THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 · 2020. 8. 9. · THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 August4, 191KukailimokuPage8 WhereTheres Legal Brief Dern and There's Ay aj Smn w.aZ,,, TheRealityofDivorce

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Page 1: THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 · 2020. 8. 9. · THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 August4, 191KukailimokuPage8 WhereTheres Legal Brief Dern and There's Ay aj Smn w.aZ,,, TheRealityofDivorce
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Aug st l l Ku k ilimoku Page 2 '.. • : ;.

"ft is with disfinct pleasure thaf 1congratula e he 154th Com osite

CO E SGroup for 6eing selected to receive the1991Na ional Guard Assoc ati n ofCOthe . nited States' William W.-=.: . :.. Spruance fe y Award. The erfor-mance of the members of fhis ne unitser es as an ex mple to all and atteststo tl eir outstanding support of anddedication to the Air National Guard.Please extend my ersona congratula-B y : Cof f ckae . ice tions to he men and wame of the154th compvsife Group. heir selec-tion for this prestigious award ref ectsgreut credi upon themselves, he sfate

O NGRATULATIONS!!! gra ti tu d e to those exp ressed by of Hawaii, and the A ir N afiona


' The H IANG was notifi d Major Gen era l Killey, Bri gad ier Guard." Majo r Gen er l, USAF

`` on Ju n e 27, 199 1, tha t th e Genera l Richa rd son and Brigad ier rector, A ir I a tion a l Gu a rd

154th C om posite Grou p w the Genera l Su m id a in their lettersrec ip ien t of th e 199 1 Na tiona l belo w . Maha lo !Guard Assoc ation of the United "I am very proud and happy tvStates William W. Spruance Safety fo ard the at ached letter rom B g.Award . The Delaware National Gen. Edward V. Rich rdson, AdjutanGuard established this un it afety General, and Maj . Cen. Philip G. o b V n e yaward in 1975 in honor of Killey, Diree or, Air National Guard,Delaware's own Bri gad ier General rongratulafing he 154fh Cvmpvsife n o u n e e m e n t :William W. Spruance (Retired ). Group for 6eing a re ipient vf the 1991 Missi Sup p rt Flight h anGeneral Spruance, a former assis- Na ional Guard Asso ation of t e ad ministrative spec iali t po itio nant ad jutan t general for air in nited States Will am W. Spruance vacant. nyone nterested con-

Delaware, is a curre nt member of Safefy Award. Dedi tion and hard t c t the Career and Ed ucationthe NGAUS Executive Coun il. work made the aw rd possible and I o ice at 449-7794 o r MajorHe has und ertaken an unparalleled commend members of your organi a- Breed lc ve at 449-1108

.personal cru ade for safety and t on cnd v dually and colle vely forcras h su rviva l a nd is a fre u en t their cont ribu ions. Again , mgu es t s p aker on th ese su b e ts. mahulo fo all vf yvu .

" Brigad ierThe NGAUS assurn ed sponsorship General Kenji Sumida, HIANGof the award in 198 to reco nize Commanderthe Air National Guard unit " he enclosed letter from Major KUKAILIMOKUjudged to have rontribu te most G neral Philip G

.Ki[ley, expressing

sign ifica n tly to accid ent p reven tion is cong ra ulat ions, is f on arded with , .in th e re rtin ea r .

Nom in ees m sincere ratit ude or a ob well w ° us .o g Y % f. c . r u o cu.

m u s t m a k e s ig n if ic a n t a n d fa r don e.he se(ecfion t o recei e fhe 19 9 1 • Q U

r ea c h in g co n t b u tio s t o sa fe t y ; to N a fion a l G ua rd A ssocia f o n o he° ° r rH. A N c . .include low accident rates and nited States' William W. Spruance

high inspection results. The award afe y Award is ndi ative of the ' ' °°" ' ° ° '°v t P r . o t t c .

will be presented duri ng the leadership and dedication of the . - N H A e. ,N 96 3 5 .Sep tem ber 199 1 Na tiona l Gu a rd n embers of the 154 h Composi e

A o ia tion Con ference a t th Grvup.Please convey my cong rat u a- ,, _Shera ton Waikiki Hotel

