity of the NW, which can reduce thermalartefacts observed in the mass spectrum [47] whichseem to be more relevant with using a 532 nm wave-length laser as opposed to the 355 nm wavelength laser.

An alternative approach to the preparation of NWsfor APT analysis is based on the site-specific lift-outmethod using a dual beam FIB–SEM equipped with ananomanipulator system (referred to here as justFIB) [27]. Using the FIB, two general methodologieshave been demonstrated. One approach is to lift outan entire microfabricated micropost with a NWgrown on top and subsequently attach it to anotherdesignated micropost (Figure 8(a)) [48]. The othergeneral FIB method is either the lift-out of NWs trans-ferred to another substrate such as a TEM grid, [49] orthe lift-out of individual NWs directly from the growthsubstrate [49–52] and subsequent mounting on prede-fined microposts. In Figure 8(b–e), the identificationand lift-out of a NW deposited on a TEM grid andattachment to a micropost is demonstrated [49]. Analternative approach is to use the FIB to lift out NWsdirectly from the growth substrate, where the NWsare grown in a patterned array [52] or randomly[50]. In Figure 8(f–k), individual NWs are lifted outdirectly from the growth substrate, attached to micro-posts and sharpened into needles [50]. For NWs thatare not grown using a catalyst particle, i.e. not VLS,such as ZnO NWs, controlled growth of single NWson microposts poses a challenge. So the FIB-basedapproach to specimen preparation has been shown tobe a practical method [53]. Whereas the abovemethods enable the analysis of NWs in an axial orien-tation, Mangelinck et al. demonstrated radial analysisenabled by the FIB lift-out of NWs that were trans-ferred to substrates and over-coated with a metal film[54].

APT experimental procedures and datareconstruction

Experimental procedures

APT experimental procedures have evolved over theyears, especially with the standardisation and commer-cialisation of available technology, and they continue toevolve today. Many of the manual operations summar-ised by M.K. Miller in 2000 [24] have become standardand automated, yet the number of analysis parametersand the growing variety of analysable materials haveencouraged continued evolution in experimentaldesign. Advanced computer control enables complexinstrument control; steady advances in acquisitionfield-of-view (towards capturing all ions departingfrom a specimen), together with the ability to monitorion evaporation statistics in real-time, have promotedimproved analysis yield and data quality. Today, auto-mation is generally limited to variation of specimenvoltage to maintain target ionisation rates and laserpositioning to maintain optimised alignment to thespecimen in pulsed-laser mode. Detection rate (DR)targets and other analysis parameters can be changed

Figure 8. SEM images of FIB-based preparation of NW speci-mens for APT analysis. (a) A micropost mounted on a W tipwith pre-grown NWs on top. Image adapted from Xu et al.[48] (b) Identification of NW of interest deposited ex situ onTEM grid, followed by (c) lift-out, (d) attachment, and (e)release onto micropost. Scale bars are 5 µm, 2 µm, 10 µm,and 10 µm, respectively. Images (b–e) adapted from Dierckset al. [49] (f) As-grown NWs on growth substrate. (g) Depositionof Pt circular markers, each centred on a single NW, followed by(h) coarse milling, (i) lift-out, (j) mounting. (k) Subsequent finemilling into needle morphology of specimen containing asingle NW. Scale bars are 300 nm, 5 µm, 5 µm, 5 µm, 4 µm,and 2 µm, respectively. Images (f–k) adapted from Blumtrittet al. [50].


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during acquisition, but this must be done manually bythe user.

Relevant APT experimental design is mostly dis-cussed in recent books [24,25,55]. A few papers specifi-cally address issues related to proper selection andevaluation of analysis conditions [56–63], but in gen-eral, discussions beyond listing the actual experimentalparameters used for a particular study are beyond thescope of a majority of the peer-reviewed literature.We have tried to capture the essential spirit andexperimental details contained in the relevant pub-lished literature in this section.

One component of experimental design is determin-ing the combination of analysis parameters thatachieves the desired analysis objectives. Ideally, anAPT experiment extracts data from a material withoptimum quality and minimum analysis time. Becauseeach specimen may be unique, and all material types donot perform similarly under equivalent APT analysisconditions, the user is often required to choose controlparameters that properly balance data quality, analysistime, and analysis yield. Understanding these trade-offs may require analysis of a ‘standard’ material withwell-characterised composition and microstructure toproperly evaluate the accuracy of the APT data.

Voltage-pulsed APT analysis has a long history, andanalysis parameter selection procedures have beendeveloped with the primary aim of ensuring accuratecomposition measurements. The primary analysis par-ameters include specimen base temperature (T ), ionDR, pulse frequency ( f ), and pulse fraction (PF).Proper experimental design requires specimens to befirst made of appropriate shape and dimensions withthe target region-of-interest (ROI) centred in, andnear the apex of, the sharp needle (see previous sec-tion). Then in principle, it is just a matter of estimatingeither the number of ions necessary to analyse throughthe ROI or monitoring the live analysis (1-D and 2-Dcomposition evolution) to decide when the experimentis complete (ignoring analysis yield considerations forthe moment).

There are a number of metrics which can be con-sidered when evaluating valid analysis parameter selec-tion. These metrics are based on the quality of thechemical information (mass spectrum), spatial infor-mation, and analysis yield. Measurable aspects of themass spectrum include the peak shapes (mass resolvingpower or MRP), number of peaks or charge states,number of complex ion species, background, and num-bers of background-related peaks (hydrides forexample). Unless other defects in the acquisition arepresent, then metrics, such as high MRP, few peaksand charge states, few complex ions, low background,and few background-related peaks, should result inthe most accurate composition determinations. Self-consistent investigations can be performed on amaterial to optimise these mass spectral qualities.

There are a number of recognised evaporationdefects that affect compositional accuracy, and inmany cases, analysis conditions exist that eliminate orminimise these effects. A good example is preferentialretention of certain ion species; the evaporation fieldproduced on the apex may cause weakly bound atomsto be preferentially evaporated and strongly boundatoms retained, skewing the composition primarilybecause of insufficient analysis PF. Miller and Smithanalysed an Fe- 3wt.%-Si steel showing how low PFand f gives inaccurately high levels of silicon [56].Later, Miller and Russell showed that the availabilityof newer instrumentation with higher available fallowed for accurate analysis with lower PF [57].Other evaporation defects which affect compositionalaccuracy include loss due to increased probability ofmultiple evaporation events occurring during a singlepulse (multi-hits) [64,65], or high DR resulting in nor-mal detector pile-up [66], occurrence of complex mol-ecules and spectral overlaps [60,67,68], dissociation ofcomplexmolecules [69], and loss of neutral species [63].

Measurable aspects of the ion positions themselvesinclude evaluations of the detail in field-desorptionmaps and short-range positional order (Fourier trans-forms [70] and spatial distribution maps (SDMs) [71]).Evaluation of the short-range order is ultimately tied tothe quality of the 3-D reconstruction (next section).

There are common occasions where an APT exper-iment terminates prematurely. One occasion is when aspecimen is shaped such that the cross-section at agiven depth, and for selected analysis conditions,requires a voltage beyond which the instrument cansupply, thus terminating the experiment. A more com-mon occasion is when the specimen ruptures at somepoint during the analysis (specimen failure). Thisoccurs when the fields necessary to establish evapor-ation at the specified DR result in material stressesthat approach the ultimate tensile strength limit forthe material and any defect in the microstructuremay lead to mechanical failure [72,73].

Laser-pulsed APT has a much shorter history thanvoltage-pulsed APT, but it has the critical advantagethat thermal-based evaporation allows for the analysisof electrical insulators as well as metals. The generallylower required evaporation-field usually offers increasedspecimen yield (larger datasets) which may criticallyimpact the analysis objectives for a given study. One dis-advantage is that the higher peak apex temperature andside-specimen illumination can provide added complex-ity to interpretation of the mass spectrum and recon-struction accuracy, and the relative immaturity of thetechnique means that there is less guidance in the pub-lished literature for experimental procedures.

There is some small variety in laser-pulsed APTinstrumentation around the world. Parameters, such aslaser spot size, wavelength, available laser pulse energy(LPE) range, and polarisation, are generally fixed


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features for a given instrument model, and some con-sideration must be made regarding a particular instru-ment and optimum conditions necessary for qualityAPT analysis. For small-laser-spot designed instru-ments, like the LEAP, procedures must be incorporatedto ensure continued specimen-laser alignment [55]. Forinstruments with multiple wavelengths and polarisation,some consideration must be made regarding the wave-length appropriate for a given application [74–78].Nevertheless, the considerations for evaluating validanalysis parameters are the same as for voltage-pulsedAPT. Before detailing the trade-offs for general par-ameter selection, a couple common laser-pulse consider-ations are worth noting.

Compositional and spatial accuracy effects occur inlaser-pulsed mode similar to voltage-pulsed mode. TheLPE effectively takes the place of PF in voltage-pulsedmode, and determines the temperature (field) differ-ence between the on-and-off ion emission states ofthe specimen. When the difference is too small, thenpreferential evaporation and surface migration canoccur [79] leading to a loss in both compositionaland spatial accuracy. In addition, the non-uniformheating of the specimen can lead to an asymmetrictip shape and reconstruction inaccuracies [80]. Careneeds to be taken to prevent preferential evaporationand minimise tip asymmetries.