.Each and tions, along wifh General Killey 's to

every member of the 154th Com- the mem ers of the Group for their c T 1P c A ri ; ( o er l jr M ch . T rm oposite Group shares in its receip t, achie emenf and continued co» mi -

because it was professional and men toexcellen e." Ed ward V. ST,conscientious manner with wh ch Richardson, Brigadier General, , s °you all d id you r jobs that earned it HIANG Adju tant General o

SS Ro ncy P afor us. I add my thanks and


Page 3: THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 · 2020. 8. 9. · THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 August4, 191KukailimokuPage8 WhereTheres Legal Brief Dern and There's Ay aj Smn w.aZ,,, TheRealityofDivorce
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Augu t 4, ] 991 Kukailimoku Page 4

• • a nd a t the op tion o f th e ju d ges,A r N at on alhonorable rn ention winners.


Guard Photo Publications of the names of thewinners will be released . ANG Aead emy

of the Year at the up

oming n l

o r howca ed GraduateContest Nah v11

ewhere aw

eards will be

Assoeiationpre ented to our winners for eachT e first annual ANG photo of C a t e r 1 8

the year competi on wil held category.p

in W as hin g tnn, D.C

.d ur in g Sep -

Each en try package m us t be By SMSBt.temb er 1991

.li m ited to th e w ork of one en tran t

e follo wing is in form atio n and m ailed prepa id , and post-So fa r d u r g CY 199 1, th e ANG

concern in g ca tegories , con tes t ma rk ed b y Sep tem be r 2,

199 1 to N CO Acad em y G rad u a te Associa-

ru les, aw ard s, shi roce-820 1 MSSQ CCV

,Photo Con test,

tion su p p ort ed th e follow in gpp g p Bldg. 35 Stop 18, Andrews A B, community proje ts : C rebral

dures, formats for entry forms, and MD 20335. ch p ckage must be Pal y of Hawaii 4th Annual Rub-entry id en tification abe .The categories include: (1) accompanied by a properly com- ber Duckie Race, Easter Seal

Mission - depict some aspect of the Pleted contest en try form. En- Society of Hawau Fun Ru n, Ameri-tran ts d esiring to be notified of can Cancer o iety Cru ade Bank

m iss i n o f you r u n it.Th is ty p e can

arriva l or en try package m u st ig h t, an d hostin of H aw aii' sbe taken d u rin g a rea l life si ua - bu sin ess eo le at th e A NG Pro-tion or a con tin gency tra in in g

in clud e a self-ad d ressed stam p ed P F

exercise. (2) Human Interest -post card .

fessional Mili tary Education

usuall a si uation that has stronhe entry forms are done by each Center PMEC) Business and

y g ind iv id u a l. P rint th e follow ing on Ind u str Da y a t Knoxville, Ten neh u m n in terest or a fr esh view o fe I ha n ks to a th e N CO s and

the com m on place .(3) Port ra it an 5 x 8 card : nam e, rank, d a te

Persona li ty - p ictu re tha t cap t res Photo w as ta ken, organ i a tion, its th e ir w iv es tha t pa rtic ipa ted in

a subjec t' s charac ter .ad d ress, and SN or com m ercial th es su cces sfu l even ts .

The contest rules are: (1) Contest Phone number.Proje ts fort hcoming are the

is op en to a ll Air N a tiona l Gu ardNC O AG A 3 rd An nu a l Sem inar a t

m em bers .(2) Each en try m u st be

s M oines,Iow a d u r in g Au gus t

; • ' • ' • • ' • ' • ; 11-15, 1991, the l 54 COM PGthe work of the ind ividual. (3) All Family Day, and the Patty S ithphotographs must have been taken • L E S S G ' Fu n Run. Chapter l 8 needs volun -be tween September l , 1990 and

• C E E M O N I E S • teers for the latter lwo project . IESeptem r 1, 1 91. Entry packages • ' interested , please contact MSgt.must post marked by Septem- ;

• Melvin Ige at 449-5545.be r 2, 199] .

(4) All en tries m u s t be • Alas! The new Muniti ns Mainte - ' Th e officers fo r C ha p ter 18 are:color or black and w hite p rin t or ; e and the Avio ics Weap o s . P r s id en t - M Sgt .

M elvin Ige, Vicecolor slid e . Photograp h s a re b uild in s w ill be b les ed for use P res id en t - MSgt . Dou glas Ab e,requ ired to be m ou n ted . Mou nt- , b y the 154 C M SQ Sun y, • Tre u rer - MSgt.

M elvin W oning ma y be either vertica l or Au ust 4.

The b lessin ceremony ; an d Secreta ry - MSg t.Rose

horiz on ta l as d es ired.

Th e m a xi- , w ill b e in at th e M u it ion Mainte - • Vend iola .Th e board o f d ir ectors

mu m boa rd size is 11 x 14 in ch es. • e b uild in at :00 p .m. and ; fo r Ch ap te r 18 a re: SMSgt .James

T e board m us t be so lid w hit ,.

ill continue on to th e Avion ics/ • Akam in e,SMSgt.

Georg e Pad illa,gray or black.

P rin ts m ay b leed to . •the ed e. (5) A co o f the en t • W s b vild in at 2:30 p .m. ,

SMSg t. Ken Son an , MSgt. Pam

id en tig

a tion Eorpm

u st be com -; A er the ceremony, the re w ill b e oya, T g t. Dou glas Aw ana ,

TSg t.

ple ted and s ubm itted w ith each • food and d rmks to ce leb ate t ,Jacqu elin e Jak h i, and T g t. Den-

en t o w itten or rin ted ; ild ings.All H ANG me m- n i Mish im a .ry ' p bers are invited to attend . Please .

Congratulations goes to recentinformation may appear on the . NCO Leadersh ip and Academyfront or back of an entr walkover because parkin willbeY Y graduates : M gt. Wood y Ba tu a,The awards will be ven to the re tr icted at the new build in s.first, second , third lace winners , curity Police willmonitor traffic .

gt. Clifford Ono, T gt. PrestonP Ares, gt. Harold Hewett, TSgt......................

(con tinu on page 5)


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Au st 4, 1991 Kukailimoku Page 6Ra p ha e l C arre iro as he join the

p lans to a ttend th e H IA NG Mu n itions M ain ten ance Branch asC A

lS Awa rd s Banqu et hed u led fo r

the ir O IC.

Th ey' ll bo th be p art ici-

, November 15, and that event will pating in the Barking Sands exer-! `

,News and ews al o be held at the Halekoa Hotel.

c se this weekend ... orrection to

' w ' , : b g d . FYour participation in both events

last month's r ticle: I reported Sgt.Ra fae l Rod r igu ez as Rap hael.will prove to be a most reward ing Well, Rafael is dad and Raphael s

!experience... u r Munitions Main- son o lease make the s tch.We re heading down the home tenance & Storage Facility and the p

stretch w th a lrn os t tw o m on ths to Co m p osite Avioni s an d W eapon sC onfu s in g ...

Going to Kn oxv il le,go for this fisca l yea r .

H ow tim e Release Facilit w ill be h vin aTen n essee, to take par t in the AN G

fl ies w h en you ' re ha vin g fun .Th is les sin g C erem on y a t 2:OOp m and Softba ll Tou r ney are : An tone

drill weekend is fu ll of activities as 2:30pm respectively tod ay (Au g 4).Gabriel, Bobby Furtado, Chris

we fly in to Barkin g Sa nd s an d You are a ll in vited to a tten d th ePar tika , Art Kaa i, Jod y Goya, M iles

op era te fr om tha t site for a w eek. ble sin g and en joy the pu pus a t th e

Kan es hiro and Gera ld Gono.Th is w ill be a good test fo r the Avion ics and W eap ons Release

Th ey' ll b going u p to Tenne ee inGrou p to see h ow w e can sus ta in acility (next to the 201 CCGP )

. .ou r C -13 on Au gu st l 2 and

ou rse lves in a 'rem ote' s ite.Good Kah u Ed wa rd Kea lana hele w ill be shou ld be retu rn in g abou t Augu st

p ractice Eor ou r m ob ility and blessin g the facilities a lon g w ith 19.