Laser-pulsed mass spectra generally present morepeak variability relative to voltage-pulsed APT. Thelaser-evaporation process may include more hydride-containing peaks as well as complex cluster ions. The

availability of any baseline mass spectrum can be usefulfor the interpretation of these more complicated massspectra. For example, when a material yields mass spec-tra in both APT modes, the differing distribution ofpeak types for the same bulk composition can provideclues to aid in the identification of unknown peaks;however, when analysis in both APT modes is notpossible, analysis of related materials with well-known compositions and impurity levels can then aidin the identification of peaks from materials with lesswell-known compositions.

The challenge in both acquisition modes is to attainan acceptable analysis yield (analysis volume or num-ber of ions collected) while achieving the highest data

Table 1. General experimental parameter considerations, data quality trends and trade-offs (parameter increases ↑, trendimproves +, or worsens – the metrics) (taken from [55]).Acquisitionparameter Variable

Generaltrend Metrics Comments Primary trade-off

Pulse rate ↑ f (Hz) ++−−−

Backgroundm/n rangeWrap aroundBase temperatureoffset effects (laser)

Faster is betterExceptions: high mass ions with long TOFor extremely poor thermal diffusivitymaterials in laser mode

Almost none except for practicalconsiderations for TOF of allpotential ion species

Specimen basetemperature ↑

T (K) ++− −− −−−

Analysis yieldMRPBackgroundHeat flow (laser)Surface diffusion

Lower leads to better spatial resolution,higher leads to better yield

Data quality vs. analysis yield

Detection rate ↑ DR (ions/pulse)


BackgroundAnalysis yieldMRPMulti-hitperformance

Faster is betterException: poor yielding materials andmaterials prone to multi-hit behaviour

Data quality vs. analysis yield

Pulse fraction ↑(voltage mode)

PF (%) +++−−

CompositionalaccuracyBackgroundPotential for PF decayHigh cycle fatigue

Higher is betterException: Extreme PF may limit MRP andpulse amplitude is hardware limited

Data quality vs. analysis yield

Laser pulse ↑energy(laser mode)

LPE(nJ orpJ)

+++++++−− −

Analysis yieldBackgroundMRPEffective pulsefractionComplex iongenerationSurface migration

Higher leads to better yieldLower leads to better spatial resolution

Data quality vs. analysis yield

Figure 9. Diagram summarising the quality assessment of ananalysis. The grey area shown in the plot is the typical optimalsetting for a series of Al–Cu–Mg specimens analysed in pulsed-voltage mode with a LEAP 3000X Si (adapted from [25] cour-tesy of Baptiste Gault).


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quality possible. As these two goals are generallyopposed, the choice of experimental parameters isoften an exercise in choosing various trade-offs: someaspect of data quality or analysis speed versus analysisyield [81] (see Table 1).

An APT analysis experiment might be evaluatedwith regard to the main aspects of the quality assess-ment of the experiment. Figure 9 shows a radar plotwith an axis for each parameter and the quality ofthat metric for a given set of analysis parameters. Thegoal of the experiment is then to maximise the areacontained within the plot (grey).

The fact of the matter is some materials/applicationsyield successfully under a variety of analysis conditions,enabling data collection with optimum chemical andspatial information and high information-content 3-D reconstructions. Other materials are more fragileand may only yield to a narrow set of analysis con-ditions. In those cases, reduced information contentis available, but useful nanoscale information is oftenstill accessible. Or at a minimum, relative differencesbetween datasets may still be relevant as long as somelevel of precision is achieved.

The future of APT experimental procedure prom-ises to add many more automated procedures, includ-ing specimen alignment and application-specificcontrol [82]. For example, scripted experimental con-trol has been discussed which would allow the instru-ment to respond based on a set of pre-programmedprocedures or recipes [83]. Such automation frees theuser from monitoring the acquisition and encouragesoptimised analysis conditions as each material typeor interface is exposed during an analysis.


The 3-D chemical-imaging power of APT is what sets itapart from other microscopy techniques. The process ofconverting detected 2-D ion positions and event order(X, Y, N) into a reassembled 3-D map approximatingoriginal atomic positions (x, y, z) is referred to as recon-struction. The current standard methodology utilises asimple model with a limited number of parametersthat has evolved to accommodate increasing instrumentfield-of-view [84,85]. Even when the assumptions of theunderlying model are not well met, reconstruction par-ameter choices can be made such that the known fea-tures are reproduced surprisingly well. In this section,we will briefly review the basic details of the commonreconstruction protocol and discuss some of theknown limitations and common best practices forachieving accurate reconstructions. For a more completereview of reconstruction, we refer the reader to a num-ber of recent books and review articles focused on thesubject [25,55,86–90].

The conventional reconstruction algorithm utilises asingle-point projection onto a spherical surface [84,85].

Key inputs in the reconstruction algorithm used in thecommercially available IVAS software (CAMECAInstruments, Inc.) include ionic volume, detection effi-ciency, image compression factor, either tip radius(initial or final) or the product of geometrical field fac-tor (k) and evaporation field (Fe), sphere-to-cone ratio,and radial evolution procedure (voltage, shank angle,or tip profile) [55]. The detected ions are back-pro-jected from the detector onto a single curvature(spherical) surface, one at a time, by way of a fixed pro-jection point. The projection surface is allowed tochange curvature between events, as the specimenerodes, and as prescribed by the specific radial evol-ution procedure selected in the software. Betweenevents, the projection surface position is also incremen-ted in depth (z) based on the active area of the recon-struction and the ionic volume of the previous event.

Under ideal circumstances, this approach worksexceedingly well. Figure 10 shows the reconstructionfor an aluminium grain with the <113> pole orientednearly parallel to the specimen axes. The full period-icity of the atomic layers is observed along each pole,revealing the near-atomic resolution contained withinthis dataset. It is the highly ordered disassembly ofthe metal structure by the physics of field-evaporationthat allows for the reconstructed detail observed in thisexample.

Although the average 3-D periodicity in thisexample readily matches the known crystallography,there are regions that are distorted. A combination ofsurface faceting (variable curvature) and ion trajectoryaberrations due to localised surface topology can causehigher magnification where poles and zone lines inter-sect the surface [87] which are observed as regions oflower atomic density in Figure 10. Depending on theinformation one would like to extract from the dataset,these regions can be excluded [92], the local positionscan be corrected [93–95], or the aberrations can beignored when they have negligible impact on theresults.

Inhomogeneous materials commonly have nanos-cale features or interfaces between materials that havediffering evaporation-fields. This can cause eithersmall-scale or large-scale deviations from a single cur-vature surface introducing errors into the reconstruc-tion. Correlative methods, such as SEM or TEM, andsimulations have shown that the apex of the specimencan become highly non-spherical under these circum-stances [88,96]. Nevertheless, good correlation withknown feature sizes and shapes can still be achievedas demonstrated in Figure 11. In this example, theamorphous silicon, silicon oxide, and SiGe regions allrequire different evaporation-fields. Even though thetip shape becomes highly non-spherical during theseportions of the analysis, Figure 11(c) shows good agree-ment between the APT reconstruction and measuredfeature sizes.


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In order to achieve maximum precision and accu-racy, reconstruction parameters need to be appropri-ately chosen and constrained. Investigators havereported procedures using known properties of thematerial (e.g. the atomic periodicity as illustrated in

Figure 10) [91,97–100], feature sizes, and relativelocations as measured by microscopy (e.g. the featuresshown in Figure 11) [38,86,101], and APT specimendimensions and final tip shapes after field evaporation(e.g. total eroded depth and final tip radius) [100–103].By constraining the reconstruction adequately, reliablecomparisons can be made between datasets. Forexample, Prosa and co-workers showed that by imple-menting a consistent set of reconstruction procedures,multiple analyses of an Arsenic-implant dose in Siliconcould be measured with a good precision [100].

Today, the single-point projection model works sur-prisingly well across a broad array of structures, evenwhen the underlying assumptions for the model arenot well met. The limited number of parameters avail-able which define the procedure are both the strength

Figure 11. (a) SEM image of one of the tips prepared in thisstudy with features indicated. (b) Reconstructed APT datafrom the tip shown in (a). (c) APT reconstruction with a Geiso-concentration surface (green) and B atoms (red spheres)within the SiGe overlaid on a TEM image from a nearbylocation on the same wafer. Scale bars not shown for proprie-tary reasons (adapted from [86]).

Figure 12. Example of a post-reconstruction correctionapproach (landmark reconstruction) utilising plane flatness asa metric for correcting ion positions. This GaN LED device struc-ture includes layers of AlGaN and InGaN which are known to beflat and parallel to each other based on TEM measurements,yet there is no combination of reconstruction parameterswhich accurately reproduces these features throughout theentire dataset (adapted from [101] courtesy of Brian P. Geiser).

Figure 10. XY-view of the reconstruction (centre) for an aluminium specimen and the resulting SDMs along various poles observedin the reconstruction. The inter-planar spacing of the aluminium atoms along the various crystallographic directions is readilyobserved in the spatial distribution map (SDM) (adapted from [91]).


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and weakness of the method. As we look into thefuture, there is certainly a call for alternative recon-struction approaches, particularly for the characteris-ation of electronic device features which can havecomplicated 3-D structures or features which are notwell reproduced with the current method; however,alternate reconstruction algorithms almost certainlywill be more complicated which will make broad-based adoption challenging.