W is h th e team m em bersd s rsa l folk

.B th e tim e ou w ell!!!! I w ou ld ike to than k T gt.p e y y Brig.

Gen.Ed w ard Rich ard son , Josep h Kim , g t.

N ea l Gima andread th is a r ticle, w e w ou ld have Brig .

G n . Kenji Su m id a ,Co l

. Allencom p le ted the C han ge o f C om - Mizu m o to and C oL Michael Tice

SrA . Boying ton Par ks of the

ma nd Cerem onies w h ereby Col. as w ell as H IANG retirees w h o

154MSF as th ey in ta lled com pu terAllen Mizu m oto a su m es com - helped sha pe th e H IA N G and cab les in th e Avionics and W ea p -m and o f the H ead q u ar te rs, Ha waii CAM Sq .

Should be fu n ons Facility a few d ri ls ago.T eir

Air Na tion al Gu ard ,from Brig. event ... u e to th e len gth o f last ca n d o a ttitud e and te h nica l

d id not et to ow-how made the job a lotGen .Kenji Su m id a , w h o w ill be m on th 's colu m n , g

eas ier tha n an ticip a ted . My si cereretir ing th is m on th . u r ing the congra tu la te the followin g ind i-am e cerem on y,

C ol.Je ffery vid u a on th eir re en t p rom otions : gra tit d e to th em for their

O kazaki will assu m e con and of jon Am orin gt ass is t nce... ell, tha t' s a ll the

the 201st Com ba t C om m G rou p . p ou g las Aw ana gt n ew s I ha v e r igh t now , so til n extCol. Mor ris has been s ele ted to Fr ancis Mah elon a g t m on th ....." u ccess is a jou rney, n ot

su cceed C ol.

Mizu m oto as the Val Nakah ara 'ISg t a d es tina tion ."(Ben

epu ty Commander for M inte- Baldwin Ojerio gt Sweetland ..... loha and

nance. Would like to wish them all And rew Partika gt Mahalo......fhigamuch success in their new Gary Shinsato TSgtroles... ould like to thank ALL Richard Costa SSgtthose who support d the CAM Sq Joiner Lagpacan SgtChili Sale in support of the Squad- Steve Mori S gtron MWR fund . This project Gary Samson gt Interdenominationalsupports many Squad ron unc- Yolanda Mendigorin SSgttions and activities, es p ecia lly th e Worship serviees,annual Recognition B nquet, Wear 'em with prid e!!! Belatedwh ich is the b iggest even t w e have. cong ra ts to Jon Uyeno as he ex-

S U NDAY UTAsProceeds offset the cost of the changed wedd ing vows with the 154 CAM SQ CLASSba nqu et by lm ost $10 p er person. fo rm er Mu tsu m i N oha ra in M ay.Speaki g of the Recognition n' t forget to u pdate your locator R O O M # 3Banquet, make sure October 11 cards!! Congrats a o to Sgt. D le ,(Fr id ay) is m arked o n yo u r Zu tterm eis ter as h e just re tu rned T l m e : : a . n .calender as that is the date of our from the ANG Lead ership chool All interested ersonsbanque t a t the Ha lekoa Hotel

. in Knoxv ille, Ten nessee... ou ld PFlyers w ill be pos ted in t e next li ke to welco me C p t. Rober t invited to attend

.few weeks advertisi g the event, Freeburg as he joins the ight Linebut make sure you all mark that as their OIC and a o to 1Lt.date. Make sure you also make


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Augu st 4, 1991 Kukailimoku Page 8

Le al BriefWh ere Th ere s gD ern an d Th ere's Ay aj. Smn w

. a Z,, ,.

The Reality of DivorceS , p1 Divorce, they say, is one of the tw o most traumatic

. things in life, along with a d eath of a loved one, that

By Sgt.Er Smith , Su ly Liai on

a n in d ivid ua l can face .It ca n be a nd o ften is, em o-

tionally and sp iritually d evastating.Last month I gave you a list of upcoming deadli es Legally, it can be the same unless you k ow the lawfor processing su pply-related actions for the end of and are prepared to deal with the legal reality ofthe i cal year . This month I'd l ke to give you a look divorce. o, if you are facing a d ivorce or separationat the people who m ke up supply, whom you' ll be from your mate, the following gu ideli nes may help:speaking with to order , pick up , or research you 1. Get help - Talk to a fr iend , a counselor, anyone.requests. There have been several changes in man- Every one needs help and someone to talk with .n ing a tel

, so I'd like to in trod uce you to you r co n- 2.