Landmark Reconstruction is one example of analternative reconstruction approach. Figure 12 showsthe reconstruction of a multi-layer LED quantum-well device structure where each layer is known to beflat and parallel to its neighbours. It is not possible tochoose a single set of point-projection-reconstructionparameters that provides accurate reconstruction forthe entire analysis volume. Here, a post-reconstructioncorrection approach is used to reposition atoms andimprove layer positioning accuracy. Selected chemicalinterfaces are flattened and these motions are propa-gated, orthogonal to the interface surface, to repositionatoms throughout the entire depth of the reconstruc-tion (similar to [87,104]). Other enhancements oralternative approaches, such as variable reconstructionparameter approaches [105], integration of correlativemeasurements [106,107], and simulation-assistedreconstruction [96,108], have been reported and theirprogress is worth monitoring for improving recon-struction accuracy in difficult-to-reconstruct systems.

Correlative APT

Another method which can assist with the refinementof APT reconstructions and the extracted data is theuse of correlative techniques. Here we define correlativeAPT to mean the combination of APT with othermicroscopy techniques, such as SEM, TEM, or STEMimaging possibly along with selected area, nanobeam,or convergent beam diffraction or electron backscat-tered diffraction (EBSD). In this case, correlative APTonly refers to such multimodal imaging analyseswhere the imaging is conducted on the same needlespecimen.

There are several important, often related motiv-ations for correlative APT analyses. The most basicuse of correlative work is for verifying that a specificregion is contained within an APT specimen. Thiswas the motivation behind the first implementationsusing TEM imaging of FIM specimens. More recently,a further goal is to realise a level of understandingbeyond what can be achieved by the stand-alone APTanalysis. Often atomic-scale structure, composition,and chemical state information are all desired for facil-itating a comprehensive understanding of materials’properties. APT provides high-resolution compo-sitional information, but generally requires correlation

with other microscopy and spectroscopy techniques toprovide structural and chemical state information.

An additional motivation for correlative microscopyis to improve the accuracy of APT reconstructions. Theadditional information provided by correlative imagingtechniques, such as specimen shape, locations, andorientations of features, tip tangential discontinuity,and depth removed offer constraints on the possiblereconstruction parameter values and a means of asses-sing the accuracy of the reconstruction. While APT is apowerful 3-D nanoscale characterisation technique,there are a number of aberrations that arise due tothe inherent physics of the field evaporation processthat may result in an inaccurate reconstruction of thefinal APT data. Trajectory aberration ,while analysingheterogeneous specimens, is one such aberration thatis very important to understand when interpretingAPT results from complex heterogeneous materials.To understand these aberrations and overcome thislimitation, directly correlating APT with TEM isimportant.

As suggested in the preceding paragraph, correla-tive methods also provide a window into field evapor-ation effects, laser-material interactions, and the APTtechnique itself, which can further knowledge of thenot-always-intuitive physical phenomena that occurat the nanoscale under high vacuum, at cryogenictemperatures, while subject to very high fields, andultrafast laser pulses. TEM images of APT specimensboth before APT analysis and after interrupted APTanalysis have already been shown to provide impor-tant information which can be utilised to understandthe physics of field evaporation and improve theaccuracy of APT reconstructions [109]. Furtheradvances in these areas might lead to improvementsin both current instrument and reconstruction limit-ations of APT especially for complex heterogeneousmaterials.

The earliest efforts in correlative atom probe andTEM were performed in the 1960s [34,35]. Theseused TEM to target grain boundaries in electropolishedwire specimens for subsequent field ion microscopy(FIM) analysis. Over the next several decades, only afew similar types of correlative analyses were published[36,37,110]. The advent of the commercial LEAP alongwith FIB instruments for specimen preparation pro-duced renewed interest and new possibilities for corre-lative work. In one of the early efforts directedspecifically towards correlative LEAP–TEM analyses,Gorman et al designed a correlative APT–TEM holderthat facilitated the transfer of a 1-D array of APT speci-mens prepared on a TEM half grid between FIB, TEM,and APT instruments [39,49]. Similar 1-D arraysgeared towards the specifics of other microscopeshave subsequently been developed [41,42,102].

Among the first demonstrations of directly correlat-ing STEM with APT was STEM tomography and APT


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of Ag-rich GP zones in an Al matrix by Arslan et al.[38]. The comparison allowed direct visualisation oftheoretically known reconstruction artefacts presentin both electron tomography and APT and, therefore,better overall assessment of particle morphology andcomposition than available through either techniquealone. The first examples of direct correlation of APTwith aberration-corrected TEM [111] and aberration-corrected STEM [109] were also published recently.There are several examples of using APT–TEM corre-lation for a variety of materials: metals and alloys,[112–115] bulk metallic glasses, [102] NWs, [49] bulkoxides, [111,116] oxidation of metals, [117,118]metal-dielectric composites, [109], and semiconductorheterostructures [119]. More recently, there have beensome notable efforts in conducting direct correlation ofEBSD in an SEM or precision nanobeam diffraction ina TEM with APT, [120] which provide detailed crystal-lographic information of materials, such as misorienta-tion angles of grain boundaries, which are critical fordeveloping statistically significant measures of grainboundary segregation in materials [42,120,121]. Anexample of correlative APT is shown in Figure 13,where dark field imaging of an APT specimen of aTi–Al–Mo alloy shows a cluster of alpha-phase precipi-tates distributed in the beta phase before APT. This iscompared with the isocomposition surface view ofhigh Ti concentration and the corresponding proxi-mity histogram; this combination helps quantify thesolute partitioning across the alpha and beta phases.Without the TEM dark field image of the needle speci-men, it would have been difficult to conclusively ident-ify the alpha-phase region compositionally from the

Figure 13. An example of direct correlation of APT with TEM aiding in accurate identification of precipitate regions within the APTreconstruction of the multicomponent beta Ti alloy: (a) Dark field image of an APT needle specimen of a Ti–Al–Mo alloy; (b) Ti 93 at.-% isoconcentration surface of the APT result highlighting the alpha-phase precipitate region; (c) proximity histogram showing thesolute partitioning between the alpha and beta phases (adapted from A. Devaraj et al.) [112].

Figure 14. Aberration-corrected STEM–APT direct coupling forAu nanoparticles embedded in MgO along with the proximityhistogram showing the composition change across the Aunanoparticles and MgO matrix [109]. (Image courtesyA. Devaraj, PNNL).


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multi-element APT result alone [112]. An example ofcorrelative APT-aberration-corrected STEM imagingis provided in Figure 14; Figure 14 (a) shows theSTEM image of Au nanoparticles embedded in anMgO substrate, (b) and (c) show the APT resultswith Au nanoparticle regions highlighted in yellowand (d) show the composition partitioning across Aunanoparticles and MgO matrix in Au–MgO.

Applications of APT in materials analysis

Atom probe analysis of metals and alloys

From the time of 1-D atom probes, early applicationsof APT were predominantly dedicated to microstruc-tural characterisation of metals and alloys. Extensiveliterature is available on the application of APT analy-sis towards understanding a variety of phase trans-formation phenomena in metals and alloys. Whilethis review is not a comprehensive coverage of thevast literature, some key examples are provided tohighlight the unique capabilities of APT as a nanoscaleanalytical tool for metals and alloys.

Over the last few decades, APT has become a criticalcharacterisation capability that provides unique com-positional, and in some cases structural, informationof metallic alloys at subnanometre scale spatial resol-ution. These have been shown to correlate well withatomistic and continuum scale material models andsimulations [122]. Within the broad class of phasetransformations, we have specifically focused on pro-viding examples of utilisation of APT for understand-ing different types of solid-state phasetransformations in metals and alloys. Providing a com-plete list, even within this class of phase transform-ations, is nearly impossible because of the currentwidespread use of APT. Here we present a fewexamples that, in our opinion, represent unique contri-butions from APT towards understanding phase trans-formations in metallic alloys.

APT is especially useful for understanding the com-positional partitioning between phases in diffusionalsolid–solid phase transformations in metallic alloys.The diffusional phase transformations correspond tothose that occur due to thermally activated movementof atoms. Within the wide class of diffusional phasetransformation, precipitate nucleation, and growthhas been widely studied in many different metallicalloys using APT, where the data provides nanoscalecompositional information of precipitates at variousstages of the precipitation process. APT has beenespecially beneficial for understanding precipitationin many different classes of aluminium alloys (with afew hundred research publications from groups aroundthe world), precipitation of second phases in titaniumalloys [123–127] shapes memory alloys [128], nickel-based superalloys [128–131], steels [132–134],

magnesium alloys etc. An example is provided inFigure 15, where APT was key in obtaining the compo-sition of H-phase precipitate in a ternary Ni–Ti–Hfalloy [128]. This, in turn, was used in conjunctionwith electron diffraction and STEM imaging resultsto form a structural model for first-principles simu-lation-based energy minimisation studies [128]. Simi-larly, APT measurements of precipitate compositionand interfacial segregation have been correlated suc-cessfully to results from CALPHAD calculations insteels [76,131–135] and Ni-based superalloys [129],first-principles calculations in steels [136,137] and Alalloys [138], and lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simu-lations in Ni-based superalloys [129].

One significant area of contribution of APT hasbeen in analysing solute clustering in alloys whichcan be early stages of precipitation. Two extant coremethodologies that have different fundamental basis,the maximum separation distance method [139,140]and the proximity histogram method [141–143], areoften employed to delineate and characterise well-defined clusters in APT data, where the term clusterdenotes a grouping of atoms. Thus, a cluster in contextof APT data can either be a solid-state concentrationfluctuation or a well-developed precipitate. Othermethods, such as sampling by a region of interest(ROI), 1NN approach, Fourier transforms, and auto-correlation methods, are also used depending on thenature of the solute cluster to be analysed [144].

The maximum separation distance method relies ona recursive search algorithm for solute atoms based onthe fact that the maximum separation distance, dmax,between selected solute atoms is expected to be closerwithin a precipitate phase than in the matrix phase.A second user-defined parameter, Nmin, is also usedfor this method, which is the minimum number ofsolute atoms that a cluster should have to call it a clus-ter. All clusters identified with less than Nmin soluteatoms are considered as a part of the matrix atoms.Variations to this method include the double maxi-mum separation method with erosion [140] and theenvelope methodology [145], which use additional par-ameters to delineate clusters from matrix atoms. Themethod is sensitive to the actual values of the twoaforesaid parameters. The quantity dmax depends onthe lattice parameter, cluster composition, nominalconcentration of solute atoms, and detection efficiencyof the atom probe instrument. Vamousse, et al.suggested a broad range between 0.4 nm and 1.0 nm[140]. Kolli and Seidman [136] proposed a methodwhereby the total number of clusters of a selectedsolute atom is plotted as a function of the quantitydmax. A local minimum on this plot indicates a reason-able value for the quantity dmax that is great enough tonot artificially split large clusters into smaller clusters,but also small enough not to incorrectly assign soluteatoms from the matrix to clusters or incorrectly


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combine adjacent clusters into a larger one. Theauthors suggested a value of dmaxbetween 0.5 nm and0.7 nm to delineate Cu-rich precipitates in isothermallyaged multicomponent Fe–Cu steels [136]. The value ofNmin is dependent on the choice of dmax. Vaumousse,et al. [140] suggested a broad range of, between 10and 30, atoms for the quantity Nmin. Kolli and Seidman[136] proposed that the quantity Nmin can be deter-mined by plotting the distribution of clusters as a func-tion of the number of atoms in a cluster for a givenvalue of dmax. A reasonable choice for the value ofNmin eliminates clusters that contain few atoms andgives a stable number of precipitates, i.e. changingNmin does not significantly change the number ofprecipitates.

The isoconcentration surface method identifies pre-cipitates or clusters using a concentration threshold,cthreshold, based on the fact that the concentration ofsolute atoms within a precipitate or cluster is greaterthan that in the matrix phase. A proximity histogram(proxigram for short) concentration profile, which isthe weighted superposition of concentration profiles,is generated by binning atoms in fixed distance incre-ments from the reference isoconcentration surface.This yields a 1-D concentration profile as a functionof distance from the isoconcentration surface. By con-vention, positive distances from the interface aredefined as the precipitate or cluster, whereas negativedistances from the interface are defined as the matrixphase. The quantity cthreshold must be chosen carefullyto properly define the isoconcentration surfaces suchthat the selected value generates morphologically stableresults. Small changes in the value of cthreshold shouldnot vary significantly the number of precipitates orclusters and their dimensions. If the value is toosmall, then the precipitates may be larger than their

Figure 15. APT results from a Ni–Ti–Hf alloy showing (a) Ti depletion in H-phase precipitate regions in the Ti atom map (b) 23 at.-%Hf isocomposition surface highlighting the Hf-rich H-phase regions and (c) proximity histogram across the precipitate and matrix,which helps in quantifying the solute partitioning (adapted from Fan Yang et al.) [127].

Figure 16. Copper-rich precipitates as delineated by 10 at.%Cu isoconcentration surfaces, when the steel is aged at 500°Cfor: (a) 0.25 h; (b) 1 h; (c) 4 h; (d) 16 h; (e) 64 h; (f) 256 h; (g)1024 h. Each reconstruction, 10 × 10 × 30 nm3 (3000 nm3), isa subset of an analysed volume and contains approximately130,000 atoms (adapted from [131]).


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true size or smaller precipitates may be convolutedwith nearby larger precipitates, and if too great avalue is chosen, they may be smaller than their truesize. The most widely used method that was developedby Hellman, et al. [141–143] relies on selecting a voxelsize, delocalisation distance, and confidence sigmavalue. The voxel size is the three-dimensional (3-D)grid spacing in the concentration space. The delocalisa-tion distance is chosen to spread the contribution ofeach atom to adjacent grid points, effectively smooth-ing the data and improving the statistical error. Theconfidence sigma value is chosen to give isoconcentra-tion surfaces with a defined statistical uncertainty. Byselecting a value for cthreshold, isoconcentration surfacesare generated thereby identifying the precipitates,Figure 16. Kolli and Seidman [136] applied both theenvelope and isoconcentration surface methodologiesin a multicomponent Fe–Cu steel. They carefully opti-mised the selection of parameters in both methods anddemonstrated that the results were qualitatively similar.The concentration profiles created using both methodsillustrated the presence of Cu-rich precipitates withelevated concentrations of Ni, Al, and Mn at the het-erophase interfaces. The morphologies of the precipi-tates delineated by both methods were also comparedand the number of identified precipitates varied bysmall quantities and there also existed differences inthe measured radii. The quantitative variations aredue to the technical differences in the basis of thetwo methods.

Within the broad area of precipitation in alloys,some of the metallic alloy systems undergo phasedecompositions to form ordered precipitates thatenable the retention of high temperature propertiesclose to their melting temperatures. Since the orderedprecipitates have well-defined chemical identity atsub-lattice positions, the occupancies of various alloy-ing elements at these sub-lattices and their relativeinfluences on each other govern the high temperaturestability of these precipitates. APT has been provedto be an invaluable tool for accurate atomic-scalechemical and structural analysis of these orderedprecipitates in Ni-base, Co-base superalloys, and Alalloys [146–150]. In some of the previous reports, theoccasional atomic plane resolution in atom probereconstructions has enabled structural analysis; suchas determination of solute site occupancies in Ni-basesuperalloys. The reproducibility and versatility incharacterising multiple crystallographic orientationsfrom APT results was rather limited [151,152]. Theadvanced treatment of atom probe data to clearlyobserve various crystallographic poles in the ion deso-rption image and further identification of specificlocations of crystallographic planes by utilising proto-col like Fourier transforms and Hough transformshave improved the structural analysis significantly[70,71,153]. The standard algorithm used for structural

analysis, SDM, is basically a combination of two indi-vidual radial distribution functions, one of which hasa species-specific 1-D nature along the analysis axis(z-SDM) [71]. This modern treatment of atom probedata for structural analysis has led to a new field,atom probe crystallography, which has proved success-ful in 3-D orientation mapping of grain boundariesin nano-crystalline materials and determination ofatomic plane orientations in pure metals or dilutealloys [154–156]. But, its application to multi-com-ponents systems involving solute elements with high

Figure 17. Ordering and site occupancy in Ni3Al revealed by zspatial distribution maps (adapted from Meher et al.) [157].


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evaporation fields seems improbable because of thereduced visibility of crystallographic poles in the iondesorption map.

Recently, Meher et al. developed a method for crys-tallographic study that overcomes the tedious math-ematical treatment of atom probe data and is alsoapplicable to various highly alloyed systems [157]. Inthis reproducible approach, the precise site-specificsample preparation with the help of EBSD retains thecrystallographic information in spite of poor visibilityof poles in ion desorption image. This method hasenabled the determination of solute site occupanciesin highly alloyed Ni-, and Co-base superalloys[158,159].

This method of coupling of orientation microscopywith APT has immense potential for extracting atomic-scale information in a variety of materials. As anexample, Figure 17 shows the determination of solutesite occupancies in ordered Ni3Al precipitates in a tern-ary Ni-14 Al- 7 Cr at.% alloy where the samples wereprepared from a <001> oriented grain, identified by aconventional EBSD method in a FIB [157]. Figure 17(a) shows a schematic of specific atomic arrangementin a basic Ni3Al precipitate, while Figure 17(b) shows(001) lattice planes specific to Al ions obtained onlyby APT. The 1-D z-SDM specific to each element, asshown in Figure 17(c), is a clear representation of adepth resolution better than an inter-atomic spacingalong the analysis axis in APT. The SDMs clearlyresolve the presence of Ni atoms in every (002) plane,separated by a distance of 0.18 nm, while Al and Crwere observed to be separated by a spacing of0.36 nm indicating locations on (001) planes. Thus, itappears that Cr atoms have the tendency to substitutefor only Al atoms in the Ni3Al, and hence, modify thechemical formula to Ni3(Al,Cr) [158].

Another kind of solid–solid phase transformationthat has been studied using APT is eutectoid trans-formation. During eutectoid transformations, asingle-phase transforms to a mixture of two differentphases. One classic eutectoid transformation is the for-mation of pearlite in steel. APT can provide unique

insights into the atomic-scale mechanisms of eutectoidtransformation, especially by providing an accurateestimation of solute partitioning at interfaces acrossthe lamellar phases [160–164].

Another significant and unique contribution of APThas been for aiding in compositional quantification ofphase separation in alloys by spinodal decomposition[165–167]. APT can provide quantitative informationon the amplitude and wavelength of the compositionalmodulations as a function of time in alloy systemsprone to spinodal decomposition [168–172]. Forexample, APT has been used extensively to study thecorrelation of microstructure resulting from spinodaldecomposition with various mechanical and magneticproperties of Fe–Cr-based alloys [173]. Anotherexample of use of APT in studying spinodal decompo-sition in Ti alloys is provided in Figure 18, where acombination of aberration-corrected STEM imagingand APT is used with first-principles density functionaltheory (DFT) nudge elastic band (NEB) calculationsfor estimating energy barriers for the beta to omegaphase transformation in a Ti–9 at.-% Mo alloy. In theaberration-corrected STEM image (Figure 18(a)), thepresence of bright and dark regions within a quenchedmicrostructure was observed with a displacive trans-formation within the darker pockets. Based on APTresults, particularly the proximity histogram given inFigure 18(b), Mo partitioning was observed thatcould be directly attributed to the observed contrastin STEM images. Then using DFT–NEB calculations,a composition-dependent change in the energetics ofthe phase transformation was identified (Figure 18(c)). These results indicated the existence of a newmechanism of phase transformation with a combineddiffusive–displacive component [122].