See a la y er R T.

Sta y a way fr om so- a lledtacts a t Base Su pp ly. "Barracks Law yers" w h o are no t la w yers, and d o n ot

Th e firs t pev p le you w ou ld probably con tac t if you kn o w the law , an d w ho ma y give y ou mis-ad vice orwan t d to ord er som ethin g work in Dem an d Process- w orse .in g. Th is o ffice ta kes ca re o f resea rch in g a nd p lac in g 3. A law yer can in fo rm and ad vis e you on : g rou nd syou r requ ests in the su p p ly sys tem .

A o, if you are for the d ivorce, cos t ($125 an d u p ), tim e (6 w eeks and

u nab le to un d ers tand AFM 67-23 - "Su p ply and u p ), child u stod y ( u stod ia l or jo in t), ch il d su p por t

Equ ip m en t Use Man u a l" to p rop erly re u is ition (am ou n t), child vis ita tion (gen era l or s p ific), sp ou -

item s, th ey w ill a ssis t you to sp ed fu tu re requ ests . a l su pp ort , p rop er ty d ivis ion an d se t tlem en t, FormerMSgt. Pam Goya is the Operations Support (LGSC) 5pouse's Protection Act, d ivision of bil and debts,Superintendent. Also in that office are: Sgt. Carole charge cards, and join t accoun ts.Fu rtad o (Record s Ma in tenance - 449-9610); Sgt. If you need ass is tan ce in th is a rea , see us fir t.

Ca llEd ward Paco (Research - 449-7915); and Sgt.

Lor e for an app oin tm en t a t 449-6102, or stop b y our offic .Macanas (Dem a nd Processin g - 449-96 1).

AL o,w ork in g close ly wi th tha t sec tion, th ou gh n ot ac tu a llyin the office is T gt .

Lou ise Lu m (MiCa p - 449-7913).Pam asks that you first try to reach the person d ealingQ arterl Award

spe ifi cally with you r r quest; then, if you are unableto get the infor ation you require, contact another inn erper on in the offi ce .

If a ll else fa ils , ca ll Pam at449-7913. The commander, l 5 ABW, HQ se tion, proud lyTo h lp you get your r uest fi lled ASAP, LGSC

announced the Volunteer of the Quarter Award toasks tha t you have as much information as possib le gt. Annamarie Fujimoto of the 154 OMPG/ JA.available before you ask for their assis tance. This There will be an honorary luncheon for T gt.includ es your name, duty phone, delivery destina-tion, stock nu m b er a nd n am e o f th e part , th e u n it of Fu jim o to and the o th er qu a rterly aw ard w in n ers on

issu e and qu an tity you d es ire, and you r o rgan iza -Au gus t 15 a t the H ickam O ffice rs C lu b

.tion / sh op cod e (i.e.,

Sgt Jon es, ext 7000, 154 C AM S,

Since Ja nua ry 199 1, g t.Fujim oto as sisted th e 15

7111-11-I 11-1111/ pa ycheck, 1 0 each

,839 / ES -

ABW Lega l O ffice by p rovid ing n o ta ry serv ices for

en in e sho p ).

If you d on' t know a ll the informa tion,active, retired , d ep end en t, and g ard p erso nnel

.LG C w ill help w ith resea rch

.ring De ert Shield / Sto m opera tio , w hich

Hopefu ll y this will help you know who to conta t if crea ted a greater need for legal serv ices, TSgt.you re u ire infor ation from supply. Next month Fujimoto was a major help to the 15 ABW Legal

we'll cover the Warehouse and Individual Equip-Office. ,

ment. See you then! She continues to provide notary services at the 15ABW Legal Office. Guard members are encouragedto use thi benefit. TSgt. Fujimoto is located at Bldg502, Monday - Thursd ay between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.or ca11449-1737.