Another significant contribution of APT has been inunderstanding crystallisation of amorphous metallicmaterials like bulk metallic glass or immiscible metalalloy systems [174–179]. Immiscible alloys, when sub-jected to heat treatments, can lead to devitrification toform nanocrystal precipitates in an amorphous matrixduring the initial stage of annealing followed by a

Figure 18. (a) Filtered high angle annular dark field–high resolution STEM image of Ti–9 at.-% Mo along a <011> beta zone axis,with black circles highlighting the dark contrast regions with partial displacive transformation; (b) proximity histogram plottedacross a 93 at.-% Ti isoconcentration surface showing regions of Mo enrichment and depletion; (c) NEB calculation for the energeticsof the beta to omega phase transformation for 0, 8.33, and 16.66 at.-% Mo alloys [122] (adapted from S. Nag et al.) [122].


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complete crystallisation. APT can aid in accuratequantification of the compositional partitioningbetween the crystalline phase and amorphous matrixand help validate mass balance models for solute por-tioning as highlighted by DeGeorge et al for APTanalysis of amorphous (Fe65Co65)79.5B13Si2Nb4Cu1.5nanocomposites [176].

APT has also been essential for investigating solutesegregation to material defects like dislocations orgrain boundaries in alloys [113,180–184]. Throughmany publications by M. K. Miller, the capabilities ofAPT in quantitatively measuring solute segregation todislocations and imaging the formation of solute clus-ters and second phase precipitates along dislocationshave been demonstrated for multiple nuclear structuralsteels [180,185].

Gaining quantitative measurements of segregationof elements at grain boundaries in alloys either as afunction of different heat treatments or neutronirradiation has also been a notable application ofAPT. Site-specific sample preparation using FIB inconjunction with either EBSD in SEM or nanobeamelectron diffraction in TEM has permitted very precisetargeting of grain boundaries in alloys for APT analysis[42,120,186,187]. More recently, by utilising the devel-opments in deciphering crystallographic informationfrom the crystallographic poles observed in APTresults, Moody et al. have also demonstrated thecharacterisation of grain boundary misorientationfrom APT results of nanocrystalline aluminium [155].

Atomic-scale dopant distribution insemiconductor devices

The advent of laser-assisted APT has made it possibleto probe the structure of semiconductors at a levelnever seen before. The combination of nanoscale resol-ution (∼0.2 nm) and chemical composition provides aunique place for APT in the semiconductor industrywhere individual devices and layers can be probed.The device properties and performance are directlyinfluenced by the dopant levels, carrier concentrations,impurities, and defects present in the system. Thus, athorough study of all the aforementioned parametersis necessary to understand their effects on deviceperformance.

Initial reports on laser-assisted APT of semicon-ductors dealt with Si, alumina, and SiC as well asIII–V semiconductors, such as InAs and InP [188].The ability to study dopant profiles, impurities, anddefects at low concentrations of <1 × 1018 cm−3

using APT enabled extensive studies of Si semicon-ductors. One of the early APT studies of Si–Ge epi-taxial layers, relevant to the performance of bipolartransistors and metal-oxide–semiconductor field effecttransistor (MOSFET) devices, revealed abrupt inter-faces measuring 2–3 nm between Si and Ge [189].

Thereafter, Thomson et al. imaged the Cottrell atmos-pheres in As implanted Si by both TEM and APT andobservation of As defects was then related to struc-tural integrity and device performance [190]. APThas also been used to study shallow and deepimplants in Si. Shallow implants occur in activeregions of the transistor at the source and drain,and are usually high in concentration (1%–2%).Deep implants refer to implants over tens of nano-metres. Ronsheim et al. studied As and B dopantlocations and concentrations in Si using dynamic sec-ondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser-assisted APT [191]. Their study focused on shallowdopant profiles in planar devices, indicating theaccumulation of As under the gate oxide layerwhich appeared to increase on further annealing at1000°C for 30 seconds.

Apart from dopant distribution, nickel silicide con-tacts have also been investigated [192]. The low resis-tivity of nickel silicide, its low temperature offormation and its lower Si consumption allowed adop-tion by the industry. The main drawbacks of the Ni sys-tem were (1) increase in resistivity due toagglomeration of the NiSi (desired) phase, and (2) for-mation of the higher resistivity NiSi2 phase during sili-cide processing. The addition of transition metals, suchas Pd, Pt, or Rh, was shown to prevent NiSi2 phase byan increase in formation temperature as well as areduction in agglomeration of the NiSi phase. UsingAPT, Kim et al. [193] explained this phenomenon. Dri-ven by a decrease in the interfacial Gibbs free energy,Pd segregated at the NiSi–Si interface. This decreasedthe driving force needed to agglomerate NiSi2, and astable NiSi film that was resistant to morphologicaldegradation was formed.

APT was also used to measure the thickness anduniformity of gate dielectric stacks and dielectricswith high dielectric constant κ. Larson et al. [194]probed 20 nm thick films of SiO2 and Al2O3. Theirresults identified the SiO2 composition to be slightlyoxygen deficient and the Al2O3 composition to beslightly oxygen enriched. Ulfig et al. [195] studied thecomposition of light elements in ALD deposited haf-nium-based high-κ dielectrics using APT. The compo-sitional integrity of hafnium-based high-κ films,deposited through two distinct surface preparationtechniques, was analysed. The study confirmed that anon-uniform dielectric film was formed when thenative oxide of Si was removed with hydrofluoricacid (HF) prior to deposition of the high-κ dielectricfilm.

Although not a comprehensive list, the studies until2009 discussed so far indicated the viability of APT forthe field of semiconductor devices. Till 2009, all studieswere limited to thin films, interfaces and bulk dopingprofiles and analysis of entire devices was lacking. Sub-sequently, Inoue et al. reported on laser assisted APT of


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n-type MOSFET devices [196]. The distribution of As,P, and B dopants across the source/drain and gateregions was identified. P doping in the gate regionand As doping in the source/drain region was alsoobserved and a clear SiO2 gate oxide layer was alsoimaged using a LEAP 3000X HR APT system. Theirreport provided the proof of concept to allow theforay of APT into the semiconductor industry as anintegral technique to study transistor device compo-sitions. Another effort by Larson et al. characterisedthe source, drain, channel regions, and gate oxide ofa commercial Intel i5-650 p-FET by both APT andSTEM imaging (Figure 19) [197]. As an analysis tool,the power of APT lies in its ability to investigate eachsuccessive generation of transistor devices even as thescale continues to diminish. Moreover, the 2-D projec-tion and averaging of information obtained from TEMis no longer a hindrance for APT, which is truly a 3-Dtechnique.

With the introduction of FinFETs – 3-D field effecttransistors with a wraparound fin – the suitability ofAPT could not be more aptly described. The transitionfrom planar to 3-D device architectures required newmetrology approaches to characterise the 3-D dopantand carrier distributions more precisely, as their posi-tioning relative to gate edges, 3-D distribution, con-formality, and concentration would determine thedevice performance in its entirety [197].

Over the years, a multitude of reports have beenpublished on using APT to study FinFET dopant distri-butions. Kambham et al. [198] reported on B dopantdistribution using ion implantation at two differenttilt conditions, (45° and 10°). They observed a uniformdopant distribution for a tilt angle of 45°, but there wasa clear B sidewall distribution for 10°. Furthermore, theeffect of Ga implantation during the annular millingprocess was also investigated. Takamizawa et al.[199] were the next to report on B doping in FinFETs,but they achieved the doping using self-regulatoryplasma doping (SRPD). They were able to study differ-ent sections of the fin as well as study the fins at

different angles to investigate the gate oxide thicknessand boron conformity.

More recently in 2015, Han et al. [200] reported onthe P and B diffusion pathways in polysilicon gatesusing APT. Based on the annealing times, in the initialstages of diffusion, P diffused deeper along the grainboundaries, away from the implanted region. As theannealing time was increased, the P was found to besegregated on the grain boundaries. However, with B,the trend was reversed, with segregation observedonly during the initial stages of diffusion followed bya uniform doping.

Although laser-assisted APT had been used to studydopants and carrier concentrations in 3-D FinFETdevices, one important aspect was still missing. All pre-vious studies lacked site specificity. A random trench orfin was chosen for these studies, and the ability toinvestigate the characteristics of a transistor or fin ofinterest was still not demonstrated. Kambham et al.[201,202] reported on site specificity (∼50 nm ineach dimension) achieved via ion beam-induced depo-sition of a cylindrical Pt feature on top of the ROI. Thelocation of the fin was identified using the topographyof the pad oxide. Issues regarding the size and exactlocation of the identification mark were also discussed,with possible ways to mitigate them. For this study, afin height of 60 nm, fin width of 40 nm, and a gatewidth of 50 nm were used. Their study identified aclear underdiffusion of As dopant from the source/drain to gate region and a non-conformality in theAs dopant distribution under the fin. In another reportby Kambham et al., [203] they simulated the SRPDprocess and performed a statistical analysis comparingthe experimental atom probe and simulation results,based on which As clustering was identified as the pri-mary mechanism for dopant deactivation.

The devices, under investigation by Kambham et al.though landmark to the field, did not involve as-fabri-cated chipsets or memory devices. In early 2013, Pan-ciera et al. [204] reported on APT of static randomaccess memory transistors smaller than 30 nm

Figure 19. (a) Bright field (b) high angle annular dark field STEM image and (c) APT result of Intel i5-650 device [196].


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consisting of Ni silicide contacts, metal gates, and high-κ dielectrics. For the analysis, atom probe tips were fab-ricated using the top-down and backside approach.The backside approach allowed easier fabrication, butwas not preferred due to the increased chances of tipfracture and degradation in mass resolution. Issueswith tip fracture due to the presence of W were alsoidentified and mitigated by chemically etching W andusing FIB-deposited Pt plugs. In their work, high-resol-ution SEM imaging was used to identify polysilicongates to achieve site specificity followed by the rotationof the FIB stage by ±90° between each milling step forimproved precision. Their atom probe results clearlyshowed the silicide contacts, polysilicon gates, andTiN capping. In the same year, Hatzistergos et al.[205] from IBM reported on APT of 14 nm FinFETdevices, albeit without any site specificity. Theyreasoned that the small size of the transistor, which fol-lowed a repeated array in two dimensions, wouldensure that any tip contained at least one transistor.

As previous reports show, APT presents a signifi-cant advancement in the analysis of semiconductingdevices, but being a relatively new technique, the fieldstill needs development in both sample preparationand analysis. Reconstruction issues and differing evap-oration fields for heterojunctions need to be accountedfor to ensure more precise and accurate determinationof the various layers in FinFETs. Grenier et al. [206]showed the deviation in morphology of Si NW gate-all-around (GAA) devices due to the local magnifi-cation effect. Differences in the evaporation fields ofSi and the surrounding oxide layers cause the ion tra-jectories to be focused, leading to a compression inthe lateral dimensions of the Si NWs. Using comp-lementary data from electron tomography, they wereable to correctly analyse the dimensions and compo-sition of the Si NW and gate oxide layers. Gilbertet al. [207] also observed a similar distortion of the Sifin structures with high-κ dielectrics. Koelling et al.[208] also reported similar compression in SiGe layersusing both FIM and APT. Differences in penetrationdepth of different lasers (green and UV) were alsoresponsible for the distortions observed. On the theor-etical aspects, Silaeva et al. [209] studied the physicsand chemistry of field evaporation for semiconductors.They discussed electric field characteristics on themicroscopic and macroscopic level as well as the kin-etics of field evaporation.

The most pressing issue, though, relates to the evol-ution of the tip shape instantaneously during theexperiment, which deviates from the hemisphericalshape assumed in reconstruction algorithms. Toaddress this, Vurpillot et al. suggested an improvedreconstruction algorithm that takes into account com-plex geometries and flat interfaces [94].

All these studies demonstrate the prowess of laser-assisted APT in effectively identifying dopant profiles

related to various implantation schemes. Analyses ofsemiconducting devices have revealed the 3-D struc-ture of source, drain, gate, and gate oxide layers atthe nanoscale. The future for the semiconductor indus-try and researchers at large is to be able to push thelimits in the analysis of each successive generation ofelectronic devices. As the devices get smaller, the abil-ity to achieve site specificity within 10–15 nm presentsa significant challenge. As an analysis tool, the uniquefunctionality of APT will allow its widespread adop-tion for routine analysis of new generations of semi-conducting electronic devices. Further improvementsin the reconstruction algorithms and challenges invol-ving site specificity during sample preparation within10–15 nm would be the next benchmark for thistechnique.

Atomic-scale compositional mapping ofsemiconductor nanowires

Semiconductor NWs are a class of low-dimensionalnanomaterials that have received considerable attentionsince the early 1990s for application in electronic, mag-netic, optical, sensing, and power generation and sto-rage devices. As with bulk and thin filmsemiconductor materials, the properties of interest forNWs are largely determined by composition and mor-phology, specifically the presence of impurities and/orthe morphology of buried interfaces. The rationalengineering of NWs with desired properties foradvanced applications thus relies on a feedback loopbetween knowledge of the composition, morphologyat the atomic level, and the scheme used to synthesisethe NWs. The identification of impurities in NWs hasimportant implications for the understanding of boththe growth process and the electronic transport charac-teristics. APT is an analytical technique that is currentlybeing applied to NWs to determine the compositionwith part-per-million sensitivity and the distributionof individual atoms with atomic-scale resolution.

In this section, we review the APT analysis of semi-conductor NWs to cover some important accomplish-ments; it is not meant to be an exhaustive review of allrelated reports. Key examples are provided of analysesrevealing the distribution of both intentional and unin-tentional impurities, as well as buried interfaces, as noother technique today can.

The incorporation of intentional impurities, knownas dopants, is fundamental to controlling the electricalproperties of semiconductor NWs by the modulationof the carrier type. The first report of mapping the inten-tional dopant distribution and reporting concentrationwithin NWs by APT analysis was made by Perea et al.for a doped Ge and Si–SiGe NW axial surrounded bya radial Ge shell [47]. In Figure 20(a), the distributionof individual B atoms is shown within a Si section thatis surrounded by a Ge shell, while in Figure 20(b), the


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distribution of P atoms is shown within a Ge NW. Therespective mass spectra are also shown, demonstratingthe detection of dopant atoms as revealed by a distinctmass spectral signature above the background. By inte-grating the dopant and semiconductor counts and sub-tracting the background counts, the relative dopantconcentration can be determined, which is commonlyreported as a dopant density (number of dopantatoms/cm3 of semiconductor material). For example,in Figure 20(a and b), a B and P doping density of 1.1± 0.2 × 1019 cm−3 and 1.0 ± 0.2 × 1018 cm−3 werereported in Si and Ge, respectively [47]. The distributionof intentional dopants in other semiconductor systemshas also been reported, such as N dopant atoms inZnO NWs, [53] Si dopant atoms in GaAs NWs [210]andMg dopant atoms in a GaNNW, [211] exemplifyingthe breadth of materials.

The contribution of unintentional impurities is alsoimportant when considering the electronic propertiesof NWs [212]. A potential extrinsic source of uninten-tional doping is background gases in the reactor, suchas oxygen and carbon, that have the potential tobecome incorporated during synthesis. For example,Du et al. have reported the detection of C, H, and Oin the APT analysis of GaAs NWs [210]. However,radial composition profiles show that the distributionof these unintentional impurities is localised at the sur-face and is likely a result of surface contaminationduring post-growth exposure to the atmosphere, withno clear signature within the NW interior.

For VLS-grown NWs, the unintentional incorpor-ation of catalyst atoms can also occur, which can eitherhave a deleterious effect on the transport properties,

such as Au in Si, or even contribute in a positive wayto the doping of a particular type, such as p-type Aldopants in Si or Ge. This has been the subject of severalstudies that have confirmed the incorporation ofdopant atoms. For example, the unintentional incor-poration of catalyst atoms in varying semiconductorsystems has been reported, such as Au in InAs, [45]Al in Si [213,214], and In in Si [215]. Although APThas a sensitivity to detect dopant densities >1018 cm3,quantifying dopant levels less than this is a challengedue to an insufficient signal above the background.In such a case, an analysis of an upper bound to thenumber of dopants can be reported based on the back-ground counts and associated statistical uncertainty inthe spectral regions of interest [47,216].

Although APT can be used to map the relative con-centration and distribution of dopants, inadequacies indetector spatial resolution and efficiency as well asunresolved aberrations in data reconstructions are pre-venting the analysis of dopant electrical activity.Instead, researchers are applying a multimodalapproach to combine APT with other analyses thatcan assess dopant electrical activity and the nature ofcarrier conduction in NW systems. For example, corre-lative APT and electrical transport measurements haverevealed how distinct dopant concentrations and distri-butions can influence the behaviour of devices[53,212,215,217]. APT-measured dopant concen-trations and distributions are also being used to directlyinform technology-computer-aided-design electronictransport simulations to probe the relative roles ofinterface states on carrier injection and extraction[218]. Additionally, the future combination of APT

Figure 20.Mapping of intentional dopants. (a) 3-D reconstruction and associated mass spectra of a portion of a B-doped Si NW withan i-Ge shell; red = Si, blue = Ge, green = B. Reconstruction dimensions = 23 × 23 × 45 nm3. (b) 3-D reconstruction and associatedmass spectra of a portion of a P-doped Ge NW; blue = Ge, grey = P. Reconstruction dimensions = 45 × 45 × 75 nm3. Both (a) and (b)are adapted from Perea et al. [47].


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and electron holography [219] and/or Kelvin probemicroscopy will surely provide insight into activedopant incorporation efficiency.

The unique radial and axial tomographic mappingof impurities is important not only to help understandthe resultant electronic transport characteristics inNW devices, but also to help develop a fundamentalunderstanding of solute incorporation via the VLSmechanism [214,220,221]. In Figure 21(a), the quanti-tative radial distribution of P atoms in a Ge NW isshown by Perea et al., [221] revealing the dramaticdifference in P dopant atom incorporation throughthe liquid catalyst into the NW core versus incorpor-ation via surface deposition, leading to a core–shell-like dopant distribution. In a similar analysis, Mouta-nabbir et al. analysed the Al atom distribution in SiNWs resulting from incorporation from a VLS-grown NW using an Al catalyst [214]. They foundrelatively constant axial and radial distributions of Alatoms without any Al clustering. In these reports,models connecting solute incorporation kinetics tothe solution thermodynamics for the respective sys-tems are presented that were directly informed byquantitative dopant profiles.