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August 4, 1991 Kukaili oku Page l

Pearl Harbor 50t Welcome Aboard -Ann versa l ew Recruitsr

• by MSgt. aur c v evlinaCommemorat onJu ly has b en a pretty go d mon th for the HIANGProgram re uiting staff at Hick m, and Unit Referrals contrib-

uted to this success. We would li ke to welcome onbyNat oa Park e i e board the Carre iro's, Raphael and Jonathan. We

utilized ou r fam ily p lan on this one . Raphae l's wife,Prelim ina y plans for the USS rizona Memorial's

bri a, is a mem ber of the Tactical Hos pital.


commemoration of the th anniversary of the at ack referred her husband and he in turn referred his

on Pearl Harbor were announced recently by thebrother jonathan. Both were enlis t d in July and are

National Park Service.c ently assigned to CAI IS. All o you join a long

The National Park Service's tentative s hedule of list of HIANG's Ohana. Just to name a few...the

even s for the U S Arizo na Mem rial and Vi itorMizum oto's,

Shinsato's, Lu m's, Miraflo s,Center as follow s:

Snakenberg 's,Furtado's, D Rego's , and many more.

Wednesday, December 4 - Haw aii Rem embranceWe'd also like to w elcom on bo ard Everett C


.Day in ho nor of the approximate ly 60 civilians w ho

Chun no w w ith the 207st C CGP.

f e w as a former

perished during the Japanes e attack on Decem ber 7,m em ber years ag and i a cabin attendant w ith one

1941.o f the majo r airlines . While in flig ht, he m et with

Special guests w ill be mem b rs o f the v ictim's one of the passengers w ho happened to be Chief

fam ilies . The 1: Op.m . program at the Vis itor CenterWalter Furuyama o f the 293rd . The Ch ief referred

w ill feature a concert by the Royal Haw aiian Band,him to the H IAN G re iting o ffice.

Thank you, 1

with Governor John Waihee,Senator aniel Inouye

Chie f!

and Ho olu lu Mayor Frank Fasi as s peakers .Welcom e on board to AB Kenneth E.

Miike, the first

Thursday, y recruit for the new tanker squad ron .Decem ber 5 - Surv ivo r s Da GovernorFife Symington of the state of Arizona had been

We are getting t the close of Y91 and it is stil not

invited to be master of ceremonies at a 1:OOp.m.too late to h lp out your friends and fa ily getting

program that will include four distingui_hed speakersinvolved with the best-part time job in Hawaii. Call

with close and unusual ties to the battl ship and to the HIANG rec uiting off ce at 449-5601 with yourPearl Harbor. T ey include Franklin Van referral today.Valkenburgh of an Diego, son of the commandingofficer of the USS Arizona. 1 i father, Capt. FranklinVan Va kenburgh, USN, was kill d during the attack. r : ..

Friday, December 6 - Reflections Day. Director ' ;James Ridenour of the National Park Service is hed- : :uled to pres ide at a s pec ial 1:OOp.m . program fo r , •w h ich Eormer CBS news man Walter Cronkite and `several other d is tingu is hed Am erican have been .invited as speakers.Saturday, December 7 - Pearl Harbor Day .

The "Honolu lu S m pho ny C)rches tra w ill provide a s pecial < ''° l

..concert from th lanai of the Me norial Vi itor Center. .' "

;;.et ils for the concert and for other activities occ r- '̀ring this day w ill be anno unced later. '


AlI progr ms and activ ities w ill be free and open to : :'the public, except th Satu rday morn ing com memora-tion program at the Memorial, which will be byinvit tion only.

x' ' "AB L eann S. Tran sworn in by her father Capt. David C.Snakenberg on July 26, 1991. Photo by Maj. Stanley Osserman


Page 11: THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 · 2020. 8. 9. · THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 August4, 191KukailimokuPage8 WhereTheres Legal Brief Dern and There's Ay aj Smn w.aZ,,, TheRealityofDivorce
Page 12: THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 · 2020. 8. 9. · THISPAGEDECLASSIFIEDIAWEO12958 August4, 191KukailimokuPage8 WhereTheres Legal Brief Dern and There's Ay aj Smn w.aZ,,, TheRealityofDivorce