Battery materials

In the context of energy storage materials, so far thereare only a few demonstrations of successful application

of APT for 3-D nanoscale compositional analysis [222–225]. The lithium- and sodium-ion battery technol-ogies rely on fast shuttling of Li or Na ions across elec-trodes and electrolyte during electrochemical cycling.Both of these elements, having low atomic numbers,are very difficult to quantitatively image using tra-ditional electron microscopy techniques. At the sametime, APT is ideal for studying such light elementswith high spatial resolution and high mass sensitivity,and hence can have a critical role in high-resolutioncompositional characterisation of battery materials.So far, there have been demonstrations of successfulAPT analysis of a LiCoO2 thin film deposited on a pre-sharpened W needle [222] and of larger LiCoO2 par-ticles both before and after cycling in a battery,revealing compositional heterogeneities in Li distri-bution [223]. Another study by Santhanagopalanet al. compared the effect of the wavelength of laserused for APT on the accuracy of composition quantifi-cation of LiFePO4, a common Li-ion battery cathodematerial [225]. Based on that study, the ability of UVlaser-assisted APT to accurately quantify Li, Fe, andP with minor loss of O was established. Even morerecently, APT was used to visualise the nanoscale

Figure 21. Quantification of radial dopant distributions. a)Radial concentration of P dopant atoms within a Ge NWsgrown at 380°C and PH3:GeH4 ratios of 1:1000 (triangles)and 1:500 (circles). Inset shows an end-on view of the recon-struction with P as grey spheres and Ge as blue dots and thepath along which the concentration was measured. Adaptedfrom Perea et al. [221]. (b) Axial Al atom concentration profilein Si NW (left) measured within 8 nm diameter cylindrical seg-ment (right). The horizontal dashed line denotes the averageconcentration of 0.39 ± 0.14 at.-%; The shaded band is theuncertainty interval; Error bars represent ±1 standard devi-ation. Adapted from Moutanabbir et al. [214].

Figure 22. APT results from two advanced Li-ion battery cath-odes (a–c) showing elemental maps of layered Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2

and (d–e) showing element distribution in spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5-O4. The Li frequency distribution of Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 is shownin (g) along with the Pearson coefficient and (h) shows the fre-quency distribution of Li in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (adapted fromDevaraj et al.) [223].


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distribution of Li in two advanced Li-ion battery cath-odes: layered Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 and spinel LiNi0.5-Mn1.5O4 cathode nanoparticles [224]. Using APT, thepresence of a non-uniform distribution of Li in bothas-fabricated and cycled layered Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2

was identified with a significant loss of Li as a resultof cycling, while a rather uniform distribution of Liwas reported in spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathodes (Figure22). This was achieved by using a modified FIB-basednanoparticle lift-out method, similar to what is givenin Figure 5 for preparing APT specimens of nanoparti-cles followed by UV laser-assisted APT experiments.This unique application of APT for characterising thequantitative and spatially resolved distribution oflight elements in battery materials is expected toreach wide scale adoption for energy storage researchin the near future.

Catalyst materials

Recently, there have been multiple demonstrations ofthe power of APT in quantifying and visualising thenanoscale chemistry of fully metallic alloy catalysts,[226–230] metallic core-shell nanoparticle catalysts,[231,232] and catalysts consisting of metal nanoparti-cles distributed on supports [32,109,233,234] or meso-porous catalyst materials like zeolites [235,236]. Often,the nanoscale composition of catalyst materials as afunction of different synthesis methods or as a functionof the catalytic environment has a pronounced influ-ence on the catalytic performance. At present, mostother techniques like aberration-corrected STEM ima-ging or x-ray-based techniques lack the spatial resol-ution and quantification capability that sets apartAPT as a unique capability for catalyst material charac-terisation. A direct integration of an APT system withan environmental chamber can additionally permitexploring the thermodynamics and kinetics relatedto oxidation and reduction of catalyst materials indifferent gas environments [226–230,236]. New meth-odologies for preparing APT specimens from nanopar-ticles, either as-is or as dispersed on a support byelectrophoresis, or modified FIB-based specimen prep-aration methods permit direct APT analysis of core–

shell and alloy catalyst nanoparticles [32,231,232]. Anexample of this is provided in Figure 23, where Li.et al. used electrophoresis-based sample preparationfollowed by APT to analyse the composition of car-bon-supported Pt–Co nanoparticles, including the dis-tribution of undesirable impurities like Na at a particle-to-particle level spatial resolution [32]. Another signifi-cant area where APT can contribute heavily is in highspatial resolution compositional characterisation ofmesoporous materials like zeolites, where electronbeam sensitivity limits the capabilities of analyticalTEM [235]. Even though these new demonstrationsare laying the foundation for increased use of APTfor catalyst material analysis, issues like local magnifi-cation artefacts during analysis of metal nanoparticlessupported on oxides or other support materials willneed to be understood and corrected in the reconstruc-tion of APT data to fully achieve the ultimate goal ofcharacterisation of a wide range of industrially relevantcatalyst materials using APT. This is especially impor-tant in the case of metal nanoparticles supported onporous oxide substrates. Correlative microscopy anddevelopments in APT simulations are expected toheavily contribute to such advances for wider scaleadoption of APT for catalyst material characterisation.

Application of APT in geological materials

The 3-D composition mapping capability with atomic-scale resolution and part-per-million sensitivity of APT[24] brings the promising capability to study thechemical distribution of major and trace elements atatomic scale. In addition, with the ability to discrimi-nate among isotopes, this technique has been appliedto provide information about geologic dates of terres-trial minerals as well as the origins of extraterrestrialsamples.

Recently, APT was introduced to the field of cosmo-chemistry, [237] which is focused on the study of thesolar system, its formation, its history and the processthat shaped the planets. The primary advantage ofAPT is that it can provide chemical information atatomic-scale spatial resolution in three dimensionsand parts-per-million detection sensitivity, allowing

Figure 23. TEM images and APT results of carbon-supported Pt–Co nanoparticles (adapted from Li et al. [32]).


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the study of very small extraterrestrial samples. APTanalysis on presolar SiC grains was first reported byHeck and Stadermann [238,239]. Further study of anindividual presolar SiC grain using APT shows thatAl, at a concentration of ∼280 at. ppm, is present inbands and extends throughout the volume of thegrain [240]. In addition, researchers studied smallsize (∼3 nm) [241] meteoritic nanodiamonds[239,240,242]. These studies show the ability of APTto consistently provide C isotopic compositions withinanalytical uncertainties from individual nanodia-monds. This information will help address outstandingissues in understanding the origin of nanodiamonds. Inaddition to the presolar SiC grains and meteoriticnanodiamonds, researchers have also explored presolargraphites, oxides, and silicates. However, this techniquestill requires development from two aspects: (1) theprocedure for background correction and instrumental

bias correction needs to be standardised to allow con-sistent and accurate composition analysis, (2) samplepreparation for study of loose powder needs to be opti-mised, such as the selection of a host matrix.

Compositional and isotopic structure analysis atsubnanometre resolution is not only important in cos-mochemistry but also in geochronology. Recently,geoscientists confirmed the dating of 4.4 gigayears(Gyr) old zircon using the radiogenic Pb mobility inzircon [243]. The APT data revealed ∼10 nm concen-trated clusters of radiogenic Pb isolated from a reheat-ing event 3.4 Gyr ago and pushed the age of the zirconfrom 3.4 Gyr to 4.4 Gyr.

APT is also used in mineralogy. APT analysis onnaturally occurring olivine has been reported withsub-nanometer spatial resolution [244,245]. However,the accuracy of the compositional analysis was notgood due to the interaction of the laser pulse with

Figure 24. Mass spectra (a–b) and 3-D reconstruction map (c) of natural fayalite. Identification of the minor element, Na, andhydrated species, OHx, SiOHx, and FeOHx, are highlighted in the mass spectrum in (b). For clarity, only 5% of Fe, Si, and Oatoms are shown in (c). The distribution of Mg, Mn, Na, OH2, and FeOH2 was taken from a sliced region with 10 nm thickness.The unit cube represents a volume of 10 × 10 × 10 nm3 (Image courtesy J. Liu, PNNL).


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the specimen of poor thermal conductivity. Overheat-ing of specimens caused molecular evaporation, massinterference, and preferential loss of some specieswhich led to inaccurate composition values. Theaccuracy of compositional analysis was improvedwith significant reduction in laser energy [244]. Inaddition, Liu reported an analysis of naturally occur-ring fayalite, revealing a heterogeneous channel-likedistribution of Na spatially correlated with hydratedSi and Fe; this suggested water channel-like featuresin fayalite, shown in Figure 24, which may be an indi-cation of Fe(OH)2 formation along associated dislo-cations. This study observed, for the first time, thedistribution of hydrated components in fayaliteusing APT, which may advance the knowledge ofgeochemical processes.