Augu t 4, 1991 Kuk ilimoku Page 12_

• Accessories for Sa1eHIAN G State Tenn sTou rn am en t 199th Tactical Fighter quad ron has the fo lowing

item for sa le : sp o rt ba gs, $25.00; squ ad r ons ha t,The Hawaii Air National Guard State Te

_nnis T


$10.00; uadron t-shirt s, 10.00; s uad ron patches,••• $5.00. Point of contact is MSgt. Jimmy Dang

ament will be e d o n ep ember 7, 1 1 rom 8:00 4 9-2862.a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Subase Racket b in Pearl e HNGA Hawaii 199] has aloha wear for saleHarbor . The format will be team do ` 8 pe son which includ es: muumuus for 30. , and shirt s forteam d team round robin.

Curreri : d former $20.00. There are two d ifferent color styles which arH mbe s and personnel in t ' 'r Force li ght pink with grey design or light blue with darki <Ad ors Office are eligible t y. Anyone blue d esigns. The styles for muumuus are long orreste : ou ld sign up with their " t coo dinator

• f short and the sh irts are either pullover or bu tton; o , by Aug. 21, 1991. down. The sizes for muumuus are 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or

: 16. The sizes for sh i t are small, med ium, arge, orH -' Athletic Board C MSg arry l Ho extra a rge.

Th e a loha w ear can be ord er b y con tact-; 49-5 / 0 in g Maj

.Sta n Oss erma n or m ili g check to:H Q > AN G •, t nnis Takeshita HN GA, 3949 Diam on d Head Road

,H onolu lu ,

H awaii

•1 96816-4495. Make checks able to "154 MSS/ CCE"

H 54 COM G `. C. Matsusaka


1=: • ,1 a d rian Kinimaka

.. , . . <.,<,;. . , , •2

154 S ' ;' : ` red H iga


, ;'..::.

;. > > " `"]54 RMS ' onald Izu tsuTh e 89 Coun cil

, a. -.,< .:, : :, ,- <;; ?•54 MSS/ MS S

,' < e So m a SMSgt.Alfrrd Rgo

: :•}

,. < 772

' ' ' ' Y ' The Hawaii Air National Guard is one of the best154 C ` •; :;:::::;: ":<::.

Kaaikau a• • National Guard units in the country . As members of

: ` :: :....: : .` ?f d Franks this ou stand ing u nit it is impo tant to main tain a1 4 Tac Hosp .:., .


i. [ !

- ,''• hi h standard of dress and ersonal a earance.' ; < ' ' 125 g P PP• ' 68 Many guardsmen wear attle Dress Unifor (BDU)




: :l 54 SPF tt Duffield during TA, deployments, and other military du ties.- .. , {,` , ," : On th e left br eas t p ocket is ou r u ad ron in ignia tha t` ro rl id en d fies u s a m em bers o f th e H IAN G

.150 ACWS. , ;••noldo Javier P e Y

Unfor nately there are guardsmen seen abusing' AFR 35-10. am les of AFR 35-10 violations noted in] 69 ACWS

,l;: . Nishimura P' ` the past are:


199 WF ; ` ;' • " Peter Spurlin I - alking from parking lot to un it area without' ` 12 2 shir t , caps and shoes.

HQ 201 CC - C ; [Sgt. Galen Nakahara 2• Incomplete un form - missing name tags, mainte-' '` ' nance bad es, im ro er chevron ali nment and white449-9739 g P P g

29l CCSQ : : -MSgt. on Miyamoto tee shirt.'''` ' ' 3. Lack of milita court es toward all officers.`< • '• ' - 524-364 r Y

1 21-9489 4. Trousers not bloused.

. . ; .S

.' : ; >• j 5. Jewel visible292 CC Q f:-: : ••::< .: ancis Quitaz .r

• • "' 6. Haircuts not meeting military standards ', . ..` • " • " Let' s show the general publi c by dressing sharply, :: :; :.:. .' :: <

•and meeting AFR 35-10 standards that we resp nd to297 ATCi `

. , ;.: . . . ' ; ... ... . • military order, d iscip ine and have Esprit d e Corps,684-0

298 ATC F MSgt . H arv ey Maed a a e w e a re th e b est.471-6436