APT for biological materials

Within a few decades following the invention of theFIM [246] (the predecessor of APT) in 1951, scientistshad pursued a field ionisation approach to atomicallyimage the structure and morphology of macromolecu-lar biological materials, [247,248] leading to recentattempts to map their 3-D tomographic compositionwith modern pulsed-laser atom probes [249,250]. Theferritin protein has been the subject of previous FIM-based and more recent APT-based analyses for the fol-lowing two reasons: (1) the iron-rich ferrihydrite corecan provide a metallic signature in the mass spectrumto confirm field evaporation and detection of theprotein; (2) the mineral core can also serve as a 3-Dfiducial to delineate the relative composition of theconformal organic protein shell. From a scientificstandpoint, the APT analysis of ferritin has the poten-tial to reveal the subtle compositional distributions ofphosphorus and other cations within and around theferrihydrite mineral core, where the mapping of thisdistribution can provide insight into the presumedrole of phosphorus in stabilising the ferrihydrite struc-ture [251].

In order to perform a successful and meaningful 3-Dtomographic analysis using APT that is broadly appli-cable to biological materials, some specimen require-ments must be met: (1) the specimen must be able tobe fashioned into the necessary needle-shaped geome-try to facilitate thermally assisted field ionisationwithin the applied bias range; (2) the field ionisationshould result in datasets of sufficient size and qualityto be statistically and morphologically reliable. Withregard to biological specimens, meeting these require-ments is not trivial. Early attempts in the 1980s to pre-pare specimens consisted of the adsorption ofbiological macromolecules onto presharpened metalneedles. Although the morphological contours of theferritin protein and other macromolecules wererevealed, correlated compositional data via a mass

spectral analysis were never reported [252,253]. Morerecently, Green et al. repeated a similar analysis of fer-ritin adsorbed as a thin layer on metal needle tips,which resulted in a relatively small number of detectedion counts – below what is necessary to perform areliable mass spectroscopic and tomographic analysis[254]. Following an approach using a FIB to preparea needle-shaped specimen of ferritin embedded in asolidified NaCl buffer salt, Green et al. were able tofield-evaporate the specimen with the assistance of a532 nm wavelength laser. Mass spectral signaturesassociated with the protein shell were reported by com-parison to a control analysis of the solid buffer NaClsalt without ferritin. However, gross mechanicaldeformation of the NaCl needle specimen made it achallenge to generate atomic-scale tomographic recon-structions that accurately depicted the expected struc-ture of the embedded ferritin. Using a 355 nm laser,Gordon et al. analysed ferritin embedded in a sand-wiched Au–Pd metal matrix by first depositing ferritinon Au–Pd-coated Si microposts followed by anadditional Au–Pd overcoat and subsequent annularmilling using a FIB to create needle specimens [255].The tomographic 3-D distribution of a distinct ferritinmolecule was reported, as evidenced by a cluster of Featoms from which a radial composition profile of Fe, O,and C delineated the interface between the inorganicferrihydrite mineral core and carbon-rich proteinshell. This is the first report of the 3-D compositionof individual ferritin molecules.

In addition to compositional mapping of individualprotein molecules, more complex biological systems,such as whole cells and organelle structures, have alsobeen the subject of study with APT. Narayan et al.[256] reported the study of a whole mammalian cell.Freeze-dried human epithelial cells were encapsulatedin gold and APT specimens were prepared using a FIBlift-out procedure. Although data were successfully col-lected from cellular tips, erratic evaporation events andthe rough evaporating surface rendered the data qualitytoo low for meaningful conclusions to be drawn.

Although the above results establish the viability ofAPT to detect and map macromolecular biologicalmaterials embedded in a matrix using APT analysis,the approach of embedding a biological material ineither an inorganic (e.g. NaCl) or metallic (e.g. Au orAu–Pd) matrix does not seem to be the best choiceconsidering the large difference in evaporation fieldbetween biological materials (C≈ 100 V·nm−1) andthe inorganic (Na≈ 10 V·nm−1) or metallic (Au, Pt,Pd≈ 40–55 V·nm−1) species. It is known that a largedifference in evaporation fields can lead to significantdifferences in local magnification at the specimen sur-face and ultimately result in reconstruction artefacts[257] that can preclude an accurate reconstruction. Amore logical approach would be to embed the macro-molecular biological materials within an organic


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matrix, such as a polymer, to better match the evapor-ation fields. A non-trivial challenge then lies in devel-oping a strategy to spatially distinguish the carbonspecies originating from the biological material ofinterest from the carbon species making up the poly-mer matrix. Strategic isotopic labelling or choosingembedding matrices with specific compositions mayprovide the needed chemical contrast.

By far, the most impactful contributions of APT tobiological materials have been reported in the analysisof biomineral tooth and bone tissues. Gordon and Joe-ster [258] reported the study of the magnetite cusp of achiton tooth using APT. APT analysis revealed thepresence of 5–10 nm diameter organic fibres in the sur-rounding nanocrystalline magnetite (Fe3O4). Organicfibres were found to co-localise with either sodium ormagnesium. Clustering of these cations in the fibreindicates a level of structural hierarchy that was pre-viously undetected. The difference in chemical compo-sition could possibly be associated with differentfunctional roles in controlling fibre formation andmatrix–mineral interactions. Proximity histogramsshowed that the interfaces between the mineral andthe fibrous organic matrix were graded over 2–4 nm.Gordon et al. [259] subsequently analysed dentin andbone, similar biomineralised tissues that consist ofhydroxylapatite nanocrystals and collagen. APT ofdentin clearly revealed the fibrous nature of the col-lagenous organic matrix in dentin. Karlsson et al.[260] examined the nature of the complex interfacebetween a titanium dental implant and the surround-ing bone. Using APT, they were able to confirm thatdirect contact between inorganic bone mineral andthe mesoporous titanium oxide-coated implant surfaceis formed without an organic interlayer, providing evi-dence in support of existing theories of osseointegra-tion (Figure 25). Gordon et al. [261,262] proceededto analyse the harder rodent dental enamel, a hierarch-ical tissue composed of hydroxylapatite NWs. Using

APT, they identified nanoscale heterogeneity in thedistribution of inorganic ions and organic moleculesin the hierarchical tissue that have a controlling influ-ence on the resistance to acid corrosion and mechan-ical properties of the tissue. Using APT incombination with x-ray absorption spectroscopy, theyidentified Mg-substituted amorphous calcium phos-phate at grain boundaries in unpigmented rodentenamel, while the surface layer of pigmented enamelwas found to contain instead a mixture of intergranularferrihydrite and amorphous iron–calcium phosphate,rendering it both harder and more resistant to acidattack. These findings provide fundamental newinsight into the responsibility of enduring amorphousphases in the acid corrosion behaviour of dentalenamel.

Future of APT

APT is certainly moving towards being established as amainstream characterisation capability for a variety ofmaterials similar to TEM or other well-establishedcharacterisation techniques. While APT is predomi-nantly performed at research institutions, a growingnumber of industries are actively pursuing APT analy-sis of industrially relevant products. Adoption byindustries also indicates increasing maturity of APTfor material characterisation.

Developments to anticipate include new detectorsthat could push the detection limit closer to 100%and the possibility of achieving kinetic energy discrimi-nation, permitting deconvolution of overlapping iso-topes. Another significant development could be thecommercial scale development of multimodal instru-ments with either a TEM or SEM column directly onan APT system or vice versa, providing real-time orintermittent imaging and/or diffraction to assess speci-men shape and crystallography during APT analysis,which could significantly improve the reconstruction

Figure 25. (a) Backscattered SEM images of bone–implant interface. The yellow arrow indicates the position where the lift-out wasextracted. (b) SEM image of the sharpened tip, together with the APT reconstruction. Ti-containing ions are displayed in dark green,Ca-containing ions are grey, and C-containing ions are brown. (c) Magnified APT reconstruction displaying the direct contactbetween the Ca-containing inorganic bone mineral and Ti-containing implant surface. (d) 1-D concentration profiles of Ti, C, Ca,and P across the bone–implant interface (adapted from Karlsson et al. [259]).


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accuracy for complex heterogeneous materials. A fewresearch groups around the world are focusing theirefforts towards such multimodal instruments atpresent.

Significant growth could also be expected withincomputationally guided APT reconstruction as wellas interpretation. Many efficient computer simulationmethods are under development to study the evapor-ation process of specimens in APT as well as the recon-struction process [90,263]. With the aid of correlativeexperimental work, the refinement of such simulationsmay produce more effective and accurate reconstruc-tion methods.

Also there is significant ongoing discussion aboutthe development of APT standards as a part of inter-national standards organisations, which should helpin establishing unified protocols for APT sample prep-aration, data collection processes, reconstructions andanalysis and reporting of results across APT researchgroups worldwide. All these developments are expectedto lay the foundation for a bright future of APT as acharacterisation capability that can take not onlymaterial scientists but also researchers from a varietyof disciplines, including geology, biology, and solid-state materials, closer to the ultimate goal of achievingthe 3-D composition, structure, and chemical stateatom by atom.


The main funding support for preparation of this reviewarticle was received from a laboratory directed researchand development project in Pacific Northwest National Lab-oratory (PNNL) as a part of Chemical Imaging Initiative.PNNL is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the Uni-ted States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RLO1830. Some of the research was performed using FIB–SEM and APT instrumentation at the Environmental Mol-ecular Sciences Laboratory, a national scientific user facilitysponsored by the Department of Energy’s Office of Biologi-cal and Environmental Research and located at PNNL. Fordetailed acknowledgements for all results from other pre-vious publications reviewed here in this review article, read-ers are encouraged to check the original acknowledgementsection in the cited publications.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


David R. Diercks http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5138-0168R. Prakash Kolli http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1345-1735


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